Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1882, Image 3

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    JL JDl Tl V1 > J jtlJUL-ti. JLf.fllJ.XlJL JUTJuJJLJ. II .a
CIO Furnham. bat Oth nd 10th 8tre U.
Oaa copy 1 ycrln dv ncopostf ( MtlO.OC )
0 monini 6.0C
month S.OC
CBICAOO , rr. nvL , Mrxxmroua AMI
Otnurin raifenRer No. 8 , 8M : . m. Ac-
tirnoil < itl&n No. 4 , 1:0 : tp.ra
Atrhe OmrJift fiwecnttcr No. 1,6:20 : p.m.
la c t ir a : dntlon Nn. 8 , 10 : W a. m.
t\\fV \ OXAIIA HAKT 01 KOtnll tCCKD.
0. , D. & V. 7:40 : . tn. StO : p. m.
0. ft X. W. , 7:40 : , m. 3:40 : p. m.
c. , R. I. & p. , 7io . m. 3:40 : n. m.
E , C.Bt. J. & C. B. , leaves M f W . m. Hid 7MS
m. Arrives at St. LouU t 6:30 : at. m. n J 6:62 :
m.W. , St. Il P.leaT l l8 . m. and S:10p. :
Arrhm Et. Louie t 0:10 : ft. tn. ami 7:80 :
m _
WMt OB 80U1UW WitS ,
C , t tl. In Nob. , Throtuth Hitirws , 8 ! " . n > .
B. h II. Lincoln KxirM | 6:20 : p. m.
U P. Omhnd r profo , 17:15 p. m.
O , li R. V. ( or Llnroln , 11:46 : ft. m.
O. & tl V. ( or OftccoU , U:40 n. m.
U. I > ( reliilit No. 6. 6:30 : o. in.
0. P I refill No. 0 , 8:20 a. tn.
U. I' , frclpht No. 13 , 2:80 : p. m.
U. P. freight No , 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant.
„ . r. Uonicr DXIITO-W , 7:35 p. la.
O. P. Irclrbt Nn 11 , 11:30 : p. m.
C , F. Denver freight , 8:25 p. tu.
Aft&lVING raDM IA1T AtD ! K > UTtl.
0 B. b 0 6:00 : . in. 7:26 p m.
O. li N. W. , 9M a. tn. 7:26 p. ra.
O. R. 1. i P. . 8:45 : a. m , D:05 p. In. iff
H. C. , St. Jot hC J ) . , 7f6 . . m. U.MS p. m
PROM mi w AND Botninrtst.
0. ft R. V. from Lincoln 1108 p. m.
U. P. Pftclflc Kxprc-w 3:25 p. m.
D1 ft M. In Nob. , Thtough F.xrrctB 4:16 : p tn.
n ft M. Lincoln Express 0JI : a in.
U. P. Denver expires , 7:56 : ft. ui.
U. P. Freight No. 14-2:60 : p. ra.
U. P. No. C 6iO : .1. m. Eiuli ; i .
U. P. frURht No. 14 , 12:15 p. m.
U. P. No. S-0nO : p. tn.
D. P. Ho. 12 1:46 : a. m
D , P. J > amor frclebt , 1:10 : a. m.
O. it R. V. mliou. ar. 4:46 : p. m.
cernui nwrrw.
te e Oaubs st S:00 : , P:00 : , 10:00 : Mid 11:00 :
m. ; 1:0 : 2CO : , 3:00 : , 4:00 : and 6.00 p. m.
Leave Council lilutfs At 8:26 : , 9:25. : 10:26 : nnd
136 f. . m. ; 1:26 , 2:26 : , 3:26 : , 4M : and 6:25 : p. m.
Sun-'ajs The dummy loivcs Oraftha kt 0:00
nnd llCo n. m. ; .00 , 4:00 : and 5:00 : p. m. LUVVOH
OcuDi.ll UlaCs at 8:25 : ted 11:26 ft. tn. ; 3:25 , 4:2C
ftnd 6:25 p. m.
Tl.touifh and 1-eal piiBicnccr trains botwcoi
Omaha nnil Council Rluils. Lea\o Omalm 0lf :
! < % 8:60 : a.m. ; 3.JO , 6:40 : , 0:00 : p. ra. Arriv
Omaha 7:40 : , 11:36 : , 11:45 : ft. m. ; 6:40. : 7:05 : , 7:1
40 p. in _
Opening ana Cloilne of Mfllt.
Kotrri. area. oLoer.
. m. p. m. a. m. p. m.
OblcftgoftN. W . 11.00 B:00 : 6:30 :
Chicago , R I. & 1'aclnc 11:00 B:0(1 : ( 6:30 :
o , D. 4 , Q. . . -.11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 :
12:30 6:30 :
Hoax City and i'nclf.c. . : 8:00 : 5:30 :
Union Pactfl : . 4:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha 4 R. V . . . . 4:00 11:40 :
1 .ft M. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 :
Onmhnft Slour City. . . . 0:00 : 7SO :
H. &M. Uucoln . 10.-S1) 6CN :
U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 :
J. P. Denver Exp . P:00 : 6:3i :
0. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : S:4i :
tocil ra&llrt ( or State ol Ion * leave but cnce
day , viz i 6:30 : a , tu.
