Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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> The Daily Bee.
Wednesday Morning , Moy 3.
Weather Report-
{ Tha following obnervMlons ore taken nt
bo flmiio moment ot time at nil the fits-
A 1 business gentleman wanted , See
advertisement of "Finnnco" in special col
Excursion Xlckcls for Colorado points
have boon put on sale by the U. P.
A 1 business gentleman wanted. See
advertisement of "Finance" In special col-
. The remains of the child of Mr. J'Hr.-
cueiiergcr were forwarded to Qlidden ,
Iowa , ycflxorday.
On Friday night Jllteholl'a 1'leasure
Party will produce "Our Goblins" at
Boyd's opera house.
, ' The success of the now street-car line
* will compel the putting on of now cars nt
an early day. I'coplo will visit the park
now by the thounand ,
The ticket office of the 1C. ( J. , St. Jo'o
&C. B.and 0. , H. & Q. railways will
( thortly bo removed to the corner of 13th
and Farnam streets. <
The obstruction of the streets at Iho
' intersection of Farnani an ! Thirteenth
by the crowd assembled by the lightning
calculator , is about played out ,
A uacrcd concert will be given at
.Mctz'H summer garden Sunday afternoon ,
by the Musical Union Orchestra , now
numbering twenty-live pieces.
In the pollco court yesterday there
were six Slocutnbs. Ono waa discharged ,
ono paid , ono wa committed , ! two had
judgment suspended , and one case con
tinued till 0 r. M.
Among the cases which came up In
police court yesterday was that cf Henry W.
Drown , Henry Donahue ( colored ) , and the
two boys , O'Brien and Derr , who stole the
gold watch from the St. Charles ,
At the meeting of Geo. A. Custor
Joat Monday to make arrangements for
the observance of Decoration Day , Messrs.
Hurley , Moore , Hooy and Bohm wore ap
pointed a special committee | to take
charge of the whola affair.
The son of Mr , F. L , Buf WM badly
burned by vltrol thrown In his face Mon
day morninf while playing with a com
panion , in the tear of Goodman's store.
Neither of the boys wore nt the time
awyro of the nature of the fluid , nnd it is
probable tbat youug Iluf will bo badly
dltfigurod by the accident.
At 8 p , m , Monday there was a cry
ol fira raised on upper Farnham street ,
and the Hooks and two hose carts rushed
down In front of the Opera House , where
quite a crowd had assembled. No fire
was to bo found , and it was probably a
drunken man's racket.
i i There is considerable complaint that
the street sprinklers are overdoing their
'buslnoee ' , 'and Instead of laying" the dust
tare keeping up the reign of mud , of which
Omaha has had about enough. It would
Ncem to be easy to regulate this mitt or ,
and there U no sense in delagiug the
The directors of the Omaha Law
Library association mot Monday
President Chase in the chair. Mr , Itogern ,
iho former librarian , sent in hU resigna
tion , which was accepted , and the matter
of selecting a new librarian referred to
( be library committee , of which Mr , Bar
tholomew is chairman.
Omaha lodge , U. D. , K. of P. :
special meeting of eald lodge Wednesday
at 7:30 : r. M , , nharp I 'All the olllccra' and
memborB are requested to attend , tut there
Is very Important bufilnoaa to transect.
By order of the Chancelor Commander.
Herman Kuude , 1C , of It. & S.
The bath nt the old Tivoll Gardens
will be open to-day At tli'o east end
la a portion of the bath which la but four
feet deep and la intended for children ana
those unfortunate enough not to bo able
to swim , Hanged along on the north side
are fourteen dressingrooms of ample size
and which will be fitted with all necaisary
appurtenances. An Immense canvas tent
will cover the entire bath , thus excluding
it from the atteet.
The PUllomutUoana ,
The onnouncomont of the Philoma-
thcan club is received with great satis
faction by those who on former occa
sions have had the pleasure of listen
ing to their splendid music.
Tho'programme for next Tuesday
evening is as follows :
. , Mayer ,
4 , Fantasia , Co ccrta te. Massenet
Phno , Flute , Violin , Cello.
C , llomanse. cello Boo..Heurlcu ! If oilman
Mr. A. Fotzrnann.
C. Irene and Aria , from Der Frelich
netz. . , , . , Weber
7 < Reverie , Violin solo , , Vieuxtemps
Gee , F. Bauer.
8. Quintet , , , .Bchuinau
Piano. Violin , Celo. !
J , A. Le Fill , a of Al ,
MorrU , deputy county clerk , is in the city
on a short vi it , He Id engaged in the
drug business at North Platte.
Ulaaea Georgia A. At buckle , A , 1\
Huff ntid May 13 , Gydeson , ttudenta from
Ube Omaha Medical College , have gone to
Asliland to vtudjr > dkirinf the summer under
Prof , Mansfield.Tbej left ywtwUy ,
The Nominations of the Mayo
Kefused Oonflrmation by
the Council.
General Mandnrsoa Resigns
and Goo , E. Pritchott
is Bouticed.
