Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1882, Image 1

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    . -
. * . * ,
The fluost line of Lattice'
OooliBOo and Paoiflo Lawns
Newest Patterns in Pipe Glotlis
Dotted Swisses , Merv Lawns
and Oross-Bar Musliun , most ex
tensive line of
in the oity.
Also the latest Novelties anc
Shades in
Have also for inspeotion in
Domestic Department tno late
of Ladies' ' and Misses' .
Gall and see what $
' 3r will buy in our Shoe Depart-
l \ ment ,
1116 FAUNAE ST ,
Opposite Dewey & Stone'a Fur
niture Store ,
Buainons traniaoted name an thrit
of an incorporated bonb.
Aooonnti Itoit in cnirono or old
n'bjoot to slglit clicok without no
Certificates of deposit i iaol par-
allo in throe , six and twelve
montlis , bearing Interest , or on de
mand-without interest.
Advance * made to customers on
Approved courttio at marlcot rate *
of interest.
The interest ! of customer * are
ole ely guarded , and every facility
oamuatible with prlnoiules of
sound bankinB freely extended.
Draw sight draft * on England ,
I Ireland , Scotland , and all varta of
Europe ,
Sell European paasago tickets.
United States Depository
First Natiial 'Bank ' ,
Oor. IStb and Faraam Sta.
Oil AD A.
Organized u Nation * ! Bank Aujuri SO , I&5J
fl A PIT AT ,
omciu XHD statvtou I
HIMUH Komrm , PrMidonl.
Aoonficu Koi'KTtr , Yloo Ptesldtat
K. U. DtTll , Owblet ,
A. J. I'ori-LMOH ,
Joiui A.
Thi tank itcolrei depoaiU wlthoo logwd tc
mount .
Iwaet tlm certificate * txarlnz tatoreat.
Dr w dnfU ou Sin fnccuco nd principal
dtlua ol the Uattod StAtet , Uo London. OubQo
Edlabargb n1 the prluclp * ! dttea ol the oonll
Beet oJ Europ * . nukvldtf
WNE 3FOARDUI" to Ladlw only.
Yesterday's Proceedings in tli
Senate and Honse ,
Senator Voorhooa Bitterly De
nounoos the Incarceration
of Irish Ajnoricuun
To an Admiring Audience of i
Gallery Pall of Land
League Delegated.
Notoi of la Nutionn
National Auoclatcd I'rcts.
rnooniuuKds IN TUB SKNATK.
WABUINQTON , D. 0. , April 14. Mr ,
Edmunds was back in his scat nftci
Bovcral weeks' nbaonco.
Mr. Liphnm presented the petition
of the Now York board ot trade
against restriction of.cmigr.Uion.
The diplomatic and fortification
billo were returned from the house
with a resolution to disagree with the
senate , and a committee on conference -
enco was ordered.
Mr. Maxey presented a resolution
that no retired army ollicor can hold
a government , oflico.
The committee on territories re
committed to the sub-committee the
Vest bill to establish courts of justice
in Indian territory , to amend by giv
ing the Indians the right to sit on
juries when Indiana are on trial.
During the morning hour sixteen
pension bills wcio passed and the
morning hour being oxtendet ? the re
maining pension bills on the calendar ,
'hirty-six in number , were passed.
Voorhees addressed the senate open
the resolution , lecently introduced by
him , declaring the conduct' of the
state department in relation to the ar
rest and imprisonment by the British
authorities of Daniel McSwoonoy and
other citizens as a violation of Ameri
can law , inconsistent with the value
ot American citizenship and deroga
tory of the honor of the United States.
A lurgn number of delegates of the
land loaguu were in the gallery. Mr.
Yoorheos reviewed at length cho case
of McSweeney and charged that the
conduct of the state department in
this cose was a fragrant violation of
American law. Ho charged that
Lowell's conduct marked his total and
absolute unfittnesa for the place. Ho
denounced British arrogance and
pusilanimity , and evoked sov ral out
bursts qf applause in the ' .galleries.
Mr. Voorheea announced- { n arly
day.ho would. callifor aj'Totftsa the
re/ojutibiCi ; r- ' -r 'T '
Mr. Sherman said ho went on far oa
any ono in the protection of the rights
of Americans , but urged it unfair in
the senate to take an er parto state
ment in regard to arrests in the ab
sence of full information from the
state department. On Mr. Sherman's
objection the resolution was referred
to the committee on foreipn'rclations.
