Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1882, Page 6, Image 6
Hi * ' mt rr -nr - r THE DAlLf JBER COUNCIL BLUEFS. IOWA THURSDAY MAT 4 , Ib82. The Daily Bee. COUHGIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning M vy 4. BUDSOHIITION HATES ! H Carrier , - - - - - 20 cent * per wr k , flj-ilall , - - - - - - - 81000pcrVc r. Office : No. 7 Pearl Street , Nonr Brondwrvy. 0. E. MAY.NE , Nunxpct CltjCirculation. . H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS , Arranpcm nts are soon to be made for observing Decoration Day here. Jo cph Belter makes Mill * up in the latest ftyles at 310 Broadway. aprl4-t ( Broadway Methodist church Is soon to bo improved by having Rtainod windows placed It } Its front. The official * of the K. C , railway were in the city yesterday , arranging for the St. Paul to enter at thn transfer depot. The anti'prohtbitionists have arranged for n mass meeting on Friday evening , May 10th , at which some stirring speeches are expected , The nollce do not Bicm able yet to find Ed , McCarthy , who Is wanted to answer tn the charge of doing norao wild shooting the other night. Take your ice from the Blue Wanon * . Orders taken at J. T. Oliver's and nt Jones Bri'5 * Krocery. Mullhollaml fc Co , , successors to D , F. Eichcr. ap29tf ! Base ball playing i < getting common crcn on the main directs , and glazlera are profiting thcteby. Yesterday G , H. Beard lout it front window onl'earl Direct. Nelllu Long , who wai sentenced to Jill for larceny , U now iclcascd. It ap pears that that is only < an alias , and that she I * the daughter of a merchant in DM Moinc * , who lias doubtless uro thU lout all trace of his wayward c'lrl. Th board of education have decided to employ Mr. Mnxon ru the atchltcct for building a ncliool house In Hall'rf iiddltlon , and to adopt his plans for the tame , nub- ject to such modification ! ) and changes as the board may BCD proper to suggest. The funeral tervices of the Iato Win. McFnrhme were held yesterday afternoon and were lately attended by hid follow firemen lu full uniform , and by many frlendi. Hev. 13 , F. Bronco conducted the servicci * . T ) e Juveullu band furnished appropriate music for the procession ac companying the icinalns , The revolver with which McGee xhot and killed I etc Washington in now in the possession' of the colored man on Mills itreot , who tried in ruin the other night to find It to shoot a young follow who was no- croted in hit stop-daugliturV rooms. It in mid that if the girl had not secreted the weapon , another' tragedy tnight have oc curred. The girl , whotu lover had such a narrow escape , is said to be the lame ono over whom the row occurred which ended in Washington's death. Yesterday afternoon a pleasant wed. ding occurred at the residence of Mr. A. Slytor. The contracting parties were Mr. D. J. Dickinson and Miss Ollle Mace , n cousin'of Mrs. Slyter , There were present only the relatlrcs and a few intimate friends , and the ceremony was performed by Il v. F , F , Bresee. Mr. and Mrs. IHckindOn are both from Eldora , where they are employed ai teachers in the re form school. Each has many friends who will join heartily in congratulations and A chance for charity Is reported In the First waid. The family reside on Broadway east of the Methodist church , And consist of an old man , his wife and nix or aovcn children , the oldcut being about fourteen. The old man is confined to his bed by Illness , an i the woman Is kept husy caring for him. The children Imvo had the tneailes , and two of them have had a relapse which causes them to need special care. The family la thus rendered worse than help ! us. The old man has lived here a number of yoari , and is sober and indue- trlouB , and until his sickness has ulwaya been nble , with what his wife could earn by waHhing , to eke out a livelihood for his family. Now they are reported as being very needy , and desiring of some asilnt- once to help them over the present bare aleddlng. PERSONAL. Ji C 'Perrlgo , an old Northwestern con T ductor , wns yesterday at the Ogden , W. 0. Ellis and wife , of Mtiiouri Val ley , were yesterday at the tigden house. K. A. Babcock , the well known attor j ney of Avoca , was visible upon the streets yesterday. Mrs , A. O , Brown and daughter , of St. Lonls , are in the city , expecting to remain for a time In hopes of bettering the daugh ter'a health. They are now stopping at the Ogden. Do not forget the sale of short horns , to bo hold nt the Driving Park in Council Ulull'-j on Friday next