Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1882, Image 1

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ILo Daggers' ' Thrust Still Fel
in the Hearts of the
Irish People ,
The Enomioa of the Isle Fore
ing the Kooponsibility of
the Crime.
A Southport Ohump Seoures a
Bide to Dublin on the
Strength of 'His
The Enormous Howard Accel
. orates the Pedals of
the Peelers.
li. .
1. Komarbablo Roiolntlons Cabled to
, , Gladstone oy the Clergy
of Newark ,
Miscellaneous Foreign Nows.
National Associated Pteaa
LONDON , May 10. A young Irish
man has informed the Southpor
police that ho waa offered 100 in
Dublin a few days ago to assist at thi
assassination of Lord Cavendish nn <
Under Secretary Burke , but : rcfuacc
the offer. Ho also says ho can place
his hands on the assassins. The po
lice have detailed him but refused to
giro his nemo , merely stating tha
although they do not place mucl
credence in , hia story , they intone
taking him to Dublin to BOO it any par
of it is truo. Southport is a town o
Englaud , county oil Lancaster , am
north of the Killlo on the Irish sea.
A number of placards wore postoc
in this city during last night , an
nouncing the formation of the nation
al association of Ireland , the object ol
which is the revocation of Irish legis
lative independence , ' and calling a
meeting for the 15th inst. , of those
who wish to enroll as members. The
placards contain hostile references to
the Dublin castle officials , and to the
government. It 'a not 'believed thai
these placards were posted by any ol
the regular organized Irish societies
here , but it is thought they wore put
up by some person opposed to them ,
who , seeing a favorable opportunity ,
wished to bring them into contempt
Earl Spencer , lord lieutenant of Ire
land , has decided to remain at his
post in Dublin.
NEW YORK , May 10. Superinten
dent "Wciliug was asked this after
noon about the report that he had re
ceived a dispatch from Dublin detec
tive officers , announcing tha murder-
era of Lord Cavendish and Under Sec
retary Burke had escaped to America ,
and asking him to let the police keep
a lookout for them. The superinten
dent replied that ho had received no
dispatch , but said that hereafter ho
would answer no questions regarding
the matter , thus intimating that he
expected a message of that kind.
A cable from London says Glad
stone attended Saturday evening a
reception at the house of the Austrian
ambassador. While enjoying the oc
casion the first telegram from Dublin
conveying intelligence of the crime
was received , and was immediately
dispatched to the ambassador's resi
dence. It was delivered to Sir Wil
liam Vernon Harcourt , who under
took the task of communicating the
news to Gladstone. The premier was
quietly called aside and taken into a
jprivato room , where ho was informed
what had occurred. The natural pal
lor of the old man's face became ab-
Bolutoly ghastly , and , throwing up
both hands , lie staggered to a seat *
without a word. For a moment it
was thought ho would faint , and there
was a rush for restoratives , but ho
gradually recovered , and , refusing all
proffered assistance , demanded , in a
broken voice , to know the particulars.
At first ho would not believe the story.
After ho had beiome convinced that
there was no hope that reports had
been exaggerated , ho rallied , and ,
making a brief excuse to his
host , entered hia carriage and wa
driven home. Ho spent nearly
the entire night writing and
reading telegrams , directing to his
secretary and forming plans to meet
the situation. A summons was sent
members of the cabinet to moot him
at his house Sunday afternoon , and so
much other business of vital import
ance was transacted that it was 0
o'clock in the morning before the
premier returned to bod. Ho was up
again at 9 o'clock. The ministers
found the premier almost crushed by
the blow , but on the alert to meet the
crisis. . Ho listened to their suggest
ions almost silently , made but few
comments , although he penciled an
occasional note.
PHILADELPHIA , I'u. , May 10. The
executive council of the Catholic
Total Abstinence Union of Ameritu
at a special meeting this afternoon ,
under the presidency of Rev Joseph
B. Coulter , of Winona , Minn. ,
adopted a preamble and resolution
characterizing the Cuvondish-Burko
assassination as murder most foul.
CHICAGO , May 10. The Dillon
land league adopted a resolution
expressing detestation of the cowardly
assassination in Dublin recently of
Cavendish and Burke.
NBWAIIK , N. J , , May 10 The
quarterly conference of the Catholic
clergy of the diocese of Newark was
held in this city to-day. Itfght Rev.
W. M. Wiggen , bishop of Newark ,
presided. On motion of Rev. Mr.
