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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1882)
THE DAlLf JBEE--COL'JSTCdL bLUITS , IOWA TEUESDA5T APPJL 13 1&82. THE D.A1L5T BEE BLUFFS. Thursday Morning April 13,7 8UBSCKIFT10N KATES ; fly Carrier , - - - - - SOrcn By Wall , - - - - - - - $1000pcrYe r Offlco : No. 7 Pearl Street , Kea Broadway. a E. MAYNE , Vansper City Circulation. H. W. TILTON , City Editor. MINOR MENTIONS. f For other lowe new/ , see 7th pngc. The iqual'intlon of IMC * drags slons rather slowly. The Bactist Sunday school Is arrant ; ing n concert for next Sunday nt ht. Flneit Una ot ladles' hand-lMags axes , Just in. tf , Wanted At once , at TUB BEH office , a boy with n'poney , to carry pap-rn , All the saloon men who wcio l > ehind on their licences have now paid up , except JMkliael Xnwlan. -New lot of cngravingp , oil paintings and oleographs just rtcchcd at Seaman'H. F. 1' . Fi rJ guarantees the best 51.GO , $1.75 nnd S-.OO shirts made in the Wit , J3uT ! ( and Willow streets. npr2-tf One Rolitary drunk , M , Johnson , np < pcaredhcfoio JudRO Ajlesworth yoster lay , md was taxed $3 nnd costs. Mntried. Kinaldo N. Fnrr to Miss jMnrtli.a L. Loyd , both of Council BliiH > , at 7:30 : p. : n , , at the residence of the Her. Air. Iionien. The juTcnile band is to give ndanco nt 351oom & Nixon' < < hall nn the evening of the 17th. The boys merit n hearty t > up- port In this enterprise. The board of trade ia to meet this evening to discus * the proposed site for government building for \vhidi the enterprising - prising cltlrena are praying. Keinhart it llesaer are to open next Saturday evening at their now quarter * at Tnmcr Hall. A free spread will bo pro vided , and everybody IB invited. There will bo many who will listen with iutcrost towhat Kev , Air. Cupcland lias to nay next Sunday evening at Doha- uoy'a concerning "Ingersollism. " Are the ordinances to be enforced ? That ia the question ; and many cltizenu arc watching eagerly cvtry move of the BOW council and the ulllcors acting under their direction. The gift show and sleight ot hand performance at Bloom & Nixon'u is draw ing less and Icsa nightly , There Is hardly enough substance to the ehow to ntand a very vigorous week's fun. 1 Now that the public library la to bo mado.a practical enterprise and a helpful ono to Rociety , those citizen who can should donate such books'ns they can spare to helps well the number and to aid ity usefulness , The case of William Griffith , better known as "Cranky Bill , " charged with larceny , has been transferred .to Justice Iralney , onja change of ycnuo from Judge -Aylesworth , and will eomo up for hearing to-morrow. Miss Gcnovlevo Rogers and Frank JVlkcn are drawing rather light audiences t Dohany's. The company give n fair evening's oni attainment , but with no won derful atiength cither in the pi ay a pre sented or the manner of present lug them , there ia no nub. caused or luroro created , M. Gates was arrested yesterday af > "ternoon for being drunk and for assaulting Gustavo Cos * , n German whom ho knocked down once before , about a week ago , GOBS has been in jail serving a term for being drunk , nnd was let loose yesterday , only tojbe knocked down i gain. John PieruorM , made nqtorioua for his part in the llubbard iissmilt und rob- y was again arrested yesterday after noon , tlJ'nio charged with vagrancy. Ho promincd to leave the city within half an hour , if Bet free , and never to thaw himself bore again , ilo was turned out And flew. Many who have light personal taxes "have avoided payment , by neglected to all at the treasurer's ollice , uud the mount btlng deemed too small to spend time and labor in collecting. It it now understood that a man is to bo appointed to especially look after the collection of these email amounts. Five "suspects" were pulled out of III the Blue Jay saloon , and examined closely by Officer Hone , wlio found that four of them could account for their comings and going. The fifth had no baggage , no home , no paper * , no money , and gave such a mixed account of himself , that he was warned to