After executive session the sonata
adjourned at 4:10 p. m. till Monday.
Tha senate confirmed the nomina
tion of J. R. Pitkin to be United
States marshal ot the East district of
The omnibus bill for the payment
of claims audited by the treasury de
partment , passed.
After the call , the house went into
committee of the whole , Mr.
Oox ( Now York ) " in the chair , on the
private calendar.
The bill to pay the claim of Ed
ward S. Armstrong , suspected of dis
loyalty during the war , was discussed
several hours when Mr. Burrows
( Michigan ) took the floor , puncturing
it in a few minutes' speech , by pro
ducing proof that Armstrong was in
the confederate army , when the on-
Rcting clause of the bill waa promptly
stricken out.
Mr. Flower presented the petition
of n largo number of merchants of
New York , protesting against any
legislation regarding the emigration of
Chinese as injurious to our business
relations with the country and the
development of the industrial inter
ests of the United States.
The house at 4:35 : p. in. adjourned
nntil to morrow , when the day is to
bo given to discussion on the tariff
jommiflsion bill only.
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 14.
The case of < Fitz John Porter was
again considered by the cabinet to
Secretary Kirkwood took leave of
members of the cabinet.
The house committee on elections
has adopted the report of the nub-
committee seating Bisboo in place of
Finlay in the > ocond district * , of
There is considerable comment on
Speaker Keifer'a removing Stenographer -
graphor Doyino of the house report *
era. Tyson , his successor , is said to
bo incqinpetent , and was only given
the place to please Robeson , whose
secretary he formerly was. In this
case and that of Hayes , two woe1
ago , the speaker assigned no cautu for
It is understood to liavn been do
oidod at the cabiii"i meeting to-day
that the presifl.intwill talio no further
stops in the Julia Porter cose.
| ( Messrs , Tuylor and Bright made
a minority report on the Ilonnepin
canal , It doubts the right of the
government to construct works lying
wholly in ono state , and holds that it
is the policy of the government to im
prove natural water ways and not
make new ones. It question * the
policy of the government to enter into
competition with a privnto enterprise
and aaya the canal , if built , would not
fulfil the purposes of construction and
would ultimately coit $20,000,000.
A eren d WM U > nd rd Chandler ,
the new secretary of the navy , at Wil
lard's to-night.
The republican caucus lasted threi
and n half hours. The attondauci
wns not largo , but the debate wn
spirited and earnest. Iloboson pro
aided and McOook was secretary. J
lories of resolutions wore adopted nnc
special injunction laid upon members
An effort will bo made by diligon
attention to business to make a gooi
record for the session and secure carl ;
National ArnCrUted Press.
PouTsiioimt , Ohio , April 14. Al
South Creek the homo of Louis Ken
was burned , his little daughter poriuh
ing in the flames.
MITCHELL , Ind. , April 14. Net
Outline's pork home at Tunnolton
burned. Loss , $7,000 , no insurance.
WOONSOCKETT , II. I. , April 14.
The Whipplo woolen mill at Green
ville , four and a half stories , being n
six-sot mill with improved machinery ,
together with the holler house nnd
dye house , and five tenements , all
ownc'1 by the Qreonvillo Manufactur
ing company , were destroyed by flee
last night. The slock in the mill was
saved. Loss , § 125,000 ; insurance ,
575,000. They will bo rebuilt.
Pirrauuiia , Pa. , April 14 A spe
cial from Titusvillo to the Loader
says : At DioO thin morning the roof
of the Parahall house was discovered
to bo on fire. The firemen refused to
respond to the alarm under the newly
elected chief , Hahn. Mayor Caldwell
then requested ex-Chief Castle to take
command and ho did with the entire
force working uiidor him , but the
il.imea had gained such headway
that the buildings could not bo
saved and the entire block , valued at
8100,000 , was destroyed. It was
insured for $25,000. Loss on furni
ture , $3,000. The hotel Brunswick
was gutted with water ; loss unknown.
Watson's livery stables were damaged
§ 1,000. Alfred Hubbard , a fireman ,
waa caugl bx a fallling wall and BO
badly burned 'that ho cannot recover.
