THJhOiviAJULA U-AILY BJilE : SATURDAY APEIL 15. i882. THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street ! . TERMS UK SUBSCRIPTION. Ott copy 1 year , In nJv&ncerojtpilJ ( ) (10.00 6 month * " " B.CO nsnth " " . . S.OO - - * AIL WAY TIME TABLE. CARD CIIICAno , ft , Mtrt , MISStAfOLM AND OJUUA RAILROAD. I tve Oirnl ) Passenger No. 2 , 6:30 . to. Ac- mrroiUtlon No. 4 , 1:0 : ( p. in > tri'tOmra Pr-wangcr No. 1 , B:20 : V- Alt tr s rdatlon No. 3 , 10K : > a , m. OMAHA tier OB sootn IOOKD. C. , D. A O. 7:40 : . m. 8:40 : p. tn. C , t N. TV. , 7:40 : ft. tn. 8:10 : p. m. C. , R. 1. li P. , 7:40 : a. m. 8:4o : t > . m. T. C.Pt. J. it C. Deleaves M f 80 . tn. rd7:4B : p n. Arrives at St. Lcul3 At 6:80 : t. m , and 5:62 : iV.i St. I , , k P. , Im-w ( it 8 o. m. and 8:40 : p. Armcs a Et. Loull ftt6:40 : A. m. and iSO rT m vrm on totnnwieis. B. * 1 ! . ! nN b.Thtcuxh Express , E : 0 . m. P. k il. Lincoln Kxj-rr'i - :26 : p. m. U P. Overland Exprrjn , 13:16 : p.m. 0. A U. V. lor ttnsffin , 11:45 ft. m. 0. fi U V. toj Ojcoola. 0:40 : n. m. U. P Jrchjht No. t , f0 : r. . to. 0. P ! if Mil No. 9 , 8:20 . in. D. P. fuifht No. IS , 2 : 0 p. m. C. P. freight Xo. } , CIO : v tn. mlKi n . - . P. Denver cxprcsi , 7:35 : p. m. U. P. frttrht Nn 11 , 11:30 : p. m. U. P. Dcmet lrol ht. BCB \ \ ID. AEMVIIiO FROM UBT AKD MOID 0 B. * V 6rt . m. 7:25 : p m. C. tt H. W. , f :4B : n. m. 7:2S : p , re. C. H. I. fr.,5:45 : n. Hi. 9'M p. m , a. C. , tt. Joe 0 JI. , 7:16 : . m. BilBp. m Aim VINE KBOM rna T I AND O. li It. V. from tlncoln 1:03 : p. m tj. P. Pacific KxprtOT 3:26 : p. Di. B A U. In Neb. , Through Express 4U : p ro. rIt M. Lincoln KxprcM B : 0 ft tu. i 0 1' . Dcnu t oxproOT , 7SS : n. in. U. P. rnlplit No. 14 2tO : p. m. V. P. N'o. 6 CiO : a. tn. Kinlf | ant. V. P. freight No. 14 , 12:18 : p. tn. U. P. o. S 0:00 p. m. U. P. Kr. 12-1:43 a. m. U , P. Piwor freight , 1:10 : n. m.J 0. & R. V. niliud , ar. 4:45 : p. tn. PSHK7 TPilNS PRniEK O'iAHA Al cousin norm. Lo vo Om .ba &t 8OC : , 0:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 p m. ! 1-0 2:10 : , C:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. ro. te i Councl/Ulu Te at S:25 : , B:2b. 10M : and l5i ! t. m.i USB , 2:25 : , 8:26 : , 4:25 : an. ! 6:25 : p. ro. Eua4 5The dummy loavra Onmha at 9:00 : ml 11X0 r > . rn.i 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 p. tn. Leave * Council BluDa at 8:25 : and 11:2C : a. m. ! 2B , :2G cd 5:25 : p. m. Tfcroajch and local pimencer trains between Omaha and Council Bluffs. Leave Omaha 6:10 : , 7i , WO . . ' , S:40 : , 6:46 : , fl:00 : p. m. Arr vo On.'r.ha-7:40 : , 11:3B : , 11:46 : a. m. ; 6UO , 7:05 , 7:15 : , 140 p. jn. Opening nnc Closing of M Ha. KOCTK. 0KM. ctosn. a. m. p. ra. a. ru. p. m. Ohlc 20&N. W 11.00 0:00 : 5:30 : S:40 Chicago , R I. tt 1'aolDc.11:00 0:00 : 5SO : 2:10 : Chicago , B. it < J 11:00 0W : ) 5:30 : 2:40 : Wabaebl . I2M : 6:30 : S:40 : Kloux City Mid 1'aciflc. , 9CO : 6:30 : S:40 : Union Piclfi : 4:00 : 11:40 : Omthn&K. V 430 11:40 : D.fcM. InUeb 4:00 : 8:10 : Omab * b Sioux City. . . . 0:00 : 7:30 : P . AM. Lincoln 10:31 : 6:00 U. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:80 11:00 J. P. Denver Ex p 0:00 : 6:30 : O. . Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 Local mails tor State o ( Iowa leave but ccce a d y , viz : 6:30a.m. : Orf.ce opcti Sundays from 12 ra. to 1 p. ra. TITOS. V HALL P M. Proposals for Paving : Strootn in tlio City of Omaha , rJobrasha. Sealed proiIop.Ms will bo received by the undersigned - signed until Saturday , April 15th. 1882,1 o'clock noon , ( or the pa'Ing of Douglas street and the cross streets between D uplaa and Farnham from Oth to ICth streets , Including 9th and 16th streets. First , For a foundation it concrete 0 inches In thickness with a superstructure composed of a crcosotod , cedar block 8 Inches In length sot with asphalt at d Band. second , For a foundation of concrete 0 Inchoi In tblcltnejs with a superstructure composed of creosote ! plno plank U locoes In Icngta , sot with asphalt and sand , , Third , For a foundation of elf an coarse. Binder or gravel 12 inches In thickness with a super * structure composed of cedar block 8 inches In length and not less than 4 nor more than 8 Inches in diameter to be set with asphalt and sinrt. The sand or gravel for foundation to be thorougdly rammsdorrollfcd. All the work to bo done In accordance with specIScntlons and under the di rection of the city engineer. Also , the city will consider proposals for pav ing with Elm blocks or any other material , or any other mode of construction. All proposals or bids shall bo accompanied by the names of proposed Burettes , who , In the event of contract 'iIug awarded will enter Into a bond with the city of 01 Omaha for the true and faithful performance cf 01L said contract. 