leave the town. Quito a serious nccldent befel Mr. John Watson , between eight and nine o'clock yesterday morning , necessitating the amputation of hU foot. Ho was un loading lumber at the Waboth depot , when another car was backed up and his foot caught between the bumpers. Drs. Hart and Lucy performed the operation. JMr , Watson was removed to his homa , near the Wabagli roundhouse , Importance of the Electoral Count BUI. aioston Journaltep. ] ( ) Two congreflsos and ono presiden tial election have passed ainco the electoral complications of 1870 dis tracted the country , and nothing what- evvir has been done to assure the coun try against a repetition of the scones -which brought with them BO much ol peril. In the bill before it congrosi Jits a measure of unquestionable fair ness , which recognizes the pro-omi pent authority of the states in dotenn ining the conditions and the validity of the electoral votes , and' which lay down eucli clear lines of action foi congress as to provide for all conceiv able contingencies , Failure to pass in -the bill will imply not only bad efotos inauship , but a reckless disregard o 1 $ the public aecurity. Those only cai wiah to have this question kept opei who bopo to profit by agitation and M confuaiou in HOMO possible crisis iiitho future , if HEADERS OF THE BEE. We ore trying to got your trade aud by HONEST .DEALINGS and aooi > ! 3300T8 AND BIIOEii tb hold it. < fc Co. * * ? i PRINTER'S PLUNDER ; The Prospect is That They Will Not Have So Much of it , A Dig Leak In the City Treasury Is to Bo Stopped. The question of the city printing has been agitated by Tim BEE , it being ing the only paper here which has thus far dared peep upon tin nutter , and the only paper that has given the public the facts to which it is entitled. At the meeting of the city council Tuesday evening another discussion was had concerning it , it being called up by a bill of The Nonpareil , calling for $121.05 for printing done in March , The bill had been presented once before , but not being properly certified to , it was sent back. Lost night it appeared again with a recom mendation from Auditor Burke that it bo paid The fact waa elicited that the auditor was at homo sick , and had liad no opportunity to verify the bill by comparing it item by item. The a\zo \ ol the bill rather astonished thu aldermen , nnd the items wore read ono by one and diocusaed , and then referred to. the committee on printing. There wore several interesting items in the bill , among which wore those for publishing thu oflicial proceeding/ ! of the council nt fifteen cents a equaru , which gave rise lo n talk to -ho clftict that this expenditure ought n the future to bn cut oil entirely , 'or the reasons given in Tin : DEB yet.- ; crday. Aid. Kowoll announced that ho committee on printing was in cor respondence with other cities and would noon have some facts nnd fig ures , which would show how their muting bills compared with those of this city. Attention was also called to a notice signed by Chief Fields warning citi zens to clear up the alloys nnd not to hrow rubbish in the streets. This notice of six lines , printed in the Kon- ureil , was charged in the bill at 510.80. Tlicro was no necessity for ho notice in the first place , vns the city is not supposed to bo cxpondng nonoy warning citizens not to violate ta long established ordinances. Fur- ' her than that the notice was printed eng after the paper was told to take t out. Some talk was had informally as to whether the council could not have omothing to say about how long pro clamations of the mayor should bo published. It was stated that the > reclamation the last two years cost ? GOO. It was shown that some procla mations had been published thirty imes , when required by law to bu ) tiblished once n week for four weeks , i'ho city has had to pay for this and it a now proposed to stop this foolish ness. ness.Another Another interesting incident arose. AB has already been stated in THK JEK , a sealed envelope had been hand ed in to the council purporting to con tain i > sworn statement showing the circulation of