Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1882, Image 1

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: ; ' ' r ELEVENTH YEAR i ' . OMAHA MONDAY MORNING , APRIL 24 , 1882. 262
Thu liollorablo COllator From New
' Jor2oy Denies hIphord.
But the Senator From New
Hainp8hiro Doosn't See
. . Anythingtocoutradlot.
The Late Premier Expected to
Tell the True Inwardnoae of
the Ooncern To-day ,
Coxagrosioua1 nnd Other Notes of ft
Nftt1onft Character.
onkl AlsoclAted ress.
. . * .s
9VASUINOTON , D. C. , April 23.-
Senator McPliorzon in a letter to the
National Aeociatod press denies the
publication connocing him with the
I Peruvian company , naying : 'Unti1
the investigation into the aflarn of
the so.calted Poruvlii company b
the committee on foreign affair8 ,
' , had no knowledge of the existence of
such company , if any such oxiats , and
consequently could not have apoken
; of or commended. iL No aharca wore
. y i ever offered ma either fl5 a gilt or for
: purchaso. I never owned a share and
am not the 'myBtorius senator , ' if any
, . , y such there be , who paid $15,000 or
, , : any sum whatsoever for hares in the
\ a : caIled Peruvian company. 1 have
4 NiJacod the matter in the hand3 of Mr.
i3rrof Philadelphia , and have in-
I atruoted him to arrest immediately
. I , ; any prties connected with the libeL"
Senator Blatr , who had the benefit
of daily publication of the caao made
ot hi name by Shphordwaa also fur-
. " niehed a printed copy of the Leati-
\niony. Although Shipherd' teati-
' _ ony more diracLlyconnects him with
- tim affair than any other gentleman ,
ho hasnot sought to be heard by the
committee whom legialative etiquette
torbids etiling a a witneas. Ho Ia reported -
ported a5 saying there was nothing in
the testimony which called for explanation -
nation from him.
THEOFME1 * , .
Blame , I3lisa ( of Morton , Blisa &
Co.and ) Robert Randall are expected -
) ed to testify on Monday , but Randall
' k is too ill to be here. The other gen
tlemozx will appear.
It haa not been decided when to
f real1 Shipherd. It depends on further
, - .
( WAsunuToM , April ' 22.-The bill
' 1 for the conitruction of i light tower
4 1 at the Chicago water worh8 crib
I ' paued.
'I Mr. Robinson ( N. Y. ) attempted to
I raise the question that the foreign af-
( lairs committee ahould be censured for
delay in their report on the resolution
I rolatingto Iriah affairs , and the mat-
ter went over until Monday.
I - The bill tranaferringto the court of
"aims the various claims before con-
: gs5 cameup as unfinished business.
The house spent the entire day on the
bill , and at 5:30 : p. m. a motion to ra-
commit the bill to the judiciary corn-
. niitteo rectied 85 votea in its favor to
t14 negatives. The point of "no quo.
' rum" waa made , pending which tim
I house adjourned , leaving the vote to
be again taken on Monday.
NttonI Aoctsted I'rcea.
' ritusmir . & 2D rIWSPECTIYB.
. WASUINOT0N , April 23.-It is cx-
poctc& that the home will take up the
contested election caaes this week.
, . 4 The first busineas to-morrow will be
the.vota on the motion to refer to the I
I judiciary committee the bill _ to refer
claims to the court of claims. This
motion received a inajority of votc I
( Ifl Saturday just before adjournment ,
I 1utthe pointof "no quorum" having
' * 4 , OU made and suitained , the vote i
must ) , e taken again to.morrow. Possi.
bly'some ' combination will bemadoto.
night by htch the bill niay e pauod
to-morrow , but it is hardly probable.
Sherman's amendment adopted yea
: teday will practically rob it of its i
usalulneas ,
- 'This bill disposed of , the house
t wilt probbly ; take up the election
cares , and a longand somewhat bitter
contest La expected. The democrats I
inaiatB that they will resist all attempta
: to unseat any of their mombera by I
every parliament practice known , and
: the republican majority is so small it
. t will be extremely difficult for them to
muster a quorum with which to trans.
, act business if the democrats refrain
: from voting as they promise to cio.
1itIonaI . &uoclited irces.
. . I
' ' . W.a.suINarox , April 2g.-Prof.
Mark Uopkins was givozi a reception
by Williams college graduates last
No executive dinners or receptions
will be held until next week.
, Mr. Toiler received 500 applicanta
- for office during the firat week in the
The bill to incorporate a new rail.
, , way company for a fast line botwoan
' I York and Washington is still
'I' , / qpending before the house railraad
, . COflflnjttoe. It proposes to deliver
' , .
