Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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    ; tv " ' ; * . > ' ,
Tuesday Moraine April 26
Weather Re-port-
( Ths following observation * are taken t
he same moment ot time ftt all the U-
onsnamed. )
Wu DurjunnTr , U. R , Burnt , SIRTTO , 1
OtunA , April 24 , ! SS2.ll5p. ( ; m. ) ;
There were two 1'ullmwn can out nt
noon to-day , well loaded.
Throe cars of emigrants went west o >
No. 7 , U. P. Sunday night.
Chief Engineer Butler wns out with a
squad of men yesterday filling cistern * .
The Union Elevators are loading out
fifteen cars of grain for Kansas City by
the K. C. , St. Joe. & C. B. road.
An emigrant coach of the St. Louts ,
Kansas and Arizona line , No , 1 , Is used by
the Missouri Pacific at this end of the line
for construction purpose * .
A number of new platform and cjnl
cars for thu G. II. & 8. A. road , loaded
with steel rails for the Oregon Short line
went west on the U. P , yentordayday.
The entertainment under the auspices
of the young ladles of the Holy Family
parish talcca place in the hall of Crcighton
college on next Wednesday evening.
A batch of Indian braves , squaws And
papooses In blankets of varied and gor ?
goous huci , atttctcd considerable atten
tion on the streets yesterday.
IJiere will bo A special meeting of the
Omaha tire department at Firemen's hall ,
at 7:30 p. in. , on Wednesday , for the
transaction , of imporlnntbuslnosa. By or.
der of Frank P. Ifnnlon , president.
The store occupied by Wlig & West-
burg , corner 10th and Jackson , formerly
S. P. Morse's store , has been lowered
several feet to comply with the established
grata of that thoroughfare. It is quite an
- The man arrested for destroying water
pipe was discharged at the request of the
company officials on learning that ho was
a poor man with n largo family. It was a
commendable action on the part of the
The mooting appointed for the com
mittees of ths various trades unions in
this city , eleven of which are already rep
resented , to take steps for the formation
of a Trades Assembly , will take place at
Kuony 'shall at 7:30 : Wednesday evening ,
the Land League granting them the use of
the hall on that evening.Cher * seema to
tie no little interest manifested in the mat
ter and quite an enthusiastic meeting ii
anticipated , t
The first train out on the Missouri
P ciQolet ( hero at 5:30 : a , m. yesterday ,
consisting of an engine , coach and caboose ,
the new line using its own equipments
' entirely. Thes morning the train
will carry its Brat consignment of freight
out , in the shape of twelve cars of grain
from the Union Elerators to Kansas City.
Division Superintendent ifarding was in
the city yesterday looking after the busi
ness of his line.
A man employed on the B. & 'K.
dump , brought suit against Contractor
Btephenson , Saturday , for 9100 damages
to ono of his tnijlos , by the careless turn-
of n scraper , ty' which the hind legs of the
animal were severely cut. Bennett ap
peared for the plaintiff and G. W. Donne
for the contractor , The case came up
yesterday in Judge Anderson's court ,
but damage to the extent of $50 only was
proven , and the defense proved aho that
Mr. Stepbenson was not the man who
was liable under the law. In the lan
guage of G n. Eatabroo'c the plaintiff had
"got the wiong pig by the ott , " and he
osked'that ' the case be dismissed without
. prejudice , which wna done. _
Hon. 0. F. Davis went east lait night.
Ilev. A. F. Shcrrlll loft for Chicago last
evening ,
A. Piper , of Davenport , is in the city.
Thomas Naylor , of Fremont , is at the
Geo. K. White , London , is a guest of
the Metropolitan.
Geo. Swartz , Jr , of Denver , It regis
tered at the Metropolitan.
Mr. H. B. Bell , with "the Strategist * , "
called at Ton 13 KK oillce taday ,
M. J , Ballenberg , of Chicago , appears
on the M < tropolltan list of gucsta.
Hon. Jim Laird , of Hastings , was in
the city to-day and went west at noon.
Hoo. 0. P. Mathewion , of Norfolk , was
iatbecitf to-day , the guest of the Can
field house.
Dr. Shaw , a prominent Now York pby-
slclan , was amoni ; the east bound passen-
gain yesterday ,
Capt. Sam B. Jones , assistant general
| H ejKer agent of the U. P. returned last
night from a trip to Montana.
W. M. McCandllah , formerly poitmts
ter at Creaton , was in the city yesterday
and called at the BEB office , He has juafc
returned from trip east and intends tp
make Culbcrtson his home In the futuro.
Mrs. Lewis , wife of Conductor Lewis
of the Northwestern Pullman line
, accom-
panted by her sister , went west to-day en
route to California for her health. Her
husband took the run out to Ogden , ex.
changing ono trip with one of the U , P.
boy *
Files , roaches , ants , bedbugs , ratr , mice ,
hers , chipmunks , cleared out by
ough on ItUs. " IBo , *
Buntian Balvo Is an Invalu
Pi 25 * lnfl ned and sore join.
The Eoport That the Hotoriou
Dr , Alflrloh Was Lynched
in Now Mexico ,
Whore Ho Praoticed Under the
Name of Dr. Washington.
