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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1882)
f THE DAlLf UEE-OOUKCiL BLUFFS , IOWA TUESDAY APPvIL 26 Ib82 THE PAIL ? BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning April 25 SUBSCRIPTION KATES : Dy Carrier , By Mall , - 810 00 per Year. Offlco ! No. 7 Pearl Struct , Near Broadway. 0. E. MAYNE , Vanaprcr City Circulation. H. W. TILTON. City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS ; TilesrAnt millinery nt The prohlhltlonlslB open fire at Do * liany's lo-morrow night. .Toscphllellcr mukc Bulti up In the lfttot styles ftt 310 Broadway , nprl44f For first clnii butter tuba be euro and all ui > on Joseph Bos * , 015 Upper Broad- -way. apr21.Ct The pulltc library Is now to bo kept -open every week day afternoon from 2 until G o'clock , nnd la the evening from 7 until 9 o'clock. A nnnibcr of our citizens , Including Jo. West , Ben Mark * , and Kx-County Clerk Warren ere largely interested in Rhecp raising In Nebraska , nnd own among them some 5,000 to 0,000 sheep. Henry Howe lias Bold hln roldcnc * and ten acres of ground in the edge of the city , to the fathcr-In-Inw of Mr , Set. by , of the Olenwood opera house. Mr. Howe has purchased the homo of Mm. Bllhip in the First ward. The decree ha Rene forth that complaints - plaints arc to be filed against every ( jamb- Jlng place in the city , and the threatened prosecutions ngalnst saloon men who vlo- ilate the ordinance * , has begun by the ar- irost of Pat whose place , it Is said , two bartenders-wore kept buiy Sunday night serving up drinks to the thirsty. The foreigner who skipped out of the California houw and wandered Into the country , claiming that nn attempt was made to rob" him , seems to have been suf fering from a crzy spell. An Investlga- tion shows that his story was largely the result of a diseased imagination. Ho told several different stories about the affair , and seems to have bocn dazed badly. Ho and his traveling companion left for St. Jotcph yesterday. The recent tequest of the water works company to have the lzo of the hos couplings sent to them so as to have 'the ire plugs ina-lo to correspond , seems rath er gauxy. In view of the abtcnco of any great practical showing of actlvo work , this request for the sl/e of hose coup lings looks BB though the company was going through some motions in the hope of getting further tlmo granted In which they could dispose of the bond" , and get money with which to build the works. Ihus it looks. The Honorable Jacob 0. Morgan has Toturncd from Chlosgo , having given up bis proposed trip to Washington , the cltl- zens concluding they would prefer to send another man. Ho BO far recovered from bis disappointment as to bo able to put in .all of yesterday In the task of -writing an eight-lino editorial , the most startling feature of which is that it was evidently original. It might have attrac ted attention but for its being unfortun ately buried In the usual amount of pill- praties'and plaster sensations. The publlo library was opened yester day afternoon , and there wa a goodly number of Tlsltors and callers for books. The finding llst.or catalogue is not yet prepared , so thai : some inconvenience Is caused , but this will soon be obviated. The rooms are very ooally arranged and there are between three and four thousand volumes , besides publio reports and docu ments , In response to the request of the o in charge TUB BED will bo found there daily in the reading room , nnd other periodicals will doubtless follow .suit. . Ilev. Tether MoMonomy and M. G. GrifBn , during their recent visit to Wash ington as delegates to the national land league , did not forget that Council Bluffs needs and ought to have a government f building , Both gentlemen were made prominent by the position given them by the league , and Father MoMenoray es pecially had many acquaintances and friends in both houses. These gentlemen improved the opportunity afforded by do ing flomo good work for the bill , and they secured the pledges of a number of influ ential representatives to do what they could to help the move along , and suc ceeded'In doing away with some opposi tion. They report very encouragingly as to the prospect for the bill , and think thut it stands an excellent chance. CUNNING"CANARD. . /L Spiteful Report that a Powder House Had Boon Struck by Llghtnlnff , The Nonpareil triud to work up H morning sensation to the ell'iiot that a powder house , locntud hi what h known , as Duck Hollow , had bcon struck by lightning , and totally do- etroyed , scattering the building over the ground , "but fortunately not igniting it. " The faol is that the building was not struck by lightning jit all , and the supposed ruina and nar row eucapo from