The Nonpareil in this city. The envelope was presented the evening before on condition that it should not be opened except under pledge of secrecy. The council re jected this , nnd the restriction was partially withdrawn at the last meet ing , the council being , however , re quested not "to post it about" nnd make it public. The envelope was opened and contained what purported .o bo t lion worn statement of the book keeper of The Nonpareil , that to his "best knowledge nnd belief" the cir culation of The Nonpareil was ono thousand. It was referred to the committco on printing. The "sworn statement" cunningly avoids stating how many actual sub scribers 'Jho Nonpareil has. Any publisher , capable of charging the city such bills , could run ofl' enough extra copies one morning to make n thous and papers "circulated , " on the par ticular day on which the statement was nwtlo , but The Nonpareil cannot , nnd with all its cheek , dare not , pre sent n sworn statement that its bona "ido circulation has averaged for n uonth 1,000 papers. It is understood that the previous csolutions are to bo rescinded , and lint the printing of proceedings is to jo done away with , and that the pub- inning of ordinances , etc , , will bo lot p the lowest bidder , irrespective of simulation. If this change is made , it will revolutionize all previous cus- oms. Ono thing is certain , the tax ? ayers are tired ot giving charity to iapera which have not enough vim to ive without it. BADLY BEATEN. Al.tttjo Four-Year-Old Is Thumped Ulnole and Blue by Anna Henry , Yesterday complaint was made against Anne Henry , n well known woman of the town , for boating un mercifully a little follow named Willie Simpson. It appears that Willie is only four years of ago and his mother who is said to bo of easy virtue , left him nt Anna Henry's while she proceeded - ceoded westward. A few days ago the mother sent Anna Henry about 840 to have the child sent to her , but for come reason she failed to do so. It waa ascertained yesterday that for some trivial offense on the part of the child , the woman boat him un Jiorci- fully , there being hardly a spot on hi * little body but what bore the marks of the brutality. The child wna nt once taken from the don in which ho was thus used , aud being provided with now clothes by the superintend- out of the poor , was given into the charge oi a worthy family living a short distance in the country , who have no children of their own , anc who seem willing to adopt the little follow. A warrant was issued for Anna Henry , and the will bo called on to answer to the charge of bru tality , PLEASURE PARTY. If you nre a party who would have pleasure , buy a ppir of our honest made , comfortable % fitting , atylisl shoes. % .Jf.LuMtY&Co , STREET IMPROVEMENTS , An Import-ant Move by the Council Concarning Taxation. Knch Property Owner to Pay For What Is Done In Front of His Own Lots Some time ago TUB BEE made pub Ho the fact that some of the citizens desired n change in the mode of rais ing money for street improvements , by which those desiring streets graded or paved could have them done by n special assessment on the property bone fit ted rather than by n payment out of the general fund. The agita tion of the matter has resulted in call ing the attention of the council to it , nnd the aldermen hnvo been giving it some thought. As n result the council has instructed the city attorney and judiciary committee to prepare nn ordinance , providing for aVrcet improvement be ing thus made , nnd it will doubtless be presented nt nn early dny. The change is n most important one , nnd will naturally cause much dis cussion. Heretofore when n street has boon tilled , or a side walk filled up to grade , or any improvement of that kind needed , the city has paid for the came out of the general fund , thus letting the burden fall alike on all tax payers , whether directly beno- fitted or not. It ia urged in support of the change that those whoso prop erty is directly benefited by uuch im provement should be willing to pay for them , and that is unjust for those whose property lies at u