JLJDE DAILY BEE : FJRIUAY , rAP HL 28 188 * . a. o. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council niufls Iowa , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , General AgeLti for lha Celebrated tllllj at It , D. Kuili & Co. . Golden Eagle Flour , Leavonwoith , Kansas , anil Queen Dee Mllli , Sioux rail < , Dakota , reference. Smith & Ctl t-iiden , Council Hluff , 1 . ZBL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 F FICE. " > Q XT X XC. 3E3 , 3E . , . Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. NOTARIES PUJBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS - - - - - - IOWA. 15 North. Main Street , W ) olcsale d * ler In SHOE FINDINGS. Ready-fitted upperf , In calf skin nd kin. Oak and hemlock faOLK LKATIIElt , and all goods appertaining to thu hoe tr.de. Qo.ds sold ai cheap as In the East. IRS. < IOERIS' ' BIW fflLLHSBT STORE FOK STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. - - - - Couocil Bluffs la That never require crimping , at Mti. J , J. Oood'a Ualr Store at pr era nercr before touched by any other hair dealer. Aluo a lull Una of switches , itc. , at greatly reduced price * . Also gold , jilt er and colored nets Wares made from lad lea' own hair. Do not fall to call before purchtiln ; elsewhere. All goods warrantedas represented. WHS. J. J GOOD , 23 Main itreot , Council Hluff8 , Iowa. MASO.NWISE . , IIVERI , FEED & SALE STABLE The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and fil draft horses for sale , 1 { j also aflne lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. -SCOTT ST. , NEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. wichu it thB DAMES drawing u ( blood ur use of knlio. Cures luiip diseased , n'PHWn Fits , Scrofula , Liter Oom- -Tii > ' ' " ' Wropsy , Ithcuroa. T U M 0 8m. Fever and Morcur- Rheum , Scald Hetd , CiU'rh , wotk , inllimed iand granulateil Ejescrofulous Ulcern and t\- inialo Dlvaso of all kinds. Al < o Kidney and Vonerlal diseases. Hcmorrholdj or I'.lcs cureJ or money refunded. A"l disease * treated upo- > the principle of re et- Vible reform , without thu mo of mercurial pois ons or the knifu. _ _ ffloctra Vapor or jPdlcalel 'Bith ? , < "furir.sh"cd cthoio who duslrft them , Ho mil or Rupture radically cured by the u < eel ol the Klastlc bult Truis and Plaster , \\hlch has too superior in the world. CONSULTATION FREE- CALL OX OR ADDUK33 Drs. B , Eice and F , C , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. LIVERY , : X feed and Sale Stables , I 18 'Norbh First Street , Bou .uets old stand. Council BlutT' , Iowa. WILLARD jMiTH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , cot suiting Bysiciai and Surgeon , Office and residence 015 Willow avenue , Coun- .all UlutTe , Iowa. W. II. SINTON , DENTIST. Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and flTlng a tpechlty. First-class work BuaranteeJ. DR. A. P. HANCHETT , iPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. office , No. 14 Pearl Street. HIMIH , 0 A. m. to 12. , and 2 ] ) , in , , 10 6 p , m. Ko ldoiice , 120 Bancroft Btrict , Telephonlo connection with \ Central office. DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , : No , 617 First Avenue _ IIour8from 10 to 11 a. m. , and 2 to 6 p. ra , [ BANKER'S ' LIFE ASSOCIATION , DE3 MOINES , Iowa. Incrrporatcd July 1st , 157 ° , for the mutual ( benefit of bank offlwrs and the r customers , Ba > .ed on prlno pies of JJiji'iTV , Kcovovr ASP HE- iCDRiTr , A few cxporlrnceJ life Insurance sollcl- tors wanted Ad'lresj , If. JI S.eVoua district solicitor , Office No. 7 , bvertt's bloc * , ( Mii'icll BlunVi , Iowa. KuluenceJKU Uhaunuo. P U , Vliox 85. _ S. E. MAXON , zco or , oa a * xf. Office orer saving bank. DOUNOIii BLUFFS , - - - Iowa. REAL ESTATE. W. 0. James , In connection with ha ! law and olltctlonbutlneBibuya and Belli real ( .state. Tenons wishing to buy or soil city property call * t his office , om UushncU'a book store , Pearl ] otroet. EDWIN