Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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People "WholWorshlp Jenorftn nnd
Bat Mo Meat.
P ho society of Fnithista is the name
of n religious organization which has
Loon established in this city over r
yonr. Dr. J. B. Nowbrough , n drug
gist , of No. 128 West Thirty-four' ' . ! ]
street , is ita secretary , nnd the meetings
ings are held nt hia houno every Sun
day and on ono other evening during
the week. An advertisement in r
morning pnpor , asking ihnt "nil wor
shippers of Jehovah tlmt nro vogotar
inna should call at No. 128 WCB <
Thirty-fourth street , led n World reporter
porter to call on Dr. Nowbrough
'Wo nro few in numbers , " ho said
"nnd our meetings are not open to
outsiders , bul. vo hope in time to Rain
suffifiont strength to hold thompublio
Wo are not Christians , wo nro vegota
rians. For n numbAr of years some
of us have felt that wo needed some
religion , but wo ooild not accept thi
tenets of the Christian religion , or o
nny other religion. The Christian
ministers and congregations nro not
true to themselves. They say : "Sol
all thou hast and give it to the poor ,
but they don't do it ; neither do they
practice the preaching : 'Lovo thy
neighbor ns thyself. ' A small numboi
of us , I say , had frequently mot ant
communed together. All were Intelligent
ligont persons , and thorq was scarcely
ono of us who had not traveled it
every country on the globe. Wo hac
studied carefully every form of wor
ship , took what good wo could find
in each , nnd made up our society ,
Since ita organization it has incroasot
considerably , and wo now have thirty
four moiibera , nbout half of whom
are women. There are organization !
also in Chicago , Philadelphia ant
Boston , but they are smaller than
our * . Our form of worship is very
similar to that of ordinary prayer
meetings. Wo moot together to wor
ship Jehovah. The real intention of
our society is to practice what Chris
tian churches preach. Wo denounce
war boeauso wo think it wrong , nnt
wo forswonr liquor and tobacco because
cause wo consider them opposed to
the highest order of existence.
Wo nro vegetarians , because
wo hnvo learned by experience ,
in lands whcro vegetarianism
prevalent , that ita supportcia are
much the most mornl nnd free from
the ordinnry passions of humanity ,
and are nloo the freest from cutano-
ous diseases. Vegetarians are also
the most polite nnd civil of people.
Wo nro n brotherhood. Vhntovo I
have any ono of the society ia per
fectly welcome to. Wo look out for
ono another , nnd hnvo the samn in
terest in ono another that wo have in
ourselves. Wo borrow from every
thing that is good. Wo got the idea
of abjuring war from the Shakers.
Prom the Freemasons ( and wo mo
nearly all Freemasons ) wo have taken
the practice of asking after every
member nt each mooting before our
worship begins. Wo always inow just
why n member ia absent. Jf ho is sick
everything ia done for him. Wo are
very particular about those wo admit ,
for wo wnnt to bo sure that wo nro all
of ono mind aa to worship nnd forms
of life. Wo do not trouble ourselves
about hell. Wo believe simply in liv
ing on this earth the purest and best
lives possible. "
Dr. Nowbrough said that ho had meta
a great many people who had believed
just as ho doea about religion , and
were anxious to join the aoctotyj but
they would not giyo up their beer or
their nlo or their cigars. Bo had no
fear , however , nboutltho society's in
creasing .in membership fast. Ho in
serted the advertisement ia the paper
that persons who were of hia belief
might know of the socioty. Now
York Herald.
A HalrdrAssor * ' Strike.
Xondon Telegraph.
Paris is threatened with a hair
dressers' strike. It appnara that in
Dome parts of the town the coiflfoura
have agreed to ask a minimum price
of twenty-five centimes for a shave.
It may bo accepted aa an axiom that
no Frenchman oyer ahavoa himself , so
the tax falls rather hard on thoao who
do not cultivate the board. The
poorer classes , finding the now appeal
to their pockets somewhat severe ,
have avenged themselves by withhold
ing the customary pourboire from th'o
hairdressers' garcous , who now threaten
on to strike unless their masters
tors make up for their losses
by a substantial increase of
their wages. What with the discon
tent of their customers and the wrath
of their hands , who , by the way ,
ususually do nine-tenths of the work ,
the position of the coHIburs is far
from enviable , while they are deterred
from returning to the old ro imo by
the fact that , by the rules of their
society , and any ono who may lower
charges is immediately liable to n pre
liminary Cno of 200 ' 'francs or 8.