distance , to lielp pay for work which simply in creases thn vnluo of some other prop erty. It is further urged that many more improvements will bu made. The residents on any street will not need , ' o wait until thcro is money in the general fund , or until the council ihoosRS to order work done , but can jy securing a majority to a petition , iavo the improvement go on and ; ho 'cost ( axed to the property whoso vnluo is thus increased. An illushv.tio.i ia given. Ono man 3Uya n wntury lot , nt an equally low nnd watery price. It is hardly fair 'or the city nt largo to p.iy for im- tfovomonta to make this a valuable ot } and lot him have the benefit of the rise in valuation thereby. There is also n question of present expediency. There nro a number of persons who are nnxious to got the sidewalks filled up to grade. In some cases the street has been filled , the lots have been filled and the sidewalk eft low , making almost a ditch , and in some cases being unsafe and ; ivin < r liability to suits for damage. The city has no money to fill these sidewalks to grade. If the now ordi- lance is passed they will bo obliged o do EO at their own expense , and the city will bo relieved of a big burden. There will bo some objections and n-otcsts. Some of these property owners just referred to will doom it unjust to have to pay for filling the sidewalks in front of their houses , after having paid their share of taxes 'or filling in sidewalks in which they tad no interest. The oildet to this is ho fact they will hereafter bo free from having to pay toward other im provements which do not concern them immediately. At present it may seem n hardship , but in the long run it will not prove so , nn immunity from taxation for the benefit of other property will in the course of yearn prove no slight relief. Such are some of the reasons urged For the change , but the chief rcuson presented is that it will relieve the city of n great burden. The tax for general purposes is limited at ten nilla , nnd this will notaufiico to mnko needed impioyuuonts. Under the change , if any improvement is wanted the ovvnor of the property immediate ly concerned can hive it , und as they will got repairs by increased valuation ; hey can ntlord te pay for it , and , liono who are not getting any benefit will bo relieved from bearing the bur den. The city will find itself in po- aession of necosawy means for repairs nnd for the expenses which naturally fall to it. Not Cunning1 Enough. Hon. Eli Clayton's name was yes terday brought forward , as promi nently as the Nonpareil could brintr it forward , as a worthy person to rep resent this district in congress. Many , oven among those who might prefer some other man for congress , will join hoattily in all the praise bestowed on this worthy man , but the Nonpareil is , as usual , consistent only in its own inconsistency. Not long ago the Nonpareil abused this srmo gentle man as severely ns its puny strength permitted , and why'/ / Because Mr. Clnjton , as chairman of the board of county supervisors , objected to the Nonpareil charging nil uorta of fancy prices for public printing , and un earthed its greed as the present coun cil is now doing in regard to the city printing. Now the Nonpareil urges him for congress , and has tlmchuokto say that "it does so in no spirit of in sincerity. " The Nonpnroil cannot hoodwink the public na pasily as it thinks. The sudden Hoiaeraault lini a reason , nnd the renoon ia plain. It thinks that by dividing up the oppo sition into factions , draw away strength from Hon. W. P. Sapp , whom it hates bitterly , and can cause not only his defeat , but that of Mr. Clayton and others , andean thus manage ago to run in some pet candidate of its own. The animus of the whole mnttor ia shown by its frequent side- ulaps nt Mr. Sapp as "a demagogue" nnd "a " self-constituted candidate , The dny is past when The Nonpareil can thus garb its trickery under the declaration that it ncta "in no spirit of insincerity , " without being unmasked. An one key to the situation , and us a very probable cause for the appear- anne of the editorial