at 2 p. m. See advertisement. J. F. Hart will offer for sale at aame time and place seven head of choice pedigreed females , muy3-3t To the Temperance Woricora ofPotUv- wattomlo County. Every township in the county that has not already done BO is requested to hold a meeting at the earliest pos- aiblo day and appoint a township pro hibitory amendment committee of three , the names of which should bo "reported to L. W. TulloyB , secretary of the executive committee , Council 'Bluffs. ' The friends of temperance are re W quested to , act promptly and send in these names at onco. ' a7-4t EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. / . Grand opening of Paris millinery at Lk 0. Arbuthnot'a , 440 Broadway , Friday 'and Saturday , May 6th and : r Oth. The latest stylus for spring and ' Bummer in'drotM-making und trim- mlnge , ' inay2 { it * " ' ' Satlafttctory. Mrs , 'Wn'lace. Billfold , N. Y , writes : "I have 'used BimnocK BLOOD BITTEUH i fl for nervous and bilious headache * , and have recommended them to my Iriends ; I believe them superior to any other medi cine -Have' ueed , * and can recommend tbwu to anyone requiring a , f-nj./Bi'/vi > t Hirarn Brown , of Newton , dropped dead of heart disease o.j the 8th ult. A BOARD OF HEALTH. The Council Is thus Organized and Qlvon Power to Act. Undur the present law the mayor and aldermen constitute the board ol health of the city , and nro in duly bound to organize M such in Mny and hold another mooting in November. A opocial meeting can bo called at any time , but the regular meetings are in May and November , and an annual report inunt bo made in the latter month. In accordance with this law the council of this city has organized a board of health , but has not yet appointed a physician as authorized by the statutes. Power is given thin board of health to abate any nuisance , or remove any building so declared. They can , on bulng satisfied that a nuisance exists in any building , enter naid building and oxntnino its condi tion. They can require buildings , houses , collaro , etc. , to bo cleaned up , and have full control over thu care of contagious diseases. The law pro vidcs for penalties for thosu failing to obey the mandates of the board. In abating a nuisance a notice is served , und any ono thus maintaining a nui Banco must romovn the causa of complaint - plaint within the time sot , or bo sub ject to a penalty of $20 for every twenty-four hours which it remains after that lime. In the case of many alleys in the city thin gives the bnftrd of health ample opportunity to show their power for the public good , and in view of the penalty of $20 a day _ , there would bo few who would honi- iato to clean up after being told to do BO. BONNY BONNETS. They Draw the Attoutton of Many LadloB , and Mnlco a Brilliant , Display. The afmouncomont of the summer opening at 131 IBS' well known mil linery establishment , No. 328 Broad way , IH causing many ladioa to visit that emporium of fruition , and the brilliancy of the display certainly merits the many words of praise hoard on all aides. There uro many articles of rare beauty and taste ex hibited , and the variety is so great than ono cannot but find "just the handsomest yet. " The display of im ported bonnets and hats io ono which is a credit to the city , and certainly entitles the establishment to the rank of ono of the moat enterprising in the west. There is n charming dis play of flowers and trimmings , and in extent it is almost marvelous. Then there ore fnnoy articles for the bou doir , neckwear in great variety , and a multiplicity of unique and beautiful articles to tnuko a lady's toilet com plete in fashion and in good tasto. It is not to bo wondered at that ladies swarm the place , and compliment freely. It is ono of the finest ever aeon horo. FINES AND FINDINGS- How They Were Flxod In the Courts Yesterday. Eddie Cole , the boy who was ar rested for throwing a switch and ditch ing some cam and an engine , was before - fore Judge Ay ] osworth yesterday. It Boomed to bo a case of boyish playful- neat , rather than any act of maliciousness - ness , and was the result of boys frolic- ing about the railway yards. The judge sentenced the boy to ton days in jail , at which the youthful face presented a badly frightened look , but it was quickly followed by a sigh of relief Tthou informed that the sontonoo would bo suspended on condition that ho should keep away from the rail ways , and chooao other ploy grounds , but that if ho broke thi < s promise ho would have to