\ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING , MAY 3 , 1882. 270 STRAINING A POINT. A Treaty Technicality Stretohei to Justify. Wholesale Murder , The Nation Quietly Snubboi For Sugrgesting Mercy To ward the Jo s. Extracts From Diplomatic Cor reepondouco With the Rus sian Government. The Star Koutors Bxhaua Their Last Quibble and the Trial is Set. The Revamped Chinese Bill P BSO the Hotiso nnd Goes to the Proiidotit , Miscellaneous Matters From tbo Na ttonal Capital , RUSSIAN PERSECUTION. .NationalAjsoclatod frost. DIPLOMATIC CCKUESl'ONDENOK ON' TH1 SUBJEOT. WASHINOTON , May 2. The presi dent sent to ttio house to-day , in ro spouse to the resolution of inquiry , the correspondence between the Uni ted States- and the Ilussian govern ment relative to the treatment of Itns si an , luwa. The correspondence ii very voluminous , extending back tei yoara , and including copies of a treat } and ethur documents of this nature. . There'is a letter from Minister Fostoi to Secretary Blaine , dated July i)0 1881 , in which ho reviews at great length , not only the treaty botweer the United States nnd Russia , bul also the treaties of Russia with uthei countries , pertaining to thn rights } l their citizens , and also the laws of Russia relating to Jews. By this it appears that under the laws , Jews were prohibited from coming to or 8 lltng in Russia , but owing to the fad that many were citizens of the Crimea and other dis tricts obtained by war , the laws wore modified , but in portions of Russia the laws yet prevented the coming of Jpws , even natives of sections mentioned unless they came as mer chants or bankers under special per mission of the government. Ho says I/ ho cannot find any account of the en forcement of these rules against Americans down to 18GO. In that year , by an imperial ukase the laws were modified so as. to admit other Jews than those mentioned , including those proposing to open factories. Secretary Blame , in hiareply , refers io the JrealyjeitoiirijrTiettfcecuij'tnG t ; j 6 countmo3'und "says'tHat on this brief formulation of the case the govern ment believes that under the treaty and its treatment of Russians in this \ country , it has just cause of complaint regarding the cases of Wiekenzksi and Poukes , the details of whose arrest have already been published. Ho proceeds to quote the treaty of 1831 m support of this claim. Where the treaty gives an alien certain rights , those cannot bo interfered with by local laws. It is a subject of regret that a government to which wo are allied by so many historical ties as to that of Russia , shows a disposition to deal with tech nicalities and enforce the letter pt the _ law. 'Tho principle involved is ono not recognized in our laws or by our treaties. It is a new issue in our in ternational relations. Wo can make no now treaty nor accept any construc tion of the present ono which shall discriminate against any claoss of Americans on account of their re ligion. Mr. Hoffman replied by letter tha ; ' that ho had submitted the letter of Secretary Blaine to the Russian minister - - ister of foreign affairs and was in formed that in his opinion the section of the treaty requiring Americans coming hero to "submit to the laws ' prevailing" made the course of that government quite justifiable ) in the cases mentioned. The next communication given is from Secretary Frohnghuysen to Mr. Hoffman , in which he says that the i . prejudice of race and creed having given way to claims to common hu manity , the people of United States have hoard with great regret of the sufferings of Jews in Russia. The president of course feels that the good of the emperor should not bo held morally responsible for acts it consid ers wrong but is powerless to prevent , but should it appear to Mr. Hoffman that the Russian government might put forth moro effort to prevent this course , ho is directed to indicate with due ro.feronco , that the feelings of friendship of the United States for Russia prompt it. To express the hope that the gov ernment will find moans to cause this persecution of these unfortunates to cease. The letter onda by saying ; "If , however , it should come to your knowlndgo that any citizens of the United States are made victims of per secution , you will feel it your duty to omit no effort to protect them and to report such cases to the department. ' CAPITA ! . NOTES. N Uon l Associated 1'tew. UOINO KOIl THE COWBOYS. WASHINOTOK , May 