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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1882)
ft THK OMAHA IXAJLr BJSI' : TllUESD.O' , MAY 4 , .882. . FlflANCE Alii ) COMMERCE. NEW YORK , May 3. MONET. Money closed at 4 per cent. Ktchange closed firm al 4 8S@4 90 } . (5oerumenl8 closed firm. aOVKBNMEST BONDS , Currency G's . 132J bid o'fl continued . 1021 bid f g contiBiied . 10U bid 4V ooupdin . 1205 bid 4 ' * Coupon' . . 1151 bid RARROAIJ tOXUS. 1'aclfic r.iilrotd bonds closed as follows : Union lots . 117J@1173 Union Grants . lliS ! ( < fill3i Union Sinking Funds . llUjfjAl205 Ucntr.Ufl . . . . . . II 8TOOKH The stock market to-day WAS moderately active , but Irregular , nnd In main weak , the great depression being in Now Jersey Central , Kichmond k Allegheny , Denver & Kio Grande , Missouri I'acllic , Lake Shore , Wnbasli , nnd Delaware , Lackwann.i k Western , Ijowost quotations were cur rent at the clopc. Decline for tha day ranged from | to 3j ( ) or cent. , the latter lu Itlchtnond & Allccliany. The followiui ; were closing bids ! Am'nDi t.'lel. 48J Manhattan Kl. Alton &T.H. . 20 Preferred Preferred. . . . 70i Man Ueach . . . 33 | B. A. Line pfd. 02 Mobile & O. . . 25 O li&Q 141J M& SLpfM. . . 01 } 0 S 50 NJC GSi Co Jar Falls 17 Northwestern. . 128J COS 1C. . . . 11 Preferred. . . . 1311 } Cou Coal 30 N Y 0 125J c& o 21 N Y 0 A St L. . 14 1st preferred. 30 Preferred. . . . 33 | 2nd pfd 22i N Y EUvated.,103 CStL&NO. . 75 N P 40S C. &U. pfd. . . . 70 Preferred. . . . 788 C P 81)1 ) N&Wpf'd. . fiaj C. S. t C 51 Nniih. k Chat. . C3i ColUoal 511 Omaha 37J CDC&Ind. . . 70J Preferred. . . . 100 | C. & Alton 132 Ogn Nav 138J D & K G , OTC 714 UL.-W . 118 O&W 25 } D.&H Ohio Cent. . . ! . . 141 Erie , O & fit Slj Erie & W , Prcferiod..10l ) liTenu 114 PaoMall 411 Preferred. . . . 20J Pull. Pal. Car..l2aJ Adnma..l41 PD&E 29 . . . " . . * . . . . Quick diver . . . . 11 } American 93J Preferred. . . . 57 US 74 Heading 57 U&St J 00 It&D 108 Preferred. . . . 8) K &P 291 Houston & Tex. 72J K&WP 11BJ Homestake 108 K & A 19 I. C 1305 U I ' 29 1 B & W 41 St. Paul 1122 Kan & Tex 31 Prcferied..l20i LS ICOi Snn Francisco. . 38 LI . . . . . . . . . f > 3 ? Preferred. . . . 50 Louif. K Nu h. ilij 1stPreferred. 85 L. , N.A. &U. . . 57 St PM&M..119 Littla Pitts. . . . 5 Stajid.ini 15 M L B &W. . . 4Si T & P 40i M C. . . 82i T D &B 1'4 JL k E 122J Union Pac 111 ? lIr.r&Cin.pref. 8 Wnbash Wi 2 < 1 Preferred. . 4J Preferred. . . . 03J M & C 19 Western Union. S3 Mo. Pac OO.J STATE BONOS. Tennessee G's new declined from 571' ' 50. BALES The following were the Bales of more ac tive stocks to-day : C C C&I . . . 100 K&T 6100 C C k I C. . . 200 LE&W 400 C. . & Q ( iOO L&N 580 NY C. . . " 22300 Like Shore..48000 N J C 32100 Northwestern. 2400 ic ; 200 Preferred . . . 3000 Mich Cent. . . . 68CO O& W 1200 Ohio Cent. . . . 1000 O &M 2400 Jf P 2GOOO Pac. Mall 1300 Preferred. . . 1G800 Quicksilver. . . 200 MoPuo 10200 Heading 2400 TP 10000 KI 400 U.P.k 2300 St. P. & Om. . 5200 O&O , , fi 0 ' Preferred. . . 3700 DL&W 13400 Nash & Chat. . 400 D&UG 43100 M.LS&W. . . 300 OS 2100 Wauash 4900 Eiie 3300 Preferred . . . 2000 rrjfarod. . . . 200 CHICAGO MONET. CHICAGO , Mny 3. Preston , Keene & Co. , bankers , report : The" market was attive , with "prices gen erally firm for all wound securities. Governments have varied fro n J to 2 per cent. , and were at the close about thu s iuio as yesterday. llftilroad bonds have been active and stronp , with pi ices advancing. There has been a good demand for locai atsurietie < ) , and also fur government 4 per cent , bonds , Foreign exchange firm , with a tendency to higher prices. New York exchange came as yesterday. Money abundant nt from G@8 per cent. , .according to collaterals or names. Clearings to-day , ? 8,607,000. UNITED STATES BONDS. 3's Extended sixes . 101101J 3Vs Extended fives . 1024@102 | . li's Coupons . i . llf)8@115 | Vi Coupons . ] 20i@121 _ BAILWAY AND JUBCELtANEOTJB. MinneflBta State , 4's and Int. . . ; . . . 101 .Sterling sight. j . n , * . . . . , . .ur. . 490 " Sixty daya. . . . 4871 Francs . , . , , . 513JS lleichsmark . > , . < . 953 C.M. &Sf P. 7u I. &D. Ex . 120 C. , M &S P. 6VDulmnuediv ( } . ' . . 103 } C. M. & Rt. P. B B , C. & P. W. div. 93 C. 13. &Q. 4s . 67 -Burlington & Mo. in Neb 4'n . 82 -SVab Ti5'B . 80 Chl-ago * Northwestern 6'n . 99 Jacksonville & Southnast. G's . 95 } COMMERCIAL. o-uianu "iVboliiKiilo Marliet- OrfioE of Tun OMAHA BKE , I Wednesday Evening , May 3. I The only changei reported in the market to-day are as follows : Wheat , No. 2 , declined Ic ; No , 3 , do- .dined 1 } ; , Corn advanced } c , Oats advanced lc. Peaches declined Jc. Dried blackberries declined Ic. Soda , pound paper * , declined 15 pci Keg Boda declined 2c. Bacon advanced jc. Shoulders advanced jc. Ilams atiranced ic. Hope declined l&jc. LT. Tomatoes declined lOo per case , Local drain Dealing ! WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 1 20 } ; cash No J , 1 00 : rejected , 72c. BAULEY.-Cash No. 2 , 97e ; No. 3 . HYE. Cash , G8c. COHN , Cash No , 2 , Gljc.1 OATS. Cash , 45o , Produce and VfgetabUi. STREET PKIOES-Corn , 50g45joata f50@45. U AY ? S 00@6 60 per ton. OIK IPPED &EED-81 DO. CHOPPED COHN 81 40. BHA.N 81 lf > per hundred. 8TKAW 100 ton loose ; 600 ton baled POTATOES Nebraska 1 0'1 ' ) 10 m per ted Scotch Cliampl"u 1 00@1 15 , dWEET POTATOEBJ.75(56.00 ( pe barrel WILD DUOK- 25@t 0. EGGS 14@16o. BUTTER Ureamery , 38 @ 40o ; cholc oolJ , 25SOc ; common roll , 18@20o , STRAWBFRRIE3-l'erquait,40@45d. ASPARAGUS Per bunch , 45 > @ 55c. GREEN PEAS-Per btuhel box , $ ' 2.00 @ 2.M > . GREEN BEANS-Per bushel box. $2 EO@aOO. APPLES Good , sound , very scarce U ? 