THE DAlLf JBEE--COlJls7OlL BLUOTS , IOWA MOKDAY MAY 1 Ib82 DAILY COUKCIL BLUFFS. Monday Morning , May 1. SUBSCRIPTION KATES : fly Carrier , - - - - - 10 cent * rr wc k. By Mall , - > - - - - - tip 00 ptr Y r. Office : No. 7 Ponrl Street , Near Broadway. 0. K. MAYNE , Vansfrcr City CirciiUllon. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. Second-hand , or building * to bo re moved , bought by W. H. Vaughan. Joseph Heller mnkcs tulU up In the laU t styles at 310 Broadway. nprH-tf Tbe dlttrict court for thin county Tpcns two weeks from to-day. The IJcicue company has Hi May dancn at Bloom ft Nixon's this evening. If you desire to sell your house or lot , notify W. K. Vaughan as to the price. For first clatn butter tubs be sure and call upon Joteph DOM , CIS Upper Broad- way. apr21-Ct See the ntx little cltcpy head * at Do- hany'n to-morrow night , in ' 'The Land of Nod. " The atreeU were quiet enough yester day to suit eren the most orderly church- coor. coor.The The project for lighting thii city by eiectiic light should not be allowed to drop into darkness. A restaurant room and a number of sleeping room ; , by Dchany's ball , for rent by W. K. Yaugbin. The city council U to hold an import ant meeting this ertahig , to consider the the new liceaso ordinance. Eight lame , beautiful Iqts b Hall' * addition , for sale cheap , a few blocks north of the Paci6c boose , byV. . K. Vaughan. Isn't it about time that work was lie- run on tbe new street car line , for which a charter waa obtained aome time One hundred and tiity acres of choice land , for tale or trade , on the B. & M. railroad in Nebraska , by W. K. Vau han. There was not much of a Saturday eight for the police , there beiug Lut a single arrest made , and the calabocxto bo- IOR empty on Sunday morning. The ehow windowaof IIarknesnOrcntt k. Co. , always attract attention , but espec ially now , as one is occupied by a balloon made of ailki , sating and ribbons. Mont of the thirsty soula yesterday . ought the back doors , tbtre being few front doom open. Saloons that have no rear doors are in bock luck now. There it a largo amount of fencing be ing done on the bottom , lots are being take J off , plats of ground being platted and tign'a of activity on all aides. Take your ice from 'the ' Blue Wagona. Order * taken at J. T. Olivor'n , and at 1 Jones Eros' . Grocery. Muliholland & Co. , successors to 1) . F. Kicher. ap29-tf ! "The Land of Nod ; " n charming oper- ettttj to be Riven at Dohany'a to-morrow might , will oall out about thirty persons in costume , and Is a mnnlcal and mirthful picturing of dreamland , Its fairies and ( prites. * Thin afternoon the , . funeral rervicea of thocliildof 0. H. Wheeler , living about ten miles from the city , will be held , and the remains brought to this city , a d placed in a rautt in Fnlrrlow cemetery. A special train is to carry the vOmaha gleu olub back to-morrow uight , after the entertainment at Dohany'a , and citizens from across the river who desire to attend can , thus make certain of returning home the Ban.o night. A warrant has been famed for the young girl who has been gett nfc various goods under the falto pretense of being a daughter of Mr. Noeon , the Insurance man. The girl and her mother are out of the city , and hcnco no arrest as yet. To-day is the one net for tbo taking tip of bills In congress providing for gov ernment buildings. If by any slip this city could get a ahow there would bo gen eral rejoicing , but there is no likelihood for any such atreak of luck before the tint Monday of next month if there is then. A , yery pleapan "Kato Qrecnway party1' was glren at the home of , Mm. , Dr. Oaborne last Friday uight which wan largely attended by yuung folks , gathered in honor of Miss 'Williams of Marshall- town , wlip Is In the city vbltlnj M'NS ! Lou Oabornc. There was dancing , tempting refreehmenU , and all the needful formerry l occasions , A pleasant surprise and prenentntlon occurred at the ofllce of the Council Bluffs insurance company Saturday evening , the victim being Charlei Duuu , the cashier of the company , who wan prevented with an elegant go'd watch and chain as a token of the ottcera am ) respect felt for him by Ui employes and nsuoclated. Mayor Ly tnau made the needful sueech. Further particular * hate been.learned concerning the babe which was loft on the tialn , of which Free L. Paine It 'the con ductor. It has developed that the troth'ei of the babe thus deseited is a chamber maid at Jefferson , who heartlei sly. ' gave the child to another woman to dispose