The Police Nominations Again
Referred Back to the
Committee ,
A JJong SoisionnndZtot * of Import
ant Bnsluoxs.
At A regular mooting of the city
council Inat evening there were pres
ent Messrs. Baker , iiohm , Knufmnnn ,
Dellono , Thrano , Dunham , O'Kcofo ,
McGuckin , Herman , Oorby , Lectlor
and Mr. President.
The lobby was well filled with per
sons anxious to hear the notion of the
council on the mayor's appointments.
The journal of the preceding meet
ing was road and approved.
From the mayor , requesting the
withdrawal of his previous nomina
tions for the city police force and the
substitution ot the following list :
Rcappointod if. Jocobson , Ed
ward Gorman , John O'Donohoo. Alex.
Black , Owen Buckley , Frank Ivaspor ,
Win. F. Flynn.
John Curloy vice J. O'Grady ; O.
W. Hyde vice Wm. McOuno ; G. N.
Doty vice Morris Sullivan , resigned :
E. L. Kirk vice Frank Kleffnor ; Jaa.
O. Boyle vice Win. Nightingale.
The question being on the granting
of the mayor's request for withdrawal ,
it was carried.
It was then carried to refer the now
ippointinents to the committee on [ po
From the mayor in regard to the
curbing on Dodge street. Referred.
From Frank Moore and others , rec
ommending Wm. Jones as the pound
master of the city , and from the may
or making the appointment. Con
From the mayor appointing Thom
as E. Conway inspector of the South
Dmalia sewer work. Referred.
From the mayor , appointing Chas.
Kaufmann , M. Dunham ancl'Jamcs
Droighton to appraise the real estate
bolonginz to the city , Confirmed.
From James E. Boyd , transmitting
kho resignation of Hon. Chas. F. Mun-
iorson , as city attorney , and nominat
ing Goo. E. Pritchott , Esq. , in his
Mr. Loodor moved to refer to refer
to the committee on judiciary.
Mr. Baker moved , as an amend
ment , to confirm the nomination.
Mr. O'Kuofo , in speaking on the
question , stated that ho wanted only
i good lawyer ; that ono little omission
in the water works ordinance had boon
made which would cost the city hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
The amendment was lost.
The motion to refer was lost.
From the mayor , enclosing warrant
for $1,000 from the county commis
sioners for part payment of the small
> ox bills incurred during the preva-
once of the scourge , and recormnond-
ng the passage of an ordinance for
.ho payment of such liabilities , Ho-
erred to committee on claims.
From G.T. . Ambrose , in regard to
certain real property purchased from
iho city. Referred.
From Martin Dunham , a resolution
authorizing the mayor to deed the
> roporty in question to Addib 0. Am-
> rose , the same being a small frag-
nent of six feet , of Market street.
From Frank Dollono , in regard to
order received to lay sidewalk in front
of lot 5 , block 38 , asking that the
street bo brought to the grade first ,
[ loferrcd.
From citizens of Johnson and other
additions , protesting apvinst removal
of dirt from streets to fill up private
property , Referred.
From W. J. Council , in regard to
same matter , and stating that said
grading was necessary in order1 to
mrry on the improvement of his lot ,
and asking authority to continue tho.
work under the direction of the city
engineer. Referred.
From Rmytho and Neville , enclos
ing bond of Win , Boxauor ; with oath
} f same , endorsed on back and request
ing acceptance ,
Mr. O'Koofo moved to refer to the
committee on judiciary.
Mr , Herman amended to lay on the
table. The amendment was 'carried.
From Goo. M. Walker , asking that
[ liram Rose be requested to remove
: ns water closet from petitioner's front
window to the opposite side of the lot.
Referred to committee n police , with
power to act.
From D. VV. Lane , secretary of No.
1 engine company , ( ransmittiug a reso
lution endorsing the mayor's appoint
ment of John II. Butler as chief en
gineer and promising hearty support.
Fromi citizens of the Second ward ,
asking that Pierce strqot ) > put in
passable condition from Thirteenth
it rout west. Rofcrrod.
From McSlmno it Schrocder , calling
attention to tho' condition of alley on
old South Omaha creek , and asking
removal of obstructions. Referred ,
From James Edwards and others ,
asking abatement of nuisance on Six
teenth and Williams streets. Re
ferred to committee on police with
power to not ,
From city engineer , accepting work
done by MoDormott on Tenth street.
Referred to committee on streets and
grades. '
From the same Transmitting copy
of notice served on Macauloy and
O'Brien April 27 , that the contract
between them and the. city was an
nulled by the terms of the contract.
From Macauloy and O'Brien No
tifying the city of an assignment of
the contract for the construction of
the Jones street sewer to Mollugl
and McGavock , and asking approval
of same.
Several papers wore road connected
with the subject , and Mr , Oorby was
allowed to submit a resolution ap
proving of th-3 assignment , and
Authorizing the delivery of the con
tract to the now firm under certain
conditions. Referred ,
From M , 0. Keith Offering to soil
the city two buffalos for Hanscom
park , and in case they wanted them ,
to donate two more. Referred.