Patrick Henneay , the bishop was em
powered to transmit by cable the fol
lowing resolution unanimously adopt
ed , in reference to the awuinatiou
of Lord. Cavendish andjj Under Score
tary Burke :
To HI ht Hon.V. . II. ai d ton !
That wo , the Catholic clergy of th
diocese of Newark , desire to omphnt
ically .record our abhoranca nnd detestation
tation of the brutal , cold-blooded am
cowardly murders which hnvo booi
recently committed in Ireland
that wo express in the atrongea
manner our rightful indignation tha
the enemies of the country ahouli
have sought by this infamous outrage
which has thrilled the civilized worlc
with grief and horror , to slain the
fair name of a land and race from
which the greatornumborof American
priests and Catholics derive their descent
scent ; that wo tender to the nll'cte ( <
relations of the honored dead , who
have fallen victims to this
inhuman assassination , the assurance
anco of our profound sym
pathy and condolence , and tha
wo express an earnest hope that thi
triumphant progress of wise anc
benign reform which has been so sue
cossfully instituted under Mr. Glad
stono's administration , and which ap
pears fraught with euch a glorious
promise for the future peace , pros
perity and happineta of the unitoc
kingdom , may not bo impedad by the
odium , misrepresentation and prejudice
dice engendered by those revolting
crimes. HEV. E. McOAtiDY ,
[ By Direction of Bishop Wiggin. ]
Ho has already sent an authenticated
copy to the premier.
DOIILIN , May 11. Three men , giv
ing the names of Murray , Duffy and
Henderson , having on blood-stained
clothes , have been arrested at Month ,
on suspicion of being concerned in thi
assassination of Lord Cavendish anc
Under Secretary Burko.
THE 11EWA3U ) ,
LONDON , May 10. A reward ol
10,000 has been offered by the gov
ernment for information leading to
the arrest and conviction of the mur
derers of Lord Cavendish and Under
Secretary Burke , or 2,500 for that
of any of them. Froo'pardpn will bo
granted accomplices furnishing information
mation regarding the murderers who
wore not actually concerned in the
commission of the crime.
Mr. C. H. Hamilton , pormanonl
secretary of the admiralty , has been
appDinted ad interim under secretary
'or Ireland.
ligh chancellor in Disraeli's cabinet ,
n speakiftg at a meeting for the Irish
church missions last evening said that
although this crime came more dia-
inctly before the minds and feelings
of the people , yet in a month passed
; here had been going on other mur
ders and outrages in Ireland which
were not loss cruel , and hardly less
leartrcnding , and which brought desolation
elation , grief and agony to many
* "
TOE prlXD/tal )
says that if the Phoenix Park victims
wore butchered with American knives
lie murderers must have been paid
with American gold. If oven this is
suspected to bo BO , is there not a duty
eating with the executive of the
Jnited States , and a corresponding
right resting in the British govern
ment to suppress these collecting in
cendiary funds undnr shelter of for
eign friendly llaga ? The American
lolico CM hardly bo as ingenious as it
s credited with being , unless they
ould put their hands at short notice
on the ring leaders in America , whose
ilots urc directed against the Queen's
> oaco.
Mr. B and has been well received
jy the Irish party. Ho is an ad
vanced radical , and it is believed his
ympathies are Parnellito.
At a meeting last evening of Irish
members of parliament , Purnell pres
iding , it was decided to ask the gov-
rnmont to proceed with the arrears
f the rent bill simultaneously with
he new coercion measures.
. , , f .ARKE3TS. j.
A telegram from Dublin lost oven-
ng caused the Chester police to _ take
man from ilio train on its arrival at
lolyhead. Another man was also
rrostod Upon/the / arrival of the steam-
r at Midfonl Haven.
ontinuos to urge the government to
weak with the Parneljitea , asserting
: iat it must finally fling away the
lope of purchase of respite from
roubles in Ireland by bargaining with
power avowedly hostile to British
jnneotion and exercising its sway by
'uyatem of outrages.
Marino Intelligence.
NEW YORK , May 10. Saliod Gala -
a for Liverpool , Greece for London ,
auada for Havana , Ratterdarn for
: attordam , Main for Bremen.
AsriNWALL , May 10. Arrived
cotia from Genoa.
GLASGOW May 10. Arrived State
f Nevada from Now York ,
HAMUUKQ , May 10. Arrived Gil-
ort from New York ; sailed liar-
in for Now York.
ROTTKKDAM , May 10. Arrived
I , Caland from Now York.
