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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1882)
THE OJ > JAHA DAILY BKJU : TUESDAY APKIL A i882. 3 ( THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PUBLISHING OO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bat. Oth and 10th Qtreet * . ( TERMS Or SUBSCRIPTION. Oas copy 1 year , In advance ( postpaid ) > . (10.00 0 months. " i' . . .go month ii ii . . . ( 3A.ILWAY TIME TABLE. Cite cmcioo , IT. nut , immuroui u tt ve Onuhk PswcnRcf No , 8 , 8:30 : . m. Ac mmotUtlon No. 4 , 1:0 : Cp.m AtrlreOmtha tuseogti No , 1,6:20 : p. m cctcaMlrOIon No. 8 , 10:50 : . m. itUCIl OMtnjL EMI OR 80UTII BOOKV. 0. , B. a O. 7:40 : , m. 8:40 : p. m. 0. & N. W. , 7:40 . m.-3:40 : p. m. 0. , n , I. & p. , 7io ; . m. 8:10 P. m. E. O..St. J. A o. B.,1carcs at f 0 a. m. and 7:4 m. Arrlres at St. Louis t BSO : t. m. and 6C : m. yT.t BUL.ll P. , leaves US a. m. and 8:40 : p Arrlres a St. Louis at 6:40 : a. m , and 7:8 : m W t Oft BOUTUH1S18. ' D , ft U. In Neb. , Through Express , 8 : 0 a. tn. B , ft U. Lincoln Express 0:20 : p. m. U P. Overland Express , 12:16 : p. m. O. ft R. V. for Lincoln , 11:48 : a. m. O. ft R V. for Oscoola , 9:40 : a. m. ( T , P freight No. B , 6:30 : a , In. 0 , P 1 rclpht No. 9 , 8:20 : a. m. C , F. freight No. IS , 2:60 : p. m. t7 , P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant. - . P. Denver express , 7:36 : p. m. TJ. P. freight No II , 11:30 : p. m. D , P. Denver freight , 8:26 p. m. 1ST AND MUTfl. B. & O 6:00 : a. m. 7:25 : p m. C. ft N. W. , 9:46 : a. m. 7:26 : p. rn. C. R. I. &P.,9:46 : a. m. 9:06 p. in. a. C. , St. Joe tfO B. , 7:85 a. m. < S:46p. : m ABBIVWO moil tn * WM AKD somnwut , 0. * R , V. from Lincoln 1:08 : p. m. D. P. Pflclllo Express 3:25 p. m. D A M , In Neb. , Through Express I'.U p m n. M. Lincoln Kxprps * 9:40 : a ra. J C. P. Denver oxprcax , 7:35 a. ra. D. P. freight No. 14-2:50 : r. m. ' U. P. No. 0 6:10 : a. m. Kmlif ant U. P , freight No. 14,12:16 : p. m , D. P. No. 8 0:00 : p. in. U. P. No. 12 1:45 : a. m. D , P. Denver f rolebt , 1:10 a. in.1 O. & R. V. mixed , M. 4:46 : p. tn. BUUHt TRAINS BsrwRBN OlIAtIA AB9 OOOSUL Burrrs. Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 tn , ! 1:0 2:00 : , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leave Council Bluffs at 2:26 : , 9:26 : , 10:25 and 1:86 a. m. ; 1:26 : , 2:25 : , 8:26,4:26 : : and 6:26 : p. m. Bun-'me Thei dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 a , ra. ! 2:00 : , 4XX ) and B:00 : p. in. Leaves Conncll llluils at 0:26 : and 11:26 a. in. ; 2:25,1:25 : : end G25 ; p. in. Tbroaghnmt local paaaeneer trains between Omaha and Council llluHs. Leave Omaha 0:16 : J:46 , 8:60 : a. 111. ; 3:40 : , 6:46 : , 6:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40,11:35,11:46 a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:06 : , 7:16 tiC p. in. Opening ana Closing of M lls. UOUTft. OVKH. CLOA1. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. Chicago * N. W 11.00 0:00 6SO : 2:40 : Chicago , R 1. * Pacific. 11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , B. & Q. . . . . . .11:00 : 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Wabash 12BO : 6SO 2:10 : Bloux City nnil Pacific. . 0:00 : 5SO : 2:40 : Dnlon Paclfl2 4:00 11:40 : OmihahR. V . * . 4:00 11UO ! . * M. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . . . 6:00 : 7:30 : B. AM. Lincoln 10:30 : 6:00 D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 J. P. DemcrExp 9:00 : 6:30 O. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 110 5:40 Local matin for State ot Iowa leave but once a day , vlx : 0:30 : a , m. Office open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TT1.0S. F HALL P M. fb. TfV * . Business Directory. Abstract and Real bttate. JOHN L. McOAGUE , opposlto Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT 817 South 18lh Street Architect * . DDFBENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS Room 14. Crclgbton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Cielghton Block. Boot * and Shoe * . JAMES DIVINE & co. , Vine Boots and Shoes. A good assortment { some work on band , corner Izth and Harney. TECS. ERICESON , S. E. cor. 16th and Douftlaa. JOHN FORTUNATUB. 