Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Thursday Mornintr , May 4
Wnnthor Koport
( Tha following observations nre taken .
ho * nmo moment o ( time At nil the tti
ti'otsiMnecl. )
D rARt 5T , U. H , 810Kit , HIRTICI , t
OnmtA , Jlay 3 , 1882. (1:45 ( : p. m. ) J
River 7 leet,10 Inchciabovo hlfth water mark i
Onaha and S ( cot 1 Inch at Yankton.
"Our Goblins" nt Hojd'n Frlda ;
Another mooting of the Board o
Kilucatton to-night.
Tlio 13. &M. nine play the Grcon
wooI club , nt that place , next Saturday ,
A warrant has been Issued for Johi
IJoo , for threatening the life ol S. Galvli
"nndW , T. Seamnn.
A farewell party will bo Riven 01
Moml.iy evening , May S , nt Liberty hall
$ L\ll nro cordially Invited.
Jny Northrop sung at the St. Luke'
benefit concert , at 1'lnttBinoutli , Monda ;
night , and captivated the audience.
-r-Awningi nro being put up at all tin
largo building * now , the weather being 01
the verge of uutnmor heat yesterday ,
Small boys who are practicing to become
como expert thieves , are anuoyini ; th' <
Douglas street confectioners ami frill
The second grand ball of the Omalu
Literary Library ASB.elation takes placi
at Mauoiilc hall un 'Ihuraday evening , Mnj
Au Individual -who rallied n rjw ii
front -of .b'annio llenton'rt house , Tucsrnj
night , paid ten Julian nud cents for hli
little luutinco.
On Sunday afternoon a man fell at thi
corner of Tenth and Howard ttrculx , am
broke his nrm , the accident being cause *
by his tripping on a loose plank ,
A special intctiug of tha Teaiimten
Union will bo held at Tivoll Hall , Friday
Hay 5 , at half-pant i o'clock p. in. IS ;
order of T , J. Bulck , secretary.
The adjourned meeting of the Trade.
Assembly will bo held ntKuony's Hall or
Saturday evening , when n permanent
-organization will bo effected. '
i ' . The city jail is being put In ummei
i trim. The old corridor has again been
? opened by the removal of the partition ,
' and three additional cells nro now avail
Able for the ccominodatlott of guests , t
Nellie Burke , the Omalia equcstii'
enne , opened the luces at Little lloclc ,
; Ark. , last Saturday , in a mile dash , in
which she rode against Nellie Taylor , w'ld '
jWOfl formerly of Sidney , but now hello
from Texas.
Thoa. W. Hicks , a railway employe of
Ziaratnlo , Tuesday secured his two chil
dren , ntted 4 and 0 , from to possession of
their mother by a writ of habeas corpus ,
ia Judge Chadwick's court. He tried to
effect a reconciliation , but without avail ,
The house whluh caught fire Tuesday
evening belonged to Mr. Cook , of lihodo
Island. It was sent out here on account
of its being too large to go in that state
without the corners sticking over the edge
and annoying the neighbors. It WAS eeut
out by registered latter ,
The police coutt < locktt yesterday
was light. Three drunks waltzed to the
front. One was scntjto jail nnd another , !
JomeB Doe , proving tu ho ) sick , was din-1
charged , ! A trump arrested proved toj be
under sixteen yearn of age , and won tlls-i
charecd ,
The market house committee appoint
ed by the president , ot thecity council , !
will hold a meeting on Saturday ! evening , ,
to consider matters connected wtyh the
proposed erecllou of a market house and
city hall on Jefferson square. „ ,
. Mr , W. J , Pehnell , who has been the
pains taking director of muslo of the Sea
end Presbyterian church for seine time
past , has gent in his resignation , It Is re
ported that Mr , F , d. Smith , who for
merly occupied tlut place , U being nego <
tiated with to return to it , in the event ol
which Mr , J , L. Smith would doubtless
be engaged also to take his former place ,
The Grand Central saloon has been
sold by it * proprietor , Mr , Tom Oollan ,
to three parties , John 01. Nugent , the
manager of the variety theatre to be
openad in the old Academy of Muilo ) I1' ,
P. Glenn , the portly and jovial ox-proprl
prletor of the Occidental bar , and John
I'erflBoo , the gentleman who recently came
to Omaha from Colorado and bought out
the Ottman place. Mr. Callau propones
to return to hia first love , the old reliable
Trenvjnt , on 10th and Capital avenue ,
A pick pocket , of utaturo large , robbed
n little man at the U , 1' , depot of 9
The victim , pretending ignorance , took a
walk with him nnd kept bis eyes peeled
for a peeler. At length the robber
imelled a large rodent and tried to run ,
but the little man grabbed him , A police
man hoye In sight and received a couple
of blow * from the ratc&l who made his
escape , leaving the robbed man to explain
matter ! and encape being arrested him-
During the iea ion of the city council ,
Tuesday evening Alderman Kcl | Lecdcr was
summoned out on the information that a
party bad taken poigeiuion of hi * house ,
It wa a Burprlte patty , who came to con
gratulate him and Mm. Leader on the au-
vent of tlielr t uth wedding day. It was
a jolly crowd and tha host nnd honteia
turned in nd gave them a royal welcome ,
Utefaou < er wan on band ta furnish inuslc ,
fefr ) ) iu auver served ujfJnJ/ivbduJ-
nce and there wan dancing for all who
loved the cUnc . There were tin articles
enough Itft on thu departure of the merry
crowd to litt the family for the next ti
years ,
Mary Brok has brought unit In 11
district court for divorcefrorn her hmbsn
, lohn 13rok. She avers that they e
married nt Cultimbua , Nebraiki. Man
5,1870 , nml that since that time she hi
been nt nil time ? n faithful , chaste r > r
obedient wife. The honeymoon wan
ohort one for .Tnnn dc ertod tlio biirlc c
Auguftt Ut f'f the fame ) car , nnd h :
nince been cohiplcuons only by his nl
Bence. 1'etlllnncr payn that while he ha
RUfliclent ability to provide for 1'er ' , } i
grodoly wantonly and cnit'lly rcfu od o t
do , nnd she now prays for dlvorco nnd a
other relief In cqHily due. Smytho an
Stttll nro her attorney * ,
Hon. A. 8.1'nddotk I in the city.