SOUTIIAMITON , May 10. Arrived
'dor ' from Now York for Bremen ,
[ ornnann from Baltimore for Bremen.
LiVKurooL , May 10. Arrived
Nevada from Now York ; Bailed Italy
or Now York.
LONDON , May 10. Arrived Cali-
ornia from Now York ; sailed ilol-
and and Belpravia for Now i'ork.
BREMEN , May 10. Sailed Hbo
or Now York ,
Mining Mon iu Mooting-
atloual Aesodited 1'ren.
Dr.s MOINES , May 10. The direc-
ors and stockholders of the Western
lining Bureau hold their annual
leeting at the Kirkwood house this
ftornoon. Procent , UO individuals ,
opresenting 22 corporations , with an
gsregato capital of $12,000,000.
Ex-Governor Stone , president of
10 association , being absent , ex-Seo-
otary of State James Wright preai-
ed , and Williaw H , Ballou , of Chi-
RO , was chosen secretary ,
Letters of general interest to opera-
on were read from General Grant
and Senator Logan , Secretary Lin
coin , ox-Senator llarlan , Govorno
B , L. Sherman and ox-Govorno
Stone , and A resolution was adoptee
favoring the increase of the weight o
.the silver dollar sufficient to make its
intrinsic value equal to the gold del
Lit'also recommending iho passage
of , a bill by congress establishing a
tinning bureau.
A board of directors was chosen as
follows : John H. G MpJ. mca liar-
Jan , Win. M. Stone , Smith MoPhor-
aon , J. B. Knotz , W. H. Ballou ,
Hamilton White , 0 , B. Ayora and
William Todd
The directors chose the following
oQicors : Ex-Governor Gear , presi
dent ; James Harlan , vice president ,
Wm. H. Ballou , secretary ; Hamilton
White , treasurer.
The executive committee are Gear ,
White and Ballou , This bureau , while
organized under the favorable laws cl
Iowa and holding its meetings in Dos
Moincs , does business in Chicago. Its
object is to aid unlisted mining com
panies in the disposal of stock , being
a bureau of statistic references , com
mercial standing of interested parties ,
etc ,
Iho Stalwart Plan Carried Out
to the Letter.
The Independents Scarcely Visible
to the Naitod Eye Other
Political Mattoni.
Nfttloiut Associated I'rcsn.
HAKRtantnio , Pa. , May 10. The
republican state convention this after-
DooRVos noisy. Hon. Goo. Lear , ol
Berks co'unty , was made , permanent
president. Mr. Millikon nominated
Sen.'Beaver for governor , who was
elected by acclamation on the second
ballot. Wm. H. Rawlo , of Philadel
phia , xras nominated for judge of the
supreme court ; Wm. N. Daviea was
nominated for lieutenant gouernor by
icclamationj ; Jno. M. Greor was nominated
inatod for secretary of internal nffuira.
Out of ( ho list of seven other nomi
nees there was the wildest excitement
Thos. ji. Marshall , of A-llcghony , was
nominated for the office of congress
man nt largo. Other candidates , ex
cept Samuel Butler , nil withdrew bo-
ioro the vote wag finished. Marshall
. ecuivcd , , 170 votes and Butler 04.
The committee on resolutions reported
i platform for the convention , which
iaa phinka covering every conciovable
} hase of Apolitical n flairs. It waa
idopted. * lt pays n high tribute to
; he present national and state govern-
neat. Repeated , calls were made for
3en. Beaver , who appeared and
iddreBsed tho-convention in a manner
lighly pleasing to the factions. The
convention then adjourned.
1ST. PAVLMay 10. The democratic
a4ftt eowmitteo met.hero to-day and
ippointed-a committee for bach of the
ivo congressional districts in the
\riKsnuRO , May 10. General Jas.
t Chalmers , democrat , lately coin-
lolled to vacate his seat in congress in
aver of John R. Lynch , republican ,
announced himself to-day aa an inde-
) endenttcatididate for congress in the
Second Mississippi district.
Railroad Collision.
Nitlonal Associated Fresa.
DETROIT , Mich. , May 10. A disas-
rous collision occured near Dexter
Iris morning , between the Maybury
'ullman and Henrietta circus train
nd a freight train , both of which
Fore moving. The freight train wan
ladly wrecked. Some Dexter boys
md been to Chlsoa , attending the
ircus and wore returning on the
rain. Ono of them named William
3ostolo ) was instantly killed and
uried in the wreck. His body was
ug out and taken to Dexter , The
ircus wont on to Ypsilanti.
