THE DAlLf BEE-COUNOJL BLUFFS , IOWA TUESDAY MAY 2 Ib82 I THE DAILf BHJB. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tueadny Morning Moy 2. suDaciurrioN RATES : By Carrier , - - - - - SO cent * per wwk , By Mall , - - - - 10 00 per Year. Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Broadway. 0. E. M AYNE , Vanifrcr nty Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS , The lletcui company had n merry May itarty IM * night. Everybody should nee the six-little- sleepyheads at Dohany'n lht evening. Joseph Iteilcr makes suit * up tn the latest styles at 310 Broodn ay. m > rl4-tf Of the number of arrc ti during April Officer Brooks takes the lead , ho hnvlng rnn in fifteen , Wm. M. Fordnne , on old member of the Phoenix hook and ladder company , who h.-u for some time been very ill , died yesterday. In the canes on the docket for Ram bling und sellinc whisky , for trial In the district court , the defendants are charged with "keeping nuisances. " 0. Halcomb , charged with smashing gloM In Mrs. ScoficldV house and in the Garner school house , la to have hi ) trial before Justice Abbott to-morrow. Take youricclfrom | * the Blue Wagons. Orders taken at J. T. Oliver' * , and at Jones Bros' , Grocery. Mullhollnnd & Co. , successors to I ) . P. Klcher. npl29-tf There is but ono murder CMC for the consideration of the district court , that being - ing the ono in which Pat nnd Mike Kal tigan are tho. accused , the case being ono of long standing. Permits to marry were yesterday granted to I.udwlg Paultts and Mltm Mary Ktlckmann , both of this city ; also to John Frost nnd Willmcna Ilouk , of Pot- tawattamio county , . "Tlii Land of Nod" Is to bo given this evening at DohanyV , when music , utatu ry , rmnio by the Omaha fJleo club , and by the Juvenile band , ni wall as uther at tractions are promised , The coining term of the district court , which opens ou the 15th , promises to be a rather busy one , There are 214 cases to bo disposed of. Of these 101 are old ones , 95 now ones and 48 criminal cases. The dry goods men are now struggling to see who can devise the most attractive show window decorations In one of Pon- tenfielck was yesterday displayed n Maypole polo ol ribbons , and a May-day queen very tastily arrrayed , Anew paper Isto bo Issued next Thurs day. 1C In to be called "Tho Advance , " and Is to l > o devoted to the causn of prohi bition , and will bo conducted by the ex ecutive committee of the Council Bluffs club. Iti first Issue will bo 2,000 nnd it will be published weekly after that during the campaign , The oxncutlvo committee of the pro hibitionists desire to luve all friends of the cause contribute so far as possible to- war.I defraying the expenses of tbo cam paign. Ono friend has sent in without so licitation a check for $25 , and others are expected to show equal willingness to pay toward the fund. The ladies of the city who are Inter ested in tbe temperance work are expect ed to meet tn the parlor of the Baptist church next Thursday afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock , to make arrangements for en gaging more actively in the work. An or ganization will be perfected , probably , and all are invited to bo present. Yunkerman's beer garden seemed lively Sunday afternoon. Many teams gathered about the place , and the thinly ocei did not have to alight , the foaming but being passed outtldo. How about enforcing tbo ordinahco regarding selling on Sunday ? Now that Pat Lacey hai been fined for keeping open on Sunday , other offenders should bo treated to n like dose. The ? Philharmonic club , in its cnthu- slasm for music , has been trying to get some first clous concert or opera troupe hero. It has succeeded in making ar rangements by which tbo Lotta Opera company Is to appear hero on the 29th inst , Lotta , us all know , Is about the only primu donna now traveling In con cert , and Is ono of the host. The troupe also nas John Bkelton , a cornctlst who is about the only ilval to Levy ; Miss Nellie Bangs , a pianist of rare skill ; II , L , Cleveland , tenor ; Delia Ookford , contralto to ; Jullui Berrghy , baritone. The com. pany is to give a \ arled programme , In cluding the second act from "Martha , " with costumes nnd scenery complete , The Philharmonic club has made a heavy guarantee to rocuro the company , and it fx hoped that the music lovers of the city will gho the cntcrprine a hearty