Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 01, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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5hurstonNanceLaird , , and Dawo :
Boxing the Political Paofc ,
The Work of the Extra Sosaior
Definitely Laid Out by
the Managers.
Congressional Apportionrmnl
to the Bear The Military
to the Front.
Morn Wind tThrm Wlohodnom it
the Ctutodirm'n Aocotmtv.
Oorre p3mlenre of Tim H .
LtucotN , April 28. The sensation
of the hour at Lincoln just now It the
investigation at present being made
into the management of the government -
mont building under the custodian
ship of D. O. Hull , who was deposed
some titno ago. Two special agents
Messrs. Swords and Douglas from
"tho United States sub-troaaury at
Chicago have boon hero for two or
three days past looking over Air.
Hull's accounts , and have so far com
pleted their work that a tolerably ac
curate statement may bo made concerning -
corning it. Charges have boon cur
rently made hero for a long time that
there was a eood ; deal of crookedness
in connection with Mr. Hull's man
agement of his office , but no particu
lar attention was paid to them until
the present investigation began. It is
Ronernlly nuppoaod hero that the pres
posroifacn AUTHORITIES
are responsible for the presence
of the treasury officials hero ,
aa charges had been preferred
against Hull , and nro now on file at
the department. The complaints that
are made against him are that ho has
compelled employes to divide their
wages with him , and has pursued a
systematic course of returning fraudu
lent vouchers for material purchased
for the government building. A
largo number of merchants and others
have been dallod upon to testify before -
fore the examining officers , and a
great deal of important testimony
adduced to show that a serious Rtato
of things exists. The course pursued
by Mr. Hull is said to have been as
follows : Ho would go to a store in
town and buy some material ; then
would ask the merchant to accommo
date him by signing a voucher for a
than his bill called for , on the pica
that ho wished to buy other goods
elsewhere , and did not care to multi
ply his accounts. In other cases ho
would ask the merchant to stop out
and buy goods for him at other stores ,
and have him sign a vouch in blanks
for the two bills , filling in the amounts
to suit himself. R. D. Stonrns , a
yout'g lawyer here , is also stated to bo
mixed up in the matter , ho having had
a contract for furnishing the building.
Both Hull and Steams have left town ,
but it is riot supposed that they have
gene away on account of this exposure.
Among other testimony adducrd before -
fore the investigators , A. M. Davis
testified thatltho sum of 825 was puid
for putting down , carpets , where the
voucher called/tor about 8150. Louie
Meyer , otated that n bill of goods ,
amounting to about $30 , was bought
from him , and the voucher called for
$125. D. & 0. L. Baum , Ed.
Church , Jansen .Bros. , and others
A Swede , named Hanson , who had
boon employed as fireman in the ROV-
ornmont.building , Bays that Hull paid
him $30 per month and made him sign
a voucher for $52. Mr. Hull and his
friends complain bitterly about the
ox parto method of the investigation ,
saying that ho is not allowed to bo
present at the taking of testimony nor
i given the privilege of refuting the wit
nesses. It looks as though this was
the ease , but the evidence thus fur
adduced is.ceitainly prima fuciu ovi-
< louco of gross mulfoasnnco. The
treasury officials have promised mo un
interview this afternoon , and 1 muy
gain Boinotliinx muro fruin them. They
-telegraphed for ftlr. 0. M. Lambert-
( on , thu district attorney , to comedown
down , and ho jilid HO ; but after reviewing -
viewing the oviduncu in tliuir posses
sion refused to rro t Hull , very
properly holding Unit ihu United
States tourt" iiH ivbout to incut , and
he couM bu rntisfuctorily examined
then if norc ? ary ,
The supreme court in in testion and
is disposing of a largo uuiuburof OASIS.
Harry Stout , the chiuf itotor in tin
in this city , was married last night to
Miss Bailey , the young lady who wus
with him at the time Hitchcock was
, , A petition has been received by the
governor asking for the pardon of P.
H. Oarrigan , the sewing machine
\ agent , sentdown from Douglas county
* . ou the charge of foigory , AKO.IJS.
" "Correspondence of The Omaha Be * .