Ulonal Associated Vtaaa.
WAHHINGTON , D..C. . , May 11 , For
lie upperlake region , raina followed by
tearing weather , winds mostly north-
rcstorly , stationary or lower tempera-
uro and higher pressure ; for the
ipper Mississippi and Missouri Val-
oys , local rains followed by clearing
weather , northwestly winds , stationary
r lower temperature and higher pros-
Mr * Sooville.
itlonM Associated Prcsa.
CHIOAOO , May 10. Mrs. Scovillo
ms been stopping incognito at Hotel
Irunswick , under the name of Mrs.
Iratina Smith. Frightened by the
xpectod arrival of her husband this
norning from Now York , aho loft the
louse at midnight and ropairnl to a
riend's house on the woateido , who
dvisod licr to return at once and
meet her husband.
Killed by an Engine.
tlcnil A > socUtedIr < < ea.
VJOKHIIUHO , Misa.May 10. While
> eing run to a fire this afternoon the
mgino ran over three boys , killing
jeo Hanly , and injuring the others
angeroualy if not fatally.
Modern X < aw Expounded-
National Aiwocmted 1'iett ,
NEW OIILKANS , La. , May 10. The
mblishcra of The Masco tt , imprisoned
or contempt for disobeying writa of
> reliminary injunction , were released
o-day by order of the eupromo'court.
Judge Fennor said no court in En-
land or America in modern times
vor before issued a general eider to
> rovent publication in a newspaper ,
'ho party must fist wait , till some-
ring is fluid , and cannot apply for an
njunction in advance.
A Still Hunt-
ktlonal AtiocUUd HCM.
ERIK , Pa. , May 10. An illicit uis-
illery operated near Union city , thia
ounty , by Irving and Ezra Bfenrod ,
waa oui/.fcd by the United States rove-
uo collector to-day. The atill waa
> perated in a barn , and waa concealed
> y covering of liay. '
The Assassin's Counsel Pumrnol
Exports and Other
The Agrioxiltural Bureau Elevated
vatod to the Dignity of a
Cabinet Position.
The Diatriot of Columbia Bald-
ors Successfully Walk
Through the House.
Distillers Emphatically Deny
the Existence of a Cor *
ruption Fund.
Miscellaneous Mattora From the Nn
tional Capital.
Nitlorml AXMlatcd Pnvi.
WAHIIINOTON , May 10. The coun
in bane resumed consideration o !
Quitcau's appeal this morning. Mr.
Reed contended that the weight ol
common law authorities sustained the
position that the District of Columbia
had no jurisdiction , also .that the tes
timony of Mrs. Dunmore was in
competent , because it related entirely
to a period during which the marriage
relation between her and Guiteau ex
isted. Ho denounced the experts as
humbugs , who ho could ha'vo got to
swear on all aideo of everyQuestion. .
WASHINGTON , May 10. The Dis
tiller's association , prominent mem
bers of which are here interested in
the bill extending the bonded , period ,
say congressmen are greatly mistaken
in supposing that the association as
sessed members for a corruption fund.
The only assessment levied by the as
sociation was for the purpose of mak
ing , good the losses of members com
pelled by the rules of the association
to export alcohol at losing1 foreign
prices wherever homo manufacture
exceeds homo demand , in order to
prevent a break in the market ?
The mooting of the Biological so
: ioty ' of the national 'mus-nun , on
Friday , will bo devoted to' memorial
exorcises on the late Charles tDarwin.
To relieve the embarrassment of the
district commissioners , caust'd by the
dead-lock , the president will probably
detail a signal corps officer tomorrow
to act us engineer and commissioner.
are being fitted out by the aiglial office
bo carry supplies to Lieut * Greeloy
and Hay at Franklin baySaidToint
Barrow. It will bo the first communi
cation with these officers since they
reached their posts a year ago.
A resolution was offered in the
iouse to-day authorizing the president
; o invite representatives of all nations
; o attend the international convention
to be hold hero , to fix upon the
meridian for general use in establish
ing a correct standard of time. The
resolution was referred.
Senator Van Wyck leaves for his
lome in Nebraska this evening.
At the brewers' convention to-day
statement was inado by the presiding
officer that from 1,755,827 barrels iu
L8G3 the production of mult had in
creased to 14,178,557 in 1881 , and for
ho twelve months ending March 31st ,
,525,417 barrels had been produced.
