Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1882, Image 1

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    r ,
Yesterday's ' Proceedings in the
Senate and flouso ,
The Bill to Establish an Assay
Office in Omaha Passed
by the Senate.
The House Still Droning Away
on 'the Tariff Commis
sion Bill.
Uioellaxioona Notes of la National
National Associated Prew. *
WABIIINOTON , D. 0. , April 13.
, . Mr. Miller ( Cal. ) introduced a reso
lution calling for the number and par
ticulars of claims filed in the interior
dopartmont. Adopted.
' The bill granting the right of way
to the St. Louis & San Francisco
railroad through the reservation of
the Choctaw nation was again taken
up. After further debate by Messrs.
Sherman , Williams , Jones ( Fla. ) and
Ingalls , the bill was passed by a vote
of 31 to 13 , as follows :
Yeas Messrs. Bayard , Bock , Call ,
amden , Coke , Fair , Farley , Gar
land , Gorman , Hampton , Jackson ,
Johnson , Jonas , Jones ( Nov. ) , Kellogg -
logg , Lapham , McDill , McPherson ,
Maxey , Miller ( Gala. ) , Mitchell ,
Plumb , Saundora , Sawyer , Sowoll ,
Slater , Vest , Walker , Williams ,
Hill ( Col. ) and Harris.
Nays Messrs. Aldrich , Anthony ,
Cameron ( Wis. ) , Conger , Davis ( Ills. ) ,
Groome , Jones ( Fla. ) , McMillan ,
Miller ( N. Y. ) , Merrill , Platt , Sherman -
man and Toller.
The bill establishing an assay ouico
at Omaha passed.
Adjourned at 5:45 : p. m.
The bill appropriating § 75,700 for
the relief of the captain , owners and
crow of the brig General Armstrong ,
destroyed by the British at Fayal in
1814 , passed.
The bill giving the Utah & North
ern railway the right of way across
the Shoshone and Bannock reserva
tions , paying the Indian ? for the same ,
The house went into committee of
the whole on the tariff commission
bill , Mr. Updograff resuming his
The bill to provide for payment of
the amount duo the Burlington , Cedar -
dar .Rapids i & Northern railroad com
pany for , transportation . of mails ,
< The house continued discussion on h
* the tariff question cut ua thejifter-
IV noon.'i + f - - . / $ j-x itrtfirrfj * , *
A joint resolution appropriating
$1,000 for a monument over the grave
of Thomas Jefierson at Monticello ,
Va. , passed. , j
Adjourned at 6:30 : p. m.
National/awclated Press.
W/SHINOTON , D. 0. , April 13. e
Examination by internal revenue offi
cer/allows / that for the ten years end-
in , Juno 30 , 1881 , there were pro-
deed and housed 720,109,090 gallons Bt
< ? distilled spirits , and during the Of
Ame period 080,074 gallons wore de OfG
stroyed by fire , a fraction of ono gallon
/to 1,000 gallons.
/ Secretary Chandler will aasumo teD
Y charge of the navy department on
/ Monday. aj
The Mississippi river improvement ajS
bill was made order for to-morrow in S
iho senate. Bt
The object of the republican caucus teh
to-morrow night is to decide which of h
the contested election cases have pre ov
cedence and to fix the time fortho crgi
limit of debate on them. gi
Hatton. has informed the postmaster giM
at Marblehoad , Mass. , the executive
order prohibiting postmasters from M
holding other offices applies to him as dcH
an officer , though not to a clerk in the H
Cincinnati postoflico who ii a subordi
nate ) not nominated by the president.
The postmaster at Marblohoad inquired Na
if he would be permitted to become a
member of the board of selectmen. diDi
Walker Blaine has not been recalled Di
AS reported. toni
Tramp Killed I > y n Negro. IE
National Associated Press. rii
FORT WAYNK , Ind. , April 13. A inof
negro , named unknown , ahot and of
killed a tramp named Kelly to-day at ncm
thoWabash , St. Louis & Paoiflo'depot. ncE
In the excitement which followed , the E
0urdorer escaped. iti
_ , , Shlpliord. si
WASHINGTON , 1 > 7 O. , April 13.
