Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 05, 1882, Image 1

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    \ V
Our Beautiful Eorsrs and Their
Collective Condition ,
An Official Btaloment Thst
Will Paralyze Peru and
Other Nations.
T77onty-Fivo Hundred EogU
lars Looking for Apnche
Scalps in Arizona ,
JSTraudnlont Land Scrip Die
tributed Freely Through
out the West ,
Tho'Stnr llonto Trials Begin and
I'nniisol Exchange Compliments
Congressional Talk and Other Things ,
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , May 4. The secretary
rotary of the navy to-day sent to the
house n voluminous report , replying
to inquiries regarding the condition
> of the navy. The most important
feature was papers showing the time
and cost requiro.l to nnko each vessel
efficient to engage in battle with an
enemy of the same general
classifications , omitting those whose
hulls are considered unfit for
repairing. Of sixty-throo vessels
in list , thirty-three are reported ofii
ciont for immediate use. To repair
the remaining thirty and put them in
condition as indicated in the above ,
the estimated cost is $3,172,000 , and
the time required is from three weeks
to eighteen months , in most cased be
ing from six to twelve months , and of
iivo of number eighteen months being
the estimated time required with the
' \vholo \ force of men ohiployod.
In answer to the hoaso inquiry concerning
corning the penetrating power of the
most powerful gun in actual service ,
ho stated the most powerful in the
service is an eight-inch muzelo-load-
ing rifle converted , whoso actional
.power at 1,000 yards distance h to
perforate a solid plate of wrought iron
eight and one-half inches thick ,
that force being sufficient tote
to carry the shot just through the
tplato. Ita range is i,000 yards at 30
degrees , elevation and weight 17,350
pounds , the ball weighing 180 pounds
and ita charge 35 pounds of powder.
There aro-51 of these guns actually
availabln for service. The cost of re
pairs put upon vessels and navy ainco
1875 foots up $23,075,040 , and the
total cost of vessels § 72,732,088.
"National Associated Proas.
WASHIXOTON , May 4. The war de
partment confirms the report of the
killing of Indians and capture of
thirty-three bucks by Col. Garcia and
the Mexican troops as the Indians
wore retreating towards Mexico after
the battle with Tuppor in the Las
Animas mountains , * also the killing of
seventeen Indians at Horseshoe can
yon and seven at another point. Me
Dowell reports all quiet in the Dra
goon mountains and Chahuahua coun
ty. There is some disorder at Pine
.agency , but nothing serious.
Preliminary to the commencement
of the star route trials this afternoon
a motion was made to quash the in
dictment of Mr. Turner on account of :
alleged wren § doing of the grand
jury. A motion was also made for
the government to indicate whether
Mr. Brady was to bo tried as an offi
cial or private citizen. Judge \Yylio
overruled both motions and said ho
was ready for the jury.
Bliss called attention to the ab
sence of Mr. Dorsoy , saying that ho
believed Ingersoll had made a delib
erate false statement when ho said
Dorsey would bo on hand.
"You are a liar , " yelled out Inger-
soil ; "you are a liar. "
Ccurt reprimanded both gentlemen
and said it would tolerate no such
scones , and order was restored.
Counsel for the defense said they
wore ready to proceed. The state
said they would not proceed until
Dorsoy should tit in the court with
other accused. Ingersoll refused to
answer Bliss as to whether ho expec
ted ] Dorsey at all. Bliss appealed to the
court to ask him , Judge Wylio said
ho was not trying cases in that way ,
so without determining whether Dor-
, soy would bo on hand than or not ,
the cases were adjourned till Monday ,
May 10 th.OEOIIOIA'H
The ropoit that both Hill and
Brown , senators from Georgia , will
resign their seats , lacks confirmation ,
tup'ugh it Is currently icportod that
Hill has placed his resignation in the
hand of the governor for action when
ho pleases. Humors have it that the
governor is waiting for Brown's , so as
to act on them together. Near
friends of Brown state , however , that
ho is not ill enough to contemplate
resigning his seat. The delay of the
governor is to fix upon a successor.
It is generally expected that Gordon
will bo returned.
Neither Hooker , McPherson or
Hondrickson have yet boon chosen
secretary of the republican executive
campaign committee. Chances Boom
to bo in favor of Sorgeant-at-urms '
The latest rumor about Minister
Lowell's recall seems to come
from Massachusetts , where it
is said ho is expected homo
in August. It may bo
definitely stated , however , that no re
call has yet been issued by the presi
dent , and that the name of his suc
cessor has not been submitted to the
cabinot. Knowing ones say , however ,
that a change in England's ) Irinh
policy cives the chance waited lor to
recall Lowell without prejudice , mid
t\at it will bo done in the course of
the summer.