The taxes on malt liquor for 1881
show an increase of 8870,438 over the
ireceding year. Ho claimed that
irohibition by atop ping the sale of
nalt liquor , while it cculd not drive
out more portable liquor , decreased
prosperity and ' increased pauperism
and did not chock crime. .f i
Another business meeting will bp
told from 10 a. in. to 4 p. in to
There are on file in the pension of
fice the papers in four notable pen-
ion cases. They are these of the four
vidowa of ox-prcsidenta of the United
States Mrs. Polk , Mrs. Tyler , Mrs.
jinclon and Mrs. Garfiela. Those la-
liea are now pensioners at the rate of
$5,000 $ , by vittuo of a special tax of
ho present congress. In the case of
ilrs Taylor there are papers filed on
which a pension was granted on nc-
ouut of the services of Capt. John
Tyler , of the 52d Virginia militia ,
n the war of 1012 , at 88 a
nonth of March , 1848 , which allowed
tonaiona for fourteen days' service.
iy a late apcciul act aho was allowed
$100 $ a month. She now receives a
) onsion aa widow of John Tyler , "a
irosi'lont of the United States. " In
ho case of Mrs. Oarfiold , the
jacket" is filled out with blank slips
of paper , and contains only ono writ-
en document that is a copy of the
act. The "jacket" is engrossed as
ollowa : "No. 392,080. Widow of
James A. Oarfield , president of the
United States. Died at Etboron , N ,
J , , Sept. 19 , 1881 , Pension by spo-
iuluct , to commence Sept , 10 , 1881. "
NKW YOKK , May 10. Kaason of
owa , Dunnoll of Minnesota , Wilson
f West Virginia , and 0. Belmont pf
few York , comprising the sub-coin-
mitteo of foreign affairs appointed to
ako testimony concerning Peruvian
matters in this city , met at the Now
fork hotel this afternoon to hoar uvi-
donee. Itobort Itandall stated ho
acted aa counsel for the French com
panies , Credit Industrial and Com-
> agnie Financial PaciOquoj they
nado a contract with Morton , Dliss
and company for the sale of nitrate.
Jogotiations for the intervention of
he United States commenced after
ilorton'u appointment aa minister to
i'ranco , but had no knowledge that
10 became personally interested in the
matter. Everything waa conaidcrcc
favorable by the government unti
January 24th , 1881 , when ho rocoivci
the first intimation that it waa not fa
vorobly considered. Adjourned.
N tlon l AMOcUted ITws.
WASUINOTON , D. 0. , May 10. Th
Bonato occupied the session , after the
morning hour , in discussion of the
court of appeals bill. Senator Davis
advocated the measure , and Jones
Call and Gregg opposed it.
Adjourned at 5 p. m.
The regular order waa demanded
and the house proceeded to vote eton
on the bill establishing n dcpartmon
of agriculture , its chief to boacabino
oflicor. Mr. Hubbol'a amendment to
do away with the bureau of statistics
and making the department depone
upon the trcaaury department for
statistical information , was votoc
down. The bill waa then passed
172 to 7.
The District of Columbia appropria
tion bill , appropriating $3,411,31)3.08 ) ,
After diBcu&aion , the house took up
the bill re-establishing the court ol
Alabama claims , and the distribution
of unappropriated monoya of the
Geneva award fund.
Mr. Reed inado. a statement for
the committee as opposing the claims
of insurance companies , and waa fol
lowed by Mr. Humphrey in support
of the bill.
Adjourned at 550 : p. m.
HktlonM AMocUtea kroao.
LEXINGTON , May 10. The follow
ing was the result ot to-day's racing
of the Kentucky association : First
race , milo and a furlong , waa'won by
Taxgathoror , Sauntorer second ; time
2:01. :
Second race , milo and n furlong ,
Ashland Oakoa , waa won by Jcsaic
Bulle , Itunnim second ; time-1:52 : ] .
Third race , sweepstakes for 2-year-
olds , throe-quairtora of a mile , waa
won by Vera , Olippsolta second ; time
1:24. :
CINCINNATI , May 10. The races
were again postponed on account ol
I'ltoviDiacE , May 10. Providence
} , Bostons 4.
WOUCKSTKU , May 10 Worcostors 4 ,
Treys 10.
DETIIOIT , May 10. No game on ac
count of rain.
NEW HIVEN , Conn.May 10. The
Yales defeated the Browns to-'day by
a score of 4 to 2 in the first gaino for
.ho college championship.