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 29. Re
garding the coming session of
the legislature , there are a number of
interesting pieces of gossip which will
shortly bo recorded in those commu
nications. A careful observer cannot
fail to bo impressed with the fact that
it waa nothing but the universal pop.
ular pressure * brought to boar upon
Lim that induced Governor Nance to
call that body together at all. It may
be remembered as a somewhat strik
ing coincidence that on a certain day ,
Bomo two weeks since , both The Re
publican and The Herald of your city
came out simultaneously with lengthy
leaders demanding that tbo legislature
be called at once , and in a very few
days thereafter ihu call was iosued.
Sustaitling wua thiu coincidence that
it hu
of ii put up job , mid. there teems to
" ioasfen for doubting that when
i fuinid'how 'overwhelming the
unt was in favor of such a gath
ering pf the Jt'tjislftturo ' , the Omaha
railroad papers wera purposely stirrei
up to make A great clamor on the sub
jcot , and Nanca dutifully bowed hi
head in acquiescence to their de
mands. But notwithstanding the fac
that a special session has been called
it dors not follow that the state wil
bo redistrlctod. It is broadly liintci
by sotno of the governor's qitaa
friends hero that the only idea ho hat
in calling the legislature together wa
that it might become involved in n
indefinite squabble ever the reapportionment
tionmont matter , and finally bo pro
rogued in disgust. In this manno'r h
would expect
from the pressure of public opinioi
and at the tame time fail to accomp
liflh the item which ho is supposed t <
bo so particularly hoslilo to. It in un
derstood that Thurston , DAWCS am
Liird are heartily in favor of such i
course being taken if it can bo sue
cossfully accomplished , aa it woulc
then enable them to carry out tin
original schema of throwing the bull
of the power into the hands of tin
state central committee. There i
every reason to suppose that a largi
amount of bed blood
during the session by thn more active
participants in this scheme , in ordei
to facilitate operations for the govor
nor. A lively fight over the militit
appropriation bill is sure to arise , ai
the items therein will amount to t
very respectable total by the time the ;
are footed up ; and a lengthy discus
sion of this matter will only compli
cate the apportionment plans.
It is stated that Speaker Shodd an ;
Lieutenant Governor Cams have
agreed * to dispense with the services ol
all committee clerks during the extra
Gossip ever the Hull case still con
tinues unchecked. The treasury
agents loft for Chicago to-day , but
will return next week to continue the
investigation. I interviewed one ol
them last night , but' found him very
"There is one thing you may say ,
however , " ha remarked , "so far us
our researches have gone I have no
hcsita'ion in stating that wo have not
found anything yet that would justify
us in reporting Mr. Hull as guilty 9 !
misappropriation. There is abundant
jvideuco of gross irregularities in the
conduct of his office , but that is as
much as wo are prepared to charge. "
"Mr. Hull is not under restraint
then ? "
"Not the slightest. Ho can go and
: omo at his volition. In fact , wo
liavo no authority to order his arrest
unless mattoas grow very much more
lorious. "
"Who formulated the charges
igniiiBt him on which this investiga
tion IB based ) "
"That 1 cannot toll you. The
: harges uro on file in the department ,
mwover , and are there open for in-
ipcction. "
"Mr. Hull and his friends claim
hat this is a sort of star-chamber
ifiair. and that ho is not given the
mviloRo of knowing what testimony
s given against him. Js that so ? "
"You must remcmbur that Mr
lull is not on trial now. ' If you wore
ny agent and were accused of mis-
ising my funds , I would not go to
ou and ask you if it were so , but
rould inspect your accounts and those
if the men you dealt with in my
lamo. That is precisely
iVo have all of Mrr"HuU'n"vouchers
lero from Washington. Wo then cull
11 thu tradesmen and ask theme
o show their books/ and in that way
ut at the discrepancies. Mr. Hull
rill have a chance to make all the ex-
'lunations ' ho wants , and the facts and
ho explanations wilt bo furnished to
other to the department. If the au-
horitics then rco fit to prosecute , the
aso .will como before the United
itatos grand jury and ho can defend
limsolf ad libitum. "
Hull is now in Omaha , but is ox-
icotcd back Monday.
The supreme court has adjourned
intil the 20th of Juno. AIIQUH.
'ho Paris of America Personal Notes
From Beaver Overcoats to
Straw Hatn.