Owen Wilson , o' Oiceola , in In the cltj
Joneph Grimes , of Boitrlce , isln Omnhr
W. II. Conklln , of Kremont , to In town
T , Kwing , of Lincoln , is In the Metror
J , It. Webster , of Lincoln , is In th
I ) . P. McCorand , of Nebraska City , i i
W. A. Mcllor , of Pock Springe , Is I
K. II. Haworth , of Council Bluffs , i i
the city.
W. H. Sumner , of Schuylor , U nt th
J. I ) . Crnns , of Hastings , Is nt the Holt
G. II , Bnncom , of Greenwood , lowr , i
In the city.
D. P. Woodsof Hubbard , la at th
A. 0. McCorklc , of Superior , N. braHkn the city.
W. A. Carter , of Fort Urldgor , W. T.
are In the city.
J. A. Liwroace nnd wife ; nf Schuylor
nr.i In the city ,
If. N. Nlcholn , of North Plnttc , is a
the Withnell.
W. W. Wilson , of Lincoln , registers a
the Withnell.
0. K Fnniinn , of Tekamnb , is nt tin
Cretghton IIOUHC.
H. M. Houch , of 1'ort Not < rara , U n <
the Metropolitan.
Ii. K. nnd J. K , Murphy , of Counc !
Bluffi ) , are in the city.
Gen , C. F. Mandorson left yesterday t <
attend court in Albion ,
J. H. Aycr , of Beaver City , is regie
terod nt the Crolghton ,
J T. Gullfoylo , of Hong Kong , [ Chinj
h ut the Motropolitnn.
H. H. ThnmnH nml J. M. Chapman , o
Westnrn , Nob. , are In town.
George Clark , of Arnpahoc , is nmonj
the Withnoll houne nrrivaln ,
G. W , Irvlng.nnd C. II. M oeker , o !
Lincoln , are at the Croightou.
M. 1 . IJrnwer and W. H. Slblev , o
Council Bluffs , are In the city.
L. B. Wadleigh , Clinton , Iowa , nppeari
ntnonn the Withnell house guests.
W. W. W. Jones , state superintend '
of publla instruction , is at the Withne'l. '
Charles Popper , of Salt Lake City , :
wealthy butcher and cattle man , ts in the
Judge Barnes of Ponca , went west yes
terday on the noon train to hold court in
Boone county , .
Harrio Hill , C. Williams and G. H ,
Williams , of Missouri Valley , are stop
ping at the Metropolitan.
Jaine * tt. 1'ho p and W. G. Caldreld ,
if Lincoln , were guests of mine host
Wilson , of the Metropolitan.
Frank P. Ireland and wife , S. II. Cal-
loun , F. T. ItuiHon and Lee Dillon , of
Nebraska City , are at the Withnell.
1C , A. Ovlatt , a leading .attorney of
\kron , Ohio , paused through the city yes-
.erdny . en route to San Francisco.
W. D. Holler. J. W. Newell , F. M.
3astetter , D. Moore nnd wife , and J. H.
llungate , of Blair , are among the Crolgh *
.on'a guest * .
J.W , Pollock , the West Point banker , !
itul a most courteous gentleman to all' '
vho visit that thriving city , is in Omaha1
or a short visit , |
John Hofstead , tbo handsome young
Jerk in the Omaha poHtofllce , left for ,
Chicago yesterday morning. It Is whls-
icred around that he in to bring bock n
Col. W. F. Saunders , attorney for the
Northern Pacific railway and a prominent
itizon of Helena , Montana , who Is
: nown all over the west , passed through
he city yesterday , returning home from
It. Paul , Minn , '
J. T , Werlr , for the past eighteen
lontha with M. Hellman & Co. , and one
f the best salesmen on the road , has
ccented a position with J. Well & Co. ,
t. Joe , Mo , , and will in future represent
liein , while making Omaha hia head
uarteru ,
A. Ii. Holbrook , for a long tlmo with
I , F , Goodman , of this city , has severed
is connection with that house to accept a
oultion with Noyes Brothers & Cutler ,
'holesalo ' druggists of St. Paul , Minn ,
Ir. Holbrook is a popular and successful
raveling salesman , and will prove a valu-
ble acquisition to the firm he uow gow
) represent.
Col. K. B Temple , the Union Bpy man ,
iturnedfrom Blair Tuerday , where he
u been for about two weeks and given
je play in fine style , and to the great sat-
faction of the people in that vicinity.
