Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1882, Image 1

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nil IAHA
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5 "
i tone t
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( low
Directed Particularly at the Oow
PtmoliBrs of Arizona ,
Who Pull Their Popa aud Per
forate the Natives Pro
The VucqueroB Must "Vanish
'Ere Noon of May 16.
The Soldiers Homo Investiga
tion , acd Howgate's
Coocresa Dovotontho Day to Tariff
„ ' Talk Appeals for n Court .
A Variety of Washington Items.
National Associated 1'rcas.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 3. The
special mooting of the cabinet result-
cd in the issuance of thu follnwing
proclamation by thu president :
f WHEREAS , It is provided in the
Ja\va lif the United States that whor-
oyor , by reason of unlawful obstruc-
tioiiB , combinations or assemblages of
persons in rebellion against the an *
8thority of the government of
"the United Status , it shall
become iinpractiblo in the judg
ment of the president to ' enforce
by the ordinary course of judicial
proceedings , the laws of the United
States wi hin any state or territory , it
shall bo lawful for the president to
call forth the militia of any or all
status , and to employ such parts of
the land and iwyul force of the United
States as ho may deem necessary to
enforce thu faithful execution of the
laws of the United States , or to sup-
grcaa auch rebellion in whatever state
or territory thereof the laws of the
United States may bo forcibly opposed
or the execution thereof forcibly ob
WHEREAS , It has been made to ap
pear satisfactorily to mo by informa
tion received from the governor of
the territory of Arizona , and from
. .the general of the army of the United
States and otherr reliable sources , that
in consequence 6'f unlawful Vcbinbina-
tions of evil * disposed personsT1 who"
are banded.togethertoopposorpr o"
\ucttho ' ( ojTo'raticjri Hbf ' I the 1
* ' - to
by ordinaryjcoursoofdudioialiprocqed-i
ceodings theMawrof the United States
within that territory i , and ( that the
* ' 'r-J > -r v .
- , - . Dppo a nnd execu
tion thereof forcibly resisted ; and
" WIIEBEAS , the laws of the
United States require that whenever
it may be riecesiary in the judgment
of the president to ' use the military
forces for thopurpo'so of enforcing the
faithful oxeoJtion of the laws of the
United StacS | ho shall forthwith by
v proclamation command such insur-
\ gents tote Asperse and retire peaceably
to their respec'ivo abodes within a
therefore , I , Chojtor A. Ar-
Ulu -jsident of the United States ,
do liby admonish all good citizens
United States and especially of
rritory of Arizona , against aid-
getting or taking part in any
inlawful proceedings , nnd I do
iy warn all persons engaged in or
with such obstruction of
[ to disperse and retire peaceably
respective abodes on or be-
foj noon of the 15th day of May.
bnal Associated Press.
VASHINOTON , May 3. Delegates
/m / thirteen states are attending the
feronco of the colored Methodist
piscopal church.
' The president has further respited
elly , under sentence of death in
few Mexico , until June 23 ,
3ak. , with a capital of $50,000 , has
been authorized to commence busi-
( ness.
Postmasters : J. S. Faulko , Napoleon -
' leon , 0. ; W. W. Loudormilk , Au
burn , 111. : J. W. Soyfor , Mt. Puluski , .t
, IU.
" * > BONDS.
Bonds have been received under the
last call (10 ( ! ) ) to the amount of $249-
Quito a flutter in army circles was
caused by the report of the soldiers 0A
homo investigating committee. It 0ri
contains little heretofore unpublished , ribi
but coming as it now does in official biR
form , it receives more attention , The R
principal points made aru that mili
tary organization should exist and
more employment bu found for the in
mates. Fruit and vegetables are no Tlm
longer furnished to members of the m
beard and there should bo more har 'or
mony among commissioners.
Gon. Hazen addresses a letter to
Secretary Lincoln urging that every Ci
exertion bo made to recapture Captain
Howgato , particularly as so much has fo
boon said about the collusion of the or
signal office with his peculations ,
which collusion Gen. liaison heartily
0.V to/n ! r'A8K > catcd ! Frew ( * „
' '
Wi > iUNUTON , D. C. , May 3 Senator -
\ tor Anthony presontcdj from the
committee oiprintipK , an adverse'
the resolution in favor of ho
roiwrt on
. . _ _ . _
* i ii i. t ji '
an itemized statement of the ox- Pr
ponsea of transportation of the army i ng i
ofliciors , on Senator PlumVa state Sa
ment that the executive had excsoded nd
his prerpgatiyo in vff ttng an excesi ) ahi
ofesomu \ J | . . al
In the discussion of the bill to dei
create an intermediate court of up- foi
ponls , Senators Platt and Hoar spoke
in favor of the amendment to exempt
patent and copyright cases , which
they think right to go to the supreme
court , regardless to the amount in-
The amendment in regard to patent
and copyright affairs was rejected by
a vote of 18 to 27.
