' ' * OMAHA DAILY BEE. ' .no HE . . IX ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA TUESDAY MOBBING , MAY 2 , 1882. 269 Iilh THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Senator Sanniers Elaborates His Scheme For Political Regeneration , Council Blu ffs Oomes in For n Plum in the Shape of a New Paatofflos. The Public Debt Rapidly Decreasing - creasing Miles of Names For Mason. A Variety of Important Itonu < CONGRESS National AisocUtod 1'rera , HF.NATi : rilOCEEUINOH. WAHiUNaTON , May I. Senator Ed- munds , ' irom the judiciary comtnittoc , rop6rtcd on the president's message about western cowbojs , thit no addi tional leqislation is needed , as the president had now nmplo power tc suppress them , using the army as n posse eomitatUH. Senator Allison introduced a bill to authorize tho' Hock Island & South western railroad to build a bridge over the MiesisMppi at Dupont , III. Senator George followed in support of thi } passage of the bill disqualifjing confederates from holding ofUuo in the aervicSiof the United States army ot navy. After the morning hour the bill-to establish a court of appeal came up , Senator Davis ( [ 11 ) 'spBi > king in favor. Senator Sounders delivered a oci speech in support of the proposer amendment to the constitution pro- vidinL ; that poatmaaters , marshals and district'attorneys bo elected instead oi app'ointod by the president J The senatu then went into executive session and when the doors were opened adjourned. PROCEEDINGS IN TUB UOCSK. Mr. Ouray introduced a bill trans ferring the Indian bureau .to the war department. Mr. Crupo moved to suspend the rules and make the bill extending thi charters of national banks the npecial order for May 9th. Adopted 15C to 05. 05.Mr. Mr. Townshend ( Ills. ) , offered a resolution that , as Chinese immigra tion waa injurious and dangerous , thu president bu directed and authorized to open negotiations to abrogate the Burlmgaino treaty. A second was refused by a vote of 100 to 02 , and the resolution was killed. The bill authorizing the sale of Miami Indian lands in Kansas was The bill creating the north judicial district in Iowa was passed. Among the bills passed under sus- pcnoiou/if . . . rules were several io erect .1 - % * * * * * " * " " * ' ' ' .IT I * public buildings at thu following places' ' ) at the cost indicated : Jack son. .Tenn. , 810,000 : Greensboro , N. 0. , § 50,000 ; Council Bluffs , la. , $100- 000 ; Lynchburg , Va. , 8100,000 ; Gal- veuton , Texas , § 125,000 ; Peoria , 111. , | v $225,000. Denver , Col. , 8300,000 ; f 1 - Detroit , Mich. , 8GOO.OOO ; total , $1- V 530.000. \ The passage of these bilh occupied three hours , much of the delay being caused by the opposition of a few members , notably Messrs. Brucg , Hobnail , Coz ( N. Y. ) and Hooper. Mr. Cox remarked that the manner in which these bills were pushed through looked very much like what is called "log rolling" elsewhere. Mr. Holeman opposed the bills , say ing too much public money was being squandered in this way. If these buildings arc to bo orccted , they ought to Ira ot the plainest sort , though dura ble. ble.Mr. Mr. Bragg , after opposing by una vailing argument , availed hjmsolt of all dilatory privileges in his power , demanding the ayes and nays on every motion , and the house finally , wearied with the slow progress made , ad journed at 550 ; p , in , CAPITAL NOTES. National Afwodatml I'tim. MUH. UEACIIAM'H FKNHION. WASHINGTON , May 1. The house have ugreod to civo 50 a month to the widow of Col. Meacham , killed by the Mudoca under Captain Jack. THE I'UDMO JEUr wns reduced during April § 14,415- 82JJ7-1 ; total since the close of last fbcal year , $128.748 213.37 ; cash in , treasury , 8245,574,580 47. BONDS CALLED IN. The secretary of the treasury this afternoon issued the 113th call for the residue of bonds undei the acts of July 17th and August 15th , 1801 , as follows : 850 , Noa , iMOCl to 2504 both in elusive ; 8100 , Nos. 1775 to 1803 , both inclusive ; 8500 , NOB. 11901 to 12283. both inclusive ; 81,000 , Nos. 55951 to 50972 ; 85,000 , Nos. 17,581 to 17,834 ; 810,000 , Nos. 38,811 to 40,110. . HANKS TO BBOIN , The Tradesmen's National bank at Conahocken , Pa. , capital 8100,000 , and the Third National at Bloomington - ton , III , capital $100,000 , have been authorized to commence business , CONFIRMATIONS. The senate to-day congrmod the following nominations : Adam