Shiphord states ho had an interview
with Garfield , brought about by an au Na
tograph letter from Grant. The first Naft
interview witness had with Grant was ftwl
in September , 1881. The mam point wl
made by Grant at this interview was her
that when a citizen of ono country gf
had a just claim against a foreign
government and was unable to enforce
it , ho had the right to demand of hia Na
government to do so , and it was the NaFi
government's duty to do it. Fi
Witness declined to state in an interview - bu
view with a New York reporter what buOj
he meant by the statement that bu
Blaine would not dare avow what rea the
sons ho had for not referring the thHi
Shiphord case to the attorney general ,
and added that though ho knew the Hi
reasons why Blaine attacked him BO HiAi
savagely , the time had not arrived for Ai
making them public. Shipherd oQ
eaid Blaine at an interview in tic
November 3d told him lota of da
ways to read diplomatic correspond tu
ence , among which were between the ro
lines and on the margins , instancing
the case of the British admiral who
received most careful instructions not Na
to provoke a fight , with a marginal
note with the Duke of York ; "This ex
is all right , but damn them , an
give them helland the next 000
day fought an important battlo. Wit
ness told this to Ilurlbut , the editor
of the New York World subsequently ,
who waa censuring Blaine for desert
ing Ilurlbut , said Blaine wrote n
margin over despatches to Hurlburt ,
"Go it , Stove. " The odU
tor had the letter anil
said : "Woll , then , I have got Blaine
on his own diplomacy , " Witness be
lieved that when Blaine found he
could not romnin in the cabinet ho
discarded , Ilurlbut. and to nave hinv
self got on record his letter of December -
comber 3d. Before that letter wit
ness had been led to believe in Blaino's
sympathy and cooperation , and waa
amazed ut the letter.
The Ohio Legislature.
National Associated Press.
COUJMBCB , April 13-Tho house
passed Borgor's bill punishing tickcl
speculators ; Poet's , abolishing convicl
labor ; .Hathaway's , subjecting church
property | to costs ; Kianoy's , rotative
to ballot dimensions ; Walcott's , rela
tive td leases of railroads ; and Coop-
or's ' , Cincinnati infirmary bond bill. A
joint resolution was adopted author
izing a curvoy of the Missouri & Erie
canal within Cincinnati.
I The aonato passed 'Robinson's mu-
tual fire company bill , that an assess
ment -must bo- made to settle losses ;
Russell's , for _ clprk of the Hamilton
county commissioners ; Jones' , for a
constitutional amondmantf submitting
the liquor question to the people.
ThoIiaadXeoeua Convention.
National Associated 1'rou.
WASHINGTON , D. 0.Vpril 13. At
the Land League counvontion the sec
retary reported 910 branch leagues in
good condition , witlVan'BVom.go mem
bership of 100. ft
The national land league adjourned
sine die At 4:50 : p. m. . , after adopting
John Boyle O Roilly'a resolution of
sympathy with Irish tenant farmers ,
and pledging all aid consistent with
American citizenship ; charging on the
British government tho"responsibility
of all crime , and demanding speedy
trial of all American citizens imprisoned -
onod in Ireland.
Collins and Flannory declined ros
election. The officers chosen the
ensuing year are as follows :
James Mooney , of Buffalo , prosie
dent. *
Rev. Patrick Cronin , first vice
Thaddcas Flannagan , second vice
John B. Hinds , of Buffalo , socrea
tary. ,
Rev. Thomas Walsh.treasurer.
Small Fox.
National Associated Presn.
READING , Pa. , April' 18. Small
pox has made its appearance here in a
house near , the Philadelphia & Read
ing rolling mills. Miss Ella Schloar ,
a youncc lady , boa the disease , having
contracted it while on a visit to Bothr
loheinr 'Tho board of health-promptly
quarantined the house and is supply-
i K"ic * a-io-iKg-Inmates
1 MnraKAPOtis.'MinHi 'AprillD.-
whole family living oh the Lake
Crystal road two miles from the city is
down with small-pox. The family
arrived from Germany ten days ago
National Associated Pro * .
CHATTANOOOA , Tonn. , April 13.
Mrs. ! Martha M. Key , mother of the
ex-postmaster general , " died yesterday ,
at Swoetwator. ,
WOHCEBTKR , Mass. , April 13. Gep.
W. Gill , treasurer of the democratic
state central committee , died in a
chair in his office this morning , aged
03. :
BALTIMORE , April 13. Jacob Et-
tenger , founder and president of the
Drovers' and Mechanics' bank died ,
aged Gl , this morning.
SAN FRANCISCO ' , April 12. Ex-
State Controller'W. B. B. Brow * was
stricken with paralysis at 11:30 : yes
terday morning , at the Golden Eagle
hotel , Sacramento , and died in the
. He " democrat
evening. "was a prominent
crat and a candidate in the cominp
gubernatorial race ,
iMoRRiSTOWN , Pa. , April 13. Hon.
enry Press , presiding judge of the
Montgomery county court , died sud
denly this evening from rheumatism.
Ho was. 45 years of age.
Discovery of a Forgery.