2. The cabinet - net was in session nearly three hours this afternoon , all members being present except Attorney General Browster , who is sick. The president decided to issue a proclamation order ing the cowboys of Arfcona to dis perse. The Kitzjohn Porter case and the Indian troubles formed sub jects of discussion. THE COAST CLKAH. Judge Wyliea , in overruling to-day a motion to quash the remaining star route indictments , leaves the coast clear for the trials to begin on Thurs day , as appointed , though it is rumoi od that the government will not I ready then , It is expected an at tempt will bo made to-morrow to'pre euro another indictment , cmbracin thu names of Ilordcll and others , n to whom tlio present indictment wij bo held insufliciont. and if sticccssfu' ' the Utter will bo dismissed and trin on the now indictment bo asked. THK CHINESB HILL. The only subject of gossip aroun the hotels to night is the Cliincso bill whichj'passod the house at a late houi when only , ' ! 0 members were present Thu senate amendments extended th time from GO to 00 days for inforinin the Cliincso government of ita passag and definition of the words "Chinos laborers , " were agreed to. It is atato that the president will sign the bill a passed. OAUB nKOBl'TION. The president's first card recoptio was held to-night. It wan attendc by members of the cabinet , suprcm court , senators , representatives , arm and navy otlicors and prominent citi zons. The president was assisted b the wives of .members of the r-abtnot After the reception a supper was give : to forty invited guests. 1IOUE MONEY WANTKB. Colonel Corbin , Bccrotary of th Garfield memorial committee of th Army of the Cumberland , reports th total receipta to date 313,000. j. public appeal for moro funds will b issued , and May SO is suggested for contribution throughout the country the maximum amount to be $100. Thu nomination of Divid Stewart of Missouri , to bo collector of interim revenue- for the Fourth district o Missouri , was sent to the oonato thi afternoon. UOSTOK'H COLLECTOR. The Bonato committee on commerc agreed to favorably report the nomi nation of Wcrthingtou for collector a Boston. CONGRESS. SENATE rilOCEEniNCJH WASHINGTON , D. C. , May 2 Tni bill granting condemned cannon t < the Morton monument associatioi passed. Senator Bayard reported adversely , from the finance committee , the bil for relief of the Grand Trunk Rail way of Canada. The bill for the relief of Ouster's widow was reported favorably. Thu bill to establish an intermediate court of appeals was taken up. Sena tor Morgan offered a substitute re garding the constitution of the court. Several amendments to the bill were agreed to. Adjourned without ac tion. PROCEEDINGS IN TUK 110CSB. The bill for the erection of a public building at Quincy , 111 , passed. Ob jection was made to unanimous con- lent to concur in senate amendment ! to the Chinese bill , and the tariff com mission bill , wasLtakon , up after the [ > ? "peago' > } rj'a1'bTl ( 'for the Vreclidn 'of 'i public building at Hannibal , Mo. , tc : est $75,000. After further discussion on the : ariff commission bill , the house took from the speaker's desk the Chinese } ill as amended by the senate and ; oncurrcd in amendments and passed ; he bill. Adjourned , i Gonld in Court. latlocal Associated Press. CHICAGO , May 2. A subpcuna was ssued this morning for Jay Gould to ippear as a witness in the Western 'ndiana railroad caso. The bailiff vent to the Grand Pacific hotel and Urs. Gould said her husband was lown in the dining room. The bailiff raited until Gould emerged from his tiding placp and served the papers. iVitnesa said ho know nothing of the plationship between the above mcn- ioned road and the Wabash , and hewing no knowledge of the case , was lischarged. Fires. rational Associated Pro 9. DOVEU , N. H. , May 2. The 'Freo ' ) aptist church which cost $50,000 , j burning , The flames are reaching rom L. B , Lackey's brush factory , nd A. B. Towlo's barn was destroyed y fire at 8 a , m , PHILADELPHIA , May 2. A private iapatch says that a great fire is raging ii Middlotown , Del , , which threatens lie whole town. The entire tire Eor- ice has been sent from Wilmington. MIDDLETOWN , Del. , May 2. A. J. ! ox & Bro's. carriage factory St. Lime's Episcopal church , and the in- arvoning dwellings were destroyed by fire which started in the first amed. LOBS , $30,000 ; insurance , ght. BOSTON , May 2. The Union carpet ining