Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Suocesa of Gambliafr on Big
Mou y Backing Illus
trated ,
And How Slender Puraoa nro
A Million Busuol Wheat Dofnult.
Crilo jo i > o 111 ClndnrmtlCaiimcrc ] I.
J "Do you oo that younij Amman jit
the oflico yonder , keeping hooka for
PoHw Palmer ? " said a broker to the
writer to-night.
This inquiry wan put in thu rolundu
of the Palmer house , in thu courao of
a conversation on the Chicago mar-
keta and the -nothods and peculiar ! *
t'cs of the people who specuUto here
The broker had boon claiming that
nine out of the ton of the folks who
dabbled in grain or provisions "wont
in , " as he put it , "on shoo string
"Nino out of ten , " ho said , "of the
person * , who , believing that they
httvo a premonition of the direction
wheat or pork is going to go , buy or
soil a little of it , lese their money.
They go in without boiiiR prepared to
'atay' ' by tlioir do.ila. " Then ho called
attention a aln to the pretty book
keeper in the oflico of the P lmor
"I tell " ho said "a
can you , , story
of that young woman which will il
lustrate the manner of trading of the
men irho Alwayn miiko money in thia
market. Last fall Handy was hero
and stopping nt thia house. Ono day ,
aa ho was paying his bill , the young
woman mild to him :
"Mr. Handy , you'ro a very lucky
man. Now I want to buy myself n
aacquo this winter. I'ro ' got $50
which I wish you'd take and trade on
a little for mo. If I lese , it will bo
just my luck. If I win , it will pay
for my cloak. "
" 'Oh , ' said Handy , 'I could not do
anything with fifty dollars. '
"That day Handy told hi * brother
to buy twenty-live thousand bushels
of wheat for the girl. It was bought
at $1.28 , From the moment , almost ,
of thai purclMao wheat began to do-
clin" , und it noror stopped until it
had gone down to § 1.1 ( > . It took
over ? 2,500 to protect it. Hut the
tide finally turned , and up aha wont.
When n profit of 8437.60 had boon
realized , the trade , nt Handy'a order ,
was closed out and the money equally
divided between the three lady book
keepers employed in the Palmer house
offioo. "
"Thoro now , " said the broker , "ia
'a fair illustration of the difleront ways
of making u trade. li the young
woman had bought with her fifty dollars
lars she would have lost everycunt of
it , and fltilj she would have been on
the aamo side of the market aa Air.
Handy , who won. "
"I hope , " aaid a broker who ropro-
Bents at thia market ono of the larg
est brokerage houses on Wall street ,
"that the proposed now rule , inakinu
winter wheat dolivurablo on contracts
intor-ohangeably with opring will pass.
It will help break up the 'corners'
which are ruining the commission
business here. "
There ia three Uniea aa much winter -
tor wheat grown as there is apring.
If cliques sot about 'cornering the
grain , and it wore possible to deliver
them either winter or spring , No. 2
grade , at ono's option , it would bo
possible to Bwnmp them , lot thorn bo
the richest cliques in creation. Grain
could bo brought from St. Louis , Dn-
luth , Detroit , Milwaukee , Baltimore ,
from every wheat market in th. coun
try. It could nil he deliverod. They
couldn't possibly take , and pay for all
the property that could bo gathered
hero upon very short notico. "
"Would there bo any objection to
making the two whoats deliverable in-
terohat'goably ? "
"I think not. Millora ought not ; to
object to it , for naturally whiter
wheat ia the more valuable grain ; and
in a murkot whore there ia no manipu
.lation it soils from live to ton emits
.above the spring. "
"Well , ia there , " I aakod , "a norl
ous falling ofT of the commission busi
ness , and is l duo to tho' 'corners ? ' '
There Is no outeido business hero
" at' all of any consequence. Thia ab
solutely true. There has , within the
