' ' ! > „ . 11HE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. APEIL i5 I883 - THE LEAGUE OF FREEDOM 1 Declaration of Bights an Wrongs by the Land Loagne Convention- Sixty-flve ThouBand Anne Men Employed to Over awe the Irish People. Seven Hundred Respected Rep resentatives Imprisoned Without Trial , And the Country Cvormn Will Human Blooilhouml * , "Who Soil Tliclr Souln for Gold. Words of Cheer to the LonRUois nl Homo-Subatnntlftl Evldonco of Support. WASHINGTON , April 13. The fol lowing resolutions wore adopted by the Irish Land Lsaguo convention : Whereas , The evil nnd long con tinned English Iaw6 relating to land in Ireland have kept the people of that country in constant poverty , nubjoct to terrible visitations or. fainino and rebellion , which have boon re peated afllictions , and the Irish people fiavo at length resolved to abolish thcso unjust laws by public agitation nnd other legitimate moans , and wo recognize this an American as well as au Irish question the millions of .Irish-American eitizons in this coun try having a deep and natural interest in their kindred in Ireland , by whoso filial relations they nro compelled to keep Bondintr annually enormous sums of money to pay back rent * of landlords and save their brethren from ruinous distrait and eviction and suffering the Irish ( people under this iniquitious system have boon too often misunderstood by other nations through malevolent mis representation of the Englioh press , which as nn excuse for English oppres sion persistently maligns the character of tholrishpooplo and their movements by exaggeration , and false reports of manufactured agrarian outrages ; and the people of Ireland nro gagged to silunco by suppression of frcoprets , by imprisonment without trial of 700 of the most respected representative people , by the constant threat of nr- rest leveled at every man who dares criticize the injurious police regula tions or nddress the people on their rights and duties ; while 50,000soldiers and 15,000 military police overawe the people under absolute control of mag istrates paid by thogevornmont ; while cannon are pointed in the public places of the cities of Ireland , and while public meetings are prohibited and dispersed ; while police invade and search at will private dwoV- lings and enter and remain at private meetings ; while every man's liberty ia at the mercy oE bpica and in form or -who are encouraged by ROV- ornmont proclamation ; while among political prisoners are f out members of parliament.1 one of whom ilk ao - - - Vnhe"Uadert f > < fh < . free tj. juioi vuui'iUf mi f nvuiu Miiuuii j&tu\ ISA institutions bo chief' ' magistrate cfi the * country ; whlle possession of arms is a orimo punishable by heavy fine or im prisonment ; while the habeas corpus act has been for years BUS- ponded .in time of profound peace , and the country is suffering under the fifty-ninth savage coercion law Hinco the year 1800 , and no re form can bo expected ; while 0,000,000 acres of Irish land , out of n total acreage of 14,000,000 , nro owned by less than 300 individuals , most of whom live in England and spend there the enormous revenue of 20,000,000 ( § 100,000,000) ) which they grind year ly from their Irish tenants ; while twelve of those monster absentee laud- 'lords nro in possession of nearly 1,300,000 acres and fi8,000,000 of the Irish people own not a solitary one ; while for the protection of the pro- Eriotorinl rights of these few thousand mdlords a standing army of 10,000 military police is maintained at the expense of the impoverished and defenseless people ; and , Whereas , The suffering Irish tenant farmers look to their kindred in Am erica for sympathy in their efforts to bettor their condition and explain the motives of their agitation , and pro tect their good name before the world from the falsehood and aspersion of the English press ; therefore , bo it Resolved , That this convention of the land league of the United States oond to the struggling tenant farmorz of Ireland an expression of profound sympathy from the millions of their race in America , who are proud