Ode * open Sundays Irorn IS ra. to 1 p. in.
Business Directory ,
Abatrnct and Ro l tttnte.
JOHN L. MoCAQlIE , oppoaito Poet Olca.
W. R. BAUTLKTr 317 South IZtli Stroei.
Room 14. Crclghton Llock.
A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. CioUhfon Block.
Boot * and Uncos.
tIne Coots ftnd Shoea. A eood aasortmcnl
tome work on hand , corner 12tb and llarnoy.
THOB. ERICKSON , 8. E. cor. 10th ftad
( Oi 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at ( air price * . Repairing dono.
Bed Gprlnai.
LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Donplaiet.
Booki , Newt and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEUAUF 1016 Farnham Street.
Butter and
McBHANK & SCHUOEDER , the oldoot B. ftnd E.
bnuu In Nebraska cntAblUbod 1S7C Omabft.
licthweei coruer ICthand Dodge.
Debt Board ( or the Monty.
SttUtftctlon Guaranteed ,
i i. I at all Houra.
EOLrd by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Caab ,
Furnished Rnnm
\ UarrlaRC * and Road Waaon .
W1I BNYDKR , 14th and Harner Streets.
J. UAllHia will pay hlgheatCaeh price ( Of aocond
hand clothlnc. Corncr.lOth and Farnham.
Jewo era.
JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street.
II. BERTUOLD , Rags and Metal.
Lumber Lime and Dement.
FOSTER & QR.iY corner 6th and Douglas Bit.
Lamp * and alauware.
J. BONNER 1309 Docclaa lit. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors la re
ceiving the latest deatgus ( or Spring and Summer
Gooda ( or gentlemen a wear. Htyllili , durable ,
* nd prlcoa low aa ever. 216 13th bet. Douir.&Farn.
l R3. 0. A. BINDER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy.Gcods In great \arlcty , Zupbyra , Card Boarda ,
Iloolcry , Glovra , Coreete , &c. Cheapest Uoiuto In
the West. Purchasers ears SO pet cent. Order
by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street.
JOHJMVEARNE & SONS cor. 14th & Jacknonett
Hour and Feed ,
011AHACITY MILLS , 8th and Farnhom
Welbbaui Uroo. , proprletom.
. STEVENS , Slst between Cumlng ami lur
T. A. McBIIANE , Corn. 23d ftnd Cumin ? Street *
Hardwaio , Iron ana Uteel.
OLAN & LANOWORTIIY , Y/boleeale , 110 an ( >
112 16tb street
A. HOLMES corne ICth and California. .
Hirneat , Oaddlei , &c.
B. WEIST 2013th St. bet Faro- & Barney ,
Hotel !
J ANFIELD HOUSEOoo. Canfleld,8th & Fftrnham
DOBAN HOUSE , P n. Cary , 913 Farnhftm St.
BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St.
Southern Hotel Due. lUmel Dth & Learcnwortb
ruga , Palnti and Olla.
rhamacltta , Fine Vane Gooda , Cor. l&tn and
Dooslfi treetl
IT. J. WHITEHOUPK , Wholesale & ReUll , 16th el.
0. FIELD , S022 North Side Cumin * Street.
PARR , Druinrfst. 10th ftnd Howard Street * .
DB. PAUL Wllllami' Block Cor. 16th & Dodge.
ury Uouoi Hotiont , ttc.
M w York Dry Goods Store , IBlO.and 181J Farn.
Lim 6tr et. '
L. 0. Enewold also booto and ehoca & Paclflo.
A W. GROSS , New and Beoond tland Farnltnru
nd StOTM , 1114 Donglae. Highest cub price
aid lor ancond hand foooa.
.BONNER 1309 Dowla st. Hne goodi & .
r rrca Work * .
HOST , FRIES * CO 121J Hirney St. , ImprOTo
id Ice Boxet , Irrc acd .Wood Fencer , Offlca
Illpri. Counlni ? lee ftnd Walnut.
Pawnbroker * .
R03ENFELD 10th St. . be ! far. eV Mai
Heirigeratora , Oantleia' * Patent.
aOODUAN 1th St. Ut. Farn. & j
Ols r ai < d Tobacco.
WEST ft rniTSCHKR , manaftctUMrs ot
tnd Wholrealo Dmlerei n Tobacco * , 1805 Douglai
W. T. LORKVZEN mannfMturtr 1416 Fftrnham
A. Donftghtui , pl nt , rat flowers , * eJ , ooqnet
eta N , W. cor. 16th Mid DourlM ttreeia.
Olvll Cnglnecra and Curveyon ,
Town Surveys , Gnule and Sewerage Sjetemt i
Bpcdalty ,
Uotnmltilon Merchant * .
JOHN O. WIL LI9.1414 Dods * Street.
D P. DKKMf.R. For deUlls c large advertisement
mont In Datlv and Wreklr
Cornice Work * .
Watcrn Oomlce Works , Manuracturer * Irot
Coinlce , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofllng. Orden
from any locality promptl ) ' e > rcut d In the bc l
raanucr. Factorj- and Offtx 1213 Harney St
C. SPKCHT , Proprietor.
OaKanltM Iron Cornlcwi , Window Caps , etc. ,
tnoiiultKturrd and put up In any part ot the
ocur.trr , T. SINIIOL1) 410 Thirteenth rtrwt
Crockery ,
J. tlQNVER 1809 Douglaa utroft. Good line.
C.'uthlna and Furnlihlng Qoo < I ,
GKO. H. PCTERSON. AIM HaU , Cain , Boot * ,
Shoe * Notions and Cutlery , 804 8. 10th street.