00510th f trcet , manufactures to order good work t lair price * . Rooalrlnr done. Bad Sprint * . LARRIIIER Manufacturer. 1517 Donrltttt. Book * , News and Stationery. 1,1. rHUEHAUF 1015 F rnhim Street. Butter and Egg * . HoSHANE & SCHROEDER , the oldest B. and E. houao In Nebraaka cntabllohed 1S7C Omaha. CKNTllAL RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , tuthwcat corner letband Dodtre. Best Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed , i i' ' I at all Eouri. Board by the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Caah. Fnrnlshod Ttnnmg Supplied. Carriage * and Road Wagon * . WM BNTDER , 14th and Earner Streeta. Clothing bought. J. BARRIO will pay hlghestCash prloe lor second band clothlnr. CornciilOth and Farnham. jowo era. JOHN BAUMER 18U Farnham Street. Uunk. H. BERTHOLD , Ratp and Metal. . Lumber Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OR&T corner 6th find Douzlas Sta. Lamps and Qlastware. J. BONNER 1309 Donslaa St Good Variety. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A. LINDQUEST , One ol our most r/cpular Merchant Tailor ) Is re ceiving the latest designs lor Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen's wear. Stylish , durable , end prices low as ever 216 13tb bet. Farn. Millinery. MRS. O. A. RINGER , Wholesale and Retail , Fan cy Goods In great variety , Zephyre , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Coreeta , Ac. Cheapest UOUBO In the West. Purchasers save SO per cent. Order by Mall. HE Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WKARNB & SONS cor. Uth * JackeonstJ Hour and Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham Sta. , Welshane Bros. , proprietore. Grocers. 2. 8TEVHN8 , Slst between Cumtng ami lur T. A. MoSHANli , Corn. 23d and CumlnBTfltrccta. Mnruwaie , Iron na ateel. OLAN & LANGWORTny , Wholesale , 110 ani ? 112 Uth street A. HOLMES corne Iftth and California. Harnes * , Uaouies , tic. B. WEI8T 2013th St. bet Farn-A Ilarnty , Hotel * i'&NFIKLD HOUSE , Geo. Canfleld.Btb & Farnhan ) BORAN HOUSE , P. H. Gary , 818 Farnham Sk BLAVEN'S HOTEL , F. Slaven , 10th fit. Bouthern Hotel Gun. Hamel Oth A Leavenwortb run * , f aim * na uiu. KUHN & CO. Fhtnnacltts , Flna fane Goods , Cor , Km and Dongus ttreeta W. J. WQITEHOUPE , Wholesale & RcUll , ICtb St. 0. FIELD , 022 North Side Cumin ? Street. PARR. Druggist. 10th and Honard Street * . Dentliu. DB. PAUL Williams'Block Cor. 16th & Dodge. Dry Qood * Notions , fctc , JOHN H. F. LEtiMANN & CO. , BTew York Dry Goods Store , 1810 and IBIS Farn- bam strtet. L. 0. Enewold also boots and shoe * ft Paclflc. rurulture. A V , GROSB , New and Btjond Hand Furniture nd Stoves , 1111 Dcuvla * . Highest caib price aid lor second hand goods. .BONNKR 1E09 Dowla st. Fine goods 4c. t tree Work * . OUAEA FENCE CO. OUBT , FRIESCO 1218HameySt. , Improve d Ics Boxes , lice acj Wood Fences , Offlca Illnirn. flnnntn' ? lno and Walnut Pawnbroker * . BOBENFELD 10th St. . bet far. A Har Refrigerator * , Canfleld' * Patent. GOODMAN 1th St. bet. Kara. & Uarney Oler and Tobacco. WEST A FRIT8CBER , mannfactnren Ol Cigars , and Wholwale Dealers ! n Tobaccos , 1505 Douglat. ff , F. LORKNZRN manufacturer lilt Farnham Florist. A. Donaghno , plant * , cat Bowers , seeds , coquet eta. H , W. cor. 18th and Douclaa street * . Civil Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW nOSEWATER , Crclghton Block Town Surveys , Grade and Sewerag * Systems a Specialty. Commission Merchant * . JOHN G. WIL LIS.1IU Dodge Street D B. BEEMER. For details see large advertise ment In Daily and Weekly. Cornice Work * . Western Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofltng. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the bes manner. Factory and Office 1218 Harney St C. SPECHT , Proprietor. Oalranlted Iron Cornices , Window Caps , eta. manufactured and put up In any part ol the country. T. StNUOLD § 16 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNKR 1809 Douglas street. Good line. Clothing and Furnlahlng Qoo' . GEO. H. PETERSON. Aim Hate , Caps , Boot * , Shoos Notions and Cutlery , 601 B. 10th street. Show Case Manufactory. ) 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ol Show Cases , Upright Cues. . , 1317 Cass St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street , between Ijcnienworth and Uarcy. All good warranted flrst-olaoa. _ Btoves ana mwar * . A. BURMESTKR , Dealer In Btoves and Tinware , and Manufacture of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows * Block. J. BONNKR. ISOfl DonilM Bt. and and Cheap. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and Cultivators Odd Fellows Hallj Physician * and Burgeon * . W. 8. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No t , Crelghton Block. IBth Street. P. S. LEISKNR1NG , U. D. Masonic Block. 0. It. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflce DR. L. B. GRADDY. OctJll . nd Aurlst. 8. W 16th and Farnham Bts Hhotograpnora. GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Grand Central Gullery , 12 Sixteenth Street , nror Mnaonle Hall. FUst-cIass Work and Prompt ness guarantee ! ! Plumblnc , aa * and Btoam Fitting. P. W. TAl'.PV & CO. , 210 12th St. , bet. Karnbam and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. 7JTZPATRICK. 1109 Douetas Street. alntlng n aper anglng. 1ENRY A. KOSTKRS. Ill Dodge Street. Shoe Store * . Phillip Lan 1S20 Farnham et. bet 18th & Uth. Second Hand Btoro. PERKINS & LEAR. 1116 Douglas St. New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , &c. . bourht and sold on narrow marrlns. baiooni. HENRY KAUFMANN , In too new brick block on Douglas Straet , ha * Just opened a most elegant Dew Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 every day. " Caledonia "J FALCONER 87918th Street. Undertaker * . CHAS. RIEWE , 101 Farnham bet 10th ft lltd. 00 Cent Store * . P. 0. BACKUS Farnham St. Fancy Goods GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE TRADE MARK The GrcatTRlJDB MARK Engllshrem. cdy. An un failing euro t for Seminal Weakness , Spormator- rhea , Impot- cncy , and all Diseases that' follow as & BEFORE TAKINO.sequonco of AFTER TAIIRB. Self-Abuse ; as Ix s of Memory , Universal Lass ! tude , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vision , Premature mature Old Age , and many other Diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Premature - turo Grave. tarFull particulars In our pamnhlet , which wodcslre to send free t r mall to every one. 4&Tho Specific Medicine Is lold by all druggist ! at SI per package , or 6 packages lor S6 , or will be tent free by mall on reel p tot the'money , by addressing TUB OR A MEDICINE CO. , Buffalo , N. T. orsaler ocfmo-eod lcyounrea mn.n ot le > ened by t be utralii or teratollJnfrovorii..u- your duties avolrf Dlgbt work , to r > 9- ttunulantianil us * torn brain nerve and Hop Bitters. WSM6 , UM HOP B. If yon are your ( t and t dufferinK from auy It * discretion or dlsjlpal tluni If you arc mir- rtod or elnglo. old or I yourtj ? , suu erlnjr from poorbealtb or languish I lnic oa a bed ot sick DCSB , rely on Hop ! BItterfl. Whoever yonarc.J Thciuanas ale an- whenever you feel iallrtrom some that your sjrtcm I form at If ! j n e ) y needs cleanslnp. ton-1 dJscife that mIKlit Inir or Btlmalattog , havobeenpreventoa by timely use of take Hop Hcp&itter * BlttO' * . ftliita , D , I. O dlse ef Is an abscluU plnlni , > and irrcBtfttO' of th * * ( o iacni | ' HOP bio cure foi Uvermntrvtii drunkenness , use of opium , You will be tcbacoo , ar euro J If you UK narcotics. Hop Bitters If TOO are aim- HIT weak and loifnlrltoJ.try NEVER Iti It may enveyour FAIL life. It Una saved hun dredar To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr , J. B. Simpson's Specific It Ia a poejUvo euro for Upennatoirbea , Semlna V'coktie-3. Impotency , and all dUiease * resulting rom Scll-Abuso , as Mental Anxiety , Lowi Icmory. Pnlna In the Hack or Side , and disease * tlmt load to Conramptlon Insanity an , early if rove Tno Spoclflc Medicine Ii being .used with wonder' ful success. _ _ Pamphlet * cnt free to all. Write for them and get full par- IruUrs. Price , Specific , tl.OO per package , or six pack * ares for'yj.00. Address all orders U ) B. SIMEON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 106 Main St IluUalo , 11. Y. SoM In Omaha bf 0. F. Ooodmin , J. W. Hell , a . K , lull , aud all dnicffleUeverywhure. 