National Associated I'rotm ,
PHILADELPHIA , April 13. It was
discovered to-day that Alexander
Dalrymplo Dmgwall , now serving a '
term in the county prison for a crimi
nal offence , is the same man who in
1880 obtained § 1,500 from Wm. Mor
risen , a London lawyer , by present
ing a letter with the forged signa turo
Sir Goo. McPheraon Grant , baronet cc
net , M. P. , for Elgin. Ho haa boon cca
fought for over the United States. ti
Extradition : proceedings have been in ti'c
itiated , A detainer has been lodged 'cV V
the prison , and a special commis tl
sion appointed to take the testimony. tlw
Burned to Death. 11el
National Associated Press.
BALTIMORE , April 13 Miss Carrie B
Romer , daughter of wealthy parents , r
who are dead , was burned to death by :
clothing catching fire in an open
A Jnst Suit.
National Awoclatod Proa
NBW YORK , April 13. The Turf ,
Field and Farm , tenants of the
burned World building , to-day sued
Orlando B. Potter , owner of the
building , for $50,000 damages from of
The Preildential Party.
National Auoclatcd Prcau.
NORFOLK , Va. , April 13. President
Arthur , Secretary Lincoln and other a
officials visited Old Point and the na-
lional Bailor's homo at Hampton to-
day. The presidential party will return -
turn to Washington to-morrow on the
revenue cutter Chester A. Arthur. [ < "
A Wrong Balance- C (
National Associated f reel.
WAHHINOTON , D. 6. , April 13. The 8
exports of broadatuffs during March 8tc
amounted to 112,404,745 or 810,000- tcal
leas than in March of last year , alT
The Embezzler of nho Weather
Bureau at Large ,
Ho Improved His C hancoa nnc
Took French Leave ol
the Bailiff ,
Being Assisted , It is Supposed
by Some Confederate in
High Standing ,
And Glvins No Indication ! of HI
Intended Tour.
National Amoclated frcM.
WASIUNOTON , D. 0. , April 13.
C pt. Howgato , confined in default o
$ 10,000 bail for the embezzlement o :
$200,000 from the government , es
caped this afternoon from a bailiff.
During the winter Howgato ha boon
allowed to go homo several times in
charge of an oilicer of the court. To
day his daughter , just homo from
Vassar , made application to Judge
Wiley to lot her father como homo
and stay all night. The judtro gave
n permit for a few hours one
the prisoner wont in a carriage -
riago from the jail to his
residence on Thirteen street in charge
of Court Officer Dewing. The officer
sat in the room with him for an hour
and allowed him to take a bath. Ho
then suggested it was time to go
Howgato suggested they wait and
have dinner and busied himself meanwhile -
while looking for some papers and
wont into an adjoining room , whore
the officer lost sight of Him for a mo <
mont. As ho did not-return , the
officer opened the door and saw
the daughter. Ho asked for
her I father. She said ho had
stopped out for a moment and looked
anxiously at the clock. The officer
rushed tor the door but could BOO no
signs of the prisoner and no carriage
in sight. The house waa searched and
general alarm sounded. The police
exorcised all vigilance but no clue has
yet been found. It is thought to bo
a preconcerted plan and that arrange
ments had boon made to spirit him
out of the city. Shellabargor , Wil
son and Judge Cuppoy , his counsel ,
are thought to know nothing
about it , as an argument ta release the
attachment of $100,000 on hia prop
erty was to bo made Tuesday , and hii
flight will materially damage hia case. .
It is thought certain officials whose
connection with Howgato has boon
questioned know something of the
plan , . It is said his embezzlements
could not have been effected without
the aid of some officers of high
rank , who would rather asiist
escape than risk a fall trial of the
prisoner. District Attorney' Corkbill
cape'andays hojgucaaeait i , ali right ,
and intimates he will be found. The
above facts are furnished by the of
ficial ) in whose custody Howgato was ,
and who is in a great state of trepida
tion for the consequence.
Nellie Burrill , Howgate's acknowl
edged mistress , is not to bo found at
her lodgings to-night.
Arteilan 'Wells in Dakota-
National Associated 1'ress.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 13. Gen.
Houpt , general manager of the North
ern Pacific railroad company , an
nounces the water problem in Dakota
now solved. The company sunk an
artesian well near Tower City , and
yoterday , first reaching salt
water , struck at a depth of
sixty - five foot , pure , fresh
water which to-day began sprouting
up 30 foot above the surface of the
ground. An analysis shows the
water to bo without sediment , and
perfectly wholesome and plentiful.
The same same stratum extends
through Montana , and the company
will proceed to sink wells in that territory
ritory as well as in Dakota. This is
tbo most important discovery every
made in tho'hiatory of northwester ; !
territorial economics.
Newspaper Salo.
National | Associated 1'rcm.
