Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 18, 1882, Page 2, Image 2
t ! JCHJS OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY. APRIL 18 1882. JESSE JAMES' ANCESTORS Amonff tbo Early Sattlora of Hancock County , West Virginia Summary of tholr Robbing. Wheeling Remitter. A dispatch from New Cumberland in Hancock county goes on to say that the reneged interest awakened by the recent publications of the daring exploits of the Jamca brothers , and the trgio death of Jesse James nt St. Joseph , Mo. , the other day , IIM brought to light the fnct that old JOSBC James , grnndfntlior of these two blood-thirsty bandits , ono resided in Hancock county. Ilo WAS a carpen ter by trade and n number of build * ings , ono of thorn n flouring mill , still stands in the vicinity to day as monuments ments of'Ilia workmanihip. Ilo wca considered by thpao who know him at that tinio as a skilful mechanic rtnd a shrewd business man , but was some what addicted to strong drink , which habit eventually proved his do- structiou. Ono day , about the year 1825 , while under the influence of liquor , two young girls Attempted to bring him across the river in n skiff , at a point known an Blackhorso Landing , about a mile below hero , when by some mishap ho lost his balance , foil into the river and was drovrnod. Soon after this occurrence ) the fam ily gathered together their effects and emigrated to Kentucky , whore they wore finally lost sight of by their friends hero. Youug Robert , who aEtor wards became the father of Frank And Jcsso , the noted doeporadooa , was old enough to attend school boforn the family loft hero , and some of his old schoolmates , who still live hero , re member him as a bright , amiable And intelligent boy. Old Jesse James and his wife belonged to the Baptist church sometimes denominated Oatnp- fcollitea who worshipped at that time in An old log school house a short dis- ianco east of town , the ruins of which are still visible. The Jameson were looked upon as honored members of the church , which they earnestly and liberally supported. Those facts nnd incidents were re lated to-day to the writer by A man who has turned his 83d year , and who has been a life-long resident of this eounty. The conversation was brought about by the graphic account of the eventful career of theronowned Jomoa brothers , published on Saturday , which the old gentleman had just read. Ho further stated that ho had lived neighbor to the Jameses for several years and remembers thom well , nnd that the two redoubtable outlaws must have inherited their "devilish depravity" from their another , as their ancestors who resided hero never exhibited any of the traits which have made two of their grand- eons so famous. Relatives of old Mrs. James , whoso maiden name was Gorman , still to- side in this county , and no doubt can vouch for the truth of these state ments. TIIEIU I'LUNDBlt. dt. Lculi Republican. There have boon A great many stories - s to the Amount of plunder secured by the James boys in their robberies , ttoma Accounts placing the Aggregate as high AS half A million dollars. There is no way of determining the Amount Accurately. In most instances express companies . f m do not glvo explicit infor- { ram various motives ( jlvo unreliable - liable atatomouts as io their losinca. A list of the robberies most generally ascribed to the Missouri gang is given below with the amounts officially or unofficially declared to have boon real ized. It is not to bo supposed that the Jamesboya participated in all , but all those in the list are circumstantial ly traceable to either thora or aorao of their confederates. For instance the Big Springs robbery was committed by the Sam Bass gang , There is no particular reason to connect the James boys with it , but Jim Berry , an old < 3 nan trull guerilla nnd n chum of the Jauicsos , was in it and was killed while resisting arrest. In the list hero given the amounts so far us possible are taken from reports of the robberies published in the newspapers of the towns where they occurred. The sum total is big enough , Liberty , Mo.'Jan. 20 , I860 8 72,000 Richmond , o. , 1807 4,000 KuBsollvllle , Kv. , March , 20,1808 14,000 G Mlatln , Mo. , Dec. 7,1809 700 Corydon , Iowa , June 3,1871. . . . 