Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 29, 1882, Page 3, Image 3

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010 F rnham , bft. Oth nnd lOlh Streelt.
Oo copy 1 ycar.ln bianco ( pettpaid ) . . . Jio.OO
6 tnoctt " " . . . jpo
QOnth ' ii . . . j > K ,
Low t Orair-i-l'u'crcer No. 2 , 8:50 a. m Ac-
rarooiintlon Jfci. 4 , l.otn.m
AltlvcOmMa Vansenter No. 1 , 6.M u m
Acctc : 'I'allf-n No. 3 , 16M : > a.'tn.
llniB OMAHA 1RT 01 gOlTtn CCCIt ,
a , n. A o. IM . m. s-jo p. m.
( ! . , * . X. W. , 7:40 : & . m. 5:40 : p. m.
a , Jt. I. tt P. , 1tn r. . m. 8:40 : P. tn ,
ii. C..FU J , & C. n.,1cm M at J 30 . m. atid 7:46 :
tu. Artltcs at lit. I/on' ' * ot tf:3u : t. m. and 6:62 :
AV. , Ft. I , . A P. , Ia\ti l8 a. ra. And 8-10 n.
Aum * i St. Lcvls M C. a , m. nd 7-fcO
* "jv on
B. * V ! a N rs , Thrnujrh Ktrruss. S ! DI.
n , k M. T.'ncrln I xju * 6 80 n , in.
D 1' . Otcilund fxprpw , H : i > . n ; .
0. * . R. V. for I ii.-oln. 11M5 . ra.
0. & R V. for Oi-roli , 9.10 z , tu.
tf. P frcklit MJ. J , G
a. P ( rrl ; ) i.No. . p , s o x ra.
II. P. fr.'tHNo. t ? , 2fOp. in.
1) ) , 1 . f/r rt No. 7 , tia ! | i. m. ttiiffrtnl
. . P. Dimer Mprew , IM j > . m.
W. P HMit IJn 11. ll V n.
C1 1 * . laMCI fHc , ! ' , ' " ji. 1
* TI . * ' MOM I.LS7 iM > K3 li
C u / Q . 1. IE. 7:25 p r %
C. A N. > i , BMi a. tu. 7:16 p. tn.
0. P. I Ar..t 4S a , in. ( UK , i. tu.
u. 0. , il. J.T J 0 H. . 7' ! 6 a. in. flip , m
iBmtN/i / raov nu i AISD mmitiwMt
O. A K. \ . tfsm LlDciMr. I.Oi p.
U. P. 1'adfln KIJIO * WfiTi. tn.
H I ) Sf.ln hieK.ThrouBh J t"w < ! U v m.
' b M , Lincoln Exprwo 'J 1 5 lu i
U P. lcmcr exrrcRH , 7sd : ft. i. . .
' . . P. I'reljM > .n. 14-2.M p. tn.7
n. P. So. C 6.50 n. m. Kmlir
U. P. freight No. 14. 1 :1S : p. m.
U. P. f.'o. * - . J p. n. .
U. P. So. If l4B ! a. ir.
U. P. I ) , m tr IN l ht , 1:10 . tn.
? * K. V. tnlxeiJ , ar. 4'4o p. nj.
tcrs'a urn * .
ittvt Oin h xt 3.W , P 00 , 10 CO nut 11:00 :
IE. ; 1 0 2 00 , J.OO , t CO old 6.00 p. in.
ea Council Blufls lit S.Ti , 9.26. 10-25 ud
I-.S6 t. tn. ; lSO. : L':25 : , S : , 4-2B uril 6S5p. : ro.
EUIVJB Th Juintny IcavcJ Oiuah1 * t 9VO
.ind lliH ) . tc. ; S-Ofl , 4 tfl i m S-00 p. tu. Lcnea
Cotinrll UlulTf it B.St auJ 11:26 . ro. ; SS5 : , iSf :
led 6:25 : p , tn.
Thronub MI i Ici-nl paB onircr trains Ictwccti
Oirnha. bnil Coxiiicll Eltitls. Lc e Oninhn 8:16 : ,
U6 , 8 : 0a. u ) . ; S 40 , BMS , CX.O p. m. ArriM-
Omahiv 7:10 : , llE6 , 11:45 1. in. ; 6.40. 7.06 , 7:16 : ,
Cf tnlrjt nf Clotlrg ? ; Mflli ,
teen. f crux ROBE.
( . . Li. p. ni. . m. p. n.
Oah eoaN. W 11.00 9:00 : 5.30 2:40 :
KJilciijo , R I. A rtcifio.11:05 B:00 : 63'J 2:10 :
'Chicago , B. & Q. . . . . .11CO 9:00 fi'SO S:40 :
( fabnth 12.M SCO ! :4D :
Ilonx City and riciild uco SiO 2:10 :
Union Paia : 4-00 11:40 :
Pmahnfi R. V :00 11:40 :
l.AM. In Neb too 8:10 :
On-kha & Stoux City. . 000 7SO
R. & M. Lincoln io:30 : 0:00
D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . 1:30 11:00
J. P. Denver F.xn 6:50 :
.0. . OlOUJt City J : Ob. l . . .llovl : 2:40
Local mallti for Htnlo of low * learn but cncc u
y , viz : 6:30 : c. m.
i Office cpnn Sundayn from 12 ra. to 1 p. tu.
