Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1882, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Be (
TnblUhed every morning , except Snndi
Che only Monday morning dally ,
One V Ar. . . . . $10.001 Three Mouth * . $3.
Blx Months , 5.001 One . . 1.
HIE WEEKLY BEE , pnblkfcedi
ery Wednesday ,
Ono Year . $2.00 I ThrceMonlhs , .
Blx Months. . . . 1.00 | Ono . .
lations rclatlni ; to News and Editorial mi
era fthould bo addressed to the Emion
Littcra and Remittent-en should bo s
dfciwedtoTiin OMAHA PtTBLisiiiwo Co
t urr , OMAHA. Draflu , Ohcclcn and Poi
o Hco Orxicia to bo mude paynblo to t
order of the Company.
E.K03EWATER. Editor.
KFFOUTH on the pnrt of brick man
facturors in Omnhn to combine for t !
purpoio of maintaining oxorbita
prices , will certainly fnil M they ougl
Titr. Ilorald has aomotliintr to B ;
about water works , but wo prosun
no roferotico is intended to ITollj
direct pressure aystom no expound *
by Dr. Gushing.
FIVK hundred thousand dollars h
boon appropriated for fast railway petal
tal Borvico , A ohortoning of the tin
between Chicago and San Fraccis
at least ono day ought to bo the no
thing in order.
MAYOR Bovn'i recommendation th
our business streets ought to bo pavi
as rapidly as possible and bofoiooth
sections of the city , is good ,
would have boon better if ho hi
added that nothing but stone bloi
pavement will , in the end , proyo dur
bio and sotisfixctory in thoao street
"Poon old honest Kirkwood , " sa ;
the Chicago Times. "llo wasn
> - " ' X. pretty enough for Arthur's cabbo
.He was not sleek-headed ; cons
, V -j .quently ho retires to Iowa. No I Sa
Kirkwood wasn't pretty , but ho wi
honest , -which ia a much rarer qualit
among pultlio mrn in Washington.
TUB post-office appropriation bill hi
passed the house as it came from'tl
sonata with the exception of tl
amendment restoring the frankir
privilege. This was unanimously di
approved , as might ha\o boon o :
pooled. Congressmen are too near tl
people not to know what the foolir
is upon the proposal to restore c
abuse which it took the country tc
years to got rid of. '
THE death of Hon. Thomas Allc
leaves a vacancy in the Second di
trict of Missouri , and a special olei
tion to nil the vacancy will shortly I
ordered by Governor Crittondcn. A
the district is a close ono the ropnl
licans hope to elect their candiJati
, . who is stated to bo Hon. E. 0. Stai
" ' ard. In 1880 Allen's majority wj
only 2,436 and as ho was unusuall
popular the belief is general that Mi
Stanard can secure the seat.
R. CIIILOOTT has Boon aj
( pointed to succeed Senator Taller , c
Colorado. Mr. Chilcott is said t
have been an old resident of Nubrae
ka and a member of her torritorir
legislature. Ho moved to Oolorad
in 1800 and devoted his attention t
the practice of law , representing Put
"bio county a number of years in th
territorial and state legislature. Hi
appoihtmont ia said to givo'gonori
satisfaction throughout the state.
TUB everlasting claim of Bon Hoi
liday for losses sustained by him a
mail contractor from Indian hostilitio
has again put in an appearance in th
senate , where it was reported fror
the committee on claims by Senate
Cameron. Mr. Bolliday's little bi !
, ; now amounts to a trifle over thro
hundred nd twenty thoutand dollars
Men who ought to know s y tliat Hoi
lidny 1ms spent nearly half tha
sum in attempting to lobbv it througl
congress , and by general conson
there is a colored gentleman of ver ;
largo dimensions in the woodpile
which has been accumulating so rap
idly since it first put in its appearance
anco before the congressional com
No BTiii'ATity in either the north 01
* " south ought to bo wasted on Genera
It Chalmers , of the shoo-strlng district
whoso seat in congress will shortly be
vacated. As the hero of the Fort
Pillow massacre Chalmers early gainoi
an unenviable reputation which ho
lias very well maintained since tha
close of the war , At the lost con
gressional election ho engineered a returning
turning board schema in Mississippi
by which three thousand republican
ValloU wore thrown out on the ground
that they had an ordinary dash
printed on them to divide the head
from the names. This it was claimed
was a violation of a law forbidding
distinguishing mark on the tickets ,
AB ninety nine out of every hundred
of the ballots printed by all parties
have a dash printed in the way described -
scribed the omission would Certainly
have been more of a distinguishing
mark than the presence of the dash.