Nor is there anything to prevent the
clients on their nldo from inaugura
ting n atriko on their own account.
Wo often hear a good deal about the
n sorrows of the proletariate , but the
class is never too poor to pay for its
bpttlo of poti bleu or for its daily
visit to the coiffeur.
A Tramp Rooster ,
lllddlctown ( N. Y. ) Tress.
Some of the residents in ono quar-
tee of Middlotown lately complained
I : i to a policeman of a tramp rooster that
was enticing away their hens , which
laid their eggs elsewhere than nt
homo. It BOonia that the rooster
came ns a tramp to n place where the
parties owned only asinglo lion. Ono
day ho came to the coop with a half
dozen hens , which , after laying there ,
went homo nt njubt , This happened
day after day , till the owners of the
misguided fowls , finally procured n
game cock , which gave the Mormon
rooster euch a thrashing that ho was tin-
ablotogothornoforndayortwo. . But
ho was bound to have a following of his
own , and a few days later ho brought
homo Bomo more lions from another
place , which staid all night , laid there
next day , and then wont homo. Ev
ery day the rooster brought them to
hia coup to lay , The family , though
they kept but ono hen , were in the
habit of getting from throe to half a
dozen eggs every day. The neigh
bors mada BO much complaint about
iho tramp rooster beguiling their hens
that ho woa finally killed to appeaao
their wrath.
How to Keep yiowera. Freeh.
DunltujUrportor ,
Almost the fiwt thought that fol
ows admiration for a freshly picke
bouquet is how it can bo preserved
the greatest length of time. Many
experiments have boon undertaken to
prevent flowers from fading such ns
slacing salt in the water , dipping the
t cms ih hot water , or nipping them
oft" and applying sealing wax. Wo
have tried nil methods , nnd have
come to the conclusion thai
changing the water in which thi
stems nro plunged frequently , nni
sprinkling the flowers hourly wil
keep thorn fresh and fair longer that
will other treatment. The vntor URCC
should bo tepid. The cooler the tem
perature of the apartment the bettor.
Never leave flowers under n gas joi
or they will immediately blight.
The last thing at night change the
water on the atoms and sprinkle the
flowers thoroughly. Tie over iho vase
or basket tissue paper which 1ms been
soaked in water. Over this tuck a
newspaper. In the morning the flow
ers will bo found ns fair as the nighl
previous. Hoses fade quicker than
most any flowers , Heliotrope will
wilt nnd blacken with the ton < \orost \
care , It should bo nipped from n
bouquet as soon ns it loses freshness.
Lilies , tulips , narcissus , euphorbias
hyacinths and all flowers with succu
lent stems can bo preserved aovora
pays.A "golden crown" was made ol
yellow tulips for the casket of a dead
friend. It waa berne in the vault nnd
loft on the coffin. Ono month after
wards on opening the vault the crcwr
was found perfectly fresh , the cold
nnd damp atmosphere of the toinb
having preserved it.
It is n very good plan to place tu
lips or lillios in wet moss , which keeps
their atoms damp and aids in presort
ing them , BasKota can bo easily
filled with moss which is first soakoi
in water. It must bo tied in with
fine cord and trimmed off neatly nt
the odgos. Place the atoms of the tu
lipa with their foliage in the moss ai
thickly ns they will stanti. A basket
of lily of the vnlloy made in this way
is charming , nnd will servo as a c n-
torpioco for the table a fortnight. An
old band box can bo cut down ant :
o/Toctivnly / { filled with tulips , lilies or
hyacinths , with pnrhaps two or three
spikes of scarlet euphorbia jnponicn
in the middle. Lycopodium is pretty
to tuft around and hide the edges oi
the box.
Fondness of the Natives for ( Samoa
of Ohanco.
Toledo lllade.
Monte is the favorite game * It can
bo played by any number of playora.