01R The city council reserves the right to reject R ] any ad all bids. tc Envelopes containing proposals o * Mdi shall tcra i ho marked "Proposa for Paving Douglas Street ra and Cross Streets In the City of Omaha , " and ad ratt dressed to tbo undersigned. ttai J. J. L. C. JEWETT. ai Omaha , March 10th , 1832. City Cleric. aiP' ' raiirl3-30t P'a P'ol KOPOSALS 1XJK THE CO.Nb'rKUCllUN OF ol 8EWEUS. la Oti'lCB op CITY EKOI.NKKR , 1 lad. i OMAHA NEB , 1881.1 Scaled proposals will be received at the olllco , d. . of the undersigned until Tuesday April ISth , d.y 1BS212 o'clock n > on , tor the construction ol eewers In North Omaha a follows : 1000 feet of ca Si feet brick sewer 728 feet 5 } feet brick sewer to and 728 of 6 } feet brick sew er , located on Izjrd toPf street between 16th and 17th. and on 17th be Pf tween Izard and Nicholas , bclnccn 17th and of 21st streets , together with all necessary man sa holes , lamps-holes , and catch basins , as per la plans and specifications In the city Engineers otllcc. Proposals to be prepared upon blanks ac furnished by tbo city Engineer. Bias will also sa be received for the constructlort of a timber out fall embracing the furnishing and driving of an 100 oaK piles more or less 25 feet lonn , 12 to 8 he inches , and 1.500 feet of oak lumber as per plans th andtpeclficatloni In the Engimers officu. Work to begin on or bcforo Juno 1st , and to bo coin be i plctea December , Ict 1882. Payment ) to bo to : made monthly In cash warrants , 16 per cent to bo reserved until final completion , and acceptance ra anco of work by the proper authorities. All raFJ blda to be accompanied by the signature , of fro- posed sureties who will in o ent of awarding of sa ; contract enter into bonds of the rlty for execu mi tion of the v.orU in the turn of $30,000. J , J. L. C. JKWKTT , ouAt 2w City Clerk. At cu sr PROPOSALS gewa wa U S. ISDHXEEltMCI. ) PJNB P. HOB AUENCT. J'AKOlA. J- ah ; Mar.v , 20 h 18:2 ) ne Staled prpo als , Irdor-m' , In d up ! lea t a lot the wa . erection of an jndlan Uoirdlntf hclio , ! > .t this agency , In accordance with plans and specification Th tion i on file , wit i the Chief Quartermaster , D.1- an partmcntot the Platte , Omnha , NCD. , and di rected to the undo tinned , care of tho. Chief wil Quartermaster , Department of the I'latto , wa Omaha , Neb. , will ue received until 12 o'clock dia noon , on Monday , May 1 t. 1S82. i ontract to be rewarded to the lowest respon oyt sible Udder , subject to the approval o ( the de wil partment of the Inttrlor. Proposals must state length of tlmo required the for completii of building , after approval of to contract , and must be accompanied by a certified towa check Ui..tcd wa upon some States Depositor * pay able to the order of the undergfgned for a ) leant Th five (6 % ) per cent ol the amount of the pro the posal , which chock shall bo forfeited to the United Bta eaiu case any bidder jeculvlng the HAG award , shall fall to execute promptly a contract wit with ( rood and sutliclent eurcthe , accordlrg to hia the terms of his bid , othcrwleo to be returned to the bld.Ier. mo Mam building li to be two etory 80x40 , ad ditions to be one etory 32x100 , of lumber , t toi For further Information address undersigned 4roa a , Pine . .idge . Agency D fo. . roa 24 d3w U , 8 Indian Agent. aw hia ; am p-ei iioi DAVIS & hia am 160 ? Farnham St. , Omths , Hebr * tor 3.00,0 GUI Canuully selected laud In Kautvrn t lc , a/eat Oargalna In tmtiroved farma , am ) life Oratbacltypropitty , hui o. e.t DAVIS V/WSIER nnrcKn ma ' ' P I.tnrt fVir'f _ nnc W. 8. GOBJ38 PHYSICIAN AND SUE.PON , bet I Room Ko4 , Crolbton ( Bloclf , 15th old Street , goii OBTAHA , NEBRASKA. the Orifice lloTOS : 10 to 12 A u. 3to , 5 P.M. la phone couneotsd wltb Owtral 'Office1 byte to i "WINE U ! OAHUUI" four times n stoi i * U makes a liuj > j > y household. det b MAIL QLBANINOS. Jim Bludso , the Engineer of tbo Pral < rlo Belle , Who DIed Llko Robert Kolloy. Editor Memphis Alanchei I rend n p < (9in ( tome ycnts ago entitled "Jim I31od o , " describing a dl.icstor and n licroisni that wtro re-enacted hero flt Memphis Inst Wcdnesiny nioniing. Not havinc re d it with n vle v of remembering it In