Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1882, Page 8, Image 8

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Thursday Morninir April 13 ,
W nther Hoport-
( The following observations are taken n
he some moment o { tlrao at nil the ata
ons named. )
W DM-AMHSST , U. S , Sifl'At , BFRVICS , >
On MI A , April 12 , 1882. ( l:15p. : m.f )
The woithcr continues wther frigid
John McCullaugh In the "niaditttor *
at Boyd'ii Opera House tonight ,
The St. JcHOph's horpttol fr ! con
tinuw every evening thU week.
Eddla Edward * wm diochargcd on
promise of keeping the pcaco hereafter.
Tbo river Uele\on feet seven Inche
nbovo low water mark.
Mattresses made over. Impairing
dona nt 212 N 13th street. ood.St
Knickerbocker Holland Gin. The fines
Gin Imported. O.F. Goodrmnngt. Omul )
Fred Lang has been nrrestfil on the
charge jf selllntf liquor to the three boyi
arrested Tuesday.
The Union Pacific base ball nine wll
play the 1'rawfer nine , at tl-o Councl
JJluffs Transfer Saturday afternoon ,
In the police court yesterday there
were three drunka , two of whom were sent
to jail ari'l the third discharged.
Twenty-two cara of otoclc were
hronglit in nn the St. Paul and Omahi
road JUnday and ten Tueiday.
The TtsamBtera union will meet on
Thursday evening at Bohemian hall for
the transaction of important business.
The annual election of officers In Mt
Calvary Commandery No. 1 , Knlghla
Templar will nccur on Friday evening
The social enteriilnment at the Pres >
bjterian church will take place Friday
renlngthls week Instead of Thursday
The Omaha Sportsman's club encamp
ment , which wan to have begun ycsortday ,
has been postponed on account of the tin'
favorable weather.
3 oo Kavan , charged with assaulting
and battering the hat of John Miller , said
tut being at the time on Miller's head , was
discharged in tha nbienco of a prosecuting
witness , lie now complains against Mil
ler for threatening bis life.
The bora employed in the Union Pacific
transfer freight office have organized a base
tall'team and expect to , take the champion
medal for the west at the close of tha son-
ion. They practice dally.
The case of Chus. W. Finn , accused
of embezzling from the firm of J. P. Ma
ning & Co. , had n hearing in 'Judge
Eeneke'e court yesterday. Ho was held
to ball in the sum of 8300 to appear on the
first day of the Juno term of the district
> Everybody hai been exorcised oyer
the unusual amount of whistling dona
lately by a whistle which was
recognized an a otrnngo one. Many wont
to the river expecting to BOO a steamboat ,
others see if the chops were on tiro.
It turns out that it WAS only the tuning
up of a new quadruple whistle on the now
car shops. It is very musical. .
I I On next Friday evening , Mr. J. S.
Shropshire will deliver the doling lecture
in the Unity Lyceum counte , at the Unita
rian church , 17th and COSH streets , on the
subject : ' 'Bits of Hittory. " Friends of
tb society are respuotfully requested to
attend , and hear an interesting lecture.
Tha class in penmanship for members
of tbo.Y. M. 0. , A'Wd ynuog men at the
association rooms , commeuced labt evening
at a quarter to 8 o'clock. The oouraoof
4 ,1 aix lessons will bo COo. Members holding
tickets for 'S3 will be admitted free , On
Friday evening Dr. W. S. Uihbs will give
a lecturo/o young men on "Nutrition , "
which will be very Interesting. The lec
ture is free mid should bo well attended.
An exciting runaway took place on
Douglas street about half post one o'clock
yesterday The motive power which
raised the brec/e , iimdo ladles hug the
wills and strong men daih mildly into
doorways , wan a s nail pony team which
started near Twelfth and Douglas and
made a straight wake westward , At the
Bossing of Fourteenth n futile uttempt to
climb over a heavy loaded coal wagon re
sulted in tiie lo s of three wheels of the
latter vehicle and the paitinjf of the flying
team and iU wagon. The runaways were
last seen near Douglas and Sixteenth
A colored IndMJual travelintr under
the name of 0. riper , who applied for
lodging at the city jail and was refused ,
wanted to do something to compel the
officers to take him ill. He therefore
shied a brick at one of the lamps in front
of Boyd'a opera house but missed it. It ii
I claimed that Ed. Kosten bandrd him
I another and told him to try it again , At
any rate he did and with the result of
umashlng the glass all to piece's. Sheriff
Miller took him to the cooler and Kostcrs
\ ya * so n after arrested by MI cillcer as
accessory to the deed , Kosters gave
% kecuilty for his appearance aui was re
SOHOW Maria Christine , dausdittr of
Anna fund If. Kchow , April 10th , aged
3 yea , 0 mouth * ,
Funeral will take placa from Eleventh
and Williams streets , April 13.h , at 2
ftt'clock'p. in ,
* * "
11 TJnlty Lyceum Lecture Course ,
The last lecture will bo given next
Friday night , in the Unitarian church ,
Iby J. B. Shropshire , Esq. , on "Dita of
Fighting it Out Among Themselves
solves Oyer a Chief.