last fortnight , boon a largo local spec
ulative trade , but the buainosa that
used to como here from Now York ,
St. Louis and from all over has disap
peared. The outriders fool that they
do not stand an oven show in this
market. They feel that tlioy cannel
act upon the aamo hypothesis and expect <
pect the same results hero aa else
where. The markets hero are 'cor
tiered/ and the things that wouh
naturally happen do not happen ,
Prices bob up and down , not accord
ing to supply and demand , hut aa Mr
McGooch , or Mr. Somebody else die
tat en , The ouleidoia stay away friui
horo. 'Wo haven't a fair nhow fo
our white ulley,1 any they ; 'wo won'
piny in a rinx where wo are not givei
a. fair chance/ "
"Do you think the rule will pass ? '
"Yes ; I do. There are n groa
many in favor of it. "
Yesterday put a close to MoGooch'i
famous April wheat deal. A little
before 1 o'clock , Onttcnden , a partner
of the Scotchman , came in the whoa
pit and shouted :
"I bid 81 39 for April. "
Nobody answered or offered any ,
"I bid 1.39J for April. "
None was oil-rod , but the crowd
began to banter the bidder. Every
body appreciated that the clique was
fixing a nettling price for the default *
"fbidfl.40 for "
April , nhouted
Critteudon ; " 1.40J , $1,41 , $1.4
At this figure & sale of flvo thoue
and bushel * waa made , and a
ihout waa Bent up. Some bhrewt
fellow had nuraed his tivo thouiwtic
bushels of wheat along for wetku ,
knowing that thn lost five minutua o :
the April Boaaion would bo the nil
promo moment for him.
"Uowmuch wheat dojyou think wu
defaulted on to day ? " the writer tukoc
a broker lost night.
"Not leu than one million bushels
any nay ; probably more. There ia
not a house on the street that haa no
bsen ordered bjr customers to dofaull
on Borne. For instance , I hare been
directed to default on fifty thousand
bushels. Inquiry at the diflerout
houses will show that every ono of
thorn is in about in the aamo posi
tion. "
"About ono million bushcli then
will have to bo arbitrated upon ? "
"Yes , and I flupnoio the settling
price will bo SUO.1
It. can bo rafoly prophesied that
MtGeogh will bo succcsstul in hia ar
bitrations. There have been innum
erable arbitration heretofore , nnd the
decisions have all been in favor of the
market price in thia Uoard t the time
for the flolivory of the grain.
Tlio advices which were received
yeatorday , that ono hundred and aix
taga of now winter wheat had arrived
at St. Louia , created a great sensation.
TJio news was industriously circulated
! * y the "bear . " In their minda' eye ,
they ace millions upon millions of nice
winter ulu-al movii'K towarda Chicago ,
iDdtlioylinniGtliutcly sot about solliiiK.
I'horo was also a private d'apatch ro-
cnivcd , but which Tvas not mad a pub
ic , that announced , upon the author- !
.y of a very aufo man , that II. 0.
Armour it Uo. owned all the wheat
n Now York , and had the market
cornered for Juno ,
Mr. Ilobbs said last night : "I have
jcon sick all the week , and have boon
down to my oflico but a few times.
The 'bears' during the past week have
done a great deal to depress the mar-
cot , wlulu the 'hulls' have done noth-
ng to sustain it. "
"Is the position aa strong as it waa
a fortnight ago ? "
"It ia growing stronger all the while.
Phoro will bo not over thirteen hun-
Ired thousand bushels of corn in the
Chicago elevators Monday night. "
A Qllmpao of Their Homo Llfo in In
dian Torritorj- . "
The Poncas , says a correspondent
at the agency , were taken , much
against their will , to thia now land in
ho year 1878 , a discontented and
horoughly broken-down pooplo.
lappily their wrongs and miafortUnoa
mvo bean forgotten , the povornmont
iaa paid them for their Dakota homes ,
and they are now in a comfortable ,
lot to say prosperous condition.
