Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1882, Page 3, Image 3
. .I. TH > ; OitJAJmA DAILY BJbijK : PEIUAY APEIL 14 , } 882. THE DAILY BEE OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS DID Farnham , bet Oth and loth Street * . TERMS OK SUBSCRIPTION. Oas copy 1 ym.ln Rdvancopostmlil ( ) . . . flO.OO 0 month ! " . . . B.W ( month " 3.00 " AIL WAY TIME TABLE. CARD CUICAOO , ST. nn , , itimiArous AHB IOH1HA RAIUOAD. tavo Omaha Pawenscr No. 2 , 8:30 a. m. Ac mrocutatlon No. 4,1:0 : ( p.m Atrhe Omaha Passenger No. 1,6:20 : p. m Acer c a sdatlon No. S , 10:50 a. ra. itwa ouini BAM ox eona BOOMD. C. , B. A 0. 740 ! a. m. 3:40 : p. m. 0. k N. W.,740 a. m. 3:10 : p. m. C. , R.I. ftp. , 7:10 a. m. 3ion. : m. K. C.St. J. & 0. 3.leaves at 180 a. m. OP J tii ] > m. Arrives at Bt. Louts at 8:30 : at. m. aim ou a m. IV" . , St. L. 4 P. , leaven at B a. m. and 8:10 : p Arrives a St , Louis at 6 : 0 a. m. and 7:8 : m WMT on ffl. fc M. ID Neb. , Tbroiifch Kxprcn , 8 ! 0 . m B. & M , Lincoln Express 4:20 : p. m , TJ P. Overland Express , 12:16 p. m. O , k R. V. ( or Lincoln , 11:15 ft. m. O. & n V. ( or Osceola. 0:40 : . m. U. P Irdfrht No. 6 , 6:30 : a. m. O. P ( rolRht No. B , 8:20 A. m. U. I1. freight No. IS , 5:60p. : m. U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. cmlgranl. - . P. Denver express , 7:85 : p. ra. U. P. Irctrht No ,11 , , 11:30 : p. m. V , P. Denver freight , 8:25 : p , m , A&1VUIO rllOM IA8T AMD fOUTH. < 3 R h Q i 6:00 : a. m. 7:25 : p m. C. * N. W. , 0:46 : ft. m. 7:25 : p. m. C. R. I. &I > 9:4D : ft. in. 9:05 : p. m. K. C. , El , Joe & 0 B. , 7t6a. : tn.-8:46p. : m PBOH TUI WMT ADD SOOTnWBST. 0. t R. V. from Lincoln 1:03 : p. m. D. F. Pacific Exprc93:2u : p. m. B * II , In Neb. , Through Express 1:16 : p m B. * II , Lincoln Express 0:40 : a m. ] C. P. Denver oxprcta , 7:36 : a , in. U. P. Freight No. 11 2:60 : p. m.1 U. P. Ko. 6 6iO : a. m. Kmlg ant O. P. freight No. 11.12:16 p. m. U. P. No. 8 9:00 : p. in. 0. P. No. 1Z 1:16 : a. m. ' D , P. Denver freight , 1:10 a. m. ] 0. A R , V. mlxcu , ar. 1:45 : p. m. STOUT TBima BSTWH ! ) OMAHA JLHP COD5C.1L BLDTPB. Leavn Omaha at 8:00 : , 9:00 : , 10:00 : and 11:00 : p m.j l.o 2:00 , 3:00 : , 1:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leave Council BluHa at S:2G : , 9:26 : , 10:26 anii 1:26 : a. m. ; 1:26 : , 2:26 : , 8:26,1:26 : : and 6:26 p. tn. Suu-lays The dummy leaves Omaha at 9:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 : , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Leaves Council llluds at 0:26 : and 11:26 a. m. ; 8:26 : , 4:86 nd 6:26 : p. m. Through and local passcmrcr trains between Omaha and Council Bluffs. Lcavo Omaha 6:16 : , 7:16 : , 8:60 : a. m. ; 8:40 : , 6:16 : , 0:00 : p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:10,11:86,11:46 : : : a. m. ; 6:10 : , 7:06,7:16 , 140 p. m. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Opening ana Closing of Mflli. B0tn , OPKH. otosm. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m , Chicago * N. W 11.00 9:00 : 6:80 : 2:10 : Chicago , R I. & 1'ttciDc.11:00 9:00 : 6:30 : 2:10 : Chicago , B. & Q. . . . . . .11:00 9:00 : CSO : 2:40 Wabaih 12:30 : 6BO : 2:10 : loux City and Pacific. . 9:00 : 6:80 : 2:10 : Union Paclfl : 4:00 : 11:10 : Omaha & R. V 1:00 : ii:40 B.fcM. In Neb 1:00 : 8:10 : Omaha ft Sioux City. . . . 0X0 7:30 : B. A U. Lincoln 10SO : 6:00 D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 J. P. Denver Exp 6SC : 6. , Sioux City & St. P. . . 11:00 5:40 Local mails for State ot Iowa leave but once a V day , viz : 6:30 : a , m. Office open Bundaya from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TITOS.