BALTIMORE , April 13. The Balti
more Ouzotto was to-day sold to Mr.
Wm , F. Croasdoll , the founder ot the
Wilmington Every Evening , and in a
'aw days the name of the paper will
30 changed to The Day.
Tbo Next Republican Convention
National Asaoclatecl Preea.
WASHINGTON , April 13 On ac
count of a reported misunderstanding
: to the action of the republican na-
ional committee on the general call
'or the next national convention ,
Vlarseal ] Jewell , chairman , now says at $
lie convention ot 1880 the committee
were directed to prescribe within the
text twelve months a method for the )
election of delegates to the convon-
ion of 1884 , to announce the
same and issue a call , provided such
nothods secure to congressional dis-
ricts the right to elect their own
delegates. The committee had a
meeting in Washington in March ,
L881. AVra. E. Chandler , GoorgoJO.
3orham and E. MoPhoraon made a
oport. A majority report was made
jy Chandler and McPherson and a n
majority report by Gorhatn. Both Tl
were fully discussed and re 81
sulted in the unanimous adoption
a resolution that the call for the
convention of 1884 should provide for itn
securing to the several congressional n
districts the right to elect their own
delegates , details of the rules in such IIIW
call to bo determined at the meeting W
K )
bo held within the year , and that
the whole subject bo refer/rod to a B
committee consistidgof Wm. E. Chan icWi
dler , Thos. F. Platt , John M. ForboB , Wi '
John A. Martin and Ohauncey I. Wiai
"illey. Jewell has invited a confer aiat
ence of members of the national at
committee , residents of Washington , k
ind those convenient to the city , on
Saturday of this week , with a view
fixing the time for a full mooting ,
which final action will be taken.
The committee hu already agreed that
its call shall provide for districts
to elect their own delegates and ' 'onlj
methods for carrying out the purposes
remains to bo determined.
Marino Intelligence * v ! t ,
National AMoelatad 1'rem. Jf A
NEW YonK , April 13. Sailed
The Leasing for Hamburg , the State
of Indiana for Glasgow , jpjf
Arrived The State of GeorgiaJrorn
Glasgow , the Bolivia from London.
BorjriiAMrroN , April 13. Pawed
The Hapsburg from Now York fo :
Bremen. i
AMSTERDAM , April 13. Armfcd
The Amsterdam from Now York.v
ANTWERP. April 13. Sailed The
D. Stilman for Now York.
LIVERPOOL , April 13. Arrived
Arizona from Now York. " \
Sailed On the 12th , the Egypljpr
Now York. .
Fnto of n Ijtuaatio.i'
National PreM Anodatlon.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 13 Th
unknown man found in a field noa
Ashbury , Grant county , nnd on-whoat
case \\\o \ coroner's jury rnnderoa'lkyor
diet of murder for. the purpo e'cbf fob
bory , proves to have been John Hous ,
ton , of Nowburtfi , N. Y. 'H VM
neither robbed nor murdered , ' but geoff
off the cars while temporarily iriwlno
got loft , was caught in the bliaian
and perished. ' { * *
Beat log
National Associated Prcw.
RICHMOND , Va. , April 13. Inv the
senate to-day the readjustees' con
grcssional , reapportionment bill was
defeated , as was also a motion to re
consider , by a vote of 10 to 10. This
is claimed by the democrats aa a vie
tory , for that party , and they , aro-ju'
bilant over their success , which was
obtained by the votes ot four road
justora who had bolted and Mr , Wig-
Bold , the only republccan > elected to
the senate on n straight-out republi
can ticket. The indications now nn
that the legislature will adjourn til
Monday. / t
Tbo Graveyard lainranoe Com *
National Associated Fren.
HARRISBURO , Pa. , April 13. The
attorney general has begun proceedings -
ings against 213 Mutual Insurance
companies , they to show canao on'4'May '
llth why their charters should not bn
Jatnoi River Flood.
National Associated fieu
JAMESTOWN , Dak. , April 13. Both
bridges on the road of Fort Totton ti
across the Cheyenne river Wore car
ried away by the flood. The rireft is
gorged with ico. There ia an" 'lco
gorge in the James river , thbe , miles
north of here , and it is f&recT the re
Jamestown bridge will bi carried vo
away. A train on the Northern ; Pn- th
cifip arrived eight hours late. ; , Thire
is . little liklihood of disasters'equal to repr
the memorable flDod in the""Jnnje pr
river valley last year being 5
V _ 3 (
An M. K. Book voaoarn.
National Associated PreM.
, Mass. , April 13.
The Northampton conference officially
deny a deficiency in the treasury of
the Methodist book depository of Bosgi
ton , and says the treasury shows a ti'
profit of $100,000.