company's factory , on Lonox treot , was destroyed by firo. Loss n stock , $25,000 ; on building , $10- 00. The Tray Fdstor. atlonal AuocUtod fiesa. Tuoy , May 2. Michael Kennedy till continues his fast on skim milk , Inch began on January Kith. Ho > ys that ho never felt bettor or trongor , and that hia fast will con- inuo tome weeks. Ilia face is round nd rosy , his weight is now 214i ounds , and ho is apparently in good audition and experience ! no craving ) r solid food. Robbery. itlonal AnsocUtcd f resa. PiTTsnuiio , Majr 2. A Groenaburg nocial says last night three masked ion went to the farm house of Mrs. tuuip , bound and gagged the old idy and her two daughters and took 400. They boat ono of the daughters i such a manner that she Is not ox- octed to recover. No clue to the orpotratora. A Bad Co oil. ttlooal Auocltted from. 1'iTTSDUiia , May 2. A Charlcstown W. Vu. ) special eaya last night Huston Writing , a negro , asked T. 8. Graves , white man , to take a drink. The itter refuned , whereupon the negro row a rovolvoi and shot Graves dead , i. poaro is in pursuit of the murderer nd there are throats of lynching , Whiting dangerously slabbed a negr woman of Gallipolis , Ohio , a shor time ago and wont to Charleslown t avoid arrest. GOTHAM'S GLORY. The Musical Festival n Man uiflcont SUCOOBS , Armory Hall ThronKoil Uy 3,0ft National AnocUted 1'rora. NEW YORK , May U. The oponiii ] performance of the musical feativn of the Seventh regiment armory thii evening was attended by an audionci numborinu between 7,000 and 8,001 persons of New York's boat society Tlioro are over 7,000 chain in the ar mory , exclusive of seats on the stage which number 3,200. The stage ii built in a hugo semi-circle at th < western end of the drill room. Thi orchestra , which numbers nearly SOI performers , occupies a place immcdi atoly below the choir , which thi : evening numbered nearly 2,000 per formers. Singers sit aide by side ii circles , each circle being higher that the preceding ono , the highest neati being on a loyol with the second story Directly over thu stage is an iinmensi sounding board 100.feet in length which projects 25 feet over the stage It appeared to give entire satisfaction the music and eingmg being dis tinctly hoard iu the farthest corner o the building. Precisely at 8 o'clock Thoodori Thomas , amid the applause of thi audience , took his position in the con tro of the orchestra , and soon the con cert was opened , Thu vast audionci showed its appreciation of the per formers' effoits by frequent and hoartj applause. The concert this evening wns one. of the greatest musical suc cesses in this city , and as tlioro nro tc bo three afternoon and four ovcninc performances , for which nearly all the tickets nro sold , it promises to bo f gratifying financial success to the pro moters. The Froodman'a Bank. National Associated I'rcss. WASHINGTON , May 2. The comp troller of the currency will shortly declare - clare a dividend of 15 per cont. to thc creditors of the Froedman's bank , payable in June , and a final payment of 75 per cent , payable during the summer. Newspaper Receipts. National Auociated fross. WASHINGTON , D. 0. , May 2. The postmaster general has decided t that bills receipted and subscription ordcrt for a newspaper cannot form stipple- ments. * K ; * The Mnllcy Trial. National Associated i'teaa. " NEW HAVBH , May 2. In the MV' ; loy trialtthis morrUf 's ncdsion wos'do voted "to the cross-examination o Prof. Ohittondon , eliciting no contra diction and nothing now. Choked to Dontu with Whisky. National Associated Press. OTTAWA , Ontario , May 2. Joan Guiudeau , of St. Anne , Quebec , was choked to death by whisky being poured down his throat while doling in a saloon by cumpanions in jest. The Illinois Sonatorahlp. National Associated 1'rcsa PEORIA , 111. , May 2. It is authori tatively announced th s morning that 3en. Green B. Ilium is a candidate ) 'or the United States senate to succeed Judge Davis. Mexican News. National Associated I'rusa. LAIIEDO , Tex. , May 2. In a battle jotivoon Tcodula Caballcro's gang of Bandits and a company of dragoons indor Cayston Naviega in Seamora , Mexico , the latter was killed and the .roops routed. Black small pox is destroying bun- Irods of victims in the states of Lino- ila and Campocho , Mexico. At Vera Cruz a policeman attempt- id to a r refit ono Barriontcs. The loliccman was stabbed to death and Jirricntca shot live times. WASHINGTON , May 