Qhow Ca a Manuractory.i
Manudcturer and Dealer In all klndi ol Show
Cases , Upright Ciwoi , & . , 1317 Cam St.
FRANK L. OE11IIAKD , proprietor Omaht
Show Ca o manufactory , 818 South lOlh street ,
between Lravcimorth and Marcy. All goods
tiiovoi ana inwarn ,
Dc-ilnr ID atnret and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd 1'ellona' Block.
J. nON'NKU. IROil PongliM nt. cod and Cheap.
( Seedi.
J. RVANS.WholcBalaand Retail Seed Drills ard
CultUatorg Odd Fcllog
Phytlclant and Ourneoni.
W. 8. Glljns , M. D. , Room No t , Crelffhton
Block. 16th Struct.
1 * . 8. LK1UKNU1NG , Al. D. Maaonlc Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Kye and Ear , opp. postofflce
Oculist and Aurlnt. B. W 16th and Farnham Ht
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Uiuonlc Hall. Flnt-claea Work and Prompt.
nesa guaranteen
Plumbing , Ua nnd .Steam F'ttlnj ' ; .
P. W. TARl'Y & CO. , 210 li St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. Work proiup > attended to.
D. yiTZPATRlCIC. 1 to Street.
olnthiK an opor
HKNRY A , KOSTKRS. 141 Ooilgo Street.
Choe btoro * .
Phillip L n 1820 Varr.ham > t liot. 18th A 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS ft LEAR. 1418 Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Geode ,
&c. . bought and Bold on narrow marylnn. _
In lee uow brick block on Douglas Struct , hie
Just cpcnttd a most elegant Bcel Hall.
Hot Lunch ( rora 10 to IS
every day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 879 16th Street.
OH.AS. RIEWE , 101V Farnham bet. 10th & lltd.
00 Cent Qtoro * .
P C BACKUS " "irnhara St. . Faner Onode
letraska National
( No. 2005. )
Onico i ( COUITKOLLKR or TIIX cfitRKxcr , >
WAHIINOTON , April 25th 18S2. )
\ \ IIHRKAR , by satisfactory evldonco prcacntc
.o the uudera gned , It has been mailo to appca :
5JIAIIA , " In the oty of Oniahn , In the county o
JongUs , and State ol Nebraska , has compiled
tlth all the pro\lslona of thoIteUsed Statues olio
lie United btatcq required to be compiled will
icforc an association shall be authorized to co
ncnco the bu-lncss o ( BanKlntr :
Now , therefore. I , John Jiy Kro > cComptrollci
) ( the Currency , do hereby certKv that "Tlu
Nebraska National Bank of Omaha , " In the city
if Omnna , In the c < unty of Douglas , and btati
> ( Nebraiikn , la authorlz d to commence the
mslncss cf Banking o < provided in Sectlen Flftj
) ne Hundred and Sixty-Nine o ( the Ketlsci
iUtutcs of the United States.
In testimony whereof witness mv
) hand nnd real of ofllce this 26th
SEAL. V dayo ( April 1M2. !
Comptroller of the Currency ,
The aboro Bank la now prepared to receiv
mslnctw It coinrarncca with a fully pa d up
np'talof $2 0,000.00 , with oBlccrs and directors
a follows :
I. R. JOHNSON , ParsiDKNT. o ( Steele , John
BOD b Co. . Wholctalo Grocers.
L. E. TOUZALIN. Vic.-1'niBiDK.VT , ol C. B. &Q ,
R. R. , Boston.
V. V. MORSE , ot W. V. Morse nnd Co , , Whole
Bale Boot ] and Shoes.
'NO. ' S. COLtlNS , o ( O. II. 4 J S. Colllnsl
Wholesale Leal her and S ddlcry.
AMES M. Woo north , Counsellor and Attoruey
at Law.
< EWIS S. REED , ot Byron Rccd & Co. , Real
Estate UouleiB.
1ENRY W. YATES. Cashier , late Cashier ol ths
Flnt National Hank of Omaha , and
connected with the active manage
ment of that Hank Blnce Its organ
Izatlon in 1803.
In going Kaet take the
Mc goft Northwest-
Trains leave Omaha 8:40 : p. m. and7 : < 0a. m.
i full Information call on II. I * . DUK' . Ticket
.Rent , llth and Farnham &ia. J. BELL , U. 1' .
; nllway Depot , or at JAMES T , CLARK , Ocner
Agona , Omaha. Inl7m&o t'
Genius Rewarded ;
OR ,
'lie ' Story of the1 Sewing MaoMne ,
A handsome little pamphlet , bliio and gel < <
ivo with numerous engrarlni ; , will bo
) any a < iult perann calling ( or It , at any branch
r Bub-olllco of The Singer Mai.ufacturlng Com-
> ny , or will bo tent by mall , pout paid , to
ly perion living at a distance ( rum our olflcoe.
