I f ( ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , APRiL 24 1882 HE DAILY BEE OMAHA. Monday Moraine April 24 XV wither Keport- ( The following observations are taken nl he same moment ot time ftt nil the fit * ' onsnnme < l. ) DurARtMKST , V. B. Burnt , Bnancn , > OHAIU , April 22 , 1882.0:45 : p.m./ ) River 7 feet 8 Inches above high water mark al Omaha and 4 feet 1 Inch at Yankton , LUOAIi BREVITIES. The "Strategists" open up nt Boyd'a to-night. The street ! were comfortably muddy yesterday , The Omaha & St. Paul pay car came in lout night. City property for sale by McUaguo List on third page. Four drunks comprised the round-up 1)y the police yesterday. llavcrly's "Strategists" entertain at the opera house on Monday. For Ilent-Brick store , corner Doughs and Twelfth street.S. . Lehman. Snt-Mon-Thurs i - - Bemts REN1S Houses , Lots , Farms. kf April showers Lave been pretty nu merous thus fur. The sportsmen encamped on the llaw > .hide ara having A jolly time. MarhoftV.Trunk Factory' ' will remove .to Millard Hotel block in May 'a2Mf Knickerbocker Holland Gin. The finest Gin imported. C.F. Goodmanagt. Omaha alO-eoil3in Tenth etrcet below Jackson U considerably - siderably cut up now for the laying of water pipe. The great advocate of Aosthcticism is in the city again. Lift up your hendo , oh ye sunflowers , [ For Sale Cheap A horse nnd buggy. Inquire ot Stephenson's livery stable on Capitol avenue. A20-tf Ilcmiinnt Laces , nil styles , from 2 to R yds. at lOo a piece at Andrea Bazar , 1003 Farnum street. The outgoing and incoming passenger trains on the U. F. yesterday' ' were quite heavy for Sunday. The ladies who spent their time in looking after the hospital fair are rejoiced to bo relieved nt last. The North Presbyterian church I ready for the plasterers , who are asked t put in bids for the job. | , / . -Beautiful Eeiidc ce Lots $100 cac 05 do wn and $5 per month. Bemis , agent , X6th and Douglas streets. tf The most skeptical are convinced by one trial that Wade's home-mada candies are best , 1404 Dodge. A18-51 * . Special car No. 100 of the U. P , come In yesterday from Norfolk with some o the officials on bo.trd , A big consignment of silver bricka was vent east last evening by the Omaha Smelting - , ing and Refining company. The train which leaves Omaha at DSO : a. m. for the south via the Missouri Pacifl arrives at Hiawatha at 3 p. m. A cargo of two hundred and sixty-two b g of "black strap , " or Australian mall , passed east Saturday night , The vacant space on Ninth and Ma Ken , t.t the curve of the street car track , is utilized on Sunday for bull playing , "The Jolly Bachelors" party played at Boyd'a opera house on Saturday night * nd left for Chicago yesterday afttrnoon , The Danish icciety will hold their last ball of the season on Saturday evening , April 20th. Persons not belonging to the society can gain acmlulonlf ) introduced by members. , , Willie Edouln'a "Sparks" will play at Boyd'a Saturday night. It ! one of the brightest and most , entertaining compa nies on the road. Uncle Junk , the TJnion Pacific eo neer , returned yesterday from a trip to Utah , where he took a new engine for the Utah Central Consolidated. The walk across the . Ninth street bridge has been put in excellent condition . by order of the city council. It hasn't been in such good shape for four years. T. A. McSbane , the Cumlng street grocery man , who was relieved two or three times by burglars , put iu n big , new eafe the other day , and now he deJiea them , The Lutherans will build a 525,000 church edifice this summer on their lot on Hlxteenth and Harney streets. Work will begin at nu early day , an plans are being drawn. drawn.The The members of engine company No. 1 are leriuetted to attend the special meeting - ing tills evening at 8 o'clock. Business of Importance is to be transacted. D , > Lane , secretary No. 1 , Madame Ilenti's female minstrels will appear at Boy d' opera houie Tues day night. It was stipulated in the agree ment for the house that the ploy ehouU not be too "broad. " - Mr. Fred. Liuberg , the IT. 1 > , blacksmith - smith , is the happy father of 'a ten-pound girl , which arrived"the1 20th lukt , Fred. is prpnd of hU girl , It being hj flwt , no he set 'eni jip to the boys iu good style. Saturday-evening ot the B. & M , de pot a lively runaway waq carried out by one of Millard & Johnson's teams. The driver was dragged for two blocks , but .held on to the lines and escaped unhurt' . An officer Friday * cbjd man and fired t o hots at him. , The fellow ho.ye to , and it. was * ascertained thht he Jiacl attempted to get away with a whole % fire-cent clguf , . .The two theta coit , * npre than the plcw , * Some of tliefriendlcf P. H , Garrigan , . / i. * /.i i n. il who wa * sent up for forgery on the evi dence of Sidney Smith , the Wheeler & Wilson agent , who is now under arrest himself for crookedness , are circulating n petition for his pardon. Judge W. L. Peabody , well known M n resident of this city , who Is now In the