/ Business nirectory ,
Abttract and Ron ! btUto. :
JOHN L. MoCAGUK , opposite Poet Office.
W. H. BAKTLKTT 817 South ISth Street.
Room 11. Block.
A , T. LAnOB Jr. . Room 2. ftnlgMnn Bloch
Bootii end Bhces.
ITlne Hoots ml Shoes. A good M
iioicc work , on hanJ , corner 12th and Ilarnaf.
5H03. ERICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th nd DouslM.
40110th Uroct , manufactures Co order good woik
Bt l lr prire * . Honftlriny dnny.
Bed Springs.
LARRTMER Manufacturer. 1517
Dooki , New * and Stationery.
J. I. FKUEHAUK 1016 F rnham Strwl.
Butter and
UoSHANR & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and
bouso In Nflbraxka estAbllnhed 1R76 Ornnh * .
loalhwcet corner lethand Dodo.
Be&t Board for tlid Moiiuy.
Interaction Ouanatced
nl I at all llcure.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cub
Kurd-riml Unnma Supplied.
Uarrlaae * and Roaa Wanoni.
WU HNYDKR , 14thand FinrnevHtrceW.
Clothing bought.
J. HARKId will pay hlphoetCasU price for second
hind clotblnr. Corner.lOth and Farnhani.
uowo era.
JOHN BAUMER 1SU Karnhuu Street.
Junk ,
U. DKRTHOr.n , H&KB and lieUl.
Lumber Llmo nnd Cement.
rflHTER 4 ORiY corner 6th and DouglM 8U.
Lamps and Qlasiwara.
/ . BOKNER 1B09 UaoKlaa St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
One cf our raoat pcpular Merchant Tailors Is re
ceiving the latent designs for Spring and Bummur
floods for Koutkmcn 3 wear. Btylluli , durable ,
ind orlcoa low M ovc-r 216 ISth bet. Done. & . Faro.
UUS. 0. A. RlNGnu , Wholeaalo * nd Retail , Fan
cy Goods In ( 'rcat variety , Uephyrs , Caril Biirdd ,
iloelery , Ulo > on , , Cm. Cheapoat IIoiuu in
theWcat. PurLhaacra na\o SO per cent. Order
by Utll. 116 firtociith 'J
rounary ,
JOHN WEAKNE&EONH cor.UUi&Jk < kDOi > eto
flour end Feed.
OMAHA CITY MILLS , Kth and Tarnhira UK. ,
Wolshaui ) IJrus. , proprletore. '
. SXEVKNS , Slat between Cumlng and lur
T. A. UtflHANK , Corn. 23d and Oumlnif Btreeta.
narowate , Iron and otuol.
OLAN & LANdWORTUY. Wholesale , 110 an ( >
113 16th Btreet
A. HOLMES come 1Mb and California.
rutrnew. tiaauiet , e.
0 , WEIST SO ISth St. bet Faro. & tUrney.
Hotel i
; ANFIKLD HOUSE , Goo. Canfleld , th & Farnlum '
OOOAN HOUSE , P. H. Cary , 015 Farnham Ut.
SLATEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th Bt.
Sonlhern Hotel Gun. Hamel 6tli ALeavenwortb
rug * , Palnuana Ulli.
rhuoucliti , Fine Tana Uoodi , Car. lim and
Dotul" ktreeta ,
W. t. WU1TEIIOUPK , Wholeeale & Retail , 10th It.
0. FIELD , mi North Side Cumlng Street.
PARR , Pruggtit. IQtn and Howard HtreeM
DR. PAUL Wllllamg1 Block Cor. 16th h Dodge.
ury Uooua notions , fete. e
JOHN U. F , LEliUANN & CO. ,
Rtw York Dry Ooodi Store , 1810 and IBIS Fun.
ham street
t > . 0. Knewold alao boot * and shoes & PadOc.
A f. OR088 , Heir and Bcooud Hand Fnrnltore
nd BtOToa , ilia DOOSUJ. Ulfheat ctth prlco
kid for second htn : ) goooi.
.CONNER 1W9 DaorU tl. Fine coodi 4c.
rcrce worKs.
BUM , FBIE8 A CO ISIS l ! mty St. , Improre
id Ice Boxei , lice anj Wood Fencrt , OKca '
Illoirs. f.oavln * 7 < nn ami Walnnt
Pawnbroker * .
HOBKNrELD 10th St. . bet tu. ft Hai '
Retrlgerators , Canfleld'i Patent.
GOODMAN 1th Bt bet. Fain. & Barney
Oleara and Tobsceo.
.AFr.ITSCDKU . , raMinfM.turn Of
n''si'e ' I > .l rsl n Tn lacco * . 105
V r / > KivNZKVjnamitaeturor JHSt'irnham
Apra rtno , plant * , exit flDwt t , .
ota. N. W. cor. IBth n < 3 Donclm street * .
l tiiglnecrs and Surveyors.
noiKWVTKa. Crtlehlon T'oeV
} * , ( little and # * rrw e
Uommlinon MrrchAnti.