The Singer M nufaoturing Oo , ,
rlncipal Oflico , 34 Union Square ,
f hlR ilAw
- - - ,
310 South Thtrtoonth St. , with
J M. Wool wort .
d. L. WILKIE ,
18 and 220 S. 14th St.
aJECuak. - - 3XT3E1J3
oem No4 , Crolgliton Block , 15th
OnriCE HOUBB : 10 to 12 A u , 3 to 5 r.u
phone canneoteil wltb O otral OfBco
Own Front Roomi ( upitalriIn ) Ilatucom
br.ek building , N. W , come * ritlMutfe nd
, inham Btteeti
A Statistical Comparison.
The following comparison of 8t
tistics of failures in the United Slat offer
for the first quarter of 1882 , is of in
tprcst. The figures are given ns published
lishod each week to March 25 , at
follows :
Dun Itrnd * Ilrnd. tint
Week ending \ Co. strc-it'l. street's , to Co
January T . 148 151 0
January U . SOJ 20.1 . . I
January 21 . 1J7 210 33
January S8 . U5 208 69
Fflmwry 1 . 14S 101 43
rehrunry It. . . . 131 U.D 2S
IVhtuiry 18. . . . 154 172 18
rebruary Ji . , ISl 1S5 1
March 4 . 137 Ui 15
March 11 . 113 177 31
March IB . 134 140 2
Uarch 25 . 116 US 3
Total ! to Mar. 25 , 1,7.3 2,017 239
Instead of reporting the number of
failures for the Itst week , Dun it Co.
simply made the total for the quarter
2,1)0. ! ) It will bo seen , therefore ,
that to mnko good this total the ;
would have to account tor 412 f nil urea
during the wcok ending March IU
and that the number (129) ( ) roporttu
by Bradstroet's for the last wock is It !
bolpw the nvoMiio for the twelve preceding
ceding weeks , while the number (412 (
required to make Dun it CO.'H totn
for the quarter good is 203 nbovi
their average for the same period o
Now it is known that compnnxtivoli
few failures took place during the las
week of March , which fact makes i
difficult for R. G. Dun it Co. to no
count for the largo number of failures
(412) ( ) during that wouk , said number
being almost three times greater than
their nvor.igs for previous Weeks of tin
Tlio HtKh Price of Boof.
Inquiry ns to the cnuso of the present
ont abnormally high price of beef has
elicited the following points fron
parties who profess to undor&tnnd the
matter :
1. Probably ns many ns 15 per
cent , of the cattle on the plains were
killed by the extraordinarily bitter
weather of the winter of 188081. .
TIIL'BO were chiefly the younger
animals , they being 'oaat ' nolo
to bear and survive the ex
posure , nnd the loss thus foil
among the very class of cattle which
conio into the states in the fall , It ia
reported that $30 per head was paid
about a month ngo in Montiuw for
two-year-olds to bo taken upon
ranches where the destruction had
been the most eorcro. Also the
largo immigration of last year caused
h much larger demand for cattle to
stock now farms , which was a further
drain upon the available supply.
2. Tlio scarcity of corn in many
sections , and its high price every
where has prevented n great many
cattle from being led into killing con
dition. Tlioro were thus fewer to
market , nnd those that were marketed
cost more to fit them for the hands of
the butcher. The number of animals
that were kept waiting for grass-feed
was sufliciontly largo to make a de
cline in prices probable when they
come freely on the market a fdw
weeks hence.
„ 3. From Now Year's day to date
aur receipts of cattle-are larger than
For the corresponding time in J881 ;
but during the last throe or four
tvooks this is reversed , and the a trail -
jr supply is met by an increasing do
na nd for export of animals nnd moat.
rhcro is recently .in increased do-
nand to supply the manufacture with
: anned beef. The growing demand
lor canned meats is possibly conncc-
; ed with the falling off in the export
novoment of pork products.
The following table shows the nvor-
'B1 o prices of the loading grades nt the
iiion stock-yards in this city the -
icek in April for throe years :
Shipping Dutchcru
Ytnr , graden. gradea.
If 82 . S < 5 25a ( 7 75 S4 ODfo C ( K
1881 . 5(0@OST ( H
1880 . 400@iOO ! 3
Sldo-Llfjhts on Our Foreign Trade.
The Now York Bulletin has made
ip n very interesting compilation fron
; ho nnnunl report of Mr. Nitnmo , chief
) f the government statistical bureau
'or the fiscal year ended Juno 30 ,
L881. Of this report a volume o ;
)38 ) pa es , crammed with facts nnc
igurcs-Tho Bulletin says : "It is the
labit with most people , oscopt jour-
inlisls nnd Htutistlcians , to throw gov-
.rnmiM.t reports into the waste basket ,
> r consign thorn to the oblivion of the
jarret ; but one who taken up Mr.
tfimtno'H report with n desire for in-
'ormation , will find much in it nut
> nly to instruct but to entertain.
L'horo ia a surprise on uvery pa'a'o. Onu
iced only look into the work for five
ninutea to learn how much ho docs
lot know nbput his own country. '
ionic of the interesting facts gleatuvl
rom this storehouse wo reprint hern-
Wo export nothing to the Portu
gese East Indies , and thia is the only
ountry of which this can he nuiil.
Vo import something from eveiy
ountry on the globe.
