Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
THKOivJAltA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY APRIL 18 , i882. l | THE DAILY BEE C.MAHA PUBLISHING PP. , PROPRIETORS. 610 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. One copy 1 yearln advancepostpaid ( ) * $10.00 6 month * ' . . . B 00 month " 'I . . . g.oo RAILWAY TIME TABLE , CARD OirUOO , 8T. Pitt , VlrTKEAfOUS AXO IOMAFU RAILROAD. Om h r eri rNo. 2 , 8SO : .ra. Ac 1 , 1:0 : tp. m. Airive Om hi ? M npfr No. 1 , 8:20 : p. ta Ace : n = edition No. J , l6:50 : . to. I visa cviru BAST o SOOTH ioum. 0. , B. ft Q. 7:40 : a. m. 8:10 : p. m. 0. & N. w. , 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m. 0. , B. I. & P. , 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : r . m. K. 0.St. J. & C. B.le vc8 At f SO k. ta. and 7:45 : en , Arrives bt St. Louis at 6Su : t. m. and 5 : 2 m , W. , St. L. & P. , ICM-M at 8 a. m. and 3:40 : r Attlvua a Bt. Lonlj at 6:40 : a. m , and 7:80 m wast OB ROcnnnuTB. B , ft M. In Neb. , Through F.xpreea , 8:40 : a. m D. ft M. Lincoln Kipi-ros 0:20 : p. m. O P. Otetlind Entire * * . 12:11 : p. m , 0 , ft R. T. for Lincoln , 1U41 a. m. , O. & It. V. tor OsccoU. 0:40 : a. m. U. P frolirht No. 5 , f > :30 : n. m. O. P t rclpht No. & , b:20 : a. m. U. P. freight No. IS , tflp. m. U , P. freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. U. P. Denver expreM , 7:36 : p. m. D. P. ( relrht No 11 , 11:30 : p. m. 0. P. Denver Irelscht , 8:26 : p. m. ARMVIKO FROK 1 1ST AXD fOUtD. 0 B. fa 0 1:00 : a. m _ 7:25 p m. C. fc N. W. , 9:46 : a. m. 7:25 : p. m. C. R. I. fc P. , 0:4 : 6 a. m. 9 06 p. m. a. C. , Bt. Jco & 0 B. , 7:35 a. m. : Up , m ARiivno rftOM rui was AND aotrrawut. O. * B V. rrom Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. U. P. Pacific KiirtB ] 3:25 : p. ra. B * U , In Neb. , Through Kiprew iiU p m , B , * M , LlncoltilKxprcsj 9'40 am. , C , P. Dem or express. 7S5 a. m. - U. P. Freight No. 14-2:60 : ti. m. U. P , No. C 5iO : a. m. Kmlz anl i , U. P. freight No. 14 , 12:15 : p. ra. n , U. P. No. 8-O.CO p. m. ' U. P. No. 1S-14B ! a. m. ' D , P. Denver freight , 1:10 : a. m.J 0. & R. V. tnlxoB , ar. i:45 : p. m. tenure Truing Bunrvnc OMAUA AHD OODNC.II , twnrrK. Lekvo Omaha at 8:00 : , t.OO , 10:00 : and 11:00 : p m. ; 1-0 2:00 : , s oo , 4:00 and 6:00 : p. m , Leave Council BluOa at 3.2S , 3:26. : 10:25 : and 1:15 : a. m. ; 1:25 : , 2:26 : , 35 : , 1:25 : and 6:2Gp. : m. Burma } The dummy letups Omaha at 8:00 : and 11:00 : a. to. ; 3:00 : , 4:00 : and t:00 : p. m. Loa09 OonncII Blufl at 9:25 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 8:25 , 4:25 and 6:76 : p. in Throjgh and local passenger trains between Omaha and Council Elutls. Lcat o Omaha 0:16 : , TiU , 8:50 : a.m. ; 3:40 : , 6:15 : , 6:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40 , 11:36 : , 11:46 : a. m. ; 6:40 : , 7:05 : , 7:11 : , 140 p. m. _ Opening ana Clotlng of Mr III. BOOTH. OflW. CL033. a. m. p. m. . a. m. p. m. Chicago ft N. W . 11.00 O'OO 6BO" : 2:10 : Chicago , K J. & PftclOc.ll:00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , B. & Q. . . . . .11:03 9-00 6:30 : 2:40 : Wabuh . 12:30 : 6SO : 2:40 : moux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Union PaclQ : . ' 4:00 11:40 : Omaha & 11. V . 40 11:40 : E.&M. In Neb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omaha & Sioux City. . CCO : 7:30 : D. 4i M. Lincoln. ioso 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 : J. P. Denver Exp 9:00 : 6:30 : 0. , Sioux City & 31. l . . .A.L.W 3:40 : Local mails for State of Iowa leave but once a day , Tlz : 6:30 : a , m. Office open Bundaja from 12 m. to 1 p. m. THOS. F HALL P M. Business Directory , Abstract and Real Litate. JOHN L. ItcCAGUE , opposlto Post Office. W. R. BARTLETT S17 South 13th Street. Architect * . DUFBENE ft MENDELSSOHN , AROniTECTB Boom 11. Crelghtoa Block. A. TjltAROE Jr. . Room 2. Cielcrhtcn Block. Boots and Shoot. JAMES DBVINK & CO. , Fins Boot * and Shoes. A rood assortment borne work on hand , corner 1-th and narncy. THOS. ERIOESON , S. E. cor. 16th and DongUs. JOHN FORTUNATUS , . ) f 0110th ctroet , manufactures to order good work ittt lr prlcM. ' Bed Spring * . LA11RIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Donrlaiit. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1016 Farnhatn Street. Butter and Eggs. HcDHANK & 8CUROEDER , the oldest B. and K. bouse In Nebraska cAtabllriied 1876 Omaha. RESTAURANT , MRS. A. R7AN , Dothwest corner ICthaud Dodge. Beat Board for the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Utaliat all Hour * . Board by the Diy , Week or Month. Good Terma for Cash. Furnlnhrtl Unoma Supplied. Oarrlauei and Road Wagons. WU SNYDER , 14th HndHornev Streets. Olothlnc Uought. J. HARRIS will pay hlghestCachprice for eccond band clothlnp. Corner ICth and Farnham. jo we en. JOHN BAUMER 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , H. BEBTHOLD , Rags and Metal. Lumber Lime end Oemont. FOSTER & OH.\Y corner 6tb and Douglas Ota. Lamps and Qlassware. J. BONNER 1308 DotuUs St. Good Variety. Merchant Tallora. Q. A LINDQUEST , One ol our most popular Merchant Tallora Is re ceiving the latest designs for Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen's ' wear. StylUli , durable , and prices low aa ever 21613th bet. Douif.&Farn. Millinery. . -.MRS. C. A. RINGER , > VhoIeualo and Retail , Fan- V 1 y Goods tn great \ arlety , Zophj rs , Card Boards , f v Hosiery , Gloves , Conteta , &c. Cheapest House In " " - the West , Purchasers sue 80 per cent. Order bvUall. 11G Fifteenth Street. rounary * JOHN WEARNE & SONS cor. 14th & Jackson ets Hour and Feed. OMAHA OITY MILLS , 8tb and Farnhim Bta. , Wclehans Uroe. . proprletora. Orocers. Z. STEVENS , list between Cuinlng and Itar T , A , MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Strecta. Hcrawaio , Iron ana Oteel. OLAN & LANQWORTUT , Wholesale , 110 an < > 113 15th itreet A. HOLMEfl eorne 1Mb and CalUornU. nmrneu , Unaoiei , < kc. B. WEIST SOlEthBt bet FaroDarnoy. . hotel * ; AHFIKLD HOUSE , Goo. C nfleld , th & Farnhan DORAN HOUSE , P. U. Cary , 813 , Farnham St. SLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. Bouthern Hotel Qua. Hamel Oth t Leavenworth rug * , Palnuana Ullt. KUHN & CO. rharmaclets , Fine Vane Uooda , Cor , Hth and Doujlis ttrceta. W. J. WHITEHOUPK , Wholesale & Retail , Uth et. a FIELD , SO ! ! North Side Cumlng Street. PARR. Druggist. 10th and Howard Btreeta. Oentlsu. DR. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. Uth & Dodge. Ury Goods Notion * , ttc. JOHN H. F , LEtlMANN & CO. , Hew York Dry Goodi Store , 1810 and 1312 ftm- him etrset. D. 0. Enewold also hoots and shoes & Padflo. rurunuro. A F. GROBB.New and Beoond Hand Fnrnltnrt ) nd Stoves , lilt DouaU * . Highest cash price aid for second hand goods. .BONNER 1309 Dooyta it. Fine goods 4c. f ere * Work * . OUAEA FENCE CO. OUST , FRIES * CO 1S18 Harney St. , Improve sd Ice Boxts , lice aci Wood Fence * , Offlca illni-n. Onoolf if ? ln and Walont. _ R03ENFELD 10th St. . bet f ar. * Bar Rtrlratpr , Onflld' Patent . F. GOODMAN 11UJ St. bet. Fun. Olcar * and Tobacco. TTKJ3T A FTUTSCnER , manutactnren ef Cigars and WholMoOa Dralersl n Tel co * , ISOSDonglaa V. F. LORENZKN manufacturtr 1418 Farnham Florist. A. Donaghneplant , cutCowtrt , tetds , ooqnet etc. N. W. cor. 16th and Douc ! i streets Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW ROSEWATER , Crelghton Block Town Surreyn , Grads and Sewerage Systems a Spoclilty. Uommlstlon Merchant * . JOHN 0. WIL LtS,1414 Dodge Street. D B. BRF.MCR. For details we large advertise nient In Dally and Weekly. Oornlce Works. Western OornlceVoiks , Manufacturers Iron Oornlce , Tin , Iron and Slate RooQIng. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the beet manner. Factory and Office 1218 Harney St. 0. SPEC1IT , Proprietor. Oalrtnlird Iron Cornlcca , Window Cap * , etc. manulactjrcd and put up In any part ol the country. T. SINHOLD 110 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNER 1309 DctulM ttreet. Good line. Clothing end Furnishing Qoo' s. OEO. H. PiriEUSON. AIM Hats , Capa , BooU , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S , 10th street. Ohow OMB Mnnufactory.l 0. J. WILDS , UanaMctnror and Dealer tn all klndl ct Show Cases , Uptight Casca , . , 1317 CaM Bt. FRANK L. OF.HIIARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , SIS South 16th street between Lca\cn orth and Marcy. All goods arrantod Crst-clina. Utove * ana in war * . A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer ol Tin Hoof ; and all * klnde ol BulKlIng Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J. BOVNKR. ISOfl Dontln * Bt nmi and Chnati ( aeeai. J. EVANS. Whotosslo and Retail Seed Drills and Oultltntora Odd Fellow * Ilallj Physician * and Surgeon * . W. K. GIBBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crelghton , IBth Street. P. S. LKISENRINO , il. D. Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. postofflco DR. L. B. GRADDY. OnilUt and Aurht. S. W 15th and Tarnham Bit Photogrnpnor * . GEO. IIEYN , PROP. Gnnd Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near M.vxmlo Hall. Flrst-claaa Work and Prompt * nu.a gn rantoen Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting ; . P. W. TARPY & CO. , 216 12th St. , bet. Farnham and Dougl&a. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZPATRICK. 1409 Douclas Street. aiming an aper anglng. 1ENRY A. KOSTKRS. 1 Dodge Street. Ohoo Stores , Phillip L n 1SSO Farnham Bt. hot. 18th & Itth. Second Hand Store. PERKINB ft LEAR. 1416 Douelaa Bt. New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnlthlng Goods , &c. . bought and sold on narrow margins. Uaiooni. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tue new brick block on Douglaa Street , has Just opened a most elegant Beoi Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 otcry day. " Caledonia " J FALCONER 670 16th Street. Undcrtr.Kers. CHAS. RIEWE , 1012 Farnham bet. 10th & lltd. 00 Cent Store * . P. 0. BACKUS Farnham St , Fancr Goods FASTJTIME ! In going East tata the fe Northwest- "Trains leave Omaha 3:40 : p. m. and 7:40 : a. m. For full Information call on n. P. DUE' , . Ticket Agent , 14th and F.mitmm Sta J. BELL , U. P. Hallway Depot , or at JAMES T. CLARK , Qcncr- Ageni , Omaha _ ialTm&o tf H. Employment Agent Railroad Oatflt on Short Notice- Htb St. , Near Farnham. ml-eoJ-t CEAIB'S OITY GBEEN HOUSE Is now open to the public with a full supply o Cut Flowers and Plants for Sale. We Hill bo glad to have the public call and ice us. Bouquets or Any Floral Design Made to Order ON THE SHORTEST NOTICE. City Green House , 8. W. Cor 17th and Web- cU'r , ono block from 16th street cars. Nursery , 23d street , opposlto Fait. Ja3. Y. Craig , Florist r.nd Land4caD Gardner. Kob2-Cm. GRAY'S SPECIFIC MF.DICINK TRADE MAHK The GreatTHIOH English run- eJy. Anun. falling cure for Seminal Weakness , Spermator * rhca , Impotency - ency , nnuall Dlecusesthat1 follow oa a BEFCRETAXIHQ.scquenco of AFTER TAKING , jclf-Abuse ; as Loss of Memory , Universal Loasl. ude , Pnln In the B&Uc , Dimness of Vision , Pre mature Old Ago , and many other Diseases that ead to Insanity or Conaumptlon and a Prema ture Grave. OTFulI particulars In our paiuohlct , which we desire to send frco t r mall to every one. /arTho Specific Medicine Is sold by all drbgglsts it $1 per package , or 6 packticca for 6 , or will jo sent free by mill on reel ptof the money , by addressing THEGRA IEDICINK CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. cruller" . oc7me-cod ' ouartiiman . i' L. . . . . . rued by t IIP strain ot your duties HYOifl ttlmtilanrmnil Ulfc Hop Bitters. diiwttlou or dl iiia | riia or lni'I old or roorbeattn or IdnKUlfh necu , nly on Hop - n jully J r o m sola ; that your H . . fonn ot f ! u n o r rtlsetpo ihat inlrflii needs tleanslUK. ten- Ini ; or ttlinalatlni liave boenirevent.