pension office in Washington , w married on Wednesday last to Mtr , Kate F. MIL ler , a New York state lady. A man claiming to hall from Omahn attempted to sell A cow to A Council Bluffs milk man Friday. The laltei had his suspicions that things were not all right and went to make Inquiries , finding on his return that man and cow had de parted. parted.Mrs. Mrs. Jones , who was en route to Col orado , from Iowa , stopped over in Omahn long enough to Till up with tanglefoot , and found herself In the lock-up Saturday , Out of respect for the cox to which she belong * , Judge Bcneke gallantly gave her her freedom , The magnificent gold watch and chain recently presented Mr. William Herman by Fred. Krug & Son , on the occasion of nf the twenty-fifth anniversary of his em ployment by the firm , was purchased at the ktoro of Max Meyer & Bro , , jewelers and opticians , and is one of the finest time pieces ever seen in Omaha. A man mounted on a fine gray liorpo rode up Farnam uti-cet yesterday morn ingat a break-neck spc d , that was Indica tive of danger to pedcstrlAna , nnd reck- lessncdfl or intoxication on the part of the rider. There have been one hundred and four theatrical performances in Boyd's opern house since its opccing last October , and still.two months of the Reason remain. This is an average of nearly four perform ances a week , Deposit'us ! are being taken in the cose of W. J. Conncll vs. the Pennsylva nia railroad company. The plaintiff sues f or $ 15,000 damages for being put off n train when ho hold an unlimited ticket which the company withdrew from circu lation after the purchase of the same , The newly elected president of the Burns club , Mr. J. C. Moodie , Is a fine' singer , and It is possible that on the oc casion of tlio next Bifrnn anniversary he will vary the usual order of things bv setting - ting his address of welcome to music , and singing it to the music of the bag-pipes. Mr. O. B. Maxwell , who hoH lor some time past been the agent of the Wabosh road in this city , has boon appointed the Omaha agent of the Missouri Pacific , and will enter upon the discharge of his duties to-day. He is an excellent man for the place , and his appointment will give general - oral satisfaction in this part of the country. The Burns Club holds its monthly social at Hospe'a hall Wednesday evening nqxt. On Wednesday , the 12th inst. , they held their annual election with the follow , ing result : Hon. J. C. Moodie , president ; Thomas Mcldrum , vice president ; Wm Liddell , treasurer ; A. 0. Troup , secretary ; board of directors , David Knox , JUchan Brown , and Win. Fleminc. The club i ; In the most prosperous condlfton , and tin interest among the members on the stead ; ' * ' increase : A ypung.Gcnnan named Lamtrecht , who had recently been discharged from St. Joseph'aiihoapital , after a spoil L typhoid fever , Friday attempted t commit suicide In his room at the hole do Goos. He fired four shots with n re volverswnlch took effect In the walls am celling , * but none In his body. Ho was nervous and probably couldn't have hit a bam door at.ten paces. Officers HcClun and Buckley , who heard the shota from the jallor'a office and were In time to see th flash of the List , 9ne , hasteued'to the spot , ind , thinking the poor fellow was shot , called in'Dr. Grossman. The latter inadi m examination and found out the exteni rf the damage. A watch was sot over the trould-bo suicide to prevent n repetition ol the thing. DIED. FOULK. In this city , April " 2 , at 11:30 : p. m. , of ocarlet fever , Freddie , son ) f Mr. and Mrs. George Foulk , aged 1 rears. The fuuoral will take place Monday , \prll24th , at 11 a. m. , from tlio residence. Mo. 710 North Fourteenth strott. burial .o takn place at the eemoterv at Florence. IMPORTANT ARREST. rno Lightning Continues to Strike Among : the Law Breakers. The arrest of Murray nnd Kirkland removed no Httlo apprehension from ho public mind , as the number of light attacks on citizens was getting intiroly too threat to bo pleasant. Inlets the officers are laboring under , ; mistake they have removed another Langorous character from the outer rorld , and put him under lock and coy for the public good. Henry Donohoo , a colored man. vos arrested on Saturday by Marshal Ingell upDn the charge of breaking nto and robbing the house of lion. 3. M. Bartlett in March last , during ho owners absence in the east. The > roporty atolon consisted of u dress loat and vest , a pair of opera { -lassos , k number of pieces of silverware , oilot articles and clothing , the whole alued at upwards of $200. Oonsta- do Eegorton worked up the cuao tud learned that Donohuo Imd riod to sell a quantity of tuff to a colored woman a few days igo , from whom ho obtained a do- cripsion of nearly all the missing roods. Another circumstance tend- ng to criminate the prisoner was the act that lie had assisted in removing ho goods into the house from which hey were afterward taken and know ho location of the various trunks and ases and the ijnturo