TSd. Welsh , of No. 2 , Elected After No
1 Had Withdrawn.
The annual mcotinq of the Omaha
fire department last night was n very
stormy one nnd at times it looked aa
though the boys could not help turn
ing in to clean each other out. Th
contest was on the election of chief en
einoor , the candidates being Ed
Welch , ot No. 2 , and Charles Hunt
of No. 1 , with Charley Godfrey , o
No. 3 , holding the balance of poiror
No , 2 company was out in full force
honorary and active , over eighty mem
bora being present. The strength o
the others were considerably leas , bu
the hooks united with No. 1 , or a
least part of them did , which , gave Mr
Hunt n good following. Affairs pro
greased swimmingly , with only a few
slight "skirmishes , " until the an
nouncenicnt of tha second formal billet
lot , in which Mr. Welch received 102
votes , lacking but ono ot a majority
Then all the bitterness between tin
companies broke out and that thcr
was not a rodhot fight is duo to tin
efforts of Chief Gilligan and a few
others , who held the boys in. Mr
Hunt then withdrew his men , som
of the members of No , 3 and the hook
followed , and then No. 2 hai
it all its own way. _ Moro ' than hnl
of nil who had been pruHont romninci
after the bolt , hmico the subscquoti
election of Mr. Welsh was neb don
by a minority. What action tin
council will take is , of courao , an in
definite thing. The proceeding's nr
as follows :
The annual mooting of the Omaha
fire department , tor the election o
chief engineer and other oflicura , was
hold in the council chamber last nlt > ht
The volunteers noroout in full force ,
and considerables interest was mani
fcsted in the choice of taon ,
President Goldsmith called UK
meeting to order at 8 o'clock , and or
motion of F. P. Hanlon , of No. 2
the reading of the minutes of the las
meeting wan dispensed with.
J ) . Shannon , of No. 2 , moved to
proceed to the election of chief engi
neor. Carried.
The president named as tellers , J.
I' . Sheeloy , df the hooks ; J. VV.
Nichols , of No. 1 ; J. H. Butler , of
No. 2 ; and 0. Sclilanck , of No. 3.
On motion of Mr. Galilean , the ap
pointments wcro confirmed.
On motion ot Mr. Hanlon , the
first ballot was informal.
Nominations being in order , Col.
E. F. Smytlio nominated Edward
Welsh , of No. 2 , for chief engineer ;
Mr.'D. S. Mitchell , of the hooks.
nominated 0. H. Godfrey , and Mr.
Geo. W. Shields nominated Charles
The role of each company was then
called by the secretary thereof and as
each man's name was called ho came
forward and deposited hhi vote
The hooks cast 30 ypton ; No , 1 ,
49 ; No. 2 , 81 ; and No. $ ,38 ; a total
of 204 votes.
The folllowing is the result of the
KdwardWelcl . 02
Charles Hunt . 71
Charles II. Godfrey . . . 3 ! )
Whole number of votes cast . 217
tfoctHsarv to n choice . IOU
! word Welch received . 102
JharlcH Hunt received . 78
3hatleH II. Godfrey received . 3(5 (
Blank . i
There being no choice , another bal-
ot was ordered.
Mr. Shannon offered a motion mnk-
ng Edward Welch the unanimous
chwico of the department for chief en
gineer , but ho was ruled out or order.
iVhole number of votes cast . 203
S'ecocsarv to u cholco . 103
Sdward Welch received. . . , . , , . 102
Jliarloa Hunt received . C'J
Charles Godfrey received . 34
There being no choice another bal-
ot WOB ordered.
Considerable excitement ensued
lore. Mr. Windhonn , ' of No. 2 , in-
istud that the oflico of chief engineer
vas not included in Iho constitution
where it says the candidates most receive -
coivo a majority of all votes cast.
Mr. Fisher , of the hooks , under
took to reply to Mr. Windhoim , and
created confusion thereby , some hot
words passing between them. Mr.
Slmnnou.of No. i , tried toofleramotioQ
hat Mr. Welch bo declared the unan-
mous choice of the department , but
vos cried down. Mr. Fioher called
on the hooka to withdraw and not lot
Windhoim run the department and
ho mooting. President Goldsmith
orcibly told him "Georglo" wodn't
unning the mooting. About that
imo there were at least fifty men
rolling and trying to bo heard , and it
ookod as if the meeting would break
up in a general free fight. The pros-
dent tnod hard to keep order , but
ould not. Mr. Hunt , of No. 1 , the
company's candidate fcr
chief , came
orward and said that as they couldn't
got any lair play while No. 2 were
running the mooting , ho wished that
company to withdraw. They did so.
Iho mooting then settled down into
nuiotnesb , and voting proceeded on
The roll call of the hooka showed
14 members voting. The president
called for the Bocrotary of No. 1 to
call the roll of his
company , but that
oJhcial had departed with his crowd
and the roll waa not called. The
members of No < j nt worQ
vited forward to vote if they pleased.
and 11 of
them did so , their names
b lh
No. 2'a roll was called and 71 mom.
bora voted. The
eecretary No 3
not being pr sent , the member * of
the company were asked forward to
vote and 10 of them voted. The bal.
lot resulted as follows ;
Whole number of vote * cast . i
Necessary to a choice.
ioa . .
Charles Hunt received. ,
nharlesH. Godfrey ; ; ; : ; : ' : ; ; ;
U. Shannon received. , . , . . . . . . . . , . . . ,
Mr , Welsh was therefore declared
elected chief of tho/fire 4epaVtmontI
nnd upon the announcement boini
imdo the boys of No. 2 Creeled ii
with loud applause. Ho was callcc
for nnd madu a brirf response.