splitting the cartli in twain existed only in the brain of the imaginative reporter , A tree located -about five hundred yards from the powder house was shivered by light' mug , and that was the foundation ol the whole yarn , The animus of thi matter was shown in the closing pan of the txrtiole , where it referred to tin fact that "tho city was petitioned lasl spring'to hare the house moved , as id proximity to the city rendered it dan gerous. " The fact is that the nomlei house is located in the center of a five aero piece of ground of its own ; is eel in a hollow , far away from every tiling , and is mush less dangerous than othei powder houses which have not been complained of at all. The sensational story was doubtless written up for the express purpose of awakening opposi tion to the location of the powdoi homo there , there being some whc liavo a petty spite in the matter , 8u li nows-givljn , ' , or rather news-making , is a comtnotvoccurronco with the man agers of the o > an in whoso columtu appeared BETWIXT AND BETWEEN , Congressman Hepburn Hesi tates About Discouraging Excursion Parties , His Last Telegram Not Very Hopeful. As stated in yesterday's UKE , Judge James , who was lately chosen as ono of the delegates to Washington to liolp along the bill for the now gov ernment building hero , had recently n chat with Congressman Hepburn , in which the latter expressed the opin- on that there was little hope of the ) ill being reached , nnd that a delega tion from hero would do no good. After this Mr. James was informed that ho and Dr. Lawrence had been chosen instead of Colonel Chapman and Mr. Morgan. Ha was surprised , and would not start until ho had heard ngain from Mr. Hepburn. In response to his telegram of inquiry ho yester day received a telegram from the con gressman stating that ho did not think , lie bill would bo reached next Mon day , but that it-might , nnd a delega tion would aid. This rather sur prised Mr. James , as the intimation ; hat a dolgatiou could aid is in direct : ontr dlction of the impression given > y the conversation between him and the congressman. It does not look at all possible that ; ho bill can bo reached next Monday , as Congressman Hepburn's name itands ninth on the speaker's list , and t IK doubtful whether inoro than four ) r flvp will bo disposed of , still leav ing him on the list. At the last Mon day on which such bills were taken up [ hero were four disposed of , nnd this ia the usual number , so that if four or live are disposed of on the first Mon day in May this will still Icrv'o the Council .Bluffs bill unconsidorod. From this outlook it is apparent that there is httlo chance tor it to bo reached until the first Monday in Juno , and perhaps not Jien. The fact seems to bo that Con gressman Hepburn is so afraid of spoiling some picnic or excursion trip planned by citizens hero that ho hesi- bates about coming out frankly and laying that a delegation would bn use > loss. It is natural , too , that he should rather prefer that a delegation would bo sent , nnd thus divide the responsibility in case of failure. These ' reasons may account'for the Deeming cortrndicti in between his conversa tion and his telegram. Judge James seems satisfied that the delegation can do no good , and is not inclined to go , even in view of tbo telegram received. Ho has hand ed it over to the gommittoo to act uoon , and the request that if they still think delegates should bo sent that they send aomo ono elso. Dr. Anson Smith says in The Evange list : "It teems to me that vociferous praying is an abomination to God. to angels , and to men , and that dull , lifeless are a little worse than that. A ttlo child once heard a strange minister pray with his head thrown backward , his nose pointing skyward , and with a loudness - ness as though eoven thunders bad uttered their voices , nnd she whispered In her mother's ear : 'Would ho have to pray BO loud if he lived nearer to God ? ' 'No , my iblld , the nearer we got to God the more ausqed are our volets. ' " | Not a Challenge. To the Editor of The BOB. I notice in your report of the ruin- sellers1 mooting last Friday night , that you state that $5 were offered by Aleck Obert to any temperance man present to toke the stand. Lost ; ho impression should go forth that wo of the other side , who were p'rosont , were afraid to accept ouch a challenge , [ will state that no such offer was made. The nfooosaid saloon keeper did say that ho would give $5 to any tem perance man who would convince him that prohibition waa right. } ( This tsak wo had no desire to undertake , as the gentleman's condition was such as to render it hopeless. I will further say that no invitaUon was extended to the prohibitionists present , to address the meeting. Yours for