V IHJf OM&EA r DAiLYJBEE : WEDNESDAY . , MAY ! _ _ , 31883. _ . _ - . METROPOLIS MUSINGS. Arthur's Scheme to Secure a Nomination , Cornell to bo Exiled and Rob ertson to Run for Governor. The Butchers of New York and the High Prices Asked for Meats , Otlior Matters of Note in tbo Empire - piro City. New York Letter to the Phllldclphla Heron ) . There nrn whispers in political cir cles that a peace hns boon patched up between the stalwart * and half-broods , the objective point of which is the nomination of .President Arthur for A aocond term. The latter has always chafed under the idea of being an accidental president , and desires that his popularity shall bo put to the test .of the ballot-box. Air. Arthur is n shrewd local politician that is , ho understands oxticlly how to handle Now York City , and ho has some ex perience with the state machine. In the new deal Cornell is to bo provided for by boinp sent aa minister to England in the place of LowoU. whoso recall has boon determined upon. The refusal of the assembly to allow the governor to name the proposed railroad commissioners is pointed at ns proof of settled opposition to his ronomination and of the lolly of his endeavoring to secure the candidacy. The em bassy to the court of St. James will lot him down easy , and the outside worli will not suspect that the gov ernor is shelved for lifo. If this can bo satisfactorily arranged Collector llobertsnn will resign and become the republican candidate for governor. Robertson is very popular , has no special objection to Arthur so long aa Grant is out of the way , and is re garded as the bent man enwhom to unite his party. In return for this concession to the half-breeds the president is to have the atato committee , and will nominate his personal friend and old chum , Police Commissioner French , to bo collector of the port , thus keeping the power of conducting the campaign and the patronage which 'will furnish the "soap" in his own hands. It is a very nice play , neatly dovo-tailod in its minor details , and the only question seem * to bo now wheth er Cornell will "kick. " It leaves out of consideration the third party ele ment and the results ot the antimonopoly nopoly conference ; but the republican managers say that this concerns the democrats more than themselves , as any now party will draw five-sixths of its votes from the democracy. The now arrangement is the result of Sec retary Folgor's recent visit to Una city and Albany. Folger is one of the keenest wiro-pullora in the state , and ho is credited with the ability to handle Cornell at his pleasure , being conversant with all the secrets of his administration from the start , through his residence at Albany while chief judge of the court of appeals. It is certain that the president is doing his best to unite his party in this state and to make its indornomont of his administration successful at the polls. A MEAT 1'AMINK. Early on Saturday evening I strolled down to Washington market , and was surprised to find the butchers' stalls all closed. On making inquiry of a dairyman in the market , ho said : "They all wont homo early. What was the good of their staying hero ? They cannot make a cent. Meat is so high that there is no profit in its sale , nnd so they supply only their regular customers , and lot ocoassonal buyers look out for themselves. It cost that man opposite mo $140 a day more to buy his stock now than it did a year ago , and though ho can got SO cents a pound for his choice steaks , ho , cannot make a penny out of it. " Some of the butchers are losing heavily by their contracts with the hotels and the steamship lines. The hotels are making money and are all crowded , but they hold the market men to their contracts , although some of them are on the verge of bankruptcy. Those who fool this meat-famine the most severely are poor men on sala ries , mechanics and people of limited means. Rents (50 ( up and provisions advance in price , but salaries remain at a eland-still , and only those who have a trade can strike. The strikes are the natural and necessary follow ing of the