4 -dfeir : F. D. NOLTE , XCj B\.XXjXCO. VX > Employment Agent Railroad Outfit on Short Notice. IOTH ST. NEAR FA ft NAM. Geo. P. Bemis ESTATE AGENCY , I6th and DodgoUts. , Omaha , Neb , This Ktaisy does BiKiorLTa brokerage bastnesi. Cots utepeouUte and therefora any bargalni nooks are Insured to " " Initoad THE KEKDA'LL PLAITIieiACHIlIEl - . DEESS-MAKBES' OOMPANION , } tJf * % ? 'rom ' J'16. ° ! * n lnch to Idth In the coarsest felts or finest si ks It does all kinds and style , of rlaltlng In use. No lady tbat does ber own dr B-makiu | { D fford to do without one as nice plrltlutr Is ever out of fashion , II seen It veil * Itself. For Uachinea , Circulars or Agent's term * addreaa OONGAR & CO. , 113 Adams St. Cblcaco 111. CANADIAN HALF-BREEDS. The Wandering ; Hordes of Thlovos nod Smugglers on the Border Where the Indiana Got Tholr Arms Chicago Tiroes Letter. Foni KEOQII , Montana , April 12. In the western and southern portions of Manitoba , and throughout all the vast extent of American territory ly ing west of longitude 104 , between the upper Missouri and the British line , there roams a singular people. Their entire lives txro spent in wandering about from wince to place , slapping only when detained by the inclemency of the weather or during the time when trade is profitable. They have covered this great tract of country with their traits. Their number is not definitely known , but will proba bly run well into the thousands Like the gypsies , they move in small com munitics of n hundred or more rela tives or particular friends , each gang having its head man or chief. Usual ly their progress is slow , but when pur sued they have boon known to travc.r witli most remarkable speed. These people arc called "half' breeds , " and arc corlnmly a inongro sot. Among them ara Indians , half- castes , mid full-blooded Caucasians. In their ranks are villainous represent atives of almost all European nations. There nro Irishmen , Danes , English man , Swedes , and Frenchmen , exiles or escaped convicts , who , finding life n burden at homo , have sought refuge among these priimtivn people married their women , and boon admitted into their tribes solely for individual ag grandizement and the following ol pursuits prohibited by the laws of all civilized countries. Originally the "half-breeds" must hnvo united in themselves sulliciontly bad qualities. They wore lazy , ignor ant , aavago , and avaricious , but ren dered harmless by a great preponder ance of cowardice. The desperadoes from without brought with themselves superior intelligence , power and cour ago. These higher characteristics , instinctively stinctivoly recognized and admired by the "nomads , " quickly raised the strangers to such a degree in their es timation that they willingly allowed themselves to bo led by their newly found friends. The natural const ) quoncoB of this change became at once apparent. Formerly these people subsisted innocently enough by hUnting - ing and trading. Now plundering , struggling and illicit bartering with the Indians h < w become their voca tion. Their multitudes of carts , once used solely for transportation of the children , iood and shelter , are now loaded down with whisky , rifles and cartridges. Ever since the spirit of desperate enterprise inaugurated by their outcrat leaders has taken root , they have supplied the Indians hostile to our government with the means for carrying on war. For a long time the indignation of the public was exceed ingly strong against traders or other persons who at agencies or elsewhere allowed or encouraged the sale of warlike stores to the Sioux. "Whence can come