Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    ' , * * " . .
4 *
Saturday Mornlntr April 29.
W Atfaer Report.
( The following obnerniUoim nre taken at
he BAnie moment ot time at all the Rta *
ons named. )
la U rx rxi.rr , U , 8 , Burnt. R vict , )
OMinA. April 21 , 1S3Z. (1:45 : p. m.H
S ii sl if
Dcoter. 10,13 BrliV t IUIn
Cheyenne 30.S7 SK Fre > h Clollilr
Waifeatlt. SB ( , 't Hnftw
Plitto. . . . SO.37 Fresh l.'t IUIn
Omaha , i , 30.30 Hn k Fair
Task ton , 3 84 ftrlik Fnlr
DM Molnc ? 0 3 NR Frcih Flr
Davenport. JO 1 NW Drlik F lr
IH. Paul. , M 10 NW Frc h FMr
HI. Louis 09 * W Fftsh Clear
Kiorhefcd. .2 N Froh Clear
S F4 NW Hrtik Clear
Rlnoarck. 80 3) N Frcnh Fair
Uolord . . . 30 43 NW llrltk Clear
KO NW L'gbt Cloudy
30 M 47 H W Krw CIoudT
River 6 feet lllnchcfftbovo'hlgh water marlc
Omaha and ft feet J Inch at TanUon.
The "Sparka" nt Boyd'ii Opera hou
J to-night.
I There will be twelve nhow nt tin
i Opera house next month ,
Fifteen c ra of oysters went wes
Thursday on the U. P. for San Francisco
A party of Omaha people will RO to
I Blair Saturday night to BOO "Tho Union
, > - "
There WAS only one drunk In polici
court thta morning and hia case was con
\ tinucd.A few . stray Indians have been e.-vun
tcrlng nbont the streets of tbo metropolis
A shipment of Mormon dupes , 2 IU in
number will go west to-Jny , tha first
of the Bonbon ,
The St. ft cargo's society will moot nt
Knony'a ball Saturday evening at
o'clock. Members are rtqucstol to bo
* ! ' ' The WomanaPrcabyterian Missionary
society'of Omaha Presbytery holds ita
regular annual meeting nt Oakdale , Ne
braska , on M y 4th.
ll ntll further notice nil cast bomid
freight from Omaha will tro out over the
Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy road , ns it
< ia behind in ita pool tonnage.
On Monday evening Hartley Camp
bell grout American play "My Partner , "
by nn excellent company , with Louis
Aldrich and Carles T. Pareloe.
The young people of the Lutheran
church will give n sociable thla evening nt
the residence of L. H. Korty , on Eigh
teenth street , between Chicago nnd Dav
Dewey & Stone are loading a car of
furniture for Logan , Utah. A long haul
Is this nnd shows the enterprise-of Omaha
men who con compete with San Frnnciico.
The eleotlon of officer * ) I. O. G. T. ,
fqr the ensuing quarter , will tnlce place nt
their hall , 1310 Douglas street , this evenIng -
Ing , It la requested that nit the members
be present aa business of importance will
come before the lodge.
A warrant has been Issued , for Peter
Hendrloksen , chorged with removing
earth from College street. Mr. Hendrlck-
BOD h&d obtained leave of the city council
to do the work , and hence will no doubt
come out ahead.
"Ralph Waldo Emerson dead ! " ex
claimed n visitor at the St. Elmo late last
night. "Well. We will never see a bet
ter minstrel on 'the boardr. I guess that
that $3,000 diamond was too much for
A most ra > thetc ! sign ia that 'just put
up in his window by Charlea Knufmnno ,
the insurance man. It ia of the latest de
sign , n swinging curtain with heavy fringe
and handsomely lettered in gold with the
names of the ajent nnd the companies ho
Drexel & Mack , the atone contractors ,
are building aa elevated railway 260 feet
long from their yard to the railroad track ,
It ia being built on piling , nnd ruun nl < ng
the out aide of Eighth street from Jones
to Jackaoot It la for tbo purpose of tram-
porting heavy atones from the cars to the
yard.- '
Magdalena Pladzer , n native of Aus
tria , renounced her allegiance to Francis
Joseph yesterday and became n citizen of
United States , It appears that oho baa
some money due her from the old country ,
which they refuse to piy over , nnd hence
he taken on the panoply of American
eUt ! uihip , in orler to assert her righta
with Uncle Sam. to back her.
A traveler , alighting from a train ,
pointed to our "Union Depot" nnd nsked :
"What Imposing structure Ii that , young
man ? " "You're Impoilog on me , I gun-B1
answered the young man. "No , I'm not , "
replied the stranger : "I with to know
what structure that is ? " "Structure ! " re
sponded the local informant. "That ain't
no structure ! It'a n part of an old raft
that came down the Big Muddy a few
years ago and lodged there.
The letter plates of the Kitchen Bros' .
n w house have been net in their pontlons
OB the pediments of the Faruani and Four
teenth etreot fronts. They were coin
pleted nt Bpecht'a fwtory , and are con
tructed of 'falvanlred iron , beirlng the
title , "The Pnitton Hotil , 18S2. " Tills ia
much better thm the "Grand Pmtuu , "
but itlll It would liavu been more in nc.
cordance with the eternal fitness of things
6 have the word "Paxton"
> put up simply.
It la about like putting the placard on
Tlarua , "ThU U a horee. "
The case of Anna Christina Nelson ,
referred to Thursday aa occurring during1
Martha ! W * terdnhl' administration , was
not quite ao bad as etatcd. This happened
a year * ad a half njo , at her resident * on
DouglM , between 15th nnd 10th , An lu-
realisation tthe time proved that the
child WM ullll-born nnd thai ii was proba
bly one of the notorious Dr , Aldrich'a :
HAM. The reuialni were not thrown In a
well , but found ia a vessel ( n the hou e by
the city marshal.