the ftiturp , there tuny be Rome innc- curncics ; but it is near enough correct , t > erbnp > , to touch the hearts of thousands of your subscribers who read how Uobert Kelley sscrlficod hia life to save the wo men snd children on the Golden UJty. I cannot remember the author of the poem , \ou , no doubt , can. JOHN L , JENKINS. The poem is by John liny. Ku. Av.J JIM DI.UDSO. Well , no-I cnu't tell where he lives , Because he don't live , vou dec ; Lengtwnys he' < got out of tlia habit Of livlu' like you and me , \Vhar have you been for the last three years That you haven't d talks tell How Jimmy Uhulso Dasscd in his checks 'iho nlsht of the "L'ralrle Belle1 Ho wnrn't no saint them engineers Is all pretty much olikc One wife In Natchez under the hill Atid another one up in 1'ikc. A careless man In his talK was Jim , And an awkward man in n row lint he never pinked , and ho never lied , I reckon he never line wed how. And this w/n / all the religion he had To treat his engine wel < ; Never bo passed on the river ; To mind the ' pilot's belt ; v And if over the " 1'rairio Hollo" took fire , A thousand times he nworo Ho'd hold her nozzle agin the bank Till tne lost soul cot ashore. All boats hnvc their dayon the Miseiisi ) ) ' , And her day came at last The "Movfastor" waa : vbetter boat , 13ut the " 15 lle"nli3 wouldn't bepaRsed , And so came tearing nlonir that night , The oldest craft on the line , WItn n nlgg-r squat on her safety valve , Her turmtced crammed with pine. The lira burst out as she cleared the bar And burnt a hole in the night , Ami quick us n flash she turned and made For that willow " -ank on the right. There waa runnia * and cucsin' , but Jim j tilled out , Over all the infernal roar. "I'll hold her nozzle ngin the bank Till th ; last galoot/H ashore. " Thro' the hot , black breath of the burnin' boat Jim Uludso's voice was heard , And they all had faith in his cussedness , And kno'd he'd keep his word , And sure's your born they all got off Afore the smokestacks fell , And liluja-j'u ghost went up alone In the smoke of the "Prairie Belle. " [ I > warn't no saint hut at judgment I'd take my chances with Jim Longafdo aome pious gentlemen That wouldn't : shooic nands with him. Ele'd seen his duty , n dead fcuro thing , And went for it thar and then ; Vncl Christ ain't ageing to ba too hard On a man tint died for men. "GRIZZLY JIM. " an Francisco Morning Call. High up in the mountains of Tuo- Dmne , on the South Fork of the itanialaus Hirer , amid scenes as wild nd ruggcdand ( grand as the High- inds of old Scotia , lived , in the early ays of California , a hunter named im Lyons , who was known far and oar aa "Grizzly Jim. " Lyons was a atiyo of Pennsylvania , a man of ledium height and powerful frame , ith keen gray eyes , overhanging rows , and bold , resolute , massive fea- jres. The rough , Btrangely-marked ice , so cold in danger and'terrible in asaion , was ordinarily pleasant and unial in its expression. It would ba ard to find a manlier-looking man * , ' r.on'o of a more determined character , yens had a ranch about twenty-five dies above the beautiful little mining > wn of Columbia , but found hunting luch more congenial to his nature ian farming. Day and niqht , winter id summer , ho followed his favorite urauit. Armed with his trusty rifle hugo hunting knife , and with no : her companions than hia dogs , Lyons ivcd above all things to track the rizzly tn his lair and fight him to the jath. Not one , big or little , old or atat jung , was over known to have es- at iped him when once oncoun- inw rcd , although ho bore on his w irson moro than one uily mark looi his fierce struggles with the oiL vago beasts. The man was a siugu- L ; r compound of good and evil. Time toai id again had hu risked his life to aibe vo others , and in hours of suffering be id danger exhibited a generous and th iroic spirit. Yet , notwithstanding la ia , the name of Jim Lyons grow to CO a terror in the mountains. Mya- or rious murders in the vicinity of his bi nch were attributed to him , and ho in is arrested so often that he used to tic v : "It looks as if there can't bo a Wl tn murdered in the mountains with- go t Jim Lyons is arrested right off. " islL : i a rule he made light of such ac- L ] sations , and had no difficulty in Diwl tting riri of them. The suspicions , it wl is remarked , uniformly took the same fie ipp. the deceased hadin some man- dii r crossed Lyons' path , At ono time it tn .s a Frenchman , a partner of Jim's , dii icy