What makes the outrage more marked
is tha fact that in some parts of Missis
sippi democrat io tickets wore used which
hid dashes precisely the same as thoeo
thrown out by Ohalmor * ' returning
Prohibition has now boon on tri
in Kansas for a year and judged 1
practical results the oxoorimcnt h
proved a failure. It Is a notorioi
fact that as much liquor has boon so
and drank in Kansas since the liqu
traffic 1 1 been outlawed tl during at
equal period before prohibition w ,
cnactod , It is true that liquor h
not been sold in many of the small
Kansas towns and villages , but in i
such places the trafllc in liquor hi
either already been stopped or cou
have been ( stopped under the loc
option law , which enabled the coun
or city authorities to reject applic
Uons for license. In Nebraska who
license is optional the siuno result h
been reached in many places who
such a course was sustained ] by pu
lie sentiment. In every Nobrasl
town whore saloons wore conduct )
by decent men in an orderly mann
the license system has worked sati
factorily , whiloin towns whorosaloo :
were made resorts of vice and pot
crime , the communities have cnacl
local prohibition by refusing to licon
such dens. It cannot bo said th
prohibition in Kansas has not had
fair trial.
The question has boon a consta
subject of discussion over since tl
prohibitory liquor law was enacted
the state , as of couroo it was proco
ing its being engrafted on the laws
the state , and while opposition h
shown itself , the prohibitionists ha
boon so outspoken , so aggrosssiv
and so supremely positive in their dc
larations , that the assumption in Ka
sas and outside of the state has bei
that public opinion was largely
favor of the measure. The prohil
tionists have been constantly cat
paigning , have boon constantly o
ganizod , and invoking the mor
force .of the church nt homoat
abroad have without cossatic
maintained that they wcro in the n
condnncy in the state , and wore- ova
whelminnly supported by the poopl
except , perhaps , in the few commui :
tics that Gov. St. John outlawed 1
proclamation , and oven hero the pc
pie wore not crooitod with n dispot
turn to defy the law so much na tl
authorities were willing to ignore
and permit its violation.
The result of the local elections i
Kansas last week afford proof positr
that prohibition in Kansas is a pracl
cal failure. R From all sections of tl :
state the intelligences cpmcs that tl
prohibition candidates were beaten i
three cases out of every four. Tl :
prohibition issue entered into tl
campaign in every town in the stal
and every other local question was ij
nored. The prohibitionists were nj
groasivo and confident. They raise
the black flag , giving no quarter an
asking for no concessions. And th
election returns show that Governc
St. John had overshot the mark , Eve
Topeka , the political capital and fout
tain head of prohibition in Kansashn
elected an anti-prohibition council b
a largo majority. ( At Olatho , thohom
] f the governor , his followers wor
overwhelmingly defeated. A simile
result is reported from every soctio
} f the stato.J Thcso political reverse
rrould , however , bo of littl
nomont if the traffic in liquor ha
aeon stopped and the evils ariain
from intemperance had been orad :
: rtcd. But all accounts aqroo thn
: ho liquor traftto never was moro at
ivo in Kansas than it is now , an
Irunkards are moro numerous tha
jvor. Nearly every attempt to pur
sh violators of the prohibition law i
Kansas by indictment has failed , an
ho revenues formerly' derived by th
people of Kansas from the liquor tral
lo are now divided among the liquo
loalora and their lawyers.
While Kansas 'has boon mak
ng costly and impractical experiment
n prohibition , Nebraska has sought ti
mock the evils of interaporanCb b ;
ogulation and restriction.
The high license law passedby tin
ast legislature was in the lino'of rog
ilation and not prohibitory , as wai
laimed by some at the time of iti
lassago. It does not make liquoi
oiling a crime or purchasers of liquoi
rimiuuls. It's intent was to drive
ut of the traflio all decora who wore
ot financially responsible for any
orsonal damage which might re-
tilt from their connection with the
usinoss , and to provide suihiblo rum.
lies for H number of the mostly
rominont evils , which all admitted
as the result of unbridled lico.iao.
In other words Nobrasktrhas sought
> throw safeguards around her citi-
ins by confining the traflio in liquor
> men of established responsibility ,
ndor restrictions that afford a reason *
do guarantee that they would keep
derly houses , At the satrio time the
afllo , which is recognized among the
coasary evils is made to contribute
rgely to the revenues of the state ,
id the tax thus imposed is devoted
the support of her public schools ,
'hile the Slpcumb law is in many ro-
ects defective , and has boon violated
this city and elsuwhoro , it affords
j fur preator protection from the
ils of intemperance than the prohi-
tion law of Kansas.
