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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1882)
* * ' . i * ' ' 1'HJG OMAHA .DAILY BEE : MONDAY. APBIL 81 18s ? iSS THE LODGES ; News and Notes from Various ' Mystic Order Omaha Free Masons and Their Work. What the Brethren of the Tri ple Link Are Dis cussing. Uoat Hairs and Links , THE FREE MASONS. tOCAL Work in the various blue lodges of the city continues and o constant increase - crease of membership is noted in each ol the thrco bodies. Covert No. 11 has made excellent progress since the the last change of ofllciary. Interest in the meetings is increasing , nnd candidates have been recently elected. St. Johns had work in the E. A. degree last Thuraday , W. M. E. 33. Garter occupying the east. The fine qualities of IJro. G. W. Liningor as presiding officer are mak ing themselves shown in Capitol lodge , nnd are properly influencing both the officiary nnd the membership. Whether as great a number of initiates will bo received this year as formerly is doubtful , but it is certain that the precision and smoothness of the work will bo greater than for n num ber of years past in every lodge of the city. city.Tho The Scottish Bite is advancing steadily in Omahn , nnd gaining now members at every regular mooting. On Saturday evening the fourth degree groo was conferred on one of our prominent merchants , and there will bo work this evening in the fifth nt the ledge room. The chapter of Iloiso Croix is preparing to work on a class nt an early day , nnd to this end is collecting the necessary paraphernalia. There is nome talk of organizing n council and consistory in the fall. WOIUCON TUB 8AVIUT1I. Some questions having arisen na to the feasibility ot performing MUHOIMC work on Sunday , Grand Master French , of Mississippi , made the fol lowing snswcr to a numbrof Mnsons in his ottito : While Masonry is in no nonso a reli gious institution , and makoa no. pretensions - tensions to aavo men's souls , iyot Ma sonry is a great moral institution , nnd embraces in its membership good and pure mon of every chrao and creed , and the man who practices its teach- 'ings and precepts must of necessity bo n gocd man. It teaches a duo rev cronco for the Dioty and all his works , as well as our duty to God , our coun try , our neighbor and ourselves. The principal ono is a belief in God , and without which no man can bo made a IVfouon. Belief inGod impljas sons accept the Holy Bible oa ft rule and guido to their faith nnd practice. It lies upon the altar in every ledge room , and without its presence no ledge can hold a legal mooting. Lot us BOO what is written in the book : ' 'Re- xnombcr the Sabbath day to kcop it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work , but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God , in it thou Hhnlt not do any work. ' # # * # in tiuB land of our * the first day of the week is sot nparc and recognized as the Sabbath. The civil law enforces a duo observance of that day , and God forbid that it may ever bo said that Masons in violation of Divine nnd human laws should ever find it necessary to hold any meetings upon the Sabbath funeral occasions nlono excepted I nm of the opinion that it would bo improper and illegal to hold a regular communication upon the Sabbath. It would be bettor for the honor and good name of Masonry that the ledge should cease to exist. " a OAT IIAIRS. tl There are 57 Chapters of Royal tltl Aroh Masons in California. An in tln crease of 187 members is reported tlG during the past year. G Potulama , Oal. , has a now Masonic temple. ii n The prince of Wales was initiated iiG Into Free Masonry in Sweden ill 1808. G In 1809 the rank of Past Grand Master - n tor woa bestowed upon him. In 1874 , t on the resignation of the marquis of RlpOh , ho accepted the ofllcoof Grand d Master , and was installed into oOlco P the year following. It is n singular ooincidonco that this event should b have taker plaoo on the very day on di which , 137 years previously , the dini famous Bull of Pope Olcimmt XII , nih had boon fulminated against Frco Masonry. 