Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
JUAlLYBJbJJB : THURSDAY MAY 4 , i882 , THE DAILY BEE CMAHAPUBLISHINQOO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Oa copy 1 ycarln advance ( po tfrtld ) > . J10.0C 8 menthe " " . . . 6.00 month " " - B.OO 1 ML WAY TIME TABLE , r RD ClltC/lO , ST. FACL , KINNRlrOUR f > OMAHA RAILROAD. I/tare Omaha I'aMcryer No. S , 8:50 : * . tn. Ac- tntrodMlon No. 4 , 1:01 p. tn AiilvcOnifth * rastonpcr No. 1 , 8 : ) p.m. 4ectc relation No. 8 , 10-.W n. m. < MKH OM tU KAFT 01 MOTH tOCRV. C. , B , J. ( , . 7:10 : 1 > . in. 5:40 : p. m. 0. & X. W. , 7:10 : . ni. S : 0 p. tn. 0. , R. I. & P. , ? ! 40 k. m. 8:40 : fl. m. K. C..SU J. & C. IL , leaves tt ' DO ( k. m. nd 7 45 m. ArrhesatHt. Louis at 8:3u : t. m. nd 8:52 : m. m.X1. , St. ti. A. P. , leaven ate * . m. and i : < 0u Arrives fit. Louis t 0:40 : . m. and 7:8C a ' wwr 01 BOcrnwwTB. n , ft H , tn Neb. , Through E prees , U : > - t < i , B. \ M. Lnc ! ' .n Kxprc s 8:20 : p. tn. U P. Overland Express , 12:16 : p. m. O. * R. V. for Lincoln , 11:45 : a , m. O. & 11 V , for Osceola , 9:40 : . ra. V. P freight Xo. f , 6:30 : a. tn. C. P ' rtlrfit No. 9 , e:20 : a. m. V. V , frclclit. No. 13 , 2'6flp. m. U. P. freight No. 7 , C:10 : p. m. - . P. Denver express , 7:35 : p. m. U. P. frtltht No 11 , 11:30 : v. m. O. P. lKu frclclit , 8:26 : p. m. iLUVlno FBUM HAST 0 n. I. O 6.00 . rc. TrJTi p tn. C. / V. Is' . , 9:16 : a. 13. 7:26 : 1 % tn. 0. TV. L A P..r:45 : ft. m.-SSf > p. m. ( v. 0 , St. Joe & .C P. . T.S6a. in. 6:4Cp. : ui AKUV1M > FROM Till WK3 AID BODTIIVUT , 0. fr H. V. frcm Lincoln l.Od p. m. U P Ptolflc Kxprcsa Svi6 p. m. H f. M. In Nob. , Tlirounli txprow tilt p m. R * . U. Lincoln Exprc 9'4S n lu. V. f. Denver etprcw , :35 iv. in. IT. . Frtlicht IJo. It Sl : < 0 p. tn. U. P , 'Jo. fl 6:2.0 : ft. in. Eraljt ml. W. P. frcisb * Va. U , 12 : p. in. U. "P. Ko. t1 0:00 } ) , m. II. V. So. 12 1:16 : R. m. U , T. Denver trolkht , 1:10 a. in. O ft n. V. ralxul , r. 4:45 : p. n. Bt/VMV / TE. H tUTWXKI OMAHA AJTB OOGNUL KtVFFft. JC.o vo Oojah t a:00 , 9:00 : , 10.00 and 11CO : m. ' , 1-0 2:00 : , SJ.-0 , 1.00 and 6:00 : p. to. JLcii t Council Bluffs at S:2t : , 3:2P : , I0rt6 anil < i\b \ . ra.j USf , : SB , 2.26 , 4:3C : in & : i5 Pu . SiinJ T Inn diirami knvca Oinnha t 90 nd ll.w . m. : : OC , < ; iX ) and c:00 : 1 > . to. Lane. ! Council Dlnfli * l ( .26 ml 11:56 : 1. , m. ; S:2\ : < : * . ' > mod f:1'j : p. m. Throci ih ivnd l f&l pueHenwr tuinn between Om'vha and Council Ulufli. luarc Oiriha 8:16. : MB , 8:1 : a. m. ; S:40 , 6-46 , 00 p. m. ArrUt Omaha 7to , 1V.5 , 11:15 : a. m. : 6 > o. 7:06 : , 7:16 , iO p. tn _ _ doting of Wrlli on . a. ni. p , co. > . DI , p. in. OhlCAgnBli , W 11.0" ) 5:03 6SO : 1:10 : Odlcato , 1' L& l'fcCif.o.ll : O'OO 6:40 : S'iO on. * - . cj iron W.M DOT z.4& < 'ity a lino.- .dS d 1 il'.4f > U WO 51W : l.h M. t" .ft 10 On Rhj. .1. tjtvnx Ci'.j . . . . t : co 7 : JO C. to M. LlwoUu . 6uO : U. P. I..ncohi , Runr'.iy. . tl 0 J. P. Demcr E\p V.-W 0. , Sioux < ytyi St. P. . .11:00 i : Ucftl mallu for State of lowluive tml once dty , \ It : 6:30 : a , m. 6 c open Sniidajrs from 12 la. to 1 p. m. TTIOF. F HALL P M Bismess Irectorv. Abstract and Real tttate. JOHN L. MoCAOUE , cppciltc Post OSw. W. R. KAUTLETT 317 South 18th Street Archltectt. aOFKKNK & MENDELSSOHN , AKOHITKCT3 Room li CrclRhton Block. A , T LAROK Jr. . Room 2. Ciolithton Bloclr Boot * and Shoos. JAMES DBVINE fc CO. , Hoe Ewrls atid Shoe * . Apjod M80rtm n horac n rk on hand , comer 12th and Barney. THOS. KRICKSON , S. E. cor. 10th and DoutrUa. JOHN FOUTUKATU8 , 105 IDth street , raanufncturti to order Rood work * ! lr price * . Repairing done. Bed Spring * . LAKRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 DonU8t. N w > nrt RUtlonerv. J.I. FKUKHAUF lOlfi Farnham Street. Gutter nnd Eggm. UcHHANE & 8CBROEDER , the oldeet B. and E. honso In Nebraska established 1876 Omaha. UKO'ltiAl. RESTAUKAJS'I , Una. A. 11YAN. Ja < awcrt corner lOtband Doto. Beet Board for the Monoy. Batlnfactlon OuanuuiMl. > a ; .11 Hours. Bo rd by tiie Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cuib , Hnnn-t Ruoplled. 