ol the r faithful and enduring adherence to the principles laid down by their bravo leaders now in prison , and an earnest assurance that wo will stand by them with continued moral and financial support until they have suc ceeded in abolishing their antiquated and destructive laud eystom. Resolved , That we heartily endorse the desire of the Irish people for na tional existence , and as Ireland , first by force , and again by corruption , was robbed of her national birthright , wo pledge ourselves to do all consis tent with American citizenship to place tier once morn among the na tions. Resolved , That wo advise the far mers of Ireland to continue patiently in their passive resistance which has already proved aq effective a weapon. Wo exhort them to stand unflinching ly by the policy left them by their loaders now in prison , aud to keep fresh in memory these words ol Charles Stewart Purnell , addressed to them before his imprisonment ; "Let no man leave bis post , continue your I f organization ju t as before , and nave others ready to take thqplaco of those who may bo arrested. By this policy of passive endurance , the Irish people ple will command the respect of the world and prove themselves worthy of freedom. " Jtoolved , That this convention in * truot its ofllcers to confer , at their a earliest opportunity , with the council of seven chosen at the Chicago con vention as to feasibility of uniting under one head all league branches BOW organized in the United States. Revolved , That wo express the gratitude of the Irish-American pee 1 fie to the kdlM of Ireland who , the "women of Limoriclt , " took th ptnco of their husbands and brothers and assuming the risk of arrest nn < imprisonment , nobly uphold the flag of the land league. Resolved , Tnat wo are proud of th Ohrhlmn forbearance of the Irish pee pic under their dreadful exasperations nnd while exhorting qjrory man in Ireland to continue to use his influonc in preventing oven the least violence wo solemnly charge the British government ernmont with the responsibility of al the crimes and outrages of an extraordinary dinary nsturo occurring stnco the imprisonment prisonmont of the choion leaders o an indomitable and exasperated race Resolved , That while wo do notnsk the release of any citizen Who has vie Intcd the just lawn of the land , wo do inand of the proper authorities , notai n form , but ns a right , the Jmmcdin * trial or conditional release of Ameri < can citizens confined without nccusa < tions in foreign jails. The report of the committee on con stitution leaves the constitution of the lund Ic.iguo convention substantially unchanged. Free of Cost. All persons wishing to test the merits of a great remedy one that will positively cure consumption , coughs , colds , nsthmn , brmihitis , or any nlfcctlon of the throat nnd lungs are requc.-leil to call nt 0. P. Ooodinati'n drug fttorc nnd get n trial bottle of Dr. KingV new discovery for consumption , free of cost , which will show you what a regular dollar-size bottle will do. STATE EDUCATION. Annual Meetings and Elections in Varioua Places. The Growth of the Schools na Shown by New Buildings. The North Pintle district tax I * only elfftit mills. Fairmont lovlod a tax of IS mills for school purposes. Soventccnromoa voted in the district meeting at Kearney. Thcro nra now 722 pupils in the public schools of Kearney , A now school will ha erected in the TccutnBch district goon. C. W. Fort has t ( signed as principal of the Fairmont high school. B The republican City. Ilnrlan county district , levied a tax of 17 mills. David City has a pchnol population of MM , an Increase of 122 over last year. ( . iintracta have bcoa let for a now school building in Lincoln , to cost § (3,380. ( Tim school board of Kearney reported the coit of the new building at $32,015. The Tocumcch district has a school population of 1,008 , males 401 , nnd 64Q Female * . The census of school district No,9 , Antelope county , thows 1G5 children of school ago , Calvort has appointed a commHtoo to secure asito and prepare for build Ing a school. Throa women in Oscoola