- HALL P M. . Business Directory. Abstract and Real tstate. JOHN L. UoCAOUE , opposite Poet Office. W. B. BAnTLETT 817 Boutti 18th Street. Architects. D07BENK & MENDELSSOHN , ABCHITEOTS Room It. Crelghton Block. A. T. LARGE Jr. . Room 2. Oielghton Bloefc. Boot * and Shoos. JAMES DBVINE & co. , S-lna Boots and Shoea. A good asaortmenl borne work on bond , corner 12th and Harney. TIIOS. KIIICKSON , S. E. cor. 16th nd Douelaa. JOHN FORTUNATUS , S tOt 10th etre t , manufactures to order food , work f3 t ( air prlcea. Repairing done. Bed Spring * . r .LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1617 Donrlaivt. ook , News and Stationery. J. I. FRUEHAUF 1015 Barnham Street. Butter and Eggs. UoBHAKE & SCHEOKDEIS , the olJcet D. and E. house In Nebraska establUihed 1876 Omaha. L " Eitlslactlon Quaranieed. BMUitBoMd ° by'the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Caah. Furnished Unnma Supplied. Roaa Wasons. WM , llth undHarncy Streets. Clothlna J HARnlS will pay hlghestCauh price for second fcandclothlnf. Corner 10th and Farnliam. uewo en. JOHN BAUMER 1811 Farnham Street. Junk. H. BEBTUOLD , Raga and Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. VOS7ER & OR.iY corner eth and Douglas Bta. Lamps and Qlastwaro , J. JJONNER 1809 DougUa St. Good Vftrlotv. Merchant Tailor * . Q. A LINDO.UEST , One ct our most popular Merchant Tailors la re- calving the latest dcslgna for Spring and Summer Cloods for gentlomens wear. StylUb , durable , i.nd prlcea low aa ever 21513th bet. Dou ? . & Fam. Millinery. URS. 0. A. BINOER , Wholesale and Retail , Fancy - cy Goods In great variety , Zephyrs , Card Boards , Hosiery , Gloves , Corcctg , &c. Cheapest House In the West. Purchasers eave 80 per cent. Order by Mall. US Fifteenth Street. rounary. JOHN WEARNE & EONS cor. llth & Jackson ell Hour and Feed. OlIAIIACITV MILLS , 8th and Farnhtm Welshani BrOH. , pioprletore. Qrocor * . C. BTEVKXE , ilet between Cumlng and Irnr T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and CumlagSttccts. Hardware , Iron end titoel , OLAN & LANQWOUTU7 , Wholeealo , 110 ant1 112 16th street A. HOLMES coma 1Mb and California. narneai , baauiei , tt.c. B. WEI3T 2013th St. but F roIt Barney , Hotel * 2 ANFIELD HOUSE , Gro , Canndd,0tb & Farnhani DORAN HOUSE , P. II. Gary , 018 Farnham St SLAVIC'S HOTEL. F. Slavcn , 10th St. Southern Hotel Ous. Hamcl Dth A Ijeavenworth f nlnts aim Ulla. KUIIN & CO. fharmacltts , Fine Tans Uooda , Cor. lito and Don l s trecti W , J. WHITEIIOUPE , Wboleeale & Retail , 16th it. 0. FIELD , 2029 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR , Druggist. 10th and Howard Streets. Dentists. DB. PAUL Williams' Block Cor. Uth & Dodge. Ury Qoodt Notions , ttc. JOHN U. F. LEilMANN & CO. , Hew York Dry Goods Store , 1310 and IBIS Farn- ham street , / tu 0. Enewold also boot * and thocj & Pacific. ruruiture. A r. QROSS , New and fitoond Hind Furniture nd Stoves , lilt Donclu. Highest cash price aid for second band icoooi. .BONNER 1809 DowU t. , rine good * &c. Fcrca Work * . ' . 011AEA FENOK CO. BUST , FRIES ft CO 1S1I HarneySt. , Impiore Id Ice Boxet , Iicr cd Wood Fence * , Offlc Illng * . Conot > i > Pins and V alnnt Pawnbroker * . ROBENFELD 10th Bt. . bet ' f af. ft Hftl Rafrlivrator * , Oanfleld' * Patent , r. OOODUAM llth Bt. bet Farn. A Uarniy OlKri and Tobacco. WEST ft FRITSCDER , manutMtnren ot Clgan. and Wholtmle Dralorri n Tobaccos , 150J DonclM. y. F. LOHKNZKM manufacturer 1119 Farnham Florist. A. Dcnughue , pKnts , cut flowera , Modi , ooquete etc. N. W. cor. ICth and Douclaa Mreeta. Olvll Engineer * and Ourveyort. ANDREW ROSEWATKR , Crcljthton Block Town Surveys , Grade nd Sewerage Systema gpoclalty. Commission Merchant * . JOHN O. WIL LT3.1411 Dodge Street. 0 B. BEEMER. For details ice large advertise ment In Dally arid Weekly. Cornice Worko. Western Cornice Worki , Mannlactnrert Iron Oornlce , Tin , Iron and Slate UooSlng. Orders from any locality promptly executed In the bc manner. Fattory and Office 1S18 Harnoy St . 0. SPECI1T , Proprietor. Galranlfod Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. manufactured and put up In any part ol th country. T. S1NHOLD ilo Thirteenth street Crockery. J. BONNER 1BC9 DmjcUs street. Good line. Clothing and Furnishing Oocc * , GEO. II. PETERSON. Alw flat * , Cap , Boot * Ohoet Notions and Cutlery. 801 S. I0th street. Qhow Oaso Manufactory.l 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds ot Show Casci , Upright Cases. 41317 Cftai St. FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omah Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th street between Learcnworth ftnd liarcy. All good warranted Qrst-class. Utovo * ana inwaro. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Staves and Tinware , and MannUctare of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work Odd Fellows' Block. J , tlONNEIt. 