-Q wilkatiKntoxtmiUnj , bra tlmi'ly nwof Hop Hcp tttero frpt'a , MJniy 0,1. o nrur'naryfoni- llalni , dlstafe of ti > * omafA , . Lie c u r lot bated * . Hood. drunkenues * Jfwr or rwn I uiw of opluia. You * tll be tobacco , c. ' curt d If vo ute narcotics. Hop CinorB If are rim Bollbydnig you ? 1 ti. Bund far mid weak ply NEVER CIrcultr. Iow nlrlt lti7 Iti It may e ave your FAIL ra life. It has iivecl liun- kMler dreao ATorooto. Out. ft To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUIIOPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J , B , Simpaon'B Spooiflc It ! a l ttlv | curc tor til-cruatotibea , Somln * A uoUntw. Impotaucy , aud all Jieaaots resulting rcia Eilf-Abutu , M IKutal Anxiety , Lout Mf mnry. I'alna In the Bmk or Side , and dlbcksoe that lead to Consumption insanity an , earlygrare The Specific Uedlclne I * beln ; Died with wonder ful 8UCCCM. Pamphlets tout free to 11. Write for them nd get full p r- tlculars. . . , . HiforJ < i.OO , Addroes sil order * to B. SIKSON MEDICINE CO. No * . 104 and 100 U ln fit BufIalo-N. Y. BoH In Omaha br 0. f. Goodman , J. W , B 1I , J.K. Isb , and all dm jg1U Tsry where. * 1 - < Iw WILLIAM E. CHANDLEU. Uomo Rominlsconcog of Him by "Giuh. " Special to the Cincinnati Enquirer. I wont to Washington City about 18G8 , and found Mr. Chandler , the ngont of Jay Cook , in iho Congres sional lobby , putting through the Northern Pacific railroad legislation. Ho also bocnmo secretary of the na tional comruittco when Grant woa cloctod , and in that cnpactty soon be came known to the country ns n man with acertoia expertness and shrewd ness in handling election statistics , funds , speakers , otc. Such places are always in demand by young men who are hanging on the verge of politics. Chandler , McCormick * and Dorsoy arise to mind as the thrco secretaries of the national committee who pre ferred the most shotvy plnco next to n responsible one. The secretary of the national com mittee must in general bo a master o ! irresponsibility that is to say ho must cover up his tracks like a cal after making them like an elephant. Ho must bo largo end loud on the out side , and pooh-hooh the enemy , nut lie , and rage , nnd issue bulletins be fore the battle , saying : "Wo have them by the hair,1 and then nftor the battle is over ho must destroy his dis patches , exactly balance his financial accounts , lookdcmuroandinnocent and Bay : "My memory has failed from the arduous work I did in the campaign , and I forgot whether wo bought any body or not. " When it seemed the republican party was goimj to pass out of power in 1870 , and Mr. Tildon wus going to control the country and bring back the lost sheep , a number of wild-oyod individuals seized an' empty carpet- sack and another man's umbrella , and wont oil to the southern states to re deem , rescue nud resurrect freedom in that quarter. I will not mention the vnhunt democrat a who wcro always seen about the manag ing caucus on that as on all kindred performances ; but it is enough to say that our Chandler wont right to the front , faced all the alligators in Florida , irritated every Johnny Rebel in the Btato , and , no doubt , aid his work first rate , for Florida was counted for Hayes , and the sago of