4 VV MAHA DAILY BEE : , APRiL 18 iP ° n THE DAILY BEI OMAHA. Tuesday Morning April 18. Wonthor Report- ( The followipg observations are token a ho BIMBO moment ot tlmo at all the U oust ) rimed. ) Wia DsrAKTMicrr , U. B. Sto-ut , Bsnricii , 1 OMAHA , April 17 , 1882. (1:45 ( : p. m.f Rlver.Sieet G Inches above high water mark i Omaha and 10 feet At Yankton. LOOALi BREVITIES , Thocity council meets tomorrow nigh ! Four plain drunks paid four fines I police court yesterday A pile of nhln les ( s deposited on th sidewalk In front of the court hou o to pv n new roof on tlio oM bulk. A regular fiiJo came up nbout mlt night lost night-ond the attnosphore gro1 perceptibly cooler. Tlio Bohemian band was heard dli coursing tome fine music out on Thirteen ! street" lost night ; , Remnant 'aceaaU styles , from 2 i r yds. at lOc a ] ) leco at Andrea Dazar , IOC 1'nrnnm street. The work of getting the streets mi alley cleaned has begun , under the BUIICI -vision of Officer O'Donohoo. Caldwell & Hamilton's bank comes u in a new dress of paint. It will take eeeond coat to complete the transformation A meeting of the Teamsters' unlo : will bo held at Thlelo hall , comer Fnrnar nnd Ninth , on Tuesday evening. B ; order of the president , M. J. Mali * . Attesting of the executive commit tec of the Omaha Labor Protective unloi will be held on Friday at 10 o'clock a. m , on Leavcnwortb , between Seventh an Eighth streets. By order of P. 0. Boyt sen , treasurer. There will bo a meeting of Brickloj era" union at their hall , over Martin' ' drug store , on Douglas street , this even ing. All members arc requested to at tend. William Turtle , president. An alarm of fire was sounded at o'clock yesterday afternoon , and the dc partment wont down Fnrnam and Nintl on the fly. Their services proved unnecei nary , M it was of no consequence , and wa out before they reached the spot. A movement Is on foot to cut dowi the Farnam street grade from ( We t even feet more , beginning with IGtl f street. In this cue the grade nt the in * terse'otidn of 10th would be lowered'fiv ' feet. feet.The Omaha Sportamensclub will havi An encampment on the east bank of th Itawnlde , near Crlss lake , on Wednesday Thursday and Friday , April lOtli , 20tl and 21st. The members are expected witl their friends. A caterer will be on band and meals will be furnished those who d not wish to cater for themselves. A single horse hitched to nlightwagoi took ft lively run up Farnam street nboul 2 o'clock yestcrdry , turning north 01 llth at Max Meyer's corner , where thi wagon bed was left in the middle of th at reel. The horse pursued his way am disappeared from the reporter's tight. . A large and important meeting of th' ' Omaha Land League will bo held a Kuony's Hall Wednesday evening , J very important question concerning th < late assage of ITon. T. P. O'Connor , M J. ' . , through the city will come up for dts evasion and all members are urged tp b present. The Hod Carriers met on Sr.turda ; evening to organize a Union and inothe meeting will be held next Saturday to per feet the organization. They Invite al hod c rrien and plasterers' and briek lays' laborers to be present. They meo II'tbe hall at the corner of 14th and Doug lai. -A very sad affair Is the accident whid resulted in the death , on Saturday last , o the Infant child of Mr. and Mr * . Chas Diuer , It appears that the baby , whlcl wwfbut fifteen m6nths old , fell from It high chair on Thursday last audsmtalnai nome injury of the spine , One side wa paralyzed and the little one after linger ing for two days , during which it suflerei terribly , died. The mother is neatly dis tracted with grief from the sight of he ; child' * suffering , and Is now under medics care. The sympathy of all who knov them ii axtended to the parents in tbel great allllctlon. The Hawthorn Bros ) , Inventors am proprietora of Hawthorns. ' Centeunia Excelsior roof paint are still in the city but anxious to get away soon , and thos -who contemplate taking boll of state o territorial agencies In the west had bette call at once , They have jiut finlshei ooatiutra roof for Supt. J , T. Clark which Is ready for Inspection. They ha- contracted with Mr. Caldwell to pain th roof of the Academy of Miulc , but o : examination , say It would not Justify th expense , and not being desirous of rhkln their own reputation on the roof , wl Abandon the work , Mesira. Funk < fihockey , the Nebraska agents , are i busy as bee * , and are doing a thrlvln Iiusiness. THE OIXYCOUNCIIi. Probable Drift of the Mayor's Inten tlons To-night. The regular committee meeting o the'cfyjr ' council was had at the clerk' , oflica last night , to bo followed to joiflht by a council mooting , nt wliiol tbe mayor will no doubt tend in al hi Appointments for confirmation. At eng these who are guessed at ai tbe lucky onea are Marshal Angel. Joiin , H Butler , chief of police , and O oMe H * 1'ritohtttt aa.city attorney , Wiwlw ? U'ttw pfxrfnlswaUwulbc confirmed { a mutter of doubt , UNCLE SAM'S CAPTIVES U , 8 , Marshal Biorbowor Bringi in a Prominent Prisoner from the East , And Deputy Marshal Allan Anotho from tlio West. U. S. Marshal Biorbowor , wh has boon absent in the east fo several weeks , returned Sundft morning , bringing with him as n prie oner , Power Coulter , Into norgean major of company C , Fifth caralrj United States army. Coulter wn placed in the county jail for aaf keeping until the next term of th United States court in this city , whei ho will bo tried. Coulter was ai rested at Ilarrisburg , Pa. , upon capias charging him with "uttcrin and publishing soldiers' final state mcnts with intent to defraud. " Thca final statements , ns they are called arc given to each soldier as ho re coivcs his discharge , and tire simpl a declaration of the amount duo hir upon back allowances. That is , i during his services ho uses less cloth ing or tobacco , or draws loss pay tha ho is entitled to ; the amount thu saved is entered upon the final statement mont as it is given to the soldier , wh then presents it to the paymastoi Coulter , who had charge of the mnlt ing out of these statements , was i : the habit/ ; s said , of raising th amount duo the men and using th extra money for his own purposed To a reporter Coulter said that ho fol confident of acquittal , as hit ) prose cution would not bo pushed ti any extent. The officers , ho said who will prosecute him undoubted ! ; are aware of his knowledge of sever al questionable transactions in whicl they were concerned , and will , there fore , bo not at all anxious to pros him too closely. Ho mentioned ii this regard the case of ono oilicor whi reported upon the desertion of a private vato who took with him his carbim and a revolver. In the report it appeared poarod that half a dozen carbines am and nine revolvers had gene with thi unfortunate follow. Tlio oilicor by pothocatod the five carbines and oigh revolvers in order to make matter : agree. Ooultor was under Gon. Mor ntt during the riots in Chicago and it the campaign against the Utos. Hi takes his arrest with philosophy , anc thinks that it is duo to a chancp visi of Marsha ? Bicrbowor to Ilarrisburg as arresting him will result in the payment mont by the government of the expenses ponsos of his trip. Ho is the son o respectable parents , with whom hi was living at the time of his arrest. The reporter called at the oflico o : Marshal Biorbowor to-day and learnoc that Coulter was indicted by the gram jury at the November term of thi United States court on the chargi stated above , , rtho statement having boon passed into the Exchange banl of Sidney. Ho was a member of Cap tain Emll Adams company , ono of thi two which came to Omaha durincthi late labor troubles. Ho enlisted ii September , 1870 , and was dischargee at the expiration of his term of on listmont. The indictment shows thai ho woo several times promoted anc that ho was paid off at the data of hu discharge. Ever since the indiotmoni was found the officers have boon or his trail and at ono time Doputj United States Marshal Allen woi about to go to Indian Territory attoi him , but it was learned that ho hue wind of it and loft. Marshal Biorbowor know ho wai formerly of Ilarriaburg and on hit way homo visited that city where hi found his man acting in the capacity of a street car conductor and ho tool him in. INDECENT LITBIUTUIIE. Deputy Marshal Alien on Saturdaj brought to this city a man named Wilbur F. Rudy , of Knox county , who is charged with depositing ih the United States mail a postal card on which was written indecent and lowc language. It seems that Rudy's mail had boon going to Niobrara and he ctcsirod to have it forwarded to a new postoffico. Ho wrote several letter ! to the postmaster , and receiving IK reply at length mailed a postal card ot which ho wrote simply : "Send on raj mall , you Christ-killing s of a b J and to this signed his own namo. II is likely to cost him pretty dear. DIED. BAUER Carl Friedrich , son of Uarbart and Chas. liauer , April IGth , aged . ' year , 3 montlu , Funeral will take place April 18th , at ' . o'clock p. m. , from the residence on Bout ] Tenth street. The Peanut War. The case of the two Italians arrestot Sunday morning for fighting eve tlio location of their respective poanu itands was hoard Monday befon Tudgo Bonoko. The principal wit ness was Mr. J , E , Sterling , collecto for the Wheeler & Wilson Manufao luring company , who saw the row am interfered in time to save Ciuiseppi some worse hurts than ho got. Mr Sterling told a very straight story and proved so apt nt repartee that In paralyzed the defendant's counsel who attempted to confuse him on tin witness stand. Guiseppa's injurio are not severe , and the matter was set tied by fining