The colored cook of the Parshall
house is iniesiny and is supposed to bo
in the ruins. The fire is now under
Mexican Matters.
National Associated I'rcsi.
CITT OF MEXICO , April 14. There
is str ng probability that the treaty
negotiations pending between Mexico
md Guatemala on the boundary diffi-
sulties will fail. The Mexican gov
ernment Alleges procrastination on the
part of the Guatemalianauthorities ,
which the latter deny , and assert that
iho cause of delay is their claim that
the district of Soconusco should bo in-
: luded within the line of Guatemala.
Fhis claim the Mexicans will not ad
mit. It is reported' this afternoon
the Guatemalian minuter is waiting
instructions from the homo govern
Porfiriro Diac , governor of the state
if Oaxaca , hus re-established interior
itato custom houses , abolished four
peara ego ; also the discriminating dui -
; i s against the orange states to
Duiaca. Merchants have protested
igainst the action of the government ,
ind have sent a petition to the federal
government asking legislation in their
johnlf and against the interior custom
Editor Huribut Denies Shiphord.
( VeBocisted Pretis Uispitchcu.
NEW YORK , April 14. The World
n an editorial evidently written by
W. II. Hurlbut , brother of the late
Peruvian minister , Stephen II. Hurl-
3ut , pronounces entirely falsa Ship-
lord's statement that William 11.
mowed him a dispatch from Elaine to
3. A. , on the margin of which Blaine
lad written "Go in , Stove. " William
[ I. says ho never saw Shipherd but
mco and then Shipherd through an
ntermodiato begged an interview ,
ind ho never hud soon and never in-
imatod to Sluphurd ho had soon i
lispatch of any kind from Blaine to
3. A. Hurlbut.
tatloa l Apeoclatetl trend.
NEW ioiiK , April 14. Failures in
ho past Bovon days , 122. Southern
tales U3 , western If 4 , middle 10 , east-
irn 22 , Pacific 8 , this city 0.
Dun & Co. report the suspension of
he Poughkeopsio iron and steel com-
uny , and the Now York and Boston
nanufacturing company.
Dispatechs received in this city to-
lay state E , Thickman , dealer in dry
; oodo at Stockton , Cal. , has ( suspended
md is endeavoring to obtain a com-
iromiso at GO cants on the dollar ,
Liabilities reported at $120,000.
The Buffalo Bank Failure.
rational Aauoclatcd Proaa.
NEW YOKE , April 14. The Presi-
lent of the Fourth National bank
ays the First National bank of Buf ,
ale had a deposit there for a year-
> ut on Wednesday and Thursday he
ofused to pay their checks because ho
md no funds of the Buffalo bank.
2n received about fitly drafts yeator-
lay and the day before in amounts
roro $100 to $5,000 and paid nono.
Ie knew nothing aa to the reasons of
he bank's failure. Its capital waa
$100,000 $ ; surplus , $75,000. _
Indian Territory Desperadoes *
( atlonal Aitocutd I'ftw.
CHIOAOO , April 14. A apodal from
? araiim , Kas. , Bays the attempts to
vr * .k trains in Indian Territory and
he attacks on engineers and brake-
nen still continue , A few days ago a
> rakoman was shot near Muskogee
ind another died the day bo-
ore yesterday from the effects
if a wound received from part
let in ambush , Sheriff "Williams ,
> t the territorial police , utationod at
Vinita , has started in search of the
ihootors , but as ho ha not since boon
icard of it is the general opinion ho
ias been murdered. An engineer who
trrived laat night reports that a pile of
ios were placed on the track near
Vmita , for the purpose of wrecking
lia tram , As the engine struck the
> bstruc ion several snota wore fired
nto the "cab by parties in ambush.
The deaperadoes wore Marched for
> ut escaped.
Bismarck Boliovce Protcotio :
Good for Germany ,
And Will Endeavor to Proven
Agricultural Distress by
Enforcing tbo Suino ,
The Bloodthirsty Arabl Bo :
* Bulked in His Murder
ous Scheme.
The Gcneritl Now * that Cami
Over the Cnlilo.
Katlonal Associated PrcRt
LONDON , April 14. GervasBO Smith ,
the Wesloyati divine , is djing.
Limson a sulicitoia have asked foi
an extension of the reprieve , and pro.
son ted the nflldavito of American tes
timony. * *
LONDON , April 14. The Newmar
ket Intorimtionil handicap was woo
by Barbo Blue , Brilliancy second and
Belfoy third. Ten ran , including' the
American horoo Mistake.