Tlio liouso committee on commerce
authorized Mr. Png o to report favora
bly Mr. Hewitt's bill for deductions
from the gross tonnage of United
States vessels.
The commissioner of the goncrct
land olllcc says fraudulent certificates
of deposit for surveys issued at Santa
.fVj , N. M. , hnvo recontiy been put on
the iiarkct in Minnesota , Dakota and
Monta. n. Ho has notified western
land otlicers not to receive Santa Fo
certificates utlli ! further notice. It is
bcliovcd that these fraudulent cortifl-
catea have been scattbrod all over the
Tlio secretary of war sent to th
1 louse to-day , in response to a resold
tion of inquiry , a statement showing
the United States forces in Arizona t
bo 104 ollicera and 2,273 onlistot
men , aside from the command o
Gen. Porsythe , not ouumeratod ii
thu reports.
The superintendent of the bureau
of geological survey pent to the housi
to-day u communication ' recommend
ing an appropriation of $25,000 to
extend the operations of the bureau
into Alaska.
The attorney general has given
written opinion in which ho comes to
the aamo conclusion as to calling ol
continued 5's as lately indicated by
Secretary Folger , that those bonds
must by law , bd called highest mi in
bora first
The war department ollicials rpgart
iho backbone of the Indian uprisings
is broken by recent engagements m
Tno postoftico department will bo
: losod in respect to the memory ol
Horace Muynard.
National Associated Pro H
WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 4 Sona
ior Anthony , from the finance com
nittoe , offered a resolution author-
zing inquiry into the laws relating to
ivcrduo bonds stolen and destroyed
The bill for the erection of a light
louse at Point Patterson , Lake Michi
gan , was passed.
Senator Voorhoos offered a resolu-
.ion. for a special committee to in1
; cstiato the alleged corruption re
jarding bonded whisky. On Senator
Windom { .romisinc ; to offer a similar
resolution to-morrow of a more search
ing character , Senator Voorhocs1 rose
iution was indefinitely postponed.
The political disabilities bill , by a
rote of 29 to 23 , was referred to the
judiciary committee.
Consideration of the bill to estab
lish a court of appeals was resumed ,
md debate followed on Senator Call's
imondment , limiting the descrotion of
judges in issuoing writs for stay of
proceeding. The amendment was
OB * ; by a vote of 21 to 28.
Senator Vest's amendment that no
lircuit or district judge before whom
loses have been tried shall nit on cases °
vhon brought before the proposed
: ourt , was adopted.
Senator Morgan's amendment to :
icctiou three that the supreme court
lesignato judges to servo at eadh term
if couit was lost.
Senator Jones made a long speech
n support of his substitute defining
tnd extending the jurisdiction of cir-
uit courts.
The senate then went into execu-
ivo session , and at 4:45 : p. m. ad-
HOUSE rnocEEDipas.
The tariff commission bill was
alcon up. Mr , Kasaon gave notice
hat ha would call for a vote Satur-
Mr. Chandler ( Mass. ) advocated the
Mr. Findloy ( Fla. ) opposed , favor-
ng a tarifl for revenue with inciden-
al protection.
After a apeoch by Mr. Morrison
111. ) in opposition to the bill and in
aver of tariff for revenue only , the .
louse at 4:40 : p. m adjourned.
The Shiphord Committee ,
'atlonul Ataoclated 1'rcan.
WAMIINOTON , D. C. , May 4. Sen
ior Blair , beinn cross-examined , said
10 was moro interested in the South
Liricrican policy of the government
lian in the Peruvian company , with
view to the profitable occupation of
'oru , valuable in case it was noccs-
ary to protect thointor-ocoanic canal.
lo wai introduced to Shiphenl by C.
t. Egan. Shipherd desired him to
ill the attention of the atato depart-
lent to the Peruvian company. In
uly ho had another interview with
Iiiphord , when the latter explained
ho purposes of the coin-
any , having the impression
e controlled both the Cochot
nd Landroau claims Sh'ipherd's
immediate object waa to
et witness to ascertain the attitude
lie government would occupy towards
ihili and Peru , and the policy pro-
osod to bo pursued in the future. .
lo thought that knowledge essential
s the basis of business operation of
lie company. Witness told him he
rould gladly see Blaiiio about it.
ilaino explained to witness his in-
tructions to Kilpatrick and Hurlbut ,
r'hich Boomed satisfactory to Ship.
icrd. Blaine seemed to think Lan-
Ireau's claim entitled to the good
'dices of the government. Ad-
Train Rohbers in Now Mexico.