Senator Garland offered an amend
ment that appeals taken and writs of
error pending shall not bo affected by
the , passage of the measure. Agreed to ,
Senator Butler's amendment pro
viding that after the establishment of
the court of appeals there shall bono
appointments to the supreme bomch
until the number of judges was re
duced to six , waa voted down.
Senator Vest offered an amendment
to thu effect that the judges whojiavo
heard coses below shall not ait ujion
them in the now court.
After debate by Senator * Garland
and Maxoy in support of the amend
ment , seriate at 4:50 : p , m. adjourned
Mr. Henderson , from the military
committee , submitted a privileged report
port upon the pecsidont's message
regarding Arizona troubles , iyih n
bill to amend the ro vised siatutta teas
as to permit : the use of military aa a
posse commitatua for the suppression
of violence ori the request otthu gov
ernor of any statu or territory.
Ordered printed and laid ever
Discussion of the tariff commission
bill was "then resumed , Mr. Springer
takini ; the floor.
The tariff debate was continued by
Messrs Kunua and Cox , ( N. Y. ) ,
The latter caused much amusement
by a sharp colloquy with Mr. Tdwn- , (111 ( , ) .
Mr. Belmont offered a resolution
calling for all instructions to , and cor
respondence uith officers of the South
Pacfio equadron ( luring 1881 , also
replies from eaid officers
Adjourned at 5 o'clock.
Sulclo Rncos-
National AsjociatuO IT * * . .
CmcAflo , May 3 The boird of re
view of the National trotting associa
tion made iho following decisions to
day : The case of Dotroif and the
brown stallion , Tom B. Palchen , was
continued. The owe of Wormley and
Knoobes , and the brown gelding , Dictator
tater , alias Brown Jack , alias Huckle
berry , was continued. The caio of
Thomas Welch , of Pawpaw , Mich. ,
and the chestnut gelding , George Y. ,
for suppressing time at Elk-
hart , 1'irt. , ill ' 1880 , Wit's ru&rru'l.i
The , J -upainst James Terrence
of jGaipsbilrx , < I ? . * , .bay troldinRJ
Skeil-l ; HMS dismissed and they ]
iTjero ? iiBtated. ! Jerry DuiJfyiqTICJiH
cagp ; waa raliuv ( d' ' frojn dieqaalidca-
tion , but'tho gray gelding Tom Hond-
ricksvhuii timp'vaa'supprossod , waa )
held , Iwblo to the rulea. Wm. Mo- '
Gingftii , of Detroit , was , refuamL' mn- _
Bill Wilson was continued. The case I
againat W. B. Kinzor and the horse
Dauioi the Prophet waa dis
missed. Ira 0. Williams , of
Muncie , Ind. , waa , expelled by request
of the Lexington association. The
case ajjtiinat 0. E. Walker , of ' 'oldwa-
tor , Mich. , and the brown gelding
Membrino Chief , Jr. , was dismissed.
The case against Paterson and Cham-
bora , of Pittsburg , Pa. , was settled by
releasing Chambers and continuing
the case against Paterson.
In the balance of the "no time"
cises , the board affirmed the decisions
of the last meeting in Now York.
Frightful Ontrago.
Rational A
AITLETON , A is. , May 3. The
handsome daughter of J. P. Wells
was found in a school house this
morning nearly dead , having been
outraged during the night by six
young men ,
The Wrong Animal.
National Associated 1'resa.
LITTLE ROCK , May 3. A man
named Lord , living at Mount Ida ,
near Hot Springs , has bpon troubled
by panthers killing his domestic ani
mals. Last night ho heard a disturb
ance , and getting out of bed seized
his shot gun and saw what' ho sup
posed to be a prowling animal , , fired.
A cry of agony revealed to him that
he had fatally shot his wife , who
shortly before went out into the yard.
A Dramatic Festival-
National Associated frtuw.
CINCINNATI , May 3 The proposed
dramatic festival is now un assured ,
fact. Contracts have boun closed with
most of the . stars and . . in . a . few „ . days _
the association will open its oflico and
commpncu preparations. Official an- Hi
DOuncenienU will bo nude next wook.
Marino Intelligence.