6'arrlaKea and Rona V71 ! FfVDER , 14th and Birnev Streets. / ClothliiE nought. i n/RRI' / WIH P4 ? lilphc'tCashvirlce for necond b'D/clo'Jjlnf. Corncr,10th and Jatnbam. oowe era. ( JOHN EAUMKR 1311 Fatnham Street. Junk. H. BKKTIIOLU , Ra a acil Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. fjTER & OR A ? corner flth and DouglM Lamp * and aiusware. fBONNER 1809 Doaxlas St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A LLNDQUE3T , no ot our moat popular Merchant Yatlora ta re- Mng the latent deuiina for Spring and Bummer roods for gentlemen's ' ) wear. 8tyli li , durable , /nd / price ! low aa ever 216 18th bet. Dous.&Faru. Millinery. fKS. 0. A. BINDER , Wholesale r.nd Itctall , Fan- jy Qcodt In treat rarlety , Zephyr * , Card Boards , jfortery , Gloves , Oorseto , &c. Cbetpdat Uouw In /the / Weet. Purchasers save EO per cent Order /by / M U. 116 Fifteenth Street. rounary. 1 J01IN WEARNK to SONS cor , Uth&Jarkaoneta Hour and Food. OUAHACITY MILLS , 8th and Faroham Weishani Bros. , proprietors. Qrocon. Z. bTETENS , list between Cumluc ami lui T. A. UoaitANE , Corn. 2Sd and CumlnjUtreeta. Hardwaie , Iron ana tttcel. > OLAN & LANOWOHTIiy , Wbolesile , 110 anc1 : i2 Utb street A. HOLMES come 16tn and California. Harness , Saddles , &c. B. WEIBT SO 18th St. bet Farn. A Harney. Hotels &HFIELDnOUSE.Oco. GanfledBth ! tt Farnham OOUAN HOUSE , P II. Gary , 013 Farnham St. ULAYEN'S HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10th fit. . ( outturn Hotel Om. Hamel 9th Si Leavenwortb rugs , PalnUand Ulla. KUUN A CO. rharm * uts , Fine T nc Uools , uor. lt > th and ) Donzl > s t recta W. J , WH1TF.UO UtK , Who : < wale & Retail , 16th SL 0 , FIELD , 2053 North Ride fhiuilnfr titrrel. PARR. Drugyiit. IQtn aiid Howard Street * Dontlsts. OR. PAUL Wtlllami'Hlork Cot. Iftth A Dolga Ory uoouk Hoiiun * , etc. JOUK H. f. LKUMANN t CO. , flew York Dry UuaO * Bute , 1S10 and 181S Farn. L. q gpewold 1e" 'vxtf * * cd ttyxn d Padflc. ruruituif A F. OBOKB , flovr nod ilfrjond Hand jfuruktuit .od Btorei , 11U Dciu < . UVIiMt u u price uld for second tanl rccot //.BONNKIl 1S09 Donna . Mae f eocdi &c. t y rercu OKABA KEKCE CO r < ' OUST , /WES A CO l l nunc > Sw , li.cft * d Ic Boxes , her ar.j Wood fvac i fit Illoits. Oooi > l > l' ? 'HM ' nd lcti Puwnbrokers. IQtb' St" Kt lin ( Hetrlgeralorf , CanHeld's Patent. * t23 OOODilAN lUi Bt. bet. Karn. k lau Glean ri > { Totxcco. WKST * rHnSCI'Elsnwitrictjreri tad Wholeiu IVb rat -i Tel > r 3a , 1SOA Dcu lat If. V. kOREN'ZKN Ri\nutacttirer 1116 Farnham Florltt. A. Donahue , plint , cut flowtn , edt , ooqnttl etc. K. W. cor. 16th noA Dou ln ttrcet * . Olvll Enftlneer * ind fiurvoyor * . ANDRF.W ROSKWATKH , Crolghton Block , Town Surrey ) , Ontde and S weric * Syttcm * a Uommlttlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. Wit. LIS.11H Doilijo Street. I ) U. I3KKMKR. For det&lln iwlarge adTerllw. ruent In Daily and Wrekb' . Oornlce Work * . Western Oorulce Workt , MnnufMtartn Iron Oortilce , Tin , Iron and Shto Rooning. Orders from ny locality prorrplly oictutevl In the bwt manner. Fuctor ) anJ Offic ISIS Harney St. 0. SPKCHT , Proprietor. Oal * nlttxl Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. , luAnufruiured and put up In any ratt of the country. T. 9INIIOLD 416 Thirteenth ttre t Crockery , J. BONNKK 1809 Douela * street. Good lln * . Clothing and HurnlthlnR Uoo < a. UKO. H. PKTKRSON. Alno Hat * , Caps , Boot * , Kh 3 Notloni and Outlorv. BOi S. 10th itrect. Show Cae Manufnctory. 0. J. WH.OK , Manufacturer and Denier In all Undt ol flbow CI M > , Upright Cae c. ft . , 1317 CAM St. FRANK L. UKHHAKU. proprietor Omaha 3)ion ) Cftso manufactory , 818 South 16th stn-el , tictnron I < CA\enuorth and Marry All gondx Utovo * ana inMpro. A. BU1UIKKTKK , Utiloi lu HSovei ntiil Tlnnuro , and Manufacturer ot Tin Roofa and Ml kind ) ot Tliilldlntf Wor ) , Odd Fellow e'Block. J. nOKNKK. ISM Ooucliw li no.1 unit J. SVANh , Wholenla acd HotMl Wi Utllli n.l Culthatcre Odd FiJlown KM 11 l Sur eon w. s. oinns , M. i > . . U POjro , , Street V. b. I.EtSilMUNU , r l > Mujonlu lllo\a. C. L. HAUT , M , T ) . , Fj < iid liir , otp. pc tomce UR. L. T QUAtHtt' 0iilithnd ! AurW. P W IMh nt FaratMn KM GKO IIIIV.V , PROP flnad Centrnl Gr.llcn , 12 Slxteoiith Utitit. near Us-Miitc Halt. lfula 9Worh and I'ron.rt- nR , Qaa and Stn ni H' P. W. TAUPY & CO. . SIB IS St. , bet , Karnham and Douglas. Work protup \ attended to. n. riTZt'ATTlICK. IU f IntlnK wn aper tinging , 1ENRY A. KOSTKRH. HI