Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1882, Image 8

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    k- y > . A , k
TuesrKv Mornlne Miy 2
"Weather Report-
( The following observations nro taken A
ho nme moment ot time nt all the tit <
onsnamod. )
OMAHA , M y 1 , 1SS2. (1:4S : p. nO f
RUcr 7 feet S Inches above high water marie l
Omaha and 6 fe t ninth at Yankton.
A 1 business gentleman wanted. Sec
ndvcrtUomcnt of "I'limnco" In col
umn ,
Tlio firnt of May comes in as finil'ntf
.iH can bo.
A regular meeting of the Omaha Land
league will lie held At Kuotiy'd Hall on
Wednesday night.
On Friday night Mltcholl',1 1'lcnnuro
Party will produce "Our Goblins" t
Boyd'a opera house.
The noon train yesterday WHH a long
one. * There were twelro cnrc , including
the five out to Cheyenne to boar the troops
Plonoor Hook nnd Ladder Company
No. ] : Uegular meeting this evening ( Tues
day ) , May 2J , at 8 o'clock p. in. Mill.
Dorr , president , >
A letter received from Butler county
reporU crop prospects as being food. Some
of the farmers have already planted their
corn crop. The weather hog born qulto
cool. t r _
Then double quartctto from the Omaha
Olce , Club goes to Council UlulTs , to niiig
Tuesday night. A special train will brine
back all who wlah to go over , aftertha
The city council will hold n very im
portant meeting to-night , the
question of confirming the mayor' * ap
pointments on the police force coming up
among other things.
Messrs. Funk and Shocltoy have Just
completed the work of painting the roof
of A. J. Simpson's carriage factory on
Dodge street with Hawthorn'n Centennial
Exco'iior ' Hoof Paint and like Ajax , Mr.
Simpson can now defy even the lightning ,
A white horse , belonging to John Me-
Shane and tied in front of Crciyhlon block ,
ran away Sunday with a smnll boy
who was playing in the buggy during the
owner's absence. The horeo wan qulto
badly hurt.
A change is about to take place In the
Baptist church choir , the two Smith's
withdrawing. Tha quartette will prob
ably bo filled up with ladies. The Proa-
byterian church choir will probably receive -
ceive an accession to Its strength at no
distant day.
Ihe boss beer of "bock" beer day is
the "Salvator , " a Bavarian Boer imported
by Jos. Schlltz's Brewing Co , , of Milwau
kee , It is for sale only at the Board of
Trade , where "Harry" deals out thi de
licious beverage with his customary cour
tesy to patrons ,
Owing to some misunderstanding be
tween the plasterers and a couple of bosses
la this city , there was a partial conation of
work in that line yesterday. It will likely
bo made nil right by to-day. It ap
pears that the plasterers were promised n
ralso'to 85 a day May 1st , which noino of
the bouses declined to give yesterday. Th
strike Is not Horiuus , '
Ice wan formed on Saturday night by
the unusual cold , and early risers Sunday
morning found it. .NurnurouB gardens in
this vicinity , the owners of which had
taken advantage cf the earlincds of the
eeason , Buffered to tha extent of losing
whatever they had 'that could bo affected
by Buch n oold snap. The hardy vrget *
abler , moll as peas , cabbage , etc. , nro ull
right , end theio will bo a bountiful yield ,
duripltotbo cold. Ice one-eighth of ail
iiii n thick was found at Fort Omaha on
Prlday.ulght. *
The board of education held its regu
lar monthly meeting last evening , the
principal business In hand bulng the elec
tion of officers for the ensuing year. Hon.
U. K , ' Long was chosen president and J.
J. 1'olnta vice prculdcnt. P. J. McShnno
and Charles Connoyvr were nominated for
the ofDco of secretary and cloven ballots
were taken without resulting in the elec
tion of either , the vote utmiJlu ; ; thrio to
three , The board then adjourned.
The St mer Wyoming , Oapt. W. W.
Goulson , haves St LouU May 4th for
1'ort Bentou and all upper Missouri
points. The Wyoming { 3 o fmo , now ,
pamenger steamer , one of the bent on the
rivorTand will take freight or passengers
on the uptrlp. She will ative in Omaha
about the 25th lust , Notblug bun a * yet
been heard from Cant , Marth'n boat , the
Beion , which U expected In Oinaht at any
hour. U. V , TroxttI & Co. nre tgortH for
the Wyoming , which belongs to tiio Coul-
BDU line.
The Hock Spiingn pendent of
Th Green Hirer Gazette makes the fol
lowing mention of two former Omaba poo- .
pies On Friday evening the 2Ut in t. ,
Mr , and Mn. W. F , Hawea ewe a very
pleaiant tocial parly , Cards and mutlr ,
with the finest of rifrenhmenti , wera in or
der , The evening was the second anniv
ersary of their wedding. Mr , Hawes Is the
civil engineer iu charge of tlml depirtment
fur the U. P , coal department. They Iiuve
a Jiost of friends , who wbh them muny
return * of tliU pie * ? ant form of renewing
their holy vons.
ALoeing Joko.
A prominent phyeician of Pi'ts-
burtf said jokingly to u lady patient
who wan compliant' of her continued
i'l ' health , and of hia inability to euro
her. "try Hop Bittowl" The lady
took it iu earnest and used the Hit
ton , from which oho obtained per
manent health. She now lauglw at
the doctor for his joke , but ho is not
eo well pleased with it , as it coat him
a good patient. llarrisburg Patriot.