There is a report that the King of
Wurtemborg had embraced Catholic
BEIUIN , April 14. The distress in
the agricultural districts of Gormcny
still continuing , Prince Bismarck has
announced that ho will at nn early
day , as a measure of relief , offer a hill
in rcichstag , having for its object all
increase in duties on all agricultural
produce. Ho thinks protection in
this direction greatly needed by the
tinners in Germany to enable them to
recuperate from loasctj entailed from
unprofitable harvests in the last few
OAIUO , April 14. Aiobi Boy , min
ister of war , who caused the arrest of
twenty-four Circassian officers in con
nection with the recent alleged plot
to assassinate him , has expressed his
decision that several loading offices be
shot in the presence of assembled
troops. The khedive is unwilling
that aaoh nummary disposition bp
made , and has ordered that the priso
ners bo given every opportunity tp
iuprovo the charges before R cour-
narlial , which has already been ort
lorod to convene hero.
The finance minister has ordered
\\l \ contractors doing business with
hat department to correspond in
Putif ) , April 14. Ambrois Thomas
"Froncaaoa Do Remirai '
low opera , ,
vas produced in the Grand Opera
Souse" in'this city taJ6JBVening'before
jambotta und all the elite of the city.
Clio opera was a partial success.
Sr. PETERSBURG , April 14. The
issassins of General Strolnikoff have
) oen arrested and identified. 'One
troves to be Jelneykoff , a student at
ho St. Petersburg college ; the ether ,
Salturin , who waa wanted for con-
loction with the plot to blow up the
iVintor palace.
IJogislativo Bribers Indietod.
National AneocUted Prcaa.
COLUMBUS , Ohio , April IS-Aa a
CBult of legislative investigation com-
nitteo's report on bribery , the grand
ury this morning returned indlct-
ncnts against Wright , of Hocking ,
ind Black , of Cayuga , morabcra of
ho houEO of representatives , and J.
3. Vatson , lobbyist. Watson is now
n jail. It is not known what other
ndictmonts were found in the same
lonncction , but it is almost positive
hat several other bills have boon re-
urncd and not nrndn public until the
lartics are arrested.
Moro Doiolation.
rational Acsocl&tcd I'rooa.
NKW OnLEANs , La. , April 14. A ,
pecial from Now Iberia says there is
; onoral destruction. A violent storm
s blowing from the northwest since
ho 12th. Houses have been torn to
> icccB , toncea arc all gene and every-
hing saved from the flood is now do-
troycd. Great distress prevails and
mmcdiato relief is needed , Thty re-
[ ucst the relief committee to forward
ations immediately to Loroauville ,
! boria parish. At least 1,000 persons
, ro left homeless without moans of sup-
tort or shelter.
Qnitean and the Iiandl < easnorit
rational Associated 1'reoo.
WASHINOTON , April 14. Guiteau
ras visited by a party of land league
lolegates from Now Jersey. Ho was
; reatly agitated until ho found they
noroly wanted to satisfy their curt-
isity. Ho thought at first they might
> o Jersey avengers. It is expected
tow that the bill of exceptions in his
aso will bo argued on May 10th ,
Mariuo Intelligence *
rational Awoclatod Vrow.
NEW YOUR , April 14. Arrived
L'ho Lofanto from Hull , the I'eantyn
rom Antwerp , the Republic from
jivcrpool , the City of J'ara from
BALTIUOKB , April 14 , Arrived
tlio Strossburg from Bremen ,
Sailed The Ohio for Bremen.
ANTWERP , April 14. Arrived The
raderland from Now York.
LONDON , April 14 , The Holland
rom Now York.
LIVERPOOL , April 14. Arrived
rho Bothnia from Now York ,
COPENHAGEN , April 14. Sailed
"ho Thingvaala for Now York.
Death of a Warrior.
[ atlonal Anaociatod J'retw
BuRLiNaToN , N , J. , April 14. Gon.
I , Seymour , ( jAnsing , ot.PhiladoIphis ,
lied at tl > o Boldon house this morn-
ug , aged CO. Ho ontore < l the Kor-
ice in 18G1 us colonel of the Seven-
oenth New York infantry , and waa
Attached to Fitis John Porter's dlvi- <
ilon aa commander of Fort Ellsworth.
