Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1882, Image 9
fill JLJE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : SATUEUAY. APHIL 15 188 * DEWEY & STONE , FITENITU'REI ' ORCHARD & BEAN , J.B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ETSI GROCERS I. OBERFELDEI & CO. , WHOLESALE IILLINERY AND NOTIONS , 1308 and 1310 DOUG-LAS STREET. Spring Goods Receiving Daily and Stock very nearly ! Complete sso'sc.tsccsxrjn' 30 OJL9 WHOLESALE AND BETAII , DKALEK IN SE3t Lath , Shingles , Pickets , IJ 5 , BLINDS , B/OLDINGSME / ! [ , GEM7 MTSTATE AQENl FOR MILWAUKEE CEMSNT COMPANY ] Near Union Pacific Depot , , - - OMAHA.NEB Special Attention , Is Once More Called to jthe Fact thax Bank foremost in the West in Assortment and Prices ot FOB MEN'S , BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. AI.SO A COMPLETE LINE OF Furnishing Goods Hats and Caps Wo nro prepared to moot the demands of the trade in regard to Latest Stylet nnd Patterns. Fine Merchant Tailoring In Connection RESPECTFULLY , I. HELLMAN & CO , , 1301-1303 Farnham and 300 to 312 13th WM. ROGERS Manufacturing Company. , -MAKERS OF THE- Finest Silver Plated Spoons and Forks. The only and ( ! Uional plato that original firm is giving for instance Rogers Bros. stance - single Lirt All on Spoons , 9 Forks and plated Spoon a Knives plated triple thickness with the greatest plate nly on of care. Each the B o a 11 o a lot being hung on a Bcalo while whore expo d being plated , to to wear , thereby i i insure a fall do. making a single posit of silver on plated Spoon them. them.We wear aa long asa We would call a * triple plated especial atten tion to oar soo- ione , Rival. Tlooed All Order ) In the Weat thonld be Addressed to Wholesale Jewefer , OMAHA , KEB -t A DEN OF DIRT. Celestial Sleeping Apart mem te in San Francisco , Dls iittlns Slfflits In the Mongol Inn Quarter. San KrRncltco Cail , April 7th Yesterday raorninjj , shortly nftor 1 o'clock , Sergeant Harmon , accompa nied by a posse of hia men , loft the Old City llall for the purpose of dis covering individuals who were guiUy of violating _ the pure air law. They wended their way to n largo three- story and basement brick structure on ho north aide of Jackson street , below - low Stockton , wliich they hnd boon n formed was Tilled with Chinese Bloopers. The upper stories are reached by a narrow flight of stairs , the stops > [ which are covered with dirt half an inch thick , while the walls of the stair- ctiso and the coiling are covered witli amoko and soot from numerous open Tires and Chinese tallow candles burned n the hallways us offerings to thn licathon gods. The basement , whicl ton feet wide , is approached bj rickety , not ovor-socuro staira. ivhich leads to a narrow private alloy running the entire length of the house , and from which entrance is obtained nto the basement rooms. One ot tin first rooms nt which the sergoan knocked nt was ono in the basemen nearest the street. Not receiving an ; response to repeated knocks , the uer geants used his No. 10 brogans in < lead of a knocker , and brought into cquisitlon the only Chinese word with which ho is acquainted , that was "Ilimonah , " which means "open,1 iVftor a number of vigorous kioko uflicicnt to nrouso a few oleopy Mon golians on the opposite side of tin alloy , and cause them to open tin doors of their rooms ajar , and pee mt , and "himonah" had boon rp leated time and again , some one ir : ho room exclaimed in a voice indica ting clearly that the owner thoreo ! had been awakened from n sound loop , "Wassa matta ? " "Open the door , and bo quicli , bout it ! " said the sergeant. A CHINESE LODGING. "All light , " came the response : which was followed by the turning if a key in the lock , the drawing of i ipring catch and the shooting back o iovoral bolts , and the swinging opoi : if the door. As the sergeant and his men filed nto the room , an elderly Chinaman , with wrinkled features , short gray queue , and attired in baggy pataloons and not over-clean blouse , stood hold ing the door with ono hand , while with the other ho rubbnd his oyesl nd as the last officer crossed the ihreshold he muttered , in a tone ful f astonishment , "Noo chunmutyeah ' ' " ' " eo coonl' "What'sallthat gibberish ? , skod the sergeant , gazing the while t the speaker. "Him say , 'Wassa natta , wha foah ? " ' volunteered a oung Celestial who had followed the 'flicors ' , moved by curiosity to learn he object of the early morning raid. The room in which the oflicera found measured ton feet in .eight with a depth of thirteen foot , , nd a width of fifteen , and contained ,950 cubio foot of space , or within