of. Tali woman boarded the traln.aud left the babe for the railway boys to look after. The little thing has been restored to It * heartless mother , and the authorities have taken steps to foice lor to take care of It. * . John Jones , living at short distance out of the city , haa bad a bone stolen ad thinking that he bad secured track o the thief , a warrant was Issnod Saturday afternoon by Justice Fralney , The name W the horse thief not being known , the papers were made out for "Frank James/ It seems that1 'John Doe" and "JHcharJ Iloe" are soon to drop into oblivion , am "Jctue Jaiueu" and "Frank James" are tc npplant them. Constable Fox is th officer who it after Frank James. There have been about one hundret already who have applied for permits t draw books from the public library. Mac applicant is required to have Home res dent of responsibility vouch tor the aaf return of borrowed books , and some eeei to fed this' to be a hardship , A Httl thought would convince inch that this I only a wine provblou , and the Inconven \ ience is only slight. There oughtto b a large number/however , to avail them Mlrri of the advantageo of a fre publl library. There is much Interesting read Ing upon the ( helves which ought not to rest there Idly when It costs nothing to Lake advantage of it. OPENING TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AT BLISS1. POUNDING PROHIBITION. Onothor Mooting of the Council OIufTd Club For Completing Itu Organization. The Council Bluffs Anti-Prohibi tion club hold another mooting Fri day evening , for the transaction of ) usino8s , rather thnn for campaign purposes. Jlobort limn , who in the irat organization of the club was elected president , tendered his rcsig- intion , assigning as a reason that the pressure of personal business matters made it impossible for him to pjvo ho work the needed time and ntton ion , The resignation was accepted and M. O , Griflin was chosen to fill ho vacancy. C pt. L. Krioht , was elected vice-president. An oxccutivo committee was appointed consisting of 3. Goico , Peter Ucch'toler and G. It. Wheeler. Short addicssoi worom&do > y A. Lercli and Rev. W. Mallan , after which adjournment was taken. SHDST SO. "I say , John , vat docs tint moan wo wagons mit dor Boston Tea Storol" "I tell you , Hans , it means bust- ICM ; they do somcdingn at dat place. They soil good goods , and sheap , dot'a why it tikes so many clerks and wag ons at dat grocery storo. " FINISHED AT LAST. Tbo Equalization of Taxes Comple ted Ready * for Posting- . The city council has after much de- ay and many meetings completed the work of equalizing taxes , and the city clerk is preparing the necessary copico M post in the public places as required > y law. The council has to post these ists for a week before final action ia taken , the list to embrace the npmea of all these whoso property has boon raised above the amounts sot down by , ho assessor. The council has decided .o meet on the llth of May to take this final action. The Omaha Glee club and Juvenile > and will appear in "Tho Land of STod" entertainment tomorrow even- ' ANOTHER SKIP. Jock Hamlln Walks Out of tbo Uala- booBO Wltbout Any Trouble. The city calaboose is a good deal of a farce , it being apparently unable to told any person who is sober enough a walk out. The escapes have been so frequent of late that it is getting to )0 more common for the reporters to ask "how many got away" than it is o ask "how many hare you put in. " fho latest escape was a follow named Jack Hamlin , who was subjected to ho formality of being locked up for ) oing drunk. When tlio officer wont iut to got some coal for the stove , Jack quietly walked out , and thus laved himself the seven dollars which s required to got out by passing hrough the superior court. At last ccounts Jack was a.till at largo. Look out for the light infantry at ) ohany'B to-morrow night. * WRECKING WINDOWS. A Drunken Rur&list Smashing Windows dews In Kooldencoa and School HOUBOS. A follow full of bad whisky was earning about in the vicinity of the Jarnor school house , near Park's mills , Friday uight , and .amused himself by mashing the glass in 'the windows of djacont buildings. Ho successfully battered the windows in the shool louse , and also in Mrs. Scofiold's osidonco near by. Constable Rose- raus was sent out Saturday to arrest ho man , named 0. Holcomb. Ho md quite a lively time catching him , as Holcomb made a lively break from the roar of his house as the oflloor up- ironohed the front. The constable drew his revolver and mado.tho