13TX ) nonpliM St. atd ftnd Cheap J. EVANS Vholesalo and Retail Seed Drills ftnd Cnltlvatora Odd Fullowa 1U111 Physician * and Surgeon * . W. B. GIBBS , M. D. , Room Ko * , Crelghton Block , 16th Street. P. B. LEISENR1NG , M. D. Masonlo Block. C. L. HART , U. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. poetoffico DR. L. B. ORADDY. Ocnllst and Atirlst. 0. W 16th and Farnham Bid Photograpner * . OEO. UEYN. PROP. Grand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonlo ITall. First-class Work and Promptness - ness guarantef n Plumbing , Uasj and Uteam Pitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. , 210 12th St' , bet Farnham and Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FIT2PATRICK. H09 Doufflou Street. . ulntlng an aper anglng. HENRY A. KOSTERS. 141 Dodeo Street. Shoe Store * . Phillip Lan 1820 Farnham et. bet. 18th Ac llth. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1110 Douglaa St. New ftnd Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , lie. , boug-ht and aold on narrow marring. Oaloons. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tna new brick block on Douglaa Street , has Just opened a most elegant Bool Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 13 every day. ' Caledonia "J FALCONER 870 18th Street. UndertaKer * . CHAS. BIEWE , 101 * Farnham bet 10th ft lltd. GO Dent Store * . ' . 0. BACKUS 1206 Farnham St. . Fancy Goods Proposals for Pavine Strootn in the City of OmahaT obraska. Scaled prodosals will be received by the under signed until Saturday , April 16th , 1882,12 o'clock noon , for the pa/Ing of Douglas street and the cross streets between D uglos find Farnham from Oth to 10th streets , Including 9th and 16th streets. First , For a foundation of concrete 0 Inches In hlckncss with a superstructure composed of a creosoted cedar block 8 Inches In length sot with asphalt and sand. Second , For a foundation of concrete 0 Inches n thickness with a superstructure composed of creosote J pine plank 8 Incnestn length , set with asphalt and sand. Third , For a foundation ot clean course sander or gravel 12 Inches In thickness with a super- itructure composed of cedar block 8 Inches la cngth and not less than 4 nor more than Slnches n diameter to bo set with asphalt and sand. The sand or gravel for foundation to be thorougdly rammed or rolled. All the work to bo done In accordance with specifications and under the di rection of the city engineer. Also , the city will consider proposals for pav- ng with Elm blocks or any other material , or any other mode of construction. All proposals or bids shall be accompanied by , ho names of proposed sureties , who , In the event of contract 'King awarded will enter Into a bond with the city of Omaha for the true and faithful performance of said contract. The city council reserves tbo right to reject any aud all bids. Envelopes containing proposals or bid ] shall > o marked "Proposa for Paving pouglas Street and Cross Streets In the City of Om&ha , " and ad dressed to the undersigned. J. J. L. C. JEWETT. Omiha , March 10th , 1832. City Clem. mar3-30t Sioux City fi f aciflc EC. fffftntan THE SIOUX CITY ROUTE Buns a Holld Train through from Oouncil Bluffs to St. Paul Without Change ) Time , Only 17 Hour * II IS UILES THE SHORTEST ROUTE raou COUNCIL BLUFFS TO BT. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH OR BISMARCK nd all points In Northern Iowa. MlnnceoU and Dakota. Thin line la equipped with the Improved Weetlnghouso Automatic Air-brake and Ullle Platform Coupler and BuCor : and for SPEED , BAFETY AND COMFORT a unsurpassed. Piillmtn palace Sleeping Car run through WITHOUT CI1ANOK between Kail as City and St. Paul , via Council Bluf/g and loux City. Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer at Couii. II Bluffs , at 7:36 p. m. dully on arrival of Kansas ; lty. St. Joseph and Council Bluffs train from ho South. Arriving at Sioux City 11:35 : p. m. , ndat the New Union Depot at St. Paul at 12:20 : eon , KN HOURS IN ADVANCE OF ANY10TUEB ROUTB jarRcmember la taking the Sioux City Route 'ou get a Through Train. The Shortest Line , 10 Quickest Time and a Comfortable Hide In the 'hronirh Cars botw con COUNCIL BLUFFS AND ST. PAUL. jHTtico that your Tickets read via tbo "Sioux ity and Pacific Railroad ' J B. WATTLES , J.R. BUCHANAN Superintendent. Oen'l Pass. Agent , P. E. ROBINSON , Aes't Oon'l Paeo , Ag't. , Jllfeourl Valley , IOHA. W. K. DAVIS , Southweetern Agent. Councl ItlnfTn Jn va W. S. GIBBS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Xoom No4 , CrolRhton Block , 15th Street. OKTAHA. NEBRASKA , OFFICE IlooH : 10 to 12 A u , 3 to 5 P.M. la phone counectsd with Catj'ral OUico Agent Railroad Outfit on Short Notice. llth St. , Near Farnham. tul-cod-t We are prepared to furuluh eandofthe > cry test ( | uallty for bulldluz purposes to any part of he city , at reasonable prices , or at tbo pit. In * ulrejit the pit 35th and California Sts , Cook & Isaacson J. L WILKIE , MANUFACTURE ! ! OP PAPER BOXES. 218 and 220 B , 14th St. " > TiT % j < V * AUNT Oenth of an Old Colored Woman Whoso Daughter Moved In the Best Society In St , Lould. Old Aunt Sally Simrnll , na aho beei familiarly known in Shelbyvillo fo many years , died Thursday of Ins iveoh , aged ftbout 91 years. Th foundation for n llrat-clasa romance it real lifo ia connected with this ol woman and her descendants. She came to Sholbyrillo aomo fiixty or seventy years ago as the slaveof i man named Neol , she was n brijh quadroon , nnd was the mother of i ( laughter ns fair nnd lovely as nny who boasted Oacasian blood. The daughter Attracted the attention of i wealthy Southerner who was sojourn ing for a few days at the hotel kop by Noel , nnd though but child ii years , ho conceived the idea of becom ing her owner , with what motives was developed in after yeara. Tin transfer was duly mado-and the hand some little octoroon was cent south where she received a fine education ii white schools without oven n broall of suspicion ns to origin over being ox cited. The wealthy Southerner thei married her , nnd wo next find her ii St. Louis , moving in the beat society with two lovely daughters as the re sult of the marriage. These daughters both married rising young lawyers in that city , one of whom afterward be came a member of congress. The Southerner died many years ago , nnc nnd his widow married a German in Philadelphia , where they lived in style until a few years ago , when hus band nnd wife both passed off UUi stage of notion. Aunt Sally never saw her daughter butjonco after her first marriage. Her husband was vis- itinp relatives at Bradstown , and Aunt Sally was sent for. The meet ing was such a one ns might have been between a white lady andnii old nurse , and outsiders wore led to believe that such was the only relation that exist ed between them , By the term of her master's will , Aunt Sally became free nt his death , and accumulated consid erable property , the most of which was in slaves. She possessed at one time a great deal of fine jewelry and silverware. Her money gradually slipped away from her on account of ill-advised investments , until at the time of her death she had little more than the cabin she lived in. She pos sessed remarkable vitality until a short time before her death nnd could often bo seen nbouc the atrdots. In late years she became very deaf , and lier mind considerably unsettled. Several years ago aho willed every thing she possessed to her daughter , and no argument could convince her that her daughter was dead. Aunt 3ally had been cared for for some time by n daughter of a former slave. Frollt , 81.2OU. "To sum it up , six long years of bod-ridden sickness , costing $200 per year , total $1,200 all of this expense ( vas stopped by throe bottles of Hop Bitters , taken by my wife. She has done her own housework for a year since , without the loss of a day , and I want everybody to know it , for their Benefit. N. E. Farmer. New York Fifty Yeara Agro. In a small pamphlet , printed for private circulation , Mr. Barnes W. Autcn , of this city , has 'recorded his reminiscences of Now York as it waa when he first entered it in 1832 , and of the changes he has slnco soon made on Manhattan Island. Some of his recollectionswhich seem strangely out date in the hurly-burly of 1882 , are as follows : I have seen many and wonderful changes in the city. From