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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1882)
THE OMAAJDAJLY BEETflURSD * * APEIL 13 , 1882. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL NEW YOBK , April 12. MONET. The money market closed nt 3 per cent. Exchange closed firm nt 4 6"i@4 90J. Government * closed firm , GOVKIINMKNT liONDS. Currency G' * . . . . .132 bid 4's coupim 120 bid 4l's coupon * 11' ' ? bid Vs continued 102 $ bid G's continued - . .101 bid 1U1I.KOAD BONDS. Pacific railroid bonds closed as follow ? : Union 1 U 117 @ 117i Union Lind Grants 112 ( $113 Union fcinklmj Funds 118 ( > ll ! > 4 11 Lid HTOCKH The stock market to-day was Irregular at opening. A weak tone prevailed nnd price * declined 4@2J per cent , led by Jur- toy Central and LouUvillo & Nndiville , in which stocks a bearing feeling continues Tery Bluing. Some of the other leading shares Were pressed for n.Vo during the morning and Urqo amounts changed hands a decidedly firmer feeling and a tooovery . / of 4@U per cent , but this advance was lost later iu the diy nnd the early part of the last hour the lowef t prices of the day wore generally made. Louisville & Nairn- Tille was the feature , dropping 3 } per cent and carrying the rest of the list down iu lymuathy. In final dcolinga there was ft Blight rccolory. The closing quotation * , however , fchaweJ a decline for the day of i@3 | per cent. Colorado coal was excep tionally strong and closed 4 per cent higher. V-v t The following were closing bids : V Am'n Disc. Tel. 49 M & K 1214 Alton &T.1I. . 20 Met. elevated. . b7 Preferred. . . . CG Manhattan El. . 511 n. A. Line pfd. 03 Preferred . . . . 'JO BuriQ 131 Mnr&Cen.pref. 0 O St L & N O. . 75 2d Preferred. . H ' OS 603 Maryland Coal. 164 ' O O & I C. . . . 1'4 M L S & W. . . 48 > . # Cedar Fulls. . . . 10 Mobile & O . . . 24 V > . , OS&G 10 NYC 123 § " OP 8 ! > 3 N.TO 74 * t. ' Col Coal 53 N. Y. C. Coal. . 14 C O C & Ind. . . 71i N Y Elevated. . 105 ' , < ! . C. & Alton .120 Northwestern..12fi | k t Con Coal 2 ! ) Prcferr-d..l 7i y ? Canton GO N P 31) ) , O&O 21 Preferred. . . . 78J - . 1st preferred. 20 Nash. & Chat. . 67 2d pfd 224 Ohio S 1G\ Caribou 2 Out. A West. . . . 21 $ _ , , , Cent Iowa 31 Ont. Silver 35 > Vt i - D. & 11 105 Ogn N'av 14i'J ' tV"-1' DL&W 1103 OroTriUH 72 } i- ' -Si , Erie 35j O&M 70 > ' * * ' Preferred . . . 7 ff Ohio Cent 371 BAW 29 PiicMail 3tJ ETcnu Hi PD&E 39i Prefoired. . . . 20 Pull. Pnl. Car..125 > - , ' Adams 140 Q.iickilvor. . . . . lit ' v Fargo 127 Heading COS American 03 U&A 22J US 75 H&D 110 OB. . . ' . 11 Kobimon 3J Preferred. . . . 20 H & P 2fl | Homestake 174 HI 1-7 Ilouston & Tex. G'Ji San Francisco. . 38 S H&StJ 00 Preferred. . . . 52 Prefer.-ed. . . . 8G1 1st pref J. C . 3i St. Paul . I B & W . ( JO Preferred . Kun&Tex . 31 * St P M &M. . . L&Mo . 100 Sutro LS . 1074 Standard Oil. . . 1,1 . 63 TP LNA&U..M TD&B 14 | Louif. & Nanh. 733 Union Pao Ill ; Jjttile Pittsburg 2 Wnbaih 31 MichCea 802 Preferred. . . . 58 JV1 P 924 Western Union. 82J STATE BONDS. Tonnessea G's mixed sold at 49J. .CUICAQO MONEY. CHICAGO , April 12. Preston , Koan & Co. , bankers , report no change hi the rate for niosey Hinco yes terday. Government necurities , with the excep- iiou of extended 5a nod 6s , have ucored another advance 4 reaching to-day , per cents ing 120 , end the market elo'e * with a strong upward tendency. There ha < been but BUiall demand for outaidoeesurilies to- T d.iybutthe market remains firm for the class of railroad bonds. There ii active inquiry for land scrip of all kind , caused by the v st emigration west. Cloarint ; ? , 8G,012tOO. 34's Extended sixes , 1881 101 ® 10H 3VH Extended Even , 1881 102j@102j Coupons . 115i@110 Coupons . Il9i120 OTIIP.H BONDS. 3I5nne8uta State , 4's and Int . 101. Sterling -igtit . 48'Ji Sixty days . 48uj BAIUtOAIJ BOSDU. I. & n. Extension . 120 CO. ' , M. & St. P. C's { Dubuque div ) . . 103 J C.B.Q. 4'a . 87j Burlington & Mo. 4's in Neb . 83 Waba'h5 > H . 82J -Chicago & Northwestern ft's . 99 } Jacksonville & Southeast. O's. , . 95j COMMERCIAL. UihunaVTiolesale Market- OFFICE OF THE OMAHA BEE , \ Wednesday Evening , April 12 . , ( Th following are the only changes re- ported in the market to-day : Wheat , No. 2advanced 14c ; No. 3 , 2cj nnd rejected 3c. Barley , No. 2 advanced 2 : ; No. 3 ad vanced 7c. Corn advanced 2c. Oats advanced ic. Queen Bee flour declined 25c per hun dred. uocal WHEAT.-Cash No. 2,1.18 ; cash No. 3 , 9Gu : tojected , UCc , BAKLEY. Cash No. 2 , 04cj No. P , 78j , UYE. Cash , 07e. COHN.-Casii No. 2 , file. OATH.-Cash , SSJo. STHEET PIUCES-Corn , 58a)45j { ) oats , G0@45. II AY ? 0 f 0@0 fiO per ton. CH PPED bEED-$125. CHOPPED COH.V 81 15. BIUN-S110 ptr hundred. _ Provliloni , FLOUIi Spring wheat , straight grade , 8325@360 ; "Pioneer" California , 84 Dp ; patent , $3 75@4 50 ; winter wheat straight [ grade $3 85@4 23 ; patent , 64 60@6 00 ; gra ham rye , 82 60 ; Wheat , $3 00 ; Queen Bee , $1 00. KVTK i'LOOTl $3 25. MILLSTUFFS-Bran , per owt. I 10 per tonlG 00@17.00 ; ncreen ings , per cwt. 80c ; shorts , per swt 1.10 ; chopped feed , per cwt. 1 20 ; meal bolted , yellow , 1 0@O , white. $1 CO. " "OTATOUS-Nebraskag , 1 I5@l 25 ; .mported Scotch Champions 1 30@1 40. barrel. rtWEET POTATOEH-5.75gO.OO ( per WILD DUOK-l 25@l CO. KGGS-llc. BUTl'Ell Oreamery , 38 @ 40cj choice roll , iC@SOc ; common roll , 18@20o. APPLES Good , sound , very scarce t * 5 60fflO 50 per bbl. LEMONS Steady ; per bor , fl 0@ 6 00. 00.OKANOES per box 5 00@5 50. BEESWAX Yellow. 