Mini ) Free Fmi.
I laid ever ono day in Cincinnati to
co the Paris of America. I have
lever visited the Puns of Franco , and
io\v there is no need of it. I can see
ust how it is narrow i toe ts , cobblo-
tone pavements , cluy'mid , dingy
luildinpa , horrible croaa-walks , up
nils , down hills , side hills and all the
tltor hills which cities are heir to.
If you ever meet a man whp stops
ligh , or who seems tohave , ono short
eg , sot him down as a resident of
Cincinnati. Half the population of
'oikopolia are engaged half their lives
n trying to preserve their equilibrium ,
? hu postoillce IrTJh a milo hill , all the
ninks are on au incline , and when you
hink you are entering tint Imaemont
> f a wholesale clothing he Ciso you and-
[ only discover that you are ou the
irst lloor of the saloon nuxt door.
Everybodody in Cincinnati walks
in thu side of his foot , Ho has got
0 do it or go over. Ono shoemaker
old mo that ho kept five cobblers
toadily engaged in putting ' 'lifts" on
mot hoeli. There is once in a while
1 level block , but the stores must be
anted at very low figures. The
'tone" runs to side-hill.
I wont over to sob the boys on the
inquirer , and they made mo at home.
2vory one of them asked , ' mo to din-
ior , and ono of the staff who lived si >
uilos away was thoroughly grieved bo-
sauso I wouldn't run out and have a
> ito with him and see his garden.
Every writer on the Enquirer is run-
ilng to garden this year , and most of
hem have seven defforont sorts of
regoUbles growing. The city editor
iaa a' "paten" eighteen foot long by
; welvo wide , surrounded ou three
lides by buildings. Ho spent 827 on
t tin ? spring , but as an offset to the
jxpeuse ho assured me that working
n the soil cured him of liver com
plaint , restored his hair to its natural
; olor , and entirely broke him off the
mbit of going to sloop in church.
The boys on thu Commercial and
[ Dazetto are awfully good , They be-
jau with the oldest man on the stalf
o ask mo to supper , and had I ro-
iminod in Cincinnati twenty-one days
t would not huvo exhausted the list.
The Commercial and Gazette men
lon't run to garden at all. On the
Jret the boys turn more to pomology
uid on thu last they believe that fly
ing machines will yet supersede rail
way trains.
That the Cincinnati Southern roa <
moans to make itself rmpular withthi
traveling public is evident from it
choice of men to fill certain positions
The general passenger agent of a rail
road is a man always heard of and seldom
dom or never scon , In most cfu . hi
is a boar. Ho doesn't care three cent
whether ho makes friends of enemies
Mr. E. T' . Wilson , of the Southern , i
neither an nutocrai nort a bear. Ill
is accessible to all , has a welcome fo ;
all , and is a thorough gentlemen. Hi
is managing his department as a merchant
chant would manage a trade ho desired
sired to build up , and his policy mns
certainly make friends for the road.
Roau Uampboll is the general trav
cling agent of the road , and is another
or just such man. Every inquirer ii
treated courteously , and every cfTor
is made to secure friends. Ho is soot
to publish a now pamphlet descriptivi
of the route , and containing ? 5CK
worth of choice cuts representing _ th <
best views. Ho is not only a princi
among general traveling agents , bul
has a literary turn which will adver
Use the road all'over the north ,
rnojf c. TO c. "
No ono could expect that the sconorj
along the route from Cincinnati tc
Chattanooga would equal that on the
Baltimore & Ohio , or the Union Pa
cifio , but nevertheless it is grand and
picturesque in the full sense of the
term. It is not mountain after moun.
tain and gulch after gulch , but an
over-changing panorama of surprises.
Hero the track follows a beautiful
valley for three or four miles then
turns a mountain over a chasm-
through a gulch out into a level ol
meadow and orchard into a grand
forest and so on for the entire dis-
trnco. It annoys the passenger tc
realize that ho can't BOO both sides ol
the track at once. There is not a day
light ride in America furnishing more
romance and sentiment than this.
The road-bed is smooth , the cars now ,
iho offiinls pleasant , ana what you cat
s clean and well cooked.
