OMAHA r DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAJL OMAHA MONbAY MORNING , MAY 1 , 1882. DYNAMITE'S DISCIPLES. 1 Preliminary "Feolor" Thrown Out in tlio Metropolis , A Message of Love , Enolooed in Qua OottoDj to Jiold' . ' on'd Vonderbilt Job Which strays a Mail Pouch. 3 ho Socialists Rofni'd Forrntasioa > to Parade- N Hon l AxwcUted Hrem * , ' NuwYoKK , April 29. Two infernal machines were discovered in a United States null bag late Saturday evonin addressed Cyrus W. Field nndVi I Vandcrbilt. Ono exploded in , the bi on the lovatod railroad. The oxpl ) 'sibn discolored the mail mtor ( a > { d 1 'BcoWh6d4ho letter pouch.The pas board boxes contained cnnnisters of powder with oloetrio attachment. No -clue totho , perpetrators. Uty Thotcontents and mode of coriatrcc * ' " * tlon of tho"t ro infernaf maohinea puk' in the -.mail Saturday afternoon , nd-j dressed1" respectively to Win. H. Van.-jj derbilt'and ' Cyrus W. Field , were more" definitely ascertained to-day - , when the unexploded box was opened nnd jthirchemical part ofita contents anal- ' . It found that the t yze'd. WAS oxplo- r siyo "uae'd was oun cblton , * which is seven times as destructive in proper- Hion to its weight us jruupovrdor , nnd tthia fact accounts for tho' lightness of s the package , "which only " * woijhed ( elpvun ounces. Aglasst'ibo'and bulb with.their.liqmd contpnfci , were taken jtp Profoasor.Doromus for examiiia- | tion. As the iresult of the analysis -.Prot. JDoromus wrote the follo'wfug letter : To Postmaster Pearson ; DEAB Siuir-Tho liquid is sulphuric acid which , if brought in contact with gunpowder or chlorate.of potash , oven in small quantities il } cause the powder to explode , vln the Russian war with Eagland and France , Russia , I am told , placed receptacles pt gunpowder in the ground in front of Sevastapool and placed on top of each charge a small glass bulb with sulphuric acid and underneath it a mixture of sugar and chlorate of potash , so that when \ the bulb was trodden on the glass . would break and the acid would coruo in contact with the chlorate of potash and sugar , tire it , and thus fire the gunpowder. t very respectfully yours , etc. , R. OaUEN&OKU The resemblance between the char acter ot the infernal machines and of the Sevastopol mines , leads Professor ' .DbremuB to the natural supposition that the attempt upon the Jives of \ Yanderbilt and Field was the work'of w a Russian Nihilist , of whom there are M a few intho city , and the supposition ' " strengthened by rue fact that among the dubris of the exploded box were fragments of The Volka Zoitung , which is recognized as the local organ of the Nihilists as well as Socialists of New York. Postmaster Pearson was unable to make much progress to day owing to. the absence of the mes senger in whoso charge the mail con taining the infernal machines was sent up town and of the letter carrier who brought the Vanderbilt packngo to the general postofiico after ono of his rounds of collection from the lamp post letter boxes. The case has boon put in the hands of special service officers , and it is expected there will be some interesting developments to morrow. ' > Superintendent Walling wasinclined to treat the matterlightly andthiaovon- ing said the whole affair has boon too clumsily done to have meant ic'nl busi ness. Ho was inclined to believe it was done by socialists for the purpose of bringing their party into promi nence again , and notwith the intent of killing any one. Up to a late hour this evening no arrests had been made. NEW YOHK , April 30. There was Ronaidcrablo excitement among the soculiats in this city to-day , m consequence quence of the captain of the police refusing to allow them to parade to Williamsburg ferrv , en route to laying the corner stone of the Froobol mon ument in Williamsburg this afternoon in Williainsburg. Several delegations called upon Superintendent Walling yesterday , but ho would not change hia dociaion , The socialists then threatened to parade in defiance of the superintendent's orders , Liat night instructions were sent out to all pohco stations in the city or dering them to have their re serves ready to , march at a moment's notice" . A largo force was also detailed from police head' ' quarters ready for any emergency , various sections of socialists held i meetings at their different halls 'dur- inK- the forenoon , and the general opinion seemed to prevail that it would be uhwiso for them to attempt * ' totparado. as they would probably sot clubbed and arrested. The report was forwarded to their headquarters in 'the