pf , thpir contents , Donohuo on being avruatud denied 11 knowledge of the attain although Iw , woman idoiitiDedhim ? Ho will omo.up for u preliminary1 hearing as 9011 as Constable Edgorton returns rom Denver , where ho went on Pri ay L'KOLINE OF MAN , Nervous weakness , dyspepsia , Impo- ! nc.V Md debility , cured by Weils' lealth Kantwer , " 81. Depot at 0. F. ioodman's _ , _ IlEiwiKo1 , Rusilan Balyelsan Itivalu ' J 25 * ' ' ° r lnflolne ( * ftud sore } ° In1f ACCOMMODATING ASSESSORS , The Result of Elastic Consciences - sciences on the City and County Tax List. The Manner in Which the Value of Real Property is Under rated. Pacts and Figures From the Assessment Roll of 1831. DoarinnJng With the Two Principal Business Stroota of Omnha , The precinct assessors are now busily engaged in the work of apprais ing the property in this city , and it ii presumed that they , like all fonnoi assessors , are following in the foot' ' stops of their predecessors. It haa bcou an open secret for semi years that property assessments ii Omaha have been not only very low but very irregular. It is general ! ] supposed that property ia assessed al about half its cash value , althougr the law requires its assessment at ac tual value , but the grand assessment roll of the city and county shows some eurioua valuations. Believing that il IB to 'the interest of every honest tax payer that our property assessment ! should bo equalized , and desirous ol aoeing the old system of favoritism broken up , THE BEE has taken paint to procure the official figures from the 'records as they appear on the assess ment roll of 1881. As a beginning we have selected the two principal busi ness streets , with the following result : Beginning at , Ninth and Parnarn ' wo find'tho , woet forty-four foot of lot .8 , block ,124' , , assessedat,81,500 , , ; Th'ia property was sold. May 31 , 1881 , foi $0,000. On the opposite corner , lot 1 , block 133 , is assessed , exclusive of improve ments , at $2,400 , while it is worth at least § 10,000. Proceooding north on Farnam street , property generally is found assessed at about the same rate as above. Popploton's improved lot , corner Farnam and Tenth street , is assessed at $12,000. Now , rating the value of ground the same as in the prior mentioned loc , although in reality it is much more valuable , the bare lot would bo worth $9,000 and with the improvements on would be worth 830,000 to $35,000 at least. A still bettor comparison is with the twenty-two feet belonging to Mer- ritt which adjoins it on the west , which sold in January , 1881 , for $4,000 and the assessment on which was but $1,500. The B. & M. railway headquarters building , opposite the Popploton blockwitli the same amount of ground was assessed at $18,000. The building covers the entire lot , GG by 132 foot , and the lot with improvements is prob ably worth , at n low figure. $40,000. Mar Meyor'a property , northeast corner Eleventh ana Farnam , cost $12,250 unimproved , and has since boon made one of the finest improved lots in the city , the elegant block and lot probably being worth at a low es timate $45,090 , and this is put down by the assessor at $13,000. The east 22 feet of lot 1. block 135 the southwest corner of the snm streets , was sold in October , 1880 , fo. 58.000 , with no improvement but an Did two-story brick on it and is assess- id at $3,000. Property in this block is all as sessed equally out of proportion with its valuo. There is the west 20 foot jf lot 2 , with two-story brick , "which sold in February , 1880 , for $10,500 , which ia assossott .at $4,000. Dewey & Stone's 44 feet is assessed at $0,200 ind worth $30,000 at least. On the opposite side of the street is 3. F. Goodman's 22 foot , assessed at J5,000 ; Sharp's at $4,400 ; Lehman's M,750 , and the other lots , with noth- ng on but old rattlo-traps ; assessed at J2.000 each. At the rate at which property has iojd in. this vicinity within the past rear , ono of these inside lots , 22 foot rent , could not bo purchased for loss , han $10,000. For instance , the east J2 foot of lot 8 , block 121 , northwest rnor of Farnam and Twelfth , sold n March , 1882 , for $10,000 , and was assessed at $4,000 , just 25 per cent of ts market value. Solomon's 22 foot ot adjoining the last named property s assessed ut $0,000 , and Smith's ' GG oot front , next west of Solomon's , with its magnificent and costly block , n Jtho neighborhood of $20,000 , The mprovod lot occupied by the Smitli jutlding could not bo bought to-day or $50,000 , and figurinit on the jasis of the solo of the Brash corner , ho bare lota would bo worth 540,000. The Oaldwoll & Hamilton property , 10 foot front , opposite tlio Brash cor- ier , is assessed at $9,500. Allowinir or the dill'eronoo in value in favor of ho opposite side of the street , the laro lots are worth $30,000. Each mprovod 22 foot lot west of this cor- ier is assessed at $0,500 , except the irst National bank lot , which is as- eased at $7,500. The south 88 foot of the west