* ; * m > , Jit TUil DAILY OM&HA TUESDAY MAY 9 , 18H2. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! SS * i4VV - - - - - * * ? ? > ' -Js = - " = ? : ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI G R O O E RSI Is Once More Called to the Fact thax Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices ot FORMBN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WHAB. ALSO A COMPLETE LINK OP Furnishing Goods Hats and Gaps Wo aro'prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Stylet and Patterns , Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection ; RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & GO , , 1301-1303 Farnham jtod 300 to 312 13th I't t CARPET invites the atteniionof the public to his LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK New Carpets ! Embracing all the late pat terns in everything in the Garpet Line. iattijgs , Oil Cloths and window Shades. In large quantities , and always at the Bottom Prices. LACE CURTAINS A SPECIALTY. J. B. DETWILEE ! 1313 Farnam Street. OMAHA NEBRASKA , - - - - Opera House Clothing Store CT. LTJ3STID. Dally Arrival * of Now Soring Goods in Clothing aid Gent's ' furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , ' And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" I am eelling' the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'s Fine Shirts , known AS the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET , * , Business Directory. Abttmct mt Ke l tatate. JOHN L. WoCAOUK , Opjvrt'o Post OSIc * . W. R. BAnTLKTT 81T fwnlhlsth fctreot Architect * . OUfRENK ft MKNDKLSSOIUJ , Ar.CIHTECTS Iloom II , Crelfchton Black. A. T. IiATinrc St. , Room S. CmtgMno Root ! * nd Bhoet , JAMKS U VINK ft CO. , rice Boot * Mid Show. A coo.1 M lorre work on limit , corner lith Mid lUruey. rilOS. KKICKSON , 8. E. cor. 16th and DouelM. JOHN' FOKTUNATUS. 10110th ctteot , mtnntvtntti to order peed It f lr price * , tuvs'f'nrntit. ' . Lied Gprlnci. XiAnKtMKlt MMiufcrturM1. 1817 tV > uplM t. BOOM , Ner.1 nd ( Stationery. J. I. FKUKHAUF 1016 F rnhnm BtrMl. Butter nnd Ej- . * < * mANK ft SC11UOEDRR , the ol left H. nJ K. > OUM > In Nebrwkt UMVlitni. hKSTAUIlA.ST , . M1W. A. IIVAN , ner If.tliM.d Doitire. But lie ril Inr the Itonoy. JUU ! ctlon DuAtknieod. at nil Hours. Danrd by the Day , Week or Mouth. Oood Tenri for CMh. Furnl hi ( Un Carriages and Rood Wagon * . WU BNYPKn , 14th ml Haroev Street * . Clothing Bought. J. IJAnm.H trill my hlghestCashiitlce tor tooond hind clothlnp. Oorn.TilOth nd K tnh m. uewo r . DAUMEU 13U F rah m Btreel. Junx. II. UKUTllOLU. Jlo : nd McUl. Lumber Llmo nd Dement. FOOTER ft GRAY corner,8th nd DouglM SM. Lamp * and Uliuiwure. I. UONNKR 1300 UoiulM 81. Good Vnrlety. Merchant Tailor * . G. A , LINIMJUEST , One ot our meet pcpular Merchant T llon It ie > ? elrlnf the latest ilcslifru ( or Spring aiid Summer floods for gtntlomen wear. StylMi , durable , nod prices low M over 15 ISth bet. Domr.&Faru. Millinery. , MIIS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and UtUU , Fan cy Goo < J In srcat variety , Zephyn , Card Uoarda , Uoelery , Gloves , Corsets , ic. OUcapcat House lu Ibo West , Purchuen KIVO BO per cent. Order br Uall. 116 Fifteenth Street. r-uunury. ( OWN WKAttNKftHONS coi. 14th&Jarknon t Hour and Fend. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Tamtam Ota. , n'elibnni Bros. , proprietors. Urocer * . I. STKVKNB , Slet between Cumlng and Uat I A. MnSHANK , Corn. S3d Mid Cumins Street * . nuruwtiio , Iron ana bteoi. OLAN 4 I.AHOWOKTHY , Wholesale , 110 * uf Il21ithbtrect A. nOLMES come 1Mb and California. Harriott , Qua diet , &c. B. WHIST SO tilth St. bcl FamA Barney. Hotel * ANFIKLD HOUSE , Ooo. Canne d , th & Farnhaui OORAN HOUSK , P. H. Ciry , 913 Farnham St. SLAVEN'3 HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. .toathern Ilotol Gu > . Hamol Gtb &Leavonworth rugs , Paints and Oil * . KUUN & CO. rbarmacleti , Fine Fane Uoods , Oar. Kin and Oooglti ttrctta. 1. J. WHITEUO WE , Wholeotle & Retail , Icth nt. O. FIELD , 202 ! Worth Side Cumins Btreel. PARR , Druinrlst. IQtn and Iloward atreeti. Dentlau. OB. PAUL Wllltur.a Ulonk Car. 16th A bodge. ur > UUCKII notiuna , ttc. JOHN B. F. LEUMANN k CO. , Jew York Dry Goods Store. 1310 and IBIS Faro- a R. Ennwcl.l aim boot * and nhoea & Pacific. puruiture. i I. OHOaa , New and 2u.