Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 02, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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    TB > , Oi JAJuA DAILY JBHiJil : TUESDAY MAY 2 , i882.
BIO Farnham , bet. 9th and 10th Street * .
Oae copy 1 yearladTancopostmtd ( ) 110.00
\ months " " . . . 5.00
month " " . . . 8.00
CAKO enicAoo , BT. MCI , Kctniiroua AHD
LC TO Omiho PafMciurer No. ! , 8:50 : * . ra , Ac-
mrnod ton ! No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. m
Airlve OmihipMscnccr No. 1 , 6:20 : p. m.
* .C t era SJ tlon No. 8,10:60 : ft. m.
0. , D. & 0. 7:40 : & . m. 8:40 : p. m.
a k N. w. , 7:40 : R. 01 8:40 : p. m.
0. , n. I. & P. , 7:40 . m. 8:40 : p. m.
K. C.Bt. J. 6 0. B.le ve t f SO ft. m. M > dT:45 :
U. ArrlieitttSt. Loulut eSO : l. tn. nd 6:62 :
m.W. , StUfc F.I ? vw t8 ft. m. ftnd 8:10 : p.
Arrives Bt. Louis ftt 6:40 : ft. m. ftnd 7:80
vxra OB BOtmrwMTS.
R. ft M. In Nob. , Through Express , 8 : 0 . m.
D. ft M. Lincoln Kiprcso 0:20 p. tn.
D f. Overland Epruw , 12:16 : p. m.
0. b R. V , (01 Lincoln , 11:45 : ft. m.
0. & II V. for OscooU , 9:40 : ft. m.
D. P freight No. 5 , 5SO : a. m.
0. P I rclght No. 6 , 8:20 : ft. m.
D. P. frelpht No. 18 , 2Mp. : m.
D. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. mlgr nl.
1. P. Denver express , 7:85 p. in.
U. P. freight No 11 , 11SO : p. m.
D. P. Dcmci freight , 8:25 : p. m.
0 B. fc Q 6:00 : ft. m. 7:26 : p m.
a ft N. W. , 0:46 : a. m. 7:26 : p. m.
0. K. I. & P. , 9:46 : n. m. 9:05 : p. m.
A , G. , St. Joe & 0 B. . 7:86 ft. m. 8 : p. m
0. ft B. V. from Lincoln 1:08 : p. m.
0. P. Pacific Express 3:26 : p. m.
B' A M. In Nob. , Through Kxtirom 1:15 : p tn.
n ft M. Lincoln Kxprew * 9.46 ft in.
U. P. Denver express , 7:36 v m.
U. P. Freight No. 14 2:60 : p. m.
TJ. P. No. 6 8:10 : . m. Emlir ftnl
U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. m.
U. P. No. 8 C.-00 p. m.
U. P. No. 12 1:46 : . m.
U , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. m.1
0. & U. V. mixed , or. 4:46 : p. tn.
Levo OnifthR ftt 8:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00
tn. ; IK ) 2.00 , 8:00 : , 4:00 and 6:00 : p. rn.
two Council BluDs at 3:26 : , 8:25 : , 10:25 : &nd
lSt a. m. ; lZB , 2:26 : , 8 : 5 , 4:25 : and 6:25 : p. m.
Bun-ays The Jura my loaves Omaha at 9:00 :
acd 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lo voa
Council BluBa at 8:25 : andlhSG ft. tn. ; 2:25 : , i:25 :
led 5 : 6 p. m.
Through and Iscol piuaonecr trains between
Omaha and Council BlttUs. Leave Omaha 8:16 : ,
:46 , 8:60 : a.m. ; 8:40 , 6:46 : , 6.-00 p. tn. Arrive
Omaha 7:40 , 11:85 , 11:46 a. m. ; 6:40. : 7:05 : , 7:16 ,
tOp. tn _
Opening and Olotlng of Mr III.
torn. orm. CLOSI.
a. m. p. m.
Chicago * N. W 11.00 9:00 : 6:30 : 3:10 :
Chicago , H I. & Paclflc.ll:00 g.-oo BSO : 1:10 :
Chicago , B. & Q. . . , . .11:00 9:00 6SO : S:40 :
Wabash 12:30 : 6:80 : ito :
Blouz City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 6SO : 2 : 0
Union Paclflj 1:00 : 11:10 :
Omaha &R.V 1AO 11:10 :
1.611. In Neb 1:00 : 8:10 :
Omaha It Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7C3
B. & M. Lincoln 10:30 : 8:00 :
D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1SO 11:00 :
J. P. Denver Exp DM BSO :
O. . Slonx City & St. P. . .11:00 2:40 :
Local malls ( or State ot low * lure but once a
d y , vli : 6SOa : , m.