support. OPENING TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT BLISS1. Mueller soils music at ono-third oil' . A now lot just received. PERSONAL. . II. B , Borgh , agent In the revenue ser vice , Is In the city , D. K. Abrams , of Burlington , Iowa , was at tbe PaclCo hduio yesterday. Sam Morrison , who hat suffered to from rheumatism , Is able tj be out vgatu , though on the hobble. C , M. Whitney has returned from an other trip , in which he has Leen stirring up a lively business for Peregay & Moore. Capt. W. B. Hamilton , of Des. Moinci ( has been engaged by the executive com mittee of tbe prohlhltlonlita , to put in hli whole time during tbe campaign , in work in Pottawattatule county. You can got cotter bargains in toys and fancy goods at J. Mueller's than elsowhoro. Grand opening of Paris millinery at L. 0. Arbuthuol'a , 440 Broadway , Friday and Saturday , May 5th and Ctli. The latest styles for spring and summer in dress-waking and trim mings. may2 5t Bliss' eales of millinery was very largo last month , because no tuch bargains - gains weroevar offerpd before in Coun cil Bluffs. Call andioo the prices and goods. Jfou will 1)1) ) convinced. PAID FIREMEN. A Change Co Be Made as 8001 an Water vorka Are Established. Pntlmoer Will Not Then Hold IK Complete Swny. The talk of establishing a paid fire department is resting rather easy al present , and although there are sev eral of the aldermen who favor aucli a change , yet it is thought advisable to wait until it is seen what the waloi works will amount to. It they are completed and prove AS ofllciont as expected , it is thought that it would bo well to make the change then , and not before , as with the use of the hy drants and hose , a few paid men can accomplish much toward suppressing flames. Some who have canvassed the matter think that with water works , ono steamer and four hose carts would snfllco , and would furnish bettor pro tection than that now given , and that by changing into a paid department the city would bo n gainer on many accounts. Ono advantage will surely bo gained by having a' paid department. The council would not bo hold under the sway of fear , lost by Bomo action the department would refuse to servo. If the men wore paid their places could lie filled by others provided they jhoso to quit. The hold which Pat Lacey has had , and to some extent now has upon the department ron- Itrs it rnthor risky to make my move toward putting in any jthor man in his placo. At leant the jouncil feel BO It has been tried bo- 'ore , and the council had to revoke its iction , With n paid department , Mr. Lacey would find himself without il whip , and the council would bo iblu to hire such oflicors nnd men as vcro doomed best for the interests of .ho city. If the council should choose o employ a man as chief who runs inch a business as Lacey is known to nn , the council would have to stand ho responsibility , without oven tnu ixcuso of fear to shield them. The [ ucstion of a paid department is rest- ng largely upon the completion of the vator works enterprise , and the ihango now seems to bo not only irobablo , but euro to como. In that lay Pat Lacey will lese his grip , A beautifully trimmed hat for ono lollarat Bliss * . Music , mirth , elegant costumes , airy scenes , dream-sprites , statuary , ho Schmpkor family all at Dohany'a his evening , SECURED AT LAST. Council Bluffs is to Have a New Government Building. lie Bill Failed the Homo Yester day. . Yesterday was the day in which the ppropriation bills for government luildinga vroro to be. considered , and laturally there was much eagerness to earn whether that granting ono to Council Bluffs tvas to bo reached. It ookod as if it could not bo , and moajt roro of the opinion that it would have o go over until the first Monday in tuno. To the surprise of all there was a ; olegram received by J. T. Hart from IV. 0. .Tunics , who is now in Wash- .ngton , stating that the bill had passed the house. This glad news sped quickly from lip to lip , and was on all sides the cause of rejoicing. The bill appropriates $100,000 , and the question is now virtually Buttled. The securing of this building entitles Congressman Uopburn to n long credit mark , and Mr. James doubtless furthered the measure as far as pos sible during his visit to the capital. A now lot of Gondron iron-wheel baby carriages at Muellnr'a. TWIN1CLE , TWINKLE. Thobtnrsancl