Th ? pluckiest little fellow in thla oily
WM qnf who atopped a dog fight on lower
1'Arnatu treet last evenjng. He was not
over four years old , but while ft crowd of
raea stood by afraid to interfere he took a
tAfclc nui wadtd in on behtlf of hit dog ,
At first the canines looked him with as-
toaUbment and then contempt , but M the
blow were rained down thick and fa t
they at length beat a rapid andnnqnullfiec
retreat after which the young warrio
went about his play a If nothing ha <
happened ,
-'The now Nebraska National b nk wll
get Hi circulation in about thirty day
end HM already begun to make loans , re
cetve deposits and do a general lunkln
business. The now bank is number 2C65
Death of ft Highly Respected Mombo ;
of the Burns Club.
Jamra Mcnzics , a well known nio
clianlc who had worked in the Unioi
Pacific shops for the past nine months
died nt .3:30 : n. m. yotterdaynt hia rcsi
dcnco on Webster street , between IDtl
and 14th. The deceased was about54
years of ago nnd said to bo ono of the
finest mechanics in the country. Ho
ia a Scotchman by birth and has been
in America for the pnst thirty years ,
lie loaves a wife nnd throu children ,
the oldest A stout and line Inokint
young lad to whom his mother mua
hereafter look for support.
The funeral will tnko place at 2 p.
m. Sunday , under the auspices of the
Burns club of Oiimlm , of which ho was
a member. The club will mcot al
Falcouor'n restaurant under the opera
houstf at 8 o'clock this evening ,
to take action in regard to the death
of their Into member.
Sir. Ilarvoy lluatin is At homo on a
brief vacation. His many friends are
glad to BOO him. Saratoga gives him
welcome , although wo have not the
pleasure of an acquaintance.
Airs. 0. D. Browster loaves to-day
for Grand Island to join her boys ,
S. H. and E , P. Browster.
Air. Al. Smith nnd bride nro the
guests of Mr. D. H. Smith of Sherman -
man avenue.
Mrs. Frank Smith is organist at the
Union Sunday school during the lib
sonco of Sirs. Kyncr. CUCKOO.
Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council
BlufTd Railroad.
The only road running tra'ns to and
From Omaha direct WITHOUT CHANGE
bo all points East , South nnd West.
Trains leave B. & M. depot at 8:30 a.
m. and 7:45 : p. m. , and arrive at 7:35 :
a. m. and 6:45 : > m. TICKETS on nalo
it 1020 Fnrnnm street'nnd 13. & M.
G. P. & T. A. Agent.
Bool Estate Transfers.
The following dooda were recorded
it the county clerk's oflico on Wodnea-
Jay :
Fred Strietz and wife to J hn G.
Etauat , lot 3 , block 458 , Grand View
iddition ; $150.
\V. T. Laing to W. B. Holliday ,
wrcl in nej of sw | , BOO. 10 , town 15 ,
aiiRO 10 , q. o. d ; $1.
Isaac Noyes to James G. Herring-
on , the aw and the aw ] of sej , BOO.
) , and nw of nwlof see. 11 , town ID ,
ango 10 , w. d ; ; $3,500.
A. J. Hanscom and wife to Alice
Donahoo , lot 14 , block 17 , Hanaoom
place addition , w. d. ; $100.
John A. Bounovlo and wife to Char-
otto Kastman , parcel on Sixteenth
itroet , north of bridge , w. d. ; $000.
Augustus W. Potter to Albert J.
hotter , part of lot 2 , Horbaoh'a first
iddition , w. d. ; $600 ,
Albert J. Potter to Doorgo A. Joss-
yn , part of lot 2 , Horbaoh'a first ad
dition , w , d. ? 67C.
James T. Gilbert to Fred Stroitz ,
ota 1 and 2 , in block 440 , Grand
v'iew add. , w. d , § 245.
Jas. B. McDonald to Fred Stroitz ,
ot 3 , block 446 , Gand View add. , w.
I. ? 00.
Gustav Mendelsohn and wife to
ITrod. Streitz , lota 1 , 4 , 0 and 15 ,
dock 459 , Grand View , w. d $100
John I Rodick i&nd wife to Fred
itroitz , lot 1 , block. 40 , and lot 3 in
) look 41 , 'Credit Fancier add. , also lot
n block 458 , Grand View add , , q , c.
John Thompson and Susan T-honip-
on to Kimball , lots 2 and 3 , block 7 ,
kViloox'a add. , w. d. $200. "
John James Stewart and rrifo to
Elonry Hoitholt , lota 7 , 8 ' and 0 , block
12 , Millard , w. d. $150'
Mrs. Wft'laoe. Buffalo , N , Y , writes :
'I have- used BUHDOCK 13 LOO D BITTEUH
'or nervous and bilious headachei , and
mve recommended them to my trlends ; I
Jillovo them superior tu any other medi-
jluo I have used , and can recommend
, hem tn anyone requiring a cure for bll-
ousness. " Trice $1.00. 28-dlw
1,000 boor kegs , 1 malt tnill , 1
tvhlto cedar mash tub comploto-wilh
gearing , good as now A lot of largo
puncheons , ( suitable for ciatorna or
water tanks. Ono 25-horeo power on-
vine and boiler , all for enlo cheap ,
A.lso 20,000 brick ut $10 per H. Call
it Liuinger & Metcalf Go. 'a , corner
of Sixth and Pacific streets. Omaha.