Dodze Btroe ) Shoa toret. Phillip Lan 1850 Farnhtm t hot. IBtti ft 14th. Oecnnd Hand Utore , PKKKU H & LKAK , K18 OouqUw St. , N w * nd Second Hand Furniture , House KiirnlDhlng Oocidn , to. , bfitirht nnf told nn oarron innrrlnc baloont UEKHY KAUFMANN , Va ton now brlc'rf biac un Douglai Street , baa Just opened ft most n ! < v tit IJi'CJ 1'all Ilot Lumh Irnui 10 to 1 " Caledonia " J FAI.COXKR flT8 ih Htrcol UnUonukcra. . RIUWE , 101S Fsrnham hot. 10th * lltd. 00 Ount Qtorea. P C BACKUS Farshnro Pt. Fanjr Oool > i Mraska National BANK. OF OMAHA NEBRASKA ( No. VOOS. ) TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ) Office ifCoMrruou.ER or THE cuKBiucr , > WKIIIKOTOV , April 25th 18S2. ) liKRKA-s , by satlifactory ovldenca presented to the uuderagncd , It I as boon made to appear thaf'T E NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK OF OMAHA , " In the city of Omaha , In the county of Douglio , and State of Nobraoka , has compiled with all the proUeionsof theKexiued Statues of the United btatet required to be compiled with lcfo.-e an association shall be authorized to cnm- mence the ba-lnt s of Banking : Now , thr.rofaro. I , John Jay KioxComptroller of th * Currency , do hereby certnV that "Tho Nebraska NatImal Bank of Omaha , " In the cl'y of Omnhn , In the c > uniy of Douglas , and state nf Ncbraokn. Id utllorlzd tn coin mono * the business at Vanklngat provided la Uecllin Flftv One Hundred and HlKt.v-Nli < of the Bovlied Stituten of tl.o United States , In testimony whereof witness my ) hand nnd foul o ( ofllco this 26th { SEA I. . V day of April lh&2. ) , . JOHN JAY KNOX. Comptroller of the Curreicy. 7 ho Above Bank Id now prepared to receive buslnesn It commences with a fully pad up c j > tal of * 2M,000.00 , with officers anil dircciors as follows : S. R. JOHNSON , PRHsn ) NT. ot Steel o , John son & Co. . Whilerato Oroccrs. A. r : . TOCZLIN , Vic PaiBiiiRST. of C. II. & < ? . U lt.Jrston. W. V. MOUSE , n' W. V. Morse and Co , , Whole- tuilo UfKU nnd Shoes. JNO. S. OOLi INS , of G. H. A J S. Collins , Wholesale Leather nnd S ddlcry. JAMES M. Woo north , Counsellor nnd Attorney > -t Law. LEWIS 8. UF.r.U , of Byron Itccd & Co. , Keal KitntoLio lets. IJKNRY W YATES , Cashier , late Caihler oj th Fir t Nutloual Hank ot Omaha , and eon netted with Hie aitlie nunajcd- nr.cut of fhnt Bank blnce Its organ- iratlon In 1SU3. miioly EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Locust Streets. 13 Of. X.01DXS , ZKCO- , J.H. HDRST , - - Prop Rooms , 75c , § 1 , and $1,50 P r Day. , An elegant Re'Uuiait UcantieUed with this ho'Jko whoromeali aru iiedatreaoonablaprices Open day and night. m-lOui Hatter of Application of II. A. Nolte for Liquor Licuise. NOTIOK. Xotlco Is hereby jrlvon that II , A. Nolte did upon the mild day of April A. D.JB82 , fllo bis r application to the Ilonrl nf Countt Com- in mlieloncrs of Douclai O unty , Nebraska , for tl license to sell JUIt. Splrltuoun and Inous tlBC Liquor * at Elkhorn Htatlon in Chicago 1'ieci ct BC houtfUs County , NebrasKii , from thudtli day of at May 18J2 , to the i th day ot Aiiu'ust 18 2. atw If there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro * w t-8t filed within t o w uks from April 22rd A. to U. Ib82 , the said Ilteiibo will bx iranti'il. ui H. A. NOLTK , Applicant. in Tim OMAHA IIKK no ipapcr nil publMi fare ho above notlco for two weeks at the itxucnue fam f the appllcuit. 'I'lio County of Uouxlas Is note m o be charged thcrewllh. re JOllNfllAUMKIl , Ii 2t County Cicrk IiTJ TJ NOTIOK. Matter of Application of .T. K. Ulalce ab for Liquor License. fr < Notice Is hereby given that J. K. Blake frhii lid open the 24th day of April A. I ) , 1882 , lie his application to the Mayor and City Coun * an II of Omaha for license to sell Malt , Spirituous od I .nd Vinous Lliiuori t No. 214 South Hfteontb trcet. Fourth Waid , Omaha , Neb. , from the 8th P ? lav of May 1883 , to the 8th dayof August 1682. dil ( If there b no objection , remonstrance or pro Jo fit filed within twe weeks from April 24lh A. . 1882. the said license will be granted. lisHi i J. r. Ill AKE , Hi Applicant. ho TmOuiUA BKI newspaper will publish the bove notlcoonco each week for ( wo utwks at ho expense of the applican t. The City of yci maha Is not to bo charged tleruwltli. ycii J , J , L , C Jxum , i Citv Clerk nci W. J COINNELL r i . , , pit ! ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , enl Orwx rroiit Uoaiixupiutrtlit IUnio < > " oitlldlnt , M Wirn r | ' * ith nd ORAIG'S OITY BEBEN HOUSE dot now open to the jmbllj with a full oupply o its. . its.Un Cut Flowers and Plant ? Un or Sale. We will l < o glad to nave the public I'h : | call and ece ue 3d touquota or Any Floral Doalgu Made bo to Order ter ON THE SHOUTEST NOTICE. ill * "Olty Oreen Hem * . 8. W.'Cor Uth nd Web- /ur , one block from ICth ftrcst cat. Nurwry , arc So street , cppoeltc Foit. Jta. V , Cralff , ilorut jd landscsptf Gardner. r'tui-ta. am NBBRA3T A FARM NOTES. No drvmth'tlih year in Nebraska. K , C , Wdrldge , of Xellgh , Is planting 2"iO buihels of potatoes The increase of corn planted in Wayne county will be fiO per cent. Heuben Henry , of Adams county , 1ms 1.000 ( .each tree * in bloom , Over 1,5 0 ncron of trees will be planted in Holt county this season. A coti'ldorable quantity of Kimlan rats will be tilled in Thayer county , Capt A V. Cole , of Jnnlata , set out 4 000 trees on his farm Arbor day. Tim Independent says n fine class of farm houses nre going up all over Butler county , .T. l , Cook , of West IJlue precinct , Yoik county , has set out 1,000 apple * tws un his farm , Theuutlo > k for small grain couldn't well 1 e littler. Corn planting if ) now in order. Wr t Voiut ProijreM. Tlio Republic xn valley contains a lot of li v t nt that the fanner * expect to Ret good price * for in Denver when the trains run through. Ii. 11. Cnvibr , of IOWA , last week taught three farni'ln Staiitonc < mntynay. ing S.1.-100 He will convert thorn Into stock fat inn. John Kterom U farming two hundred aurex of land this reason , John U one of tlio wideawake farmers of this county. Alma Herald , Mr. S.unncl Freeman report * tint some piectslof winter wheat on tneprairio'ardslx to eight inches high and looking Hue. Franklin Manner. Wtu. Stollcy mid Kli A. lla ncs were were appolnto.l by the Hall county society togithcr and care for the conuty'n exhibit at the next stale fair. Hairy Vail has a (1ok ( of 350 sheep ou his farm in Hamburg precinct , Stanton county. Ho t'lKures the interest on his in vestment ut 40 per ciut. Oeo. Kichanlson , of York , has n Licea- tertihira buck that weighs 100 pounds , and hissccond lleeco of wahed wool tiliped the scales at'27tf pounds. M. 13. Anderson , of Martin county , Minn , , panned through Niobrara last week with a Hock of sheep , the micloiiH of a r.iticlie to b started on Eagle Greek. Fiom the best data obtainable , we opine that the whe it acreage in Adams county i * IPSI by 25 tier cent , than tint of 18SI ; while .hat of corn planted will bo neatly , if not quits , 33J pcrccntgreater.-Junlat'i Herald. Everything in the vegetation line ia growing very rapidly now. and a number of farmers m fiom Wood lllver inform tin that they uevcr saw liuer crop pr spectH or email grain i a better condition at thin feasou of the jear , Gnmcl Island Inile- I oudeiit , The largest wheat crop ever art wn in this county 1ms been put in this spring. Bhou d the yield be tin a\erage , there will bn a Luge surplus wised hero thin season. Be- sided wheat , farmirs have also xown a Inr c nc reave of oat ? , barley nnd millet , Alma Hernhl. As an evidence that farming in Ne braska pa v , wo giro the C.IHO of John Ol'on of Strouinburg. Ho purchancd last spring SO acres of land , paying for it $320. He put out that season uO acres of bro at coin which brought him SI , 20 nnd after , wurtl void the farm for $800. If this ixnot a gooel iutertht on money invented wo do not know anything about it. The area of wheat BIWU , will not be m re thnn one-third to one-half us large as la t ye r , but theio will probably be three ucie" < of O.V.H M.lie'0 th > ro was one the e a- H. n b fiuu. The IMS uUiut tno iiHunl quan tity of barley , with lesa flax. The great bu'k ' ( if lliu crop nil l > o uurn. An unpre cedented amount , of blue grass , timothy and clover n'o.l. It la guno into the ground. York Tribune. A LINEAL DESCENDANT. An Illegitimate * Son of the Author of the Declaration of Independence. Robert JufTorson died the other day at Oberlin , O. Mr. Jefferson , says the Indianapolis Journal , was perhaps the best-known colored resi dent of Indianapolis , and with him probably dies the only descendant of Thomas Jefferson , third president of the United States and author of the declaration of independence , in this patt of the country. There exists the very best of reasons for the belief that ho was in truth the ton of Thomas Jefferson , Ilia story being published in the Jour nal of April 1 , 187. * , and attracting vary ueuerul attention. The story of bn life , and his ru.isoiiB for boiiovin. ; iiiuself ihe eon of the illustrious pur- , sonage whoso natno hr > bore , wore do- by himself to a Journal repro- icntativo aevnnil weeks ago , : m fol- ows : "Yes , eir , I baliovu I am tlio son of I'liomas .Icd'uraon. I have every roa- ton to think hu wtia my father , and no reaoon to think otherwise. My iiotlier was a slave yirl , a tall nnd mndauina woman , belonging to Mr. jhnstiixn , of Oharluatown , Va Cliomas Jcfforson and my mother's iineter wore warm personal frionda , ui'l frequently exchanged viaita , Ifr. JellKraoii passing a good leal of his time at Charlostown and t Mr. Chriatiati's houao. My mother ras a housemaid , and had charge of ho apartments Mr. JelTornon usually ccupiod. Her name was Millie Ilod- liford , and aho wus aaid to bo a very iretty woman in lior younger days , 1 though a dark mulatto. I was born a March , 1803 , at the houao of my lother's master. I can remember lie homestead well , and have myself son Thomas Jofiuraon. My mother nd all her people always told me lie us , my father , and 1 have no reason doubt their word. My mother was nmarriod wliun I wan born , and my mater has often , told mo who my ithor was , and it wat hu who named 10 Robert JdFerson , ThcRu are the asons for my belief , and on which suppose I am really the offspring of ho mas JelToraon , " Mr. Jefferson was a alaro until xiut 1852 , when hu purchased his 9 eodom and that of his , wife , from n s master , paying ? 2,7C4 for himself bt id $1,500 for his wife , having earn- feT ' the rnonoy at odd hours doing car. T , inter work. After living in novcral th Toront places for short periods , Mr. re > lUerson finally settled in Indianapo * to , in 1854 , where has since resided , fnm is eatnte is valued at $25,000 , his m IIHO being at 185 Minerva ntreot , o has lived by himaelf for several are , and in that timu 1ms added lit ucli to hiu fortuny. He could Jo ithcr re.'id nor write , but , being On > isod in au educated family , was u tivh liasant talker and had attractive and h Pr tenanting wayu. PrO. New Jersey Senatoreblp. A private letter from an observer in 1 jw Jersey represents that a good al of interest ia already manifesting elf in regard U the contest for the To iited States noimtorship. Mr. Me- ell } mrson's term will expire with the l el of next March , his successor will 1)0 chosen by the legislature next win- iu en . Among republicans it is assured wit they will have contrpl uf the leg , kbn tin e uture , and , as a consequence , there many candidates , prominent y long wjiom are Secretary Kreling- > huysoiif lleprcMmtatiTO llobcson , ox lloprescutntiyo Ualsoy , and Messrs. Groy , Richards and Ilotmt. The writer rmya the domocrnts , however , do nut concede that the republicans will bo able to control the legislature , on the contrary , they claim , that the succcMor to Senator McPhcrson will bo a democrat. There i sonic uncer tainty about Mr. Mol'horson's pur- iwsea and doiiros in regard to this matter , and it is not definitely known whether ho intends to withdraw from public lifo and engage exclusively in private business ho having recently purchased one hundred thousand acres of grazing land in TOXIIB for a stock rancho or whether ho will again stand for the soimtorahip. X.IVE STOCK SUFFERING. Dofootlvo Civra for Cattle nnd Tnolr Dnng-or Horrors of tlio Route. N w York Herald , The lU.