the OfTondora Whom They Gloainod Upon. Despite the fuot that the ealoons were supposed to have boon kept closed on Sunday , there were a num ber of citizens whoso parched throats were so fully quenched that they at tracted the attention of ollicora Sun day night and yesterday morning they woru brought boforu n different sort of a bar. Gcorgo Heady was ono of these. Ho plead guilty and paid the usual 57 , II Hamilton , n railroader , was also drunk , and was assessed the sumo amount , Hans Peterson pleaded guilty to a like oflonae , and was taxed $8. B , Ililos , a brick-maker , had sat down on the sidewalk to take a rest , when an acquaintance caiuo up and boqan to bother him. The two had n Boulllo , in wh'ch the window of an ad jacent store was smashed. An oilicoi came along ? 7 in all. William Warrinor and W. F , Lewh were arrested for malicious mischief on what is known as the Babbitt property , it being charged that thoj kicked open a door , tipped over ar outhouse , and committing other like depredations. They will have a hearing ing to-day. llonry Williams was arrested for disturbing the peace , and threatening to carve a man with a razor. Many articles of value have beet missed from the farm of Horace Ev crott , and auspicious have fallen upot Albert Shepherd as the taker. A warrant has been issued charging him with larceny , W. Martin , the expressman , wiu yesterday arrested for disturbing the peace , ho having kicked at the door o ! a house of doubtful reputation. He waa assessed $9. Bargains in Checkering and Woboi pianos at J. Mueller's. BOUNCED FROM BED , Colored Blood Skipt Out Into the Darkness Without His Clothes. An Irrvto Step Fnthor , a Smnnhoc Chain , and n Oonornl Mid- ulRht Mans. There was a lively midnight must on Mills street Sunday night. A colored family has resided there fci some time , consisting of a man , hit alleged wife , and a dusky maiden , the daughter of the woman , and sort of stop-daughter to the man. The colored man is away from homo much of the time , and during his absence , which sometimes is for weeks , there inva boon soon so many young men visiting the house so frequently that ; ho auspicions of neighbors have been somewhat arouiod as to the nature of .ho business being carried on thoro. Sunday night the head of the lousohold was at homo , but oven this 'act did not deter ono dusky young follow from skipping into the house , and seeking the girl's room. His presence in the house was evidently liscpvored about 1 o'clock , when a orriblo crash was hoard , and screams , ihouls , threats and blows were hoard. The young fellow came flying out of ho rear door clad simply in the suit of black with which nature had pro vided him , and a strange contrast with its duskiness fluttered a whita jarmont , which was the only bit of iecdlo-work visible as ho shot out hrough the yard. Following him came the relics of a wooden chair which had boon broken over his head , fho man of the house screamed ustily for his revolver to shoot the in- ruder with , but the woman had tiddcn this , and thus a dark ragody was spared. The mid- light lovpr having disappeared , hero remained nothing to be done xcopt tor the man , woman and girl o quarrel among themselves , and icy kept up a lively quarrel for sov- iral hours , the girl weeping and pro eating , the man howling for von- cancu and threatening to shoot the pung man , the woman charging the ( irl with having taken too much boor ing thus forgetting her honor , and .he trio making night hideous. The young follow who raised all bis rumpus had BO soroja head yes- ordny that ho was not able to show ip , The chair had proved too much or him. Ho mournoth greatly , too , ver the loss of his Sunday suit , which ho hesitates about applying for under the circumstances J. Mueller has a few more upright nd square pianos to rent. Those who want to BOO the dreams which flit through the brain of sleepy hildhood , should visit Dohany's to night. THE CITY COUNCIL- Proceedings of the Regular Mooting Last Evening. At the regular mooting of the coun- il last evening the mayor presided and Aldermen Goulden , No well , Eiohor , Wood and Siedontopf were present. The city clerk was appointed clerk of the superior court , salary to > o fixed hereafter. . The auditor reported the bills al- owed in March by the present coun cil to have boon ยง 817 , and in April $4,110. The licenses