third if lot 5 , block 121 , the old Suowden ornor , was sold January , 1881 , for > 14,000 , and is assessed nt $4,500. .ho next lot of same SIEO east , the haw property , was assessed at $3,000 , nd wo are informed that the owner its refused $10,000 for it within the iast year. Pundt's property is as. euod at $0,700 against $0,500 on the ichnoidor lot , just opposite. In Cental block , llollmnn's corner , 4 foot , ia assessed at $10,000 , and ' * * 2j ! foot iusidoyest of this at $0- nftm ' ! K0 " 'H awoMod at ' ! > d the Ish building , ainco Bought by him for $18,000 , nt $0,500. m the opposite side from Central look , vrp Jlnd the 32 foot front of .ootlo & Maul assessed nt $8,500. ° W January , 1882 , nt $18,000. Iho northwest corner of Farnam ? i2 e Ull GD V D5i ' assessed t $4.800 and it couldn't bo bought ? r $25,000. It is owned by Sam trown. The 21 foot lot next west , coupled by the McDonald brick store owned by Air. Brown , is assessed al 84,500 and worth $15,000. lionry Dohlo's 22 foot lot was bought October , 1880 , for $0,000 with old frame build ing thereon and was rssosscd foi $2,400. Hanucom's 33 foot lot , in cluding his magnificent brick block , it assessed nt $4,000. 0. S. Goodrich'a 22 foot lot , with brick store about 100 foot deep , is assessed at $5,000 , while Paxton's 44 foot lot with bricK store rooms extending clear to the alloy and occupying the corner lot is put down at $7,000 only. Barker's 44 foot lot occupied by the Western Union telegraph office and n throe story brick adjoining on north half and a throe story brick on the south GC foot of same , is as sessed at $8 000. Improvements and lots nro worth at least $30,000. Lot * 2 and 3 in same block , owned by John I. Itodick , making 132 foot square , are assessed at $8,000 , and worth at least $20,000. not count ing improvements. Goodrich's cor ner , Sixteenth and I'nrnnm , assessed $4,000 , worth $10,000 at least. The lot 22 by 88 on the opposite side , the Wabash corner , owned by J. 8. McCormiok , and assessed at $5,100 , is quite high an compared with the op posite corner , but not too high as compared with its real value , llan- scom's ' 44 by GG feet of same lot is as sessed at $3,200 , and is fully aa valua ble as McCormick's. Peter Gees , on lot 7 , next west , GG by 132 feet , is as sessed nt $5,800 , which is very low. In the next block west , the city hall building and the adjoining residence , covering ( JG by 132 t'cot , is assessed nt $5,000 sold by ttedick to Patteo many years ago at $30,000. Patteo also owns the next lot west , 44 feet , on which there is a two-story dwelling. This , assessed nt $2,700 , and Housul's 22 foot of same lot , with two- story residence assessed at $1,700 , is very low. The next two full lots west are owned by J. H. Milliard , are 132 feet square nnd nsaeased at $4,400 , the residence nlono being worth $8,000. , On the opposite aide of the street , Burloy'a full lot ia assessed $3,400 ana Swoosoy's full lot east of same nt $2,800. The latter two lots are not nearly BO valuable as the Millard property , yet they nro assessed $2,000 higher. The Meyers property , northwest corner of Farnam und Seventeenth , is assessed at $2,000 ; E Hosownter's lot , next west , at the smo and Pax- ton's two lots , next west , with resi dence , at $7,200. UOUOLAH STREET. On Douglas atrcot the same low valuation generally is found , but with greater variations. Paddock's full lot , southwest corner Douglas and Eleventh , with three story brick improvement , is assessed at $4,800 , and on opposite side of the street , Kountze's full lot , unimproved , is assessed at $2jCOO. The Metropolitan hotel property which cost $25,000 in August , 1873 is assessed at $0,500. The north 8 ! foot of the east J lotl , block 121 , is as eased at $2,50Uand was Bold Decora ber , 1881 , for $7,500. The east 4 feet of lot 8 , block 103 , on opposit aide of Douglas street , owned by S E. Roger * , is assessed at $32,000 The west 22 feet of , same lot sold Jan uary , 1882 , for $5,000 , which would make the lloeers 'property worth a laast 812,000 , leaving the oaaesamen at about twenty-five per cent. The other lots ? in the same bloc ! east of the Millard hotel property have aold within the year at the tame rate Property on the south aide of Douglas atroot is assessed equally as low as lo 4 , southeast corner Douglas and Thir teenth , which ia assessed at $5,700 exclusive of improvements , the lot being ing GG by 132 feet. The Omahn National bank property is assessed at $0,000 , West & Freit achor'a $4,100 , Academy of Musi $10,250 , Smith's 33-foot front nox west nt $7,000 , Hornbor er's $4GOO and Brown's 33-foot front at the corner nor of Fourteenth nt $9,500. On the opposite aide of the street Giacomini's , GG by 132 , with Jlepub lican oflico and two stores west , is as sosjod at $12,500 ; Wood worth's , CO b ; 132 foot , with improvements , 612,000 Gruonig'a , 22 feet , $4,000 ; Wind heim'a , 22' feet , $4,400 ; All of these assessments are low , as , for example