After a Telegrapher. th
National Associated Press. wi
GKDAR BAPIDS , town , April 13. toP
Charles Lewis , the telegrapher through P
whoso negligence a freight collided on re
the Chicago & Northwestern road near ledc
liero last summer , killing two men dc
and causing a loss to the company of cli
8100,000 , and who was indicted , has th
lumped his bond and gene to Nebras
ka. A requisition has boon asked forte cilm
to bring him back. m
The Bic Sioux Rise. (
National Associated Proaa.
Sioux FALLS , Dak. , April 13. The ot
overflow of the Big Sioux river has
washed out the track near Doll Rapids , be
stopping trains on the line of the Chicago -
cage & Milwaukee road. A dam
across the same river at Beloit WAS lapc
carried nway. / pc
Murder and Suicide.
Nitlonal Associated Fleet. th
NEW CONCOHII , Ohio , April 13. In th
Westland township last evening John OH
S. NoBBotta , a farmer , aged 05 , shot tei
and mortally wounded his son John , vri
and then killed himself. It was an pli
ungovernable temper and business It
quarrel. Itmi
th :
NutlonM Associated fleet. Jie
DELAWARE , Ohio , April 13. John tinm
Horris' flour mills at Eden burned to
day. It was an incendiary firo. Loss ,
$5.000. Kal
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 13. The
lublio Bchool building at ICasnon , Oil
edge county , was burned by an incendiary - vill
condiary to-day. Loss , $13,000 ; in-
uranco , 88,000.
AUSTIN , Tex. , April 13. The por- 01
ion of the lunatic asylum in which ol
ho dicing halls are located was d - Pr
troyod by fire to-day. Loss , 810,000. 01
FiTCiiBURa.MasB. , April 13 Frank- 01h
in Wyman's lower paper mill at West
minster Narrows , burned this after ; n
noon , with its valuable machinery and ; e
vor twenty-flvo tons of finished paper ,
'ho loss is very heavy ; insurance only ro
812,500. las
Nuw YORK , April 13. Afirebreko o
iut shortly after 0 o'clock this oven- roc
ng in H. W. Stino'a carriage factory , pic
Vest Sixth street , and before the mi
lames were extinguished the stock IKu
was damaged to the amount of $100- u
)00 and building $20,000. Tbo loss ou
fully covorea by insurance in local )01
companies. The smoke from tbo fire mi
ras blown in the open windowc of
'orkin's American theater on Third so !
avenue , causing a panic among the nil
ludionco. Several persons wore noMi
cnockod down and seriously injured. Mi
; irn
Neryou * .wcifauM , dyir > ep.I , Jmrjoc rate ,
no , sexual debility , cured by "Wells' jlty
Ualth Ken wer , " 1. Depot t 0. V. thi
ioodman's. that ;
Why Nanco Doesn't ' Call the
Extra Session ,
Ho and Valentino Said to bo
the Only Onoa who Don't
Want One ,
Beoaueo a Congressional Ko-
distrioting will Knock thorn
to Kingdom Oonao.
Tbo Tempnranoo Element Pathing
Special Correspondence of Tin bn.
LINCOLN , April 13. The supreme
topic . of conversation hereabouts i
the legislature toujours the logisla
turol Every other man you moo
will ask you with an air of deep in
tcrost how it is to bn called together
i asked a state ofiiclal last evening
whether ho considered that the bulk
of the sentiment was in favor of an
extra session.
"Why there are duly two men in
the republican party in tha state who
oppose it , " ho replied.
"Who are the ? " I inquired.
"Nanco and Valentino , " was the
rcspon&o. "Thoy cannot recognize
any good rosblts that will accrue
from amooting of thoJloRislaturo. They
have both expressed their opinions
that there is no urgent need for such
a mooting , and you may wager your
last ; nickel that they would both bo
overjoyed if they could ovor-rido pub
lie .sentiment on the subject.1'
"Why BO ? "
"Because they both want to go be
fore the convention as candidates at
largo. : Nanco will toll you that ho
has flung ambition away , and Is not a
candidate for anything ; that ho has
ranked a congressman for tha last four
years , and would not take the position
for a gift. But that is all taffy. "
"Woll , what ails Valentine ? "
"Ho is afraid that ho won't got a
district made to suit him. If they cut
out a district in north Nebraska that
Valentino could carry for a nomina
tion , it would probably result in the
election of a democratic congress' '
man. " i P
"Do you think that Nanco has
really : yet made up hia mind to con
vene the legislature ? "
"I think BO ; but it is only because
there are a number of other matters
requiring attention , in which heavy
pressure has been brought to boar y
upon him. You would bo surprised
see a call with the reapportionment
paitleft out , wouldn't youl"
"t there any possibility of that ? "
"No , I don't think there is ; but if
the intelligent compositor could only t
make an irremediable blunder in thai
direction , I am satisfied that it would
give infinite satisfaction to the exccu- 3b
tive. ' " b
In addition to the various subjects
for legislation already considered in
those letters , it is probable that there K
will bo ono or two more to bo added !