Troops Moving to the Front by
Special Trains. ,
Aspects Indicate Considerable Trou
bio on the Frontier.
Ordcra were received at the military
headquarters in thin city yesterday
from General Shoridnn by Qonora !
Crook to forward immediately to
Arizona the Third cavalry. Seven or
eight companies will kavo nt once
from Forts Jlussol , Stcclo and San
ders , to bo followed nsaoon na possible
by the troops from Wnshakio nnd Mo-
Kinnoy. Special trains will convoy
the soldiers to the front , The Fourth
infantry are still under orders and
may bo called out at any moment , On
account of the possible forwarding of
practically all the troopa in Wyoming
to Arizona Iho recent orders changing
the ntations of the various companies
in tlio toriitory hnvo boon counter
manded ,
Four companies of the Third Cav
alry leave Fort Ilussbll to-day for
Arizona. Three companies of the
sumo regiment , two from Fort Steele
and ono from Fort Sanders , under
command of Colonel lirackot , leave
Cheyenne Tuesday night or Wednes
day morning for the same destination.
Two companies of the Third Cavalry
from Fort.McKinnoy , and two compa
nies from Fort \Vashakio , will march
for the railroad and
to-day pro
ceed to Arizona.
Ono company of the Sixth infantry ,
From Fort Douglas , Utah , ii ordered
to proceed to Fort Wnshakio to garri
son that post.
t Tlio Fourth infantry has not yet
been ordered to take the field , but is
in waiting ,
The troops ordered to Arizona from
this department # o. from Cheyenne ,
oouth via Denver to Doming , Now
\loxico \ , from which point they will
bo distributed as the necessities of the
Apaoho outbreak may require.
They Are Assoesod Moro Equably
Than Mercantile Firms.
In looking over the assessment oi
our largest , manufacturing establish-
ncnts wo find the most of them sufli-
ciontly high and much higher in com-
mriaon than our merchandizing cstab-
ishmonts , The White- Lead Works
are assessed $3,000 on grounds and
HI Idings and § 7,125 on machinery
nnd stock. The Iron nnd Nnil Com
pany $750 on grounds nnd building
and $3G75-on machinery nnd stock ,
which is very low if wo nro to believe
he Htatomonta lately made of their
wluo , and the pnco paid at U. B.
Marshal .sale * .
The Omaha Smelting nnd Refining
Works are assessed at § 30,000 , which
s a very fair valuation as compared
with other property , on a basis of
one-third or ono-hnlf of market value.
The ground belongs to the U. P. Ry.
Company , nnd is nasoasod by the lot
or na ri ht of way , The Union Pa-
ciOo shops , -with machinery and the
ground on which they stand , nro as
sessed ns follows :
Block 3 with paint shops , A. & B.
> oilcr nnd machine shop , 951,500.
llpck 4.with car shop , foundry , ma
chine shop No. 2 , oil house nnd
blacksmith shop , $52,700. Block 5 ,
with atoro rooms and dry lumber
IOUBO , $3,100. Block 29 , with iron
store rooms , ofiico , water tank nnd
oil house , $8,000. Block 30 , with
in shop , sand house , brass room ,
ound hou&o nnd turn-table , $10,000.
Ulock 30 , storeroom icehouse , 53,000.
lloclc 32 , oil and wash house. $800 ,
Hock 33. dwellings , $ -100 , Block 34 ,
3800. Block 35 , coal nnd warehouse ,
$4,000. $ Block 30 , repair shop , $2-
M)0 ) , making a total of $1-12,300.
I'ho Omaha Republican personality
assessment is $7,000 ; the Herald
$7,61'6 ' , mid TUB HKK $8,000.
GlOB&lc Concert.
The next classic concert of the
'hiloinalhoan club , , the last of the
ocond series nnd of the season , will
) o given on Tuesday night , May Oth ,
at Mux Meyer's music hall.
It is the intention to mnko thin the
jont concert of the m-ason , and the
mtrona may rely upon hearing somu-
hing very lino. Among the features
of this closing concert will bo tlio ap.
Kmranco of Prof. Sensinan , who ivna
ant season violoncello , player for
Theodore Thomas' orchestra , and who
coming to aottlo in Omaha , t.xki'a hold
of her musical inteicsts nt once with
Tlio IXnrvoat of Evil Doors an Unusu
ally Die Ono ,
On being arraigned in police court
tfomUy the nineteen prisoners of
Saturday and Sunday nighta wore
each ; dealt with according to his do-
Of the eight drunks all wore aunt to
ail but two , who paid the fine of $10
ind coats.
The two men arrested for fighting
were called on nnd the hearing re
sulted in the dieclmryo of ono nnit the
iniug of the other , Mho paid.
Ono man paid and ono was sent to
jail for failure to pay a fine for carry
ing concealed weapons and shooting on
the streets.
The examination of H. II. Perkins ,
the embezzling clerk of W , T. Sea
man , waa postponed on account of the
absence of the district attorney.
Three men were arrested on the
charge of petit larceny , ono for steal
ing n brace nnd hit , nnd two for stealing -
ing clothing. Two more will bo in
limbo soon for the theft of a watch ,
The case of Henry W , Brown , ar
rested on complaint of his wife , comes
up at 2 p. in , Tuesday. Meanwhile
10 languishes in the county jail ,
Deputy Marshal F , W , Crew went out
o Kearney yesterday.