follow : emu to time , and successfully cap- urod him , Ho has been lodged in ail , and. will probably have a hearing tuforo Justice Abbott to-day. It ia also charged against the prisoner that during his drunken hurrah ho pulled a revolver and threatened to shoot some inoffensive citizens. THE LAND OF NOD. To-morrow evening a choice outer- ainment is to bo given at Dohany'a tail , consisting. the operetta "The ! j nd of .Nod. " Music by the Omaha 3oo ( club , and the Juvenile band , the Ichmokor family and such novelties as the light infantry , aud living 'tutu- ary , Kosorved seats only fifty c-ews , * or silo at Seaman's book store.i . Baao Bailers , There was a fine practice game played Saturday afternoon between the Council Bluffs nine and. a picked nine , thora being six innings , at the close of which the former had scored 23 runs and the latter 0. The Coun cil Bluffs nine consisted of Stroob , c ; Askwith , pj Bryan , 1st b ; Clinton , 2d b ; Huutington , 3d b ; Brown , a s ; Brouth , 1 f ; Athorton , r f ; Smith , o f. The other nine was composed oi Olawson , c ; Batchelor , p ; Walters , 1st b ; Rogers , 2d b ; 'Oliver , 3d b ; Walters - ors , a s ; Dary , r f ; Bronnan , 1 f ; MOT- ritt , o f , The game was BO one-sided as to .prevent its being very interest ing , and there was only four or five players who showed much skill. Stil ! there wore indications that with prac tice a strong nine could bo developed. Another game was 'played Saturday afternoon between a nine from the Wabakh freight oflico and a nine from Smith & Crittenden's wholesale store. The former consisted of Messrs. G lea- son , Jones , Mason , Morgan , Blanchard - ard , Doro , Clark , West and Welsh , and the latter nine of Messrs. Good rich , Spoonor , Homer , Baldwin , Tracy , Ilavorotock , Hclbard , Ilough- ton nnd Gnisf. The railway boys won by nearly two to one. A beautifully trimmed hat for one dollar at Bliss' . PERSONAL. .T. Campston , of Shreveport , Lo. , was at the Ogdcn yeoterday. H. 11. Hnll , of Uangor Me. , took a look at Council Dlufls yesterday. Dr. J , K , Hansom , nf Dennlson , Iowa , pasted his Sunday at the Ogden. Lieutenant Governor O. H. Manning , of Carroll , was In the ci'y ' Teftterday. Judge George W. McCreary was In the city yesterday , the gucht o ( Mr. W. S. Mayno , A. S. Klnn'ey , of Chicago , wai In the city yesterday. He is one of the bow boot and shoo men on the road , L , B. Wadleigh , extentively'engaged in the lumber business nt Clinton , 111. , took a days' rest here yesterday. H. W. S. Ott'n , one of the liveliest cloth ing men who ipms out of Chicago , spent his Sunday lay-off at the Ogden. Hev. 1 * . f. liresee has returned from the west , nnd occupied tbe pulpit of the Broadway Methodist church yesterday , as usual. usual.Will Will Stull , an old Council Bluff * boy , now located at Lincoln , Neb. , is in the * city greeting and bclnj , ' greeted by his old friends. A. J. Glaea , superintendent of the JanesvIlloManufacluringCompjny.Jatice- ville , Wig. , is in the city looking after the farm machinery trade. Will Merritt , of Des Moinea , and Sam VTatRon , of Chicago , two 11 y boys who have scores of customers and many fritnds on the road , were spied at thn Ogden yes terday , indulging In a quiet tete-a-tete. .Inmei A , Jackson , a former resident of Council lMuffi > , nnd now largely engaged in stock dealing , with headquarters in St. Louis , ppcnt Sunday in this city. His wife accompanies him , and they are stop ping at the Ogden. DITCHING. A TRAIN. A Moro Boy Throws an Englno and Several Cars On tbo Track. A wreck was caused in the yards of ' the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railway , Friday evening , by a more boy , Eddie Cole , aged about fourteen , throwing a switch. An engine and three cars wore approaching , and the switch was ao it should bo , when the boy , who was ploying about , throw the switch , and it was too late for the engineer to atop. The engine waa damaged considerably-and three cars thrown off the track. The boy was arrested , but there being some doubt about establishing the fact that the boy did it maliciously , a cnaro was filed , against him for jumping on and off tha cars while in motion , that seem ing to bo the only offense which the boy can bo punished for. His friends furnished bail for his'appearance , and the case was continued until next Wednesday. It is said in the boy's behalf that ho has been in the habit of helping the men in and about the yards , and has often been allowed to turn a switch , which fact , if true , does away with malicious' intent to a largo extent. Bliss' sales of millinery was very large last month , because no such bar- gaiimworoovar offered before in Coun cil Blufft ) . Call and see the prices and ; oods. You will be convinced. Changing Owners. The following transfers of real cs- .ato ore reported as taken from the county records by J. W. Squire & Jo. , abstractors of titles , real estate and loan agents , Council Bluffs : T. J. Baker to 0. Todd , aw aw B , 75 , 40 ; $800. J. A Klein to Thomou Green , port of BOO. 32 , 70 , 43j g2,215. 