J , ABBOTT. Justice of the , Peace and Notary Public. I 4l5Broadway , Council Bluffs , P4 e Jj and moitfifci draw tckn9 rlede [ HAIR GOODS. WATER WAVES In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Wavoa Made From Your Own Hair. [ TOILET ARTICLES , p iiots , Combs , Uruslios , Faco-poW' tl dors , Builds , Hair Orna ments , itc. , Ac. fo All Goods Warranted as 1 > Represented , and Pricei y Guaranteed. tote 337 W. Broadway , aid toot 109 S. Main St. otWl MRS. D. BENEDICT | . . - , f , Council BluffsT ; Iowa ! aau au IRS , B , J , HARDING , M , D , . bt rt la Medical Electrician lawl be ye AND la au .GYGNEGOLOGJSI. th to ; thV \V hn Orauntu of Elcctropathle Institution , Phlla- dulpli.a , Pom. . . ' Iot ne Office Our , Broadway & Glenn Avo. HO th th COUNCIL I1LUFF3 , IOWA. of 0 Tha treitmon' rf 11 Olio.MiOi and p lulul dlf- F he Star Bakery , HOWARD & ROBfE , : ' 227 MAIN ST , ; Employ the beat Broid linker In the \Vcit ; also a choice hind for Cakes ntid Pies. Briad dtllnred to all parts ot the ilty. FRESH FISH ! ; au Bale aid Poultry coi ; Can alw y be found at B. DANEHYM , 130 Upper HroadwaT po JWO.JAYFEAINEY 55 . , thi Justice' of the Peace , ba po - 3U UROADWAY , pn Oounoil Blufie , - - Iowa , pn jfIn In W B , MAYES , In8i 22i Loans andEealEstate , nt - in Proprietor of aUitrac'H of Pottawattamle county. Olllco corner n ) Ilroudway and Main B'roiiU , C tmcil llliiH * . I -a. t ' 10 JOHN STEiNER M. D. , . . , 3 ( Doutfchor Arzt. ) ti0 ; ! ROOM 5 , EVERETT'S ' BLOCK , ist ito : Council BIufTa. 101 s ot women and children a specialty. I tlio v ° l P , J , MONTUbMERYTHrT me FKEE DI.SPKNHAUY r.viutv SATUKDAV. i 1 thi Ofllcoln rveictt'd block , Pearl trott. Keel ] | donee (28 1'ourih utrott. Olllco hgura from 0 to or F. C. 8LARK , in ; PRACTICAL DENTIST. 'Pearl street , oppotlto the pystofflce. One of ho the oldest practitioners In Council liluli. Satis- lifactlon guaranteed In all cases. 3r ODELL& DAY o , i BENEEAI me IHSOBAHCE itil AND 'if REAL ESTATE AG'TS , MONEY TO LOAN. ' ho Poa'd of Trade building , Council Illug * . la. Au JOHN LI NOT , > eco y ; o ATTORHEY-AT-LAW kbi ; ro Will pnctloe In ill lUte and fed r l courts , hc lUl Porfc PftoKlnglntho ; Woat. CltTln < l Lender. Pork packing ia emphatically A west ern industry , nnd first began to ns- sumo ah ipo some forty yoara ngo. It has now attained such proportions as to inaku it ono of the lending factors in the provision tr.ido. The thirty third annual report of hog packing , prepared by Charles H. Murray , ed itor of The Cincinnati Pricu Current , shows ( hat in the season of 1842 III the total number of hogs packed in the west WAS GTo.OOO , while the num ber now annually Amounts to millions. Tho.growth of the business is thus set forth in the report : "Commencing with the aoason of 1845 ? ll ! , wo tind the Annual packing to liavo averaged 1,185,000 at nil points in the west for the ton years ending 1852 , and suc ceeding periods of ton years Avcraoted 2,325,000 Annually to 1802 , and 3,0 17 , . 000 to 1872. Including the summer business in the past ten ywvrs just closed , March 1 , 1882 , the Annual packing has averaged 8,041,090 hogs the lirat five years of the last ton showing an nvutngo of 0,552,000 , nnd for the last live yours nil Average of 10,730,000. " It further appcarafrom the report that the largest winter slaughtering was in 1878-U , when the total in the west reached 7,480,648 hogs , or 1,732.888 , moro than the sea son just closed. The largest summer killing was in 1880 , when the total reached 5,323,81)8 ) hogs , or 520,209 moro than in 1881. For the yonr end ing March 1 , 1881 , the total packing reached 12,243,354 jiogs , or lttl)06 ! ) ' moro than in the ye'ar just ended. The scarcity und higti price of corn reduced the business during the past year , and the report saya that the future outlook for hoga cannot bu satisfactorily determined at the pres ent timo. "Tho lurgo deficiency in the corn crop