John Quigley , a nephew of William
Jmpherson , lsq. , of tha U , P. , went out
o Cheyenne yesterday to take a job of
waking on the road.
Bishop Milton Ilouitoo , Mormon
Ider , who WM on his way wt t with the
UUh converts nd got left at Chicago ,
was A west-bound panscnper yesterday ,
Dr. Tllden and family left for Washing ,
ton City and the 32at yesterday bj
the Wabanh , to be gone about three
month * . It U purely a health trip for the
Mi's llnttlc P , WLItmoro returned yes
terday from the after an aWnca ol Dining that tlma iho vis
ited Brooklyn , New York , Boston and
other eastern cltlet , nnd liai been perfect
ing her mutlctl education.
Mr . Ijlout. llolicrUon , of Cheyenne
depot , slatted for Omnha yesterday , no-
companjing MimMinnlo Mcgcath home.
Mini McKcath had been spending a pleas
ant floaiion at Cheyrnnc depot , and her
departure fill * n admiring circle of lady
friends vith pangR , whila the yaung gen
tlemen Acquaintances are pimply Incon
solable. Leader , 20th ult.
Kcl. Mclntyrp , of Seward , IN in town ,
8. S , Lowe , of Fremont , is In the city.
Parker Page , of WcUon , h In the city.
M. B. Hoiie , nf Grand Inland , 1 < in tha
city ,
J , W , Brown , of Schnylcr , Is in the
C. > T. I'help. , ot Schuylcr , is at the
Withnell ,
Hon. Lorenzo Crounte , [ of Calhoun , IB
n the city.
V , II , Cunkllng , of Fremont , cams in
last evening.
Hon. George II , Jewott , of Sidney , is at
the Withnell.
J. A. Baldwin , U. S. A. , is nt the
Withnell House.
Paul H , Ilawllns and wife , of Grand
inland , are in town.
A. B. Hewitt'of H.iKtioKB , was among
jrc.itcrday'8 nrrivnl .
J. It. Leu it and A. .8. Murphy , of lied
) , % k , la , , are in town ,
M , S , Mnhlu , of Bloomlugtoh , IB in the
Metropolis of the Htnto.
Hon. N. W. Wells , nf Schuyler , arrived
rein the wu t last night.
M. S. Lindfoy nnd , T. It. Calkin ? , of
L'ullcrton , are at the Witlinill.
Lieut. Gov. U. C. Cams , of Seward ,
came up from the south last night.
II. 31. Wodchouso and Wm. Fulton , of
obra kn City , came In last night.
Col. L. W. Colby , of Beatrice , recently
commanding tlio force * at Camp Dump ,
s In the city attending the federal courtn.
Mrs. Chan. E. Kllbourno and two child
ren arrived from San Francltco last night ,
vnd joined her huuband , Lieut. Kilbourne ,
IiiHpcctor of Iho Signal Service , at this
rho Boys In the County Olork's OQlco
Have a Surprise Party.
A few days ago Jacob Conrad , ono
} f the patients from cho Florence cut-
sir , was discharged from the Btnall-
> ox hospital , his recovery being pro
nounced comploto. Ho nt once ro-
urned to his former habitation , but
ound that his clothing and papers
lad boon destroyed in the general
process of fumigation ordered by the
county physician.
Ho thereupon returned to the city
nnd once more dropped in to pay his
espccts to the clerks in Mr. John
iaumor'a office , whom ho gave such n
paralytic stroke nt the time Iu
PUS just breaking out with
hudisoiBO by calling in to see the
Ho bears very little trace of the
iory ordeal , nnd in fact had but n
nild case. Nevertheless the boys
wore not pleased at seeing him. Ho
vnntod now clothing , and in consid-
uration of agreeing to go nnd return
10 more ho was furniinod with some
of the needed articles at the county's
expense. Thorn was no ground nnd
ofty tumbling this time , but thtro
was n general fooling thut the visitor's
room was more desirable than his
company. As the victim of the
scourge could not obtain lodgings in
.ho city , ho returned to the post
louse for sleeping accommodations.
Smoke the "Boomerang , " the best
ic. Gnjar' ' in the world , nt Htmdquar-
ors Cigar Store , No. 1008 Fiirnmn
street. npr20tf
With this paint old shingle roofs
tan be made to look butter and lust
onger than now shingles and at n
small cost ,
It has n heavy body , ono coat being to llirco of liny other , nnd when
dry it is practically slate ,
Wo will pay $1,000 to the owner of
a building to whom wo cannot provu
our paint has withstood exposure
.welvo years u ithout renewal and in
jood condition.
It is applied nt a price that enables
everybody to have a water-tight ,
mndaomo roof ,
FUNK & BHOOKBY , State Agt's ,
[ loom 0 , Cruighton Block , Omaha ,
Neb. Agents wanted in every
town. msyl-2t
Ono of the pleasantwt surprises
Saratoga has experienced for a long
iuio waa the unexpected arrival ,
Saturday , of Eddie Patrick from
Cheyenne , after an absence of nearly
.hreo years.
His friends , of which ho has n host ,
are glad to BOO him. Mr. Patrick re-
nains about a week ,
Messrs. C. W. and NV. J. Tously , J ,
D , Rustin , EJdio Patrick and Harvey
Austin , went to Hone Shoo lake yea-
: erday to spend a day or two in hunt
ng nndfiahing , The speckled boau-
ies are liable to sutler. CUCKOO ,
fa throe times tha man he WHS More he
besan u-lni ? "WrlU1 Health lleuewir. "
CLDrusufcts. Depot t 0. F. Good-
nau . '
fHiiatU Salve , best family
ealve In the world , and excellent for aluble
D > O , 25 cU
The May Term Opens With a
Light Attendance.