Utlonal AwocUted 1'rciw.
LAS YEOAS. N. M , , May 4. The
ionta Fe road suffered through train
obbers last night. As the south
tound train waa standing on a side
rack at Gloriota. Throe desperate
liaractora entered and wont through
ho passengers , securing about five
tundrcd dollars , The conductor and
where they robbed t "o hotel <
loon. The leader of t ho gang known.
Polcn Well * C pturcd.
Special to THK UKK.
Four MAIHION , Ia. , Mi ' > ' 4. Poke
Wells nnd Cook were cap luyo(1 thls
form six ' ' ° 3 from
morning on a m
hero by a farmer named SU "K01'
Tkc outlaws surrendered at the m"z *
zles of two double-barrelled SL
NatlonM A socl ted
DETHOIT , May 4. Ai on early hou
this morning ilno. Grnii f , a Monro
ftvcnuo druggist , qimrroft * with hi
wife about money matters , Grange
had also been drinking and * Amul
scijtcd his wife in his nrms , cr.rrio
ho ? bodily up ono lllght of staira nni
trod to throw her out of n
atory window , but in falling
dragged him alonp with her. I3otl
fell o a the roof of a shod twelve fee
below. Mrs , Granger waa badly mil
perhaps fatally hurt. Her husbam
has1 been put under arrest.
Central Elootlon.
Associated l'ro s
THOIT , May 4. The Michi
Coinral annual mooting this morning
roaultod in the election of the olc
ofllcbrn and board of dhoctors ; nloo
Mcssw. Cornoliua Vuudorbilt , W. 1C.
Vanderbilt , Augustus Scliell , Samuu"
F. Dargor and Ashley Pond aa direc
tors of the Detroit it Bay City road.
* > Prohibition Dynnmtto.
il AusoUntoJ I'rcws.
GED'AUVILLE , Ohio , May 4. The
entire town this morning was alarmed
by Jwp terrible explosions , which
proved to bo another attempt to anni
hilate a saloon by blowing it up with
dynifmito. A charge was put under
the front oud of 0. 11. Sweeney's sa-
loonj situated near the railroad , and
the whole end , including windows and
door ) , was blown out. Sweeney and
two Children sleeping in the roar of n :
the saloon were blown out of bed , but
fortunate'y were not injured. An *
other charge was placed in the roar
end of Caldwoll's drug atoru , but did
little ] damage to him , but broke
the windows in the opposite hotel.
Kentucky Rnoos-
National Associate. ! Presa
LEXINGTON , May 4. There was a
Pair attendance at the third day of the
spring meeting of the Kentucky asso
ciation to-day. First race , for two-
ypar-olds , half mile , waa won by Vie
later ; time , 52 seconds. The judges
decided it was n dead heat for aocond
placp between Olcan und Annie
Louise. IIt
Second race , merchants handicap t
For all ages , mile hoata , was won by O !
Braiubaleta in two straight , hoata ; Ci
time , 1:44 : | , 1:44 : . Boat Light was
second in the lirac boat. ]
Third race , for horses that never n
woiwC ) a mjilQ or moro , milo and a M
quarter , had two entries , Capias and
tCowdy. The former won ; imo , 1:22J. :
Divided in Death.
National Associated Press.
LOUISVILLE , May 4. Lucius H.
Newton , engineer on the Louisville
fc Nashyillo railroad , arrived homo
rom a trip this forenoon , and found
lis wife lying insensible in bed , with
the lifeless body of her dead sister's
hild beside her. A note was found
itating thai her brother-in-law , a man
lamed Schlusso , was to bo married to-
lay at noon , and , hearing that ho
vould take the child fiom her , she
lad killed the child and committed
luicido by taking morphine. Rostora-
ives were applied , and aho will proba
bly pull through , but the child is dead.
The Cramer Case
National As.elated 1'iesa.
NEW HAVEN , Conn. , May 4. In
he Cramer trial to-day Mrs. Cramer ,
nether of Jennie , reiterated her testi-
nony given at the preliminary exami-
lation in West Haven and produced
otters written by James Malloy , Jr. ,
o Jennie , and letters written by
iValter C. Malley , signed ( . 'Blanche. "
Pho letters that passed between
fames Malley and Blanche were
dontified and read. They produced
marked acsation in the court room.