2. The United States consul at Chichiuchua , Mexi- o , informs the state department that 10 is making' ' exertions to have the Jmrges againBt four imprisoned American citizens for implication in he encounter at the mines pressed or trial. The Apaches Routed. rational Aooouutcu f read. Four Ai'AtniH , Ariz. , May 2. ilajor Tapper , of the Sixth cdAalry , oports having a figlijt on April 28ih nth hostiles at Clovordalo , in the jas Animas mountains , Private Joldrick , of Tupper's command , WAS illed > and two others wounded , Japt. Rafferty's horse was shot from indor him. About fifiren hoatiloa fore killed , including Chief Lvcoa' on , S3venty-fiyo hordes were cip- urcd. The Indians were routed and tartod for the Mexico line , followed y Tuppor nnd Porsythe. * WASHINGTON , D , 0. , May 2. Gen , IcDowel ! telegraphs to tha war do- artment that all is quiet at San farloa agency. No Indiana have loft ince the 10th. The reported murder y hoatiloa in the Sulphur valley ia ntruo , * Election at St. Paul. atlonal Auoclahxl 1'roM ST. PAUL , Minn. , May 2. At the Ity election hero to-day Goo , Reis , umocrat , was elected city treasurer ver "ox-Gov. Marshall , republican , by ,800 majority. Four republican and wo democratic aldermen were elected , finch does not alter thopolitical com- ilexion of the board. Propositions o issue bondti for a new court lieu < tend nd on additional bridge across the lissiasippi , were carried. Indication * . 'atlonal Attodated frew. WASHINGTON , May 2. For the Up- or Mississippi and Missouri valleys ; Varmtr , pretty cloudy weather , local ains , southerly veering to westerly rinds , lower preaaere , A FASGINATIMG FROLU A Glimpse at tlio Sunny Side tlio Nation in its Spring Suit , Tiio Rofir of the Billows on tb Galveojtou. Boaoh a Nntlvo. New Orleano iu the Clutches c King Momua end His Caravan. Mozlonn Mnuucrs Dooldodly An olont In All Thing * Bnt BrinR * . California Climate and Interior-Town Los Anjrolos and Oakland. Correspondence ol The llco. SAN FitANcisco , April 28. I Juiv never felt such intonsa pride in bein nn American aa ima impressed ni since I Logan traveling over the vns area of our United States , and eve its wondrous beaulios of landscape its every variety of climate , itadiner out and numberless species of vogota and fruit , and , moro and aliovo all ita general cultivated people. ( Ji where yon will , from Manitoba to tin qulf or from Now York to San Fran cisco you find educated , cultivate ! friends , with great warm hearts whoso baud-clasping is a benison am whoso smile is like the breaking o sunlight on n gloomy dny. Since 1 loft Omaha laifc Now Yea : C have traveled many hundro'l miles and us Iglanco in rutroapcct it hardly aooma possible that four months hav < swiftly passed away. But to the hap : ) y , time indeed Iliua. From Omaha to O.ilvcaton ! Wlw a wondrous' change in three dayi travel. From sombro skies , leaflos : : rees , flowurlcss shrubs and bithi } cold to a land whore bright suushiiu nnken the very atmosphere roseate .ho trues in summer rosca of green : ho lluwora in full bloom and the nil as balmy and fragrant as in May. aALVKfiTom'.s rniNcii-AL CUAUM , B its long stretch of ocean beach , am ; ho ocean as I saw it thuro has loft i Mcturo upon my brain that shall nov 5r fade out. While yet distant ! icaid the thundering boom ot tin waves , soomintr a fit prelude to tin vwo-inspirinR scono. It reminded mi if tbe BOoiciu tones.oL . [ an orahaatri J JL VL& Urbu- ea upondoatl scono. A'momont and the eye look fnrth upon the foaming billows 01 they dash madly over each other ii their wild glee and tremendous force , breaking into a thousand fountains o : sparkling spray like miniature Ning iraa and the infinite calm of the out lying sea in ita vast granduer , the sun ieli'ing it up with a golden glimmer ing sheen of beauty until it looks like i tuundlooa sapphire , sot with HVOIJ ipt'cips of brilliant precious stones , h ! it was glprious ! But the wonders of the iron steed ! Ifostorday I was in Galveston , to-diiy [ nm in the extreme north of the great itato of Texas , three hundred milua icross , and to-morrow I will bo in Hirovopprt , La. , taking the steamer ijilvor. City for the great Mardi-Gr.is estival at Now Orleans. How strange t acorns to northern eyes to bo float- Dg down the peaceful Rod river , hrough banks of living green , the recs bursting into bloom , in Februu- y. The sail down the winding , placid ivcr was ono charming