National Associated I'reso
NEW York May 3 8a ! od--Tlie jW
Catalonia for Liverpool , Edam for
Amsterdam , Franco for Havre ; ar
rived , Ethiopia from Glasgow , Hales- Ni
bury from liremen , Rotterdam from Niai
Rotterdam , Italy from Marseilles. ai
BALTIUOUB , Miy 3 Siilod The cc
Waesland for New York. ze
SOUTHAMPTON , May 3. Arrived 1 ri
Che Dundee from New York for Bro- in
non , the Strassburg from Baltimore In
Bremen j siilod , on the 2d , the
tfookar from Bremen for New York ,
LirKitrooL , May 3. Arrived -The
Alaska from Now York.
Q0EENSTOWN , May 3 , Sailed The KB (
3ity of Brussels for New York.
BREMENMay 3.- Sailed The Ohio enw :
Baltimore , the Ilohenzollun for w
iew York. nn
HAMIIDIUJ , May 3. Sailed The Di ,
jessing for New York.
LiVKRi'ooi , , May 3 , Sailed Thu ofWl |
llinoia for Philadolithiu , the Spain tor be
ow York , the Parthia for Boston , frt
The Cramer Case CO
National Aw-clated I'reerf. er ,
NEW HAVEN , Conii. , May 3.In
Cramer murder case to-day , Dr. Na <
'ruddtn waa cross-uiuniined. Noth-
now waa developed. Dr. L. J. in ;
anford corroborated Dr. Shophard , nd
a.iid Jennie Crumer'a , remains anwe '
liowpd she wasthe victim ( of crimi- thi
uvmauU 'within 36 hours before tel
oath. Thu testimony of Dr. San nd '
was continued thia afternoon.
The cross-examination was lengthy ,
and was substantiallr the same aa in
the testimony of Doctors Shophnrd
and Painter in regard to injuries sus
tained by the genital organs , His
testimony was corroborative o that
of those gentlemen. Prof. Critton-
den testified as to the amount of
arsenic found in the body aa 1.007 of
grain. Dr. White of this citv tcsti-
tified in corroboration of the testi
mony of Doctors Pruddon , Painter ,
Sanford and Shopliard. William H.
Countryman , reporter for The Itotjia-
tor , testified as to an interview had
with James Mai ley , Jr. , in which ho
said on the Cth of August the accused
denied ho over know Jennie Cramor ,
and begged him not to Ray anything
in the piper about it. IIo was un
dergoing a vigorous cross-examination
when the court adjourned.
Foko Wolla.
Nutlonil Auoclnted l'rc-
FOKT MADISON , May 3 A farmer
named Winterbotham , living near this
place , yesterday found Pokn Wells
and the other two convicts who
escaped from the penitentiary in hifl
barn. A tight ensued , in whioh Wells
was severely wounded with a pitch-
xork. The three convicts took to the
woods , and have not yet been recap
Apaohoa 'Whipped by Mexicans.
National AwocUU-rt l'ro s.
SANTA FE , N. M. , May 3. A dis
patch received hero says the Apnuhrs
routed byMajorTuppor in thoLas An-
imos mountains were met on May lat
by Mexican troops under command of
Col. Garcia. A battle ensued in which
78 hostilcs were killed and 33 prison
ers taken.
National Associated Pi ess.
CINCINNATI , May 3. The stile-
ment is now made that Jowett has thu
Cincinnati , Hamilton & Dayton
Railroad with or without pooled stock.
He has the option of 9,000 shares. If
thu puol fails to deliver hu will deal
witli individuals for the remainder.
Bnso Boll.
National Prc * Association.
PKOVIDENCE , May 3 Providence
3. Treys 1.
BOSTON , May 3 Bostons 17 , Wor-
cesters 4.
BOFFAJP , May 3. Chicag'os 0 , Buffalos -
falos 5.
CLEVELAND , May 1 : Clovolands 0 ,
Detroits 1. u , „ _ , .
i. . A. Bonrbou BruUer-B-v
Natlonil-Aswod twl tftati. If 'V
recall neTeenafcj p hionment bill.
Harrington. ( Dem ; ) i.of Kane , ' ' struck
Pariah , . ( Rep o'f , ' . .0ooi | ttllo'r li : ! tKe
successful in recalling and amending
the bill and later on Harrington
apologized to the house and Parish ,
and made u personal explanation.
Oat of Fond * .
National Associated 1'rosa.
NEW YORK , May 3. Inconsequence
of the exhaustion of the appropriation
for light , fuel and water , the post-
office is getting all on credit Six
teen employes were compelled to quit ,
including the fireman and engineer , so
that no elevators can now bo run.