Bo. dean , of New York , to bo consul gen eral at Havana ; Harry Slaiijht , of Now York , to bo consul general nt Prencott , Canada ; J. P. Wickontham , of Ptmnsylvania , to bu charge d'affairs at Denmark ; John F. Montgomery , to bo surveyor of customs at Denver. Postmasters Miss Carpenter , at But ler , Indiana ; Edwin L > , Palmer , at Richmond , Indiana , A MILE LONG. The New York petition , a mtle loni ; , asking commutation of Sergeant Mason's sentence , was presented to the president this afternoon. The committee wai introduced by Senator Miller. JL. HTOIIT Bl'OILKD. Secretary Folger has appointed Juries B. Ilobiuton , of the tax office , New Yotk , superintendent of the piper mills nt Dalton , Mass , Thi disposes of the story that Chief Clnrk Powers was to bo sent there , POSTAL The postollico department has pre pared n statement of the revenue re ceived nt the principal oflices , which collect 37 per cent of the ynslal revenue. It shows that tlio receipts for the fjuartcr ending March 31 , 1882 , nro in excess of the corresponding - ing quarter of lost ycnr by $498- 102,88 , or 15 1-10 per cent increase. AIIMT OllDKll. Col. Thos. F. Barrowhorn , jutlgo advocate general , has boon recom mended in orders to West Ppmt as professor of law. Ho will remain for the present on duty in the ollico of the secretary of war , nnd 0 il Herbert Pol ham 0 , Curtis , now on d aty in General Swaim's offices , has bcn or dered to Wist Point instead. $ The Shlphord Investigation. National Aesocmuxl I'rcra , v' WASHINGTON , D 0. , May 1. Senator Blair read n statement that hof know nothing of the personnel or tnagu- moiit of the Peruvian company ; Ho was the only member of either . 'house so far as ho knew connected wijth the company in any capacity. Ho dgard- cd Shiphcrd's claims ns hone just and accepted n rotninor r distinct reservation that the matter in any eve made the subject of conp action his connection with tt should cease. Ho received cato ol ccrip'from Shipherd n bur , and.rctnnioi the same in ; I ber , when ho decided not tc counsel. At none of thojnjj between Shipherd and Blame over hear anything of nuoflorj or other inducement to a 'Ho regarded Hurlbut perfectly in all official actions. He I Grant was a strong supporter p Ship- . herd's- enterprise for public , reasons , nnd not for pecuniary intorcstafjfnnd'if ' nuked would havu counseled , uphold ing the national honor * Witness de fended the policy of the state depirt- uituit under Blaine , saying it wonld have resulted in diverting the ) ' great South American trade from Europe to the United States. 41 Adjourned until Wednesday. CARSON CLEARS OUT. Trio University Regent Resigns Nanco Between the Fires. Special Ditpatch to TIIK UBK. LINCOLN , Nob. , May 1. Another phase of the university muddle de veloped to-night. Hon. John L. Car son , regent , sent his resignation to the governor. His successor has not yet been determined upon , ' and no matter what course the governor takes ho is sure to raise a hornets' nest about his ears. , . ; LONO PINE , Nob. , Miy ! . A peri- ous if not fatal accident happened here to-day to a man named A. B. Comloy , who arrived hero Saturday from Garvy , Iowa , with two car loads of mill machinery. While superin tending the unloading a heavy piece ol machinery fell on the back of his head , bruising his head badly and knocking him sensolosH. But little tiopois entartainod of his recovery. POKE WELLS AND GANG- They Escape from Jail and Kill a Guard. National Associated l'ic.es. FOIIT MADIHON , la. , May 1. Poke Wells , the notorious outlaw , and eight other convicts , escaped this morning from the penitentiary hospital , break ing a hole through the roof. They overpowered one guard and chloro formed another. John Elder , who was dosed , died from the clloqts. LATKII Only three convicts es caped Pok j Wells , Cook and Fitz gerald. The latter was recaptured in i barn in the outskirts of town this evening. The other two nro nt largo. Royal Arcaniniu OiQoors. National Associated 1'icoa. BALTIMOUB , May 1. At a mooting of the supreme council of the It < y.il Arcunium , the ofUcers were elected its follows : Supreme Regent , \V , S. Tenant , of Michigan ; eupriMiio vice regent , John 11. Butler , of Maaaachu- setts ; Bupremo orator , A. U. 'Jrippo , > f Baltimore : past supreme regent , A. E. Keyoi , of Ohio ; sup unio secre- uryV. . 