Germania rtusatnbly rooms , Bowery , where nearly 500 socialists had assembled. After some discus , slon it was decided to go to Williams' burg , but not in a body , and every thing passed off quietly. last night some one unknown par- left a cigar box filled with explosives in the voatibulo on No. 318 Eaat Nineteenth street , and about 10 o'clock there was a loud explosion At the same time a flame rose several feet to the ceiling. Assistance was promptly on hand and the flames ex tinguished. It ia believed it was the " work of socialists , who thought they had put the box in the superintendent dent a house. Walling resides at 311 same stress. The police ar < * working on a clue and soon expect to make some arrests. Marine Intolllgouoe. Nation * ! Axoclated I'rcss. NhW YOKK , April 80 , Sailed Nevada for Liverpool , City of Richmond mend for Liverpool , Lydian Monarch for London , Anchorm for Qlaaeow , , Oder for Bremen , Rhynland for Ant werp. Arrived Stella from Amster dam , Persian Monarch from London , Thingavnlln from Copenhagen , Mosel from Bremen , Triain from Hamburg. GLASGOW , April 30. Arrived As- nyrin from Boston. LIVERPOOL , April 30. Arrived Republic from Now York. lliunimo , April 30 Arrived Alliiijar from Now York , Sailed Alonnni * for Now York. HARVB , April 30. Sailed 29th 'Weatphn'ia ' ' and Hamburg for Now .York. LiVKiiroor. , April 30. Arrived Britiah Kiny froih Philadelphia. BHHMHN , April00. Sailed Ncckar for Now. York. ( AusTKRPAM , April 30. " Sailed Amsterdam for Now York. . XOIINK , April W , Sailed State of Florida for Now York. , QUKBNHTOWN , April 30. Sailed Sorvia for Now York. CRIME AJnOCASTJAI/TY. . National Awwclatoil I rtxs. tf IT WASN'T ' LOADER. * AjinoT , N. J. , April 30. Samuel Latham , n prominent citizen of Wood- "b'ria'ge Contra nnd merchant doing business in New Yprk , was instantly 'killed Saturday morning by the dis- ohsrgo'of'a pistol which it is supposed hctlwns cleaning. T Ly * ' K1LLUU AT A CKOSSINO. JKB ) MOINES , Iowa , April 30. A ' construction train on the Chicago , ' 'Hiirlinqton & Qaincy railroad struck n"wajjort containing five persons at a cr& eibg below this city Saturday. LOWIB Mnguire , colored , was killed andjtwo others of the party were in- .ju- " : - _ SCALJJED TO DEATH. . Wia. , April 30.-Tho ' head of the engine in Mano- Rold ! & Sons' flouring mill , was blown outUfatally scalding the engineer , W. W/Jiyhito , nnd causing 85,000 data- , ago tt the property. { ri'AYIKO WITH FIRE. jjvD ETON , 0M April 30. A fobr year old daughter of James I/indtm was rjerhaps fatally burned laat even ing , while ' playing with. firo. It i * thought'tho little ono cannot recover. / , FIRES National As.odttod eiutt. BALTIMORE , April , 30. A special diapatchaaya tho'Goisor engiiro and machine company's works at Waynes- bore , Pa. , caught fire at G o'clock Sat urday .evening and were totally de stroyed. The American dryer com- pany'siworks shared the eamo fate. Geiaer * * loaa is estimated at $50,000 ; inianuico unknown. Four hundred hanrls were'thrpwn out of employ , Ore. , April 30. Odd Follows hall'and ' the millinery store of Mrs.jtViHolbert , Princevillo , Waao county , was destroyed by fire Wed nesday. Loss , $175,000. ' ROOHZSTURApril' ! 30. A fire in .the Urge 'stables 'of the 'RocHoator streel car company , in which wore 280 horoCTtharnoBa. etc.- , caused a loss of $ lUOGCl ; Jnsurancd $27,300. All horses wore got uafoly out. The 11 ro is supposed to have caught from sparks from a passing locomotive. Canada Bill's Graduate * . National Associated Proas. Sr PAUL , Minn. , April 30. For some time pott a gang of throe card monte men have been reaping a rich harvest among the unwary , principally emigrantR , in St. Paul. Detectives after paying attention to them for several weeks , succeeded in arresting six of the light fingered gentry , named. Capo , Stantion , Rosa , Dovino , Davis and ono name unknown. They were all marched to the Union depot and compelled to purchase tickets to Chicago cage and took twins for that city uuder the eyes of officers. Case and Stanton are notorious operators. It was deemed more advisable to rid the city of their pretence than hold them for trial. Mexican NOWH. National Associated I'tcta. CITY of MEXICO , April 30. The second hnndred'kilomotreR of surveys of the Uould-Degrcaa railroad have been approved by the Mexican gov ernment , and the statutea of the com pany have also been approved. ' The Quorotaro industrial oxposilio'n was opened to-day amid much excite ment by'the people. President Gon- zalea was represented by Goner il Car los Pachoco , minister of public works , at the opening. Billiards. KaUonil Associated Press. NEW YOKK , April 30.