20@22o. ONIONS-S3 50 per barrel. CUANBEllKIES-Per box , $3 75 ® 4 00. CIlEESE-lOOHo. CASK- ( VALENCIA UANGES- 58 2 ! : > a II 00 STllAWUFUItlKS-Per ciuntt , 60 ® CO. ' . , ASPAHAGUS-Pcr bunch , 455c. ( SUEnX PEAS-1'er biuliel box , $2 @ 2 75. GHEKN BEANS-Per bu.hcl box , 52 tO2.75. Urocert Lttt. COFFEK. lUo , fair , lie : Rio , good Hio , tirinie to choice , 12jc ; Old Rov't 0i@284c , Mocha , 234c ; Arbtickle's , 3 > i'CAS. Gunpowder , good , 4p55o Choice , ( > OO75c ; Imperial , good , 40@J5o Choice , Msfic ( ; Young Hyson , rood , 8G@ 50c ( choice , C5c@Sl 00 : Japan Nat Leaf , 3."c ! .Tnpan. choice , ( iO@75c ; Oolong , good , 3.5Q340 ! Oolong , , 40@o5j Soucliong , jrntxl. Il.'ffvlOc : choice. 3.4 - . SUGAUS. Cut loaf , lOjc ; Crushtvl lOJu ; Granulated , lOJoj Powdered , 10J ; Fine powdered , lljc ; btandivrtl CofTeo A : 08s ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , 10c ; Good A , HJc ; Prairie Extra 0 , Oil. Oil.UYHUPS. UYHUPS. Sugar house , bbln , C5c : haf ! hi ? , 57c ; kegs. 4J gallons , 82 G9 | choice tnblo yrup , 40J ! half bbls , olc ; kegs , $2 3j. SODA. Dwight'H Ib papers , $3 OU ; l > e- and do , 83 00 ; Church's , 83 00 ; Keg noda , HTAHCII. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss , 8J & 82c ; Corn Starch , 8I@9e ; Excelsior Gloss. 7o ; Corn. 7Jc. SALT. IJrny loadu , per bbl , 1 805 Ash- ton , in sacks , 3 60 ; bbls dairy CO , 5s , 3 45s bbla dairy. 100. 3s. 3 fiT . DKIED FKU1TS Choice halve * , evaporated peaches. 7c : Salt Lake lOJcivap- orated Mb boxcs,134c ; Michigan , 7c ; New York apples , 7ict f'rnnoi , old , 04c ; now , 7Ac ; Currants , OiJ@7o ; fllackborrien , now , I5cCIIEESE CIIEESE Full Cream , 14c ; P rt Skim lljc. WOODENAVAHE Two hoop pailf , L 95 ; three hoop pails , 2 20 ! No. 1 tubs 9 50 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 50 ; .No. 3 tubs. 7 50 pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Cr wn , 200 ; WellbiicketK , 325. LEAD Bar , $1 C5. SPICES. Pepper , | 19 ; Allspice , 19c ; Cloven , 40c ; Nutmegs , $1 00 : 25c ; assu , Mace SI 00. MATCHES Per caddie , DOc ; round casct , 67.05 ; square cases , $5.10 PROVISIONS Breakfast bacon. 13v- . shoice lanl , 14Jc ; dried beef , 14c ; should ers , 9c : ba > ns. 13c ; bacon , sides , lljc. NEW PIOKLES Medium , In barrels , $9 00 ; do inhnlf bbls , 5 25 ; smalls , in bblx , 12 00 do , in half bbls , 7 00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 14 00 ; do , in half bbls , 7 50. VINEGAH Pure apple extra , IGc : pure apple , 13c ; Prussintr euro aunlo , ICc. nOMIKY Now , 555 00 nor bbl. BEANS Medium , hnri nicked 8390 per bushel ; navy , $1 00 ; calof navy , § 4 01' . . HOPE Sisal , J inch and larger , 8 © 'Jo ; 1 inch , 9c. SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 330 ; Kirk's satim 30 ; Kirk's standard , 3 C5 ; Kirk's whi Huasfon , 500 : Kirk' * Eutoca , 2 0 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( oaken ) , 40 : Kirk's magnolia , 4 55@ CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , Hi oz , 8u , ICc : boxes 40 Ibs. , 1C oz. , ( is , IGc. LYE American , 3 40 ; Greenwich , 310 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 doz. , in case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. in case , I 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 50. FIELD SEED Hod clover , choice now , SO 00 per bushel ; mammoth clover new. $7 00 ; white clover , now , § 14 00 il nJfa clover , new , $12 50 ; nlsike , now , S1300. Timothy , good , now , S3 00 ; blue grass , extra clean , $1 50 ; blue grass , clean , 31 25 ; orchard grass , S2 50 : red top , choice , 1 03 ; millet , common or Missouri , 80c ; millet , German , $100 to SI 25 ; Hungarian. 80c. 1IEDOESEED Osage ornnge , 1 to 5 bushels , 35 00 ; osage orange , 10 bushels or over , $4 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. , 325 00. FIS .i Family white fish , 90 Ib hf bhls , $ 75 ; jN'o , 1 white fish , 90 Ib hf bbls , 0 70 ; No. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kits , 1 10 ; family 10 lb kits , 83c ; ftow Holland" herring , per keg , 1 35 ; Hussian sardines. 75c : Colum bia river salmon , per lOOlbs , 8 00 ; GeorgVi Banlc codfish , Gc ; Gen. boneless 9Jc ; boneless fish , . MACKE REL Half bbls moos mackerel , 100 Ibs , S12 50 : hf bbl No. 1 ox shore do , 100 Ibs , 8 60 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , C O'l ' ; mess mackerel , 12 lb kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 lb do. 1 00 ; fat family. 10 lb do 75c. CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 lb ( Field's ) , per case , § 4 00 ; do 1 ! b ( Field's ) , tier case , 2 50 : do 2 lt > ( Standard ) , per case , 3 50 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per case , 2 20 ; d < * 2 tb ( black ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 lb ( slack ) , per case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 Ib , per dozen , 1 00@1 70 ; do 2 lb , per dozenj 2 6D@2 G" . Sardines , small fsh , imported , one quarter boxes per box , 14Jc ; American , "luarter boxes per box , lie ; do hnlf boxes , per box. 2l4c. Lobbters , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 230 ; do 3 lb per case , 2 803 HO ; Corn , 2 lb ( Mountain ) per case , 3 10 ; soaked corn , 2 10 ; do ! 2 lb ( Yarmouth ) , per cafe , 3 15 ; string beans , per case , 2 10 ; Lima beans per case , 1 (5. Succotash per cane , 2 25. reas , common , nor case , 2 00 ; peas , choice , per case , 3 15. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 2 30 ; strawberries , 2 tb , per case , 2 30 ; raspberries , 2 lb , per case , 2 753 00. Damsons , 2 lb , per case , 2 45. Bartlett. pears per case , 8 Oo@4 00 , Whortleberries 4 00@5 75 ; Peaches , 2 ftper case , 310 : do S11) , case1 , 5 00@G 00 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 lb , per . cane.300 ; do pie , G tb , per dozen , 3 CO. RICE Carolina , 7@8cj Lonldiaaa , 7 < S8ic ; fair , G@fii. PEANUTS Koasted , choice , red Tennessee - nessee , l"o per lb ; fancy white , 10&o perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOc ; roasted , 12Jc. Dry Ooodi. BUOWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boott FF , Sic ; Buckeye 1 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , Chit SiL U J1UUU 4V , OJU , AUUIUII UMAUUhtiU 4V , $ L ! Sc ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8.c ; Lawrence LT. , 7c ; Mystic River , 7Jc : Pequot A , 8Jc ; Shawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5ic ; Wachus- ctC 13 , 7c : do A , 8Jc ; do E 48 , 12c ; Wnl- cett ( BU. 8.o. FINE BROWN COTTONS-Allendalo 4-4 : 7c ; Alligator 3-4 , 3c ; Argyle 4-4 , 7Se ; Atlantio LL. Gu ; Badger Stnto X 4-4 , 7c ) Beimington O 4--J , GJc ; Buckeye S. 4.4 , fijco 1 Indian Orchard AA 9-8. 8cj } Laconla O 39 , 8Jc ; Lehigh K 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-1 , lOc ; PeppereFl N 30 , 7c ; do O 32 , 7Jc ; do II 2 30 , 7c ; do E 3D , 8c ; Pocasset 0 4-4 , 7i'o ; Wamsutta4.4 13o BLEAJHED COTTONS Andnwcog- cin L 4-4,9cBlackstoneAA ; In perlalSJc ; do do half bleached 4.4,9c ; Cabot 4-4.8JJ ; 1 FIdelty4.4 ! , 9JcFruItof ; tlieLoom,10 ; cfo can.brlo4-4,13edoWnterTwiat,10JcGreat ; ; Falls Q,10c ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12m Lonsdale , 10c ; do cambria 37 , 1-io ; New York Millg. 12c ; Pequot A , lOc ; Penperell N G Twills , 12jc ; Pocabontas 44 , OJc ; Pocosspt 4-4 , 8\c ; Utica , He ; Watnsutta O X X , 12ic. UOOKS ( Colflrod ) Albiiny K brown , 8c ; do O , ilrah , llo : do XX stripes and plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12c ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8c ; Chariot fancy , 12o ; do extra heavy , 20c ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , llo ; Indiana A brown , 13c ; Neponnet A brown , 15o , TICKINGS Amoskeaz A O A 82 17Jc ; do XX blue 32 , 18o ; Arrowanna , OJc ; Claremont B B , 15ic ; Conestoga ex tra , 17c ; Hamilton D , 1140 Lewieton xA 30,15c ; Minneliaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82. icfc ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12c ; Shetuckot itS lOJc ; do S3 12c ; Yeoman's blue 2'J , SJo DENIMS. Amoskeak , blueand brown ICJc ; Andover DD blue , 15ic ; Arlington blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord 000 , blue and brown , 12ic ; do AAA , do do 13 } ; do XXX : do do 14c ; Haymaker's blue and brown , , 9c ; MvBtio River DD striiw , IGJcj Pearl River , blue and brown , 15c ; Uncaavllle , blue and brown , 13c , CAMBRICS Barnard , Clo ; Eddyatone lining , 24 Inch double face , 8o ; Garner meA ; lftzcd , 60 : Manhattan glove finish , 6joj . ; do glazed , 6Jcj Poquot do 5c : Ixxikwood kid finish , Gc. CO11SKT JEANS Amorr , 8c ) Andros coggln oattecn , 84 ? ; CUrcndco , Go ; Cones toga eattcens , tic ; Ilallowel , 8c ; Indi4 OnJ'l rd 74o ; Jarrjganflottlmprovedo Pepperill t > atU > nn 9n ; Hockpart , 7Jo. PRINTSAllonn. . GJc ; American , 3Je ; rnold , 7c ; Berwick , 49c > Cochcco , To ) Conestoga. Gc ; Dunkirk , 4Jc ; Dunncll , OJ@"c ; "Eddyntone. 7c ; Gloucester , i Harmony , 5cj Knickerbocker , Go ; M rlmao D. 7c ; Mystic , r Jcj Spratrtio . Gc ; Southbridgc , Gc ; do. GinghnuiR , "c ; Marl * bore. . 6c ; 'Oriental Glc. " ' OINUlIAMS-AinoBkcap.Wlc ! Amoa4cj ke ? dress 12 } , ' Anryle , 10cj } Atlantic , 9c ; Cumberland , . 7ic ; Highland , 8Jc ; Kenllworth , 84e ; Plun kctt , lOJo ; Sus sex. Re. COTTONADES Abbervillo 13lc : Agate , We ; American , lie ! Artislan , 20 . . . . D nnd T , ISJcj Clarion D nud T , I74c ; Dpccan Co.striOsDaiidT,10c ] ; Key- atone , 134c ; Nautucket , lOc : Nonpareil , IGcj Ocean D and T , 13jc ! Royal , IGJi ; Sussex , 12c ; Tioga. 12\c \ ; WnchwcU nhirt- Ins jhecks. ISJc ; clo , S'ankln , 12jc ; York , plain Nankin. 12 Jc ; do , checks , etripcs and fancy , 12c : clo , 8 bz , 20c. Slir.BTlNGS Amlroscogetn 10-4.27JC ! do fl-4 , 24c ; do 8-1 , 22c ; Continental O 12 , lie ) Fruit ol the Loom 10-4. 274 ; Now York mills 08 , 35c ; do 78 , 30c ; clo 5H , 221c ; Pembroke 10-4 , 25c ; Pequot 10-1 , 28Jc ; do 7-4 , 19c : do 49 , IGc ; Penperell 00 , 29o ; do G7 , 210 } do 57 , 18cj Utica OG , 35c ; do 58 , 22ic ; do 48 , 17o Olgari and Tobaccoi. CIGARS. Seeds , $15.00 ! Connecticut , 825.00 ; Mixed , $35.00 : Seed Havana , 350.00 ; ClcarHavnna , $75.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule , 24 lb , GOc ; Spotted Fawn , Glc ; Our Hope , first quality , G2c ; Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , GOc ; Horse Shoe , pounds , 24 lb , butt * , COc } Glt ! Edge , pounds , 24 lb , butts , GO ; Army nnd Navy , pounds. 55c ; Bullion , pounds , GOc : Loril- lard's Climax , pounds , Glc. FINE CUT In palls. Hard to Boat , 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc ; Favorite , G5c ; Ilocky Mountain , GOc ; Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 50o. In tin foil Catllns O. S. , 5 lb boxes , per lb 63c ; Lori- lllard's Tiger , G5c ; Diamond Crown , GCo. SMOKING All grades Common. 