J"l'X 0. Vfll liMH4 l > o1se
D n 111 rEH. l > rJcUll N-Ufif8 < l crtl o
uui.tln ) i r > ' -
Uornlce Work * .
Cnrrl'-e V > orte , M\tiutncturcrl Ire
Cn-olw , fin , Iron Bad M tc Uocainjr. Orders
r.-im iiny Ktallly jir"ulP"y exoculdl In the boo
trirccr Tsctory Mid OH w 1SU lUtnoj St
C. Sl'EClIT , Provrletor.
Iron Corr.lrt ? , Window COM , otc
' ind put up In ivnj PM I of Ui
T. 31MIOLU 410 Ihlrtrcnth street
OrccVcry ,
J. PWHR 1109 non l nrreci noaJ line.
Cljthinj ; nnd PurnlthlnR Ooo' a
CSO. H. PETr.nsOX. Alw } tat , C ps , Boots ,
O.CCO Mo.Iao nd Cutlcrr. S04 3. 10th trcot
Ghow Date Manufactory. !
0. J.VILDR ,
MoanlictUMl And Dc.iltr tn Ml Mod * ol She
Cfee-vi. IJptlzht Canm > , .1 > . , 1317 Can St.
1'UAWK I > . OK11HARD , | iroj > rlftor Crash
Kliow Ca.o nnnuli icrj , blS South 10th ftrr .l
between Le-ucnnoith Mid Marcy. AH
RMrantrit flrnt-clnw
A. 11U1.MK3TKU ,
Rto'C-S and Tlnw ro , nj Mr.nnt cturt
of Tin Hoof * anil nil kind * ol nulldlnc Wcrk
Odd KilloHD' RIoM. .
r vnvicmi trtn IVniO'lM ' HI cod f nH rhr n
.r. KVAXS , nucleate and RcUll flswl Drlltl nnd
Cultl'Mrm O.lil Follow n UnllJ
I'riyalulans * nd { juruon * ,
W U UIDI1S , U. 1) . , Uoomo 4 , Crolehton
Block , IMh Srrrnf
f. a. I.KISKMUOC , , 11. JJ. maxoolo Ulock.
C. L. HART , M. D , Ej c : iJ Knr , opp. roetOfCco
I > H. L. n UKADDY ,
Ornlln * Hi'1 nrl f II. W 1Mb nrd Vnrrhnm
ObO. 1IKY.V. PttOl' .
( lr nd Central ajilkrv ,
712 mitecntli blrcot.
nc r M ajnlo Hull First-clisa Wotv ! und Prompt.
nMJ t'turantrnn
. Cl ( > * and Utcam F'ttlnz.
P. W. TAUl'V fc CO. . ! 10 12th ht. , bet Kiwuh m
nd fJoiitUs.1rri prcaiiUy attended to.
P 7ITPAT K K. t < 03 Poinrl-n etrect.
niltiK MH aper
A KriSTKRS. 141 IVideo Stxtet
Shoo Store * ,
flillllv Un TSft Firnhom at. bol. ISth k Hth
Second Hond Qtora.
PERKINS & I.EAH. Hid Douglas Et. New nnd
Second llnnd Furniture , llouso FurnUhlnt ; Goods ,
% c. , brupht nnd wlil on narrow
tn tns unw brick block on Douglas Klroot , bu
Just opened a most clogant Eeel Hull.
Hot Lunch from 10 to lit
m cry day.
FALOONKK 07B 16th Btrcol.
3I1A-J. KIKWK , 101'J Farnbaui tiot. ICtb & llttl.
00 Cent Btorei.
K Tnhnm f . Vinrr Oi \
Notice U hcrobv nlven that the co-partner
ihlp heretofore oxUtln ? under the nun , num
ind style of J. C. Pnntcrfc Co. , his b.on this day
il solvcil by mutuil consent. J II. I'antor ro
ontlnuo the bur-Incsa , and " 111 pay nil dents
igalnsc raid flrm anj collect all Cibts oiliij ; to
uld firm
Dated this 18th dny of April 18S" .
J. C. PANT R ,
Omaha Neb , April 13 , IhSZ f :
Dy Srcriol Ordinance I > o , 292 patsfd by tVo city
council of tliu city of Omaha , o-i April 4th 18S1 ! . (
a ape lil tax for the construction andmatcrlnl
of tenera in sewer district No. 3m the city
if < Imaha a& lev'cd and assessed against the
fo letting described real estatu to wit.
/ill lots and r rtj of lots In blocks numbered
33 to lil Inclusive ; also ou lots S and 4 in block
132 , and all lots ana parts of lots In block "U"
ill in the city of Omaha ; said lots and blocks
jom situated between Farnam and Huney (
This tax is pn } able to the City Treasurer on
r before .MnyCth 1682 , alter wbl h ( latcap-o-
hlty of ton per cant , will boTaddcJ , together lth
merest at the rate of cue rer cr nt. per month ,
mvabloin advance. TRUMAN RUCK ,
Ct CuTreasurer. .