--Tho cushion carom game for a stake of $1,000 be tween Wm. Sexton and Eugene Kimball - ball , Baxton giving Kimball 150 points out of COO , was played 8atur < day at Cooper Institute. Kimball won. Score , 500 to 403 ; time of game , three hours nineteen minutes , 104 innings. Sexton's highest runs , 42 and 47 ; Kimball's , 20.aud 24. A JBtg waUt Bogged. National AwocUtod Preaf BOSTON , April 30 , Alfroct Everett , a rausio teacher , divorced in Chicago several years ago from-his English wife with five children , 'and subse quently married and moved to Somo'r- villo , Mass. , whore his wife and child now are , was arrested Friday , in Mai den , for bigamy , having been married in Providence , R. I. , three months ago , to Helen Longly , a high school graduate. Book at the Bank Door , National AMOCialea rrea. CINCINNATI , April 30. Saloontsts to-day kept their front doors closed and admitted customers quietly in the rear. At some gardens a plan was adopted of sellini } proUala and'giving ' a glass of beer to each purchaser , The GarfloidTytemorlal Flowers. NitlonM AsaoctaUd ftttt. CHICAGO , , April 30. On Saturday morning an order for the delivery of the Garfield memorial , flowers was is sued by Judge Gardner of the superior dourt and presented to Justice Robin son , who had them in custody for Bevoral weeks on a writ of replevin. They were given to the care of H N. Eldridgo , an old college mate of Garfield - field , appointed custodian of them by Judge Gardner. This property con sists of the Victoria wreath , the Turn- vorcin laurel wreath , the Brazilian floral lyre , and the Bolivian floral cross and anchor. Burial of Hnrlbnt- National AHOclatod Press. BKLVIDRRR , 111. , April 30. Ten thousand peopln gathered from Chi * cage and the northern portion of Illi nois to-day to participate in the obsequies - quies of the late Gen , Stephen A. liurlbut , minister to Peru. In the afternoon the people assembled in the public square , where the memorial services were hold. Thryconsi8tod | of n dirge by the binds , the hymn "America" by a select choir , prayer by Rev. L. Lawrence ; presentation and adoption of resolutions eulogistic of the deceased , oration by Rev. Dr. Kerr of Rockford , remarks by A , E. Smith of The Rockford G zotto nnd Gen Smith D. Atkins of Frcoport. After the close bf the memorial ser vices , the religious services wore held at the late roaidorico of the deceased , whore the body lay in atato. Sermons were preached by Rev. W.JP. Elaton and Rev. 0. W. Lawrence. The pro cession then moved to the cemetery , where the body wns interred with the rites of tlio Knights Templar. In the procession were four commandorioi.of Knights Templar , five companies of state militia and many civic societies. The ceremonies throughout were im pressive and largely attended , the entire - tire population uniting to pay respect to the deceased and special trains be ing run for the accommodation of thousands of strangers. A Blow at the .Baptlati. National Aoaoiuted Pms. MANOIIBSTER , "N. .H. , April 30. In his farewell sermon * to the First Baptist church to-night , Rov. Wm. Hayno Levels announced that in bid ding farewell to the church ho loft both Baptist ministry and Baptist church , since the Baptist faith , as at present dunned , is unfavorable , to in creased usefulness of preaching in its ministry as the church hue no liberal wing. Mr. Levels is a relative of Senator Hnyne , of South Carolina , Webster's old antagonist , and was ambitions to become minister to Aus tria. During his five years' pastorate he raised a church debt of $20,000 and increased the membership 140. J3oso Boll. National Press Association. NEW YORK , April 30. Base ball at the Polo grounds : Ohicagos Of Met ropolitans G. ' PHILADELPHIA , April 30.r Rase ball at Recreation Park , 10 innings : Bostons 4 , Philadolphiaa o. PROVIDENCE , April 30. Providence 7 , Howards 1. WOEOKBTKR , April 30. Worcosiors 16 , Browns 10. Poa&ylTanla > Poll tie * . * N attonal A oclated Prw. . , PHILADELPHIA , April 25. A con. forfenceJbeiween the cqmmitteeg o stalwarts and independents , with a view of adjustment of political dif ferences , was held at the Continental hotel Saturday night , and after throe hours session adjourned without coming to a conclusion. They moot again to-mor- row. 