Jotted hero and there over the boau-
iful rolling prairie that stretches
Uong the Arkansas , the Salk Fork ,
and the OhicaaUia nvoru , Wo BOO the
moko curling gracefully upward from
, ho cozy little homes of the Poncas ,
xnd as wo approach wo discover the
Indian transformed into the less
omantic farmer trudging along behind -
hind Iiia plow. Stopping to speak a
word of encouragement , he tolls you ,
lot so much in words , for but few of
, ho Poncaa apeak oven a little En
glish , as by unmistakable aign-con-
/incing pantomino that "ho soon have
ots wheat , lota corn. " Then with a
dignified flourish of the hand ho
points with pride to his chickens , and
lometimoa ducks and pigeons , his lit-
; le herd of cattle often numbering
rom fifteen to thirty hmid , according
; o the nizo of his family , hia ponies
{ razing peacefully in the distance , and
lis neatly wire-fenced fields , and
Binilca with a look of complete satis-
We enter a one-roomed dwelling ,
[ n ono corner on a bed lies a poor little
tlo follow with , his broken thigh , the
doctor ia bcaido him , .and like the
bruvo aoldipr that ho is , ho never
whimpers although his leg u being
sot for the second time in its encase
ment of plaster. The mother is
squatted among a confusion of gay
quilta and almwla , on the floor near
by , and is industriously bcadinsr a cu
rious little bag to hold matches. Evi
dently hearing us ncaring the door ,
with 11 kind of instinct that it is the
proper thing to do , slip has placed the
three chairs of her apartment in a
stiff row , and odors us these as wo
enter. The grandmother doea the
honors of thin hospitable homo. She
is a tall , magnificent specimen of her
race , porhupn about 45 yea'rn of ago.
Her dress is of bright rod stroudlug ,
and moat elaborately trimmed with u
complicated kind of patchwork of
different colored ribbons , in fact cov
ering the entire front breadth of the
skirt ; her loosa jacket in of a deep
blue and her wide , sailor-shaped col
lar is also decorated with the silk ribbons
bens ; while around her nook und full
ing below the waist are atringa upon
strings of light blue and garnet beads.
Her hair is braided carefully , each
finger has an ample supply of rings ,
andttlo ) wrists are encircled with coils
of brass bungles. She' * Calks
to you constantly in the plaint
ire southern Ponca language
goes to a bundle wrapped with a gaily
painted ox hide and bringa forth her
treasure. You immediately recognize
in these two pictures the likonoiaos of
the Ponca chiefs , taken in all their
glory of Indian costumo. Again she
tolls you about her boy at Carlisle
and his father who was murdered a
few years ugo , and this woman ia Mrs.
Big Snake. You must surely recall
the touching story told by Standing
Hour of the bhootmg of his brother ,
the prominent cluof" , Hijj Snako. And
in the oilicu of o r commissary is
pointed out ton the vuy spot where
hu lull , find you nuy BOO the bullot-
holu in the tin. ; wooden wall that
marks thu fatal uhot. Those wore ex
citing times at Ponca. Thu woman
brandished their long knives , and
Mrs. llig Bnuko , riding in the wogoi
beside the dead body of her husband.
Bworo vengeance on the agent am
yelled her war whocp in his voay fucp.
15ut to-day she kin Uy welcomes us to
her homo , and bids ua como aguin ,
At the agency the Indiana are busi
ly employed , and some have done
themselves great credit as carpenters
and blacksmiths. Others make bricks ,
mix mortar , haul logs , and do all the
freighting to the agency. When you
realize that four years ago those men
know absolutely nothing of this eorl
of work , the results ara truly wonder
ful , Hut the chiefs hare a great
power in the tribe , and in this onlight-
uned age I hey use it to advance their
p. < oplt . White Eagle , the head chief
of the Puucat , ia u true Indian , and u
digrilied and splendid-looking man.
Ho Buemod to bo thoroughly conscious
of Inn h'\u\\ \ \ position , and always in
spires iino with & certain awe , although
you know him to bo literally an "ig
norant Bavago. " Hut this head chief
ii a bright man , eloquent and effective
in council , always polite and always
popular. Ho comus to church on Sun
day plainly arrayed in i suit of black
broadcloth , but on other occasions ho
appears arrayed wrapped in his chief-
tisu's blanket of dark blue , with here
and there tufts of gay-colorod ribbons ,
a single eagle feather stands out ia
bold contrast among his long gossy
black hnir , his six-shootor thrust into
hia ornamented bolt , his fancy knife-
case hung at hia aide , his beaded log-
Kings and moccasins proclaim him an
Indian of the old traditional typo.