Office open Sundays from IS m. to 1 p. m.
TT10S. F HALt P M.
Business Directory ,
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. MoCAQUE , opposite Poet Office.
W. R. BABTLETT 817 South 18th Street.
Architect ! .
Boom It. Crelghton Block.
A. T. LAROK Jr. . Room 2. Ctelghton Block.
Boot * and Qhoe * .
Fine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment
home work on hand , corner 12th and Harnoy.
TH08. EKICKSOK , 8. B. cor. 16th and DouglM.
10510th street , manufacture * to order rood work
at fair prices. Booalrlnr dona.
Bed Spring * .
LAKRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlasst.
Books , Now * and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Pamham Street.
Butter and Egg * .
McSHANE tt BCHROEDER , the oldest B. ftnd E.
bonao In Nebruk * established 1876 Omaha.
taatbwert corner lethand Dodge.
Beat Board for the Money.
btlnfactlon Guaranteed ,
i , t at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Caah.
Fumlahed Knnma Supplied.
Uarrlnjjei and Roaa Wagon * .
WM 8NTDER , 14th and Harnev Streets.
Clothing Bought.
J. HARMS will pay higheatCiSh price for eecond
hand dothlnr. CornertlOth and Farnham.
jewo era.
JOHN BAUMER 1811 Farnham Street.
H. BEBTHOLD , Rags and Metal.
Lumbar Llmo and Cement.
VOBTEB & OR.iY comer 6th and Douglas Sta.
Lninpt and Qlasware. _
J. BONNEB 1809 Douglas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latest tloalgna for Spring and Summer
Good * for gentlemen a weir. Styllili , durable ,
rd orlccH low as ever 216 13th bet. Doug.&Fitrn.
URS. 0. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan
cy Uoodt In great variety , Zephyr * , Card Boards ,
Iloclery , Gloves , Corscto , i.c. Chcapoet HOUBO In
the West. Purchasers ea\e 80 per cent. Order
by Mill. 116 Fifteenth Street.
foundry ,
JOHN WEARNE & SONS cor. 14th &Jftcksonst
Hour and Feed ,
OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnbam Sts. ,
WelnhauB Bros. , proprietors.
X. STEVENS , 21st between Curnlng and liar
T. A. UoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Oumlng Streets.
Hardwata , Iron ana eteel.
OLAN & LANOWORTIIT , Wboleeale , 110 ant-
112 Utb street
A. HOLME3 corns 16th and California.
Harneis , Saddles , &o.
B. WEI8T 20 18th St. bet FaroHarney. .
Hotel !
; ANFIELD HOUSE , Goo. Canfleld.Gth & raroham
DORAN nOUSl ! , 1 > . H. Gary , 918 Farnbam St.
BLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Blaven , 10th St.
tonthern Hotel Qua. Haruel 8th ALeavenwottb
rugs , PalnU and Oils ,
fbanaaclita , Fine Vane Uoods , Cor. Itu ftnd
Dooirus ktreeta.
IT. J. WHITEUOUPK , Wholoeule & Retail , 16th it.
0. FIELD , 2022 North Bide Cumlng Street.
PARR. Druggist. 10th and Howard Streets.
PR. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. 16th & Dolge. ( X
Dry uooos Notions , ttc.
JOHN H. f. LKtlMANN & CO. ,
sw York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and 1812 Ftm-
ham street.
I , . 0. Knewolrt alee boots and shoes A Pacific.
i r. ailOSa. New and SeoOnd Hand Knrulture
oil Btovus , 1111 DcozUj. nighcBt cash price
kid lor second ktai KOOdt.
.CONNER 1809 Doorl * it. Fine eoodi ftc.
" ferco WorK * .
OOST , FRIES * CO mtHarneyEt. , Imprara
id Ice Boxei , Ircc and Wood Fence * , OOlea
ttiniFi. fionnt i flog and Walnut
Pawnbroker * .
B08ENFELD 10th St. . het far , ft liar
Rotrlgtrators , Oanfleld's Patent.
OOODilAN 1th Bt. bet. Farn. & rney |
Olffsrs and Tobacco.
WEST ft FRITSCBER , manafactaren of Clftn ,
ftnd WholdMle Dmlersl n Tobaccos , 1805 Douglas.
X. T. LORRNZKN manufacturer 1416 Farnham
A. Donaghue , planta , cut flowers , e ds , ooc-aeU
etc. N , W. cor. 16th and Dourlas streeto.