'Hho general impression pr"e- yailed at adjournment that the inde pendents will be unable to gain their demands. Secretary of the Commonwealth Quay and Representative Wolfe hid a conference this afternoon , relative to the basis of the agreement to sub mit , on vbaroaasombling of. the stal wart-independent conference to mor row. Nothing definite was decided upon. There are indications of a split in the independent ranks. Wolfe , with Senators Lee and Wharton Bar ker are prepared to surrender to the stalwarts if the latter will concede to them tlio lieutenant governorship and conarpaaman-at-largo , Wolfe , wants the turner nnd Barker the latter-posi tion. The balance of ho independent committee Bay they are fighting for principles , not positions , and that > if \Volfo , et nl.propose ro inasquoratleas place-hunters they will encouittjr , the sumo opposition as is nOw being given tbo stalwarts. Prominent members of tlm latter party are iu high glee to. night over the outlook. „ ' , t . Thieves Abroad. ' ' " ' National Associated Press. POPLAB RIVER , Mont. , April 30. A war party of 350 Yanktcmh have gene on the war path against the GrooB , in retaliation for the theft of horses by the latter. > Thu agent and commanding officers advised the In. dians not to go until their crops were in. Yellow Eagle , ono of the best Bcouts , his time having expired , re fused tp enlist , giving as a reason that he could make moro money stealing hordes. * Xadloatioui National AuocUtod fieea. ' WASHINGTON , Mayl. For the lake radon : Fair weather in the extreme northern portions , local rains , southWest / West to northwest winds , etatioiiEU-y or hichor barometer and temperntu'ro For the Upper Mississippi an4 Mis souri valleys ; , variable winds , "stationary or lower barometer and higher temperature , Down IB tka Cora Fit. National Aeeoclated Frew CHICAGO , April 30. A man named Sidney H. Ward , iccently from New York , opened a grain commission office hero under the stylo'of S. H. Ward & Co. After obtaining about $5,000 from country customers for op tion doala , the map Ward and his partner fled to the west , leaving his creditors in the lurch. When the officers tried to gain entranceto , the premises the legend on Ward's office door read , "Down in the corn pit. " The forestry congress at Glnpinnati closed Saturday with exorcises at EdenPark. Great interest was thown in the subject and the congress was pronounced a success. All expect big attendance at the meeting in Mon treal next year. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Judge LjBOli Swung Into a Sea in Oongrsss by a Party Vote , The Liquidation and Boorgan 'leatlon bf National Banks Explained , Several Measures of Great Im portance Docketed for ' "Deliberation. Kllbourae X.OSD * &i * Grip on 810O , OOOa'aliena GrowitiR Sedate Soleras- WORK. National AtM fcWd fret * . IMPORTANTijA8URRH TO rtK COKHIH , KRKD. WASHINGTON , April 30. Thehouso t ia expected , will take up the tart ! commission bill1 this week nnd prob nbly spund t io whole tfuit , bo 'oro nctlnr < m otherf .H'iWod rloctini cases. ThiS * arrangement was fully ngrcod onarly last week ns a com promise between the friends of the ) ill nnd Mbthorn republicans , wlu were claniol riff for action on contoatcc cases. Frii fias of the Urill bill fult ; liat tho'bil { it it is to pats , ought to jecomo-a law at once , in order that .ho prcaidostfc may have some time tc appoint a commission BO it cat . to work/B'&on , It is not impoesi „ bio that th& bill extending nationa bank chartoM may bo taken up before election casfii are again resumed. The oppoBition.op the republican side o jiving opportunities to amend has been in a measure withdrawn , and it Is quito probable that a dnto may to morrow bo'fixed for consideration o : thil important bill. It ia also expect ed that an effort will bo inailu to BUB pond the ruifco to morrow nnd concur in the sonat amendments to the Chi neao bill , on which little debate is ex pected. h _ CONGRESS National Awwtatod Prow. 7ROCXKDIN03 IN THE HOUSE. WASHINGTON , April 29. The house refuse unanimously to consent to the senate amendments to the Ohincao bill and noil-concurred in the senate amendments to the fortification bill Arguments in the Lyach-Chal- raora case closed at 1.40 p. m. Thi motion to seat Chalmers and unaoa Lynch was lost 125 nays , 104 yeas The vote by which Lynch was seated in place of Chalmers was t strict party vote , except th&t Green backers voted with the Republicans for Lynch. The house then considered the con ference committee report on the pea office nppropriatio/ ; / , agreeing tc the senate amendrryenta for inoreaaei fast mail fjennies A comraumcatiifa was received from to tlio , house resolution of inquiry m regard to reorganization of the Second National