Ce tells some great utorles of the good
anting up there , where people hunt rat-
e-sn kes a * they do ducks. The Colonel ,
ft a brace of immense rattles at THE
KB oiUce as a proof ot the story. He U
annly welcomed back by his friends
are , iud will remain in the city for BBV-
nl days.
Advortlaiiic Chouts.
evidence Adyertlncr ,
It Im8 become BO common to write
te beginning of an elegant , interest-
id' article and then run it into sonitt
ivertiiement , that wo avoid all such
lealB and simply call attention to thu
orita of Hop Hitters in as plain ,
? nt'Bt terinu aa poasibjo , to induce
) oj/lo to give tliom one trial , us no
IH who knowB tlieir value will ever
ic anything else.
General Orook and Party Su ;
prised by a Squad of
Who Capture Tholr Plunder and E
foct nn ISucapo.
Tuesday njqht the residence nt Ni
2007 Cnna ntrect , occupied by Gcnen
Crook , Lieutenant John O. Bourk
and Dr. Darnett , Waa the scene of
daring and nuccessful burglary. Ti :
thieves , who auuin to have boon prt
fcasionala , obtained entrance by til
basement door in the rear , the loc
being skilfully removed by the Use t
btnco and bit. Once inside the builc
ing , the marauders proceeded leiaurol
to rifiu the basement and lower storj
Drippings of candle grease show thr
they took in.overy room on the lowe
flour , and then ascended the stairs t
Dr. Darnell's sleeping room un th
first floor , where thuy took overythin
portable of vixluo , excepting it kit t
mackerel and u l > ox of everlnatin
mmUrd plasters. Dr. Burnett's lot
includes a gold watch , $40 in cui
rency , nnd orders und checks for
cuiiKidunihlo iitiioiint. From the doc
tor's room u trip vvns taken up Mnir
to the second floor. General Croo !
and Lieutenant Bourke occupy room
in the front ot thu liouse , the smal
room in tlio rear being occupied b.
Peter , tlio man servant. Peter1
clothing was rilled of § 1 or $5 ii
money. While Uioy wore at the lieai
ot the landing , and bofor
they hud entered General Crook'
sleeping iipitrtmi'iits , Dr. Burnot
w.ikened Up nnd heard them movitij
ovui-licud , Ho called out "Is tha
you , i'oter ? " supposing it was hi
servant. Some one answering "Umpli
umph" , the doctor tliought it was nl
right , und after saying that it wus toi
early in the morning to bo movin ]
atound and making so much noisy
turned over und went to sloop. Th'
tbievoa alarmed slipped down stair
and made their escape. The burglar ;
must have been committed between .
and 3 o'clock , as ono of the oflicur
did not retire until tlio former hour
Pioneer Books.
Pioneer Hook and Ladder compnn ;
held itsaunuul election Tuesday even
ing and cliosu the following oflicora :
President Phil Dorr.
Foromaii Chuo. Fisher ; first ousist
nnt , George iSchmidt ; second assist
i\nt \ , Gus Williams.
Secretary J. Ilotholz ; assistan
secretary , A. II. Sander.
Treasurer Henry Pundt.
Trustees D. L. Mitchell , Honrj
Hornbcrgor and Louis Stomm.
The following was adopted :
In pursuance of the action had a
the late mooting hold at thu citi
'council room by the iiro dopartmen
of this city for tlio purpose of elect
ing a chief acceptable to the depart
inont and1 to the mayor and city coun
oil , wo , the Pioneer Hook ; and Laddoi
company , composing te part of the do
partment'/drrhorobjr "
Resolve To recognize the appointment
mont of John H. Butler by the mayo :
and our city cduncil aa tlio chief ol
the fire department of Omaha city ,
and shall at all times recognize hit
authority aa such otllcor.
Wo shall further endeavor with the
best of good will to uid and counso
him in the performance of his and
our duties.
OMAHA , May 2 , 1882.
Tno City Attorney Follows In the
Footatopa of tuo Father of
His Country ,
In accepting the resignation of Gen.
D. F. Manderson , Tuesday , Mayor
Boyd , in his letter to the council , eatd :
"I would bo dircliot in duty did I not
boar testimony to his ability as an at-
, ornoy , to his faithfulness und unro-
uittiug care in guarding the city's in-
; ofcst , and to thank him for the many ,
rory many poutttsiea extended to mo
luring the post1 year/1
General Mandorson'a litter to Mayor
3oydsaidr "Appointed by Hon. 11.
S. ' Wilbur , mayor of Omaha , to the
jositlon of , city attorney in August ,
.877 , 1 have since tlmt date continued
n that employment through the kind
.pprociation . of Hon. 0. 8. Chase ,
roursolf ( Mayor Boyd ) and the gentle-
non composing the council. During
hose live important years in the
; rowth of the city , its legal business
ias increased largely , and the de-
nands upon the time and labor of its
Attorney are constant. As in duty
found during several years past , I
lave given the municipal affairs my
Mention , in preference to my own
, nd those of personal clients. Theeo
attor less important interests have
iccessarily suffered somewhat , nnd
low demand a degree of care that I
rill be uimblo to bestow nnd con
inuo in oflioial place , "
* * * * *
"For the kind consideration so fro
uontly granted to mo and to my as
ociato , Mr. Oongdon , by you and
our predecessors in oflico.'and the
ontlomon of the city council ,
I am , very respectfully yours ,
ho Ureat Traarodlnn nt Boyd'u Opera
llou.o Next Week.