B , Shannon moved to adjourn til
next Wednesday to moot nt Firemen's
hall Lost.
Mr. .1. G. O'Beirno move the scs
rcUry cant thu ballot of the depart
ment for F P , Hanlon for president
Theodoao Grebe , of No. 3 , was
elected vice-president by acclamation
F. J. McShano , of No. 2 , and J
0. Pontzol , of NO. 3 , were nominates
for secretary , the former being
J. F , Shcoloy , of the hooks , wai
re-elected treasurer , and rftcr the np
poinlmcnt of trustees , ono from cad
company , the mooting adjourned.
Tno Presentation of "Vlrtflnlua" Las
NlBht. "Tno Gladiator" To-
John McCullough oppoarcd
Boyd'a opera house lust evening in
Sheridan .Knowlcs' great tragedy
"Virginius , " pupported by a compan ;
whoso members nro first class artist :
throughout. Unfortunately for thi
attendance the prices had been pu
beyond the standard ndoptcd by th
managers of the house , acd the publi
was from the outset disposed to crit
iciza the judgment ot Mr. McCul
lough's manager. They reasoned tha
as ho had demanded the unusal prici
of admisHion in years when he wai
struggling for fame , ho ought to re
pay hU patrons and admirers by adhering
horing to that basis. If actors pro
pose to grade themselves , lot the beginners
ginnors play on half rates for the fin
few yearn. The upshot was that the
house was a light ono and would have
been much lighter but for the fac
that a delegation of two score or more
came over from Council Bluffr to
swell the number. Among the visi
tors whoso faces were familiar to TUG
BEII reporter were : J. N. Baldwin
and wife ; f. S. Punoy and sister ,
Miss Katie ; P. J. MoMalion and wife.
Orunty Auditoa Kirkland ; Charles
0flicor and siitor , Miss Julia ; L. F.
Murphy ; O. S. Pease ; Tom Baldwin ;
H. J. Bouacbo ; W. Baird ; City Editor -
tor Clark , of the Nonpareil , ant
The visitors from the Bluffs re
turned at midnight on a special train ,
highly pleased with "Virginius , " and
carried away with the interior ol
"Tho Boyd. "
A special feature of the evening
was the magnificent music furnished
bo Musical Union orchestra after a
special programme arranged for the
Of the play but little need bo said
as Omaha people are already familiar
with its merits. The caste was as fol
lows :
Virginius John McCuHoush
Applus Claudius Edmund Collier
Icilius John A. Lane
Calus Claudius II. O. Barton
Uentatus H. A Lanpdon
Nuinitorlus J. H. She well
Lucius Frank Lane
Marcus Henry Chanfrau
Tltm Charles Kidder
S'rvlus , Frank JjUtlo
Onelus George Griffith
Soldier II. S. Harris
Virginia Miss Kate Forsyth
Sec via Mru. AxifiuoU Foster
Female Slave Mini Mittens Willett
John McOullough , whethorin ' 'Vir-
jinius" or whatovorolso ho may under
take is well nigh faultless. Ho
looks a man every inch of him , has a
magnificent voice and that peculiar
: harm , some call it magnetism , about
urn , which captivates his audiences
'rom the a tart. Aside from these per
lonal advantages it cannot bo said that
10 exceeds Keene or others who have
ippoared in Omaha at various times ;
> vto is a tragedian ot whoso genuine
'ight to pro-ominoncono question can
> o raised.
Edmund Collier as Appius Claud-
us won good , but John A. Lowe was
an Iciliua into wlioso arms BO charm-
ng a maid ns "Virginia" was with
regret soon to fall.
Miss Kato Forsyth , aa "Virginia , "
s absolutely satisfactory to the most
ixacting. She has appeared hero bo-
ere , and her facu is familiar and wel
come to all. A model of manly and
womanly beauty is - ' "
-'Virginius , nnd
'Virginia , " and it is hoped that they
nay return with the revolving seasons
or many years to come.
Mrs. Augusta Foster takes the role
of Borvia with credit to'herself au'd
rins the good will of all.
To-night Dr. Bird's , great prize
ragedy , "Tho Gladiator , " will bo pro-
lonted. The reserve is fair , but not
icavy , and as on last evening , there
rill , no doubt , bo inoro empty
ionchea than an artist like McCul-
ough loves to play to. If so , ho may
> lame his management , than whom
> ooror has not been seen in this vicin-
ty for Bomo time , in fact , none of
hem have been seen at nil , and it
iras impossible to obtain any material
rom which to RIVO the decent pro-
> mliminary notice of the company's
wining , to which they would have
) cen welcome.
Tno bmoltlnff Works and U. P. Shops
to bo Built
The following no a cornea to us
hrough the Denver Tribune of Tues
The Omalw Smelting company have
mrclwsod three uores within u few
docks of Swansoo , for the erection of
works to bo completed within forty
Manager Kimball positively asserts
hat tha Union Pacific shops are to be
button thoground adjoining Swansea ,
recently purchased by the compauy.
1 rom the fact that this road 1ms
low the largest mileage of any in the
state and is rapidly making Denver
ts headquarters for the west ( jonor-
ally , it is not too much to predict
tbotthuso shops will bo by fur the
most Important Denver has. With
coal and iron hero in inexhaustible
quantity nnd with the latter already
soing quito largely manufactured , it
is not too much to predict that it will
only bo a short time when the Omaha
and Larimer City worka will bo trans-
wed hero for the sake of economy.