From the Oity Engineer Request
ing an increase of salary. Referred ,
From the Street Commissioner
Transmitting report for the month ol
From the Manager of the Child's
Hospital Requesting remittance o
taxes for the year 1881 on account ol
charity. Referred ,
From several 'Asking to have alloy
between Dodge and Douglas. Twelfth
and Thirteenth streets graded , Re
From the City Marshal Reporting
tho'arrcst of all the wholesale liquor
dealers and the present status of the
cases. Filed ,
From Paxtonand others calling at
tention to the dangerous condition of
St. Mary's avenue . Referred.
The city marshal's report of liquor
dealers for the month of > April , Re
The city physician presented a com
munication regarding the small pox.
Total cases to data , 40 ; deaths , 14.
Referred ,
From lIomorD. Slull and others ,
isking for a' sewer across Pierce street
in Shull's ' addition.
From James Fox and others , ask
ing for curbing and guttering of Far-
nam street , south side , from Ninth to
From the city physician , transmit
ting the mortality report for April ,
The report shows the number of
leaths to no 45 and the number of
jirths 77 ,
From the chief engineer in regard
to the condition of the department
ind making certain suggestions for its
improvement. Referred ,
From property owners , requesting
mango of grade on Farnam street
: rein Twentieth to Twenty-fourth and
waiving all damages.
On motion the mayor was requested
to appoint appraisers. Carried.
The bond of the city of Omaha to
; ho Union Pacific lailway company ,
'ordamagea by the construction of the
ditch across the river bottom north of
, htf city , was prorontod. Referred to
; ho judiciary committee.
Several bills were referred to their
appropriate committees without
By Baker To make allny between
Foilerson and Twentieth , Dodge , and
farnam streets passable. Adopted.
Baker : To make certain estimates
or improvements on Capital avenue
at the expense of residents , under the
lirection of the city onciioer ; ,
Corby : Authorizing the city clerk
o advertise for bids for curbing , gut-
oring and grading iluruoy street ,
rom Eighth to Fifteenth , and Six-
eonth street from Douglas to Izard.
loferrcd to the city engineer.
McGuckin : Declaring all papers ,
osolutions , ordinances , etc. , relating
o the opening of Dodge street , passed
> y the former council , Jin full force ,
McGuckin To have the alloy back
of Smith's block on Farnam street
cleaned. Referred to the city marshal
o have prpperty owners abate the
McGuckiti To clean out gutters on
? onth street from Faruam to the U.
' . depot. Adopted ,
O'Keefo Instructing the city mar-
hal to present on the first day of
iach month a sworn list of all prosti-
utes in the city who have boon or-
ostod and fined. Adopted.
O'Keefo Instructing the city at-
ornoy to prepare an ordinance to
rovent the taking of dirt from streets
nd alloys to improve private prop
rty. Adopted.
Kaufmar.u Requesting Mayor Boyd
o induce General Manderson to con-
inuo in the oilico of city attorney
ntil his successor is elected and
ualifiod. Adopted.
Dollono To have all necessary ro-
airs made on the house at Hanscom
ark , expenditure not exceeding
250. Adopted.
Kaufman a Instructing the city
narahal to have the B. & M. company
ut the tracks recently laid by them
n Jackson street east of Ninth on a
rado with the street , so that property
wnors can reach their premises.
Kaufmann Instructing the city
larshal to. prohibit all persons not
numbers of the council or heads of
llicial departments from coming
nsido the oncloauro of the council
hambor during meetings. Adopted.
Tlinuic. To have house and fence
n Seventh street , between Jones and
.loavenworth , removed iusido of two
ivueks. Adopted.
Loodor. Authorizing the street
ommiesionor to fill up the gutters on
Chicago , between Thirteenth and
fourteenth streets. Adopted.
Lecdor , To repair culvert on cor-
tor of Twelfth and Chicago sUeots.
Belun. To repair bridge on Six-
ecnth and Murcy streets , west of
mil works. Referred , i
Mr. Luodor On and after July 1
o pay $2.00 per day for all city labor ,
luforred ,
Mr. Dunham Empowering police
udgo to employ a clerk for the police
lourt at.a cost of not exceeding $00
> or month.
Mr , Dunham made a statement as
o the crowded condition of business
n the police court , and the raving to
> o effected by the employment of a
clerk to keep the records in shape.
Referred to finance committee ,
Mr. Kaufmann explained that his
resolution to exclude ouUidors did
not include reporters.
Judiciary Recommending the reduction -
duction of the Kellom taxes to $1,109
ind that the treasurer collect accord-
ngly , Adopted.
Claims Recommending payment of
several claims. Adopted.
Streets and Grades Recommend-
ng acceptance of Millard place as uu
addition to the city. Adopted.
Streets and grades. Recommend ?
ng the proposed change of grade of
farnam street , if it can bo done at no
expense to the city.
Streets and grades. Recommend-
ng ordinance for proposed change of
curb lines on Douglas street.
The report was placed on file.