the old nun , Jame. . Mott , $5 and costs for assault am battery , and Guiseppa $3 and'coats fo fighting. Mr. Cunoo. the well knowi fruit dealer on Thirteenth street , acted as interpreter , and the Italiai was rattled out , as a witty counsollo expressed it , like a wagon runniiij down hill. ST. GEORGES SOCIETY. Mombprs may have tickets for tin antortainmom next Saturday , Apri 22d , by applying to the secretary u 1,520 Doago street , any evening thii treok , There will be u special busi loss mooting previous to the enter .ainment ; all members are requested o bo present at 0:30 : sharp. VT , 0. TA\LOK , Secretary. WOULD not be without lledilog'g Uuuli Salve , U the verdict of all who uie It. . L'rloe 25c , THE WORLD ON WHEELS Rumored Change of a Unioi Pacific Official. The Alleged Bale of the Omahi and St. Paul Road. Scrap Iron Picked Up Along the L > lm Tlicro have boon from time to time of late , rumors that the Union Pncifi was about to bo deprived of the sei vices of Mr. J. T , Clark , the preson superintendent , whoso ability as thorough , practical railroad man i rocognired all over the country. Th latest concerning this subject was th following item clipped from Satui day's Chicago Times : "For some unaccountable roaso ; ruroor has not been busy rccontl with the general suporintondoncy o the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Pan railway. But yesterday rumor introduced ducod to railway circles a gontlema who is soon to become the incumbeti of that important office. The office referred to is Mr. J. T , Clark , gpr oral superintendent of the Unio division of the Union Pacific railway witlrhcadquartors at Omaha. Ho ho just finished a tour of the St. Pat lines , in company with Mr. Merrill general manager , and it was roportc yesterday that ho had accepted th general suporintondoncy. Mr. Clark whether hu decides upon the rumore change or not , is ono of the mot promising young railroad managers i the west. The minor of the severance of Gcr oral Superintendent Clark's conncc tion , with the Union Pacific is con firmed by inquiry among the Unipi Pacific officials. Ho offered his rcsig nation last week and will leave for hi now field of duty about the 10th o May. His successor is not yet do tcrminod upon and while th names of P. J. Nichols and Robor Law , two division superintendents o the U. P. , are mentioned , it is pps siblo that some now man will stop in to his shoos from another road en tiroly. The position of general , su porintcndont of the Milwaukee roa < is a moro responsible ono , beinj equivalent to that of general man tiger on other roads , am is understood to bo mud moro lucrative. The extension of tin line to the Missouri river will still it some degree make Mr. Clark an Omahi man. man.Mr. . Clark celebrated his fiftiotl birthday anniversary yesterday anc last evening ho was surprised by i pleasant party invited in by Mrs Jlark in honor of the occasion. Among those present were Mr. am Mrs. T. L. Kimball , Messrs. Yining Way , Shelby and Stebbins , Mr. am Mrs. G. W. Hall , Mr. and Mrs. P. D Brown , Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nash Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Beohol , Mr. am Mrs. ; E. M. Moraman , Mr. and Mrs P.'X ' Nichols , Mr. and Mrs. 0) . O Dlark , Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Congdon Mr. and Mrs. Goble , Mr. Geo. E Stevens , Mr. G. F. JJabagh , Dr. an < Mrs. Mercer , Mr. and Mrs. L. H Korty , Mr. and Mrs. E. Hanoy , Mr nd"Mrs. A.-B. Olaik , Mr. L.M Bennett , Mr. J. J. Dicky ; Mr. H. 0 Newman , P. M. Orr , Gus. Thoil am H. H. Vinton ; and of other friend : n the city , Mayor Boyd , Gon. Crook Dr. Miller , Col. Royal , Col. F. P [ roland , Mr. Ben Gallagher , 0. W Mead , Ri6hard Kitchen , Mr. and Mrs W. A. Paxton , Copt , and Mrs. Rus , 'm. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Carter , Mr md Mrs. J. D. Her , Mr. and Mrs. E W. Nash. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Millard Mrs. 0. F. Burno , the Misses Bar joau , Misses Hobbs , Paddock , Morsi tnd Dunstor , Mr. J , E. Markol , Col Paul Vandorvoort , Mr. C. H. Dewey md Mr. F. A. Naah , Sr. The Union Pacific band was proton md the grounds about the suporin onduht'a residence were brilliantly Humiliated with locomotive headlight ! tnd Chinese lanterns. Dancing nueio und an elegant lunch won unong the features of the ovoning'i iiitortainmont. A number of hand lomo presents were received from thi icraonul irioads of the gentleman it vhoso honor the party were assent > lcd. ANOTHEU IIUUOR. A BKE reporter was yesterday nformod by n man prominently con < tooted with the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha road , who gel : iis information from ono of tin ) Ulcials that the terras of the lalo of that line and branchoi to the Chicago , Rock Inland ft Pacific road , had boon iigrcod upon md that the sale would