The monte cards are of Spanish make ,
and are very fine in quality ; they are
of different design to our playing
cards , nnd forty-four of them make n
pack. After the dealer has shufllod
the cards , and they have boon cut by
ono of the players , the dealer holding
the deck face downwards , draws two
cards from the bottom of the pack ; if
thcso nro unlike , for instance , an ace
and a jack , they are laid on the table
and constitutes " . "
a "lay-out. Bolting
now begins. Any ono who thinks the
ace will win , luya his money on it ;
the dealer again draws two cards , If
this tlmo ho should draw a deuce and
n seven'apot , they being unlike the
cards already drawn , make another
"lay-out , " nnd nny ono may place hia
money on either. Say it is placed on
the douce. The bets all being arranged
the dealer again draws two cards ; if
in this draw , or any subsequent one ,
) io draws ace or n deuce botoro n jack
or a Bcvon spot , ho pays the bet ,
otherwise ho taxes it in. The person
who bets simply takes his chances
that the dealer will draw the cards
bet on before ho does the ono op-
posad to it. In this game there ia a
largo percentage in favor of the dealer -
or , but notwithstanding this there nro
always plenty of players , who risk and
generally lese their monoy. It is
seldom- that much of a winning is
mado. The Spaniards luvo a proverb1
which says : "Thoro is nothing cer
tain about luck but that it is bound
toohango , " so if they lese to-day they
will moat likely retort to the gaming
table again to-morrow , with the hope
by that time luck will so have changed
aa to make them win. Young men ,
old gray-headed sires , nnd often wom
en mingle together around the gam
ing tablo. Only ono instance of a
monte bank being broken up by n
policeman came under myobaorvation
10 I will toll how it happened. A
certain woll-kuown gambler opened a
monte bank on ono of tho'princlplo
ptrcots of the town and was having n
arotty good run. Jim Ho , a po-
iconmn on that beat dropped in ono
inlgU to BOO how things were going ,
do staked n quarter nnd won , ho continued -
tinuod to win until ho had scooped in
rUCO-nll the , money in Iho bank.
The dealer borrowed § 100 from a
Friend and started in again ; Jim soon
Imd this , nnd the denlor borrowed an
other hundred dollars , which Jim
soon won. The dealer was now broke
and the nowe spreading that Jim
Me had broke up n monte bank
on Oommercia street , created great
excitement aiming the gamblers until
they learned that ho had done it to
them , the legitimate way , by "buck-
ing" it.
Anothoo game if it can bo properly
called a game , is high ball , and is
very popular The dealer is seated nt
n long table n&und which the play
era are also seated , sometimes to the
number of twenty , The dealer in
[ rovidod with a kind of glebe or urn ,
into which ho puts fifty small balls
numbered from ono to fifty. Each
ilayor antes ten cents , which entitles
lim to draw n ball. The dealer shakos
: ho glebe BO aa to mix t-o ) balle , and
; hoii by moans of operating n spring
at the bottom of ty , takes out ono ball
at a time , und passes thorn to the
players until each has a ball , Any
player who thinks ho has the ball
laving the highest number ( can now
jot any sum ho likps. All the piny-
> rs now have in their turn a chance to
"call" the bet by putting up n like
sum , or the hot may bo "called nnd
raised , " The betting is generally
jonfmod to three or four players , who
liavo drawn high numbers , and is
sometimes quito heavy. Those who
draw small numbers , and do not bet
forfeit their nntos. When the bet
ting is concluded the balls are passed
to the dealer , who decides who wins ,
and retaining ten per cent , for his
iroublo passes the balance of the
"pot" to the winner. The dealer is
nt no risk and ordinarily makes from 1
SCO to $100 In a night. The players
got interostodjn this simple gamonnd
often spend the whole night in pl y.
ing it. Besides this poker , fnrco ken
nnd many other names are publicly
played. The owners of gamblin ]
houses make their business public b ;
advertisements in the newspapers ant
and by sign boards in front of U ol
places of business , the same aa o the
business is advertised. The practic
of gambling does more to retard th
progress and prosperity of the wes
than anything else , because so man
squander their enmities at it , ant
form habits of idlencssand viciousncs
by indulging in it ,
Grntofut "Women.
None receive BO much benefit , nn <
nonoaroso profoundly grateful nnt
show such nn interest in recommend
ing Hop Bitters as women. It is th
only remedy peculiarly adapted to th
many ills the BOX is almost universal ! ;
subject to , Chills and fever , indigestion
tion or deranged liver , constant orpo
riodical sick headaches , weakness in
the back or kidneyspain in the shoulders
dors and different parts of the body , t
fooling of lassitude or despondency ,
nil nro readily removed by these bit *
tors. [ Courant.