the truth , L W. TULtKYB. O. AR > Department of Mlasouri NatlonalTress Association. Br , Louis , April 22. A convention of delegates of the Grand Army of the Republic , department of Missouri , as sembled hero to-day. Mnj , Win. 4 Warner , of this city , was elected de partment commander for ensuing year. A grand banquet was given to-night in honor of the delegates. IXING OUr THE FLAG. A Oaso or Varlolold Reported nt the Transfer Causes a Flurry of Exoltotnont , Yesterday afternoon the report ol small pox in the city sped quick ! } along the street , and caused some little tlo excitement among the nomm * > inclined , as is usually the case , and at ia equally common the report proved to bo exaggerated. The facts are thai a man named William Snockmployod ! on the platform at the transfer , ha : been fooling ill for a few days , and yesterday Dr. Mucrao tvas called in , lie found the man not very sick , bui there were indications which led him to think it might prove to bo vario- loid , the disease being at that partic ular stagn when it is diilicult to determine - tormino certainly. Still ho thought il just to advise the authorities of hie suspicions , nnd did so , The case had not reached the infectious stage , but it was deemed best to make arrange ments at once to remove the sick man from the hotel to some place where ho could bo thorougly quarantined , and by fumigating the room , and thus taking prompt action , it is not thought that there can be any possi ble danger from it. Ilbw often persons have been annoyed by burnt clinging to their dress or cloth ing , and huw veldom have they , when cleaulnt ; them , given It a thoueht that JJurJocl : Hoot I * the most valuable blood cleanser nod purifier known , and U oold by every druKKUt under the name of lur < dock Dlood Uitteri , Prlct 81.00. 81.00.SOdlw WORRY IABOUTWEIGHTS. . The City Wolghor la Still Kept Walt- Ing for the Council to Act. Captain Williams , who was duly elected superintendent of markets , is still kept in a quandary ns to what ho shall do for scales. For years each wcighmastcr has purchased the scales of his predecessor nt $300 with a guarantee by the council that who ever should bo his successor would take thorn off his hands at the same sum. This loaves the council rather bouni to pay that amount for the scales , which by this timo-havo so depreciate' ' that they are worth logs than a hundred dollars. Some of Uio- aldermen nt first favored having on appraisal niado of thti value of tlio scales , nnd hnvo Captain William's tnko thorn nt whatever sum that should prove to bo , nnd the city to stand the ba'nco. Afterwards they changed their mind , nnd decided that Captain Williams should take the scales at $300 , and the city should reimburse him for any loss in disposing of thorn nt the end of his term of office. Captain Williams declines to take the scales , nnd if ho persists in this and buys a sot of scales himself , the city will find itself called on to pay $300 for on old pair of scales worthless loss than n third of that amount , and of no use to the city. It is suggested that if the council can afford to give B300 for sending two citizens to Washington on n pleasure trip , it can afford to pay $300 in possessing itself of a sot of scales , to bo owned as city property , nnd used by the superin tendent of markets , as other city property is owned by the city and jsed by the ollicors during their term of ollico. ADJUSTED BY AYJ&ESWORTH. A Number of Cases Disposed of In the Superior Court Yesterday. In the superior court yesterday a number of minor offenders had their cases adjusted. 'Cranky Bill" was brought up on n charge of vagrancy. The case was dismissed but another charge laid against him , it being that of the lar ceny of Bomo architect's tools. On this his attorney , John Lindt , pre sented the necessary affidavit for a change of venue , and the court , in stead of sending the case to Justice Fralnoy ns was naturally to bo ex pected , sent it to the district court. This was a surprise party to the attor ney , as it was the first time such a question had tcomo \ up. The court hold that it being a case in which it had final jurisdiction , itvas his duty to bend it to the district court , though in cases where ho sat as simply an ex amining magistrate the change would bo totho nearest justice. Lindt nt once naked for permission to with draw the motion for a change of yonuo but the state , by Mr. Scott , objected and ho was given until this afternoon to n showing in support of is request to withdraw the motion. The order of the court changing the case to the district court was just what the prosecution 'wanted , as it would enable the state to hold the prisoner hero until the meeting of that court , and give ample time for working up nonio othor'cases against him. E. C. Massey , charged with fighting on the street , had his case coutmuod. William Quinlan , charged with dis turbing the pouco and with being drunk , pleaded guilty to both charges and was given a total fine of $16. 