5 50(3(550 ( per bbl , LEMONS Steady ; per box , S4 M ® 500. 500.ORANGESper box 5 7o < ? G 00 UKE8WAX Yellow , XXaMo. ONIONS New , S7 50 per barrel. GRANBERRIES-Per box , ( Z 75 ® 4 00. CHEESE 10 < 3 > 14e. CAS1. VALENCIA RANGES $8 23 ft 00 Grocers' List COFFEE. Rio , lair , lie ! Rio , good 2o ; Rio , prime to choice , 12Je ; Old Rov't lava ; 2GJ@28ic , Mocha , 28ic ; Arbucklo'F , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@o5o J5o ; Japan , choice , GO ® " ; Oolong , , @ 40 ; Oolong , cho cvI0@55 ; Souchong , good , 3f > < aiOc ! chotco.S.'adlfic. aUGAltS-Cut loaf , lOJc ; Crushed , 10jo ( ; Orauulato.l , logo ; I'owdered , 11 ; riUJlTS-Cholce halves , evaporated jjo.\chc .7cSalt Lnko 10icvap- : oratt'd Mib ) bnxes , 12Jc ; Michigan , 7c ; New Vork tipples , 74c ; I'IUIICH , old , GJc ; now , 7\c ; Currants , OJ@7 ; Ulaokborriea , now , UcSODA. . Dwtght's Ib pRDers M83o ; DC- and do , S2 8.rj Church's , $3 S3 ; Keg toda , 2PUOVlSIONSUrcakfnst bason , 13Jj. iholco lard , 14 Jc ; dried beef , 10 Jc ; nhould- ers , 9ic ; hums , 13c ; bacon , sides , iPJc , NK\V PICKLES Medium , In barrels , 99 00 ; do in half bbla , G 25 ; smalls , In bbla , 12 00 do , In half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 14 00 ; do , In half bbls , 7 50. VINKGAH Pure apple extra , IGo : pure Apple , 13c ! Prussine uuro nnnle , IGc. HOMINY New , S5 00 per bbl. BEANS Medium , baud nicked 81 00 per bushel ; navy , $1 00 ; calef navy , $4 00. HOPE Sisal , i inch and larger , 7J@ 8c ; 1 Inch , 9c. C1IKKSE Full Cream , 14 c ; Part Skim llic. WOODENWAKE Two hoop pallf , I 95 ; throe hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs B BO ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 50 ; No. 3 tubs. 7 60 nloneor wtshboards , 1 85 Double Crown , 290 ; WellbucketB , 325. LEAU-Bar , 51 6S. SyUUPS. SuKar house , bbls , C5c ; hall bis , 57ckegs ; , 4J gallons , $250 ; choice table syrup , 53c ; half bbls , 55c ; kegs , 82 50. STARCH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8J @ 8Sc ; Corn Starch , 8 @ 9c ; Excelsior Gloss. 7c ; Com. 74c. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 85 ; Ash- ton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45 ; bblsdalrv. 100. 3s , 365. SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; Allspice , 19c ; Cloven , 40c ; Nutmegs , 81 00 : 25cCas8ii ; , Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , OOc ; round caseu , S7.G5 ; square cases , $5.10 SOAPS Kiik's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk'a satlm 8 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 05 ; Kirk's wh ! Russian , GOO : Kirk' * Eutoca , 2 0 Kirk'a Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) . 10 ; Kirk'a magnolia , 4 55 ® CANDLES Boxes , -10 Ibs , IH oz , 8s , lGcboxcs401bs. ; , 16 oz. , Gi , IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 340 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye , 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , 1 00 ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in case. 1 50. FIELD SEED Red clover , choice new , 80 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new , 87 00 ; white clover , new , 814 00 U alfa clover , new , 812 50 ; alsike , new , 81300. Timothy , good , new , 93 00 , blue grass , extra clean , 81 50 ; blue grass , clean , 81 25 ; orchard grass , 82 50 ; rod toj ) , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , SOc ; millet , German , $1 00 to 81 25 ; Hungarian. 80c. HEDf > ESEED-Oaage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 5 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushebt or over , 84 BO ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. . 825 00. FIS J Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls ? 4 75 ; A'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls. G 70 No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; familj 10 Ib kits , 85c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Russian sardines. 75c : Colur > bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; Georpi" Bank codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless cod.v Die ; boneless fish , 5Jc. MACKEREL Hiilf bbls mess mackerel , 100 Ibs , 312 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shore do 100 Ibs , 8 GO ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , G 00 ; mesa mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore 12 Ib do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 Ib do 75c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 11 ( Field's ) , per C&HC , Si 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) per case , 2 50 ; no 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , , i 50 ; del Ib ( standard ) , per case. 2 20 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , nor case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , ! Ib , per dozen , 1 t > 0@l 70 ; do21b , per dozen 2 55@2 (55. ( Sardines. Bmall fsh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , luaiter boxes pur box , He ; do half boxen , per box , 21 Jc. Lobntera , 1 Ib per dozen , 1 60. Tomatoes , 2 30 ; do 3 Ib per cacc. 2 70@2 9 ! ) ; Con ) , 2 Ib ( Mountain per vase , 310 ; soaked corn , 210 ; do 2 11) ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 3 15 ; htring be.mH , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 8 " > . Sttccotnsh per case. 225. Peas , common , j > er cose , 2 00 ; pens , choice , per cane , 3 15. Blackberries , 21b , per caw , 230 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 30 ; raspberries 2 It ) , per case , 2 75@3 00. Damsons , 2 It ) , per case , 2 45. Bartlett peart ) per case , 3 Oo@4 00. Whortleberries per case , 2 40. Egg plums , 2 Ib , 3 30 ; Green