Joseo And His Family.
Kantai City Times.
Jesse James was about five foot
eight finches in height , of a rather
solid , firm , and compact build , yet
rather on the slender type. His hair
waa black , not overly long ; blue oyoa ,
well shaded with dark lashes , and the
entire lower portion of his face was
covered by o full growth of dark-
brown or sun-browned whiskers ,
which are not long and shaggy , bul
nro trimmed and boar evidence , ol
careful attention. I is complexion
was fair , nnd ho was not sun-burned
to any considerable extent , as the
reader is generally led to suppose.
Ho was neatly clad in a business suit
of cashmere , of dark brown substance
which fits him very neatly. Ho Were
n shirt of spotless whiteness , with
collar and cravat , and looked more
the picture of a staid and substantial
business man that the outlaw and
robber that ho was. The woman , his
wife , is a neat and ra'ther prepossess
ing lady , and bears the stamp of hav
ing boon well brought up nnd sur
rounded by influences oi a bettor and
holier character than the leader would
at first suppose. She is rather slend
er , fair of face , light hair , blue eyes ,
with high forehead and marks of in
telligence very strikingly apparent ,
She was clad in n neat fitting calicos
and at the time of the shooting wan
attending to her household duties i ,
the kitchen. When she stood face to
face with the awful deed and had realized -
alizod what had really occared , oho
took the matter in n cool and philo
sophical manner and acted as if she
was not surprised at what had oc
curred and that she lived in expecta
tion of something of the kind occur
ring jit any timo. The two children ,
a little boy and girl , aged four and
seven years , were neat and intelligent
and seemed to grieve much over the
deed which had in ono short moment
deprived thorn of a father's love and
protection , j
Fortunes for Farmers aud Mechanics.
Thousands of dollars can bo saved bj
usliiR proper judgment in taking onro of
the health of yourself and family. If you
are bilious , haio sallow complexion , poor
appetite , low and depressed spirit ? , and
generally debilitated , do not delay a mo
ment , but go at once and procure a bottle
of thoie wonderful Electric Bitters ,
which never fall to cure , and that for the
trilling Bum of fifty cenU. Tribune.
Sold by 0. V. Goodman and nil druggist ) ,
A Square Mormon.
Washington Spoclnl to Cincinnati Commercial.
There ia at least ono honest Mor
mon , Ex-Congressional Delegate
Hooper was recently in Washington
with members of hia family , and
while here received a telegram from
Bait Lake City announcing the fact
that a suit had boon begun against
I lilm by the government for taking
300,009 foot of timber from the gov
ernment land , Mr. Hooper , who be
came acquainted with Secretary Kirk-
wood when both were in congress , at
once called upon the secretary and
said :
"You know mo , and know that I
never try to evade -my responsibility.
I admit I took that timber. I had to
linvo it and I am ready to pay for it.
You only made ono mistake. I.took
at least 500,000 feet of lumber. "
Secretary Kirkwood asked Air.
Hooper to make his statement in writ
ing , to which the latter readily as
sented. The facts were as follows : A
railroad , in which Mr. Hooper was
largely interested , was building and
the land upon which the timber stood
was unsorvoyod , nnd , therefore , could
not bo boucht. Neither could the
timber upon it bo purchased. There
fore it waa taken and n strict account
was kept of it upon the books of the
company. A latter was written by !
Secretary Kirdwood to the Attorney
General , recommending that the suit
against Mr. Hooper bo discontinued.
The ofllcial from whom the fact wis
learned , said that the transaction il
lustrated the necessity for the passage
of some law to provide n way for mak
ing the timber lands of the West avail
able to settlers and for public improve
United States Depository
First National 'Bank ,
Oor. 13th and Fafnam Bte ,
BTllLUlIU ) 1556.
Orpwlied U * N tlomJ Euk Ausutt SO , IBIS
nXPITAT. . . . . (200,000
orric u iKu DiKicross |
IIiKMia Koujm , President.