Prisoners on Hand for Trial and Othe
The May term of the United State
district and circuilcouitsbegan yofetjr
day , the morning sostion being callcc
at 10 o'clook. Judge McCrary , of the
Eighth judicial circuit presided
Judge Dundy , of the district of Nebraska
braska not being expected until the
evening train.
W. U. Buttnor , of Omaha , was ad
tnittod to practice.
Major O , Stophcnson was appointed
od crier of tlio court Messrs. C. J.
Westordahl and R. E. Allen , bailiffs
The attendance waa xatlior light
oven for the iirat day of court , but
among the attorneys from nbroac
were noted : Hon. T. M. Marnuett ,
Judge N. 8 , Harwood , L. C. Burr ,
H. U. Blodgott nnd W. J. Lamb , of
Lincoln ; Hon. W. H. Mungor
nnd Col. Marshall , of Fremont ; 0. J.
Phelps , of Schuylcr ; James B. Joy ,
of Sioux City , nnd Hon. Chas , Red
ick , of Fargo , who wo understand has
returned to locate permanently in
Omaha. Hon. G , M. Lamberton ,
United States district attorney ] Judge
D. G. Hull , master in chancery ; Uni
ted States marshal Biorbower , Depu
ties R. E. Allen , Chaa. H. Hamlin ,
F. W. Crow nnd A. G. Hastings , were
among the other court ofllciala pres
But little business was transacted
during thn morning hour and ut 11
o'clock a recess waa taken to 2 p , in.
The grand jury will bo empanelled
nt 10 n , m. to-day nnd the petit
jury nt 10 n. in. Thursday.
Among the criminal cases to bo
: ried during the present term is that
of Fred E. Clary , ex > postmaster at
Sidney , for comnlicity in tlio star
outo business ; Sergeant Power Coul-
.or , for altering vouchers in the U. S.
service ; Wilbur F. Rudy , for sending
obsuno literature through the U. S.
nail , and Walter Scott , for cutting
; imbcr on government lands.
The latter was brought in on Satur
day evening from Long Pine by
Deputy Marshal Allen. Ho is quite
a young man , and evidently an unfor-
unato one , his sin being rather one
) f ignorance. In the unorganized
territory northwest of Long Pine ,
thcro is a largo quantity
of timber , nnd it appeals
that n number of parties , Scott among
the rest , liavo been cutting at it nil
winter , making it up into posts and
hauling it to Long Pine , the present
terminus of the Sioux City and
Pacific , for sale , some being trans
ported Gfty or seventy-five miles. The
posts are of red cedar and quite valu
able , nnd Marshal Allen states that
there not less than 150,000 now piled
up at the ono point named. Some of
the wood choppers are bona fide settlers
tlors , nnd , it is not the intention to
prosecute such UH aro. The rest are ,
however , follows who have gene in to
prey upon the resources of the country
and nuiko hay while the sun shines ,
nftur which they will pull up and BO
Blsowhere. Scott was taken before
U. S. Commissioner Elmer D. Frank
yesterday , , admitted the charge , but
claimed that ho was following the ot-
implo of the rest , and was not inten
tionally guilty of defrauding the gov
ernment. His punishment will bo
rho Disappearance of Import
ant Papers Bearing
Upon it.
HioDf fondant's Belief That Ho in
the Victim of a Conspiracy.
A 13iii' reporter last evening mot
Mr. Aug. Arndt for the first time
since his release from the term im
posed on him by Judge Foster , at the
January term of the U. S. court for
Ilia alleged criino of impeding the
oourso of justice. Mr. Art-idt is look
ing quite well , nnd , in fact ,
is hardly to bo recogmxod na
the same man whom \vo saw in
the early part of the winter. Ho is
hero awaiting the trial of his land
case , which will como elf this week.
It will bo recalled that thii suit
grow out of n , purchase of land made
from J. K. Davis , thun Union Pacific
iiL'ent at Wuhoo , on September -7th ,
1873. On that date Mr. Davis -
vis telegraphed to Luavitt liurnham
the land commissioner of the Union
Pasifio that ho had told the property
and that the purchaser had written
to Iowa for the money , concluding
with the question "Will you complete
tlio Buloulli your approval ? "
This mcHMi o Arnilt carried tn the
depot himself , and took u copy of it.
Pending the arrival of the reply , ho
wrote the land commissioner asking
him in regard to the back taxes and if
the sale , by his agunt was ull straight
A dispatch was sent J. D , Divis ap
proving the sale and n reply to Mr.
Arndt'u latter stated that tliero were
no outstanding tuxes , that the sale
made by the n enc wtt * approved , nnd
in nil respect * as valid us if made by
the laud commissioner himself , The
letter and the copy of the dis
patch were retained by the
plaintiff , Owing to the inability of
the railroad company to give u good
deed for its land until after n decision
of the supreme court , them WAH aomo
trouble between the agent and Mr.