Guomg'B lot cost $3,100 in 1880 , anc since that time ho has erected n ver ; line three-story brick bloock thereon. The lota west of those nnmed , with old wooden buildings , nro assessed at @ 2GOO to $2,800 each' . In the next block , Martin's lot , 22 By 105 feet , occupied by a threo- itory brick , ia assessed at $ G,200. On the 'opposite aide of the street , M. Ouming'a 22 by L32 , with fine three story brick , is as sessed at $4 , 100. Kennnrd'a property , apposite Martin's , with two story brick building and same amount ol ground ia aasossed nt $4,000. The property occupied by Little & Wil liams , boinc 22 by 182 feet , was Bold January , 1882 , for $8,000 , and ia as- lessod at $2,200. Sheeloy's market property is nasotsocl at $2,500 , and [ Cnrbnch's full lot , GG by 132 feet' with two stores on Douglas and drug itoro and saloon on Fifteenth , all , \vo story brick buildings , is nssussod it $9,000 , and is worth not less than * 30,000. Each 22-foot lot in opposite jlock on Douglas atreet , with old Toodon buildings ia assessed at $3 , M)0 ) to $3,500. Tlio CruJ ' hank propertyGG by 132 s nasessed at § 0,500 , and each 22 feet vest of them in same block at from 51,300 to $2,000 Oroighton block is issessed at $20,000 ; Scott's 22 foot at , $2,000 ; Monell'a GO feet , with hreo buildings , $5,700 ; McGoath'a ull lot , corner Sixteenth und Douglas it $3,200. All properly west of this on Dong as street is assessed in about the ame proportion. The lot at south rest comer Douglas and Eighteenth , rhich sold February , 1882 , for > 4,500 ia assessed at $1,400 , nnd the 18 by 132 lot at the corner of Douglas 4id Nineteenth , bought by Ilanscom ) ctobor , I860 , for $5,000 nnd since mproyed , is assessed nt only $2,300. While these examples nru aerious nough in themselves yet the assess- uont of property away frpm the husi- less part of the city .is still more glav ng nnd deserves a special chapter for tsulf , _ Parties wishing Carriages or Bug- lea will do well to examine Lininger : Motcalf Co. 'a largo Block before GraaO. OseviEK , . very day and evening at ii cape a Ar nd Music Hull , New Goods. See hem , t , apr22-2t BOARDING BUMMERS , The Enormous Cost of Feeding Thieves , Trumps and Vagrants. A Cosily Luxury for Douglas County Tax Payers. The Urgent Need of a Workhouse for City tvnd County Prisoners. Ono of the many hoppers into which the revenue of Douglas county is poured each year , is the county jail. Ever since the now jail hoa boon completed there has been an effort made to keep it full of prisoners , nt the expense of the taxpayers of the county. It is claimed that under our city charter , every violation of a atato law , which may also bo n violation of the city ordinance , such ns petit' thiev ing , fighting , etc. , must bo consigned to the county jail , The commitment fee for each prisoner is fifty cents , which goes to the sheriff and the county also pays to that official fifty cents per day for boarding each prisoner , after the first day , which is sovonty-fivo cents. The expense of boarding .these jail birds foots up into the thousands every year ns will bo seen frm the record which wo herewith append. Whether the commitment of city prisoners to the county jail is right or wrong the fact is patent that the taxpayers of Douglas county are paying much more for their board than than it c mid bo obtained for. The city has n contract with Peter Goosforbonrding city prisoners lodged in the city jail at twenty-eight cents per day. His average bill is $30 a month or $3GO pur year , ns against the following amounts paid by 'tlio county to ox-Sheriff Guy , during his term , for feeding nnd committing prisoners : For the year 1878 ' $ . 2,230 For the year 1879. . . ' . . . . . . . " , .SSl' For the year 1880 32G2 | For the year 1881. - 4,733 Total in four years $12,763 It will bo aeon by tncso figures that the jail expenses have more than doubled since 1878 and there is no telling what the bill will amount to this year. As a matter of business as well ns economy the commissioners should retrench , and as a matter of business they should provide some thing for tramps , burglars and crim inals to do. Over a year ago THE BKE , in con nection with an interview had with the county commissioners on their re turn fronds visit to Detroit nnd in spection of the workhouse provided for city nnd county priaonora in that city , advocated the construction pf some such an institution in this city. Although the city had ar , atone pile and was working a small force of men at that time the prisoners could .run away whenever they got tired , and in reality wore doing very'little toward paying for their board.