Among the chiefs White Eagle , Stand
ing Buffalo , Hairy , McDonald ,
and Frank La Flescho exert a good influence -
fluonco on their tribe , nnd they ore
sure to make greater progress ,
An Appalling Thought.
Wall Street DftllyNewn.
During.ho second year of the war a
jrocor in nn Ohio town scaled his
prices by reports from tho. front. Ono
Jay a defeat would cut the price of
butter four cents , the next day a vic
tory would raise the price of eggs a
penny a dozen , and a victory or do-
Fent waa sure to hit even the jar of
nulmngs on the top shelf. Ono day a
farmer who had nome butter to sell
entered the store and naked the going
"I'm paying 10 to-day , " waa the an
swer. '
"JJut only two days ego you paid
20 , "
"Yes , but you see Pope has boon
dofcuted since that , and there is a
lack action. "
The farmer sold out , and wanted
iho most of it in augar , and the grocer
remarked as ho moke reayy to
weigh it :
"Sugar has advanced a cent a
) ound since Monday. "
"Mercy on mol But why is that ? "
"Because the rebels got licked in
Tennessee. "
The old man sat down on a nail-kog
md thought it all over , and presently
ookod up and said :
"My friend , if a federal defeat
cheapens what you buy , and a robot
victory enhances the value of what
rou sell , what a blank of a fix you'd
jo in if there should happen to bo a
drawn battle ? "
A Sign Welch Conquered.
A Wayne county farmer , who is
nuch annoyed by tramps , cumo to Do-
roit a while ago and had half a dozen
aignsof "Smallpox Beware ! " painted
.o post upon his house and grounds.
Although ho had ono on either side
of his gate , they had not boon up'two
lours when a rover passed between
.hem and knocked at the door and
asked tor food.
"Didn't you see thoao signa on the
gate ? " demanded the farmer.
"Yca'rjbut I can't read. "
The next ono said that ho waa near
sighted and thought the signs read
"for Bale. " The third had had small
pox and was willing to nurse the
family. The fourth had boon vac-
: inatod and was reckloss. The fifth
: iad a remedy to sell , and the sixth ,
after getting away witn a cold bite ,
turned to his benefactor nnd said ;
"If you want lo beat the boys
fnock down them signs and put up
> no reading , 'Help wanted. ' It never
nils to keep 'em jogging straight
along. "
The farmer followed the advice , and
10 hasn't had a call since.
Licking an Elder.
Dolrolt Free Proa ) .
One summer in the years agone ,
while u camp mooting was in progress
in Eaton county , there arrived on the
grounds a bully named Miller , who
liad made a vow to lick Eldut John-
ion and break up the whole business.
The elder hoard the news with. calm
composure , and as soon as at liberty ,
luntod up a worldly friend of his own
uid naked :
"Frond Smith , didn't you uaod to
fight in your younger days ! "
"Yea , older , I have had many a
turn with the boys. "
"And what ia thu effect of a sudden
blow but woo n the oyea ? "
"It astonishes "
and humbles.
"Is there any danger of killing
man by such a blow ? "
"Never know a case of it. "
The elder went his way with a se
rene smile on his face. Miller had
III'H coat oil' and was hunting for him ,
and they mot face to face as they
turned a wagon. Miller started to
cruclc hi * hot-U and crjw , but
ho never finished. The elder
took him ono square botwcon the
lookers without stopping his pace , and
it took twelve rowdies , three dippers
of water and two quarts of whisky to
revive the patient and got him off the
grounds. Ono day , a year afterwards ,
ho met the elder and very seriously
asked :
' . 'Elder , some of the boys say I was
kicked by a horao , and others stick to
it that I was struck by lightning , but
I'vo always had A suspicion that you
hit mo with a provision stand , How
was it , anyhow ? "
( Temperance.
A religious newspaper has this stir
ring appeal : "Noyor fancy that a little
alcohol can do no harm , though much
alcohol may ; for the alcohol diffused
through a gallon of beer or cider is
juat as poisonous as though it were
condensed in a bottle of whisky or
flask of brandy. Young man as you
love y > ur God , your families and
yoursulyou , bo entreated neither to
mnku nor aoll , ditl'uso nor imbibe , any
kind of idcoholio boverngo. " On an
other page it has an editorial notice of
it grocery , a column long , in the
courao ofhich it says ; "Quito a tep
illation has been gained for the excellent
collent quality of his teas and
coffees , which are acknowledged to bo
the best obtainable on the east side.