0. Lomhorn , for being drunk , WOB assessed $3 and coats. Jack McGco , for disturbing the peace , found his bill to foot up § ! ) . The Harzman case was continued until Wednesday afternoon. John lieckloy , charged with allow ing low characters to lounge about his place , was ivon a continuance until the first Monday m May. A complaint was entered against Fat Lack for keeping his saloon open on Sunday. B. F. Ellsworth , of Silver Crook , appeared before the conrt with one eye draped , as the result of a little neighborhood difference of opinion , Ho avowed that ono Jasper Miller had threatened to shoot him on sight , and asked for n warrant for Miller's arrest. It-was granted. RISING TO EXPLAIN. Mr. Moore , tbo Contractor , Sayo Hla Say In Response to tbo Dissatis fied Teamsters. Mr. M. A. Moore , who has taken the contract for filling Main street , saya that ho can BOO no reason for the teamsters to bo dissatisfied , His side of the nlfair ia that ho has taken the contract at twenty-four cents a cubic yard , payable in general warrants , ono yard making about a load. Ho took rho contract chiefly for the purpose ot keeping his own teams employed , in- ptcad of making much money direct from the contract. The twenty-four cents which ho receives a yard-is pay able in general fund warrants , which in the ntarkot are now at about fifteen per cent , discount. Bo hires the teams at twenty cents a load , and proposes paying this in cash once in two weeks , so that the teamsters will not bp subjected to n discount upon what they receive. Ho says that if the teamsters want tlu-ir pay dally ho will do so , provided they will take the discount off , but if content to wait two weeks they can receive cash in full. full.Mr. Mr. Moore also says that some ot the teamsters have two wagons nnd ono team , and by hiring a man at 81. GO a day to load ono wagon while they nro loading the other , are able to pull out thirty loads a day , making $0 daily , and deducting the $1.50 , mak ing S4.50 not for the team and driver. For those reasons ho thinks that no complaint should bo made. PERSONAL ! W. W. Hamilton , of lUclne , was at tin Ogclcu yesterday. 1T. . Moyne lias so far recovered 01 to be able to be up and around. Milton Tootle , the widely known mer chant who has stores In several western titles , was In the city yesterday. IOWA ITEM8. There are 22 Irish land loagno or * ganizations in the state. Taylor county is about to build a $30,000 court house. There are now over fifty telephone subscribers in LeMnrs. A $2,000 creamery is now in course of construction nt Onawn. The upper Mississippi is rising rap idly , causing the floods up north. In Dickinson county Mr. and Mrs. Anderson lost four children in ton days by measles. Frank Davy , Auditor of Palo Allo county , has absconded. Ho is n de faulter to the amount of 8700. John Draper , living in the cast part of Monroe county , was kicked to djoath by a horse. > > " "Colorado's now state senator , Qeo. M. Chilcott , at ono time taught school in Henry county. - The damage done by last week's cyclone in the immediate vicinity of Amos , amounts to $10,000. McGregor has a bonded indebted ness of about $70,000 , nnd wants to settle at thirty-five cents on the del lar. Ottumwn has jumped the price of n sateen license from $150 to $1,000. Most of the saloon mon say they will quit.Tho The Episcopalians of Kookuk nro talking of erecting a handsome church to cost somewhere between $20,000 and $30,000. A move it on foot to establish a atato Methodist weekly paper , to bo published either at Cedar Rapids or Dos Moincs. fgTho First National bank of Daven port has declared a semi-annual divi dend of 8 per cent , payable May 1. Quiet consolation in holding stock in that institution. A chattel mortgage in order to bo valid must bo recorded within thirty davs of its eiiicution. This law took effect on the first of the present month. Falllnl Fall In ! The long roll Rounds to-night and the prohibition workers are expected to fall promptly into lino. The amendment guns will bo unlimbered , and the hotshot of argument poured into thn enemy's ranks. Short speeches , music , select , read ings , will bo the order of the evening. Conio ono , como all , nnd nu ko this , the opening mooting of the campaign , n grand send off. COMMITTEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , ui. Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sato , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted la thl column at the low ratoof TEN CENTS PER LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVK CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent insertion. Leave adr ortlscmcnts at our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Urcadway. " 11TANTED U .Oil man to tend horses and YV dilva team. Enquire at But offlce , Coun cil Iliads. 'ANTED Boarders by day or week. Fur- W nlthed rooms. 200 4th slreot. opr256t CWB SALE One story frame cottage , on JL ) monthly payments of ? 60. Bancroft or 4th street. pllO-6t H. C. CORY. OR SALE Beautiful residence lots , t I each ; noting down ; and Si per month only , > y KX-MAYOK VAUQUAN. aplS-tf _ 1TTIOII RENT A new and very desirable houa JU on a. Fctrcmh .troct , neuly opposite Presbyterian - bytorian MRS. S. H. SMITH. opr24-2t TCTO II KENT BechUH'a Hotel , middle Urood- JJ way , Council Bluffs , Iowa ; Is a well-known hquse ; out location In the city. Stealing In cluded. Call on or iddresi qpllO 1m _ PETER BECIITKLL. /I ALL AND SEE A SPLENDID CRAYON V/ portrait o ! a prominent citizen , done by a Brut-class Boston artist , at the Eicolelor rallery , iUliietrect. aprlEtf HALE Welbcrtrund , or Woman's Krlond , the great ucrman discovery , Positive cure for female ncakness In all its various forms and stapes. At apia.lm llEHAVEN'S Dtuj Store. TJ10R SiLE Large brick resloence , nine JJ rooms. Qoo4 location 84 , WO. aprlS-Gt AUENT ft SIMS. t H RENT KurnUhed rooms , e. w. cor , Eth F Mo. and llth ttrcit. nj > r8-2w * FDR. . W.X. PATTON Phjelclan and Oculist. DR. cure any case of soroco . It Is only u matter of lime , and can cure generally in from three to five weeks-It makes no differ ence how long diseased. Will straighten cross cycH. operate and remove rtjrcgmms , etc. , and insert artificial ejcs. ap5-tf TJ10H KENT T o nicely furnished rooms teD _ D tingle gentlemen , In very desirable looation. tpll-tf J. W , SQUIRE & CO. RENT. Tuo $20 house acd ono tore , EOIl 11 roadway. Apuly aprll-lm" A M. WILSON. YON K W TINd sonr e line quality broom AN corn teed can i lit bv wrltlngti ) uplStf 1' . .JIAYNE , Council Bluffs. Everybody In Council Bluffs lo WANTED Tin till , 20 cents per week , do ll\orod by carriers. OIHte , No 7 I'carl Btreojt' near Iroadway. ) VXrANTKD To buy 100 toni broom corn. W For particulars address Council BluOi Uroom Factory , Council Bluffs , Iowa. 668-29U T710R SALE-Old papers ! 8o per hundred , at JJ The Hoe office. Council BluDs. ec27-tl RENT Largo home , centrally heated , FOR wounds ' etc. , 825 per month : Enquire at HKM otlice I'1MI ' sold this week at any price , one MUHTlia genulno Oil I'aintlngs In ho * v Bold frames 6 feet vide and 3 tea blyh ; alsoono gentlcmrn's 7 itono iianulne Diamond Cluster I'ln nnd ona holld Gold Stenvwlndlru Gmulno American WaUh , will bo § old \ety cheap , or will exchange a | or part of thcsi Roods for a horse and carriage , aprtl-2t * 714 WathliiKton Ave. One o ! tholJesriTiond-clasii Hotels In tlio West 1s the BROADWAY HOTEL , A. E BU WN , Proprietor. Noa. 6S and 630 Broadway , founcll Bluffs , low . Tabla supplied with th best the market af- forilt. O od rooms and Urst-closi bods. Terms SCANDINAVIAN HOTEL. N. Anderion , - - Proprietor , , 732 Lower Brood * * ? . Table suppl'od 1th the best the m rket sf- fords. Term. .60 nd Jl.00p rwo k. Transient 11.00 per day. UNION AVENUE HOTEL. 817 Lower Broadway , Mrs , C , Qerspacher & Son , FIRST OLASBTIOTEL AT REA SONABLE PRICES , TRANSIENTS ACCOMMODATED. HOTEL rou RUNT. GOOD REASONS you HKNTINQ , TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying the Aesthetio Wants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES , Wi ith Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , Fresh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas , Boston Tea Co. 16 Main Bt , and 15 Pearl St. , Council .Bluffs . , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Eoad , Track , Coach & Livery HARNESS ! FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. H. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CimtSTOPHCR , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD ! Bright and yellow and bird and cold , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'd , Heavy to Ret and light to hold ; Hoarded , bartered , bought and Bold , Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ; Spurned by the young , Lnt hugged by the old To the very verge of the churchyard mould ; Price of many a ciimo untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If YOU want to have gold yon must spend your money to the very beat advant age. Do business with cash men , and where only one price will be naked or taken. REMEMBER "A tree la known by its fruit " A store by its prices. ONE THING CERTAIN Dur prices are right. Our business is a guarantee that fair dealing is our watch word. XLCRisour motto. Our