panorama of icauty , and I arrived in Now Orleans ust in time to witness TUB UOYALKNTUANCJIOI' KKX , ho king of the carnival. Such mad xcitement , such firing of cannon , inging of bolls , such shouting and u Trailing till throats are honrso and ara are deafened , could not bo uijuull J in the north , oven on the Fourth of uly. Mardi-Gran is , indeed , thogala line of the south. The pro- esaions were very brilliant ml full of instruction in ucieiit history and mythology. It is till that thuso annual pageants of the Itoscont City rival and even cclipso [ { bso of of Rome , llowover this may 9 , they ought to bo magmlicent , for undrods of thousands of dollars uro upended upon thorn. To ir.y practi. il matter-of-fact Vankeo oycs , tlio ast siiiiia of money spent render u ury small rotuni. J5ut such u son- tnent in the south would bo treason. Now Orleans is a quaint beautiful Id city , perhaps the most coamopoH- in in America , unless I except San iitonio , Texas , Acouitomi'd to the igorous winters of the north , I could saroely realize that in raid-winter Hies , roses , violets and geraniums # re clustering about the yards in cheat bloom. The liarens were as luo and soft aa in Juno , and the hole sir was aa raidiunt with the DRUtiful and redolent , with n beauti- il eea of snowy orange blossoms , [ ow the exquisite perfume seems like ie odorous inconso. CONTINUANCH HARRIAQK CKHKUONY Bidding a tender and regretful fare- oil to the city of Jackson's daring eroism my eyes turned toward the .inset and in three days I was In the ooming frontier town of 1 Paso , on ie extreme west border of Texas , a louuand miles away. This is a queer alf Mexican half American town , ho low adobe ( dried mud ) houses win a very strange architecture to .mericatiu , although they can bo uwle very comfortable and attractive. Iyer the Rio Grande lies the old town f Paso del Norte , purely Mexican. I fcourso wont over there. Rumor lid there was iquoh small pox among 10 filthy inhabitants , but thuro is u iot interesting old church over there ill of relics , and what is small pox to jrioaity seekers , To fool my fuel on foreign toil and know 1 wni in n alien land , produced qinto a nevi and lonely sensation. TIIH CIIVUOII , with its wondrous treasures , is we worth a visit. It was built J150 year nj'o , long before the Pilgrim father had landed on 1'lymouth rock , by th monks who came over with th Spanish explorers , and it speaks vol umns for the zeal and solf-sncnfico ci the Jesuit fathers. I saw tlioro man ; interesting curiosities , a missal printci ill Rome centuries ngo and yollov with ngo ; wa\ figures of the Virgil Mary , thu Apostles and Jesus in th tomb of Joseph , besides swords am helmets and armor that look very an cieat. The ceiling of the church i carved very bemttilully , and. show great patience and skill of the build era. The Mexicans are about KOI years behind the times ; their house are most primeval four walls , often times no windows , dirt floors mid ban of _ furniture. They still plow with i slick , ixnd niako their wagons rude clumsy things out of a great cola block of wood , the wheels being a least six inches thick. In fact , tin only evidence I had tlmt I had no stepped back into the middle ngos but nns in : i land of civilization undiii the full blazis of the glory of the nine tuenth century , was that all the sun- oritivs Imvo ' 'llANOKlt " THKIU 1IAIU Hut "still westward the star of cm piro takcj its way , " nnd , like tin thruo wise men of old , I followed tlu utar to ha furthest limit , and for a lit- tlu while the "City of the Golden G.ito" shall bo our home. What shall 1 say of C.ilifrunin , the garden spot of the world , this Kind of sunshine , ol ( lowers , of snow-capped mountains , green hills , undulating valleys , and clear waters ? To my enchanted eyes , after making the trip through barren lands , Los Angeles , neat ling among her beautiful hills , with orange orchards full of their luscious , golden fruit , seemed like a new Garden of Eilon. All along the Southern Pacific route is mast beautiful scenery , bar ring , of course , the sandy plains * hich extend through much of Amimit. The mountains , in their solemn grandeur , covered with their eternal snows , seem as hoary sentinels ever guarding the peaceful and Irrtilo vul- lies which stretch for milo after mile one unbroken lluwor garden of r.iro bright color. I do not wonder that writers rave over the scenes of Cali fornia. They are