4,500 Columbia , Ky , . April 29,1872. . COO Kansas City fair , Sept. 20 , 1873. 078 Ste. Gcnevleve , Mo. , Mny27,1873 3,600 IOWA train robbery , July 21,1873 2,000 Hot Springs Btogq. Jan. 15,187-1. 2,000 Gads Hill. Mo. , Jan. 31.1874. . . Corinth , Mil , 10,000 Mnncie , Kas 30,000 Huntlugtou , W. V. , Soi > t. , 1876. . 10,000 Baxter Springs , Ks. , April 18,1870 3,000 , Ottcr lllo , afo. , July 7,1870. . . . . . 16.000 Northfield , Minn. , Bopt. 7,1870 Big Springs , \Vy. T. , Sept. 18,1877 00,000 Glendftle. Io. , Oct. 8.1870. . . . . . . 0,000 Winston , Mo. , July 15 , 1881 4 000 Blue Out , Sept. 7,1881 10,000 Total 8303,778 The people who lost neither nous , brothers , fathers nor husbands , nor chared in the losses of money hero cot down , may indulge in aonsolcsa and disgusting sympathy for the bloody and heartless murderers who turned their hands against society , They are of the kind of people who in war would HacriOco "their wife's rolatlvoa" to patriotism. Their pleas ore .not worth , a great in the estimation of n flonaiblo , woll'balanced mind. Oattlo In Nevada. For over cloven years , saya The Reno Gazette , cattle have been cheap. In 1809 they sold for 10 cents , and a few sales were reported as high as IS cents , In December , 1880 , they wore going nt 3l 4 cents , and Homo were Bold for 2 $ cunta per pound. The lat ter were ( poor cattle , of course , but to-day they would sell for G cents. This winter sales at 9 'cents have been reported. The caiuos that brought down prices were ( several. Ono was hard times east , another was dry years in Nevada , which loft the ranches short of feed and out the supply in the hills very short. Several hard winters scared people , and a good many were BO anxious to got out that they knocked prices in order to sell. The v&st herds vyoro driven in from Texas several times , Heavy sales from Oregon , Washington , and the north , and points to the south helped to fill the Wan Francisco markets. Most of these causes have been removed. The pendulum has swung back and forth in Nevada , and the true capacity of the state determined. There is more feed raised by irrigation , more hay stored up , nnd much more capIUl in vested in solid Improvements to pro tect stock in hard winters. The de mand from the east seems to bo un limited , The eastern capacity for Nevada - vada beefsteaks nnd roasts is practi cally insatiable. The Ilumbolt coun try has boon full of buyers for a year , and thousands and thousands of head have been driven to Wyoming and Colorado. Last year the late spring r.iinn brought excellent browse on all the mountain ranges , and this winter will aocuro a like result for 1882. Cattle men say the western half of Nevada had as inttch feed last voar as ih had when cattle first came in. There were enormous crops of hay and grain last year , and cattle were needed to cat thorn up just when there WAB a big demand for beef cattle for Califor nia and stock cattle for the cast. Com bined with nil these circumstances , thcro has boon an improvement In the breeds of Nevada cattle. Consider ing , therefore , the growing markets in California and the east , nnd the mprovcd facilities for storing feed and dining hay and grain in Nevada , it is plainly to bo soon that there Is no im mediate prospect for a depreciation in the price of beef. A STORY ABOUT EARS. An Admirable Substitute for the SntvUo Bomanco Tlio Woudorful Earsofa Tlppocanoo County. Boy. Layfi.Tctto ( Ind. ) Courier. A strange and wonderful phenome non has fust boon brought into our office , in the parson of littla Willie Lester , whoso father is a well-to-do farmer on the Woa plains. Willie is only about 10 years old , unusually bright and intelligent for his ago , and has always boon ronmrkablo in his neighborhood for his wonderful oars. Hio right ono is perfectly immense being , wo should judga , as largo as a palm-loaf fan , whilst the other is no bigger than the car of an ordinary sized wax doll. Until quito recently nothing unusual had over boon no ticed in his hearing , but lately ho has developed , wonderful powers in that direction. With his small ear