servo hin timo. The boy promised good and strong , and was allowed to go. If some other boys had a like sentence hanging ever their heads it might do much toward breaking up the practice of lounging and playing about the tracks and cars. Thomas Graham was thrown in the balances and weighed out as a nimplo 87 drunk. John Gannon for fast and reckless driving'upon the streets and ever the bridges was fined $3 and osts. Qoorgo Jones , a colored man , was urrostoa on the complaint of a dusky maiden named Mary Hull , who is a denizen of the rookery next to 'the Bryant hoiuo. She claimed that Jones had insulted her on the strooti. Jones' story was that ho was walking with a frioud when they mot her. His friend was acquainted with the girl and saluted nor with "Hollo , baby , " and the girl laughed and re plied so good-naturedly that lie con cluded to call her " " "baby" too. It proved too too for the dusky maiden , and she wouldn't ' have it. The first policeman aho could find was sent aitor Jonoa und ho was locked up , The caso.was hoard yesterday after- need and the prisoner discharged , for which ho seemed duly gratotul and promised to lot the woman alone after this. this.John John Welch was arrested yesterday for being drunk. Young Holman , charged with smash ing windows in the Garner school house and in Mrs. Scolield's residence , was before Justice Abbott yesterday , The cases were settled by his paying costs , and also repairing all damages , thisjonionoy being shown on account ot his previous character and the fact that he was drunk at the time. Still another cltargo was against him , that of assaulting a boy , und ho was placed under bonds of $100 to appear in thirty days. Ho also gave bonds to keep the peace hereafter. Inaooent Nan Hanged. National Associated 1'resa LAKEDO , Tor. , May 3. In Jalisco , Mexico , yesterday AniaUllan , u poor peasant , was taken out and uhot with out trial. The cause was stolen stock found in lua field. Amatallau was afterwards - terwards proved innocent. Bob Ford in Chicago. Watloual Auociated I'rcM. OifiuAOO , May y. Bob Ford , whoso notoriety roots on the fact tlwt lie is 'ho sluyer of Jesse James , is alleged to bo in the city , having arrived from the wcit Iato ! u t night. THE POM. TAX. Kvon n Man's Shirt Is Liable to beTaken Taken If It Is Not Paid , The poll tax Hut is made out , and is in the hands of the newly elected collector , David Mattaz , who will proceed at oncp to gather in the ducats. The tax has been fixed at $3 , which must bo paid in cash , or in labor on the streets , two days' work being required in lieu of cash , thoal lowanco being $1 50 per day. The provisions of the law are very strin gent , and if there is any neglect or refusal to pay , a judgment can bo se cured for double the amount , that is , lor $ G , and cott * of action , and an ex ecution issued. There is nothing , in fuel , exempt from execution for non payment of poll tax. If a man has a ( tingle day's wngcs duo htm , it can bo gnrnisliccd , and if ho has any personal property whatever , even if it bo no more than a shirt , it can be boizcd , The framora of the law seem determined - mined that no pnu shall escape pay ment , and while the law will not probably bo thus strictly carried out , yet it behooves a man to Bottle promptly in view of ouch possibilities. IOWA ITEMS. Croaton has seven policemen. Gritinoll 1m nn more small pox. Moasloa itto epidemic iti Muacatittu. Sioux county han no more mimll pox. pox.Olarinda hus a now ho'el , the Lind- ( . rinan. O.vlliupu will soon have a Methodist church. A national bunk has been organized at Stuart. The DCS Moines coal minors are threatening to strike. Timothy hay sold in Orcston last Saturday at $17 a ton. The Vail Observer is four years old nnd is a healthy HuwkoC. Five uhndred trees have just boon set cut in the public park at Tail. Ksnox dealers in options recently pocketed $20,000 on deals in corn. lliduoway has f rmcd a citizens' co operative association "for the good of the town. " The Congregationists at Storm Like liavo purchased a'lot and will erect a church udifico. Linn , Jones mid Dolawuro counties exported $4,000,000 worth of butter und chcuao last year , 0. J. Bjoorgren , of Fremont town ship , 1'a o county , suicided on the 20th ult. Partial insanity caused by sick ness. ness.Ono Ono evening a week ago , the entire population of Esaox , alarmed by the increasing wind , took refuge in collars expecting a oyclone. P. G. Parmontor , an old citizen of Clinton , dropped dead from a chair after