H18 and 22O S. 14th St.
Proprietor ,
1213 Hainey Street ,
, - - - .
Cornices ,
Dormer Windows , Finials ,
3pecht'a Patent Motalic ialcy-
Patent Adlustablo Ratchet Our .ind
) .m tile general Sttto Ajent { ( cr tloibDvc
ue of goods.
Iroitlnc.s , Euluitradoi , Vorandnt.lOirlce und
Bank Hullliifj * , Window and Collar
Guard * ; also
Pcerjon and HIM Patent Irnldo Clln.l ,
Soiled proposals arc Im tied for u ark In oiling ,
alntlni ; und kahoiuluj , ' , \rood.\rnrk. walls nii < ]
BlHnfB of U. 8. Custom heiifu and I'ostolllco
ulldlnp ; at Omaha , Nebraska. '
HpeiincatUnu for tlio woik can bofouml at of-
ceof the custodian ,
Olds will bo received until 12 o'clock noon on
r'&JiioKday , May 10th prox. Tliu rlubt tj reject
ny and all bldsla rr iwived.
Oma n , Neb , April 21th 1S82. Cu.todmn.
Sealed proposals will bo received un to May
1882 , at 8 o'clock p in. for furnishing ina-
crals and building a school bouse on block 20 ,
Irand Island , Neb. , according to plan * and
peculation ! to bo Been nt cilice of Largo &
IcPhirson , Omaha , Neb. , from April 16 to 20 ,
nd thereafter At uiy office. 1'roposals will bo
ce | ved for all or an v part of Iho .work. Hlgbt
reject any or all bldi roiervcd. Proposal *
endorsed "I'roposaU for Building Bchool
louae" and addressed to
J. P. KEBNOHON , Bec'y.
m&el3-3t-oow Grind Island , Neb ,
Elen'l ' Insurance Agent
Tioonlx Awurauce Co. , of London ,
esS64t > ( M.OO
Vestcheaser , tV. . , Capital. , . 1,000,000,0(1 (
'he Merchants , of Newark , tt. J. ,
Capital . , , . , , , , , . 1,276,000.0
Hard Fire , Philadelphia , Capital , . , . 1,200,000.0
'Iremen't Fund . . . , . 1,239,916.0
itlih America , Assurance Co. . . . . . . 1,600,000.0
Office , Boyd's ' Opera House ,
Don't Worry ,
Trip lightly over trouble ,
Trip lliditly n\cr AV roiiR ,
Wo ouly mnko grift tlotib.'e
1V < Kellini > n it lone.
NVli } ' cln n wno' * hand so Uglith ?
M hv t's'i ' ' o'er bkxsoma tita I ?
WI'V o'iiu to formi umiRlitlj !
Why not seek
Trip liflitly over pad lies ? ,
S n tul not tn mil nt iloom :
We'to iip'irls to itrlng of ( ; laineu !
On thi > lila of tlio tomb
Whilst Mnr < nrp nightly "liinint ; ,
Atul licnvcn ii overheat ) ,
KncimrnK" not tepiaip ) ; ,
Hut look for joy listen I ,
A National HoltiitJM convention nil
meet at Hotuul Like. Now York , TucaJ v
July J , 1 } > 82.
Thcreuvnt in tha Cincinnati Method
churches has resulted in U,1J8 comcrslou
find 1C03 iulditiiutl oa probation ,
The general conference if tlio Color i
Methodist Kpl'cop-d church In Ami-Hen
meets inV.i hinjton , D. O. , Mny 1882.
There nrc .1,87 L members .f the Kplsc
pal church in Chictgo. Tlicio nro nt
fifteen eubur nn churche * , with nboilt DOC
A third icunlon of tlu chrinlNn cm
mission ami nil the clmpU'iii ' nt the 1 U
\\ar it c.illecl lor , tn bo held at 1-iko Bluif
III. , July ftth.ind Cth.
A gentleman hai built a chnptl for Cor
nell univerMty , on condition that nltm
dance 11(1011 ( itH uxercixui tliill not ho o mi
pulicrv , and Rtiothcr has eHabll hed i.
tund to pay tor pi caching by n Jitleient
mnn uvcrySund y.
The Presbytery of the United Proiby-
tcrinn church , which met in Chldgi
ApiiMih nnd Tith , refined , by u ntiiu
majority , to mrmorinliz i the general ns-
Hembly _ hi f uf nlloning instrumental
lllal op Whipple , of the Rpiccopr.l dlo-
ceso of MlmitBota duclaica hia intention of
lUenslnn two women M livy reidors , be
came no men tun bo fount to fill tlu'
plicej. Th y arrf Himply licensed to reml
s'-rvi i B u'ld Kiicli fcriwuit as the
puu in their liatids.
It in rtpnrtod that l\itlicr MicNfliiwra
\\lio wi H . < oliort tiino BIICJ ! l-nptized in the
Drool l > n Kink , nnd whuco firm udheittico
tn lipit-t ! principle1) u iHilnly voucluul for
by his pnstor , bali \oi lie can do mure
Kood ill the lu-'cpen 'out ' Catholic church ,
and has returned to them ,
The Lutherans in the northwest numl er
100(00 ( commnnlwut' , with 3,0 0 cl.urcli s
nnd 1,1:00 : minUters. Of thtminlstoiHOiily
212 pieich in Enghsn. 'L'hfy have ML
conxrtpntiotm in thp 18,000 comnmnlcitit.