Ono leaving Dttroit Tuesday ni ht
saw that the willows were jus4 : taking
in a faint green. Around Cincinnati
ho apple trees were in blossom.
Soro'tho groves and forests are grand
n their summer dress , many vogota-
> los are fit for the table , and 'wheat
itands almost high. The boys are
> arofootcd , straw hats rule the day ,
and the weather is just what Michigan
vill get in June. One can leave De-
roit at 8 o'clock p. m. and reach
Chattanooga at 10 p. m. the next
) voning , and the fare is very reasonable
or the distance.
It is a wonder that more Do traitors
lon't como this way in the summon
Among the mountains of Tennessee
md Virginia are DO mo of the cosiest ,
oolcst summer retreats in the coun-
.ry. Further than that , there ia peed
lunting and fishing , splendid scenery ,
nd the trees , vines and flowers are
omothing now to northerners. The
ailroad rates are no higher than to
lie hot seashore , while the hotel
barges are much less and the fare all
liat can bo desired.
Here in Chattanooga ono may bus-
lo or ono may dream. The sound of
uxramor and saw Fill the city. The
rcat union depot , the finest in the
md. is just being completed. AU
lie furnaces and factories are in full
ilastitreiitn lining pavcd--thu eleo-
rio lights being put upand "rush" is
very where apparent. The war gave
Chattanooga her first start. Then
orthorn capital made her ono of the
usicst little cities of thu whole land.
3ay after day she sends out from
wonty-fivo to thirty trains of freight
vor the roads centering hero , and
othing but a general panic will , pro-
put her from doubling her popula-
ion in the next fifteen years.
Chattanooga. April 20,1882.
Tons of thousands of dollars are gquaod-
rod yojrly npoti traveling quacks , whopo
rom town to town profenaluK to euro alt
lie ills that our poor humanity ia heir to.
Vliy will rot the public loam coinin n
en e , and If they are sulTeilug < rom dy -
> op la or liver complaint , invest a dollar
n . HUNO UI.OHHOM , sold by all druggists
nd indorsed by the laculty. See testi
monials. 1'rlco CO cents , trial bottles * 0
ents. 28-dlw
A Child Killed by on Eagle.
J artrGol.Trlbino ( , April II.
About ten days ago while Mr.
' 'rank Koolor , of the firm of J.
Looler & Son , was visiting at North
Matte , Nob. , ho was a witness to an
ttorapt made by an eagle to carry off
baby , which , although unsuccessful ,
osultod in the death of the child ,
'ho baby was the youngest of Mr , R ,
\ . Douglas's family. Douglas ia the
amous "Buckskin Bob , " the
: out of the Loup'o , While
lie little ono was play-
] g in the yard the eagle swooped
own , and fastening its talons in the
laby'a back , tried t soar aloft. The
juraon was too heavy , however , and
when about four foot from the ground
lie eagle lot go iU hold , the child
uslaimng injuries in the fall that'
irovod fatal , The father happened
o bo present , and , grasping his ride ,
hot the oaglo. Mr. Kooler asked for
ho bird , and yesterday ho received it
> y express. The moaturoment from
ip to tip of the eagle's wings is nine
cot. * '
"When Kverytmnsr Klse Failed. '
KANHAH CITY , Mo. , May 6 , 1831 , j
H. H. WAIINKH & Co.j BIrs For ten
'ears I endured the tortures of lirtgbt's
Neeuee , Phyvlcian * und the r pretcrip-
ions weieM uo avail. When rvrrvthlog
elie failed I resorted to jour Safe Kidney
nnd Liver Cure and WM restored to per-
eot health JllBTJN ItouiNBON.
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific
IIU a poejUvecuro lor Bponufttoirhu , Bomln *
VtaknuM. IrnpoUucy , and nil dlKneta nwultlo
rom bcll-AbuM , M MentiJ Anxiety , Ixxwi
Iroiory , Vaiu * lu the Back or SI Jo. in < ] dUcMtl
th IwU to
Inuulty n ,
carlygr k c
The Bpo ino
MoUldoo Ii
twlng u oJ
with wonjor-
tul euccosa.
J Faupblcti
wet ( rco to U. WrUo tor them md get rail p i-
Price. Specific , tl.OO | ifr pck TC , or ilx p cli.
i oa arJW.W , Add raw M onluv to
No * . 104 and 100 Mtln fit UuOilo , M. T.