the call. Nebraska City wants the
portion of the statutes bearing upon
refunding altered , SOBS to allow her to
lesson the burden of her present in
debtedness , while Lincoln desires a fr
change in the law relating to cities of ojF
the second class. F
The closing of the saloons in this re
city at 10 o'clock at night is a good reNi
3vo. A largo portion of the damage Ni
and deviltry instigated by drinking ,
takes place after that hour. Tha sa
loons hero have also boon ordered to cr
take down their screens and other
obstructions and have all 80
, complied cl
therewith but Quick , who seems to cldc
solid enough financially to defy the
law.Senator dcNi
Senator Van Wyck has boon re Ni
ported as being on his way homo for
several days past , but nobody hero n
Booms to know where ho is. Pi
As before stated in those letters ,
the contract for building two wings to anv
the insane nsjlum luis boon annulled
owing to imperfections in the archi
tect's specifications. All the bidding
was done without reference to the
plumbing , which would cost $3,500.
was IIBO proposed to Iqavo a § 7,000 nig
mansard roof unfinished. Itisprobablo g
lmt : the work will not be commenced iU
until another appropriation ia made ,
present amount ( § 31,000) ) being Na
nadequato. _ _ AiiauH.
New * . * °
National Associated Prcsi ,
PARIH , April 13. In an uitorviow
Christine Nilsson announces that she
retire after a three years' tour in
Europe and America. Clw
BERLIN , April 13. The federal , w
iouncil mot yesterday to consider the 01
obacco monopoly bill. It is reported
Prince Bismarck has secured a ma- NaNa
ority in the committee in favor of
( bill.
VIKNNA , April 13. Austria has ng
granted amnesty to Bosnian insur
gents. , Na
LONDON , April 13. A dispatch
rom Cairo says that a council of war
been ordered to meet in that city was
try twenty-four Circassian officers
ocontly arrested there , charged with
dotting the death of Arabi Boy , icD
niniator war. The whole affair is D
well Informed ro'
bought by persons
that city to be gotten up for the if
nirpoBo of giving Arab ! Bey an ini- iaT
ortanco to which hi * abilities as T
niuistorial officer do not entitle him. toiu
VIKNMA , April 13 A dispatch re- u
ioivod hero announces that eighteen 01
lihilists have escaped from Kara in ng
lorth Siberia , and among them was ou
Vlikaloff , accomplice in the assoBsiua- CO
of General olvzonthoff. o
ST. PBTKBSDUUO , April 13 A pri-
circular ( has been issued in this
to court officials and member * of o
different diplomatic corps an- nc
the coronation of the Cz&t will ncm
take plftct at Moscow in the August
festivities. It is said it will last two
weeks and will cost ton million rou
bloa. |
Fatal Bollor Explosion.
National 4tnociaU > d 1'rrm.
BALTIMORR , Md. , April 13. The
big building on Pratt , Fremont and
King itroots was destroyed by the ex
plosion of a boiler this afternoon.
Seven dead bodies have boon recovered
so far. It was used as a mill , a sash
factory , and for other manufiicturinfi
purposes. The names of the killed
are :
John W. Addison , the engineer , 4C
years old.
Harrison Waters ( colored ) , the fire
man , 45 years old.
Frank Kraomor , 15 years old.
Abraham Hebron ( colored ) , 50 yoais
Maria 0. Kaupp , GO years old.
Georgia Pontz , ID years old.
Gracie Gray , 10 years old.
The wounded number eight , some
of whom will dio.
i The shock caused by the explosion
was so terrific as to demolish the
promises , Nos. 171 and 173 King
street , adjoining the mill property in
the rear , and occupied as a house of
ill-fame by Maggie Pentz and Minnie
Sherman respectively. The girls Ida
Rosenberg and Georgia Pontz were in
the first named of tlioso houses , and
Gracie Gray in the latter All three
were buried under the falling ruins ,
and the body of Graoio Gray is not
flci bo found. The catastrophe was
caused by * the explosion of an old
boi > or which furnished power to the
corn < mill of A. H. Sibloy , the saw
and planing mill of 0. C. Itumpf &
Co. , the planing mill of II. Herr , and
the moulding factory of G. W. Garri
son & Co. , all located on thcso
The Tnrf.1
National Awoclatod Prow.