Mr. Jos. J. Levy , the popular and
Iliciont business agent of Lawrence
arrott , is in the city making arrange-
icnta for the coming appearanceof
Cr. Barrett in this city , at Boyd' *
pora IIouso. Mr. Barrett gives
ireo nights and a Saturday matinee ,
Bearing in his most famous charac-
( . Ou Thursday evening , May Uth ,
10 company , which is the same that
ipportod Mr. Barrett in New York ,
imposed of twenty members , opens
i Uecholoiu. with Mr. Barrett in the
tlo role. On Friday evening , May
2th , u grand double bill will bo pro
nented , consisting of Shakespeare
Merchant of Venice and Kotrartson
three net comudy of "David Onrreck ,
Mr. Barrett acting ns ' 'Shylock" i
the first and "David Garrcck" in tli
stcond. At the Saturday matine *
Lester Wallack's excellent comedy (
"Ilosedalo" will bo given , the ci
gagement closing with "Julius Cat
aar" on Saturday evening.
Who Uo Rode Down In the Montb <
Violets nnd Rnln Drops.
The city physician's report for th
month of April shows a total ot fort ;
five deaths and seventy-seven births
the rising generation getting ahead o
death to the tune of thirty-tiro am
the city's population being that mud
Ihe gainer.
Ages Under C years , 24 ; botweoi
5 and 25 , 4 ; between 25 and 50 , 8
over GO , 8. Four were over 05 year
of age.
Causes-Violence , 2 ; suicide , 1
small pox , 4 ; scarlet fever , 1 ; diph
therift , 1 ; croup , 1 ; fever , 1 ; puerperal
ral disposes , 1 ; inanition , 1 ; alcohol
ism , 1 ; pulmonary diseases , 18 ; hear
disease , 1 ; apoplexy , 1 ; convulsions
5 ; unknown , 1 ; rest scattering.
Interment Holy Sepulchur , 3
Prospect Hill , 18J county , 14 ; re
moved , 3 ; Laurel Hill , 4. Gormai
Catholic , 3.
Male , 23 ; female , 24 ; colored , 4
married , H ; single , 29 ; widowed , 4
Annuil death rata per thouiand
Births White , 75 ; colored , 2
32 ; female , 45" Total , 77.
The Links are Forged to Draw thi
Trunk Lines Into this Cltv.
The following frjm The Ohicngi
Tribune is another proof of theinevit
able , that is , the bringing into thi
city of all the Iowa trunk lines :
"Tho Chicago it Northwestern rail
way announces that it lias , in conneo
tion with the Union Pacific railway
esjabilished .1 fast freight line botweoi
Dhicago nnd Denver nnd other pomti
n Colorado * All Denver freight i
oaded in Chicago in nolid car loads
and goes through to its destinn < iot
without transfer or breaking bulk a
, ho Missouri river The same ia trui
of oast-bound froighf , it being laadct
in solid car loadu in Denver und tut
through to Chicago without transfer ,
Whether this arrangement is duo tc
the construction of an indopendcnl
line to Denver by thd Chicago , J3ur
lington & Qumcy , or whether it is a
general urnuignmunt made with all
the Iowa lines could not bo learned
last evening. The likelihood is , how
ever , that it' ' ia u general arrangement
which applies to all the lines , and thai
it was agreed upon at 'tho'meeting ' of
the Iowa pod held in St. Louis yes
terday. That such is the case is indi
cated by the announcement made by
the Chicago , BnrlingtoiI'&Quincy last
evening thatit'haa'nlso ' established n
fast freight line 'for all pointa'in ' Colorado
rado which ia now in full working
order , and that it givea shippers the
choice of three routes , all of which
make very fast time. This of course
moans that * the Burlington runs itt
fast freight lines over the Union Pa
cific , Kanaas Pacific , and Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fo , its own line tc
Denver having not yet' ' been com
pleted. "
A Prominent Citizen of Utah En
Houto Homo from Washington
Dr. D. Banks McKgnzio , who was
several years ago in this city and engaged
gaged in the work of temperance re
form , came in from the rust Tuesday
and registered ut the Metropolitan.
Since loft Salt Lake Oity , where he
now resides and is one of the most
prominent and respected Gentiles , he
lias made an extended tour in the
east'and spent some titno in Washing
ton city , laboring in the interests of
the polygamy reform bill , doing ox-
: ollont work in the cause. Ho de
livered his lecluw on "Tho , "Philos-
} phy of Reform" before the
: ongrossonal ! committee before
ivhicli the Edmunds bill was
icnt and also delivered the sanio at
loveral eastern cities , the press every-
rvlicre , eulogizing it in the highest
; erma. The doctor is now on route
lo'mo , via Denver , and as ho has never
joforo visited that "Magic City of the
Plains" ho is commended to the good
graces of her citizens as a gentlemen
uid a scholar , as well us ono of the
nest onergotio citizens of Salt Lake
3ity. Ho is un eloquent speaker and
hey will miss a trout if they fail to
nduco him to deliver the lecture
iboye referred to during his stay
ktnong them.
Army Orders.
The following are tlio latest orders
ssuod from the headquarters of the
[ opartmentof the Platte :
Col , Albert G. Brackoit. Third oav-
Iry , ia relieved as member of the
onorul court martial convened ut Fort
' 'rod , Steeio , Wyo. , by paragraph 3 ,
pucial orders No. 30 , current series ,
rom these headquarters.