BoM In Omitha t0. . r. Opoduun , J , W , Dell
f , K. Itli , and all orugKUtfitTAnrwliorv.i
i -dliw
Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago ,
Baofache , Soreness of the Cnostti
Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swellings -
ings and Sprains , Burns and .
Scalds , General Bodily
Pains ,
Tooth , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Feet and Ears , and al/ other
Pains and Aeht * .
ITc CMhltflfl on earth < jri t ST. JACOIS Oil
a laff Ht tfttjilf and ehtap Kxtirnt )
smrdy. A trlaTnitalls but th * compsratlvtl )
trtllnp ; outlay of CO Onfn , and sttry one snfftr-
lag with ptln can bavs cheap and petltlT * STMf
f Its claims. ' J.
ClrKUoni In Zlsvtn lanna ( * . VI
I * now open to the publlo with a full supply o
Cut Flowers and Plants
For Balo. We will be glad Id bav * the public
call nnd seoul i
Bouquets or Any Flora } Design Made
to Order
City Oretn Hounr , S. W. Cor 17th and Web-
stcr , one block from 10th street car * . Nursery ,
S3a street , opposite Fait. Jo * . T. Craig , Florui
and r.andim nml nlnyr. , . Font-flm.
Genius Rewarded ;
on , f
The Story of the Sewing Maohinp ,
A handsome little pamphlet , blue and golf
cote with numerous engraving * , will be
to any buult p ni-n calling- for It , at nny bram
or sub-olllco of The Singer Ma'iufacturlng Com
pany , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , t
any perion living at a distance from our olfico
The Singer Mannfactnring Do , ,
Principal Office , 34 * Union Square
_ _ A Cure Qnarantood.
Dr. n. C. WoiVn Nerve and Drain Treatment
L upedflc for Hysteria , Ulizlneaa , Convulsloni ,
Tervous Headache , Mental Depression , LOBS ol
temory.Sperrua to rrhcua , Impotent , Imoluntary
! mn lens , Prematire Old Ace , cauocd by over
zortlon , self-abuiio , or over-indulgence , whlc'
cods to inlaory , dcciy and death. Ono box ft )
cure recent cases. Ei h bo contains ono month' '
rcatmunt. One Jotar B box , or six boxes love
vo dollars ; sent byVinall .prepaid on receipt o
rice , VV arunranl VilMt > eiiraony casj
WltU each orocr rocclvc'S bj-uslordlx boxiiTaa
companlcd with five dollan , will send the jur.
hMcr our written guatinteo to return th' '
money If the treatment decs not etttct a cure.
0. F. Goodman , Druirglsl , Sole , Wholesale nm
ruxul Agent , Omaha , Ncbt Orders by mallal
lotallaprtco. I diwly
CendiU'a Spavin Curo. a I having a valuable
nd sfccdy hone which hal been lame from
avlnlor eighteen monthiA eont to you ( or a
rattle by express , which 11 Mr weeks removed
11 lamenru and onlargomoij and a largi spl'nt '
rom another horse , and boh bones are to-day
Lakound as colts. The one bottle wag worth tone
no one hundred dolani Respectfully , n. A.toiiTOLiTT , M. D.
Bond for Illustrate ! clrc iving posltlv
iroof. Price ? ! . All Drujrij have It or can
et It for you. Dr. B. J. K < l & Co.1 , Pro-
rletors , Enosbnrgh Falls , Vl
6OLD BY ALLi D raaisrs.
A Sure Cure Found at Lastl
A fare cure for Blind , "lieodTifTlichlng anc
Ulcerated Pile * ha * been dlMOveti by Dr. Wil
liam , ( an Indian remedy , ) . calledjDr. Will am' *
Indian Ointment. A ( Ingle boaht * cured th *
BOrtt chronlo cage * of 85 or SOyetj itandlng. No
one need rafter Qve minute * aUH applying tblt
wonderful soothing medicine , 4tlons , Instru
ment * and electuaries do more btm than good.