Kontuolty Raooi-
National Aewx-Uucd 1'rtsu
LEXINGTON , May 3. Second day of
the Kentucky association : First rnco ,
nil ngos , one mile , was won by Brain-
bolletta , May Corbott second , Pope
Lee third. Time , 1:44 : Second race ,
tor two-year olds , one-half mile , wan
won by Punster , Vera second , Ebony
third. Time , 50i. Third race , ono
mile and a quarter , was won by
Leonoro , with Lutestring second.
Time , 2:10.
Youthful Idiocy.
National Auaciatoct Press.
ST PAUL , May 3. This afternoon
Alfred Drake , aged 1C , attempted to
murder Jennie Faulkner , a/ed ! 16j
with a revolver. Ho urea * throd
harmless shots ; Drake then shot him * ' (
self in the head and died insUntly.
The cause was objection to their inti
macy by their parents , based on their
Indication *
Nitlon l AlMdatea Pi CM.
, WAHIIINOTON , May 4. For the Ten
nessee and Ohio valley and lake
region , warmer partly cloudy weather ,
local rains , winds mostly southerly ,
lower pressure. The upper Missis
sippi and Missouri valleys : Paitly
cloudy weather , local rains , warm
southerly winds , falling biromoter fol
lowed in the north and west portion
by rising barometer and colder northwest -
west winds.
Junketing Tour.
Katloiul Aiaotlatad I'resn ,
CHICAGO , May 3. Mayor Grubbs
and seventeen members of the city
jouncil , board of Aldermen.and oiti *
ena' committee of Indianapolis , arrived schi
rived hero and spent the day inspect- fn
ng street pavements , and returned
thia evening.
Southern Methodlits , BO
Rational Ah ocl te I in
NASHVILLE , Tonn. , May 3. The ro
oneral conference of iho Methodist ch
Episcopal church Bouth , met in thia th
ity to-day. About 300 delegates lo ,
vere in attendance. Dr. T. O. Hum- bi
nora was elected secretary , and Hev.
P. Vmsies , of St. Louis , assistant. if f
, R. A. YOUIIIJ delivered an address ifop
welcome. The '
bishop's address ret
ras read and referred. Diahop Paine , da
icing old and feeble , waa relieved 1
rom active work. The session will 0 I ,
ontinuu three or four weeks. Sev-
ral biahopa will be elected. ret
Fatal Railroad Accident.
. Minn. , May 3 , To-
uIit ; Albert Kndroa , John Corcoran 0. I
John Oribbin , of Muscatino , Ia. , in
'ere killed in the railroad yards in OX ]
city. They got upon the Mani- po ;
jba train to talk with a brakesman ,
when they jumped oil' , a snitch P
iigino stiucl : them ,
A Bloomy Prospect for Fairflolfl
and His Fanatio Following.
The Brownvlllo Banker Jumps
the Board in Tirno to
Trim His Pen COB.
Believing Himself Fated to
Kulo This Rising
Commonwealth. '
Governor Nnnoo PattitiR HU
Homo in Ordor-Tho Pajof
John Dee and His Partner *
Sped * ) lof rctpondotice ot Tun Unit.
LiN'coLX , May 2. The resignation
of Air. John L. Carson , of Remain
county , onu of the atatu uuivoraityiro-
genU , was a good deal of a suiprlifl to
this community , It was thought I hut
after the decided part taken byMr.
Oarson in the ejectment of the three
professors ho'Avdtild h6t have thus
jeopardized his side of the question
by .resigning just before the v'uno '
meeting of the board. Governor
Nance now has the appointment of
his successor , and will , it is * generally
understood , name u "liberal" to tike
Mr. Carson'a place. This will make
the board stand four to two "a m"
thu causa of holiness as expounded by
.Fiurfiold , and will undoubtedly Jead
to thu reinstatement of the three pro
fessors who wore dismissed last win-
tor. - ,
I had a short talk with ox-Senator
Paddock to-day. 11 o has just return
ed from Now York and looks as hearty
as possible. I asked the senator hu
opinion on the approaching political
complications in thu state ; in reply he
told mo that ho had by all odds thu
finest farm in Gage county , nnd that
I might come down and inspuct it
any time. From this I gathered an
indefinite sort of an idea that ha
didn't feel disposed to talk on the pro
posed subject. It is understood that
Mr. Paddock has , at the request of
the president , accepted n place on thu
polyi0 ray commission.
IVo cases of sm'airpox are reported
in .BtoVbu'p fOreokf ttownship , * this
'county ! , 'i the -isick 'jnon ' having coiie
from Plattsmouth
The'G. ' A. < IU post at this point will
celebrate. Decoration D y with thu
customary "obabrva'nces" 'and at fho
same.tjmo 'cun-aMittlo political / bobm
onthoslyr . ' > ; „ '
abouts pales before the approaching
literary conflict in which the univer
sity and Donno college arc to partici-
pata. . May 12th is the date sut for
the carnage to begin.