0. G. Hurst to It , Hackott , n J no 10 , 75 , 39 ; 82,000. , It. Porciyul to P , D ! Mooraan , lots 32 nnd 33 in Johnson's addition to city ; 8620.r r i F. Good win'Ho G. B. Hough , B t , nw 8 , 70 , 43 ; $2,200. J. J. Speed to Herman Groto , no sw Gy 75 , 42 ; $400. J. IS. Stephens to J. FJynn , BW 22 , 70 , 41 ; $2,480. J Stuhr to A. Stuhr , w ) , nw 27 and BO no nnd no ne and e | of BO and sw Be 28 , 77 , 41. Win. Wray to J. M. Palmer , lot 7 n 15 , Kiddle's sub to city ; $050. N. P , Dodge to J. H. Dugan , nw nw 4 and no no 5 , 77 , 42 ; ? 008 ; N. P. Dodge to A. Ransom , BW nw 4 , 77 , 42 ; $480. Mary B. Swan to B. Fogerty , lots 0 and 10 in 5 , McMahon , Cooper & Jef fries addition to city ; gl,250. Visit "Tho Land of Nod" at Do- lany's to-morrow night. A peep at dreamland for only fifty conU. CRESTON. The Odd Follows Celebration a Tame Affair PorBonu and Matters of Interest. Correspondence ol The ! ) , ' OKKSTON , Iowa , April 26. Your reporter arrived in this city on No. G last niirht , the 20th. The purpose of hia visit being to attend the much advertised anniversary of the I. 0. 0. F , , hold here to-day. One thing wo will Bay for Creaton , it is a rattling town , It Qrowa like a mushroom. Since our last visit to this magic city , work has been commenced ou four now business blocks besides innumer able dwelling houses. The addit.onal machine shops BO much talked of and desired by the Creston people are a certainty. They will bo built this summer , BO wo are informed. The anniversary exercises of the Odd FullowB wore not as well patron- ired as was expected by Odd Follows at this point. There were not to exceed - ceed 300 visitinp members in attend , once , and it is probably well that there were no more , for the arrange ments were poorly made. The on'y ' notable thing about the celebration was the oration of Hon. John Vanaulkinburg. Thatwaagood. It deserved n better audience and more favorable circumstances under which to inspire its delivery. Dinner waa served nt two or more places in town , and reflected much credit on'tho ladies who conducted it. The ball to-nit ht vas largely attended. The weather in this section hasbctin M chnngnblo for the past month as it has been in Western Iowa. Farmers are n great deal discouraged nnd tny that unless n radical change occurs in the weather oflico and consequent1 } ' throughout the country , nnd that very Boon , short crops must bo expected as a consequence. I find , as a general thing , repub licans hero are in favor of renominnt- ing Col. Hepburn for n second term ; not because of anything he has done particularly , but because it is custom- nry to give congressmen- two terms in Iowa. Hepburn is looked upon M the tool nnd servant of the railroads , nnd two terms will end his public ca reer no doubt. Ho is and has always been a sycophant of monopolies , but just now no one soenis to care , in this district , to make the race against him in view of the precedent established in this Btato'which , , lot mo add , is not a very wise one when a poor incum bent is in oflico. PALO ALTO. It Beads the List Of all other preparations or medicines. In cases of nausea , headache , dizziness or irregularities of the system , 1)CI ) > TOCK BLOOD BITTKHS have no'equal. They never foil in t Herding immediate tclief. Trice 31.00. 28-dlw To tlia Temperance Workers ofPotta- wattamlo County. Every township in the county that has not already done BO is requested to hold a meeting at the earliest pos sible day and appoint n township pro hibitory amendment committee of three , the names of which should bo reported to L. W. Tullpys , secretary of the oxccutivo committee , Council Bluffr. The friends of temperance nro re quested to act promptly and send in these names nt 'once. n7-4t EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Satisfactory. Mrs. Wa'lace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : "I have used BUIIUOCK BLOOD BITTEIIS for nervous and bilious headache ) , and have recommended them to my trienda ; I believe them superior to any other medicine - cine I have used , and can recommend them to anynne requiring n cure f"r bil iousness. " Trice 81.00. 