- They were incurring a constant expense for which there was no return , and the facta and figures' obtnined from Mr. Drexel showed that they could be made tenet not only pay for their board and expenaoa , but bring in a considerable income to the county be aides. Supposing it did involve t slight expense to provide such quarters tors , it will be seen from the above figures that a few years would pay for the erection of a workhouse that would be ample for years to come. Not only could our own prisoners betaken taken care of and made useful but , as in Detroit , they could be re'enforced by others from the territories which are poorly provided with prisons and now Band their convicts to Nebraska state's' prison or even further east. At all events it is criminal to let thia extraordinary and useless ex pense go on any longer. Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council BluSd Railroad. The only road running trn ns to nnd from Omaha direct WITHOUT CHANGE to all points East , South and West. Trains leave B. & M. depot at,8:30 : , a. m. and 7:4i : > p. m. , and arrive at 7t35 a. m. and G45 ; p. m. TICKETS on sale nt 1020 Farnam atrcot and B. & M. depot. A. 0. DAWES , , AXDY BOKUEK , G. P. & T. A. ARent. apr7-m&o2w 1,000 beer kegs , 1 malt mill , 1 irhito cedar mash tub complete with Bearing , good as new A lot of large puncheons , suitable for cisterns or tanks. Ono 25 horse miter < power on- ; ; ine and boiler , all for sale cheap. /lUo / 20,000 brick ut $10 per M. Call it Lininger it Motcalf Co.'s , comer sf Sixth und 'Pacific streets , Omaha. m&e&w-lw. Tko Greatest Blesslnc- A simple , harmless remedy , that ; urea every time , nnd prevents disease ay keeping the blood pure , stomach regular , kidneys and liver active , is the greatcat blessing over conferred ipori man. Hop Bittern ia that rcmo- ly , nnd its proprietors are being ness ed by thousands who have been aved nnd cured by it , Will you try t/ / The undersigned would nnnounco o the public that ho will soon occupy na now store in the Millard hotel , orner Douglas and I3th streets , rhero will bo found a now nnd com- iloto stock of Drugs , Patent Modi- jnes , Fine Perfumeries , Face Pow- ler , Combs , Brushes and. . Fancy toilet Articles , and Imported nnd Dq- nostio Cigars ; Soda and Mineral Wa- ers on draught ; a thoroughly locked and carefully attended pro- cription department. German , IwedUh , Norwegian , Danish and Bo- lemian languages spoken. I most re- pootfully solicit a continued patron- ge. J. 0. PAMEH. apr22ood3t SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , Ifor B le , Lent. Found , Want * . Boardlnp. fee. , will be In serted In these columns once ( er TEN CENTS p r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS per lice. The Orst Insertion never lees than TWENTY-FIVE CENT ? TO LOAN MONh ; ' ONKY TO LOAN-Call at t w Utnce ot D. M' L. ThomM IlojmS Crelcbton Block. U LOAN At 8 per csntln- n /wt/v vw tere t In nms.of 12,600 and upwards , for 8 to E years , on flrat-clan city and farm property. Dims RKU , EBTAT * and Loin AaiscT , 15th and Dourlis Sts. HELP WANTED. Flrtt ciai * cinvaaters In Omaha WANTeD cities and town ; for a new and elegantly bound book , "Life of Ren. Burnilde. " Llbe.alpayAddrcM , T.H.EDWAHD3. gTMf Chicago , III. \TTANTED Dining room girl and a girl for VV ecneral homework. Kelneke's Restaurant 13th * nd Jickion. S 9-St * A K od second girl. Mrs. n WANTDD South 10th street. 807 241 - to do general homework. Mm. J. L. Webster , Zelh street between narney and It. JIarj'gave. 860-20 ANTED-A Rlrl for homework. 2115 Call' W foruli Btrcct between 21st and 22ml et. 873-251 \TtrANTED-Partncr with 3150 In ft Rood p jr- V V In ; bue'ntta. Inquire at 303J luth ntreel near F rn m , fc72-21 A cook. U. Mtnnwcller , Em ployment Agent , llthst near Far Dan. 850-22 * 25 nun to work In stone . WANTED i once ; H. MannwdlcrEmployincut llih Bt F-troam. * Agent , near - 857-24 ANTEO-Good girl a" 10SO Korth' 1CU st. SiO-tl MRS. J..M. COVNHMA * . A runner at the Commercial WANTED . Must tie abld to speak German acd Danish. 802-tf WANTED Thrco s-tters , twelve wheele. a-jdonomnn to bad. On y experts nee ap [ If. Steam Utlck Yird , N. lOttl It. 846-20 TAtNTEIlWANTED-Appy'at ] 1707 JL treet. . 841-iSt "TTrANTED Ten boys to work on Johnson W Co's brickyard laiteldo 10th street , on block north ot I'oppleton'a rcildcncj. Wag 81.00 per day. 850-12 A Rood second cook at the Si WANTED Hotel. lOm&etf WANTED'-Tiro goo'J table girls at the Si Charles Hrtcl. ' lOmSrctf 17tJANTED-Chambermald.-- at 200i W Burt street. 80S-tf ANTED Second cook at the HI. Charles W Hotel. 817-tf Four good itlrls fir general WANTED . F. D. Nolle , Eniplovracn Agent lOlh at near Farnam. 787-25 A gardener anJ fanner wltr WANTED reteic ccs can find steady employ ment by calling at Solomon's I'alut and Oil House 1201 jfarnam street. 78tf - about Ii to do light house work , during- the day only. Apply at Bee cm ce. 624-tf WANTED Dining-room girl at the Crcfchto _ Ho 8i ) . 607-tt SITUATIONS WANTED. TTTANTED A situation , in pytoio by VV ) oung Dane , who spciti Germaa | * nd English. Autlrcea C. Lund , 1314 Jackson st. 670-20 - situation an book-keeper In WJ1NTED-A 8 house. Can give prood rcf orencci from prctcnt employer as to eharactci and ability. Adtlreta J. U H.Y. . M. C A rooms , tlty. ' m4c863-22 * TTtrANTED Situation aa housekeeper b' VY mlddlo ftied ludy. Inquire at No. 61 North IBth street. 