last year and the deple tion of old stocks precludes anything but a restricted tuttoning of mviiin until n now crop can bo harvested. " Correspondents in the hog raising dis tricts report a prospective decrease in the marketing of hoga for the first three months of the season , but the opinion prevails in some quarti-n thut later supplies will make the average - ago equal to last year , and per haps oven greater. Northwestern Ohio gives the best general promise or the entire season , while other portions < of the atato will seemingly so hardly equal last year's numbers , so ai that ; Qhm may bo expected to fall below - of low a yonr ago in the general supply hi lot the season. In hftliana the sup aF ply I is also expected to fall below lust ho fear. Illinois presents a hotter uver- 00 ) uo showing , while Iowa is expected vc furnish n supply of hogs quito equal OC ) that of the preceding yonr. Of the he jthor states the report says : "Missouri P" vill furnish a limited number of hogs si Jurim ; the summer season , excepting on | western portions of the state , and th . few other localities , and the uonoral th mpply for the entire season will not th > much below lust summer. Kansas fig rttuniB are variable , many repotting figw auch less than last season , and some w considerable increase ; on the th vholo the supply can hardly an 10 expected to equal last mi rear. In Nebraska thu prospect Hi avers about the same number as Jat > t th lummer. In Minnesota there aeorn ou o bo moro hoes than a year ago , but th liin state markets but few in sUmine.- . 8U Wisconsin and Michiganwill probably mvo as many hogs for summer mark- iting : as usual. Kentucky and Tc-n- lessee are short in supply , but do not up iguro largely in summer business , en- pi jbcially in tlio early part of the sea- on. In view of the data furnished , on ho author of the report incliuea to onH. ho beliet that the firac three months H.mi the season can hardly bo expected mi equal the reduced number of the lorrusponding period last ycarand that I he subsequent | > urtion of the suuson an not exceed the supply of the cor- go esponding time last year. Much , lowevor , will _ depend upon the curn rep promise in July and August. La' L'lio winter season just closed has boon La'm uvorable for young stock , nnd if the m rass crop is good during the coming voi eason , > > ung hogs can bo put into trn uarketnolo condition with a small set iinount of corn. The general outlook setMi avoru u number not intieli moro nor Th re tly lens than 4,500,000 hogs as the of uni'iier ' packing supply of 1882 , as sit 01. pared with 4,800,000 last year. rel according to the report the aggro- up ate net weight of hoga packed during wa ho past season was 1,207,035,000 ciJ lounds , yielding a product of 845 , ' hei 54,000 pounds of green meats. Of to hit ) quantity 115,303,000 pounds were abi larroled as pork , leaving 730,251,000 wo louuds of aides , shoulders and hams car -or 190,000,000 pounds less than the reduction of these- cuts during the HIH : recuding wintor. Of thu production till meatu exclusive of barreled pork , laii here remained on hand , March 1 , utc 882 , at the HO von large packing cities the 20,317,000 pounds , nnd at other or by byme iterior points 09,095,000 pounds me -tho 1 aggregate of moats at all pointa thii the west being 200,012,000 pounds oth ncluding barreled pork the aggregate the the same points amounted to 370- the 02,000 ! poundd of immtu and pork , or in i 34 per cent , of the oiitiro produc- wh on of meats , nnd 3,518,000 pounds con 8b than at the corresponding potiod Th. year. At the same period the , fnif ock of lard amounted to 75,240,000 on ounds , or 10,170,000 pounds more win lan at the corresponding period last lira uar. The aggregate pounds of pro- fee net in the west on March 1 , pro icluding meats , pork , and the rd , was _ 435,732,000 _ _ . , "against . 