The same applies to hie wines and
liquors , comprising all the favorite
brands. His claret wines are re
garded by competent authority aa
equal to the finest in the market ;
these are of his own importation , and
are carefully bottled for family use. "
"Yes , yes , " said Snifkins toBogahaw ,
"it's this treating and drinking and
treating which is ruining our consti
tutions and filling drunkard's graves.
How did you say you took yours a
little sugar in it ? There it is. Hot
water or cold ! AH right , there you
are ! Hero's towards youl"
A Significant Fact.
The ohoftixut inedlclno in uie ia
THOMAS' ' KLKOIBIO Oit , became BO Httli
of it it required to cITuct a cure. For
croup , diphtheria nd dlseMU of the
lungs and tbront , whether used for bath
ing the che < t or threat , for taking Intern
airy or luhallug , It U a matchless com
pound. 28-dlw
- - ,
310 South Thirteenth St. , with
J M , Wool wort .
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Bacfacho , Soreness of iho Otiesi ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swotl-
inqs and Sprains , Burns and
zScalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Ache .
ITe. Preparation on earth equals ST. Jicon Oil
M a * afe , utrf , tlmplf and cheap Exttrna ]
iWrnody. A trial entails tut the compiratlvtly
irlfllnr outlay of 60 Ctnti , and evsry ons uff.r-
la with pain can havs cheap and pcslttvt rwf
If Us claims. . ; / / ,
Clrvctlons In Zlsvsn L nffii r 4 < t
( Successor to D. T. Mount )
Manufacturer and Dealer In
Saddles Harness
, , Whips ,
Hobos , Dusters and Turf Hoods
Agent ( or Ju. R. Hill & Co.'e
The Beat in The World. "
Jrdcri fo'lcltcd. OMAHA , NEB
no ly
In the Circuit Court of the United States for the
District of Nebraska :
Eainl. U. nradlcy , . Willla-n Emery ,
ct. iU. ; n Chancery Foreclosure of moi-t ase.
Public notice Is hereby gh en tliat In pursuance
and bylrtueof n decree entered In tlientxHo.cause
on the 28th dav of January 1852.1 , Kills L. bier-
bower , Special Master In Chancery In said Court ,
ill on the 1st day of June , 18S2nt the hour of
10 o'clock In the forenoon of the said day , at the
north door of the United States Court House mid
1'ostolllco building In the Cit ) of Omalia , Douglas
county , frtato and District of Nebraska , sell at
auction the follow Ins dcscrl cJ propcrt ) to-ult :
The east half bt the southwest quarter
and the southeast quarter of the north west
quarter mid the northwest quarter of the
Boutheast quarter of section fifteen f5j
township twentv-throe (23) ( ) rnugo ton (10) ( )
east of the Sixth J'rinciiml Moredlan und
situ.ito and being in the county of Hurt ,
State of Nebraku.
KLLIH L. BiEnnowKii ,
Special Master In Olmncery ,
W. J. CoNNKLt ,
Solicitor for Complnnant , d&w-4w
A Corn Ganrentocd.
Dr. E. C. WosFf Nerve ana tlr&ln Treatment
A ipeciffa foi HystcrU , Dizziness , Convulsions.
Neryous Headaehe , Jl ) nUl Depression , Lou of
Memoi7,8p rmatorrbcoa , Imboteny , Involuntary
Emissions I'remature Old Aee caused
, , by overexertion -
exertion , self-abuse , or o > cr-lndulfence , which
l xl to misery , decay and death. One box will
cure recent cases. Ea h box contains one month's
treatment. One dollar & box , or six boxes for
fho dollars ; tent by mall prepaid on receipt of
price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any ciso.
With each order received by us for alx boxes , ac
companied with five dollars , will send the pur.
ohaser our written inuuunteo to return the
money II the treatment does not effect a cure.