' Sheriff Ensign is very ill with
rheumatism and will bo confined to
his bed for a long tirnu in thu most
favorable event
Mr. E. D. Webster , an old-timo
editor of The Omaha Republican , is
spending a few days hero with his
brother , Lieut. Webster. Annas.
Special Correspondent. ! ) of THE
LINCOLN , May 3. Mr. Carson , in
resigning his position on the univt'rs-
ty board , gives two reasons for Ilia
action. Ho pleads lack of time to
properly attend to the office , and also
claims that the duties are very did-
; ustcful to him. Mr. Carson's friends
itronuoualy claim for him that in his
action at the last meeting of the board
10 was perfectly sincere in what he
did , and that it is not from any feel
ing of remorse on that subject that ho
now resigns.
A number of newspaper communications - |
cations have appeared recently aug- (
jesting Mr. Carson us un available c
candidate for governor , and it is not
nnhkoly that ho may have *
to get in trim for the campaign.
There ia very littln comfort for Fairfield -
field in the recent turn of ovnnta The
June meeting of the board ia close at
hand. If governor Nance appoints a
"broad guager" to succeed Carson , or
if hu fail a to appoint anybody , the
anti-Fuirfloldfana have the upper
hand , and will not be disposed to
show any mercy , in view of the exam
ple ) sot them by the other aide. In
apito of Newt. Porsmgur's triumphant
boast that two-thirds of the inomburs
legislature side with Fuirfiold in thin
fight , the prospect is altogether
for the chancellor and his aids.
The hail in the west wing of the to
jtato houao ia being rapidly fitted up
for the UBU of the housu at the coming
tension. The furniture out of thu old
mil it being mod , there being no
runda available for the purpose of Tl
juyiiifj new stuff at pr6sont The TlCl
xwition of the speaker's doak haa very Cl
icnaibly changed BO aa to have it fao-
ng the gallery. The aupremo court oiIJ
oem will bo uaed for the senate IJ
ihamber , and it will probably bu for iis
ho last time that either branch of the un
ugialature will have to use the old ru
milding. It would be re
the old she 11 te
should utilize its las
pportunity to tumble in , as it would to
L-auIt ia u totriflo shunter of candi- Yfl
atoB , re
The big pavilion tent owned by the an
A. 11. woa ahipped yesterday to '
Irand Island for uao at thu coming
junioii ,
The bill for mi
an appropriation to pay
state militia e
forxorvicea at Omaha
ill ttivo each member of the N , N , he
$ U 00 for his two weeks' services inbu
his country's cause. The heaviest iut
xpenso will , of course , bo for trans- ju
ortatlon and maintunace ,
robably to ? 10,000. of
Mr. Jl. D. Stearns , partner of the no :
late D. G. Hull , nnd alleged by some
to have been implicated with Mr.
Hull in h'rn peculiar transactions , came
back yesterday and very explicitly as
sorted his iunocunco on that point.
The general impression is that Stearns
had no connection whato\ with the
ex-cuntodinn's ' manipulation of ac
John U. Finch , who is now lectur
ing in Ion a , will return to this statu
in Juno and inaugurate the temperance
anco campaign for 1882. They pro
pose to
on that subject.
Plans liavo boon prepared for an
imnioiiBo tlirou story livery stable to
bu built hero this summer by Gran.
Ensign. It promises to surpass oven
Jim StophuiiBon's equine caravaiw ty.
_ Mr. Twining , the Chicago commer
cial traveler , who has boon sick so
long at thu Commercial hotel , died
last night , leaving a young wifu.
The Missouri Pacific road is running
a survey tluough this county.
The Custodians' Orookodnoss at the
Capital 'JClio Author of tun
To tro IMItor of The Hoi :
OiiETit , Nob. , May 3. I have just
read an arUclo In Co-day's BEE headed
"How it Came , " and wish to say that
the \\holo story is a fabrication. Mr.
Hull always treated ino , ' oourtuously
and uonu but thu best of relations ex
isted between us , The charges wore
preferred by Webster Euton in Juno
or July last , Mid were referred to nib
for remarks , and I suggested an in
vestigation as thu onlj trtio way.
J. 0. McIJiiuiE.
Tuo Town of Wllbor Damugod $12.-
OOO Worth- Blazes Kleowhoro.
Hjxxlal Oorrcflpoiitlonco al Tun i > mi.