In 1881 wo imported moro from
Imn wo exported to the Argentine
lopublic , Brazil , Central American
tntcn , China , Greenland , Iceland ,
to. , French West Indies , French po-
icasions in Africa , French posueiia-
) ns not otherwise noted , Gurmuny ,
( ova Scotia , New Brunswick and
'rlnco ' Edward island , British Guiu-
a , IJritish East Indies , British po-
jisions not otherwise noto'l , Greece ,
lawaiian islands , Dayti , Italy , Japan ,
lexico , Dutch West Indies , Peru ,
'ortupueso ' East Indies , Han Domiii-
D , Cuba , Porto Rico , Spanish posses-
ons not otherwise noted , Turkey in
sia , United States of Columbia ,
'rupuny ' and Venezuela.
Wo exported moro to than wo im-
orted from Austria , Belgium , Chili ,
'onrnark ' , British West Indies ,
'ranee ' , French Guiana , ' Miquolon ,
angloy and St. Pierre islands , Eng-
md , Scotland , Ireland , Gibraltar ,
luobco , Ontario and Manitoba , Unt
il Columbia , Newfoundland and Lab-
idor , British West Indies , British
[ ondurns , Hong Kong. British pos-
issions in Africa and Australasia ,
iberia , Netherlands , Portugal ,
zort-s , Madoria and Capo Verde
lands , Portugese possessions in
frica , European and Asiatic Russia ,
pain , Spanish possessions in Africa ,
wedon and Norway , Turkey in Eu
> po and Africa.
Over 42 per cent , of our commerce
aa with Great Britain ; over JLO per
int. with Franco ; over 7 per. cent ,
ith Germany ; over 7 per cent , with
10 West Indies ; over G per cent
with the British North American Colonies
onios : over 4 per cent with Brazil
over 0 per cent , with Belgium , ani
over 2 per cent , with China ,
Over 54 per cent , ( or $842,031,027
of the totil imports nnd exports wer
at Iho port of Now Yorkj over 8 pp
cent , nt Boston : over 7 per cent , n
Now Orleans ; about oj per cent , n
Baltimore ; nearly o percent , nt Phila
dolphin , nnd nearly 4J per cont. a
San Francisco.
Tonnage of votsols built in thi
United States during the yc.xr. 280 , '
461) tons.
Tonnage of vessels employed in tin
domestic trade , 2iti,011. ( ( O. pncitj
of rrtilroud cirs in domestic commerce ,
7,100,000 , tons.
Tonnage of American vessels in foreign
oign trade , 1,21)7,035. ) Tonnngo ol
foreign vessels entered at United
States seaports , 12,711,302 nn in
crease of 308 per cent ocr 1S50. Ton-
lingo of American vessels entered
from foriiiun ports , 2,910,14nn ! ) in-
creaaoof 51 percent. The British
tonnage entered wait 8,457,707 tons ;
the Gorman , 1,172,5011 tons ; the Nor
wegian nnd Swedish , 1,035,078 tons ;
the Italian , 053,801 tons ; the Span
ish , 277,103 tons ; other nationalities ,
803,121 tons.
The total tonnage of the country is
4,057,731 , , , against -1,003,035 the previous -
vious year.
In 1857 the value of imports and
exports carried in Ameiican vessels
wns 8510,331,027 ; in foreign vossoln ,
§ 213,51,71)5. ! ) ) In 1881 Iho value in
American vessels was $208,080,003 ;
in foreign vessels , 81,378,550,017. In
1850 the porcontagti carried in Ameri
can vessels was 75 1 5 , nnd in 1881.
only 10.
Our exports to Greenland , Iceland ,
and the Faroe Islands amount to the
enormous sum of pi ! ) ; but the impor
tations amount to $103,518.
Our uxpmts to the republic ot Li
beria are § 172,518 ; our importations ,
§ 303,000.
Our exports to iho Hawaiian Islands
with which wo have n xvoiptucity
treaty amount to ? 2i ) ) 1,277 ; our im
portations , 58.572,077.
There nro ! )8 ) customs districts in
the United Staten ; that of Now York
does 54 J pur cont. of the total busi
ness ; that of Jiliddlttown , Conn. ,
does the least , the total vnluo of ex
ports nnd imports being only $12.
We imported 812,305,52 ! ) worth of
fruit ; § 10,603,675 worth of bread-
studs and other farinaceous food.
Our imports of wine , epiiits , nnd
cordials amounted to § 8,742,201 ; of
precious atones , § 8,332,511 ; of Jive
animals , § 3,072,835 ; buttons and
button nintuiiald , § 3,120,931) ) ; paint
ings , engravings , and statuary , § 2-
510,010 ; watches nnd watch materi
als , § 2,0)1,0 ! ! 1) ) ; bituminous coal , § 2- ,
008,974 ; hair , § 1,033,400 ; potates ,
§ 873,223
Bath , Me. , constructed more sail
ing vesiels than uny other placu in
the country ; New York moro liver
itcamors , and Philadelphia moro lake
md ocean steamers.
Prlnco Loopold'a Marrlnuo.