referred to , it is well to note that umong the "person als" in the game issue appeared the fact that "Mayor" A. R. Anderson was in the city. The "Major" nnd "Col. " Chapman were in consultation in the evening. The former } ms an itching for the honors. Did lie fur nish the plan of the farce , and did the laltir try to play HI ' Perhap. " A MODEL STABLE. Some of the Improvements Mode by Mason Wise , the Liveryman. . In his joumcyings about yesterday , a BEK reporter dropped in nt Mason Wise's livery , feed and sale stable , and cast nn eye over the improve ments which hnvo been made. The old buildings nro quite upacioua , well arranged , nnd the stock excellent and well kept , but ilr. Wise not content with his former accommodations , has built a largo brick stnblo 33 by 100 feet in extent. Below nro stalls nnd other conveniences for the proper care of horses , and above is a loft so spacious that fifty-Bovcn tons of hay can bo stowed nwny there nt ono time. A well has been sunk , furnishing an abundnnt supply of excellent water , and there is nothing wanting in ntiy of the appointments nnd conveniences of n first class stable. The accommo dations as thus enlarged , nro ample for caring for ono hundred nnd fifty horses , making ono of the largest and best fitted establishments for livery , board nnd sale business in the whole west. Between the now stable nnd the j other , ia a Inrgo ynrd , where THE BUB ] reporter spied a numerous army "of | kickers. " There were nbout forty mules enjoying life hero , nnd they seemed happy , as they on ht to be , for abundance of feed nnd wnter was nt their disposal , the nrrnngo'nonts for dealing it out to them being per fect. Mr. Wise has bought and sold a great many mules , and those spied there yesterday wore certainly ex cellent onca in bizo nnd build as to easily acohtmt for the tready sales which Mr.vViso moots with. The stablca and sheds now form a complete horse shoo , with two en trances on Scott street , near Brand- way , this being in a most convenient tocatian. Within the horse shoo of buildings is the ynrd. A more com plete and convenient establishment 33uld not bo planned our , nnd the en terprise shown by Mr. Wise , together with his long experience ntid long ac quaintanceship , entitles him to the success which ho is winning. The attention of THK BEE reporter called to handsome turnout which makes its headquarters nt Wise's , and which ia owned by Senator George T. Wright. The team is n pair of hand some brown horses , fine steppers , well built and nicely matched. Mr. Wright purchased them of Mr. Wise for $500. i'ho covered bugo-y is ono of Hntton- lauor'o best , and with a fine harness , the turnout is ono equal to any in this part of the country. A GOOD MAN GONE. A man went astray nnd allowed linmelf to bo induced to buy a pair of shoddy shoes. The doctors disagreed ; ono said it was lock jaw , and three said the sheet iron counters , pine board insoles and rusty nails in his shoes produced the fatal disease , which shall bo nameless here ; ( wa don't know how to spell it and only a doctor can pronounce it ) but- the moral is , buy honest made shoes , if ; hey do cost a few cents more per > air , and live long and comfortable. JUT boots and shoes are the best wo can got made. It X. T. LiNiJSEtf & Co. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special advertisements , 111 Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thlt column at the low rate of TEN CENTS PER LINC for the Dret Insertion and FIVE GENTS PER LINE for each Bubee'iucnt Insertion , jeavo tulv ortlscmonU at our ofllcc , No. 7 1'carl Street , near llroadwoy. lOUIt BALK \Velbtrfruud , or Woinang C Friend , the treat Oermin discovery , 'o'ltlvocura fur fcma'.o weakness : In all its various forms and eUro < . At IMIIAVEN'S Drug Store. 