Tbo Romantic nnd Curious Wny In
Which Hla Death Warrant Woe
Served ,
A well known former citizen o
Omaha , who for the past year has ro
ildod in Now Mexico , arrived in the
city jocently nnd brings a bit of infer
mntion which , although not of rccon
date , ia certainly nowa In these parts.
There is bcarcoly a ponon in Oma
ha who does not recollect the name o
the notorious Dr. E , W. Aldrich , who
for a long time occupied the top
round of the ladder na a succcssfu
quack doctor , and who
finally oxoosod and compelled to
leave for parts unknown
by THR BKE , which published
the full details of his rascally dpinqs ,
While hero ho was prominent in the
cml circles of a certain church , and
was lavish in his contributions to the
support of very religious and charita
ble object.
It appears that after leaving Omaha
the doctor wont to Trinidad , Col. ,
whore ho sailed under the name ol
Dr. Washington , which name , by the
way. cannot bo found in the directory
of physicians who have graduated and
received diplomas. Iloro ho wan the
same oily and devout man that ho had
always boon , and played a successful
jamo until ho became involved in a
shooting affair arising from some
scan , mag. , in which ono of the sis
tcra of the church was Involved.
This necessitated the doctor's de
parture , and ho removed his hond
quarters to Baton , on the line of the
A. T. & S. F. R. 11. , where ho hung
out his shingle under the name his
toric ) non do plume. Iloro ho again
assumed prominence in church cir
cles , and ingratiated himself into the
confidence of spmo of the best people -
plo there.
Among others who boarded at the
same hotel was a young and beautiful
girl , a model of womanly grace and
virtues , who was destined to
become the doctor's loot victim
and his fate at the same
time. She , it appears , felt an aver
sion for him from the first , which she
: ould not overcome , ana when at
ength she fell sick from a cold which
wrought on ono of the troubles com
mon to her sex , she utterly refused to
consent to being attended by Dr.
Washington. Her friends ridiculed
tor prejudices , as they considered it ,
tnd insisted , until at length aho was
breed into compliance , and became a
jationt of the detested man.
The young woman was previous to
; his engaged to a man of excellent
reputation and business ability and
ovod him with all the ardor of a girl's
irst passion They wore to have been
named in a short time and she was
n dread lost her health should not bo
recovered by the appointed day.
Acting upon her fears and
icr innocence or ignorance , as
, ho case might be , the false
ihysician persuaded her there was but
mo way to inauro her recovery and
hat ho was the man who could euro
icr. At'first ho mot with a repulse
) ut so crafty and cunning wore the
presentations ho made that she at
ongth in the hope of becoming a fit
> riao for her lover became the victim
of the doctor's lust. In a short time
t 'becamo evident that the
unfortunate irl was in a
delicate conditien and the
seducer thought to cover his crime by
another , still more heinous. In an
attempted abortion ho injured his
victim so that it became evident that
she would die. Ho had in the moan
imo gained such ascendency over her
hat by throats or some other moans
to had shut her mouth and effectually
tightened her out of revealing her
degradation tojhor friends. She indeed
concealed her trouble entirely
until her lost hour of life
arrived and expired without a
word of accusation , while her mur-
djoror no doubt rejoiced at HO easy an
escape from the result of his outrage.
In the meantime , however , fate had
ordered otherwise. The girl's affec
tion for her betrothed never loft her
nor wavered in its constancy , and
while she lay on her death bed she
wrote , when alone , a note to
the man who wan to have
boon hur husband and explained
all ; Tlio.noto slip wrapped up tight
ly and concealed in the moss of thick
Imir , which was ono of nature's gifts
to her. After her death , when loving
liands wore preparing her for the
jravo the note was found and deliver *
ed to the one to whom it was address
ed. The shock and indignation it
produce may bo imagined.
The doctor soon learned
of the diecovory , and B'Miig
that affairs had reached a crisis aunt ,
word to the sheriff at Oterro , the
next station south of Raton , to come
up , and on his arrival voluntarily sur
rendered himself as a prisoner , and
was taken to Otorro. The same
night the young man whom ho had BO
wronged , with a number of friends ,
took an engine and cars at Raton and
wont down to the next station , where
they found the false physician , and ,
taking him out of the jail , hung him
until ho was thoroughly dead.
Is now in operation at D. A. Pioroy'n
IIouso Furnishing and Stoves Store ,
1211 Funiam street , Omaha , Nebraska -
braska , whore it can bo seen for two
days. Jit burns all the smokes and
gases without making clinkers , and
when the front lid of the atovo is re
moved , the gases nor the smoke do
not escape in the room to injure
lioalth , and the furniture jit burns
the Boft coal as clean as wood making
but very little ashes. M. J. South-
ridge , agent o ? the Greene Steve
company , of Newark , N. J , , will bo
present to explain its merits to all
who will call and examine the stovo.
The ladies arc especially invited to
Its Celebration by the English
Residents of Omaha.
Programme of Exorcises nnd List o
About n month ago the English res
idonis of Omaha formed an organiza
tion which they named St. Georgo'i
aocioty , which has already grown to a
membership of aovonty > five , the BO
cioty being officered as follows for its
first year :
President Miles II. Carlton.