_ _ m&o&w-lw.
The Danish society will hold their
aat ball of the season on Saturday
aroniucr , April 20th. Pen < "n * not
jelonging to the society can gui.i uU-
nisaion if introduoed by mouibora ,
Tickota to bo had of Win. Novo , corner
Faruam and Eleventh ntreeta , 8. Jor-
zanson. Tenth and Jaokaon itrueta , B.
f. M dson , Sixth and Pierce streets ,
P. Bmidt , Corning and Twenty-first
itreeU and A. Dorn , Sixteenth and
Chicago atroota.
Parties wishing Carrlagca or Bug-
< ioa will do well to examine Liuinger
SrMotcalf Co. 'a largo stock before
buying. m&e&w-lw
Want to buy a gentle pony for fam-
ly use. For partioulara calf at W. T.
Seaman's. ap28-2t
Nun's Veiljnga 22Jcta at the Chi-
ago Dry Goods Store.
Nover'TooLate Jo Mend ,
Thos.J , ArdonXWUllam Street , Hast
Jutfalo , writes : "Vmir HrniKO BLOSSOM
ias worked on me splendid , I had no
ippetitet used tosleeixbadlynnd get nn
u tha morning unrelin bed > my breath
was very otfecbive end/a : suffered from
evere headachte ; tinoe n ng your Siirinp
JloMom nil these 9yu > | vtonls have\aul hetl
urt I feel quite weJJ , ! ' l > rl e CO cents ,
rial IwtUw Ip ?
How a Man Turned Hia Wife
Into Some Practical
Account ,
Nothing Llko a Little Common bonso
In Love Matters.
Ab7ut two years ago there resided
in this city n hard working nnd re
opoctablo mechanic , an iron worker
in the U , P. shops , who resided with
his wife in a Bmall cottogo in south
Omaha. This cottage had been built
for him on the monthly installment
plan and for A time the payments
wore made quite regularly. 11 o had
ono child , a son , some ton or twolro
years of ago ,
In the same family ( hero boarded
n n young man , a clerk in ono of our
dry goods stores , who also rented a
rdom m the house. The wife of the
mechanic was a prepossessing bru
nette , with rosy cheeks and sparkling
eyes , and the clerk , while acting with
commcndnblo prudence , contrived to
insinuate himself into her good graces
and eventually win that place in her
heart which was duo to her husband
After a time payments on the house
became less cosy to moot and at length
failed altogether and the honest me
chanic was in danger of losing all that
ho had inycstck in it and of finding
himself without a homo in the world.
At this staco of the proceedings the
clerk , who had contrived to save something -
thing out of a very fair salary , offered
to the husband to pay off the entire
indebtedness on the house and giro
him a quit claim deed , in considera
tion of his relinquishing all claims
upon his wife , nnd to this the man ,
driven to despair by his straight
ened financial condition , consented ,
The bargain was duly carried out ,
the title to the house transferred to
the U. P. man and the clerk , resign
ing his position , left the city with the
wife of his friend for parts unknown ,
Time rolled along with its changing
moonn and revolving seasons , and
added to the ago of the parties to the
unlawful coatract , and to the maturity
of [ the boy who had been thus de
prived of a mother's love and care.
Three months ago the young man
wont to Kansas City on a visit , and
wnilo there promenading the
streets ono day , met his
mother nnd the man for
whom she had deserted him and her
lome , walking arm in arm on the
itroot. The recognition was mulua ! .
Tlio boy wrote to his father , and the
result was n correspondence between
: ho husband nnd lover of the woman.
This , after a short time , termin
ated in another transfer of the
woman back to her husband ,
who received a further consideration
of two hundred dollars , and soon
after the woman came back with her
son , resumed her former life in the
old home and is now living there hap
pily with her husband and eon.
The honest mechanic has thus by
a judicious investment of his tnatri-
nonial capital secured a homo , free
'rora encumbrance , and a snug little
sum in cash , and is now in a com-
mratively independent condition ,
while the dry goods clerk and the
wife have enjoyed the hoydoy of their
> ansion , und are both , no doubt , glade
o resume their former conditions. >
Sato McNamara Receives a Terrlolo
Founding : .
About G o'clock yesterday "tho
early risers who happened out on Far
nam street , mostly in search of an eye-
opener , saw a shocking sight in the
) crson of a woman , who was searching
'or an oflicor , and whoso face showed
ovidonccs of the most brutal treat
During the morning the marshal
was notified that there had boon some
trouble at the house two doors east of
.ho Metropolitan hotel , and Oflicor
Prank Klofnor was sent to investigate
the matter , being accompanied by a
BEK reporter.
Ac the locality indicated , which is a
small and dilapidated sot of rooms oc
cupied by Mrs. Kate MoNamara , a
lotorious woman of the town ,
the woman alluded to above ,
who was Kate herself , was found lying
on her bed in a back room , the front
icing used as a sort ot decoy cigar
store. Her left eye had disappeared
wtiroly beneath a mass of swollen ,
iruisod , black and bloody flesh , the
eye being as largo as a man's fist , and
; ho cheek terribly distorted. The pil
lows were stained with blood , as was
also the handkerchief with which she
occasionally wiped away the crimson
luid which trickled out from beneath
.ho lid. She stated to the officer that
lor wounds were received at the hands
of Billy Hovrell , who , it seems , has boon
lier solid man for two or three years
and who she says has beaten her twice
in the past forty.eight hours. Thurs
day she stayed up all night , expect-
ng him to do agmo violence , as she
md refuted to allow him to sleep
hero. A little after daylight ho came
o the door , kicked it in and gave her
the beating which resulted as de
Bho WHS more indignant , apparent-
y , at the failuio of the police to
come to her assistance than at the
brutal treatment from Billy , although
oho averred that she didn't want the
attor around her any more. The
) flicor started out to get a warrant for
ho woman boater.