Streets and grades. Recommend-
ng passage of ordinance establishing
4io grade of Thirteenth street from
'iorce to Vinton. Adopted.
Public Property and Improvements
Recommending cancellation ot cor-
ain taxes on church property ,
Same Recommending the Gling of
E. 0. Er/ling's / offer to sell the city
shade trees. Adopted.
Gas Asking longer time for con
sideration of the gas company's bill.
Granted ,
Rules , Forms and Printing On
the cost of printing the mayor's mes
sage and other documents. Referred
to the finance committee.
Same Allowing bills of the Omaha
Printing and Publishing company for
February and March. Adopted.
Waterworks and eowerago. Re
jecting all bids for the construction
of brick sewers in North Omaha , and
recommending further advertisement
with thn proviso that each bid should
bo accompanied by a certified chock
of SoOO , to bo forfeited if they failed
to sign the contract within ono week
of the acceptance of the bid.
Same Recommending the placing
of the hydrant requested by th
mother superior of the Ladies of th
Sacred Heart. Adopted.
The April appropriation ordinatici
was take up under a suspension of th
rules and passed.
Council adjourned for ono week.
They Open Up in Oood Style nt Thol :
Now Corner.
The Nebraska National bank ha
now fairly opened up for business in
their temporary quarters , on ih
northwest corner of Twelfth and Far
nam street ] , and already business has
assumed proportions to demonstrat
the fact that there was an ample lieli
for the now enterprise.
The old Brash block , which was
moved into the street , has boon made
over into a form so neat as to bo
almost as good as now ; the outsidoanc
the interior tastefully painted , and the
inside of the counting room dividec
up conveniently by partitions and fitted -
ted out with handsome cabinet desks.
A strong and fire-proof brick vaull
has also been built in the center of the
room , and the facilities for transacting
a' first class banking business may bt
said to be complete.
Mr. Henry \V. Yates , the cashier
and Kent K. Hayden , the paying tcl
lor , are both kept busy at their respective
spoctivo posts. When the now anc
costly building is complete the bank
will bo as well quartered and manned
as perfectly as any in the wcat.
A Drowning Sensation Which Did
Not/ Pan Out.
The midnight hour Monday saw
sensational scone at the corner of 10th
and Farnam streets , where a stranger
who gave the name of G. F. Summers ,
and claimed to be a lawyer from Mar-
shaltown , Iowa , told a peculiar story
of the loss of his partner , named
Craig , with whom he was travelling to
Dakota to buy land ,
According to this story the partner ,
Craig had wandered by the river side
and lost a pocket-book containing
$100 , after which he had gone to
search for it , fallen into the raging
Missouri and drowned. There was
considerable harrowing detail to the.
narrative and the oliicers , suspecting
foul play , locked the excited individ
ual up in the city jail over night.
Yesterday the alleged corpse ,
Mr. Oraig , called at the jail , reported
that ho saw by the morning papsra
that he was drowned , and asked to
ee Summers , The latter on being
confronted by his lost friend ex
claimed , "Is this a ghost that Iseo
before mo ? " but it was explained that
ho saw genuine llesh and blood. Mr.
Mr. Craig stated that the unfortunate
man was a little off in his mind , and
asked permission to take him away ,
promising to take carp ot him. The
judge gave his permission , and the
county was relieved of a boarder and
the necessity of dragging the river
A. Special Venire Issued for Grand
The U. S. courts were in session
jrestcrdayJudgesDundy andMcCrary
joth being present. In the circuit
: ourt two or three demurrers were
irguod , and some other routine bus-
ueasof no particular importance trans
acted. ,
The judges afterward sat in cham
bers below for the purpose of cmpan-
rolling the grand jury. Seven of the
members were absent and ono was ox-
: used , leaving a vacancy of one-third
the quota to bo filled. This was done
by issuing a special venire for the re
quired number , and will probably
cause a delay of two or three days in
the proceedings. Although the petit
jury will bo empanncllod on Thursday
it is likely that but little will bo done
this week it ) either branch of thofed
eral court.
A Passenger has His Pockets Picked
While Crossing the Bridge.
A party named James Garland was
robbed on U. P. train No. 3 yester
day while crossing the bridge , Coun
cil Bluffs to Oro.aha , about 12 o'clock.
Uo had purchased a ticket at the
Council Blufls transfer depot for Ft.
Collins , Colo. , and had put it in his
pocketbook , which also contained
about $ -10 in cash. Shortly after
boarding the train ho wont to the
smoking car , and finding it
full he started to go into another
car. As he reached the door
ho was mot by two men who were
entering the car , and two men who
had followed him , thus creating a
momentary jam at the .door. lie
subsequently remembered having felt
something give way in his pants
pocket , and of course after discover
ing his loss , knew just when the rob
bery was committed. The stolen
pocketbook contained all the money
ho had. Ho applied at the general
office for relief , and arrangements
were made to eend him through to his
It is thought thai only two of the
men spoken of above are the thieves ,
whom Mr. Garland could not identify
if lie should see them. They are
probably professionals from Chicago ,
who work the unwary passengers
wherever they fiud them ,
A Man Named Collins Who
Wanted to Go to Sleep.