BnooKLYNMaylO. Metropolitans ,
10 ; Atlautica , (3. ( '
NEW YOHK , May 10. Harvarda , Bj
Stock Exchange , 8. Six innings.
PITTSBUKO , Muy 10. Alloghenys ,
9 ; StLouia.5.
PuitADEU-niA , May 10. In the
three hundred point billiard game to
night between Sexton and Slosaon ,
the latter made 202 to Sexton's full
score. Slosson'a highest run was 38 ,
and Sexton's 14. The latter's play
was very poor.
National Associated 1'rcss.
NKW HAVEN , Con. , May 10. In
.he Malloy trial to-day John Henry ( a
colored waiter ) corroborated the tosti-
nony of Ilawlins , proprietor of the
ledcliff house , that a young man and
llancho Douglass and Jennie Cramer
> roakfasted at thoKodclill'restaurant. .
t was Thursday morning bofora Jon-
lio's body was found. Henry tosti-
ied also that the same three came
.hero again at 10:30 : that night , as he
ras closing , and ordered a chicken
alad. There was none , and they
ook mutton chops and milk. Subse
quently .lamcs Malloy tried to por-
undo witness that there were four
lerBODB in the party and that he
James ) was ono. Witness told
fames there were but throe , and that
10 were a particular hat afld band ,
Vitnesa waa positive 'the young man
waa one of the Mulleya , but which
ono ho could not awoar.
Thia afternoon two witnesses aworo
o sucing Blanche Douglass mid Jen
nie Cramer together on the direct the
lorning of Friday , August ftth , the
ay before the body was found ,
mother witness testified to seeing
entile Cramer and James Malloy to-
ether on the Green bout 1 o'clock
n the afternoon of August 5th ; the a
aw them again between 8 and 0
'clock at Savin Rock , near Flying
lortea ,
DiTituiT , May 10. Hugh S. Peoples
ms Ituen admitted to bail in the sum
f $10,000 , pending hia trial for the
nurdur of Martha Whitla. Dr. Holy-
rood , hia alleged accomplice , remains
n jail.
PiiiiADELViuA , Pa. , Muy , 10. The
hiuf of police received a dispatch
hia evening from Harriaburg re-
ursting him to arrest a man on the
rain duu here at 7:35 : p. m , iatcc-
ivta Grey and Uulfiah went to the
opot and captured the individual aa
10 waa alighting from the train.
Vliilo in the street waiting for a car
ho prisoner drew an immense five-
hamuor revolver and fired two ahots
t Hulfish but missed him. The olli-
or simulated and dropped. Tl o
> risonor ran. Grey fired at him
wico. Ono shot entered the
) risonor's thigh and the other furrowed
iis head. Ho was then captured and
akon to the linspltal , where the ball
n the thigh was extracted. His con-
lition is critical. Ilia name is James
Cannon , alias Davis , alias ICoehan ,
, tjd livoa in this city. Ho is wanted
or extensive burglaries at Lochollo
lotol , Uarriaburg , and other hotels
hrouKhout the state , Ho had a line
cit of burglars' toola and handcuffa.
OUio' Cold Water Wave-
NkUonil AtaoeUUxl frwa.
COLUMBDH , May 10. The attorney
; noral gave hia opioion'to-day ogaiaat
the allowance of the filing of the in
corporation of the Liquor Protective
associaiion , which had boon prosontci
to the secretary of stnto for a aoconc
timo. The citizens are signing a petition
tition for a law and order mooting
next Tuesday night.
Doth Housoa Orgfinlzo TIio Burns
Dill The Omatm Chartor'
Howe Blclc.
Utipntch to Tbo l ! < e.
LINCOLN , May 10. The legislature
mot promptly at noon , with 108 of the
114 mombora present.
The house resumed its organi Ation ,
nnd adjourned until to-morrow morn
ing , out of respect to the memory o :
the deceased members.
The aouato mot again at 3 o'clock
nnd the now members were sworn in
The fooling against the Burns bil
incrcajoa , and its defeat sooma prob
able. The favorite plan acomi to bo
to throw Snrpy county into the south
ern district and put Douglas in the
north , thus making three pretty
nearly equal districts.
The Douglas county delegation is
caucusing to-night on the subject o ;
the city charter amendment , being
somewhat inharmonious atill on the
Church Howe waa taken very sick
to-day at the state house with a con-
Costive chill , but Dr. Fuller reports
lim all right _ this evening.