Gramercy park , instead of superintending the portraits of the prcsideuta in the white house , had to build n little private palace for him self in Gramercy park and haug his old engravings up there , like James II taking refuge at St. Germain. Mr. Chandler'a expectations were fair t6 middling for his Florida work , but President Hayes did not consider them respectfully. Hayes had an en tirely social education , derived in the city of Cincinnati , to which ho wont as the nephew of his Undo Sardius , possessed of ono extra broadcloth walking coat and several pairs of kid gloves , and the parting advice from tiis uncle to call only upon the most respectable people , and to keep ft-doing of it. Strict attention to that command made Mr. Hayes president. Bo never went among the boys or Into caucuses , but put on the afore said kids and smooted down the extra coat , and kept s small visiting list ot the superior people the Andersons , Pendlotons , Steinbergors , Groesbecks , 3tc. Therefore , when two or throe big politicians would fall out about a nomination , it would bo said : "There's Mr. Hayes. He calls on the Grroosbecks. Let us put him up. " Thus the pair of kid gloves and the extra coat swept * Hayes into the office of city solicitor , congreisman , gov ernor three times , and finally presi dent. The man who does not keep an extra pair of kid gloves and a special Balking coat after this shall have no iurthor warning. Of course , Mr. Hayes , never having mot Mr. Chandler at any of these grand families , had no use.for him as minister to Italy , solicitor general , or anything else. Ho declined to reward Mr. Chandler , who forthwith rushed nto the arms of Roscoe Conkling ike "Armaud Duval" into the arms of his father after "Camillo" had left lim that cruel noto. The future his torian of our country can cheese no greater subject for his canvas tnan Jhandler being reconciled to Conkling through the man with the extra coat and the available pair of kid gloves , [ lospectability had accomplished ouo ivondor. It had plucked the right sewer of James G. Blaine from his side , und added it to the hand of Roscoe - coo Conkling. Conkling had in the neantitno mounted the tripod or , rather , put Tommy Platt there and lad Hayes denounced as a aham , the nero etulllng of an extra coat and a iair of kids , and called on the politi- class to . 'ally to his tocsin. Chandler , foremost , aa usual , in the procession , exclaimed , "I am the political class , " and wept on Conkling'a bosom. It is always the misfortune of Mr. Blaine .0 be nursing a litter of promising roung terriers , who no sooner got on heir feet than they desert to the oth er dog. In 1880 , at the Chicago convention , Chandler , Joe Chalice , and Stephen SlkiiiB were the throe who broke the SOU up , and put George Hoar in the chair to preside over the nomination of neither Grant nor lilaino , nor yet' if Sherman , but of the poor and un friendly Garfield , who had been culti vating the people instead of h a fellow loliticians all those yoara. Again Jhandlor put in considerable work , 3eing an efficient follow in campaign times , and this time ho know ho was not depending upon a pair of kid jlovoa ana a respectable extra coat , and ho picked out hie placa , solicitor ; oneral , and wan nominated for it ; Hit , unfortunately , the administra tion did not think his confirmation ivas the greatest question of state. Chandler did. Ho was right in sup posing that to him it was the question if questions. Blaine and Garfield thought a big aow with Conkling was Bomowhat more momentous than Mr. Chandler's controversy with the rebel senators. Again the Florida performance came up and equolchod Chandler , and Don Cameron and Don Cameron's brother- in-law , MaoVoagh , were skipping about the senate , fortifying the rebels to fight against him a very moan piece of business , but effective. Yet his rejection was beneficial to Chan dler , for it gave him an opportunity to throw off on Mr. Blaine after Gar field was disabled , and to return to Conkling saying ; "Lot mo weep upon this boiom again. " Bo the Arthur administration has taken Mr. Chand ler up and rondo him secretary of the navy ; and if ho keeps his temper , does not tear'his ' shirt , and romombori there are a great many persons in this country besides himself , wo may ai least cease to call him "Bill" Candlor , aud write out hia name with ovcry letter fully expressed * "tho Honor- nblo William E. Chandler of Now Hnnipshiro , ex-secretary of thenuvy. ' Ho expects to bo senator next. Chinese Question In tv Nutshell. Mr. M. H. DoYoung , editor of The San Francisco Ohroniclo , has boon in terviewed in Chicago by a Tribune reporter , to whom ho said : "Look al it m a reasonable , common-senso light. There are 5,000 Chinese cigar-makers in San Francisco now , whore A few yearn ago white men wcro employed. The latter traveled back to the already overstocked eastern cities or were forced to take up a pick and shovel and dig , Can they learn n now trade , only in turn to give it up to the Chi nese ) The Chinese are apt and loam readily. They are already manufac turing all of the underwear used on the 1'ftcifio Cooat. Not only this , but they own their own cigar manufacto ries and their own woolen mills. They ate not only coolie laborers , bul they are Chinese capitalists. The Six Companies' are the masters , and the coolies the slaves. They own their own lines of steamships , and are bringing more coolies right along to compote with white labor and drive out the Industrious laboring classes. There are 20.000 contracted for now to bo brought in this summer. Their arrival hero will create 20,000 Com munists out of people that are now satisfied law-abiding citizens. A Great Statesman. Sprlngflild Rcpbnllcnn. The Great Mr. Frank Hatton , late ussistant editor of an luwa newspaper , but now First Assistant Postmaster- General , has ruled that "tho execu tive orders" issued January 17 , 1873 , and January 28 , 1873 , by ono 13. S. Grant , at that time attached to the White House staff , ore of no cense quence. For it is a curious fact that It is General Grunt's orders , and not Mr. Hayes' , which Hatton now dis poses of with grandiloquent platitudes ibout the rights of officeholders as cit izens. Mr. Hatton goes against Gen. Grant very strong. Ho also 'goes against those old toglos who framed the Constitution of Massachusetts , John Adams , Tho'ph Parsons , and the ike. Mr. llatton is a great states man. True to her Xruak. Too much cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and mother , constantly watching and caring for her dear ones , never neglecting a eingla duty in their bo- half. Svhen they are assailed by disease , and the system should have a thorough cleansing , the stomach and bowels regu lated , blocd purified , and malarial poison exterminated , she must know the that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medidoe m the world and only coit fifty cents , Sold by C. F. Goodman. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in Postoffice during the week ending April 15th , 1882 % OKNILEMEN. Allison W L Atkinson F Augustin M Atwood F Alexander H Andrews H W BowenE W BehrendtF Blown F Bolton W E Boyce B J Beyer M 2 Boothman Mr Bowley H B Boyd H O , Baldwin H Benteonli * BlgelowLO s Boynton J Bryan J O Borenstein J M Burns H W Bernine T Bucanon > T J Bidderson T M Bunn J W Burns O E Clark G 0 Campbell D Cuuock J W OumballAO Case W H Cross G W Costor C Carlson C O Cook & Freed Confer H Cunningham G M 3 Diety F Dean W 2 Divire M 2 Draney J M