Vice Presidents -Ilonry J. Darroll
Henry Jackson.
Secretary W. 0. Taylor.
Assistant Secretary James Roth
Stewards Robert Martin , Wm
Guards Chan. Gardiner , Clias
Treasurer Henry Livesoy.
Physician W. H. Lanyon.
Auditors W. 0. Taylor , Isaao
Board of Directors Richard Stephens
phons , William Stribbling , John Rob
ins , YYni. Banner , Ohas. Mar ley , Wm.
Carnaby , James Stockdalo , Ohas.
Unit , John Trenory , Wm. Balingor.
"The object of the organization is
for the intellectual and social condi
tion of Englismcn , and the relief ol
distressed members and their families
( provided such distress is not occa
sioned by drunkenness or crime ) , the
visitation of the sick , the burial of the
dead , and the assistance of the widows
and orphans of deceased members ;
and in the discretion of the society tc
relieve and advise distressed members
and others from England and their
BOIIB and qrnndsons. Any person who
was born in England , and their sons
ind grandsons , wherever born , can
become members of the society pro
vided they are in good standing and
over eight years of ago. "
Sunday was the 1,579th anniversary
of St. George , England's patron saint ,
and in accordance with an obligation
imposed by their constitution the day
was recognized in a suitable manner ,
but falling on Sunday , Saturday night
was chosen for the exercises in honor
of the occasion. A largo number of
invitations had been issued and not
withstanding the extreme inclemency
of the weather and the attractions else
where there wore about ono hundred
ind fifty couples present at Kuonoy's
liall when , at 8 o clock , the president
called the audience to order , .and after
an overture by the band delivered an
address on the subject of "St. George
ind England , " in the course of which
10 made the following eloquent apol
ogy for the formation of this youngest
> f Omaha societies : "If there is a
30nd that cements the family in its
sacred unity , there is ono which helds
with almost as strong a tie and as firm
a grasp brethren of the same nation
ality , citizens of the same land. No
nutter how remote the present dwell-
ng place , or how hurablo the station ,
ho tame language , the same native
lills " "and childhood associations
draw "us with fraternal loye
lachj. to the other. That
icart must bo cold and dead which
iocs not kindle with sympathy , and
col an interest and a care for a stran
ger in a strange land , who asks in the
name of a common birthright for as
sistance and relief. To Englishmen
and for Englishmen the St. George's
ociety of Omaha makes its appeal.
Jnlortainini ? stronb feelings of grati-
; udo and respect for the country of
) ur adoption , yet wo cannot forgot the
and of our fathers and the rich herit
age of blessings which she has bo-
[ ucathod to us. Therefore , inlovo to
athorland , and in charity to these fol-
ow countrymen who may require our
ssiatftnco , counsel or protection1 in
the land across the sea , ' asking God's
)1 ) easing upon the undertaking , wo or
ganize ourselves into a benefit associa-
ion. "
The following programme was then
arriod out :
Music , trio by the Stevens family
'Come Where the Lilies Bloom. "
llecitatlon\Vttterloo , " J. W. Johnson.
"ttulo Britannia , " band.
Soup , W. O. Sixuuders.
Kecltation , Master G. F. Stockdale.
Duct , "Larboard Wntch Ahoy , " Bar-
nacla and tiouk.
llecitation , "Tho Old Bonnet , " J. Shep-
lord ,
"I Loyo Love " John-
Song1 , my , Mrs. -
Gospel bymnp , band.
Jtoacllnc. Mrs. Oarlton.
Solo , "The Bridge , ' " Miss Btevens.
Sui > i > er.
liatul , nuodrlllo.
'Star Spangled Vnnner. "
"God Save the Quoon.
At the conclusion of the exerclson
described above an elegant lunch was
served and the remainder of the ovon-
ntr. passed in the usual social enjoy
ments. The Booioty ] starts under the
most favorable auspices , and the on-
> rgy and zeal of its members promise
, t a front rank among kindred organ
izations in the city and state.
Mrs. Charles Harpstor died yesterday
tor/day at about 1 o'clock , after a
lingering illness of several months.
The funeral will bo at the house to
day ( Tuesday ) at 2 p , m. Friends
and relatives invited.
At the Union Sunday School yes
erday Miss Alice Rustin was elected
secretary in place of E. P. Browstor ,
resigned. The school voted to ox-
lend the Birthday Bank fund which
requires each scholar to deposit in the
aank as many cents as ho is years old
to the purchasing of the "Gospel
Elymna1 combination singing book ,
A Frlondiy Challengo.
Wo the undersigned challenge S. P.
Morse & Co. clerks to play a ( riondly
jamo of base ball on Decoration D.\y ,
May 30 , 1882.
OnuioKsiuNK & Co. OLKRKS.
Please answer through BKE ,
XJia Greatest
A simple , harmless remedy , that
euros every time , and prevents disease
) y keeping the blood pure , atomach
regular , kidneys and liver active , is
the greatest blessing over conferred
upon man. Hop Bitten is that reme
dy , and ita proprietors are being
jloesod by thousands who have been
avod and cured by it. Will you try
t ,
More Light in Regard to the
LQ-W Assessment of Real
Which Becomes Worse as It Is Pur
sued Further.