The management musfc have dome
such important change in view or else
; hey would not have purchased BO
largely , They own 170 acrea hero ,
Lavish Liberality of the Visi
tors to Oreighton
Tlia Grand Prnmonndn to the Ma-
nio of tha Band 1'ho Snp-
per Table.
The second night of the fair for the
benefit of St. Joseph's hospital , was ,
in point of numbers and results , most
gratifying to the managers and ladies
in charge.
The object of the fair is ono thai
commends itself to generous pee pi <
of the city. The limited capacity oi
the present hospital bililding has fre
quently prevented the noble sisters
from doing all that was possible for
the many invalids applying for admis
sion. In fact , many applicants have
been denied admission solely because
all available space in the hospital line
boon occupied. To remedy this eroat
want it is proposed to build an addi
tion to the prctcntbuilding sufficiently
largo to mcot all demands for years to
como. The efforts made last fall to
accomplish this object practically
failed , and the sisters were forced to
try ether means to sccuro the neces
sary funds ,
To the sick poor of all donomiha-
ions the hospital is especially benefi
cial , and ns the majority of the pa
tients are of this clasa , all charitably
disposed persons should aid as * much
aa possible , by their presence and con
tributions , the ladies and gentlemen
in charge of the fair.
Last evening the hall was crowded.
Irwin's orchestra filled the room with
melodious Bounds , nnd the A. O. U.
band , attired in gorgeous uniforms ,
glittering with golden braid , and bur
nished epaulets , thrilled the throng
with martial airs in a high key. The
boys of the band wcro voted "too aw
fully too , " by the youn ? ladies , and
monopolized their attention most of
the ovoning.
The endless promenade circled
round and round the hall ; the booths
laden with a variety of valuable nr
tides were surrounded with admiring
crowds ; hero and thcro the zealous can
vasser chirped her sweetest song , and
smiled approvingly when rewarded for
her work ; the refreshment room
dealing out bowls of fragrant coffee ,
( linked by bread , cakes , meats and
fruits all these and more , passed before -
fore the delighted vision of the spectator
tater , a panorama of lifo on dress
The supper room , in charge of Mrs.
Thomas Swift , Mrs. J. Croighton ,
Miss Ella aud Miss McHugh , is sup
plied with all the substantial , and
cofTeo that equals the famed Vienna
article. The room is elegantly deco
rated with steel engravings and paint
ings of great merit. Ono largo pic
ture of a horse , in a massive gold
frame , is suspended over the entrance
and attracts considerable attention.
It is a bo < .utiful specimen of rhonille
work on a background of raw silk and
a border of red silk of the finest
quality. It is a spirited , life-liko pio-
turo , tbo work of Miss Ella Bay , for
which she was awarded a gold medal
at the commencement exercises at the
Yankton academy last summer.
The contest for the elegant hand-
painted and gold embroidered stole
begins this evening. Three parishes
will compote for the prize. The con
test will doubtless bo very spirited.
Several other handsome articles will
bo voted for , among them a silver ice
pitcher between Alderman Loeder and
Mr. William Gentleman.
MJ. A. fJ. Shopnrd , formerly clerk in
Kuhluian's drug store , Tenth nnd Douglas ,
left lost evening for Kearney , x * here he
will go into business for himself , Air.
Shepard is a gentleman of energy , intelli
gence and sterling qualities in every way
and THU lci ! ! commends him to the good
will of Iho citizens amoni ; whom he goes
to cast his lot.
i. o. o. F :
lluth Rfibskah Degree Lodge , No.
L , moots this ( Thursday ) evening ,
April llUh , nt Q o'clock.
WM. J. Sconip , Secretary.
WOULD not be without Kedding's Russia
Jalve , is the verdict of nil who use it.
1'rlce 2Jc.
T'liec , roacheu , ant ; , bedbugs , rat' , mlc > ,
Ronhers , chipmunks , cleared out by
'lloujth on lUto. " ICo. -
Army Orders' . '
The following are the latest orders
ssuod from the headquarters of the
lepartmontof the Platte :
Acting Assistant Surgeon John J.
Marston , U. S. A. , now at Fort Lara-
nio , W. T. , will report in person to
ho commanding oilicor Fort Foltor-
aian , W. T. , for temporary duty , to
rolipvo Captain Edward B. Mosuloy ,
Assistant Surgeon , U. S. A. , from
duty at that post.
Acting Assistant Surgeon F. X.
Murray , U. S. A. , haying reported at
licao headquarters for assignment to
duty , will report in person to the com-
nandiiiK ofiiccr Fort Thornburgh , U.
T , , for duty.
&A. general court martial is appointed
o moot at Fort Fred. Steele , Wyo , ,
on the 1'Jth day of April , 1881i , or as
BOOH thereafter as practicable , for-thu
; rial of Captain John P. Walker ,
Third cavalry , and auoh other pris
oners aa may bo brought before it.
Detail for the court. Colonels Wes-
loyj Morritt , Fifth cavalry ; Albert G.
Brackett , Third cavalry and Alexan
der MoD. McCook , Sixth infantry ;
Lieutenant Colonel Edwin 0. Mason ,
Fourth infantry ; Major Edwin V ,
3umnor , Fifth cavalry ; Captains Edwin -
win Pollock , Ninth infantry and V/m.
BT. Bisboe , Fourth infantry. Cap
tain Leonard Hey , Ninth infantry ,
judge advocate.