A Gnlltm of Emotion Sent Into His
Stcmnoli to Offset nn Onnco of
Iinudnnttm ,
About 8 o'clock last evening n ma
named Collins , about thirty yean
old , who had boon employed in th
U. P. shops , under Foreman Brown
but who was discharged n few day
since , walked into Boll's drug store
near the depot , with a vial in hi
hand and asked for an ounce of laud
anuin , saying ho was in the habit o
taking small doses for sleeplessness
and ae ho was about going off on th
cars ho would want sulliciont to las
him. Ho was given the desire
quantity , which ho paid for and do
parted. As soon as ho reached the
crossing ho drank the .contents of tl.o
vial and throw it away. The nigh
watchman happened to sea him and
picked up the bottle and
saw it was labeled laudanum.
Uo grabbed Collins at once , and
with the assistance of an officer who
arrived about that time , waltzed hin
back to the drug store , where ho nc
knowledgcd ho had taken the poison.
They poured about a gallon-of emetic
into him and then took him into the
back yard and walked him up and
down for n quarter of an hour , deter
mined not to allow him to go to sloop.
They talked to him and they pounded
him , and when the officers got tired
they wcro readily reliovcd. Collins
had then vomited but little and the
druggists and physicians wcro afraid
they would have a cadaver for the
coroner. A messenger had been sent
for a doctor , bill none could bo found.
Brown , Collins' boss , happened to
pass the store , and on being told the
cause of the racket , took possession of
the would-bo suicide. A carriage was
called and the man dumped in and
carried off , nobody last night know
whore. It was the opinion of those
connected with the affair , that unless
Collins had prompt and radical treat
inont he would die. Mr. Boll , how
ever , had great faith in the gallon of
emetics , and believed Collins would
bo all right to-day with the exception
of a very sick stomach ,
Guy C. Burton's Friends Meet Him
and Say Good-Byo.
Tuesday evening last , Hon. Guy C.
Barton and family left our city for
their now Omaha home. It was not
known definitely until a day or two
previous that Mr. Barton was so soon
to sever his connections with our city.
Dur people clung to the hope that
this excellent family would not sever
their connections with ourcommuity in
which they have lived so many years ,
ind where there were so
many associations strongly uniting
them as ono. On Monday an infornia-
meeting of Mr. Barton's neighbors , to
the number of fifty or more , was held ,
it which it was decided to present Mr.
Barton with a testimonial of their
Friendship and esteem , to carry with
! rim as a souvenir of the good wishes
af his many friends and neighbors
Iho testimonial agreed upon was
* hands'omo solid gold watch
jhain and charm , procured at
the store of .Max Meyer &
Brothers of Omaha. At 5 o'clock
Wednesday evening the oflico of Mr.
Barton was token possession of by a
large crowd , who found Mr. Bartoa
preparing to start for dinner. The
room was soon crowded , when J. H.
McConnell arose , and addressing Mr.
Barton , presented the testimonial in
, ho following neat and appropriate
ipeoch ;
MB. BARTON : As you are about to
cave us for your now homo in Omaha ,
i tow of your friends have called to
iay good-bye. Our acquaintance with
fou extends back for th& past twelve
reais , and during that time we have
bund you over ready with open
lands to assist us in any good under-
aking. By your departure we feel
hat our town has lost ono ot its best
litizons and wo our best friend--and
in behalf of your many friends I nave
ho pleasure of presenting you with a
okon of our respect and esteem for
reu as a business man , a gentleman ,
.nd a friend.
Though taken completely by sur-
> rise , and evidencing great feeling ,
tlr. Barton responded in fitting
vords plainly showing the keenness
> f the regret ho felt in leaving old
riotids , and his cordial appreciation
> f the boixutiful gift from his noigh-
jors. Short speeches , were then
nado by Dr. Buckworth , R.
J. Wyinan , O. Newman , D ,
Fhompson and Lon. H , Church ,
uxpressivo of the regret of friends
and the loss to our community by the
departure of Mr. Barton and family ,
Mr. Barton thanked all for the kind
words spoken and assured them that
lieartily reciprocated the sentiments
af friendship coming from his old
friends and neighbors. A short tune
ivas then spent in social converse ,
reviewing old times and calling
up the past , after which a cordial
liand clasp-was given Mr. Barton by
aach ono present , and showers of
blessings accompanying each "Good
bye Guy may God bless and prosper
you and yours , in all the years to
: omo. " Mr , B. and wife loft on the
Denver train for their now homo-
North Platte Nobraskan.
rhe ApproachlnR Meeting and Tour
nament lu-Omaha.
The Nebraska State Sportsmen's
issociation will hold its next annual
nooting in Omaha , May 23d , 24th ,
! 5thand2Gth. The meeting of 1881
# os held at Lincoln and that of 1880
it Nebraska Oity.