0 , Robnon , ot Massachu setts ; treasurer , E , A. Skinncrul far f $ a\r York ; aupromo chaplain , T. iliopard , of Michigan ; supreme guide , 3 , 0. McCoy , of Pennsylvania ; su- ) remo warden , H. 0. W..Campbell , of 3hio ; suprpmo sentry , W. A. Gordon , jf Wisconsin. Trustees John B. Everett ; of Toil- lessee ; Sumner Albeo , of Mussa- chusetta ; John Wright , of Virginia. Finance comuiittoa N. 0. Bibcock , \Viitconain ; S. N. Libby , of Masaa- chusettn ; J , S. Sprngue , of Illinois. Committee on laws John A. Cum- ning , of Massachusetts ; N. 8. Lie- nan , of Ohio ; D. M. Lindsloy , of Now York. The next meeting will bo hold at tichmond , Va. A Very Good Dividend. f ttlontl AwwciaMd I'rtw. PiULADELi'HiA , May 1. The Penn sylvania railroad company have just declared a semi-annual dividend of 4 per cent. The directors ulao passed a eeojution pivin stockholders the > r > vilefe ; of ) u-jliaaing now stock at tar in the p op rtion of 8 pur cent of ho number of shares ri-guterod in heir i mines April 20 , 1882. A Railroad President Reiigns. \nluii l A socl t l l're > . NEW YOIIK , M y 1Colonel E. W. Cole , president of the East Ton- itBiuo , Virginia & Georgia railroad system , resigned to-day , lie thinki he property ought to be handled from the Central oflico nt Knoxville and docs not wish to chimgo his homo from Nnshvillo. Hia rosiRnation is accepted nt his earnest solicitation. Ho remains n director , and holds hi ; interest in the property. The best ol feeling exists between him and other directors , The directors express theii regrets tint he takes this ctop , nnt expressed by resolution their pleasure in ntsunng him , if his circumstances should change after n rest , thnt ho would again feel willing to assume the head of their affairs , BO long ns the > hold their present positions they wil ! welcome him back to their leader ship.Gencr.il Samuel Thomas was electee by the board as his successor , nnc Major Henry Fink vice president nnc general matingrr , with headquarters itt Knoxvillo. General Thomas is nn nblu and experienced man , well qiinll- fied for the position , and with Major Fink , makes a strong management. Settling n Pro-omptlou Row. Nktlonul A Mciated 1'rcsit , SAN ANTONIO , Tex. , May 1 , Near Uvaldo John Mitchell and two sons were cutting a boo tree down yester day , when it party of horaomentmmcc O'brions nnd Fluids , redo up , shot the two sons dead and fatally wounder the old man. They had a misunder standing about the pre-emption ol land. Pennsylvania Politic * National AniOthti'J 1'rcn. PHILADELPHIA , May 1. The stal wart independent conference mot nl the Continental hotel at 4 'o'clock , and up to this hour (11 ( p. in. , ) havu been in session. At thu outset the independents manifested strong fool ing against concessions. After suv- eral hours debate both ( actions com menced preparing the basis of agree ment. It is doubtful whether this document will bo completed to-night. LATEU Shortly after 11 o'clock it wns announced that both committees had signed a harmonious report. This proved to be in the form of & declara tion of principles. First , condemning the UBO of patrpnaqo to promote per sonal and political ends and favoring bestowal ot all oflices on a basis of fit ness ; second , competent party oilicinls not to bo removed except for cause ; third nnd fourth , minor non-elective oflices to bo filled according to ruloa and established law ; fifth and sixth , no compulsory politi cal assessments or proscription for failure to respond ; seventh , state ticket to bo of hiyh character regard ing fitness of nominees to command the united support of thoparty ; ninth , state convention to bo the same as delegates to a generally assembly are nominated After this year the state convention is to bo held the second week in July , except in case of exi gency , and everybody voting the re publican presidential ticket to be al lowed to take part in the primaries. It is also recommended that county organizations bo allowed the greatest latitude in primary elections. edoy j iho independents"was'a strong document , declaring the machine larieo."I Tlio drift ot opinion to-night among politicians from all parts of the state who wore at the hotel is that the agreement is a mass of platitudes , in assenting to which the Cameron party surrender nothing. Before adjournment a resolution was adopted that the principles were nominally n personal part of the com mittee and not binding