largely increased cost of living , and 'as a rule they have boon successful here. TUB UHOTHKHHOOl ) OF IfUTCHRUH. The metropolitan butchers ore solid men in every sense of the word. Not & few of them Are millionaires , but oven in wealth they reserve the son- Bible habits of old days. They have always had pride in their profession , and in great processions like those which celebrated tbo Erie Canal open < ing , the completion of the Croton water tor works and the Atlantic cable , they turned out in their chocked suits and aprons , mounted an their own horses a rosy , rotund and weighty squad ron. In the war of 1812 they wore foremost in throwing up earthworks On Harlem Heights and doing sentry duty "at the Battery and oth er fortifications. One of the most conspicuous of the Washing ton Market butchers is Isaac W. Halsey , who is an authority on all quobtions concerning game , and who baa a largo line of custom. On Sun day ho-preaohea at the Laight Street Baptist church , ofwhich he is pastor , and ho is as powerful with the bible as he is with the cleaver : Ho accepted the pastorate ten years ago , with sixty members , and to-day the church has nix hundred communicants , and is about to erect a larger edifice up town. His salary of $1,500 has been donated to works of charity , though alt/ays paid by the congregation. There are few more brilliant preachers in the city than the Washington mar ket butcher , and none in his denomi nation to out rank him. VOTATO HUWLY ViiOU HOOTUN1) , The importation of potatoes from * - ' - V . WXMinfo.l * „ are much inferior to the mealy pota toes grown in the west. It is ft curious fact that those potatoes have been shipped to the garden spot of thla country. Over sixty car loads have boon snipped to Monmouth , 111. , by one broker. A resident thorp put nil that ho was worth in the world about § 0,000 into Scotch potatoes , an'd n few days ago ho wrote to his broker that ho had doubled his money. A quantity of potatoes have been sent to St. Louia and Chicago. Cabbngca imported from Germany have also been sent west. The profit of the middlemen upon the importation of produce has been largo , butnuch n de mand has never existed before , and they do not expect to nee it again. Tnoreforo they have gene in to make money out of it while it last , One broker in handling foreign potatoes haa made 8:1,000 : this spring. MUSICAL EVK.NT. The musical event of the year is to bo the seven performances of the music festival next week in the Sev enth regiment armory , with its seventeen - teen soloists of high repute , its or chestra of 300 instruments , and its chorua of 3,200 voices. The influx of strangora promises to bo largo , nnd the sale of seats haa already been great. It is claimed , and with appar ent fairness , that in point of scope , variety , excellence and general inter est the scries of programmes has never been approached by any list of compositions chosen for interpreta tion during the progress of any similar unoortaking. ThomusicchoBon is representative of nil aces , climpa and stylos. From Btradolla's "Aria di Chiosa" to the air from Verdi's "Emon ! . " from Mohul's "Envain Pharaonr' ' to Wagner's "Wedding of the Sword , " every form of ancient and modern music ia embraced within its limits. The stage for the chorus and orches tra will bo almost n city block long and nearly 100 foot deep. The seats for the singers will bo nmphithoatri- cally arranged , and will rise to a height of 38 feet. When this great stage is filled with the thousands who are to take part in the performance it will oiler a most imposing spectacle. The orchestra will bo in front , massed in the centre , nnd the choristers will rise row upon row , circlewisc , to the roar ; and not only the performers , but also the audiences , will bo a nota ble sight performers and audience numbering moro than 11,000 persons. Eight of the largo windows on the sides of the armory , as well as nil the doors , will afford exit to this great throng , and each person will outer the building by that entrance which ia nearest to his seat. In this way all