gages,2 Ib per case , 3 30 ; do choice , 0 U ) per case,4 50 , Pine'Apples , 2 tb , per case , 400@575. Penches,1 2 Ib per case. 310 : do 3 Ib. case , 5 00@G 00 ; do , ( ple,3 ) Ib , per baiie.300 ; do pie , G Ib , i > er dozen , 3 50 , RICE Carolina4 , 7@8c ; Louisiana , 7 8fa ; falrGg64 ( ; , PEANUTft Koasted , choice , red Ten- rieasee , IOQ per Ib ; fnaoy white , lOJo per Ib ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 12ic. dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8ic ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , 80 ; Boott FF , SJc ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 7lc ; Chittenangq , A , Gc ; lireat Falls E , 8c ; Hoosier , Gjc ; Honest Width , 7c ; In- ntan Head A , 8jc ; Indian Standard A , SJc ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 8c ; Lawrence LXi , 7c ; Myntio.Rlver , 7ic ; Poquot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , fijc ; Wachus- ett B , 7Jc ; do A , SJc ; do E 48 , 121o ; Wai- cett BB. SJo. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allondale 4.4 : 74c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7c ; - Atlantic LL. GJo ; Badger State X 4-1 , 7c ; Benningtop C 4-4 , GJo ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , GJcc Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , SJc ; Laconia O 39 , 8Jcj ; Lvhigh E 4-1 ! , 9Jc ; Lonsdule 4.4 lOc ; Pepperell N 30 , 7c ; do O ( 32 , 74c ; do R 30. 7Jc > do E 39. SJc ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7Jc ; WatnsutU4-4 13o ULEAOHEU COTTONS Androaoog. rfn L4-4HoBlacktitonBAA ! : lu.ierinl 8jfc ; do do half bleached 4-4,9c ; Cabot 4-4,8ij Fidellty4-4 , 91cFrult ; of theLoom , 10 ; do can.brio 44,13c ; do Water Twist , 1 Olc ; G real FullsQ , lOJc ; Indian Head shrunk < M , 12c : Lonsdale. lOc ; do cam brio 37 , 12)c ) ; New York Alllls. 12o ; Pfxjuot A , lOc ; Pepperell N O'Twilla , 12ic ; Pocahontaa 4-4 , 9ic ; Pocaaaet 4-4 , 8jc ; Utlca , lie ; Wamsutta O X X. 12Jo. , IroCKS ( Colered ) Albany K brown. 8c ; do 0 , drab , llo : do XX stripes and , plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown and drab , utrlpes and plaids , 12Jo ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8\o \ ; Chariot fanoy , 12lc ; do extra heavy. 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , lljc ; Indiana A brown , lVi ! Veoonset A brown. 15e. TlUKliMUa Amoskeag A O A 32 17ic ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc ; Arrowacca Sic ; Claremont B B , 15Jo : Coneatoga ex tra , 17c ; Hamilton D , 11 Jo Lewiston . SO , 15c ; Mlnnehaha 4-4 , 20cj Omega aui > ei extra 44. 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGfo ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Hhetucket S . lOjc ; do 83 12c ; Yeoman'd blue 29 , 8ic ; DENIMS. Amoukeak , blueandbronr 16 Jo ; Andover DU blue , 15Jo ; ArllngX blue Scotch , 18c ; Concord 000 , blue a u brown. 12c ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXU do do llio : Haymaker's blue and brown , 9JO ) Mystlo River DD stripe , IGJo ; Ptarl River , Slue and brown , ISJc ; Uncaiville , blue od brown , ' ISJo , CAMBRICS Barnard , 6lc ; Kddynton * Inlng , 21 Inch double face , 8Jc ; Garner A dazed , 5c : Manhattan clove finWi , 6Jc ) Newport do Gc ; do gl.izixi , .f > Jci Pcquot do > c : IxK-kwood kid finish , Gc. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8c : Androg coggln Pfttteen , SJcjClarendco , GjcOonea ; toga sattoens , 7ic ; Hallowel , 8c ; IndlJ Lepporlll oattpmi fljo ; Rockport , "Jo , PRINTS- Alien * , GJc ; American , GJc ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 49cj Cochoco , ic : Conctoga. . GJc ; Dunkirk , 4JcDunnell ; , ! J@7c ; Eddj-stone. 7cj Gloucester , Gc ; larmony , fijc ; Knickerbocker , GJe ; Mcr- rimao D. 7c ; Mystic , BJc } Sprames. Gc ; Jouthbridgv , Gc : An. Gingham * , 7c ! Marl- borer. 5jc ; Oriental OJo. GINGHAMS Amp'keAc , lOjc ; Amo * . ct g dross 12 < Arxylc , lOjc : Atlantic , ) c ; Cumberland , 7Jc ; Highland , 8Jc ; xcnilworth , 8Jc ; Plun kett , lOJc ; Sus- t , 8c. COTTON ADE8 Ahben illo 13Jc ; \.qate , 'Ate ; American , lie ; ArtiMan. 20c ; "lairo D and T , 13Jc ; ClarlonJD and T , iJc ; Deccan Co.gtrivoiDmidT , IGo ; Key- tone , 13 JP : Nnntuckct , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGcj Ocean 1) and T , 13Jc : Royal , 1GJ t Sussex , 12c ; Tiogn , I''Jc ; Wnchusctt shirt- 117 jhecks , 12ic ; do , Nankin , 12ic | York. ) Nankin. 12 Jc ; do , checks , stripes and rancy , 12\o ; do , 8 oz , 20c. SHEETINGS Androcopeln 10-l.27jc ! lo ! M , 24e ; do 8-J , 22o ; Continental C 42 , lie ; Fruit of the Loom 10-4. 27J ; New York mills SV , 35es do 7S , SOo ; do 53 , 22Jc ; Pembroke 10.1 , 2oc ; Pequot 10-1 , 28JC : do 7-1 , lOc ; do ! ! > , IGc ; Popporoll 30 , 20c ; 10 G7 , lilci do 57 , ISc ; Utlca 9G , H5c ; do 53 , 22jc ; do 48 , 17o Cigar * und Tobacco * . CIGARS. Seeds , $15.00 ; Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 ; Seed Havana , 550.00ClearHavana. . 575.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Knle , J4 Ib , GOo ; Our Rope , first quality , G2c ; jtar , pounds , 24 Ib , buttsGOc ; Homo Shoo , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Gilt Edge , [ > ounds , 21 Ib , butts , GO ; Army and Navy , [ HMtndn , 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc ; Loril * lard's Climax , pounds , file. FINE CUT In palls. Hard to Beat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , G5c ; Rocky Mountain , GOc ; Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catlins O , S. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib G3c ; Lori- lllard's Tiger , 65o ; Diamond Crown , GGo. SMOKING All grades Common , 25 to 33c. Grnnulated Black wells Durham , 1G oz 51o ; Dukes Durham , 1G oz , 50c ; Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nebras. ka , 16 oz , 38c ; Louo Jack , 4 oz , linen bags perlb , 81.35 ; Marburga' Puck , 2 oz , tin oil , 5 5c ; Dog T ail. G5c. Polnti Oils and Varnlihei. PAINTS IN OIL While lemi , Omaha P. P. , GJc ; white lead , O.P.&O Co , S.P.6i pure.GojMarssillcsgreen , IJto 5 Ib cans , 20c French zinc , K- ° seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , lu varnish aasc , ' 20c ; French zince , In oil asst , IRc ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13- ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , l"c ; ivory black , lOc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & D. , llo ; blind nnd shutter green , L. M , & IX , 14c : Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan ilrv , 22o ; American Vennlliod , I. & P. , I8c ; chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D 0. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryer , Gc ; graining colors : light oak. dark oat , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c Dry Dalnti White lead , GJc ; French line , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; v biting coml , lie ; lamiihlack Gennan- town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian - sian blue , 4Dc ; ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , Jburnl , 4c ; umber , raw , Icjaienna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green eom'l 2oe ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion million , America , 18o ; Indian rod. lOc , rose pink , lie ; Venetian rend , Cookson's 29o : Venetian rod Am. , ISc ; red lead , 7Jc chrome yellow , genuine , 20c ; chrome yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , IJc Winter's mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2Jc Spanish brown. 24c ; Prince's mineral 3c VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , 31 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , Sliurniture-tr ; , 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; Coach , No. 1 , 51 20 ; Damar , 51 50 ; Japan 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; ehellao , $3 50 ; hard 011 finish. 31 30 OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , Hie ; 1'50 headlight , per gallon , 12 c ; 175" headlight , per gallon , IGJc ; crystoliue , per gallon lOc linseed , raw , per gallon , GO ; linseed , boiled , . . . fjuituu , X * ntf x vi. vt j. 4-tif aiv ui. hpri 85c ; Bpoitn , W. B. , per gallon 1 55 ; fish , W. B. per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot extra , per gallon , 75o ; No. 1 , G5c ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , 30c ; summer , 15c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 3ucj No 2 , 0 ; sperm , uignal , per gallon , 80c ; tor iontine , per gallon , 75c ; naptlia , 7t' , pu gallon , 30c ; Gr , 20o Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. 53 40 ; plow Hteel , specia cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; opecialiirGerman.Gc cast lool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , nel 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 1 2S ; fellooH , sawei dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles each , 75c ; Bquare ntits , per Ib , 7@llc washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , lie ) coil chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 80 Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow teeth , 4c ; nurseHhoes , per keg , 5 00 ; sprin Hteul , 7Uc ; Burden's horseahoes , 5 Sf Burden's muleshoes , G 35 , SHOT. Shot , 31.85 ; Buck shot , 82.10 Oriental Powder , kegs , 56.40 : do. , ha ! kegs , 33.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , $1,88 ; Blast ing , keen. 83.a5 : Fuse , oar 100 feet 50o. DAUBED WIIIK In car lot , ,8 39 pe 100 : in less than car lota. 8 GO uer 100. Leather. Oak sole , 38o to 42c ; hemlock aule , 28c t 35c ; heuilock kip. 80o to 100 ; runner 65o to 80c ; hemlock calf , 85o to 1 20 ; hem lock upper , 23a to 26c : oak upper , 24c alligator. 4 00 to G 50 ; calf kid , 32@35c Grcleen kid , 2 50 to 2 75 ; oak kip , 8Uo t 1 00 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip 1 10 to 1 55 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; run setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , G 00 to 8 50 toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B , L. Morocco , 30 to 35c ; pebble 0 , J ) . Morocco. 35c ; slmon 2TOto300. IIAllNESS-No 1 star oak , No 4 2Jc ; do , 39c ; No. 1 Ohio oak , 38c ; No. 2 clo 35c ; No , 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2 do , 34o Horie * and Mulct. The market is brisk nnd all grades ar selling well at & lieht advance in p > ices The demand for good hones oxceodu th supply considoraoly. Prices range as fo lows ; Fine single drivero , t'150. to 800. ; Kxtr draft horses , 3175. to 225. ; Common drui" horues , 3100. to 150 , ; Extra farm horses 3110 , to 125 , ; Common to good farm horsea $90. to 3100. ; Extra plugi , 300. to 75 Common plugs , 320. to 310. MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , 312.- ! to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 3100. to 140 14 to 14i hands , $75 , to 100. ; 13) ) , to ! hands. 3GO. to 75.LI LI uor . ALCOHOL 187 proof. 3 30 per win gallon ; extra California splrita. 187 proo 1 30 per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits 187 proof , 1 21 per proof gallon ; ro-iilstlllec vtUkies , 1 00@1 5U ; fine blended , 1 50@ 2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons. 200@700 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00 BRANDIES Iroirarted , $6 00@16 00 domestic 1 40 ® 4 00 , GINS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; domestic , 1 40@3 00 , RUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England. 