Auomun KOIJNTU , Vice President ,
F. U. DlMi , Cashlrr ,
A. J. PorruiTON ,
Tbl bank rccolve JepciUa wlthou rtg id to
unouut .
lunuei tlmo certificated bearing Intercut
Dr B drift ! oa tltii Jfr iK&co and principal
title * of the United 8tatc , alto London , Dublin
Edlnburgli tnl tbo principal cltlu ot the contl
nent of Curopo. tnnvldlt
310 South Thirteenth St. , with
J. M. Woolwort *
For a quarter of a century or more Hosteller's
Stomacn t liters h.i been the reigning tpcclflc
lor Indlifc tlondj r > cp8l , lexer and Bfriie , IOM o
phj lf i lU'rmn IU er complaint anil other tll or
den.'And ha * bccnmo , > t emrhatkallj- Indorsed by
medical men M a health atd ttrength rotor
atlte. It counteract o tendency lo preiimture
demy/and tustaiLS nod comforts the njeJ am
For ulo by Ml drugirlataand dcateta generally
al to ml
. . Engllshrem- _
cdy. An un
failing euro
( or Seminal
Weakness ,
rhea , Impotency -
ency , andall
Bolt-Abuse ; us Lora ot Memory , Unit ertal LMB | *
tud , Fain In the Back , Dlmnesa of Vision , Premature -
mature Old Age , and many other Plncuca that
lead to Inianliy or Coniumptlon and a From * *
lur < Grave.
0Tull particular * In our pamohlet , which
we desire to send tree t v mall to every one ,
jarlhe Specific Medicine Is laid by all druggliti
t fl per package , or 0 pack urcs lot (8 , or nil !
be sent ( reo by mall on reel pi of the money , by
addressing THE QUA aKDICINECO. ,
Buffalo , N. V.
If Touarci m nV fit yoj nr >
of Cu.ilnew.wiaU' \ f man of lev
etifj by the strain or teirtolUniro
lour duties aroltf nlebt work , to rea
tttinultntinnil ut tor * brain ncrrp * nil
Hop Hitters. Iwiftu , use Hop B >
ientferlnRfrotnauy li ,
Itlun ; U Touarvmar-
riccl or rlnpie , oU or I ! younir , tufTerlnp froia
poor health or languish I ting on a bodcf lck
uerc. rely on Hop ! 1 Blttora.
WrioeTor yon are. - Thcinanos ale ! .
h ncTcr you Ice I iulljrfrom fc'mo
that yonr BT tcm form ot V ' . u n e
nc l clennilnK. ton. ! > di M < > ( bat nilicbt
Inir or stimulating , liarc been prenntfO
vrltboutfnfoJTfcdffncr. 1 * by timely ysoof
tnlte Hop HcpEUter *
Ditto' * .
, DC I. O
ortu'naryrom- , Is an tbiclnU
mid IrrenMa
of th tow cA ,
eoiiv/t , ttoort. HOP hla euro lot
llvtrottitrtail ( IrunLenuest
use ot olum ,
You will been tcbucco , w
on red If joutoe n&rcotlrf.
Hop Bitter *
ri weak and .
towndiit ltry NEVER Cuxultr
Hi It mny noicrnr fi
Hfo. nvojrour It has FAIL n-ro co , ,
nlived hun
dreds ,
Geo. P. Bemis
rlitti nJ Dodge Gtt. , Omaha , Neb
Thll ( rency does BTHICTLT * brokera o buslnow.
niant speoulate > nd therefore ny bur alnt
nrr ) n nrf Injured to " " Inttou )
1 Door W , of OriMshank's ,
[ aanownflno complete Stock of Spring Goodi
onalstlnp of French , KnKllth nnd the best Do-
icutica. Prices low or the low rohlv
Dr. Craw-
torJ.ol Cloie-
land , O. , the
old. ipopulnr ,
and tVillful
n anufaiturer
thfB latest Improved plan , ihv ) opened a
ranch mechanical surcory inatltiitoat ICO South
llth Btjeot , Onmnahcro ho U prcvmr il to
lurnlrh limbs afje\ery description , BKelctoiis ,
uul supportorjforparaltml and deformed llmbi ,
riijsc , and shout Jer braces ami iupportcri lor
Inualu woakno . &o. Iho Doctor has hail 23
years experience la w taring and ail jus'In/ ,
101 South Htli St. Omaha , Neb.
latter of Application Mrs.'M , C , Brandt
for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby gUen tliU Mrs M. 0 llrandt
lid upon the 12th day ol April A. l > . 1683 , flic his
| > plii tlon to the Ma > or and Git ) Council of
Oiuha , to tell Malt , Hplrltuous and Vlnouj LI
nuoru , at No. CC2 to Wi 10th street , Flrtt Waid ,
in ha , Nob. , frcm the 28th day of April 188 i , to
C h day of April 183) .