0. r. Goodman , Drurclat , Bole. Wholesale and
rvrul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at
Retoilaprlce. dftwlv
To Nervous Sufferers
Or T. 3 , Simpson's Specifi
( t lo I'O'itUocure fcr Spi'raufculi" . , ,
vYuorfiicss. Imiiot&ncy , and all iJt' : oe r-.altr ! i
lim doK-AbUaJ , a Mental .Uixkty , Lcirli
( { eaiorj1 , Pilna In the IliLk or riido , r.ntl illmuLKM
' " " " ' " to t itau to
hn SHciflc
Mcdidne U
bale ; usoJ
Mlth wonJer-
fill nuccesd ,
_ I'auiphleti
lent free t ? fcll , Wilte for tbfni and trr > full pir.
I'rlcc , Spocinc , 11.00 per packags , or ilx p ck.
uea for" 4.00. AdiJruw all order * to
Noi. 104 aud 1U6 Main bt Duflalo , N. V
SoM In Omaha br 0. t. Goodman , J , W. Boll ,
J. K. Ub , and all druzviU rerywhere.t .
< t > dk
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
Aiarecuretor Ulln ? , BleedTmr , lichln ; an !
Ulcerated Hie * bis boon discovered by Dr. WU-
Ham , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Will am'i
Indian Ointment. A single box has cured the
worst chronic case * of 96 or tOjrean standing. No
one need sutler fire rnlnutoa alter applying thli
n-onderful BOOtbloi ' , medicine. Lotions , Instru-
taenU and electuaries da more harm than good ,
William's Ointment absorbe the tumors , aUavi
the lutenM Itching , ( pattlcuUaly at night afUr
getting warm In bed , ) acts a * a poultice , gtvo * In-
Itaot and patnlees relief , and Is prepared only for
Files , ttcblng of the private patw , and for notb
Bead what the Hon. J. If. CofBnberry of Cleve-
and tar * V' < WuUam'1 Indian file Olat-
ment : I bare ued score * of Hl 4 cures , and U
afford ! me p easure to sy thai I have never found
anything which gave such Immediate and perms >
otnt relief ai Dr. William' * Indian Oiuimont
For sale by all druggists or mailed on receipt
OumLaiP , Otuo ,
roflftUbyO. r'0oodm n.
H yon suffer from Ij ) speixiln , ueo
If you are afflicted Ith liilloufincsn , use
If you are prostrated with Rick Headache , take
If your Bowels are disordered , regulate thorn with
If your Blood Is mpure , purify It with
If you have Indigestion ! you will find an antidote
If you are troubled with Spring Complaints , er
adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS.
If your Llrcrla torpid , restore It to healthy action
If your Liver Is affected , } ou will find a sure re-
If you have any species of Humor or Plinpto , fall
If you hao any Bymptoms of Ulccra or Scrofulous
Sores , a curative remedy will bo found In
For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys
tem , nothing can equal
For Nervous and OcncrM Dchlllty , tone up the
Price. 1.00 Dei flottle ; Trial Bottlas 10 Cti
FOSTER , MILBUfifl , & Do , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by lab & McMahou and 0. F.
Ooodman.o } 27 cod-mo
Ifofbuvlnc , vrcal : man of In _
.1 byUipFtralnot t n tolllnirnvji nun
jour iltitles BTult * nlKbt nork ft r.-i
ittmu'anUanil u t tort" brain nf i vnnr' '
Hop Blttora. uw Hop C.
I f you are joun a nd aufrerlnu from au >
dtscittlon or du'lpa Dun ; 1C you an tat
rloJ or nlBRlB. old or ounfT , vufTrrli. ? froc
roarhfiltb orluiauUa na on n ! > * d el
ncno , relT on H ( " ilttoro.
Whoever yoaarc , Tlicuiu\n,14ul < . . .
whenever you feel njallr t r o ni * > ra !
that your sjitem form of Jf
needs cleiuislnir. ton- dls2& ! < o that „ .
Incr or fltlmulatlnfr , IIBTO boenireiint | fc
tlmiiljr yaoo (
HcDtHtor *
0,1. C
U an * b5Clu <
< ro > mtcA ,
oipf lood.