fty'fcet of the amount rcquirod in a oem to bo occupied by four sleepers , langed around throe sides of the room are wide shelves , on which is spread matting , and above this is a platform across the width of ho room. On this , as on the shelves below , are spread pieces of matting and wooden blacks , which Chinese use as head rests or pillows. The atmosphere of this room was heavy , the stench of opium was detected the moment the door was oppnod , and breath ing was diflicult to these who are unused to inhaling the air of a Chinese lodging place. Prior to the advent of the olliccra this at mosphere was inhaled and exhaled by seven adult Mongolians , who wore sleeping on the shelves and platform described. The sleepers , who were moro or less stupid from the effects of the poisonous drug the Chinese love so well , were after some difficulty aroused and made to dross themselves the sergeant having concluded to ar rest them , as there wore three more in the room than the law allows. They were then inarched to the central sta tion under escort of two policemen. / A DISGUSTING KIQHT. The sergeant then tried the doors all along the alloy , and ono near the rear of the basement yielded to the touch. As it was pushed back , a sight was presented to view which , had it boon seen by those ardent sup porters of Chinese , who live east of the llocky mountains , and whoso only knowledge of the Chinese and their habits is based upon the rose- colored pictures presented by the paid agents of the coolie imp or tors , it would have done moro to change opinions on the subject than all the arguments that could bo made b'y the ablest senator or representative from the Pacific Coast in the course of a month. The room into which this door opened is not moro than twelve feet wide , and on each side are two rows of wide shelves , ono above the other. These run along a depth of eighteen feet. The height of the room is not more than ten feot. Be tween the rows of shelves is a narrow passage which loads to a small room , not moro than 5x12 , which is divided by a rude partition extending about two feet and a half from the roar wall. In one-half of this is an open fire-place , constructed in the rudest possible manner , and on which the occupants of the room , or the major ity of them , do'their cooking. The fire place lias no chimney , and the imoko arising from the few bits cf kindling with which the Chinese ccok their rice and boil their tea escapes as it may until it reaches the front door. In its passage it floats to the coiling and walla , begriming them with soot , which renders the place almost as black aa if painted with coal tar. Im mediately adjoining this open fire place and fully open , is a closet , from which arises a stench that is almost unbearable. The shelves on the side of the room to which allusion has al ready been made , are concealed from view by curtains , or , moro properly sneaking , pieces of dirty Boot-covered cloth , extending from ceiling to floor , and have been , for want of a better name , termed "OPIUM C00CHK3/1 Tot is Is difficult to understand why a few board * , clumsily nailed together and covered .with matting , once of n light straw color , but now soiled r.nd almost unrecognizable 'from the amount ot Accumulated dirt , an in crustntion of mud , soot' ' and dust should bo termed a couch. Bohim those filthy hangings wore discovered ton Chinamen , alongside of each an opium lay out and pipe , some smok ing , others stretched out nt full lengthen on their backs , stupid from the intox ication ptoduced by opium , with their mouths agapo. Some were utterly unconscious , but their eyes wide open , as well as their mouths , nnd their sunken , pallid cheoksgavo them the ap- oarrthce of corpses. The ntmoBphoro n this room , as in the ono praviotitly risked by the oflicora , WHS impreg nated by the funiLU of opium , but was far moro dense , nkid rendered breathing still moro diflicult. The poisoning exhalation coming from va rious sources , when bronthod by the Dllicors , who but n short time before had been inhaling' pure nir , made lomo of thorn sick , nnd caused theme o _ leave the filthy don. But in ad- ihtion to what has already been de scribed , there was ono sight r which was still moro revolting. \djoiniiu- the onlvanco , sat on n hiijli itool a wrinkled Chinaman , not less han fifty years of ago. Ho was at- ircd in a suit of Chinese clothing greasy and filthy. The arrival of the > IUcers did not seem to disconcert iim ( for ho never moved from the losition in which ho was in until ho ivns forcibly removed from his seat. was seated nt n small , narrow table , the top of which