bo consum. mated at a very early day. It is diffi uult to see in what respect this prop arty would bo of value to the llocl Island as it has no branches thai would prove good feeders. There has however , been considetablo talk o : mutual invasions of each other's territory ritory and it may bo that the transfoi Is to bo the only moans of a compromise miso , If the appointment of Mr Clark would bo as penural superintendent dent of the Rock Island and Omaha < S St. Paul combined ho would stop inti ono of the most impoitant railway positions in tbo United States or in th world for that matter. There would b ono important result to Omaha , am that would bo the entrance of th Rock Island trains to this city by wo ; of Blair. It is , however , conceded b ; nearly all our local railroad men tha thu pool lines will all bo forced t coiro in within the next sixty days b' th action of the Kansas City road HTONE 1011 OMAHA. The Union Pacific quarries , noa Fort Collins , Col. , have boon loasei to W. II. B. Stout , the contractor who proposes to begin working then at once witt } a largo force of men The quarries contain an inoxhaustibl supply of silicate and sandstone which is pronounced the boat in thi west for building pui poses , curbm ) and guttering , sidewalks and cross walks , and street pavements. It i durable and easily handled , and cat l > o icadilycut into all shapes am sices. It is taken out in smooth lay ars , which can bo used for llagginj without dressing. Mr. Stout proposes to make Omahi the principal market for the stone , which c&n be laid , down here t ven easonablo rates ; and if the city'ln ends to pave its streets -with stone nc .tetter opportunity will over be oiFerec than is afforded by the opening c thcso quarries/ THE FtOKKXOB CUT-6FF. Mr. J. P. Vincent , the manac6r [ e the work of the Florence cut-oft , wa in the city yesterday , and states tha ho rai a force of seventy-five men a work there , the small-par ncaro hav ing subsided entirely. Ho confirm the report that the work will not b completed before September , a there are tire enormous cats to b completed , each nearly 2,700 foot ii length and ot unusual depth , Th work is progressnc ! as favorably a could be asked or desired , and th completion of the cut-off will bo i most important step for the Omaha i' ' St. Paul road. Superintendent Morfort stated 01 Sunday that they were about to nut ii a side track to Florence and chang the public road , the two improvements monts being of the highest importanc to the Florence people. ' ' 'rURAY'S FATE. The Well Known Special Agon Moots With a Sad Accident. Lost evening Mr. John B. Furay the well known special agent of thi postoffico department , mot with i very serious accident , which wil probably cost him his right arm. Ho lives up on Saunders street , i couple of blocks beyond the terminu of the rod line street car track , and hai taken1 a cart to ride home , sitting ou on the front plalform with the driver In rounding ono of the numorou curves at the streqt corners suddenly the violent mqtion of the car jcrkei Mr. Furay from his scat , and ho fcl across the iron guard to the ground His right arm was caught under thi wheels , and bcioro the car could b stopped wan run ever nnd so badl ; crushed that it is feared amputatioi will bo necessary. Mr. Furay was a fine specimen o manhood physically and it is pretty hard to moot with such an accidon n the prime of Jifo. While it seems carcely probable still his friends wil hope that ho may escape without th loss of that useful member of his body his right'arm. NOTICE. To Masons and all others whom thi may concern : On and after the firs day of May we will clmrgo ; H ' cent per yard for lathing. Until 'then ! cents per yard will bo charged. D. E. BURNETT , President of Lathers' Union. A CAIID. OMAHA. April 15. To the Editor of the Ecc. I W38 quite surprised in taking you : paper up this evening seeing tha anonymous column headed "A Bat Break. " Whoever is the authority of it , is a liar , and ought to be tarrec and feathered for attacking an ol ( lady. He ought to bo sure befori putting anything personal like that ii a papor. Mrs. Johnson had nofc beoi over attending the docr-r . . 