these splendid weapons but from the stores of Amori- dan traders ? " was the common reason ing. Now it appears that the bulk of the hostile supplies came through the Canadian "half-breeds. " So cunning was their mode of operating that not until too late was it discovered as cer tain that for every single rifle or cart ridge procured at an agency there wore a hundred purchased from aliens. Moro than-this ; they not only furnish ed the minions of Sittin .Bull with all the necssaries of carrying on a war which cost us hundreds of valuable lives and $2,000,000 , but they encour aged , sheltered , and fe'd thcso ene mies of the United States on Ameri can soil. There numeroun corrals formed for the hostiles so many points of support , and bases of supply , and aided thorn just as now theyassist the thieving parties of Sans Arcs and Crces who annually fall upon our settle ments to plunder. In 1879 , Gen. Miles , during his pursuit of Sitting Bull , caught a largo number of half- breeds , and was for dealing with them n a summary and proper manner , but lis sound reasoning was not well iceded at Washington , and the mis creants who wore directly ronponsiblo 'or so many murders still go unpun ished. They continuo to carry on ; heir nefarious practices almost in sight of the gates of frontier posts. The Canadian government , long cognizant of the evil doings of their subjects beyond their borders , have akon no steps to put a stop to them. Since thnir people at homo nuifor no nconvonienco , why should they inter- 'ore whilstwo 'so ' tamely submit to such a state of affairs'/ / The moro recent - cent operations of these people have icon of such a distinguished character as to again excite public attention In surly March a United States marshal , n the employ of the government , and n the execution of his duty , was eized and hold prisoner by a gang who objected to hia levying on u sertain lot of smuggled goods they lad with them. So threatening was ho attitude of the captors that two companies of infantry were not doomed ufllciont to cope with them or oll'eo t lie release of the marshal. Coneo- [ uontly , it became necessary to detach lareor force from the nearest post fort Acsinaboino , Montana. A series of rapid marches brought this column o the vicinity of the bravo "half- woods , " who at once ( led , fortunately eloasing their prisoner , safe and ound. The extent of the punish- ncnt amounted to the burning of a e\v miserable hovels and the temporary ary expulsion of the outlaws from th'o oiritory. This act is the boldest hey have at yet committed , but as ho torpidity of the government in- reasca or contiuucs their confidence will augment , until , after a little while they will commit some horrible rime. This climax will , apparently , > o necessary in order to awaken an arncst desire to rid the world of these > ests. Distant expeditions aguimt heso "half-breeds,1' ' unless conducted vith the utmost secrecy and rapidity , vill have but little chance of success , 'hoy are no well supplied with spies and scouts that whoa the troops arrive near them they will always bo found just a little nearer that never- failing refuge the line. The upshot of this traitor will bo either the continual maintenance- numerous small columns in the Holds within easy reach of the border , or the construction of a now military post , a great expense , somewhere in the Milk river region , Perhaps both will becorno necessary , since the affair becomes - comes daily moro complicated. The Canadian government has made no at tempt at providing for the future o their Indians. Their only moans o subsistanco , the buffalo , is already al most entirely gono. Statistics show a greater killing during the past winto than over before. A year or two longer will deprive thcso savages o their only food. Thohungry Indians who have already forced the nuthori ties north of the line to submit to several of their demands , will tlioi become n thousand times moro clam orous and moro difficult to control Docs anyone suppose that the savages will then make