enjoyed the in- cstlmublo boon of voting at the school election. The Orlennn district is In good ehapo. Additional room for primary scholars will be secured. Congress has appropriated $20.000 to refit the old Indian echoolr at Genoa , Nance county. The Arapahoe district haA-SMOJto foeMttty. VTaa months ot $ iool w ' ftldedupon , ( f Tekumah'\foted a 15 mlllftax for school purposes. A new school will probably bo built the present year. Therd are 101 children-in Oalvert dls- trlct. Arrangements are beinj made for a school building. The school levy in the Ntobrara district in only 4 mills. Two saloons contribute 81,000 to tbo fund. The Falrfiold district will keep school for nlno months the coming year. The levy Is 25 mills. A High School grade will be established in the school of York ; 3100 will bo expended - ponded in apparatus. PawnooClty 1ms 521 children of nchool ng ; avrroge attendance , 297. A levy of lli mills was made. The proposition is now before the people of Norfolk to vi/to $5,000 for purchasing n site and erecting n school building. Btonton voted a twenty-five mill tax and ngrocd to turn out on Arbor day and plant ttecs around the schools. Twcnty.five mills is the annual lo\y in the Long Pine district. Six months Is the limit of the Bchool year. The proposition to vote 81,700 bonds to build a school house in Indfanolu has been submitted to a vote of the electors. Th bonds for a new school on the north side of the track at Grand Island were carried almost unanmoualy. The number of children of school ago in Vest Point district Is 426 , an incro se of thirty-four over last year. School di triot No. 10 , Jnear CurtU. Frontier county , has decided to build ft new school house , and It h expoUod a neat frame building will be erected. Crete voted 83,000 bonds with which to erect a new building for the grammar Hchool and Intermediate department of the city schools. The school levy In the dUtrtct of St. Edward. Uoone county , is 13 mills. The school will keep for iiine mouths of tbo year. year.The of Crete voters school dUtrict were very emphatically against the purchimo of t..o . Academy buildlug mid in favor of building on the school block. The HarvanUlUtriot expended83,711.40 JprBohoul purposes , the exact amount of the receipts. Tiio tax levy la 15 mills. A a n'ill school buildln ? will be erected. The taxes in the Nellgh school dlitrlot were cut down from 25 to Oi mills. Addi tional rooms will be rented and school hold for nlno monthi. The school.directors of h - - - - - w w U4 Sidney iiAVO TU- ducodtheeala of principal from 3100 to $1)3 ) per mouth , and increased that ot the umUtaut from 870 to $75. By the enumeration taken thU year the Norfolk school district has n school popu. lat'on ' ? f 341 , w gainst 274 lout year und 105 In 1880. In 1880 the town oily had a population of Mtween 600 and 000 , FallsOltyjchooln are In flourishing condition The total expense * latt year were 10,371.30 ; UUnc * on hand 81,49 .09. Is I Ther * are 016 pupil * enrolled in the scliooli. The Norfolk district tUrU out with a cash balance of 1720.05 , The census hews 341 children of school age. The 76966 dutric * Property Is $181 , . At the annuU Bchool meeting In Blue Springs , it was voted to plaos the m tt r of school building in the hands of the trustees and to invest ? 5,000 In the erec tion of the same If necetaary I'he gallants of Madison elected Mrs. A. 0. TwreU member of the school board. A letry of 12 J mills ww made. Bonds for ner Mhopl were voted and work on the building will be puihed. The 8heH.n distrletltstla a nourishing condition. Eight months' school will be held the coiultnf year. The question ti building a new school house was pjwed In the Laud * tf a committee of cltliens. The ichooLi of Blair are out of debt. he location of the new school tin beeu decfded upon , $800 having be a paid ( or the eitc. The oprequte c < M of Improve- menti made during the year WM $1,514.18. The school cennus [ n the David Cllydli- trtct shows an Increana during1 the past year of 112 children of school nge. Lwt year there were 82 ; this renr the number Is101. . District