-Kev. Robert It. Clarkson , Protestant Episcopal bishop of Nebraska - braska , in aponkini ; of "tho present barbarous method of traimportinir live stock to market , " recently said : "The cuUlo from tlio plains of Wyoming , Dakota. Colorado nnd Montana are driven hundreds of miles without suf fering , and with little or no loss , to the shipping point , where their mis * ory and the risk of the shippers be gins. They nro loaded in cars nt thickly as they can possibly stand , nnd curried for dayo toother without rest , food or wator. Within tlio four \uUla of the cars thus crowdcd _ theru is un endless struggle for moro existence. The horning nnd tr.tmpling nro aa terrible as anything the imagination can conceive , If n steer in over thrown , or sinks from exhaustion , ho is trodden to death , nnd the carcass will not bo drawn out until tlio train roaches an unloading station , There the creatures nro driven out , with blows nnd shouts , into u muddy > ' ( ird , perhaps in the midst of a storm ot sleet or snow , and fed and watered at an ononnoua oxponsu to the shipper Hut what must bo their condition when they are landed iu an Eastern city after such a journey as that ? They Imvo lost llcsh heavily ; f-oino are dead ; many are sick uud weak ; nil are bruised in a manner frightful for the customer to think of , and very few or none are really fit to slaughter. Vet with this beef people nro regu larly fed. Much is said about tlio adulteration of liquora and of food - why not look after the condition of our beefl" The eininoiit divine , in those re- nmrkSOpoiis subject which interests people of nil classes , in all places , vat it has received surprisingly little at tention at any hands. That cattle are huddled and packed in herds rang : < ig from fifteen to eighteen iu cars cup.v bio of decently accommodating only two-thirds of that number ; that in such crowded quarters t.ho poor beasts have no chance to Ho down for rest ; that the moro vicious have full op- poraunity to harm their weaker com panions ; that horning , trampling , bruising and killing among thorn oc curs on every cattle train because of the nono-soparation of creatures ; thnt there is no possibility of feeding or watering stock on the cars , and that the unfortunate brutes have to exist two and three sometimes four days at a time without eating or drinking ; that in their exhausted and sick condition they nro driven from tbo cars before food and water are given them ; that a truia takes five or six days in coming from Chicago cage nnd St. Couistho main shipping places in the west , to Now York , and that during that extended period these weakening and sickening con- ditiono 'exist , are all indisputable facts. The cause of the animal as a sufferer ha * boon plcndcd many times , but the rights of the consumer , who is compelled to eat the of the animal that liita uniergonp all thcso nutriment-killing experiences , nro only rarely and impotent ! } ' cham pioned. I'l'.OCKKH OK UEULINK. After diligent inquiry anion physi cians , railroad men , butchers , unttlb- dealers , and other experts , the writer has learned some of the necessary ro- Bulta of theao terrible journey * , and all goto show the unhealthy condition of the animulu whim they arrive here. For instance ) , n steer will lose , on the average from 90 to 100 pounds between tweon Chicago and Now York. Tlio Animals are dosed with unit , coal- screenings , antimony , saltpetre , und Micr similar medicines , which are allowed to operate for u few days in the endeavor to bring them back to u respectable appearance. Just before being Bold they are filled up with an , i niich water as can bo forced in to thorn order that they may moro and , consequently , > ring a higher pnco. Often lines an animal is compelled to take at inuoh us fifty pounds of wator. tfot a long while ago an exceptionally ino lot of cattle , averaging 1040 lounda in weight , wua shipped from lobraaka , consigned to the English uarket. An is usual , they were noted od until Chicago was reached , whcro ' hey wore landed , supplied with fod- lor , und re-embarked in throe hourd. Jotwoou Chicago nnd No1- " York their nly feeding place was Ituft'ulo , where J wo hour * were allowed. On roach- it ; Now York ono head was slaugh * d. Its blood was found to bo almost dark us blue ink , showing that the iternal organism of the animal had uen completely deranged and made ivurish by the hardships of the cars , 'aimers pt hides complain greatly of 10 losses they are mudo to suffer by oson of bad transportation , If the tugh hides undergo injurious effects om the traveling , how much raoro ust the tender flesh uuffnr ? Bucklin'a rnica Salve. Tlio JiEBT SAI.VK In the world for Cut * , ru ( oj Sores , Ulcer * , Suit Rheum , Fever iron , Totter , Onppcd Hands , ( /'lilllilaiiix , rn , un'l all kin eruntlona , and ] ) bl- vely cures \ > \\e \ \ < . It In guarauteed to vu uatlsfaction or money refunded , rice , 25 centu jwr box , Kcir ule hy Qooiitnan . . . " - - - - ' VVarnor's safe Kidney and Livtr ir , Idlw NOTIOK. 