Tliero.iro 5 theological H0ininnrici > , with IS
professoM und tdl ! students preparing for
the ministry.
The English Cougtegationnl jubilee
fund , whicit was Lommiuced nt the meul *
iug ) of the CoiiKrt' ati nal Union , hvltl
lost Oclol er in Alnncheitor , now exceeds
the sum of $300,000 Amen < the recent
contributors in .Mr. Leo. member of pailiit-
inent , a wall known Nonconformist , who
has given 810,000.
The Itefonmid ] Cpiscopal churches In
Chlc.vgn have be-n very t > roaperouti during
the pnat > tar )5ishop ) Cheney'ti chnruh
\\AB h id tliu Urjie.U paw-rental in its liisto.
ry. lt mUaion uchooU have been largely
attended , and the income from BOIIIU of
them huu mot tliuir expOiiHcSt. . 1'aul's
church , muler the care of Bishop Fallow * ,
has been equally prosperous.
Ohio Prtsbyteriana are ilhuasing a re
duction of representation in tha Btato
jynod. c > nsolidntcd from the four into
which Ohio has been h'thcrto ' divided. If
the old basis of representation is kept up
the new body will have l,000memberi'nnd
be nt ouce unwieldy and inefficient. Tao
lifHculty is only one of the wider one * ,
hat the I'resuterian church keeps up
iiachinery bigger than U really needed to
Ct the beat work.
The llev. Dr. W. A. Bartlett , of In-
lianapolia , huu rtceivvd n unnniuioua call
M the pulpit of the Now York Avenue
L'reshyterian chun-h , Washington , as tlio
luccesaor of the Rev. Dr , Paxton. Among
he regular attendants at that church
luring the pant twenty years have been
VbriUiain Lincoln , ex-Vico Freeident
iVheeler , ex-Bec'etury Blaine , the late
L'rof ssur.Toveph Hemy , AusociatoJusticea
Strong , MatU'ewR , Hurl an and Bradley ,
secretary Frelinghuysen , and Senators
'D < n" Cmeron , l''ryo ' , "Ben" IJn lison
md H. G. Davis.
A Significant Fact.
The cheapest medicine in use ia
HOMAS' ELFCTHIO OIL , because so littl H
f it in required to elfect n cure. For
roup , diphtheria , nnd disease of tliu
iingn and throat , whether used for baili
ng the chest or tin oat , for taking intern
lly or iuhallijg , it is a matchless com
ound. l.8-dlw
Arthur Sullivan is still in Egypt.
Christine Nilsson ia now a widow.
Lawrence Barrett acts in Indianapolii ,
Hdwin I'ooth remains another week at
looth'a ( heater ,
Anna Dickindon will talie "Hamlol" to
Condon M iy Tith.
M'SH Jl.iry Anderson goei very soon to
i-i ! . ' > ! ) „ Branch villa for the summer.
Frank Afayo will play the legitimate
gain umt ueiteon if D vy Crockett snakes
im ,
John M > Cullough willanpeor In 1'eorii ,
[ irin fluid , M < ittoon , DuL.uur.ud Itlooiu-
Maria Frrucott will not star i.oxt non-
oil. She and Lewis Morriuon will bu tlio
ading Hupport to Salvini.
It U KdwarJ Striius , riot .Tohar.u , wno
omei < o tliu New York CUaino at luu ual
irector lor the coming season.
"Jcs e JumeF , the Outlaw , " Is tins title
' a ntvf Hfiiautlonal pi.iy idreajy bdi.g
rittcu l > y one ot the minor < l'iuimitt , >
r next cu.tion.
Fred Ward'ii BeaBon of Ifgittinate ( stir
ng ban I ven RO tncour giii < for a mnv
ur that ho will continue noxc buatuii mi-
ur the HIMHU manatjement ,
Mr. Joseph Ernmot Ht irts out under th * :
aiiDgeiin nt of Brooks an 1 Diukom for -v
eason lading from AlayS un il Keptim
er 7. tlo goes to Califuuil.i , of cotirbf ,
uriug that tiino ,
Buffnlo has been'fued up > n "t the ritv
> r the national annual Sjiignifu V f lb < l ,
building will be put up for trio OCIMS'OII ,
10 weil by Germans of llui < ity proiuu-
ng a huuds ime guarantee fund ,
Mini. Modjeskt will begin liur now
merican engagement Lcxt full the first ,
e k in Uotoherunder the ininageineut
' Mr. John Stetson. Her repertory will
ni'ludo U mille , Frou-Frou , Adrienxe ,
uliet , M.iryj Stuart and Julln in "The
.uuchbuik , '
Mile. Khea will add "Piirthenla' to her
epertoire noit eeasiou. Her tour lian
een. on the whole , very nucceasful. At
ie Boston museum , where her season
oses , the will produce "Diana de Lye , "
er great Parisian Bucceig , and will nail
or the gay capital in June , to return in
The 1,600th presentation of Hazel Klrko
Ba a recent event in New York theatrical
nnals. Cauldock and Mixa Kllslar , the
riglnal Dunatun and Hazel were the
rincirals in the 1.500th pre entatii n.
lazel Kirko is irobably the mo t popular
lay on the utafjo. It c-rtainly It tha
eane&t and most wholeiome of modem
lays of ita class.