433 , . hit f\ etr1 - i * woi [ stai do boason of 1881 2 opened with ogs uollino ; in the principal markets liar about § 0.25 to § 0.00 per ono hun- disj rod pounds for good qualities , but son ' avorago'cost for.winter packing has roil pen S7.B8 net , or § .00 gross , the levi ighest price paid since 1875 70 , arri increased price compared with hou 380-81 la § 1.78 not , or § 1.42 gross ace ono hundred pounds. do > kin "Betsy ana I Are Out. " of : eland Leader. tha A remarkable suit has just boon in- SCO itutod in Colorado , in which the the ifo of Lieutenant Governor Tabor OIK iks for divorce and alimony in the dea ifmitesimal sum of § 50,000 per year , roe unhappy couple were married in can .ugusta , Me. , in 1857 , and their ca- ! er since that period has been marked roa transitions from domestic felicity thu the most violent family jars ; from up bsoluto poverty to princely wealth ; the 'om the rude hovel of the frontier to ace : most luxurious homo that the a t urso of a millionaire could command dei In 1859 they started for Pike's Tonic , in a parlor car drawn by two oxen , taking nil their property with thorn , nnd after drifting nbout the ciuntry for some years , they settled down in the place where Don- vt'r now stands. Ho sunrchod invi for "pay gravel , " and while ho w s prospecting she cooked lucon , nude broad , and kept up the hotisohnld ex. ponaos by boarding minors. Finally Tabor built & log 'hut and started n store nnd boarding liotiao com pined , whichwaaa general rendezvous for the miners. All the luuvl work of the establishment fell upon Mrs. Tabor. She was the only woman within a huiK\rod \ miles , nnd she did the cook ing nnd washing for the ininort , at. tended t ) all their wants in the aloro , weighed their gold dust on the only pair of scales in thu noighbarhooil , making herself the waiter nml drudge of every ono. In the meantime the 'uisbandy elded to the irresistible fever that seldom loosens its grip upon one who has once become its victim , niul continued his search for gold , He moved from prospect to prospect , from digging to digging , always bo- Moving himself on the brink of fort' uno , and while ho reveled in golden dreams the wife drudged and toiled to procure for herself and her royal dreamer the subatantinls of life. In 1870 he began to realize some of his grand expectations , and ho was soon known us a millionaire. The same spiritof enterprise that led Tabor to build the Grit house and open the first store in the district where ho lived , led him to judiciously invest his heavy receipts from the 1 I mines. His fortune grew rapidly and > ho became ono of thu wealthiest men ) in Colorado. Hu was behoved by all his friends and ac is quaintances to bo the moat cc generous man in the world , Money tit rolled in upon him until , as his wile mi aays in her petition for divorce , ho ia as' now worth about0,000,000 ! , and has an incline of not loea than $100,000 n per month. Ho built thu finosthouso ph in Colorado and surrounded his wife gu ; with till that money could srcure. But an , that which was dearer to her than all wn liis wealth the kind and loving attention - of tion of u faithful and allectionate hus- nul Jan d ho did not give her. She aays an that ho grow hard-hearted in proportion nli tion as ho became rich ; that ho ab at sented himself from homo for weeks , uid : months , nnd on ono occasion ho 18 iffiirod to give her n portion ot lis largo iortuno if she would ipply for a divorco. All ho tau to say is that ho gave her § 100- 3 ! )00 a few yo.irs ago , which she in- rested , and which now yields her $14v , 3Di )00 a year ; that she is a woman and 10 hnpu3 atio will receive all the sym- Di jathy growing out of thu caao. Both lidys of the story will only come out trial. What is curtain now ia that i .heir domoatic happincaa took wings ho moment wealth rolled in upon No hem ; that as soon ns they ceased ighting with poverty they began fight- ' NoD tig euuti other. Their happiest days D rero when they