A Couple of Government Agents
for tbo Lincoln Custodian.
A dispatch published yesterday
tated briefly the fact that an investi
gation into the attain of Judge D. 0 ,
lull , of Lincolnj custodian of govern-
uent buildings , was likely to result in
onio startling disclosures , if the atato-
menta of the special agents were to be
rolled upon.
Judge Hull arrived in Omaha yes >
orday and does not look at elwor } -
'iod ' over the disclosures , j. ya
they have been carrying on * atur
chamber investigation and refused him
all chance to bo heard in the matter
The following is published in the
Lincoln Journal of yesterday regarding
the matter :
The arrival of two special ngonta ol
the treasury department Tuesday gave
rise to the rumor that some crooked
ness on the part of somu of the gov
crnmont officials WM to be invest !
gated and exposed. It is now wol
known in what direction the invest !
Ration haii been pushed , and the com
mon impression now is that frauds ol
a disgraceful nature have been reveal
veal oil. Suspicions had for some time
been entertained in Washington that
something was wrong about the man
agement of the finances connoctec
with the government building ,
and the result of two days inquirj
seems to leave little room for doubt
that D. O. Hull , recent custodian o :
the government building , has been
guilty of Inystomatlc and extensive
peculations during the entire term ol
his official service. Judge Hull has
for many years commanded the respect
of the business and social community ,
and his friends can hardly believe the
charges made against him. But the in
vestigation seems to have proved be
yond reasonable doubt that hn has
defrauded the government of largo
Bums of money. All expenses con
nected with tha building liavo
boon paid by the government
exorbitant rates. Ho has been in the
habit of making purchases of various
merchants and obtaining upon various
pretexts their signatures to blank
vouchers which ho afterward filled oub
himself. The drafts received from
Washington were sometimes double
the amount of the merchants' bill.
When they were asked to sign re
ceipts , ho explained that the draft for
convenience had bcoh made to cover
other items , and so the bill would bo
settled by his prtvato check and the
draft endorsed for the full amount.
In some cases , also , thn items of the
bills force the conviction that private
expenses were sometimes paid
out of the public exchequer.
The number nnd amount ol
thcso peculiarities cannot at present
bo estimated. It seems possible that
they will amount to a largo sum ,
though the sensational reports now
afloat in regard to their magnitude
may provn to bo greatly oxagoratod.
The agents who are conducting the
investigation are very reticent as to
their discoveries , and nothing definite
can bo learned from that source.
Thcso revelations are , of course , the
common subject of conversation upon
the streets and public sentiment is
very strong in condemnation of the
crime which brinpa disgrace to our
city and state.
II. E. Pltkln is nt'the WIthnell.
Win. Ponsor , of Lincoln , is In town.
Sun Ledermnn , of St. Joe , Is in town.
L. F. Peer , of Lincoln , is In the city.
Chas. Illce , of Conncll Bluffia in the
6. P. Jownn , of Grand Island , is in the
T. D. Seeley , of St. Paul , ia at the Can-
D. H. Delano , of rUvorton , Neb. , is in
II. W. Ilall , of Burlington , Iowa , ia in
Arthur J. Evans , of David City , la in
town ,
J. W. Pickering of Marshall , laia IB
H. J. Iieo , of Fremont , ia ot the Metro
politan ,
the city.
J. E. lUley , of Burlington , Vt. , U in
the city.
Thos. Taylor , of Mnlvern , lown , in in
the city.
J. W. Sidles , of Arlington , is at the
Chan. W. Wllior , of Fort .lloblnson , ia
in the city.
A. B. Dam , of Wakoeld , Nob. , ij at
the Oanfield.
Lieut. 0. II. Wattf , of Fort Koblnton ,
ia in the city.
L. M. Georgln , of Binshamton , N. Y. ,
ia in tie city.
J. L. Taylor and wife , of Greeloy , Col. ,
are in the city.
Frank P. Ireland registered at the With-
nell last night.
John Oaburn , of Nebraska City , ia at
the Metropolitan.
N. S. Crew , of Chlllicothe , Mo. , ia at
the Canfield bouse.
A. C. Maxwell , of tfalrbury , Neb. , ia
at the Metropolitan.
John B. Coggeshall , of Council Bluff ? ,
was in the city last night.
B. F. Fowler nnd E. A. Ilinea , of Mnl.
voru , Iowa , are in the city ,
Y , J. Meyer * , of Council Bluffi , was at
the Metropolitan last night.
Jame Koades nnd wife , and E. T. Denton -
ton , oi Sidney , nro in Omaha.
B , F. Stuinpf , of Columbus , in In the
city , the gnet of the Canfield.
W. B. Ogilen nnd wife nnd MUaSutton ,
of iea Moinea , re at the AVithnell ,
11 , T. Shannon , the railroad contractor ,
of Nebraska City , ia at the Canfield. '
J. P. Gullfoyle , representing K. W.
Brooks & Co. , Chicago , lumber , ia ut the
Hugh Fulton , ot the Omaha nnd Ogden
route , K. M. B. , has removed from Ne
braska City to Omaha.
Paul Arthur , advance agtnt of Mitch
ell's Ple sure Party , ii In the city. Mr.