The Tall Mall G zotte nays of M ,
'amalu ' , tHarih Bernhardt'H husband :
The biidegrootn it tall nnd handvimv ,
nd haii a pair of 'ferocious1 monataoldos.
Vs hi has dno limbs he is admirable , 10
ar as phytioue goes , in the role of Hip-
olyte in Thedre.1 His voice It resonant ,
ut ha name very hturi > h tone * , and hi *
, yle i too energetic to conquer the favor
I ParUluu playgoers. It is said th t he
mitates Mounet Sully of The Francaii.
fount Oeza Zichy , the one-armed Hun-
( rarisnihni t IIM i ( > ceplod an invitation
Irom the Prince uf WMe * toappo r in cv
rral c < ncert in London during the forth ,
conilna fo i m. The oiitmt , who 1 now In
hl < thirtv-fccond yenr. lost hi < rl ht arm
\NIPH ft boy bj nn accident , buthl mu i M
pcif trmu o < on tlio piansforo with hi *
left hind only ure truly wonderful. He
i erfnr > R only for chniitiblo p irio | o , and
n \\i\t \ turned nnd dUlrtlmlod tSCl,000
dmii g the last two yrivn.
I ftltd.
Tens of thou < niiU of dollar * arc sqinnd-
eretl jo ilv upon trn\clirn ; ipiacks , ulioio
from town to tonn profosinu to euro nil
the illn llmt .ur poor hummaiy 1 < lioir to.
Why will rot the public lo.un comin n
sen r , mid if thry nrn suit lug rom dy
iwptin or liter complijint inxcst a < loliai
In riiiso BtoasoM , sod by all druggist R
nin indunnd ty the luculty. Scit nti
moniil : ) . Price SO eonU , tiiul bottles 0
cents. CS-dlw
i ou pwlmlily neil eila lirillUnt ftttro
r 1 di p i y Sundav uisht. I Wn < rotilyiti
tolM ia ontthattiine.-l [ ) bliiistriil
15ov. Mr. Ljon , of Drid oport. pro.choc
Snnd.iv nl lu on natiotnl in. There w A
\ unlvrstl exch nge of nnilircllrii tlu
ncxtmir ing [ Dinabrry Ne * .
Oil Abrnm's wNrst r marl ; ! "Kf A
descendant * ob d roe ter crowud h.
I'otewi to nmko u nol'e ohery tiino n
lie ii : told , dur would ' mcli n noljo it
do wr > r'd ' dat yor couldn't hear the hoi.u
ctckle. "
lit a recent sermon , Bcccher 8\d ! that n
mother recently nxhtd her diuiohtcr.
"Alnt doow intend giving up dining
Lot ? " * 'Mn "nhe Mild w th vrcnt eirn-
jjtnca , "I have about res hed to gl\o ; :
ti-cth "
lirushiugmy -
An Intllanaiiolls intnltUr who has re
ceived it call from n New Yoik chutuli
my * ho ohall not nccppt the F.IIIO | "m I-M
, ho mat'cr ' ftfsuincs the foini ( if a duty. "
About $1,000 a year lulvanco nf i 1 ry
md expense of moving Is cotisldmd d ity
jy Chicago preachers ,
A Mlchizan roviinllst op < ni the neia n
if light summer religion uith the an-
loimcemcnt that ho husn romtiK'to tnmp
ueititig outfit , inchiilin , ; hnndMiu
u\i'ion ' , portable Ktand , nn 1 rn < < d or au ,
: lo will probably head the i-tr. et par dn <
u PHI son , audgiNo horn oul H in indtiit ! n
of Cribiicl.
An In Huii revivnll t cau'cd n god
le.d i f tilk by kifulug bin jirintipal fi muln
singer nt a r tilwtty H' Iinn. Ho priwil.ed
a si-rmon on the Riibjuct deftnilluy i * . ou
.ciipuunl grout druyiiu ; tli rt thn Mn-im ;
ie indulged in it cooiiu'inilt-d in tliu bib e ,
and l.o Intends to obey thu conjunction
of the L rd reg.irdle-n ofvi.nt puuplu may
A New ISn Iand village clergyman ,
viahlng to impress upon las comr ! 'g.tion
ho importance of the noul'n tialva-
ion , said : \ou nmy loio hoixm , cittle
iouivH , and lands , nnd thuy u > n be rr *
jtincd ; you may hise your wife , 51111 can
, et another ; but If you lo < o jour aoul ,
jood-by , John ! "
Said the pastor : "Wo nu\or used to get
my money in the contribution bov , 1 ut
utoly I hiiV't nrr.irgod tohaxotwoor thr e
> f our iiio t prominent turn and pirtty
land in the vestibule while the poop e
emu in , no they can Ht-o n ho | niti the
iioncy in , ami the box in doing quilo
ivi'll. It takts n busiiits man to run a
lunch as well as a uiicu" .