During the convention a grand
.ournament will be had at the Omaha
Irivins park , under the auspices of
fohn W. Petty & Co. In 'this there
ivill be , in addition to the usual prizes ,
k citizen purse of 8350 which will be
> pen to all members to contest for ,
: reo of charge. Four thousand birds
n'ill bo bad for the occasion and there
will bo an unlimited number of glaae
balls for shooting.
Tt will bo ono of the pteasantcst
events of the present summer.
With this p.v'nt old shingle roofs
can bo made to loO. better and last
longer than now shingles and at a
small cost.
It has a heavy body , ono coat being
'equal to throe of any other , nnd when
dry it is practically slate.
We will pay $1,000 to the owner of
a building to whom wo cannot prov
our paint has withstood exposur
twelve years without renewal and i
good condition. ,
It is applied at a price that enable
everybody to have a water-tighl
handsome roof.
FUNK. & SIIOOKEY , State Agt's ,
Room G , Croighton Block , Omaha
Nob. Agents wanted in over ,
town. mayl-2t
Advertising Cheats.
Providence Advertiser.
It has become so common to writ
the beginning of an elegant , interest
ing article "and then run it into som
advertisement , that wo avoid all sue !
cheats and simply call attention to the
merits of Hop Bitters in as plain
honest terms'as possible , to induct
people to yivo them ono trial , as no
one who knows their value will eve :
use anything else.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , for Sale
Lost , Found , Wants , Boarding , &c , , will bo In
lerted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
per line ; each Eubacquent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
Mr lino. The tint Insertion never lens than
ONEY ' TO LOAN Ottll nt liaw Otnce of D ,
M' L. Thomas Rojra 8 Crelirbton Block.
TO LOAN At 8 per centln
/ terest In sums.ot $2,600 end
ipwards , ( or 3 to 5 years , on flrgt-clam city and
'arm ' property. Bums RRAL ESTATX und LOAN
Vaxxcr , 16th and Douplas 8(8.
ANTED A good cabinet-maker. 1410
WA Douglas ttrcct. D70 3
ANTED A dining-room girl at the Km me
W House. . D05-8 >
ANTED A compete ntcirl in a stall family
W N. K. corner 23r J and Webster 063-tf
WANTED At tve Southern Hotel , corncrOth
and Lcavenworth ( tract , a good glil for
llnlntr-room work. Gill at once.
802-2 * GUST HAMEL , Proprietor.
\TTANTED A steady Industrious girl for
YY general houenwork , at 1711 Jackson st.
WANTED 20 men to work In stone qnarrv.
II , Minnweiler , Employment Agent , llth
met near Karnam. DCO-4f
ANTED 60 railroad men. II. Mannwcllcr.
* 0814
IT7-ANTED 10 teams ; wages ? 4.00. II. Mann
YY weiler , Employment Agcn , lltH street
icar Farnam. D02-4t
ITtrANTED Aplil to do general hou'ewoik In
VV a family of two , must wash and Iron well ,
ipply at 141b Sherroin ave. 059-Ot
rrrANTED TmmBllately a first-rate sand brick
Yf moulder. Good wages to ft good man.
'ard 16th street and Bcllvuo lloail. "
CTT"ANTED Immediate ! a good girl for gen
VV eralhonsoiork , at 410 N. 20th street , be
ween Chicago and Cnss. C. B. MoXWELL.
ANTED Three or four boarders in a prl.
w- rate family. Inquire at the Eee office. .
052-2 *
rirANTKD Cook and laundicss , or dining
YY room girl at the Doran House , opposite
lea office. 010-tt
[ Jt ] ANTED CO men for railroad work , apply
V this evening orto-mrrriiw from 8 to 11
'dock a. m. H. Mannnellcr , iimployrrent
.gent llth street , near Farnam 044-2 *
[ TfANTED Good tailorcss. Apply nt 1220
YY Farnam street , 1025-3
r ANTED A FlMt-class chambermaid at th
City IIoteL F , Wirth. B94-U
1QSO North 10th st.
8'0-U MRS. J. M. CoutiatiAN.
ANTED DJnlng room glrlaf.tho Crelshton
House. B07-t (
ITTTANTEP Bituatlon ns housekeeper ornurse.
\l \ V Call at 70S , Ibth btrcct. two doors north of
febstcrnt , *
, T7 [ ANTE To rent by Mav a gen-
i/Y / tlcman and wle ( , three furnished rooinn
ir light hoiuekpepii'g. Rent not to exceed
18.03 i > tr month. Address H. L.G , , Bee odlce.
904-4 *
HAVE nothing to sell , but nrcd in a legiti
mate business the personal aid of a gentleman
i A1 standing and large acquaintance In th
14'lness clrc ts of Omaha.