25 to 33c. Granulated Blockwolla Durham , 16 oz Clc ; Dukes Durham , 16 oz , GOc ; Seal of North Carolina , W oz , 40 ; Seal of Nobras- 16 oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bigs lb , $1.35 ; Marburgs'Pixck , 2 oz , tin P.pur P. , GJcy white lead , O.P.&O Co .S.P.G4 pure.OojMarsalllesgrecn , Ifto 5 lb cans , 20o French zinc , gis-m seal. 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , iu varnish asst , 20c : French zince , In oil asst , 15c ; llnw and burnt umber , 1 lb cans 12c ; raw nnd burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13- ; i-efincd lampblack , 12c : coach black , lcc ; l ory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , ISc ; chromo green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; blind nnd shutter green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. IBc ; Indian red , 15c : Venetian red , 9c ; Tuscan drt , 22c ; American Vcnnillod , I. & ! ? . , 18c ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 1 < 5 ; patent Clryer , , Gc ; graining colors : light oak , dark oat , walnut , chestnut and nah 12o. Dry "alnti "Wliito \ lend , G4c ; Kronen line , lOc ; Paris whiteing 2Ac ; whiting gildore. 14c ; x\biting comTl , lie ; lampblack Gorman- to\vn. 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prussian sia blue , 45c ; ultramarine , ISc ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; umber , ] burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , Icjsiennn ; , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4o Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com'l 25c < ; chrome green , N. Y.1 20c ; chrom- green K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70c ; vermillion - grmi million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc , rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cookson's We : Venetian red Am. , IJc ; rod lead , 74 ° ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o : chromo yel low , K. , 12c ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , 2Jc ; ochre , American , IJc ; Winter's mineral , 24c ; lehigh brown , 2Jo : spaninh brown , 24c ; Prince's mineral Sc ; VARNISHES Barrels per gallon. Furniture , extra , SI 10 ; furniture , No. 1 , SICo ; furniture , U. 85c ; coach , extra , SI 40 ; Coach , Np. 1 , $120 ; Damar , SI 60 ; Japan. 70. . ; asphaitum , 70c ; shellac , $3 60 ; hard oil finlnh. $1 30. OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , lljcl'60 ; headlight , per gallon , i2Jc ; 175' headlight , per gallon , IGJc ; cryHtoliue , per gallon10o _ ; linseed , raw , per gallon , CO.linseed , boiled , per gallon , G3c ; lard , winter st' ' 'd , per nlni Ion , 90 : No. 1 , 70c ; No. 2 , " GOc ; castor , XXX , ppr gallon , 125 ; No. 3 , 115 ; sweet , per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon , If 55 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75c ; No. 1 , 05c ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOc ; summer , 15c ; uolden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 35c ; No. 2 i SO ; gponn , signal , ] > cr gallon , SOc ; tor- pontine , per gallon , 75c ; nnptha , 74" , per gallon , SOc ; 6420o Heavy Hardware List. Iron , rates. $340 ; plow steel , special cast , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; vpecialorGermanGc ; cast tool do. 15@20 wngon spokes , Hot. 2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongiiea , each , 70@85c ; axles , each , 75o ; square nuts , per lb , 7@llc ; washers per lb , 8@18c ; rivets , per lb , lie ; coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , 8c ; iron wedges , Go ; .crowbars , Oc ; harrow teeth , 4c ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steal. 7@8c ; Burden's horseshoes , 5 35 ; Burden's muleaboes , G 35. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 GO ; 8 to 10 , 375 Gd 4 00 ; 4d. 4 25 ; 3d , common , 5 00 : 3d , fine , G 50 ; clinch , all sizes , 5 25 ; Gd , casing , 4 75 : 8d casing , 4 50 ; lOd casing , 4 25 ; lOd finish , 4 75 ; 8d finish , 6 00 ; Gd finish , 6 25 half koes lOc extra. SHOT. Shot , $1.65 ; Buck shot , $2.10 : Oriental Powder , keg ? . 86.40 : do. , half , $3.48 : do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Bloat- iner. ke . S3.35 : Fuse , cer 100 feet fiOc. BAUBED WIKE In car lots,8 30 per 100 ; in less than car lota. 8 55 uer 100 , Horaei and Mule * . The market is brisk and all grades are oiling well at ilight advance In pi ices. The demand for good horses exceeds tbo supply considerably. Prices range as f ol5 Iowa : Fine single drivers , $150. to SCO. ; Extra draft horses , $170. to 225 , ; Common draft hones , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 3110 , to 125 , ; Common to good farm hones $90 , to $100. ; Extra plugii , $00. to 75. ; Common plugg , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15J hands fcxtrn ) , $125. to 150 , ; 14 } to 15 hands , $100. to 140. ; 14 to 14 } hands , $75. to 100. ; 18 } to 14 bands , $ GO. to 75. Llquon. ALCOHOL 187 proof. 230 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ' , 30 per firoof gallon ; triple refined spirits , 187 proof 124 per proof gallon ; re-distilled vr.itkiea , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 ® 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 2 00@7 00 : Ken tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00@7 00. BftANDIES Imported , 8 00@1G 00 ; domestic 1 40@4 00. GINS Imported , 4 C0@0 00 ; domestic , 403 00 , KJMS lumortod , 4 50@G 00 : New England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic. 1 bOSH ( ) 50 PEACH AND APPLK BRANDY 175@4 00. CHAMPAGNES Jujrorted per case , 2ROO@S1 0Accsrl ; j , case , 1200 > ® 10 00. CLARETS Per case , 4 50@1G 00 WINES Rhine wine , per case , G 00 i@ 20 00 ; Catawba , per case , 4 00@7 00 , Lumber , WHOLEBALE. We quote lumber , lath and shingles on cars at Omaha at the following prices ; JOIST AND SOANTLlNG-lGft.nnd under , $21 00 ; 18 ft. , $22 00. TIMBKRH 10 ft. and under. $22 00. TIMBKR AND JOIST-18 ft. , 823 Od ; 20 ft. , $21 00 ; 22 ft. , $27 60 ; 24 ft , S27 50. FENCING No. 1 , 4 and 0 In. , $22 00 ; No. 2. 