4iogl < night , and no ono that 1 Know of BUS nected that it was small pox till Dr Liesenring stated it was so. A doc tor was attending him when firs' ' taken'sick ' ; who'stated that was con geation of the spine. Mrs. Gum left the house after burying her clothe and taking the usual precaution it such a case. Hoping the editor wil find a place in his paper for my re mark , I am , etc. , ADAM JOHNSON. Saratoga. Miss Frank Smith and daughter Ada , have returned from Madison Iowa. Mrs. James H. Kynor loovri in a few days for a visit to her oh homo in Ohio. The attendance at the Union Sun day school Sunday was the largo * known smco its organization , upwari of sixty being present. The singing was led by General Secretary Houaor of the Y. M. 0. A. The Sundaj school is held from 2 to 3 p. m. paol Sunday and city friends are cordiallj invited to attend. CUCKOO. THE NEW COMMANDER , The Now Colonel of the Ninth In fontry Expected by May 1st. The details of the terrible in jury re ; oivodbyCol. James C.Van Voast , whc luccoedod Gon. King as colonel ol the Ninth infantry , stationed at Fori Dmaha , and as commander of Uric post , wore published in THE BEG soar iftcr the accident happened. It wai it that time believed that ho had me ! with foul play , but since his recovery aegun the colonel states that ho hai 10 doubt but that ho himself wai vlono to blame. A letter dated April 13 , was Sun < lay received by Adjutant Footo from the now commander of this legimenl in which the writer say a : "Tho doctors say I am doing very well , but I am not able to write or to walk about much , owing to the injury to my brain , I am still confined to my room with my he id bandaged , but think the lower jaw about well. " The writer states that his friends wanted him to take an ambulance and escorl from Fort McKovoIt to Abilene , but ho was so anxious to reach Omaha that he took the stage route. The accident occurred while the stage was descending the mountain ! early in the morning , and the colonel says that after thorough inquiries lie can blame no one for its occurrence. Falling on his head , he sustained the terrible injuries , of which n account has been given in TUB BEE. The colonel's letter states that the quarter * master's as-ont at Abilene failed to understand how badly ho was injured , and being told by a local physician thai ho , the colonel , could safety start fet homo , placed him on the train the next day en route for Newport , Ky , Of this .ho colonel has no remem brance whatever , becoming worst every hour , until in an unconeoioua state ho was helped from the Pullman car at his home. The colonel statet that he expooU to be in Omaha by the last of the month. FOR TEH CENTS i'ott can get five (6) ( ) pieces of music. : eating each 30 cents all five bound together for too cents , at Hospe'i , Dome quick , al5-2t. "OLEAR OUT OFHEEB ! " A Feminine Exclamation tha Olef t the Midnight Air. And Awakened a Shot-dun Cockc and Primed. The dark pall of midnight had sot tied down with a dull , heavy thud i the neighborhood of Boyd's oper house and elsewhere , last Frida ; night , as a young man groped his wa ; through dismal halls and windin stairs to his lonely couch. Ho is zealous and attentive practitioner a the bar , and dispenses unadultoratc wisdom from numerous bottles t stimulate the bowola and limber up th tongue. Ho fa fairly handsome am unusually modest , and mixes "whisk ; sour" with n strong 'French-Irish ao cent. As the bolls ring out the raid night hour ho wends his way woaril ; homeward , and it was during ono o thcso nightly pilgrimages that the un [ orseon "accidents' * hereafter chroni cled occurred. As before stated , this manipulate of liquid lightning had traversed tin long hall which led to his apartmon ind grasped the familiar door knob The door did not yield to his touch and his knock brought no rosponsi but the echo of the sound , Tins ap patently convinced him that ho hac struck the wrong room , and ho re traced his stops till ho found a cloo : unlocked. Ho entered. There wai n bed near the center that looked fa miliar nnd inviting , and , as nc'a : as ho could distinguish it the gloom , surrounding object ; convinced him that ho was in thi right place. Ho doffed his dud ; onorgctically , and in a condition o denuded innocence ho bounced inti bed. Scarcely had ho touched tin covers cro ho leaped to his fcot witl d smothered yell like that producec by lighting on the sharp end of a tack At the same instant a form arose ii the center of the bed , and in a strangi feminine voice inquired , "Who'i that ? " "It's mo , mon , " responded the cul prit , as ho grabbed for his pants realizing the dangerous predicament howusin. "Clear out of hero , you horric thin < ? , " yelled the thinly clad form ai it leaped from the couch and made t Jash for the slop bowl. Moantimi the racket aroused the occupants o : neighboring rooms , and the sound o : look springs and the squeak of hingei mingled ominously with thai produced by the terrified bar tender as ho cracked hii knees against bureaus and leaped ovm : hairs in the search for his clothes- Chairs , tables , and oven the bed itsel , seemed to conspire against him. Nc matter what way ho turned a demor in the darkness smote his extremities , [ t did not take many seconds for hirr ; o make a circuit of half the room , though a portion of the distance WOE traveled on all fours , m the learch , while the white robed form groped on the opposite side for t portable weapon. Both struck whal they wanted at the same instant. The poung