Olvll Engineers and Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSKWATKR , Crelghton Block ,
Totm Surveys , Grade and Sewtrage Systems a
8p elMty.
Commission Merchant ! .
JOHN 0. W1L LIS.1414 Dodge Btroek.
D B. BKKMEB , For details eo large advertise
ment In Pally and Weekly.
Cornice Works.
WMfern Cornice Works , Manofacrnren Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Sbte Roofllog , Orders
from any locality promptly executed tn the best
tranner. Factory and Office 1218 Harney St.
C. SPECHT , Proprietor.
Gihanlrcd Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and nut up In any pare of the
country. T. SINHOLD 416 Thirteenth street
I. BONNRR 1809 Douglas street. Good line.
Clothing nnd Furnishing Uocx s.
OEO. H. PETERSON. AIM IlaU , Caps , Bootl.
ftbocs Notions ftnd Cutlerr , 804 B. 10th street.
Bhow Case Manufactory. )
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
CMM , Upright Catct. ft' . , 1317 Casa Bt.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Caie manufactory , 818 South 16th street ,
between Loarenworth and Marcy. All goodi
warranted flrst-cliwi.
Utoves ana inwara.
Dealer In Stoves ftnd Tinware , ftnd Manufacturer
of Tin Roots and all kinds of Building Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. TIONNKtl. 1ROO rtmiel S oed and Chrac.
( Beedi.
J. KVANB.Wholeiialeand ReUll 8cod Drills and
Cultivators Odd Fellows Hallj
, Physicians and Buricooni ,
W. B. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crelghton
Block. 16th Street. _ . _ _ _
P. 8. LK1SKNR1NO , si. D , Masonic Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce
Oculist and Aurlrt. S. W 15th and Farnham Rtn
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-cues Work and Prompt.
neaa gtiaraatecn
Plumbing , Uas and Steam FHtlng.
P. W. TARPY A CO. . 21612 St , bet" Karnham
and Douglas. Work promp y attended to.
alntlng an aper anglng.
A. KOSTHRS. 141 Dodge .Street.
Shoe Stores. i
Phillip Lan 1820 Farnham st. bet. 18th A 14th.
Second Hand Store. \
PERKINS & LEAR , 1416 Douglas St. New and
Second Hand Furniture , Ilotue Furnlohlng Goods ,
&c. . boueht and sold on narrow mftrrlns.
In tne new brick block on Douglas Street , has
just opened B most elegant Boca Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 1 !
every day.
" Caledonia " J FALCONER 679 16th Street.
Undertakers ,
CHAB. RIEWE , 101S Farnham bet 10th ft lltd.
00 Cent Stores.
P. C. BACKUS Farnham 81. Fancy Onodo
Nebraska National
( No. 2005. )
WAhlliNOTOX , April 25th 18S2. )
WIIERIIAS , by vatlsfactory evidence presented
to the unders gno < l , It Das been made to appear
OMAHA , " In the city of Omaha , tn the county of
Dougl , and State of Ncbroilta , Imu complied
with all the provisions of the Revised Statues of
the United States required to ho compiled with
befoia an association shall be authorized to com *
menco the bu'lncas of BanUntr :
Now , therefore. I , John Jay Krox , Comptroller
at the Currency , do hereby certify that "The
Nebraska National Bank of Omaha , " In the city
} f Omnha , in the c mnty of Douglas , and state
of Nebraska , Is authorized to commence the
business of Banking ai provided In Bectlan Fifty
Dne Hundred and Sixtj-Nliie of the Revised
Statutes of the United States.
In testimony whereof witness my
) hnnd and teal of offlco this 26th
SEAL. } day of April 1882.
Comptroller of the Currency.
The above Bank is now prepared to receive
Business It commrnces with a fully pa d up
ap tal of 8250,000.00 , with oiliccrsand directors
is follows :
i.R. JOHNSON , I'SKMD'NT , of Stecle , John
son & Co. . Wholcrnla Oroccrs.
i. E. TOUZALIN. Vic PRFHIDKNT , of C. B. & Q.
R. R. , Boston.
ff. V. MORSE , ol W. V. Morse and Co , , Whole
sale Boots and Khocs.
FNO. S. COLLINS , rf ( i. II. A J S. Collins ,
Wholesale Leather and S ddlery.
FAMES M. Woo north , Counsellor atid Attoruoy
at Law.
EWIS S. REED , of Byron Reed & C ; . , Real
Estate Dealcis.
1ENRY W. YATE3. Caihlcr , late Cashier of ths
Flr t National Bank of Omaha , and
connected with the active manugo-
tncnt of that Bank tlnco Its organ
ization in 1SC3.