were known to have quarreled , wt d the Frenchman was found dead tin th a bullet in his brain. Again , it tin s a rival hunter who had spoken ha iparaging of Lyons , No human BUI 3 other than that of the slayer had Incased his tragic death , and yet fri ; ro was but ono opinion in ropard vifc it among the mountaineers. This lib a the bad side of Lyons' reputation. am 0 bettor character came in from gu ; me who had seen him share his last BtO > k of flour in the dead of winter Jll h a destitute family , and witnessed manly grief when a distracted ithor bogged him , for God's sake , ' go out in the storm and darkness no' search of a lost child , whom ho mil to cued from certain death after an toBit Bit ful night of peril and hardship , In the nature were blended vindictive 1 revengeful passions , and warm , the Wl lerous , noble sympathies. Dow : co and terrible the battle within poi fro breast when his angel own , good tin 1 evil genius strugclod for the mas- aar y , who can toll ? Under some cir- ustances and certain conditions of ant fin ho would have been a bravo , oio worker in the cause of hu- ors tre nity , Under olhera , a murderer I an outlaw. ' | { I v 0 THE NKW DITCH ENTKIll'HIHE. nol h the spring of 1855 the troubles lee ween the minors and owners of the lea water company , which had been an < nc [ on for several years , owint ; to anwa hic > h and exorbitant rates charged tnu the company , and which gave rise pai naaa meetings , big procesaiona , and imi rmy proceedings , culminated in the off crini tint ion of the people to form vjv n water company of their own nnd build n ditch tor themselves. Among the moat enthusiastic m this gigantic enterprise , for such it really wns , nil things considered , was the Into James W. CoffroUi , who personally went into the mountains ana worked with pick nnd shovel like "nn honest minor. " Much ol his subsequent popularity was duo to hia tnauly action , iu this practical strike against the exactions of the monopoly Ono of the great- cst difficulties in carrying out this en terprise was to proviuo food for the hundreds of men engaged in the work at different points high up in the mountains , When hard pressed , and suffering for the necessaries of life , "Grizzly Jim" came to the res- cue. Early and latoho wasroaininglho tooda with his dogs , and supplying camp after camp witlt grizzlicrs , deer , nnd well nigh every kind of meat to bo found in that region. His success la this respect was wonderful , nnd won for him the gratitude nnd admira- i'on of nil concerned. While thus ngagod , on ono occasion , Jim came ecross a couple of minors who had left camp to do n little hunting for them * selves , nnd go into close quarters in consequence. They had stirred up n trizaly of enormous size and unusual iirocity , nud nftor firing at him cot [ lomorulizcd nnd turned to run. The grizzly , slightly wounded by the nhoto and made furious by the attack , pur- mcd the unlucky hunters at a rapid jait , nnd was rapidly closing upon ono jf them , when Lyons came upon the scene , attracted by the outcries ofjtho terriflod minor. The latter was mak ing for a tree a short distance off * , but although running for life , was ready to fall at any moment with fright nnd exhaustion. With n yell to his dogs which made the old wood * echo and caused the grizzly to stop nnd turn fern n moment , Jim throw himself in the path of the bear end covered the niinor's retreat. The infuriated brute , robbed of its prey , savagely rushed on Lyons , despite the efforts of the dogs , and even the sharp crack of the hunter's unerring rifle failed to bring him to * ho nrth. Quick ns a Hash the man nnd grizzly grappled in n death struggle , Lyons using his ponderous hunting knife , and the faithful dogs hanging on to the monster like grim death , Both wont down nttho sudden onset , nnd for a few seconds rolled togethor'on the ground Then Lyons , with n herculean effort , shook off" his hugo antagonist , but fell beside him , moro dead than alive , nud literally c covered with blood from his own t wounds nnd those ho had given the 1 grizzly. The minors now , in turn , i came to Jim's assistance nnd put the ] finishing touches on the common enemy - \ my , winch was found to have boon shot twice and ripped open with seven t horrible knife wounds. The vitality i } f the brute was something wonderful , ] Hid even "Grizzly Jim" had to own ' jplhat thia was "a pretty close call. " With the exception of an ugly gash in ho shoulder and n scrape