820 00. . SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common boartU ) 818 60 ; No. 2 , $17 00. STOOKI BOARDS-12.In. D , $23 00s 1'Mu. C. $35 00 ; 12-in. B , $40 00. SIDING-A , $24 03 ; B , $21 00 ; 0 , FLOORING-A ' , 840 00 ; B , $37 BO ; 0 , 32 00'D ; , 82300. SHINGLES No. 1 , $1 75 ; 0-In. clear , $2 76 ; Ur. $3 25 ; extra A , $1 00. LATH NO , i , $3 co. BHIP LAP-Plain , $23 00 ; 0 , G , Nor 2 , $2400 ; O.G. No , 1,13500. OEILlNO-jJ-in. No. 3 , $25 00 ; j.n. | No.F 2 , $37 00 : I-in. No. 1 , * 42 60. FINlStllNO-Mn. No.3 , $37 60 ; 1-in. NoT 2 , $ 3 60 : 1-ln. No. 1 , $18 60. NoT FINISH $ 8 00@55 00. TARRED FELT Per lb. 3o STRAW BOARD-Pcr Ih. 3o. 1IP.AU ORBEK LIME 81 25 , 11P PLASPKR PARIS-$23V LOUISVILLE CEMENT-$2 00. DulldlPK Material , LIMB For bnrrcl , 81 35) ) hulk per bu 3T.C , Cement , bbl , $2 60. Iowa pinto bbl , $2 60. Hnlr per bu , Mo. Tnrvo felt 100 Ibi , $3 60. Straw board. 8 CO PAPBR-Stinwpniwr , 8cj Mg 4cj ; dry < goods paper , ioj manila paper , lOc ; news p'.pcr. 8c. . . COAl Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ; Morris Run BloMburs , § 12 ; Wbltelrcast ) lump , 80 f 0 ; nut. ? < J < " 0 ; Iowa lump , 80 60 ; lown nut ? (560 ( ; Rock Springs , 38 ; Anthracite , all M < % S12 IH12 ) 60. Oniet. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS Acid Carbolic , 60c ; Acid , Tartnrie , ' ! 0c ; Halnnui Copnbia , per Ib , 76c ; H rk , S.wmfr-fts , per lb , lie ; Calomol. i > cr lb , 75cfCinchonidia , per or , 3100) ) Chloroform , per lb. 100 ; Dover's powders , per lb , § 110) ) Kpucn. salts , per lb. 34c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib , 45c ! Lend , Acetate , per lb , 21c ; Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per tful , f25 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , $120 ; OU , Olive , per pal. $1 60 ; Oil , Origanum , 60o Opium , $5 25 ; Quinine P. A W. A R. & S. , per or , $2 40j Pot-wium , Iodide , per ll > $ 82 35 ; Salacin , per mlOc ; Sulphate of Morphine , i > eroz. $1 00 ; Sulphur Hour , per lb , 44c ; Strychnine , uor oz. SI 60. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14@lGcj heavy , 13@16c ; medium unwaxlied , light , 18(320c ( ; wnihcd , choice , 32c : fair , ? 0c ; tub-dingy nnd w. , 28c ; hurry , blackaud uottcd woou 2@Cc losa HIdei f.un. Etc. HIDES Uroen butcher's hide , ; Giffl7c cured 7jc ; hldoa , green salt , port cured 7o hides , Glc ; dry fllut , round. 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , l2@13c ; dry salt liide o"ound , ll@12c ; green calf , wt , 8 to 15 Iba. . 10@llc ; green calf , wt , under 8 ll > g , per kln. 50o : green pelts , 60@l 25 ; green lamb skins , 8110125 ( ; damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , classed two- tLirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Coon nkins , No. 1 , 45cj No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 , 20. ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 60o ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , 16o : No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , G5c ; short stripe , 40nj narrow stripe 25c ; broad stripe , lOo. Tallow , Gc. Leather. Oak solo , SSc to 42c ; hemlock nee , 28c to 3Gc ; hemlock kip , 80c to 100 ; runner , G."c to SOc ; hemlock o.\lf , S5o to 120 ; hem lock upper , 23oto26c ; oa1 : tv per , 24c ; alligator , 4 00 to fi 60 ; cilf kid , 32@35c ; Grelsen kid , 2 fiO to 275 ; oak kip , hUe to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 3" ; French kin , 110 to 1 65 ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; tin- setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 8 60 ; tophings , 9IX ) to 10 60 ; U L. Morocco , : ! 0o to 35c ; pebble O. D. Morocco , 35c ; slmon , SfOtoSOO. HARNESS No. 1 utar oak , 4fic ; No 2 do , 39o ; No. 1 Ohln oak , 39c ; No. 2 1)0 ) , 37c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , S7c ; No. 2 do , 35c. Council Bluffs Marliot. COUNCIL BLOTKS , April 11 , Flour Crystal Mills Golden -Sheaf , 3 GO ; California Eureka , patent , 38) ; best brand of K.insns , 3 50ft > 3 90 ; Kansas and Missouri flour 3 50@4 25 ; graham , 3 75 ; rye flour , 3 40. Bran , and Short * 20 00 per ton Chop Corn 24 DO per ton. Wheat No. 2 , SI 12@115 ; No. 3 , 72o ; rejected , 52c. Corn 50. Oats No. 2 , f45c ; rejected , 35c. Barley No. 2 , 90c : No. 3 , 75o. Hay Loose , 5 00@G 00. Wood 5 60 ® 7 00. Wool 15@25. ! Butter Creamery , SOc ; in rolls , wrap ped , 25c : rolls not \yrnpped , 20o ; . .mixed colors , 15@20o. Eggs Packed , 2\c \ ; fresh , 15c. Potatoes 130 ; Salt Lake , 1 50. Onions 125@140. DressedPoultry Chickens , lOe ; ducks , 8c ; goose. lOc ; turkey , 124o. Live Chickens 2 75@3 00 per dozen. Chloaco CiuoAflo. April 12. Flour In better demand ; common to choice western iipriiig , 4 60@G 76 ; Min- uenotaB , 5 00@7 00 ; jmtentu , G 758 25 ; rye flour quiet nt 4 85@5 10. Wheat In.No. 2 soring there wn * more active demand and a lurgn upccnlntivo businehH wan transacted accoinpauled with n material nlmiiico in prices : the principal reiipou abnigucd frr