A greater .number of ofllcors than
these named cnn not bo assembled
without manifest injury to the service.
Private. William T. Bell , company
3 , Fourth infantry , now at Fort
Omaha , Nob. , will join his company
at Fort Fetterman , W. T.
The quartormastor's department
will furnish the necessary transput U-
tion , It is impracticable to carry
cooked rations.
A prize spelling-match comes eff at
.ho Business College , Friday evening ,
April 14th. Outsiders can enter the
match by paying BO coats. Admission
: o the school tree ,
The Proof Introduced Tuee
day Proves Very
The License Bonrd Not Yet DetermIned
Inod What to do.
The hearing of the case of the remonstrance
monstrance of E , llosowater and
others against John G Brandt , commenced
monced before tha license board
Mayor Boyd and J. J. L , 0. Jewel
Ijeing present , jit 3 p. m. Tuesday
and concluded about 5 o'clock.
Mr. Brandt's counsel , 0. A. Bald
win , Esq. , and Mr. Uosowator on behalf
half of the protestanta , agreed at th
outset upon the points already established
lishod in the coso of Hornborgcr , viz.
that TUG BEE was the authorized pape
o * the largest circulation in this coun
ty ; that Mr. Brandt's notice of appli
cation was published twice , Marc
29th and April 4th in said BEH , in Hoi
of two weeks' notice ; also , that thi
application was published , togothe
with forty-two others , in ono notice
and the amount paid was $250.
The following testimony was taken
Max Bergmann testified :
Question. State your name am
Answer. Max Bergman. J am n
law student.
Q. What ether occupation have
you ?
A. Can't say that I have any other
occupation. I put in part of my time
Saturday evenings and Sunday fore
noons in a barber shop. I have been
employed at the Gorman theatre this
winter and last winter at difl'oren
times , on Sundays.
Q. Have you over drank any beer
or liquor at Mr. Brandt's place on
Sundays ?
Ai Yes , sir.
Q. Was the liquor you drank qivon
to you or purchased ?
( Objected to by Baldwin. Over
ruled. )
A. I bought certain shares of stock
in the Dramatic club.
Q. Can you exchange thcso shares
for any commodity. Can you gel
beer for them ?
A. Yea , sir. I exchanged my tick' '
ots for beer.
Joseph Bath testified as follows :
Q. What is your name and business ?
A. Joseph Bath , butcher.
Q. Have you have patronized Mr.
Brandt's place ) and when were you
there last ?
A. Yes air , I havo. 1 was there
last Sunday night.
Q. What did you purchase there ?
A. I bought a ticket to got into the
; heatro.
Q. What else did you buy ?
A. Had some more tickets when I
; ot inside , for which I got boer. The
Doer was furnished to mo in the beer
room , next to the theater.
Mr. Brandt objects to the above.
Objection overruled.
H. Jacobson testified as follows :
I am a policeman in the city of
Dmaha ; have been engaged by Mr.
Brandt to keep order in his theater on
Sunday nights , when not on regular
duty ; have been there every Sunday
night since lastJanuary _ ; JL have seen
waiters dispensing whnt I supposed to
bo boer ; have been in the bar-room
where something I supposed was beer
was being dispensed.
( Same objection as above. Same
ruling. )
Wm. A. Van Norman , being sworn ,
testified ;
My name is Wm. A. Van Norman ;
am a shoemaker ; was in the city last
week on Tuesday , and visited Brandt's
place on Tenth street ; I drank there
it that time whisky. "
[ Same objections aamo ruling. ]
Herbert T. Leavitt testified.
' Am deputy county clerk : in ab
sence of the clerk am custodian of
the records of thia county. "
Q. "Is there anything on the
rccordo of Douglas coun y to show
that Ferdinand Schroeder is the
owner of real estate in the first ward
of the city of Omaha ? "
Ans. "I have made diligent search
and do not find his name upon the
records , made search to-day. "
Note. Ferdinand Schroeder was
ono of thu endorsers of Brandt's ap-
plication-for license , each signer of
which should bo n resident freeholder
of the ward.
It was agreed that Tuesday April
1th was election day in the city of
) maha ,
Note. The Slocumb law prohibits
the granting of a license to parties
Belling liquor on election day.
The board has taken the applica-
ion of Brandt under advisement and
lot yet either granted or refused his
OMAHA , April 8 , 1882
The copartnership heretofore exist-
ng under the ( inn name of Angoll ,
Bowen & White , is hereby this day
mutually dissolved , Mr. White with
drawing from same Messrs. Angoll
& Bowcn assume all the liabilities and
make all collections of the Eaid firm.
J. WHITE , Jit.
The imdersignad would respectfully
announce that the Jewelry and Music
business will bo continued , at the old
stand , Opera House Blot k , and hav
ing u finu stock in quality and styles
ut prices which cannot fail tn insure
satisfaction , wo solicit your patronage.
Call and oxamino.
i i
When you have tried all other
Bassos and spectacles and you cannot
30 suited , call on Edholm & Erickson
and get a pair of the genuine Star-
liuted Spectacles or Eye ( Haases.
They nill suit wi'on all others fail.
These are sold exclusively by us in
Nebraska , Wyoming , Utah , Iowa aud
Ivansas. Edholm & Erickson , op
posite postofiico , Omaha.
Spacious light offices for rent at
L303 Farnam street. Apply to John
LT. F. Lohmaim it Co.'s. apl-2w
Trimmed Hats 75c. to ? 5 at the
'Boston Store. " apr2-2t
The IIKST and CHEAPEST at French's.