breakfast the other day. Paral ysis was the cause of death , Mrs. Morrison , of Eagle Grove , has commenced legal proceedings against two saloon men of that place for $5- 300 damages for Belling liquor to her liusband. A law wont into effect April first , providing that a chattel mortgage must bo recorded within thirty days after its execution to remain valid af ter that time. In Linn county the ether diy a man named Gillespio was digging t\ well when it raved in and buried him ilivo. It took ever twenty-four hours to recover the body. The city council of Logan has noti- led thu Northwestern railroad com- iany that its trains must not obstruct iwy street of that place for more than ivo consecutive minutes. The body of Samuel Henderson , ivho won drowned in Cedar river noir Yinton last fall , was not found until ho 25th ult. A reward of $500 had joen offered for the recovery. The proposition of the Brush itloc- , ric light company to Dubuque is to 'urniah light equal to 50,000 candles , ; o bo thrown from eight towers , rang ing in height from 125 to 150 foot each. each.At At the present meeting of the Iowa United Presbyterian Presbytery at Ainsworth the proposition to admit the use of instrumental music in church aorvico was voted down by 17 to 12. 12.Harlan Harlan broke up its only . 'house o ill fame the ether day , and when its keeper was arraigned any number df iblo-bodiod citizens took it into their heads it was a good tnno to go a hunt ing. Greenfield Transcript. On the night of the 20th ult. two Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul freight trains collided at Halo , near Oxford Junction , owing to a fog. Both engines and ono car were smashed , but no ono was hurt. John Vedo , of Clayton county , has boon married twonty.ono years and is the father of twonty-ono living chil dren , besides having lost five by loath. During the twenty-one years his wife gave birth to thirteen pair of twins. The Grinnoll & Montezuma railroad lias boon sold to the Iowa Central , at a valuation of $27,000 per mile , payable - able $15,000 per nitlo in oomm n stock of the Central company , and 912,000 in six per cent , bonds of the same company. Harry Wilderman , need 14 , was shot dead by Jesse Do Eox , the Biunu ge ( at Glonwood last Friday. Tito killing seems to have boon uninten tional , but the coroner's jury decided to hold Do Fox responsible and ho will stand trial. THE CODFISH. Bill Nyo'a Tribute to the Qualities of this Well Known Character , Tliu Uoonicranir. This tropical bird seldom wings his way BO far west as Wyoming. Ho loves the sou breezes and the humid atmosphere of the Atlantic ocean and when isolated in this mountain climn pine for his native homo. The codfish con not sing , but is prized for hirf beautiful pluuiuao and seductive odor. . \ The codfish of commerce is devoid sf digestive apparatus and is moro or loss permeated with salt. . Codfish on toaat'is-not aa expensive u quail on toast. The codfish ball is made of the shattered remains of the adult codfish mixed with the tropical Irish potato of commerce. The codfith has a great wealth of glad unfettered snnlo. When ho Ituighs at anything ho has that same wide waste of mirth and back teeth that Mr. Talmago has. The Wyom ing codfish is generally doad. Death in most cases is the result of expos ure and loss of appetite. No one can look at the codfish of commerce and not shed a tear. Far from homo , with his system filled with calt , while his internal economy i gone , there is an air of sadness and homsicknosa and briny hopelessness about him that no one can see unmoved. It is in our homo lifo , however , that the codfish makes himself felt and re membered. When ho enters our household , wo fool his aM-pcrvading presence , like the perfume of wood violets or the odor of a dead mouse in the piano. Friends may visit us and go away to bo forgotten with the advent of u new face , but the cold , calm , silent corpse of thu codfish cannot bo forgotten. Its chastened influence pormeats the ui- tire ranch , It steals into the purler like an unbidden guest , and fhyors the costly curtains and the highpricocl lambrequins. It enters the dark closet and dallies lovingly with your stvallow-tail coat. It gooa into your filueping apartment and mnkva its homo in your glove box and your handkerchief case. That ii why wo say that it is ft sol emn thin ; : to tnkn the lifnof a codfish. Wo would not do it. Wo would pBd ! him by a thousand f.imos , no matter how ferocious he might bo , rather than to take his lifo und have our oinu : hup- py homo haunted forever by his un holy presence. Ic Heads the List Uf nil other lucpaiutions or medicine ! . In disc ? of naus-u , headache , dlzzint'st or irregtilarllleH tit the fyntcin , BuhDOCK BLOOD BITTKKS Imve no equal. They never fail in nflorJIng immediate relief. Price 31.00. 