As between Kansas prohibition that
nnotbo enforced by the civil authori-
is and criminal courts and Nebraska
julation , that has been sustained in
e courts and can bo enforced where-
or the local authorities are disposed
to do 87 , there is no doubt that rog
Ution is by far the most sensible , i
well as the most practical ,
In his annual tncggago to the ci
otincil Mayor Boyd recommoni
that the surplus in the city troasur
which amounts to $100,000 and w
bo increased during the year by tl
issue of paving bonds , etc. , bo made
source of revenue to the city. The
ia no doubt that the income of tl
treasurer from salary and fees is ai
plo , and his deposits even at a Ic
interest rate would bring an incor
to the city of several thousand di
lars a year.
Another very important rccoi
mcndation is the reorganization
the paid lire department on a me
economic basis. Wo can safely IK
lay off ono 01 two fire engines , but'
ought to invest moro money in he
and hose carts , In this connection
mighi bo well to call attention to t
necessity of keeping up our fire c
terns. There is still danger that the
may bo a brf ok in the water pir
during a fire and the cisterns woi
then bo the only source of water su
The mayor thinks our police foi
is insufiiciont and ought to bo i
creased to twenty. On this point '
would say that unless * a now head
put on and better discipline inti
ducod into the force , an increase-
policn would bo a waste of monoy.
The mayor expresses a desire to s
onro the best talent for the city onj
noer department , and tncreaaoita foi
at least while the city is engaged
the construction of sewers , paving ai
other improvements. The onginoc
ing department in this city has alwa
boon managed on a penny wise ai
pound foolish policy.
It isn't merely a matter of profc
sional skill ; it is also a. question
integrity. A dishonest engineer ci
play into the hands of contiaotorsni
rob the city of thousands of dollti
every year. An incompetent engine
would cauio thousandsupoii thousan
of dollars of damage t6 people whoa
constructing buildings'and to the ci
nt largo in botch work.
The mayor makes a very pointi
reference to the enormous expense i
curred in conducting oi-r pub !
schools. Ho ahows that it coatttl
tax payers $18 every year to educa
each scholar. On this question \
propose to elaborate at some otln
Mayor Boyd nsks the council to o :
erciso great care before they final
accept the water works. Ho desin
them to insist upon the fulfilment <
the contract in every particular oxcoj
where changes are made which do m
raatoriallly affect the efficiency of tl
The mayor omits all reference I
the military occupation of Omahi
but incidentally expresses a desu
that labor and capital should co han
in hand , that all strikes should bo dii
couragod , and peace and hnrmon
prevail. Now wo have also boon i
Favor of settling labor troubles peace
ibly by arbitration , and if this ha
boon done by parties interested thot
would have been entire harmony be
Lwoon cap.ital and labor.
Wo heartily indorse the mayor' '
yiows regarding Jefferson square. W
want a market house , but wo don' '
tiecd such nn expensive ono , and don1
want our city hall in connection there
ivith. If the square is leased fo
market purposes it should bo for les
: ! mn fifty years , and for a buildin ;
which need not cost more than fift
Jiausaud dollars.
As wo said before , Mayor Boyd'
nessogo is a strong and croditabl
locumont which should bo carefull
road by every tax payer of the city
MB. HKNttv.GABNETT , of the con
IUB bureau , thinks the time at bane
hon a new geographical classificatioi
if our status and territories ought to
ID made in the interest of truth auc
onvonienco. The old division into
astern , middle , southenfand western
entirely out of place now that om
lopulation in the west has increased
0 wonderfully , and the old goorgraph
: al lines Imvo shifted toward the Pa
ifio. Mr. Gannett proposes a now
lassilicatioii , which ho bases upon
ho natural lines of the Atlantic
nxt , the Alissiaaippi valley aud the
tocky mountains. For greater con-
unienco ho subdivides these as fol-
iws : (1) ( ) The north Atlantic states ,
uprising the six Now England
.atos and Now York , Now Jersey ,
id Pennsylvania ; total , nine ; (2) ( ) the
mth Atlantic states , Delaware ,
laryland , Virginia , .West Virginia ,
brth Carolina , South Carolina ,
oorgia , and Florida , these making
ght , orj.if wo count among them
io District ot Columbio as another
lit , nine ; (3) ( the north central
atos , Ohio , Indiana , Illinoli , Michi-
in , Wisconsin , Minnoota , Iowa ,
issouri , Dakota , Nebraska , and
ansas , making eleven ; (4) ( ) the south
ntrul states , Alabama , Mississippi ,
juisiana , Texas , Arkansas , Tenuos-
o , aud Kentucky , making seven ,
, with Indian Territory as another
lit , eight ; (5) ( ) the western states ,
> w mostly territories , but reckoning
Montana , Idaho , Washington , Oren -
n , Wyoming , Colorado , Now Mt-xi-
1 Arizona , Utah , Nevada , and Oali-
raia , eleven in all.