man struck for the door as t huge basin grazed the pxtremity of liis spine and dashed itself to piece ! ) n the wall. He cleared the 3oor in one bound and fell into the inns of his room mato.'who , armed with a repeater , came out to capture the burglar. A glance at the gan wet mfllcient. The frightened and shiverIng - Ing bartender fell on his knees and bogged for mercy. Ho was dragged into the room and permitted to live. The enemies of this young man Iiavo endeavored to injure him by in- iustriously circulating the report thai tie purposely and with malice afore thought , raided the room , and tailing in his object , invented the facts above related.Yo have thoroughly .inves tigated the matter and can assure i loubting public that he is not ono o .hat kind. It was a Claire ca&o o Mistaken identity. PERSONAL. J. A. McMurphy , of the Flattomoutl lerald , called at THE BEI : office lasl i veiling. G' P. Almore , of Denver , is in the city , M. J. Roche , of Orleans , is enjoying th < ileasures of the Gate City. A. A. Taylor and wife are at the Can- ield hoube. They hail from Ottumwa , iowa. F. T. Wetland , of Rochester , N. Y. , Ii n the city. H. J , J. Ryan , of Bheuandoah , la. , is al he Metropolitan hotel. E , A. Drowsier , of Ashland , is a guest al he Metropolitan. J. II , Hamilton , of York , Is In the city , Mi * Kate Lorick , of Cedar county , Ual bo Metropolitan. J. Gelger , of Creston , la. , It ) la Omaha , > t the CanCeld. A. N. Ktdder , of Salt l ake City , is at be Ciintleld house. George S , Atwuter , of Decatur , is in the rtty. 8. E. Ome , of Blair , is at the Creighton. E. 1) , F. Fisher , of Council Bluffs , wai a the city last night. H. H. Cbillberg , F. 8. Witter and A , Ixelson , of Wahoo , are at the Metro > olitan. E. Hurlburt , Jr. , Colorado , is at thi Metropolitan , B. W. Harden , of Falls City , is in town J. Babbitt and wife , of Millard , regls ered at the Creighton last evening. E. M. Ferlcins , Rob Sherey and A. Robt , nd wife , all ot Red Cloud , Neb. , are al he Orelghton. , A. B. Fulton , of York , is h > the cltv. William M. Washburne'of St. I'aul , iflun. , is in the city , George Berry , of West Point , is at thi heighten. * CaptTLuhn left orTort" Brldger" * erday. Ex-Marehal Weuterdahl Is at home gain. T.Ryan , of Central City , is in the aetropolLi. II. O. Dave , of Boston , is at the Can. ield house. W. J. Steduun , of Valley , is at the 'aafield. * G C. C. Itoblnsou , clerk of Howard count , ] is in town , Uhlcf Justice Sener , of Wyoming , paw a cast Sunday . Miss Rosa Bour , of Melrose , M. T. , ! at the Canfleld house. Judge John W. Balrd , of Council Bluffi was in the city Sunday. J. M. McKlfatrick , architect of the Boy opera house , Is in the city. C. W. Porter , secretary of the C. , SI P. , M. & O. railway , Is in the city. United States Marshal Bictbowcr lei yesterday for Lincoln and Kebrask City , He will return to-day. E5J John Bautncr , our well known count , clerk , left Sunday for Denver , on ; week's trip of recreation and stght-tceinp Col. U. B. Burgh , of the Internal rev enue service , is stopping in the city for , few days on his return from the west. Mr. Geo. W. Ame. , of Bell & Amor stenographers , went on yesterday's tral ; to Ft. Steele , Wyoming , to report a cour matt al. Mr. and Mrs.T . J. Kennard have re turned from Clifton Springs , New York where they have been spending the win ter. ter.Mr. Mr. W. 0. Patterson , the popular Pull man conductor , entered upon the dutle rf his new office , that of ticket arcnt Ir this city , on Friday. Capt. J. M. Lee , Ninth infantry , whc lias just returned from the flooded die Irlct of the south , where he was Bent 01 special service , left for Fort Steele yestei lay to attend a court martial , of which h [ > i the judge advocate. Ex-Sherilf 3 ? . W. Crew , of St. Paul tloward county , was in the city ycster ] n > - nnd left on noon tralu for the west lie h the latest uppointed ' deputy Unitec marshal , and will no doubt tmaki in excellent o Ilicer. _ Don't forgot that Hayden's Fin iindlera ara as useful ' and nocessarj in summer as in winter. Your grocoi iclls them. Now Calicos 5c. at the "Bostoi Store. " aprl7m&w SPECIAL , NOTICES : NOTICE Advertisement lo lioan , For Sale xot , Found , Wanta , Boarding , &c. , will be In icrtccl tn thcio columns cnce ( or TEN CENT ; wr line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENT ) cr lino. The first Insertion novcr less thai ' WENTY-F1VE CENTB TO LOAN MONb . it/IAJ/LW v ii bawumceotl ) MTi . Thomas Room 8 Crelebton Block. POKA A A A70 LOAN At 8 per centlu P/iOl/.UUU terest In sums.of 82,600 am ipnards , for 3 to By cars , on drst-claes city ant 'arm property. Bums RKAL ESTATI and LOAI IOIKCT , 16th and Douclas Sts. LOAN Si.OOO on unencumbered { real cs rO tata In Douglas count ) . A. J , Popplcton H15-19 HELP WANTED. ANlKu Agoodg.rl In a Umlly ot lour Mrs Phil. McShanc , St. Mary's ; A\e anc Convent Bt. " S12nl9 ANTED-Cbambcrmald.Apply at 200 Burt street. 