\VILUEH , Nob. , May 3. Our town
\vas visited with nno'hor dostructiTC
contlagration the third within little
nioru than a year. The tire started
last night about 7 o'clock in thu even
ing in thu storeroom of Ed. Wehn ,
and soon extended on the next build
ings. The following are the losses :
llokus'a saloon , $0,000 ; Ed Wohn's
drug store , $1,000 ; Ed Council's gro
cery , § 1,500 ; McGregor's barber shop.
$300 ; Trcka & Gilbert , butcher shop
about $500- ; Onreoky's building , $500 ;
Hanysh's tailor shop , $300 ; Stcpheii
Herman's dwelling damaged to the
extent of $200 or $300. Onu half of
a block of frame buildings is in ashes :
The total lots amounts to between
SlO.OOO/to / $12,000 , with insurance ,
PHILADELPHIA , May 3. Coon Bros ,
and D. MoMeramin's provision house ,
South Water atreet , were damaged by
fire to the amount of $75,000 ; insur
From Croto.
Correspondence ol Tin Bin.
CRETE , Nob. , May 2.Tho farmers
have been busy the past few days im
proving the fine weather.
The Crete nursery was busily on-
the past two weuks filling orders
and shipping , Tlioro has boon an un
expected I demand for nursery stock
< .hia spring. Scarcely a train goun
west i but Bomo trees are shipped. The
inrsory also has a largo contract for
planting trees on thu college grounds.
At the last school election it was
voted to build a new school hoiiao.
The site is ruthor an unfortunate ono ,
being close to the business part of the
town. But the board of education
determined to do thu bust they can.
About a week ago they sot out a
double row of trees around the
Mr. Craig , who has been appointed
postmaster , his not t ikon charge of
the pott , .ftco yet , but will probably
do ] no this wook. He will ruiuin E.
G. Cocliran , the present clerk. This
gives good satisfaction , an he has
made tin efhcient clork.
Thu college is prospering finely ,
having iv largo number of students for
thia time of thu year. Its library is
receiving additions. Week before lost
received ton volumes of Littull'o
magu/.uiea , A fuw days later it re
ceived'a further addition of thirty-one
volumes from the Congregational Pub [
lishing society ,
The contest which takes place bu-
tween tliu university arid tht college
comet , oil' May 12 , The Crutons are
expecting a largo crowd and uru pre
pared to receive them , TLu boys liavu
urruntjnd for a game of ball betiveun
the muvoroiry club and tlioLoyn of the
college on thu afternoon of trie con w
test They propose to do Ihfir share
make it dii interesting game.
fho Railroad Kin ? Unbodomu Him
Chicago liim , U v2.
Jay G.JII ! 1 ( trriyod at the Grand Po- :
jifio hotel at 7 o'clock last evening , he
lie had just finhthed uii > inspection of
western railway propertius. "I el
president of ton thousand miles of
ailroad , " said Mr , Gould to a Timed
"and I find ih [
cportor , necessary to
usppct it once in a while. ' ' The in-
erviower calledMr.Guuld's ' attention ;
the rumor that the Wabosh rail-
vuy WHS likely to agaiji pass under a wl
ecoivurdlnp. "fiucli A tiling in not
ny more proWblu than than that the
iurlington , or Hook Island , or Alton CO
will pass into the hands of a receiver , "
is hiu piompt reply. Ho then ro-
narked ( hut hu buliuvud Wubash to
gooil proparty. Ho had lie thought , buwl >
said , when ho first bought wl
toit , of carrying ituponhisshouldora ; i'l '
, being a director , and knowing he
ust what kind of property ii is , hu to <
ad invested largely , and he had no to. .
itara as 0 the tioal outoomo. MI re- to."I1 : |
lembor , " said Mr , Gould , with a grin til
satisfaction loitering about one cor- so :
of his mouth , "that Union Pacific
sold down to 15 after I had invested
millions in it at 25 ; and that didn't
frighten mo n particle. " Then , after
a pause , ho added : "For the first throe
months of this year the Wabash is
$000.000 not in excess of the earnings
for the corresponding period last year.