Counsel for Blanche Douglass crosi
ixami.iod the witness , but failed to
hake her testimony. Blanche Doug
las is disturbed and her calm , self-
lossossod manner hai departed from '
ior in a measure , Ja'nes and Walter
rial ley have also lost their bravado
lefore noticed. The cross oxamina-
ion of witness will bu resumed to-
Imbor Troubles.
National Associated Pre .
NEW YOUK , May 4. In
arpot factory this morning the piint-
rs declined to work unless accorded
n increase of 10 per cent , Female
reavers to the number of 2,000 also
oinad the strike. About noon the
rm displayed notices to the effect
liat an advance of 10 per cent , in the
rages of all employes to the number
f 1,500 would bo given.
The striking'horseshoord are confident
f succeas. Seventy-five employers
.avo yielded thus far.
The strike of the journeymen
ilumbera continues.
The strike of blockcuttors in vari-
us paper hanging factories in this
ity , Brooklyn and Staten Island is
till in progress. Indications are that
ho men will succeed in their demand
for increased pay.
MINNEAPOLIS , Minn , , May 4.
rournoyrnon tailors who have boon on
strike for over a month resumed
vprk to-day. All members of the
Jigar Maker's union hero are on a
trike for an advance of wages ,
A Shattered Pipe.
National AuoUatcd I'KUI.
CINCINNATI , May 4. A steam pipe
ixnloded in the tow boat "John Han-
ia'1 to-day. The engineer was fatally
The Snakes .and Baimiiks Bogiu
the Trouble.
Being Determined to Avenge
the KillinB of the Ute
Chief Jack.
Fort Washakio Alarmed at the
Threatening Aspect of
the Situation.
Q T Fifteen Men , Being at
id to Guard the Poet.
"ctl Cowboyn on the
r'4. There is
i . . . . v nmoiik' the citizens
zroat oxcitoVJtynl ? i . , ,
i ml Boitiors in tlio
it Fort Washa'JiVPfts. . , , . . ,
. . . , , . , . ice the killing of
iVnid River vnlMy . , , . ,
' ° b * '
lack , chief of the' . .n .U'day
, _ , uut tuloon
Jtornoon. There aftj . . .
. . . . - i leutonaut
itizens ait the posty ana X ,
Morgan , Jn charge of gf/r <
iroporty. Six soldioTa&lttift
Ivor this inoTniiip , wlrioSi will Co.
ioso the garrison whonpJlBwy * v ri * > ,
! ompany K , Th wd cavalry ; . OoJMa1
on in command , loft yesterday uu
outo to Fort Stcelo to join ih. o
roops ordered to ArizonaTba citiromt
t Washakio have organized and nra
landing guard. The Cattle men on
lie round-up are in tha vichiily ol
fashakie , and number ) { nearly two
undrcd. Tliey are reported as say-
icr. should they moott ; iy Indians
lore is likely to bo trouble. A party
f Utea with two hut&rod horses
re reported to bo upon the resor-
[ \tion endeavoring to t incite the
lapahoos and Shoshqacs to join
lorn and go on the warpath , Tlio
ittlors at Lundor and the Valley will
rganize at once for protection , The
ithdrawal of the troop's immediate
pen the heels of Jack's demise ia
aving a bad oil'uct among the Indiana.
News from the west indicates , if it
lay bo relied upon , that there is a
no prospect ahead for tt general In-
ian war all along the frontier.
What the cause of their dissatia-
ic t ion is cannot bo uecortaiiiod , but
ia possible the killing of Ute Jack
11 Friday last by Captain Morton has
msod them to break out ; Jack was a
otod chief of the southern Colorado
Ftua , who have been removed to a
reservation . , and ho w s visiting
10 Bannocks and SnaVen , probably
> got.them to go on to * Yd ) varpath.
fo had boon wanted by the military
> r some time , as they desired to re-
irn him to his people. Two years
; o the Utes tried to got those Indians
> join them in an outbreak. Whether
[ ajor Mason's two companies of
hird cavalry will now proceed to
rizona or return to Fort Washukio
not decided , as further informal ion
It has been rumored for a long time
iat Fort Omaha was to bo raised in
nportanco to a ton company gam
in , General Sheridan having recom-
ended that change. This was the
rongth in 1877 , when both cavalry
id infantry were stationed hero ,
lie now garrison would likely bo of
fantry alone. The necessary plans
id estimates for increasing the quar-
rs to a ton company capacity have
ion drawn up and sent , the last beg -
g forwarded Wednesday to Wash-
gton from headquarters of the do- T :
irtmdnt of the Platte in this city ,
lie plans provide for rebuilding the
lartors at Fort Omaha , using such
aterial as is on hand , but making
nctically new quarters. There are
iw quarters occupied by four compa-
ca at the fort.