pushing and crowding will bo nvoido- ' , und system will take the place of dis order. The orchestra includes 60 first violins lins , CO second violins , 30 violas , 30 violoncnllos and 40 double vases , G cornets , ( > clarionets , 8 horns , 0 bas- aootiBj G harps , G ( lutes and G oboes. It is expected that there will bo 7,000 persons in each nudionco. There is much curiosity to hoar them. .NEWH NOTEH. Archbishop McCloskoy'a new resi dence , back of the cathedral nnd fac ing Madison avenue , is nn architec tural ornament to the city. Like the cathedral ; it is built of white marble , is gothio in style { and is richly tilted up. The largo library , which Is two stories in height , has handsome windows dews of stained glass , and is sixty- four feet in depth. The edifice cost § 70,000 , and its coat haa been mot by the gencroua gifts of rich Catholics in this city. The furniture is in the house , but the cardinal will not move until the approach of warm weather makes it perfectly safe for him to do BO. James Gordon Bunnotl'u now steam yacht is almost completed. Seen upon the water , it looks like nn ocean steam er ; its linen nro extremely graceful , nnd with ita luxurious appointments it will turn the perils of lito on the ocean wave into a pleasure. Mr. Bennett ia reported as preparing to take a voyage around the world and make it a mem orable ono as soon aa his yacht ia ready for sea. In connection with legislative at tacks upon Judge Woatbrook , it is sig nificant that The Hour makes n severe criticism upon Judge Donahue in n "Letter ton Judge" in ono of its series of "Letters to Imaginary Persons. " Another judicial overturn may bo im pending. ' There is serious talk of turning A. T , Stmvartit Go's up-town store into a museum of living curiosities and "wax figgers. " How nro the mighty fallonl If the bones of the dead' dry goods prince could bo found they would doubtless rattle with indignation. Abram S. Hewitt expects to bo nominated for governor by the dem ocrats , and wants to bo president. Stick a pin there. M , ft PI fir Turned Into ( Pork iln Thirty- ilvo Seconds. Chicago Corri'ijiomlonco Now York World. Of course I wont to see the stock yards , but my visit had something of a special character , for I saw a pig put through its performances In thirty- five seconds. What happened was this : A lively piebald poker was one of a number grunting and quarreling in u pen. Ho was suddenly seized by the hind log , firmly manacled and swung through the fatal door which no pig over returns. On the other side stood a man That two-handed engine at the door Stand * reaily to umlte once and iinlto no more and the dead pig shot across the trough and through another doorway , and then there was a splash aa ho wont headfirst into a vat of boiling water. Some unseen machinery passed him along swiftly to the other end of the terrible bath , and there a wa er-wheoljook him up and Hung him out on to a counter. Hero another machine seized nnd scraped him , and I'own the counter ho went , losing his head aa ho wont , and then , presto ! ho was up again by the heels ; in one dreadful handful a man emptied him , and while another squirted him with fresh water the pig ( registering his own weight on ho passed the toller's box ) slid along the steel bar from which ho hung , and was whisked around the corner into the ice house. Ono long cut of a knife made two sides of pork out of the piebald pig , and two hacks of a hatchet brought away his backbone ; and there , in thirty-five seconds from his last grunt dirty , hot-headed , noisy the pig was hanging up in two hpautifullv clean , tranquil , even added the ludicrous to it. Hero was nn opinionated , piebald pip mak ing a prodigious fuss about having his hind leg tnjcen hold of , nnd lol before ho had oven made up his mind whether to squeal or only to squeak lip was hanging up in nn ice house , split in two , That the whole process ia rirtually painless is beyond nil doubt , for it ia only for the first fraction of the thirty- fivoscconda that the pig is sentient , nnd I doubt if oven electricity could ns suddenly