No. 5 , i\t Ord , Nance county , In 8760 In debt. A 13 mill levy was made aud an addition to the present building agreed upon. The board propofei to pur- ehne ground on which to erect n largo school. The nohool board nt West Point Is considering n proposition to purchase nil books weiby \ tne scholar * . And keep them In the school. For children who study nt home It would lie decenary , tinder thU arrangement , to purchase a duplicate Ret. The director of the Columbus Bchool board will hereafter receive ft salary of $20 n year for his Inborn. A tax of Cvo mllli was voted for ordinary expensed. A trice tint' to vote bond * for a new school house will tie called nt an early day. The ccnsui shows thnt Central City haft $76chlldicn of nhool ag > , an Increase of 33 over last year. The total enrollment in the rchoota IB 247. The ex o ses of list year was 83.053 3i. The property mlua- ti n of the dlstrLt Is $1GG'J2G. The Wood Illver dlntrict has 14.87 In the treasury. New text hooka will bo provldo t at public expense1 , whih will not be changed for five years. Bonds to the amount of § 2,000 werj voted to Lull.i n new tchool. District 27 , In Otoo "county , will re quire en assessment of 25 mill * fur the Mining ycnr. Ninemonths of Rohool will bo held. The treasurer's report thowi rt-cclpt ? , 82,509.73 ; expenses , $1,033.52 ; balance , 8634.21. District No. 1 at Bloomtngton , Frank lin county , levied a tax of 25 mills. The receipts Jor the past yonr were 83,227.20 ; expense * , $2,22805 ; , leaving a balance of 8992. Ifi. A committee was appointed to select n site nnd arrange for building n new Ecliool. The secretary of the Crete school hoard reports that tbero are 102 women In thli district who are entitled to the privilege of voting nt tbo school elections. Of this number only four put in an appearance nt the polls on either day , Tbo spring terra of Donne college at rete has opened very autplclously , nnd tbo attendance will bo much larger than nt any tlinilnr term in the history of the Institution. The college cabinet and museum are receiving valuable additions from time to time , nnd tree-planting on the grouu is ia progressing on n larqe scale. The census of Ashland shows the school population to bo 443 ; gain oyer Init year , 42 ; population of the district , 1,195 ; pain over last > ear , CO : town population , l.OCO. A levy of 13 mills was rnada for school purposes. A large number of women at tended the annual meeting. The receipts for school purposes In the Humboldt district , last vear , wore $1,2,1.25 ; expenses , $2,110.37 ; balance , $ ' , ft75 00 , An old debt i f 83,000 wo * cancelled. Number of children of schojl agu In the dintrict , 370. A much larger school U needed. The state superintendent of public in- Rtructlon has issued Instructions to all county superintendents , directing them not ta issue certificates to females under 17 years of ago , nor to males under 19 yearn. Ho has this discretionary power uudcr the ln.iv , nnd the county superin tendents have no altcruativo but to obey the order. Brownvlllo expended $11.099.07 for school purpose < lait year ; the receipts amounted to S12,280-15. Balance on hand $297.38. The outstanding indebtedness of the district is S8.C08.77. The expenses of the coming year U estimated at 84,780 , to meet wliicn a levy of 25 mills has been nude. The school census just completed shows 520 children of school age within the district. By tbe census of 1831 there were 630. The Sutton school board has decided to pay female teachers 84U per month , nn'ad- jrnneo tf m -This.result . wa brought about by thelarge nWberottrtnnen VrtS- ent. Toe treasurer' * 'report shows a cash balance of S001.C7. The census shows the number of children of school ago In the district as follows : .Males , 175 ; females , 201. Total , 317 ; on increase q ! 