Arthur was formerly with the Hess Oper *
Geo.W. W tson , of Lockhaven , P . , WM
in the city yesterday , en route to Ban
Pranultco. Ho WM the guest during hia
ctay here of Harry Minogue , the block
is extended to the citizens of Omaha
to visit our establishment to inspect
the vast improvement we have made
in the got-up of Ready-Mado Clothing
' ' and Children's
for Men's , Boys'
\Ybar , Our styles are the latest , our
patterns exclusive , nnd in fit , make
and finish , wo claim , a perfection
emulod by none. NO ono should
purchase a Bujt without firat looking
our stock und o-juvinca youruBKea.
apr27 2fc
Fine Imperial Oranges ,
- >
Temperance , Sabbath School , and
Business Matters on tbo
Btato Line.
Correcvondence of Tim linn
BLANCHAKH , Ia. , April 28. Tilings
hero on the state line are moving along
quietly. The season , though rather
cool and wet , yet the farmers nro busy
planting corn , and the prospect for a
good season is cneountginc ; .
The temperance people are taking
hold of the prohibition agitation with
enthusiasm Meetings nro being held
in every school house in the township ,
organizations are formed , nnd lecturers
nro busy. Workers design [
every homo nnd tnlk up subject.
It is believed there are very few in
this part of the stnto who
will not vote for prohibition. Ono
worker who visited twenty families in
an nftornoon reports that ho only
found ono whoso vote wns doubtful.
The same organized work is carried
on in the other townships of the
county. Rov. J. R Hill , a prominent
temporarico lecturer of St. Louis , ad
dressed our association here recently.
The 3 tate Line fair association are
busy fitting up their grounds west of
town. It is expected to have it in
good shape for the fair early in the
The now firm of McKnight & Sharp
are moving this week into their now
building. It will bo the most elegant
store room in town. The store will
bo filled with general merchandise ,
dry goods on ono aide nnd groceries
on the other. Their goods are mostly
obtained from Far well & Co. , Chicago ,
ind are nil of the firat class. J. R.
Sharp , the junior member of the
firm , has had n lifo experience in the
bimnoRS , having been brought up in
Now York City. His cxperiinontn
knowledge of the price and quality o
[ roods and strict integrity in businan
will ensure for them a large Ir.ido.
They nro the owners of two fine
Farms a few miles south of town , on
ono of which Mr. McKnight lives ,
while Mr. Sharp attends the store.
Besides the temperance agitation ,
the main object of interest ia the an
nual mooting of the Page County Sab
bath Scliool association , which meets
hero May 25 , 2G and 27.
A meeting was held last pvonlng of
the officers of our township associa
tion , to arrange for the convention.
The Blanchard Record has espoused
the prohibition cause in dead earnest ,
ind the friends of that cnuso are rnlly- "
ng to its support. It is rolling up a
arge list of campaign subscribers.
The editor , Ruius Johnston , dis-
inguished himself in Illinois as a
omperanco advocate , and the tempcr-
nnco people hero count him a strong
actor in the work. KNOX.
"Wells' Health Renewer" restores health
and vigor , cures dyspepsia , impotence ,
exual debility. 81. Depot nt C. F.
Army Orders.
The following nre the latest orders
sauedfrom the headquarters of the
department of the Plat to : !
The following changes in the eta-
ions of troops in this department will
take place at once :
Troop D , Third cavalry , from Fort
Sanders , W. T. , to Fort Washakie ,
W. T.
Troop E , Third cavalry , from Fort
Fred Steele , W.T. , to Fort Washakio ,
W. T.
Troop H , Third cavalry , from Fort
Washakio , W.T. , to Fort FredSteole ,
W. T.
Troop K. Third cavalry , from Fort
Washakio , W. T. , to Fort Saunders ,
W. T.
The quartermaster's department will
'urnish the necessary transportation
and make all necessary arrangements ,
The general court martial convened
at Fort Douglas" , U. T. , by paragraph
2 , special orders No. 27 , current se
ries , from these headquarters , is dia-
The general court martial convened
at Fort Sidney , Nob. , by paragraph
3 , special orders No. 28 , current se
ries , from thojo headquarter ; , is dis
Card of Than Its.
To the Editor ol The Bee.
Permit mo through your columns to
express my sincere thanks to the many
rlendfl who , during my recent sad'bc-
'eavemont , extended to me their kind-
y sympathy and generous assistance.
C. M.
Railroad Arithmetic ,
A passenger pays 75 cents for a
square meal in a dining car ; 10 cents
o the porter for brushing his clothes ,
and 35 cents for having his boots
( lacked. If his overcoat cost him
? 25. his hat $3 , and the balance of his
oggory $30 , find the number of times
the engineer tries to whistle an old
cow off the track , and how many gal-
ons of milk the cow ought togivo the
engineer for warning her of danger.
If a passenger in a sleeping car is
so affected while sleeping by the
snoring of a follow passenger that he
dreams ho ia being attacked by a griz
zly bear , and in his sleep ho gets up
and strangles the snorer nnd then
.hrows him out of the window , how
eng should if take a court to acquit J
; ho somnambulist for "removing *
; ho snorer , on the ground of justifia-
DO homicide ?
.If a train runs thirty miles an hour ,
and the man who reached the do-
3ot 30 seconds too late rum a mile in
JO houri , how long will it take that
'at man's legs to give out , and how
'ar away can ho be heard repeating
the Lord's prayer. Exchange.
ace ana * bution , at 25o on the dollar
of the actual cost. Must bo closed
out ; ut the old reliable ono price shoe
tore of A. D , Morse , 1-ith and Far-
mm. A child oan buy as cheap as a
nan ,
JlnnU Salve , L H fitnil
lvc in the world , nd xtellent for
uis. 25 cti.