It is pleasing that Prince Leopold
n'orc a colonel's costume when ho
succeeded in getting married , llo
vas made a colonul that he might
lave a nice , now , red coat to wear
vhen he married. That distiiiL'tnim-
) d military chieftain , prince of Wales ,
rvoro a field marshal's uniform. The
irrangomontn wore pleasing. The
Jornld telegram says :
"Tho nltr was laden with antique
, 'oldon and silver plato. Then this
ivns covi red with u velvet carpet of
oyal blue powdered with gold , as
voro uho the chairs for her majesty
md the illustrious personagos. AI
t quarter past twelve a fanfare of
rumpets announced that the proces
ion was forming.
"tier majesty wore n magiiificon
lloflH of blauk satin and lace , and tin
mperial crown of diamonds nnd
jearls , from which drooped a veil of
ich lact , . Across her breast was the
) luo ribbon of the Order of Prince
juopold , fastened with a splendid
> rooch of diamonds , among whtcn
fas the Koh-i-noor diamond. Her
iiajosty was conducted to the huut
ins. "
The imperial crown is something
ho English people are not fond of ,
nd many ot them apeak without lak-
ng oil' their hats of "our old woman ,
rou know. "
The ladies' dresses are thus du-
cribod :
"The princess wore a wreath of
nignonutto and white Howard , and no
ho stood ut the altar , with her tall ,
legant figure , her features lit up by
ine brown eyes , elm was the admired
f nil admirers. The drcos worn by
'rlnccss Beatrice consisted of u petti-
oat of satin , which was neither aal-
urm colored nor pink , but a kind of
Id yellow and pink , covered with
Mi-Jy point d'Aloncon lace , worth
1 0,000 , which formerly belonged to
Utherino of Arragon.
"It was given by the queen to her
oungest daughter as a birthday pros-
lit n year or two ago. The bodice
nd train wore of rich brocade with
ream-colored ground , whereon were
trewn tiny bouquets of ilame-colored
lloiiu do Dijon roses , lilies of the
alley und forget-me-nots. Tlio train
'as trimmed with n wreath of rosca
mdu tu mutch , and clusters [ hereof
'ith exquisitely shaded leaves relieved
10 splendid lace on thu front
f the skirt. IJor royal high-
ces wore n tulle veil und a head-
roes ot court plumes.
"Tho brideamuids dresses , which
'ere made in London , wcni of two
laterials. The petticoat was of rich
liito satin , with ducheoBu train * ; the
odious wore of white moire francais ,
no hundred and seventy yards
hereof weru made expressly for the
: caslon at Lyons. At the bottom of
tu jupo was a row of small acollopa ,
for which fell a flouncing exquisitely
orkod with triplets of pearls ; thu
Igu of which gave the t'fleet of scroll
ork , This was headed by six rows
' bouquets , conaifting of white
iuthor , primroses ana violets , united
K festoons of loaves of the same
iwors , The corsages were trimmed
ith stomachers beaded with pearls to
stch a flouncing which had ends ex-
nding over the top of short sleeves ,
lioio were composed of a linglo
nail puff , gauged BO that the edge
nnod a frill.
"J'hreo bouquets of flowers were
i the breast , ono on the center and
i" on cither side , united by festoons
heather and violets. The trains ,
hich , as well as the bodices , were of
hito moire , were BO draped aa to
nn pointed paniora on the hips , and
ion foil in plain and graceful folds
1 a moderate length without other
garniture than pleats , norno gathoroe
m the middle , giving the effect of exquisitely <
quisitoly tied bows. Each of tht
bridesmaids wore two rows of poarh
around the neck , white satin shoes
nud long white gloves. The coiffures
were extremely simple , the hair being
plaited low on the nock behind , with
u fringe of f mall rurls in ftont nnd n
coronal of the same Mowers ns thoao on
the skirt nnd n plain tulle veil falling
considerably below the waist. "
Wo c.innnt lie'p ' untieing tlio liberal nlTcr
made lo nil inv.-vliiU mid sulTrrcrs by Dr.
King's Xow Ducnvrry for CoiiKUiiipttdii.
You arc rciiiioUnl to < ! ! nt ( \ P. (3ooi ( | .
tnixnV DniR Store , nnd p t n Trinl Hnltlo
free / > > . < , If arc stillorlntr with O-m-
miptloii. Severe Uougln , Cold * , Antlunn ,
rniichUt * , Hay 1'ovcr , Lo of Voice ,
UotracneM , < ir nny niro.-tion iif the Throat
or Lillian. It will | io iturlv euro von.
I'r. Craw-
onl.ol l'lotn >
Ivul , U. , the
oU , pppiiUr ,
niul V.imm
Of tlio Ult'i t linirn\t | < il plan , ha * opcncil a
tno-liinlcxl niir jry Itn It ito at 1UU South
I4lh 'ttcvt , Oiuabaliero ho In prfpnr it
( tun Oi llniln ot cvcr.v i1t > scrl | < tioii , nkclolon
aiitl MipiHjtti'rHlor ) nr l'zoil niutilelocnml llmlx
tm Hi'i , add tliouMcr litnui ainl Mipportcm lo
cinalu \ \ oxkini'n. &u. ll.n Doctor lianhad !
Y0i r vxpeilcnco tu wcarliiij nnd tvlju iln .
10llRnuth14lh St Onmhi. Noli.