01 over last year. BThe succesMuljoperation of hich'license In Wilbur. Saline county , obviates thd necessity of direct taxes for school pur pose of the district. The treasurer of the district han 8254,25 on hand for the coin ing school year. School will be held for ten months and 81 0.0 expended In im provements. Six hundred trees will be planted mound the schools. The census' shows the number of schoolchildren In the district to bo 107. of which 133 are males and IGi are females. The number of chil dren enumerated last year was 257 , an In crease aim o then of 40 children between the ages of 0 aud 21 years , N General Educational Items. Taxation for education provides less than 81 for each pupil of the public schools of Georgia. There Is In Now Orleans a colored sister hood of the Catholic church who are de voting themselves to the education of young girls of their own race. It Is proposed In Portland , Ale. , 16 give the children In the publl i schools a longer summer vacation than they have hitherto : enjoyed. Three months Is the period fixed upon , There are a large number of well- i equipped Roman Catholic colleges and schools In tbo archdiocese of Baltimore , with an aggregate attendance of 10,141 pupils. There a e no leas than 10 orphan u ages and asylums. Gymnastic teaching In schools now be ing obligatory in Trance , all the elemen tary schools have been provided with a manual designed for buys and girls respec tively. Apparatus hoi been presented to all schools applying for U ; since 1870 more f thin COO diplomas of professor of gt mnas- tlca have been granted ; and even the most tiiodeut primary schools hayo had a num ber of guns placed at the dinposal of the boys for pract'ca In shotting a prepara tion for their future military service , The Introduction of attractive rending matter In the Boston public schools U re ported by Suporintemfent Seaver to have been a practical succem. Two kinds of bouka are used thoao containing informa tion collateral to tie regular ntudlts and those calculated to cultivate a taste for good literature. Mr. Seauer say i "It M it delightful , too , to hear the easy , natural ana animated t nes the children use when reading uuder the stimulus of freohly awakeiied Intuiest ; but admirably above all la the skill of the teacher who can steadily use this stimulus oo that easy and at Ml ' natural utter tnce In reading b omes , in in time ; a fixed habit with the children , " inrt At the meeting of the Northwestern rtCo Ohio Teacher. ' aanoclatlon held last week Cs the current of discussion set in the direc tion of practical Improvement in the pub- thim lie schools. Moral training was advocated thio aud the abolition of "jarrot work" de o : manded. One teacher declared that tbero too much attempted ID our athools , thtt IsKl there should be fewer etudlei , and that Kl : more time thould bo spent In teaching DONc Nc theio branched which will build up and strengthen cbtracter. He especially urged" the teaching of pure English and the Inconsistency of teaching advanced science when tbe pupil ii scarcely able to PJDt ' Dt frame a respectable sentence In the mother Dtro tongue. ro Vita Fortunes for Farmers aud Mechanics. ta Thousands of dollars can be saved by tawi uilnn proper judgment In taking core of wi the health of j quruelf and family. If you ro ue are bilious , have B allow complexion , poor appetite , low and depressed spirits , and roti ' generally debilitated , do not delay a mo- tiOl went , but go at once and procure a bottle Ol of thote wonderful EUotrlo BIttera , 1C which never fall to cure , aud that for the trilling sum of fifty cents. Tribune. Sold by 0 , F , Goodman and all druggUta. Io No head-ache or back-ache for ladlei > " " ' ' 'Me 'WINE OF OARDUI. " VI Fer a quarter of a century or more Hosteller * Stomach liters IIM been the rclrnliiRjpcclfl ( tor Indlzctlonil } pcp n , fcxor tnu giio , loss o physical tlai it.fi ll\er complaint ami othinll'nr iurf , ° Aii h.vi been most emphatically Indorsed b ; Dcdicai men n n health a&d ttrcngth rcttor all TO. It counteracts ft tendency Io premature dtcay'and susUlts and comforts the aged am Kor silo by all drujylstsand dealers ccncrally al to ml SPECIFIC MEDICINE MARK cJy. Anun- falllnz cure ( or Seminal Weakness , Bpormator- rhca , Impotency - ency , anuall 0 AFTER TAKIIIQ. Sol-Alm o ; as Lon ol Memory , UnUcrsil Lossl tude , Fain In