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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1882)
M 1 ' o 2 1'H.E OMAHA DA1LTf SEA : MONDAY. APRIL 17 1682 , BQNNET 3EASQN , e - Sooial ktmminge from the Week © fter poster in Omaha , . _ _ , . With a Little Wholesome ( ioe- eip © bout Matters in Qen- oral and Things in Particular , _ _ _ . _ The Oloeing"Pleasant Hours" Partp-"t3ans Ooremonie Qerman , " i ' . . . _ . _ - 8oclal Notes and Polite Poraonallttos Exeter has comp and departed , Eaetor eggr and Eaetar cards have loot their flavor , and nothing but iho Easter bonnet rmnans to tall of iho close of Lent and rho triumph of iho milliners art , Easter Sunday llow a days partakes of the chnractor of a social avant. The sermon ie of the less itnpartanco then the einginq and floweta , and lots attention ie paid to the sorvioo than to rho apparel of iho congrogatlon , In all oraontiale , Eaa tar la Omaha was a succors , Thorp tvora rho usual numlwr of now bon. note , moro than rho noun ! dleplay of flowore and quite an unusual effort at elaborate musical programmer , Lent oloeod nary eatiefaatorilq , and "the world , rho ! loch rind rho devil" will bo again conepiouous tor eleven monthato como , It ie discoarnging to Omaha bailee to road rho long lint of marriage no ticce in oaetorn papore , When iho opting limo comer gentle Annie , rho sound of iho wedding roarah ought to bo hoard in iho land , and it ie heard ' In nearly ovary ecation but Omalla , Hero ongagomante are on avid engage. moats are ot ( , but , na in heaven , thorn secure to bo neitltor marriage nor giving In marriage , Chicago atraat olnims that it will coon futniei a eoneation in rho rltapo of a genuine wedding , but Chicago alroot , if ru more were to bo believed , ought all tuehava boon married offyoare ago , It may ba golttly hinted that ono of iho engagements about which passlp has boon busy for como months past is positively cnncollod , The failure of rho panda In iho railroad ollicea to ' voice ealarias in nccordanco with rho tire in facet and potntooe for pros. aotiva houeckoopittg is said to ] tavo been roeponeiblo tor iho aeaident or iacictant. This report dose not affaot the tlokot audltor's dapartmcnt in ilia B , & M , heatiquartore , whioh is mill serene. Two additional engagements are reported this week ; ono a yoang lawyer of promiaonoo and iho other ; a clerk is FrDlght Auditor'Goblola , D CO , It in anaoaoeaaly o say that both are denied , i Engagomouta are never admitted in Umaha until card's aroout , _ It will not boroaftor ba ao mnuhtho , fashion for young men in Omaha to ' take "flyare" on fanny railroad stooks , .biota than a doxon Ontahans have boon badly blttott in the fall of 1Va dash , Tlto earner of Fnrham and Fifteenth par lost heavily and an ofllcinl of iho Union Paoiflo known moro tftalt ho did n [ atv weeks ago , It may also ba raid that ltis bank balance a below xero , If a few clerks fn town oauld sell their htvoattnonts iu mining etaake for fifty oouts on the dollar last years spring sutra would not bo oloanod And soared for nee this aumtnet' , The ladioa at Trinity ohuroh are .racking their brainy to device same novel Dtttertainmont tor rho bolldit of rho now cathedral furntehiug fund , "Tho btisoltoo Bough" made its ] oat bow before iho flrat rehoareal , cad line baolt finally abandoned , Churoh faire era very unpopular with iho gentleman and rho Congrogattonal church Booms to have oahauatad rho programme of toa'a and drills , A "Butterfly ball" to ono propositfo , A coetumo { m rt Y illuatratiya of a cortaiti era is Itstory { is another , alts rho ! art resort a subacrIpttont paper ie a third , Trinity's ' onterialnmonte are always ao enjoyable that it ie toIO / hoped the ladioa will Goo titair way oloar to all occupanvy of Boyd'a Opera house , poaeip ie not news and Outnlta qoe silt long aye salvos iho dlfliault prob. lam of adding two and two together , and making iho sum aovoutoon , Fuate epoak , and fwm iho ordinary run of aoclal avanta of rho week The 13EE uloana rho followlrtq tor its roudots , The BANG