For our second showing of low and
unequal assessment * wo will toke
property within a certain radius from
the county court house , or the main
business portion of the city , and wo
believe that our readers will bo con <
vinced that a radical change is needed
either in the assessment laws or in
the persons wo elect assessors. Wo
will commence at Dodge and Twen
tieth streets , _ and wo find thrpo acres
of lot 1) Capitol addition , with the
residence of the late P. W. Hitch
cock , assessed at $5,000 , and wo will
venture the assertion that said prop
erty could not bo purchased to-day
for ton times that amount. By going
a little south to Farnam street and
the same distance from business , wo
find a lot 87 by 284 foot sold the
present month by Hanecom for $6-
000 which was assessed at 81)000 ,
but tliis is no lower in proportion
than the property first abova de
A tract belonging to Gaylord , join
ing last above and contain
ing seven times as much ground
is assessed at $4,000. A lot CO
by 132 feet was sold out of this in
March , 1882 , for $1,700 , which would
make the entire tract worth at least
lloturning to Dodge street again
wo find the residence property of Ad-
lerand Boggs assessed at $1,200 each ;
Lake's 120 by334 foot , with residence ,
at $3,000j Johnson's 111 by 318 fout
at $2,700 ; Brash's 70 by 140 feet at
$1,200 , and Adams' CO by 172 feet ,
unimproved , joining last above as
sessed , nt $2CO.
Unimproved lots , GO by 133 foot ,
located at Faruam and Twenty-
third street , are selling nt
from $800 to $1,500 each ,
and lots on Douglas and Twenty-third
streets are soiling at from seven hun
dred to ono thousand dollars each.
Lots in Oak Knoll addition on
Twcntith street between Harnoy street
and St. Mary's avenue are assessed at
from $90 to $240 and could not bo
purchased for $2,000. They are nenr-
y all GO loot front and from ono hun
dred and thirty-five to one hundred
and ninety-eight feet deep. In
Preston & Williams' addition
wo find unimproved lots as
sessed at $150. Soritt's improved
ot on St. Marys avenue is assessed nt
5600 and Jacobs' 140 by 127 feet at
? 1,100. Orary'fl ono and three-quar
ter acres , with house on opposite side
of the avenue , is assessed at $2,500.
jlarkson's two and a half acres at
$5,000. $ Rogers two and sixty ono-
lundredth acres at $5,000 , and Ham-
Iton'a two and sixty-six one-hun
dredth acres at $5,000. The tour last
above have fine improvements and are
not assessed for one-tenth of their
real value , as will be shown by the
olio wing. Krucr has ninety-seven
ono-hundrodths of an acre with rest- ,
denco south of Hamilton's , and is
assessed at $4,500.
B\Vo do not omit describing any
> roporiy on account of persons , and
rill say that all property in Kounizo
and Ruth's. Oak Knoll , Preston and
rVilliams and Capitol additions , is
assessed in the same proportion as
hat described.
A Small Flro In the Elver Bottom
About 12:30 : o'clock p. m. to-day
an alarm of fire was sent in by telo-
> hone from the Lininger-Motcalf Ag
ricultural Implements Company's of-
ice , followed by an alarm from Iler'a
distillery. The hooks and two of
; he hoao carts responded and
went down toward the scone of
ho fire on the dead run.
t was found , however , that the blaze
lad broken out in a box car belong-
nij to the B. & M , and side-tracked
with 'another box and the stone train
un a siding right along the foot of-the
7. P. bridge embankment on the
north. It was wholly inaccessible to
.he department , but a Union Pa
cific engine with fire attachments
an out to the bridge , 'sent down a
ino of hose and was soon playing on
ho flames. A big crowd ran as usual
oward the direction from which the
alarm came and collected on "tho
dump , " from which thu fire was in full
view. , The effort to save the other
cars was .successful but the ono in
which the lira had broken out was
turned so badly that except the run
ning gear it will bo H total loss.
Army Orders.
The following are the latest orders
issued from thp headquarters p the
department of the Platte :
Captain A. H. Bowman , Ninth In
fantry , having completed the duty re
quired of him at Fort Omaha , Ne
braska , will return to his station.
Recruits James Ames nnd Charles
H. Marsh , enlisted at Fort Omaha , '
Nabraska , are assigned to troop A ,
Fifth Cavalry , and will bo sent to their
station at the first favorable oppor
tunity. .
The Musical Union.
The Musical Union orchestra , one
of the best organizations of the kind
in all the west , prepared a special
cial programme to bo given at the
opera house last night , It was as fol
io wa ;
Medley-Overture Braliain
Nebucadiiezar Kect aud CavatIna.Verill
Trovftdore Selection .Verdi
Prince of Wales Overture. . .Stelnhauser
The programme , ! ! will bo observed ,
contains aomo fine selections , and the
music was a feature of the enter
tainment . . . . ,
This evening the orchestra
goes to Council Bluffs to give a con
To Portions ; About to Marry
To iieraons about to marry. " Douglass
JerrlcTs advice WM , "don't. ' We sup-
dement by laying , without } y } c m
nupuly of Soring Bloaiom. which will cure
nlbunilnarJa ami other Vldnejjand bladder
CompUinU. 1'rlco DO cenU , | trial bottle
The Number of Specials That Ar
Hauled Over the Union Pacific.