a goodly sized town of 200,000 inhabitants it now numbers more than n million and L quarter of souls. I have seen it ro- juilt in most parts twice , and in many the third time , and extend its north ern border from Canal st. to far bo- rend the Harlem River. In 1830 wo lad no Orofcon water , little anthracite coal , except Hhodo Island coal , which lucccssfully resisted every effort to jurn it ; little or no illuminating gas , ' , ho city being mostly lighted , pub'lic- y and privately , by oii , etc ; no rail- oads , no express companies , no sun- it pictures , no friction matqhcs , no and telegraphs , no ocean cables , no ) etroloum , nnd not a steamship to cross the ocean , nearly all our foreign mails coming monthly or fortnightly > y the famous old "Black Ball" or 'Black Star" and other lines of 'Liverpool Packets. " The arrival of a European mail in that day was a ; reat event in shipping and mcrcan- ilo circles. The packets were some- imes out thirty or sixty days , or nero ; and to share in "the first do- ivory" of letters was the object of every merchant , as none could afford o bo much behind Ins neighbor In ho reception of commercial news. Extras" were usuallytisaued often ausing great excitement. ? California , Alaska , and other re mote parta of our oiuntry wore then inknown , ozcept by name , nnd the vholo vast 'territory west ot thoJMiH- ssippi River wes laid down on the naps ns "unexplored regions" In hat day we had little or'no'smnll change ixcopt thd Spanish and Mexican dial ing , and six-pence , and "pistaroon ; " ml our rates of postage worn 0 , 12i , 8'1 and 25 cents , according to dis- anco. If it bo asked what did the itizens do for water for the extin- ; uishmoHt of fires nnd for domestic iso , the answer is , they had the forth and East River , the old pumps nd ciatorns , and Knapp's Spring Vutor delivered at their doors at so uuch per gallon , and that furnished > y the Manhattan Company , The Id flint and steel and tinder box sup plied the place ef matches ; pure whale md spr.rm oil and candles the place of pas ; hard woods and Virginia and ersoy pine , nnd ( bituminous coal , the place of anthracite ; the lumbering ranibus served for "rapid transit , , nd Kipp & Brown's stagea running rom the corner of Pine and Nassau ts. to Greenwich Village" faro one hilling were well patronized But ho rush uptown at the close of bust- was not BO fierce M in our day , for many of our merchants lived near the lattery , around the Bowling Qrorn , n Broadway , in State and Greenwich ts , , and nearly all below Chambers t. , many of them over their own iluco of business. For the tronspot- ation of merchandise wo had the use- ul horse and cart , and a fine body of artmoiij nearly all native born , and ach attired with a "frock , " neat and lean orory day , The "Volunteer Fire Department" of that day , though in sonii ) ro pccta > n nuisance and ft disgrace to the city , used to boast that u fire rarely extended boyorid the building in which it originated. I well recollect the steamboat which first brought mo to the city Oaptatn Vnndorbilt's "splendid new steamer Nautilus , " built in 1814 , the pioneer of the aloam marine of ihnt day. She played her mrt well , cnrryini safely hundreds daily to nnd fron Slaton Island for the modest sum o' ' 25 cents per passenger. The boats o the ferries to Brooklyn and Jorao , City were known RS "Horso Boata , being propelled by horao-powo r only ; ono liorso nnd driver to each boat the latter armed with n whip by whio creator speed was promptly secured , Well ! they did not go very fast , bu they were snfo , n shipwreck neve ; having boon hoard of on those "rag ing scoa. " The Physiology or Brooding1. Miutachusctt ) Cultivator. A few of the most eminent Englial ; breeders have come to the conoluaioi that the following cardinal points ii the nrt of breeding have boon fairl established ; First. That from th male parent IB mainly derived the ox tornaf structure , configuration and Dutwnnl characteristics the locoino- live peculiarities Inclusive. Second. From the female parent uro derived the internal structure , the vital or ; ans , nnd , in a much greater proper Lion than from the male , the cqnstitii Lion , temper