banf : of Cincinnati. It cov ers the Icttonof Comptroller Knor to ttlio bank in Question , sent in reply tea a letter of jmuiry from the cashier ol the bank.Ho Bays that under the decision of attorney general noth ing in the lar prevents stockholders pf a bank , where charters expire , go ing into liduidation and organizing another bauc with the earno naiue , tc avoid diflicjitios which might ensue il they should wait until the frauchiae expires. Ho suggcsta that before the time the cmrter expires that the bank go into yjluntary liquidation by a vote of tiff thirda of the atockholdura and immoctately proceed to organize the suite ) as if no Second National bank hail istod , paying in fifty per cent of .h | capital aa required by law , Any nunber of stockholders above five ca j enter upon the articles of agreement to form a now organization after tlupld bank is in liquidation , DdpoaitMB should bo requested to withdr accounts by check and may inuned uly deposit with the now bank. 'hoso who do not do this should o paid in full. The aaa'jts of the Id bank can then , with the assent the stockholders , bo trans- ferrtd m the old board of 'directors to the w. The comptroller says in the lot r accompanying this , that the plan , \ lo satisfactory in this case , by rent of the willingness of all the oldntw loldera to reorganize , should nut bijrecognuod ua sufllcicnt for all cases , IB complications nro likely to arise Odor other circumstances , which malceiocoMary a diflorent plan by act of cogross for the reorganization of bank t Ho says the ohartora of eleven bunkjexpired ia April , and nixtoon will cpiro in Juno and July , Ad- jourjd. _ CAPITAL NOTES. THE'IILUOUIINK VEKDICT HET AHIDK. VUUIINQTON , April 30. In setting asidiho $100,000 award in the Kil- boute-Thompson case Saturday for faMimpriaonment during the real 6 ti ring trials , Judge , McArthur aairt seemed the Jury did not heed thcjatructions. They were told that wpJot a case for exemplary damages auijpiat public consideration should tor into the verdict. Ho thought ry was sympathetic and could t their action to a very powerful apffl made them , Kilbourno had , _ catod a great principle and ho tliWht that now congresa knows it staid keep itself within proper limits. V\h the highest posaiblo appreciation o plaintiff ho thought that the had gone far beyond what ho was ewlod to and therefore the verdict is Ide. < ' MISH KATK M , AnUMTKONO , kr route against whom the indict- It was quashed Saturday on the jmd that it was found in the name instead of KatoM. , is a corn- lion to the wife of 8. P , Brown , fthor alleged to be connected witli route frauds. She owns property it. Mary's county , Md. . inherited i her mother , who had been dead fourteen years. She is a rontracto on star route 21 CDS from Evansvilli to Marietta , On. , the pay per annum being $0,388 ; for route ; { 2458 in Tex as , which pajs $2,288 per annum am expires Juno 30,1882 , and for route 20108 , nlso in Texas , which tny $1,110 and expires the 30th of Jun next. Judge Wyllo will render a dccisioi on to-morrow in regard to the applica tiou in the Boone case on the quus lion of alleged misconduct of th grand jury.AND AND OUITEAO WKPT. A minister called at the jail am conversed with Guitoau and cngngct in prayer with him The prisoner was considerably nlloctod and subae quontly appeared more sctisiblo of hu position than for some time past When ho was asked if ho intended to appear nt court to argue his case , ho replied ho did not know it would bo necessary , but would consider the matter. The comptroller of the currency an thomefl the national bank of West Grove , Punn , , to commence business Capital , $50,000. A nioKlNO HKNMATION. Great excitement prevailed hero last night over the rumor that Uuitcau had committed suicide at the jail. An investigation proved tliat Chas. K. Wijsoii , arrested for forgery 1'ebruary 4th , attempted suicide by hanging himself with Inn suspenders , but wan cut do\yn and finally regained con- sciousiicea. A17 olll.'ur called at the jail and identified him as having com mitted murder in Now Jersey some time since , which in supposed to bo the immediate cnuso of the act. ALL SAFE. The United States flag ship Ilich- mend , recently reported in London foundered , with all on board lest , safely reached Koto , Japan , March 20th , with all on board well , not liar ing met with any accident between Panama and Japan , This hoa boon tolo rajhed ) the navy by Admiral Olitz , MIS3ISSI1TI VALLEY , INTKUKSTH. Gen. Floyd King , who has been recognized as the head of the Missis sippi flood and