ho can tioar the faintest buzzing of the smal lest bugs nnd insects , and can even detect oounds uttered by the minutest animalcule-so small that they are not even visible to the naked eyu. A lly running along a window pane , a caterpillar crawling across a shout of per makes ouilicient noise to attract En is attention , oven when his back is turned. The sonao of hearing is so acute in this ear that it is absolutely painful to him , and ho is compelled to wear a cork in it ot all times. The right and largo oar is quito the reverse of its little companion in both its powers and properties. To it these minute and near sounds so painiully discernible to the other are lost , but distant noises are readily hoard. Al though residing fifteen and a quarter miles from any railroad Lafayette being the nearest point yet Willie can distinctly hoar the trains and mills blowing their whistles , nnd can easily distinguish between the engine bnlls and the city bells , When the W abash round-house blow up some weeks since Willie felt thn shock as severely as though ho had boon in the building itsolf.Ho had boon unwell for some days and was stooping later than usual that morning , and when the explosion occurred ho sprang from the bodtwith a frightened scream and holding his oar with both hands stood for ( some , time tremblinpTln the middle - dlo of the room. On clear , days'ho has often hoard Sheriff Taylor sum moning witnesses from the court house window. Ho distinctly hoard the noise of the mob at Kokomo , Monday night , which was a.very clear night. Although unnblo to make out what they were doing , yet ho hoard the shouts "Hope's down ! " "Time's up ! and hoard poor Long sing "Seo ( hat My Grave is Kept Green , " the tune of which Willie at onoo recognized , and in a low , awoot voieo sang the ac companiment , it being quito familiar to him. Ho can hoar thu coming of a storm long before there are any signs of it in the air , nnd oven long before the weather bureau gives notice of its approach. At a suggestion of a neigh bor. Mr. Lester had n wire gauze lid , with a tin rim , made to fit over Wil- lio'a oar. It consists of two thicknes ses of gauze , the other ono being of larger mesh than the inner ono ; be tween the two there is an intervening thickness ot loose flannel to softer sounds. Willie wears it continually , and this with the cork in the small ear has the effect of reducing his hear ing to a normal condition. Willie is a handsome , fair faced , golden haired llttlo man , exceedingly shy and timid , and any notice taken of hun seems to bo quito painful to the little follow. His father and undo , Mr. Henry Torlburg , "brought him to towh thia morning and to The Courier olllon this noon. The physicians boii.g apprised of the fact have iust boon touting his powers , and nro in a state of wild ox- oitomont over this wonderful freak of nature. Further comment is unnec essary and UBulora. The imagination haa nothing luft to add wo cannot uild relined gold or paint the sunbeam To in the truth la stranger than fic tion. Wo cau only write the foots , our poor pen fails us further than this. A Historical Oircuu Piece. The lost clover dodge of the circus men wan to buy the clothes worn by GuitotJu on the 2d ot July , nnd Mo- Donald , the sculptor , was employed to make a lifo-nlr.0 ikuro of the assassin and ono of President Garfield , with wljoh to represent the actual scene of shooting , By aocurato casts , measure. wonts and photgraphs the figures were carefully worked out , nnd from sit tings and studies in his cell the evil and ugly countenance oi Gultoau was reproduced in the finest line and shade. Visitors to McDonald's atudio fairly jumped when the door was flung open and the scene presented to thorn ; Guitoau with outstretched arm and pistol in hand , standing behind his victim , and the whole of his fioudisH malice shadowed in his wiokod eyes and savage mouth. Any ono can pic ture how the rurual communities will flock to this [ show , and his face and 1'oneral appoarano made known by this perfect imago , Guitoau will bo even more universally hated and despised - spisod by the people. JTo heaa-ache or back-ache for ladle * l JvTik "WINE OF