2 00aj4 ( 00 ; domostio , 1 hO3 5 PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY- 1 5@H 00. CHAMPAGNES Imrorted per case 2300@3i 0Arc5r ! > * j , cose , 1200 ® 1600 , CLARETS Per case , 4 60@10 00 WINES Rhine wine , per cane , 6 00@ 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00. Lumber , WHOLKSALE. We quote lumber , lath and shingles on : can at Omaha at the following price" ; JOIHT AND BOANTLINQ-lOft. and under , 821 00 ; 18 ft. , 822 00. TIMBERS 16 ft.-ami under , $2200. TIMBKR AND JOIST-18 ft. , $23 00) ) 1C ft $24 CO , 22 ft. . 827 60 ; 24 ft , 827 BO. VENCING-No. 1 , 4 and 6 In. , $22 OOj No. 2.-820 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common board * ) . 818 50 ; No. 2 , $17 00 , BTQOKI BOARDS , 12-tn. D , $2300 , 12-In. O , 36 00 ; 12-in , B , felDINtt A , 82 00 ; B , $21 00 ; C , 1800. FLOORING-A , $1000 ; B , $37 50 ; 0 , 52 00 ; D , 823 00. SHlNGLES-N'o. 1 , ? l 75 ; G-in. clear , ! 75 ; star , S3 23 } extra A , $1 00. LATH-NO , i , 53 w. SHIP LAP-Plain , 52300 ; O. G. Nor $24 00 ; C ) . G. No. 1 , $33 00. CEILING | -in. No. 3 , $25 00 ; Z-tn. 0 L . $37 00 ; tin. No. 1 , $12 50. FINISflING-Wn. No S , $3750 ; Kin < o S. 813 50 ; Mn. No. 1 , S4S 50. THICK FINISH SIS 00@ > A5 00. TARUKD FMLT Per Ib. So STRAW BOARD-Per Ib. 3c. BKAR CRKKK LIME 3125. PLASTER PARIS 5233. LOUISVILLE CEMIINT200. . Building Material. LIME L' r barrel , $1 iVi ; bulk per bu "MS , Cement , bbl , 52 60. IOWA phato 1)1 , ? 2 50. Hair per b-l , 3. " > c. Tarro oil 100 lb , $3 60. Straw board , 5 * CO PAPER Straw paper , SJc ; rag paper , o ; dry good * paper , 7emrmlla ; paper , lOc ; ews paper. 80. COAl Cumberland hlackumtth , 312 ; 1 orris Run IHossburg , S12 ; Wliltcbreast imp , Sff f 0 ; Whitebrc.v < t nut , SO f-O ; Iowa imp. 30 60 ; Iowa nut f G SO : Rock Spring 1 : Anthracite , all sizes. 812 00irU2 ( 60. NAILS Rate * , 10 to G0 { . , 3 GO , Drurt. DRUO'S AND CHEMICALS-Acid arbollc , 50cj Acid , Tnrtnric. GOc ; Bal am opabia , per Ib , 75c ; Bnrk , S.safras , per i , 14c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Oinehonldia , er oz , 31 00 : Chloroform , per Ib. 1 Ol ) ; lover's powders , per Ib , 5110 ; Epson ; ills , per Ib. 3Jc ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , lc ; Ijcad , Acetate , per Ib , 2lo ; il , Castor , No. 1 , per gal , 41 23 ; 11 , Cnstor , No. 3 , per gal , 3120 ; Oil , ) llvo , per pal. 51 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50c ) pium , $4 75 ; Quinine P. & W. k R. ft S. , er oz , 52 40 ; Potassium , Iodide , per Ib ; 2 33 ; Salncin , per o * . 40ci Sulphate of [ orphtne , per oz , 31 00 ; Sulphur Hour , er lu , 4c ; Strvchnlno. ncr oz. 81 40. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , MdlCc ( ; heavy , 3@16cj medium unwashed , light , IRCWe ; mailed , choice , 32c : fair , SOc ; tub-ilingy nd w. , 28c ; burry , blackaud cottod wooL @Gc loss Hldei F-ura , Ctc. HIDES Urecn butcher's hide , ; Off G\e \ ured 7o ; hides , green salt , port cured 7c Ides , Clc ; dry flint , sound , 12@13c ; dry alf and Kip , 12@13o ; dry milt hidm.sounu , 0@llc ; croon calf. wt. 8 to 15 ! ! . . 10@llc ; rccn calf , wt , under 8 HM , per skin , 50c ; ; recn pelts , 50@S1 25 ; green lamb skins , 1 25@1DO ; damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored nnd one pub , classed two- Llrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per oent. oil. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , , ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , JOc ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , 30c ; No. 2,25o. Skunk , No. 1 , black , > f > c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stripe 25c ; trend stripe , lOo. Tallow , Gc. Obloaco fi-ottoon. CKICAOO. May 3. Flour Sales slow and Ice'ini' ' quiet 'or spring wheat HourI ; 75@7 "X " ) fur com- non to choice we tcrn ; 5 00037 f > 0 for : ommonto fancy Minnesota ; 00U 23 for latcnta. Wheat No. 2 eprin ? irregular and lirher , closing on call at 1 274 f " cash ; 1 28 for Muy ; 1 iOJ for June ; 1 29 § for Tuly ; 117jf for Augmt ; 1 0" for the year L li@l ( 10 for No. 3 ; 90t@l 00 for ro- ecteil. Corn No. 2 , feeling unsettled and [ iriceu irregular , closing about Jo higher on CKuar board , and on call at 75c for canh 75ic for May ; 74jjc for Juno ; 742o for July75c ; for August ; ( iOJn for the year ; 75Je for high mixed ; 73 0 for r jected. Oats Prices covered an unusual wide range , nnd closed higher nt 5G@5GjJ for cash ; fiGc for May ; 54jjc for Juno ; 47ic for July : SG o for the year. Rye Steady at 82ic for No. 2 cash and May. ; Bar'ey ' Nominal ; 1 08@1 00 for No. 2 cash ; 95@97c for No. 3. Bulk Meats Fairly active and higher , ; Pork Mess 18 37i@18 50 for cash. : 18 30 for May ; 18 474 tor June ; 18 70 for . ; July ; 18 80 for August ; 17 03 for the year. year.Lard Active and offerings fair ; 11 30 ® 1136 for cash ; 11 25@11 35 for May ; 11 40 f. . > r June ; 11 D5 for July ; 11 25 for the year. Bacon Short ribs active and higher 10 371 for cash and May ; 10 40 for June : 10 474 for July ; 10 07i f r the year. ; Butter Quiet and loeling weak ; choici to fancy creamery , 25@27c ; fair to good , 22@24c ; choicu to fine Jalry , 20@22o ; ' to good , 14@18o. Eggs-14i@15 , ' . WhiBky-1 20. Rcc'ts. Shipm'ts Flour 8,000 8,1)2" ) Wheat 1B,1J2 ! 