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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1882)
IJE OMAJIA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. APRIL 14 188 * . \ CLOTHIER ! Is Now Located in His New Store , 1308 FAR N HAM STREET. One Door East of the Neyr York Dry Goods Store. AND OPEN FOR BUSINESS. NEW STOCK OF SPRING SUITS 1 LARGEST VARIETY OF BOY'S'AND ' CHILDREN'S SUITS EVER SEEN ! CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. L. BRASH , - - 1308 FARNHAM ST. tuM-thvr sat L. B. WILLIAMS & SONS. DRY GOODS 1422 and 1424 Dodge St. OPPOSITE POSTOFFIOF , THE LARGEST RETAIL STOCK , West of Chicago. And the Motto that makes every buyer happy , WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD Wo have opened to-day , ( Wednesday , April 12th ) a large in voice of Matmfacturerd by Messrs. Coudevat & Guiyet , Paris , the lot in cludes 100 dozen Ohildren's Extra Heavy Kibbed Lisle Hose , " 5 to 8 1-2 , All the New Colors. We offer them at the extremely low price of 45 C. ft * v Ttie above ara very cheap , snd much below value. Also another lot equally as good , SAME SIZES , FANCY STEIPEDat 4 5 O.A. . IP We assure our patrons that these are the Cheapest Goods ever put on the market. ORDERS CAREFULLY FILLED , L B. WILLIAMS & SONS , 1422 and 1424 Dodge Street. t > INVITATION TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES AND CLOCKS , TO BE REPAIRED , ' TO BE DONE OR tobe be While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others - - I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors > For the Best Watch Work , For the Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the 'Best Engraving , \ For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) a \ FOR THE BEST y Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting In now wnd Improve * , v a f * Mctto baa always boon and . always wjH ho : " .First to tin mi then advertise the fact-not Wore-no wild advertisement. , Seme unprincipled dealersi being in the habit of a enpyine acnouucements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to ray \ f ( draw a Imo between uuch copied advertisements \ aud those of Yours very truly " j . . . A. B. HUBERMAlT The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , * 4 Sign of the StriMng Towr CJoclf i OAPT. HOBSOMS OISCOVEIiY. Ho Flnda n Mow Island In tbo Atlnntlo and on the Island Some Curl- ou Uemnlns , New Orleans ricnjtin * . Yesterday the British steamship Joiinond , Cnpt. Bobson , arrived nt this port from Messina with n cnrgo of fruit , llo says that when aboul two-hundred miles to the westward ol Madeira his attention was called to the singular appearance of the son. The water had a dark , muddy look , and was covered with dead fish as fai as the eye could reach. They were ol several species , among thorn being noticed mullet , cod , and bass. Sooi after entering this field of dead fisl ho observed n faint smoke on the ho lizon nearly ahead , on the coursu o the vessel. Early next morning the captain was awakened by the secoiu oflicor and informed that land htu boon sighted in the course of the steamer. Ho was greatly aurpriioc at this information , knowing tha there was no land in this part of the Atlantic. Upon going on dcok , however over , ho found that the report was correct. The dim outlines of nn is land , broken by mountain peaks were visible even without the use o the glass. Above it hung n cloud o smoke. The water was moro turbk tlun on the previous day , and the shoal of dead fish thicker. Capt Robson doomed it advisable to take soundings , not expecting , however , to get bottom , as the charts show adopt ! of from 2,000 to 3,000 fathoms in tha portion of the Atlantic. For some time the sounding was without result but suddenly the line brought bet torn at fifty fathoms. When abou four leagues distant from the islant the