: n 1803 ho chocked the draft riots in
few York' with five hundred men ,
utvinjr sent twenty-one companiM
tad a b ttry to r Ut the inrMuon in
Poutuylvnnitt. Ho WM breveted b
President Johnton on liiR record , II
was auditor of the centennial exhibi
lion. A tniliUry order has boon It
miod to the Loyal Legion to nttoud hi
funeral on Monday.
Guitonn and Uii Rilatiyoa ,
KaUonal Aamelat d l'r .
WA8I11NOTOW , April 14. Guit nt
has prepared nnotlior slntomcnt to
day relativoto his nfTrtirs , and gave i
to the press associations far publiaa
tlon. lie denounces Scovillo for do
eortinij his CMC , nnd abuses him in tin
usual tormv. Ho saya ho gave Sco
rillo $275 within the past two woolcs
but Htints no more to do with him
The conduct of Mrs. Scovillo i
spoken of in the anmo strain as in tin
first statement. Ho ia excited ovci
her intorforunco in his business mat
ten , and declares ho is not a lunatic ,
Charles U. Rood , ho announces , ii
his cjunsol now , and ho has full conn
duuco in his ability to deal with tlu
case in the court in b.ino.
TUo St- Joe Bond Robbory.
National Asioelatod Prrw.
NKW YORK , April 14. Awarrani
was received in this city to-day , signed
by Gov. Cornel ) , for tliooxtradition ol
the alleged robbers from St. Joicpli.
Er-Marshal Craig and Marshal llichie ,
were nt the Tombs court , and the
prisoners , Win. Scott and George Irwin -
win , were handed over to them.
Marshal Craig said the piisoncrs hnd
inadn n confession , implicating St.
Joe cily pfllciala lately in ofllso. Wlio
the oih'ciulft were ho refused to s.iy ,
but added , "Good arrests will bo
made when wo return to the city. "
The marshals , with their prisoners ,
Icavo for St , Joe to-night.
Ohio Republican Convention.
Nttlonal Associated Proa.
COLWMUUS , 0. , April 14. The re
publican state oontralcouimittoc , with
fourteen distiicts represented , fixed
Columbus as the place , and Juno 7th
ia the time , tor the otato convention ,
representation to be ono delegate for
ivory GOO votes cast for Foster and
jno for the fraction 01 or 250.
Howgato. . .
National Anoelatoil Prcna.
WAHIIINOTON , D. 0. , April 14. Do-
lectivos fail to find a clue to How-
; iito's whereabouts. It is now thought
10 escaped down the Potomac and bus
; ono to Europe. The idea of collusion
nith government ofliciula ia not fos
tered. It ia much thought the utter
lopclessnesB of the case caused his
Wracked Navigators Roconod.
fitlonal Associated i'roai.
GRAND HAVEN , Mich , , April 14.
Captain Williams , of the schooner
relegraph , bound for Thunder Bay ,
laa arrived hero with-OaDUin Dawson
"l * !
Yhich'ho found water logged and bot-
/ova. up. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Here' * Yonr Chano'o.
National Anodatod 1'rcM.
NBW YORK , April 14. The dry
; oods firm of A. T. Stewart & Co. has
lecided to retire from business. All
itock , merchandise and the massive
slock at Tenth street and Broadway ,
ind the firm's manufacturing interests
tre offered for sale.
National Associated Friti ? .
CHICAGO , April 14.--An immense
ludionce witnessed an exciting game
> f polo this evening between the Gem
3ity club , of Dayton , O. , and the Star
ilub , of Chicago , The score was Stain
L , Gem Citys 0. The score in last
light's game was Stars 1 , Gem City's
1. The Chicago club being victorious
n both games entitled it to the cham-
) ioii6hip of the United States.
Sigh Living at Public Espouse
Makes Him Vain and
Hpton and Thayer on a Talking Tour
The Board ofTrodo Kicltlnff.
{ pecial Correnpomlenco of Till ! Duu.