-or.d Hand farnltnre rd BIovoB , 1111 DouelM. Hlgheot caih price kid tor Bouond bead gooat. BONNKR 1S09 DotU'la l. Fine cooda Ac. ferce Wr.rkt. OMAHA FENCE CO. aOST , FRIEafrCO 121S Carney St. , Improve > d Ice Eo ci , tree ana Wood Fcncei , OlDca l rir . rrnnl . ? 1n nrt W 1nti > Pawnbroker * . ROSKNFELD lOtb Rt. bet 'far. A Bar Kotricenuoni , UannelU'a fatont. OOOOMAN 1th f > t , brt. Farn. & Clean tnd Tobacco. WEST & FIUTSCUEIt , manufacturorj of Clgarg , and Wholesale Dci'.crnl u Tonaccoe , 1505 Douglas. ff. F. LORKNZEN inanuf > cturor Hie Farulinm Florist. A. Doniqhuo , plan e'cut Cowers , aeeds , ooqneti etc. N. W. cor. 16th and Douflaa streets. Olvll Englncorn and Surveyors. ANDREW R08EWATER , Crclgbton Block , Town Surreye , Grade and Snwongo Srstemu a Epeclalty. Uommlsslon Merchants. JOHN G. WIL L1S.MU DodRC Street. D B. BEEHER. For details see large advertise- rannt In Dnllv and Weekly. Oornlco Work * . WesUrn t rnlce Works , Mar.ufacturerB Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and SUto RooDlng. Orders from any luuullty prom ) > tly ereputoJ In the bust manner. Factory and Office Vtll Il&ruey nt. 0. 8PKCI1T , Proprirtor. Gal'anlzed Iron' Ccrnlcea , WluJnw Cape , etc. , cnanufACluroii Knd put up lu .my pan of fill country. T. BINIIOLD 10Thlitumli itrent Crockery , J. BONNKU lB091)onclM trni Good line Clouting und rurniuhlrm Gcxx * , HEI ) . II. I'RIKRSON. Also Uat , Cap , lloou. , Hhooo Nitloun and Cutkrv , tDi P. . 10th et/c t. tlliow Quo Manul'actory , O. J. WIU53. Manctacturor And Dealer In all kind * ot ftbou C HC , Upright Caic , & < „ 1817 Cs tit. FRANK L. GEUIIARD , pMprlclor Omaha Show CA V nuaudctory , 819 .rr.iiili ulth < trf.ii , bilveea ) , " . .vonworth and MnrcAll u rr .t'e1 ( ilnt-clr.ni. titovc * ana m > ri > , A. RUKMEBDiK , Dcular In ( Itnvc * and Tinware , ai l Utnufac'.iroi cf Tin Rcolj and all klndv nt Uulliilu Worn , Odd FtiliiwDlock. . J. unvVH' HOO loi'7l 8f. ( vwl in. * rhu. . Ibeoua. J.RVAA'b.Wholcwleandllerall UooJ UrllU Cr.ltlrabiM Od l Follaun Hall W. H , Ollina , U. D. , Room No * , CrelKhton Mock. 1Mb 'Orrct. 1 * . b. Ji , .tr.JNUlNU , * i. li. 0. L HAUT , U. D. , Eye and lltr , opp. poitomcv DR. L. B. QRADDY , -irt y.t. . B. W ICth and Farnham 8U QKO , IIKYX , PIIOP. Ur nJ Central Gallery , 212 BUtoeath Str i. neat lliuwnlo Hall. Plnt > oaM ! Work and I'rompt- neaa guaranteep i Plumbing , u i k"d Uteum ratting , P. W. TAUPY & CO. . 218 12 SL , bet. Karnham and Douglaa. Work promp vatUnded to. . P. mZPATUlCK.inouclat fltfcot. alntlnic an apur anglng. 1RNRY A. KO.STKRS. HI Ikxlze Htreel. Ohoe Stores. Phillip Laa 1880 Farnham tt. bet 18tb & Hth. Second Htnd Store. PERKINS & LEAR , 1110 Douglas St. New and jecond Hand Furniture , House Furnlthlor Good * , itc. . bought and old on narrow martini. daioont. IIENRY KAUFMANN , la too new brick block on DougUm Gtrool , has Jut opened a mcwt elcyant lieu llall. Uot Lunch from 10 to IS every day , "CaledenUl > J FALOONEU 878 leth Street. Undertaker * . CHAD. RIEWE , 101K rarnham bet. 10th ft Hid. 00 Oent Stores. P. 0. BACKUB Farnbam St. , faocr Ooodl THE INDIAN OUTRAGES Dr. MoLoan'a Recent Observa tiono in No JT Mesico. His Idea of How n Troublesome Prob loin May bo Solved. St. Louis Republican Jlay 0. Dr. J , H. JMoLoan arrived in the city yesterday f'oni a trip to Now MuxicO , where ho epent tun Any a in traveling over the country nnd in- ipicting the mining dUlricts. In con * venation with a llepublicixn reporter , ho said the object of his trip was tc BOO for himsPlf whether the reports about the mining 'possibilities in Xo\v Mexico were truo. "Did you find them BO ? " asked the reporter "Yes. There nre plenty of chances to make money in mining out there plenty of thutn. Dnt wliat interested mo aa much as anything , was the con dition of Indian aHiiirn out thoro. ] tell you , air , the people hero and at Washington evidently do not under stand the ntato of nlTiirs , or they would talk and act dillbrontly. The people out them think that those In dian outbreaks are outbreaks which might bo prevented if the proper course was taken by the government. They go about in bands of six or seven. Fifty of them will start out , nnd dt- vide up in email bands nnd kill indis criminately. The nature of the coun try gives them opportunities