8" The last issue of The London Free lii Mason contains a eulogy upon the liidi late Henry W. Longfellow , which didi feeling expresses the high appeciation di In which the works of the beloved diA American poet are hold in England , A many of which , it says , "are familiar w on our lips as household words , " and cc serve to adorn literature , culture , to ccdi give reality to virtue , and to assuagn di the sorrows of humanity. "Mr. Longfellow has boon laid MI his grave diI' diE amid the respectful and rovoruutial E sympathy of the Anglo Saxon raoo , I' which loves his words and know the man. The article concludes with the beautiful lines , "In Memortam , " from for Punch ; foTl Tl THE TRIPLE LINK , THE J-ATKIAllOUAt CIRCLE. Pi The "Patriarchal Circle" have at PiWl last taken the right course in intro Wl ducing their now degree. They want kt it distinctly understood that it is no part or parcel of Odd Fellowship ; that be the degrees it confers are "independ ent , " and are not "higher degrees " i or any degrees belonging to the I. O. I3t 0. F. The so-called "Select Knights. tin ; A. O. U , W , , " might learn a useful oyj lesson here. If the latter body had ulM not , persistently violated law and re * .old ) quests , and not have endeavored to It.sot 'foiit themselves thu sot upon public as conferring "degrees of the A. 0. U. b . i W. , " and had dropped the illegal uao lot of the initial * of Mid order and ctood their own merits , long ere this they would have had the indirect support of the entire membership rnd their subordinates instituted in every ntato. There is nothing Uko being and doing right at the beginning of n now enter * prisp. A NICE A nice point haa been raised In the east , and an importiint OHO , viz. : "Was there positive legislation that the business of subordinate lodges should bo transacted In the third do- grco ; nnd , if sd , when was it to into operation ! " The following is the Btatomont : Page 04 of The Daily Journal gives the report of the lotris- lativo committee , with n resolution that lodges ahould work in third degree groo oh after July 1 , 1882. This re port laid ever under the rulo. On page 128 of the Journal this report was taken up , After various attempts to postpone , fix diflcront times , etc. , Representative 0runner , of Penn sylvania , offered two resolutions na n substitute , the first ono of which was , "That in the judgment of the Sov ereign Grand Lodge , the businesa of subordinate lodges should bo trans acted in the third degree , " and the second ono provides for nltcring the laws of the order to conform to the change , and having a report nt next session. The first resolution was adopted , thereby admitting and rocpg- nizing the substitute , and nullifying the resolutions of the committee. The second resolution of the substitute was lost ; and the point raised is , that the Sovereign Grand Lodge merely ex pressed an opinion , without positive legislation , nnd that if this opinion can bo construed as law , there is no time specified when it shall go into operation , and , that though it may bo inferred from the rejection of the pro position to postpone , that the time the committee named ( July 1 , 1882) ) was agreeable and intended , yet the substi tute did away pntiroly with the reso lution containing the date , and the ( failure to specify a 'data positively leaves the entire question unsettled. LINKS. Grand celebrations throughout the United States will bo the order of the day for the 20th of April. Many of the lodges of the National jurisdiction have endorsed the five contRidgoly monument movement , and have contributed to the samo. A general interest is manifested throughout the National jurisdiction , and the order wil | show a largo amount of work dona during 1882. South Carolina pays its grand BOO- retary $ i50 a year. What docs ho do with ao much money ? The ball has opened already in Now York , nnd the districts are nominat ing for grand oiiicers. There nro ton candidates for grand warden , six for grand secretary , seven for grand treasurer , four for grand representa tive , and only a few districts hoard from. San Francisco , with n population af 233,000 , has over 6,000 Odd Follows , while Chicago , with 503,000 popula tion , has but little over 4,000. Of the 201 members of the general assembly of Illinois GG are Odd