on the other faction. LANCASTER , Pa , May 1. The probabilities are that the oflicial re turns from the upper districts of this county will elect Hoover , nnti Cameron - oren man. This will bo a gain ol three delegates for thu anti-Cameron faction in this county. Utah bketolios. National Associated I'um. SALT L KK , May 1. Several small companion of Mormon immigrants from different states have already strapfjl-.d into Utah this spring , and this cMiiittg the first company from Eutop'3 in rived , numbering 150 English , Scotch nnd Welch. Jlogulur amyuls from Europe are expected during the numinor. The first party of Boston exourfiinn- : ta Hpont two days hero und loft for San Francisco this afternoon. Tlao Little Rocfc Komi- . National Aseoclitcil Progs. . Lim.n HOOK , May 1. At n moot- ng to-day of the Little Hock < t Fort Smith railroad the following were elected directors : J. II. Converse , Elisha Atlcinn , F. M. Weed , F. Gor don , Duxtor H.irton , Jettao Turner ; of Van Burin ; William M. Fishback , > f Fort Smith ; Sol F. Clark , D. E. ( ones , W. E , Slack , of Little Hock. The officers arc : J. H. Converse , > reaidont , Boston ; Joaso Turner , vicj iroaidont , Van Buron ; J , W , Guy , ecretary , Little Rock ; Joseph Kauip- nun , tre'aeuro'r , Boston. ' ' ' Golui ; Against the Utato. S'atlonil AsrXjcutotl I'rcu. JLuiuiHiitma , Pa. , May 1. Jndgu yiol'horsoa to-day decided in favor of hu Lehigh Valley railroad thu suit > rought by the atato for ? 1'J5,932 axoa claimed on the company's bonds or 188a-81. The decision sottlea hirty other cases of thu same uaturo now pending. Judge Slmontou overruled the ox- -options taken by thu state in the case af thu state against the Standard com' > any , and thu case will bo argued on May 29th. A General Strilto- National AuocUtul frow , CiNiNNATi ! , May 1. A general triko has been inaugurated in this sity by carpenters , tinnera andcornico nakors , No demonstrations , JCuluut Templar. Amcmted 1're s. TOVEKA , Kaa. , May 1. The grand viminandary of Knighta Templar of Cansaa will hold their annual con- slave IH Topeka May Oth nnd 10th , jponing on the Oth at 3 o'clock p. in. I lariio representation is oxpoolod rom different Bubordiunto comman. larieo. "I TOLD YOU SO. " A Remarkable Number of People - plo Who Know All About It. llnll'n Sing in Chnncory mil Iliumpedl ) ] : Friend nud Foo. ' ' Numbering1 nml Sprlnk'inrr the Stroott oftho Cnpltol-Tlio B & M. Extension. Special Corrosixjiulcnoo of Tun HhH. r LINCOLN , May 1. Mr. Hull 3 re turned Saturday evening , ready , ns he atnted , to explain matters to the complete pleto satisfaction of the investigators and the -public generally. Whether thin is ao or not remains to bu aeon , though the general supposition hero is that thu faota cannot bo explained 01 any other hypothesis than thnt.o temporary insanity. The general ten dency to kick a man when ho ia down was never better exemplified than -in Una case , . "I told youso's" nro hcatc on every corner , while an unsuppres * od fueling of gratification ia uhowt over Hull's downfall. Already c.uidi dates are stirring around after tb'6 position of Muster in Chancery , whicl .it is taken , for granted will soon bo va- catsd. , . There 1ms .boon quilo n lull in hi ) litiual matteis the past week , Ni senatorial cmdidntos havu visilcO this place for at least three daya : atato of uH'.iira ao unusual as to excite apprehension. The streets of Lincoln are being sprinkled in good shape this r.prlpg , and a freedom from the dust numanci will no doubt bo enjoyed for the first time since the Battlement. The work of street numbering ii in this city is nearly completed , nnc everything will bo in readiness for thu inauguration of the free delivery sys tem July 1st. Lincoln folks are takinc a grout den of interest in the approaching opening of the B. & M. R. U. to Denver. A great many will take advantage of the completion ot the now line to visit the Colorado metropolis. One result ol the opening for through travel will bu to give us more fre Client opportunities to got up to Omaha. FOREIGN EVENTS , Brief Mention of Current Events in the Old World. The Czar Postpone * the Coronation- LONDON , May 1. Hanlan beal Trickctt in the boat raca to-day by four lengths. ItnFOUM OK DIB. VII.NNA , May 1. lloliablo persona just 10turned from Russia give ac counts of the activity of thu nihilists which show that recent executions and other