that the troops do liot havo. It is covered with boulders and narrow canyons. The Indians conceal themselves behind the boUlders with their rillus at a rcataud pick offstage drivers , passengers , mill 3rfl and troops at will , without diinger of being seen , People are shot down without knowing where the shot conies 'com. Wagons or stngo can only pass through these canyons und the Indians io in wait among the bouklurs , where no man can go unless ho is on foot. They squnt themselves down there , ' oat their beef and SVAIT FOR HUMAN GAMB ; o com" along. " "What are decidedly sharp charac teristics of the Indians ? " "They are decidedly sharp and shrewd , much sharper than any Jn- dians 1 over aaw. I'll tell you nn incident - cidont that will illustrate thia : A ( ago coach with four paasengera was going along a canyon , bound forSilvor 3ity , when a party of Indians con cealed among tnp bouldorn Grcd upon t , killing the driver und two of the passengers. The other two could not iuo the Indians , but know of course 'rom which direction the balls canto. They quietly slipped out of the oppo site side of the coach and made their way up the mountain among the boul ders , where they concealed themselves. Dno of them moved ono of the boul ders and it rolled down the moutain. The Indians saw this , followed the track of the atone , came upon the white men before the latter were aware of it and shot them down. It 5 not the old Indians who make all the trouble , for , ns a rule , they stay on the reservations. It is the young and turbulent spirits. They have sworn deadly hatred toward the whites. They sue thn whites coming in there and working'and making money. TII1S EiniTKS THEIR HATED. They won't work and they want to kill M who do. I had a talk with Gov ; Sheldon while there , and ho said that instead of sending' troops after the Indians , the government should have plenty of troops there to keep the In dians on the reservations. If they are off it moans that they contemplate mischief. They shbuld bo made to understand that they must remain on the reoerra'tion or bo shot if thoycomo off. " "What do the po'oplo there think of ; ho efforts of the government to kcop the Indians in subjection ? " "They don't think much of it , ex cept that sending troops after thorn is nonsense. If you could see the coun- : ry you would think that a man was a jackass who would go after the Indians ivho were on the war-path. The gov ernment sends out _ scouting parties , md the Indians quietly sit behind the ocks and kill them off. You can't ; ot them , and-it's all nonsense to send i lot of troops out to catchi them. Xhoy are AFTER STAGE COACHES AND KOLDIERS , ) nt they don't object to a miner or ; wo now and then. Two-thirds of the [ ndians are good , but the other third s bad. It is with them as it is with a community , There arc bad turbulent jooplo in every community who plot tgainst the better portions. In win- ' , ur the bad Indians sit around and ( ilk about their grievances , and just is eoon as the bear comes rut of his lole in the spring und the grata begins o grow they iitutt out tw kill the whites. They have an idea that they aunt have revenge. They see the vhitea como in there and tatco out the itlver and the gold and encroach upon vhat the Indians oineider to bo their jiids , and they think the only way TO UK IIEVKNOKI ) IS TO KILL THEM. " "Then you think that the only way o a solution of the Indian question id o force the Indians to remain on the luborvntions or exterminate them on- irely ? " "Yes , these outrages are committed > y the young Indians , The old ones ui'u willing to stay on the reservation , [ "ho only way is to keep them all hero , surround them by troops and nako them understand that if any of hem como off without permission hey will be killed , They can bo made to understand this. There is ivcrything they want on the reserva- ions and there is no necessity of their loming off. They have ampin opportu- litiea forfarming , mining , Jiunttng'and ishing and need not como off the res ervation unless it is to dispose of any- hing they may have to sell. " Exciting Ciroun .accident * 'row the riillad lfclaTIinea. ) Two exciting accidents occurred at 3urnum's circus during the perform ance yesterday afternoon , During ho hurdle race , while men