Fol- ows. Grateful "Women. None receive BO much benefit , and nondaro/io , profoundly grfts&l -A tH4'Tioplbitlorsasj | women , Itis , the I only remedy peculiarly adapted to the a many ills' the BOX is ale est universally wbjoct to. Chills and fever , indiges tion or deranged liver constant or pe tl riodical sick headaches , weakness in t the back or kidnoyBpam in the shoul si ders and different parts of the body , a siT fooling of lassitude or despondency , fr all are readily removed by these bit- of tors. [ Con rant. BC The Prosldont'tJ Coachman. titfl Probably the moat widely known til face in Washington , saya The Repub fo lican , is that of Albert , the president's ac coachman. Albert is as black aa the acbe ace of apakcs , as pleasant as n summer y be mer day , nnd aa genial aa Pommory th BOO. lie wns standing in the roadway thTl in front of the white house yesterday afternoon , and The Republican smil P,1 tl ingly saluted him andinquiroa [ : tli "Well , ybert , how do you like the -jy-j horses ? " "What hosses ? " nskod Albert , di or th plomatically. re "Tho president's now team , " Bald the aoribo. "Doy'a worry good horses , " replied ftr w the nmiablo Albert ; "worry spirited and worry stylish. " "Aro they as good as ox-President Grant's ? " queried the man who rep y resented the only newspaper in Wash trl ington. lai "Doy's worry nice hossos , but Qon. on Grant's bosses woz hosscs , an1 no mistake. Do off hess of the present team < ain't as irood as ho mought bo. " "How dq they compare with Proai- dent Hayes1 team ? " asked tlio re porter. " ! " lauehod Albert " "Humph ; "would ha bo party hard fur to fine wusserhosion St dan Mr. Huyt'oes' , 'coptin1 you got 'urn a nuton a cyart Dny was do wuss hoiscs 1 ever noon. " Just then the Georgetown fire en gine " came by on its way to Ryneal's beef iiro , ahd Soimtor Koflogg's horso. of which waa being held by a stalwart on darkey , bogau to jump around and an display his heels. hii "Good Lord ' " A'mighty ! ejaculated doi [ Albert , "young Mister Arthur is out hie wid do buggy , and I do hope lie wono tut como dat dere " across injino. "Why Albert ' inj , , isn't he a good ild driver1 ] asked the reporter. atr "Purty good driver , boss , nurty good driver ; but I tell you when a F ° J in hess sees ono or dose hero steam in- jinps ' ho jist wants to git away from hoi SWI dai dor locality ez soon oz ho can. " ' ] ' 'How ' long have boon you driving tin presidents , Albert ? " bo "Fo'toen years last October. " "Is it a good place , Albert1 queried Jo nc The Republican. thi "Well " , boss , U'a a worry good thiMi placo. Ac "Are presidents good people to ier work forf' "Somo of 'om is ; but ono what I om knowod wyzn' 02 good ez ho mought nd , " deii TLe Bound Unloosed- Ca Charles Thompson. Franklin street , dei Buffalo. ry s ' ! have suffered for a long dei iioe with constipation , and tried almost nd ivory purgative advertised , but only w lulling In temporary relief , aod after rcou- tnu itlpatlou still more aggravated , ' I wai Ho about your Spring .Blossom and tried bui I can now ( ay I am cured , and though ohi iome months have elapsed , still remain BO. ] ahull , however , always keep uome on land In case of the old complaint return- Ion , " Fric 60 cent * , trial bottle 10 cent * . ) 90 dlw i ly : The Alisolnto Despotism of Million * I'hlladelphl * Frew. The prices of railroad securities for the next thirty Jays will bo largely under the influence ) of the circum stance that Mr. Vnndorbilt is to take a trip across the Atlantic , and Mr. 06uld a run over his southwestern railroad park , which supplies and con trols n tenth of the territory of the country under the theory of whoso lawa Jay Gould is hold equal with the meanest ot his fellow-citizens. The money article pf The Prosa yesterday gave full spnco to the direct nnd im mediate influence which the personal movements of these two mon wore likely to have on the stock market. So did all like articles written with an adequate conception of the actual influences controlling the current val uation of the greatest railroad system in the world. The price of the groat- oat commercial engine for the distrib ution of products nnd the promotion of inter-communication which