808-tf IITANTED A good eand brick moulder VV wages 83.00 per day. Apply at oncaal 8lODa\enport street , between 18th and 10th , 860-181 ANTED Second cook at the St. Chat lei W Hotel. 817-tl ' ( ' ITTTAHTUD 60 mentor railroad work.H. Mann < YY seller , Emlnojment Aitt. llth itreetneai arnara. 804.18 * ANTED Two girls immediately at ( ho W Pacific House. 803-lTt frrANTED \ dining room girl , call at Tur YY oer Ball Restaurant corner ICth and lownrd . < tt A first-class man in a retail gro cer } ttore ; good references required ; n.ast ic well acquainted with thoclt } trade. Appl ) at 11 ICth street. 784 If fTT"ANTED Four good ulrls for general YY bo'-BOrfork. ' F. D. Nolto , Emploimcnt Lgent 10th st near Farnam.S725 * [ TTANTED A gardener and farmer with YY good refero cos can find steady cmploj- nent by calling at Soloaon'a Paint and Oil louse 1201 Karnam street. 78-tf fXTANTED Oln fer general houiowojlv. II. 1 V Mannwoilcr , llth ttrcct near Farnim. 733 18 _ ITrANTED Competent iflrl for general houso. YY work , lit-I be a good cook Mrs. M. togers corner 10th and 1 cuenworth strret * . CS9-tf fTTANTED-Oirl about 14 to do light house VY work , during the day onh. Apply at Be ifflce. 024-tf 'ANTED D'nlng ' room girl at the CrcUhton Housa. C07-tt SITUATIONS WANTED. 'ANTH > A Bltuation ou clerk in un } mer- catitllo f tore. Kcfircnccs gtten. Addrc : > i t. S.il. , Ileoofllce. 781-171 MICELLAKEJL8 WANTS. LIT ANTED A buggy and carrlaire pointer for VV good toun In country. , Btiady work , ipply toDo'ani , languortby , 7CO 18 ITr ANTED 2 unfurnished rooms for man and YY wlei u > u > t moderato In price. Ad- Iress It. , Bee office. 207-tf ITtrANTED To sell a barber ( hop , good lo- YV cation , good buelnesi , satlsfattoryreasons or soiling. Inquire at 117S. 15th ttrcet , Omaha ( eb. 't 7.U. . ITTANTED i children OS boarders In a select YY school , at 18th and California St. L. B. AOMIS. 767-U [ TTANTED Basemen t In ex , for board' YY Other boarders too. COS N. 17tb street. ooott [ TrANTED Funding bridge and school bonds. W U. T. Cbrk , BeUerue. S5-U FOR RUNT HOUSES AND LAND. 110 KENT Handicmely furnlibed fropt room i. for gentleman , with reteronces. lS12Dod e letHecnlbthuiidlUh. 818-22 neil HKNT-A home of set en rooms , 3 cloeeti , V cellar : good well and cllteru. L. Duggan. 112 8.13th street. 806-Kt A BAUE CHANCE Store , dwtiling house , CX birattc. , far'rent cheap , ormr South 8th and Cait ) lar street. Ilett point for bus . leu In biuth Omaht , John Tuckle. South lit . nd Dorcas sti. - JiENT-Htore and butcher shop , S. E. FOR 18th and Chicago. Inquire at store. Cllen Lucas , administrator of tbe estate of E. U .ucai. SOl-tl KBNT rumlilied and unlurrljbod room * , rO rcawnable price , olro rooms for houseket ] > < ng. Apply at oie 1111 Douglas it. N. L , latt. 76T-10 Fnrnl hed room H. \ \ . c-rnei D10UUENT Howard st. 740 tf rufil UKNT-Oill.iiTii Jacob' * UTockT C 76B-tf KENT Furnlihed rcoiu corner 10th and FOIl . 730 tf HE > T Two good rooms for rent , corner POK and Farnatn t . Inqulto at NlnJel i KreUo' * Hat ttoro. 707-tl ItENT Vouse barn and & acres of laud FOR 16th and Howard. Eugene O'NIel 0 BVKT One large furnished room , with board , on ftrtt door , ouUlJo eulrance , 1603 forola st , _ M5 tf raOHllhMT N. t. i , bcc. 0 , 'i. 16 , K. 11 , un- 1 ; Improved Douzlas county land. 11 > nll < ron K. Ii. station. Icqmie at S118 Davenport Uctt 40-U fTWU KCNl J-urouocu iiuu i om , A. E. cat. C tb and Jacksea. t-tf BENT t tarnished rooms over its' , FOR ' Exchange , ! ! , K. ecr. 18th and Dodg street * 2S9-ttfc HKNT Nicely furnished rooms with or FOR board. Reasonable prices. 2018 * n. . . n < t1 * fO M FOR PALE SALE Hone and buircy. Inquire o FOR .Thum , OrcenTree Homo. 9-22 ONE WEEK I am offering two cottage FOR o , and mr ofllco building on Tenth street , for sate on payments If not sold by Sat urday will tell at auction , at S o'clock p m. on said da ito the t l hc > t blrMir foi cash , James V. Morton. 803 B. 10th meet. & 07-21 FOP. SALE Ono ipin of mares , ono cjw , and one goat. Innu re of Kllcn Lucas , corner 13th and Chicago Ms. 802-tf 171OH SALK Home and fire acre ) of land , one. JL' mill north of Birracks Inquire oIC. 8or > enson on premises , or U o. H. Peterson. 8)4 S 10th street. J08 W FOR SALE- Half Intercut In a drug stsro , del -K alprofitablfl buslncw , la the proipor- aus town of Pawnee City , Neb , Arrangements might be made I r whulo. For particulars caller or address John V. Hanler , Pawnel City , Neb. 792-18 1710R SALE Onorpanof hor-cs , tno Hiring JJ wagons and two netiof double harness. In * julro Ellen Lucas , administrator of the estate of E. C. Lucaj , corner 13thand Chicago sts , bOOtf SALE Hotel In a good Ion a town , at. FOR bargain. H. Mannwcller , Real Kitata Agt. llth. st.cct near Fntnam. 