NEW ORLEANS , April 13. There
was a good attendance at the second
day of the spring mooting of tha now
Louisiana jockey club.
The first event , for the Withers
stakes , two-year-olds , half milo , was
won ' by Ella , with Exeter second.
Time ; , 031.
The second race , Belling race , milo
and one-eighth , * vas won by Maacotto ,
with Ada second. Time , 2:07J. :
The third race , milo heats , was won
by Stanhope in two straight heats ,
Duke of Kent sooond. Time , 1:51 : k
1:51 : ] .
- *
Tbo Blno Out Confeuor.
National AuoclaUd l'rcs .
NiP KANSAS CITY , April 13. At Inde
pendence to-day John Lndd , the man
who made the so-called confession ,
implicating several parties in the Blue
Cut train robbery , which confession ho
subsequently recanted , was arrlgned
on a charge of perjury. Ho plead
guilty ' and waa sentenced to three
fours < in the penitentiary.
The Texas liegUlatore-
National A odat d tfttm. -
AUSTIN , Tex. , April 13. A 'bill
passed both houses of the legislature
to-day reducing passenger faro on all
railroads in the state to not exceeding
3 cents per milo.
The bill to reduce freights has not
been < reported back from the commit-
too.A bill prohibiting future land
grants to railroads also passed both
Tbo Cyclone at Fort Iioavenwortu
National Associated proa * .
WASHINGTON , April 13. Advices
from Fort Lcavonworth state that the
cyclone did heavy damage there last
Friday : night. Tiio quarters were un
roofed and three soldiers injured.
DliOTganizod Democrat * .
National Associated Proeo. . ,
CINCINNATI , April 13. The demo
crats , although in the majority , failed fii
.0 organize the council , Ed. Hondpr- fiifli
son , republican , being elected city In
clerk by 45 votes to 32 for Hawkins ,
democrat. .
Safe Roirbors-
National Awoclatod Prcsa. U
ATLANTA , Ga. , April 13. Last
light burglar * robbed the store of
Pierce , White fe Co. at Oovington ,
and robbed the safe of $1,500 , after
vhich ) they made good their escape.
Murderer Admitted to Bail'
KANSAS OITV , Mo. , April 13. II.
. Cronahaw , who murdered Police- se
nan Martin Hynos some three months sat
admitted to bail in the
ago , waa to-day on
urn of $10,000. onVI
Polo. VIa ;
National Associated Press. 'I
CniOAOo , April 13. In a match dc
game of polo this evening , the Star remi
club , of Chicago , defeated the Gem miNa
City club , of Dayton , P. , 'A to 1.
Sontenoe Commuted. Na
YAKOO , Miss. , April 31. Wm. Naof
/hivors , sentenced to bo hanged and of
wico respited , has had his sentence th
animated to lifo imprisonment. thSi
Dr. Mary Walker.
National AuoclatedProu.
WASHINGTON , April 13. The case Oi
gainst Dr , Mary Walker , for tamper- Oix.
with the mails , haaboen dismissed. x.X
Jp Bond Robber *
National AuoclaUd Prow
NEW YORK , April 13 A telegram
received in the city by Marshal
Utchio from St. Joe to-day intimat Fl
ing that the result of the investi a- Flb
ion in that city pointed to a city by ;
official as being connected with the H
robbery of $100,000 of funding bonds
that city , and asking that lUtchio
lave an interview with the prisoner
rwin. After the marshal had h in- Ojp
orylow ho refused to Bay anything Ojp
urther : than "I am pleased witn the p <
eaulta of my interview , I have noth-
for the press. Mr. Kings is thor
oughly exonerated aa far as no is con
cerned. In a f ow days I may bo able "
say something , but not now. "
Indication * .
WASHINGTON , April 14. For the c. .
ewer Missouri Valley : Fair weather , c.p c.p <
northerly windi , stationary barometer p
meter and temperature.
PoitoIHoo Change *
in Nebraska during the week ending
April 8 , 1882 , furnished by Wm. Van
Vlock , ot the postoflico department :
Established Bondvillo , Red Wil
low county , Win. 0. Bond , postmaster ;
Forndalo , Holt county , Burtis Rosa ,
postmaster ; Manila , Buffalo county ,
Wm. II. Sparks , postmaster.
"Discontinued Garfield , Valley
Name Changed Fitzalon , Sherman
county , to Furaay , and A. H. Gray
appointed postmaster.
I'ditmastora Appointed Apple
Creek , Holt county , John Emerson ;
Genoa , Nanco county , Elias V. Clark ;
Ovorton , Dawson county , Mrs. Re
becca Cheney ; Poor's Ranch , Sioux
county , Clark Howard ; Townsend ,
dago county , D. Littlojohn ; Tyrone ,
lied Willow county , Oliver Tnlooro.