Josmoni came to anchor in seven fathoms of water. The island was located catod 28 degrees 40 minutes west , 25 degrees north. Oapt. Robson determined torminod to make an examination o the strange land , and the yawl was lowered and the captain and one of hii officers were rowed to the island A landing WAS effected on the low coast of the western border , where convenient harbor was found for the yawl. The captain and several of the crow , with some difficulty , oscondet the declivity. The promontory seemed sovora miles in length , and joined an extern sivo tableau , which sloped greatly back to a chain of mountains at i gr at distance off , from which rose light columns of smoke. The surface of the ground was covered withpumi cp-stono and volcanic debris , and entirely tirely destitute of vegetation. It was a desolate scene , where not a single living thing was to bo perceived. Tin captain and his companions atartoc on a tour inland , but aoonfoundthoir progress impeded by yawning chasms It was therefore determined to return turn to the beach and inspect the is land from that side. While examin ing the base of the clift where th < rock was fractured and twisted as i by some tremendous convulsion , am disclosed a bed of breccia , a surpris ing discovery was made by one of the sailors. On thrusting the prong of a boat-hook into the loosened mass o gravel , ho dislodged a stone arrow head. Excited by this incident the search was continued , and other arti cles of stone were discovered. A largi excavation was made , and it was ascertained certainod that the opening led between tween the crumbling remains of wha must have boon massive walla. 1 number of articles wore exhumed such as bronze swords , rings , ham niers , carvings of heads and figures o birds and animals , and two vases o jars with fragments of bone , ami om cranium almost entire. The moa singular thing brought to view wa what appeared to bo a mummy , con tained in a stone case. It was so in ; rustcd with volcanic deposits as ti 30 scarcely distinguished from tin rock itself. Much difhcuKy was-ox pericnccd in dislodging the sarcopha gus , which was finally taken ou whole and , with the fossils , transport ed to the steamer. .Capt. Robson would have contin ucd this investigation , but as the as poet of the weather became less favor Mo , and ho could not afford to spom more time at the island , ho sailed for his port. Ho considers that the now aland was raised from the sea by vol : anic action , and that the fish were tilled by the poisonous gases from ho vokano. The captain thinks that the now land is a section of the immense - menso ridge known to exist in the At lantic , and of which the Azores ant Canaries are a part. Ho took pleasure in exhibiting the fossils and curious articles of which ho was thd fortunate fmdor. The carved heads are in the Egyptian style of sculpturing , boinij distinguished by the veil or hood which characterizes Egyptian figures The urns and vases are spherical with largo mouths , and upon them may bo discerned inscriptions in hieroglyphic * . The edges of the ax > s and arrow or ; spcar-heads are blunted and jagged. The sword is n straight weapon of jronze , with a cross-hilt. "Tlmf is the mummy , " remarked the captain , pointing to what the re porter hud taken to bo a long block of otono. Scrutinizing closely the lidless - loss case , the outlines of o human figure - uro could bo traced through the coat ing of scoriiu and pumico. It will re- careful handling to remove the coating. Oapt. Robsou proposes to resent the relics to the British mu- as cum at London upon his return to Jivorpool. The Acmoofcnook , \l \ Boomerang. Speaking of the young man who 0 vants his Jathor to furnish him with , well stocked ranch and then kindly allows the old man to milk the cons ta t and bring in the coal after dark , Mr. T a Viaschor , the