Sergeant James Sedoro , company I
iixth mfuntry , now at Fort Omaha ,
feb. , will rejoin his company at Fort
) ouglas , U. T.
The quartermaster's department
rill furnish the necessary transporta-
inn , It is impracticable to carry
ookod rations.
The general courts martial conyen >
d at Fort D , A. Russell , W. T , , by
aragraph 3 , special orders " Np. 133 ,
mint Fort MoKinney , "W. T. , by
aragraph 2 , special orders No. 133 ,
dries of 1882 , from those .hcuidquur- .
jrs , are dissolved. ,
Leave of absence for ono month , to
iko ell'oot * Juno 1 , 1882 , with pert
UBsiou to applp to tlio adjutant gen ,
ral of the army for an extension of
iroo months , is granted Captain
b'jlliam WRogers , Ninth intantry ,
The United States Court
Tlio special venire issued Tuesday
om the United States court was re-
iniod yesterday , the grand jury
uly empanelled and charged by Dis-
ict Attorney Lambortson , who gave
them special instructions ns to some <
the matlora which would de'nmnd the
attention , The entire time of tli
court yosUrlny w. 'cc pied with tl
hearing of the iliiiiiiri-r in the case <
the Keystone Hriog. ininpany vs. th
B , it. M. in Nubr-tska.
A Hot Contest for the Secrotaryshl
-No Solution Visible.
The second meeting of the Board c
Educatiod was hold Tuesday , fc
the purpose of balloting for a permn
nont secretary , the candidates boinj
as before , Mr. Clias. M. Connoyci
retiring secretary , and F. J. McShanc
Esq. At Monday night's mooting
cloven ballots had been taken , the respective
spoctivo aides standing Long , Point
and Connoycrvs. Anderson , Forgusc :
and McShano.
It appears that in voting on ono u
those ballots , Mr. Point * , who wa
keeping tally , inadvertently tore 01
from hia tally shoot the iianvo of Me
Shane , when ho meant to take that o
Oonnoyor , and voted it. The rosul
was a surprise party , nnd it is cl.iirr.oi
that the result was announced am
McShano declared elected before th
mistake was discovered. A motion ti
reconsider was made nnd carried by i
vote bf four to two , Ferguson votinj
for reconsideration. McShano virtu
tually acquiesced in this action b ;
voting on subsequent ballots.
Tuesday McShnno presented hi
bond nnd claimed the election , on tin
Arength of Points' mistake , but tin
bond was refused. Ho then deelarec
his intention to carry the case inti
the courts nnd claimed at least tin
position of temporary secretary.
It being decided that McShnno luu
been elected temporary secretary fo
but ono evening , the board proccodet
to ballot for a temporary secretary
Connoyer being elected by a vote o
four to two.
The president declined to rule 01
the disputed ballotof Monday evening
Four ballots were taken for pcrma
nent secretary , with the same resul
ns on Monday night , and thi
board finally adjourned to meet at f
o'clock Thursday ovenins.
McShnne , who claims the eleetior
ns permanent secretary , has securec
possession ot the teauhors' pay rol
and will retain it. This will prevent
the paying oil of the teachers and
janitors to-day. Ho claims to be
acting under legal advice. The fighl
haa become a very interesting ono ,
and no settlement appears possible ex
cept by the election of an outsider.
They Cannot Afford to Raise the
Woges of Plaaterers Higher.
Ono of the prominent contractors
in the city called at TUB BEE office
yesterday to make a statement in
regard to the atriko of the plasterers
for a raiae of wages from § 4.50 to § 5.
The men claim that at the time of the
recent labor troubles their wages were
raised to $4.50 with the promise
that their demand of $5 per day would
be fully complied with on May 1st , on
wiiich day they failed to como ta
The contractor ( states that at the
time of the March strike they vol
untarily raised the rates to § 4.50 pci
day , which is all they can nflbrd nt
the price under which their contracts
are taken. This is he claims higher
than the ruling rates elsewhere in
cities of this size , and unless the men
nro willing to work at ruling figures
it willbe impossible to do any building.
Ho further says that there
are more plasterers in the
city than they would make out ,
and that all but the union men nro
willing to work at present rates. Ho
does not desire to send away for plas
terers , nor yet.can he pay § 5 and go
on with his contracts. His ( inn raised
the price of day lubor io $2 nmoim
their men who do heavy work for the
brick-layers and plasterers at the lime
uf the labor troubles , nnd they are al
ways willing to pay living prices and
io the best they can by their men ,
uid this fact they think ought to be
1 Plurality of The Nome of Sherman
That la 'Not ' Doelraplo.
The great object in having the
itrpets in a city named is to furnish it
juido , by means of which different
) laces can bo located. For this very
eason it is evident that no two streets
hould boar the same name or
lumber , Sherman is undoubtedly
. good name , bat it is al-
nest too much of a good
hing when there wore two avenues
nd ono street , in this city , known
> y that namo. Sherman avenue , No.
, is a continuation of Sixteenth
treot , and , it is claimed , is the best
ntitled to the name , by reason of
taving first adopted it.
From unknown reason' the people
esiding on St. Mary's avenue , in the
icinity of its interstotion with Park
venue , have changed the name to
Iherman avonuo. Wo do not pretend to
ay to whem the name belongs ox-
lusively ; but we do say that it is a
roat inconvenience to thu public
Ve have heard a great many com
laints from people who have been
ent to either ono locality or the other
nly to discover that they wore on
Iruly in the wrong place. To add
till riioro .to the confusion there is n
herman street running between 18th
nd 20th streets , parallel to Paul.