' mails in aix hours and carry passon.
f gers at $5 , The aub.ooxnmittee has
: prepared several anmndlnents , the
I moat important is one making the
I charter non.tranaIorablo. Tim report
. . : ' to the full committee is expected on
. - 'l Tuesday , after which arguments for
, and against the scheme will bo hoard.
Secretary Lincoln went to New
York yesterday and will return on
. Monday.
There is some talk at the capitol I
. ) . about the judgment obtained by Hal.
' - - rlett Kilbourne against the late scr
1.1 of the house , Thomj' ' .
son , and there is a dipositioit to con-
euro the district attorneyfor allowing
such heavy judgment to be rendered.
Some of the members of congress say
they are flatly opposed to paying the
$100,000 , on the groupd thai Thompson -
son made so little defense ,
. The president has rocivod an in.
vithtiori to attend the Milwaukee n -
duatrial exposition In September and
will probatl accept.
The1 idont and cabinet hvo
pronif tti attend the Blue Anchor
party for the benefit of the flood atif.
forers , hero next week.
The senate finance committee will
to.morrow consider the house bill .
moving liintations on the tirna that
distilled spirits may remain in bond.
Secretary Folgor lisa sent thorn a lot-
tar severely criticising portions of the
bill. Material amendments in the
senate are probable.
The commerce committee wilt report
port the river and harbor bill the last
of the present week.
Piro. .
NitIonl Aseottcd Prce.
LAKu Ciry , April 22.-Probably
the most disastrous fire that aver
visited the state , swept through Lake
City , beginning in the frame building
on the Point Aided by a fierce gale
the flames destroyed five solid squares
of business buildings , leaving only
three rows of buildings standing in
the buiness portion of the tpwn.
The loss is roughly put at $400,000 ,
and the insurance at $100,000. The
lire started at a little before 2 o'c'ock- ' ,
and in loss than ono hour the worst
had bcii done. Tim flames leaped
from building to building , aoss
streets andovcr tops like the water
pours over Niagara. The fire department -
ment worked nobly , but no human
power could arrest the progress of the
fire. The Red Wing engine came
down on a special trainbutarrivod t. .
late to be of much practical bent.
The probability is that a large sum-
ber of the buildings will not bb ra-
placed , but those which are erected
will be of a more solid character. The
loss to this community cannot bo'over
estimated , and nothing but the most
combined efforts on the part of , citi-
zonp can overcome it and place us
whore we wore before. The greatest
mystery about the affair is that although -
though many of the burned buildings
were occupied by families , not a lila
was lost , and no cases of serious accidents -
dents hare boon reported.
Tbo Suspended Buffalo Bauk
Nt1onaI A8OciatCd i'resa.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 23-
Comptroller Knox has received no
answer from the person he proposes
to appoint receiver ofthe3uuialo Firat
National bank , hence no appointment
is likely to be made before' Tucsay.
Ho said to-day the failure was a very
bad one and resulted from bad loans
and management. Mr. Knox did. not
know anything about' the condltjpn. of
affairs , nor could he say -hat the
bank' 'woul& 'creditbr
Bareleas work in tile bank had kqezI' ,
done within the last/aix months.
Heretofore banks that"failed in Now
York had paid 100 ctnts on the dol-
jar. This was the first bad failure in
that state , and the second national
bank since November , 1880.
Ne'v Cable Comunicatl.n.
N&tIo AaeoclAted 'Vr.
Naw : Yonx , April 23.-The'1 new
cable between Northern Gerntah and
Valentia , Ireland , by which for the
Lirat time direct cable communication
is established between Germany and
America , was opened yesterday , Emperor -
peror William sent the first messao ,
being a greeting to President Arthur I
and an expression of tim emperor's
hope that the direct link between both
countries would be the means of more
closely cementing their friendship and
enlarging their relations with each
Tolls will be the same between the
United States and Germany .as between -
tween the latter and England.
'The StarB.outo Trials.
&tI9n&I Associated Vreis '
WABUINOT0N , D. 0. , April 22.-
Ehe coming'troublo in the star route
trials is foreshadowed today in the I
ruaahing of the indictment against
M : . a. Reredoll , the court deciding hi I
ul1 name , Mortfort 0. , should be
med. It is understood the same
points will be made In the case of
Kato M. Armstrong and others.
Judge Wylie said he regretted the no-
msaiy of quashing because it would
nako a delay.
Mangled Body Pound.
ittonaI ! Mocted 1'reis.
KArSAMOIrY , April 22.-This morn
ing the dead body of a colored man
named Louis Thompson was found on
the Alton track under the bluffs near
1'wohfth street. The dead man had
evidently been run over by the cars.
The remains were horribly mangled
and thd head wa cmplotely severed
from the body and lying some distance
from it.