The great ol jection to this new di
vision will bo the difficulty in sccv
ing its general adoption by the pc
pie. Tnc force of habit is stron
and another generation would have
spring before the changes will me
with a ready approval.
TUB Republican quotes the "H
braska Farmer's advice to Oma
workingmen to bewnro of politi <
barnacles and lazy tramps. T
workinpincn of Omaha would he
this advice if they did not know tli
it comes from ono of the most imp
Oont political barnacles and tramps
Nebraska , Beginning with a pus
route agency and ending as n sort
potter in the Nebraska insaneasylu
this follow has been n political sc ;
enger for many years. Of late his i
called Nebraska Farmer has be
railing and barking nt Senator V
Wyck bccauso the barnacle failed
got a clerkship in the Lincoln po
office. It is decidedly in accord w ,
the eternal fitno&a of things for su
political soreheads to adraon !
Omaha worl-inymon to beware of i
litical tramps.
The Otoo Lands.
The WymorMn.
Many of the parties who are wn
ing for the Otoo lands to come it
market are doubtless doomed to d
appointment , for tho&o lands will n
in all probability , bo on ualo for i
months yet , and when at last they t
offered to the public , the price w
probably be regulated by the price
other wild lands in the country. L
tie if anything will bo gained by wo
ing , oven it there was not the risk
being crowded out by the flood of t
pliciints. Parties desiring to loci
will do well to settle at once if th
can satisfy thomselvoa with a loc
It Strikes tholr Pockot.
Sutton Register.
It makes much difference whoso
is gored. Lincoln people have no a
jection w ien the railroads discrin
nutu in favor of ] ho cupitol city , a :
against the villages along .tho lin
but when the same rule ia applied
the benefit of Onuha , and again
Lincolnthon , it is their night to hov
"Tho laws of trado" so much talki
about , when the discrimination is
their favor , does not apply when thi
are the losors. It will , bo found
the end that any discrimination whii
crushes ono community wlulo it buil
up another , is eaeniially vicious m
A Miller Ground. ;
"The Herald ia always risht , " sa
a leading Republican banker of Om
ha yesterday , nnd that's what ovei
man of souse ia saying who has ro ;
and wntchud its course for eightot
years [ Omaha Herald.
The "leading Republican banko :
must have very peculiar ideasof 'righl
If to defend slavery as long as it las1
ed , and to vilify its opposers ever sim
its overthrow ; to bo the worst kind <
a copperhead during the war and tl
meanest kind of a Democrat since ;
always defend monopoly and to abui
and insult workiugmou ; to praise Mo
mon polypramists , and defame N
hratta women is to bo "always right
then the Herald has certainly alwa ;
been exactly right. [ Fall City Joii
TJ. P , First , Denocracy After.
The Omaha Herald editor , since tl
Omaha city election , has decided tin
ho will not bo an independent ai
moro. After the votes were countc
that night ho ha'd a convention an
passed u resolution that henceforth 1
would bo n democrat or ho would 1
iiotlung. He is used to having notl
ing , but it ' .doesn't seem natural 1
liuvo it coming to him without tl
iomooraticla bel. [ Sioux City Joun
The laboring men of Omaha did tl
right thing by going into politics wit
, heir grievances , and the way the
aid out the class of aristocrats wn
ivo off their earnings has taken tl :
land out of The Herald man. Ho at
nits now that the men whom ho d <
jounced before the election as "hoot
urns" and communists , are vet
tlevor men in whom the interests <
) maha are safe. The revelations i
in election are sometimes wonderfu
-Plattstnnuth Honild.
Tb Tallest Chimneys in America.
'ew York Sun.