history has neon , which thirty industrious years havq built nt a coat of § 5,000- 000,000 , whoso yearly toll in trafllo roaches $ (500,000,000 ( , which employs COO,000 mon , nnd supports by the pro/it / of its working thd population of a great state , quivers nnd pulses na two mon pass nnd ropass on their spring jnnnta of business and pleas ure. ure.These nro tho'focls of lifo in n land where constitutional theory nnd the Eractico of legislation haa done its uigand leveling best to free mon in the mass from the absoluicvcontrol of irresponsible willa. Thov ordinary right and control over property , neces sary to civilization and the foundation of progress , magnified in two great fortunes of $200,000,000 nnd $100 > 000,000 , give powera which cast a shadow over the trade of n continent nnd sway the profits of thousands , as the moon moves the tides by simple transit in its own sot path. Used wisely and without osfcntation these tromondoua powers might avoid no- tioo and escape criticism. They are not so used. Everybody knowa that in the last six weoka Mr. Gould , by spreading his reams of bonded wealth before n few men ; Mr. Vanderbilt , by loud professions , which his acts prove lies , marked up prices in the market place of the western continent and then , having reaped the profit of advance , marked prices down for an other profit. The metropolitan tratilic to which the streets of Now York ore sacrificed , the telegraph system of the country , its trunk lines , the great railroad systems of our great valley , the branching lines of the great Southwest - west , our transcontinental railroad , built by the Nation and given to its stockholders , all those in the last twenty months hnvo been manipulat ed to the Bumo purpoao by two mon , whoso rights in the control of their property are sedulously protected by the community for whoso profit nnd welfare their ncta show little concern , save ns such concern adds to thoirown accumulations. Wo are only ( in the beginning of the oxcrclso of this sweeping despot ism. In 1850 $2,000,000 was n great fortune ; in I860 $5.000,000 was. , wealth ; in 1870 four times this challenged longed attention ; in 1882 eightciph iir "j - - " * * ' " w f-'wuMtn-0r , T3ould and Vianderbilt , and the con trol given mon over these enormous accumulations < , ono the accident of inheritance and the other the fruit of doubtful practices , is as absolute as the ownership of a bill which a man twists ; ever his fingers. It is not pos sible that this should always last. The sacred right of every man to the fruit of his industry and the savings his thrift lies at the very root and source of a sound civilization , but the time will come , and may bo nearer than men imagine , when it will bo soon that tho-rights which are safe forsmall fortunes become wrongs in mammoth accumulations which roll up in their yonrly progress. Taxation has already boon 'used in California to prevent the aggregation of land in few hands. The same method may yet bo em ployed , to chock the endless aggrega tion of dollars to the harm and evil of the community. An mcomo tax , whoso chisf incidence , would fall on enormous fortunes ; laws to regulate the management of great properties , restricting their inheritance in the nbaenco of enough Judge Hiltons to around any or all these are remedies within ; the roach of the community. Rub tt Ia. iTacob Lockman , 274 Clinton street , N' . , , says be has been using Thomas' Elec tric Oil for rheumatism , Ho bad such t lama back that' be could do nothing , "bua me bottle entirely cured him. 20 dlw THE OLDEST INHABITANT. Death of a Texan Who l Believed to Have Been the Oldest Man In Thla to Country. or P Santiago Ortiz , of Yaleta , Tex. , per ao haps the oldest man in the United States , was called to his eternal home few ! days ago , The El Paso Times lays : Ho was called the "Taosman , " PJ md his death is worthy of more than passing notice. Ho was thought to 113 years old , and up to the time his death was remarkably strong ind active. As an evidence of his Th ere inrightlinoss : and vigor , it is told of bit liiu that on one occasion lost year ho for ' paired to cross the river. For fear FI "burro" might not bo equal to the FIV uak