LAWN MowEns , AM , rAiTEitNs and
Evans' SEED Store , 14th and Dodgo.
NOTICE Advertisement T Loan , For Sale ,
Lost , Found , Want * . Boarding , fee , , will be In
serted In these columns once ( or TEN CENTS
per line ; each subsequent Insertion , F1VECKNTS
per line. The first Insertion never less than
ONEY TO LOAN Oil at Law Uraco of D.
M L. Ihotnaa Room 8 Crelthton Block.
TO LOAf At 8 per centln *
tore t In lums.of $ , K and
upwards , for 3 to 6 years , on drst-clruw city and
furm proi > erty. Bnnii KeltEatlTS and LOAN
AOXSCT. 16th and Doucloi Sts.
- Ki > od nurfo girl. Ch . S'llx-
WANTIID A buker Immediately. Apply
to Mr. llowecr , ( ccrttary Y. II. 0 A.
10th and Farnam Sts , " -
T o flr > t-cliss T nnprs Inuncdl-
atoly to work In the slitp of ihco. liuette
& Son , Krciccnt , Neb. 755-15) )
WANTED Ona reliable rahtnrtct , st ndy
work , RooJ waff IB. 410 Koutli 10th t
WANTFDUoo I ttrnnpt boy Apply Omaha
KUntand OolorCo , 0h ; anj Jtnct ttr > c .
7 0-li
W AN1FCARoo3plrl for second work. Ap
] > lv 1821 fnli BOslrctt. 751-tf
WANTKU An export need Shirt ml Over
all cutter. Apply Cair.ibr.tit k Cole ,
130 'Farnam St. 752-15
ANTED-UIri far cenerM' l-ouso ok. ) If.
W ilannwo Icr , llth btrcct near FAtnmi.
13) IV
TlirANIED Cno Hr8t.cla brUk burner , and
YV one eot'tcr , linmedlalcly. Kjr pirtlcu-
) .irs ca 1 on or Bodices It. J. saic , Opera Uou a
Blcck. 743 12
OY WANTED 1) ) 11 ' IJoiird of Trsdj room ,
) Lyllb'sl.lock.lHOFarni.mBt. 71812'
" \T7"A > iTKU 100 hundred m < n for ral'toad '
VV ork. II , Maatimliur , Employment Ais\
lltU ttrect i ear Farntin. 721 12-
\ I1M5 HANDS WA TtBt Onuha
MI1M5 . np03t !
DO wen to work at Florence Cut
WANTED AVajes91.7Spcrdiy. f-o roall pjx
ho c. 720.1i !
Competent girl fcrgcneral house ,
WANTED Mu t be a good cook AIn. M ,
Roger' , corner 19th and 1 eveiiworth street * .
\ \ 1 ANTED A treed girl at corner Hamilton
YV rviicl Pier its. , bblnii'n addition. fto.t
rl fn. 638-tt
grncr.vl I ou ! ork. Apply -
ply at 25th and tit. Jlary'ii Atonue. U.
V. Harney. S6 12'
- No. 1 brick moulder , one
that can mould and t-ltp brick. No other
rccil apply. Call on or address J. F. FJynn ,
Norfolk , It cb. apMXIl.ncd&eau *
ANTED Girl about 14 to do light hcuso
work , during the day only. Apply at Iteo
office. ' B24-tf
TXT"ANTED D nlusroom glrlatthe Crciahton
YV _ lln" " . 007-tt
WANiED Siluitlon br uycun ; man In gro
cery More. U. JUm wtllcr , imploy-
ment Ay nt , IHh direct near Farm u , 7ot-Ht
WANTKD Ily a young m n a oosl'lon ' M
booK'kecpcr , or ciork , lun Inf had jirac-
leal experience. Writes o good liatd , Addrcta
70S S. lath stcect. 09113'
3 to lake care of homes or work on farm. In
| ureat ! Omaha Euip'.oynKnt Agency , 10th bt.
ieor Forrom. i 17-13 *
Bya nianan-l wile , .iiltuatlon ,
man as coachman , understands horecs ,
andttlfeas hou.e-kciper. AJdtess "C. " thU
olllco. - 703-12'
"IT ? ANTEDTc Ren , house convenient to
VV I.i ! nes9. H U. 1'otF.
753-10 1207 FainimSt.
ANTED Itoom for Kcntlpirun , wifi anil
chllil 7)earn old , nith boar-i far child.
H Y. tl in olllcc. 7 3'2 12
Convansers to till houtcbrM ar-
WANTED ustd In every family. Particularly
Kooil Inducvirjcn 8 to canin'bcTi' , for pait cularn
pply Lctuccn 12 and 1 ! o'clock at lilt Dcti ? aj
trcit. (73313) ) K. JD.PRATT Z
Hcma of not l"8i than elfht
WANTED . good Jotlon. . C' ll atlllfi How-
rd street. 716 li. '
2 uufurnlehcd rooms for man and
WANTED miut bo moderate In prlcn. Ad
dress II. , Uco olllce. 207-tf
Boarders at the Garfletd hoeso ,
WANTED corner 14th and Jack.on Sts.
/ - 414 tf
To sello barber fhop , ( rood lo
cation , good business , satisfactory reasons
or eelllLe. ' Inquire at 117S.16th itieit , Omaha
Neb. C37JI.
rtTANTKD tiasemcnt In ex. for board.