OARDUI. " Peculiar Patronymic * . Bonrnp & Carrohor are gasfitters In Gtnnd street , Now Ycrk. Christian Angel was arrested at De troit for refusing to support his family , and Christian Whuson for burglary. Mr. Kansas Nebraska Bill lives at Saybrook , Ct. Mr. Bill was born in the time of the Kansas-Nebraska ex citement , tabout 1853 or 1854 , when the KansastNobraska bill won everywhere - whore discussed , nnd his father , James A. Bill named him Kansas Nebraska. Ho has a brother , Lecomp on Consti tution Bill , and another , Jefferson Davis Bill. Michael Sir Shepherd lives at II- ford , England. When his mother was bidden , "Namo this child , " she court- csiod atid replied : "Michael , sir , " and Michael Sir it was. An old Irish song , records a parallel case where a dog , answering to the name "Donnia" was making himself too busy at the christening , and had to bo chocked by the mother , with the result described : 'Whst'shli name ? " MI the priest ! "Down , Dennli , " MTI ill' ; So Down Tennis DeljrudJerjr they christened mo , Dootort Wiliard Bliss is the name of Dr. D. W. Bliss , who attended President G.irCold. Ho was so christ ened after Dr. Wiliard , who presided at his birth nt Auburn nearly fifty years ago. ThoBov. Ebonezor Bhoianath Bhoso has boon appointed curate of St , An drew's , Bothalgroon , London. The Rev. William Napoleon Barley corn haa boon sent to Fernando Poles , n missionary by the English Primitive Methodists. Mr. Arthur Wollinajton Waterloo is an ex-army surgeon in England. Mr. Eldorsloy Clinton Dorlard do Olomants keeps a laundry at Detroit. Miss Pauline Castle Garden , aged 2j , was picked up in the rotunda of Castle Garden on the night of the Fourth of July , named by Superin tendent Jacksoti , and sent to the refuge - ugo on Ward's Island. Messrs. Nova Zombla and Adaman tine Johnson are residents of St. Louis , Mo.t Mo.tMiss Miss Mazin Grace Brooks is a resi dent of Kansas City , M ? . , her pious mother having named her ( by ear ) out of the hymn-book : "Mazin grace , how awoot the sonndl" Dr. Theodore Lodyard cf Now York city , used to bo Dr. Theodora Lodyard Smith , but obtained permission from the court of common pleas to drop the last name. Hojavo as a reason that "it is his ambition and hope to be come master of his profession , and to build up and establish a distinct indi viduality in his practice , and ho fears that because of the great number of doctors named Smith that name will hinder him in his oUjoct. " The late Mr. Lewis Hamilton of Kentucky loft five children Mr. Lon don Judge Hamilton , Master South ern Soil Hamilton and Miss Avenue Belle , OhinaFiguro and Hebrew Fash ion Hamilton. A Story of Congressman Blame. Ex-Secretary Spinner In Florida Times , "I used to know Blalne when he first came to Congress. We boarded at the same house , and our families dined together. Some of my friends about that time introduced a bill into Congress to increase my salary as Treasurer. Mr. Blnino took occasion to speak on the bill , and made some very grossly1 unjust remarks about me , I was a'good deal surprised , and after that I'did ' not notice him or recognize him1 in any way. Of course it was rather embarrassing for our families. Ono day , standing in the hall with an acquaintance , Biaino passed , and the gentleman I was talking with intro duced us. I offered no recognition , and the gentleman said : 'I thought you know Blnino. ' 'I do/saldl , 'and that's why 1 didn't opoak to him.1 Bomo time after that Biaino and I mot. and ho came up to mo holding out boMi his hands. Ho said : General , this thing has boon going on long enough. I am sorry I said what I did about you , and I should not havo. said It. I did not know you then. ' 'Well , ' said I , 'that is just why ypu should not have said it. ' But ho asked my forgiveness and wo made friends , and have boon personal irionds over since. That is just the difference between Blalne and Oonkling. Biaino can forgive - give a man ho his injured , but Conk- ling cannot. " Given np by Doctors. "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey is up and at work , and ourod by so sim ple a remedy ? " "I assure you it is true that ho is entirely cured , and with