7CO tf 0 IK POSTS FOR SALE -At Red. 2000 man's on 10'h st. "S3 24 * T710RSALE Ata baraln'a , hoisd phicton nnd K harness. Phactonandhrrnow nrarl } now. fho horsfl Is 7 } carold , Kentuck ) hr.d , splendid roadster , sound and perfectly gentle , Enquire it 1318 Knrnam strcwt. 7H1-18' OKjHALtomo | ann full corner let. N. E. cor. Mth niul Lake streets. (1000 on monthly pa > mrnt-i. f003 lultcasli , baUvcoon , lime. tlcCasMOpl' . 1'mtollice. 76310 FOR SALD Gcod pony , Inquire at Drug store- _ corner 10th and Douglas. 7efi-tf FOR SALE -Thrco p6od l > ugffy hbrees blood" cd stock , 4 , C , and 7 i un old , M-o 23 head , attld far silo cheap , li.qulra nt Edliolm & . Erlckfon. J. VICKEMIIKO. 773-10 SALE \ \ llif'a Uttaiuaiit--lho French Coffee IIcuso" No. 620 Tfnth strttt , doing- i butlncas of from $12,000 to $16,000 per annum. Call ar rite to the til > r\u number or toWIIg& . Wcstbcrg's corner > 0th and J.ikton stricla. 779lfd&w FOR SALE A two seated bug ; } , ncn ly new , also ono No , 2 Knoulcs Steam Pump. En- julreJ. Klrnir's liirbcr shop , cor. Ifith and Dodge. 742.1 FOR SALK Oft RENT Atwo(2) ( ) story frame bmld ng 21x10. N. E on cr 22nd and burning street. Inquire al hntg'u Western UroBcry. 761-tf 17IOR SALE House and lot , hou o 20x10.two " storj , good cellar , summer kitchen , coat ilied , chicken house and largcctstcrn ; gixxifcnco ind sidewalk , good location , only Sl.CCO. O. ( ullman. Sth and Dorcas. 760 10t SALE Small hnu o and lot , 27th st. FOR between Farnam and Dculas stetwcl\e jlocks from the Opera House. Inquire at the louse of James Cornlui * . 731-17 * FURNITURE FOR BALK Chfap a elegant suite of Parlor FurUturc , 12 ftit c\tou- lon r'In fig- table , din ng ( halrr , lot kitchen furniture , and other articles all new. 2013 Cass. itreet , 322-tf SALE 20 lots near Hanstom P > rkiesb FOR Park A > enuc. g460toS900 each. Me. i > gue opp. Pobtofllci ! . 671.tf SALE Houee of 4 or S rooms and cor- FOR lot on 10th and Mason Sl.COO. McCagua ipp , nostoHlco. 688-tt Thoroughbred Jcrsej Bull No. 832 FURY . S. U. B. " , winner of prlzo at State 'air. Stands for service tt Nebraska Poultry fardg , West Omaha. Graham f. Browne , 685-lm I7IOR SALE 14 lots in N. W. part of city or > C sightly location. 200 to S2CO each , on aonthly pujmcnti. McLague , opp. postofflce. 531-tf 4 HALE One second hand 25 horse power FUR engine , good as ntwal o two 8 horse power md tno Jfihorsopover engines , sew. Bjllere > f &U sices , new. Inquire Omaha Four dry an lachlne Co.U. P. By. bet 17th and 18lh omnha 662-lm 17(011 ( SALE Five acres of land on founders D Street , with One rendence , barn and other mprovements. Price 82,600 ; terms easy. 472-tl W. R. Bartlett , Heal Estate Agent. I7IOR HALE A new bouse and lot. 26th and D Douglas St. Inquire to A. Bouman , 26th nd Farnham hts. 418-lm * SALE A Piano (0 ncta\ea ) , In excellent condition ; lery cheap. Inquire at this office spl429-tf HI UK SALE Five acre * uf land , 2 rtory frame D hotue , barn 2 wells and other Improve , nents , cast side of Saunders street , near Fork Imaha. For particulars addiesi Geo. W. Brew * tcr , Oakland. Neb. 401-tt nOR SALE Ilouae with 6 rooms , barn and D .long lease ot lot on 16th St. , bet. Burt and V'ebstcr. Inquire at Edholm & ErlcVson's. 865 tf [ 710R SALE Car load of fatblackey mules J broke. Apply of J , W. bklnncr , Coin la , 820-1 mo * FTIOR SALE Blcyile , 48-Inch Standard Colura- J bio. Apply Union Elevator. 263 tf [ 7IOK SALE Or will xcha go for Omaha pro * [ } I Iperty , an improved sec an of land adjoln- ig a station on U. P. R. R. U. DUNHAM , 1413 'urnham ' St. , Omaha. 720 8mt r > RICK FOR EALB. . C > 203-tf E3TABROOK * COB. 1A A Pounds of cho ce country butter for oalo JUu cheap ; also fresh milk e\cry day at leal'i Grocery btorc , corner ICth and Dodge. 474-lmo * DRICK FOR SALE $12.00 perlOOO.T. Murray. O ALE1) HAT At A. U. Bander's Fcca f tor 3 lOlSHarnovSt. l&-if MIBOELLANEOUa. f OST A pocket-book containing > 30.00 In Lt ca h. Finder will receive * ,5 Co reward by vlng tbe same at No. 110 ! 3th suect , between louglw and Dojgo. 811-10' r OST A ciat at the U. P. depot. The finder _ j will be renamed 1 } JeaUug It with the ardma.tcr. 810-19 > f OST 11 ? the undersigned , a finill New U Foundlandpup , ( Sweeks old ) pare black ilor.any one finding the same , will be tultably swardi d , by lea > Ing ord with W llg i. Wotbcrg , jrner 10th at.d Jackson street. 814-18 rflis U. A. ILLISON-EIectra Magnetic M Heal jr , also buslneti and medical C lr- byant. Itycbometlc readings aad treatment Ivcn , dtlly'from U a. m , to 4 p. m. Cm bo con- lilted by letter , send name , age , and lock of air etc with $2.00 consultation fee. No. 2013 ! a a St. , Omaha. Neb. 793 lm POWDER Absolutely Pure. thin the > ld In oompotlllon t , short weight , alum or io phaU Bold only In nun. Ro f upUuae POWUM. 09. , M Wall Bt , New York