Hello'st ' , says that if ho > hould ever happen to bo nillictod n with such a son , ho wouldn't ily into pasaion and bring oti an attack of lerspiration or consumption , and Bay iarsh things to hurt the boy'a feelings but with his system thoroughly im pregnated with parental love , ho would tenderly take that boy by the land and load him around back of lomo sequestered woodshed and Jam ho aristocratic liver out of him with clapboard. The The Danfjeraof Caroioes Surgery. Chicago Tribune. It is related that ono distinguished ' urgoon lately loft a sponge , and an other a pair of forceps , in the cavity ftor on abdominal operation. Yet another would have loft a largo seal ing in the same place but for a gon- UP. reminder from a follow practition er. It seems hard that surgeons should run the awful risk of losing jewelry and instruments by sowing them up ia the vitals of their patients. It is duo to them lo flay , however , that the rule is to carefully count the sponges and instruments during the progress of such operations. This ia well. It would bo a dreadful matter , ser instance , if a man should Imo i\ couple of chairs or a house and lot grated into him wh lo ho was being treated fora gunshot wound. A Doff Steals ft Noffro Baby. ScmnA ] ! < i , ) Tim < * , Mnrch 3. Yesterday morning n negro woman in East Selma laid a very young child on a small pallet placed in the aim , where the wind would not atriko it , and went to another part of the yard to commence her wook'a washing. Returning in n short while great was her distress an-1 agony to find the child gone. A diligent search , as she thought , about the promises resulted vainly , and the mother was on the point of distraction when n faint cry wai hoard from the largo dog-houso that stood by , n poop into which dia- closod'tho baby stretched on the dog's bed nil right with the exception of a fowscratchoscausodby being dragged over the ground , while the mischiev ous author of the excitement , an over-grown bull pup , looked calmly on wagging his tail in an unconcerned way. Something Lacking , Wall Street New. . A well-known Illinois farmer was in Chicago on business the other day , when an acquaintance took occosior to ask : "Well , Former Jono , is the wheat all right this spring ? " "Y-o-s , purty fair , " was thogrude- iug reply. "Good show for fruit ? " "Wall , I guess so. " "Sell all your potatoes at a big " price ! 'Turty big , but I didn't have many. " "Had any too much rain in your section ? " i "Gtioss not. " "Well , then , I don't ' see as you have anything to complairuof. I think you ought to fcol like a young colt. " "Wall , I suppose things do look a little bright just a little but I don't see any occasion for ehbutlnp. Fact is , twenty-ono of my owes had single lambs when they might as wall have had twins , and I don't look for much of a pricooii wool this summer. " Osaco Orange Hodget. Hodges are the best protection against depredations of cattle and pilferers , but it often tries the patience - tionco of the farmer before ho can get a hcdgo in good condition. The strongest prejudice against the osngo orange is on account of the difficulty of causing the seeds to grow , and many failures and discouragcmontE arisp from this Bpurco. Tiio cost oi buying plants for a largo hedge amounts to quito a sum. To cause them to sprout put the seeds in a largo tub and pour warm water over them , and cover the tub over with a blanket or two in order to retain the heat as long as possible. The water should bo about as warm as the hand can bear. Put the naod to soak in the evening and lot it remain in the water until the next morning , when the treatment should bo repeated. The water should bo changed morn ing and evening until the hull of the seed is well softened ( about four or five days ) , when the water should bo drained off and the seed kept covoret