the nice diatinctioi hither ( o observed between settlers north and those south of the bounda ry ? Then will the "half-breed1'show his colors in Canada , and it will require more than five hundred mounted no lice to prevent the ropottion of his prosperous business of 1870 and 1877. * * * Perhaps in these days which must surely come , the government ol the dominion will fully appreciate what their neighbors suffered through their culpable neglect. Then will the economy now practiced ntour expense prove of the most false order. No longer tolerated in Montana , the "half-breeds" will find in the fou ol the Saskatchewan n retreat cq'Mily ' secure as was the international bom U ary , and from which they will onif'iz to cause quite as much evil in B'i ' toba as they already Imvo in the Yel lowstone. Never Giro Up * If you are suffering with low and do- Sroamed spirits , IOM ot appetite , general obllity , disordered blood , weak constitu tion , houlnclio , or any dlaoaso of n blliotu nature , by all menus procure a bottle of KIcctrio Hitters. You will bo surprised to too thornpld improvement that will fol'mv ' ; you will bo inspired with new life strength and activity will returnjpain ami misery will cease , , and henceforth you will rejoice In the p'ralso of Electric IJHtcrs. Sold at fifty cents o bottle , byO. F. Good LIST OF LETTERS llemaining In Postoffico during tin * week ending April 22J , 1882. Gi.STLEMKN. Ahrcns J Altnon D Armstrong J W Anderson O A Adkins b M Anderson H Buck 0 Urown G W Buck G P nnrtingcr 11 Blackmoro J A Boyd J L Buckbanon .T Barker G E Baniagqy W O Collins R F Cutter T 11 1 Carlson 0 L Crisp G H Cutting , T O Cook L KrakoW DlxWT Downing RE Davla O Davidson E R Donoglme II EvnnH W O Evlsuw M Earl O B Felkcr M 0 Franktnrt W J Fairchlld F H Footo R Garyln S Grlllin C 2 Garner J C Griffin W Guild D L Gallagher J Greennwalt J G Gilbert li B Gabriel S Hall J E-2 Ilnnsen S Hasan J B Jones II Johnson H A Janssoa J A Johnston J J Johnson M A Kotcluun 0 A Kelly J P Leitch T Lybetso B Lang J B Lindqueat A F Larson C Lamontatn J Lyon J * Mi'Q aid J 2 McKinzy D McClelland E C M lonq M Moren W Madden P H Mortensen N Mansfelth W Mills W S Mntbows S 2 Mans S W Mathews 0 E Miller G Moor G I Mack D O'Mallov 0 O'Conner W P Oleaon A Peterson G Peck H M Patnam H Preston S J Rothery E Rohriir , A 2 Rodger A Rlngtor B P Rider G Rogers J H M Renel J Richardson L Renstrom HA RichardsPO Kogers T Rldgway W O -lick W E Stan F W Starr F Sanderson E W Smielt H N Sharey A Steele 1) R Savage T i'halu L Valentine R WalkerEP Wilson ED T Ward E Watts J U Wattles L Woolens Win Willhit W L Watts J E /ersler W LADIES. Anderson A Miss Allen Mrs M J Baxter M H S A Burchus Miss E' ielti Mrs A Blsochf A H 5uver M Cahlll Mrs 1C Jonolioo S 2 Davis L D-n Jgne Mrs E Evans Mrs J C fletciier Mrs N O Greenwald Mrs H Goold Mlsa B Glgas Miss M tibson Mrs E Glabe Mr * L 2 lazoMrs M Hanson K leflin Mrs G W Henry Miss G Icabeo B Jones Mrs M E Facobsson A Kelley M E Cciuney MM M E Kennedy Mrs B jooder Mls M Lowry Mrs J H IIarilu Mrs J Myers Miss J Hills Mlm A McCllntockMrs ED HcClcarey Mm J McBride Mrs J hlartm Mrs J M McCormick Miss E ) sborn Mrs L ParkeJ Miss J "erhiiis Mrs L Rose Mm M J icgera Mrs L lloach Mrs E tct l Mrs C Stuart Mrs L JjwntiHun Tilda Stoddnrt Mrs M SedgwIokMrsD'E Sknohdopolo Miss T Schmidt Miss K Scholz Miss P Toustolot Mlds M Triiler Miss C J'aylor O A Wood Miss K WIlliaiiH Miss BWest MUs Rosa Wehdcn S THOH. F. HALL , Postmaster , The Catholio church oi PlattHmouth , inclur the zealous niinlstritloR of Father jyncli , Is rapidly increasing ir. numbers. L'no church is a substantial brick building , capable of Keating about 400. A now and lenutiftil altar was recently placed in the church. The Easter services wuro Mrictly ibservcd this scnson , the revival Interest n the wi rk rondeiing the i-ervlors doubly iluuBunt. The church Imi HII excellent ilmir , composed of Mesrn. 