of swimming the rivur and bear- n.vei him as a burden on its back , the vei ten gentleman boldly plunged into the , nd troam , and holding on to the halter- i pa ope , led his "burro , " which followed all bet his wake , and thus both ot them froi warn the river , each "on his own ass " me look. yo- Don Santiago Ortiz waa a guide for king of Spain prior to 1880 , and got pro toforo ! Mexico had gained her indo- londonoo and shaken off Spanish rule. was familiar with the country from Mifsisiippi river to the City of tfoxico , and was well known by all Americans who have lived onthefron- for the post lifty years , lie was of the original Pueblo Indians , leaves only a sou to mourn hit loath. The old gentleman waa a devout Jatholio , and a few days before his leath ho visited the priest at his resi- \ ienco , and told him that ho felt his was near at hand. Ho wished to nuke his peace with his God and die. received the sacraments , and was uried according to the rites of the huroh. Peace to his ashes. nd In reference to the death , the fcl- wiug WM written us from Ysleta : Don Santiago Ortiz , more familiar- known , "Taoslna , " was a member of the Taoa tribe ot Indians of Mexico , which tribe ia now nearly extinct , and "Taosina" waa undoubtedly the last of the tribe north of the ilio Grande. The nged don up to the last retained most wonderful powers of memory , and , having been n great traveler of his day , saw and retained most virid recollections of many of the most cel ebrities of the last century , among whom wore President Washington , Oomodoro Perry , Thomas Jefl'orson , Aar"n Burr , and many others whom ho had Been in Washington and other eastern cities during a trip on which ho was acting as body-servant to a Mexican officer. "Taosina" wa i possessed of great strength nnd agility , and oven after ho had passed the centennial mill- itono would often amuse his friends by exhibitions most astonishing for ono of his years. The lion. Judpo Bnca , upon learning of his death , with that spirit of liberality for which ho is so justly celebrated , started a subscription list among our mer chants , who responded most liberally , to raise a fund to give nil that in mor tal of Don Santiago Ortiz ho norablo burial. Neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago Badidcho , Soreness of iho Chesfr Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swellings - ings and Sprains , Burns and < 2 Scafds , Genera/ Bodily footn , Ear and Headache , Frosted Feet and Ears , and all other Pains and Aches. We. Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOH On to * lafr.fwrt , * tmplf and ehtap Extern * ! btmedy. A trial entails but the comparatively bUtne outlay of 50 Cents , and every one suffer- lay with pain can have cheap and poiIUri crtwf af It * claims. Q/.t Directions In Sltren Langnaf * . V f-r IOLDBY AlLDBUaaiSTS ANl/DEALEHB IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEIiER Sc CO , , ' EUR OP ' : l Arranged Iby Harugfarl Maon- nerchor. ONLY $90 , In the Cabin for Round Trip. From New York to Atnwerp and Eeturn. IZTLcavlng1 Now York Juno 10 , 1SS2 , on the now and splendid Mill Steamer Uclffon- land. L jTEIcturn tickets food one year on an ) l itoamcr of the lied Star Line. , .vm _ tj iarRallroad Faro from Antwerp to Paris , only $1.5O. Tickets , Prospectus and all Informa- Ion Only to be had from M. & . R. BURQ- HEIM. Bookseller * , 484 Vine Street , Gin- InnattI , O. ' rho Cincinnati Haruerarl Maon uercbor. apl-mic-or sat t Genius Rewarded OB. The Story of the SowingMaoh A handsome little pamphlet , blue and goV cove with numerous engravings , will bo GIVEN AWAY anr audit person calling for It , at any branch iulolllco of The Singer Manufacturing Com pany , or will be sent oj mall , post paid , to any per Km living at a distance from our offices. Tlio Singer Manufacturing Go , , Tt ofbe Principal Ofllco , 34 Union Square , be NEW . .YORK.feM8d&w po feM8d&w . KENDALL'S SPAVIN CU RE ical File Most Successful Remedy ever dlscov- irod. as It Is corUln In IU etlocts and does not jllittr. READ 1'ROOFJJELOW. Also excellent human flesh. FROM A PROMINENT PHYSICIAN. WashlnKtcnvllle , Ohio. June 17 , 1831 , Bo. J. KUIDALL , & Co. : Uents Heading your