Uctrointrvcsl UStt Of OpItLTZl
You will ue t&bUCGO , > * "
cured If youHse oircotlci
Hop Bitters
SoMh ) drcr
ly weHlc and ? l3ta. Ke
i > wepliitrdti7 Clrcultr
it i It may
snve your
Ufa. It has
saved hun
dreds *
an effect , not a cause. IVi orlqln h
within ; ItH inanilostatlona without. Hence , to
CBTO the disease the CAUBK trust bo icmcned , nnd
in no other u ay can a c\er > c effected.
lil VER CURE is istaWlnhod on Just this
principle. U realizes that
95 Per Cent.
offlll dlsoiBCg arize from deranged kldnojs and
liver , and It strikes nt cnco tit the root of the
dllllculty. Thoolcmo-tsol which It la composed
act directly upon great organs , both AS a
rooo lu d RESTORER , nnd by platii > them In a
bcalthy , condition , drive disease and pain from
Ilio system.
For the Innumerable tn ub'ts caused by un
healthy Kldnc ] s. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
the ilutreialnf ; Dleordcrsof Women ; for M.xlana ,
ami phyglcil derangements generally , this great
rcrai dy hm no equal. litware of impostors , Im
itations end cncoctlons said to be just as good.
ForDlabote" . aa ( orWARNiR'S SAFE
For nalo by .11 dealers.
H. H. WARNER & CO. .
mo Rochester , N. Y
Among the medicinal moans of arrotlng disease ,
Hosteller's Stomach liters kt-inds pre eminent.
It checks the further pro0rrias of all dUorders of
the stomach , U > cr and loueU , rehustheltal
bUiulna , nrctenUandroTiidies chllU and fetcr ,
Increases the actlt ity of the klilnej s , counteracts a
tendency to rheumatism , and is a genuine tta )
andkolice to aged. Ir.flrm and nertous iwnons ,
Fer gale by all druglflsto aud dealer * generally
al to ml
The Moat Successful Remedy ever dl cov.
erud , M U It certain in IU effects and dot * not
blister. HEAD PUOOV ilKLOW. Also excellent
for human flesh.
Waahlnrtcnvllle , Ohio , June 17. 1631. DR.
B. J. KIXDILL , 4 Co : dcuts Heading jour ad.
vitis rueut In Turf , field and farm , of your
Keucl li'4 Hpavla Cure , a d baring a valuable
and sienJy here which had been lame from
tpatlnfrrtUUeeutuoDthi , I sent lojou for a
bottle b > express , whlih In six weeks removed
all lamen < "w and tmlarxement and a largj spl'nt
from another horse , and both horses are to-any
utound ai oalto. The one bottle vtaa worth lei
i ono hundred dollars , iltipeetfully
jours , II. i. IIIRTOLITT , U. D.
Bend for Illustrate J circular rU In ; positive
proof. Price II. All DruirglsU have It or can
get It for you. Dr. B. J. Kendall it Co' , Fro-
prleton. F.noeburgh Kails , Vt
Foity 'nraIrinltuproveq"BLACK.
ORAU05 T the beat liyer medicine ic
Storage , Commission and Iliolesale Fruits , /
Agents for Peck & Bausliers Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour ,
OMAHA , . - - . NEB.
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , - - OMAHA UEB
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.f
Spring Roods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly ! Complete
Q3ft.aajE3jEc.i3 aa ic acca3C' = g * J AJ \ -
Finest Silver Plated Spoons and
The only au.lfj \tlonal plate that
original firm of
is giving for instance
Rogers Bros.
stance single
All on > Spoona ,
Forks and plated Spoou a
Knives plated triple thickness
with the greatest
plate nlj > on
of care. Each
the a o o 11 o s
lot being hung
on a ecalo while where expo d
being plated , tc to wear , thereby
insure a fall deposit -
i making a single
posit of silver or
plated Spoon
them ,
wear as long as
We would call
n triple plated
especial ntton-
to our sue-
Rival- Orient- Tinned.
All Orders IP the Wcet should be Addressed ( o
Wholesale Jewefer ,
rax : = is * z
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A 8RANG 205 FO * ' , g Qoiah\
Wholesale Lumber ,
Jo , 1408 Paraham Street , Omalia , Job.