The Now York steam compan
urnod on its power in nearly a mil
if pipes on Tuesday night. Thos
lipes are under Greenwich street , an
u from Cortlandt street to Warre :
trcot , and in 'Warren , Barclay nm
< ortlav.dt street. Workmen are lay
: jg others in deep trcnchi s in Broad
ray above and below Liberty street
'hero Imvo boon some complaints b ;
lerohants of the slowness with whio !
lie work progresses , but it iaaaid thn
liis is duo to the fact that tile pipe ,
ro surrounded by walls of brickvrorl
lied in with mineral wool and cover
i with wood or stone. The Broad
ny and Cortlandt street mains an
5-inch pipes : the others 11-incli
ipes It is designed to lay pipcf
bug Broadway from the Battery tc
anal street. The power station tc
ipply this district is now building on
io site of the Pacific hotel , on Green-
ich street , above Cortlandt street ,
tie third story is now being finished.
; is to bo six stories in height , and
Her and proportionately heavier
, an the postoflico. It will have two
linmoya each 225 feet high , or
gher than the Bunker Hill monu-
out It will contain sixty-four
lilers of 250 horse power each. The
mpany at present intends to equip
no other such stations in various
rts ot the city. Although thesteam
is turned on it has not yet boon
rnUhod to any customers
A Voice From Oumlm ,
12 Dodge Street , Omaha , Nob. ,
Way 24 , 1881.
H. H. WAKNEH < fr Co , ; Sius I had
Tered 10 years from a combination
liver and kidney trouble until cured
your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure.
rprlO-dltr ' O. B. ROOKBS.
Dolngi In the Stato.
The tclfgr i > h conitrnctlon lorce ot tl
1) , & M have reached Arapihoc with tl
second Hue.
Work on lh Florence cut ofT on tl
Omnhn anil tit. 1'oul road was reeunu
The tmlliling of the missing link bi
twecn I'lnttBimrath and Nebraska City tii
been retivctl ngnln.
'jilie Falls City New * h rcllubly informe
that the Ml url I'ncllic will be in uperi
tion between tit .Too and Omaha on tl
10th ol this month.
The Vurlington nncl Missouri 1'lnt
ilver .ridge hin been ahuuft entirely r
mitt , nnd U now the most subatatiti
pile bridge on the tiver ami good for t <
Work ou the brick round house at T ! <
Cloud cotnmouctcl in o.rnoU , A larj
amount of etiino is on the around ni
woikinvn have commenced In ) ing tl
Foundation ,
The \V hoe Indcpcn "out nays the Mi
nouii 1'adfic burvejoM woo ! u Wain
last utek surveying a line from Avuc
by wiiytf < Jrctn oed , to tli t plac
mid art ) now pushing toward North icn !
T , o Sioux City nncl racifij tatlroi
company has Issued u new ndvertisii
tiuiu cun.1 , with ainnp allowing the exit
> > iuu of the r..nd t > 1'Vrt Niobrnr.v Itgiv
Kreinuiit and iheuow biidgo atlllulr ufi
setting out.
Tha Slonx City an I Pnclfio ha * aclvc
Used for -OU tennis and ICO men to wean
an I'Xtcnslou beytmd Long 1'ine. 1 ;
company will push to the JJlacK llilla
rapidly m lusalbly. 'lhat premium
$7uOlUO ia u magnet of considerable fore
The work of repairing the old depot
the IS. C. uud P. railroad nt Uluir ia uoii
pufhed rapidly , 'ilio building will
riiaed up and a brick foundation pine
under it , toidei tepaintlug both nisi
and out , which will bo done iu a few daj
Tha ptople of Northern Nebraska t
naciously cling to tbe hope that the pr
( K od t-xiotition ol the Central 1'acifio
th > Mi : > 8ouii river will ynt gird that cou
try with its bauds of steel. Ic u norr r
ported that another iurvey will bo coi
uieuced tuia tnouth.
The St , Paul and Sioux City couetro
ti m force , nays The .Norfolk News , hu-
been hauling in dirt fur surfacing up i
tills idd of the bridge at u lively rute tb
week , but us yet no permanent side-trad
have been put m or any o .imoctlun mat
with tlit ) Union 1'aclnc. It isuotliko
that reguLr tritiua can be put on Leto
the 20th.
Pla'.tsmouth rejoices with Omaha ov
the uoiniui' of tlju City , B : . Ji
and Coun il Bluff t to the Nebraska aide
the Missouri. Tdo Jlerald tays : "It id
uew railruud to I'laltMuoulh , and one
ppecial importance to us , being a nouthci
outlet und a direct connection fruin Atai
direst xiiuth , coining to our doord withoi
a dollar' * expeuue. It is every whit but
ncb to the third city in the Mute , ur
\3 \ u boom ot aiguiticaut proportions t
Plattainou .h.