Proposals For Imltnn Supplloit tint
INTKUIOH , Olllcoo
DUrAKTMKNTOFTUH tcn , April 'it. IhSU
M'Mod prop < H.iln. Indonod "l'np < ii lii fo
Hiefbld < lor lli'i'I must l > o tm nil toil In ni ) >
nrnto cm elopes , ) llAi'ou , I'loU' , Clothing , o
Tratisportatl MI , . o , ( i i the innu may lie , ) nni
dl'Uctcd to tlio Coniiiilntlivur of Indian AlTnlra
* o ( iSnn.l U" Wooitur utreot , t\ew York , wl
bo rccclvoil untl 1 p. in. of Tuesday , Jlny 2.1
ISj * , for fiimUlil K for tlio Indian bin lea ubou
SiiO.OPO pound * liacon , 4(1,000 , ' UD pound * Hoof 01
thobool , 1 8t03ponndi lltani , 70,000 pound
llaMnff I'nmlor , * ,000,000 | ulind < Corn , 7M.OO
pautuln CoHio , H,3lOiO 'pounda I'lour 12LQO <
p iiiiilx Kei'd , aoo.UOO piuiidd HirJ HrcnU , 7b-
UDOpoumln Mdiilny 1)000 ) poitiuli I nrd , 1I.V (
liarrolu inc ( i > or | [ , sbXX ; > poillidi Hlco , 11'JOI
pounds 'IVa , ! i.(0il ( juunds lolmrro ! ( XICJ (
jioU'ids tnlt aU'.UMllioiliiil So.ip , ( l.CCK ) | iOa '
Sola , 110UCO pcundjbu ar and Kil.OlO pill
Also , U ruiVctt , Wonlon nnd Co ton Goods
[ cntislstlnc In ( uirt ol TlcVlnir , : i,1,000yaril8 , ; Hlnn
ilanl Culuo , U O.IKOjMdnj Drilling , LO.OOOyardd
Duck. Iroofioni all > | ZIIIK , ITO.COu ) ard j Don
lius. 17,0Wurd ( ; uliiiihani , 60,000 yur.l . < ; lion
link ) Junii > , 1S UOJ Minlr.i'liuilat 6tOO Minis
llrwnH tct'lic , Ul)0 ) OtK ) jnriU , llbu-hed Mieut.
Inif. 20XMljur , hj Illckurybirtlnir 1(1,000 jarl\
L'nllio hhlrtli if , I'.vdJ ' janl , < ; Wliirc'y , 1100 ,
vnr I J Clotliln , , Clmciricn , Not ens , Iln dunro ,
Mtdlcal htii'i'lioj , nnd n IOHK lUt of IIIHVU !
luicoiiHnrlclo ! , nuch an IlaniiiK , I'lown , lUku ) .
r'or 8 , Ac , mul fur about 47C \ > iviona reiiilrvt |
or tlio con Ice In Arizona , Cnlonuhi , DikoU ,
dtli i , Indian lo rlturr , MliinonoU , Jlunlnin ,
N'oliiMkn , NO nilu und \\Vcmi In , to boilvlher-
Ml at Chicago , KHIH.H City , and loux Cl > v. Aluo
for eucli WHCOIH as nmj lie icijuiri'il , cdaptud to
thu cllnuto ol tlio rncilla Coiut , ultli Cullfonda
bratcH , dtllTvivd ut Son I'raliflno.
Also , tian ) vorlMlon for HUth ( f tlio articles ,
goods , and nuppllnt that limy nut bo contr ctoi :
lor to bu dellvistrd nt tint AKi'Ncli H.
Schcdnloaiilinnlni ; the kliidiu'lil iiiintl | lo nf
BUlnwlonco Biippllui ( qiili-il for uach Agency ,
aud Ilioklnda i.d quiin Illo" in uron. of all
ether KO d * md arttclcH , ti'K' > < her with blank
proponala and fnrn H for cnntrait and bond , con
( Illlnrii tc l > i obmiMod by Imli vn , tuna anil
plnuiot delivery , tornm tf lontrnce nn I pay-
n ont traiiKpaitntlun rinilis , a' ' d nil r therm-res
fary Imtruc IOIIH ll' b Inn.lulled upon appll
rat on to tlio Indian Ollleo l'i WuililrKton , or
NI.II. CD a > it 07 Woi n'er ' t-tifct , Non Yoik ; Win
11. Ljon , No. 4b3 llroariwuy , Kew York ; tlio
Coinin BriirliH of Milinln'cncp , . H. A. , af
Cliryonno , Uhlrai ; " , I o icnworlh , Omaha , Hiln
I.nulBalnt I'uul , Bin 1'ra cl-co , and Yankton
the roitiinmtcr nl Sloui City , and to tbu P. tt
niafctcm nt tlio ( tllimini ; lunad places In Kan
Has : ArknnaaH City. llnrlliiKton , Caldnroll
Hodio Cltv , rniLCiia , Kurcl'.t , Orcnt llcnil ,
Howard , liiitchleon , l r o , Jlcl'i.ernon , Mar
lon , Utdlclnti Lorlffe , > < ) ' on Oaifo t.'lly bo-
dun , HI. tllnir , lopikn , Wulllnifton , Wlcli.ta and
Illdn will ha cpni cd at Iho hour and day aboro
itii'vd , nud hhldirJ aru hnlli'd to bo proicnt al
thu opening.