Dividing the Spoils Bo two on Hall-
roada. , ,
> 4
Jullanal Associated 1'rcna.
DES MOINEH , la. , May 10. One of
the largest land suits over before our
courts waa ono bcforo Judge Love
during vacation , it being the case of
the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
railroad , involving 189,000 , acres of
land under congressional n nta.
Judge Love rendered a decision div
iding the lands , giving each company
the undivided ono half , Thia morn
ing , Mr. Carey , of Milwaukee , the
attorney for the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul railroad , asked the court
; o appoint n commissioner to make
partition of the lands , which was
( ranted. There are about 50,000
acres of the land atill standing in the
name of the state of Iowa , which have
never been patented to either railroad
company , nnd aa the atatp was made
a party to the suit the rights of all
parties , it ia understood , are lixednnd
iottlod by the decree.
A Hard Blow.
National Associated Pre8.
MEMFIIIS , 'Tonn. , May 10. The
storm lost night did no damage to lifo
and and no great damage to property
BO far as heard from. Throe wasnouta
occurred'on ' the Memphis & Grenada
ailroad , delaying trains six hours.
The steamer Cohoma waa blown four
milea back up the river. The waves
rolled 12 feet high , and made it haz
ardous to land. A stable waa blown
down on Dr. Peters' place , and five
mules were killed. A tree blow down
across a team in hia field , killing
hem. The onmll fruit crop and the
uarkot gardens in the vicinity were
judly damaged by hull and wind.
NEW OKI.EANH , May 10. Several
quart's in Algiers , including old
omoteriua and uovoral dairy farina ,
re under water.
Buiiiio 8 Failure *
fatlonal Asfioclatiul I'mnu.
NEW YOUK , May 10. lloporta ro-
eivod in thia city from Philadelphia
tuto that Robert Floohor , commission
lour merchant , haa suspended. Lia-
lilitiua $50,000 to $75,000.
It ia reported fr6m Now Orleans
hat Fcrd Boor , cotton buyer , has
ailed. Liabilities $100,000.
Rains andGalo * .
' ' "
lllonM Anwcl t ) l I'ruiii f , *
CJUOAOO , May { 10. rSpOQial' dia-
> atchi'a from the interior of Illinois ,
.n d gjnirally | throughout the north
west , rcpurt uuch abundant raina in
lie lost two dilyH that all rivera are
wollcn , and thu ovci flow haa caused
ionsiderablo dainuj ; to crops in thu
om district ) ) , Oilusuud hard storma
mvo boon frcjuont , and have pro-
tratrd buildings , fences , oto , , and
trippodand otherwiao injured a largo
umber of orchards ,
PolHoneil by Corned Boof.
CAMION , 0. , May 10. J. Baker ,
wife and family and nine boarders ,
nd Paul Field mid wife , nineteen
jcrHonn altogether , are prostrated
rom uating coinud beef , and show
yinptoms of araenical poisoning ,
'hoy are in orit'ca' ' condition ,
Frozeti to Death.
IIcn l AuoclAteJ i'retn.
LiAi ! > vii.f.E , May 10. Two pros-
lectors on Mount Muasivo. blinded by
k enow storm , full into gullies yeator-
ay and woro.frozen to death.
Doatli of u State Senator.
' lloniU Associated 1'rtra.
ST. PAUL , Minn , , May 10. State
lOimtor S , Human died yesterday ut
It , Charles , aged 00 yearn. Ho was
ormorly a mumbor of the Now York
egialaturo. _
tilled By a Premature Explosion.
'utlonal AwocliM I'rcta.
SrEUiiENVan : , 0 , , May 10 By the
iroinatnro explosion of a dyniunlto
> lB8t in Gould's Tunnel last evening ,
) avid Crookcot was killed and two oth
ers aorioualy injured. _
Boond to HUBIJ ; ,
National AnsoclaUJ Prcu.
Cort-EKviLLE , Miss. , May 10.
lonry Flomiaa will bo executed at
Pittsboru. The aoafTold is already
irectpd. Flnmiao published a card ,
nviting miniatora of ovoty donomina-
ion to come and pray with him until
ho hanging ,
The Gist of Legislative Talk On
Extra Session Matters ,
The Burns Apportionment Bill
Believed to Bo Shelved Before -
fore Its Baptism.
The Oamp Dump Campaign
and the Probable Cost
of thu Same.
