Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 25, 1882, Page 7, Image 7
i i iJGE DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , APRIL 25 188 * . d. O , OO 3BC &s OO. COMMISSION MERCHANTS , City Market , Council Bluffs Iowa , WHOLESALE FLOUR HOUSE , Ckncral Ageuii for th Celebrated Mlllaof H. D. Ku h & Co . Oo'.den Kaglo Hour , LwrcnwoJth , Kan < aiand Queen Bea Xllb , Sioux tails , Dikota. r ctercncc , Smith & Crl'tenden ' , Council Blult < , m. ' E ! M mmMm A M WHOLESALE AND KETAIL STATIONERY AND PRINTER'S GOODS , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. TITLE ABSTRACT 0 FFICE. jr. "TOT. * Cfc TT DC OR , 3a .sc o o. Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW 11A.TB8. NOTARIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS , COUNCIL BLUFFS . IOWA. 15 North Main Street , Wl olwlo dealer In SHOE FINDINGS. Hcady-flUcd uppcrc , ' In calf > kln and kin. Oak and hemlock bOLU LhATllER. and all goods appertaining to tha shoo Undo. Goods Bold at cheap M lutbeEaal. _ 1L. . MRS. 'PERIS' ' Biff ffiLLIPRY STORE FOR STYLISH SPRING MILLINERY. PATTERN BONNETS AND CHILDREN'S HATS A SPECIALTY. 105 South Main Street. Council Bluffs la That no\cr rcqulro crimping , at Mrs. J. J , Good's Ualr Store , at prices net cr before touched by any other hnlr dealer. Alro lull line ot switches , etc. , at greatly reduced prlcei. Alto gold , silver and colored netsVn \ c made from Ivlies' own hair. Do not ( all to call before purchtslng oleeffhcrc. All goods warranted as represented. > iU3. J. J. GOOD , 29 Main street , Council Bluffa , Iowa. MASONWISE , LIVER ! , FEED & SALE STABLE -The largest and best stables in the west. Roadsters , Saddle and draft horses for sale , also a fine lot of mules just received which will be closed out cheap. SCOTT ST. , HEAR BROADWAY. COUNCIL BLUFFS. IA. fl "RTfl lilTin RtMOVfcO without the I J A VA I , H n N dro" ! " * ot blood or lisa ot ( jlLll UUlUlJ kntlc. Cures luntf diseases. ' Fitsi Screfula , Liver Com- ANT ) n'PHim V11'1' ' Dropsy , Hhcuma- T II M 0 R 8 tlsm , Fox ' cr and Mercur- I U HI U II O lai sores , Erjslpclas , Salt Rheum , Scald Hold , CUarrh , w oik , inflamed and granulated EJCB , crofulous Ulcers and Fe male Disease of all kinds. Also Kidney and Vcncrlal diseases. Hemorrhoids or Piles curca or money refunded. All diseases treated upon thopilnclpleof - able reform , w Ithout the uio ot mercurial pois ons or the knlfu. Electro Vapor or -dialled Baths , furnished those who desire them. jllernlt or Rupture radically cured by the use of , the Elastic belt Truss and Plaster , which , has -vk < no tupertor'In the woria. CONSULTATION FREE CALL OS OR ADDRE33 Drs , B , Rice and F , 0 , Miller , COUNCIL BLUFFS , la. _ LIVERY , Feed and Sale Stables , 18 North First Street , Bouquet's old stand , Council Bluff * , Iowa. _ WILLAHP SMITH. Prop. W.D.STILLMAN . . , Practitioner of Homeopathy , consulting PhysicianandSurgeon , Office and residence 016 Willow atomic , Coun- cll Bluffs , Iowa. Iowa.W W , K. SINTON , DENTIST. 14 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Extracting and nil Ing a cpeclilty , Flrst-claeg work guarantee ! , DR. A. P. HANCHETT , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office , No. 14 Pearl Street Houit , 0 a. m. to 12. , and 2 p. m , to 6 p , m. Residence , 120 Bancroft street. Telephonic connection with Central office , DR. AMELIA BURROUGHS , No. 617 First Avenue _ _ Hours from 10 ' to 11 a.m. _ , and 2 to 6 p. m. BAHKEE'S'LIFE ' ASSOCIATION , DES UOINES , Iowa. Incorporated July 1st , 1879 , for the mutual benefit of bank ofllcers and thulr customers. Bated on principles of Eqi'irr , Ecoxour AND SB. cckiir. A few experience. ! life insurance nollcl- tora wanted. Adilrcsi , II. M. Stevens district solicitor , Office Ho. 7 , hrertfd blocn. fvuudl Bluffs , Iowa. UcdlaenceJlOl 4th avwml. P , o. box 8M. 8M.S. . E. MAXON , E O 3EE X 1C i 33 Cf "OP. Office orer tarings bank , COUNOIli BLUFFS , - - - Iowa. * REAL ESTATE. W. 0 , James , in connection with his law and olltctlon business buys and seili real estate. Feraona wishing to buy or tell city property call at hli office , ot or Buohnell's book store , Pearl street. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 415 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Dd tttl and morfgaf et drawn HAIR GOODS. WATER WAVES , In Stock and Manufactur ed to Order. Waves Made From Your Own Hair. TOILET ARTICLES , Nets , Combs , Brushes , Faoo-pow- dors , Bands , Hair Orna ments , &c. , &c. All Goods Warranted as Represented , and Prices Guaranteed. 337 W. Broadway , and 109 S. Main St , MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , Council Bluffs Iowa. ; - - - . IRS , E , J , HARDING , M , D , . Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ot Electropathtc Institution , Phlli- - -delphlftf Peon-4- Office Cur , Broadway & Glenn Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of nil diseases and p'lnful [ dif ficulties peculiar to fpnnalea a specialty. The Star B.akery , HOWARD & ROBIE , 227 MAIN ST , Employ the best Bread Baker In the Wet ; also a choice hind for Cakes and Pies. Bread delivered to nil parts ot the city. FRESH FISH ! , Game and Poultry , Can always be found at D. DANEHY' ' , 136 Upper llroadivay. JNO.JAYFBAINEY , Justice of the Peace , 3U BROADWAY , Council Bluffs , - - Iowa. W. B. MAYES , Loans aadEealEstate , Proprietor of abstracts of Pottawattamle louuty , Ollke corner of Broadway and Ualn urn U0 uncll muffs , louo. JOHN STEINER , M. D. , ( Doutschcr Arzt. ) IIOOM 6 , EVERETT'S BLOCK , Council Bluffs. Die cases of women and children * specialty. P , T MONTGOMERY , M , D , , ITwBB DISPENSARY EVERY SATURDAY. Office In Eterett'a block , Pearl troet. Retl ] dence 23 Fourth street. Office hours from 0 to 2 a. m. , 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. , Council lilutfa "FTC. CLARK , PRACTICAL DENTIST. Pearl atreet , opposite the postofflco. One of the oldest practltlonert in Council Bluff * . Satis lifacUoo guaranteed In all canes ODELL& DAY , BENEEAL FIRE INSDMNOE AND REAL ESTATE AG'TS. MONEY TO LOAN. Boatd of Trade building. ' Council Bluff * , la JOHN LINDT , ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW Will practlc * In all ttate and federal etai * Otrmaa L Mf a | * > IOWA DAIRYMEN. Progress of tbe Industry A Good Outlook for tbe Future The Oloomargnrlno Crop. Des Motnes Special Chicago Tiroes. The development of the dairy in- orost of lown is a matter of much in * torcst to custom as well M western people. KB growth has boon nllnost mauical , and present prospects indicate - cato that its continued progress will bo almost as rapid. To-day The Times correspondent met Mr. II. II. Markloy , of Cedar Falls , the presi dent of tha Stnto Dairy association , and from him gleaned seine infer- mation for those interested in the dairy product. In reply to question as to the prospect in the immediate future , Mr. Markloy replied that "tho outlook for the dairy interest in low a was nevermore moro promising than at present. With wheat n failure corn tnkos the prominent - inont place rvs the crop of Iowa , and with it cattle and hogs are inseparable. The most profitable way of marketing the corn crop ia in the form of butter and chocso , beef and pork. Dairying under the now process , of cream gath ering plan , enables the dairyman to raise his calves , nnd when they arc carried to grass , the skim-milk is fed to the pigs , which forces thorn along as no other feed will , With the dairy product high , and beef and pork in de mand at good figures , with a prospect of an increased demand , it Booms tome mo that the future for the dairymen of Iowa promises all that could bo do- sirod. " . "Buf , why is it , " queried The Times correspondent , "that as the number of creameries multiply the price of but- ' 'increases. " "I will tell you , " rejoined Presi dent Markloy ; ' 'tlicro are various rea sons for this. The chief one lies in the improved quality. Nearly every man who ia willing to buy an article at all is willing to pay a little moro for an improved quality of the articlo. This improvement in the quality of butter has boon produced by an im proved system of handling. The creamery butter of to-day is made by men who conduct butter making as n business by itself. It is no longer a side show , to bo looked after when all other duties are performed. Every thing is dune systematically. Instead of guessing at the temperature of cream a thermometer is used ; instead of a handful of salt as a gauge , a scale is required to determine the saline con stituent part of a pound cf buttor. Creamery men use a neat package , put up in the best possible shape , and