collected in April were $1,955. The expenses for May wore estimated at $1,000. The city vuighmaster requested permission to ocato his own scales at the intersec tion of Pearl and Main streets. Aldermen Siodontopf , Wood and Guuldon were appointed to settle the whole matter of city scales with power ; o act. Mayor Bowman recommended that M powder houses bo removed beyond the city limits. Concurred In , and notice to bo given to have said houses removed within six months. The Nonpareil was made the oflicial pnper , it being the only applicant. The judiciary committee reported a new saloon ordinance , leaving amount of liconHO blank. The council refused to fill the blank and the ordinance was laid over until the first meeting in Juno. Don't miss the chance offered atDo- liany's this evening , to visit dream- and nnd hoar the king of the land of Nod holding court. Baby carriages , bicycles , velocipedes and children's wagons at Mueller's. Knocked Down by a Runaway. A girl employed at thoMotropolitan total was knocked down by a run away horse on Bancroft street last night nnd quite badly hurt. Ic Hoacla the List Of all other preparations or medicines. In cases of nausea , headache , dizdutai or irregularities of the Bybtcm , ButiDOCK liiooi ) llrmiis have no c < ) iml. They never fail In t-tfording immediate relief. Price S1.00. 28-dlw Choice t. usio to-night by the Omaha Qloo club and the Juvenile band at Dohany's , . . . To the Temperance Workers of Potta- wattamlo County , Every township in the county that has not already done so is requested to hold a meeting at the earliest pos sible day and appoint a township pro hibitory amendment committee of three , the names of which should bo reported to L. W. Tulloys , secretary of the executive committee , Council Bluffs. The friends of temperance are re quested to net promptly and Bond in these lumofi at once. a7-4t EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE , Chicago Herald's Des Moiuos cor respondence : "Clary , the now man- ugor of the Mail Car , was caught in ilagranto diliotu last night , and given a terrible borting by the injured hus band , They are trying to com- promuo the matter , and keep it quiet , but several got to know it while it was going on , ELECTRIC ALARMS , A Favorable Keport Made Foi Having the City Provided With Them. The Co t EAlimntod at About Oat Thoaftnnil Dollar * to Stnrt on. The council committee to whom was referred the question of having the city provided with nn electric fire alarm ; hnvo investigated the matter , and last nifeht presented their report , it being favorable to the establishment of auch a system. The plan is to start with twenty boxes stationed in vari ous parts of the city , as may bo de cided upon by the council. The Wcstor * Union hoa given permission to have the wires run along their tele graph poles , so there will bo a saving in that respect. Theao boxes are each to bo numbered , and an alarm can bo turned in directly from any ono of stations to the engine house , so that there would bo much time saved , not in giving the alarm , but also in informing the department just where to go. On many occasions under the present way of working , the alarms ire so long in reaching the engine house , and the direction of the fire is so indefinite that much time is lost. It is estimated that the cost of in augurating the system with twenty stations will bo about $1,000. This sum will bo slightly increased from time to time , without doubt , oa like amp-pouts , citizens in different locali ties will from time to time petition the council for boxes in their particular vicinity. It is proposed to have cards printed with the numbers of the boxes and .heir locality , so that officials and citi zens can be duly informed. These vill doubtless soon bo [ supplemented jy like cards sent out by merchants and others for advertising purposes. Satisfactory. Mrs. Wn'lace. ' Buffalo. N. Y , writes : "I have used liuitDoct BLOOD BITTEKS 'or nervous and bilious headaches , and mvo recommended them to my friends ; I jellevo them superior to any other medicine - cine I hnvo used , and can recommend to anyone requiring a cure for bil- ousncss. " Price $1.00. 