nnd habits , Third That the purer the race of the parent the more certainty there is of trans nitting its qualities to the offspring. Jay two animals are mated ; i ! ono Is of purer descent than the , other ono she will oxerciao more jnlluonco ii atnmping the character of the prugouy , urtioularly if the grcnter purity ia in the aide of the male. Fourth. That , npixrt from certain disturbing in loncea or causes , tliu male , if of pure race , and descended from a stoclc of uniform color , stamps the color of the oll'spring. Fifth. That the influence of the first tnalo is not infrequently irotracted beyond the birth of the ) ffijpring of wliich ho is n parent , nnd lia mark is loft upon anbacquont pro geny. Sixth. That the transmission > f diseases of the vital organs is moro certain if on the side of the female and diseases of the joints if on the side of the male parent. LOUD-VOICED TBLKPHONBS. A Now Discovery that Astonishes tbo Eloctrlcana Thomoolvea. Cew York Herald , An improvement has been made in the telephone , by which the lull tones of the human voice may bo transmit- cd. cd.Mr. Mr. C. E. Ohinnock , the electrician of the Metropolitan Telephone Com > any of this ] city , said yesterday 'Two weeks ago I went to Boston to consult with the Boll Telephone Com > any , from which all other telephone lompanies in the country obtain their ights. While there I was invited in- ; o the office of Mr. Jacques , the chief electrician of the company. Mr. Jac- [ ues said he had something to show no that would perhaps surprise mo. Io gave mo a seat in his private room. About twenty feet away from mo was m ordinary looking telephone , just ike those in use all over this city. A moment after Mr. Jacques had losed the door I heard the voico'of an unseen person say , in an ordinary ionversational tone : 'Good morning , tfr. Chinnock ; how do you like Bos on ? ' I looked around in amazement , nd said to Mr. Jacques : 'Have you ; ot n speaking tube hero ? ' 'No ; that ho telephone , ' said the electrician. At first I thought it was'some practi- al joke they were playing on me , but fter a little explanation I was con- inced that it waa a wonderful dis- every in electrical science. By using ho carbon in a pulverized form in tend of in the shape of a hard but- .on . , nnd by using a current four times ns strong as before , the telephone is nado to give forth'na loud and articu- nto tines as thosojof the human voice. ! believe there ia no doubt ( that after hia improvement has been put into ; oneral use , the call boll now attached ; o all the telephones can bo dispensed with , because the voice from the tele- > hone can be heard by any one near tnough to hoar the boll. While I was till in the room a voice cumo from ho telephone culling for Miss Taylor , lady employed in tha adjoining room omo forty foot away from the instru- nont ; nnd yet Mies Taylor at once oft her desk and went to answer the all. all.Mr. Mr. Chinnock says that when the 'oico comes from a long distance , us rom New York or Philadelaphia , il is necessary to shout. Mr. Davis , the vice president of lie Metropolis Telephone Company , ays that the now invention would irobably not effect telephoning at liort distances. The present inatru- lent for short distances , liu thought , was now about in near perfection us ould bu. The only thing needed ras u wire that would not pick up the utsido noinca whieh nt present BOIIIU- moa interfere with easy convorea on. The now telephone would bo ued for talking between distant citica , s Boston , Philadelphia , Cincinnati , hicago , New Orleunu , and possibly an Francisco. FASTTIME ! _ In golnf Host take the UMcago& Northwest- 'i-vcr.flk.