1 ( there bo no objection , remonstrance or pro *
tt filed within t o wioks from liih ! April A ,
) . US2 , the said license will bo granted.
ilBU SI. 0 , llBAMlT ,
Tin OMAHA UBK nonepaper Mill publish the
abe > o notlieooce uach wtek for two weeks at
ho espouse ot the applicant. The C'lty of
Omaha Is not to bo charged therewith
J , J.L , C. JKWCTT ,
City tkrlc.
Plumbing , Steam & GaB Fitting I
Turbine Water Motor ,
'umpB , Pipe Fitting and Brnw
Good * .
Oor , 14th and Harnoy , Omaha , Nob.
Store Fixture Works
nil French Double Thick Flat and Hciit Show
Case Ulxrj
Q , J , WILDE ,
1316 and 1317 Oass Street ,
" "
Tib head-ache or back-ache for ladies
Jtr . J , 0 , nobortaon , Plttoburjr , Pa , nrltcg : "I
M guttering from general debility , wimt of ap.
pttlto , constipation , etc. , so that life was a bur *
den ; after using Durdock IJlooil Hitters t felt bet *
tcr than for years. I cannot pralso jour Hitters
too much. "
n.Olbbs. of Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : "Vour
Burdock Dloci Hitters , In chronic diseases of the
blood. lUcf a J kldnejs , ha\o been signally
marked with success. I have lined them mj sell
with bett results , for torpidity ot the liter , and In
cose of a friend of mine suffering from dropsy ,
the effect was marvelous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.lwrltes'I : have
been subject to serious disorder o ) the kldncjs.
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood
Bittern rcllbved mo before half a bottle was used
I feel confident that thov will entirely cure me. "
Asenlth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. . writes ;
"I suffered with a dull pain through my icfl
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appetite
and color , and could with dlttlculty keep up all
day. Took jour Burdock BloodBitters a di
rected , and have felt no pain since flrst week af
tcr using them. "
Mr. Koah Bates , Elmlra , N. Y. , writes : "About
four years ago I had an attack of bilious feier.ane
never fully recovered , My dlgcstlvo organs
w cro w cakcncd , and I would be completely pros
trated for days. After uslnff two bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitten the Improvement was so
\ Itlblo that I was astonished. I can now , though
01 jeers of age , do a fair and reasonable clay's
C. Blockct Iloblnson , proprietor of The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Foryoan
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. ]
used your Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
result * , and 1 now find mi wit In bettor health
than for years past"
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitten for ncnous and bll-
loui htodachce , and can recommend It to am one
requiring a euro for biUlousncss. "
lira. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For several j cars I hiM o suffered from oft-recur
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com-
Blalnta peculiar to mj sex. Slnco using jour
urdock Blood Bitten I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 01.00 pei Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cti
, , MILBURH , & Do , , Props ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F.
Ooodmao. jo 27 cod-mo
The Great English .Remedy
Never falls to a
iNervous Debility , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Emis
sions , Seminal Wcak-
'ncsscs.LOSTMAN. '
HOOD , and all the
\ 11 effects of jouth-
ful follies ntid exces
ses. It stops perma
nently all weakening ,
iin oluntary loss- and
drains upon the 8)6-
tcm , thrlnoltablo re-
„ , „ ' " 'suit of these ilpiao- -
tlccs , H hlch art ) BO dcstnicth e to mind and hodj
and make Ufa miserable , often leading to Insani
ty and death It strengthens the Ncncs.Uraln ,
[ mcmorjf Blood , Muscles , IlKestl\o and Repro
ductive Or ? ins , It restores to all the orennlc
! untlenstnclr former \Igor and vitality , nm-
king llfo cheerful and onjojablo. I'rico , ? 3a
bottle , or four times tbo quantity lilO. Sent by
express , secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. G. 0. D. cent , except
on receipt of 91 , as a guarantee. Letters re
questing answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
are tt > best and cheapest dyspepsia and bllllous
euro I n the market. Sold by all druggists. Price
10 cents.