LINCOLN , April 14. Mr. Gore , of
L'ho Journal , has BO far disturbed his
iquilibriuu as to callyourcorrospond-
int "a commodious OBH" for venturing
0 suggest that The Journal over made
1 "fltraw bid" for public printing. It
1 a clever piuco of atratvgy in Mr.
jeio to try to flatter your correspond-
jut by claiming a blood relationship
ind thus diverting attention frum the
naiu facts , but the thing will not
rork. There are some very nignifi-
; ant facts to bo brought to light if nn
nvestigation'of this matter is courted.
Ex-Senator Tiptou was hero yestor-
lay on his way to Hastings , where ho
vas to lecture laat evening. The
ightintr parson ia porhapa following
ho example of hia ex-colleague
Thayer ) , but the support of the fiver
will have seats
> r iix domoorata who
n the next legislature will not go
rory far towards making him senator.
The Grand Lodge of Knighta of
donor of Nebraska nold their session
it Seward yesterday and elected offi-
3ora for thi ensuing year , The next
WBsiou will bo hold at I romont.
The Marquis do Ilochamboau ia in-
Bonding to publish an illustrated work
in hia impressions of America , and
[ ion. Hancock has written to the fceo-
ratary of state asking for a copy of the
state seal of Nebraska to be included
In the work.
A committee from the board of
irado waited upon Messrs Kitnball
md Shelby , of the Union Pacific road ,
md made a supplication for bettor
rates and connections. The board of
; riulo ia kicking viciously against the
B. A ; M. , which , they claim , boa done
ill it could to injure Lincoln the post
tew yean. Aaaua.
H IrUpackage of "BLAOK-DRAUOHT * '
Another Notable Gathering a
the White Houso.
President Arthvr'i Second "Offl
olul" Roocption.
1-wlM to thn ( Inrlnnftll Commercial.
WASHINGTON- , April 12. The BCC
end "official" reception of the stnl
wnrt recline occurred on Tucsdn ;
evening , between the houcs of 8 an !
10 , to which the diplomatic corps
the _ uproino court , nrmy , navy nm
marine corps were bidden. The man
aion waa comfortably filled , but then
WAS no crush ni nt public receptions
The parlors nnd corridors wcro , na
usual , tastefully decorated with How-
era ; the conservatory open nnd bril
iiantly lighted , formed part of the
pleasant uromenndo from' the onal
room to the oxtromoond of tliohouno ,
The ntatp nnd privnto dining roonu
were utilized aa cloak rooms for ladioi
nnd gentlemen. The red cloak Ma
rino band tvoro seated in the vestibule
and rendered excellent nmsio nt inter
vals throughout the ovening.
At precisely 8 o'clock the president
appeared , heralded by the familial
strains , "Hail to the Chief , " nnd met
the friends invited to aeaist in doing
the honortt of the occasion in the Blue
Parlor , where the receiving party was
arranged. It stood ai follows : First.
Colonel Rockwell , who made formal
introductions , then the president , with
his little- daughter Nellie , n child often
ton years , with n little tjirl from New
York , by his side. The children worn
both simply but prettily droaaod in
white muslin , Alias Nellie's toilet being -
ing garnished with rose colored ribbons
bens , and the ether young lady's with
blu .
Next stood stately Mrs. Froling-
Imyson , in black satin , white oatrioh
feather in her hair. Then Alias 1' ol-
; ; cr , in white satin , the front of the
skirt richly brocidod in Lirgo colored
[ lowers. Mrs. Hunt , in A mourning
Boatumo of heavy blnck silk. Mra.
Lire water , in pnlo blue riocadu , vastly
becoming to her blue eyes and golden
liair. Her sister , Hiss Walker , stood
by her side , droasod in a lundsomo
silk , elaborately embroidered with jot.
[ n the roar of thoao , who stood in line
with the president , opposite the door
that opens into U > o main corridor ,
were Secretaries Frolinghuyaon , Fol-
; cr , Lincoln , Hunt , Browntor
ind Howe. Near by stood Misa
Lucy Frolinghuyson and her sister ,
Mrs. John Davis , the former in porno-
jranato rod satin combined with some
rarp oriental fabric , and the latter in
heliotrope- and pansy colored brocaded
rolvot ; Misa Hunt in a becoming toilet
f cream colored satin and Spanish
portcU toilota ; MisaBrewater , ii row-
tinted uatin and duohosso Iac6 ; * Mr. *
Allen Arthur , the proaidont'a eon ;
Private Secretary Phillips , of the ex
ecutive mansion ; Private Secretary
Dhow , of the atftto department , and
Mr. and Mra. Soyollon Brown.