CEaEatON1E gave their flret parlnatt and rho oleo. in tarty of iho season at Standard Half on Tuoeda ovonin None of Umaha's ' racial aloha have had a moro eooe and proapvrona caietouco during tba two yoara , ranco its organization and iho eucaesa whioh Lae atteado rite club par boon largely duo to rite taro of rho Daeoutiva ootumittaa is guarding tbo roll of mantbar ehlpa and rho energy of the oflicere in ccnduoting ire affalra Tuvada 'a Ciarlnau had beanoagorl ox acted ' ilia club and uito olaborata ra era. bone had boon made In the wupof favors and G urea , Most of rho former came duoctl from Now York eu lotneated by eovDrnl vo _ head. soaro hand painted deal a from the IsdIvs of rho club , Severn ! trJonds from other encinl oraulzations ; were prDaeat ad Invitad gueata. Shortly ester eight o olook HoUmann s orohee tra struck up the opanlaq walic the following htdIea and gantlvmon partiolps ting ; J , C , Sharp sad bibs DoU 9 I + ieCormiok r poor g o Jowatt sad afire biorn .Balcombe , Ohatlos bia Cormck { and biiae Carrie Ijame , S , 0 , Diorgan and biiae biamio Lake , Ward Foator and biiae Fannlo Wood , Will Hampton and Dilas Irene Lowe , A , D. Carpenter and biiae Cocolla O'RoUley , Tom Ihi mball and biiae Rollo Wmball , D , W , Wells end blue Mary biorgsn , John ! tare and biiae Phllilo bidig6b , J , E , Tousoy and Mien Lou Ijame , Arthur Saxo and biiae Ida Sharp , II. 0 , Northrup , and biiae Kittio Lows , D , W , Saxo and biiae Libbio Brnd , 0 , Q , D one 1 and biiae Etta Wolle , . J , Burkloy and biiae Prate Ohnmbors , Johrt Carrier and biiae Nolia Lohmor , and rho loaders C , E. Bosch and biiae Corn Doane , iii , H , Wilbur and biiae Diollio Brownenn , ThD following were , tnE ylaDnES. Scarf Flqute. , , , , . , . . . . . . Waltz Hlowennttd lleerltonda.Itippe . ] Short and Dfaske , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , .Polka Sllknadgeeand folmetsSchottiech Pules and Itfbbone , , , . . , , . . , , , . , , .1Valtz fforecehneaaud IluttcrileeGalop ( Snpprr , Vh1t ( andIlelns , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . , Galop Ilonbone , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Waltz Dlco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ] lipple Clothes Llao and IlandkerclofFolka 9torkaand Police Clube.Schottleclt ' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , rL1IABANT IIOU1le , Titn closing party of iho soaeon and the ono hundredth and fourth recap. tlon of iho Ploaeant IIours' club was hold lint evening in binaonio Hal , and look iho form of n cumplimont to bit , J , Di , hose who tor throe years part has boon the a ular and elflclant troanurorof the ar anization , Yo h n nd a aura i n v Itat otte , boarin g M Roes monograms had boon tseuod and a largo attendance was the result , As this was rho first party after Lent , dancing was the order of iho evening for every ono praaont from the mo moat when IIoffman attack np rho 0 6 nin g lanolore to rho conoludin g ripple. With an excellent fl o ar boautitul music and a moat dolightfuj companp , rho reception was univor snllq voted ono of rho pleaaanteet of rho aeries , bit , Rose had certainly reason to think so , for just as rho olattor of iho spoons wltlcy } discuss. ing etrawborrios and cream , had sled away , bit , C. E Squires , president of the club , walked to rho Iron { , add in a few wards com/tlimoatnry / to the quasi of rho ovontng , presented him , on behalf of rho club with a vat ar ! ant sot of Thackora 'a works bound alt half calf with rich ! tooled backs and handaomol encased is n bodutiful bookcase suimountod b a boat of Shakes taro , Thou h cam. floral taken at n diradvantu o Dir , ! ro bntgrioatl toss lied in s short wordodps " roseivo hiye oooh "ox p of thanks and sun rieop The nrt bioko u nt 1 o'clook t to rho rnmms tom ro rno brilliant cloain ono of iho t eansons in tto ) club's history , Those praaont were bit , and biter C , E , Squires , hit , and bars , D , 0 , Olark , Dir , and D1re , Robert K , Taft , Dire , FColpotzor , binjar and Mra , b'uroy , bit , mid Mre Ed , P , Pock , Dir , and bare , L , S , Rood , Mr , and Mrs , J , B , Dotnwiler , b1r , and bars , C , Ii , Courant , Mr , and bars , H , H Browa ing , Mr , and Mre , Shivorlakandbiiee Shtvoriok , hir.aad Mra , Pao , T , pil bert , Mr , and Mre , W , bi , Yates , Mr , and Mrs. F , B , Kai ht , of Bee t on , Mr and Mre , gal p . h . Goylord , b Ir ' and bars , Rin welt. , Mr , and M ra , bi'T ; Borlow'poo , W , Deana , 'D , T , Tonzalln and Mr. gtooaa ; iho biissos MoOormiokl Catrfo aad Lou'Ijame , Doane , Bartanl Shears , Paddeok + Euetia , priflith , of lrhiladolppia , Bal combo"Chamliore Woods ilia wait Iiimbtill Funk of Linaolu Yells bier an IIa don Wakolo Oo11Iae L man Timmerlpan Dorn and Nallia Lahmer Brnd Ktii ht and Ross' blosera , Laut { bT , Cg Faoto Liout Palmer , ' Chas , Broadbent , of Now York , W , B , Scott , biobiillanbi , , and N , Barkalow , Sharp , Annin , Bonoh , biorris , Luatte , Remtngton , Bonsai , Garlick Cra rY , Wnkolo Squ iros A , W , Saxo Kimball , I , R. Itin6 w It bier alt IIa don Butler Brook Cltainborrg Burns IIotidrloks Collins , Itoee , J , , Franco , J , J Diakoy , Stobbine , Brady alts , Berlin , social Notes , The feu drill given under th auspicoe of rho ! adios of iho Congrega tional ohuroh , ou Thuradny evening , wits a ttavol and brilliant euoooae , Sovontaon yoursg ntireaal attired in oourt coatulno of iho vet of o0 Q noon Anne , made their debate taro a goodly audience , and wo through their vourtoeioe and ovolu bona with woman's third most power. to woo as with a rooision and gray it whioh doll ittod all ro ant , The rah Or sale wore condo cod b biiae Ruatla , sad bloater Fredltust nmado a ! neat ofllclent drill maator , birlYaltor Kalloy was treated on Tuoeday evening to a vary enjoyable aurprieo party nt hie roaldauco on Ei htoontlt street , Amou rho uoets recent bin VI were iho blIaroe are axd Boatrlco fitcholl , of Li oingnnd Dliee Lucy Royce , of Naterloo , Tltu ! adios of iho Presbyterian ohurclt ( 'avo a very oltjoyablo oocrablo ill rite ohuroh p arlora on Frida y oven. irq , The xcokly hoIto at Fort Omaha , hold on lYcdueeda ovouin r have recent ! boon tartici ores ingli aaY ladlua and otlontan irow oral s , the city , Diva , J , H , Aurbaclt olttartainod a umnbor of bar frIande at a Indies lunoh on lYodnoeday , A small ladiur lunoh was 'loon b bin + , Caldtvoll at liar roeidottca o Davenport etroot , on Tuosdoy , Liout , John p , Bourke gave a small oath on Thurodap Polite Poreonalltios , bifsa prtllithe , of Phnadolphia , Ie vleiting In O µ taha , iho guoat of bites Euetie , bite , Howard B , Smitb ltaerotarnod front her caatorn trip , Mre , , H , P , Duel la paying a ylnlt to frionde is ] < Ulnols , bilsaea Jonnlo and Gortio Touzalln , who , with biiu Gordon , of I3nrllapton , epoat the Eeator holldape at bomo , returnd an Tuesday to eohool in Bur llagtoti , biiae Porkiaa , of Bnrllngtout spout Easter Sunda is iho alt Y as iho guoet of Mrs , oath , Vie Caldwell who rDturnod a few woeke ago to udovar Diaen , , wttoro ho ie preparing for 'alo , has boon hoard from m progroeaing ilnoly In hie atudlna and rapJdlq ntaking up the limo IoeEb y hIe wlator'a alokaDaa at Bema biiae Diary Mend , daugliter of Me , 0 , E , Mvad has boos visitln g ) Sara , L , b > Boalivtt , s SPRING FLOWERSi . _ e _ . ' Their Daoeptional tdaaraity at This soaeon , The W11daW11do 8uaflowor In Da mend-Itaro Roeos-Poach IIloe some and Almond IIloom , , Spoor neglect nn the part of the woathoh olurk is roeponalbla for fhb long lingering of iho Dfarch braezoa , Ile a correlattvo cansb uonrotho earl A nil ahowore here not brow ht un Choir full turn limont of A trl bias. soma and rho fforietsand thlaFlowor biiesiolt are diaconralnto , For onto iho lap of Cnlifornin'r Flora ie n trifle lase than full , and our Earterchurchee nra decked to clay with ltnnde loss lavinlt then are their wont , But Itie only by comparison with ( armor raa sons that rho prevent EaetortidD seems scantily attired , Just now there la a pause botwodn two tll defined fined floral saasotts , Tha eo called winter floxora Itavo not quite steep. peered , There are camolias , violate , rhododondrone , jesaamirtoe , azaleas and wIntar stereo ! n most of iho gar- done or groonhoueos , But the eprtng floware , notably rho mace , have not coma cn In iho profusion usually in- cidon to early April and Easier , It ie true that ! ilea Limo has comp , but ours ie a different soaeon from rho oaetorn ado , Walt Whitman's ' " Var blo for Lilac Timo" was written late in iho Eastern Map , IIora iho ! tine herald iho coming eanehino , and their brIef soaeon already haf ] past , uehera in the cagy roses , They are 'a month late thle year-all iho myrl ad variotlos ; bat among them are soma favorite bfletorn ones , now tour. ors to thle coast ; the Panora ! Jacquo mnot ( , the Ieabolla Sprnnt , rho Pieria do Dgon ahd iho Cup of Hobo , Of rho tour rho Cup of Hobo will bo flret tavorlte with those who taro primarily tor frngranco , Lees eabtlo and eooe aeoont than iho wont of the wildbrior , lose pungent sad compelling than rho pofumouf rho old faehionod Rose of Caetilo , iho aroma of the Cup of Ha bo is got suggortivo of both , while Its pals parole dashed at their tips with pink , makoitaboautyecarcoly lass do 'li g htful than ire fro g ranco , OLD FAy'ODITES , But iho now roeos cannot make ihamaelvcs prime favoritoe in n day , The Pnulino , rho Saffrona , the Mare chal Niol , rho La bfnrquo and the BDllr110110 were rho landing vnriotiea Inst year ; nrtd in the variaua families of Bourbon , Bongnlf Clina , Nolsatta Damnacoao , Bankela ; and amo q rho climbing rho moss and rho tea roses , There nra many vnrlotios which must alxnys have Chair ardent admlrora , their native propagators and oven their propagandists , Callne and pansies lee have with us nearly all rho year , roans , After rho xoso and rho violet there is tta euch univoreal favorite as the pansy , Porhapa because it is loved eo uutvorsally rho modern paneq has boon sub'act to diffc dntiation et the hands of oultivatorr ue few other flowers have boon , Roses , of'ooureo ' haveboanahangod , ilnprovod , apoilo to no oud b YI 'adioiaue addnn j udiciohe bybridization , Begonias have been altorod'In ' folic g o and flaware moo t wondarully , yet no ahangee have Pn more euacoalfulthan ho cotr5r co 1 nations in rho cult voted henrteoaee , There are not many dletinot sorts of violets cultivated here , The common light blue varJoty of termer yearn Ie being auporeodad by the larger and darker colored Dueaian violet , The latest sort , introduced for the firot limo on this coast , is a lurgo , double , vo fro rmtt Non I tolltan violet called niarg Louise , Nozt weak or ] at this week an unlimited nuinbar of roses maq bo looked for fa all iho gardone , and with tltotn como ] iliac of rite vallop , forgot mo nets , pinks , ttallotropo , fall flolrara , fuohalas , vor benne clomatisandtholiho unsure auothor whoeo lees familiar name amaake moro of the catalogue and iho botany index , In rho hothouaos are tuboroeca and caotus blossoms , atop. hanotle , hibleoua , begonias , beaver. dies , and a thousand otltare , now and old , Just now the moat popular flow. ore are eunflowora and Taro lilies among rho cathotlo and rosoa and mar. gueritoe antotrg those wife are aril ! In olddaeltionod darknoas , T1fE IVILDE HANIA , The raga foreanflowors is now attic fall , All that iho varloue pablio yracnhaaaoa can supply are eagerly bon ht ae soon as road for saliva The nox o calendula t a lay g o varlet yf rho marigold , 1e ueod in lieu of th'o suaflotrer when rho ! attar Is not obtainable tainablo , Of the wIator cut flowore camolfae have boon thamoatoaponalro now , and rho taro sorts will continua to ba ao , Our people , rho florlste say , are not given to rho parcllaeo of Cory oaponelvo bougaote , plvoa two boa. uuota , ono largo , and of compatativoly coalmen flowora , rho other shall , and compoead of rnro blossoms from rite Itottoneo , and the larger nits ahoapor noeagay appeals moro readily to the eye alts Durso , aeon of rho wealthy , In other words , our very rIah people , trlth few oaceptione , coneidor oxpon , slvo tlawcre Iris Iu the light of uaoea' eery toarias than do