Murray & Lanman's
Best for TOILET. .BATH
mon. cd frl
In going East take the
IMcago Mortliwest-
Trains leave Omaha 8:40 : p. m. and 740 a. m ,
I full Information call on H. P. DUE' . . Ticket
tent , 14th and F rnham Kta. J. DKI.L , U. I' ,
illway Depot , or at JAMES T , CLAHU , Gener.
Agen ] , Omaha. | al7ui&e tf
Benius Rewarded
OR ,
he Story of the Sewing Macliino ,
A handsome little pamphlet , blue and golf
ve with numerous engravings , will be
any Auult person calling for It , at any branch
' ( ub-cOicoof Th Binder Manufacturing Com-
tny , or will bo Bent by mall , post paid , to
iv perjon living at a distance ( rom our otHcoi.
The Singer Manufacturing Oo , , , „
rincipal OfDco , 34 Union Square ,
feblS d&w
310 South Thirteenth St. , with
J M , Wool wort .
TtaePollcoof Montron.1 Bftld ft Glided
Polnco of Sin , 'Wherein HlRh Offl-
clala Hold High Orlgloa.
Montreal Ltttrr to the Chicago limes.
A sontalion wns created hero lately
by the drscent of the police upon a
high-toned and fashionable house of
o.igy virtue which Imi heretofore boon
allowed to escape the vigilance of the
authorities through the strong influ
ence its proprietress has boon able to
exert in high quarters. The lady who
presides over the establishment cauio
hero about a year ago from Toronto ,
whore she led n cay and frivolous life ,
and was known by the high sounding
title of the "countess , " her real nnnio
being plain Smith , She is about 30
years of ago , exceedingly attrac
tive in appearance , and dresses
in gorgeous stylo. For some
time prov'ous to her advent in this city
she waa on n visit to Ottawa , where
she is credited with having had a
streak of good luck in captivating
some of the lumber kings in the gay
capital , and front whom , by her dox-
torious skill , she succeeded in amass
ing an ample fortune. > llor modus
operand ! was to got her rich lovers ,
while under the influence of chain *
paigtio , to sign blank checks , which
aho filled up , and upon which she
drew the money. Ono wealthy man
alone she fleeced in this way to the
extent of $20,000 , and in all nho
cotild not have brought less than $40-
000 capital to this city. Attempts
wore privately made to got her to dis
gorge some of the money , but she
hold on to it , and in order to prevent
a scandal ( some of the parties victim
ized being married men ) nho was al
lowed to keep it. On coming hero
nho put up at a fashionable hotel ,
where she was the cynosure of all eyes
by her style of dress and display of
brilliants. Her true character becom
ing known she was obliged to leave ,
when she purchased the mansion
owned and occupied by Jlon. Senator
Trudol , on St. Denis street , ono of the
most respectable localities in the city ,
and chiefly inhabited by the French
Canadian aristocracy. For the prem
ises shu paid down $15,000 cash , and
to the most celebrated cabinet-maker
in the city aho g < iyo an unlimited order
to furnish it. Ilia task was executed
in a style of oriental magnificence and
luxury that could not bo equaled un
less in some of the European capitals.
The total cost exceeded $20,000 , and
the house soon became the talk of the
city , bofng one of the nights which all
strangcra with iusthotic tastes and fast
proclivities had to see. It has been
well patronized , it is said , over since
its opening , by men of exalted station
and plethoric purses. The cultivated
families living in the vicinity have
been grossly scandalized and mortified
by such rendezvous being allowed to
exist in their neighborhood. Two of
the leading aldermen of the city re
side next door , ono on either side of
the countess' mansion , and these gen
tlemen , with others , have been mov
ing actively of late to got uuch an in
sufferable nuisance extirpated. For
3omo months the police authorities
have been raiding houses of ill-fame ,
af which there were over two hundred
in the city , and overcrowding the
female jail with the inmates who
were unable to pay fines rancing from
550 to $100 , Strong exception was
taken to the partiality manifested by
the police department in only closing
[ louses of a second or third class
character , and leaving the high-toned
ones unmolested to ply their nefari-
3us trade without any interference.
A lamentable incident , however ,
happened , which led to the authorities
having no alternative but to enforce
; ho law for keeping a disreputable
louse against the "countess , " as well
is against her humbler sisters ir. pros-
; itution , A young girl who had come
nto the city a ? a waiting maid in a re-
ipectablo family was inveigled into
ho luxurious den in question , and ,
ifter being seduced by a high-toned
icoundrol , was kept there by him. Ho
loon , however , deserted her , and she
vaa induced to remain. She fell ill in
i short time , and was reduced to
lenth's door by a loathsome disease ,
vhon the doctor ordered her to bo
aken to the Notre Dame hospital.