I'lsharmen Drowned.
NtIonI Aaoctsted Presi.
PORTLAND , Ore. , April 23.-A fish.
ing boat was capsized. in the breakers
at the bar of the Columbia yesterday.
Both occupants were drowned.
Another boat drifted on Sand island
and one of the crew wore drowned.
- . .
stIonaI Aa8oclated ifebS
BosToN , April 23.-John Meghor ,
of Lawrence , won the walking maich
against 1) . A. Driscoll , of Lynn , for
t1,0o0 and the championship , making
1 miles and two lap in S hours and
21 minutes , Driecoll withdrawingnftcr I
19 miles and 3 laps.
Base BaR. '
&tIonaI Auociated 1reat
Pirrsnuno , Pa. , April 22-Detroit
11 , Pittaburg 5.
Murd.rcd a Walter.
atIoniI AeocIitod Piece.
CIIIUACO , April 23.-ThIs afternoon
John A.Vill , of .Shelby , Richiand.
county , shot and instantly killed a
kotel waiter ziamod Thomas Kohley ,
aged 33. The deed was apparently
unprovoked , although Will states do.
ceased Insulted and struck him in the
street. Will is a giant in size and had
just returned from a prolonged visit
to Colorado and showed ho had learned
to be quick with a pistol. After shoot.
ing the murderer walked coolly away
and * arrostd near the scene. lie
attempted to draw his revolver on the
policemen but soon surrendered and
was Ioclcei up in the central station.
Railway Crossing Trouble.
NetIatiI Aeeocl&ted Piece.
Pmsuuno , April 23.-A Mount
Ploasaiit specliti says Judge Hunter
dissolved the injunction restraining
the Pennsylvania railway from extending -
tending their branch acioss the Bahi.
more & Ohio railroad siding. The
latter road had placed a freight train
at the disputed point. By the aid of
jack screws anti digging pit falls , two
hundred laborers of tim l'ennsylvania
rondnmdo a complete wreck of the
Baltimore & Ohio track. The Baltimore -
more c ; Ohio force consisted of four
train men who wore powerless to resist -
sist the Pennsylvania gang. After
wrockkng tlio Baltimore & Ohio train
the Pennsylvania force hooked an
er'glno ' to the roar end ; it gave one
mighty tug and the cars wore jerked
apart at the desired spot. The track
mcii literally jumped into the breach
and made the dirt fly at a lively rate.
The sheriff of Weatmoroland county
with a large posse vero at the scene
of the conflict. The Baltimore &
Ohio gives up the fight and allows tIm
Pennsylvania road to lay their track
Ohio Sunday Law
Nstlonsl Arioclated Press.
DAyTON , Ohio , April 23. - The
saloons of this city were all closed under the operation of the
Smith Sunday law , The ealoonista
and their sympathizers hold a
inooting during thoday , atthioKit
was resolved to entered the 'comnion
labor law next Sunday , which prohibits -
hibits all kinds of labor except works
of charity or necessity. The idea is
to stop the running of the street cars ,
to prevent publication of Iivspapors ,
close livery stables , etc.
aflcINNAvI , April 22.-The Smith
bill , closing saloons on Sunday , goes
into effect to-morrow. The saloon
keepers of this city have resolved to
keep open as usual , and take chances
of arrest , with a view of testing the
COLUMBUS , April 23.-First Sunday
under the Smith bill was well ob-
served. All saloons wore closed and
restaurants covered their bars with
The Arizona Outbreak.
Ntlonei Aocteted iress.
WASUINOToN , April 23.-McDowell
telegraphs , corroborating the report
of the Indian outbreak in Arizona.
TucsoN , Arizona , April 23.-The
report of : the massacre of cloven per.
sons on the Gila by the Apaches' is
c9nfirmed. The.Indlads are said to be
-1 .tw0L.4 ; _ , _ I. . , . _
andare making rapid progress toward
Sonora. Many other outrages are ro.
ported , they are not authenti-
The Detained Cauadlau Emigrants
Jeuone Aesocistod Press.
Sr. PAUL , April 22.-Tim four hun-
fired Canadian emigrants an route for
lanitoba are stilt detained hero , ow-
log to the flood in the Red river val-
by , which forbids railway travel.
Five more car loads of emigrants came
in to.night , and a dozen more cars ar
due to-morrow morning , which will
welt the numberof detained travelers
to over a thousand. The Red river is
rising at Sc. Vincent and falling at
% Vinnepeg , a very unusual circum-
- p
Suit for Damage. .
tational Associated Press.