Sergeant Christian Madson , Troop 7 (
i Fitth cavalry , now at Fort Omaha , rn
ab. , will rejoin his troop at Fort > 1
iramio , W T.
The quartermaster's department
11 furnish the necessary transporta-
> n. It ia impracticable to carry
okcd rations.
At his own request First Lieutenant
iseph F , Cummmgs , Third cavalry ,
11 proceed to Clioyonno , W. T. , and
ill report for duty with his troop
ion its arrival at that place.
rrcipondeuco ol Tun HUM.
BEATHIOB , May 4 , Beatrice Is n
( license town. Wo don't know
st how much that moans , but time
ill toll. Saturday night the licenses
pirod , and about fifty took occasion
celebrate by getting gloriously
At the present writing ono saloon is
lling pop , but it is manifestly boor
pop bottle so say aomo that know.
t the billiard halls , the familiar
ick of balls greet the oar , while
| ars and lemonade are all the re-
Bailments proffered.
Farmers are busy with spring's
irk now , but when ono does make
s appearance on the street , ho does
it lack for friendly greeting from the
erchant , who , ever on the alert for
ey , "goes about like a roaming
m , " etc ,
Saturday was an unusually lively
ly , and trade was flourishing enough
do ono's heart good.
The prospect for wheat seems excel-
nt , and many fanners wish they iiad
at in a larger crop of that cereal ,
ho fruit buds seem not to have been
ijured by the frosts and damp
dathor wo have had lately ,
Wo are glad to siy there has as yet
been no occasion to mo the hook and
ladder outfit that , vo boli6vo , came
from your city ; but the company has
had enough drill to handle the ladders
with dexterity , should there bo the
Kxtcnsivo preparations are on foot
lor the annual shcop'shoaring festival
t' ' ' t continues to-morrow and next
day , and closes with the wool-groworV
bull in the opera housu sheep dance ,
as wo hoard it spoken of , and the
term struck us ai being rather funny.
Decoration day will bo observed
with considerable ceremony , wo un
The extra session is not creating
much excitement down hero. We
wore informed by an enterprising
merchant that ono of our representa
tives had been supplied by him with
two pairs of hossj brail "v'v , so IK'dt-
rico can note that much prop.mtion ,
anyhow , for the extra session.
The sixty-third anniversary of the
I. 0. 0. F. was well attended at thi&
plnce. Eiccuraion trains wore run
from PlnUsmoiuh and points this
eido , also from Wymoro , the "big
little" town cf Nebraska , BO that there
iras quito an inllur of citizens from
those places , stalking leisurely about
the struoU , staring in the usual man
ner , and looking very well dressed
and well-to-do. Of course the in
evitable hop at the oporn house wound
up the ull'air , and left the ox's stranded
at the depot about midnight , awaiting
the homeward hound train.
Ahl ha ! and the city of Heatricohas
n third bank,1 thia ono _ the I'eoplo'a
bank. ' 'Vivo la populi , " and like-
wicu the bank. HAS
Another. Addition to Lincoln's
jx'ou Uirtlu
5. .Satire In fttfat A CrnuJi'a Colt -
t Th9 ltrt" '
is announced
icre tbui wor w" ' poeiiivoly com
mence on tll ° Lincoln A Fremont
ailroadinia allort t"no- J"
i2gerald lav o contractor con-
truotion a fl V * " ° ut to put on a
\rg force. TBv lro 's I'4"0 doubt but
liat this linemZl ho aold out as aooii
s it is completed * ' BOIHO company ,
nd the prospect * wrv ' tllat lk will bo
nly another thora. . im 'ho side of this
nhappy city.
The Journal thia atcanv'ng Indulges
nconsciounly in a littk ' P'coo o
itire. It calls attontic * ? U ' the ad-
lirablo rail connoctiona lint oln has
ith the surrounding ouunh/v
iiggosta that the uicvciuvntsi pv this
ity got up A series of excursion .1 to
arious neighboring points , u til
ling these boasted commotions. Aa
muuna tor successful oxcursiono the
lilroads are an admirable help to
ihnoln ; but for the ioal purpose of
rado " thee hardly conm , up to- the
mrk" .