.NOTlCE-A.lmtlartnent lo Loin , Kor 3 !
Loot , round. Wants. lo ! rdcsr ! , &c. . will bo In
eetted In th < w column ! coca for TEN ORNTJ-
per Una ; each subsequent Insertion. KIVECKNT
per Una. The flrnt lr. ertlon never lam thi
TO LOAN Call at tavr Otnc of D
MONEV RojraS Cirlihton Block.
JfcOKA f\\l'1' \ t-OAA At 8 per con tin
? / Ol/.U\/V" i rc l In suma.of $2,600 am
upwards , ( or 3 to 6 ycirt. on Dnt-clan city ant
( ana property. Dt m Kiub E ilri aud LOXM
AonoT , fetti nd Doncln ftts
A ( food cwoiul cook. Apply n
WANTED Hotito Vniiltu. 'J.H--23
WANTKtCnmn. > c llalcljrMtrycoolv ot thi
UecldcntM. Woman pnfurrud. | P31-2j
" \TTATJWin--An educated ircnllcinan tonrtns
VV central nnd fpoclal solicitor , for ono 0(011
finest Art Works. No correspondence call on
otirrciirefcntathe.ll. A , Holies , nt the Crcljjhtbn
llouco until Monday noon , May lit , Iholon
don Printlntrnndl'ubll-liliifr I o.
"TTITANTEP Dy a jounjr man , Oerraan , n cltu
VV nation In a retailer wholouilo grctcrj store
Inqulrn of V , V. W. Stark , No. 1 3 lOih s r ct
between Douglas nnd l > odgt , Omaha. GSj-SS *
A ( Iron ? ynuiiK man , Ornrian
WANTKD tootk. . Inquire ( V. W. 11.
SUcIc , Ko. 11316th street , between UouaUaan
L oJro ( , Omnhk 02230
- - honsono-k atlfllS Chl-
WANTKDairlfohonsonok . in.
- tallorcss. Appj at 1220
Fatnain ttreet. ( D2S-3
- boytjhcrJ cows. I.tttlc-
neld Snintoja. S23-20) )
WANTHD-A No. 1 eand brlcit moulder.
Cillou or address J. K. Fiyuu..NoroU
Neb. 012-29 *
WANTKD-Maclilnchando at thoOmthaShlrt
Fuctory. 00.-29
WANTKD A zd cook , 2011 , Cass strtxt
between 20tli and 21 t. 103-28
WANTED Woman cook. Apply at II. J.
Elliott , 412 ncrih ICtli street. Kclcrcnio
required. OW-SS }
A Flrst-clas'j chambermaid at the
WAITED . F. Wirth. B91-U
- first-class tinner. Address
WANTED-A , Ashland , Neb. Bcfcrcnccs
required , 887-20
A rood cook and \\axhcr , ulao a
WANTED xirlopiiolte 4tb on Farnara > t ) .
Mrs. S. K. Brown. 87S-S9"
> tir-t cia s cuiTosterj In Omahn
WANTK1 cities and tow ns for a new and
elijpintly bound book , "U'o ot Gen. Durusldo "
Llbe-aljay. Address , T. H.KDWMID3 ,
8'4-lf Chicago , III.
\TC7"AVTED Qlrl to do general liouyc oik.
VV Mrs. J. U Webster , eth street butwceu
latnoj and tt. Mark's a\e. 819-20
IANTRO-acoilirIft' 10WJ North 10t' st.
W BS9-t ( Mns. J.M.
WANTED D nlngroom ( ; IrUt the Crcljhton
House. C07-t (
rjrrUATlOX WANTED Uy a first class baiter
Jon bread and fancy cakes. AddrasA. I ! . ,
Urand Isbnd , Neb. 030-181-
, QFJJTLEHAN In office hero , but with con
X slderable leisure , tcslrcs additional em
ployment ; In fttfoiU book-keeper , rapid tcconnt-
nt , etc. Addrf s A. L. P. B e cm o. 021-29
Br a ( fcntlcman ot business ci-
WANTED and bomo means a fltuatlon or
n crest In a commlnlon or other mercantile
> IMI ) < U , Flrnt-cliku rotorcme. K. A.
Jfflce. D02-28 *
\TI7"ANTKD Emp'ojincutlnagrocoryorhard"
VV wara store , ry a peed nun H. Aiaun
llor , Employment A eni , llth street Dear Far-
jam. f.05-28
\TTANTEO-SItuatlon In a prlrato family to
W work for board , one-half of each day dur-
ngJuly'and August. Geru.onFanjily ] preferred.
Address before May 1 , M. G. S. General JMh cry ,
Dmaha.Neb. S38-28t
TTTANTED To rent , a fiimtehcd house In'good
YY locality about six rooms. Address H. K.
Bee office. 039-28
' Board and roonil for family ot
W'ANTED odulta anil tno children. 1'rlrate
amlly preferred. AddnasK. W. tee office.
Ono or two roonn furnUhcd , for
WANTED . Address W. II. J. ,
P. 0. box 23. 082-23
Ten cay txuruura at No. 702 S.
WANTiD st. 818 2Sf
TTTANTFD OOOprUyaLt3 , Kinks and ces
W pool to clean with canltary Vault and
Sink Cleaner , the beet In UBO. A. Krans & Co. ,
ealdenco J20U Dode street. Omaha.
a unlurnlshed rooms for man and
WANTED must be moderate In price. Ad-
rr i IT. nee office. 297-tf
Funding brldK an < ! tcbool bones
WANTED OInrk , BeUevno. SS-U
TO Mill a barbr shop , Boot ! lo
cution , good buiIneH.tntUfaitcryrcasons
nr selling. Inquire at 117H. ICth street , Omaha
S'eb. _ 637-tt
\TrANTKD-4 children a h < iarder la a select
W school , at 19Ui aad Uilltorula 8L L. B.