YOUMUITOWN , 0. , April 23.-John
Shaunessy , one of three men charged
with murder by wrecking a train on
the Pittsburg , Fort Wayne & Chicago
railwayat Alliance , Ohio , a few months
ago , by which'to men wore killed ,
nd who had a trial and was di.-
charged , haa'brought ' suit for damages
to reputation in the sum of $10,000
igalnst Rush IL Taggart , attorney for
the railroad company , and Ii. 0.
Johnson , of Pinkerton's detective
Gas Explosion.
atIona.I Associsted Preic
SAUAT0OA , April 22.-A terrific gas
3xploaion occurred at the National
hotel hero this afternoon , blowing out
no.half of the west wall and damag.
[ ng property in the immediate vicinity.
Flie jar caused by the explosion was
rolt a great distance. Thohotol caught
lire but it was soon extinguished. A.
. Hayes , owner of' ' the property , was
the only person injured.
tIoniI Assoct&tod ness.
NEw YORE , April 22.-Wm. Box-
ton and Jacob Schiefl'er dopos.
ited $2,000 each to complete $2,500
a side , for which they are to play a
amn of 500 points cushion caroms
011 Tuesday evening.
Next Saturday evening Sexton will
meet Eugene Kimball on cuahin
sirum , giving Kimball odds of 150
points i 500.
They Get tim Raise ,
Niitonil Aecoclste4 Press.
BOSTON , April 22-W. H. Went.
worth , the marble worker , has yielded
to the demand of the employcs and
raised their pay 20 per cent. A.
Weutwortit paid his help to-night 25
rentd per day advance. Several other
firms express their willingness to pay
as snuck as the othieri , Thiera will bu
no more striking.
SorgeautMason' . Wife.
ItonaI ! Associated Press.
OIKCJNNAT : , April 22.-Considora.
ble money has been rained hero by
dime subscriptions for Mrs. Sergeant
Iason and transmitted to her.
The Turf.
Natlonsi Ascocictod Priu.
Nnw YonE , April 22.-The races at
New Orleans were postponed on ac.
count of rains ,
The Wife of the LattorAbout to
Take to the Looturo Fola ! ,
To Acquaint the People With
lier Brother and Got Big-
, natures to a Petition ,
Thinkingshooan BringEnough
Preesuro Thereby on the
President For a Pixrdon ,
Outtesu Prefer. to llav Her Lot
Hint Alone.
National AssoctstcI Press.
WASHINGTON , April 23.-Notwith-
ctaiiding the fact that Guitoan 'would
hnrdiy speak to her when she first
called , 31it Scnvlllo says she is determined -
terminod to save him from the gal.
lows , and 'will start a petition to have
his sentence commuted to imprison.
inent for lifo.
Guitonu says ho would rather be
hung a thousand times than be Imprisoned -
prisoned for life.
She thinks ho has the true manly
spirit. ITo is a great deal worse now
than whim she left , and says ho don't
want anything todo with his relatives.
Hothinka Scovillo lisa not done right
by him , and that every one Is ir
ionguo to got his money. Ho has
idea that if lie wont to ' , th's
prison and became a convict t' 'would
be degrading.
Mrs. Scovilie also saya hi nroposo
to lecture and circulate petition. I
think the president vou1d be willing
to commute the nentenco if nublio
pressure was bvorpjit. If there is any
pressure , I hav to bring it. People
may come to iioar ma oat of curiosity ,
but I thinz theywill become convinced -
vincod a'jd be willfng to sign the po-
ti n. ii : have a manager already so-
lecte'Zi , and think I will begin out
wet. I think it is the only hope. "
WASIIINOT0N , D. 0. , , April 23.-
Mr. Scovillo's letter withdrawing
from the Guiteau case has not yet
been received. The case will be call.
ed to.morrow and DIstrict AtTtornoy
Corkhill will ask an early hearing
in the bill of exceptions.
IMarino Intolllgonoo.
NMIonal AescIated Press.
Nzw YoRN , April 22.-Sailed-Tho
City of Rome and the Italy for Liver.
pool , the Bolivia for Glasgow , the
Noderland fez Antworp.
Arrived-The Bolvatia from Ant.
wcrp , the Oder front Bremon.
Grasaow , Apri' ' 22.-Arrivod-Tho
Austriafrom Boston.
Rr"YaM , April 22.-Arrivcd--
TheMaas : from Nw York. ' 4
QCZEN5T0wN , April 22.-Sailed-
The Britannic for Now York.
Arrived-Tho Parthia from Now
York. .
HAvItu , April 23-PassedOn the
22d , the Weiland from Hamburg for
Now York.
Bailed-The Canada for Now York.
LIvEarooL , April 23.-Arrived-
The Illinois from Philadelphia. , the
Parthia from New York.
SouTuAMrro , April 23.-Passed-
The Main front Now York for Brc-
LOItNE , April 23.-Sailed - The
State of Pennsylvania for Now York.