wore poor , nnd as hey now sit in the midst of luxury RAI nd plenty it is probable that their npmory holds no pleasanter period ban when they sat together behind ho ox team and were being dragged ' mt into the western wilds to Book Wi heir fortunes nearer to the setting un. roaT > Wo Given up by Doctors. A'l "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is ip and at work , and cured by so sim ile a rotnody ? " "I assure you it is true that ho is ntircly cured , and with nothing but lop . Bitters ; and only ton days ago lis doctors gave him up and said ho P ? austdio ! " ' ' \Wll-a-day ! That ia remarkable ! will go this day and got some for ly poor QcorgoI know hops are ld ood. " [ Salem Post. ldII ft ( To The Mimic . Stago. nov aramle Boomcruiih' . llm At the performance ) of "Tho Plica- ix" here the other night , there was a cry affecting place where the play ia rannforrod very quickly from a street aeno to the elegant apartments of Si IT. Blackburn , the heavy villain , 'ho street iscono had to bo raised out TI the way , and the effect of the tran- ition was somewhat marred by the tiluctanco of the scenery in rolling out of the way. It got nbout half w ray up and stopped there in an nn- * . Uod manner , whbh annoyed the eavy villain a good deal. He started make some blood-curdling remarks TO bout Mr. Bludsoo , and had got pretty oil warmed up when the scenery and Dak uno down with a bang on the stage. Wei ho artist who pulls up the curtain PUt id fills the hall lamps then pulled ncono up so aa to show the vil- IBUI lin's foot for fifteen or twenty min- run I tea , but ho couldn't jot ( it any fur- Bleu tor. It scorned that the clothca line ell Tl I which the elaborate scenery is opcr- City x-d got ta'jglod up some way , and the and cauaod the dolay. After that an- noor her effort was made , and this time rim street scnnu rolled up to nbout IA third story of a brick hotel shown you the 1 foreground , and stopped there , the Thrc hilp the clarionet and tint violin intinued n kind of a sad tromulo , /a liiui . n dark hand , with a wart on the City t ; igcr and an oriental dollar atoro ring ivnuther , came out from behind the D ings and began to wind the clothes * carefully around the polo at the ot of the uceno. The villain then oceuded with his soliloquy , while street scene hung by ono corner such a way as to rnako a large trchouso on the corner of the street and at an ungu ! of nbout forty-five igreoK. Laramie will "never fool perfectly ippy until these little hitches are spoused with. Supposing that at imo place in the piny where the ho- line is speaking soft and low to her ver and the proper moment has rived for her to pillow her sunny jud upon his bpsoni , time street eno : should fetch loose and como jwn with such momentum us to iiock the lovers over into the arms the bass viol player.Or suppose in seine deathbed act this same lone loaded with a telegraph polo at bottom should settle down all at ice in such a way as to leave the Of aatlibod out on the corner of Men- bran lith and ( Jlurk streets , in front of a furn indy store. and true Modern stage mechanism has now cm tachod such , a degree of perfection yu i the stage carpenter does not go on a step ladder in the middle of play and nail the corner of a eno to a stick of 2x4 scantling while duel is going on near the atop lad > , In all the larger theatres and opera houses now , they are not doing ( hat way. , Our course little incidents occur , however , oven on the best stages and whore the whole thing works all right. For Instance , the other day a young actor who was kneeling to a bountiful heiress down east , got alittlo too far in front and some scenery , which was to como together in the middle of the stage to pianissimo music , shut him outside nnd divided the tableaus in two , leaving the young actor appar ently kneeling at the toot of a street lamp as though ho might bo hunting for a half dollar that ho had just drop