and women riders were flying around ono rf the rings on fleet and spirited horses , Hmo. Leone , who was foremost among ho ridenmnd seated on the back of Jiipsy , an imported mare , reached one if the hurdles , and , as usual , gave the nimal a cut to make her jump. The marc's fore feet were caught by the lurdlo , and , with her rider she went jrashing to the earth. A crowd rushed to the scene , but the circus nun and police put them back while Mme , Leone was borne to the dross- sing room followed by several physi clans from the audience. Just before the performance closed she made her nppoAranco upon her horse and made the circuit of the ring , amidst vocifcr oua applauso. Last night she ap pcarod as usual , the only indication o her dav's mishap being a slight lame ness , the result of a brulso on the knee , The other nccidont occurred to Charles Lannhan , the man who has charge of the monkeys which ride around the ring on ponies. Yesterday afternoon there was brought out n largo African monkey known as Jocko , whoso reputation for viciousness - ness has been incrunsd during the pasl ten months by the fact that no killoc his former keeper , an Italian , in Now York City , tearing his jugular vein opoti with tooth _ in n fit ol rage and causing him to blooc to death. Ho is kept iu a cage with a lot of other monkeys , called "Mur derers' row , " and yesterday afternoon while bning shifted from this cngo , ho How at Laiinhau and caught him by the left hand , tonringoffhis forefinger ns completely ns if it had boon ampu tated with a knife. Had it not boon Tor several other keepers , who ran to Linuhan's rosouo , it is boliuvod the jig monkey would have killed him , tTnrlvnlod As Vein ? a certain euro for the worst drum i'f ' ( lys | > i ! | Rln , Indigestion , constitut ion , impurity of blood , torpid liver , ills- irJerod kidney ? , etc , nnd n n medicine or or < dicatinsfevrry species ofhumur , from ( in ( iiilinnrv plinplo to the worst ulcer , lunnoci ; Hi.ooi ) LITTERS stand unrlvAlcd. 1'rlco $1.00 niD-dlw The Door Industry. . New York Kvonlnn Post. There is probably no branch of in- lustry which can present a moro start ing picture of increasu of production nan the mnuufucttiro of beer in this country. In 1803 only 1,705,827 > iurol of beer worn made in the United States. In 1881 the product mounted to 1-1,178,577 barrels , and ncrvasu of 079 per cent. Of the whole quantity mndo in tlio country n the year 1880 , No-v York produced 33.07 per cent. , Ohio 9.20 per cent. , uid Wisconsin 0.33 per cent. , so that hcsj thn atatoa represent about onc- ulf of the aggregate production of ho country. Of the largo cities of , ho United States , the city of Now for ] : ranks first in the same respect , ollowod by Philadelphia , St. Louis , ililwaukeo , Brooklyn , Cincinnati , ioston , Chicago , Newark , Albany , ' n the quantity of boor pro- lucod. Great progress haw nlso icon made in the exportation if beer , especially ainco the Interim- ional Exposition in Philadelphia. In he year 1870 it amounted to only 1,070 dozun bottles ; in 1870 to 7,045 lozen , which in 1877 rose to 30,870 lozon , an increase of 437 per cent. .n ' 1880 the exportation amounted to .45,73 ! ) dozen bottles , a total in crease of 13,539 per cent. The ex portation of boor in casks has remain- d very insignificant , the highest fiff- uro having been reached in 1877 , when it amounted to 144,244 gallons , ilost of the boor exported goes to iloiico , Central America , the West Indies , Brazil and Japan. The ng- grogatn exportation , however , has re- naincd very iusignificont in compari son with the quantity of beer cou- lUmcd in the United States. Dho increase "of beer production and consumption has therefore in propor- ; ion outstripped the increase of popu- "ation ( at a tremendous rate. How far t has served to diminish thoconsump- ion of other alcoholics as drinks has not yet been shown by statistics , and t may be difficult to do so with any ligh degree ol accuracy , for the roa- ion that much of the alcohol manu- 'noturcd is used in various industries. it is not improbable that the increased quantity of beer consumed has had ho effect of decreasing the vice of Irunkenncss iu its most vicious form. Jut in this respect statistics are also wanting. Ono thing , however , is