28-dlw HIS GRATITUDE , llth and Poplar streets , 1 ST. LOUIH , Mo. , March lV , 1881. J H. H. WAHNEU &Co. : Sirs For twelve years 1 suffered from kidney troubles until your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure wrought a wonderful re storation of health. aprldlw JOHN M. WARD. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. HptclU advertisement * , aju Lost , Found , To Lo n , For Sale , To Bent , Wuti , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In toll column at the loir rate of TEN CENTS PER LIME for tbe Ural Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent , Insertion. Lcare adr ertlacmenta at our office , No. 7 Pnarl Street , near lircidwijr. Wants. WANTED.-Six coopers it onco. Joseph Kosa. llroudway. Council llluffg. > 0-01 Hoarders By day or week. Fur- WANTED roonio. 200 4th street. pr 0 flt "TTTANTED Everybody In Council Bluffs la YY to take Tin Bn , 0 cents per llvercd by carrion. Office , No 7 Pearl Street * near Broadway. WANTED To buy 100 tons broom corn. For particulars address Coancll Blutfe Broom Factory , Council Hinds. Jowa. 658-29tf For Snlo and Rent TTlon SALE Beautiful residence lots , J60 Jj each ; notblug down , and $3 per month only , by KX-MAYOUVAUG1JAN. opl3-tt li Uil llh.Nl KuihUII'ii lluiul , UildUlO UruiKl- A } way , Council Huffs , Iovtalsauell-knon ; house : nest lacatlou In tbe city SUoilnt- cluded. Call on or addrcsi - 1'110 1m 1'ETER DECHTELl , . HALE WtlUtrJrund ; or Woman' * Frlcud , the gicat German dlicoiery. 1'oMllvccure for feroa'o weakness In all Ita Tjrlouu formsnd at ( , ' " ' At aprlSlm l > ElIAVKN'S.Dmj Store. HKNT PuraMied rooms , s. w.uor , Cth EOK . and llth ttrect. ' prl8-2w * ltKJ > T THO cicely furnished rooms to FOR gentlemen , In very denlrable location , tpll-tf J. W. SQUIRE &CO. TTIOU KENT. Two KO bouse at3 one tore , JD 829 Uro d tty.-Ai'ply aprll-lit * A . WILSON. T710R BALE Old papers 26c per hundred , at J } The Boo office , Council DIuDs. se27-U "ITI OU KENT Large house , centrally located , .JL nice Krounds , etc. , 9Z& per month. Enquire at Din ofllce. tpll-tf Miscellaneous. A cold carted rlrg between Broadway LOST tie transfer , l Bt October FlTedol. Ins reward will be pM Dy lca\Ing came at this oOlct , mist Ot L"OST Wednesday , Aprino7Tfa3y' s tfir3ol- man at wist waltlnir room dinot a Trans- ft r. Kinder wl'l be liberally rewarded by lmg \ at this office. np2S-2t AND 8KB A SPLENDID CKAYON CALL of a prominent citizen , done by a Ant-class Boston artUt , at the Eicultlor r llcry , Ualnitrect. aprlMt W. L. PATTON Physician and Oculist. DIL cure any case of sore cyc . It U only a matter of Unto , and can cure generally in from three to 0\t weeks It reaken no differ * ence bow lontf diseased. Will straighten crois eyes , operate and remove Ptyrtglnms , etc. , and Insert artificial eyes. . p6-U A NYONEWANtlNO sorreflne quillty broom /V corn seed can get it by writing to. pis tf 1 * . IVJIIAYNK , Council Bluffs. One o ! the best atcond-class Hotels In the West U the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. E BIltWK , Proprietor. Nos. 531 and (30 Broadway , Council IJlufls , Iowa. Table supplied with tb best tbe market al- fotdi. Ocod rooms and orst-clau beds. Terms very reasonable. SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N , Anderson , - - Proprietor , 732 Lower Broadway. Table supplied with he best tbe market af fords. TerniiW.&Oand Jl.OO i > r week. Transient 11.00 per day. UNION AVENUE HOTEL . 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs. 0. Gerspacher & Son , . FIRST CLASS HOTEL AT REA SONABLE PRICES , TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED. HOTKL FOU RENT , GOOD RHAHONS JOB TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetic Wants of the Publio in FINE GROCERIES. With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Cliioce Drawing Teas. Boston Tea Co. 16 Main Stand 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W. SHERMAN MANUFACTDREn OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery PINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H. StlF.UHAN' , IJusIncss Manager. WM. CIllUSTOPIIEa , Mechanical llanager. 124 S. Main St. , Council BluHs , Ia. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD ! Bright and yellow and bird And cold , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'd , Heavy to Ret nnd light to hold ; Hoarded , battered , bought and Bold , Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ; Spurned by the young , tut hugged by tbe old To the very verge of the churchyard mould ; 1'jice of many aciimo untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If vou want to have gold yon must epend your money to tha very best ad vant age. Do business with cash men , and where only one price will be asked or taken. REMEMBER "A tree ia known by its fruit " A store by ita prices , ONE THING CERTAIN Our prices are right. Our business la a guarantee that fair-dealing is our watch word. XLCR is our motto * . Our busi ness is in a most healthy condition. Every department in doing good work. Canned Goods are going off very cheap. Teas and Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy Shelf Goods' for the million , ' Coino and see us , we will do you pood. F , J. OSBORUE & CO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORK , MANUFACTURERS OF ENGINES. BOILERS , MINING AND GE ERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Stropt , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. , Wo glte special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOISTER8 AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK vrlU , receive prompt attention , A general oa- Bortmont of Brass Goods. Bolting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , OoaL OHAS , HENDBIE , , President 2. OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS EIXTUKES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMER , t > EALKU IK REAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , coratni. BLUFFS , IOWA. ' Drs ; Woodbury & Son , x > on ar i1 x s a ? \ Cor. Pearl * 1st Are. OOONOn. BLUFFS. MAURBR & OEAJG , ' ARTISTIC POTTERY , Blob Out Olosa , Fine French China , Silver Wore &c. , 8 0 BROAPWaT. . COUKC1L BLUFFS. 10VVA. MRS , fl , J , HILTON , M.D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadwav , Council BlufiV Vf. S. AUBNT , J.ACOB 8IVS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oouneollors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFB. IHWA. HARKNESS , ORCtrtt & CO. , RY GOOD Broatey , Cor , Fourth St , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-2-3m - - J. MUELLER'S Ohickering , Weber. Lindeman , J. Mueller arad' other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ' Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50anaupward. Musi IM : cal Merchandise of every diecription. * Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , Bhoet-Mtlsic , JL'oys , TT Gomes , Fancy Goods , Wholesale and Re II tail. Pianos and Orcang eold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and complete - plete , Musical Journal tree on applica IIO tion. Correspondence Solicited. ' Address : O d. MUELLER , I 103 South 5th Street. c El COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , $1.75 and $2.00 X7ST Bluff and Willow Streets , Council Bluffs. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Eto , , Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH WAIN STREET. v THE BEST BREAD IN THE OITY None but first-class Bakers \ employed. Bread , Cake , Pies , &c. , delivered to any part of the city. Our Wagons run all day. P. AYRES , Proprietor. M E T C A L F B R O S. , WHOLESALE DEALEKS IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved nnd Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Parma , both in lowa'and Nebraska. Ofllce with W. S. MAYKE. over Savings Bank , - COUNCIL BLUFS THE VEUY LATEST STYLES OF Wall Paper and Window Shades W ffi And the Largest Awortmcnt to Select I'rom. Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Done in tbo Latent Style of Modern Art. ' Geo. B. Beard Jj Pearl St. Council Bluffs. & A.BEK11K , - ? W. HUNYAN , W.'BEEIJE . \ C. Af BEEBE & CO. { ' Wholesale and Uttal' 'Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 1207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. ' Mrs. J. Eletcalfe and liss Belle Lewfs Are now dealing In all kinds of fanry KOOI'B , fciich s Laces , Embrolder'e ' * , Ladles' Undtinca of all descriptions. Also Jiniidlicrchlo' * , both In fli > and Hueii , hose ol all Kindt , thread , pi neeillcy , itc. We hope the laulea will cull and eee our stock of goods at (35 Broadway btforti- iig I' I'E. E. J , DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS ; of All Kind * A Full Line of Canvas , Felt * , Embroidery , KnittiuK U.V Silk * and Stamped Goods- Mice Aisortnen * of Applique Pictures Z. T. LINDSEY & CO. , 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOW ] And WESfSIDS SPARE , CLARMDA IOWA ,