BniMEN , April 23.-Sailod-The
Bohemia for Mow York.
QIJEENSTOWN , April 23.-Sailed-
The Gallia and the Baltic for Now
The Zunis.
Nstioaal Assoc1atd Press.
VAsuINoroN , D. C. , April 23.-The
Zunis have gone home , except two ,
M. Moqui and a son.of Pedro Pine ,
who femain with Mr. Cushing to as-
aist in cataloguoing the collection at
the Smithsonian Institute. Those
who want carried water taken from
the ocean at Boston , and also some
secUred from the Potomae on their
trip to Mt. Varnon before they went I
to Bo8ton ; also a supply of shells to
be ground into. meal to use in their
religious ceremonies.
NtUonal Aseocteted i'roae.
BUFFALO , N. Y. , April 23.-The
jury came in this morning and do.
livered their verdict. They find
James II. Kennedy , the lawyer , Cuss.
A. Thomaa'and Orrin Thomas guilty
of conspiracyand Dr. Colton and Wm ,
R. Thomas not guilty. Kennedy can.
not be found and it is presumed has
camped. It was thought Inst night
the jury would disagree. They will
be sentenced in the morning ,
Heavy Snow Fall.
Nitton&I Ascocietud l'ross.
WA8IIINaTo D. 0 , , April 23-
Snow fell steadily for four hours hero The streets are covered with
slush. Gardens and lawns are under
two inches of a mantle of snow. The
Maryland and Virginia heights as far
as the eye can reach are covered with
snow. Fruit and ahado trees have
been badly damaged by the weIght
of it.
British Columbia Railway Legir
NtIonaI Associated iress.
VICTORIA , April 23.-In the house
on Wednesday the ( iloments railway
land bill finally passed. The Damn.
sio railway land bill was killed by an
amendment moved by a member of
tile govcrnmeiit. The latter included
among its promoters Stanford and
Cracker , of the Central Pacific rail-
way. The former bill was promoted
by local mon.
. -
- -
Pound Dead in a Shed.
lhtlonal Aisoctated Press.
DAYTON 0 , , April 23.-Patrick
Finn , aged 25 year. , of Lebanon , 9 , ,
was found dead in a sited in the Trear
.1 158 Montgomery street , this city1
- -J. , ' - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - , L&I.z _ . _ _ _ _ _ _
at 7 o'clock this morning , having died
from concussion of the brain. It is
thought. I.e luwo boon caused by a
blow from a sand bag. Flint last
yr traveled with Sells' circus , and
the place where hi body was found is
In the same locality where the circus ,
whloh showed hero last night , was
loaded on the train. Suspicion of
murder attaches to some of the circus
emloycs , although no one in partion.
hr is sOspocted.
A. Colil and Wet Summer.
National Associated l'ress.
tXXT1tRAL , April 23--In answer to
letters from point.s In the United
States risking for signification of the
recent auroras , l'rof , Vonnor , ( lie
Canadian weather prophet , says ( ho
n'pptoaching summer will bo cold and
: IYot aver i very considerable vorUou
oftthe country of ( ho south and west.
lb wou1d not be surprised should
oachmontli for the remainder hia0
frosts. In past years brilliant auras
at this tnito in April at Trout , ,
aI1d ! inure southern I)0i1i ! . linv
almost Invariably been suc'jcotlod by a
coldpuid wet summer.
l -
j , Aisault or5 GI.rl.
NMknaI Aseocicted L"
cIWICII , Onn. , April 23.-Lizzie
Towott , dal'ghter ot the late Dr.
Jqwctt , tiI.d temperance advocate , was
asl&tIltOetnt her home hi Norwich
tOWfl forenoon while the family
CO.fl.tEting of her aged mother and
'dbwod sister , were at church. On
rotijrning they found the window
adiashed in atiti Lizzie lying insensible
onthe floor in the front hail. She
remained so for an hour. A large
b I y of men are scouring the country
for thto scoundrel.
Laor Tronbleiin Philadelphia
&ton.i Associated Piece.
PIIILLDELrIIIA , iril 23.-Thirty
union cigarmakore , in tim employ of
w. ii. Henderson , struck against a
reduction of 10 jer cent. Later in
the day the firm decided to lookout
against the mon. It isbelfoved this
Is the initiation of general trouble in
the trades.
A largely attended meeting of jour.
n ynicn house painters was held this
afternoon , at wlii h an organization
was formed with a view to making a
dmand for an increase of wages.
Quarreled Over Cards.
Spcclal to Tue Bee.
' MissoUni VALLEY , In. , April 23.-
Barton Brown was fatally stabbed here
t1 evening by a man named Harmon ,
Beciion boss at California Junction. ,
The anon were , It is supposed , intoxicated -
cated and quarreled over a game of
, Kirkwood.