Piiis institution is presided over by
ho solf-sacriOcing Sisters of Mercy , to
vhom the dying outcast related her
listrcssmg tulo of woo. These noble
orvants of the Most Hicjh brought
ho facts under the notice of the re
order , who has boon doing all in his
ton-rr , by a stern administration of
he Jaw , to Rupproes the lewd places
if resort m the city. Eis honor im-
ncdiatiily called on the chief of police
o deal out equal justice to the St.
lenis street palace _ as uoll as to the
iicanest bagnio in the vilest alums of
ho city. The easy-going chief had to
ct , and , after a conference with the
etoctives , it was resolved to raid the
.oiiso on the following Sunday night ,
rtipn it would bo filled with ropreflon-
itiven and others from Ottawa , who
re in the habit of coining down hero
very Saturday during the seBeion of
arliainent , and remaining till Mnn-
ay , as well an with the rich rakes ,
tarried and singleof tills city. All the
lans woroakillf ully laid by the chief of
'io detective bureau and his force to
isit the house , audit was reconnoit
red by pickets from the staff during
10 evening. The spies brought back
10 intelligence that u grand dinner
irty was in progress in the houii * ,
id , that it was n'.tended by u iniiuur-
is assembly of Montreal high-toned
ibobs and influential men from
ttawa , among the Utter being mem-
; rs of the stuff of the highest ollicial
, the Dominion , who were hero at In
10 time on duties connected with a InK
and ball which was about to take K <
ace in the city. The pee -
; o authorities were not equal m
the occasion. They hesitated re
> out striking a blow at the place faat
hero they could have made an ex- at
nplo that would have had a future J' <
holesomo and telling influence upon J'n <
10 frequenters of such dens. After n >
conference with the head of the do- 0
irtment , the police weakly and con- 0uc 0w
mptily temporized and postponed uc
icir visit until next morning. At an ucE
.rly hour , however , they were on the E :
ound and demanded admittance , til
cting on the liritish principle that an in
utrlishinan's or English woman's inui
) use is her castle , the presiding uiwl
mius of the house of infamy pro u |
nptorily refused the ofllcers entree. (
ho result was a barricade by the hiTl
) Bse comitatus , so that for some Tl
> ura there was neither ingress nor Tlpa
; reis allowed. This caused a largo ec
owd to aasutnble.and some unseemly sli
ones ensued. Before midday the to
> or of the principal entrance opened , teA
nnd a loading member of the corps of
foreign consuls emerged , nnd was pro
ceeding on his way when ho was ar
rested , placed in a cab , and driven
to the Central station , where ho pro
tested , gave his personal bail , and to-
tired a soberer , if not a better , man.
In the course of the day the "coun
tess" and her household saw the fu
tility of holding out , and sin rendered ,
at discretion on being mndn aware
that the ( .nicer in command of the force
wai turned with lawful war
rants. On receiving this Assurance
the "countess" naked the men
into the house and offered thorn
the most sumptuous hospitality. On
tlm prisoners being taken to the Cen
tral station , the "countess" travo bail
in ready cash for herself nnd her in
teresting female companions. The
CASO has not yet come up in court , but
is exciting intense interest , not only
hero , but in the principal cities both
in this province nnd Ontario , as terri
ble scandals are expected to bo devel
oped in connection with it.
Chief of Police Partdis was inter
viewed , nnd on being naked why ho
wont to the house in the morning nnd
not during the previous night as was
usual in such cacs , ho replied : " \Vo
1ml information that there wore n
number of gentlemen in very high
positions thcro tha * . Sunday night ,
some of them married men nnd what a
terrible acandal it would huvo made if
they had been arrested. This would
have been punishing whole families
instead of transgressors only.Vo
have taken , " he said , "married inun
from auch houses , sometimes , with
largo families. Would it not have
been fearful to bring such cases into
court ? " The kindly hearted chief
finally remarked that all such
sad cases should not be
published. On the recorder being -
ing asked why the consul was not
brought up before him and punished ,
as well ns the female inmates of the
liouao , ho said it could not bo proved
that the prisoner was n habitual fro-
[ jnontor of n disorderly house. Under
the existing law this was absolutely
necessary before conviction could be
luid. G W.
in I'ostolliod during thu u cck
April 29 , 1882.