! von when ono is known as an avenun
nd the other a street there will be
lany mistakes made by people who
0 not happen to bo well acquainted
ith the city.
Farewell Party In Liberty Hall.
Liberty hall , on Burt street , west
t the military bridge , was filled to
t'orflowing Tuesday , the event being
birthday'and farewell party given to
fr. J. 0. Groenawalt , a young man
ho 1ms been active in the many
leasnnt part tea that have bean hold
1 the hall during the past winter and
ho' is about to leave for his old homo
i the east. Fifty-six couples were
resent , and the Coach-whip band
irmshed the music. Dancing con
tinued until 2 o'clock in the morning
nnd when the parly broke tin it w >
with tlio very best wishes for the wu
faro of the young friend who is abet
to leave.
Never Too Late to Mond.
The . J. Arden , vVillimn Street , Jvai
Buffalo , writes : "Your SPIIINO ULOSHO
lmi worked on mo splendid. I hati D
appetite ; used to sleep badly nnd get n
in the morning unreftcslicu ; my oreat
wag very offensive and I suffered froi
severe hendftchrs ; lnco using your Snrin
Ulosiom nil the e symptoms have vaniohe
ami I fel quite well. " Price fin centi
trial buttles lOc. 2S-dlw
Nervous weakness , dyipcpsla , Imp *
tcnce , sexnfcl debility , cured byVelli
Health Keaiwer. " SI. Depot nt C. I
DOIlMAN-May 3 , at the house of Chai
Dormnn , Jnmes llnmmond Uormat
son of Dwight Donnan , c
Sjucijer , Iowa , In hli thirty-firs
3 ear.
HKODINO'S { HUBSU Salvo , boot famll ;
salve in tlio world , and excellent for atabl
. 25 cU.
NOT1CK Adicrtlsuneiit lo Loan , Kor Sail
Lo3t , Found , WanU , Boarding , be. , wlir be In
sertcd In these colnmm 'once for TEN CENT
per line ; each s-ibsiiu ( ii5 Insertion , FIVECENT
| > cr line. The lift Insertion never lew tha ,
TO.VBY TO LOAN Call tt Law Uince of 9
M llosmB Cro'.abton lllcck.
KA A'nrkTO l-OAft At d per rentln
0U Ul/U terebt In mms.ol 2,600 am
up tird ; , for B to G ycJtre , on Brst-clas ? city am
farci projicrty. BKXIS litAt Fmii nl
Au tcr , ICth oiid Dem-las St :
rTIO t.OAV In sums to suit uorrowcr , no banus
JL O 11 ISallou. attorney , room 6 , Unloi
Bltck 972-9
: Glrlforgi > ncralhouse\vo.k. 81 0
WANTiD ton competent girl , nl-tonnun
plrl or tccond girl. Apply at BJUth-cast conic
tf JUt and Calllornlx 97S-3'
A i oed dining-room plrl a1 llcln
WANTED Restaurant lorocr ISthand Jirttoi
"trcet. 971-G *
ANTED A man and woman ( husband nni
: wile preferredlo work on mrm.
078-5 A. J. I C PPLETON.
\ girl fir peneral housework
WAVTKD be agocd cook , two In family. Cal
nt 1713 Ch street & 7C-6f
\i ANTED Olrll2to 15 3CUD old , todoligh
' hou e or > t. South o t corner 19 < nni
Karnam street. 99-Gf
A llrtt cUds ulrl forgmcril houit
WANTED Inn small f.vrilj noclilhlrrn. In
qulrcat 200)Cass ( trcct. Osfi tf
A good laundress. St Charles
WANTED , Ilarn j street. 991-4
ANTED First and s ° cond cook at t-t
w Charles Hotel. - 99) 4
A wed cablnet-m-xkcr 141U ,
WANTED tt'tet. 0703
A Ulning-room girl at the Eramel
WANTED i , . oas-st
ANTED A cooirctont Rlrl in a a rail family.
W N. E. corner 23r 1 nnd Webster 963-tl
A steady industrious girl tot
WANTED homework , nt 1711 Jackson st.
20 men to work' In stone quarry ,
WANTED , Employment Agent , llth
street near Farnam. 960-41
GO rallrcad men. U. Mannwcilcr ,
WANTED 981-4 *
* TED 10 teams ; wa es 84.00. II. Mann-
WA writer , Employment Agen , llth street
near Faiiam , 002-41
W'ANTED A girl to do general house wm k In
a family of two , must wash and iron well.
Apply at 141t > Shernnn avc. 959-6t
tTCTANTED Immediately a flnst-ratc sand brick
YV moulder. Good wage * to n good man.
Yard 1Mb street nnd llelhuc Road.
055 0 * LOHENZDIBBLr. .
WANTED Immediate a good girl for gen
eral house ork , nt 415 K 20th ttreet , be
tween Chicago nnd Cass. C. B. M XWELL.
WANTED- tailorcs * . Ap.ily nt 1220
Farnam street. ' & 2S-3
A First-class chambermaid at the
City Hotel. F Wlrth. 894-tf
Good girl at 1QW North 10th St.
W IANTED D'nlngroom glrla the Crcl hton
House. _ fi07-tf
4 YOUNQ LtDY-Wa'its i. tltiutlon 'aa > or.
\ . ernis orcoinpanlm ton ladv.cnndoplain
iewng ) ; good penman nil ur address L. , 833
South 17th street , Omoha Neb 981-4f
V7ANTED A position as a bostler and to do
Y Y work around the house , by a colored m.n.