soil their goods strictly fresh. Creamery butter goes from the cooler to the refrigerator car , and thcnco di rect to the consumer. It does not go to the back room or collar of a gro- coryman and lay around among kerosene - sono and ccdlish for a week or two , to take on flavor trom those articles. Another factor in the matter is the increased railroad facilities for transporting the product anywhere and everywhere. Take away eur railroads , and the dairy interests would shrink to small proportions. I can not go into details. These ore some of the chief causes. Many other things influence it. But the present high prices will not prevail , in my opinion , for any length of time. The manufacture is increasing daily , and as spring advances prices will go down. The extraordinary high prices of last winter were owing to the high prices and scarcity of corn and food. Thirty days will see prices down fully one- third from present rates. " As choice creamery now commands 42 cents in this market , a decline of one-third will place it where its price will no longer cause it to bo classed among the luxuries of life. The trade in butterino , oleomargar ine , and compounds of a similar character - actor , is supposed to be spreading to u wide extent. Those who have taken the trouble to investigate declare that a pure article of creamery butter is a difficult thing to obtain. The sale oi those unwholesome compounds is not an easy matter to prevent. A very fine flavor and the most beautiful coloi can bo given to the lardino product , and while it is permitted to remain cnol the fraud can only bo detected by an export. The writer saw an article of butterino at the last national dairy fair so skillfully compounded that many practical creamery men of Iowa wore unable to distinguish it from creamery butter. Knowing that this , to cream ery men , is a delicate subject , Presi dent Markloy was approached very cautiously with relation to it. In re ply to the question as to whether high prices servo to stimulate the produc tion of those felonious compounds , Mr. M. stated undoubtedly that was true , but that the manufacture of them would still bo probable at a much loss rate than butter is likely to roach. One would naturally suppose that the tendency of these mixt ures would bo to reduce the price ol butter by coming in competition with it and having a margin of profit BG much broader than the maker of the genuine articlo. This is not true oi it , however. The vendor of these counterfeits insists on outside figures The least abatement of price would bo a tacit confotsion that his wares wore u fraud. So ho is always firm in his demands , and thereby begets in the mind of his customers a confidence in the gonuinunp of his goods. Mr. Murkley stated that ho had ro- ooverod from the belief ho once en tertained that the production of these articles would break down the dairy interests. Ho did not believe there was much of the products sold in Iowa. A few scattered cases of its use 1ml been discovered , but the great body of the dairymen of the state are honorable mon and would not encourage or permit a deleterious compound to go from their factories to the consumer. The Brutality of tbe Outlawa Which Numbered Jesse James Among Its Mem bers. "I want to say to you that i think Governor Crittenden did exactly right when ho had Jesse James killed , " s id Colonel W. 0. Moberly to a re porter of The St. Louis Republican , "and he dettrves the thanks of every law-abiding citizen of Missouri. I am not ft democrat , and would not vote for Governor Crittondon , but I will stand by him in this matter ovorv time. There ore few mon In thii stite who know any1 more about bush whacking aa I do , and I nra in favoi of clearing out such infernal devils at James without inorey. " Ool. Moberljr , whol now praeUclnj law in St. Louis , w s , durinjjtho war , lieutenant colonel of the First Mis souri militia and afterwards colonel of the Thirty-fifth regiment , with headquarters at Brunswick , lie or ganized the first regiment of militia enrolled in the state , and claims that ho is entitled to the 82.COO offered for such service at that time. The city of Moborly , Mo. , is named after him , and ho was president of of the North Missouri railroad and the president of ho Missouri Valley railroad. "You are rather severe on brother