Arndt and in the Juno following a
suit was begun ugainst the latter for
forcible entry and detainer , which
came up in the court of Juclgd Men-
go ] , of Wahoo , nnd resulted
in n vordiot tor the company , upon
which Arndt took an appeal. Ho
was sued again immediately in a jus
tice's court , and on thi occasion , ho
says , J , I ) , Davis acknowledged the
sale , the delivery of the land to him ,
mid the granting of peunistfon to
erect buildings thereon , but upon
Arudt's testifying to the loss of the
letter and telegram confirming the
sale , swore that his contracts were
not valid unless approved by the
land commissioner , and that auoh ap
proval had never been made , Then
commenced another suit for forcibly
outry , in the United States court , the
trial being set for th November terra
1880. Arndt'a attorney. K F. War
ren , of Nebraska City , .meantime enjoined
joined the Union Pacific lom furthoi
prosecution of the case , a'Jd filed r
bill in equity , which case was TO conic
no for a hearing at the spring * cnr
of 1881.
Mr. Arndt then wont to Iowa to
pass the winter , and allidiivfts were
filed by DAVIS and Uurnham in thi
United States court , that they hat
tievtr sold the land to Arndt nor hat
nny knowledge of his occupancy of the
came , and Judge Dundy , refusing tlio
injunction , set the trial dowt
for the January tsrm. At this time
Arndt , whoeo mail was miscarried ,
was unaware of the _ change o
programme , nnd not being in Lin
coln on the day fixed , judgmoni
by default was entered against him ,
This case was oubstquontly reinstated
on the ground of newly discovered
evidence. This newly uiacovorod evi
dence wa < i , it is claimed , the lost dis
patch nnd letter approving the snip ,
itid the defendant applied , through
jury , Mr , Arndt claims that finding
themselves thus endangered ntid liable
to damages bosidcp , thsy had
the charges of crime trumped -
od up against him to prej-
jdico his case And by obtlining a pre
text for having his trunk searched ,
secure the dangerous documents.
About this time ho wrota a communi-
: ation , sending copies to several dif
ferent daily pipurs , in which ho made
a sarcastic nnd bitter reply to the
proclamation of the president of the
United States , on the subject
of Thanksgiving dy. Suepicion of n
lonnoction with the Smith murder
nad been attached to him , and a copy
) f this communication , surreptitioua-
y obtained , was iaken to the U. S.
court rooms nnd used as ovidoncu to
dnntify the author with the writer of
the anonymous communications re
ceived by Col. Smith before his death.
Then followed Arndi'a arrest
mprisonmont , trial at Lincoln nnd
sentence for the crime of impeding
he course of justice. All this ho bo-
ioves to have bncn "trumped up" for
ho solo purpose of getting hold of
lis trunk und securing the letter and
dicpatch referred to , and of poatpon-
ug.or ruining his caso.
During his imprisonment ho says
hat his trunk , containing his cloth-
ng and papers , these among others ,
vas taken by Deputy Marshal Moody
md Dt ° ctivo Huzen nnd has since
icon hold by thorn and that repeated
demands both troni hw family and him-
iclf for possession of the property ,
lacked by an order from Judge Dun-
Ly , have failed to got back the miss-
ng baggage , the response to his latest
lomnnd , yesterday , being "Woll , if
rou want your trunk , why don't you
50 nnd hunt for it. "
Such is the substance of the etoryas
old by the defendant in this case ,
who believes that a grand conspiracy
las been formed to rob him of hii
ights in the courts and that his troub-
es of the last six months have all
risen from the determination to take
ut of his possession the proofs which
vould substantiate his claims.
What Jobbers Thlnic of H. Smith &
Co , Evanston , "Wyoming ;
Some three months ago a number of
imahn houses extended credit to ono
amuol Charles , of Evanston , Wyom-
ng , who claimed to have as a partner
i the market business , O. North , the
> anker. It was soon learned that Mr.
Torth had nothing whatever to do
vith Charles ; and about three weeks
go the business of so-called Charles
fc Co. , was closed by creditors to the
ess of not a fow. Within the past
wo days n number of orders havnbeon
ecoivod by the city trade from H.
mith & Co. , Evnnston , Wyoming ,
laiming to be in the general mechan
ise lino.
Yesterday "Bradatreet" sento tuo-
ice showing the firm of H. Smith &
Do. , to bo none other than a now style
nd line under which Charles is now
working. It is also said Charles is
wing largely , is execution proof nnd
las n bad record.
Probably Fatal Accident.
Fred Borland , n young man who
ivod in this city , but who has been nt
irork on the gravel train of the St.
Jaul road , had both lega crushed en
! hursday. Ho was taken to
ho hospital nt St. , Paul
n Thursday night'n train for
rentmcnt. Ho was employed on the
irt tram on the Norfolk branch , and
i climbing on n car Clipped and fell ,
L'ho legs are badly injured , and it is a
ucstion if either limb or lifo will bo
City , St. Joseph Si Council
Blulla Railroad.
The only road running trans : to nnd
rom Omaha direct WITHOUT GHANOK
0 nil points East , South and West.
rrains leave B. it M. depot nt 8:30 : a.
n. and 7:4f : > p. in. , and arrive at 7:35
. m. nnd G45 ; p. m. TICKETS on unlo
1 1020 Farnain street and B. . & M.
G. P. & T. A , ARont
rho Academy of Muslo Paasea Into
Its Natural Uao at Last
Ever oinco the opening of Boyd's
now opera house the Academy of
Music has taken a back seat. In fact ,
or mouths past it has boon a dead
luck and the only salvation that
ould bo suggested for it was to have
omo enterprising men or firm take
liold of it and turn it into a first-class
variety tlieator. This has at last
> eon dono.