A now brick business block is talk- tl
d of at the corner of 0. and Tenth
troets ,
Lincoln and Crete will toy coiiclu- * '
oils at the national game next week ,
here is a pretty good club horo.
The Journals illustrated supplo-
tent is , as ypt , unborn. No man
nowoth when it will appear. Tlio
ruvailing opinion is that tlio incubus
t John 11. Pierce was top much for C
10 public health of this literary baili
ng. C
It was rumored hero that Mr. G.
' . Holdurge , general superintendent
' the B. & M. railroad , will succeed
[ r , J. T. Clark on the Union Pacific ,
Gen. Thaycr was in town yesterday ,
at had no pointora to give regarding
10 growth of his boom AKUUH. fu
bo Roolc Slmrp of South Bond
UUargod v/ltb Swindling. tl
Nob. , May 4 , 1882.
the Keillor ol 7h lira :
Knowing your friendly fooling for
10 laboring class , I wish to expose
to would-bo | contractor , namely ,
> hn Curio , who clainn to own und
in a largo stone quarry near this
ace , but like his illuatrious prodo-
aaor ( the Father of Liea ) . Ho don't at
vn a foot of it. My only reason for
quosling thu publication of this is
K protection of many , who like my- at
If , have listened to his soft Holder
id left good job * on promise of bet-
ir wages and sleady work and prompt
ly , and after spending all their
cans to got here , find that lie ( Cure - bi
e ) has not put in an appearance for
vo months , and all his effects under
.taahiuont , for labor done for him , Ifhi
ir which ho has ( owing to the press
i business , I suppose ) forgotten to hi
ly. I am a cooper by trade. Came hiSI
are to put up limn ban els , and by SI
irnishimr my own nailn succeeded in
iiishing a few , mid to protect myself tl
id to attach thorn for my pay. If
: > u will publish this you may save
; hera being duped , Truly yours.
C. G. MAI > I > OIKS. ;
Ruoen Reviewed ,
ttlonal Associated 1'ren.
CHIUAOO , May 4. To-day's aossion w
[ the Bonid ot lloviow of the Na- w
onal trotting association made the
blowing decisions ; I1
Tlio protest of James Logg , of I1tl
, 'oodhull , 111. , that a premium was
rongfully paid to the black gelding
aim Goldsmith , alias John G. , at 8r
ambridgo , was sustained and the r ;
loney ordered paid to the other on- u
res ,
The application of E. W. Powell of Id
tichmond , Ky. , Bernard Lynch of IdIc
row Jersey and N , ! Krnost of Icb !
Hovuland , 0. , for removal of sujpon-
ion waa refused.
The case of 0. C. Wilson , of Janes- t !
tile , Wia. , against the Bushnell (111. ( ) f
ssociation was settled , 1 1
An application of lUcliard Wilde , of ]
Omaha , it was ruled that the time
given 1m chestnut mare , May Clark ,
in a certain race at Omaha was not the
proper record.
W. U. Pomio , of Kniohtstown , Ind. ,
and the bay gelding Will Cody , wore
Nktlonil AModatcJ 1'rcw.l
The Cftnionlors t ko Rk Cincinnati
haa become gonorMl , nild Hho end Is
believed not to bo far olT. It is
claimed ft compromise will bo reached
by Saturday.
Thrco c\603 of Bnmll per hns boon
developed in the family of John W.
Newman , four miles north of Milford ,
Pa. The citizens have taken precau
tions to check the spread of the dis
ease , Considerable excitement exists
The snlo of the Sprague ostalo in
llliodo Island is postponed until May
Doctor J. R. Wood , ono of the
founders of the Bolloyuo medical col
lege , of Now York , died yesterday of
Central PaoiOo Offloorn.
Nittonrd Associated 1'roM.
SAN FuANOisuo , May 4. The fol
lowing changes were inado in the
management of the Central and the
Southern Paciflo railroads : A , N.
Towno , general manager ; J. A. Fil-
moro , Hcnoral superintendent , vice A.
N. Towno , promoted ! 11. II. Pratt ,
assistant general superintendent , vice
J. A. Filmoro , promoted ; J. C.
Stubbs , general trallic maimgor ; llioh-
ard Gray , general freight ngout , vice
J. 0. Stubbs , promoted , Governor
Stanford will no longer manage the
company's allaira.