The Contingent Collapio Crentea
a Breeze Canon'ri Snooe ior-
Hard Times nnd Business Failures at
the Btnto Capital.
SpccM OorrcsponJcnco ot Tlio Use.
LINCOLN , Mny 10. A glimpse of
the hotels last evening reminded ono
forcibly of the excited gatherings
when the election of a United States
senator was on the tapis. The crowd
at the Commercial was ao donae that
standing room wai pretty hard to got , '
although there waa n * special subject
under discussion to give rise to all
thia interest. A good deal of sapient
logic waa evolved on the question of
apportionment , nnd the opinion gen
erally advanced by these of the mom-
bora proaont that the Burna bill
of the matter satisfactorily , and that
the counties of Lancaster and Doug-
as should not bo tied up together.
Thg ihombora from Caaa , Otoo and
Nomnha aoom to acquiesce in the idea ,
itating that there would bo no particu
lar profit to. them in having the
, wo large counMca in ono diatrict.
Dn the subject of the payment of tha
Btnto militia , there ia no disposition to
dispute thu right of the men to receive
; ho proper pay for their services. The
only matters of doubt on this point
are whether the officers are to bo
awarded fancy salaries for the time on
duty , and whether the railroads , in
whoso interests the soldiers wore
called in , are entitled to the payment
of largo bills for transportation. Thcao
matters will develop much more
clearly when thu bill ia introduced.
[ Representative Case , of Clay coun-
y , ia too sick to
.hia session , and hia aoat will bo va
Representative Gray , of Fillmore ,
loa f ono to California to live. Ho is
luccoedod by Nols Andoraon , a burly
Swede , who half n dozen ycnra ago
was atone maaon in thia city , but
went out to Fillmore and grew up
with the country.
Aa telegraphed last night , there ,
lias boon considerable talk of Church
EIowo to succeed Canton aa rnxont.
Whether Governor Nance would Iiavo
made thia appointment , if unjod , is
open to quoation ; but it did not
iomo to that , aa Howe flatly declined
> eing considered in that connection.
lo regarded it as a polite method of
otting him oil' the track , though ho
.oca not vouchsafe ) to announce iuat
what he ia a candidate for.
The late ignominious .collapse of
\ > m Majors'
or getting into congress creates cou-
idorablo talk hero , and it would not
10 a matter of very much surprise if
lie legislature would want tp know ,
on know , how the census returns of
87-1 , authenticated by the great uoal
f the commonwealth of Nebraska ,
ame to be aubatitutcd for those of
872 ; and why aomo telegrams Bout
rom Washington-inquiring into the
matter received no attention. It U
aid that George H. Iloburta , ox-attor
ney general and candidate for the
> osiUon ot chief justice of Now
Hpxico haa boon badly mixed up in
hia scheme to hoist Majors into &
> lace that ho never had a shadow of a
itlo to.
Hard times and bunlnoss inactivity
ro beginning to toll in Lincoln. The
inn of H. C. Lett & Son , general
merchandise dealers ,
Mr. Lett came hero from Brown-
illo two years ago and settled , under
ho impression that Hancock was
about to bo elected , and that ho
rould then got the Lincoln postofilce.
To day's papers announce the otMign-
nont ot E. A. Van Meter , musio
oilier , who found tha aledding too
ougli for comfort. The firm of Oria-
ott Broa. , wholesale hardware dealers ,
mvo closed up their business , and
vill go either to Omaha or St. Paul.
Thcao are but the forerunners of a
eng line of business troubles hero
unless times brighten up considerably
Your correspondent haa boon ac-
uaod of
> ut in the face of thoao facts , why
buao a man for telling the truth ! Go
o John It. Clark , Col. V/ilaoiij Im-
lofl" , or any other prominent business 1
man hero , and they will admit the
anio thing in confidence.
The ministers hold a long and en-
huaiaatio mooting last evening , num.
jering about ono hundred. Their in-
ontion ia to map out a ayatematio
> rogrammo for thu coming prohibition
Adverting once nioro to university
mattora , tha governor may bo safely
said to bo thoroughly in favor of
ot the institution , and will doubtless
appoint with that end in view.
Legislative Hall ia fixed up in good
shape for the accommodation of the
uombora. The supreme court room
n the old building will bo uaod by
; ho senate , Auous.
Deatli of B ObloaKO PJiy lcl B
N Uontl AbocUt d hue * .
OiiifiAao , May 10. Dr. 0.V , P.
Dunne , for ait yean city physician of
Chicago , died lost night. *