John G , Nugent , manager of the
3t. Elmo , and Thomas Gallan , of the
Brand Central saloon , took possession
jt the house yesterday , on u five years'
ease from Redick and Caldwell , the
proprietors , and will open the house
jn the 13th ns a regular variety thea-
er. They will remodel the place ,
nuking a row of twenty-four private
Kie in the dress circle , nnd Butting
ap a bar under the gallery , with a
rfine room at the roar of the utago.
Mr , Nugent will go east in a few
lays to engage a stock company , and
will give thq Hizensbf Omaha some
thing now nnd strictly first-class or
his return.
"Pouron Oil. "
L. P. Fi lletr , Marion , O. , f-UUs that hi
h .s t eil THOMAS' Ikrcrnic On , for burn'
flntl has found nothing to equal it In cooth.
ing the ualn and riving rell. . f. 28 dlw
Never Too Late ( o Moud ,
Tlios. J. Arden , Street , Kst
Iutr.xlo , wiite * : " \ . , uFriit.N < 15t.ossOi
hn worlten on me splendid. I Imil nc
niipetltc ; wttl to slicj ) badly atnl get un
in the morning unrtticsl cdj my breath
was very offei.sive . nnd I nufTercd fiom
* evcro heftdnchfg ; nce unitig your Snrinp ?
Ulo8 om nil thesa symptoms have vani htd
and I fe 1 qni o well. " Price 60 cents ,
trial buttles lOc. 28-dlw
The Entertainment nt Boyd's Opera
House Injjt Evening.
The nbovo melo drama was put
on the boards nt Boyd'a last night
by ono of the best balanced companies
on the road. Sullioiont guarantee
thereof is the fact of two such actors
as Charles T Parsloo and Louis Aid-
rich being in the snmo caste.
"Mr. B.irtley Campbell has written
several excellent plays , 'nono bettor ,
however , than that which was pro-
d.uced lait evening at the opera
house under the above name , before
a largo , fashionable and critical audience -
once In the creation of this plot and
the development of the story keep
ing , as ho does , the tide of interest
always at the flood in happily com
mingling rough humor and homely
pathos , the author appears to have
succeeded in giving us a purely .Ameri
can drama , based on incidents that nro
possible , nnd represented by charac
ters that nro not extravagant. The
events that furnish the motive and
the incidents introduced to nld the
plot belong to what is known na "bor-
JOB lifo , " but in the presentation of
bhceo , therois a delicacy of treatment
in the dialogue and a color given to
; ho language that elevates the play
rar nbovo the so-called "border
drama. " Thcro are no revolver dis-
cussioun nnd lynchings , no eruption'
ot red shirtannd slang phrnsc.i , but in
; heir place the homo utterances of
nen and women who might have
ived and had their being anywhere
; han in California.
Worthy ot Prjiisiv
An ft rule we do not recommend Patent
Mediduep , but when wo know of ona that
really is a public benefactor , and docs
insitivoiy cu e , then we consider it our
luty to impart tint information to all ,
Electric Uittera are truly n most valuable
nedicino , and will surely cure BillousnesR.
? e er and Ague , Stomach , Liver nncl
xidney Complain B , ev n were nil other
remedli s fail. We know wereof webp'eak ,
lud can fieely reeommend them to all.
? xch. Sold nt fifty cents a bottle , by
1 V. Goodman.
3uy their Shoes at the OLD iiEiJAiin :
3NE PRICE SHOE STOKE bccauao they
ave 20c to § 1 00 a pair. PIURES THE
MORSE , 14th and Farnam.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sole ,
Jest , Found , Wants , Boardlntr , &c. , will be In-
crted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
> er line ; cadi subsequent Insertion , FIVK CENTS
wr line. The first Inuortlou never less than
\/fONEY TO LOAN Call at raw Office of D.
> JL L. ThomM RoomS Crelzbton Block.
POKrt AAATO LOAA At 8 per contln-
D40U.IUItnrost In sums.of J2.600 and
p ardsfor3 to 6 years , on flrst-cliss city and
arm prcpcrty. Bitttis KIUL EBTITI and LOAM
T , ICtb and Douplas Sts.
Immediately a flrit-ratcsand brick
moulder. Good uagci to n good man ,
"urd IBth ttrcet and Itellvuo Itoad.
955-0 * LOKUNZ ) DIDBLV.
WANTRn-rmmcdlatcI a goodglrl for gen
eral house ork , at 415 . 20th street be.
ween ( hieagoand ( Joss. C. B. JUXWKLL.
ANTF.D Three or four boarders In a pri.
W > ate faa.llj j nquire at ha I co office.
ronkacd Itundre'S , or dinlntr.
WANTKD girl at the Doian House , pppcs'to
3eacfflce. 010 tf
CO men for railroad work , apply
thlj eviulng rrto mrrrxw from Sto 11
'o'oclt a. m. 11 , Mannwo'lor , Ktuplojuiont
\gent llth s.rfct , near Farnara OH-2'
AVTKP Cnod talioTcBS. Apply at 1220
WW Farnam Uri-tt. Jl < 25-a
ATKD A FIrst-cIasi chambermaid at the
W ( Ity Hotel , F Wlrtli SOMf
Urt claw c-nvawcr ) In Onwlia
WANTBU - and townf for a'new and
li'jrantly bcund book , "Li'o of ! cn. Burn ldo. "
be'ttlpiy. AddruSJ , T. U. EDWARUH.
871-lt J Chlcago.lll.
- girl a , lO'wi North IBtb t.