With such u gentleman I am prcparod to treat
berally for lignt , pletsant Benlci , which will
Q required for a few days only. Persons un-
: ilo to demonstrate cleirly that they are pou-
: s ccl of the qualifications alme designated
rod not antwcr. Addresj 'Tlnamo , ' Bee
Illce BUtlm : where an Immediate Interview may
e had. It
.TfrANTED Boarders at ConirecrcliI Ho'ol ,
\l\ \ Frank Davia. ( orincily of the I'ao'fiu
ouso , would Inform the public that ho has Ukt i
: o Commercial Hotel , cornet of Ninth and
ea\unworth , et , uhenhe will ending cr to net M
cod a table and keep 'as goad beds as any
ou o in tto cltv , nnd hopes to jet hUsbare ol
ublio i > a renege , and especially bis foiiurr pat-
ons. I&tcs ! rca'on ble. 011-U
iTtrANTF.I600 privy va-o-ts , sinks And c sj
VV pooh to clfan with KanlUry Vault nnd
Ink Cleaner , the best in ua. A. Evans & Co. ,
csldenca 1200 Iodye street. Omaha.
[ TrANTED 2 unfurnikhcd rooms for miin and
VV wile , mutt he moderate in prico. Ad.
ress II. Bee office. 207-tf
ding bridge and school bonds-
H. T. Clark , nellevuc ,
firANTKD To sell a barber fhop , good lo-
VV cation , good busl e. , satlsfattory reasons
> r BClllDR. Inquire at 1178,16th etrott , Omaha
; eb , D37-U
[ TTANTED i children u boarders In a select
W school , at 19th nd California Bt L. B ,
.OOMIB. . 7W-tf
KENT Furnished rooms sultablo for
housekeeping. Inqulr * at N , W. corner
Bth and Clark elieeU. St
HKNT A''ouse of blx rooms. Enquire
FUR Thos. bv if ; , corner Uth and Chicago
treets. 088-tf
ffiOR UENT An unfurnished room on Far-
L1 cam strjet between 18th and 17tli No. 309 ,
[ 71011 RKliT A nice furnished room , 172
I * DoutfUu street , 0093
[ 710R RENT Two furnish d rooms In a privat
J house , at 1011 South Jllh street , one hlocl
om Uie depot. 810-2'
7-OR RKN'r-Furniilud rooms at 1004 Dodge
J klreot. B50-U *
_ _
7KH ItKNT KurnlslieJ rooms suitable for two
J gentlemen. North-Meat corner 'ioth and
, 9513 (
KENT A suite of nicely furnished rooms
J forruit , 8 , E.cornvr 20th and lnen ) > ort
FORI.EASB AtWSaywir , teveral nice JA
r'rncolotl'noir 25th street and St. Mary > ave ,
OlS-tf "W h. IlARTMTT , Real fctUte Agevt.
[ 3 Ellis rent * hou , lots , farmj , stores ,
JD rooms etc. OtQcej 16th and Douglat St
T OR JtENT-Storo ani butcher shop , 8 E.
JL1 corner ISth an'd Chit-ego. Inquire at store.
Ellen Lucas , tdtnlnhtrator of the estate cf E. C.
I.UEM. ROl-tl
ri O RENT Ono largo lurnl'lnd room , with
JL board , on tits : floor , outslio cntnnro. 1S08
C lltorn ott , 847-tf
. llt.NJ t nuownea rooms nter Me
1.MJK - ' KxcbngeN , K. cor. 18th ind Dodg
10R Kl iT Nicely furnlfhod IOOIIM with of
without board. Reasonable prices. 2018
run SALE.
"J OR SALE A Erst-clas ) top barty , t 131B
JL1 lUrnc ) street. 8 i-4t
J10R SALE Five new milh cows in town , for
_ .ala by C. Fmlerickron , cnroof A. J. Qvls
grd , 314 South 13th street , Um ha , Neb.9673r
967-3r '
FOR SALE Hoiifo 21x10 , kitchen 12x10 be.
t \\ccn 14th and 15th on Hurt btrcct , north
gldo. lncUl | c on the premln s. 050 4
.1OK SALE About IiM-\cl r old Drape
D Vlnts. Inquire of H. O. CLA- ,
ml-3t 1403 Doiljlai St.
T710R SALE A house on Multicast comer of
JU Dovclaaan ] 10th ttrcct , prlca 92CO. Inquire -
quire at till ? olflce. B42-2t
BKICK FOR SALH-F < ank & rimcneJwf , Pa-
clfb Junction , Iowa. 022-3 '
SALE House and two lots , tozttftcr , r _
FOH dl ldo to suitcheap ; ( or cunb , or on"S |
third down , balance ou tlmo. U. Fullmnn , 8tb
and Dorcas ets. StKVC *
TTJOP SALE Now cottage and two-third lo * on
JJ Park Wlldo.Avenun In South Omaha , only
81800. Ocod thance ( or railroad men who wml
to reside near depot. McCagua lopp , pontoflics.
10K SALE Oood horns nnd lot ! at 1235 Soul3 >
F 14th street second home north of William *
SALE One Finn ot marcs , ono cow , anil
FOR goat. Inqu ro ot Lllcn Lucas , corner
13th and Cblngo stu. S02-U
OTS , S1CO each , ? 5 down and $5 per month
S , Agent.