NtIons1 Associated Press.
Dq MOrNES , April 23-The ru.
nbrs to the effect that Secretary
Kir'kwood would 'be a candidate for
the Pifith' district are
that under no 'circumstance will 'ho
permit his name to be used in that
Foreign New. .
Nitional Associated Press.
GLASGoW , April 23.-The provost
of this city has received a letter in' '
which a threat is made to blow up the
municipal buildings hero because the
constabulary has arrested Mr. Orof-
tore , of Ireland , a leading "go rout"
agitator in , Scotland.
LOt'iDOi , April 28.-Uervaae Smith
is dead.
Small Pox.
IleUonal Associated Press.
Tiioy , N. Y. , April 23.-Rev. Ralph
Fathorgill , pastor ot the l'rhnitive
MethodIst church , died yesterday of
small-pox. lie leaves a widow and
five children , four of whom have the
small pox. Ho was opposed to vaccination -
nation , and would not allow himself
and family to be vaccinated.
Guilty of Murder.
National Associated lied.
, Pirranuim , Pa. , April 22.-The
jury in the caa of. George Wolf on
trial for killing William Boecher ,
rendered a verdict of murder in the
socond.dogreo. In a quarrel about
slz weeks ago Volfo deliberately
stuck a knife in Beecher , who dropped
dead intantLy.
Consaquonee of a Strike.
National Associaicd l'icss
Tiiox , N. Y. , April 23.-The Co.
hoes mills have resolved to strike on
Monday , having vainly tried to pro.
yunt'thio ' proposed reduction of their
wages 10 per cent. Many will move
away and the morchliLuta are despond.
out over the 1)rosjCCtiVo ) loss of trade.
1 Steamer Burned.
Netlonii Associated lrese.
Viwcsnwtn , M , April 22.-To.
day the steamer Little Dick caught
fire and was totally destroyed. She
was owned by T. 0. Bond , of thus
city and valued at $2,500 , ; insurance ,
$1,200. ,
Pired Out.
Nattonid Associated Press.
CINcuNAT : , April 22-The trial of
J. M. hayes & io. , by tue chamber
of commerce , for uninercuntilo conduct -
duct , ended by a decision sue-
pending them train membership in.
- .s.
Cut His Brother.
flttona1 AbaocLated Prose.
PiTTSIIITIW , April 23-John Steblo ,
15 years old cut his brother WTilliam ,
1Q years old , with i' penknife lii four
or five pisces , inflicting probably fatal
stabs. Thu boys were (1uarrclizlg
about a ball. Johiuwae arrcetd ,
Stewart' . Store.
National Auociated l'sees.
Nnw YORK , April 23.-A company
with $1,500,000 paid in , Including J.
A. Foropaugh , 0. F. Bailey and 0.
13. Bushnell , Is endeavoring to seoui'o
tewart'n store for a musoum.
lleautyhiealth , andhin ppiness ( er Jadies
- - - - - - - - - -
"A QUANDAM cooiiiy. "
Who $ ooka Aid and Comfort In the
. Camp of the Enotny ,
To the F..iiIor of The lice :
My attention ha , been called to a
conununloation In Sunday's Herald
headed "Those Subscriptions , " and
signed "Laboring Man. " From the
coarseness and vulgarity of tli epistho
I fool justified In asoribtug to this
denyor of tim novoui dials the full
cretlut of being the proizenitor of ( lie
transcendent fll whici appeared Under -
dor thio signature of ' 'Citizen" ' In the
columns ot the herald and the
Roimblien. I would say to
this "citizen" that when he
feia. to thinking ho is a factor
1r4 the government of Omaha , lie labors
t.mder a profound delusion. And he
is also Iii grave error when ho sup.
poses that the jargon of Vhito cliiqol
can be scattered broadcast through
the Omaha press without its odor being - .
ing manifest. I would therefore say
to this rospeclablo apostle of labor
viio drew his pay from the 0. L. P.
U. vithi ooinmondablo regularity , as
well as all other members of the executive -
ocutive committee , Knight included ,
that the "ilantain Rooster" neither
asked nor received aught , but
contributed his mite for the
support of "Laboring Mait" and his
frIends. "Laboring Maui" or "Citi.
zen" says that this "Bantam" wanted
Walsh shut off. ] 3nt the asthma of
the "Bantam" speaks louder than the
wind of this quondam Cockney.