the sharp advance tln vance however , wasuna tiicidcinand from nhorts influenced to HOtno extent by the rumored ii/jury by frost to the crowing ( winter wheat. The market BOOH liccamu stronger and later under an active demand priced were advanced 22Jc above inside prices current at opening , clion roooJed ] J @ 1 [ o per bueliel , fluctuated and finally closed about IJc higher for Mav , lie higher for June and lo higher fur July ou regular bo.ud . nnd on call ut 1 31J for cash ! and April ; 1 3 Jtffll 372 for May ; 1 32g for June ; 122V@l 221 for July ; 1 U8J for August ; 1 02j for the year ; No. 3 in moderate demand at 110i@l 14 , accord ing to location ; rejected , 78@8c. ( ) Corn An active speculative- demand was transacted in the corn market to .day and a mronger feeling was developed. Ixi- cal operators bought liberally. Tne specu lative trading centered in May delivery. At the opening the market was strong ; the latter feeling was arly , and prices receded , owing to free offerings , About .the m'.ddl e of the BCHiIon , however , the market was stronger , and prices gradually ai * vanced li@lgc , with an active l.u < ine 14 * reported at the advancing ccale. Toward the close prices fell off iffijc ( , but ruled firm to the close. Shipping dernnnd wa quitu active for all raden ; on ca'l board No. 2 closed at 721o for cuh and April ; 7Gofor May ; 74Jo'for Juno ; 74i@743o lor July ; 74i for Augn-tt ; 740 for ( September ; : 58go < for tno year ; high mixed , gilt edge reielpts , 754@7 < k ; winter , 73c ; rejected , 734o.OUs < OUs - Firmer and higher ; No. 2 closed at * 47c for cash nnd April ; -lOJo for Ma edI' ; 48Zto)49c'for ) for July ; 37jo lor August ; 35go for the year. Itye Stoatly and a fhade h'glier ' ; No. 2. cloning at 8081o for April ; 834 for Alay. BarJey-HIfhcr ; No. 2 , 1 10) ) No 3 , 00ii for April , which In an advance of 5 > . Pork Active ou specnl.divo demand nd freely offered ; mem closed at 1810 @ 18 15 fnrcaBh ; 1805 for May ; 18274 for June ; 18 524 for July ; 18 CO lor AUJJ- not ; 18 G74 for toe year , Laid Active ut tilflo higher range ; closing at 11 2511 ( S'J for tush ; 11 25 for April ; 11 321 for May ; 11 474 for June : 11 GO for July ; 11 70 for Auguit ; 11774 for September ; 11 674 f ° r October ; 11 07J for the year. Bulk Meats Fairly active ; nhort rll'H , 1005 for wish ; 10 00 for Mayj 10074 for June ; 1015 tor July. Whisky-Steady all IB. Butttr Dull nudweak ; creamery , choice to tuncy , 3S@40c ; fuir to good. 3336c ( ( ; dairy , choice to fancy , D2u)35c ) ; do , fair to good , 23@28o ; fresh rnidu packing flock , 18S'J8c ( ) ; low grades , 10@13c , grease , 7@'Jj ; roll , 12g620a for c unmon to fair , ami 23@25o for good to choice. Reo'ta. Shlprn'ts Flour 15,875 0,783 Wheat 10570 8,135 Corn 03,290 152,140 Oat 65,002 110,7'J8 Rye l,54li 2,771 Burley. . . > l',073 15,1,5 Peoria Produco. PEOBIA , April 12. ! Corn _ New , firm and higher ; hlyh mix- ed , 721@73c ; mixed , 72l@72jc. OaU PJrm and higher ; No , 2 white , 01J@62c. llye-Kirm and hIgherNo. ; 2 , 8G@80Jc , IliKhwinea Unchanged t 117. Reo'ts. Shlp'U . Wheat 3,160 none Corn , 4,100 32,00,1 Oats 12,470 33,250 Rye ' . 4,200 600 Barley , , " . . " , none mm | Bt JLoniii Prodnoo. ST. Louis , April 12 , Flour A'toiil. fie better , \ \ heat Opened higher and nfttlvo but berAnio Irre iltr and closed 1 iwcr : No. 2 r i , 130J rf3J cninj 192J 132i for JIiv : 1 i I fur June ; 10/2 for July ; f51 10 for AiK-u.t ; 1 1-IJfal 1 > ' > it 1 lOKoH 21J for.fnnc ) I 07 for July ; Iso. U ie > l , 1 25 bid ; No. 4 do 1 15. CorIHelit r but closed weak nnd de. ollnlngnt 7. < SfiG3c for cuslij 73 ( 73 1 for May ; 7iji.73Jo ! ( } for Juncj 74fe7-le for Ji-ly ; > 3A@ . ' > 3i ) for the yenr. ( ) . ( .i Slow nnd better fit 5"c for cn h ; 48o for June ; S''fti ' 39. } lor July. Rye Slow Bt 82o Hid. Bnricy Quiet t 7-V ® ! 00. Lend Steady nt I 7i ) . Butter Lower ; chirv , C8C,33 : , Eg. ? * Tinner , at Uljftf.l Ic. Whisky Stciuly nt 110. Pork Holier but -low t.t820 bid fir cash and April ; 1835 bid for May ; 1845 bid for Mine. iJrySilt Moiti S'rongimd ' higher at 70X < jll010nO'JO@IOG' ; ! ! ' ) . BACOII Stron ; } nt 8cflljc@lljo. ; Lard Noniiuullynt 11 2. ' . llec'ts. Shipmtv Flour 4.0CO 7,100 Whont 30,000 1,000 Corn tV'.OOl 31,000 Ortts 20,000 3.00J Rye lUrloy. . . . . i. . . Now Yorle Prodnoo. NRW YOUK , April 12. Flour Firm ; modeiato demand ; No. 2 . d , 30t$40U ) ( ; miper fine , 4 00@4 85 ; miiitheru linn ; common to choice , 5 f > 0iy ( 880. 880.WheatHifihor , unsettle 1 nnd fcverMij eloi-lng string ! No ; 2 ml , 1414 ® ! 43J ; mixed winter , 1 37 ; do. white , 1 3'JJ ; No 2 red. April , 1,41J@1I2 ; do. May , 142@1 43 ; clo , Juno , 1 37 W1 38 , Corn Three-fourths ® ! cent higher , feverish MI ! utronv , dcrnanil moderate ; ungraded mixed , 82@851c ; No. 2 new , 83J@81 ; No. 2 mixed April , 83i@831o Mny , 8lJ@8''J ; June. 81482o , O.vt Higher ; fuirly active ; No. 1 white. 