TllULY MAGNIl'IOENT. The building of the great railways the Union Pacific , Central Pacific and now the Southern Pacific has shown us that within the boundaries of the United States wo have all the diver sified beauties of European scenery. The glittering Ice and frost of Sweden , the vino-clad hills of sunny Franco , the rugged , picturesque grandeur of Switzerland , .Uio voluptuous , sun- Icissed land 'of Italy , and the green , flowery fields and great bustling cities of Germany and England. Was there over so fair a heritage to the children earth as is our own beautiful Father land , America. OAKLAND in ono of the prettiest cities in our country and all her inhabitants are most devoted to her. There is cer- tuinly hero the most delicious feeling of homo rest of any city I over was in , except , of course , dear old Omaha. It may be bocauao I was welcomed to "tho fair city of oaks' ' by our most charming friend Miss Hello E. Mur- win , who is well-known and much loved buth in Omaha and Council Bluffs. She mid her family are most happily situated and perfectly in love with California. Since my arrival lien ) I have hud tlio pleasure of moot ing Mra. T. B V , Gloiihouso , well { tiown throughout both America and England for her faithful exposure of Mormonism , culled "An Euglishwo- nan in Utah. " 1 found thu lady an ilderly but noble , fitio looking woman , ivhoso head is crowned with a wealth ) i snowy hair , llor book is a thrill ng story of her own life and is as ox- litmg and tragic as a romance. As ho Mormon question is now exciting ; roat-interest , this book will no doubt lave a largo sale , ua it surely doaorvi's. tlrs , Glcnhousu also expects to lecture mxt winter upon tin ) subject. Of San Francisco there are a thoua- nd interesting things to write , ospu- ( illy as tlio ChincHo question is ex iting BO much attention , The poo- ilo heio were much grieved and very tigry tit the veto , and expect yet hat the new bill will bring some re- ief , No ono can blame them for heir feeling after a tour through Ihiimtown , Ugh ! * Jut ) I must , and will , shut oil' the aa. Moro anon. * MAIMMI : CIIAKLTON EDHOLM. A Falio Report. atlonkl Atooclateil I'fom PjiiLADiariiiA , May 2.- Officers of : io PoniiBylvania railway state that ! io published rumor that the stock iyidond nrndo Monday was made to lisa moans for the payment of notea nniing duo , is erroneous. All not arnlngs , they claim , were applied to ash dividends , and that the revenue rotn.stock allotment will bo devoted 3 improvements. A Fated Ruin > 'atloaU AjtocUtod i'roM , DOVKK , N. II. , May 2 , The ruins i the church burned hero yesterday ran visited to-day by hundreds. ) uring a hail Htorm the south wall ras blown down , burying five persons n the cellar. A rumor spread , that lull a hundred were buried. After lalf an hour's labor the buried were escued. ' 1 ho names of victims are * lira. Stuart Clillbrd , leg and two arms iroken ; Job Burleigh , blacksmith , , rm , leg and several ribs broken , and njured internally ; Mra. Whitney , urioualy injured , leg and ono arm irokon ; John liornodotto , a young nun , seriously injured ; an unknown roman wns found lying under a beam eriously injured. liurloigh and Mrs. ) littbrd will probably die. Tlioro is ; reat indignation at the inoflicionoy of ho fire department. Thu dead body > f Judge Barnes , of the police court , wns taken from the ruins to-nigh It was not known ho was in tl church at the time of the accidon until ono of the wounded victims g.-u a description of a man seen ill tl ruins. ELECTIUC BRIEFS. National Aatoclklc.1 I'rora. A cold wftvo passed over Montro ! yesterday. Heavy hail fell , and i some districts thu snow is seven inches deep , Tlio annual ml dross to the Kansn editors at Lawrence , on Juno f > , wi bo delivered by O. II. Rathakor , cdi tor of The Denver Tribune. Andrew \Voia , of Heading , Pa. weighing -(20 pounds , reputed to b the largest man in Pennsylvania , dioi yesterday from strangulation causei by honiin , Thu Cameronitos carried thu Montgomery gomory county ( I'a. ) convention fo thu election of delegates to the stati convention , the latter being instruotci for General Beaver for governor. William Allen , a drunken farmer committed suicide yesterday after noon by jumping from the susponsioi bridge at Niagata Falls. The bed ; wns not recovered , The fifth annualdiocoaian convontioi of the dioocso of Springfield , III , , me at the cathedral in that city