Address 0. X. Y. . Bee office. 977-3f
Situation by a young ! 'mantas
WANTED ; wlUlng to make himself wcinL , Ad
Ireee K , F. Bee office. 985-4
\Tt7ANTED Situation as housekeeper or nuree.
VV Call at 703 , 16th ttreet , two doors north of
Vebsterst * 049
Toient-byMarMth.bya gen
tleman and wife , three furnished rooms
or light housekeeping. Rent not to exce < f
18.00 per month. Address II , L.C , , Bee'offlce
tTTANTED 600 privy vau.ti , sinks And cess
VY pools to clean with sanitary Vault and
link Cleaner , the best In UP * A. Evans & Co.
oldenco 1206 Dodge street , Omaha.
ITT ANTED 8 unfurnished rooms for wauui.d
VV lfe , mutt be moderate la price. Ad
teas U. Ik'Q QtHce. 297-tf
it bridge and ncbool bonds ,
T Clark ' lleroe. SB-M
[ T7ANTEU To sell a barber ihop , good lo-
YV cation , good business , satisfactory reasons
r itlllng. Inquire nt 117 S. 15th street , Omaha
ITTANTED 4 children as boarders In a select
YV school , at 19th and Cillfornla St L. B.
raOR ItENT liouse of tlx rooms ( or pirt
L1 same ) with p ntry , c osetj , solt and Jard
'tttr ' , Ac. S016 Pierce near ZOth street. 9SO-e
HO REKT-Furnlihed room N , E. cornerlOth
L and Douglas. ' ( 954.5
' "
[ 7OR.S.EIJT-.Il0i1re't' fl near
. nnltth t'rij e. t of 16 hrftt. \ . rent
" ' ' "V " " ' l * ' "
oFn7rmhTn"d Ho.'nrS ; ,
J10K RENT Furnished roomn suitable for
1 bousekeepln ? . Jnnulrs at K. W , corner
th and Clark HreeU. 3 ,
OK.'i ' NT Atnu * < J0' d * roon.B. Kniiulro
of Thee , E f , mrrer 16ih and Chicaio
" - . , - * 6 < i-tf
RiajT An unl.iri lnVol rwu rn nr
n m street It twffn Irt | and i7tt. Ko. 809
70IIRBST-A nltc innlihed roorn' . 172
- Douli street ,
70R UE.NT Two fum ! h d rooiniln a nrltat
: houM , at 1011 South llth str et'one 'ilocl
om the depot. S \ > i io.4
UKN'T-furnUhed room * at 1004 Dodge
_ .
7IOR RBKT FuriilthcJ rooms suitable for tw o
: Kentlc-mcin , Aorth-wwfcorner'aoti Ifcad
pott ItENT Store and butcher shop , S E.
' corner ISth and Chicago. Inquire ai MOK.
len Lucai , dmlnl'lri.tcr of tie utate tf K C
KM. -
RENT A sulto of nicely fumUhcd room
FOR rent. S. E.corner 20th and Dacnpo
itrrcti , 061-U
IjlOlt LB1SE AIS2R njcar , sotcrnl nice rod
I drnce lots nctr 2 ih street nnd St. Mary'H ave.
018-tf W 11. BARTtRTT , Real KeUto Afrcnt.
mO RENT Ono lirgo nirnl h d rccin , with
L board , ( n ( Irs. floor , OMtslio intrant c. 1E03
Qillfornatt. S < 7-tf
.Hfll Ab ll * ( UtlllflUdiU1KU9 MB
.hanti'Kxchacje.N. P. ccr. Iflthtu- , < > n\g
linNT Mccly furnished rooms with or
FOU board lleivion&ble prlcrt. 2C1S
l/Oll HALI- House t.f six tooni , and lot tOx
JU 220 , Just north of 16th street brlcUc , and
ono hunilrud fort cast of IRth street In Hor-
bach's addition ( SOO. abtrgiln but must t * sold.
0-8U 0 rncr 12thand llowtrd.
SALE- restaurant at a bargain , H.
Full oiler , llth street near Farnam.
939 U
BALE A srnll orrnn In too ] order ,
FOR . . Inqu rcatril , 13th tr > ct , be
tween Ltnvcnwortti and Jonis. 974-0 *
IT10H8ALE At a bargain n two seated lamlly
JL bug.'l Inquire ? ! ! , 13'h ttrect , between
LCAicnworth and Jonei. 073 6t
SLK Kent eottago ol five rooms , barn ,
FOR tll , ami clrtorn , on 2JrJ street noir Cali
fornia , nt $1,400 , easy termMcCagua opposite
postomcc- . P8Mf
OR SALE A fjst-clns top burpy , at 1319
F llarnoy street. Of6-4t
SALE Five now milk rowa In town , for
FOIl by C. Frrdf rlcV-on , cAre of A. J. Qvis-
gard , 314 South 13lh slrcit , Onuha , .Veb. '
SALE HOUPO 21x10 , kitchen 12x16 be
tween 14th nnd 15'h n Hurt tticot , north
side. Inqullo on the ) ir-mlv s tl.'O 4
SALE About Sil ttti-jenr old ilrapo
Vlnts. 'nquire ol ! ! . Q. CLA K ,
ral-Jt 1403 UoimlM St.