01@02i ; No. 2 do , 69J@iiOJ ; No 1 mixed , CO ; mixed western , GUaGl ( ; No. 2 mixed April , B'J@59J. Ry # Strong at 8lllS93c , B irler Dull. Pork Firm , t'lit quiet nnd uiichnngen. Lard Uull ; weak , 11 674 ; c b , 11 55 ® 11 67i for Acril. Wlihky Ncuniiml. Petroleum Quiet and firm ; united fiOJ ; crude iu bnrrola , Gl@7ic ; nijitha iu bar rels , CJc. - * - Now York Dry OnodH. NEW YOUK , April 12. Dcmnn-'s many. ShtpdluK nnd sum mer fabrics lm\o been unfnvornbly inllu- cnced liytlm provailhiff coidnoss , nnd IniBi- now to-dav wamnoioralo with iiROuts nnd jobbers nliku. Sumo Urn" order * uoro tilncod fi > r cottin guixU by cxportors , nnd low prices have cnnblid' agents t > > imko n liberal dii'tiibiitiiin of co'tnnndcs , but otli- crwifo ImtdnorB 1ms boon ooinjiaritlvily light with cotton ( joodi. The coiiiinimdoii ohbitig tralo lins been irrtgubtr but closely quiet , by ut.iiler.hivinu 1 ousht sp'irinBly owing to tlio cold wiflkth er , which tends to retard the ciiiiflttniptivo dcnmnil. fl'liero ban bren nstt-ndy , tlioiigli mnderato demand for plain ooltoiiH nt first bunds , with tlio mmt relative iiolivity in brown K < " 'd ' * , linu bleached outtonn , colored duckn nml eottonadoa. OMoago Iitvo Stooli. OlIlOAOO , April 12 , The Drover' * Journal icporti a folium : Hogs - Kecolpts , 17f > ,0 0 liendj market { .tons and uotivu ; romiiion ti > pond mixed i-o'd at G 057 70 : heavy packinc nnd flipping , 7 2J@7 OOj liKht h s iictivej Bares rniiBiiiR from 0 ( H@7 2D , altlioiiRli bulk of poles from 0 05 to 7 05 ; sUipps and culls in fair demand at fi 25ffO ( fiO. Cftttlo Heceipt ? , ! 000 ; dimund brink for Hglit pblppinx i-took , the if which WHS hi her ; common i-hipping , 376@540 ; bulls,4 V5@5 75 ; . . . . . GOO ; Btockerii nnd feeders , 3 G0@4 65 ; wlerg , 4 V5@5 40. Sheep Receipts , 2,600 ; market healthy ; medium , OOJ ; teed , G25Q60 , ; choice , 0 50@G tO. City Prodnco Market. KANSAS Our. April 12. Wheat Slow but firm ; No. 2 cash , 1 llJ ! ; April , 115i'@lI6J ; No. 3 cnslr , Olic ; April , OS- : Way , ; J ne. gOc ; No. 4 caub , 81oj liny , SL'c ; icjectcd , C5c. Corn Quiet but litm ; Nu. 2mixed , casli , 71@71icj April , 70p } ; Alny , CUie ; No. wiiito'TJxcdJ cABh" , Vbj'a ; April , 70J ; May , 7GJ.C.Uuts Uuts No. 2 cash , 611n ; April , 60c. Roo'tH Shipm'ts , Wjient 75'J fi.SI'J Corn n A n\ n IKV 3,4:0 0,687 Oat- 813 10'J East Liberty lilvo Stoolx. RASTjjiii nrv , PO.J April 12.n Cattle Ftir , 0 7U@0 7fair ; to gcod , G 25@0 75 ; receipts , 85 head ; BlujimeutH , 130 head. , , , , Hoga Active ; receipts , 600 head ; ship- merits , 500 head ; Philadelphia , 7 5U@ Vorkeru , 090 ( 710. Sheep-Slow ; woolod , 4 50f7 00 : receipts - ceipts , 1,2 iO hem ; sblpmedtH , 2,000 head. Clnoinnutl Produce. CINCINNATI , April 13 , Mo Pork Strong at 18 50@18 75. Lard-Piliue steam , 11 25@11 271. Bulk Meats Quiet and BUvng ; clear .Iefl . , 10 70&M 70. Uacon-Clear tl lea , 11 G2J. Flour Quiet nnd ntcady ; winter family , 5 80ft U CO. WhtatNo. . 2 red , 1 31@1 33. Corn Closed firm and nt higher rntc ; No. 2 mixocl , C8i@58tJo. Oats 1'Iruij o. 2 mixifdt C3Jc. ] lyo-Stron < nnd higher ; No 2 , 92io. H.iroy ) In guod deiuAiid ; No , 2 fall , 1 CUral ) 05. Whieky Firm at 1 17. City I.ITO Stools. KAN AH CITY , April 12. Catt'e ' Recehta O7.i head : elilmnentfl. In.nil 2G2 head. Market strong und ( .ctlvo. nnd lOo higher ; native uhlpperH , 5 rOTrf.7 . 2. * ; native etockers and feuJcrv , 3 05 © ! 70 ; native cowc , 2 60@6 00 , Ho'j RccciptH , 6,012 head ) shipment" . 194 head. Market Btroiig and active ria fie higher. Halt's raided from 6 607 .15 ; bulki\t590 ( rGOO. : FbilaUolvhla Prodnoo. PlIILADKU'HU , April 12. Wheat-Firmer ; 14i.'i for cash " " "corn-Firmer ; 88@91o for cash ; 854 ® cash ; COJ@COj ° 80@90o. FittsbarR Oil Market. I'lTTHUDBO , April 12. The oil market opfnvd ut 7 o , ole ed at noon t 70a May delivery , tie , 8 40 ; July. H43o ; New York refined , 77gu ; Antwerp , 17J irurics. Shlpmeiits Unite. . I , 47.473 baVruU ; Tidewater , 9.10D barrels. I'lttMburif nulw. 840,000 barrels. PittbburK uxchtngo ttock , $1 62. _ _ Buffalo I < lvo BtooJt. EABT BovrALO. April 12. ur ; receipts. 37 ours ; elnu1 . . .ruv. , u < . . * ; Yorker * . 7 20@7 80 ; food medium Toledo Proaaoe- TOLEDO. Ajiril 13. Wheat-Steadyi No. 8 , 1 3i cash ; 1 31J fur April nnd May , 1 l for June : 1 14 lor July ; 110 } fur August ; lll > i for the Corn-Firm ; high mixed , 791cj No. 2 , 78o for cath ; 77io for April ; ffijh Jor Mi y ; 74o for Juue ; 665o for the ytnr. OAU Nothing doing , Baltimore Prodnoe. BALTIMORE , April 12 , J'lonr Strong. ' Wheat Stubborn nd firmer ; fnllr , 140@147 ! long berry , 1 SO ® ! CO ; No. 2 red winter ttrong at 1 39J@1 40 cash and Auril. Corn- Southern steftdy ; nt 90c ; yellow tpftdy at 82c ; tnlxad western , stronc at P2iocnsli aud April , Iilvorpool Prodnoo. TivGnroot. , Apill 1 ? , Amtrlcnn Flour IO ( W12 < . Whfnt-WlntT , Otftlfa-lOHcJ ; whltr , 9 < fidC J5U lid ; i-l'rm 9s@10j ; club , 9i 9d @ 10Hd. C mi G < 4d for now and Gj 7d for old. Pork 77s Lwt-55s 9 > l. Clnvolnnd Alurltot. ) , Apill 11. Petroleum Steady ; Btiinditnl white , 110 test , Ojc. _ Tttrpoiitluo BInrkot- WILMINGTON' , N. C. . April 12. llcwln Quiet ; slralnet ) , 1 90 ; joud , 1 7" . Spiritu Qniol , Tar Steady at 1 75. Somothlnrjf About TlgUta nnd Pado. New York Similar Courier , "I wish to know if ninny profession al people ] wear | ) adn , " said thu visitor. "Thoro are very few who do not vrenr thotn for thu iirins , hips , calves in short , for every portion of the l.iinmii form. " " you toll mo what nctrcsnca wear tlium nnd wherel" asked thu re- pur tor. "I certainly shall not giro nny such information to any ono. Qur business ia na private as that of ft physician. Wo have doalingH with nearly nil the loading professionals in this country , and it would bo n broach ot fnith on our part to reveal nny of the physical shortcomings of our natroucs. I will oliow you nome of our paddd lights. ' You BOO the padding is uiudoofliiiiib'a wool , woven into the material of which thu tights uro mado. In order to inako tlieso pads , wo must first monsuro