Bolmnnt Pnrlc Rnoos *
t { ton ! l Aoooclatoit l're i ,
PniLAimt'ifiAy SfayThe ! thin
day of the trolling M Bolniont par
resulted as follows : JHrnt rnco , 3:0 :
chias , was won by Olmrlotta flush man
with Lady Strong second and Seven
and Twenty third ; best time 2:34. : |
The 2:115 : class was won by Charley
Jlood with Frank Patchol second mi
Porter Leonard third ; best time
2:29j. : I'ho 2:28 : class was won by
Naiad Queen , Lizzie M. second and
Stophanua third ; best time , 2:2o : | .
"I'lio Mtmoot" ia Jail.
Natlunnl Ansoclntod I'roHH
NiOHLKANH ! , May ! . In the
case of W , Vonbonthausun against
Bossier , Livoaoy it Oaborno , pub-
liahera of The Mascot , asking for a
writ of contempt for disobeying the
injunction reatraining them from
cartooning and libeling Yonbonthau-
sen , Judge Monroe to-day aont the
publishers to the parish prison for
ton days.
Ira Noble , of Albion , is In the city.
James Ward , of 1'nildock , Is In the city.
A , K. Marsh , of Button , Neb , , in in the
Oscar Frold , of York , ia at the Metro-
iVdl. JDnrJx , ol. Weeping Water , is in
ho ctty.
Hon. Amasa- . Cobb , of Lincoln , fa in
10 city.
Lieut. Mlcbclor , of Fort Nlobrnrn ! in
10 city.
Julia O. 1'allln , of Urb City , la at the
Itanilolpli Grahow , U. S. A. , IH at the
0 , 1 * . Atmoro , of Denvur , Col. , Is at the-
S. r. Davidson , of Fr mont , Is nt ths-
* '
lion. 011. . Merrill , of Stromnbur , [
\ the city.
Mm. Smith , oE Lincoln , fc at the C'an-
ildtlOUHO. 11
K. K. rnlmer , of Galesburg , Ills. , IB at ' '
10 G'nnfield.
A. T , Scott , of Wymoro , IH c , guoat ni
to Ctinfiokl.
L. C. Cliamplln , of Fnlrbury , in at the
[ etrnpolitaii. tl
A. 15. llubormnnn , the jeweler , left for gj
nrojio ycHtordiiy , - ij
II. L. llaymond , of Council Bluffy wan
C , C. Pace , of the state capital , wan in
10 city yesterday ,
the city last night. c <
F , ( ! . llamcr , of Kearney , IH registered
; thu Metropolitan ,
A. C. Crusthwalto and wife ot Fair-
ount , are In the city.
Jumna DeVeim , of Sidney , Is registered
the Wlthnell house ,
K. L , HuMamia , of Long 1'Iuo , U vlalt-
g iS'elrasku'n inetroiiolia.
Thou. Bryant , rf Rchuyler , is down on a
iHiiiuHH vlelt to Omaha ,
A. H. and J. i ; . Carter , uf Maiiuokctik ,
L , , are at tlio Metropolitan.
Mr. L. A.Oroir , of Orolf & jMontgoinery
is gone eaut on u two w okn trip ,
H , H , Oleason und Clmu , Caldwell , of :
; , 1'aul , nro Metropolitan gueata.
Col , John Dunlphan , of St , Joe , ia In
10 city Attending the federal courtn.
Chan. WllllauiB and JItttrlo Hill , of
tlmourl Valley , woot houie yosterdvy , '
1' . 0. Uotto , J. A. Dowcn and W. N.
ainoHon , of Lincoln , nro at the Metro-
nil tan ,
Judge John lialrd , of Council lllulfa ,
as over last ovonlng to Inspect the water
orku teat.
W. ( , ' . Kccfer , N , II , Hell and Arthur
crry , of Wnhoo , are among thu guests of
10 Hotel Cauficld. cf
AV. , Sloan , J. L. Mitchell , Thoa ,
tephenaon nnd 12 , F , Warren represented
februbku City at the Wlthnell house la < it
Miss Prances Bueter , of Nebraska City ,
i Ia town , the guest of Mlsa Jennlo Del
> ue , and la awaiting the arrival of her
later , Miaa Addloliueter , from Deadwood ,
Col. Clma , I ) . Lambron , laud agcut ol
lie Northern I'uclfio railway , came in
rom Denver yesterday and left for St ,
l , hta future headiiuartera. Hla family
ccoxpauy htui
Ireland Records a Sweeping Vic
tory Over Her Ancient
Enemy ,
Unconditional Surrender of
Gladstone and Release of
the Loaquora.