William's Ointment absorbs the limora , allays
Iho Intense Itching , ( partlculaalyr night after
getting warm In bed , ) acU as ape 1 , glvelp.
itant apd nalnleM relief , and lipr 1 only for
lie * . Itching ot th * private pariij ad fortieth
ag cue.
Uead what the Hon. J. M. Coffli rry ot Cleve-
and MT * about Dr. William' * Ii o Pile Olnt.
ment : I have used Koroe of PII lire * , and It
afford me p ensure to uay that I nsl never found
anything which gave oucb. Immedl * and perma-
oent relief a * Dr. William' * Indlaifimtment
for sale by all dniggtit * or malltkn r receipt
9 , OHIO.
rot aal * by 0 , r Goodman.
edy JVn un-
falling cure
I for , Beiniual
Weakness ,
rhea , liu pot
ency , and all
follow as a _
IErtlETAllMB. equeDce ol AH TAIIKBv
BolI-AluHc ; an LAD * of Memory , Un ,
tude , Pain In the Uack , Dlmu H cl1 Ion , Pre
mature Old Age , and many other asoi that
lead to Insanity or Consumption a Prema-
ture Grave.
fffuH particular * In our pa | et , which
we desire to lend free 11 mall ivery one ,
CVThe BpeciOo Medicine I * sold by druggist *
at f 1 per package , or 6 packtge * fo ' or will
be aent free by mall ou reel ptot th
addreasmg THE QUA lEDICll
Bi > . N. y.
orialer :7uie-ecd :
Clarkson & Ht it.
8ncoer o Ulchard * ft D :
Om > V , >
Notary Pnbl
310 South Thirteenth Stith
J M. Woolw
Mr * J. O. Jlobertaon , Plttsbtire. Pa. ,
WM ruHerlne from general debility , want of at
p tlte , conitipaUon , etc. , to that life waa & bui
den ; after using Hurdock Dlood Bitten I felt bo
tcr than for jours. I cannot pralia your lllttci
too much. "
Jl.0lbb . of nutfalo , N. T. , writes : "Von
Ilunlock ] 110 ( liltttn , In chronic dlaeMcaof th
blood , liter a j kldncrt , h ve been signal !
marked with niccen. Iharc used them
with best results , for torpidity of thellver , and I
casoof a friend ot mine suffering from drops ;
the effect v > a marvelous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y. writes : ' ! hav
been subject to serious disorder of the kldncyi
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Dloo
Hitters relieved me before half n , bottle wa usec
I feel confident that ( her will entirely cure me. "
Asentth Halt , Blngharapton , N. T. , writoi
"I suffered with a dull pain threugh mr ft
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirit * , apjietlt
and color , and could with difficulty keep up a !
day. Took your Burdock Blood Bitter * a * dl
reeled , and have felt no pain since flnt week al
tcr using ; them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , write * : "Abou
four year * ago 1 had an attack of bilious fever , am
never fully recovered. My digestive organ
were weakened , and I wbuld be completely pro !
tratcd for days. After using two bottle * of you
Burdock Blood Bitten the Improvement was
vl tble that I was astonished. I can now. thong ]
01 year * of age , do a fair and reasonable day *
C. nincltot Koblnson , proprietor ot The Canad
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , wrltos : "Feryear
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache ,
used jour Burdock Blood Bitters with happlcs
results , and I now find Dwelt In better bealtl
than for years past. "
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. T , write * : M havi
used Burdock Blood Bitten for nervous and fall
lous headaches , and can recommend It toanyoni
requiring a cure forbllllousness. "
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , 'N , T , writes
"For several year * 1 have differed from ott-recur
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com
plaints peculiar to my sex. Since lining you
UurUock Blood Bitter * I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 91.00 nei Bottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 Ot *
mm , MILBUEN , & " Oo , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Isb & McMahon and C. f ,
Joodman. ) e 87 cod-ma
' "
| 2P jf jouani riiinV It joa hrn fc
p at lAisiiicA.weaL. . \ man ot lev
ned by the strain or tern tQlUmr orer HIM-
juur duties avoli' ulftht work , t * > re
tow. brolti nerrf cj
Hop Bitterer w U < M > Hop B.