1,1011 HAl-i ; hx-.Maor Vauxlmn cticiH thu J } "two stores" aid "two eight room real- tcncca" ndjolnlctr Dclianj's oicra licu-o and oiiOflto ] ] Ilia city inatkit , for tale or trndo at a mrsaln. Ihe four Imlfdlrgs are well ada ted fora Urtfe boaiding establishment , hole' , lios- pltal. etc. apl7-U AN'IKU UookH to kiop vhuo work can W lie doi o morn In'and evening nlko cony. its. All liuslnces confidential , for ( urtlicr I articular ) call at 331 Broadway , 2d flour , or oddrcu 0. B. Mono. ulU it. \TTTANTKD-A Rood girl for RCiicral homo YV worK on i who Is worth good wa caand n willingto earn them , Ap'dy at HEB cflke , 1'earl street. alMf. /ANTED A the , Intelligent Solicitors for V thoMutunHlcnofltABwcUtlon of Council Bluffs fur towns and countlc * In Iowa.'Apply l > f rHOimlly or by letter to the Secretary , au "w A widow lady with four chil dren vtants to keep house on a farm. For particular * inquire at I'.co Oulco. PlOIl KENT Ono or two furnished rooms , Jj with or without hoard. Comm lent to trans cr. Mrs. W 11 , I radhury. .Fourth avenue - nuo , Ecctndvutdoor vest fc'ci-uitirntli street. ap8 Ct . W , U I'A'fIOW I'hjtlc'an nud Oculist. DIl. euro any raw of corocjo. It U only n matter of Unto , and can euro generally in from three to the necks It niaU-a nothfUr- once how Ions : diseased. Will straighten cro H cjL8 , operate and rcmo > o rijrfr'muBi ( l'c' > a"d liibi-rt artificial ejcs npS-tf ISKNT Two nlcoW furnished rooms to ilnuloL'CiiUciiicn.ln ury dc lrahlo location , tpll-tf J. W EQUIUE&C.O. TI.IOH KENT. Two $20 houses aid ono etoru , I ; S2 > UroadHR ) . Ait | > ly nprll-lin A M. WI180N. 'ANTED An ixttrlenicd waiter at No. W 1007 rarnhambtrut , Omih , Neb uprll-Stt JOHN I7OH SAU5-Bea-it.ini residence lots , SdO I ; cadi ; nothlui ; down , and $ ) per week only , by i.VMAVOlt VAUQIIAN. uplS-tf A NYONi : WANTING son eflu * quillty hrosrn \ . curn keed ion get It hv wr tint t" pl3 tf 1' , 1' . MAINE , Om.icil DliiR * . To buy houratnd lot on monthly W payments , Addrcs X , IJco office. nmrlS-tf. VXrANTKU To mu a mull cotl K once , W Address 0. M. , gr enquire at llxx olllco , feb21-tl Kt cry body In Council Bluffs lo WANTKD DBS , M cents IHT week , do ll\ercd by carriers. OHlie , Up-7 I'earl Stroot' To buy joe tons broom corn. WANTED addrcaa Council BluUi liroom Factory , Council liluUs , Ion u. MS-'Mt SAlilJ Old papers S5o "Tier"bun dred , at FOU Hco QfllM. Council tihitlii. nc'J7-tl IIKN1' Lariro house , centrally lei ted , EOU irrouudj , Uc. , 9i& ucr month. Unrjulro at BKK ouico , apll-tf EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. 4IB Broadway , Council Bluffs , Deeds and moitg iti { ! dr wa nod ncknowlcdgtd TOO UTTERLY UTTER ! JLVEt.'UJ JtJ. BOSTON TEA GO. Are Supplying -tho Aesthotio Wants of the Public in FINE GROCERIES ; With Everything in Staples at the Lowest Prices , Freeh Roast Coffees , Chioce Drawing Teas. Boston Tea Go. 16 Main Stand 15 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , W.W.SHERMAN MANUFACTURER OF Road , Track , Coach & Livery FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. E. II. SHERMAN , Business Manager. WM. CimiSTOPIICa , Mechanical Manager. 124 S. Main St. , Council Bluffs , la. GOLD ! GOLD ! GOLD ! Bright and yellow nnd Imd and cold , Molten , graven , hammered and roll'd , Heavy to get and light to hold ; Hoarded , bartered , bought and sold. Stolen , borrowed , squandered , and doled ; Spurned by the young , Lut hugged by the old To the very vergeof the churchyard mould ; 1'iice of many aciiine untold. GOLD ! GOLD ! If you want to have gold yiu must spend your money to the very beatadvant- nge. lo business with cash men , nnd where only ono price will bo asked or taken. REMEMBER "A tree is known by its fruit " A store by its prices. ONE THING CERTAIN Our prices ara risjht. Oar business in a guarantee that fair dealing is our watch word. XLOIlisour motto. Our busi ness is in n most healthy condition. Kvery department is doing good work. Canned Goods nro going .off very cheap. Tens nnd Coffees n choice assortment. Fancy Slielf Goods for the million. " Come and see UF , we will do you pood. F , J , OSBORNE & DO , , 162 Broadway , Opposite Ogden House. COUNCIL BLUFFS MANUFAOTUllERS OF ENGINES , BOILERS , M1WG AND GENERAL MACHINERY OUlco and Works , Main Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Wo glte special attention to Stamp Mills , Smeltmg Furnaces , ROISTERS AND GENERAL MILL MACHINERY , HOUSE FRONTS. GENERAL REPAIR WORK will receive prompt attention. A general as sortment of Brass Goods. Belting , Pining , AND SUPPLIES FOR Foundry , Pig Iron , Ooko , Goal , OHAS , HENDRIE , President. 