The aristocratic tendency of th
people high up in the railway worli
has become ono of the peculiar feature
ot railway travel.
Once a special car , and that a conch
was good enough to haul nny dignitar ;
over the road , nnd that was attache
to a regular train. A special train o
day coaches hauled Abe Lincoln to
Washington in 18G1 , and a railway
president or superintendent who hat
business along the line simply had the
train held a few minutcn nt a stationer
or , if his business was prolonged , was
switched oft" to wait for the next train.
At length the special car , arranged
for oflico or drawing room purposes
came into vogue , and now every
official , from the division su
perintendent up , almost , has his
"special , " nnd frequently rides on
n special train as well. No well regu
lated railroad is without its comple
ment of "specials" and on some roads
they are numerous enough to equip
l > ncs less pretentious. The magnifi
cent train which hauled General Grant
cost from Omaha was perhaps the
most regal over scon in tins city and
the special train occupied by Jay
Gould on his recent visit was prob
ably next in value and importance.
Not only do theofiicors themselves
ride in these cars but their families ,
'riondis or whomsoovcr they delight to
lonoraro drawn over the lines in them
until they hnvo become a regular nuisance
sanco to the railroad men who have
them to handle. It is a cold day that
some special docs not not pass over the
Jnion "Pacific and its proc-
ous burden varies from the
; reat Gould to the wife of the presi
dent of a Central American republic
or of a Mormon magnate who holds a
directorship in a small feeder of the
; reat transcontinental railway.
The train from the west laat night ,
n addition to its load of bagqaga ,
nail and express cnrs , dragged behind
t three of these rolling palucos.
The first was the Pullman hotel car ,
'Metropolitan , an elegant and im
mense car , which had on this occasion
among its passengers Mrs. Senator
fair , of Nevada , and children , Mrs.
G. A. Roberta , wife of a San Fran
cisco mining export , and Mrs.
O'Reilly , of British Columbia.
Following this was the equally costly
and commodious "Directors' Car1' No.
03 , of the Union Pacific , with ono of
the directors and officers of that road
and party on board.
In the wako of these was the direc
tors' car of the Utah Central road , a
much smaller Lypo of the cars ahead of
it. This was occupied by the family
of J. W. Jennings , Esq. , n
director of that road , including his
son Isaac Jennings and several ladies ,
a portion of whom are bound for Eu
rope and the rest for Now York. Mr.
Jennings is a high Mormon church
official , proprietor of the "Eaglo
Emporium , " a big Salt Lake dry goods
louse and the successor of Bishop
John Little as mayor of Salt Lake
city , by reason of the recent Ed-
mund'a bill making-tho latter ineligi
ble to hold office.
It is a pretty nice thing to be able
to travel in state , and the poor devils
of emigrants who meet them on the
: oad look upon these travelers as the
ords and ladies of America.
Judge Beneke's ( Monday Morning
In the poUco court yesterday
, here wore throe cases of disturbance
of the peace , two of whom paid and
ono waa discharged.
Four victims of the flowing bowl
answered to their respective names.
Two of the unfortunates wore given
a continuance , ono was committed in
default of funds to liquidate his bill
and ono was fired out of town.
A solitary tramp was also "fired. "
A complaint has boon filed against
James Burke by G. Zimmermann. It
is claimed that the accused went to
Zimmormann's place under the influ
ence of liquor and being refused any
more of the ardent and ordered out of
the place , smashed in ono of the big
glass window panes.
The Waterworks Company complain
against John Doe for wilful and mali
cious destruction of tlio'ir property.
The man it appears was walking down
10th street , and at the culvert near
the Slaven house , where the walk is
quite narrow , found a couple
of sections of pipe , lying across the
walk so as to obstruct it. Ho re
moved them with his foot but unfor
tunately started them down an incline
so that they fell into the trench and
wore broken all to pieces. The damage -
ago is assessed at $150.
A complaint has been filed against
Joseph Ledorer and wife , of South
Omaha , charging them with disturb
ance of the peace ,
Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council
BluQb Railroad.
The only road running tra'ns'tuand
from Omaha direct WITHOUT CHANGE
to all points East , South and West. '
Trains leave B. & M. depot at 8:30 : a.
m. and 7:45 : p. m. , and arrive at 7:35 :
a , m. and G45 ; p , m. TICKETS on Bale
at 1020 Farnam street and B , & M.
G. P. & T. A. ARont.
Everybody who contemplates pur
chasing F0nNiTUHK will find it to "
their own interest to inspect the im
mense stock at the store of Cius.
SiiiVEiucK , who unquestionably has
the finest assortment of FURNITUBK.
etc. , from the best manufacturers and
the newest styles , and ALWAYS &IAKES
LOWEU ruiOES than any other VDUNI-
TUHK dealer in Nebaaska.
1200 , 1108 and 1210 Fartmrn St.
- - - -
Uo Hire a Ball.