H1CK KOK SALK-Fiank Elmendorf , Pa-
clfto JUncllon , 1cm a. 022-3
SALK N'rw cottajr anil tuo-thlril lot on
EOf Pnik Wlldc Avenue In b uth Onuha , only
$1800. Good thanco for rallroul mon who want
to reside netir depot McC.nguj'ojr. postoQice.
l)01-tt )
SAIiK Good houto and lot , nt 1235 South
FOR street second house north ot Williams
street. 892-lOf
Ono Fjun of nmree , onocsw , nnil
FOHiSALE . Inqureof Ulcn Lucas corner
13th ftnd Chicago nts. 802-tf
M the BOYS' H01IK. Tills hou o Is co -
Dolly located , his sou h and cant fronr and In
Burronndld w th flno tha lo trees ! cent Ins'hlrty
8 < cplne rooms , has Ice lieu c laundry , sitnplo
room , &c. Ha < anorld Ou rcputntlo nnd &
better patron" ge \ hun niaiij housta ol tv-lco Its
( apaclty. 1'rlcc Ji.noo ' 'or j'art'cu i.r < aJ-
diuw , A. A. S.VWDEY , lied Clou.i , liib
' 8A' E 200 cho-e ) loMIn HniKcom Place ,
FO'l . It Bartlett , Kcal Estate Affeat. 317 S.
13th Btreet. S33-t { 1
BALE A gt od ecrner lot on Dee -e and
FOH street , nn\cry fAkt grcmliip t rt of
the city , will divide. Inquire -'lO'-cnth 2dth
street , near farnnM.llo c'a & HtU'a addition.
820.1m 3
SALE Oi'pepanof hor-cn , > wo spring
FOU nnd t oet < if double har ' s. In-
qulio Ellen Lucas , administrator of
of E. 0. Lucas , Lorncr 13th and Chicago nw.
iOO-t <
HALUO-1 RENT A two (2) ( ) story fr mo
build tig 2lxCO. N. E. corner 22nd and.
Cumlng street. Inquire al 'Krug's Western
Brewery. 761.
r OH SALE 20 lots bear Ifanscom JVrk. west
JD of Park Avenue. 84EO to 8000 each. Mo-
f. I'ObtolBcc. " 671 U
SALE House ol 4 or G rooms and cor
ner lot on 10th and Mason $1,600. iJcCajue
opp , nostoffice. 688-tf
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 8S2
FURY . S. H. B. " , winner of priio t State
fair. Stands for service vt Nebraska FouKry
Vards , West Omuhi. Graham i * . Browne ,
_ _
SALE One second-hand 2G horse powe
FOR , good na newal o two 8 borne ixwer
and two.lfi horse pouer engines , new. Boilers
3f all sizes , new. Inquire Omaha Pou > dry > n
Uachlne Co.U. P By. bet 17th and 18th omaha
TJJOR SALE Or will exch ( re for Omaha pro-
JC I Iperty , an Improved sec on of land odjoln-
ag a station on U. P. R. B. M. DUNHAM , Itll
t. , Omaha. 720 Bmt
BRICK FOR SALE 812.00 per 1000.T. Murray
ALEO HAY At A. U. Sander1 Feed 8to
1013 H-irn..v Jt.
r\REBSMAKING And all kinds of fimlly
\J \ s.wlriif , done tery cheap on Jackson trroe
312. ti&j.3t
_ J
PARTIES Wliowlsh to adopt or\taKo \ inboard
a 14 days olJlglrl baby , may iall at 1S03
'allfornlastrctt. iC7-5f
&OK REWARD-For l&fornntlon leading to
B/VL > the discovery of a t un icnrc about thir-
e n years old , weight l.OOOpounds To have
o.t Uat of Marth. Strajcd or stolen from Gen-
va Feb Otb , 1862. Addrets.
927-8" Geneva , Flllrnoro tount ) , q eb.
PARTIES wanting flrst'chu Hcamluialvarihelp
call at Flodrnan and EkblidV.Biok aad
tatlonery Store , 203 N , 17th street
VfKSC. . A. ILLtdON-Electro Magnetic
Jl Heabr , also baslnou and medical Ciolr-
pyant. Paycbonntic readtnga.and irealment
lyen. dally from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. C\n b.can -
ailed by letter , wnd name , ago , nnd lock ol
air etc , with J2.00 consultation lee. No. 2013
* ss St. , Omaha , Neb. 793 jm
street- near Farpam. Busincjii 1 ou e3.
trmeri i and families can ba supplied with
etent help. Any graue ol employment , l.all-
? aanp Mining outflts on short notice F , D.
olte , Emplnj ment 'Agent. 664. i m" '
1 AYE RENT-Choice ol 20 full lots to leaae
3 near Crelghtcn College for $25 par year
exter L. Thomas t Bro. , Room 8 , Crei/nto.
lo H- . ' 205-tf
_ _
[ O.NALIST , 493 Tenth Etruet , bctwtiii i K uu
'd ' " " \ rWill , with the aid of guardian
ilrlts , obtain for tny ono a slancs at tj p tj
id present , and on corUIn rnnrtltlonf In thu ia.
iro. Booto nd Moi.-i . mUi > ta tnter , I'nrleo
' cCon fu r uteed AU.f..J > .
I' '
9 T
- w ne of P
, . , r-
hpltoro neM. More eeono-
l tlun the ordinary Vlndi , and cannot ke
powder '