nothing but Hop Bitters ; nnd only ton days ago his doctors gave him up and said ho must diol" "Woll-a-dayl That is remarkable ! I will go this day and got some for my poor George I know hops are good. " [ Salem Post. J3-A.3XT30 We are meiwcd to turnlsh Band ol the \ery boat uallty ( or Inilldiux imrpoics to any part of the city , at reasonable prices , or at the pit. In- pit 35th and California Sts , Cook Si Isaacson THE KENDALL PLAITING lACEfflE -k DEESS-IAKBfiS' - COMPANION , It pUdUirptn L16 of a n luch to width In the ccarseot felts or Dnctt ellk U d ? ° 5 a"1k'ncl" ' l t } > w of rUltlDK in nsa , Ko lidy that does her own dress nuitlne can anom to do without one ai nice iilaltCiff U ne croutof fashion , If seen It sells lUelf , Vor , ClrcuUw or Agent's terms mtdrew CONGAR & CO. , 113 Mams St. Chicago HI J. C. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting Aaurra rot Turbine Water Motor , ( ALSO JosB RSj vn Pnmpi , Pipe rittlnK end Bra * . GuoUu. Oor. 14th nnd Harnoy , Omalio , Nob. A > VATS > UOTOKU CONSTANT Or DB. P. SOHHBBB , Physician and Surgeon OIIUONIO DISEASES , HHEUMATI8U , Etc. , Mcdtclnei furolsbcd at office. Offlce > IO.imyaruom at. between lith and Utb , Omaha , Neb. \ & * \ M 1 . . STOMACH * SITTER5 For a quarter ot a century or more Hosteller's Stomach I-Uteri has been the rclenlogtpcclfic lor Indlgcatlondyspepnlt , fe\cr and ague , loss of phydcaleUnilnallrer complaint and other dl ir dcri.Vind has becn.moat emphatically Indorsed by medical men M a health acd strength rotor atlre. It counteract ! a tendency to premature decay , ' and sustains and comforts the aged And Infirm. Forlaalo by 1I drnrrliU and denier * per mil ) tgr-r ol to ml DexterLTtaas&Bro. WILL BUT AMD SELL AID ALL coxnioiio tninwrrn. Pay Taxeo , Bent Houses , Etc. \H TOO WAIT TO BUT OK Bttl C Offlea Room 8. OrilpJ'Y'i t * oit. Omaha. W. S. GIBBS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No. 4 , Grolgkton Block , 15th Street , OKTAHA , NEBRASKA. OFFICE nouns : 10 to 12 A w. 3 to 5 P.M. lophonc connected with Osntral Office IMPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER. Best for TOILET. BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. mon-wcd-frl * * & * * Woetlor beta ? Uio moat Jlrect. quickest , an ufoat line connecting the great Metropolis. CHI OAC10 , and the EisrsRH , KouTit-EAsniuc , I ) r and tJourn-EiflTSSLH LINES , which terminate there with KINBU Crrr , I/IAVSHWCHTII , ATCIIISOH Coraciii Buir8 and OUAKA , tba COUMIOOIAI CSLXTIRJ from which radlata EVERY LINE OF RSAD. ? Z ? that penetrates the Contlnjut from the Uleooat River to the Pacific Slope. Tba CHICAGO ROOK ISLAND & PA- OIFIO RAILWAY Is the only line from Chicago owning ? track In Kanias , or which , by Itu own road , reaches th points above named. No raANsrims ET CAURIAOI No MI-JHNQ ooHHBCTlosg I No bundling In III ventilated ot unclsan cir , aa svcry passongcr. carried ID roomy , clean and tilated upon Fast F.rprosa Trains DW OARS of unrivaled ma nlflcenao , FAUCI SLBnrma OAKS , and our own world-famoui DUONG OAJIS , upon which meals are served of un surpassed excellence , at tba low rate of SCTKIT FI.NS CKHTS IAGO , with ample time for bealthfn > njoymenl. Through Can between Chicago , Feorla , Mil waukoa and Missouri lUver Points : and cloja eon noctlons at alt potato of Intersection with otber roads. We ticket ( do not ( erect tlile ) directly to even place of Importanca In Kansas. Nebraska , Cla-V lIUIs , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , Call/ore. . ! , Oregon , Washington Territory ! Colorado , Aiiwo * and New Mexico. Asll beral arrangements regarding baggage u any other line , andratMof ftrtalvtayi a ( ovr at competitor ! , who furnish but a Utho a the com fort. fort.Don and tackle of iporta < aen I ren. Tlckoto. mans and folders at all prlnclpa oQccs In the united Btatoa tad Canada. II. R. CAIiM ! , li BT. JOHN , VIcoFres't A0t.n. ( Jen. Tkt andl'astj'rAg Hanazer , Chicago Chlcaeo. 