( Vnstin W A Anderson J N
Auclotbon N J ISontlcv C H H
llrown & Hoaa ] 3eiiiin W E
Boico T BuiTcti M
Urynnt B W Hull J
UJTOII J 1 * DobiiiRcr L
ISrooks J Bradcr J
Urown F Buerner L
UoBtello W II Childcrs W
DollmaS Ch rlns S
3onell M Chiles C
3rock80n G T Clemens C L
DuHng M Dysurt W INI
Dysnrt W M Do 1'orfst J
Di nison S Doyle W
Dewey C I1 Utiuhnm A
ICckert M Ericksou JV
h'url C U Kilm-Hidflon J
b'rity J Fitch .1
jibson Z Grainger U
jrrounsell J Gnlmer II
Juilfnyl 11 Glover A M
Harper J Hanson C C 2
Iiirvey J Hill J W
Icndrick A F Haase F
tones 1' Jacol a B
rolmnsaon K Jennings C H
royce E M Jackson E O
roues G 1' Johansacn G
xauoT KclleyE 2
. ,0 , vt land E P Lynch M
-libeNnan J Long G H
jilley E LoyJ J D
Jnard 0 Mc ennet F
McDaulel R C McFaddin J W
UcMurray O G McCaulcv H II
ilcCartliy .T. M rcer W F D
Hurray J G May field G
tlatthowii O E Mdtkin C D
Hack D Monroe O
klergen P S Montgomery T 2
tlarnoy W Montgomery W A
iloronuy J Nichloiue F
Nelson A ' Ott W 2
VBry.ti W O'Brien J
'iirklmrBl II II Pirllicrg.T
'uiiolteJB Pratt NL
I ilibiuH J King J
lu'l , Thayer&Wms Kicharda P C
iiiiieicrs J St ddnrd II II
nyder J W Symonda J" J
iutley A Seldon A O
tisHon A M Hwaim C P
pringer O L Sniiier K U
inithWA SeabtirgllF
hen M T Stcphena / T
ykea W / Vauplew J
/nrd J WisnerV
iuron B Wadlis M
ngner W WadJell J C
'eager S G Yeager S
tehrung D
.mlerson Mrs J Ikrnin Mrs G
urruaMrtiO Bacon Mrs M O
liuton Mrs M Clark Mrs M P
ameron Mien M Chambers M
laiiieH Mi s M leun ) M
irlmrdt J Fairchlld Mrs A J
Jood Mist ) M Fenwick Miss T
ramlin MlsH II Grant Mra F
reenleaf Mra L Gillette Mies I )
mild S Helm Mrs TU
[ uniMrREC Helm 8
arriaon Mies M Jofran Minn J
'tirlz M Lyons MIsH 32
inilstrain II I/vingston Mini C
Mrs J K Montgomery MHS ! L
[ onmin Mra A McKniglit Mrs H
IcNoll MrH 0 Martin Miua II
UCiintock MraUI ) Orr Mrs L
, ijj. MrsL J ) JtulToMruK
, - ufeldt MiiH C lUiulall Mra C M
inicli Misii 1j A Playback Mi s E
Union MrH I1' Uaiauelson J
-ott Mra M Stevena A
uith MHH ! L A H.iuberg Mia II
uiiKlilfo Mr ME Warren Mrii C 1C
'lilto Mm E Wood Mrn E
'urner Mru E Wittortr Misa [ ,
TIIOS. F. HAI.IPostmaatcr. .
Buoklin'a ATUICJI Salvo.
The BEST SALVE in the world for Cutx ,
ruieefl , Hores , Ulcers , Halt Hliuutn , Fever
Ton , Tetter , Chapped HandH , C'liilblalnii ,
tniH , au'i all ekiu eruptionu , nnd poui.
rly cures plloj , It la guaranteed tote
to xtvttafaction or money rufutuled ,
ice , 25 ccntrt per box , For lule by
F. Goodman
volvmer Two Continents and a Mint C
of Money andScandul ,
w Ycrk Telegram ,
In the supreme court chambers a
otion was made before Judge liar-
tt on behalf of Charlotte Hamsdon li
r an order cranting her alimony' '
d counsel fee in u unit brought by
ir to obtain a decree of divorce Irom
ir husband , Edward Itamsdon. Shu
firried the defendant in Cologne ,
. riimny , the British consul being a
tness , and the ceremony being in
cordanco with English law. Hams-
n roprisented himself to bo an
iglish baronet , She had at the
n of her marriage 00,000 in
aney and jewelry , Ho gambled
itil ho had dissipated her fortune , I
ion eho loft him , Ho prevailed
ion her to return and she borrowed
i,000 from her friends and started I
in in the coflco business in London.
w :
icro ho continued his disai-
tione. Ho then accumulat-
debts of honor which
o sold ou.t her household furniture
pay ; and finally he had to como to
Tiurica to avoid arrest for debt , She
charges that ho betrayed her scullery
nit id and registered her child ns that
of the plaintiff by an Engliih noble
man , the Marquii of Townsond. In
September , 1831. she catnn to thia
city and found him engaged in the cut-
fee business , having an annual income
of $25,000 and living with two women ,
The defendant admits the matringo ,
but denies the other charges ; tint in
April , 1877 , she w s convicted at Now-
gate of perjury and sentenced to Mill-
bank prison. When she arrived in
this country nho went to his office and
threatened vongcatica ngninst him.