.K RS the BdYS1 HOliK. Th's ' house la co -
tiolly located , has ECU h and east front , and In
surronnded w th flno rhade trees : cant ins thirty
s'ceplnir ' room , has lea hou o. lanndry , simple
room , 4c. Ha * a world w do rrpmotiort and &
better patron'go than many houses ol twice Its
capacity. Prlto $5.000 For poii cu'ara ad-
dicss , A. A. SAWDEY.Red CIouu , Mb.
. 'SH-tf
OR SALE 200 choice lots In Uani-ecrn Place ,
F W. R Nartlett , Real Eitato
13th street. 833-tt
SALE A good corner lot on Donfo and
EOH street , m a very ( ast growing part of
the city , will dhidc. Inquire at 10 South 23th
street , near Farnam.Bogg'a & Hill's addition.
OR SALE Ono span of hordes , two spring
E wagons nnd two sets of double harness. In
quire Ellen Lucas , administrator of the ajtkt-a
of E. C. Lucas , corner 13th and Chicago eta ,
TT10R SALE OR RENT A two (2) ( ) story frame
C build rg'JlitO. N. E. corner 2n ! ! < t and
Coming strtet. Inquire al Krug's Western
Brewery. "Cl'-tt
7T10R SALE 20 lots near Hanseom Park , west
JJ ot Park A\cnuo. f460 to , $900 each. Mo-
p. rostolflcu.
OR SALE House of or G rooma and cor
F ner lot on 19th and Mason $1.600. .McCairue
postofflco. SSS-tf
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. SSB
FURY . S. 11. B. " , winner ol prize at State
t'alr. Stands for service vt Nebraska Poultry
ifards , West Omaha. Graham r * . Browne ,
SALE One second-hand 25 horse j > u > <
FOR ) , good as ncwnlo t\\o8 horJOliowop
ir o > two 15 horse po er engines , new. Killers-
it a'l sbes , new. Inquire Omaha Four dry an
klachlno Co.U. P. Ry. bet 17th and 18th Qmaha
C10R SALE A new house and lot. 25th an
C Douglas St. Inquire to A. Iioumt.ii , 2 thi
jid Farnhamts. . 418-lm *
10R SALE Cur load of r c uiackey mules
F broke. Apply of J. "Vf. Skinner , Coin Ik ,
326-lmo *
1710R SALE Orwill oxcha fre for Omaha proC -
C I Ipcrty , an Improved sec n of land adjoln-
ng a station on U. P. R. R. 11. DUNHAM , 1418
ramhamSt. , Omaha. 720 tot
QRICK FOR SALE 8J2.00 pel 1000.T. Murray
D 110-tf
HAY At A. U. Bander1 Feed Sto
BALED Ilarnov Bt. sia-tf
Whowlsh to adopt or take Inboard
PARTIES uldfgirl baby , may call at IMS
lallfomla street. C7-5I
' 'OK RENVARD For irjormatlon leading to
y/Clt ) the discovery of p cm mare about thir-
e n years old , weight l.OOOponnd' ) To ) UTO
olt Ust of SUicli. tjtraj cd or stolen from Gen-
va Feb &tb , 1S82. Addrets ,
637-3 * Geneva , Fillmore Cou < ty , eb.
wanting Crst-cU'dPcandinalvanhclp
PARTIK3 Flodman and Ekblad's Uuck and
tatloncry Store , 20) N. 17th street.
\fRS. C , A. FI.HSQN E'ectro Magnetic
.VI Ilcaljr , also busluosi and medical O.alr-
oyant. I'tfjchomttle tiadlnjfa a.d treatment
Iven , dally from U a. m. to 4 p.m. . Cm be can-
ulted by letter , send name , agp , and lock of
air etc , with J2.00 consultation hi. No. 013
ass Si. , Omaha , Neb. 783 lm >
' NEW CITY MA B , 100. Meuiiud
SEMIB' . 82.60. OEO. P. UKiUB.
J street Dear Fktrnam , I'usinnes bouses ,
irmets and families can ba > upi > lled with com-
ctcnt hilo. AuygraJoof cmjJoyincnt. Kail-
3ad aup Mining outllts on short notice F , D.
'olte , Kmplntincut Aitcnt. Brt4-im *
OOOMS And first class table board , at 2011
tfc CoiaBt. niMm *
1AVE RENT Choice of 80 full lots to lease
5 near Crel hton College for )26 per year >
'extor ' L , Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crelghto
lock. "
IONALIBT , 403 Tenth Htrect , , between Farnua
ndllarncy. Will , with the aid of puardlLn
, ilrlts , obtain for any one a glance tt the )
ad present , and on certain conditions la tbu'fu >
are. Boots and Bhooa made to : rdcr. Porfoe
i ruiriateed an 6-lro
Absolutely Pure-
ThU powder never varies. A m rr l ot p
y , strength and wholetomtneM. More ccono-
ilCAl than the ordinary klndi , and cannot M
> ld In competition with the multitude of I ow
at , short weight , alum or pho phai powder *
e :
i ,
of {