James , " suggested the reporter. "Yes , " responded Colonel Moborly , 'but not too severe , and I'll tell you why. Per four years I fought these infernal devils , the Jameses , Bill An derson , Todd and Quantroll , and I am satisfied from my observations that any mercy shown to them is wasted. I u 111 toll you ono or two anecdotes which will illustrate the brutal , devilish character of the gang of which the James boys wore prominent members. Ono- Sunday night in 1803 , twelve pickets brought to my ofllco at Brunswick two w men who told a most piliful tale. Ono of them said that she wanted me to send mon to Carroll county to catch Quan- troll and his mon. She said that a company of peaceable , unarmed citi zens had gathered there , and Quan- roll and his gang had fired upon hem , killing twelve of them. Her husband ran homo as fast as ho could and was followed by the bushwack- ors , who caught him and slowly tortured him to death. First , they cut off his hands at the wrists , then they cut off his oars , then his nose , and finally his head. I said 't was no use to send out any mon .hen , as the scoundrels wore probably .n some othorcounty by that time ; but I sent out forty men , and when they came back they tully corrobora ted what the woman had told mo , and jnoro too. She had told mo only a part of the story , for these outlaws , ouo of which was Jcsso James , had mutilated her husband's body in the most sickening manner , juat out of pure dovilishnoss. After this the gang wont to a Gorman settlement , where four aged Germans and thor ! women had boon loft at homo to take care of the family. These devils ap peared in federal uniforms , said that they wore federal soldiers , nnd wanted something to oat , They talked union , and were treated very kindly. There were twelve or fifteen of them , and the old mon fed them and their horses and gave them the most hospitable treatment. When they had had all they .wanted to eat and drink they made the old men square their horses out in the stable lot , jumped into their saddles , turned and shot down the inoffensive old mon in cold blood. Then they warned the women that if they stir red out of the houao that day they would bo killed too. This was in Clmriton county , and Jesse James was ono of the gang who committed this ouirogo. " "But don't you think that JCSBO James could have boon captured alive by a largo force of mon ? " "No , sir. Ho would have killed a dozen at least and then pernaps would have made his ascapo after all. I had the pleasure of killing some of Quan- troll's 'lien , and they were literally girdled with revolvers. Quantroll used to sit on his horse with his roiim in his teeth and fire with both hands. These are facts thatlhavo told you , but I couldnot repeat them at the time , for I was surrounded by these mon for three years. Bill Anderson once sent word to Huntsville that ho was coin ing there to take the town at a certain time , but the people didn't believe it. They didn't suppose ho would attempt it ; but at the appointed time ho rode into town , robbed the bank , murdered people on every hand and made his escape. In Moberly once I re ceived a note from him saying that ho would bo there the next day to take the town , and I know ho would keep his word unless I could prevent it. So I started of with five hundred men that night , waylaid him as ho was coming to the city and killed several of his men. He did not visit Moborly , bu ) ho would have done it if I hod not waylaid him. No. sir , Governor Orittonded is right , and every man in the state ought to stand by him in tjais matter. " Given up liy Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work , and cured by BO sim ple a remedy ) " "I assure you it is truothat ho is entirely cured , and with nothing but Hop Bitters ; and only ten days ago his doctors gave him up and said lie must die ! " "Well-a-day ! That is remarkable ! I will go this day and got some for my poor George I know hops are good , " [ Salem Post. IOWA NEWS , Calhoun county has o debt , coun ty warrants at par , and plenty of money in the trujjury. A boiler in o creamery at Roland , near Nevada , burst on the 17th , tore the building to pieces and tosaod the engineer out into the road , but with out airiously injuring him. The rats in the A\las distillery at Dos Moines got on a