and painlessly extinguish lifo ns the lightning of thnt unerring poniard , "the danger of mercy , " nnd the immediate plunge into the scald ing bath. Pricoa or Bhort-HornB. The public haCbc'on informed many times during the past few years that "tho bottom has fallen out of the short-horn business , " and thnt here after animals of this brood will sell nt low prices. Mnny have declared thnt tho'llorefords and polled Angus were the coming cattle for beef , and that the Jerseys and Ayreshiroa would dis place all other breeds in first-class dairy herds. When it was announced that Hon. M. II. Cochrano , of Canada , would sell all his duchesses and most of his Bates strain of short horns nt the Union stock-ynrds on the 18th of April , many concluded that ho was preparing to retire from the business of breeding the stock ho had given so much attention to , nnd was about to give his attention to other kinds of cattle. When the day of s4o came ho made a neat little speech , in which ho declared that short-horns were his "firat love" and would probably be his laat , and that It was his intention to breed them BO long as ho "owned n hoof. " The sale called together the best breeders in the United States and Canada , and the bidding was npiritod. Twenty-throe animals wore sold , nnd brought the largo sum of $49,005. Two cows brought $14,200 , and ono sold for 88,500. , The average prieo paid for the lot of cattle was $2,081.25. It is evident from these figures that short horns are still in favor , and that they will not soon go out of fashion. There may bo bettor cattle , but short horns are otill regarded aa pretty good. The circumstance that the number of short-horns in the country is very largo and is fast increasing docs not seem to operate to bring down the price of very superior animals. On the other hand it appears to have the contrary eilect. The moro animals there are of this brood , the greater is the desire to bring them up to a still higher standard. Treatment of Timothy. An Iowa farmer has come to the conclusion that the treatment gener ally recommended for timothy is nil wrong and contrary to that practiced on all other kinds of vegetation. Ho elates that the so-called authorities recommend cutting the stalks quite high , and condemn the practice of pasturing the fields after the crop has boon secured for hay or feed. In his opinion the old stalk should bo re moved after the ay the or mower haa cut it off , I us it damages the root and prevents it from throwing up sprouts if it remains in the plant. Ho notices that horticulturists cut away the stalks of bushes that have pro duced fruit , nnd that they nro careful to cut off the limbs thnt have boon broken or show siuno of disease , If they remain they nro certain to take up considerable sap Unit would other wise go into wood in process of for mation. The portion of the stalk of timothy between the parr cut off by the scythe nnd the root Is bound to go to decay , nnd the sooner it is disposed of the bettor for the living parts of the plant. In harvesting timothy for seed ho would cut it n little graon , nnd then mow close to the ground , curing the last cutting for hay. Ho thinks it advantageous to'pasturo a timothy meadow after the crop of hay is secured so as to secure the breaking off of the stalks that re main below the scythe or cutter. If his theory is the correct ono it would bo well to use a heavy roller on n tim othy field after the hay crop haa boon secured. This would break oil the stalks , and it the ground was tolera bly wet would press the roots into the soil so that they would bo loss likely to be injured by the hot sun. It has boon generally hold that the presence of the stalks that remained after' they had boon cut by the scythe was bene ficial in shading the roots. A Significant Fact , The clicapest incdlclno in ute ia THOUAH' KthCTiua On. , because BO 11 til a of | it ia required to effect n cure. For croup , diphtheria , ami disease of the lungs nnd throat , whether used for bath Ing the chest or throat , for taking intern nliy or inhaling , it ia n matchless com pound. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 28-illw An Answer for Brother Baxter. Tons SUtlnj ; * , The llev. Whangdoodlo Baxter has the most flourishing Sunday school In Austin , A few Sundays ago ho asked ono of his pupils : "Who is dat ar mysterious beiu' from whom nuflin am hid , who sees and knows every- ting what happens ? I asked yur1 dat quoshun las Sunday , and I now wants do answer , " "I knows hit. My fodder tele me do right answer , " said ono boy. "Well , don , who does yor fodder say am dat mysterious bein' who knows all things what happens ? " "Do foahman ob do , gran * jury , Buoklin B Arnica Salve , The 15m SALVE in the world for Cuts , Drilled ! . Bores , Ulcers , Salt llheuin , Fever Horca , Tetter , Chapped HuuJs , Chilblain * , Corns , aii'l all akin eruptions , and posl. lively cures piles. It u guaranteed to give eatbfaction or money refunded. I'rice , 25 cents per box , For Bale by O. F , Goodman To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B. Simpson's Specific II It t poqtlvacura lor BpcnuUotrkc * , Bomln * WuokntM. ImpoUncy , and all dttouee rcnulUcg ( torn Self-Abuse , M MeaUl Anxiety , Loan Uemory , Palm In the Back or Side , and dUeatel ' - that leaa to Cooinmptloa losoulty an , eailygtaie o Specific Mullein * U with wonder- ( Ul KUUCtfti. _ _ _ I r niphUtl lent Irta to all. VTrlto lei them and ; t full | ia > - tlcuUii. Price , BnodCc , 11.00 per package , or ill pack * igw.forlii.W , Address all orders to U. BIMSON UKDICINK CO. KM. 10) and SO * Ualn St. UuBao ! , H. T. - n ' iron RHEUMATISM , Heuralnia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache ; Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sere Throat , Swell ings and Sprains , Burns and Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted Foot and Ears , and off other Pains and Ache ? . Vt ] * rtpratlon en * * rth' tqnali ST. Jirots Oil Hi a taft , titrr , litnplp and cheap Extert. * ! A trial entalli Lut tht comptratlrtl ; trtfllnr outlay of 60 Cents , and eriry ons suffer- fig "Ttli pain can h y cheap and pcilUr * orjsf Of lUclalmi. e// . CIrectloni In Xltren tunciiaf M. " f- fCliDBTALLDRtroOIBTS ANl/DEALEM IN MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. , EUROPEAN HOTEL , Corner Fourth and Locust Btreeti. 87. X.OT7XS , XKCO. , J.H. HURST , . - Prop. RoomB , 7Co , ? 1 , and 81.00 Pnr Day. An ( tenant Ho'tiurait Ij'conncctocl with this houio where meal * aros.ivcd&troaaonableprlcci Open tiny and night. m-lO D. WELTY , ( Suocostor to X > . T- Mount ) Manufacturer and Dealer In Saddles Harness , , Whips , FANCY HORSE CLOTHING Roljos , Dusters and Turf Goods o t u. uEsciumoua. Agent fo : Jas. R. I ! Ill & Co. 'a GONGOiiD HARNESS " The Best in The World , " Orderj Solicited. OMAHA , NEB mo ly NERVOUS DEBILITY , A Onro Gnnrantood. Dr. K. C. WoaVu Nerve and llram Treatment A spoclflo ( or Hysteria , Dlzzincsa , Convulsions. Nervous Headache , Mental Depression , Loss ot llcmory,8peniiatorrha > a , linnoteny , Im oluntary KmlssloiiB , Premature Old Ace , caueed by overexertion - exertion , Bolt-abuse , or over-indulgence , which loada to misery , decay and death. Ona box will euro recent caioa. Ea.h box contains ono month's treatment. Ona dollar n box , or six boxes for five dollars ; tent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlco. We guarantee blx boxes to cure any ca > 9. With each order received by us for six boxes , ac companied with flvo dollars , wilt send the pur- chater our written guarantee to return the money If the treatment doea not effect a cure. 0. F. Goodman , UruraUit , Sole , Wholesale and regrul Agent , Omaha , Neb. Orders by mall at Uetollaprlce. d&wlr PILES ! PILES ! PILESI A Sure Cure Found at Last ! A rare cure for Blind , uleadlng. Itching and Ulcerated 1'llei haa been discovered by Dr. Wil liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Will am'i Indian Ointment. A single box baa cured the worst chronic caaea of 26or BOyean standing. No ono need suffer five minutes alter applying thli wonderful soothing medicine , Lotions , Inatru- raenta and electuaries do more harm than good , William's Ointment abnorbs the tumors , ulaye tbo Intense Itching , ( partlculaaly at night after getting warm In bid , ) acte. aa a poultice , gives In. itant and palnles * relief , and Is prepared only for Plica. Itching ot tht pilrate paru , and ( or uoth Ing clso , Head what the Hon. J. M. Ccffinbcrry of Clere- and sayi about Dr. William's Indian Pile Olnt- irent : I have used ( cores of Pllea cured , and U affords mo p nvmre to sav that I have never ( ound anything which gave such Immediate and perm * Dent relief M Dr. Wllllam't Indian Ointment. for tale by all druggteta or mailed on receipt price , 11.00. HENRY & CO. , Prop'rtw , OuvtLUtD , Onio. For Dale by 0. V Qoodmaa. OKAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK edy. An un failing cure i for Bomlnal Weakness , Spermator- rhea , Impotency - ency , and all Diseases that' fallow as a aof AFTEI TAIIHI. Belf-AbuM ; as Lo ot Memory. Universal Laasl- tude , Pain In the Uack , Dlmnosa of Vlalon , im mature Old Age , and many other DIoasea that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema ture Q rave. CTFull particulars In oar pamohlet , which we desire to tend free I r mall to everyone. OTTbo Specific Medicine Is told by all dnigglitt at 81 per package , or 8 pocktoa ( cr $5 , Of will be sent free by mall on reel ptof the money , by addreiulng TI1KQUA 4EDIC1NECO. , Buflalo.N.V. orsalef ocTme-cod Jona amus , laoxi Hciuur , ' 1'rea'L 1'realdent. Vice W , 8. DJUHUEI , Sec. and Troas. THE NEBRASKA. MMUMCTUEfflG CO Lincoln , Nab. MANUFAOTURKIIS OF Corn Planters , Harrow * . Farm Rollers , Bulk Hay Rakes , Oucktt Elevating Wind ml &c. We are prepared to do lob work and manul turiog for other jartlcs. Addroe all orders NEUUASKA UANUrACTUBlNQ CO. , UMXILH Nu . 1yonsuflcr from Djfpcpilft , u e DUUDOCn. 'LOOD BOTHUS. If you are adllctsd with Illllousncsn , Ufa nUUDOCK IILOOD DITTEU3 If you are prostrated with sick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD DITTEitS If your Bowels are disordered , rcgutnto them with UUltDOCK IILOOD BITTERS. If your Blood la mpure , purify It with BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have Indlgeotlon , you will find an antldota In BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If roa are troubled with Bprlng Complaints , er adicate them with BURDOCK BLOOUBITTKRS. If your Liver U torpid , restore It to healthy action with BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is affected , you will find a sure re storative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any species of Humor or Pimple , ( all not to take BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hate any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can equal . UUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nervous and General Debility , tone up the system with BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Price. 01.00 oei Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cta FOSTBE , MILBURN , & Do , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by leh It McMahon and 0. F. Goodman. Je 27 ood-ine it ro yuan of Irv tneil by tl > e itreln or ti-r tolUiicoT3rml your duties amle" nnrk , to rcf itlmulunt nrt um toflirnlnnriTCKnil Hop Blttoro. wni.t ujc Hop Q > If you lire jrounit Rnil suffering trom MIT lu rtlscivLlou ur illxnl tluni H you a-o mar ric-cS or BlKK'.o. oM or jrounfT , milrerliifr from po rbr<li o 1 nt on a bed of ticV ucrn , rily ou Hop Bitter * . WhOTTor you are , TliouvinclJ me < E nhonevrr you feel iraollY from poms that your system form of K ' . needs clciuuln. ton- ( hat mlKht have becnrirejcnU'C Ur timely 'ineut take Hop HcpSltteri BlltO'O. I. O Is an .beelnU and Irrcilnta- bio cure tot bmrtti. drunbennoBi , Uvcrotiuntt nsa of You will be tcbaoooi cured If you \at narcotic * . Hop Bitter * Ifyou are sim Boldhydms- weak and rsts. Srcdzoi owpplrltcil.try circulur. Itt it may save your life. It hn HTG CO emved hun fUtrJ dreds. oronto , Out. Dlecaso Ia nn i fleet , not n cause. Its origin la within ; Ita minlleaUtlona without. Hence , to euro the diaeabo the uu'SKnmat ba rcmottil , and In no other uaycan a cure CM-r to cfTectcd. WARNER'S SAFEKIDNDY AND LIVER CURE te cbtablishod on Ju t this principle. It realizes that 95 Per Cent. stall diseases arlzo from deranged kidneys and Iher , audit etilkcaat ones at tbo root of the dllllculty. Tbo elrinoota of which It Is corapoeoJ ict directly upon these great organs , both as a lOODaud IIKMOKBR , and , by placing them In a Dcalthy , condition , drive dlieaso and pain from the system. For the Innumerable troub'es caused by un healthy Kldnoje. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for the dutreulng Dltordersof Women ; far Malaria. in-J physical derangement ] generally , this great remidy hai no equal , lit ware of Impostors , Im- tailors and concoctions said tA bo ] u t on good. For Diabetes , as for WARNER'S SAFE DIABETES CDKE 1'Or Kale by all dealers. H. H. WARNER & CO. . me Rochester , N. Y. BITTER5 Among the medicinal means of arresting d ! ea c , Ho.Uttcr'u ! Stomach fitters t.UmU pro-vmlnrnt. It chucks the further progrcui of all disorders of the stomach , lUer and baucU , rcthvutholtal itamlna , prevents and rCTuillcn ilillU and ( u\cr , Increase ! ! the activity of the kidneys , counteract * a tendency to rhvumatUni , and is a gunulno "lay jndboUco to ugcd. Infirm and nvrtoiu JXTCOIX. For tale by all druggUU and dealers generally al to ml KENDALL'S ' SPAVIN CURE. rhe Most Successful Remedy ever iliscov sred , as U Is certain In IU effect * and does not blister , HEAD PROOF 1IKLOW , Also excellent ; or human fleth. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. Washlugtcmllle , Ohio , June 17 , 1881. pa. [ 1. J , KtNPAU. , &Co. : ucuts Readingourod > rertlacmeut In Turf , Field and Farm , ot your Kendall's Spavin Cure , ad raving a valuable uid s ( ocdy horse which had been lame from ipatlnforelgUeennionthi , I sent to you ( or a jottlo by cxprwu , which In six weeks removed Ul lameiiM * and enlargement and a Urg splint roiu another hone , and both hones are to-uay wtouud as colU. The one bottle HU worth to n one hundred dollar * . Itotptetfully i ours , H. A. UKITOLUTT , M. D. Bond for Illustrate 1 circular gl lug poslthe irocJ. Price $1. AH DrutrtUts have It or can ; ot It ( or you. Dr. II. J. Kendall & Co' , Pro * irletow. tnoobnrgh Falls , Vt. 30Lt > BY ALL DRUQQISTS. d-wly ' " . Futtyv iirs'trimtuprovvu"BLACK. W.B. MILLARD. V. U , JOUN30N MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and f Mesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Banuliors Lard , and Wilbor Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB. REFERENCES : OMAHA NATIONAL DANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO , STEELE , JJM1SON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS AID MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. Agents for BBHWOOD HAILS AND LAFLIU & SAND POWDER 0 HENRY LEHMANN , JODBER OF WINDOW SHADES. EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 108 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH ; DOORS. BUNDS , /W8TATB / ADEN ! FOB MILWAUKEE CEMENT COUPAKT ] Near Union Pacific Depot. - - OMAHA NEB \ I. O.BERFELDER & OO. , WHOLESALE IILLINEET AND HOHDffl , 130& and ,1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Beceiving Daily and Stock very nearly JlJomplGte ,1 WHOLESALE AND RETAtt JOBBERS OF CD } * JEWELERS' ' TOOLS AID MATERIALS ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FORlTHE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of the Celebrated STAR TINTED MAKE are sold elusively oy us , DIAMONDS IN LARGE VARIETY. Fine Line of Sheet Musio , Eastern Prices Da "licated , EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the Post-office OMAHA , NEB. POWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trirnmmgs , UININO UA01I1NKRV , BELTINO , HOSE , BRASS XSU IUON JTITINOa . . PIPE , 3TEAU PACKLNO , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ! HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURClfm'SCHOOL BELLS \ A SRANG 205 F " "v" St. . Omaha . O. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , & Wholesale Lumber , _ Wo UnO Wnmilinni Otnnnf nmolio link