YV Other boarders too. COS N , Whetieet.
019 tf
XTTANTED 4 children as boarders In a u elect
W school , at 10th nd California St L. II.
YOU WANT your yard sodded , lire bluf
IF Krms. Leave orders a. K. at the I'co office.
Funding bridge and school hands.
WANTED Clark , BeUorue. SB-tf
I Fnin'flied front room , 300 I'nr-
niiiibt.bctwctii Itlthandl7tbbrickhnuto.
HKNT Fiunlfhcd loom H.V. . o'ltier
POK ' 1.11(1 JIOMAIllbt. ' -tf
HENT Oil ! olu Jacob's llloek.
\OIl RENT Furnlthcd room corner 10th and
DouKla . 73(1 ( tf
BXNT 'Ixleen (10) ( ) acres of cholco land
FOK fa'aundcra itrrct , for > rardeiiltii ; purposes
irsthan tno mlliairom Pottoitlco.
730.15 | 6l)5 ) i'arnatn St.
OH HENT FurnUhtd cottage b05 N. 18th
st. lollalt-rJo'cUk. 713-12'
HENT-Thres uifurnlih d ro'ms u table -
FOR Jar houu-kecplnir. Jnqu re for t o
d.y tlll3 South llth tiroct bit. jhrreiuu
atlflc. 7 13
TWO uortn cf Do K > on 18th st. 71Mf >
RKNT-FurnUhsd room , 610 16th kt. let.
FOlt California au4 WfbiUr. fl51-tt
RE T T TO good rooms for re > t , corner
FOR and Faruam t . luqulie at Nlndcl
& lirelln's HaUtore. 707-tf
T71FRNISHFD Room , lth board , j ; and
L1 bathroom , at 1718 Doi ) ett. b77-12
TnUISNIsnEURUOJIS-For light houso-kesp-
h lug 316 a month. 221U California tt.012tJ
17(011 ( RUNT rouse barn and 3 rcrcs of laud
[ > Inijulrs 16tb and UowarJ , Euauo O'NIel
rnUtt J > 1 One large ( urnULcd roc 11 , ultli
_ L board , on first floor , outside eutranc If OS < .
California st , MS tf
, M > U UlW\l-i't. x. . | , it * i > , A , AW , ifc. 4i , t P *
J Improved Douflai county land. 11 uillii
rom R , II. lUtlon , luqmrvi at 2118 D > cn ) > oii
tro L 423-tf
TTIon RKET Store room tn brick rmlldln ? , N.
JL1 K corner IClh and Cumlnff. 0. K Uood.
man. 1110 Farnhim St. 203-tf
"fTIOR KENT Furnisneu iruii loom , K. E. cor.
L1 Ptti find Jnckaon RZ-tf
IOU HKN1 .ir / .
F chants' Exchange.N. E. cor. Iflth > nd Dodg
ttr ( > t . P-tf ,
OR UENT Nicely furntoheil rooms with fa
without bo rJ. Heoaonable t > rlce . 201S
C w St "
I710KSAI E A two unltd JIUR/J , nc ly new ,
JL nlwotie Nn. 2Kn wle Steitn Pump. En-
oulreJ , Klrmt'i llJtbcr ihop , cor. llilh nnj
Vo-igt. 742.1
i\On8At.E \ Teamof ponlc , h rn fss . _ . . _
„ „
U at UlllranceJ 8 e Slables , 10 IBth street.
740-H *
I .lull aALUfi RENT A two (2) story fntne
1 > ) } 21x10. N. K c r er 2Jnd end
Cura'ng itrtet. loqulie l Krux'i Weittin
llrewcrjr. 7H-t
llnAljK Uhcap-tuiti w o lind hatncsa.
1013 South ICtn .fcct. S.ll.
"T710II SAI E vnii.ll Inu o Rlicl lot , 21th t.
1 } between Farnatn and L > uvlas g . , twrlve
blocks from the Opern house , luqu re at lha
house of J IIHS CoruliK. 73M7"
FOR 8ALK Oil I KNT-riTot , ) acres rt tile *
land with dwcl'lnc , ft : . , on Shctimn Ar-
enue , neat SU o Fair Uroiitnl * ; one of the belt
Atlon * In iho city for nurkct g.irdcn ,
740-15 1W ! > r tn m St.
F I OR RALn T eHoho d carrlnge and draft
horto , at llonmi'a Ircry Burn. 744-121
. nNHURiFOneA.TF Chcnp-ai
F. Millo of I'arloninl
urn , 12 fo.t fxten-
B'on i In ng tnhlr , din n ihurr , lot Mtsbcn
furniture , and other artlcks all tew. 2313 C ss
tro't , ! 2Z-lf
SALE Cheap D.srnb'o lot nn Call ,
FOR Htrcot , Irnntngo 132 ftct depth 65- J
ftfet ; willdlUdc. K. K. llajOun. 72M6
"ITtOR SALE 20 lots noir Hansrom Park , wcsl
I.1 of Park A\cnuo. 5460 to.8300 each. Mis
Caguo opp. I'Oftofllctt.