Half a column of hog-wash appear
ed in Sunday morning's Republican
over the names of James Knight and
challenge Roaowater to deny or dis
prove what they assert to be the true
inwardness of the spring campaign.
Whou those assistant thimble riggers
of J. M. Thurston got sober enoug
J. M. Carroll in which these worthio
to remember what did transpire dui
ing the period when they wore flus
they will havp to depend a good def
loss on their imagination for material
Meautimo wo would Advise them t
hire n hall na they did when they rati
fied Hascill & Co. Then Ihey wil
got a larger nudienco than they secured
cured in the U. P. organs.
Grand OoooinR
every day and uicnmir ut tics pu s A
and Musio Hall. Now Goods. Se
thorn. api22-2t
CANTON HATS 25 cents at theBes
Bos ton Store. " aprltomayl
When you have tried all othoi
glasses and spectacles nnd you cannoi
bo suited , call on Ed helm & Erickson
and got a pair of the genuine Star-
tiutcd Spectacles or Eye ( Manses.
They will suit wren all others fail.
These are sold exclusively by us ir
Nebraska , Wyoming , Utah , Iowa and
Kansas. Edholm & Erickson , opposite
posito postofllco , Omaha.
NOTICE Adveitllement To Loan , For Bale ,
Lost , Found , Wftnti , Boarding , ftc. , will be In
crted In these columns once fer TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
icr line. The first Insertion never loss Ibaa
TO LOAN Call at Law Umce of D.
M1 L.Thomas Room8 Crolihton Block.
AAA LOAA At B per contln
UUU tercst lo suins.of82.ROO and
jmardi , lor 3 to C years , on flrst-claaa city and
arm property. Bsxis Rut , KSIATI and Loin
AOBHOT , Uth and DoucUa Ets.
' TO LUAN On real estate , first niort
M'OMhY , O. D. liallcu , Attorney , room I
Union DIock. 877-26
[ T7ANTE L A girl ( or gcnomt housework ot
YV Elkhorn Tul ey House , comer llth and
Dodge. 884-261
2 mtn for lallroad work. H.
WANTED . , Employment Agent llth tt <
eir Farnara. 876-2 t
I ANTED 10 Teams. K. Mannweilcr , Em.
W plormcnt Agent , llth st. near Farnam.
' -r 833-20'
[ TT7 ANTED Man for farm work at once , Ocr-
YY man preferred. A. Mtrtin , LonRprey's
arrlago worts , corner California and 16thts. .
[ TTANTED A good cook and washer , also a
VY second ( .Irlopposite24thon Farnam t .
Mrs. S. R. Drown. 873-29 *
, " \7"ANTbD first class cinvaatcrd in Omaha
YY and other cities and towns for anew and
Ifgantly bound book , "L > fo of Gen. Burnsldo "
Ibe'alpav. Addresd , T. U. KDWAKU3 ,
874-11 Chicago , 111.
[ TrANTED Dining room frlrl and a girl for
YY Rcncralhousework. Itcinoko's Restaurant
3th and Jtckson. B.B-st *
'ANTDD A good second girl. Mrs. II.
W Kountio South 10th street. 307 241
TA-TED Girl to do general housework.
YY Mrs. J. L. Webster , itoth street between
larney nnd it. Mar/sa\o. 869-20
W ANTED-A girl for housework. 2115 CallJ
fonia street between 21st and 22nd at.
873-15 (
Partner with 31GO In a gobd payIng -
WANTED ' . Inquire at 303 } Ivthfltreol
ear Farnam. t72-24
25 men to work In stone quarries.
WANTED i once ; H. UannwellerEmptoymoat
gent , llth st near Farnam. HfiT-24 *
ANTED Good girl at 1086 North 16t > , st.
W 850-tf , MRS. J.M. COI-XSUAX.
T17ANTKD A runner at the Commercial
rv House. Must bo nbla to speak German
cd Danish. , 802-tf
TtTANTED Three s'tters , twelve wheelers
VV and one man to load. On y experts need
Ply. Uteam Brick Yard , N. 10th et. 846-20
TTTANTED A good second cook at the St
VV Cnarles Hotel. IDm&etf
ANTED T'O gooJ Ullo girls at thoSt
W Charles Htel. . IDm&etf
1T7.ANTED Second oook at the St. Charles
W Hotel. 817-tf
TT'ANTED Four good ulrls for general
fY housorfcrk. F. D. Nolto , Emploimont
gent 10th st near Farnam. 787-25 *
"TTANTED A gardener anJ farmer with
f V good reloio ces can find steady employ
ment by calling at Solomon's Pilm and Oil
louse 1201 Karnam street. 78tf
Olrl about 14 to do light house
work , during the day only. Apply at Bee
01co. ' " ' 024-tf
ANTED D.nlngroom girl at the Crelghton
W House. 607-tf
Einplojinentbya young In
WANTED vtoro. H. Mannweilcr. t'ni-
Icymcnt Agent , llth st. near Karnara. e82-J6- |
By a widow a place as houju-
WANTED or a plaoa where I can work for
oard with a baby two months old. Address W.
. Ute office. 876tfii .