yesterday with a large number of delegates The day Besbion was ohiclly devotee to buaineas and the evening to tin bishop's dioceaian uddresa. John Tobias and Henry Berkley fcupirintondont nnd ansiatantof Cedar villo qimry , Schuylkill , Ponnrylvnnia , were kilhd alinott instantly yvstordaj at noon , by a premature discharge. The top of Berkley's head was blown oil' . Both bodies were horriblj mangled. The firm of Wheat & Durfeo , whole sale grocers of Louisville , made an iisaignmont to John II. Leathers. The linn did a business last year of $700- 000. Aesets and liabilities are not known. The failure was caused by ilelay in making collections. The American steamer , British Queen , with 400 emigrants aboard , was placed in quarantine on her arri val at Philadelphia yesterday morning Jti thu discovery that a number oi liassengors were down with small-pox. The suUurors wore removed to the municipal hospital , In the Cambridge ( Muss. ) , probate Jourt , yesterday , it was decided that the erasures and interlineations iu Longfellow's will are of no effect. The lecisipn is based on the ground that Lho will cannot bo altered except by : odicil. 'Ibis deprives each of his : hildron and the testator's brother of $10,000 , and his broMior Stephen of D,000. The will was admitted to probate. E. Longfellow is adminis trator. The second trial of Jae. B. Doyle , irrostod in October , , 1880 , with a quarter of n million counterfeit gov ernment bonds in his possession , com menced in Chicago yesterday. lie was sentenced last May to thu poni- .untiary , but was granted a now trial m account of informality in nn- louncing the verdict , the jury not bo ng present when the verdict was ead. BUIXER'S FIRST BLAZE. 3o DOUBOB the Qllra In a Thoroughly KH'octual Manner. At 4:30 : yesterday atternoon an .larm of fire was sounded from box 1 , No. 3 engine house. The two IOBO carts , Noa. 2 and 3 , and the iooka responded. After some little illiculty in locating thu fire it was ventually found to proceed from a mall one-story house at the foot of it. Mary's avenue , and on the arrival t thu department at the spot thu nines were to be noon bursting in a olumo from thu doors and windows , lie salvation of the house or any part f it seeming impossible. In a short inio , however , three streams of water rero not on from the hydrants and ! io ( lames were fought with an energy lat soon confined thorn to narrow mitfl and eventually put thorn out ntirely , without the destruction of iu roof or wallfi of thu house. Thu house belonged to Mr David eaman , bartender at the place for- lerly kept by Julius Treitschku. luring the afternoon Mrs. Seaman ad donu some washing in the kitchen t the rear of the house , and had had uito a warm fire in the coal atovo , ut supposed it had died out , so that lero was no danger from it , when she lit the house to go up town on an rand , She had been absent an hour hen the fire broke out , and it is ippotod thutit caught from thu stove- ipo passing through the roof , there uing no Hue. It was first discovered / a neighbor , who found the whole ' the inside of the house in flames , hen ho reached the spot , and at once wo the alarm. The house itself of no great value , and s owner could not bo ascertained. [ r. Seaman had considerable furni- ire stored away in the cellar beneath iu house , in addition to that which irnished the reams , nnd-his loss will u very considerable , probably in the i-ighborhood of a thousand dollars , n this he holds an insurance of five undrqd dollars in the 0. T. Taylor jenoy , which will fall short consider- jly of covering his losses. The department did excellent work , id this beint ( the first fire since the Iminiatration of Chief Engineer Rut- r , it will , if taken as an indication of ib ability , go far to show that Omaha ill bo no sufferer from his appoint- tent to ono of the most important ositiouu in the city government. The house was completely deluged ith water , but this was unavoidable , i it wan surrounded by frame build ups , among which a serious conila- ration could easily have been started. DIED. IKINKKK - Heiiirich Kroat lleineke , May M , n od 30 yeara 7 months. Funeral will taVa placs Ma3d at 2 'clock i > , in. , from the residence , 13th and ackson. COLLAPSE OF COERCION. The British Cabinet Confess That Bayonets Cannot SuMuo Ireland , And Buckshot Porater Dies With His Pet Liniment. ParnolJ , Dillon and Kelly Lib erated From Kilrnainham. Ontlltta of