01 Kllikft Uclauyhtiu noii-ruldent dtfgiiiUnt : Vouare licrebv nutitUcI tlmton tlio 24th Jay A lull ie6i , > d ord It. MtLauthllii fliud a lltlui ojolnut you In tlio Ulttrlct Court o ( iuiU County , Lo' rnka , the object and pray , ol uhltli are to obtain a divorce /romjou and ttoJyof the children ; Iwue ol the tuirria.-e Ih you , on the ground that > ou hare wilfully uidonua tha iilalntlfl without k-ood cau e , dr term cl two > tar lut piui. You are re- Ircd to aimucr nild i ntltion on or bolero Ucn- , the 12 t Uav ol June 1B&2. K D. MCLAUGHLIN , i-inintio , o e VIE. It Ily K N , HALL , till Attorney. Proposals For Imllnn Supplies and Trnnsportntlou. | - \ DrAUTMKNT OFTIIK INTKRIOU , Offlctof Indian AffaltVaiMn < ton , April 25. IMS. ) irpx > . l . Inclortcil "rnivwli for I Vjfor Il > ( mu t I'PKiKinlildl In m- ( > - arate tnTcloHtltcou | , Flour , Clothlne , or TrKn | rUtlin , c , ( M the ranc nm > l > c , ) and dlitctrd to tlio l'omml lontr ol Indian Affolrx , o < . C5 mt 67 Wooifr trft , N > * York , will l > o rfcolrtd until 1 v. m. ol Tur * > Uy , May SS , 1SW , for furnl < hliR for the Indlon frr\lc < ' about $ .iO,000 iioiiml ) tacou , 40,000,100 pound * llffl on thehool , lSCOOxjund | llrani > , 70,000 poundi ItaXlng Ponder , v.COO.OOO f otird Corn , 710,000 pouml C'olTfc , MSOOCO , ) pound * Xlour S12.000 punds Kofil , 800,000 poundi lUrd llrcivl , 7ft- 000 ( tounds Hominy , 8,000 poundg Urd , 1,050 barrels mcsi pork , 231HXI pound * lllw , 11,100 | x > utii Tea , GMOO jxjundu Tolmcro IOOIUO pou ml < Salt 210 , OtO tx > und Soap , 0,000 | > Oundi Soda , | , StOOCO pounui Bu ar and 839,000 psundi Whpat. AIM , IllanVtt , Woolen and Ooltvn OOCK | , ( ccrjl Lln In part ol Ticking , & ) ,000)ril < ! Stan darl Calico , StOC > COy t ( ] ; llrilllnK , VOPOOy ril , Duck , free from all Mting , I70COi janl ; Den- lins , 17,000 Jran1 ; Olniflinu , M.OOO ) nli ; Kcn > lucky JcMij , Cft.OOO jard ; Choi lot J..SOO > nnl ; ltr > .wli Snrctlnir , 200 000 j rd , lllf chod Khrct- Inc. S0,000jarj i Hickory f > hlrtlne , 10 , 00 } rd ! Calico HhlttliiR , P.JOO yard * ; \\lntry , 3,000 \anlt ; Clothlnir , Orocrrlcs , Not'om , Hmdnaro , Mnllral SuppllN , and a IOIIR lint of m'ncol Unrous article * , nttch a * lli\rnrn , l'lo K , lUln. k'orin , Ac , , and for about 476 aconn rrqulrcJ or the ccnlco In Arttona , Coloiado , Dakota , iUhj , Indian To rltor * , Hltine oU , Mcntan < , N'fhtaiku , oladA ni lVi l rondn , to ho drlUcr- ext at Chloneo , Kant nClt\niul MoiuCIn , Also for such \ \ ion ; * an ina.t to trqulml , adapted to the cllniAto nr the I'aclllo Con t , with CAllfon la brtiVcn , ilcllrcml at Situ Kr > ncii > ro. Also , tintu | > ortatlon fomuchof the aitlclm. K0od < , Mul nuppllot tlmt may not bo contracted for to bo dcllTcrrd at tha AirnicUd. Hum MCHT RR HAH OCT 01 ( lOtltKNMILI. HAIKU Schedules ohonltif ; the klndia'td qinnttllcn nf ub > lstriicogupplles equips ) for each AKCIIC ; . Anil IhokltuU iul qttanllllrn In J.TOM , of all nther RO di atul Articles ( i' ; vlhcrlth blank proKiK | l9 nnd for inn for contract and bond , con dltlonMch' ohjcrtrd by bldilerii , tlmo nnd place ol delh cry , ternin ol contract nnl pay ment , trMinportatlon routes , nnd nil other ncron- tary u utructlona wtlllM lurnlihod upon nppll. cat.on to the Indian Ollko In WadiliiRton , erNe No . 05 nnd 07 Woostcr Mrcct , New York : Win. II. Lon , No 4S3 Druftdwiy. Now' York ; the Conuii ssarlm of Hulntnlcnce , I. H. A. , at Chojciine , Chicago , I ot cnnorth , Omaha , Saint Loiil * , Balnt 1'aul , M in Kmt cltco , and Yankton ; the PoKtninntcr nt 8lotu City , nnd to the P. ! mastcrn nt the lotion Ing named plivcon In ICnn * con : Arkanrati City. Iturllngton , Cnldwell , City , KnM'orla , Kurtkn , ( Ircnt llriul , llouard , Iliitrlilpon , Lnr c' , Jk'Piicrwin , Mar lon , Mfdlclno I.oJgp , New on , PKICO Oily ho- dan , Htcrllnir , Topckn , Wellington , Wlcliltn nnd Wlnllold. llldi will bo dpci od at the hour anil dny nboto nUtoil , nud blJJcrii nrc linllol to lie pri'icnt nt the opening. CKKTimn CHUCKS , All bldii IllllBt l ncroinutnlct | by