across the n oins , which took clothes and hide o ilong with it , the hunter's injuries fi roro of a slight nature , and not deem id by him sufficient to bother a doctor bout. But for the timely arrival of lc jyons , there could bo no question of h ho minor's fate , as ho sank exhausted ti t the foot of the tree , which waa exy ( oedingly difficult for one to climb unni or any circumstances. THE D0TFIEI.D SHOOTINO AFFAIR. Jr Among the mountain men who oh feared and hated Jim Lyons was j I. B. Duffield , late United States mrshal of Arizania. The cause of 10 feud between them waa not gen- rally known , but of its existence and itonsity there could bo no room for oubt. That blood would flow from ; was a foregone conclusion. The esporato character of the parties laced this beyond conjecture. In kill , courage and determination the ion were very well matched. Lyons as moro widely known for hia san- uinary exploits , but among those who P new the man Dut field had a r jputa- tt for calmness nnd skill pn nerve , , in ith the pistol second to none. His inb < ibsequont bloody career in Arizona th id tragic death , if proof were want- thp ig , prcvo this reputation to have boon oil founded. Finally the long- uf p ! ' eked for affray came off in the streets ufUl Sonorn , near the old Oity hotel , Ul yens and n friend of hia were in nt nt iwn , drinking freely , when Duffield ntB rived. In their liquor they grow th , nsterous , and recklessly made fit treats to kill Dufiield on sight. The th tttor was not slow to ive thorn the thW ivoted opportunity , ilia appearance th W ( i the scene was the signal for a brief thor it rapid exchange of shot , 1 or which all three . par. da : ipatod. Duffiold fired with underfill rapidity and precision , dan- nil rously wounding both his antagon- th P ° s , and getting off without a scratch , ons recovered , and claimed that rai thin ufliold had taken advantage of him in ion drunk , but public opinion justi- thi d the latter , and the general ver- dii ut was : "Served him right ! " Fresh tin ) ublo was anticipated , as the vin- tin stive character of "Grizzly Jim" is too generally known to admit of goi tin oughts of reconciliation. Moro an once , afterward , there would on tin vo boon ugly work between the no parties , Lyons always being the inc me grosser , but for the interference of ends. Duffield found "eternal , , noon jilanco" the price of life , if not of | lro orty from that time forward , Night onUt d day ho waa constantly on his ard , and never felt secure until heed od beneath the scaffold and saw the n Lyons launched into eternity. yei THE TJLAKESLEK MUHDKB. Dno dark and stormy winter'a night , am wa of a most shocking and horrible km irder in the mountains was brought cor Sonora. It appeared that the the i ikosloo boys , who had a ranch in fri ( ) direction of the Lyons place , were col ) subjects of a murderous attack , center itilo seated around the tabla for sup- tor - , at the close of the day , some one for m the outoido suddenly fired upon mi through the window , and at thu His no instant the door waa burst open pic 1 entered with man pistol cocked , neo ug rcpidly upon the terrified broth- mo . The latter sought safety in ro- daj at through the back door , when J Bu > y found unothcr man stationed with cou tel in hand , , but whoso shots did tioi t take effect. Two of the Blakea- pai s made their escape to the woods , jur ving { ho other mortally wounded the 1 iu a dying condition. Robbery ant s evidently not the object of the irderoua sttack , whoever tiio guilty rties were , for they loft the place mediately alter it , without carrying am' anything. The wounded man sur- pea ed loag enough to give an account the of the affair , nnd created n sensation by positively nfllrminc ; that the man who first entered the door , revolver in hand , was E. r. HUNTKK , n well known nnd prominent lawyer to Sonora. Nothing could shako him in this belief , nnd in hia dying doclarti. tion ho charged Hunter , in direct nnd unequivocal terms , with being ono of the murderers. Strnnqo to sny , Hunter - tor had been engaged in some law bus iness against the Blakeslccs , nnd on the very night of the affair wns in tlit , vicinity of their ranch. As if to give probability to the terrible accusation , it waa reported that the horse Hunter rpdo into the mountains returned riderless to Bcodigr.u's livery stable , whcro ho belonged , nt nn early hour of the morning succoiMlinsc the night of the nnirdor. To make matters worse