relief movement in the house , denies the report that ho will try and pot the senate $0,000,000 bill through on suipons'.m ' of the rules , The committee has provided for aeon tingency in the river and harbor bill , ho will ask reference of the sonata bill to them , and as they are likely to got the iloor on appropriations after this week , the Mississippi valley mem bers nro willing to trust it in their hands. T1IK OUANO GANG. Sonatop Blair says ho can BOO no reason why his examination canno conclude to-morrow BO that the sub committee can be in Now York Wed ncsday. It in understood that Blair is to be asked to give the details ol Shiphcrd's intervtowwith Blame whih ho was present ; also that Bolmon will take part in the examination , not withstanding the statement that he will not tread ncarBlaine's toes again. DANHKIIOWXn'H RKXUBN. Tlru friends of Lieutenant Dannn hewer are preparing to giro him a reception coption on his arrival homo , which is expected about Juno 1st. INDIANA'S HFOIXA Assistant Seecrotary Now returned to.night in company with a number ol prominent Indianians , who say they tiavo promises from the president. Col Friedloy expects the solicitoc- ship of the postofiico department , and several important consulships are asked as a further part of Indiana's share. WHY IT WA8 DONB. Now that the Kolbourno verdict ms boon net aside , it is ascertained ; hat there would have boon strong op position in congress to making geode : o ex-Sargcant at-Arms Thompson $100,000 $ damages awarded It is re ported that judicial knowledge of this 'act prompted getting aaido of the ver dict , though it is pretty well under ntood the court would have sustained an award of about $40,000 for the sake of teaching congress to bo more careful. Hail Storm- ITAJIMONTON , N. J. , April 30. A orritic hail storm broke out at this > ldco about D o'clock this afternoon , llauy hailstones were the size of Sngliah walnuts. ITJiMH. Strong dplegations of southerners , ro hero urging the appointment of Judfto Settle , of North Carolina , to ho bench of the court of claims. President Arthur and party return- 3d Saturday morning from Fortress tlonroo. The comptroller of the currency urnishos the utatemont that the out- landing notes of national banks in- sreasod 88,000,078 since May 1st , 881 ; legal tender notes , decrease in Joposits einco May 1st , 1881. 3,025- )22. ELECTRIC BRIEFS. The Ilepublicani , of Wilmington , Oel. , nominated Dr , J. , P. ' talwart , for Mayor ; Thirty coal miners of Alpsvillo near 'itUburg bare been arrootod on the hargo of conspiracy to prevent a 'scab" working. At Lismoro , on the Black river , in Louisiana , Clark , a tramp painter , hot and killed Thns. Sharper , pout- naster and justice of the peace. At Ooliaya , Mex. , a loose woman nticod Valentine Moncora , a noted audit , into town , where ho was sur- oundod by soldiers and riddled with allots. Adam M , Dondoro , defaulting ex- reasurer of Berks county , Pa. , for 30,000 , was released from jail , hav- : ng furnished bail in 910,000. Ho . rill implicate prominent citizens. Mm. Jas. Vance , wife of a promi- out Fayotto county (0 ( , ) man , while Talking along the country road on Saturday , suddenly lost her reason nd jumped into a creek and was rowiiod. An Alpsvllle ( Pa. ) dispatch says our Swedes wore crossing the Xpugu river nt Courtvillo , when the boat wns upset nnd ono man by the name o' Oliver Johnson wns drowned. Whia key was the cause , flocm. ; All telephone intcrcats in Masin chuactlB , Vermont , Maine nnd Now Hampahiro , will bo consolidntod in ono company. Capital , $2,000,000 sharea , $0,000. The wiio of Signer Lngrnsia , n wol known tenor singer and composer , living nt Dolhnm , Mass. . eloped with young Forest , n boarder in the family. The woman ia C3 years of ngo. Hood W. Miller , a stamp clerk in the postofllco nt Bradford , Pa. , was sentenced to thirteen months in the penitentiary for appropriating money received from the sale of stamps. Now England railroad companies have agreed to hereafter settle their car accounts with each other through a railroad clearing houao instead ol through their roapectivo treasurer * . The internal revenue collection * for the Fifth dlatrict of Illinois for April was 81,000,050.12 , nn increase of $ Ur ,202.3-i over the corresponding month of lust year ; export shipments , L',885 packages ; containing 250,202 gallons. Seven steamships leaving Now York port Saturday carried 1,277 pas- ncngors , showing nn increase of 25 per cent , over the corresponding week of laat year. Among thoao who took their departure wore