28-Hlw COUNCIL BLUFFS SPEClAl NOTICES. .NOTlL'K. apoclal tulvcrtlficmeiitB , such M lout , Hound , To IxHin , for Sale , To Kent WantH , Hoarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In this column at thu low rnto of TKN CENTS 1'KK LINE for the first Insertion anil FIVE OKNT * PKK I/LVK ( or c4rh nul c < iucnt Insertion Leave ndv ertUomontfl nt our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , Wants. "ANTKD Twoeirls at thu Western Hotel w immediate ! } . luayU-llt * wWANTED A No. 1 punts maker. WANTED JnsM'u MFHT.ii , Council Bin IT. ) . - l.v ft boy 2 j ear * old , WANTED-Sllnatloa ? citt c.ddrres Mrs. t > . A. Klnir , Council lulls. muy--3t Boarders bv day or week. Furnished WANTED nished rooms , MO 4'h ' sticit. arirl-Q Ot \TrAXTKD Everybody In Council Bluffe Is YV to take TUK Hr.r. , 20 cents per neck , ili > Ilvorccl by carriers. Oflicc , No 7 L'earl Street * near Ilroadwav. To buy 100 tons broom corn WANTED address Council Bind1 Broom Factory , Council BluSn , Iowa. 658-29U For Sale and Rent BEN r I'art or whole of nice residence , FOK will loll on easy terma. > pply ut Po3 nfllco. m )2-tf SALK Black and whltu Sott-r pup , by FOU Doyle Courcll Illugj. la. my2Ml' T710B RENT Front roam , furnished or un- Jj furnished , wither without board. 7th struct between Mh und Bth'avo. TYr.ER CUMMING8. RENT Two pleasant rooms In Ncry de sirable location , either furnished or urifnrn. lehed ; suitable for ladles or gentlemen , aprll-tf J. W. BQUiHE & CO. SALE Beautiful residence .otn. $00 fOU : nothing down , and SJptroionth only. EX-MAYOIt VAUOHAN np3-tf ! _ _ _ _ RENT Uechtell's Hotel , tnlddlo Uroad- EOll , Council D'ufls , Iowa ; Is a well-known iso ; neat location In thu city Stajiln In cluded. Call on or uddrem _ uddremPETER DECHTCLL. 17OK BALK Wclhcrfrund , or Wonwn'B K Krlond , the ( treat lirmmn dhooverv. roflltlrocuru for feroa'o weakness In all it ) varlouB formaand stagn' . At nprlH 1m _ DE'fAVK.N'S UmrStnre RENT Funil hcd rooms , s. w. cor , 6th Ell . and llth ttrcci. ur rl8-iw ! * IICNT. Two S20 liouse nTd one * tore , EOIl lironclwaj. Apul ) aprtl-lm" A M. WILSON. 8ALB Old papers -J6o licr hundred , HI FOR Bee office. Council llliilT . c27-tl KENT Largo house , centrally l"cat < I , EOU Krounda , etc. , 3 5 per month. Enquire at Hint otllco anll-tf Ulecollanoous. "PlXCELSIOIl OALLEUY still ahead ; mc I'J thing ready for spring traJr. Views tincn lor lithographic purposes. Best work In citv. aprlB tt TT oT A Bold carted ring between Broadwny Ij'nnd the transfer , ] t , t October Five dollars lars reward will be pM by leaving come at this office. , mlst-Ot . W. L. I'ATTON Phyelolan and Oculist. Dn. cure any cow of tore eye" . It i only a matter of time , and can euro general ! tn from three to five necks-It rnakea no differ ence how lone diseased. Will straighten croea eyes , operate and remote I'tyrtginnis , < tc. , and Insert artlBclal ojcs op6-tf A NYONK WANTING sorreHnequ llty brorra J\ . corn seed can irct It by writing to j plS tf 1' . T. 'MAYNE , Council ploffj. _ Onoo ! the best stcend-clasg Hotels'n the West U the BROADWAY HOTEL. A. K Bll WN , Proprietor. No . 631 and 630 Broadway , ouncll Bluffs , Iowa , Table supplied with tb best the market al- foids. ( Isod rooms and tlrst-claiibod * . Term ! very rcmonable. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL , N. Artdenon. - - Proprietor , 732 Lower lradw y. Table supplied with the l > r < t the markttt af fords , Terms ( S.Maud 14.00perweek. Transient 11.00 perdar. _ _ _ _ _ _ UNION AVENUE HOTEL 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. G. Cterspacher & Son. FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT REA SONABLE PRICES. TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED. HOTEL FOU RENT. Goon HUNTING MA.UIVER & ORAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Qloaa , Fine French China. Sliver Ware &c. , 8 < 0 llROAPWAT. - COUNCIL ULUFra. IOWA. MRS. fl , J. BILTOlv , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , ! ii2 Broatlwov , Coimoil Bluffs- W 8. AUENT. JACOU 81X18 AMENT & SIMSf ittornoys & Oounsellors-at-Law , ' COUNCIL DLTJKF8. IOWA. TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA CO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public in FINIS GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Go. 16 Main St , and 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTUIIEH OF Eoad , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Ituelncs * Manager. WJI. CIIUISTOPIIER , Mechanical Manager. 