Basameut In ex. for board.
WASTED boardtn ) too. 003 N. 17th street.
LOTS , 1100 each , ti dou and 89 par month
UEMI8. Agent.
T10 RENT A houno of ( our rooms on Hurt
JL ttTcetbctntcuTllton and Broun. Inquire
t next haute. C30-li9 >
RUNT Two ( urnlsheil rooms. 1445
TO Ltaroawotth stbcUevnHlhand llth ,
017-28 *
KENT One room , store ( ront. Sultablo
FOll or shoemaker , tailor or watch-maker. > Uo
jakcry In rvaaemtnt. Apply John Dwyer , luth
ind Webster , U < 3-10 |
A furnished front room.niltab e
for two gentlemen , at ho. 1010 Fanmmst ,
RENT Two lurnlth d rooms In a private
FOR , at 1011 South llth street , ore Mock
romtbedop/t , 910-29 *
RENT Flojautlr furnished rcoro and
FOR adjomluK parlor on I'loount Ate.
doors notth of St Kao'n , nearly opposll8 West
fcnd school. Stunt Cars will run within n fnw
yards o ! nouso. 820-20
_ _
RENT-Nic 4y famished rooms at 1001
TO Dodge street , k i > l lu poifsct 0 "f j
At 625 a year , ke eral nlceiesl
FOHMUBB J6th street and St. Mary' * a > e.
JlS-tf ' W B. BABTLKTT , Kuil Kitata 4stnt.
[ 7011 RENT HOUM ol 6 rooms In jroodlocatlon
[ > ltb hard and soltMaUr. Inquire at John
i. McOgue opposite pontotrico. 600-18
RENT Farnlw d roorai t 1407 Howard
FOR 14th aud Uth streeti , U blocks
Muth-eost pottomce. E-llIgKnox. EOi-tl
nOR RENT Hand oioelyurnljheHront room
L In ft privuU family to gentleman with refer-
. iaiiDodiot ; > tt wiil3thttnd Hthfcta.
I OR RENT Stable ftlth room for four liortcj
C and t o carrlagei , at S 6 Burt street. D.
quirs . 11005 Farnam t
raOR KENT-Olllco In Jacob1 * Block.
I OttllKNT-Btort ud butcher shop , 8. E.
J corntr l h iu > d Chlr go. Inquire at wore.
Kllcn Lucai , admlnlitrator of the ort t cl K a
ucaa. cul-U
I.1'boardon Ori'fl'ttir.V" * * 0 * " lfco *
.moral * it.
RENT 1ntnlsheJ room * ovci M
FOB 'Eich rjcffN. K. ecr. 18th and Dodff
t'.rntts. t39-ti
TilOK KENT Nicely furnished rooim with or
JJ without boarJ. Reasonabls price * . 2011
T710K bAI.B 0fce ( farnlturs , Including desk ,
JL1 tate , chain and < arr t. at 117 , ISth bt.
fTlCR S A LK ChMti sorrel nnre No 1 n >
I ; dtr rodille , also broke to d mble barne'S
at niuollunlflih s'rret n-arDodi { . 92 )
Illtll FOH SALK-Kiank 6 Elmendorl , Pa-
disjunction , Iowa. B2-2-S
1.1 OK A I.B ifouisTand two Tots , together , of
i1 will diridt to suit ; cheap ( or ca h , or one
third down , balance on time. U. Fullman , 8th
and Dorca * t . BW-2 *
SALK Knw cottagf and two-third tot o- >
FOf WlWo Avenut in S uth Omtha , only
91800. Good thance for rallroid men who n ant
lo retldr nenr depot. UcLi gu ; oji | . . pistcfUce.
rriOIl SALIi-Good house and lot , at 1235 Soul *
I1 Uth strecteccondhouse north o ( Williams
street. 89MOI
rriOH SALE Ono fnn of nareo , onoc w nn4
JL1 onn iroat. Inqu re ot Lllin LUCM < r < er
13th and bhlcago Bt . E02-K
FOR the COYS' IIOAIE. Ih's ' liotiwlsco -
tt ally located , 1ms nod h and CAtt ( root , and h
Burroindcd w th One triado trees : cotit Innthtrty
M replug room ) , ha lea hou-c. laundry , svmplo
room , ic. Ha a world w do reputation nnd a
better patron go than many housrs ot twice IU
cajuclty. Trlco $ , POO for pattcuara al.
dicss , A. . S AWUEY , Iteil Clouu , Atb.
I710R 8AM ! 200 choice lots in Han-corn Place ,
JL' W. R Bartlttt , Heal Estate Agott , 817 8.
18th Btrctt. 83S-tt 1
"TTIOlt SAliC A gcod rortier lot en Uoaireand
U 21ih street , nareryntt growitiR part of
the city , will dlvldo. Inquire at vlO South 20th
street , Dear FarnamBogg's ft Hill's addition.