She ttont before the grand jury in this
city nnd mndo n chiirgo of bigamy
against him , which was thrown out.
Ho concludes that ho is not in receipt
of an income exceeding $1,200 a year.
Young Blsmnrck n.nd the Fnns.
An interesting lawsuit is soon to bo
decided in Hungary. Prince His-
nmrck's son William spent the sum
mer at the watering place of Mohadia ,
where ho paid sumo attention to two
fair sisters , who desired nioro tangi
ble proofs of his affection than were
contained in compliments. Accord
ingly they selected a number of arti
cles of jewelry , nnd naked the jeweler
to tnko them to "Count Bill nnd ay
that the young ladies had admired
thorn greatly , The jeweler decline'1
the operation , but another doalo
proved nioro enterprising or let
scrupulous , and took two fan
to the count , snying that the pric
\rns 80 lljrins nnd that the ladies hai
wished to have the articles in qucs
tion. The count replied with diphi
mutic sarcasm that in the dolightfull ,
cool temperature which always charac
terized that charming health resort
funs were moro than uupcrlluous , ant
subsequently when ho met the ladies
naked with his fathct's cheery frank
ness if they knew anything about tin
dealer's mission. The Indies promptly !
though not without mime criticisn
denied having over s\id : anything t
the dealer , and "Count Btil" at onci
handed the merchant over to the tri
bunal of commerce on n charge of on
deavorinp ; , through false pretenses , tc
extort SO florins from him for n pail
of fans barely worth 40. The dealer ,
in sulf defense , has summoned the la
dies as witnesses , and the trial prom1
isos to bo an interesting ono.
Proposals For Indian Supplies an
DDIMIITMKST , Washington , April 26 , 1882.
itailci ! | iroi > omili' , Inilortvil "l'roiosh | fai
l ! < cfljl'l < ( or llocf must bomi inlitucl In dtp
irate eiuelopci ) lUcou , Hour , Clothlnc , 01
Trnniportathn , c , ( at the uuio may bo , ) ant
j | cctcd to the Conmnxaloncr ot Indian Allnlra
foi. 5ttiiclU7 Wooitcr utrcot. New York , nil
l > o rocolrol mitt 1 p. ni. of Tuesday , May VM ,
1882 , ( or fiirnl-lil R ( ortlio Indian bvrtlco abou !
SiiO,000 pouiuh I'lkcon10,000 , ' 00 toundd llvol 01
the hoof , 1 8,000 ixjumln llraim , 70,000 ixmnci ,
K rowJor , v,000,000 rou d < Corn , , W.OO (
ColTto , S,300(0 ( , pounds Flour 212.00C
Kctd , 300,000 pouiula Ilird llrcail,76-
000 pounds liomlny , 0 000 pound ] Lard , 1,06C
barrels mi sj pork , V3J.OOO pontiih Kite , 11.20C
pounds Ten , l5(0) ! jiounds 'lolmcco 00OOC ,
pountli t-nlt , 210OnO iioundn HO.IH , 0iOO | > oundi
hO'la ' , 1,210,010 pcunda Sugar and b3UOlO pouud
Also , Il'ankots ' , Woolen an < I Cotton Ooodg ,
conslstlnp ; In part ot TlckliiK',33,000)ardg ; Stan
JarJ Calico , 8 0,0(0yards ; Drlllliiif , sO.OOOyarila ;
Duck. Ireo ( torn all i-lzint ; , 170COu jord ; Don
my , 17,000 jarci ; ( llnnham , 60,000 yards ; Ken
lucky Jettin , ' . ' 8,000 > urd ; Chin lot fi , 00 > ardi
Dr wn 9 tetliiB , 200 000 yardd , Uloichud Hi'jct
Inir. 20,000ynrJa ; Hickory ihlrtliig10UO < ) janle
Calico bhfrting , U.JOO yard ; Wlnecy , .S.OOC
larii ; Clothliu , Qroicricg , Notions , llarduaro ,
ucdlcnl Supplies , and a loiiK H t o ( m'Bcol '
ianrous articles , inch a > Harncsj , Plows , 1UV >
b'omfl , JLC , , and ( or about 45 Wagons roqulroc
or the Bcrvlco In Arizona , Coloiado , Dakota ,
dtln , Indian To rltoiy. iilnncsoU , Montana
Nebraska , Jvoiada and \Vicon-In , to bo deliver-
Ml at Chicago , Kannm City , and aioui City. Alsc
( or such Wagonii as may bb imiulrcd , adapted tc
the clluutc ot the I'aclllc Comt , with Callfornt
broken , ddlrcicd at Ban Frincltco.