-sr. . "Trains leave Omaha 8:10 : p. m. and 7iO : a. fa , or full information call on H. P. DUK' , . Ticket Kent , lith and F < trnham Hit. J. DULL , U. P. IUay Depot , or at JAMKH T. CLARK , Uener. Aireni , Omaha. jal7in&e tf DexterLTlioflias&Bro. WILL I1UY AI ) SELL AMD Alt IBAK8ACTIOM COM5XOTKO TUIIIWIT0. Pay Taxes , Bent Houses , Etc. llf TOD W1AT TO IDT OK HSU Ottcs Room 8 , Cieli/h'03 | uvO"v < . Om h * . CLBVEB BROS. , ARCHITECTS. Dulldfoiti , Churches , llMldenccs , Store * In every Ktylo. Att nt ugly eo to Patent Office Dr wings. ID , Crelghton Block , Omaha , N ebrAika , A Young Tnplr. If Now York has a baby clopu'n London can boast of a baby , tbo tZ ono said to have been born in Europe. The little visitor ia n cross betvredi the two principal American apceJes the mother ( Tnpirus Amoricanus ) frmn Brazil , being n brown animal , and th father ( T. roulini ) from Columbia having black hair. The young ono HKO all young tapirs , ia curiously line ( and spotted with white on n ground o bright fawn color. It is a lively lit tie fellow , nbout the aizo of n roasting pig , and appears to enjoy lifo amazing When only n day old it readily outer pd the water , and when not following ita mother about frequently indulge : in a swim. The tapir is a pachyderm one of the links which unite the ele phant with the wild boar and rMnoc oros. The snout of the animal forms a smixll proboscis not unlike the ole phant's , but much amallor nnd minus the fingerlike tip. It has the nppcar anco of n trnnk cut short. The Amor lean tapir is a great swimmer am' hnunts wooded parts on the margins of streams ; it ia powerfully built , nnc 1ms tholmeroat apology for a tail. Ita food consists of loaves , young shoots of trees , native fruits , nnd probably submerged water plants and other vegetable matter. FOR CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And alt Poluts East and South-East. THGL1NECOMPUIHK3 Nearly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Tracks All connections nro made In UNION DhPOTS. It hag n National HcptiUtloM IB betns the Qreat Through Car Line , and Is universally conceded to bo the FINEBT EQUIPPED Half- road In ttm world ( or nil cliwsfn uf travel. Try It and you will find travollti a Inxury Instead o ( n discomfort. Through Tickets via ihls Celebrated Line ( or tale at all olllccu In tbo West. All Information about Rates ol Fare , Mccplng Car Accommodations , Tluio Tables , Ac. , will be cheerfully Klvon l > v app ! ) Inlnf to T. J. POTTER , 2d Vlcoron't & Gen. M nafcrChlc ( go. PERC1VAL LOWELL , flen. Passenger Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVENPORT , Gen Agent , Conncll DlufTa. II. P. DUELL , Ticket morn-ed ly To INervous Sutterers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific It Is poujtlve cure for Mpennatoirhea , Bomlna IVooknun8 , Impoiancy , and all diseases resulting tram Self-Abusa , as Mental Anxiety , Loeei Memory , Pains In the Hack or tilde , and diseases ' " " " "mm that load to Consumption insanity an , earlynrove The Specific Medicine Is being usud with wonder- lul success. Pamphlets nine tree to all. Write to > them and get full par ticulars. Price , Specific , 11.00 per package , or six pack. ngos for W.00. Addrcos nil orders to B. BIMSON MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and 10(1 ( HMn St. Buffalo , N. T. HeM In Omahn by 0. t. Cloodman , J. W. Bell , I. K. Ish. and all drucplBtoeverywbore. S'YPHILIS Q n any utago Catarrh , ECZEMA , Old Sores , Pimples , SOILS , or any Skin Diseas . Cures "When Hot Springs Fail MAVritN , Ann , , Hay 2.1SS1 Wo hive ci e in our own town ( who lived at Hot Springs , and u etc dually uireil with H. H. S , tlcCAHUON & ill'KUlr , IF YOU doubtcome to foe us and WK WILL CURK YOUR OK charge nothing 11 Write for particulars and copy of little Hook 'Message to the Unfortunate HiiUcrli if. Ol.OOO Rnward l bo paid to ny chemist who will llnd , on analysis 100 bottles B. S. U. , one particle of Mercury , lodldo Potas- ilumorany Mineral substance. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO. Props. Atlanta , Oft Prlco ot Small size , $1,00 , Largo tUe 81,76. Bold by KENNARD BROS. . & CO. , nd Druggists UcnoroU" Jon * UTABLKR , IKOIII HCJUUP , President. Vlco Prcs't W. B. DxisiiiiR , Hoc. andTrcas. THE NEBRASKA MMUFAOTUEIN& 00 Lincoln , Neb. MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planter * , Harrow * , Farm Roller * , Bulky Hay Rake * , Bucket Elevating Wind ml &c. We are prepared to do Job work and tninul turlcg for other parties. Addrcs all orders NEBRASKA MANUFAOTURINO CO. , LINCOLN NKB John G. Jacobs , { Forrasrlf ol Olehi Jicobs , ) UNDERTAKER DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS , PROPRIETORS TOWKF' ARL1NQTOM. J. O. MclNTIRE , Lincoln , Nek. SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. 