modes of punishment hnvo hud but little sanitary cllect. It ia re ported that mines have been discov ered at Kremlin and Moscow , and the czar has found upon his writing table a letter from a nihilist committee stating that unless ho instituted re forms before his coronation ho would bu killed. CORONATION I'OSTl'ONKD. ST. PLTKUSIIUKO , Mny 1. Owing to the apprehension with which the czar and his advisors have been com pelled to regard the power of secret committees in Moscow , it is thoufht the coronation of his majesty will bo postponed until nntumn. A COMING KVKNT. The acouohmeiit of the Empress of Russia ia expected to take place to wards the end of this month , or early in Juno. The Emperor in about to conduct thu Empress to Copenhagen , wheiu hia majesty will return for a Tow weeks , nnd then return to Ruu- BI ! : , but thu Empress will remain there . -.li Hammer. 2ULU5 LOOHH. LONDON , Mny 2 , A lota diflpntch 'rom the \vost coast of Africa Htaluti .hat n great battle haa been fought n Now Calafar with nativrs of Bon- my. Each aide lost 1,000 men. Thu Connies captured n fort , European .miler nro being menaced. Several English guuboata are going to their tid. TUB I-ORTH'H TIIANSI-OUT , CoNBTANTiNoi-LB , May 1. The > orto has prepared five ironclads to .ranaport troops to intervene in the uflairu of Egypt. I'UUU'J HOANDAL. HOME , May 1. A sensation was : tiUBod hero to-day by Professor jbarboro , n writer of international aws , publicly Hpittin in thu face ot Signer BacekaM , minister of inatruc- ion. Signor Sbarboro was arrested , TUB CZAH'H WI.HII. ST. PHTKiLsnuna , May 1 , Czar has Dxprcssod n desire to receive the survivors of the Jeannottu , and his wish will probably bo gratified , Orders nave been issued to prevent numeration of the richer class of ilussian Jowa. A IUD1CAL IIKBOI/VK. LONDON , Mayl. The cabinet coun cil having failed to agruo upon a now Tish programme , they will meet to 2 > mtinuo the discussion , The radical ninoiily insist upon instant release jf suspects. MQNKTAUT. The Times states , in regard to the ; urrency negotiations proceeding bo- ween Franco , Germany and America , hat the higher quarters in Germany aver the atoppago of free coinage of both gold and silver , UON'H DITOKCB. It ia announced that a eeparation 1ms ueen arranged between Don Carlos and his \vifo , the Duchess of Madrid , Marino liitolllrjf no . Nrw YOIIK , Miy 1. Sailed Colon Aspimvall nnd City of 1'nris , nnd Arizona for Liverpool , Rhoddn for CarditF Ltvr.nrooL , Mny 1. Arrived City of Homo from Now York , Denmark - mark from Now York Qtr.iiNHTOWN , May 1 , Sailed Abyssinia for New York. PLYMOUTH , Mny 1. Arrived Citn- bria from Now York for Hamburg. Ba o Ball. Nnttounl 1'rcsn An ociutiou. BOSTON , May 1. Woreustora 0 , Bos- tons 0. PnorniBNCB , May 1. Providence ! ) , Treys 3 , CU\T.IANI : ) , May 1. Olovelniula 4 , Dctroits B. Bi'iTAi.0 , May 1. Chicngoa 5 , Hut- fiitos 7. I'liii.AiihU'iiiA , May 1. Merrills of Ctundoti , 0 ; IMiilndelphins , 8. Nuw YOIIK , May 8. Metropolitan , 0 ; Athloties , U. Kiniill Pox in Illinois. NxlIonM AvtocUtoil I'rww. Si'itiNdfiEUi , III. , May 1. The sttto board of health reports that up to date there have been esj-vbliuhed 177 coutivs of Binall pox infection in Illinois Biiu'o November lsland thro mo now 28 infected localities outside of Chicago and Cook county , of which if ) are new onus developed within thu past mouth. Nine of thcao are reap- pe-iring nt the place where thu dia- eanu wna previously suppressed. There nro four point * in thu state where thu lUsodHO h.is lasted continuously moro than thirty days. Of the twenty-four fresh outbrenki , seven cnsos originated from imnuirnnti ; , two en in o from Iowa and five from Cnicago. Thu oripin of the othurs hta not boon traced. Four now cases of nnmll pox is reported in this cily to-dny , Halo of Rooknwny JBoaoh- ul A'liocmU'il I'ri-m- . NEW YOIIK , May 1 , Acting under onlera from the supreme court , lie- coiver Hunted sold nt nuction to-day the property of the Uocknwny liuach Improvement Company , includini ; thu oreut [ hotel , H ! ) acres of land , gas liouso , water works , bathing pavilion , imicliino uhopBiw mill and dock prop erty nt Roclinwny Honch. Properly representing § 8.000 , concisting of fur niture , etc. , waa exempt- . The auc tioneer explained that there wns n mortgage for § 72,000 nboutto bo fore closed , and no bid would bo accepted below that