28-dlw COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICK. Special advertisements , 14 i Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column at the low rate o ! TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the Drat Insertion and FIVE CENTU PER LINE for each subsequent Insertion. Leave fulv ertlscmenU at our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near llroadway. Wants. Situation hr a boy at $12 a month WANTED or herding citt'o. Address Urn. K : A. King , Council > luffs. nmy2-3t WANTED.-Six coipcrs at once. Joseph HOBS , Hroitdnay , Council Bluffs , a 20 Ot ANTKD Boarders bv d y or week. Fur- W nUhed rooms. 200 4th street. apr0 Ot * \TTANTED Everybody n Council Blufla lo YY to take TUB BBI , 20 cents per week , de llvcred by carrion. Offlco , No 7 Pearl Street' near Broadway. To buy 100 tons broom com. WANTED For particulars address Council Blufli Uroora Factory , Council BluQs , Iowa. 668-2011 For Sale and Rent KENT I'art or whole ol nice residence , Foil Kill sell on easy terms. Apply at lleo nfflco. maj-2-tt IOU 8ALK Illack and white Settfr pup , by F JiuicsDojIc Council IHudi , In. m2-6t * 771OR RENT Front loom , furnished or un- 1) ) ( arnlshid , with or n Ithout board. 7th street Iwtwoen > 111 und 9th avo. may2-5t TYLEH CUllillN'OS. SALE Seven ar s ol land adjoining the FOR . Inquire of J. t , . Stacy , llrmtcr St. " 1710H KENT Furnished room near buelnea * JL' part ol tlty. Mrs. J. B. Stacy , Mynster St. RENT T o p'easint rooms In very do- FOR location , tlthcr furnUhcd or utfurn- lined ; suitable for ladles or gantlemon. aprll-tf J.V. . SIJUUIK & CO. " 171 OR BALE Beautiful residence lots , SCO 1 } each ; nothing down , and $1pcrmonUi only , by EX-MAYOR VAUQ11AN upl3-tf J710K UKNT Dochtcll'a Hotel , mklJIo DrooJ. Jj way , Council B uHs , Ion a ; U a well-known house ; beat locution In thu city StaDlIng In- oluilul. Cull on or addrcs < apllO 1m I'BTKU llKCUTf.t.1/ . "I Oll aAI.K-\\eibtrJrund , or Woman's _ ! } Frlond , IIio tiat inrman dl co\ory , I'ofltivoctiru [ nr fcmalo ncakuou In all Its various ( onusanil slajto" . At apriaim UEIIAVKN'S Druj Store. ITJOH RKNT KurnMicd room * , s. w tor , 6th JJ A\v. andllth ttrcct. aprlg 2w * F" KENT. Two 820 IIOUBO undone tore , 320 I ) road ay. A ) > 1 > 1 > aprll-lm" A U. WILSON. 17011 SALE Old tuners SEa per hundred , at L1 The Ike. ol'.lce. Council UluOa. OR HKNT Largo house , centrally located , nice grounds , etc. , $ . ! 5 per month. Enquire t Ill-it nllicn anll-tf Mlecollanoous. EXCKL'sUM QALLEHY still alirail ; ovory- thliiK reuly for sprint ; traJr. Views tiiten lor UlhOjrtpUc purposes , licet work In city. aprl ( tf TOST Attcld carird Hi K Ictwcrn Broadway J and the tnnifrr , l t October Khodol- Uu toward xlll he nM uy leatlng taint al this otllse. mitt 6t . W. L. I'ATTON-Phjilclan and Oculist. DIl. Can cure any caw ol eorc eye * . U \ > only a matter ol time , and can cure generally In from thrte to ( he Hicks-It inakc * no differ ence how long dUcastd. Will straighten croes eyes , operate anil rtmoro I'tyrtgtnius , etc. , and Intert artificial ejcs. apfr-tf A NYONK WANTING comennequilttyhroom \ . corn seed can pit It hy urltlni ; to plS tl 1' . T.JMAYNE , Council Bluffs. One o ! the best second-class Hotels In the West U the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. E DIldWN , Proprietor , Nos 631 and 536 BroadwayCouncil lllufls.Iowa. T M supplied with the best tbe market af ford ! . Ucod rooms and firit-clui bed * . Term * > ery reasonable. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL , H , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower Broadway , Table supplied u Ith the beet the market at- ford * Tcrms3.Maiid 4I.OOiH'r eck. Trautlent 11,00 per day. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. 0. Gerspacher & Son. FIRST GLASS HOTEL AT REA SONABLE PRICES. TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED. HOTEL itm RENT. GOOD REASONS iron TOO UTTERLY UTTER BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Public in PINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices. Fresh Roast Coflees , Ghioce Drawing Teas. Boston Tea Co. 16 Main St. and 15 Pearl St. , ' Council Bluffs , W.W. SHERMAN HANUFAOTUnEtt OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CURlSTOrilEH , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. . Council Bluffs , la. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD ! Jripht and yellow nnd Inrd and cold , tlolten , graven , hnrnmercd nnd roll'd , loavy to pet and licht to hold ; Inardcd , battered , bought and sold , Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ; Spurned by the young , Lut hugged by the old To the very verge of the churchyard mould ; ? rico of many a ciime untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If you want to have gold yon must pend your money to the very bestadvant- ige. Do business with caxh in en , and vhero only one price will be asked or aken , REMEMBER "A tree is known by its fruit " A store by its prices. ONE THING CERTAIN Dur prices are right. Our business is a -uarantee thiH fair dealing is our watch- ivord. XLCRisour motto. Our bust- less is in a most healthy condition. Every department is doing good work. Canned 3oods are going off very cheap , Teas nd Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy Shelf Goods for the million. Come and eo us , wo will do you pood. F , J , OSBOBNE & GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORK , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GE ERAL MACHINERY Office and Works , Main Street , DOUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo give special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , ROISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MAOHINEEY , HOUSE FRONTS. SBNBBAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment ol Brass Goods. Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooke , Coal , OHAS , HENDBIE , President. L OSCAR WILDE 2 , GAS FIXTURES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. ) n Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets' ) " J. M. PALMER , DEALEK IN REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pcatl & lit Ave. COUNCIL DLUFF8. MAURBR & ORAIO , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Flno French China , Silver Ware &o. , to luoiPWAT. . COUNCIL DLurra. IOWA. MES , H , J , HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadway , Council Blng W B A11ENT. JACOD 81118 AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & OounsellorB-at-Law , OOUNOUj BLUPFfl. IOWA. HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , RY GOODS A iT'B' v / ? * & A Tik Tnnm TPT ' "i' < fS Tn AFD CAEPET HOITSK Broadway , Cor. Fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mrvr-2-3m J. MUELLER' The Boston Times , Sunday Mornine1 , April 16,1882 , : A Hano an hour is the product of IM : the manufactory of Mesarg. Obiokering & Sons in this city , Possibly thu assertion requires a few wrds of explanation. TJ There are sixty working h airs eac-h w ek , and since the .year 1882 came in , the number of pianos finished by. this firm s .A. averages over Eixty-one per -week. .A.O J. MUELLER , i Agent for NebniEka and lovm , o 103 South 5tli Street. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 . rrTxrCEEXI Bluff and fillow Streets , Cornell Bluffs. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery. Bepairine , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Blufls , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN THE OI'lY. None but first-class Bakers lOjployod. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F B R O S. , WHOLESALE DKALKUS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. Goxrixroxx. OEM REAL ESTATE AGENT , las For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number 01 Well Improvopd Farms , both in Iowa nnd Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNK , ever Savings Bank , - OOUVOILi BLUFS THE VERY LATEST STYLES OF Wall Paper and Window Shades " 3 And the Largest Assortment to Select iTrom. Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Done iii the IJatevt Style of Modern Art * Geo. R. Beard , 11 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. . A. liEKUE , W. nun i AH i W. DEEBE C. A. BEEBE & CO , Wholesale and It eta 11 Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Irs. J , E. letcalfe and liss Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kinds of fancy goods , tnch as Laces , Embroideries , Ladles' Undciwci f all descriptions. Also liandfcerchlofg , both In tllk and linen , liosu ol all Kindt , thread , pi coillcs , ttc , . Wo hope the laciles will cull and ecu our stock ol ( 'oods at 630 Broadway biforo - ng elsewhere. E : J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS f All Kind B. A Full Line of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting Siiki and Stamped GoodsNioo Afiiortnnnt of Appliqno Pictures Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOVA And mmm SQUABE , CLARINDA IOWA ,