ANTKD Dining room girlaltho Crclshton
VY lloum. 8ITUATION8 ' . fOT-H
11 fAKtR i-ltuatlon as liumi I" pcpcr or nurw.
V V Call st 703 , litb ttrect , two doors north of
Vcbstcr t. tMO-fl *
lltUATIO.VWANrKD-.Byaflikt clasi baker
O on bread and fancy cakes , Addrots A , 11. ,
Jrand ItUnd , Neb. CSO-IB *
r HAVE nothing l sell , bnt niol Iu a Icgltl-
L mute I'Uslnpm the personal aid of gentlrmin
it A 1 standing und largo acquaintance in th
} uinet9 | cltc'iu ' of Oiuaba.
With such H gentleman I am prepared to treat
IberiU ) for Lirlit , plerjjaiit tenlce. , which will
lie required lor a few day only , 1'cri-o un-
ble tj demonttrate cieiny thttthey are pou
e * ed of the q Alidcatlonn above itixL'nattd
ieei not iitw r , Addrrs < "Finan.e , ' lied
ntlcu stating where an Immediate Interview may
tiahad. U
ANTED-Bc rderi | at 0)mirercUl lio'e ' ! .
W Frank Inri . formetly of the Pacffia
louea , would Inforuit'-e ' public thitbo has taken
ha CommercUl llotei , corntr of Ninth and
xwvenwortb , rt. wlier , he wll endorer totct u
; < > ed a Uble and keep ai goad bud * ai any
icu-ie In tfocltr , and hopes to'get his share of
public ra ronsgc , acd especially MJ former p > t-
oue. liattn r > ontblu. Oll-tf
TirANTi'D 600 privy rau.ti , ulnks ind cess
W pooli to clean with tanltary Vault and
Sink Oleaitr , the bent in use. A. Uvans & Co. ,
rcBldemo It08 Hedge > treet. Omaha.
\ \ T ANfEp S upturni h l rooms for man and
YV Kite , mutt be moderate la price. Ad-
Iretull. Ifceoltlce. t
ANTKD Funding brldgv and school Dondi
W H T. nt rk. ll. ll irii . M-H
T t sell a brbt-r shop , goal 10-
WANTED , good bualniM , * atliif ctoryrca8anii
r wiling. Inquire at 117 a. lEth > Ue t , Omaha
Scb. MT-U.
TTtrANTED 4 children M boardcn tu a elect
YV school , jit IBth and Cillfornli EL L. B.
0)01118. 7W-U
RENT Two fiirnlkh'd rooms In a private
FOR , at 1011 South lllh street , one block
rein tba dop t. B10-2 *
RtNT Furnlihcd roomi at lOOi Dodg *
FOU trt l. SW-6'
"T OR tl'SST Furnlshei rooms irulUble for t
JL1 gentlemen , North-west corncr'ZOth. and'
au RtrecU. 061-31
T7IOR nPAT A sulto of tilcclyfurnl hcd rooms
I ? torrent , a. . .corner SOtfland i a\enport
strceti , I'M-if '
ITIOR HKNT A front furrlil.c \ r cm on Far-
L1 namstrietbct-ten 16th ftddlita Ko , 309.
rj'OR 1f NT Furnished rooms , good loca'lty ' ,
1 ; tcn'Jim n preferred , 8. W , toracr 18th
and Cillhnlittieits. P47-tt
7IOR LK SK M25 ajenr , several nlcnieil
I' cor.colf.tsrro\r ! 25 list net and St. Mary' ftve.
fllfc If W h. llARTim , Konl tttit" Auent.
T7IOR HKSTSUrc Mil butcher shop , H K.
I' comer ISth and Chln | fO. Inquire at store.
Kllen Lucas , atlinlnl > trator of the estate e f E. U.
luca/i. BOl-tf
10 RENT Ono Itrpo rural-had room , with
T board , to first floor , oalilie entrance. liU8
Otllforn a t. 847-tl
1OH HKM J furumnea ruom unuru
chanW Exchange , ! ? . B. cor , 10th Q,1 Dodj
Itreeta. , .CT-H
ITIOR llliNT Nicely furnlfhod toouu , with 01
JL' without board. Reasonable prlccfl. 2013
lilOK SALr * About u Qvc-year old Grape ,
JL1 Ylnrn. Inquire ot II , O. CLA K ,
mi-it 1103 Douglas St. '
fjlcll SALE Cheap The Turner ilall Hoslau-
J' rant , hi l Ihobcnt lo atlon tn town , for
cltjrM-dtrv cl r\f \ ( xccon modal on. Call atrcs >
Uurnnt corntr 10th and HowarJ nts , T45-tf
171 OR SALE A house on roiithrast corner of
JL1 Douglaa an I loth' ttrcet , prlsi 8250. In
quire n' till ? otUca. 942-21
RICK FOR SAtr F < ank & Elmendorf , PA-
B7IOK , Iowa. K22-3
7IOK SAI.K House unj two lots , toother , or
! will divide to ultchoi ; p for caih , or ono
third down , bil.inco on timo. U. Fullaiin , 8th
und Dorcftsita. 890-2 *
TTW SALK Nrw cottagn and two-third lot on
I ; Paik WllJe Avcnu. InS.mlh Omihn. only
' 1830. ( Jood ihance for ralltoidineu who want
lorcdJe near depot. Mcl.agu ; o'p. p-xtolHco.