TTANTED By a young man 17 years of age
r Y n eltuatlon In an enterprising business ,
las a High School education , and can cotno well
ccommended. Address J. A. H , Bee office. >
TTANTED \ situation in any Btoio by a
, V young Dan. ' , who spetks Qermanand
ngllsh. Audrcu C. Lund , 1314 Jackson at.
870 26'
ANTED Uy two gontlembn a largo for-
nlshcd room in a private family ; must bo
Ithln six blocks cf postolllce , Will pay a good
tricolor a good room. Address W. S. G , care
tee ofllcc. 871 > 25 |
mo RENT A wfll furnished cottage until Os-
X tobcr. Inquire at Urownoll 11 all. 861 > 2jt
L H17 Howard street. 852-23
( ANTiJD Ten day Doaruera at No. 70 ] 8.
w Tenth st. 818 281
\\rANTfcii o\ > T rivy vau.ttt , kinks * nd cea *
W pool * to clean wiiu tanltary Vault and
Elntc Cleaner , the l > est In use. A. Mans & Co. ,
residence 12CQ Dodge street , Omaha. '
I unfurnished rooms for man and
WANTED mutt be moderate in price. Ad
dress H. Bee orBco. 297-tf
AMKl > ruadlnir brtagt aa nctiool bonds.
W U. T. Clark , BeUerue. It-It
Tosella barber shop , good lo
cation , good business , aatlsfactory reasons
er selling. Inquire at 117a. 16th street , Omaha
feb. 637-tt
"lirANTEU 4 children aa boarders in a select
W school , at 19th and Cillfornl * St. L. B.
Basement In ex. for ( board.
WANTED boarders too. COS N. 17th street.
6(10 tf
T > OM3 TO BENT At 2214JWebiter ftreot.
Lt 879.261
BENT Stable with room for four horses
EOH t o carriage ! , at 2216 Burt street , in-
qulM 11005 Farnam st 886-28
RENT Largo front room with bow win
TO dow and clowt : unfurnished , 1414 Cblcago
trMt. 668-251
UfcNT Hou e ; six rooms. oed well ,
Poll ; also a barn on the place ; Content
treot , sixth house from St. Mary's avenue , out
Ideot street. Bent , $ iO per month. Inquire of
ohn Ur-italorJ , Convent strott. or of Lorrnro
) ibble. -
Third floor 22x100 fret. Aprly '
FORKENT Drug utoie ISlit Douglu st. I
( TIO RENT One large furntthad room , wflh
JL board , on flrst floor , outside entraocr , 1808
Cillfornla it. 847-tl
JL dMr north of Dodge on 18th st 821-S4 *
"T7\Oll HKNT Store an-1 butcher shop , S E.
JL1 comer 18th and Chlctgs. Inquire at storo.
Kllen I.ucas , idmlnlttntor of the estate rf E. C ,
FOR RENT Fmnld.ed loom S. W. c met
Ifth and I owaid kt. 749 tf
HKnl ulll in Jacob' * Illock.
7r > S-tf
FOR RKMfurimtud rooim over M
ehaotV Rieh iiirgN.K. cor. Uth and Dodr
ItrtKU. 88J.1I
"I71OR K KNT Nicely furnished rooms wltn cr
J ; witheut board , Reamnable prices. 2018
Cm * St.
OH BALE Ristiuir nl at n b re ln. lT.
H&nnwellcr , Emplormftnt Agent ; llth it.
near Frntm. 881-23
STJlAWrtEtinY l'IANTS-Hhsrploss , Sccil-
llnj , Golden ( Jneen nj Jccunds , few of
cither of thcsj choice Tirlctlc ! nur bo obtained
from itsclt propcgited here , by leaving orders
at 217 South 14th direct , or with John Eiani ,
our Seedman. 8S6-20
FOR SALE One p n of mures , ono cow , and
one Roat. Inqtt ro ot hllcn Lucas , corner
13th and Uhlcago > ta. 02-tf
I71OK HALL Ihe 1MCULA1C 1IIH1-.L , Known
JJ u the flOYS' HOilE. Hil house U co -
tially located , has ecu h and cast front , and In
surronndcd w th fine thmle trees ; cent. Inn thirty
S'leplnir rooms , t > a > Ice boutt , laundry , Maple
room , &c. II a a world w do reputation ana a
bettor patron' jre than many homo of twice Its
capacity. Price 85.000 for partlcu'ari ' ad.
drcn , A. A. HAWDEY.ltcd Clou.i. rub.
_ _
FOR SALE Homo and 5 acrca ot land , one
mile north or lUnacks. Inquire of C. Sor-
enion on presrlecs , or Oeo. H. Po.creon , sr < S.
lOth'ltrrct. _ 848-24J
FOR SALE 200 choice lota In Hanviom Place"
W. R Hartlctt , Heal E tate Agent , S17 S.
13th street. 8334(3 (
T710R SALE AJgood corner lot on Doage and
JJ 21th street , > n & very fast growing part of
the city , will dh Me. Inquire at 210 South 2Cth
treot , near Farnamlttogg's & Hill's addition.