cettlflcd chcilt upon Bomo Unlttd Stntcii l > cwiltory | or Aitlftant Treoeitrer. lor > thnF > tfltn ) vritnl. of the amount of thuproponil. H ritlCi : , Commls loner , F5FSCIAL LIMBS. Somothliitf NEW rou OMAHA , Dr. Crnw- orcl.of I'luvu- Iniul , 0. , tliu old , pouiOur. and nklllful nmnufactuter Artifioinl Limbs. Of the latest Improved plan , linn opened n muclmijlril aurcary hmltuto at 109 South 14th ftroct , Omnha , whcru lie | g prepuMl furnlth limbs of uierj description , skeleton * ) mid Bupportcnfortuiralltod anddcforuiod llnibu , trusses , and shoulder hiacca ami eupixirtcrs lor oinalt ) wcikno-n. &a. Ilio Doctor lins Imd 23 jinrs cxiirrlcnco 11 wcJirlnc and adluitlnir. J. B. OKAWrOMD. 109 South llth St. Omaha , Neb. THE KENDALL PLAITI MACHINE ! It plaltn from l-lOol a n Inch to n Idth I n the coaneit felts or finest si ks It docs all kinds and style * of jlaltlnu In uno. No lady that does her own dress-making can afford to do without one as nlco plaiting Is c , nor out of fanhlon , If seen It sells Itaolf. For V. chiinH. ! Circulars or AKent'e tormu addroac CONGAH & CO. , l Adams St. niilown III JOHN HTABLHH , KROMR hCIIAUF , President. Vlco Proa l. W. S. DSIUIIKU , See. and Trcas. IBS NEBRASKA MIUFiCTnEIM CO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTUUEUS OF Oorn Planters , Marrows , Form Roller * , Sulk Hay flakes , Bucket Elevating Wind ml &c. Wo are prepared to do job work and manul turlngfor other partlin Addrca all orders NEBRASKA MANIJFAUTUIUNO CO. , I.I PO's Vnc Genius Rewarded on , toe Story of the Sowing Machine , A bu'iddouiu ' little pamphlet , blue ind 01 e vtitti numerous rujrrM lu rs , till ) bo } GIVEN a any uult pencil cMlug for It , at buy brunch r sub-fllfli.0 of 'Hit. Vitiu ! * Mil ittv.-t jrinCom - ianj , cr util bo .nt bj iij.1. , jiott raid , to ay pcrtun lhlii ( ( at a dlstaucv frem our ottlcoi , a The Jnger Manofaotarlnp Oo , , 'rlncipal Office , ! )4 ) Dnioii.juaro , NEW YORK fnhln il&w i P mm & GO a , , , 8 8c .A.O-XUKTOC'f ; c " L. Sommers & , . 8 3RACKEBS ! A BlSOJi'lB , OAKr.S , JUMBLES AND NOVFLTIES Wholesale Manufacturing IONFEG s IQN&ES AND DEALERS IN 'ruits , Nuts and Cigars , III S. 14th St. MAHA MEB , J.L WILKIE , UANOrACTUIlEUOi' APER BOXES , Gl ? .IQ and 220 S. 14th St. . - - 3XT3E1XB n ? * w WHOLESALE- LUMBER , COAL & LIME , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas 3tst -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo \ 1020 Farnham Street , . , - - - ISTIES -WI10LESALE- BOOK.SELLER AND STATIONER AND URALKION Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. IE1. O. WHOLESALE &ROOE 1213 Farnham St. Omaha. Np.h. SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF Men's , Boys' and Children's , CLOTHING Ready for In-f pec AT POLACK'S CLOTHING HOUSE./ / ! The LoweiiFPrices Guaranteed. ) ' 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. . lx"T . Marldood. Oldest Wholesale and THE LEADING Retail JEWELRYHOUSE MUSIC HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here IN THE WEST I General Agents for the and all novelties in SIL- Finest and Best Pianos and VT.R WAR - . CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as he Latest , Mont Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. ind Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold SECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at Bottom Prices , ill of PINE descriptions A SPLENDID stock of PATCHES at as Low Pri- Steinway Pianob , Enahe les as is compatible with Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi lonorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. md see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren , Jtore Tower Building Sterling , Imperial , Smith , , American Organs , &c. Do orncr llth aud Farnham not fail to see us before pur- Streets hasinp. MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW CASES Large Stock Aways on Hand. HI PILLSBURY'S BESTI Buy the PATENT PROCESS I1) ) MINNESOTA FLOUR always gives satisfaction , because it ins i U suparipr article of Bread , and is the Ohear eat. Flour in the market , Every sack .warranted to run alike or ill money refunded , u 1 * VM. \ . YATES , Cash Grocer DUHSELOR AT - LAW J. H , McOULLOOH , loom 4 , Cnlghtot Uloek. flfUeulu Street. B. D. McLAUGHLiIN , < M ATTORNEY AT - LAW 9md Notary Public