Chu wealthy of Now York , Buetan and lahlladalphiu I Is a anrioue fact that very fax of our garden tuts hotlloueu floworiug Plante are native to our state , Quito a flouriehinq bueinoes fe done In gatlt gring ilia cease , bulbs and colons of Calitarnla floats for chi ntent to and intraduaHon Into rho atdene of iho oaetarn elates and Eurogpo , But with fife ecu l titan of rho Nluur de I + fa n wild flag , and a tax other bulbous , cur wJld flowore do pot boor trnneplaats lion Httd aultivatfoa on this coast , Ono of the most oommoa xild Qowata rho Eeohaoholtzid , or Bald poppy Cal taroly coca ; la our gatdona oaoopt as au iutrusivo outeida barbarian , Yet it la a great tavorlto with eaetora pee petit who buy iho eead and ro p loot y ! y , Noarl y all our ovltivatod flowara are imported at flret liana. biott of theut oars readily be props. gores horo. This tea vetttablo para. dice for fuoheitu , T ho mo fe t , c o0 1 , moaenrably equable ollmato of our city b just whatle uoodod for the bust dovolopmoat of boils plant and flexor , And tbo world knows na fleet or healthlor oaamplea of vtthar than may bo eooe au day [ u Sa Fraaotacan g ardolia Iron Blaok Polut to the Po gt'oro } , Roeoe grow fairly tool ! bvrv- bDttDr titan la rho oouatry , whore the uaol4advd Loaf of Clio Juno sanehlne pravonta tltolr full dvvvlopmvnt is xhat ought to bo their most prollfla soaeon , Our beet outdoor toeoe-ot thozo on cola-como from nnrooriea iotaod { alone ilia Saa Brnnolnrnpike , { n eholtored hollows , opontngupontho bay. There are a tow eastern flowore whioh cannot eacceeatully bopropagat ed here , euch ne tolipa , manq of the hpacinthe , cortalnrosos and goraai aura , Moe ! epocise of this last plant , } lowovor , eau bo oultlvnted to advan rage in iho open air , if eholtcrod from wind and oxccasrvo sunllRht , raLIAOE PLAhTe , The follago gernniume , which were largely in demand n tow ycare ago are now aced for bordarin drinoa sac { itt color bade , Tha Ladq Ynaltinqton ten ' ow iho rci R nin g favorite both in this country and iu England , ae high ne 1 000 havtn g recent ! Y boon 1 tats in Landon { or n new variotq of iho epo- cioe , It is ono of iho plagte that can. not bo ptcuagated to advantage here , and the eaetcra dmnnnd For it hoe boon great. For trimtninq rooms for recap. tiona , balls , dimlare and rho like smi lax still holds rho first tank , For oa- poaeiva trimmings palm loaves era much ueod , pavanurn { laavae , cy press , Ivv and certain terns are nice ueod oxteneivoly in trimming , Do sides the roses and other now typos of floworr already enumerated , there are several jtlanto to bo coca at the flatters' now which are quite now to this poaat , though a few isolated apocimons maybe bo contained is private hothoueoe , Amnng the moat strikltig and ohowy of theta all are the Eucharie Amazonl ca-a largo , starehapod flower pure white , ezcopt a small erowne taped center which fe eonieh- allow , There are sovorni now bo oaim- Erocta Su arba is rho Hama of ono ; Sam orflarene Roaoa of another , Thera is also a new tBonvardia hoar. ing small , dgablo floxora , pure whtto , and reaomblfag ; small tuboroeer , In many private ponces nowadays ono eooe great branches of bloom raviehod from orchard trees applea , ponchos , almonds , Almond bloeroms era unrurpaseod for are untraadatod lovltaosa b an thin In no rettiorgbit nature , There can bo of household furnishin g than a rich ] Y ornate vase crowno with almond bloom. But fruit tree blossoms are either diroctlp or indirectly an ozpon sivo luxury , and their canton is pnesod moro quickly than that of the fruit whioh follows thaw It is not yet tituo this scar for wild flowers to como in Choir fall dory ; but newt Iaortth , yce , Then will rho botanist airs the aethatic and rho hoodlum picknickcr , and rho pot hunter , and all iho teat of ue who may go eomowhoro into rho country a gathormg wild flowers. Fortunes for Farmore and Mocnanics Thousands of dollars can be saved by nalnq proper judgment in taking taro of the health of youreclf and family. If you are bilious , have Ballow complezlon , poor appetite , low and depressed spirits , and generally dehtlitnted , do not delay a ma meat , barge at once And procure a battle of there wonderful Electrio Bitters , which sever tail to cure , and that for the trifiing sum of fitq ( coats-Trlbuns- Bold by C. F , Goodman and all drnggiete , d ar ° " "HtL"tr.r. " " ° ' "r u7vrtaaP" " ° , "a. t'r - r . ; . r , S , - Mt " ' , . , . , ; , , A ; - } . r - M , ! ,4 4. , ; r . , . .r.J v , F , n b6 e y ( ( p 9i O d.t111 , U Vs xo"E tor bdag iho most + Irect gnlekrat ' an moat line connrcting ilia root aetropollr'OKf OA00 , sad ilia Eastrtan , lYOarn ELarnnH , It r and Dourn EaaranM Ltxz + , wblch tcrmlaate { here with Kensae Cm , Lnavanwcarn , AronteoN Cotrnma Unarm cad otaua , the Uoxttaatuet Oantane ! rom which ndiato EVERY LIKE OF ROAD 1 ; : that penelntea the Contlneat from the 6ueauui ! floor to the Pactflo elope. Tha CHIOAGO ROCK ISLAND PA CIFIC RAILWAY Ir the only line tram Ctdlago ownlag track to Keneae , or which , by Ire aim road , resehee th t > ointe above named , No vna. nrnsa nr Cttaauan No Jttestaa cornnona + el No hnddllag la Ill vcatlletodarrmclooncereraevrr paerngcr canted in roomy , soap and + autJate,1 trochee upa4 Fal Exprare Trains Der 0aae of uprvaled ( magalflcaaco , Poctuea Puma surnare Oaae , and ouroam xorld taraonr Dtmno Oane , upov which tarots are ssn ed of un euryaaaed ozcalleace , al ilia tow ate o ! savtara Fun Cam uen , rrlih ample time tar hcallhta en aymeat. rough Can be/eooe Chingo , PeerU , NII waukoo end nlneourl PJvar Polafa and deco as aectlona tl all polaG of lolenactioa a1W oilier a tlekoldo 4ot forgel thin ) dlrectlq to avery 00/lmportaucola Kansas Nobroeka , Db 1 NIIL , Wyomlag , Utah Idahoc ievado , Ctllfor . , a0g0a , lYaehingioa erftory , Ootorado , Arhane sad Now bexlco. dell bent unagemeats tegudmg baggage u any other ! life , sad ntee of fare aleaye sat or u campontan , oho hualeh bat a tithe o Ina tour. fort , Dogn and tackle of mottanea ( tae. Tlekete ma Had folders al all pdnclpe Dtecee In Ilia Unitas eklos and ( , anode , IL R. aADLE , E , BT. JOIIN , YlwProo't DOw OenTk1 aadPasa'rAg tlanarer , Chlca.o Calpro. tla C , ELLIOTT & Coe Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting ! Aoaxrr raa 7E .A.'Y'OO'03ES.Tf3Z'1F3 Turbine Water Motor , lat so oaenasts Ptrmye , Pipe 0 i t nL and Braga Cor,14th and IIarltoy , Omaha , NDb , y wuea tforoa la Cn + arasr area fAF 'O'W a1'Lt9El ' -AND- torc Plxture Yorlc nd Preach Doable Thick Flat and Dent chow Caen Dlue 0 , J , WILDE , 1916 and 1317 Oass Street . , tor " ' DR , F , BIJHIDRFJR , Physician and Surgeon aURONIO D18EABEB , RIIEU3fAT18L , Etc , , A SPECIALTY , bloc deco turaAhcd at asRce , O co No , ll4 Fatara4t Bt , betvrcoa 11th wd taut , Omaha , i1eb , t4saa + s SUI' ' 16 PII , > FPR . . 1 t9e Phoo4lxswurwce t , 4 [ Ina ado , Dub , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Woetchoeeor , N , Y CepIW , , . . , , , , 1,000,000.00 TheYerchenlnol Netruk , N , J. , QaplW , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,476,000.0 aloe Ftre , Ptdladaphle , apiW,1aoooaao FJrame4h Tund , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1,4eg,916.D Drl/bh Ameda Aan aaa. co. , , . , . . I,60ooaao O oo , Boyd a Opera Houaae r bro , J , a , Roborteon , Plttaburg , Ca , writes"I wa euQeringfrom gcnenl debllit want of ap potlte , conetipntlon , eta , eo that hie was a bu den ; after using burdock Dlood Dittcro 1 felt bet. to than /or / yenta. I cannot pates your Diltcro too much ; ' 11 , Olbbe of Ruaalo , N , Y wrlEce : "Your DurJock Otct , Dltters , In chronfodiscaesottho blood , Dver and kldnay e , pare bean signaly ! marked slip euccces Ihnao ueod them myself with hurt reaulGy tor torpidlty of the Iirer , and In cacao ! s friend of mine suaoting from dropsy , iho coact was marvdoue " DrucoTumer , Rochcstor , N , Y w tae1 : here boon eubect ; to ecrloue dleonler of ilia kidneys and unable to attend to business ; DuNock Diood Dlttoro telloval rno betoro halt abotno was used I feel coafldent that that will entirely taro me : ' Aeenlth hall , Dinghnmpton , N , Y arlEcs : "I suRcral with a dull pain through my Cott lungandahoulder , Loetmy apRite , appetite end color , and could with ditnculty keep up all sop , Took your Dunlock Dlood Dittore a dl meted , and have fait no pain since flret week nt tar acing them ! ' b1r. Noah Dates , Elmin , N , Y , writoe ; "Abont tour peon ago I hod an attack of diiloue fever , and serer fully recovered , My dlgatlre orgnne acre weakened , and 1 souls bo mmpletoly pros. tratod for dope , After acing two botnea o ! your burdock Dlood Oittore rho Jmproveme46 was eo vilble that 1 sae eetanished , I cannon though Ol yeah of age , do a fair sad roaeoaabio day's work , C , DlecketRohlneon , propdotorotTheCanada Preebyteriao , Toronto , OnL , arltee : "Forycare I euQorel qreally from oltaccurring hoadncho. I ueod your Gunlock Dloai Dittoro with happleat reaulGt , and I now Bad mveeU In bettor health than tor ynn pat. " ] Ire. Yellaco , Duftalo N. Y , wrltce : ' 1 have need IInrdock Dloed Ditiere tor nervous and bll lone headaches , nod can recommend it to anyone roqutrfaq a taro for bililousoose. " hire , in bfullnellnnd , Albanp , N , Y , writes : "For seven ! yoaro I Mee eudored from otE rccur ting blllovs ( hcadnchoe , dyapopslo , and tour. pelate ! pocullnr to my sot. claw uslag qour Burdock DloodDltterelamantlrely rollevod. " Prlea 01.00 sot nettle ; Tr141 DoNlee ID Dq FOSTER , MIhBUBtfl , Oo , , Prapst BiTFFJ11t0 , I'f ' , Y. Bois at wholeealo by leh d blcblahoa and C. F , Cood4an. io 47 eod mo 'Pbe Great Engiiah Kemedy Norer faits to cute Nervous Debilltyt Yi Gal Ezhauetlon , hmia a alone , seminal weak- . naesesL09Th'fAN ' HOOD , and ail the evil e > iccta of youth. % , tul tolhee and execs. 1 , ' its , It stops Parma. nontly all wcakonitq involuntary loss < s and dratoe u a th0 8y9 t rem , theioarltnblorc " , , , cult Ot thCa00V11plaC tires , which era so destruonvo to mind and body and make 111a mleerablo , alien leading to Ins4nl- tynnddoath ltetrengthansthoNcrvosUroln , ( memory ( Dloal , 3lueclee , Dlgestiae and Repro. ducnro Orrmna , It reetoroe t9 all iho organic [ uncthna their former vigor and vlGJlty , ma Ung life cheerful and enoyabla ; Price , rl a hottlo , or tour times ilia quantltp 810. Bent by express eccuro from obecrratlon to anyaddress onrecoiptot price , No.a O. , seat , oxcopl on receipt of fil , a aquanntoo , Lattere rr questing anewcre must Incloeo stamp. Dr. Mintie's Dandelion Pills are the bast and rheapost dyepcpsfa and bllaone taro la thomatket. cold by aD drugglete. Prlco a0 coma , Da bltrrtn'r Rroaar Annr , Narnmcost , C4resellkindo/Ridnoyandbtaddcrwmplatnte marrhea , gloat and leucorrhea. For nla daugglets : 8l a bottle. ENOLIBII biEpiO L n16T 718 Olive st. Louie , o , For Baloin Omahob ' a F , aooDMAN.t ' Jan46-lr TRUTH ATTESTEpe Rome Importanttstotomerats or Wel 8notvnPoople WhoIIy Voriflod Iv ardor that rho public may fully roallao the gcnulneness of iho statomonte , a wall a flit power and value of Uo article of which' they apeakwopubllshhowwlththe ! ac slmllo eina torte ofpariles whose elncorlt is beyand goes flan , The Truth at those testlmontals Is abso lute , nor can rho facie theq snnounco ba Ig norEd Otuue , Nos. , bap [ 4f , 1881 , N. II , waaxna rk Co : Dnnn6ln-I : here fegnCDtly 490d 1Yaroer's 9ata Ktdaey and Liver Cure .or local a > laetlone attendant upon eovero rhoumatio attacks , and have always derived beuoflt tharofrom , I have x190 neCd ilia 6s10 Nerrtne w'Ith BatletaCtory' re BUlte. I coneldor those madictaee worthy of copfldenra , . o / Uoputy Trcaettrer Otena , Nan , Stay 4f , 1:81 II. II wannna a Co. , ltochcetcr , N , Y : peon ; I Lava sae eyour halo Rldney and Llvar Cura this eprtng a a lror lavlgontor 4pd 1 find n iho btu ratnedp I over tried. hovE ueod 4 bottles and It ha made mo tool batkr Ulan aver 1 did before la ilia eprtng , . , U , P , R , Bhope. OYdne , NaB. , blay 4l , 1881. II , N , Weanna da Cos etas-Formet0 : than to yeare I have e4Cered much lnroarealoacofromcombinedkidnap and Ilvor dlaeaaes , and have bosh unable ta , work , my utlnup organn also being affected. I tried a great tnnap