1880 , SHORTJ.I&3E. & 1330 , KANSAS CITY , 3tJoB&OoiuicilBliifs u rtn Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TJIB EAST From Omaha and the West. All trains leave B. & N. Depjt , Omaha : Neb. \ , Ko chxogt ) ol cars between Oxtha and Di. snd but cne Lctwoua OMAHA and NEW YOJIK. jf * Jp % HP * DailyPassQngerTrains EASTERN AND WESTKKH CITIES with LESS OUAUUK8 and IN ADVANCE of AUi OTUKR LINKS Tbli entire line is equipped with Pnllman'1 tliM Bleeping Can , Palace IJay CvachM.UIller't SelUy Flatform and Coupler , and the celebntod Wcutlcghouie Air-brake. fcTBce that your ticket reads VIA nANSAB C1TV.&T. JOSEPH & COUNCIL 13LUF/31U 11 road , ( la St , Joseph and St. LouU. Tickets foi vale at all coupon lUtlons In lb Wwt. J. K. IUKNA11U , A * O. DA WES , den. Bupt , St. Joseph , Mo Clcn. fata , and Ticket Age , Bt. Joeepli , Mo. ABUT KouDiy , Ticket Agent , 10 % ) Varnbam street. W. J.DAVK > rORT , General Agmt , J , P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY- - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth St. , with p M. Wooiwort . oQUNSELOK AT - LAW J. H. MoOULLOOH , Boca I , Or UUton Block. Fifteenth Birwt j on suffer from Dyspepsia , ueo BUnUOCn " "LOOD DITTEHS. If you nro afflicted \rlth nillousnesi , use DU11DOCK BLOOD niTTEna If you are prostrated with tick Headache , take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEIIS If your Bowels are dlrordcred , regulate them with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Blood la rnpure , purify It with BUUDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have Indigestion , you win nnd an antidote In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If fou an troubled with Spring Complaints , cr- adlcato tlicm * lth BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If your Llrerls torj'Id , restore It to healthy action with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS If your Liver U affected , you will find a euro reIterative - Iterative In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you hare any specie * of Humor or Pimple , fall not to take BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. If you have any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulous Sores , a curative remedy will be found In BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Imparting strength and vitality to the sys tem , nothing can equal BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. For Nerrous and General Debility , tone up the system with BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Prlco , 01.00 pai Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ot * FOSTEK MILBURN & Oo , , , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by lib * McMahon and C. F. Goodman. Je 27 etxl-me The Great English Remedy iNoTcr ( alia to euro Nervous Doblllti , VI * tal Exhaustion , Emls- koni , Seminal Weak- nesacsLOBTMAN. [ HOOD , and all the < vil effects of youth ful follies and exces ses. It stops perma nently all weakening. Involuntary losses and drains upon the BJS- tern , the Inevitable re- , 'suit ' of these evil pra - tlccs , which nrbso dostruetlvo to mind and body and make llfo miserable , often leading to Insani ty and death. It strengthens the Nencs.Braln , ( raomorj ( Blood , Muscles , Pleeitlvo and Repro ductive Orirans , It restores M all the onanlo functlms tholr former vigor and vitality , ma- lilnir llfo cheerful and cnjojablc. Price , S3 a bottle , or four times tbo quantity 810. Sent by express , secure from observation. to any address. on receipt of price. No. C. 0. I ) , sent , except on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are tb j best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous cure I a the market. Sold by all druggists. Price CO cents. Dii HOTIK'B KIDNST REMKDT , Cur 09 1 II klndot Kidney and bladder complalnte. gonorrhea , gleet and leucorrhca. For tale by all dauggiste : $1 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE ! , TISOllvoSt. , St. Louis , Mo. For Sale In Omaha by C. F. GOODMAN. Jan2&-lv TRUTH ATTESTED. Some Important Statements of Wei Known People "Wholly Verified. ' In order that the public may fully reallie the genuineness oi the statements , AS well as the power and value o ! the article of which they speak , wo publish herewith the fac-olmlle sign * . tures of parties whoso sincerity Is beyond quea tlon. The Truth ot those testimonials Is abso lute , nor can the facts they announce