busi ness la in a most healthy condition. Every department is doing good work. Canned Goods are going off very cheap. Teas and Coffees a choice assortment. Fancy Shelf Goods for the , million. Come and see us , we will do yon food. F , J , OSBORNE ft GO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS IRON WORK , MANUFACTURERS OP ENGINES , BOILERS , MINING AND GENERAL MACHINERY Offlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo giro special attention to Stamp Mills , Smelting Furnaces , HOIBTERS AND GEHERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general assortment ' sortment o ! Brass Goods , Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , ( Joke , Ooal , OHAS , HENDEIB , President. 2. OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS FIXTURES. Bixby & Wood , THE PLUMBERS. On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. Mi PALMEE , DEALER J " , REAL ' ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Drs ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & lit Ave. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MAUBBB & OEAIQ , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Bleb Cut Glass , Fine French China , Silver Ware &o. , 840 DKOIDWAT. . COUNCIL BLUFFB. IOWA. MBS , fl. J. HILTON , M , D , , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 Broadwav , Council BluHV W. ti. AMKNT , JACOU tilllS AMENT & SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsollors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFB. IUWA , HARKNESS , ORCUTT & CO. , DRY GOOD AFD CARPET HOUSE. Cor. fourth St Broadway , . , Council Bluffs , Iowa. mar-r-Sm - - J. MUELLER'S whickering , Weber , Lindeman , J. Mueller and other Pianos , $200 and upward. Burdett , Western Cottage , ! Tabor and Pnloubet Organs , $60andup-ward. Musi DVT cal Merchandise of every diacription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. Music Books , ShoetMnsicI'oys , Games , Fancy GoodB , Wholesale and Re TT 3L , tail. Pianos and Organs Bold for Cash and on Time. Stock is large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica S tion. Correspondence Solicited , Address : \J. I C . MUELLER , 103 South 5th Street , O IE COUHCIL BLUFFS , IBWA , F. F. FORD Guarantees the Best $1.50 , * $1.75 ancE$2.00 TVTX3D > 3EI X7KT MC3BC3EB Bluff and W UIBI Streets , Council luffs. FURNITURE HOUSE. Mirrors. Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. , Wood find Metallic- Coffins , No. 436 Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. UNION BAKERY , 517 SOUTH MAIN STREET. THE BEST BREAD IN" THE OITT. None but nrst-clasa Bakers employed. Bread , Cake , Pico , c. , delivered to-any part of the cityt Our Wagons run all day. P. . AYRES , Proprieaor. M E T C A L F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS i. IN ( Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. < CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. ' * REAL'S STATE AG E NT , 3aa For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimpr&ved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number or Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Offlco with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUNTOILi BILUFS THE YERYTATEST STYCES-'OF Wall Paper and Window Shades * > t | And the Lirgest Assortment to Scloottrom. . Paper Hanging and Interior .Decorating Done in tlie Latent Style of Modern Art * Geo. R. Beard , 11 Pearl St. Council Bluffs * C. A. 11EKBE , W. RUNYAN , \V. BEEBE- C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Itetall Dealers inn FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Irs , J , E , letcalfe and Miss Belle Lewis Are now dealing In all kinds of fancy goods , such as Laces , Embroideries , Indies'Underwear of all descriptions. Also Handkerchiefs , both in silk and linen , hose of all Klnds > thread , pins , needles , itc. . Wo hope the laalcs will call and eeo our stock of pooda at 630 Broadway bifore go ing elsewhere. K J. DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Dealer In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS ofAHKinds ) . A Fall Line of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting j nnd Stamped GoodaNloo Anaortnont of Applique Pictures FIRE AWAY FLANIGAN i Or , in the language of Cromwell , we say to the little souls who deal in Shoddy Goods and Misrepresenta tion by telling their handful of customers that Our Prices are above their own , to "Fire-Away Flanig n. ' Otir Customers know wo deal in Honest Made , Comfortable Fitting , Stylish BOOTS SHOES and SUPPERS , And that our prices are as low as it Is possible to [ soil good goods. InTost gate for yourself. Z. T. LINDBEY & CO. , 412 BEDADWAT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA And WESTSIDS SQUARE , CLARIUDA IOWA , y Wi