until signs of sprouting appear. As BOOH as the .seed sprouts sprinkle thoroughly with gypsum ( piaster ) , anc sow in drills two inches deep. When of sufficient , height sot the plants out about six inches apart , if a very close hedge is wanted , but a foot apart is better. Bond the growing branchei and weaVe and interlace them , commencing moncing cloao to the grouud. Keep the hedge cut back for two or three seasons , in order to thicken it , and trim well every year. The roots ore great spreaders , often running out and sending ' shoots in places where they are not desired. This can bo prevented by ploughing deeply on both sides of the hedge , in the fafi and spring , and hoeing out the shoots when they appear out of place , The Future of Intercut. President Jacob L , Greene , of the Connecticut Mutual Lifo Insurance company , a largo company with § 50- 000,000 of aenuts , has persuaded his trustees to base their future contracts upon the assumption that munoy will earn 3 per cent instead of 4 per cent , which has boon the Massachusetts standard. The other Etatcs have hero- oforo only required a standard of 4i per cent. This is n very important question and it spoms to us that Col. Jroeno only anticipates a stop which s not far in the futme , The great naas of the bankers and brokers of ho country , while contending or high rate and demand ! , ng all tllo necessities of commu tes and corporations would stand , lave not shared the views of these vho regard the present low rate of returns upon-long time investments temporary , but believes that wo mvo taken a permanent atop of ap preach to the rate of interest provail- IIR in England and Holland. If this a ao , all buainesi will soon abjust tielf to the adrancu order of things md o < ntinuo to prosper accordingly. will bo taken somewhat out oi nvostmonts in occuritics , and put in nduatrios where there bo promise of argor returns than three per cent. ' L'his moans ; jiorp employment and otterpay for the laboring mart , if not direct dollars , by the saving in the hings ho must buy. \ Ill * Kkli BOI UVBV | Gen'l ' Insurance Agent , al Fhfouix AMuraaio to , ol Louclon , CashAwttU W,30 < ,60400 Vestchcsitr , K Y , , Capital , , 1,000,000.00 Merchant ! , of Ncnark , N , J. , Capital , . . . , . , . . . . . . 1,278,000.0 Hard Fire , ruinlclphla , Ca | > lU ! , , . . 1,200,000 q 'iremcn's Fund , . , . , , . . . , , 1,239,816.0 British America Attauranie Co 1,600,000.0 Office , Boyd'B Opera House , 0 Take " ' ' "BLACK'DRAUGHT' and ' you 0. irill uevrr beltiR tbo tnoit direct , qnlckoM , an nfnt llns ronnpctlnir Iho ptMt Metropolll. OJII CAOO , and the KAMKSI , KORtn-EAitriiRt , ! ] I and Botrni-KUTXRN LINUS , whichtcrmln tcthere , with KAXIUR Crrr , LinTrxwourn , Aronison , Cornell , niurn and OUAIU , tli * Convinau > CistiM from which radlatn EVERY LINE OF R0AD th l penetrate * tbo Continent Irom the Mltr-ar Hirer to the 1'aclfla Sloro. The OHIOAGO HOOK ISLAND A PA OIFIO RAILWAY II the only line from Chicago owning truck In KMIOM , or whldi , by It * own road , reachM th point * above nuncd. No TRAKSMM nr CUtttUon No MIMIKO ooHiticriatsI No huddling In III ventilated or unclc n can , M every tuwrnfrr carried In roomy , clran and ventilated ccuchti upon Fust KxprcM Trains DAT CAM ot unrh iiloj tnagnlflceDce , PuLUUn PAUACI BLMrmo OAKS , and our o nworJ-fnoon ! Dmwa CAM , upon which incnl * are ten od of un nirparaed eicollence , at the low r te of B VW T Fnti Cum IACU. with ample tlmo for healthtu enjoyment , ' Through Cut between Chicago , Peoila , Xtll .wankeo and Mlwvmrl Hirer Point * ; and close cui nectlona at all point * of Intersection with othe roadt. We ticket ( do not forget thli ) directly to ever place of Importance In Krvnsw. Nebraska , niv' Hllll , Wyoming , Utah. Idaho , Nevada , CMIforc. , . Oregon , Wathlngton Territory , Colorado , Arlun ted Now