SALE The fine property N. E. comer
CWH and 50th strce's , now. occupied by
Major Furcy. Part of the punhaiononoj - may
remain secured on the property. For further
lart'cutars Inquire of Dr. Sunimcr'aal Military
Icadquarttn , _ Ei2 ! 24. *
[ 710R SALE Ono span of hopes , two spring
[ ; wagons and two Relief double harness. In-
ulro Ellen Lucas , administrator of the csttta
I E , C. LUCAS , corner 13th and Chicago ets ,
I.1OU SALE iloitl mn oou iowu town , a
L\ a L bargain. 11. Mannweilcr , lloal Kitato
igt. llth si. cot near Farnam. 7CO-U
2000 man's on 10 h st , 783-24 *
I710R SAtE Wile's RcnauantTho French
C CoCTco Hcuso1' ' No. 620 Tenth street , doing
business of from $12,000 to 815,000 per , nnum.
lull ar nrltc to the abe > a number or to Wllg &
Vcstkcrg'd coiner sOth and Jtckson streets.
. 778-t d&w
pOR SALE OR RENT A two (2) ( ) story Iramo
[ ? build n ; 21x60. N. B. corner 22nd-and V
lumlng street. Icqulrt al Krug's Western
Brewery. 761-W
[ 71011 SALE ! ! > 0 lots near Hanscom l'rk , west
[ J of Park A\enuc. $460 to . $900 each. Mo
Caguo opp. I'ostoffictf. 671. U
I OR ttALE House ef 4 or S rooms and corner -
F ner lot on 10th and Mason 21.600. UcCague
pp , postolllce , MH-tf
FURY Thoroughbred Jersey Mull No. 332
"M. B. II. B. " , winner of priro at State
'air. Stands for service vt Nebraska Poultry
Vards , West Omaha. Graham * > . Browne ,
70U SALE 14 lots In N. W. part of city on
J sightly location. $200 to $250 each , on
monthly payments. HcCague , opp. postoffice.
581-tf I
710R SALE One second-hand 25 hone power
J engine , good aa newnlio two 8 horeo nowe r
nd two IS horse power engines , new. Boilers
f all sizes , new. Inquire Omaha Foundry an
Uachlna Co.U. F. By. bet 17th and 18th omaha
710R SALE A new house and lot. 26th an
J Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th
nd nhamt . 418-lm
7IOK at * LK Kive acre * ut land , 2-storjr tram *
[ > house , burns wells and other improve
ments , east eldo of Blunders street , near Fort
rnaha. For particulars addiesi Oeo. W. Brew-
.or , Oakland. Neb. 401-tf
OR SALE Car load ot fal blackoy mules
F broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin la ,
F710R 826-lmo *
710R SALE Or will ezcha fte for Omaha pro-
' I Ipertv , an Improved sec oa of land adloln-
ng a station on U. P.B.B. U. DUNHAM , 1411
arnhamSt. , Omaha. 720 Suit
B UICK FOU HALE S12.00 per 1CWO.T. Murray
_ 119-tf
HAY At A. H. Bander * Feed Sto
BALED Harneylit. _ 8lB-tf
2J1 RAYED From my premises mar Ftlr
O Oioundf , a roan mare four years old ; hind
et white ; branded with letter " 0" with line
iroufh center on left hip ; gray mane and tall.
25 reward will be paid for her return.
8-.0-28 * HENRY FORLENDER , Omaha.
> I A RE WAR Fa'd for return of check and
) LJ \ notes lost April 10th , paper of no i aluo
xcept to owner. A. R. Uufrene , room 14
relghton clock. 845-2 1
1 L DANIEC.D his removed to N. W. corner
JT 18tn and M * obiter streets , where ho Has
urnl-Iicil rooms and board. Watch nod clock
epalring. Elglu watches for sale. 838-25
KS C. A. LLISON K ectro Magnetic
Heai jr , also business and medical Otlr-
oyant I'l'jchunietlc readings a d treatment
[ yen , dally from U a. m. to 4 p. m. Can bacon-
uUed by letter , srnd name , ago , and lock of
lair etc , with $2.00 consultation too. No. 2013
.ASS St. , Omaha , Nob. 703 1m *
J street near Farnam. Business bouses ,
armers and families can bo supplied with com-
otont help. Any grade of employment. Hall-
oadonplllalng outfits on short notice F , D.
olte , Employment Agent. _ 681-im *
ROOMS And first clau table board , at 2011
Cess St. _ ml'lrn *
RENT CHOICO of SO full lots to lease
O near Crelghton College for $24 per year.
eztcr L. Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crelghton
lock. 205.H
IONAL1ST , 493 Tenth Street , . between Farnam
nd Hainoy. Will. ' with the aid of guardian
plrlts , obtain for any one n glauce at the past
md present , and on certain conditions In the la >
are. Boots and Sboea made to > rder , Pcrfeoi
i. > , c ( 'on trntraatced tuA.1n >
Absolutely . '
This powder ne > er varies. A mirrel opu 'US
ty , strength and wholesomtnesj. More ceouo-
.Iwl thtn the ordlnuy kinds , and cannot Lo
ild in competition wltbjtlrt ) multitude of low
'rst , short weight , alum or photphato powders
xold only In cans. KorAUUiKlBO i'0 vu CO. ,
04 Wall 8L , New York