Michael Dsyitt at Libort-y anti
the "No Rent" Manifesto
Forstor Roviewa Hia FruitleES
Labors and ia Loudly
A Glorloun Day for the Emerald
Jtlc , Which Calls for a
National AieocUtcd Prow.
LONDON , May 4. Messrs. Farnoll ,
Dillon and O'Kolly nro now horo. Mr.
1'nrnoll will attend parliament to
night , Ho ia very reticent regarding-
his future course in politics , and nil
ho will say about ; it is thai ho cannot
positively say what ho will do until
the policy of the government is dis
closed , Ho says ho considers the re
lease of Michael Davitt vital to tht )
paciQoationa of Ireland.
< ft ls finitely
now secretary for Ireland -
land will nOt 1 > 9 mMibor of the government -
ornmont cabinet. It IS ftovr mmorcd
that Lord Frodoriok Cavandtsh will
bo chosen.
It is officially announced that Lord
Frederick Cavandiab , financial neoro-
tary of the trosury , hns boon ap
pointed chief secretary lo ? Ireland.
In Ivouso of commons this avoninp ;
Mr. Clmmberlinn , president of the
board of trade , anid it was not advisa
ble for the government to interfere on
the oubjoct of adulteration in Amori-
ran cotton , aa the matter is now un
dergoing full investigation by British
tnd Ainorican exchanges ; that the
alter had promised orcry effort would
> o put forth to discover the porpotra-
ors of the frauds , and prevent any
oreign substance being placed in the
> alus.
Sir W. Ilarcourt , aocrotary of state
or the homo department , then an-
tounced that Mirhall Daritt had
icon released from Kilmainham jail.
In the house of commons to-night
minodiatoly after the announcement
ras m ado that Davitt had been ro-
eased , Gladstone TOSO and said that
10 had received a communication
lating that the "No rent'1 manifesto
irould bo withdrawn. Dillon , O'Kol-
oy and Sexton immediately enquired
f the apoakor from whom Ito had ro-
eived the communication , vrheroupon
Jladstono atatod that Parneti bed
lade it. This created a aonaation.
Forster then rose and said that ho
rished to make a personalioxphnaticn
ti regard to his resignation of the
Bice of chief socsotaryship' for
roland. Ho stated the reason v/aa
hat ho was firmly of tha opinion that
ho release of the Irish ouspocta would
ncouragtt crime and dipordur in Iro-
ia J. Fovster continuing said that ,
ad ho been loft unfettered in oilicu ,
o would have detained all auspecta
i > prison until a proper rcapocte for
iw had been secured. ono of
ho conditions of the order of the
overnmonti for the arrest and
npriaomncnt of the aaapeota hod
en fulfilled. No promise had ever
oen given tliat they would ceoao
lioir acts ofi intimidation and out-
[ Mjos , nor cease their tactics for ob-
Iruotion of buainosa in parliament.
'liocr ' release in his opinioui was un-
onditional , and foreign to what ho
liought was a proper nieasuixt uc co
loring pearo and order in Ireland. In
nncluaion Forator entreated the
OUHO not to buy obedience- law by
ranting further concessions.
Great cheering followed Foroter'a
LONDON. May 4. Government org-
ua , including The Daily Nuws , con-
emu the appointment of Lord Fred
rick Cavendish na chief secretary for
roland ns a grout oppoitunity thrown
way. The Irish members of poilia-
lent arc discontented at the turn o
HOME , May 4 The pope has issued
11 encyclical urging bishops to use
ieir ellorta to restrain the persecution
f the Jews. He has also aont a lot-
3r to the emporora of Russia , Gor-
lany and Austria to the uamo effect.
A Swindler Nubbod.
'atlonM Associated ficiw.
Si'iuNdHELD , 111. , May 4. The
hcriir of thia county arrived to-day
roia Atohiaou , Kansas , having in
hargo F. II. Webber , of Jaokson-
illo , 111 , , recently general agent of
ho Continental Life insurance com-
any , of Connecticut , who ia under
Treat charged with swindling the
lompany and ita policy holders on
orgod policies. Ho ia in jail here to
iwait preliminary examination.
Indication ! .
fetlocal Associated Frew.
WASHINGTON , May 5. For the
lower lake regions , partly cloudy
veathor , local rains , wind north , sta-
ionary or lower temperature , highor-
jroasuro ; for the upper lake region ,
ippor Mississippi and Missouri valley ,
partly clear and cloudy weatlier , with
! ocal rains , winds mostly from the
lorth , stationary or lower tempera
ture , and generally higher pressure.