Established Bayard , Guthrie coun-
tv , Joseph , H. Jackson , postmaster ;
Elwoll , Story county , Smith Paine ,
postmaster ; Hardy , Ilumboldt coun
ty , John II. Foley , postmaster ; Mel
bourne , Marshall county , DoWitt 0.
Baker , postmaster ; Minerva , Marshall
county. Thomas Nichols , postmaster ;
Nowhall , Benton county , Henry
Youngclaus , postmaster.
Discontinued Middloburgh , Wash
ington county ; Unity , Johnson county.
Najio Changed Unity , Ringgold
county , to West.
Postmasters Appointed Bas&otr ,
Chickasaw county , Mnrsin F , Light-
hall ; Jacksonville , Chickasaw county ,
Seth Martin ; Moscow , Muscatino
county , Charles A. Zoisig ; Walnut
City , Appanooso county , Wm. T.
The Bamuols' Caatlo ,
Much interest ia attached to the
early homo of the James boys , in Clay
county , and the now historic.castle in
which their mother resides. Last sum
mer a correspondent of ThoKansas
City' Journal visited the caatloj and '
described it and its inmates as fol 4
lows :
Accepting the invitation as a safe
guard against any danger , even though-
the ; boys were at homo , I wont out
the next day. The road leading to
the James * citadel , for it may almost
bo called that , it is * up and down hill
through a rather rugged country , with
scattered woods on cither side , with
hero and there an opening for n corn
Cold and a hemp patch. The country
is well settled , and farm houses are
almost in hallooing distance all the
way to , . Mr. Samuels' . The house
stands near the road in a well-wooded
pasture , and just around it there in
considerable shrubbery , and a row of
lilao bushes to the loft of the building.Dt
is a modest throe-room habitationbuilt
of logs , but about it and all over the
farm there is a look of thrift , good
management and comfort. Entering ,
I was at once recognized by Mrs.
Samuels , who busied herself at once
to extend cordial hospitality. My
visit profited nothing beyond seeing
the home of the James boys. Of
course we got to talking of a visit paid ,
hegyon a cold January night by Pin-
karton'a detectives , when no lost her
right hand. Speaking'of detectives ,
ahe fairly spat out venom , whenever
word detective was used , and her ac
count of the dirofuljvisit , when ahe was
wounded , and hoi * boy , Andrew , four
yean old , was killed , was bitter with
denunciation of the cowards who , y
made a night attack. She became ex
cited , and recited the horrors of the
night with vehemence , and she again
acted her part in the tragedy. She
led your { correspondent back into kit
chen or living room in the rear of the
houao , into which the ball was thrown.
"It waa thrown through the window , "
pointing to the ono next to the roar
wall , and next to the fire-place , "Wo
were all sitting in here , " continued
she . , "and when the ball came crash ;
through the window wo did not begin
tc realize what was the matter. I
first noticed the burning ball on the
floor. Fearing that it would sot the
house on fire , I rushed toward it , and
the doctor at the same time , and it
was ' kicked into the fire place. Then '
followed a terrible explosion , My
boy ( Arthur waa killed and I "
Hero the old i lady's feelings over
come her at the recollections of that
memorable night , but not f6r long , for
she broke out in fiery invective against
the cowards who did it. "
"Thoy were after Frank and Jesse , "
she added , but they weren't hero and
hadn't ' boon. "
Recovering soon , she busied her
self about setting dinner , and soon I
down to an old fashioned , bounte
ous repast , rich in everything that a
well conducted farm can givo. Wo
talked as wo ate , and mostly about
"tho boys , " but nothing beyond the
declaration of their innocence , often
repeated , could bo got out of the
mother of the outlaws.
Tbo Sou * of Maine.
National Associate ! Press.
GmoAao , April It ) . The Society
the Sons of Maine hold a banquet
this evening , and elected J. G.
Scammon president ; .
California Pitted Plums 20cts. per
xmnd. . Galifornian Apricota 20ots.
jer pound , at
apr3-3t WM. GENTLEMAN' * * .
Unity Lyceum Lecture Course.
The last lecture will bo given next
Friday night , in the Unitarian church ,
J. S. Shropshire , Esq. , on "Bits of
California Pitted Plums 20ct . per H
pound. California Apricota 20ots.
par pound , at
aprl3-3t WM. GKNKLKMAN'H'
Trimmed Hats 7Cc. to $5 at the
"Boston Store. " .apr2-2t
California Pitted Plums 20ots per
pound. California Apricota 20cU.
pound , at
npr3-3t WH. GUNTLBMAM'H.