The ULiir Pilot tays preliminary work
progressing wpidly on the thoux City an
i'a.iuc briOgo over thu Mia = ouii at thi
foiut. A good force ol men arc engage
ou both hides of tha r.vur , aud rock un
other re being rapidly depoeitt
ou both Bilud. JCxtra track ia being lai
to accuiijuioduto the won , and the bi
boarciuy-houae is well under way. Iu fac
thi } ancigy of the compuuy is , and will I
lor a long time iu tbe luture , concentrate
upuu tniH particular part ot the road.
General Itoms.
The Iowa Central will probably exten
the Grinnell and Moutczumu branch t
What Uhocr.
The number of milei now operated b
the Denver and Bio Grande railroad con
puny U 1,102.
C ru are running within ninety miles t
UenTer ou the extension of tho' liulingto
aud Missouri.
Gould waa unconditionally bounced ou
of the directory ot the Denver and IU
Uraude ruL'road. '
The Salt Lake and Western railroad hn
iCBumed upeiatiouti , aud there is u damuui
for gradera uloug the Ht.e.
The earnings oi tha Denver. , and Hi
Crrandu'railruad for the mouth of Marc
were i 53Jt)3ti.09 ( ) , ugainat * 303,40-.21 i
Murcb , Ibtil.
The Soath Park extension of the Unio
PaciKc him penetrated the Continent :
Divide. Thu raild uro being laid iu th
huge tunnel jiut coiupIetoJ.
Tljo uevr f iat Colorado express on th
Atchiaou , Topeku ami S uitu I'd and th
Denver uud luo Grande ruada will coin
uieuce running Apiil loth. Tne time t
be inudu between. iCunnai dity and Denve
will be tat.
' 1'he earnings of tha passenger depart
rnent ot tlio Wabaoh , dt. Louis and i'u
citir for tlio month of March , 188 , wer
? 3J4,1'J2'15 Bgiiust § 250.4 1.15 for th
H iuio mouth ot 18il , an iuureuae of $7'J ,
070,30 , or 31 per emit.
The Southern Pacific road ia now com
pie led 245 mi e * east of JO I Puso , which i
more tbuu half way to San Antonio , c
uver 100 milo > of the road have been cou
p tted 0,1 th t end of the Hue. Traina ar
it ow running from Sun Autunio to Foi
C uric.
The Chlcag , Milwaukee and St. Pan
surveyora are i mining a line twoanda h l
tuilex northwest of iMitchellvillo totrari
DCS Moiuea. The company hai tecurei
the option of arge tracts of coal l ud.ii
that ueitidn and thU line ii ina e eo ai'ti
take thaoi in.
The Minneapolis and St , Louis company
has leased crac ag over the Dee Moinej
and L'ort ' Dodge road from Uoaltown tu
Dej moinea. it is reported that thu leaai
rum for DO years , and that by its teruia
the Minneapolis company ngn.-ea to take
no I ualucss between Coaltuwn and Uen
Molnes ,
Indiana is thele iding state forcar build
lug , * aud hjs the lurgeet car maufactory ii
the world , There are now in the utatt
light txtenblvo uiauufautoiies at which
: ara are built , and , a ; t ached to four of
; tem , are famdnej , which ca.t the wheelt
xud all other caut iron material ueed in
; beir construction. Thvso works give tin.
iloynu'ut to 0,1)50 ) men , the Ohio FalU
jar Works leading , giving fuiployinent to
! ,1'0 men.
The Burlington and Quinoy railroad
iroposes tu dlart u grand California exeur-
ion train from Clucago May 8. The
rain will proceed westward from Kanx * *
/ity over the AtchUou , To ) > eka wnd Santa
| 'o to Deinlng , N. JSL , tliuncoia the
loutheru 1'acitic through Arizona and
loutheru Califunii\ San FrancUco. All
oints ot interest along the route Will be
Isited. Ou the outward-bournl trip a
ally paper will be issued , a union church
rgaufze with pastor and choir ,
f science establUaed ,
The first locomotive that ever drew a
jin iu Iowa wan sold u few days ago by
jo Chicago , Hook Island and Paciao
lailmad company to St. Louis , Ft. tjuott
nd Wichita road and will hereafter haul
fight on tliat road in Kansas. It was
alii ut the Holers works in i'atcrson , N.