SALE Ono p nof horci ) , two
natrons and two eet * o ( double harness. In *
quire Ellen Lucas , administrator of the esttta
ut E , C. Lucas , corucr 18th and Chicago sta ,
TTlOlt SALE Hotel tn at oed lonn toun , a
JD a bargain. U. Mannweller , Roil Gitato
Agt llth st.ttt , near Fatnam 7CU-tf
FOR SALKOM RENT A two (2) ( ) story frnmo
buiiil ng 2lxEO. N. U n r , cr S.'nd and
: um'nc ' strivi. Inqulta al Knut's Wiwtero
Brewery. 761-tf
FOR SALE 20 lots near lintiecom Park , west
ofl'ark A\einie. ? 1 0 to (800 carli. ic-
Caguo opp. J'o.'tolllce. 671 .tf
T710R SALE House ot 4 or 5 rooms and cor-
JD nurloi on 19th nnd ilason $1.000.
ppp , ; ) Q8tolHce. _
171 Ul'.Y Thoroughbred Jersey Dull Mo. 832
J ? "M. S. 11. B. " , winner of prlro at Stats
"air. Stands for rcrvlco vt Nebr.inka Poultry
Yards , West Omaha. Grahjm t1. Browne ,
T7\OR SALE Ono second-hand 25 horse pone
J } engine , good as ne , al o two 8 horaarowo r
and two in horse pouer engines , now. Bailer *
of 'all sizes , new. Inquire Omaha Fouidryan
Machine Co.U. P. Ky . bet 17th and 18th omaha
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ITIOR SALE A ucw house and lot , 25th an
J ? Douglas St Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th
nd Farnhum . 41B-lm *
I UK HffLK rlvofccroi ut land , 2-ntory frame
JU benne , barn 2 wells and other Improve
ments , east sldo of E&undtrs street , near Fort
Omaha. For jmrtlculura addicsi Geo. W. Drew-
gtor. Oakland , Neb. 40141
EOU SALE Cur load ot fat Mackoy mules
broke. Apply ol J. W , bkluner , Coin la ,
TjlOll SALE Or will excha fro lor Omaha pro-
JU I Iporty , an Improved uoc on o ( Und adjoin
ing a station on U. P. K. B. M. DUNIIAM , 1112
Farnham lit. , Omaha. 720 Smt
TRICK FOK SALE 812.00per 1000.T. Murray
ALEO HAY At A. H. Sander * Feed 8to
1013 Hamey St. rtfl-t'
T O3T From Open Hon e V ul te-tte
| _ J land pup anuweratothanainuofCarlo. Buit-
bio reward will be paid for Ills rUurn. U37-29
HtWABD For Ir formation' leading to
the dltcovery of a dun IMUO about thlr-
o n years old , weight 1,000 pounds To have
colt last of March. dtmcd or stolen from Gen-
aFob O.h , 18S2. Addrc > 8.
L. J. RlilDOLTQ ,
827-3 Geneva , Flllmore Count ] , Neb.
T 03T A gold Batch charm v 1th h rsej head
LJ , on one side , and a parrot on the reverse
lite The Under will i e pa'd $5 reward on ro-
urnlnglt to l&2lWeb4tcr treet , corner luth.
i8t ! M. L. W/tBE.
AKllKa wanting Urut class Scandlnalvan he p
call at Flodmamand EVbUd'a Uuok and
tatlonery Store , 203 N. 17th street.
LOST That man whowaieeen and * cll known
to pick up adogonCumlngmind Ibli street ,
hireby noticed to return the dotr or sufler tha
ontcquencos Frank A. Uenolken , 007 18th
treet. DOi-29 *
2TOCK PASTUJIINO One hundred acres blue
J grasa good fenco-abundance spring water ,
nc mile fro.n city , $2 do per montn. inquire
t Solomon's Paint , Oil and Window Glass store.
2TKAYED From my prcmUea utar Filr
j Oioundr , a roan mare four > earn old ; hind
cut white ; branded with Utter "O" with line
luouch center on lefc h p ; prey mane and tall.
25 reward " 111 be paid ( or tier return.
8'B-28" flENUYFORLENIER _ , Omaha.
> i A KKWAK 1'a'd for return ot chuck and
) 1 U notes lost April 19th , piper of no value
xcept to owner , A. U. Dufrene , room U
rclu-liton ulnck. 8U-2J
MK8. C. A. r LLIflON E ectro Magnetio'
Ilcaijr , also btuine sard midlcal Ctlr-
ujint. 1'fych metlc nailln s a d triatmeat
; I en dilly from u a. in. to 4 p. m ; Ctn be coo-
ulltd by letter. H' name , ae , and Inck 01
mlr etc , ith $2.00 consultallju ton. No. 201S
ana H % , Omaha. Nab. 791 1m *
J Ktiuot near Faruam. Uu inwa bcAuo ,
armeia and ( imllleo tan bo lupplltxi witir jaj-
Kitont luIn. Any graao of employment , 'Hall- ' v -
oadanp Mining outfits on ebort notice F. D.
oltc , Kmplntment Agent. 664-im *
JOOMb And Brat class cable buard , at XUll
L"t CasaBt. ml-lm *
AVK RENT Choice of SO ( oil lots to leas *
j near Crelghton College for$2i per year ,
enter L. Thomas & Bra. , Room 8 , Crolghtoo
ilock. MS-tf
IONAUST , 493 Tenth Otreet , - t > etwoen Farnum
uidllainey. Will , with the aid of ruardtao
plrlto , obtain for any cn a glance at the past
aud present , and on certain conditions In th fq >
ure. Boot * and Shoes made todtr. . PerfM
' NfCnn cnarantMul iiI8-1m
Absolutely Pure.
i his powder never varies. A marvel ot pu
> ,4trinjrthanol wholtsomcnees. i'oro ' Wnc.
Is-1 thun the ordln.ry ktudi , at.d carujt
ild in competition with tro multitude o ow
X short weight. ali.m or phoipnata pow it
H 14 oulv lu canr. ROTibUJlK a I'Otrcti. tX > . .
S.TaU St. , Nsw York