be Ig nored OMAHA , NIB. , May 21 , 1881. n. n. WAnnRtt & Co. : DiUttSlE : I have frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure .or local affections attendant upon severe rheumatic attacks , and hao always derived benefit therefrom , I hare also used the Sato Nervine with satisfactory re sults. I consider theao medicines worthy of conddoura t Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NEB , May 24 , 1SS1 II. n WARNKB fc Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : Oiurra : I havt tlio oour Sale Kidney and Liver Cure this spring an a hcrlnvlgorator. and 1 Ond It the best remedy I o > er tried. I have used 1 bottles , and It has made mo feel better than over I did before In the spring. 0. 1' . K. Shops. .OlIAlIA , NEB. , llay 24,1881 II. II. Vr'ARNKUtCO. : Sim : For more than la years I ha\o suffered much Inconvenience from combined kidney nnd liver diseases , rnd ha\o been unable to work , my urlniry organs also belnf affected. I tried a great many mvdlclnes and doctor * , but Igrew worse andvtortoday by day. I was told I hod Bright's DIseaeo , and I wished en ) self dead if I could not have speedy relief. I took jour Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing else v , as ever known to cure thu disease , and I have not been disappointed. The medicine has cured me , and I am perfectly well to-day , entirely through your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure I wish you oU success In publishing this \Muable remedy through thn world U. I'.R. n. Shops. Thousands ol equally strong endorsements many of them In cuesnhoro hone was abandoned have boon \ \oluntarilygl\ , Knowing the remarkable power of Warners tale Kidney nnd Liter Cure , mail diseases cf the Kidneys , Ihcr or urinary or gans , If any one who reads this has any pii } s- leal trouble rcimmber the great remedy , inn Genius Eewardefl ; OR , The Story of tlio SewingMach A handsome little "pamphlet , blue and gold cco Itu numerous tngntt Ings , will be GIVEN AWAY to any nuult ptratn calling for It , alanv branch or sub-office of The Sinter Manufacturing Com pany , or will bo sent by mall , post paid , to any person IMnx at a distance from our otlkte. The Singer Manufacturing Oo , , Principal Office , 84 Union Square , , NEW YORK.foblB ( foblB d&w JOBS STABLXR , 1'resldcnt. Vice Frea't. W. S. DtidiiiR , Bee. and Treas. THE NEBRASKA MOTlOTDKDKr DO Lincoln , Neb. MANUFAOTUREK3 OV Corn Planters , Harrows , Farm Rollers , Bulky Hay Rakes. Bucket Elevating Wind ml &c. We are prepared to do Job work and maoul turtog tor other parties. Addrts all orders NEDEA8KA MANUFACTURlNa CO. , Luoow Nsi SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF- Men's , Boys' and Children's LOTHIN Ready for Inspection AT Palace Clothing House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th. . MarlCaod. BASWITZ & 'WELLS , OPERA HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House.5 Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of SPRING GOODS ! And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good Goods ! Low Prices1 AND SQUARE DEALING AT THE " Opera House Shoe Store. " Ian31-d3m I CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FAR N HAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS I LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S 'AND ' CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L. BRASH , - - 1308 FABNHAM ST. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYHOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in REGIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as .is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Parnham Streets THE LEADING MUS9G HOUSE IN TOE WEST J General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer ana Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Yose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. / MAX MEYER & BRO. , , iVIANUFACTb'BERS OF : SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hand. HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHAD'ES ' EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 108 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA o. WHOLESALE GROCEE , 1213 Farnhem St. . Omaha , Neb.