spree the other day , and oat the tails off from a lot of thoroughbred pigs belonging to the viw > president of the company , During the thunder storm of the 18th inst. the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific railroad depot , at. Sigour- noy , was struck and sot on fire by the lightning and the building entirely consumed , A conductor on ono of the trains involved iti the collision on the Illi nois Central road between Wituhrop and Independence two weeks ago was fined $500 , and engineer $80 , and ether brakemen $40 each , making in all $1,000. Harry Miller , living in Bremor county , became 10 enraged boiuuso his son wont hunting that ho snatched the gun from him , struck it on the ground , and accidentally discharged the whole charge into his own abdo men. Ho died within five minutes thereafter. A box marked "bacon" was put off at Rod Oak the other day , consigned to u firm of merchants of that place , In unloading it was partially broken open , and a human hand was discov ered. On investigation IK proved to Contain tbe remains of a human being out up in several pieces , Where the body oame irom and what It meant nouo could tell. A TRIFLE BOANDAIiOUS. A WanRular Trouble In Washington In Which n Beautiful Widow Fisr- urea Prominently. Washington Correspondence Brooklyn Ea le The first faint odors of a scandal ' * * ? UP ln society are just beginning - ginning to percolate through the \oil of aecrocy that surrounds it , and BIS the tongues of nil the old gossips wag ging as only the sneorwolls and back biters of society can gocsip. The dramatis porsoniu are a gonlc- man of marked prominence in official life , a government clerk , and a dashing - ing Now York widow. The lattoi made hero debut in Washington society late last autumn. She was a beauti ful woman of 28 , a perfect brunette , and so wondorfally fascinating that not only the mon but the women as well worshipped at the shrine of her beauty. She brought letters of introduction to well-known po plo , and society at once opened its arms to her. A few Months ago she removed to a swell boarding house on street , where the two gentlemen above mentioned resided. The former is married , and has the reputation of being a model husband. That is , ho did have , but ho enjoys that proud dutinction no longer. The government clerk is an ordinary chap , as such people go. Ho belongs to a boating club of this city , and is quite an athlete. From the first the widow regarded him with favorable - vorablo eyes , but , to the surprise of everybody , the elork , so far from re ciprocating , treated the fair widow so _ cavalierly that many of her ad mirers regarded it as unparalleled rudeness. But if the elork was unimpressiona ble , the official was not , and his fond ness for the widow became so appar ent that loud and frequent were the curtain-lectures that ensued when ho and his wife retired for the night. Ono night , shortly after midnight , sounds were hoard proceeding from the direction of the widow's room ; At first it was a dull thud , followed by the over-turning of tables nnd chairs , and ending at last in a scries of piercing screams. Gradually the corridors were filled with a whito-shootcd crowd of inon and women. Each looked at the other with faces expressive of surprise , and many wore the whispered conjectures as to what the end would bo. Finally ouo moro bold than the rest turned the knob of the door. It yielded to the proRSuro , and a curious spectacle was presented to their astonished gaze. The official lay flat on the lloor , with the Government clerk , dressed only in the most abbreviated of undergar ments , sitting astride of him and pounding him vigorously with both fists. The widow , more charming .ban over in her undress costume WAS trainly endeavoring to separate them. Subsequent investigation elicited .ho fact the widow was an adven turess , who had procured her letters of introduction in many cases through blackmailing the writers. She had bled the official , who was completely nfatuatod with her , to the tune of several thousand dollars. But for the clerks she entertained the strong' est affection. In order to moro thor oughly carry out the intrigue nnd ( hoodwink the official , it was decided that the clerk should' receive ( ho widow's advances coldly. This 'de ceived every ouo but the official , whoso eyes , sharpened by jealousy , soon discovered the little gimo. Ono night he laid a trap for them , and they fell into it with an mnoconco surpris ing when their duplicity is remember ed. When at last ho confronted them with his presence , instead of falling at his foot and imploring his , forgive ness , the widow buried her head under the pillow , but the clerk , jump ing from the bed , struck his superior a rattling blow full in the face. In falling , ho grabbed a heavy table , which came to the floor with a crash. Hero followed the scone above nar rated. And now the dashing widow has fled to parts unknown , proceed ings for a divorce suit are talked of , and a government clerk is out of a job. W. J. CONN ELL , AT LAW. ATTORNEY - - . Orrin trontltoomi ( up itatn ) In HanBcom new building , N. W. corner Kftocmtb ad arnham HtrooU i SYPHILIS Catarrh , K02EMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOILS , or any Skin " " Diseas" . Cures When Hot Springs Tail MAVIRN , ARK. , May 2,1881 We have ctvief In otir own town who lived at Hot Spring , n < ! v , ere finally cured with H. 8. B. r , IK YOU doubt.coma to iOBUH and WK WILL OUHE YOUll OK tliarga nothing 11 Write for particular ! and L0 | > y of little Itoolc 'Uueaage to the Unfortunate Huffurlnv IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER , Best for TOILET. BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. mon-wed trl forty yenri' trial mprotea"BLACK Ji the boat liver mdiu fi DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL" . HOTELS. PROPRIETORS TOWKl ' ARLINGTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Net , OARATOQA. HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Neb COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromibura No HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loultvllle CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blftlr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J , Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRANtl CENTRAL E..SEYMOUR , N braik City , Nab MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping WterNe COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Nab. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAY FIELD , Greenwood , Nab COMMERCIAL HOUOE , E. BTOREY. Olarlnda , low * ENO'3 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE VlOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Alhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUBD , Quids Rood , Nab. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Orcaton , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKIN8 & DRO , , Red O k , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO. OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , G. DURQE88 , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , DIB. WILLIAMS Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. CUMMINQ8 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JU AVERY , Btanton , MERCHANTS HOTEL J , W. BOUUWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dayld City , Neb. DAGNELL HOUSE , CHA8. BAQNELL , Oollega Spring * , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. BTEARN8 , Odeboli , la WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Oaccola , Neb. DOUGLA8 HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clark * , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QUEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Marjivllle Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nab THE JELM MOUNTAIN G-OLX ) AND Mining and Milling Company. Working CnrlUl' - (1.000,000 S'.ock , Capital Par Vnluo ot Hturo , (26,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I , THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming , J'l WM. K. TILTON , VIco.Proildout , Cumrnlni , Wyoming ' ! ' R , K. 1IAHWOOD , Secretary , Cummlnn , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , V 1 Dr. J. I. Thomao. Louie Miller W. 8. llramol. A.O.Dunn. E.N. UarwooJ. Francis Leai ens. Goo. H. Faloa. Lewis Zolnnn. Dr. J. C. Watklni. no2mo5in OKO. W. KENDALL , Authorliod Aficnt lor Bale ot Stock : B < " * " h .Neb. For a quarter ol a century or moro Hootottor's Stomacn i Ittcra liaa been the reigning ipoclflo lor Indlecitlondy > pop8lt , ( ever anuiirue , lots of phyilcalatamiim Ih cr complaint and other dlmr dcra.'and ha5 