ad- ertlsement In Turf , Field aud Farm , of your Jill's Spavin Cure , a d having B valuable Sfcedy howe which had been lama from TJ pavlu for tlgfetecn monthi , I sent to you for a lottle by express , which i t nix weeks removed TJF lamonru and enlargement and a largo spl'nt ' rom another homo , and both horses are to-day F sound as colt * . The ono bottle nos worth to one hundred dollars. Respectfully o-irs , H. A. UEftTOLxrr , M. 1 > . Send for Illustrated circular Airing positive iroof. Prlcojl. All DruuElsts have It or can It for you. Dr. Il.J. Kendall & Co , I'ro- irietors , Enosburgh Falls , Vt SOLt ) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. OL 81 Clarkson & Hwnt , Or ( Bacueortn o Rlchardi * Hani , ° A ITTOENEYS-AT-IiAW , 9 UlrtBlMoll Om ha NI > I Dexter L.Thomas , \TTORNEY-AT-LAW AND- Jtore Fixture Work * iiE Cltll Frtocti Doable Thick Flat and Bent Show Bdl Case Glan ent 0. J. WILDE , 816 and 1317 Class Street. i > jon suffer from Dvtpcpsia , utv BURDOCn. ,000 BITTERS If you are afflicted with Biliousness , USD BURDOCK DLOOD BITTER3 If you are prostrated with sick Headache , Uko BURDOCK 11LOOD BITTERS If jour Bonds are disordered , rogutato them wit ! BURDOCK BLOOD B1TTER3 If your Blood la mpuro , purify It with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you have Indigestion , you will tin Jan antidote In BUKDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you are troubled with Spring Complatnti , cr adlcato them with BURDOCK 11LOOD BITTERS If your Llvcrls torpid , restore It to healthy actlo with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver Is affected , you will find a sure TO itoratu o In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS II you have any species of Humor or Pimple , fa not to take BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulou Sores , a curative remedy w 111 bo-found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Imparting strength and vitality tothosys torn , nothing can equal BUHDOCK BLOOD BITTERS For Nervous and General Debility , tone up th system with BURDOCK BLOQD BITTERS Price. 1.00 Del Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cti FOSTEK.MILBURN.&Oo . , , Props BUFFALO , N. Y. Bold at wholesale by lib & McMahon and C. F Goodman. Jo 27 cod-ma The Great English JHemedy iNeror falls to cui Nervous Debility , VI | tal Exhaustion , Emls tlons. Seminal Weak Incsics.LOSTMAN HOOD , and all th evil effects of youth ( ul follies and execs 3C9. It stops permit ncntlyall weakening Involuntary loss sum drains upon the svs _ _ tern , the Inevitable re p " ' , , , "eult of these ov il prao tlccs , which are so destructive to mind and bodj and make life miserable , often leading to ineanl ty and death. It strengthens the Nerves , Drain ( mcmorjr Blood , Muscles , Digestive and Repro ductiro Orgjns. It restores M all the oreanl Junotlrjij their former vigor nnd vitality , ma MOR life cheerful and enjoyable. Price , 83 a bottle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent bj express , secure from observation , to any address on receipt of price. No. 0. 0. D. Bent , excep on receipt ct 31 as a guarantee. Tetters r. cucstlug answers i.iust Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tt j best and cheapest dyspepsia and blllloua cure In the market. Sold by all druggists. Prlco CO cents. DE SliNTiR'a Kn > NBr UKMKDT , NKPRITIIODU , Cures til klndol Kidney and bladder complalnto gonorrhea , gleet end leucortheA. For ealo oy al rB'8 ° rB'8ENOL1S H SIEDICAL INSTITUTE , 718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha J > y 0. F. GOODMAN. Jan26-lv _ TRUTH ATTESTED. Somolmportant Statements of "Wei Known People "VOlujlly Verified. _ In order that the public may fully reaUre the genuineness of the statements , AS well as th power and value ot the artlclo of which the ; speak , wo publish herewith the ( ac-elrnilo turca of parties whoso sincerity is beyond quos Mon. The Truth of these testimonials Is abao lute , nor can the facts they announce bo Ignored norod OMAHA , NIB. , May 24 , 1831. Il.'n. WABNKB & Co. : DKAR SIR : I have frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure .or local affection attendant upon cerore rheumatic Attacks , am have always derived