FALR flood house arid lot , at 1235 South
FOR street second house north of Williams ,
itrett. tttt-lOt. '
PALI' One Fp'vn ot mares , one caw , an4
POR " ircat , Inqu ro of illen Lucas , crrner
13th and Uhlcig-o Bt . F02-tf
BALE ' 'ho POPULMl HOTEL , known
FOR the BOYS'HOME. Th1 * hcu o is co -
ttally located , liAS lou h and cist front , and ( l
jurionndcd w th Dnoilii'le treca ; cent Insthlttf
i repine rooms , has leu hou-e. Uundry , simple
room , &o. Ha * a world w do reputation nnd a
liettcr patron co'hikn many houses ot twice ! t
capacity. I'rlio S , " > , roD Kor pait'cuiard aJ-
Jicbd , A. A. SAWIiEY , Rod Cloua , Atb.
iOR SALK 200 choice lots In ! Ian com I'hco ,
F \V. R Baitktt , Real Etoto , 317 S.
I3th8tro.t. t)33-tf3
HALF. A gcol corner lot on Donuaand
FOR street , n a very fast growing part of
Iho city , will divide. Inquire at 910oiitli 20th
itreot , near FaraamjBo g'a & Hill'a addition.
SALE O.iospanof her cs , two spring-
FOK - and tuo set tot double harncan. In-
lulro KHun Lucas , administrator of tha f et to
if i : . U. Lucaj , corner 13th and Chicago Bta.
HALE Hotel in a good Iowa town , a
FOIt bargain. II. Jlnmm clle r , HOJ ! Kstata
\yt llth et cct near Fnrnam. 7CU If
SALKOR RENT Ah\o(2) ) story lr\taa
FOR ng 2IxtO. N. K en cr 22nd and
3um'ng Btrtot. Icqulrc at Krug's Wo-tern
Srowory. 701-
TJ OH SALE 20 lots near Hanscom I'.irk , eai
K of Park Avenue. ? IK ) to WOO cich. JIo-
> ( , nio cpp. I'ostoIIlCL' . 671. tf
SALE House ot i or 6 ro"uis and cor
ner lot on 10th and Muson $1.COO. McCtigue
> pp , noatolllco. Ebti-U
Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 332
FURY . S. II. 13. " . winner of prize at State
'air. Stands lor service ut Nobranka Poultry
Ifardji , West Omaha. Graham i * . Browne ,
SALE rOno second-hand 25 horsa puwo
FOR . K"0d as ncwalo two 8 horeo lower
ind two IB horeo power engines , new. Hollers
il a'l sizes , new. Inquire Omaha Foundry an
ilachlnu Co.U. P. Ry . bet 17th and IBlh oniah *
T7\OR \ SALE A new houao and lot. 2Mb. an
] j Douglas St. Inquire to A. liouman , :20th
ind Farnhain . _ 418-lm *
SALE Car load ot lac uiackey mules
POK . Apply of J. W. bklnncr. Coin la ,
8 21-1 mo *
JJIOK BALE Or will excha ( re for Omaha proP -
P I Iperty , an luiprorod eec on of land adlola-
DK a station on U. P. R. R. U. DUNHAM , 141S
farnham St. , Omaha. 720 Smt
DRICK FOR SALE SI2.00 pcrlOOO.T , Murray
D im-tt
HAY At A. H. Bander' Feed Sto
BALED narnevBt. e9-tf
REWARD For I formation leading1 to
the discovery of a . un mate about ihlr-
e n yiars old , weight l.OOOpoundj To 1m e
0 t i 'tit of airij cd or stolen from Oon-
iva Feu 3.h , 16B2. Add.-eis ,
027-3 * Genoa , Kllimore Cou itj , Aeb.
ItTlKd wanting flrnt rl i'8 Scandlnilvan he'p
PA call at l-'loiJin.iii end Kl bUd'j nnd
Itatlonery Store , iOi N. 17th street.
[ I , fUS C , A. FLLI30N F.eetrJ Magnetic
LV1 Hca.jr , aNo biiiliic-n and mudlcil O.ulr- IVycn 'inttio ' riad.ti.i4 & ' .d treniinont
hen iliily from U a. m , to 4 p , m , Cm bocsn-
uliwl by letter. H.nd name , age , and lock of
lair etc , with 2.00 conjutt&tloufoii. No. 201S
Jata St. , Omah , Hob. 793 1m *
utrect near F nism , Runlanaa bouiea ,
inucrs and families ran bg supplied with coin-
wtent help. Any gra-Joof craployment. Rail-
oailann Mining outnto on tlioit noticp. F , D.
'olte. Kniplnunent Ajent. _ flflj-im *
n OOM Aiid flnt claw Uble board , at 011
1 Xi Casa t. ml-lro *
RENT Choice of 80 full lota to lows
J noir Croljrhtoa College lor2o per year
) extor li. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crelghtoi
llwk. ao .tf
'JONALIHT , 433 Tenth Street , ' . between
nd Haiuey. Will , with the aid of guardian
plrlta , obtain for any ono a glance at the \u\\ \
tJ proeont , and on certain conditions In ttie fu >
uro. liooU and Uhoca made to JrOor. Perfeo
Afjsolutely Pure.
ThU powder nerer varies. A mirvel ol n
ty , stntngth and wholetguifneni. ilore ccono-
ulc'l th < n the ordinary Undi , and cannot U
oil In competition with the multitude of ow
eat , short weight , alum or phoiphata powders
nail at. , Mew York