Col. Maploaon and members of his troupo. A dispatch from the front of the Northern .Pacific railroad says the bridge crossing Pnckrowor , Washington territory , over 7,100 feet long , is com pleted nnd track wns laid over it on the 25tli. Track is now being laid to Okloy at the rote of n milo nnd n half per day. The advance grading camp has crossed the Montana line. Great alarm is felt at Atlantic , N. J , , because of the mortality caused by scarlet fever and diphtheria. Old and young have boon attacked by the lat ter malady and the public schools have boon closed in consequence. Fears are entertained that the disease may spread to Loun Branch , which is in tbo same school district. The holding of a public funeral over a child in Long Branch who had died with ma lignant scarlet fever has caused the board of health to issue a warning that persons dying with scarlet fever and diphtheria must bo privately in torrod. Dredgers found a thousand ynrda moro of rpoiled cloth in the Morrimac river at Lawrence , supposed to have been thrown in by operatives of the Pacific Mills to conceal bad weaving. The operatives nro indignant and at tribute it to mismanagement of the present offioors of the company , which they allege caused the concealment. While John Donovan and John Byrnes were working a horse wind lass attached to a derrick , at the Man itoba viaduct , at Minneapolis , lifting stone woighingSUO pounds , the whiflo- tree broke and a poKe of the windlass whirling round with lightning speed , crushed in Donovan's head , killing him instantly , Byrnes was danger ously hurt rind the horse killed , Friday jnoninjj a steamboat explosion sion occurred * Watered" river be tween Sumter , S. C , and Columbia , as a picnic party was going on boarii the steamer Marion. The boilerburat , killing the following : Four eiatora , the Miasos Henry , from Riohland Fork ; Miss Carrie Batoa ; Willie Slilea , son of Rev. 0. A. Stiles ; Mias Roll- ingaton , arid the fireman , J. Easton , was badly scalded. Fifteen more children and grown people are miss ing. A QUEER ELOPEMENT. A Husband Going1 to tbo Train to 800 the Truant Pair On . There was considerable excitement at the Union depot in St. Louis the other evening aver a social sensation. A young man and woman in ono of the cars attached to the Missouri Pacific train Were talking rather loudly and making so much noise that finally a police oilico thought it- his duty to investigate matters and find the cause of the trouble. The man explained that the woman was his wife and wns loayingftr Kansas City with ? 170 , two diamond rin s , and a drummer , all except the latter being his prop- arty. On being asked for an expla nation the young woman said : "Ar rest that man. I order you to do so. Ho is a drunken fool , and I am not ooing ; to live with him any longer. " "Sho Btolo two diamonds and $170 from me , and I want her arrested , " shouted the husband , whoso "full- QOSB" there was no mistaking. The officer didn't know what to do In the matter , when finally the young man told him not to mind arresting the young woman , as ho had made up Ilia mind to allow her to take the jewelry - olry and money , although flho was leaving him and taking up with an other man. Ho then stood outHido ar and commenced smiling and flirt ing with hia wife , and she returned the smiles and flirtation. A little later the young man changed his tune , Altered the car again , and demanded lis money , JJein refused , ho left , iftor some talk , and took up his itand once moro on the platform. A nomont later the train pulled out. rhe forsaken husband still hold bis oat on the plutform rail , and rpdo mt of the depot. When a hundred 'nrds away from it ho jumped from ho moving car , and standing upon a ailroad tie , ho waved his * handker- hief. , His truant wife , noticing this low move , waved her's in return , and he was still waving it when the train rent out of sight. The forsaken one eturnod to the depot and commenced alking to the police officer who iad first accosted him. The officer ntroduoed the man to'a Globe-Demo- rat reporter , saying , "This is , 'a do- ectivo. " At the wprd "detective" .ho man said that hia name was Harry Dunkm , and that ho was b6ok-keeper n a Jarge establishment in East Bt , Louis , and earned $180 a month. He would not givn the name of the firm imploying him. Ho said his wlfo had been acting .badly over tinco one day eighteen months n o , when he madu tier his own in Albany , N. Y ( | and that ho was glad to got rid of her. THE JAILS YAWN , And tlio Loaders of the Land League Oomo Forth. The British