benefit therefrom. I have also used the Sato Nervine with satisfactory re suits. I consider these medicines Worthy o conflJoncn Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , Nun , May 24 , IbSl U. n WABMitn & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : QHKTS : I bar * DM ivour Safe Kidney ant Liver Cure this spring as a 1or Invlgorator. am ( Ind It the best remedy I ever tried. I lnvt used i bottles , and It has made mo feel better than ever I did before In the sprint : . U. F. R. Shops. OMAIIA , NBB. , May 21 , 1881 II. n. WAKKKR&CO. : Sins : For more than ID years I have suffered much Inconvenience from combined kidney and llvor diseases , > nd have been unable to work , my urlntiy orgins also being affected. I tried a great many' medicines and doctor * , but Igrow worse and worto day by day. I was told I had Drlght's Disease , and I wished myself dead If I could not have speedy relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing else was ever known to cure tha disease , and I nave not been disappointed. The medlclno has cured me , and I am perfec'ly ' well to-day , entirely through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure 1 wish YOU all BUCCt sa In publishing this valuable remedy through thn world U. P.R. R. Shops. Thousands of equally strong endorsements many them In cues where hone was abandoned have been voluntarily Riven , thawing the remarkable power of Warners Kafo Kidney and Liver Cure , mall disease * tf the Kldneyx , Ihcr or urinary or- trans. If any ono who reads this has any phys trouble remember the great remedy. J P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEYATLAW , 310 South Thirteenth St. , with p M. Woolwort . United States Depository First Mlial Bank j OUA1LA. F , Oor. 13th and Fanmm Sts. LDKST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT D ) OUAIIA. BUOOEB8OR8 TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) ST4IUSUID 1866. rganli d at a National Bank August SO , 1M . JAPITAL . 20O.OOO AND PBorrra - teo.oo orrioiu Ann BIKIOTOU I luMAa Korani , Preudant. Acauirns KOUKTX * . Vice President F. Q. DiTis , Cathler. A. J. forrunoa , Joint A. CJUUQDTOX , Thl bank rec lTo deposit * vrtUura rtgardto mounts. luueitlm * certificate * bearing InUrori. Draui draft * oa Sao francuaotll irl oelpal ltlcof tkeUnitedSUtMalloxmdoa Dublin dlnburgbaoi the principal cities of IhioonU of Europ * . ( urldtf \ "WINEOrCARDUl" four Umea n W.E. MILLARD. ' . U. JO II NS MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Iliolesale Fruits , 1111 PARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Banshers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA , - - - NEB.r REFERENCES J OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. I STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. STEELE , JOHNSON & GO. , IS ? AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. * A Full Line of the Best Brands of ,1 CIGARS lANMCTURED TOBACCO. , igonts for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAPLIN & BAND POWDER 00 I. OBERFELDER & CO , , WHOLESALE IILL1EET Affl ) DIMS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods EooaMng Daily and Sfcook very nearly ! OompleteV * OX&DX3EC. : S SOXiXOX n7 * 3O HE FRY LEHMANST , JOBBER OF AND W1HDOW SHAMS 108 FARNAM ST. OMAHA ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , CARPETS ! G R O C ERSI Special Attention 1s Once More Called to jthe Fact thai Rank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices of LOTH ING , FORMEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. ALSO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps- Wo are prepared to meet the demands of the trade In regard to Latest Style * and Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring in Connection , ' RESPECTFULLY , M. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1803 Farnham and 300 to 313 13th FASHIONABLE HATTER ! R. J. SAXE , das opened a New Eat Store in Opera House Blook on 15th St,1 whore can be found all the desirable Styles at Moderate Prices , A oomDlete Spring Stook has been bought and will arrive in a few days , \Full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods will be added soon. B. J , SAXE , FASHIONABLE HATTER.