the n\ck , Dimness ot Vision , Premature mature Old Afo , and many other Diseases tha lead to Infinity or Cousumptlou and a 1'rcma turd Grave. /2TFull pAttlcuUrt In our pamohtot , which wo dcalro to tend Irco 1 7 mall to everyone X37Tho Specific Medicine Is Bold by all druggist at 81 per package , or 0 packizcs ( or S5 , or wll 1)9 Bent free by mall on reel pt of the money , by addressing THE01U aUDlCINR CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. orpinler ocTmo-coil ruur dntlos nlctit work , to res Unu' ' ts tore brntn nerve act ) Hop Clttera. waste Uk j Hop B. If rnn srsTOunR * nd li'Sion ordliiilpa tlonj If jouarctnnr- M younp , suiTerlntr . rou Ing on u tea ( ley uc 5 , nly on Hop BlttuM. WKWTCT yonnre. - lienoTer you iccl that your vsjcra forraol needs cleansir.K. ion- Inir or stimulating , have bocnjirevcnto.1 without ( n fojrfcuf in ? , tr c Vlmnly u o j ; tulc Hop Qltto" . O , I. O nruMnurycom ti tm AbacluU p'.aini , disease nnd IrraslstK. ttt tb wnflfn , HOP lila care io. tilootl , ioirrls. dronkenneto { { wroiiwmMj use oC oplurc , Yon will bo tobacco , o * uarcotlci. lop Bitters If you re limit . Clrculur. it t it m'ny onvo your . life. It has to. , paved hurt * Etctctter , Zl > ft ATonato , OnU FASTJTIME ! In going Eaat take the UMcago Morthwest- Jbfripsjlosya .Ornah j8:40 : p. id , and 7iO a. n > Fol loll lofcr&SMon call on H. P. DUEL , Tlcke Agent , lith and Farnham Stt. J. BELL , U. P. Itllvray Depot , or at JAMES T. CLARK , Gener Aecnj , Omaha. JalTmte t ( I860. v SHORTJ.INE. E830 , KANSAS CITY , 13 TQB OKLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AKD TUB EAST Prom Omaha and the West. Alt trains leavj B. & it. Depot , Omahi : Neb. 3 ia ciuogo of cats between Omaha and a . and but cno between OllAUA and NEW YORK. DailyPassengerTrains AND W > aTERN CITIE3 wllh LKE8 CHARQUa and IN ADVANCE o ! AIT. OTHER LINKS Thta entire line 18 c < ] uij'pca with rall PaUee Sleeping dn , Falace Day Coache * . Millet' * Vifotv riatbnn and Coupler , and tha c Dratt < ! IVcednjjhouse Alr-brak . T.-.eo that your ticket reads VIA &ANSA& rrv , ? T. JOSEPII a COUNCIL ULUFS na n rood , via St. Joseph and St. Loulx Tickets for sale 'at all coupon stations In Ibi IVuet. j. p. BARNARD , U. DA WES , Qcn. Sept. , St. Joseph , Mo Ota. Pan. and Ticket Agl , Stu Joseph , Uo. ABDT EoRDus , Ticket Agent , 10 % ) Farnham street. "H W. J.DAVE.xronr , Ooaenl Agent , on vf i , As i1 ; bolng tbe meet direct , qulcioat , an klcut line connecting the iricat llotropolla , GUI 'AGO , and the EisTiBM , Koutn-EUjraas , hi ! ad SOBTII-HUTIOM Lwu , which terminate there , 1th KiKSAt Cirr , LuvuwoaTO , ATCDUOH ODNCIL BLOW and Omui , til UITSU from which ndlata EVERY LINE OF ROAD mt penetrate * Iho Continent Irom t ± Ivor to the Pftdflo Slope. Tbe JHIOAOO BOOK ISLAND & PA CIFIC RAILWAY the only llni from Ohtcazo owning truck In tnu , or which , by 1U own road , reciet th olnU bovo named. Mo nunsru * ir Oii&uai Kuiij 9 oonxBonoml Mo huddling In til entlUud or unclean can , M every pa nff r irrlej Io roomy , cletn and TentlUUd crichN pea r t Eiprwa Train * lit CAM ol unrivaled magnlflcenci , PDLUUH 'Hies Buwua ( Uu. and ourownworld-twaonl IIKKU Oxu , upoti which mcaU are served , ol on- urpuMd cxceUeneo , at the low rate at SIVBI-T. 'mi Gun aicir , with ample time ( or heiJtWu DlpymeaU Through Out between Chicago , FoorU , MU rauke and Uliaoart lUvci Polota ; led close con ectlont t all point * Ol InUrtection with other oadi , W * ticket ( do not lorcet thli ) directly to ererr 'lace ol Importance In Kauwu. Nebraska , BU-k lllli , Wyoming , Huh. Idaho , Nevada , CalllorriX Ire on , Wa&huiftoa Tenllojy , Colorado , AtUoaa nd New Ueiloo. Aill UrU ammgewMJti retarding b * ga e M oj other line , and ratea ol Ian alnajri aal ow M ompetlton , who funlth but tithe o tbe com- ckeU , maps and lolden at all prlndp * 0ooiIntteOnlteilStatand0" * - , _ _ nB.t , K > 8T. JOHJNf ) iPrtCifcQHi. 