Da STnmR's KIDNW RKMBDT , NErnmcuM ,
Cures tit kind of Kidney and bladder complain te ,
gonorrhea , gleet and Icucorrhca. For eala oy all
daujgists : 81 a bottle.
718 Olive St. , St. Louis , Mo.
.For' . ' Sale r In Omaha by <
Jan26-lY '
3omolmportantatatomeit.i of Wol
ELnown People "Wholly
In order that the public m&y fully realize the
gcmilncncts of the statements , as vcll 09 the
> o crMid talue ot the article of which thoj
pcik , wo publish herewith the facsimile & ! gn -
ures of parties whose sincerity is tcionJqucs
Ion. The Tnith of thcso testimonials IB abso-
utc , nor caa the facts tboy announce bo lg-
OMAHA , NIB. , May 24 , 1881.
n. n. WARNER & Co. :
DKAR.SIR : I ha > e frequently tucd Warners Kldne > aud Liver Cure or local affections
attendant upon ae\ero rheumatic attacks , and
laiealnays derived benefit therefrom , I have
also used the &afo Ncrvlno with satisfactory re.
ults. I consider thcso medicines worthy of
Deputy Treasurer
0 AHA , NEB , May 24 , 1S81
U. n WARNBB & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. :
GBNTS : I hava CM i > our Safe Kidney and
.her Cure this spring1 03 a li cr In vlgorotor , and
. find It the best remedy I ever tried. I have
used 4 bottles , and It has made mo feel better
ban cVcr I did before In the spring.
0. P. R. Shops.
OMAHA , NEB. , May 24 , ISil.
n. II. WAHMII ft Co :
SIRS : For inoro than la years I have suffered
much Imom culenco from combined kidney and
h er diseases , rd lu\o been unable to work ,
iny urlntiy organs also being affected. I tried a
; rcat many medicines and doctor" , but Jgrow
worse andwortaday by ilay. I was told I had
fright's Disease , and I wiahcd myself dead If I
could not ha o speedrelief. . I took your Safe
Kidney and U cr Cure , knowing nothing olae
was ever known to euro thi disease , anil I have
not been disappointed. The modlclna has cured
mo , and Iain portedly well today , entirely
hroui/h your fiilfl Kidney and LUerCuro J
wleh VQU all succ'sa In puUUhius tbla valuable
rcme idy throuKh thn world
U. I'.R. K. Shops.
Diouunds of oquallj strong endorsements imny
ol tncni In ciuiegwbcre hnpota3 abandoned ha\o
icon \oluntarily tri > en , Khoulniftho remarkable
Mwcrof Warocr'u Fafe Kidney and Ll\cr Cure ,
n all dlscvra of the KUncj , lit er or urinary or-
[ and. If any one who roads this hatanyplijs-
cat trouble renumber the great remedy.
- .
It jililta from 1-13 of a n Inch to
width In thovoirscst ( oils or finest alibi
It does all kinds and etyle * of t Ultlng In use.
No lady tliat doci ber own Urusn roaklnz can
afford to do without one ai nice plaltm ; I )
net cr out of funlon , If seen It sells Ituclf , For
Uachluco , Circular * or Atfont'a terms addretu
113 A.rlain at. Chlcaco Til ,
Physician and Surgeon
Moclclncs furolibed at office ,
Office No. im Karututu St. between JUh and
Uth , Omaha , Hub. 12S - -
' J , H , MoOULLOOH ,
Boom I , Crelghton Block , Fifteenth Street
i .ants-Jin .U
. . . F. B. .
Storage , Goinmission and Wholesale Fruits , f
Afionts for Feck & Bankers Larfl , and Wilber Mills Flour ,
, - - - .
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 FarnhamlfStreet ,
Sn * r * < iautou kW riliIIliTu Jilrfh < * !
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Spring Ooofls Receiving Daily anfl Stock very nearlyComplete !
ATBT iriP'G'TiPT ! T\ ,
Lath , Shingles , Pickets , . \ . j
Near Union Pacific Depot - - OMAEJUIEB
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
1304 Farnham St , Omaha Neb.
Under Boyd's Opera House.
Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of
And invite the people to call and examine
Good Goods ! Low Prices ]
"Opera House Shoe Store. "