Mexico. Ail ! bond arrangement ! regarding bapitace any other line , and ratwi of faro alviay * ad o a competitor ! , who furnlth but tltho o the com fort. fort.Don and tackle ot iportimon fro * . Ticket * , maps aud ( ol Jen at all prlnclpa offices In the United Statoa and Canada. R. 11. CAULK , K. ST. JOHN , Vice Prca't A Oen. Ocn. Tkt andl'Mit'rAfi Manaeer. Chlmiro Cblrairo 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880 ' 'KANSAS CITY , ' 3t , Joe & Council Bluffs 18 till ONLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST Prom Omaha and the West. AH trains lca\o I ) . & 11. Depot , Omaha : Neb. ; No change of cars between Omaha and bi. and but one between OMAHA and NEW YOHK. C3X25Z Daily Passenger Trains tiAcnraa ALL EAETERN AND WESTERN CITIKU with LK8L OUAKUES and IN ADVANCE of All. OTllhK LINKS Thto entire line Is eqmmwd with Vullman Palace Blocpln ? Cars , Palaca Uny Coachea , Miller' HftJety Platform and Coupler , and the cviebratcc \\oc4lnKhotuo Alr.braltn. &JTHeo that your ticket reads VIA nANOAF cirr , fcT. JOSEPH * COUNCIL BLUFFS K I road , via St. Joseph and St. Loula. Tickets for sale at all coupon stations In th Weet. J. F. IJAIINAU1) , A C. DAWE3 , don. Supt. , St. Jo ipb , Mo Qcn. Paes. and Tlckit Age , fat. Joseph , Mo. ANDT Bouunx , Ticket Agent , 1020 Farnham street. ii"l1 Wt J.DtMkroaT , General Afrcnt , OUAKA. f K WESTERN C. SPECHT , Proprietor , 1213 Harney Street , OMAHA NEB , - - - MANUFACTURERS OP BiLTiBBH ) IEOI Cornices , Dormer Windows , Finials TIN , IEON I SLATE BOOFIN& , Specht'a Patent Metilio Sky light. Potent Adluitablo Ratchet Par and BRACKET SHELVING am the Koneral State Agent for the abov DO of goods. goods.IRON IRON FUNOINQ. Creating * , Balustrades , VerandaiOffico | n ( Dank Railings , Window and Cellar Guards ; alto GENERAL AGENT Peorion and HIM Patent Inildo Dllnd. DOTtdtt I'HOI'OSALS FOH IHIi CONBT11UCT10N OF SKWKHH. Ofnm or Cur KKawiiKn , ) UUAIIA NKH , 1SS1 , ) Pealed jiropoiils will l > o received at the ollicu of the undesigned until Tuesday April 18th 1682 12 o'clock nuon , lor the construction of cowers In North Oiunhaa follows : lOOOfict o Sj feet lirkk sewer 728 foct C ) ftct brick ecwui and 728 of > } feet urlck fewer , lotated on Iz rd ttrcet between ] Cth and 17th , and on 17th between tween Icard and Nicholas , lielweui 17th snt 21 t ttrcttt , toKttlar with all nccctumry Iran holie , Iauii9 holts , and calth La < < lii > , ns [ icr plant and niifclflciitloua In thu city Kiiglnccru ollke. l'rootala | ) to bo projured upon blankg furnlehcdliy thurliy Enliicor. ( Illaa will aluo i > o retched for the construction ol a tlmlicr outfall - fall embracing' tha luriil liliK and driving' ol 100 OEK piles more or lees 25 feet loiu , 12 to 8 Indies , and 1,600 feet of oalc lumber na per plnnn and tpecll catluna In the Unirliucrg ollicu. Work la bcKln on or Imfoio Jiinu Ht , and to bo torn plctcd December let lfaS2. I'ayinciiti to be laadu monthly In ( nth warrants , 16 pur cent to bu resin ci ) until final ( .oiuplotfon , and aceupt anio of work by the proper mithontlca. All bids tobeaccoiiiianlo'l by the Inaturn | of | ire posed niretlus who will in oicnt of awarding of : oui rat t enter Into bond * ol thu i Ity for execu tion of the work In the mm of ? 30X)0. ( ) J. J , L. V. Jitwrrr , 2w City flerk. . ' 1'jtoros'AJ.s U 8. INUI'N tKtt ICR. ) 1'INB K H /ICSC'V , IMKOTA. ) Man-r , 20 h 1812 ) Staled pr po all , , In duiillcatilor th < i erection of a'i uidian llo rilliu ferho 1 > -t thla atonuj , In accordance with plain and ipoclllcA- tioiMOii Illc , wit the Chief Qua rUnnutcr , DC- lartuiunt ot thu 1'latto , ( Jinnlia , NCII , and di et tcj to tbo undo fl ncd , tare of the Clilof Quartora : aster , 1 cpaitnicru of the i'latto , Ouiaha , Neb , will erecclted until 12 o'clock noon , on Monday , Uay 1 t , 1BS2. ontraet to bo rouardod to the lowest