nb- olutoly certain * nobody will say that ho vice of 'drunkenness has increased n this country in proportion to the ncreaoo in the production and con- umption of beor. Fred. Atnon , Tyler Street , Rochester , writes : "Your SrniKo BLOHBOM in won- orful : I never used anything that' acted o well on the bowels , nnd nt the same line wan HO free from the drastic proper- leu of medicines usually sold for the pur- lose. " 1'rico CO conta , trial bo teles 10 centj. snO-dlw Albanl and Rossini. Although the possessor of the finest ontralto voice hoard in this century , vitli d wonderful style of singing , and laving achieved the greatest success mmediatoly after her first appearance n public. Albani went to Rossini and asked him "Malntennnt mnitro : , nion- rez , made comment il fnut chanter. " And he did show her , and she is cer- ainly the only livinu singer , in full possession of her voice , although noar- y GO , who can sing Rossini's music. Yho would , believe that , when she ang the "Qui est homo" with Mile , 'atti at Rossini's funeralafter having rushed everybody round her with the nsomparublo superiority of her voice nd method , she came down into the hurch and asked : "Has my voice been hoardt" To ascribe this merely to her mod- sty would bo u mistake. Without > oing conceited , she felt and know lor value perfectly well , but first of 11 , she was deeply moved by the cere mony , having been sincerely attached o her old friend , Rossini , and then he sometimes suffered from nervous- nets ; which suddenly seized her , and which she had great difficulty in con- rolling , At ono of Rossini s Satur- ays , the moment sbo went into the alon to sing ft s > lo he had written her entitled "Cantata " she or , , was o frightened that she said to him ; 'Maitoo ' , j'ai trop pour , " whereupon 10 took her by the hand , saying ; "Eh lion , nousaurons pour onsonblo , " led lor out , eat down at the piano , and accompanied her himself and how ho accompanied , with his thick old fingers I Ho produced a violin legato on the piano. Advertising Cheats , 'jovldence AdvertUer , ffilt has become so common to write ho beginning of an elegant , interest- ng article and then run it icto some advertisement , that we avoid all such cheats and simply call attention to the uorits of Hop Bitters in as plain , lonost terms as possible , to induce people to give them one trial , as nome mo who knows their value will over 10 anything else. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK : -OF : Men's , Boys' and Children's Ready for Impotion AT POLACK'S HOUSED , , , The Lowest Prices Guaranteed , ; 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , oho Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in REOIOU3 STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES Large Stock Aways on Hand. WM. Manufacturing Company , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Fork The enl ' nnd t ktlonal pl&to that original firm of ' ] la giving for In- Rogorn Bros. otanco , " single All out Spoons , plated Spoon a Forka and Knives plated triple thloknosta with the greatest plate uly on of caro. Each , the a o o t i o B Ipt buing hung on B acalo while where expo d bolng plated , to to wear , thereby insaro a fall do- making a single poult of silver on plated Spoon thorn , wear as long aa Wo would call a triple plated especial attention one. tion to our aoo- Rival. Orient- Tlvvedt All Order ) In the Wwt ihould be Addieued to A. B. HUBERMANN ; , Wholesale Jewefer , OMAHA - NEB PILLSBURY'S BESTI Buy the PATENT PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. always gives satisfaction , because it makes superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap. est Flour in the market , Every sack warranted to run alike or money refunded. ; ; M. YATES , Cash Grocer COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. MoOULLOOH , Room 4 , Cr lgbtoQ Ulock , Flttomth Stroo ( . THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IK THE WEST ! General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold , for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock o ! Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Glough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before purchasing chasing- . B. D. MCLAUGHLIN , ATTORNEY-AT- And Notary Public ,