The Chicago branch is now carrying a
business of $400,000 per month , and
the business with Detroit shows an
enormous increase. "
Mr. Gould said that ho was sur
prised and gratified at the outlook for
traffic in Illinois. Texas , Missouri ,
Kansas and Nebraska. The promise
of abundant crops amounted to Assur
ance , and on every hand , among the
aKricultural and producing classes ,
wore evidences of thrift antl pros
perity. * llo said
to the appreciation cf railroad values ,
and the only threatening indication
was thi > 'appoaranco hero and there ot
hostile and adverse legislation. He
said the people of Illinois , in his opin
ion , never meant to confer upon a
commission of three men the power to
\ \ ipo out a railroad. The legislature ,
hu said , might impose certain regu
lations , but ho doubted if it
had authority to delegate two
or three men , to bo designated by a
governor , to deprive with ono stroke
of the pen all the railroads in the state
of hilf their revenues. Ho thought the
people of Illinois wore interested in
eecurin'g to the railroad properties
in the state such protection as would
enable investors to derive a fair return -
turn upon invested capital. "Tho
people of Illinois , and partic
ularly the people of Chicago , "
said Mr. Gould , "are becoming
enormously wealthy , and I hope
the day Is not far remote when the
railroads of this utato will bo largely
owned by your own people , as the
roads in the Now England status arn
now owned by the people living
there. "
Mr. Gould was asked if ho appre
hended any disturbance between the
lines \\eit of thu Missouri river in
conseipuonco of thu extension ot the
Missouri Pacific through Nebraska to
Omaha. Ho replied that the right of
the Missouri Pacific company to build
north to a connection with thu Union
Pacific would not bo disputed. "The
Union Pacific and Missouri Pacific
interests , " said ho , "aru mutual to
snniu extent , and it wnn desirable to
bring the two systems into closer
connection. We have on the Mis
souri Pacific , in Missouri , extensive
coal mines , within less than three
hundred miles from the Union Pa
cific , and the latter road can got a
portion of its fuel supply from us
more cheaply than it can got it from
the mines eight hundred miles west
of Omaha. " Mr. Gould remarked
that the southwestern system , of
which ho is prcsidoat , is
in the west , Laredo in the southwest ,
and Now Orleans in the south , and ,
as this is not a favorable time for organizing -
ganizing iew extensions , the compa
nies now settle down to the tusk of
earning money.
An inquiry about thoredemption
of outstanding unlimited tickets is.
Htied by the Wubash and other roudH.
and the prospect for a restoration of
rates to the tariff in force prior to the
unpleasantness between the compa
nies , elicited from Mr. Gould the re
ply that no conference relative to the
matter had taken place at St. Louis ,
though such a meeting had been con.
templated. Ho admitted that , since
his efforts to effect a settlement of the
differences some months ago , during a
vinit to Chicauo , nnd which lind boon
UiisucciWul , he hud taken little or no
interest in thu muter , though hu was
free to say that the companies had
been guilty of extreme wastefulness of
the revenuen of btockholdera.
F. J. McShuno DoolaroH Hlmueir the
Duly Elected Secretary of the
Uchool Board.
As will bo soon by reference to thd
school board proceedings published
elsewhere thorn in quite a fight in the
board ever thu succession to the oflico
of secretary , held lust year by Mr.
Chut , the present incum
bent , who ia a candidate for re-election ,
and his opponent is Mr. F. J. Mo-
Sham. . °
A flEE repoi , er mot Mr. McShano v
on the street yesterday and in- titl
juired tl
"Well , what did the school board
do hut night ? ' HIt
" Tlmy Hccjinplieho-J nothing last t
l't I prwmu'd my bonu and nS
aCered qualifications but nti
my , they reFused -
Fused to tuku uiiy notion on the mat- titl
tot " tl
"How do you think the contest iih
will result' " iitl
"On the lira * uiuht I received four tln
votes nnd was dccWor ] elected by the tln
President , I u u i i now how it will n
BOIUO out. ' elI
"Was the vote reconsidered ? " I
"No , but the 1 resident declared a B
low ballot , " I
"Did you raiuoany objections to the altl
iow bulloU" tl
"Yes and gave notice that I would isb
lold the ballot , ' b
"Will the ballof , by which you , were tlw
ilootcd hold good in law ? " tlw
"From the best legal advice I can tlS
ot , it will. " S
f\Vill thoru bu a point raised in re-
ard to that ? " I )
"I CUOBS HO " cc
"What will bo the outcome of the tlw
fholo business ? ' tlfa
"I doa't know. I claim an election fa
nd will piosecuto my claim in the al
ourtu , " rt
- - tl :
Ji. IiOklui ; Joko.
A prominent physioian of Pi'ki- )
ur # aaid jokingly to a lady patient BO
vho was complainij of her continued BC
health , and of his inability to cure
ier. "try Hop Bittera ] " The lady Jij
ook it in earni'it and used the Bitav i
urs , from whiu't blip obtained per-
anoiit health , She now laughs at
doctor for hiu joke , but he ia not
well pleased with it , as it coat him an ion
good patientHurriaburj
Parnoll Urged to Blow up En
gland by Talking In America ,
The Land League Loaders
Generally at Liberty
Porater's Soot Still
Bx-Biupro < B Eugenie , a Physi
cal Wreck , Qoes o
Paris to Die.