8TELLINIUS , Mil ford , Neb. MA.rtSH HCU8C , BROWNSVILLE , Neb. 1 OOMMCfTOIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAH , Stromiburc Ns HALL UOUSK , A. W. HALL , Louisville CITY HOTEL , CHENEY A CLARK , Blair , Neb , COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , NellRh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL , C.ISEYMOUR , Nabratka City , Nab MISSOURI PAOfPfO HOTEL , P. L. THORP , WeeplnuWater.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nebl COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. STOREY. Clarlnda , lown ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. U GRUBB , Quid * Recd , Nab. SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & BECKER , Oreiton , I * . JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS A BRO , , Red O k , l . HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH , Exlra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O.M..REYNOLD8 , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKER , Audubon , I * . COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neol * , la. CITY HOTEL , 01 B. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la. PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINOS , Corning , la. NEBRASKA' HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL , J. W. BOULWARE , Burlington Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Shenandoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILL8 , D yld City , Neb. DACNELL HOUSE , CHAS.OAGNELL , College Springs , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca. la. JUDKJNS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , OALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdaJQrovo , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , B , F.STEARNS , Odebolt , la GRAND PACIFIC , ' J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb. WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otccoln , Neb. DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarkt , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL. O. D. HACKNEY , Athland , Nob. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. GDEEN , Bedford la. ARLINGTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK & SON , Mnrjrtvllla Mo NORFOLK JUNCTION HOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Neb THE JELM MOUNTAIN AND "V" IE IR , Mining and Milling Cbmpany. Working Capital ! - (300,000. Capital BiocV. - ' $1,000,000 Par Value of Shares , t- 126,000. STOCK FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BRAMBL MINING DISTRICT. DR. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wyoming. WM. K. TILTON , Vlce-PrcslJont , Cummins , Wyoming ! E. N. HARWOOD , BocroUry , Cummlni , Wyoming. A. 0. LUNN , Treasurer , Cummlnt , Wyoming. _ JL'JfcC U I3M7JEIX1S3I Dr. J , I. Thonifti. Louis Miller W. 8. Bramel. A. O. Dunn. C.N. Harwood. Francla Loaveni. Ooo. II. Foloa. Lewli Zolman. Dr. J. 0. Watklns. D322me6m QKO. W. KENDALL , Authorized Agent ( or Bate ol Stock : Do > * n i .Neb. O. r-.A-lsr . . . - , WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnliam St. . Omaha , Nftb. IPOWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACUINKRV , BELTINO , HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , GHURGHIAND/SGHOOL / BELLS A SRANG , 205 Fowl < 0 St. , Omaha Opera House Clothing Store ! LTJIsTID. Dally Arrivals of Now Soring Goods in ClotMng and Gent's ' Furnisiing Goods. GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" JI am selling the Celebrated Wilson Bro.'a Fine Shirts , known is the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. mieodi WALL PAPER , WINDOW'SHADES AND METAL CENTER PIECES. THE LABGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK IN THE WEST. T. J. BEARD & BRO. 1410 DOUGLAS STREET. HOUSE , SIGN AND DECORATIVE PAINTEES AND PAPER HANGERS mar-28tu-thu-BatOm - : BESTI Buy the PATENTf5PROCESS MINNESOTA FLOUR. always gives satisfaction , because it makes ] superior article of Bread , and is the Chearil est Flour in the market , Every sackg warranted to run alike or money refunded.J M. YATE8 , Cash Grocer IROTIH : & CTOISTEIS , Wholesale Lumber. , Ho , 1408 Farnham Street , Omaha ,