bccn.most emphatically Indorsed by medical men an a health acd itrength reitor atlro. It counteracts atondonoy to premature decay , and customs and comforts the aged and Infirm. For tale by all drugglsta and dealers generally . ul to ml Sioux City fi Pacific 3EC A.XX.XCO LX > . THE SIOUX OITY BOUTB Runa a Solid Train through from Council Bluffs to Bt. Paul Without Ohango Time , Only 17 Hour * IT w j 3.OO MILES TUB SHORTEST HOUTR raoM , OOUNOIL BLUFFS' ' TO BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTII Ott DIBUAKCR and all polntn In Northern Iowa. Minnesota and Dakota. This line la equipped with the Improved Wcatloghouao Automatic Airbrake and Mllla Platform Coupler and Duffer : and for SPEED , SAFETY AND COMFORT la unaurpaagod. Pullman Palace Bleeplntr Cur run through WITHOUT CHANUE between Kau sal City and St. Paul , via Council Bluffs aud Bloux City. TralnH leave Union Paclflo Transfer at Coui ell Illuffa , at 7(32 p. m. dally on arrival of Kanui > City , St. Joseph and Council Illuffa train frou. tbe South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:36 : p. in. , and at the New Union Depot at Bt , Paul at 12.SC noon. TEN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANTJOTflEB JIOUTK. CTRemember In taking the Sioux City Routi you vet a Through Train. Tbe Shorteat Line , the Quickest lime and a Comfortable Ride In tbi Through Cara between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL jtarSee that your Tkkote lead via tliu 'iSIOui City and Pacine lUllroad " / B. WATTLES. J.R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Oen'l Pan * . Aifenl. P , E. ROBINSON , Aea't Ocu'l Paaa. Aft. , Missouri Valley , Iowa. W. E. DAV1H , Southwestern Agent , Councl Bluff * Iowa Sl.OOO R ward will be paid to auy cluinfat who will tliul , on analyita 100 bottlw B B. B. , one particle of Mercury , Iodide Potal- alum or any Mineral luunUnce. BWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Prop * . Atlanta , Qa Price of Small alxe , 11.00. Largo elie II. TO. Boldly KENNAIID BHOP. ; * CO. , OcaertUr. Genius Rewarded ; OR , The Story of the SewingMaoh A hand&oine little pamphlet , blue and gel < < cove with nurneroua ongrarlnip , Hill be GIVEN AWAY to any tuult pereon calling for It , at any branch oi Bub-oUlco of Tbe Blnger Manufacturing Com pany , or will bo oent by mall , peat p&ld , to any pcrwn living at a dlatance from our offlcoa. The Singer Manufacturing Co. , Principal Office , 34 Union Square , NEW IYORK.f , f bl8 dw CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. UDUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETRQIOIAGAB1 FALLS , NEWYORK.BDSTON , And all Poluta Eattand South'EaiL THELIN.ECOMPRIBES Nearly 4,000 rallca. Solid Smooth Steel Tracts All oonuectlona nro ma < to In UNION DtPOTS. . It haa a National Repntatipn n liolnif ther Great Through Oar Line , and la universally conceded to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED 1U1U road In the world lor all claasai of , travel. Try It and you will find traveling a Inxuor Instead of a dlaoomfort. Through Tlcketa vU rhla Celebrated Line for * wJo at oil Dittoes In tbe Wont. All Information about Rates of Fare , Sleeping ; Car Accommodations , Tlmo Tablet , tie. , wulbei cheerfully given by upplyJnlnt to T. J. HOTTER. 2d Vlco-fres't Oen. Manafrer.Cblcavoj. PERCIVAL LOWELL. Gen. Pasaeiucr Afff. ChtcaWI W. J. DAVKNPOIIT , Oon Agent , Council Bluffi. II. I' DUEI.L , Ticket Agt _ morn oil ij FAST TIME ! o tbe . UMcago & Northwest- Tralni levre Omaha 8:40 : u. m. and 7 : 0a. m. I full Information call on U. F. DUEL. Ticket Aiifiit , 14th and FArnbam Hta. J. BELL ; U. P. Hallway Depot , or at JAMES T. OLAItK , Oenei- Axeu ) , Omaha. laUmte If ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. HEW FOK OMAHA. . Dr. 'Craw- ord.ol Cleve land , O , , tb old , popular. and tVillful manufacturer Artificial Limbs. Of tht | latest Improved plan. Ibis opened a branchmechanlcal vurgery Inatltuteat 109South , 14th ( trout , Omaha , where ha Upr par > di > fumlah limbs of every description , akeleton * aud aupporteraforparallzad anadelormcd limbs , trusses , and bhouluer bratca aud aupportera lor emalu ueaLneta , &o , Ibe Doctor baa had S3 year * experience In K oarlnjr. and blluitln . J. S. ORAWFOnD. 109 Bout ) ) 14th St. Omaha , Ktb A Im ! package of "BLACK-DRAUGHT" of eli urge.