Other Matter * of Interott-
LONDON , May 4. It ia stated that
at a conference of a group of Irish
members of thu house last evening ,
a majority expressed thu _ wish
that Parnull should go to America and
conduct the nictation in thu Unitnd
States and Canada for homo rule for
Ireland , or separation from Great
Many Irish suspects were released
from prison yesterday.
The three released members of the
houae of commons , Parnell , O'Kolloy '
and Dillon , have arrived in this city ,
and may possibly appear in their seats
in the housu to-night.
AN orrio : UEIKIINU.
LONDON , May 3. M % Chamber
lain , president of thu board of trade ,
has refused thu ofTur of the chief sec
retaryship for Ireland.
LONDON , May 4. Ono of the morn
ing papers publishes a report that Mr.
Chamberlain , president of thu board
of trade , haviiit ; obtained promisu of
support from Gladstone , looks to free
development of n nuw radical policy
in Ireland , has accepted thu office of
chief secretary for Iiulund.
. ' ' ' ' '
LONDON , May 3. Princess Louise
will sail for Canada in thu Samaritan
on the 2-ith inst.
PAUIH , May 3 , Ex-Empress Euge i'
nie has arrived hero , and is now in
the city , although great euro is taken
to keep thu fact a secret. She is very
ill and weak , and fears of her life are
entertained. On her arrival she woo
BO weak that she could not walk , and
nho was carried in a chair
from her carriage into the house of
the Duke of Moohay , Strict incog
nita is attempted to bo preserved ,
and persons who have called to
pay ruspccta are informed that the
empress has not yet arrived. She ia
said to have grown very aged in ap
pearance in the laat few months , and
to have preserved none of the traces
of her former beauty. The brutal
treatment which she received fr m a 1
mob of ruffians the other day , throw
her into a state of profound mental
depression , from which she has not
QUEENHTOWN , May 3. The steam
er Alaska , of thu Guion line , arrived
thia afternoon from Now York. Time
of passage , 0 days , 21 hours and 4l >
The Carpenter * ' Strike.
f Ulonal Aiaoctatcil I'rcaa.
CINCINNATI , May 3. The cnrpon-
jors' atriko will probably end thia
i ivook. The mun uru willing to abide by
| -lie decision of the abitration commit
| tee but the bosses have not yet Big-
nifiod a willingness to do BO.
liiaor tJcrogga on Soap.
Ball Laku Tribune.
The announcement that Elder
Soragga would speak in the Twentieth
ward mooting houao , on "Homo In
dustries and Divine Inspiration , "
drew , a jar o audience. Scragga hav
ing recently purchased an interest in
a soap factpry , it was predicted by
hia uquaintancoa that his discourse
would lead a trifle toward hia business.
He spoke aa follows from the text ,
'Cleanliness ia next to Godliness : "
"My brethren , nothing which
God has put into the mouth
of the inspired writers was
over said amiss. The idea cornea
with almost miraculous adaptability
to the present stirring epoch , when
there are BO many that doubt the in
spiration ; of the work and do not use
Hoap. Now , wo should all take the
trutha ! of Scripture home to our hearts
nnd uao none out soap made hero in
Salt Lake. These are other soap fac
tories here in Salt Lake , but none
that do as mine can. I succeeded
the aoap business because I
have faith in the revelation of
the divinu word , My receipt waa a
revelation direct from heaven. We
read in the good book of the angels
clad in raiment of shining white , and
have no doubt in my mind , that the
same sort of soap ia uaud in heaven aa
am now retailing at ten cents a bar ,
although J have a cheaper grade for
the country trade. Every man'a aoul
Ijko an old dirty towel which has
been < used for two weeks , It needs
thu cleansing process to make it
white. Wo .must be olpansed in the '
work of repentance and faith , and .
put right through the wringer of afflic
tion , which rewinds me that
Brother Bogga ia now Boiling the Ex-
jolaior market , better a good deal
than Smith's old rickotv machines ,
who ia an apostate from the true
faith , and the spirit of the Lord
ibidotli not in him , Uula&s you patronize -
ronizo the mun who uru in the faith
.ho doors of saluation open not unto
you , and your aoul will roost in the
vorlasting damnation of hull. My
leap ia now being made plain and
iconted , and put up in convenient
lackages , Wo will now BIIIK the 48th
lyinn. "The Lord will wash my guilt
way , with the choir standing.
" Pour on Oil. "
lj , P. Kullett , Marion , O. , states that he
used THOMAB' Hi UTIUO OIL fur burn *
nd hau fouud nothing to equal It la ooth. _