It yon are yoiuift Mid snfTcrlns trom any lu
Jlsciftlon or dfiwlpa Dun ; if you arc rjar-
rim or nlnrto. old or loatg , sullerlnir fmu
u IIR on * boot < 1O.
ucu , nlr on Ho p Blttbfi.
Wlicovci younre. ' Tlicurana * ais i'a-
hencrcr jov ticl naallT , from iutiifi
that youf yttiu orm t l'ono ! >
nctd clcnii'init. tou dlsuo ( hat niitri ; :
Ii vtUhonUittnTlcatln 01 tllmuuitlng. [ bv * timely -iwof
, Uc Hop HpB t'ttBf 41
H .
ptptla , Or I. d
nrunnarufom * 1 bs ilu'A
. an * <
, nnd Irreilnta.
ot th troiimcn.
timrrtt. * load , no ? lila en re oi
liverotnemtl drunk nni > an.
use ot cplUfXi ,
Tou will be tcbacoo , '
cnradltjnutue narcotlct ,
Hop Bitters
2lsta. Buudfo/
lT wenk nd
wctilrltedtry NEVER Clrculur
t it may -Brmi ,
eave your
llfo. It hnfc ra co. ,
aavcd hun * Uo tMl THt
aredae ATontato , Oni.
Disease 1 * an ( fleet , not a cause. Its origin Is
Ithln ; Ita manifestations without. Ilenco , to
ire tbo diseue the citsn must bo removed , and
no othrr M ay can a cure ever > e effected.
iIVJBR CUKE l catabllshed on lutt this
Incljjie. It realize * that
95 Per Cent.
all disease * arlce from deranged kidney * and
cr , audit stilkesat once at the root of the
fflculty. Theelcmo'tsof which It I * compowd
t dlrcctlvupon these Kreal organs , botn as a
op a dBKSTOniB , and by placing them In a
withy , condition , drive disease and pain from
e syttem.
For the Innumerable trtub'ea canied , by un-
olttiy nidnovn. Liver and Urinary Organs ; for
e dl.treislntr DUordenof Women : for Malaria ,
" phydctl derangements generally , this great
m dy hat no equal , lltware of Impostor * , Im-
itloi s nd cohcoct loni mitt to be Just as good.
For sale b > ail deaer * .
° Rooheiter , N. .
ror a quarter of century pr more llosteitor1 *
> mach ' liter * has been the rclgnlag tpeclflc
Indlcestlon.dyspepal fever and ague , loss of
yilcalsUmtiia liver complaint and other dlmr
rs.'and ha * bcenmost , emphatically indorsed by
dlcal men a * a health acd strength restor
ve. It counteract * a tendency to premature
ay , and lustaui * and comfort * the * gcd and
for tale by all druggists and dealer * generally
al to ml
f'otty y-iurn trim an pyocu " ULAC.V
Op 'I the bf ; ; ilrcr mediciut * j
. . .
Storage , Connnission and Wholesale Fruits ,
Agents for Peek & Baui'hors ' Larfl , and Wilber MUIs Flour ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
Flour , Salt , Sugars ? Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies. *
A Full Line of the Best Brands of " -
. . . . L -fc'.k
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
N"ear Union Pacific Denot - OMAHA 39EB
" '
While our Work is' better , our Prices are Lower
than all others
I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS
offered for Cqmpetition in our line
Over All Competitors
For the Best Watch Work ,
For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. )
For the Best Engraving ,
For the Best Diamonds ( own importation )
laving lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now -nd Improve * .
ohinery , I hope to still more improve tbo quality and finish of oar
orkr.nd fill orders with more promptness than Is usual
I 1
ly Mcito aa ulwuya boon and always wjU bo : "First to gain superior
ties end then advertise the foot notpotoro no wild advortisemon
Seme unprincipled dealer * being in the habit of copying my
announcements , I tvauld beg you , the reader of this , to
draw a line between aucli copied advertisements
and thuso of yours very truly , . (2 (
A. B. H i
The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , 2Teb. .
Striking Towr Cloch
air Goods , Notions , Ladies' Furnishing Goods. History Circulars ,
and Suits. '
so-7 xzraja : awt xi
XJM > .OfXZffO-
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A SEANG 205 Fo 1" ' St. , Omaha
EOTH : &
holesale Lumber ,
1,1408 Farnhain Street , Omaha ,