was ns dirtytns the rest of the articles around him. On this ho had before htm a bowl , in which there was a mixture of rice , lights and greens , which ho wan con voying to his mouth by means of a couple of chopsticks. Directly in front of this was n small coal oil lamp and an open fire in n coal oil cnn , the blaze of each casting n fain light to enable him to soc what ho was doint' . About twenty inches from and directly in front of him was a candle box on end , and in this was burning punk , 'allow candles and n lamp tilled with nut oil. It was one of these altars which are to bo fouiu in almost every Chinese house , but i differed from any over soon by tlu writer in this , that it waa inhabitcc by insects. On the sides , top am back were hundreds of cockroaches , from the eizo of a pin head to an incl and n half in length , and in numerable black beetles , running up and down , and from oido to side , ns if cxerciaiiiK in the warmth of the burning oil. Every now and then a few of the larger and bolder roaches loft the shrine ( if Confucius and wan dered to the place where the old man sat , and some were so bold that they walked up the sides of the bowl out of which ho was taking hia after-mid night meal and inserted their nntoumm in his food. These pests did not ap pear to annoy him , for ho did not dis turb them except when they advanced a little too far in the bowl ; then ho removed them with his chop sticks and continued his meal , The whole gang was arrested and taken to the central station. Across the Garden Wall. I looked across the garden wall. And saw her there I Beo'her ' yet ! A little thing that played at ball. , What mattered fright ? what mattered fall ? I climbed I broke the peach tree's not I looked across tbo garden wall. And , curls and pinafore and all , Beheld her never to forget A little thing that played at ball. Grave bos she grown , discreet and tall , Since , when the morning dewdiwere wet I looked across the garden wall , ' Since she was five years old , and snisll , ' With slipping sish nil crooked set , A little thing that played at ball. But Etill , sweet wife , when I recall How first wo loved , how first wo met , I watch across the garden wall A little thing that plays at hall. MAY PnouY.v. Gratofal Women. None receive so much benefit , and none are so profoundly grateful and show such an interest in recommend ing Hop Bitters as women. It is the only remedy peculiarly adapted to the many ills the sex is almost universally subject to. Chills nnd fever , indiges tion or deranged liver , constant or pe riodical sick headaches , weakness in the back or kidneyspam in the shoul ders and different parts of the body , a fooling of lassitude or despondency , nil are readily removed by these bit ters. [ Courant. WESTERN C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Hainey Street , OMAHA , - - - PJB , MANUFAOTURE118 OP GALVANIZED DUUT Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials , TIN , IRON S SLATE ROOFING , - 3pecht'a Potent Metulio Sky light. Patent Adu | table Ratchet Dar and BRACKET SHELVING , urn the Koaeral State Agent ( or the abort no of Koodi. IRON FENCING. Jreitlngm , Daluitrade * , Verandat.rOfflca and Bank Ralllngf , Window and Cellar Quardi ; ale GENERAL AGENT Peer on and Hill Patent Intlda Blind , POTidtl John G. Jacobs , { Foi/oerlyol GUh4J cabi. ) UNDERTAKER lOBH BTiBLlE , < IftOXI UCUAMr , Prculdent. Vice I'ica't , W. 8 , DKUUKR , Sec. anil Treu. THE NEBRASKA MMUFACTUEffl. } CO Lincoln , Neb , MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Plantert , Harrow * , Farm Rollori , Sulky Hay Rake * , Bucket Elevating Wind ml &c. We are prepared to do job work and muni taring ( or otuer partle * , Addre all otden NEBIUBKA UANDFACTUBIHO CO. . laoom Mw ' Sioux City & Pacific THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Runs B Solid Tr ln Ihronith from Council Blufia to 8t , Pmil Without Ohanjto Tlmo , Only 17 Houn II IS 2.OCP UH.E8 TUB siioniKST UOUTK nov COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS Duurrrr on EISMAUCE tnd ! 1 points In Northern loir * . UlnnfsoU tnd Dakota. Thl line la equipped * lth the impror d Te Hnrjti < w Automatic Alr-lnko ud Ullla rutlorm Courier &n < l Bu'sr : nJ ( or HPEGD. SAFBTt ANU COMFORT Is nnmmnnod. I' lln 'i riUf .Slofiilnc CAt runthroitRh WITJOUTllIANOKIieltrocn K u KN City ( Mil Si. I'&UlU COUUCll Bill ! ! ! AQ Sioux City. Trains Ictvo Union TicUc Tran lcr t Conu ell Bhifta , n ( 7:35 : p. m. dilly onrrhkl ol KMISA City , St , Jo cph Mid Oounrll ItHiUs tmln from the South. Arrlvl-iir M Hloux City 11S5 ! 