SALE A large ilosal r A Ilauminnrafo ,
grcd n r civ. Apjilyat Western Aovrspajer
Union 12th and Ho.vtud strrct. C'u-12
FOR S\LE Ol'ean one open bugiry. Kn-
qulro of J. K. aundtrs , at lltcry stable
next dtor north City Hall 039-tf
I OR SALO-IIouse of 4 nrfi ronmti and corner -
F ner tot on 10th and Mason $1.000. JlcCacuo
opp poalofflce 6SS-tf
71URY Thorouifhbrcd Jersey /lull No. SS2
J "M. H. H. B. " . winner tf prlid at State
? alr. Stands forscrvlco ct Nebraika Poultry
Yards , West Omaha. Graham e. Browne ,
FORSALK 141ots InN. W. part of city on
nightly location. J2CO to 3250 each , oa
monthly payments. Me' ague , opn. potolflco.
SSLtt .1
T710R HALE One second hind 25 hone power
engine , coo Jos newal o t\\o8 horsonowcr ,
nd two Ifi hnrpe po cr engines , new. Boilers
of a'I slzo , Inquire Omana Fein dry an
Machine Co.U. P. Ily. bet 17lh and 18th omaha
FOR SALE Hou e three rooms nrd half lot.on
20th street north of Greek , $900 c.-u-h. Oa
monthly paj menU $1,000. John L. JleCajuc ,
opposite postofllce. E33-tf
FOUSAIiE Fltaanrcs of land on ( aundon
Stieet , with fine re H dcncc , barn and other
ImproMtLents. I'rlco 82,000 : terms ca y.
472-tt W. n. Bart lt , Heal tstate Agent.
ipoll HALE A new homo and lot. ' . ! 6tll and
17 DouxlasSt. InquIrotoA. Bouman , 20th
and Farnham ' is. 418-lm *
I1OK I < ALE A l'ia > o(0 crta\es ) , in excellent
cncltoncrychcep. ; . Inquire ai IhlsoQIca
| AUJUAi.b fiio.ou. ii Ijnd , 'i utory frame
JL } house , lain 2 wells and other Improve
ments , catt Mdc of Saundira ttrect , near Fort
Omaha. For particulars addieus Gco. W. Brew >
sjter , Oakland. Neb. 401-tt
TjlOU SALE House with 6 rooms , barn and
JL ? long liiieo of lot on lEth St. , liet. Butt and
Webster. Inquire at Ed helm & Erlckson's.
365 tf
F I OR SALE Cur load of fat blackey mules
broke. Apply of J. W. bklnncr. Coin la ,
TJlOa SALE 32 residence lots on and near 16th
JO street. Price , ? 350 ito $560 each. Term *
easy. McCAQUE , Agent , Opp. Post OfBce.
860 tf
T71OR SALE Bicycle , 4K-Inch Standard Colum.
JD bla. Apply Union Ele\ator. 203-tf
OTS.'gK'Oeach , 85 down and f 5 per month
HEMIa , Agent.
TilOH HALt Or will xcn VK tor uuuna pro *
JD I Iperty , an Improved sec on of land adjoin
ing a station on U. F. R. R. M. DUNHAM. 141J
Farnham St. , Omaha. 720 Smt
203-tf KSTABROOK ft COE.
Q/iA Poundnofcho co country butter for sale
OUU cheap ; also freeh milk ciciy day at
Beal'u Qrorery ttorc , corner ILth and Dodge.
474-1 mo *
BRICK FOR SALE-812.00pcrlO'O.T. Murray.
110 It
HAY At A. H. bander's Feed Stor
BALED Uarney St. el'J-ti
A OENTLKMhN about to Uave fo : the South-
J\ . west mil tike pihato hu Incsito transact
in i oloiodo , hew and Ar.zjr.a Addrces
X. B e ollice. 712 12'
TRAYED A 1 fc t bay hcro ( aboi t 8 Vfara
§ ol. ' , with uhitoblar in foreheicl and r ht
id foot white , in orrratlon ns to Ills whtie- icwaidud at MaxllMer ft Co.
ptrctt near Furnam. liuslncaa 1 ouses ,
farmers and famlltvH tan b f upllicl with com
petent htlp. Any grajocf ciunloyuicnt. 1'ull-
road anp Mining tutllla on sbott uotico F. D.
Nolle , Kmploj mint Agent. OUi-tm *
MAMMOTH Clutter Black cop raepb < > rile6
CO ceLt a dozen , S2.10 per hundred , tlO.OO
per thousand at "Jdle-Wllde I'lace. " I cave or
ders at 1414 Dodge st. ' John 0. ilUs.
mch-26-ev uat-4t
TniANO AND OHOAN Instruction by Miss B
J. S. Parfltt , 8. 20th St. . below 1'ierco. 04-tf
ROOMS And flrat class table board , at 2011
Cans St. nil 1m *
Q AVE KENT Choice of SO full lots to leasa
jO R ar Crelghton College for$2o per year ,
bexter L , Thomas & Bro. , Room 8 , Crclgbton
riONALlST , 493 Tenth Street , betn ecn Farnbam
andllaincy. Will , with the aid of guardian
spirits , obtain lor any one a glance at the past
uid present , and on certain conditions In the ( u. .
ture. Hooto and Bboes made to srder. I'crleol
Absolutely Pure.
This powder no * tr varies , . A marvel opn
ty , strenirth and wholttomencsi. J'oro ' econo-
ulwl thin the ordinary klndi , and cannot lt
lold In competition With the multitude ofl ow
t , short weight , alorn or phoipha.'e iwwdws
bold oily In cans. KoiitJUAiiao t'oncits C . ,
Ofl W U St. , New York