1,53 Cora 320,744 392,14 ; Oats 59319 45lli Kve 4,191 1,071 Barley 17.G-J3 8,18 St. liouit ) Produce. ST. Louis , Mnv 3. Flour Higher ; XX. 4 U0@5 10 ; XXX 5 45@5 CO ; family , 5 00@G 10 ; choice ti fnucv , 5 20G G5. Wheat Higher and slightly excited n 0110 time but closed 4@ c off from th highest point ; No. 2 rot ) , 1 31 $ for caBli 1 34 bid for May ; 1 24J for June ; 114J fo : July ; 1 lOtf seller for August ; 1 09 for th year ; No. 3 do , 1 ! ! G@1 2UJ ; No 4 do. 1 1 Corn Higher nnd slow ; 75i@7G.Jc fo : cash ; 7B@7GJc for May ; 7oo for Juno 75je for July ; 73Jo for September ; 5GJ < for the year. Oats Higher hut cloned olTj 67o bid fo cash ; 54o for June ; 54Jo for July , Rye Dullat 80u bid. Barley Quiet at 60c@l 10. Lead-Dull at 4 & ) . Butter Quiet : creamery , 2G@28o ; dairy 18@24c : creamery , 14@18c. Whisky Firm ut 1 19. Pork Higher nt 19 00 for cash ; 18 71 bid for Juno. Dry Salt Meat Strong nnd higher ; shoulders , 7 40 ; short rib , 10 60 ; short clear , 1090. Lanl Xomlnal ; 11 26. lloo'ts. ShlpmtH. Flour 4,000 G.COO Wheat IB.OOO 4,000 Corn 215,000 21,000 O. t 1'AOOO 1,000 Bnrley , 3,000 none Mow Yorli ProUurie NKW YoitK , Mny 3. Flour- Firm and stronger ; wlntor wheat , 7 50(5,9 ( 00 ; Minnesota do , 6 lOlfi ) 9 25 ; Hou'theni Hour steady , common to choice extra , 525 850. Wheat Irregular , closed dull uud drooping ; No. 2 re. . 1 49@1 51 ; No. 1 white , 1 45 ® 1 10J ; No. 2 re.l . May.l 4'Jg © 1 50 ; do June , 1 49j@l 50 ; July , 1 31(2) ( ) 1 3li ; do August , 125@12 i. Coin Ojiened higher anil tirm but after wards became dopresscd and loat most of the advance , cloning weak ; No , 2 , 85@ 854u ; No.2 white , 91c , do mixed , May , 84J@85c ; doJuue , 83J@8ljlo ; July , SJ ® Oats Opened higher and cloned with leas utreagth ; No. 1 white , G5c ; No. 1 mixed western. CO@G2Jc ; mixed nUte. GO ® G24oj No. 2 mixed , May , ,00@G5g. Ilye-DulUtU4J. Barley Dull and drooping ; ungraded Canada , 1 22@1 25 , Pork Quiet at IB 25@18 60 for pew ' - ! 11 65 for cakb ; 11 62J for May. Whisky Nominal. Petroleum Market dull ; united , lie ; crude in barrels , Gj@71o ; naptba , in bar rels , G\o \ asked. HaltlmorA Produce. liALTlJioiiK , May 3 , Flonr-Dull , Wheat Southern , steady ; fultz , 1 35 ® 1 42 ; long berry , 1 42@1 43 ; No. 2 red winter , firmer nt 1 44 for cash and May. Corn White southern , steady at tUJc ; yellyw , dull at H7c ; mlieJwuafcni , 85c. Glnoinnuti Produo * . CIWOINNATI , May 3. Provision ! Firm but not active , Mesa Pork-19 00@19 25. Lard Good demand ; prime steam 11 374 Mked ; and 11324 bid. Bulk Meat * No speculation demand owing to high asking rAtei ) clear ftiile * 10 CO spot. Ijncon Mtt , 11 1JJ@11 15. Flour Market had A firmer bearing } from 5 IKXtfG 50. Wlicat Finn ; No. 2 red , I 40. f Cora Strong nt ailvam-ed rates ; No. 2 mixed , 78tfc. Oats Strong nnd Irregular ; No. 2 mixed , 57. Rye Quiet ; steady ) No. 2 , OOjc , Little doing ; market sternly ; N" . 2 fall , 1 07 ( U 08. Whisky1ulc ! 1 firmer and fairly active ; 1 18. _ _ Krvtiftn * City Proilnoo Murltot- KANSAS Cirr , May 3. Wheat Firmer nnd liklicr ; No , 2 cash , 1 1M ; May , 1 22 : No. 3 oasli , I 01 ; May , 1 01 ; .linn' , tile ; .Inly , $ scNo. 4 ca h , 92c : May , t'c ) ; Juno , SOci July , We ; rejected cntli , 72Jc. Corn Firmer and highoi ; No. 2 mixed c.vh , hales , 7 VMav , 74Jc Iml , 7lj n ked ; Juno saliv , 74iyTI\'c \ ; Jtilj73c ; tlieyi-nr , 'Oi1) ) No. 2 whitii mixed c.wb , 8lc ; 5l y , 2Jc ; Juno , .si4c : July , SOc. O.\ti No. 2 cadi , 5lc : May , Bfljc. Rye No. 2 c-uh , 78c. Reo'ts. Shipm'ts. hcat . 3.8IOJ 0,151 'inn . 2,408 8,758 tats . none 193 s City Iiiro Stoolt. KANSAS Cnv , Mny 3. Oivltle Rcceiptn 1,070 head } shipment * . 1)0 ) head. Market tirm nud unchanged tires ; nativti shippers , 5 75@7 2Ti ; native , ocker3 75@4 50 ; nntivo cows , 3 00@ 50. 50.Hogi Recelptu , 5,5l 3 head ; shipments , 1,503 head. Market firm and active on ight stulf but slow on packing grades. ales milfoil from 5 f > 0 lo 7 40 ; bulk from 90 to 7 15. PhUndolphln Proclnoo. Wheat Finn nt 1 4 < XH)1 ) 471 ' r cash nd May : 1 45 for'June. Corn Finn at 8li@SGJo for cash ami lay ; 84 ? ( < rS4Ja for Juno. Oats Market strong at G2jo for cash and lav. RyeQuiotnt 91obld. Toledo Proftnoo- TOI.KIK ) , May 3. Wheat- Quiet ; No. 2 1 41i for cash and lav ; 1 8 8 lor July ; 1 UtJ for August ; ! 15 or Septembei ; 1 13j for the year. Com Inactive } 78o for high mixed , 7Jo for No. 2 , cash and Mny ; "Go for "uno and July ; 69o for the year. Oats-Dull } No. 2 , 65o. Poorln Prodnco. PEOIIIA , Mny 3 , Corn Firm and higher ; high mixed , 4J@75c ; mixed , 7U@-IJo. Oats-Firm ; No. \vhlto.5nj@6Gc. Ryo-EiRier ; No. 2 , K484jc , Highwinoii Firm utl 17. 17.Roo'U. . Ship'tfl Vheat none l,42r Jorn 40,000 8,000 Oats lf',800 ' 4,37r lye iVIOO none Jarloy lll > 0 none Liverpool Product ) . I ivKiiroou Mny 3. Flour American , 10s@12 lid. Wheat-Winter , 9i LuM@104 Mi white , 1 ? 10d@10n 3d ; spring , 'Jo@10rt ; club , 10s Irtftl Oi Cd. Corn GH 8d. Pork 82 Gd. Lnrd bGi. Glilongo Lilvti Stock. ClllOAQO , May 3. The Drover's Journal 'reports ns follows Cattle Only a raodornte inquiry ; grans ed steers Hold nt 4 255 10 ; common to uood shipping , 625@7 374 ; stockom am 'ceders , 5 70. Receipts , 4,600 head. Hogs Active and 5@10c higher ; light jacking nnd shipping , 7 12J@7 40 ; fnir to .imooth packing , 7 157 80 ; heavy ship ping , 725@785 ; nkips and culls , (515 ® 785. Receipts , 20,000 hand. Sheep -Dull at G 90. Ennt Liberty JLlvo Stock , EAHTLuiKUTr , Pa. , May 3. Cattle Slow ; best , 7 608 00 ; fair to ; oed , G 75@7 25 ; common , li 00 < ujG 50. Hogs Active ; retoipts , 500 head ; ship ments. SCO bead ; Philadelphia ) ! , 5 GO ® 7 25 ; Yorkers , 7 OU@7 25. Sheep Slow und dull ; receipts , 7,000 head ; hhipmenta , G OOD head. Cotton Mnrliot. NJKIV YOHIC , May 3. Spot cotton quiet at 12 25 for mid upland with sale * of 50 ! ) bales delivered on con tract. FutureH closed ttendy at 3,000@2.100 Jowtr than yesterday ; M ny , 1218 ; Juno 12 31 ; July , 12 45 ; August , 1259 ; Septem ber , IS 20. _ Turpoutino Mnrliot WII.SIINOTO.V , N. O. , May 3. Steady ; utrniucd , 1 85 ; good , 1 90 Spirits Dull at 50o Tai Firm at 1 10. Buffalo ilvo Stoolt. EAST Buri'ALO , Mny 3. HO < H Receipts , 30 cnrs ; Rhipmontn , 32 cats. Market steady , Y > rkor , 7 25 ; good medium weights , 0 00@7 75 , Cleveland Market. GLKVKLA.W , May S , Petroleum Quiet and quotations un changed ; standard whltellO test , Gjc , PiiTSUUiia , May3 , The oil market opened at 7Uo , declined to 73fj , and closed at noon ut 74c ; June delivery , 7Go ; July , 7 0 ; August , SOJoj Nuw York refined , 7ic ; Antwerp , 17io. ShipmentMUnltedGOOJ7 barrels ) Pitts. bur * sales. 