All the diplomatic corps were in at
tendance , except thoao families in
whom recent deaths have occurred.
They entoaed the blue room at the
appointed hour , headed by the
Hawaiian minister , Hon. Elisha Allen ,
dean of the corps by sonority of
service , accompanied by his daughter
in a pretty costume of white silk.
The assistant minister from China
md his secretaries were present , at-
; ired In their most stunning costumca
if gorgeous brocades worn in the
"Flowery Kingdom. " The British
ninistor escorted his pretty daughter ,
Miss West , who wore white gros grain
with duchuaso lacoa and Jacqueminot
roses. The Baroness Do Fava , who
wa& uith her husband , the Italian
minister , were ono of the moat beau
tiful dicssoa of the evening , a poach
blossom moire antique , with point of
Spanish laco. The Countess Lawon-
liuupt , wife of the Swedish minister ,
were white satin , brocaded with ail-
vor , with a diamond star in her hair
ind another at her throat.
The supreme court was fully repre
sented , Chief Justice Waite brought
iiis daughter and her two young lady
[ guests. Justice Matthews waa ac
companied by hia wife and daughter ,
the latter in while nutiii , with lace
Dver-drosB. Then there were Justice
and Mra. Miller , Justice und Mrs.
Field and JUKI ice Gray. The latter
ia a noticeable figure and where by
reason of hia extraordinary height
and magnificent , proportions.
Of thd court of ! alin there were
OhU-f Justice ami Mr < - . Drake ; Juclgo
MoAttlmr nnd hn wife , of the mi-
pr'oiiio couit of the district. Mrn.
Drake were : i plum but noli black
Lyons velvet on truiu , withhandsomo
lucoa. Mrs. Hf g-ier , black auttn bro
cade , With jot , und ducheaso lacoit.
Mrs. McArthur , palo heliotrope
brocade with point lace * .
The army and navy and marino
corps m-ro brilliantly represented. An
official circular from the war department -
mont , issued previously , directed that
all army officers should appear in full
uniform , a custom which is generally
observed at official receptions. There
were the venerable General Hunter ,
Admiral Porter , and his pretty daugh
ter in white satin and Jacqueminot
roaes , Surgeon General Barnes and
hia daughter , General and Mra.
llazon , General MacOauloy , the gal
lant General Yan Vliet with Mra.
Thackara on ono arm and Miss
Rachel Sherman on the ether , and
many others. Considerable curiosity
was felt to aeo the incoming secreta
ries , Chandler and Teller , but they
were not present ,
The wife of Senator Mahono , of
Virginia , lias recently returned from
Europe. Her devoted huaband wel
comed her with a not of diamonds
valued at $10,000 , She is laid to
wear the handsomest jewels of any
kdy in public life ,
Apropos of jewels , Miss Emily
Boalohaa some which attract atten
tion whenever worn , not BO much for
their actual value u their quaintnczs.
They are an antique aei that once be
longed to the royal prinoots of Bul
garia. Th mUlortunw of var forod
their noble owner to part with thoao
treasures , which wcro purchased by
the lluaslan governor of the province ,
who sent thorn to hia cousin , M ,
Bitkhmcliff , secretary of legation at
Paris , for hia American wife , the
lovely daughter of General Bealo.
Mme , BakhmohiT afterward sent a
largo necklace and bmcolota of strange
jewels in barbaric setting to her
younger titter hero ,
Some of tbo Orgies that the Pine a
HouQtvon ,
PhlUdclfhU Picss.
The great night at Malnllo waa ou
n Sunday. Up to 9 o'clock the strauR-
or wandering in would have had no
suspicion of the Snrdanapalinn orgies
enlivening its oxqulaito scenery a lit-
.lo later on. The entrance , boyoud
.lie flaming gaslight making the word
'Mabillo , gave no demure hint of the
neon en within. Nor having entered
vould the stranger suspect for eomo
lime the wicked trnusports'oxcitcdby
the lightstho music , the company. It
seemed rnthcr the park of some nf
luont personage arranged cu fete.