I bavo heretofore supposed that the
vice prosklciit of the International
Bricklayers union , &e. , &e. , & . , had
more intelligence titan to disclose the
business of that body , and subject it
to the criticisms of the press. But it.
scents his desire for vengoanco'on the
heads of those whose ditty it was to
expel hint front the 0. L. P. 1.1. for
his baseness and treason to that or
ganivation is stronger than his honor
or his allogianco. Now , iii regard to
the cane , I will ay that I neitlur :
knew nor care froiti whence it cairn. .
I rejoice to soefor once iii the tutnitla 01
labor that the working inaut paused in
his triumph and showed his racogili.
tion of the coolness and decision of
his gifted leader who , in the face of
calumny and falsehood , brought the
late conflict to a successful issue.
It is a source of regret on my part
to answer the effusion of "Laboring
Man" but I will say to him :
Be thou to others kind and true ;
As you'd have othops be to you ;
And neither de not'say to men
\Vltst'r you would not take again.
J'oinr QUINN ,
The Celebration of the Slxty.Thtrd
Anniversary of American Odd
The celebration of the sixty-third
anniversary of American Odd yellow
; iii- ' " , ncirithia cyjear
- - . - - - - , _ ? . .s. ci. t.tjcf.n Ifl com
mon with tlio eifti0 nuuxr , uug-
fixed upon Wednesday noit'April 20 ,
when the following programme will be
followed :
Line to form as follows : Form n
Fourteenth street. right resting on
First. U. P. band ; 2d , committee of
arrangements , Beacon Lodge No. 20 ,
Stnto lodge No. 10 , Alfemanon
lodge No. 8 , Omaha lodge No. 2 ,
visiting lodges , encampment.
LINE bY l.tAJeCiL.
Down Douglas to Eleventh , south
to Farnam , east to Ninth , countermarch -
march up Farnam to Fifteonthi , south
on Fifteenth to Harnoy , cast. on liar-
Hey to Twelfth , north to Dodge , up
Dodge to Sixteenth , north on Six.
teentlito Case , east oii Case to Fif.
teenthi , south on Fifteenth to Doug-
has , etet on Douglas to Fourteenth ,
then north on Fourteenth to the ball.
Grand Marshal , T. J. Staley.
First assistantinarelial , 0. 11. Fred-
Second assistant marshal , H. Bollu.
Third assistant marshal , D. liarl
son. ; . I
Fourthi assittnC ! marshal , A. S.
Billings , '
.All transient Odd Fellows are cor.
dially invited to join the Parade.
Meat at the hall at 1 p in. sharp.
3.v. . Nichols , inastor of core
monies. Anniversary ceremonies at
I. 0. 0. F. hail at 4 p. m , A musical
and literary ciiLortaiIliuoni' in the
uvouiiug Lit 730 also at 1. 0. 0. F.
hull , tiid , a huh at llaSOuliC hail.
Alt the ubore vjIt be tilven under
the auspices of 1tobcku Dgrcu Idgu.
' 1' . r , STI.iv , Conuinandor.
j.v. . Niniiou , &icrtary ,
- - - -
The Funny IuuInesa at Boyd's Opera
house To-NIght.
Tue Strategists arc billed for one
appearance , one night only , at Boyd's
Opera ijousti , title evening. They
have long boon recognized as one of
the most entertaining comedy oompa-
nba on the road , and they have gained
streuigthi of late instead of losing any.
The sale of reserved ecate has boon
heavy , and there will be a crowded
house euro , The San Francisco Alta
of A ril 10th , says of them :
The iluivorly 0omedi company , in
tIm very unnusing fercuil comedy of
"The Strategists , " have made an undeniable -
deniable popular hit at this place p1
amusement. For the last four Icr'
forinancea , standing room only was
obtainable after eight o'clook. The
cast La a very strong ono , audhas been
ilrcady noticed by us in detail. Each
rList seems to be most aptly fitted to
the role assumed , and the , cqmody ,
front beginning to end , moves along
with a completeness of mush and at.
tontion to detail that is vfry setiafy-
ing. "The Strategiets ° is evidently
up for a long run , as nothing so suits
pup public as an amusing , flu well as
cleanly , ontedainment ,
Acoidont to a Stoanier at
She Shuck e. Pier of thoBridge
and Turned Bottom , . . .
Side Up. . '
Completely Wrecking Horoolf ,
and Killing Three of Her
fle.ltlos flaxnngtngtho Bridge toss
Slight Extent. '
N&Uona Associated Press.
1IANNIIILE , Mo. , April 23-A icr-
riblo accident occurred hero this after-
neon 'which resulted in the total
wrecking of the steamer 1411110 EaIo
and the loss of three lives. The Lit.
tie Eagle was owned by
Bros. 'rhtey wore requested for no-
conimodation to go up to McDonald's
Island , three miles above lucre , antI
drop drowui part of a raft. They proceeded -
ceeded to the place indicated
and itiaking fast to the raft
swung it into the rtver anti started
down. They whistled for the bridge
shortly afterward , and the draw was
open long before the boat reached it. .