figure The property wns knocked down to Jno. L. Cadnwnlder for the BUIU of § 93,700. Ho pur chased it in thu interest of thu bond- fielders and creditors under a plan of reorganization. The property is val ued at over a million. A BloodloBi Duel. National Airaociatod I'roaa. NKW OIILEANH , La. , May 1. The trouble growing out of curtain charges and cartuoiiB published in Ihu Mascot relating to various persons , led to n duel this morning butweun Jos. Lin- soy , one of the propriutors , and n son of Statu Attornoy-(5unoral Egan. Tlio duel was fought in St. Barnard parish. Shots wuro exchanged without effect. Egan demanded another shot , but thu Buconds interfered. After consul tu- ion it was iigrood to settle by process verbal BO much of thu ihargu reflect ing upon the attornuy-gnnoral. That Guucnttou Plot- National AK ctlat.il ( I'rowt , NKW Yonic , May 1. The inspec tors ot poatofiico department Were muy to-day trying to discover the ) urson who mailed the infernal ma- ihines discovered Haturday afternoon , uldresied to Mr. Vanderbilt and Mr. ' "lelil. Postmaster Pearson said that 10 clew had yet boon discovered upon which to work , and said hu did not think the explosion of the packngo would have killed any ono or even lone much harm unlesH the person vho wns to opened it held it upright , .1 which caiu thu force of thu pow- ler and guncotton might have blinded lini or burned him about the face. It the police huadqunrtora Supcrin- endent Walling Buiil nothing hn < l yet > con done to discover the aondcM of hu pakagc.s , nnd nothing would be done until the postoflico nuthoritica asked for nahiatnnco. TUo ' ' Torroi- " Jatloi.al An clatixl I'rcdj , NEW YOIIK. May 1. About 1,000 jorsoiitt uttunded thu buiiufit tendered o Dick Kii-'an , of Troy , N. Y. , thia veiling. Several exhibitions of spar ing and wrestling by local profession- Is took place. Engan nnd Jim Elliott vero tlio principals. After oparring .wo . rounds it WUB uvidont that Elliott wna only playing , nnd that Eugnn was much overrated man. In the fourth ound Elliott struck Engun a terrible ilow on the right aide of thu face , vhich fulled him to thu ground. 2agan got up dazed nnd unable to ontinuu the conteal. Tlio match was eclarud in favor of Elliott , Tlio Koclc Inland N w Koatl- Rtiurtal ArnoclaUxt 1'iufl. ST. PAUL , May 1. At n mooting of ho directors of Minneapolis & St. 'aul railroad company at Minneapo- a to-day , II. I , Cable , of the Chicago , lock Island & Pacific , was elected iroaident , vice ! W , D. Waahburn re igned. Tin's moans that thu Rock Is- a'id will control thu Minneapoha & It. Louis , a largo block of lock of the latter company laving been bought by cable. This Iso means a lively railroad move for rade between the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul and the Chicago , St. Paul , ilinnoapolis A Omaha on one hand nd the Minneapolis & St Louis and Chicago & Hock Island on thu oUier or truflic between St. Paul and Chi- ago , _ _ 1'nrrlblo Accident. National Associated i'rew , DKH MOINKH , Iowa , May 1. Dora Uoinmetz , of Pleasantvillu , wliilu rid- ng , to-day , was thrown from her horse. lur soot caught in thu stirrup andsho was dragged over half a mile , Her hoeaand stockings were all the cloth- ini ; left upon her , Her injuries arc probably fatnl. Ho Poppnil nml FloiV National Aiwoclixti-J 1'rcM. KANSAS CITV , May 1. Wnrron Landois , n clurk in n prominent thoi house of thin city , to day shot the col ored porter , IlichardVillinms. . The trouble oriyiiifttod by Inndor * walking through n pilu of dirt thnt had been awopt up by the porter. Linden llud to Pembroke , Ky. , whore ho fornmlly icsided. His parents are reported aa being wealthy , iEnonrio of a Burglar- National Awociatixt CHICACIO , May 1. Larry Murray , alins Bowdnn , n notorious burglar , well known in St. Louis nnd thu Mis souri penitentiary , jumped from the second story window of the county hospital onrly this morning , where ho wna being trealed for old injuries , and escaped , Sniclilo , National Afxedntcil 1'nsn. NKW YOKK , May 1. NVni. Godfrey , German , nued15 , suicided by shoot ing himself. Hu wns the inventor of nn nir ahip pntcntud three months since. Ho wan n lieutenant in the Second Missouri volunteers BIH ! curved four yenrs during the wnr. Tli rents of National Awutmtt'il I'row. Dix-ATUii Ala. . Mny 1. Mro. Andy Bi'iisly nnd'Neu Williams quarreled nenr llnntsvillo , Hur