ped on the sidewalk. There was a play in Now Yoik not long ago in whijh there was a kind of military parade introduced and the loader of a file of soldiers had his in structions to march throe tinms nroiind thu stage to nurtial nuisio and then lilo off at the loft , the whole column , of course , following him , After marching once around , the stage man ager was surprise. ! to BOO the loader deliberately wheel und walk off the stage at the left with the whole bat talion at his heels. The manager wont to him and abused him shamefully for his haste , and told him ho had a mind to discharge him , but the talented hack driver who thus acted AS the mil itary loader , and who had over-played liimsolf by inarching of ! the atago ihoad of time , said : "Well , confound it , you can dis charge mo if you want to , but what nras a man to do ? Would you have iiu march around three times when uy military pants were coming off and 1pa know itt Military pride , pomp , arado and circumfttanco are all right bt it can bo overdone. A military iquadron , detachment or whatever it s can moke moro of n parade under iortain circumstances tlian is odvor- riied. I didn't want to give people nero show than they paid for , and I sk ' you to put yourself in my placo. iVhon a man is paid § 3 a week to play Roman ] soldier , would you have him tiny the Greek slave ? No , sir ; I uess I know what I'm hired to play , nd I'm going to play it. When you rant mo to play Adam in the Garden f Eden , just give mo my fig loaf and alary enough to make it interesting , nd I'll try and properly interpret the haractor ; for you or refund the money the door. " 880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880. We Weft : KANSAS CITY , ft Uoe& Council Bluffs S1 II Till ONLY irsct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From ] Omaha and the West. All trains leave U. & II. Depot , Omaha : Nob. change of cars between Omaha and Bi. ixjnls , nd but ona between Oil AIIA and NEW YORK. Or. > R.1 aily PassengerTrains UAonncQ ALL noS ABTKRN AND WK8TERN CITIES with LE8I CHARGES and IN ADVANCE of Alii OTHER LINKS Toll entire Una U equipped with tollman' ! ilaco BloeptngtCara , P&Iaco Day Coachea , Mlller'n ifctv Platform 'and .Coupler , and the ceI bV Md 'ootinghouse Air-brake. CSTbco that four ticket readi VIA nANSAB try , ST. JOSEPH A COUNCIL BLurrs tun ad < , via at. Joiaph and St. Ixmla. TUketi for tale ai all coupon station ) In Ihi retit. J. F. BARNARD , 0. DAWE3 , Gen. Sunt. , St. Joseph , Mo Oen. Para. nd Ticket Aft. , Bt Joseph , Mo. f. > IM"M lltr" ' AUDI D3RH1H , Ticket Agent , t f 1020 Farnham itrcol. W. J.DAVKNPOUT , Genor l Ajont , OUAIIA NR THE KENDALL LAITI& : IACHIHE I DEESS-MAKEES' OllMPANION , It plaits from MU of a n Inch to Idtli In the c ourscwt IMa or flnast si ki II dooa all kinds and ft ) Ion of I lultlng : In use. No lady that rfocs her own drcsa-maklne can Tord to do without ono M nlca plaiting li over out of fashion , If ictn It noils Itaolf. For ai'hlneu , Circulars or ARont's terms aildresi CONGAIl & 00. , 113 Mama St. Chlcaco III lioux City fi Pacific lorh 8to uroi 'HB SIOUX CITY ROUTE otli Ituas a RollJ Train Ihrough Irora dec Inn Council < Bluffs to St , Paul Innt Without Ohango Time , Only 17 Hour * IT u .OC MILKH THK BHORTK8T BODTB nou COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. I PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUT0 OB BISMARCK all point * In Northern Iowa. MlnnwoU and kkota. Thl Uno It oiulppad with the Improred eitln house Automatic Air-brake and lllUi itform Coupler and Buffer : and lor SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT unBurpMfBod. Pullman Palaca Sleeping1 Car through WITHOUT OIIANQE between Kan City l and St. Paul , via Council Illuffi and jux City , Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer al Couii. Bluffs ! , at 7:36 : p. m. dally on arrival of Kanut . Bt. JoMph and Council Blurts train from South. I ArrlvlnK at