exactly thu part of the liguro which they uro to cover , and then inako the pada BO that tlioy supply whatever cleliuioncy there may bu. in the case of premierea diuisuusca we tiiko apiaster mould of the limb , and then niuko tights so carefully padded that tlioy lit every muscle perfectly. " "Aro tliojo black tiyhta intended for Sarah 1" "No , wo made thotn for n living skeleton. jTJioso stockings near them uro for a fat woman ' "ho dnell * in1 the museum. Obsmvu thu sizo. " "You make a p.ivat niany different kinds of tights , 1 suppose ] " "Yea , of uvery nort und hue. The latest fashion ia to have thorn of open work , so na to display thu skin , or lluah-colorod tights underneath. Tlioy uro vuiy elegant , and cost about ? UO per pair. As yut tlioy are bought only by burlesque actresses and u few of the most popular sorio-comica. They are not infrequently worn over padded tights. In laot , a largo part of our business consists in making crooked puoplo straight and straight people Dlcrooked. . " i it often necessary to distort the appearance of the bodj i" "Cortumly , Booth's mako-up as "Uortucoio , " or Ilichard III , " ia a work ot art , nnd there are a great many other roles on the stage which need elaborate und grotesque pad dings. " "I see you deal largely in * fancy hosiery. Is the demand tor goods iu that description as large as it was a few youra ago ? " "Yea ; and it acorns to bo increasing all the time. Wo manufacture great quantities of them for street as well as stugo wear , und at a cost of from S-i to § 30 a pair. Wo have some em broidered with gold thread which are very expensive. A few ycara ago ladies ] objected to paying , even the smaller of the sums 1 have named. Now they think nothing of cipundinir from $10 to § 30 for u smglo pair of fancy Blockings. " A RAILROAD CONli'EDBRATION What a "Prominent Senator" Says "On the other hand , the evils of the railroad system nro so great that they are admitted by most cif the rail road men. Having no fixed under standing , these , railroad wara break out nnd food the firea of Wall street. Thousands of young men through the country uro being brought up sys tematic otock speculators , leaving their normal pursuits two or throe times a day to consult the ticker and BOO how stocks stand. Under thu domination of Wnll street the same thing which happened to California six years ago is liable to happen to the wholocountry a complolo collapse and fading out through the final suc cess ' of the big promoters in cleaning the ! pe6plo out of all their money. California-was picked as dry as n bono , and rushed to thu alternative of pass ing a constitution which wan called iio agrarian. Wall street governs the country through the complete inde pendence ) of the railroads of any gov ernment control. Tlioy are a law unto themselves , and hence their fluc tuations furnish gambling material for the whole nation. It is a question whcth'ir the old genurutidit is now strung enough to correct any more evils'the latter generation being of. a dilloront pattern THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED BANKING HOUSE IN NEDHASKA CALDWELU1AMILTON&CO BuiinoH traniacted iamo MI that of aii incorporated Imnli. Account * licit iu onrveno- old abject to tight elieoU without no- tloo. Certificate * of deposit lisuod. pav olio in tliroo , * ix. and , twelve nioutbo , bearing Interest , or on de mand without interest. Advance * mudo to customers on approved icourltlesat market rate ofiutorcit. The interests of customer * are closely guarded , and every fnollitj oormmtiblo with priuoiolen of Kound banking freely extended , Draw sight draltn on England Ireland , Scotland , and all warta o Europe , . . . Sell European passage tlouoti. COULEOTION8PROMPTLY MADE. B. D. McLAUGHLJN , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW .ind Notary Public. f West for bclnjr tba most direct , qnleknl , n Mfrt Una connecting tha ijrctt Mrtrcpolli. OUT OACJO , Mid the KmRS , Nor.i r-ExBtsrw , I ) r ami Hoiml'KAiiTiuiH Liiii" , which terminate there , wltti KASSAB Crrr , Ls v * wojiTn , Aicninon , OOOTCIT. BLDWI and OMAHA , the CouuiaciAXi CxxriKt from which radiate * EVERY LINE OF R8AD that penetrates the Continent Irora the lllucnr Rltf r to tha Pacific Hlopo , Tbo CHICAGO JIOOK ISLAND & PA. OZFIO RAILWAY Id tha only line from Chfctfro owning track In KMIKM , or which , by IU own rood , reaches th points above named. No TRAisgf KRS nr CARBIAO * No IIIMHO cxi.tMscnossI Mo huddling In 111 TentlUteJ or unclean earn , M every passenger carried In roomy , clean nd ventilated coaches upon Fast Kxprcai Trains DAT CARS of unrivaled magnificence , PULLMAH P > L CI sunmmi CAM , and cm own world-turnout Dinisa CAM , upon which tneali are nerved of no- mirptuwcd eiccflonco. it the low rule of 8iVBr Fisi CUNTS EACH , with ample lime for hoalthfn enjoyment. Through Can between Chicago , Pcorta , Mil vaukco and MLvtturt Klier Potato : and close can ! nectlona at all | xlnU ) of Intersection with othet Wa ticket ( da not forget th ! > ) directly to erory place ol Importance In Kansas , Nebraska. BUvfc Illlle , Wyoming , UUh. Idaho , Nevada , Callforr-U. Oregon , Wwhlngton Territory , Colorado , Arliona nd Now Mexico. Aill beral arrangement * regarding ; baggage M any other line , aad rate * of faro alvay * ad ow M competitor * , who furnish but a tltht o tea com fort Don and tickle of iportanen free. Ticket * . maim and falden at all principal offices In the United State * and Canada. , n CABLE. _ _ E. ST. JOHN ,