icipon- alboblddir , nubjutt to the ajipioval of the do- artmintof tha Intedor. , I'ropoialalnubt etatu length of tlmo required or coinpletli of Inilldlni , ' , after appro ) al ( f lontrict , pad must he actoniianlud by a certified check uponioma U > 'ted UUtea Dcpoaltort ] > ay- ablu to the order of the undciirltf'icd for at Kubt \vul > / ) pit ecnt ol the amount of the pro- local which check ulmll bo forfeited to Itio Jiilted Sta f In case any bidder jrcclvhiK the award , ohall fall to execute promptly a contract with ( rood Hiid lulllclent uretl < , accordli U t-o ha terma of hla bid , otherwlee to be returned o the bidder. Main building I ) to ' > e two utory EOilO , ad- dltlona to bu ono itory 82x100 , of lumber , 4 for further Information adclrcM underil fine U Idfo AKeney , Dakota. V.'r.MeOlLtYOIJDDV , 21 d3w U. 8 Indian Agent. iDraskaLandAgei DAVIS & SHYDER , EV5 Farnhnm 81 Omaha , Nebr DbOO.OOOAOSrOEf S3 rn.ully selected Uad lo Lw > uira Wobriek * foi ale. tiroai Uftrgiloi la improted tuna , and Omaha city property. . r.lDAVIS WEBSTEB BKYCKU1 Of Greenfield , Adair County , Iowa. f [ On the Orcston Uranch of the Chicago , Burlington , it Qaincy. ] A. P. Littleton . Cashier Citizens' Bank 13. lloaton. . . . . . , ? ' . . Cashier Aflair County Bank 12. Spoonor . Editor Greenfield Transcript 3ow Bros . . , . , . . . . . . . . 1 . Editors Reporter low it linger . . . . . . . . , . . .Law D. W. Church . Law N. T. Gadd . t . . . i . : LaK T. E. Andrews . ' . . . ' . ' . : . / . < > . . 't . . . Law Robert Mickey . . Law .1. E. Culver . . . , . . ' . . . Law Mulhern it Houno . . . . 1 . . ' . f . ( - > . . . . . Phyeicians W. C. McNeal . ' . * . . . x . \ . Physician F. F. Culverson . . . Physician W. 0. Carroll . t . 4 . . . . . Physician E. U. Ohnatod . Kirkwood HOUBO J.V. . Valentino . . Bakery and Restaurant Priddy A Taylor . Boots and Shoos S. M. Paisley . ; . Boots and Shoes Guinea A Robinson . General Merchandise A. P. Slovens A. Co . . ' . General Merchandise W. P. Robihson it Co . General Merchandise. T. B. Krabil . General Merchandise Burroll , Wilson .t Burroll . General Merchandise A. J , Gibbs . . . Groceries F. Sharp . Groceries Perry it llulton . . Groceries 0. 1) . Knapp . Drutjs A. E. ' Toaguo . Drugs R. Wallace . . . Farm Implements and Hardware R. Bruce . t . . . . Hardware B. E. Keen . Hardware Burroll Bros . . ' . . . > .Fnrrn Implements Scolos Bros . ' . . Steaiu i.ifViitor and Coal G E. Morris . Coal and Grain J. 0. Mason . drain D. Patterson . vo Stock L. Carr . Jewelry J. Shrcoves . Furniture W. B. Burgot . . ' . . Furniture J. G. Johnson . Harness A. M. Smith . . . * . Harness Porter A Johnson . . " . Meat Patterson * Darby . \ . Meat Looker Bros . * .Books and News Mrs. Mary Carr . ! . . . . . . Millinery and Dross Goods Mrs. M. A. Parker . " . . . Millinery and Dross Goods Alexander it Co . , . . Photographers Martin t Gray . Land , Loan and Abstract Brown A Buldorson. . . Land , Loan and Abstract Bothering itMoCollom . , . . . .Land , Loan and Abstract M. B. Cullom . , . , . Denlist Dan Patterson . Livery Haakins it Co . Lumber Myers it Myors . . . . . . . . I . Lumber WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JOBBERS OF . JEW ILEUS1 TOOLS IP IATEBIALS ! * ALSO WESTERN AGENTS I'OR&THE & SMITH AMERICAN ORGAN CO.'S ORGANS. Spotaoles of the OelebratGd STAR TINTED MAKE areTsold exj clusivoly uy us , DIAMONDS IN LARGE VARIETY. line of Sheet Musio. Eastern Prices EDHOLM & ERICKSON , WHOLESALE JEWELERS , Opp. the Post [ Office OMAHA , NEB. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , SASH , BOOBS , BLUMS AID IOULDIM 15th and Cuming Sts. OMAHA , NEB ( 235 SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK OF Men's , Boys' and Children's t Ready rfor Inspection -AT Palace Clothing House. THE LOWEST PRIDES GUARANTEED 1816 Fnrnam Street , Near 14th. ' . ' U rie oU ,