medldnee and doctor , but ( grow worse and worse day by day. I was told I had Uri ht'eDleeae , and I wlehad myealf dead Jf 1 cou d not Nava epaody ro1eL I took your bate Kidney and Liver Lure , knowing aothlag also waevarknoantocurotha disease and I Mvo sot been deappolnted. Tha medicine ha cured ma , and I am portectly wall to daY , entlrclp Utro your Sata Kldnep apd LlvorCpra wleh alJaucc eelnpubllahing fhb valuable tame ythrough ilia world u , rn. n , Bhape. Thouaaade of oquallyetrong endoroamente many 01 W/om lp coats srharo hopa was abandoned Mve bona voluntarllp , lvon , ahowlpg rho ronmrkable wwerof IYarpate care lildaay and LberCuto , na11 diaea eeei the Kldneya , Ilver or urlaarYor gaae. It any one w bo roads thle has Guy phyro hnl trouble remember the great remedy , ma , P , r GlISH , ATTORNEY- LAW , 310 South Thirtovnth St , , with ' r M. Woolwort . rGeo. Geo. Pa Bemis EAL STATE ENCY 16th and nodgsnte. , Omaha , Neb , Thb Peacpdoaetuorarabrokangebaelnea Doveu/npeculate and thorofora say bagels MoIE arc located b nna taeroad 17a KALISH , e 1 Door Wr of Orulokshank'st IIu sow a Qoe template Stock o ! enrlog Doodt oomAUogot Freaeh , Eagahead ! the best Do mama. Prlcee low or the 1 ox mhlp ouHSE oR - T J , H , MoOIILLOpH , Eoem / , Crehtoa ! iROdc , Tittee4th street , an10 Em 1 . , k OFFICI : OF 1VAnASIf , ST , LOUIS fi Pr10PIC ItY , , CnnNaIL i1CCF1'a , Iowa April 7 lBa2 , ' I Ccntiemcn-Shipped from Now York , 1'ebruary , 25th lot of DryGoodr , consigned to you , Phis freight was in tt wreck near Dloherly ; sad boxes broken and contents mixed with other ahipmonts o [ Dry Goods , Please send man to our depotltolidontiy your freight and agree upon amount of damages and loss etc , ( Signed ) 'F DI , Ge1ULT , Agent , _ _ - ' IIp to the time receipt' of the above letter we bad given these goods pup for lost and 'ordered other goods instead , Their arrival at this late day overstocks us , and rho fact of their l f , Renders their immediate Sale imperative ; ; , We Will offer the entire shipment at less than > Vhe cost of importation , ' , B ' , S , e , Some Slightly Soiled ; Oihera Perfeot ; Some Pet , North , North. It place adios Larsue9' 12p0.2 300. 15 " India Laaae , 25 4l 2il India Lowas ! 1.2 " victoria Law ri , " Victoria r.nwn , 2 ) 1 " VlctoriaLawn , 2b 1tJ " Y1CtCri4 Lawn , 4Q , U 10 6ort N4lneook , 2U 25 fiat [ NAipeOCk , ' ,5 40 Batt Na'nsook , ' 7 1.2 4b Worth. pieces ] ace Pique. 1 1.4 15x " Lac I'Ique , 1 1-1 2f " Into Ptquo , l-1 " Lace Plqual 4 a e auras t Very SlightlySoileddc Wet Worth , lecea Loom Damask , b bo - " Loom Dsmak , 7 Q 6 " IImached 1 $ 70 " Bleached " 7b " bleached " $ ' DleachEd " q " llleachcd " 7bo 8100 , worth 81,10 to 817b 1p plccesDotted ; Bwlsses , ' 0 4Qo , 10 " Dotted6wieses , :3' 1.2 1S 1U petted awlsecs , 4 , li " Cattaln Bw1ss , b , t' Curtain Bwls , , 0 3 " Curtalu 8wlea , l5 4U Dyda. P1aidYict Lawn f , 1b0yde etrio" , } 10 30 11r0yde. FronchNatnsook , 30 5p 7r yde French Nnineoo , 4 GO t 100 yds. Franey Organdy , b8 7b 7b'I 'I ' 4 Worth. bq pieces Linen Lan n,1.50 20x 5U Linen Lawn , 19 1.2 3p ' 7b Linen Lawn 24 35 tI , 1 , It -1 a r - co c ussla r as S li g htl y Soiled and Wet. ' ' Worth. , places Flnd Crash , 1' 0 ,1- a ' " aloaeCrnsh , 2 1 ol LCr2 0 Class Croeh,16 to o " DestRueslanCarorlt 120 o a. " Uub cached Twill Crash , 1 o. ' (8llghtly ( Boiled ) ' I , ' t n eaJ lJ e , l elaI tJ , ' t , , rr 100 dozen Towels , ' 175 dozen Fine Napking , at half ° the usual . price , ' A. . ' " 1 , , t ' . , h , i t d , 4 l t ' M , 200 pieoes of yard wide'Bleaohed Mus 1'n , ( s li g htl y soiled and ' wet ) 6o worth 100 , 20 pieces 8-4 Sheetine' , bleaohed , 20x , { ' 26 " 9.4 Sheeting bleaohed 23 t 26 " 10-4 Shooting bleaohed 26 ; 100 " Brown Muslin , best qualits , 71-2 l 60 " Brown Mus lin , g Dod G 50 'r Brown Muslin , fair 5 , S W ea Ise have a I ar g el 1 of ' w e Plaid Suarrahsletc , , that having btenf well papered and ( ' lboed We re not dame g ed , bu t are so lot e f in arriving that we shall offer them at less than cost , , , ' . n , tit , JOBBER OF r AIZD 1 0 8 AR M aT r