Also , t ran jwrtatlon [ or such ot the attlclcs ,
Rood , and tupplIcH that may not bo contractoi
tor to tie delivered at the AKcnclri.
Schedules showing the klndsa'id quantities ol
BUbnlstcnco nuppllcfl rquir d ( or each Agency ,
ant ( huklndd nd quantities In gross , of all
other Kocd * and article * * , together with blank
propoealii and tor ID 8 ( or contract and bond , con
Ultlonv tc bt ) obsurxed by bldJcrii , tlmo and
placu of delivery , terms of contract anJ pay
mcnt , trannportatlon routes , and all other neros
[ ary listructlons will b luriiUlicd upon appll
fat on to the Indian Olllco In Washington , or
NOB. CS and 07 Woonter street , New York ; U'm
II. J-on , No. 4S3 Ilroadway , Now York ; the
L'omni Bnarlci of Hubslntcncc , I' . H. A. , at
L'hujcunu , Chicago , I eiveiiHorlli , Omaha , Saint
Lout' , Balnt Paul , San Frnrclrco , and Yankton ;
the 1'ostiLimter at dloux City , and to the 1'iet
[ na6tcrn at the loilow ing mined places In Kan' '
ias : Arkansim City , llnrllngton , Caldwell ,
Hedge City , Kniporia , Kurekn , Uroat Ilcnd ,
[ [ ouard , lluichlflon , U" , Mcl'iicrnon , llar-
on , JUdlcIno LOI'L'I ' , .Vow on City he-
lari , bti rllng , Topika , Wtlllngton , Wichita and
Hid J will bo uno od at the hour and day above
ta'eil , uud blddiroarelmlted to bo present at
ho opening ,
All bids must bn acrompanlcd by cortlflcd
liccki upon Bomo United HtatcH lc | > o itory or
iktanl Trcoturcr , ( or t Kiu.t five percent , of
bo amount of thu propoail ,
H. i Iticn , Commla loner.
nauy itx'.jo
Catiirrh ,
> ld Sores ,
Pimples ,
3 O.I LS ,
or any
Disoas ,
urea When Hot Springs faU
MXVBRK , ARK. , May 2. 1881
We hare cnoi In onr own town who lived at
it Hprlngn , > rid wer Unaly ] cured with S. H. H.
YOU doubtcome to lee UK and WK WILL ,
JItK YOUll OH charge nothing I I Wrlto ( or
rtlculari and copy of little llook 'Uuaaago
the UnfortunateHnflerln"
II.KM ) Kownrd will bo paid to any
inltt who will find , on analysis 100 bottle *
H. 8. , ono particle o ( Mercury , Iodide J'oUs-
lui or auy Mineral lubutancu.
8WUT Hl'ECIKlO CO. i'rotx.
Atlanta , a
I'rlce of firaall lie , 91.00.
Largo > lto 81.76.
Bold by KENNAHD UOS. | & CO
It plalu ( rocu 1-18 of a u Inch to
dth In the coantent fclU or flnu t l kl
It doc * all kinds and tylt > ol | laltlng In uao.
No lady tltat doe * her own dretn making can
'ord to do without olio an nlco plaiting li
ver out o ( ( auhlon , K c n It belln lluelf , Kor
ichlncs , Circulars or Ageot'i terms addreu
li. Adorns St. Chicago IU.
| OF
Men's , Boys' and'Children's
' Tl
The Lowest Prices Guaranteed ,
1316 Fftrnam Street , Near 14th. \ * * *
Under Boyd's Opera House.
Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of
And invite the people to call and examine
Good Goods ! Low Prices
"Opera House Shoe Store. "
A , UT T
zJL i
Is Now Located in His New Store ,
One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store.
. .
L BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM ST.
- -
. O.
1213 Farnham St. . Omaha ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 Farnham Street ,
.Vail Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
Uoom t , Crelghton Block , Fifteenth Street.
And Notary Public ,