for the limb of the Inw , by ndding to the likelihood ot hia doing such ntt awful deed , Hunter hnd already killed ono man nud wounded two or thrco others in shooting scrnpos. Foryenra he hnd appeared to court the reputa tion of a fighting man , if not n des perado. Now , to his horror , ho found the notoriety so onrgorly sought artor n ctirso nnd n burden to him. In his dismay , for ho wns really dread fully nlnrmod nnd worried nt the appalling nccusation mndo with such distinctness nnd particularity by the dying mnn , Hunter would hnvu given worlds for tkat woll-ostabliahod character for peace nnd quietness which stands ns n shield of safely iu thu hourj of trial nnd danger. An it was , iho lion. II. 1\ Barber , the dis trict attorney , ono of the nbloat and most zealous prosecuting ofilccra in the state , wua convinced of his brother attorney's innocence , despite nil appearances to the contrary. Ho had known Hunter many years , nnd understood hia character thoroughly. Thny were bitter political onumies , ind moro than once got into nngry pi raonal altercations during hot cam paigns , nnd in the trinl of exciting : rhninal cases. But Barber know Hunter , rhsh and reckless as ho was , to bo utterly incapable of n deed like that with which ho stood charged , utd with n manly , generous spirit , meriting all praise , proclaimed his convictions nnd earnestly assisted in bringing vo light the guilty parties. AKKEST OF "OUIZZLY JIM. " In working up the caao , and casting ibout for every possible causa or cir- jumstnnco which might operate on ho mind of anybody , nnd bo likely to cad to such a revengeful act , it was ocollcctecl that a brother of Jim dyona , some time before , had trouble rith the Blakcslocs about his ranch. Choy had got the best of the litiga- ion which followed , and there the : natter Boomed to rest. Knowing , lowpvor , the vindictive temper of 'Grizzly Jim , " who could never rest nsy under n sense of wrong , suspi- iou immediately fastened upon him , : nd M close watch wns sot upon his very movement. A warrant was nally sworn out ft r his arrest , to other with a bad character named tab Poor , and n teamster called 'Wul- ice , both of whom were known to ave been at Lyons' place about the , . mo of the murdor. The latter waa a | oung man of industrious habits , | nd never before accused of' ' crime. Zealous and persistent efforts were I tndo by both ladies and gentlemen to 1 iduco Wallace to make a confession. | J lathing could bo expected in this Erection' ' from such hardened natures i Lyon" and Poor , who treated the latter with scornful indifference , "ot so with this young associate , who row palo and trembled visibly when i formed of the terrible consequences > himself in the event of the others irning state's evidonco. At last ho roko down completely and made n ill statement of the tragic occurrence : aught in bad weather , ho had stop- id for the night with Jim Lyons at is ranch , whcro ho also mot Bob oor. Lyons , during the course of to long winter evening , got to talk- ' ig about the wrong done his brother the Blakeslces , and proposed to go toro next night and kill them , oor readily seconded this pro- T > sition , and Wallace said ho waa 'raid to refuse to join in the atrocious idertaking. Ho hesitated at first , id urged haste in getting away to tend to Bomo important business. , ut a Bignificont hint from Lyons , and o dark looks of the two men , torri- id him so that ho agreed to go with em and take part in the bloody 3rk. Early next day they made civ preparations , and net out for 0 Blakeslee ranch , hiding in a cave 01o , , tunnel near the place until after p rk. The weather wns very bad , the ofof ght black and stormy , the rain iti of ' mring down in torrents , They left lei oir hiding place , nnd it was nr- ah tn ngod that Poor should fir.o rough the window , Lyons break the jdoor , and Wallace go to D'rear and cut off escape in that rection. The young man averred it ho mentally resolved to fire ever 3 heads of any persona attomping to b out of the back door , and the tea- li nony of the two men who escaped , 0 of whom was shot in the arm at 3 first firp , corroborated hia state- int in this particular. The surviy- ; brothers , it may bo remarked , did t see the person who entered at the nt door , and could give no evidence thb point of identity to relieve inter , COLONEL E. D. DAK EH , > most distinguished criminal law- r in the state , who fell at Ball's uff in the early part of the rebel- n , appeared