Sioux City 11:85 : p. m. , at tlio New Union Depot at Bt. Paul at 12:84 : on. HOURS IN AnVAVOK OF ANYOXUEH | BOUTK. tyilcmcmber In taking the Slonx City Route vet K ThroiiKh Train. The Shortont Line , Quickest ( Time an J a Comlortablo Hide la the irou li C'arii betweuii Wet COUNCIL IILUKF8 AND ST. PAUL. lafc tarSeo that your Tickutu read via the "Sloui GAC and Puclflo Railroad " ml B. WATTI.K3 , J. R. BUCHANAN wltt ; Huperlntendont. Ueu'l P i , Afoul. Oou , K. KOUINSON , Aei't Ocu'l Paa . A t. . Our Missouri Valley , low * . * .T' W. K. DAVJ8 , Boutliwovtorn AKvnt. . Councl Illuffs Iowa hat Illri iRTIFIGIAL LIMBS. OU ell Something' Kan iioln NEW NO enl carr vou : > OBAHA , ! : : Dr. Crow- ord.ol nleve- land , O , , the nocl old , popular , OK and kklllful W manufacturer plac ; llll ° ' . . . . . . , i and Artificial any Limbs. com . ort ortTl Tl thei I latent linprorcd plan , 'his opened a O3\c inchmochanlul ur ery Initltuteat IWfBoutli O3cn [ direct , Omaha , whoru ho Itprcpandio Vlc inlth llinba of every description , skeletons iii ( upportersforparallzad anddeforinod lloibs , naicti , and shoulder braces and supporters lor timlo weaknci * . &c , Iho Doctor Iiaslud23 n experleucu In wearing and fulluslln , J. H. GKAYVFOKD. 109 South llth St. Omaha , Neb. I Dexter L , Thomas. . OTORNEY-AT-LAW lloom 8 , Crclghton jllock , o DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL * . HOTELS. PHOPRIJiTOm TOWW ARUNQTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neb. SARATOGA. HOTEL , it. 8. 8TELLINIUS , Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , 8trom burjc No HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllla CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE J. Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Nab. GRANO CENTRAL E.8EYMOUR ; , Nabraika City , Neb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping W terN COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. CAARPER , Hardy , Neb. QREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nab OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clarlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnton , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. GRUBD , Guide Recd , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER , Oreilon , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS A BRO , , Rod Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , S. BURGESS , Naola , Id. CITY HOTEL , DI B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINGS , Oornlnc , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL J , W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M ' OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb. BAQNELL HOUSE , OHAB. BAQNELL , College Spring * , la. OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qrova , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , 0'F. STEARNS , Odebblt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oiceola , Neb , DOUQLAQ HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clarka , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marjravllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nek 1 THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND I Mining and Milling Company. Forking Capital ) - (300,000. piuiBiock ! , (1,000,000 r Value of Sharon , (28,000. JTOOK FULLY PAID UP ANP NON-ASSESSABLiS Mines Located in BRAMHL &ININQ DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , Preotdent , Gumming , Wyoming. WJI. K. TILTON , Vlco-Preeldent , Cummlnj , Wyomlngl E. N. UAHWOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , r. J. I. ThoniM. Louis Miller W. S. Dramel. A. G. Dunn. N. Uarwood. Francla I Teni. Qeo. U. Falo . Uwli Zolman. oSSmcBm OEO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent for Sale of Stock ; DC * < ' * O hvNeb. For a ( | tiartcr"of a conCury"or moro llootcttor B omach I liters hoi boon the rel nlujj encclflc Indlgc8tloiidyapcpl > , fever and > Kue , lota of lyBlcaliitaniiiia ; liver complaint and othtr dlwir iri.'and han boon most emphatically Indorsed by odlcal men as a health acd ttruuittli ruttnr Ive. . It counteracts a tendency to prematura cay , and sustains and comforta the aued and nrra. For Bale by all druiwlits anil dealers pcnorally al to ml wt for hctng the moslTdlrect , qulckeot , an cot line connecting thu Kr at Mttropollo. CI1I ( IO , and tha Kmriaif , Nouril-KUTiiiNI ) I HoiTil'HtBTKXii LINIUI , which terminate there h KANIIM Oirr , Lnvxnwourc , ATOUISOM UNOIL liLcyra and OMAIU , the COMMIBOIAI ariu from which radiate 'OHU.EVERY LIKE OF ROAD. - ' Q | t | ionocrttoi the Continent from the UlMuui er to the Paclflc Blopo. Tha IIOAGO 1100JC ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY the only line from Chicago owning track In ntofl , or whlcli , by Ita own road , rcochee tb nta lKvo ) nautd. No viUKiiriiM nr OiKiuoM uiumu ooMNioiionBl No huddling In 111 itllatcj or unclean raru , 01 every pugengerl ried In roomy , clean and \ ontllaled coachet on Fa t Kzproui Trnlni AT CiE4 of unrivaled mafrnlflciince , PuiiMia uoi HLBBriKO CAUB. and ourownworld-faooui iiKO CAIUI , uiwn which mealo are mrvod of on pwiod excellence , at the low rate of Bivurr C NT licit , with ample time for hualtbfu Ipyment. rhrough Can between Chicago , Foorla , MU ukeo and Mleaourl Hlvcr Point * . and doit con tloci at all point * of Intersection with othei ) Yo ticket ( do Dot forget this ) directly to erers co of Importance In Kanau , Nebroaka , Ela-k lla , Wyomluif , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Oallforc.J , egon , Waahlnirtou Tirrltory , Ooiortdo , ArUona New Mexico. Ull beral arrangement * reicardlnc bugf pe ; a other line , and rates of fare always ant ow a iipetltorf , who furnUh but a tithe o thi com Dogs and tackle of iporUmen free. Picket * , tuapa and folder * at all prlnclpa Ice * In the Unite ! atatoa and Oxntda. I. It. CAULK , n. ST. JOHN , Pratt b Oea , Qtn , Tkt andl'ij'rAn lanaiter , ChtcMto Ohlcavo. W. S. GIBBS PHYSIOIAN AND SURGEON , .ooja No4 , Orolffbtoa Block , 15th B treat , OMAHA , KEBRA8KA. Omci Ilocusf 10 to2 A u. Stofip.u , phone oaonecVsd with Osatral Otfice Is the old Favorite and - FOR - CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT.NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all PoluU Eaitand Bouth-Eoit THE LINKCOMPIHSE8 Nearly 4,000 miles. Bolld Smooth Steel Track * AH connections are mule In UNION DbPOTS. It has a National Itepntatlon as being the > Qrent Through Oar Line , and li universally conceded to bu tha FINEST EQUIPPED Rail- read In the world for all classes uf travel. Try I land you will find traveling a Iruurjr Instead of A 'lUcomfort. Through Tickets via rhls Celebrated Line for sal * at all offices In the West , All Information about JUtes of Faro , Sleeping Car Acocmcoodatlons , Time Tables , &c , , will bo cheerfully k'lven by applylnln ; to 2d Vlco-fruJ't < b Oen. UanaKer.Chlcaco. PERCIVAL LOWELL , ( Jen. Pauufivfcr Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNPOIIT , den Afront , Council Bluffs. II. I' . DUELL , Ticket Aft.-omah ; . morn-ed Jy OK SHORT HOROULLS. I will sell at public Hallo in COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , on ' i Friday May 5th 1882 at 2 , , p , m. THIRTY HEAD OF Thoroughbred Short ; Horn Balls , of good families , and good indiv idual animals. Terms cash , J. M. CHAPIN. CtUlo.'UiM furnlihod on application to W. II. Dovorly , Council Illuff * , low * . aprJt-wltdS FAST TIME ! Ia going East Uke the b'Mcago ' Morthwest- Trains leave Omaha 3:10 : p. m , and TiO : a m. I full Information call on II. P. UUKV Ticket Axent , llth and Frnh ru Sts J. DELt , U. P. Hallway Depot , or at JAUKd T , 01.AUK , Qenw Aireni , Omalia. 1 l7mi If W. J. OONNELL , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - , Orrio Kiout Kooms ( up ttalrs ) In Qanscem' * n < vbr.ck building , N. W. oorooc Ut itti nA' Faiobaui Btreeti ,