3-13,000 barrels ; tidewater , 2,199 barrein ; Pittaburg Exchange stock , 8150. _ Fraud. Tens of thousands of dollarn are Hquand- ered yoirly npon traveling quaukHyhogo from town to Uiwn profeKsing to cure nil the Ills that our poor Immunity IH heir to. NY'liy will rot the publio learn coinia n Hen o , und If they nre NulTeilng Irom dyx. pepiiii or liver complaint , Invent n dollar in 1'HlNfi Jll.osHOJl , mud by ull druggists. Indorsed hy tin ) tiiuulty , Sue ttst- ) inlH , Price 50 cents , trial bottlen lO centa. _ _ 2b-dlw Katiito Trunsrorf ) . John L McCaguoreal estate agent mid convoymicor , roportn lhat the following - lowing ( luc.dn wcro rucorilud al thu county clurk'a ollicu , on Monday und Tuoaday , Mny lat and 2d : JaH. 0. Mcgcitth und wife to Kliua- both 0. Monk , lot 37 , Kurr Oak add , w. d. § 1,000. Augustus Kountzo ol. al to Frank Sovruno , lot 34 , block 0 , Kountzu's yd add , w. d. $200. Meyer Qoldaniith and wifotoE ; M. and Win , Ward , lota 3 anil 4 , block 154 , Omaha , q. o. d. 81,074.33. John Koniiolloy and wife lo Harga- rot Duo , ni of middle i of lot 3 , block i 177 , w. d.33& . Jennie L , Bliss and husband to Ijlizabuth Oarpontor , lot 1C , Griffon & 3 aaca add , w. d $3,800. Cornelius Collins and wife to II. 0. McMullon , lot 13 , block 458 , Grand View add , w. d. $75. Aug. Kountzo ot , al and wife to Frank Lon pand , n $ of lot 20 , blocu o : Kount/.o'a 3d add , w. d. 8115. lloira of Jacob Shull to John J- Uaruea. wi of lot 7 , block 0 , Shull'a 2d add. w. d. ? 17G. Barah V. W bor to Gathorino Naah , 2 acres in Lowo'a add , w , d. $750. EunicoD. Pattoo to Chaa. 0. llouaol the undivided half of the w 20 foot and 0 inches of lot 8 , block 122 , w d 81,800. , Jaa. A. Paxton to M. K , Douahoo , the vf i of nw J and the nw of aw J nil in BOO 2 , 114 , r 10 , w d-$1,200. Charlca E. King to Jacob G. Swanson - son , the o J of a J of lot 25 , McCand- lili Plnco , w d - 592. Win. Fituioy to lloboccn Wcston , lot -I , block 14 , Waterloo , also pnrcel in BO sw sec 10 , t 15 , r 10 , w d § 402.50. Kllon Brown nnd Fr.uik Brown to Henry Gibson , 8 of loin 1 nnd 2 , in block -18 , Omaha , w d § 5,000. Hoiw of Jacob Shull to Josephine McOluro , lot 7 , block 4 , Shull'a Add. , w d § 000. M tl , Callixhaii to Hoiiry Monfolt , the w ,10 foot of lot 3 block 175 , w d ? 2 , 00. K. V. Smith nnd wife to N. llttmrl , the n of lot 15 , block 11 , E. V. Smith's add , w d § 150. F. B. Lowe to Jamen Montgomery , lot 11 , block 2 , Pnrk Place , w d - ? 275. G. T. Bomia and wife to Win. Pey ton , lot 3 , block U , LOWO'B 1st add $100. llobocca 12. Western lo M. 1C. Dona- hoc , parcel in so aw aoo 10 , town 10 , range 10 ; w. d - $ ! 150 E. Hecht to F. T.Vnlkor , parcel in no aw BOO 22 , town 15 , range 1 ! ) ; w. d-$1,600. L. M. and 0. A. Loary to F. J. Hurkby , parcel in block SM4 , Omaha ; w. d. $45. Uoitihold Clnuaun to Fred Miuss : , lot 12 ; { , Wilson's add. ; w. d. $2,500. II , 0. Julius to John Jort , aw \ of see -I , town 15 , rnigo 12 cost ; w d 82,400. A. J. llunscom and wife to D. H. Goodrich , lota 17 and 18 , block 17 , llnuBcom 1'lacuj w d $1,200. LI A. Ikowater to W. W. Ikrtlutt , lot 7 , block 41 and lota 2 and 8 , blook 48 , Florence ; w d $10 A , J , lliuiBcom to A. I ) , limit , lol 20 , block 17 , llanacotn Place ; w d $000. Charlotte Browator to Harriet A. Forary , lot 8 , blook 57 , Florence } w d S12. E. 1C. Mitchell to anniJ , lot 0 , block 57 , Florence ; w d $30. Alois Ililport to Andrew Uilport , parcel in llagnn'a add ; w d $1,200. Ezra Millard to John Simmons , lot 7 , block 2 , Millard Place ; vr d $800. 0. G. Decker to H. H. Piokard , portion of lot 2 , block 14 , Ilogora'add 81,440. , 'Worthy ol Prnl o. AH n rule wo do not recommend Patonl Medicines , but when wo know of one that really is n public bencfnctor. nnd docs positively cure , then wo consider it our duty to impart that information to all. Klcctrio Hitters nre truly a most valuable medicine , nud will surely cure IHHounnesH. Fever nnd Ague , Stomach , Liver niu Kidney Complaints , ev.n wcro all other remedies fall. Wo know wcrcof wospoalc anil can fioely recommend them to all. Kxch. Sold nt fifty centH n bottle , by 0. F Goodman. BOYDS' OPERA HOUSE JAMiSK. : IIOYI ) , Projirlctor. T. K.UOYD , UunlnoHa Mitnager. Two Nights &MallncoFrlJ y&S tiirdn-M yD- Tim popular PavorltMVw. . O. MITCIIIIIL'I ri.KAHUuit 1 XIITT , lu thu nonly reconstructed 3 nc verHlon ol 01 ; Fun on the Hhlno. by WII.UAM OILL , Introiluclnjr lha lollowln br'Hlant exponent ! ol Song , Humor , nnd He lined UurloHuiic : | Memrs. Wllllftm.OlU , Wm. Forrcatur , Frond WllHon , J. N. Norcroes , and Hints Kllnor Doer In ? , Knima Carson nnd .Mini V < lUrrlni ACT I. Americallio llihc&r l. AOT II. Pun on the Uhltie. ACT III. Uroamlanii Dor uil. Dnrlnn Act Flrkt occur the rdiearnal ol th ) > ltiv ol supprosicd emotion. "Society In ( ro ) Nutshull , " In wluch thoacmuol true tin lc quo l reached , Tlio Mu locomprlioa ne'cctionH irom Olivetti , , lllllln Taylor , ilmo. V v rt. 1'llilnc , Indigo. Jlllllard , AlnrslnKhl , OITonbikcIc , UosUo , etc. , nnd tlio folio * liie written uxprcdtly for tie OOHUSH by Mr. KrucT t'erLInn iliulml Director woidn by Mr. WI Ham Oll | : IUKT "Such ft llore. " Cnroiu "Thu Fancy Dauncer , " PniLosoriiiOAti SONU AMI UANCK Tiuo "Iho Ferret. " Di'CT ' "Merry Hells. " Suits now on nalo ut Dox Olllco ' CHOICE CIGARS. Imported aucl Domestic , riiiest Solntiuu iu Town PriooH to Salt Everyliody. From Half a Dollar Down lo 5o. Schroter & . Becht's. Matter of Application of Agues Tliiclo for Liquor Llcvnno , NOTICE. Notice is hereby K'VOII ' that ARHCH Thlulc , ilia upon tliHSJilnyof Mny , A. D. , 18K2 , lilo her application to the Mayor mid C'ity Council of Omaha , for license to Hull Malt , SplriluouH nnd Vinous Liquor * , ut nouthwoBt corner of Oth nnd Karnaw utrcot , Third ward. Omaha , Neb. , from the 17th day of Mny , 1882 , to the 17th day of AuKiint , 1882 If there be no objuctiou , rumonHtranco or protest filed within two weeks from 3d of Mny , 1882 , the naid HOOIIBO will bo granted , AONKH , Applicant. THK OMAHA DAILY UKK newspaper will publish the above notice once euch week for two weeks at the expense of the appll cant. The City of Oinnha is not to be charged therswlth..T. .T. J. L. 0. JEWETT , City Clerk Matter of Application of II , Ni Skov/ & Co. , for Liquor License. NOTICE. Js'otltr In herohy given that II. N. Bknw A Co. , cllil uimii the Ut illy of > av A. 1 > . 1HS" . file Ilia aiiiicA to the JlMor and City Council of O i alia , for llcuuM ! t M > ll .Mult , HplrltuoiM anil VlfiQim l.nmnro , at corner lith and l'acltlotiiicti < , Flriit Ward , Unrtlia , Kib. , ( rum tlm > 6th < li y cl MuylBS'2 , to the < 6th ths ol Align t It-Hi. If thcru l > o no o&juclion , reinormtianiu or pro. loitlllod vtlthlntwunkn front M > lit , A , U , Ibb'2 , thu iiald lleoi so will hu : antiil. HAM ) NKII.HOS Kkow * Co. Ai | | > li ant. Tim OMAHA HKK ncwriaimr will publUh thu atinru notion oncu each i'il ; for tuowcvk ut thu i3Xenno | ) of tha a | > ] ) licant. Ihu City cl Oinftlm U i."t toheihantnl tLeruwlth. J. J. L. 0 ml St _ _ _ _ , _ ANTIQUARIAN BOOKSTORE 1420 DOUGLAS STREET of the Literati , The Choapeut , I-ir.ostnml choicest collection " ' N.EW AND SECOND-HAND BOOKS in the Wcwt. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPEOIALTV : . Cash paid for Socond-IJuud Books or oxohangod for now. H. 80HONFELD , nn22.1y VHOPIIIETOR , AWNINGS I Made to Order on .Short Notiot Harness Store. 1508 FAHNAM STREE8. . "WINE OF CARDUI" uinkea h""ks ami clear coiupluxions. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IK NEBRASKA. CALDWELLjHAMILTON&CO Bnitiitoui irnninoied nmo nil that of mi Incorporated Tmnlt. Aooonntu kent in onrrontr' ar old Rnbjoot to night clinch -without no- Uo . Certlflcntofl of dnposlt Iminod pnv- nblo in throe , nix nnd twelve niouthfl , bonrinrj interest , or on de mand without interest. Advnnooft ntnilo to oiiBtorners on npprovnil Hoonrltionnt mnrlcnt rftto of lntorot. Tha Interests of onstomorn are olonolyinnrdo < lnnd every facility comtintiblowith prliiclule * of xoiind linnhinR freely oxtended. Druw slr-ht drnftn on England , Ireland , Scotland , nud nil uartu of Europe i Soil Enroponn PIMRIIRO tiolccts. 0 LEOTIONO PROMPTLY MADE. United States Depository First National lank OMAHA. Oor. 13fch and . 3to. OLDEST IIANKINO KSTAULIBltUENT lit 01IA1IA. aUOOEBSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) UTABLmniD IBM. OrRinUeJ M k KkttonM lUuk AURUS * SO , IMS. PAprTAt , - - ' 20VOOO 8UHPLU3 ANDPKOFIT3 - IGO.OO ' OrTIClM ADD DIklOTOU > ninMiN KODKTII , Prtwulcnt. Auaunrai KOCNTIII. Vice Preddenl. F. D. DATIH , Canhler. A. J. 1'om.KTON , JouNA. Caimniw. Tbl tutok iKclvcs d ) > 03lti wlthmi rrfrnnl to kniauriU. iMuontlmo cortlflctto ) > carln ; Interest. Dr wi ilraU ) on ? a rranctnco * ml pilnclrnj eltloa ol Uio United Stitos , lso LonJon Dublin Edinburgh an 1 the principal cltlo Ql thecontl Dent of Euroixj. nuvldtl DrJHUBER VANDOREN 1411 Douglas St. Omaha. TKur sccciB8rut.T ALL Ohronio Nervous and Spooial Disonaos- Medicines furnished at , offlcu. Batlilactlon guaranteed or money relundod. | l3-dtt Railroad Outfit on Short Notioo- 1'th ' St. , Near Farnham. ml-ood-4 M. R. RISDON , Gen'l ' Insurance Agent 3EC.OE5E" JCC JQ S3TE2 W3 ? S i Phoontx Aiuuranco Co. , ot London , Cash Aasotta , . t { 5,304,604.00 WcBtohoss'or , > . Y. , Capital 1,000,000.00 The Merchants , of Newark , K , J. , Capital 1'J7 , COO.O Gluril Klro , t'hlUdolphla , CaplUvl. . . . 1,000,000.0 Vlrvinvii'ii Fund 1,239,016.0 Itlsh America Amiirancc Co 1,600,000.0 Office , Boyd's Opera HIIUSD , WESTEKN C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NER , - - - MANUFAOTOTIERS OF GALVANIZED ffiOH Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON g SLATE ROOFINQ , Speoht'a Patpnt Metalio Sky- Patent AdfutUble Ratchet Oar and BRACKET SHELVING. am the Kcuerol State A ent ( or the boTt n of goodi. \t \ IRON FKNOING. Oreitlngt , Balustrades , Verandai.jOfTIca and B nk RalUnet , Window and Cellar Quards ; also OBNKUAL AOENT Peerson and Hill Patent Inilda Blind. novMtf HULL mm owe STOVE. , 'Ib'i Ihonee * K/'cnO "lily V , ifr nxk at > / tiuttusB UVBH fur 1882. I'n ton t roinoTiibl o itnd I nterchnn viilil" J * * Oelllcc , ri'iul i-l ur l > iimr ln" ' " lr cll" liln New Onn y'llIliirn'r on t\vu A l Mtoten. Xr\v Nnf.'ty llunervitlr. for Bummer uw > tlicto Stores art ) Indispensable ThrM cclflratcdgtovu lor sale by D. A. Hercjr , Ouiah * . Neb. 29-im-m5 Aw W. S. GIBBS PHYSICIAN AND SURBM , Room No4 , Creigbton BIoek > 15tk Str * t , OMAHA. NEBRASKA. Orrics HocBst 10 tola A u. 3 to 6 p.ic lanhona ommected wltb Oaatral Office Dexter L , Thomas. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Boom 8 , Cfelghtoa ilook