8'ihulofl ' and Icnry Weckbich , with Mies Melinite ot ho organ , Mi s Hem pie , MU.i HchulolF nd MIsj May Murphy. A King Amontf Chlra o CorrcsponJcnt lloiton Ilomld. In all , Phil Armour is facile prin- epa among the makers of pork. Over 1,000,000 hogs were killed at his Chicago cage packing houao last year , ever iOO.OOO moro at his packing houao in CansaaOity , several hundred thousand nero at his establishment in Milwau coo. Ho killed more porkers COO- 100 more within the last twelve nonths than both Cincinnati and St , jouis put together. Twonty-fivo mil- ion dollars of his money was dig. ributod in the corn , bolt of this country for live hogs last year. Ho its ia his ollico on Washington street n Chicago and every day talks over ho wires with his own employes in jondon , Liverpool , Antwerp , Copon- logon , Havre , Hamburg , and with mndrods of others ot them distributed hroughout the southern states , with ii partners at his bank at Kansas ) ity , with his partners at Now York and Milwaukee , When ho believes in pork ho buys , not only such as is vithin easy reach , but every barrel nd pound of meat that is or aalo in the world. Having > ought it , ho sell it , not to ho great opoculatora in this country and abroad , but bimsolf distributes every pound of it with his own dis tributing machinery the moat elab orate in the world to the pork-eators in the southern cotton states , in the manufacturing district * of England and Franco , the agricultural sections of Germany , and the lumber regions of the north. In 1870 Mr. Armour was the on nor of practically every barrel of pork in the world. Within the next year ho had sold it all ever for consumption. His speculation netted him , it is said , $7,000,000. "Tho hostile action of the French government , " said Mr. Armour , "was ostensibly taken for sanitary reasons. It was really urged , however , by French protectionists , and sprung by a wily minister of cominorco who was seeking popularity. " "Aro American meats as good yet as the foreign ! " "No , for corn-fed hogs can never make as palatable food as hess fed on barley and turnips ; but ono is a good deal cheaper than the other. Barley costs nearly twice as much an corn , The Westphalia hams cost iii London ISO to 125 shillings per 100 hundred pounds The vorv choicest American moats cost only a little ever half those figures. " "Is canned beef likely to take the place of cured pork ; and , as the can ning trade increases , is the killing and curing of hotfs likely to grow less ? " "No. The two styles of nunt do not perform the name office , and do not , consequently , conflict. The poor people buy pork to work on. They buy canned beef as n luxury , and it taken the place of the fresh moat that Lhoy are not able to buy , American packers can sell the English nill operatives and the ether poor people of Europe two pounds of canned corn beef , baucless , uid cveiy part of which is edible , for iuat ono half what two pounds of trosh meat , bo no and all , would cost them. About the only thing that itlbcts the demand for purk , aaido the uonorixl prosperity , is the pea crop n Europe , n big crop making the de mand livuly , and a failure creating a ocrious falling off. The peasant wo- : mm maku a soup out of peas and 'fat back , ' of hich they are all very fond. " I asked Mr. Armour whether the packing industry waa on the move westward , and whether Chicago was destined before very long to lese ita lupromacy as Cincinnati had already est hers ? Ho said : "Tho hogs are certainly moving west. Whereas Cincinnati was once in the center of the American hog-raising region , it is now almost outside of t. Kansas City is certainly nearer ; ho hogs now than Chicago Is , but -ho latter is likely to remain for some jino the great packing contro. The railroads Imvo made oxpenaivoarranKO- monts for delivering live stock at the Chicago yards ; transfer stations hnvo 30011 established and the Union stock , 'artls have an enormous property tore. All those interests will oppose a chango. " Trouble Snvod. It is a remarkable fact that Thomas' tfclectric OH is good for internal as well ns external use. For diseased of the lungs and throat , and for rheumatism , ncumi- ; ia , crick In the back , wounds and sores , t is the best know remedy ; and much iroublo ia save 1 by having it always on hand , 20 dlw PILES ! PILES1 PILES ! A Sure Cure Found at Lastl A sure euro for Blind , UloedTng , Itching and Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by Dr. Wll- lam , ( an Indian remedy , ) called Dr. Will am' * Indian Ointment. A slngla liox ha * cured ( he worstchronlo canon of 2fior SOyoars standing. No one need suffer five minutes alter applying this wonderful soothing modlclno. Lotions , Instru ments and electuaries do more harm than good , William's Ointment absorbs the tumors , allay * the Intense Itching , ( partlculoaly at night after getting warm In bed , ) acta as a poultice , give * In- itant and painless relief , and Is prepared only for Piles. Itching of the private parts , and for noth DC elso. Read what the Hon. J. M. Cofflnberry ol Cleve land says about Dr. William' * Indian Pile Oint ment : I have used scores ol Piles cures , and It Affords mop oasuro to say that I have Dover found anything which gave sucli immediate and perma nent relief as Dr. William's Indian Ointment. Fur aalo by all druggists or mailed on receipt price , 11.00. HENRY & CO. . Frop'n * CUVSHHP , omo. For sale by 0. F' ' Goodman. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS O. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB. MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IRON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON § SLATE ROOFING , Specht'a Patent Metnlio Sky light. Patent Adlustablo Hatchet Dar and BRACKET SHELVING. am tbo general Statu Afcnt for tbe above no of goods , IUON FKNOINO , Oreitlngs , Dalustradei , Vorundas.lOfTIco end Bank Railing * , Window and Cellar Guards , ' ulso GENERAL AG13NT Peenon and Hill Patent Inside Blind. DAVIS & SNYDER. 00 ? Farnham Bt. , . Omaha , Nebra 3fcOO.OOOflLCJ3K,3EIS Oaru.ully eolefted land lo EabUirn Nobrukafoi ale , Orcat liariralns lu Imtiroved farms , and ) maba city property , 0. IT.IBAVISI WBU8TKB I.amlCntr'r XI V -AND Store Fixture Work nd French Double Thick Flat and ttcut Show Case Olors 0. J. WILDE , 315 and 1317 Oasa Street , _ mploraent Agent I Railroad Outfit on Short Notice. Uth St. , Near Farnham. tul-eod-t Special Attention Is Once More Called to | the Fact thax HOC. Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices ot LOTH ING , FORMEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINK OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Gaps ] Wo are'propured to moot the demands of the trade In regard to Latoat Style * ' and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring In Connection S'm RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO. , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th EDHOLM & ERiCKSoN WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OF S Zti y-- " * § JEWELERS' ' ITOOLS AND MATERIALS ! ALSO WESTERN AGENTS FOl THE SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. Spectacles of tlio Oololirafcofl STAR TINTED MAKE are sold ei elusively by us , DIAMONDS IN LARGE VARIETY. Fine Line of Sheet Muaio , Eastern Prices Da "lioatefl. EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the PosfgOfflce OMAHA , NEB. IPOWBB AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , UININQ MACHINERY , BELTINO , IIOBE , DRABS AND IRON FITTINGS . PIPK , STEAM PAOKINO , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.Ipr-- * ' HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCHSANDgSCHOOL BELLS A SRANG 205 FO * . I st. , Omaha IROTIH : & Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 Farnhain.Street , Omaha , FOSTER & GRAY , -WHOLESALE- LUMBER , GOAL & On River Bank/jjBet. / Farnham and Douglas Sts. , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE A NO LOCK GO , Fire and BurglarliProo "V-A-TJXiTS , O OHZ5S 9 < Se 1020 FarnhamlStreet , WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER JD DEALEBIJN > Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Heb. ' . O. WHOLESALE 1213 Farnhsm St. , Omaha , Neb.