816-22 t MICELLANEOU8 WANTS. \\j ANTKD ey two ce Ucmtn a largo lur- Vy nished room In a private family ; must be within nix blocks if poatJllce. Will pay a good price for a good room. Addrets W. S. O. care Bee office. 8Il-25t TIT ANTED Partner with $600 in a good p v VV Inn biuluess. II. JiUnnwdler , llth st. . near Farnam. 855-22' rpo RENT A well furnished cottae'until 0 > JL tobcr. Inquire at BrownelLil&ll. 61-24 rpWOOH THREE BOARDERS WANT'D-At JL 1417 Howard street. 852-26 TTTANTED Imircdlttely by gentleman and Vy wife , furnished loom.ieascnib'e ' in price ; wither without meals. Refcienc a.'glven. Ad- Iresill. Bee office. 849-22 * 'ANTED To rent , 400 acres or more glass W land , In a btdy. Addresi 1512 Fi'th ' st. 835-25 IANTiSD Tun uity boaruera at No. 702 8 , W Tenth st. 818-28t \XrANTKD 600 privy vau.ts , ulnkfl * nd ueu VV pool < to clean with tanltary Vault and Sink Cleaner , the best In use. A. Evans & Co. residence 1200 Dodge street , Omaha. TTTANTED 2 unfurnished rooms for man and YV wife , muit be moderate Iu price. Ad- Iress H. Dee office. 297-if IANTK1 > nindlnit brldgaana Mhool bonds. W U. T. Clark , BeQevue. J6-U To sell a barber bbop , iiooU 10- WANTED , good business , satisfactory reasons 'or selling. Inquire at 117 B. 15th street , Omaha tfeb. 537-tf rTTANTED 4 children M hoarders In a select YV school , at 18th and California St L. B. OOMIS. 767-tf Basement In ex. for ( board WANTED boarders too. ' COS N. 17th street. 009 tf FOR RENT HOU8E8 AND LAND. RENT Stable with room for four horses FOR two c rlage > , at 2215 Hurt street , n s. 11005 Farnam nt. 865-23 T\0 RENT Large front room with bow wln- JL dow and clojct ; unfurnished. 1414 Chicago < trcet. 868-25 ( HUNT Home ; six room : ) , vood well , POIl ; also a barn on the place ; Convent trect. six h house from St. Maiy'd avenue , east Ido of street , llcnt , $20 per month. Inquire of 'nhn UnuilorJ , Convent street , or of I/or-nro Jibble. 8JO7t - Third floor 2xlOO feet. Apply PORTENT Dnif Bloje 1313 Douglas st 605-22 pO RENT Ono largo ftirnlh > d room , \\lth L board , on first floor , outside entrant c. 1808 Mlfornla H , 847-tl [ 7IOR RENT A home with about 18 acnirf L land , first-oafs gardener priferred. Call .t 1700 Chlcigo itrect , Oaaha. John McCrcarj- , 831-tf , r.ENT A furnUhed front room , at 800 r,0 1'ariiam street , between 16th and nth it. 832Jf ren ts housef.tots , farms , stores , BEUI3 e tc. Offices 15th and Douglas 8U NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS One rWO _ of Dodgeonmhst 821-24' 110 RENT-HandJomely furnfibed ( root room L for gentleman , with references. WlSDojVe istwcun SSth wd Itth. S2 OU ! fENT- home of wren ronms , STclo-ets. P cellar ; good well and ciitCM. L. Duggun. 1128.13th street. ttJJ-iit neil HENT-Store and butcher sbor , 8 E. I ? corner ISth and Chl go. Inquire at store. : ilen Lucas , aitmlnlitrator of the cttate cf E. C. , ucos. SOl-tl n R RENT Furnished joota S.V , p'rnei L' 15th and Howard it. _ 740-tf [ TTOR RKNX'OUkeTin Jacob' ' * Bock | , ' ' n 768-tf [ 710R RENT 3 fnrnlsaed roomi aver Ue L1 chant * ' Kichange , N. K. cor , 10th and Dodr tteeti. S80-tt I7IOR HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with 01 [ without board , Reasonable prices. 2011 A RARE CHANCE Store , for rent cheap , ! \ . earner South 19th and Castolbfc street. ' etl point for business In South OinahA John wkle , South lltb.and Dorcas ( U. ; S-i2' FOR BALE "TOR SALE On * rptn of mares , one etw , and Jj one goat. Inqu re ot Ellen Lucas , cornet 13th and Chicago sts. 602-tl l.Wll BALK Ihe 1'Ot'Ul.AU llOThU , known Jj M the BOYS'HOME. This houce Isco-- t > ally located , his tou h and cast front , and Is surrounded wth fine ( hole trees ; cent Ins thirty s i cplnjt rooms , 1H Ice houi . Utindry , sample room , ic. Ha < a world w d reputation and a tetterputron gothan many houses of twice ltd capacity. Pru-e $6.fOO. Fet patt'cuars ad diess , A. A , SAW.DEY , Red Cloud , Mb. 64-tf SALE- Howe and 6 acres of la'd , one FOR ! north or liar lacks. Inquire of U. Sor- en on on premises , trQeo. H. Pa.crson , 8C4 8. 10th street. 848-24 f _ fTIOR 8ALF. 200 choice lot * In Hanscom Places a- J.1 W. n Battlett , Heal Eitote Agent , 817 8. 18lh street. BSS-tfJI FOR SALE A'good corner lot on Doage and * 26th street m a very fast crowing part of the city , will divide. loqiilre at 110 South 26th. Btrcct , near FarnamDoirK' ( & Hill's addition. , * Y B20-lm'Ji I7UJH HALE The fine property X B. corner- P Cis ) and 20th itrco1 * , nnvr occupied by Major Furey. r rt nf the pun haie money may- remain secured on the property. For further pnrt'culira Inquire of Dr. Summer's at Military Headquarters , _ PJJ2-24 * T70R SAT.E Ilorfo and buggy. Inquire a- JJ Mr . Thum , Green Tree Houto. WJ9-22 TJ1OR8ALE Ono span of hor'cs , two spring- Jj wnitoDN and two * ct of double harass. In quire Ellen Lucas , administrator of the estate of E , C. Lucas , corner 18th and Chicago its , bOO-tf TJ1OK BALK note ! ma oed town town , a JL1 & bargain. II. Mannwctler , Iletl Estate- Agt. llth at.ect near Farnam. "CO-tt OAK l'OST3 FOR SALE-At Rcd- 2000 man's on JO h et. 783-24' TJIOR SALE Wile's Hcrtau-ant-'Tho French. JP Coffco Hcuso1' No , 620 Tenth strict , doing- nbuilncss of from 812,000 to $16,000 per innum. . C&llar write to the above number or toWllg& . Wcstbcrg's corner > 0th and J.ckson street ! . _ 770-t d&w filOR SALE OR RENT A two (2) ( ) storj' frame L' build ng 21x10. V. K c n.cr 2nd and Cum'ng ' street. Icqulre al Krug's Western Brewery. 