A wralthy gentltman in VoicttCitv ,
ow , being ccoptictl us to the
noioiint of labor which uiuiuittor would be
villlug to do , ull'ivd to ) iiy Mich ilergy-
nen RH would sv wood for him on dollar
ier hour for their scrvicci * . Jle was < piitu
istoniilied when nearly nil the ministers
n town catno marching foru-.ird with * n\v
nd buck to accept h s tcrniH. Some of
ham lm\e been working right idonj ; four
.o six hours per day , Sunday ox cm it cd.
ver since , and their grifrwill probably laut
i long as the sccptl < i' wood.
JJr. AiiKou rimitn says m Tmi
; st : "I' ' . Rooms to m < 5 that vociferoun
irayin , ; is an abomination to God , to
mela , and to men , and that dull , lifuio-x
ravern nro a little worno than th t. _ A
Ittle chdd once heard a strange minister
iray with his head thrown backward , h's '
lose p-tinting skyward , and with a loudness -
ness us though ( even thunders hud utt < trd
lic'r voices , and t > ho whispered In her
noiher'n our : 'Wou'd ' ho have to pray co
oiii if ha lived neaierto God ? ' 'No , mv
Mid , thf > neurer wo gat to God the mure
ustod [ ore our vole e , ' " ! |
It cost Barnarn S2.fiOO for .Tumbo'H pas
agn acroiw. but P. T. will make that up
u his tea lemonade the hot day.
< 'nmtls are 8iid to thrive in Arizona ,
vhero they must crento much ai > ton nil
nent on account of being able to go BO
omr without drinking ,
The klnd-hparted farmer can eaully be
elected. When it is very cold he takes
ha blanket off the shoulders of his wife
ind puts it over the bora's when ho comes
o town in his wagon.
Gentle spring , wrapped in flannel and
nrs ; whee/iug , con hine , Kneuzing , and
mining up a doctor's hill ; airy , draughty ,
iienrnatic , Hpring , lotioriB , mixtiircd ,
ough drops ana chest protectors , Hail ,
entlo aprlng !
A papfr-hangpr In Uttoi , New Y < rk ,
laving Hccn what ho shouldn't while work'
ng in the IIOUHK of a cltl/en there , put in
iin doirands for liui li-inonoy. Hn ( got
overal HUIIIB , a mortgage and a year'd im-
JA bnrlc cime in'o New York the other
ay and repor'fd ' horrclr as ' 'nil shook up' '
y a linavy shock of earthquake out at > ,
ear the equator. Thin ID a nnw peril on
m ( co n. Noxr , thing ono knows een-
uriiig pr inlfl will oncnuntvr sand storms
nd be killed by land slides.
A young man who wont tithe clrcup ,
nd stopped too m-ar a rnonkov'n cajro , had
'H arm seized and n vag-ly jerked bf onn
F the monkeys. Ho would bavn pscaptd
ifi-ly if ho had not snld : "It is ircr ly a
nr.nkev wrench"but when they hcaid that ,
10 infuriated crowd threw him Into the
on'fl cage.
v3\Vo think thin is about the proper time
o get up a correspondence with country
; latlve ; for tlnif IIleu , nndeoou will vnca-
on bo hero , and then it will be nice to
ike a month in the hay field" , and see the
ull dog clmaB the cow , and the hornet get [
i its work on the small boyV neck , and
ie goat stand on bin hind IrgH nnd eat tha
nen off the airy line. [ New York Star.
A thrifty medical student afRyracufe.
'ew York , graduated in a neat broad.
oth suit formerly worn by n prosperous
tizen of that pl ct during the few hours
e was permitted to remain undisturbed >
n his erave by tlio ntudcnts connected
with the college. It in said to have been
very good fit for the ntudont but
whether thU refers to the fit of the clothes
rte the fit which carried off the citizen ,
oes not appear.
Thomas and James had new suit * pf
othintr at the same ti me. Thomas kept
il * in the ward-robe , nice and clean , but
amen put his right on , and wore it every
ay ; so it became shabby after a time ,
'hornus'tf suit , on the contrary , wan as >
oed as eye r when James's was worn out
Vhcn the bovn' father saw the condition i
f Ids sons' clothing he straightway pur-
liaaed a new and nobby Bait for James ;
ut as Thomas's was as good an ever , he
ot no new clothes. Both boys have now
nits equa ly go > d , hut the cut of Thomas's
a somewhat archaic , Juino * says Thomas
an awful guy. [ Boston Transcript.