husband took it up nnd stabbed Williums to denth. There nru thronta of lynching. A "Wife Boater auu Killer , National .Uajchtoil I'risi. ' PniLADKLi'iiiA , Mny 1. Thomna llodgeraboing dinchargcd from prison where he had hi'on for wifu beating , went straight homo , nnd shot nnd fatally wounded hia wife. llu waa arrested. Tiro- National A'toclntcil rro > n. NASIIVILI.K , Tonn. , May 1. A fire on thu publiu Bini.iro at Shclbyvillu thia morning caused a loaa of § 20,000. An enginu waa sent from hero to their assistance. Indication * National AnoctatoU ftem WAHIIINOTON , May 1. For the low er lake region : Fair woathur , noith- westerly winds , becoming variable ; stationary and higher temperature , followed by falling barometer. For the Upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys : Warmer , fair weather , winds shifting to southeasterly , falling barometer. A Bnd Mim. National Associated lrora. PHOVIDENOB , R. I. , May 1. Ilalph Sclnlds , proprietor of an intelligence oll'ico , has diaappoarod , leaving many creditors among a number of temper ance sociotioa of which ho was a mem ber. of Xoobergi- National Associated Prci * ? " " ' * - k BOSTON , Mny 1. The steamer Glamorgan , of the Wnrron line , ar rived to-day from Liverpool. On the 2ith ( ult. , in latitude 40.20 and longitude - tudo 42 30 , she passed an icbberg fully COO feet hiih ; , on which were a number of polar bears. About 4 o'clock , on tlio morning of the 20th ult. , she ran into a field of ice and ice- ber a. Shu steamed ICO miles on the southern edyo of the ice field , passing fully 100 largo icebergs , on which were polar bears and n Inrgo number of Boals. Several sailing vessels , imini'H unknown , were sited , icu bound , but no wrecks. The sfoamor ran within COO feet of thu icebergs , jiving a grand view Bonoon Park Rnao * . National AHtoiUU d 1'rom. BOSTON , May 1 Inaugural races of the season at Beacon Park occurred this afternoon. The 2-I5 : clans , mile heats , best 2 in J , ro , d wut.'oiii ( , was won by AnhUnd Maid , with Princenn second nnd E Flut third. Tune , JJ.01 , HiSRi , Thu 2L0 : ! cluea , milehwita , bout . ' ) in C in harneai , waa won by Dick D.ipplo withJ. K II. Bocond. Time , 2:14 : ? , , Sutcldo. National "AntoclnteJ I'roiw. DiiH MoiNBH.In. , Mnyl. Tsanc Fra- zii'r , living nt Lincoln , eleven milrs north of this city , committed suicide by shooting himself this morning , No cnuso for the not ia known. InooniUiiry. National ARHodatul I'lt'ta. FLOHBNHB , WIH. . May 1. Tlio fifth incendiary lire within n yuarddntroyud to-duy lour buildingd. Losii , § 21,000 ; iiiHuruncu , § 14,000 , SIGNAL SERVICE. rho Inupoctor TaltoH In Oranliu on Ills Qruna Tour. Lieut. Cluirles E , Kilborn , of the Second cavalry , at present holding u very important position in the signal service , arrived in thu city Saturday morning on hia way east from a tour af inspection covering nil the stations weit of the Mississippi river. Lieutenant Kilborn is n graduate uf West Point and was for jomo yeara stationed on the Pacific : east , whore ho married hia wifu , who joins him hero to-day after a six months' visit to her old homo. Hu was detailed last fall to inspect thu itationn throughout thu west and hag Jono BO thoroughly , Omaha being thu last on his hat. _ llu lias buon as far iouth UB B.m Diugo and ts far north na Cour do Leon , Idaho , and Olympin , Washington territory , but did not pay it visit to t'iu ' atation at Point Burrows , pn thu Hhoroa of the Arctic B a. Hu is now on his way back to Washing ton , unless hu should receive some orders detailing him for new duty be fore ho reaches thu national capital. The inspector ia a very nlersant gun- tinman , of unusual intelligence , and may yut succeed to the highest posi tion in thu service , that of chief , which place he corUinly would da ortxlit to , THE RED RAPPEL. A Qenoral Oall to Arms on the Southwest Border , The Twin Ropublich Prosa Palms For Indian Extermination. A Bristling of Ra'ar and Regu lar Bayonoteers on Gila River. The Apnolioa Ropoitnil Hnrd. Profiled nuil Pomiitrlnr ; Far Moro SoaljiH- ypaclal to the Denver Trlbuno. SANTA Fi : , April 2 ! ) . Governor Sholdoii'n latest information from the Nuvnjno country in that thu row re ported in yesterday's dispatches , in which 0113 Nnvf.joo was killed andono wounded , wna thu result of two much. whisky , nnrl thnt nil is quilt on the Navajoo reservation. The same is