701-M TOOK 8ALH 20 lots near Hanscom Park , west Jj ol Park Avonue. 8460 to . 900 each. Me- Caguo opp. Postofflce. 071 . U MALE House oT4 or 6 rooms and cor- Foil lot on 10th and Maaon $1.600. McCagua ePPi postofTlco. _ 688-tf FURY Thoroughbred Jersey Bull No. 332 : "M. S. II. 13. " , winner of prlto at SUtc. Fair. Stands for service vt Nebraska Poultry Yards , West Omaha. Graham t * . Browne. 585.1m > _ _ T7IOR SALE 14 lots In N. W. part of city , on J } sightly location. ? 200 to $260 each , on monthly payment ) . McUaguc , opp. postofflce _ iSl-tf < LOTS.8100 each , 95 down and 5 per month BEMId , Agents- . . ' . . . SALE One second-hand 25 horse power engine , good as newal o two 8 horse l > owe r and two IB hone po er engines , now. Boilers of all sin * , new. Inquire Omaha Foundry an Machine Co.U. P..By. bet 17th and IBtb omaha. _ _ S 2-lm "IjlUH SALB A new house and lot. 25th an JP Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 26tb and Farnham hts. _ 418-lm * ITIUlt HALE Five acred of lana , 2-atory frame Jj house , barn 2 wells and other Improve ments , cast side of Snundcrs etrcct , near Fork Dmaha. For particulars addicsi Gco. W. Brow * Iter. Oakland. Neb. _ JOl-K I OR SALE Car load of fat blackoy mules F broke. Apply of J. W. Skinner , Coin la * 820-lmo" T710R SALE Or will excha fre for Omaha pro- E I Iperty , an Improved sec on of land adjoin- OK a station on U. P. R. R. M. DUNHAM , 1418 famham St. , Omaha. 720 8mr RICK FOR EALtL. B 203-tf ESTABROOE ft COE. DK1CK FOH BALK 812.00 penooo.T. Hurray Q 118.11 B EM1S sells houses , lots , farms one Office , 16t and Douglas Sta. BALED 1IAY Al A. H. Bander * Feed Sto IQianarnevSt. s8-U MIBOELLANEOU8. 4 u . . v4u my premises uear Ffclr J Qiounds , a roan mare four years old ; hind eel.white ; branded with letter "O" with line hrouth center on left hip ; gray mane and U1L. 125 reward lll bo'paid for her return ; ,8:0-28 , * HENRY FORLENDER , Omaha. f OST One rubber overcoat , between U. P. Ljiepot on ! Fourteenth and Daicnport streets , 'be Under wilt bo liberally rewarded by leaving ; he same at TUB BKK office , S5S-21 * i 1 AA REWARD Ladles' Satchel , contaln- D \J\r I log m jney and Jewelry , wai lo t lion- ay night , April lO.h , between U , P. depot'and loyd'i opera house. Above reward will be paid or return without Vie money , No.que.tlons skid. II. W. Yat B. fi-22t STRAYED Olt STOLEN-Two black ponies ; J ono lx and the other ten years old , from helclnity of Sauter's Hill , Bouth.Cmaha. ne marked between the ejcs with a white spot , nd branded en tro le t hind leg with the letter 'F. ' " Any Information that will lead to the dis- vcry of the ponies will bo liberally rewarded ; formation given to R. HonntckBcn , corner 9th nd Lcavcnworlh. L. P. Nelson. P40-22f J1 A REWAR ' Paid for return of check and 5 IU notes lost April 19th , paper of no ialue xccpt to owner. A. R. Dufrene , room 14 'rclghtonolock. 846-2 * < L DANIEf.R his removed to N. W. earner JT 18th and Wcl tcr streets , where he ha * urnl'licd rooms and board. Watch aid clock cpalrlng. Elgla watches for sale. 838-25 Y/TRS. / C. A. FLLlSON-Electra Magnetls . > ! Heal sr , also Imsineis and mndlcil Ciair- oyant Pi'ycbometlcridings a .d treatment Iven. dally from U a. m , to 4 p , m ; Ctn becon- ulied by letter.'a-nd name , age. and lock of air etc , with 82.00 consultation fee. 'No. 2013 . laes B „ Omaha , Neb. 793 1m * DEMI81 NEW CITY MAPS. 10o. Mounted P Mape. K.60. OEO. P. BKMIS. \MAHA KMPL07MENT BUREAU-Tenth J street near Farnam. Business bouses , irmcrs and families can b supplied with com- etent htlp. Any graie of employment. Roll- 3td anp Mining outfits on abort notice F. D. 'olte , Employment Agent. C64-itn * [ DOOMS And Brat class table board , at 2011 tt Coos St. ml.lm * RENT Choice of SO full lots to leaae 3 near Crelghton College for $2i per year , extcr L , Thomaa & Bro. , Room 8 , Crelghtoa lock. 205-lf 3DWAEJ ) KUEEL AQISTER OF PALUY8TERY AND CONDI IONAL1ST , 493 Tenth Street , between Farnbam ad Harney. Will , with the aid of guardian ilrlta , obtain for any one a glance at the pail nd present , and on certain conditions In the fa > ire. Boota andBbooj made to jrdor. Perfect .11 POWDER Absolutely Pure- Tills powder never varies. A roam ! 'of pu t. strength and wholetomeness. More econo- ICH ! thin tlia ordinary kinds , and cannot ba Id In competition wlth.tlte multitude of low st , short weight alum or phosphate powders KoM rnlv In canv.i ROTALIBIEIKO Towou Co. , 0 Wall St , New York