, , opting 810,009 , und . tbe moat
jautifully decorated engine then in the
est wua called the "Autonie LeClalre. "
; ariivid in Davenpoit iu 1355 and fur
iveral years ran between Davenport and
iwa City , Ujvn the completion of the
hlcago , Itock Island & Pacific road to Dti
[ oluta the name "Antonie LeClaire" was
iwucd to "No. 79 , " and it hauled the
> t tia'n into the capital city. For the
tat ten years this engine has been en-
eo iu freight and apodal service , and
ough ono of the oldest engine * now run-
tig , there aie ye > ra of work yrt left in it.
A combination of English , Scotch aud
ew York capitalist have signed cun-
oU for a trunk line to be known as the
Uaourl , Iowa aud Nebraska railroad.
ue eas'.ern tirinluua will be Milwaukea
d the western Nebraska City. The pre-
a ! nary surveys ihow that a line of very
w prudes can bo had , assuring u heavy
vflio at minimum cost. This would be *
eat cut-off road , intersecting all the eaat
and west nncl north and south road
shortening all ot the many triangular di
tnncc * now inctiTod In west-rn trad !
Prom Milwaukee tu Nebraska City by tr
line it would be 521 mil r , while 027 mil
is now tha shortcut mileage In which itci
he traveled. From Nebraska City , tl
linn will probably be projected soutbwc
and tap the most acceanlble c mncctlons
th Southern Pa inc. Three hundred ni
twcntyfivo mlUs ol the road will be
Town. Woik 14 expected to commence
thirty dap , both at Dti MoinCH and Mr
Klmltownuwith the intention of coinplctii
JOO miles this c.i on.
Living Express Freight.
Cblcigo Tribune.
The Adams Express company r
ccivtd a telegram yesterday mornii
from their ngonton the Pittaburg at
Fort Wayne train which left hero i
0 o'clock fho previous evening for tl
east , that a man had been found coi
coaled in n box in the express car an
hnd been handed over to the cilice
at Van Wert , Ind. lie gave his nan
as John McAuloy , of 171 West Moi
roe street. The box , which was pn
vidou V ith wire at the top and bo
torn to give ventilation , was labcllc
"Tho Last Rose of Summer , " at
the expressmen supposed it con taint
flowers , but when Mr. McAuley wi
( und snugly ensconced in it thi
fancied ( they had captured a robbc
Ho had with him a supply of prot
siena sufi'icicnt to last six days , or
fr , m the information gleaned , it w
concluded that the man had ndopti
this novel way of traveling to sa1
the difference between the pasaong
ami freight rates of faro , the latt
having been prepaid to Plnladolphii
It is understood that Mr. McAuloy
about sixty-five years of ago and
comfortable circumstances , but givi
to eccentricities which have often s
his family on their wits' ends. It
said that if ho hid succeeded in reac
ing the City of Brotherly Love in h
box lip intended to undertake a sim :
ar trip to Denver. It was lucky f
Mr. McAuloy that this attempt
reach the Atlantic seaboard as an c
press package was discovered in tl
day time , for if ho had been found
night the express messenger wou
have boon likely to have peppered hi
with a revolver. It is to bo rogrotti
that the agent , after satisfying hir
self that the man in < the -box u ;
harmless , did not allow himtoprocet
in his novel conveyance merely fortl
purpose of testing a man's powera <
endurance for two days and a nigl
for the purpose of evading the e :
ponso of a few paltry dollars , and i
order to give the sleepy Philadelph
papers a sensation. But the gentl
man's scheme was nipped in the bui
and the company may require him I
provo his object was not robbery.
Why Chandler Broke with Blalnn.
Concord letter to The Now Yor
Herald : Chandler has undergone
3hango of heart since the inauguratlo
of President Garfield. Though na
urally of stalwart composition , t
much so that ho always despised M
Hayes , and never , during the latter
occupancy of the White House , pe :
mitted an opportunity to pass withoi
uxprensing hid contempt for the mat
his milk and water policy and the h ]
pocrisy of his administration. H
early allied himself with the interest
} f Mr. Elaine , and was ono of h :
foremost advocates for a nominatio
to the presidency , having in conjum
; ion with Mr. Halo , the manaEomer.