2i OSCAR WILDE 2. GAS FIXTURES. Bixby & " Wood , THE PLUMBERS , On Bancroft or ( Fourth Streets. ) J. M. PALMEK , DEALER IN REAL ESTATE ANO LOAN AGENT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA.X Ors ; Woodbury & Son , Cor. Pearl & let Ave. COUNCIL UUIFF8. MAURER & CRAIG , ARTISTIC POTTERY , Rich Out Glass , Flno French China , Silver Ware &o. , E IlROiDWAT , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , MHS , fl. J , HILTON , M , R , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , 222 TTrimclwtir. Comifill Blnff - Wr B. AMKNf : JACOB B1MS. AMENT & . SIMS , Attorneys & Oounsellors-at-Law , COUNCIL BLUFFfl. IOWA. HARKNESS , ORGUTT & GO. AFD CARPET HOUSE. Broadway , Cor. fourth St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa , inar-2-Srn - - . ill U JjJj.La.Ci.Ei " Jhickenng , Weber. Lindemun , J. Mueller IP and other Pianos , $200 rind upward. Burdott , Western Cottage , ; Tabor and Paloubet Organs , $50andupward. Musical IM : cal Merchandise of every discription. Italian Strings a specialty ; imported direct. ' Music Booko , Sheet-Music , i'oya , Games , Fancy Qoode , Wholesale and Re TT tail. Pianos and Orecans sold for Oaeh and on Time. Stock ia large , full and com plete. Musical Journal tree on applica s tion. Correspondence Solicited. Address : o J. MUELLER , i -rr\ \ 103 South 5th Street. o IE COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. BOWMAN , ROHRER & CO. , Stprage and Commission Merchants , PURCHASING AGENTS And Dealers In all kinds ol Produce Prompt attention rfred to all consignment * . N08. 22 , 24 AND 20 PEARL STREET , COUNCIL OLUFFS , IOWA. . W . IE3I. IFOSTIEIR WILL SUPPLY ON SHORT NOTICE Cut Flowers , Greenhouse and Vegetable Plants In their season. Orders promptly filled and delivered to Eiircsa ] office free ol charge. Send for Catalogue , CSO-CT3XTCSH. Mirrors , Upholstery , Eepairing , Etc. . Wood and Metallic Coffins. No. 43G Broadway , Cor. Bryant St. , Council Bluffs , Iowa. IOWA WYOMING COAL HANDLED WHOLESALE AND RETAIL , STARR & REYNOLDS. J07 Main St. M E T C AT F BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS ! IN Hats , Caps , Straw Goods , and Buck Gloves. CHICAGO PRICES DUPLICATED. CSOtJMKTCJXXa 33Xi U .fc'Jk'ES , - REAL ESTATE AGENT , Has For Sale , Town Lots , Improved and Unimproved , also , Railroad Lands , and a number ot Well Improved Farms , both in Iowa and Nebraska. Office with W. S. MAYNE , over Savings Bank , - OOUNTOIL BLUFS ' ' THE VEUY'LATEST'STYLES OF Wall Paper and Window Shades And the Lnrg&t Assortment ( o Select /rein. Paper Hanging and Interior Decorating Done in the Iiatost Style of Modern Art * Geo. B. Beard , 11 Pearl St. Council Bluffs. C. A. IIKKUK , W. RUN VAN , H. UEKDB. C. A. BEEBE & CO. , Wholesale and Ketall Dealers In FURNITURE AND CROCKERY , Nos. 207 & 209 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Bluffs City Business College , Council Bluffs. Iowa , Hero will bo taught otcr > branch iHrtalnlng to a Complete Business Education. fujil's rccehcd atony time , and for any portl'n of the course For terms or further Information , call at 331 liroadMay , Sccotd KJoo-r , or aiMrenB . D. B. MOB8E. Principle. J. E , DAVIS , 13 PEARL STREET , Detxler In ZEPHYRS , GERMANTOWN AND FANCY YARNS of All Kinds. A Fall Line of Canvas , Felts , Embroidery , Knitting Silbs and Stamped Goods. Nloo Assortnent of Applique Pictures Or , in the language of Cromwell , we say to the little souls who deal in Shoddy Goods and Misrepresenta tion by telling their handful of customers that Our Prices are above their own , to "Fire Away Flanig n. " * Our Customers kno # we deal in . Honest Made , Comfortable Fitting , Stylish And that our prices are aa Iqw as it is possible to sell good Roods. Investi gate for yourtolf. Ziifi IT JbliwJo.o.1. &r l/U.y fill 412 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA Anfl WEST SIDE SQUABE , CLARIKDA IOWA ,