Dolan W Bavin C 51 Egan D Edmundson H C-2 Ferguson W Fitzgerald G FichtW FoxE Gregg G H Godeka W Hanson A Hays D Hunt A Huil G Hallenberg H F Henderson H Hunner S Herrincton M Hendry M Hilgen J Hessler ij Hnnsen O Harper AV H HauieWB HeJbogo W J Henderson T Hallam T Hill T B Holmes 0 G Humphrey W Hall J Irvin J H Joynt C L Johnson P Jonasson H Jones E Kriatensen L Lykins J Lee II LeffingwellT Lenkard P Leo J W Little A D Lemon W A Livingstone T McCarthy M McAllister 0 O MnKinnon M MoVoy J McCalfrey J McMamas J Murry Mr Miller P Mety A Nylacdor J 2 Nordberg S A Olson O O'Donahuo J D Peterson L Putney N R Pagne O M Powell P Prcssor T Powell J A Rinehart M Randlett M B Riley 4 K Ryan T Robertson W Riordan J L Rector G L Bandisou E M Slmw F Simmons F Sailley J B Batmders J Shaugh J Splller R Schneider P II Sage P Sharp fit E Btevcns J O Smith C Shetly D M Thomuon E F Tliomps A Thompson S Toolicy T Turkey W Thompson II C Vaughnn 0 Vallentino R T WinKfleld G Wclim G Walgrcn G Wilion & Gilbert Wilson W WilllainaJ Wiest J II LADIES , Anderson Miss L Brown II A jronnan Mrs B E Bonsen-MlssE iiernard Mian D Beard Mrs S Urowu Mrs F W Carpenter Mra W 0 Dhamberd Miss E Davis Mrs A Dovigne Mrs E Daniels M cfinefaL Gllson Mrs 8 Helm Mrs T N Hose Mrs B tlourd Miss B Johnson Mra L Kearney Mrs JVI E Kane Mrs M T Lawless Mrs E Lorint MI.-s A Lavender Misa A Madson Miss 8 Meteru Airs A McCann Mi B Mlckler Misa L Mason Mra N J Paulson G 1'cnnico Mrs Powers Mrs A Prachcr Mrs L Illce Mm H lUchunhon L jlosenben ; Miss L Bamet Miss M rjchick Mrs O Sainlbertf Mra E J Tunlspn Mra P E Vulidca Miss W B Wittoril Mien L Walters Mrs J White S-2 Wilson Mis TM Willeford MM J H Williams MlexS Wllcox Mrs M WUbey Mrs 13 0 Tuos. F , , HALL , Postmaster. CLKVES BROS. , ARCHITECTS. Public Building * . Churchei , Store * In every Etyle , Att ot D given to FkUnt Office Pr wloe . 10 , Orelghton Block , OmiM Th Orentoit A simple , harmless remedy , that euros every time , and prevents disease by keeping the blood pure , stomach regular , kidneys and liver active , ie the greatest blessing over conferred upon man , Hop Bitters is that reme dy , and its proprietors are being blessed by thousands who have been saved and cured by it. Will you try U ) Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 16th and Dodge 8U. , Om h , Nab. Thli ctnej doM r ioTU brofcer frebtulnw . POM nt ipccuUto nd therefore ny bKrKklm rnnk * rf Inmirnl to ni lnit * d SYPHILIS n any stage CRtfttru , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , BOI'LS , or any Skin Diseas . Cures When Hot Springs Fail UAVRIUI , ARK. , May 2 , 1881 no hikvo case * In onronrn town ( who Ilrcd at Hot Springs , nd n ere Unally cured with 8. H. B. UcGAUMON & UCRKT. IF YOU douU.comotoi.eeus and WE WILL CURE YOUH Oil charKo nothing I ! Write tor particular ! and cony of little Hook to the Unfortunate buffering. Sioux City & Pacific zc. < THE SIOUX OITY ROUTE Rum a Solid Train Through from Council Blufis to St. Paul Without Oh nj8 Time , Only I ? Hour * it IB 3.OO UILE8 THE BIIORTEST ROUTE _ mow OOTJNOIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , 1ONNEAFOLIS DULurn or. BISMARCK and all points tn Northern Iowa , MlnnoaoU and Dakota. This tine 1s equipped with the Improved WeitlnghoUM Automatic Air-brake and MUIe Platform Coupler and Buffer : and ( or SPEED , SAFETY AND COMPORT Is unsurpassed. Pullman Palace Steeping Car run through WITHOUT CHANGE between Kan sas City and St. Paul , via Council Bluffs and Sioux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Couu > ell Bluffs , at 7:35 : p. m. dally on arrival ol Kansas 21ty , St. Joseph and Council Bluffs train from the South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:85 : p. m. , and at the Now Union Depot at St. Paul nt 12:80 : noon. IKS HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANYIOTOER ROUTE. iiFRemember In talcing the Sioux City Rents rou get a Through Train. The Shortest Line , .he Quickest Time and a Comfortable Ride In the Throueb Can between COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. TBee that your Tickets read via the "Sioux City and Pacltto Railroad ] . 