the infornmtion received nt military hcnd- < iunrtora. UOJJE TO TIIK 01I.A KIVKiH Tlio commanding ollieer of Fort Unjnrd 1ms cent nil the iwnil.iblo troops to the Giln river for thu protection - tection of Bottlers. A volunteer cmn- pany of forty men from Silver City has also pone to the relief of the act * tiers on the Giln river. No later nuwn lias Leon received from Colonul Forayth. The Indiana nro evidently hard preased , atul nowa of another tight is hourly expected. Ml ! XI CAN CO-OI'KUATION. General McKonziu has just re turned from El Paso , where ho had a conference with General Fuuro , com manding the Mexican troops. A com plete understanding has been arrived at. Operations on the Mexican eido will bo vigorously prosecuted. A aya- tum of couriers will curry information back and forth , and the commanding itlicera of troops ou both sides of th'j ino will act aa much as possible in concert. Company F , Fifteenth infantry , Captain McKibben commanding , luft Santa Fo on a special train this morn ing to tnko a atation at Lordsburg , ou the Southern Pocilto railroad , to guard that plnco against Indian attacks. Three companies of thu Twenty-third infantry , under Captain Brady , loft Fort Union at 11 o'clock to-night for Lnrdaburir , and a company of the Twenty-third infantry , under Lieu tenant Clark , also loft Fort Ulias for Lordaburg. It is General McKenzio'a intention to place these infantry cora- paniuB at the different Bottlomonta for protection. So far General MoKon- ziu's dispositions have born admirable fruit , not any depredations have bcoa committed on Now Mexican soil. Governor Sheldon's disposition of mil itia companies and his'orderj to thuux- are fully appreciated by General McKenzie - Kenzio , and have boon beneficial. Tlio Automatic Window Blinds. Wo tnko pleasure in recommending .o the citizens of Omolia this now and. valuable invention. By the use of Automatic Hinges , any kind of out- fide blinds can bo readily converted iito a aplundid awning. They cost jut a small aum and are the best thing out for the east , west and south aides of residences and odious , The blinds can be HOI-II on thu residences of Messrs. E. Itosowatur and A. Cruick- flliank. All orders loft ut No. 1114 , Lytlu's block , Farnam Btroot ( up stairs ) will receive prompt attention. Tlu'BO hinges are being introduced by Mr. y. F. Doolittlo , and all orders left with him or VVm. Knotta , Doug las btit'ot , between Sixteenth and Seventeenth , will bo promptly filled. THE GERMAN THEATER. Mru. Marie Mador'd Mastorploco Pro- Hontod Sunday Sunday evening Mrs. Marie Mader- had licr benefit at the German thea ter. Mrs. Mader is evidently n great avorito with the patrons of the Gor man atago , as at an early hour in the evening the crowd beg.m filling in , in very largo numbers , iiml when the curtuin roue pretty well ovary availa ble seat wait occupied. Thu play represented wan an histor ical one , entitled "Good Night Little llaus , " and it was nmgnilicuntly put on the boards , Most of the dresses weru extremely gonjom and were at the name time yory appropriate. Al together the mia-eu-Bcenu presented a fine tableau. Mrs. Mader , aa Maria Thorosia , Queen of Austria , looked supremely imperial , and alio unacted the part aa if "tn thu man nor born. " Mr. Mol- chia in the * rolu of Joseph thu Second showed up well , and Alua Thiossen aa U.ironesa vonltudururwus very charm- i"K.Mr. Mr. Pen nor rjoraonatod the character of Lord Aspronnnt with thu usual ability , and Miss Grosa- nunii aa Marie was especially good. The character , however , which soctned to take the fancy of the audi- unco thu most unmistakably , was that of .focah Frohn , sustained by Mr. Hauck. Ilia acting was certainly very line , and great credit is duo to him for thu painstaking manner with which he mastered lita part. . Mr. Liinlenmnn made a very ellec- live Father Hichter , and Mr , Lutsch nmdu a capital military oflicer. Tiiu great increase in the attend- anuu and the ellicient histrionic talent which the inunugur engages prosaqo for Omaha's German theatera brilliant success during thu coming summer season. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DIED. KTHKNSI'EnaKKiHeuUb , used 2 yi urn , 6 months unit 5 days , of coniminp- tlon ; daughter of Jacob C , and Julia Ktzeiiiporgor. Services at rakkuoe , 1151 North teenth street , at G this afternoon , , wains to ue taken e&st tor lurlaL.