A Waiblngton | | > emdon agent was nl-
moot paralyzed with aatonuhment the
itber day when he found a Teteran of the
ate war who hod sustained a permanent
nlury while in the army , and had not sp
illed for a pen lion. The veteran had cut
in artery in his wrlut whilb opening a hot-
ie of whisky stolen from tha colonel' *
leadquarten , and he nald be didn't know
wound of that character entitle I him to
pension. The aicent noon convinced him
f Ida error , and ia a few days he will re-
eive 8,800 back nemlon , minus 81,100
pocketed by the agent. [ N'orrlstown Her-
Congress lias passed n h 11 provl'llng bct
tcr nuooimnodMlons on stoimihlp.s for
emigrants corning to this country , The
time will doubt ess soon nnho whrnrvcry
foreigner en route for Ancrloi will bo pro-
vlJtd with n double tte-room , piano , pie
tin co limes n day , an I lm\o nn otlleo wnlt-
In for him.
It is now the sparrows flut cr
In the gutter ,
An i the houoe-nnhl , very tt r ,
Scrub * the flintier. ( PucTt.
A ragged Now York bootblack looking
very K" oiny , ln tvcoV , was crylnu !
"Snino } er boot ? ; shlno Vm up for n cent. "
He got n cuftotner who inker ! 1dm why ho
rnko ( inly a < cut. "Uecau'e I'm huiigrv , "
ho snld , It- ) got n iptart-cr for fhlulng tint
julr uf bonks. "Oh , ho cmclit joii , did
ho M t aid a bystindcr. "Yotie th thlnl
man heV hooked a roidy , " And tlio boy
' ai sftttin ? his f ice into n gloomy look to
trap another U > lin , _
m fllnjiel thoSt cl.h Klcfj < .f tk
n rnblliliinjr compan * , l ' crclyrn'lcil ' t
Hint nr tlm nillca lim IIRAIIA HKK , on 'IMird.livN
Ai-ll | S7th U.S2. nt73. ' ! p in fnMlio | > ur | no o
Ann'iulliiK ArtlcUs 1. ami II of tho. Brittle * o
hie r | > or > tlon f tnU Conipnny ,
11 | Ordir < f lliDll" rilot Dlrcc'om.
K. UOSKWTI.U , 1'rc-lilon
W _ A II. sniM'.K. S nrsrr.
1116 Favnain Street ,
Has roiontlv opouot 'a
With an entire new line
of t'-e Latest Styles in
Men's Neckwear Hosiery ,
Suspenders , and Fancy
Shirts. The Latest and
most desirable goods 'of
ihe kind to be found in
Orai ha.
ha.OTJIR ,
is nowcDmple'o with the
Liatest Novelties in
The Foulard and Moire
The Nun's Veilings in all
The Roman Stripe Com
bination Su'.tings.
The new Swss and
Lace Buntings.
The Lattice " 1400" and
Cocheco Lawns.
The new Dotted and
Vermicella Swisses and
Open Pique Cloths , in
We will not be undersold
ind can exhibit the most
esirable stock to select
rorn in the city.
GMcap. Store
OppoaitoDowoy & Stone's.
March ! 8-1 y
In going Kast taLe the
Mcago & Northwest-
Train ) louvo Omaha B:10 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m.
Ifull Information cation K. I' . DUES Tlckot
Hftent , Hth and Krnhaiu Htj J. DELL , U , I > .
i llway Depot , or at JAUKH T. 01. AUK , Ucner
Airenj , Omaha , laUmie tf
W IIINOTOH , D. 0. , March 10 , 1882. /
Proposals will bo received at tbo Contract
3lIco ! of Ibis dtipart'ient until 3 p. m. , of April
20 , 1S82 , for carrying mall < of thn United Btatcn ,
apon messenger and transfer rmto In the City
l Oinana. Btato of Nebraska , from July 1. 18SZ ,
if Jutiu 80. IBM. Advertlfimcnt of route , In.
'ructions to bidders , and all uttur noccsutry in.
fonnatlon will bo furnished upon application to
the postmaster at Omaha , or tha ticcoud AwUt-
T , HOWB ,
, 1'o.tmutcrOcni.ral.
Plumbing , Steam & Bas Fitting
AOK t * tOt ,
3BLaL.7Sr Crc XEV3BC'l9
Turbine Water Motor ,
Pnmpi , Plyo FitUug and Bruss
Cor , 14th and HaraojA Omaha , Neb ,
tan OTOH IM Co iTiOru M
And Tinware ,
Opera House Glotliing Store
Dnily Arrlvrtln ofNow Soring Goodn In
Clothing and Gent's ' Furnisliing Goods
And Sold At
I am oollintf the Oolebrnted Wileon Bro.'s Pine Shirts , known
as the BEST Fitting nnd MoBfc Durable Shirts Mode.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
. .
A SRANG 205 F"wU" St. . Omaha
holesale Lumber
1 , 1408 FarnhanrtStrat , 'Ornak , leb ,
On River Bank/lBet. / Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
* > \
Fire and BurglarljProo
1020 FarnhamKStreet ,
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
Is Once More Galled to jthe Fact that
Bank foremost in the West in Assortment and
Prices ot
Furnishing Goods
Hats "and Caps ?
We Rre'prepared to moot tlio domanJn of the trade In regard to Latest Style *
and PattoniB , Fine Merchant Tailoring hi Connection i ;
. M. HELLMAN & CO , ,
1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th
Lath , Shingles ,
15th and Cuming Sts , OMAHA , NEB
3C 3XT C * 1. S 8