Cabinet Reach a Sensible Conclusion Re garding the Suepeots. An Occasional Explosion Sends Nihilistic Oheor to the Czar. Arrival of Lieut Dnnf nhowor and Party at MOIIOOW. National Auoclated PreM RELEASE OF IRISH SUSPECTS. LONDON , April 30. At n cabinet council Saturday evening it was de cided to release nil Inch suspects now in prison in Ireland who nro not charged with outrages. THK DEAD DOCTOR. , i Counsel for Dr. Lamson writes that ' during throe months prior to the con viction of Dr. Lamson , hia relatives never in ado n single suggestion , as to hia insanity. A HORKICANK prevailed last evening in the south of England. It waa especially aovero ulong the channel , doing great dam- ugo to hotiJca nnd shipping. Several lives arc reported lost. THE MOORS ON THE WARPATH. PARIS , April 30. A dispatch re ceived hero this evening states that 0,000 Moora attackeu and cut two companies of the Frmich foreign legion who were escorting a topographical graphical expedition in the province of Orrin , Algeria. * THK l'ZAR'8 NIGHTMARE. * ST. PKTURSUURO , April 30. The Nihilists are ngiin at work. The po lice discovered a mine under the Spirons railroad station at Mos cow , connected by an electric bat tery in a hous aomo distance off. It is also suspected that the imperial pa vilion at the Moscow exhibition is undermined. Eighteen auapectod persons wore nrroated. A DEAD PRINCESS. , LONDON , May 1.- Princess Marie , of Wurtomburg , sister of the duchess of Albany , nuo Princcaa Helena , of Waldeck , ia dead. TUB LATEST RETTING on the boat race between Hanlon and Trickott , to take place to-day , ia seven to two on Hanlan. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE. AHERDEEN , Mayl. A fire occurred in the Now Market building yeator- day , destroying property to the value of 100,000. Several perse us lost their lives in the firo. DANENHOWER'S PARTY. ST. PETERSRURO , April 30. A part of the crew of the Arctic steamer Jeannette , under charge of Lieut. Danenhower , arrived at Moscow yes terday. Lieut. Danonhowor ia losing his sight. CONSPIRATORS EXILED. CAIRO , April 30.---The court mar tial of forty-throe Circassian officers , charged with conspiring to kill Arabi Bey Pasha , minister of war , has con cluded its labors. The prisoners were found guilty pf the charges and ordered to bo exiled. Some of the officers confessed that the object of the conspiracy to kill Arabi Boy Paaha was to dethrone the Khedive arid bring back Ismaol Pasha to ad minister the affairs of the govern ment. ANTI-JKWISH HIOTH. ST. PETERSDURO , April 30. An official report published here denies the severity of the recent anti-Jewish riots nnd says the disorder was at Balta , the authorities everywhere else having acted with energy to protect the Jews. ELKCTJUCITYAH A MOTOR. BERLIN , April 30. The now elec tric railway has been opened in this city , SNOW IN THE ALPS. BERNB , April 30. Tremendous snow storms have occurred in the Alps , Thj > Simplon is impassable , and mails nro stopped. Ziabor'a Doinaudt. National Aiuociated Press. PHILADELPHIA , April 30. At a mass meeting of carpontora hold this evening it was decided to strike forCO cents per day , on present wages , which vary from ? 2 50 to $3 00 according to skill. It is believed COO will turn out to-morrow morning. Journeymen barbers hold a secret meeting this evening to consider the advisability of demanding an advance on pain of a strike. The desiaion was held in abeyance , A Gr t Scare. National Aatodatod tfttH. ' CHICAGO , April 30. Forty laborer * in the ore gang of South Chicago roll ing mills have struck several times for an advance to 35 cents per hour but have not as yet been successful. It is now learned that the dissatisfied J , with others who have been discharged havoformed , a plot to blow up the works with dynamite placed in the coal. If the plot succeeded the loss of life would .bo frightful , as 1,200 men are employed about : the mills , Bal ofFa t National AnOdated Proas. CHICAGO , April 30 H , V. Bemis sold "Littlp Brown Jug , " the cele brated pacer , with , a record of 2:115 : , and "Silverton. " trotter , 2:20 ] , to Commodore Kilton , of St. Paul , for ? 30,000 for the two ; 'Sorrel Dan , " pacer , 2:15 : , was sold to J ) , L. Hall , for ? 4,600j "Ned Hunter , " pacer , 220 ; , brother of "MatUe .Hunter,1" waa sold to Wra , McCarthy , pf Chioi- o , for 81,400 ; "Hardwood" Boy stxllum , by 'Blackwood Jr. , " 2:344 : , was eold to W. K. Armstrong , of A L- * monte , Mich , for 95,000 ; "Fred. i Douglass , " trotter. 2:241 : , was sold to < ' L. ChambMt , of PUUbw'rg , for $3,000. (