in dofonco of Lyons 1 Poor. It seems Colonel Baker DW Lyons personally , They had no to the state together , and during sea voyagea the latter had won the mdship and admiration of the onol by hia mainly and generoua iduct. Baker's speech was a mas Di piecoof eloquence , and ho pleaded the life of his client with great vor tmdjearnostness , going back to We first meeting hjm on shipboard , fro lie ! ; luring the Bickness and wretched- is that prevailed , and the mngnani- us devotion of Lyons , night and 't to the sick and dying passengers , t tho. cold , hard , murderous'facts , iplod with the man's dreaded roputa- too much for the word proved . . _ . . _ . . . ? - * 11.- - * ! 1 / ! il. of the orator and the tiling gifted , i KD y returned a verdict of murder in I ' ' first degree against the defend- . age THE CLOSING KCENE. 8 > la the day of execution approached , ' ' I all liopo of a new trial dioap- red , the doomed men admitted Ir guilt and confirmed [ Wallace's IVi story. Lyons hnd little to say , bul Poor weakened nnd became quite gar rulous , repenting the details of the tragedy over nnd over Again , On the the scaffold it wna the snmo thing. Lyons appeared the quiet , re3oluto , determined mnn that ho wns , while Poor raved nnd cried nnd prnyed by turns. True to his nature nnd habits of life , Jim declined the offer of n now suit of black clothes to bo hanged in , nnd were his gray hunting-shirt nnd the clothes ho vras accustomed to wonr when tracking the grizzly in the fAstncsjos of the mountains. Ho died as ho hnd lived -without fear nnd On he fntnl platform fiercely denounced lis old enemy , Dullield , whom ho no- icikl RAyly riding around the vast ; rowd thnt encircled the scaffold. Profit , 81VUU. "To sum it uu , six long yonra of > cd-ricUlon aickneaa , coating $200 per fear , totnl $1,200nil of this expense wna stopped by three bottles of Hop Bitters , Ukcn by my wife. She has done her own housework for a ycnr since , without the loss of a day , nnd I wnnt everybody to know it , for their benefit. N , E. Farmer. FOR. CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORKBOSTON , , And all Poluts East and South-Halt. THKUNECOMl'IUSKS Nearly 4,000 rullcs. Solid Smooth Steel Tracks Ml connections arc made In UNION DhPOTS. It hns n Katlonal Kcpntatlon IB liolne the 3reat Through Oar Line , nnd Is universally oncodcd to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Half , enl In the world for nil cl.isvp of travel. Try It and.vou will find traveling a Iruury nsti'ad of a discomfort. Throngh Tickets via this Celebrated Line for ale at all olllcca In the AVuat. All Information about Halts of Faro , Flccplng- 'nr Accommodations , Tlrno Tables , &c.t will bo hcerfully ( ilvtfn by npplylnln * to T. J. POTTER , Id Vlce-Hren't A Oen. Maiiajr.crChlc3go , PERCIVAL LOWELL , ( Jon. Passenger Jltt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNI'OIIT , Gen Agent , Conncll Dluflt. It. I * . IHJKLL , Ticket morn-cd ly EXCURSION ! TO EUROPE , Arranged by Haraugari Maon- nerchor. D N L Y $90 , in the .Cabin for ( Round Trip. rom JJJew York to Atnwerp and | Return , , 2TLca\ Inc New York Juno 10 , 1682 , on the 10 new and splenrfiJ Mall Htcamcr Ilrlffnland. Titctum tickets Rood one year on any earner of the lied Star Line. from Antwerp to 'arls. Only $1.60. * Ticket * , t Prospectus and all Information nlyto be had from M. & . R , BURQHEIM , ooksellers , 484 Vine Street , Cincinnati ! , O. ho Clncinnattl Harugari Mannor- chor. & aat-4t apl-m&c-cv - MAIL LETTINGS. rOTICB TO OONTRAOTOR3 , POflTOH'ICB D8MHIMFMT WtmiixafoN , V. 0 , March 10 , 1882. } B : Proposes Kill bo received at tbo Contract Ik-o Ottilia department until 3 p. in. , of April It82 , for urryl'i ? malli of thn United States , on incsneiitrer nnd tranilcr routa In the City Omana , State of Nebraska , from July 1.18 : ) * , 'Juno80,18S8. Advertisement of route , In- ructions to bidders , and all other necessary In. rmatlon will bo luuilihud upon application to o poatmutcr at Omaha , or the Second Aesltt tl"oitraa8ter General. General.T. . A- HOWE , I'ottinatter General. UarlSm&cetSatOI. PERFUME , HttlSUBf KSiXTStjTSttyt Murray & Lanman's est for TOILET' . BATH HANDKERCHIEF" mon-wcd-frl o Nervous Sufferers THE QBE AT EUROPEAN REMEDY. r. J. B. Bimpeon's Specific El t II t po | tivecurs lorHiwrnuitcirben . , fiemln * Okuoaa. Impotcncy , nnj all dleouev rcvultlag sa Uell-Abuoc , n Mental Anxiety , Loan mory , raitu In the luck or Side , and dlto&joa - - - ml $ p % Insanity curlyt'rare a tlpcclfio nm ElI Uedlctno li wh mI used wltli wonder ful 8UCCOK3. t frco , to nil. Wrlto foi thsai nail KO ( full ? I 'rice , Specific , II. CO per pAcktge , or clx patki 8 forVi.03. AJdrcra ll orderi to ' ' B. BlllfcON MEDICINE CO. Hos. 104 and 108 Main Et. JJuflilo. N , Y , oM Iu Omaha by 0 , V , Goo&ntn , J.f , Ball , C. lab , and all drtljclttauvcry where. i S > dbw Pake "BLACK-DRAUOHT" ana you Jl never bo bili < > n . r DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTEL ? . HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWNf" ARLINGTON. J. 0. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Neh , 8ARATOQA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIUS , Mil ford , Neb , ' MARSH HOUSE , E , MANS , BROWNSVILLE , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , etromibunc " HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivlllo OITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J , Q. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL C..SEYMOUR , Nobratka City , h b MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.No COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Olnrlnda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atklnion , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. ORUDD , Guide Rood , Neb. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Oration , la , JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINB & BRO , , Red Oak , li. HOUSTON HOUSE , QEO.OALPH , Exlrn , la , REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M.REYNOLDS , Atlantic , In , WALKER HOUSE , D. H , WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURQC83 , Neoln , la. OITY HOTEL , DI D. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMING3 , Corning ; , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Stanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W. DOULWARE , Durllngtort Junction , M OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , Olanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , D yld City , Neb. DAGNELL HOUSE , OHA8. DAGNELL , GollcEo Spring * , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vlltltca , la. JUDKINQHOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvcrn , IP , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Grove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. 8TEARN8 , OdebolLla WOODS HOUSE , JOHN COKERT , Oiceola , Nob. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarka , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QDEEN , Bedford la ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M , BLACK & SON , Marjtvlllo Ma NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb THE JELM MOUNTAIN - ' Mlfci Uw mOf-H UIM M GrOHnID AND IT " V Tn i Jru Mining and Milling Company. Working Capital - fSW.OOO. OapltalUiock , $1,000,000 Par Value ol Ulvucs , - 426,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NOW-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MUSTINQ DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming , WM. K. T1LTON , Vice-president , Cummins , Wyoming ! E. N. HARWOOD , Sccrctarj'i Cummlng , Wyoming , A. G. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummins , Yryotnlng. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Louis lllllcr W , S. Bramel. A' . 0. Dunn. S.N. LUrwuod. Kranda Lojvcns. Oco. H. Falos. Lewis Zolman. ' Dr. J. C. Wathlni. iai meCm OEO. W. KKNDALIi , Atithorl cd Aircnt for Palo of Stocki Bf- " ° f " " i Jtfeb. . O. WHOLESALE GBOC1B 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , ( POWER AND HAND JCKL I Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , OSIKQ MACHINERY. BELTING , HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS PIPE , HTKAM < . PAOHLNQ , AT WHOLESALE AND -T.ETAIL . j , 4ALLADAY-WIND-MILLS , GHURGHAMDSGHOOL ? DELLS A SRANGr , 205 F * w1" ' St. , Omaha WALL PAPER , WINDOW'SHADES AND METAL CENTER PIECES , THE LOGEST AND BEST SELEM STOOK IN THE WEST. r.j 1410 DOUGLAS STREET. < OUSE , SIBN AND DEOOEATIVE PAINTERS AND PAPER HANBEES nmr-fitu-thu-mtCm PILLSBURY'S BEST.1 Buy the PATENTfjPROOESS MINNESOTA FLOUR always gives satisfaction , because it makes ] superior article of Bread , and is the Cheap * fist Flour in the market. Every sack | warranted to run alike or money refunded VM. \ . YATES , Cash Groce & Wholesale Lumber , No , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha , lir GopdB , Notions , Ladioa' ' Furnisliino : Goods. Ulsters , Oironlars , and Suits , THE LOTH 1309 Farnham Street.