0 a. Tk fOUe * 9 Ohlea . Mrs. J. O. Hobcrtoan , rittshur ? , Pa. , writes : " wan suffcrlnff from general debility , want of op Scttto , constipation , etc. , so that life mis n bur en ! after u lnf Burdock niooJ Bitters I felt bet tcr than for years , I cannot praise jour Bitter too much. " it. Olhhs. nf nuOalo , N. Y. , writes : "Vou Burdock Illcc Hitters , In Lhronlc illseascsof thi blood , Ihcr aij kldnets , haio been el ntlh marked with success. Ihavo used them mjscl with best ranilts , for torpidity of tholhcr , and li cr.io of a friend of mine Buffering from dropsy the effect w as man clous. " Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.wrltcs ! : ' ! have Jiccn oubject to serious disorder of the kidneys nnd unable to attend ta business ; Burdock Blooi Bitters rcllo\cil me licforo half n bottle was Used I feel confident that they will entirely cure mo. " Ascnlth Hall , Blnghatnpton , N. Y. , writes "I suffered with n dull pain through my ef IUIIK and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appctlt mid color , and could with dllllculty keep up nl day. Took your Burdock Itlood Itittcra as dl rcctcd , and ha\o felt no pain since first neck nf tcr uslni ; them. " Mr. Noah nates , Hlmlra , N. Y. . writes : "Abou four ) earn ago I had an attack of bilious fever , am never fully recovered. My dl-estl\o organs were weakened , and \\ould be completely pros tratcd tor da } t. After using to bottles of your Burdock Blood Blttcra the improcmcnt was BO l , tblo that I was astonUhcd. I can now , though 01 ycnra Of ago , do a fair and reasonable day's work. 0. Blackct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Ferycars I suffered greatly from ott-rocurrlnjr headache. I used your Burdock Blood Blttcra with happiest results , and I now flnd impel ! In better health than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , BuffaloN. Y , writes : ' ! have used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncnous and bll Iou3 headaches , and can recommend It to anyone requiring a cure for bllllousnce ? . " Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes : 'For eo\eral years I ha\o suffered from oft-recur rln ? bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com * ilalnta peculiar to my sex. Since using your JurJoclc Blood Bitters 1 am entirely relieved. " Price. 01,00 oei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Oti FOSTEfi IILBUEH & Co , , , , Props , BtTETAJOO , IV. Y. Sold at wholesale by lab & Jfcllahon and 0. F. Ooodman. Jo 27 eod-mo Tiio G-reat ngiish Jtiemedy Never falls to cute Nervous Debility , VI. ta ! Exhaustion , Kmla slons , Seminal Wcak- nc8sc9LOSTMAN. HOOD , and all the < vll etfecta of youth ful follies and excca iiciitly all wcakcninir. Involuntary loss.s and drains upon the sys tem , theno\ltablo re- „ , , , suit of these ovilpiBO * tlccs , which urcso ilcstruoihe to mind and body and make life miserable , often leading to Ineani- y'anddcath. Its'rcn 'thcns the Ncncs.Braln , memorjjt BlooJ , SIusclcs , Digestive and Repro ductive Oripns , It restores W all the organic unitlrna their former vigor and vitality , ma- Ung lifo cheerful and enjoyable. Price , S3 a > ottle , or four times the quantity 810. Sent by express , secure from observation , to any address , on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , except on receipt ot 31 as a guarantee. Letters re questing answers must Inclose stamp. Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills are tl 9 best and cheapest djsptpsla and blllloua euro In the market Sold by all druggists. Prlco 0 cents. Da MIXTIR'S KIDXKT RBUEDT , NEPKBTICOM , Cures til lilndot Kidney and bladder complain to. ; ouorrlica , gleet and leucorrhea. For eale ty all daug-gists : 81 a bottle. ENGLISH MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 7l80Uve3t. , St. Louis , Mo. TRUTH ATTESTED. Jomolmportnntatatomonta of "Wei Unown People 'Wholly Verified. In order that the public may fully realize the ; enulnenes3 ot the statements , as well as the rawer and value of the article of which they peak , wo publish herewith tlm fac-slmlle sgn ! > - .urea of parties whoso sincerity (9 ( beyond ques Ion. The Truth of these testimonials la nlso- ute , nor can the Jicta they announce bo Ig norud OMAUA , NEB. , Hay 24 , 1831. II. n. WARNER & Co. : DsARSm : 1 have frequently used Warner's Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure .or local affections attendant upon scncro rheumatic attacks , and lave' always derived Loneflt therefrom , I have also used the Bafo Nervine with catUfactory re- ulta. I consider these medicines worthy of onSdeurn Deputy Treasurer OMAHA , NEB , May 21 , Ib81 U. H WARMSR & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. : ORKTS : I hava oia tyour bae Kidney and Liver Cura this spring ta a Ivor Invlf ? orator , and find lithe best remedy I ever tried. Ih v uecd 1 bottles , and It has made rno feel better ban ever 1 did before in the spring. U. P. R. Shops. OMAHA , NEB. , May 21 , 1ES1 H. H. WARMER & Co. : SIBS : For more than Jo ytars I have suffered much Inconvenience from combined kidney and rer diseases , und h ve been uiublo to work , my urln ay organs also being affected. I tried a rcatmany medicines and doctor" , but Jgrew oreo and worse day by day. I was told I had Bright's Disease , alid I wished m > eelf dead If I could not have npuodT relief. I took your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure , knowing nothing else as ever known to cure tha disease , and I have ot been disappointed. The medicine has cured rno , and I am pcrfco ly well to-day , entirely through your Bafo Kidney and Liver Cure 1 Ish ou _ all uco ss In publishing this valuable emedvthroiiKU thnorld U. P.R. R. Shops. 'houMcds ' of equally strong endorsements many ! tuein In ca ed where hone was abindoned ba > o cen voluntarily gi > en , nhowltigthe remarkable lower cl Warner' * frafe Kidney and Liver Cure , nail dleca < escf.tbe Kidney * , II ver or urinary era - a a. If anv one who reads this haiauyphys- cal trouble remember the great remedy. d , P. ENGLISH , ATTORNEY-AT--LAW - - - , 310 South Thirteenth St. , with p M. Woolwort . Geo. P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , 10th and Dodge 8t * Omaha , Nb This eency doet siBiorbTa biokoiagt buslnes * . ntupeouUte nd therefor * or bargalni V > < Iniurxt to " " ln t * n a KALISH , THE STAR TAILOR. 1 Door W. of Oruioksliank's , { u now a fine complete Block of Spring Good ) conektlog ol Fieocb , llnKllih and tie best Do- Prices low or the 1 ov mblv } COUNSELOR - AT - LAW J. H. McOULLOOH , Boom t , Crtlfhtoa Block , Fltk nth Btr * i W.B. MILLARD. B. JOHNSON. MILLARD & JOHNSON , Storage , Commission and Wholesale Emits , 1111 FARNHAM STREET. CONSIGNMENTS COUNTRY PRODUCE SOLICITED. Agents for Peck & Bausliers Lard , and Witter Mills Flour , OMAHA , - . - - NEB. REFERENCES : ' . . ' OMAUA NATIONAL BANK , lt . ' " > STEELE. JOHNSON , t CO. , JC TOOTLE MAUL , t CO. STEELE , JOHNSON & CO. , Is , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of DKUB8 fflUFACTURED TOBACCO , Agents for BENWOOD MILS AND LAFLIN & EAND POWDER 00 DEALERS IN Fire and Burglar Proo JU 1020 FarnhamsfStreet , WHOLESALE- On Biver Bank , Bet. Parnham and Douglas Sts. , HENEY LEHMANN , JOBBEE OP AND WI 108 FARM AM ST. OMAHA. THE LARGEST WALL PAPER AND SHADE HOUSE WEST OF OHIOAGO NN , 1118 Farnham Street. Between llth and 12th Streets Opposite "Dewey & Stone's. Opens his New Art Palace with an Entire New Stock of WALL PAPERS , AND Window Shades. No Old Patterns in the House , Everything New and Latest Styles. All our Deaicua and Patterns for the coming season are up to ha times. Our line comprises all the Styles and Novelties , worked in the most popular colorings ; it is second to none as to tyles and prices , and by giving them an inspection vou may ee the most Novel , Original and Beautiful line of Wall and Ceiling Papers , and Window Shades , which have ever been submitted for the approval of the citizens of Omaha. SPECIAL ATTENTION OiyEN TO THE DECORATING AND : PAPER HANGING , Parlors , Libraries , Dining-Rooms , Offices , Churches etc , , Employing Only First Class Mechanics , and Giving Personal Attention to all Work. ESTIMATE FURNISHED ON Ho use'Sip , and Decorative Painting Sole Agents for WARREN'S METALLIC CENTERPIECES. Carrying twenty-four different ntyloa , from 91.50 to $10.00. 1118 Farnham Street ( New Brick Building , )