124 B. Main St. , Council Bluffs , Ia. _ GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD ! Bright and yellow nnd bird and cold , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'il , Heavy to ( jet nnd lieht to hold ; Hoarded , bnitcred , bought nnd Bold. Stolen , burrowed , squandered , nnd doled ; Spurned by the younj * , but hugged by the old To the very verge of the churchynrd mould ; Price of mnny n crime untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If you want to have gold y > u must spend your nuney to the very beitndvant age. Do business with cash men , nnd where only one price will bo asked or taken. REMEMBER "A tree la known by Its fruit " A store by Its prices. ONE THING CERTAIN Oar prices are right. Our business is a guarantee that fair dealing is our watch word. XLCR is our motto. Our busi ness is in a most healthy condition. Every department is doing good work. Canned Goods are goin ? off very cheap. Teas and Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy Shelf Goods for the million. Come and see us , we will do you pood. F , J , OSBORNE & 00 , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORKS , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY OlHco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention , A general as sortment of Brass Goods Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Fig Iron , Coke , Goal , OHAS. HENDBIB , President. 2s OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS FIXTUKES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth streets. ) ' J. M. PALM Kit , DBALKIt IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN -GENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , XI 3NT 0 ? X Cor. i'carl A Ut Avc. COUNCIL DLUFF8. IMPERISHABLE PERFUME , Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET , BATH and T1ANDKERCH1EF. nioa-vtcd-lrl - - HARKNESS , ORGUTT & CO. , DRYGOODS AFD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Dor. Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mnr-2-Sm - - IP The Boston Times. Sunday Moraine , April 16,1882 , : A fiano an hour is the product of the nmimfnotpiT of Messrs , Ohiolrering & Sons m this city. Possibly this assertion requiies a few wrds of expl.iuaiion. TJ There : tre sixty vrorkinc hnurs ea < h w pk , and since the year 1882 came in , the number of pianos finished by this firm .A. averages over nxtyone per v. etk .A.O d. MUELLER , I Aeent for Nebraska and Iowa , O IEJ 103 South 5th.Street. COUHCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 Bluff anil ffillow Streets , Council Bluffs. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors. Upholstery. Repairing , Etc , , Wood and Metallic Coffins , No. 430 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffe , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET , THE BEST BREAD IN THE CITY. None but first-class Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T > O A L F BROS. , V WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. loxrutroxx. OBxvcraETFS , REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lando , and a number ol Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - COU VOIL BLUFS THE VERY 1JATKST STYLES OK" Wall Paper and Window Shades And the largest Assortment to Select r'rom. Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Done in the Latent Style of Modern Art. Geo. R. Beard , 11 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. C. A. BERBE , W. KUNYAN , W. BEEBE C. A. BEEBE & OO. , Wholesale and lletall Dealers In FURNITURE AND OROOKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Mrs , J , E , . Metcalfe and Miss' Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kinds ot fancy goods , such as Lacco , Embroideries , Ladles' Underwea of ajl descriptions. Also Handkerchiefs , both In silk and linen , hose of all Kindt , thread , pi needles , i tc. We hope the laales will tall and see our stock of Roods at 6S9 Broadway before - Ing elsewhere. B. J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Hindi. A Full Line or Canvas , Felti , Embroidery , Knitting and Stamped Goods- Nice Aiiortnent of Appliqno Pictures Z. T. LINDSET & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFSy And TOTSIDi SQUARE , CLARIHDA IOWA ,