8. WATTLES , J. R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Oen'I Pass. Agent. P. E. ROBINSON , Ats't Oen'I Pass. Ag > , Missouri Valley , Iowa. W. E. DAVIS , Southwestern Agent. Conncl Bluffs IPW ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Something NEW FOR OMAHA , Dr. Craw ford , of fileie- land , O. , the old. popular , and skillful manufacturer Limbs. Of thoT latest Improved plan , ( has opened a branchmochanlcal surgery Institute at lOOSouth l h street , Omaha , where ho 1s prcparid to furnl h llmua of e er > description , skeletons , and supportcrsforparallud and deformed llmbii , trusses , and shoulder braces and supporters lor femalu wealtneis. &c. The Doctor has had 23 years experience In ncarlng and adjusting , 109 South'nt'h St. Omaha , Neb. NetakaLandApiii DAVIS & SNYDER , 60nF rnliam8t Omaha , Nebra 'AOO.OOO SLOXC.XIS. Oaituully eelectod land In Eastern Nebraska for mle. Great liargalna In Improved farms , and } inha city property. 0. F.tDAVIS WKUSTjiB CNYDKn T.nnil f'nif'r f P. WESTEKJS O. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA , - - NEB , MANUFACTURERS OF GALVANIZED IEON Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IEOH | SLATE ROOFING , Specht'a Patent Metalio Sky- liRht. Patent Adlustcble Hatchet Bar nd BBACKET SHELVZNG. am the general Stito Agent for the above oa ol goods. goods.IRON FKNOINQ , Orestlnas , Balustrade * , Verandn , | Offlco and Bank nolllnni , Window nd Cellar Guardjj also GENERAL AGENT Peercon nd Hill Potent Inside Blind , novidtf F. D. NOLTE , Employment Agent Railroad Outfit on Short Notice , IOTH ST. NEAR FARNAM , "WINE OF OARDUI" ronlea * > > iatks and clear complexlona. W.B. MILLAIID. F , B. JOHNSON MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and f liolesale Fruits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET , CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Batista Lard , and Wilber Mills Flour , OMAHA . NEB. , - - - . REFERENCES ' < OMAHA MATIONAL BANK , STEELE. JOHNSON & CO. , TOOTLE MAUL & CO. STELE , JOHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies , A Full Line of the Best Brands of ' ( MS MAMFAGTUEED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LAFL1N & RAND POWDER 00 JCSLTSTJQ ) ( POWER AND HAND I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING HAoniNcnr , DELTINO , nosn , muss AND IKON rrrnNas PIPE , STEAM PACKINO , AT WHOLK3ALK AND KETAIL f t HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , GHUIIGHIAND.'SGHQOL SELLS A SRA3Sf& , 205 Po n - , gt , , Omaha IROTIB : & c Wholesale Lumber , Ho , 1408 Farnham Street , Oinalia , M , 1 I. OBERFELDER & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLIIERT M NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly ] Complete J. AB WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS. . BUNDS , MQLD.HCS.UiUftiE , CEMENT JsTBTATE AOEN/ FOR MILWATIKKE CnMIHT COMPANY Near Union Pacific Denot OMAHA.STEP FOSTER WHOLESALE- LUMBER , C AL & ' 'LIME ' , On River Bank , Bet , Farnham and Douglas Sts.f -DEALERS IN HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Proo o cs 1020 FarnhamlJStreet , 3KT ! WHOLESALE BOOK SELLER AND STATIONER AND DEALEK N- Wall Paper and Window Shades. 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb. H. M. & M. PEAVY CLOTHIERS ! 1309 Farnham Street. Hal Goods , NotionB , Ladies1 Furnishing Goods. Ulsters , OiroularB , and Suits , E crantxixrc1 xacuvacwm.ani M