All bIJa iiuint b > acioinpaiilcd by certlllc
cbcuKi iijio' Hume Unltid KtaUs Depository or
\ blntniit Trcjmrcr for t leakt Iho 1 cr il'lll. of
tlio ninoui.t ol tlio mope-Hill.
II. I'lUC'i : , Cominla loner.
n \ny
Culurrli ,
or uny
Disoas .
lures When Hot Springs Fail
lUvniiN , AUK. , Muy 2. 1881
Wo have ewe * In our own town who lived at
ot rijirlngii , mid wcrollutlly tiireil with H. B. H ,
' YOU uoulit , coino to tuu u andK WILL
URK YOUR OR iharKu nothlni ; 11 Write ( or
irtlculari and coi > y ol llttla Book
i the Unfortunate mifTurin
ei , < KM > Howard will bo | > aid to aiiy
iciiuut vtho will llnd , on anslyalu 100 bottlu
H , b. , one jartlcloof Mercury , Iodide l'oU -
uui or any Mineral aubntance.
' HWirfBI'ECIr'IO CO. Hropi.
Atlanta , ft
I'rlce of Small elie , (1.00.
Urifo ilie 11,76.
id DrUKK it * Ucncrallv
. -
It plalU from MO of a n Inch to
Idth In the coumont fcltu or Bneet Hi ki
It dooi all klndd and utylon of | laltlngIn use.
No lady that doui her own dreua-maktiiK can
( ord to do without one u nlco plaiting li
> vcr out ot ( athlou , l ( eetn It eullii ItucK , for
achlnea , Clrculam or Aguiit'n terms address
11 AdftinuHt. Chicaco TU.
'hyoician and Surgeon
lledlcloea furolaliid at olllco ,
fflco No. 1412 rarnnara St. . between 14th and
nth Ornuia Neb. tiii i M
Of Maryvillc , Nodaway County , Missouri ,
[ on the Wftbaah & Hoplcin's Branch. ]
Joseph Jficknon President Farmors1 Bank
Thcodnro L. Robinson OixshiorNodnwny Vnlloy Bank
fleorgo S. Bnkor Baker , Snundcr it Oo.'n Bank
Knyotto Smith General Gram Dealer
Hurilunu it Welch Steam Elevator
N. J. Slralton Steam Elevator
Townsptnl , Penny it llrigga. , , . , t Live Stock
0. S , AIcMnckon it Son , , IJorscs and Mules
II cJ impsy it Son , , . . . . , . , , Livery
Casleol .t Lonmx Livery
1 lowcll Bros , , , ; Lumber
Oon. .1. AI. True , , Lumber
S. Ij. Itidgowny it Son , , . . . , , , , Lumber
K K. llurlbul . . . . . . , . General Jforchnndiso
Smith Bros . . , > .Dry Goods
J , Liobor it Co , General Merchandise
Hughs it Snnpp , Clothing
J. A. Smith ' , Clothing
Hawkins it Craig . , . , , . Groceries
JohnstDn it Plank , , Groceries
J. K. it W. 11. Hudson ' . Hardware
Curfmnn it Shaun , , . , . .Hardware
Clms. Llpman Furniture
Pitman Ivio Furniture
Cnuio it Kvans Jewelry and Books
F. Hastings it Co . . . . . ; lowolry and Books
John 0 Connor Farm Implements
U 0. Dittmor , Farm Implements
Wiles it Avoty , Plow and Implement Factory
Frank Barmann Carriage Factory
Henry DAVIS Woolen Mill
11. G. Ilunnmi Planing Mill
J. J. Armstrong Foundry
E. J. Willinnm Steam Flouring Mill
Smith it Morrlll , Creamery
J. M. Black it Son Arlirtgton House
J. 0. O'Koily American House
Kllii-Mit Prnthor Drugs
Mrs. Albin Millinery
Martin it Todd Democrat
Dunn it Condon ; Republican
J. A. Pioblea Times
T. F. Hood it Co ; Harness
S. 0. McOluukoy : OpOra House
J. F. Farmer Boots and Shoes
il. M. Ilosmor , Auctioneer-
Ohas Koch , M , D. Physician
J. B. Morrison , M. D Physician
1U. R. liuckudorn , M , D . ' Physician
,1. , M. Lurabuu , M. D Homeopathic Physician
1) . 0. it M. H. Wilson. . Eye nnd Ear Infirmary
Johnston and Anthony ' . Law-
lid A-ards it Rnmsoy , . . .Law
Himch it Ellison Law
DAWBOM it Rosoterry Law
Morohoiiso it Sisson Real Estate nnd Abstract
Drown it Montgomery Real Estate nnd Abstract
[ I. E. Robinson Insurance
L'rof W. P. Cherry Business College
'rof. M B. Embroo Principal Academy
? rof. E R. Civrr County Superintendent
I. P. Morohonso Secretary of Fair Asssocintion
On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
/Vail / Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
Under Boyd's Opera House.
Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of
Vnd invite the people to call and examine
3-ood Goods ! Low Prices
"Opera .House Shoe Store. "
always gives satisfaction , because it make ;
superior article of Bread , and is the Ohear.
eat Flour in the market. Every sack
warranted to run alike or
money refunded.S
. M. YATES , Cash Grocer
Uoom I , Crolgbton Block , Fifteenth Struct
And Notary Public ,