At 10 o'clock sixty pdccs ! crashed , the
signal for the danco. Then from
ivory direction dames in such ccntomca
as can bo soon only in a Parisian pub
lic , or n "high-life" saloon , gathered
on the waxed floors under the central
pavilion. Thovniuiiciana installed in
the center held the time for the group
ment. Then , nil being ready , the ex
traordinary carnmngnolo began. It
waa a paroxysm of gyrations for which
the word dnnco gives but n feeble de
scription. If the music wcro n waltz ,
the movement was nn indescrib
able interlocking of arms , legs ,
hands and feet , such as was never aeon
outside the contortions of Wnlpurgia
night , or the uncanny doings that daz
ed Tarn O'Shnntor at Alloway's haunt
ed kirk. Movement comes to most
heels when the irreaistnblo music of
the waltz atrtkes up ; lo the French-
IIIUP , madnrca comes. Ho loses his
liiuul and uhfimlons himself to ( ho rap-
uroof I ho moment ; ho embodies the
Bj'iiVul judmnant of Voltaire a
monkey or n tiger.
In the delirious .whirl there were
momunls when the amazed spectator
would have sworn that the revelers
wore n mirage , for their foot seemed
bo bo in the uir and their heads , if
they had any , were invisible. Of late
lays , however , the dancing was most 1
ly done by paid men and women , who
made it more a gymnastic exhibition
than a fete dansanto. These wcro
the Amnxons that electrified strangers ! la
by lightly removing the hat of an un-
suspoctmtf looker-on by a sudden shot >
of the foot. For , whou the dance be
gins the .visitors crowd around the
TJtfeji dancer ? make
wilderod , to the refrain of ahrioka of r
laughter ; then diamisaing the diacom-
fitod partner by a neat kick on the
rim a hia hat , which would send it
flying far away among the bushes , or
perhaps under the foot of the dancers.
In the latter caao the price of regain vi
ing it was inevitably an invitation to $
the Amazon to have auch a "consum 7
mation" ( refreshment ) as she might
command. Stiogonerally | commanded
nomothing that increased the profits
3f the bar enough to allow her a hand
some percentage. For this is ono of
the terms upon which iho cocottes are
admitted , that they should keep thorn
roasonsbly assiduous in their atten
tions to the refreshment counters.
Of late the only nights that Mabillo 1 t
presented any of its old-time attrac
tions was following the "Gtond Prix. "
Then dukes , princes , great dames and
what not flocked to the godless scone.
The dancing resumed it old gayety ,
most of the women masked , and the
men , too , if they desired to escape ob
servation. The admiRpion , raided to
ton frances ( $2) ) , assured an audience
equal to the enhanced prices of the
night. The lights were doubled , two
orchestras , instead of ono , kept up in
cessant music from 10 to 3 , and the
gayety waa correspondingly feverish ,
i'ho winningH of the turf wont in
sumptuous auppors in the grottoes and
cabiuots. The waiters , who paid high
prices for their places , made fortunes
on these golden nights. All that was
famous in Parisian cocottorio could bo
teen in toilota rivaling the Ministerial
rue-options , The mannera and convon-
tioiiu were simple. No introductions
wuiu necessary. No one was offended
hy ( all.intrioi and comments , The
I'nr < ) ian madu it a point to bo present
mi the Siiiulny ; of the Grand
i'tix aiifoof Heoing ministers of state ,
ininccs incognito und kings in exile ,
contending on equal terms for the venial -
nial beauties of the tote. Itivashu
devotion to Mabillo and its mysteries
that brought the sybarite Plon-Plon in
to diaroputo. His party waa scandalized
at the Prince' * appearance there while
the courts of Europe wore in mourn
ing for hia hapless kinsman , Prince
Louia , murdered by the Zulus. t
WABUISOTON , April 110. For the I
lower Missouri Volley : Fair weather ,
variable winds , shifting to the east
and south , lower barometer and
atationary or higher temperature. ' ] *
Now String Beana , Wax Beans ,
Green Teaa , Cucumbers , Tom&toea
Spinash , Homo-Grown Aaparagua an
plenty of other Vegetables from here ;
at J. 0 , Wiemcra' .
California Pitted Plums 20ots. per
pouiid. Oaliforniau Apricots SOctu.
per pound , at
prl3-at WM. GENTLEMAN'S.
Our stock of Shoes ia iirat-clasa , and
sold nearer manufacturers' ' prices than
any stock in the west , Our profit U
made in discounting our bills and
selling largo quantities of goods. SBB
14th and Farnun.