1 > , m. amlnt the New UnUn Diipot ni SI. I'aul at 1J3 ; noon. TEN HOUnS IN ADVANCE OF ANYIOTUKH HOUTE jCTTlcinrmbcr In ( siting tlia Sioux City Kouti yautfct n ItiroxiRh Trnlu , The Khortc t Line lli Quickest Tlma nud .1 Comlcrtablo Kldo In th < Throi ; h iX'vrs betttrcn COUNCIL DI.OKF3 AND ST. PAUL. jC3"Sco that } our Tick cti load \la tlio "Sloai City und Pflilflo lUilrO d " J. \VATTLB3 , J. n. BUOI1ANAN Siipcrliitcniloiit. Qen'l I'AM. Aecnl. P. K. r.OENSON , Atn't ticn'l P&8 . A1 ! . , MUsonrl Vnlloy , lous. \V. K. DAVIS , Southwoit rnAircnt , Crmncl tlliifti T" CLEVES BROS. , ARCHITECTS. i'ubllc DuIMiiurn , Churches , llojldonces , Stores In o\cry bt\la. Alt nt n glven to Patent Ofllco Draw Ins * . 10 , Crclj > htort Dlock , Omaha , N ebraiko. SYPHILIS n any atago J & Catarrh , 2 Q. * ECZEMA , Old Sores , 3 g en BOI'LS Pimples , , f ig or any Srin ! < Diseas . Oures WJien Hot Springs Fail MAVRRN , Ann. , Ilav 2.1S81 Wo ha\o rase1 ! In our own town iulio Ihcd at ncl wcrollnally uiroil with B. S. 8. JlcCAinioN & Muiav. IF YOU doubt , como to rooim and WE WILL CUHE YOUR OH charge nothlnz ! I Wrlto ( or particulars and copy of little Book to the Unfortunate Hugorlng. DexterLTiomasMro. WILL BUY AND SELL CONNECTBD TIlH Wirn. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. ilir TOU wxnt TO BUT on BRII. C Offic * Room 8. OrelnVro | o'0"lt , 03uluu AND- Fixture Works nd Frcncb Double Thick Tlat and Dent Bhow Case Olaca 0. J. WILDE , 1315 and 1317 Oass Street , fo < - THE KENDALL PLiIffl& IAOH1E DEESS-IAKBES' ' COMPANION , It plaits from 1-10 of a n Inch to rldth In the coarsest folta or finest silks It docs all kinds and styles of I lilting In usa. No lady that docs lior own dross-making can .fiord to do without one m nice plaiting U lever out of fashion , If seen It eclli Hoolf. For Machines , Circulars or Atont'a terms adOrcoa CONGAR & 00. , 113 Adams St. Cbicaco 111. OB. F. SOHERER , Physician and Surgeon CHRONIO DISEASES , RHEUMATISM , Etc , , A SI'ECIAI/ry. Mcclclncs furnlabed at offlco. > fflco No. 1411 ! Kanih-vm St. . between llth and Htli , Omaha , Nun. 128 ' ei.OOO Reward will bo paid to any beuilat who will ntid , on analysis 100 bottles I. B. U.ono partlcloof Mercury , Ioddo | Fotos- luui or any Mineral Bulibtoncc. BVflfS SVKBWIO CO. Props. Atlanta , Oa Prlco ol Small nlzo , Jl.OO. Largo elze < 1.76. Sold by KKNNAUD DUOS. & CO. , nd Druititlsta Uoneral' ' " M. R. RISDON , } en'l ' tarance Agent 'boeulK AusuraiKU Co. , ol Loudon , Vcatcbo83er , K , Y. , Capital . 1,000,000.00 bo Mcrclnnti , of Newark , K , J. , Capital . 1,275,000.0 Hard Flro , PblUdelpbla , CtplUI. . . . 1,200,000.0 Iremen'i Fund . 1,239,016.0 Irltleh America Assurance Co . 1,600,000.0 Offloo , Boyd's Opera House. We are prepAred to ( urnlih Band ol the very est quality for bulldlux iiurpox.8 to any part oi lie city , af reuouablo prices , or at the pit. ID- ulr Jat the pit 35th and California Sts , Oook & Isaacson J. L WILKIE , XIANUFAOTUHEn OF PAPER BOXES. 5il8 and 220 S. 14th St , OUT A TFT A , " " tuf * tn "WINE OF OARDUI" malcea clear cowpluxlona. \ * , & SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's , Boys' and CMldren's H Ready rfor Inspection I I -AT ' 1 ' : I J Palace Clothing House , THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED 1316 Farnam Street , Near 14th , HOUSE SHOE STORE , Under Boyd's Opera House. * Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of And invite the people to call and examine Goods. Good , Goods ! Low' Price s Ba AND SQUAKE DEALING AT THE "Opera House Shoe Store. " 1an31-J3m 1 CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FARM HAM STREET. One Door East of the New York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS ! LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S 'AND ' CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. - - 1308 FABNHAM ST/ / tuos-thvr sat The Oldest Wholesale and Retail-JEWELRYEOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , uhe Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in RECIOU3 STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Yose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes , Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur- chasinp. ' MAX MEYER & BRO. , , MANUFACTURERS OF : SHOW GASES Large Stock Always on Hand. ' ! * ' Opera House Clothing Store ! I ' < T. IP. LTJIsTID. Dally Arrival ! of New Soring Good * la Clothing and Gent's ' FurnisMng Goods - r GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE ! " I am Belling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'s Fine Shirts , known as the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. * " 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. tt , ' \