The boat struck a pier aniidship , was
turned bottom upward and crushed'
like an egg shell. The captain says
ha felt himself going down , ho know
not. whither , and suddenly Ito emerged
from under the wreck and. grabbed
the first thing ho saw , which happened
to be a chicken coop. lie clung to . "
that. until he saw a skill from the
shore. lie was picked up and safely ' .
landed. .1. 13. Seoly , chief engineer , . .
and Pete Gennison , second engineer ,
svoi ti iii thu engine vomit when the
liat struck. As the boat was turned
ilItlidO 0Ut nitti ( ho two tiortlons left
" t' ingilig against the piers by the chains
tueae mcii tyoro thrown into the river
auid both escaped almost iniracu-
lously. Gennison climbed up on the
bottom of the boat to the bridge pier ,
and Soely being picked up by a ekiff.
William floss , night watchman , was
hurled to the bottom of the river and
UI ) again and was rescued by the akifl
buforohe knew what happened.
Fire bells were rung and whistles
blown , and in a short time 500 persons
were along the levees and at the
bridge. ' ' 4Tho river Was dotted with '
skitls picking up from the debris
trunks , boxes , chairs and a thousand
other articles. A portion of tim texas
of the boat which floated off was
towed ashore and a hole cut above
thoberthe. Here tltofirat. b4y was
found. It. proved to be 5. Yallom ,
who had shipped as a deck-hand at
La Crosse. The body * as removed
'to the 'coroner's office , where an Lu-
quest .was hel& Clerk Church Davis , '
-v4I'ty.oiuu. ; 'pqrsOfls' were UpOIt
& vhen she struck. OU" , , . . . ' . .
3. GVaflon : , ' ' .
J. Copor , of' Quinoy , fireman , body I ' . . - - -
not recovered ; } lenry Hosomafl.
cabin boy and second cook. It
is , a miracle . that any of
those on the boat wore saved ,
as the entire works were torn to
pieces. Search has been intiLuthd
fortho bodies. Reuben Queen , pilot , '
and William 'Roe' , night watchman ,
were hurt about the head by falling
timber. Tim Rood , deck hand , also
received severe bruises.
The Little Eagle cost $9,000 and is
a complete wreck. There is a large '
stone ot the pier of the bridge which
was dislodged and fell into the river. '
John Lower was let down on a rope
into the wreck and severed one chain
hich hold the broken hull against
the pier , as it was found the current
'iaa undermining the bridge. The
other chain , which is below the water
line , still holds aportion of the wreck.
Tim accident caused the most intense
excitement here. This ii the third
boat sunk at this hridge.
IT TACV.STHE I.E. . " , ,
? ; . ! ' ;
And a Man Standsin We Own , Light " 'i . , . , '
Who Doubts It. ' , , .1 th1rt
I - -
. -
. . .
' Hawthorn's Centennial Excelaror , , . ,
. ' '
Roof Paint has stood a teat of thirteen
years. It is applicable to metal , ' ' '
eliiuuglo and felt roofs , and all metallic
surfaces. Contains no oil nor any
other cvnporating properties to allow
pores for moisture to reach. the metal.
( Jri11'ctcd by hoot or cold ; neither \
cracks , breaks nor blisters. It. makes
a bcautiful gloss on metal , npd. a
slitnlo roof painted with it resembles
slate and is fire and water proof.
Carpoutore and Builders say it is the
only paint that will preserve the
shuluigles , and is almost equivalent tea
a now roof. Thu roofis , tim mast ox.
posed Iart of the building , and yet it
18 designed to protect what is under
It. The above statements being so
conclusively substantiated by the best
class of business men In the country
east and west , no owner of a building
will stand iii his own light by no
protecting ide roof with the Ilaw.
thorn's Paint , .l.eraouial attention
p.voIt to the painting of roofs by
iunk & Shockey , State Agents ,
Boom 0 , Croighton Block , Sub.
agents wanttd throughout the state.
Endorsing the Now Chief , .
Thu following resolutioi was unani-
inously adopted by Engluro' company
No. 1 Saturday night :
Resolved , ' .l'hat title company en.
dorsas the action of the mayor iii ap.
pointing and the city council in con-
lirining John H. Butler chiel engineer -
noor of the fire department , and that
It is the sense of this meeting that
this company will give hint their
most. cordial support at' ' all times
while ho is a chiefenginoor.
Watches , Clocks and Jewelry ro.
I paired as good as now , at Pttoiuon's ,
Creighton block. aprl7.m.w&sat
- - - - - - - . - - . . _ _ .4
I !
. .
t , t
F' ' .
, II