Reform * Proposed by Qlndntoiie ImportimtFor- News. OOLI.AI'.SK OP COHECION. LONDON , May 2. In the house of commons to-night , Gladstone will announce - nounco that it is the intention of the government to release Irish suspects and abandon thu coercion act. In the house oi lords last evening , Earl Granville stated that Mr. Forstor had resigned the post of chief secre tary for Ireland ; that the government ; was preparing a in ensure to supersede the coercion act , and intended releas ing the Irish suspects immediately. Ib was also the intention of the govern ment to introduce measures looking to tlio extension of the Bright clause , and dealing with thu question of ar rears of rent , which , it was hoped , would bo moro satisfactory to both landlord nnd tenant. A limn TUIIK. CoNHTAKTiNOi'U ! , May 2. The sul tan has dismissed his prime minister , Said Pasha , and appointed Abdurrah man Pasha , formerly governor of Bagdad , as his successor. HELr.AHr.lt. LONDON , May 2. Messrs. Parnoll , Kelly and Dillon have been released. from Kilmainham jail. A FIlENClt VICTOHY. PAHIS , May 2. French troops have bombarded and captured the capital of Tonkingcs. Its annexation to other provinces now under French rule is intended. A 1IRAUTY WKLCOME. ST. I'BTGitxuuiui , May 2. The czar and czarino to-day received Lieut. Danonhowcr and Mr. Now- lomo at Gatzchitm and gave them a lioarty welcome. SENTENCE CONFIHMED. CAIKO , May 2. The khedive has 2ontirmod the sentence passed by the ; ourt martial in the case of Circassian I/I / jflicors convicted of conspiracy to kill iVrabid Boy. Boy.FIIENCU FIIENCU AFFAIRS. PABIB , May 2. French assembly vras ro-openod to-day , and the gevsrn- 1 * > t tnont introduced measures for sup pression of indecent publications. M. DeFroycient gave an audience * this evening to members of the Fran co American comnitteo on cominor- : ial treaty , and said everything was. now favorable to the conclusion of a treaty ; that two years since General Noyes , American minister , told him .hat the United States congress was hvidcd on the subjebt but hearing low tlioro was an inclination among nombors of that body to conclude a lommorcial treaty with Franco , ho vould give French ambassador at iVashington instructions favoring ro- lowal of negotiations. _ Illinois Sheep MonT - T tlorml Associated 1'rcwa SritiNQFiELu , 111. , May 2. The oad ing sheep-breeders of this state tavo formed an organization under the lame of The American South-down Srccdera' Association for the purpose f collecting , revising and publishing ho history and progress of pure South- lawn sheep , under such regulations s may bo prescribed by the board of iroctors. A meeting to complete the rguni/.ution will bo hold in this ity May 31st. An important scries of short-horn. ales for central Illinois will , begin hero Iay22d. Internal Revenue Commissioner taum arrived in the city this morning. Baia Ball. latlonal Press Association. WoueiiHTKU , Mass. , May 2. Bos- ans 10 , Worcesters 11. PUOVIDKNCE , May 2 Providence 7 , Treys 1. BiHU'Ato , May 2. No gamo. Rain. CLEVELAND , May 1. Clovelands 1 , ( etroits C. _ Mailed Dyuaiuito- atlonal Aeaoclatutl 1'rntn. NEW YOHK , Miiy 2. Postmaster 'oarson ' says ho has had no news ro- urding the infernal machine con- piracy. Detectives who are at work n thu case see no prospect of success. 'hey ' have established the fact thai ie boxes and contents are of German lake , but are unable to learn what ley were originally intended for. Turf Rnvieworvi _ ttlon&l AsuoclatudProM. CHICAGO , May 2. The board of aviow of the National Trotting asso- iation commenced a two days session liis evening at the Grand Pacific otol. President S. K. Dowoccu- iied the chair , D. J. Vail , of Buffalo , cting aa secretary. The following roro present ; Burdett Loomia , of lartford , Conn. , George Sturt-es , of 'hiludolphiu , Charles L. Hunt , of t , Louis , M. 0. Blake , of Cedar lapids , representing different dis- ricts. Ono minor case was takon'up idjournod nnMl t - 'atloual Associated Proai. LKXINOTON , Ky. , May 2. First ace of the Kentucky ossoclatiation ar all ages , three-quarter of a mile , ray won in n canter by Mammonist , jizzio S , second , Lore , third. Time , ; 15. Second race , distiller's stakes , 52,000 , for all ages , one and one- [ uartor mile , was won by Croosito cith Bender second. Time , 2:0dj. : Third race , for all agea , one mile , ras won by Badger , Stella Uermino , ocond. Time , l\4i\ \ \ .