) f the Maine statesman's interests the
: ho Joafc national republican convet
lion , and being a vigorous and out
ipokon opponent of the third ten
xmbitiona of Gen. Grant. The olectio
jf GarBeld and the onthronging c
Blaine as Secretary of State , place
[ /handler once moro in good ordc
, vith the administration and in friend
y relations with the departments , an
in opportunity was presented t
Blaine to reward his faithful sorvan
aid ally. Blaine proved true to hi
lature , deserted his .henchman at ,
iritical time , and this is the true Be
irot of the conversion of William E
Chandler from half-breedism to stal
vartiam. It was radical , prompt am
horough , and dates from the day u
lis rejection by the senate for the so
icitor generalship , to which ho hai
> eon nominated by Garfield at Blaino'
lolicitation ; but for which neitho
ronturod to support him when Me
Veagh and his friends opposed him
Chandler's course was taken in an in
it ant ; ho immediately , it is claimed
joined hands with Mr. Conkling , witl
rhom ho had long maintained inti
nato friendly relations , and was pre
> ared to make war on the adminlstra
ion , and especially to assist in pun
shing Elaine. Had Garfield hvol hi
idministration would have como ii
or the same share of ridicule and de
lunciation from Chandler that hi
lestowod upon that of the forme :
) hio president.
Ho very naturally takes to the pros
nt administration and will generally
ocoivo , the support of all Mr. Conk
ing's influence. It is generally un
orstood by his friends hero that hi
as irrevocably broken with Blaine
'ho is savagely denounced by then
3r his base ingratitude in deserting
'handler ' when ho needed help ant
'hen a word from Blaine and Garfield
tust Buraly have prevented the dis <
onor of a rejection for the office foi
hich they had named him. Chnnd-
r is a zetfloua stalwart now , and
lus places himself in line with the
rovailing sentiment of his party
are , at the same time rendering it
orally certain that Mr. Blaine will
it receive thu votes of Now Hamp-
tire in the next National Republican
Coughs and Colds are often ovor-
oked. A continuance for any length
time causes irritation of the Lungs
1 some chronic Throat Disease.
i effectual Couau RKIIKDY.
A Difference in Cranks ,
tmont Herald.
Gen. O'Brien ( whoso name belies
i politics ) opposed a joint ticket
members of the School Board in
naha , and made an electrifying
; ech saying "The Republican party
i boon baptized in blood , and
> uld not now surrender its princi-
s to the Democrats. " The GonoisJ
ist have been readirfg some of Gui-
u's campaign speeches of last year ,
ere isn't much difference | in the
ko up of cranks , anyhow.
oem 4 , Cjelghton Block , Fifteenth Street
u&rr :
For Sale By
No. 187 LAR < M FINK Ilorsn AND COMRR Lor
ncnr 2-ml and Webster streets , 10 rooms , stable
and splendid order , A liariraln nt $0000 ,
17s , HOMO 3 rooms , full ( lot on 1'leroe nea
20th street , 81,650.
177 , House z rooms , full lot on Douglas nea
20th s rcct , $700.
176 , Beautiful residence , lull lot on Can near
18th si reel , 112,000.
174 , TH-O houses and J lot on DodVo near 9th
street , 81 600.
170 , House three rooms , two closet" , etc. , half
lot on 21st i car Grace street , SSOO.
172 , One and ono-hill Btory brick hem an
twn lota on Douglas near ZSth street , 81,710.
171 , House two rooms , wellciBtcrn , stable , ete
full lot near PUree and ISth strei t , 9960.
170 , Ono and one-half story houao six rooms
and well , half lot on Convent street near St r-l1
Man's avenue , 81,850.
No. 170 , House tbroo rooms on Clinton street
near shot tower , $326.
No. 169 , House and 33x120 feet lot. on
street near Wcbsh r street , 3,600. \
No. 1GR , House ot 11 roorrs , lot 83x120 feet on
19th m ar Hurt street * 85,000.
on 167 , Two story house , 9 rooms 4 closet * ,
rood cellar , on 8th street near 1'opplcton'a
No. 1C6 , New house of 0 rooms , halt lot on
Izard mar 10thstreet , 81,850.
No. 104 , Ono and ono half story house 8 room *
on 18th street t car Loavci.worth , $3.600.
N. 1(11 ( , Ono and one-hull story fcouso ol 6
rooms near Honscom Park , 11,600.
No. IDS Two houses 6 rooms each , closets , eta
on Hurt street near 25th , 83,600.
No. 167 , house 6 rooms , full lot on 10th street
near Lcaienworth , 82,400.
No. 160 , House 4 largn rooms , 2 clostts
hall acre on Hurt street near Dution , 81,200.
No. 1D6 , Two houses , ono of 6 and one of 4
roomf , on 17th street near Marcy. 3,200. A L
No. 164 , Three houses , one of 7 And two of 6 'MS
rcon s each , and corner ot , on Cass near 14th 1 .
street , 8R.OOO. '
Nr. 163 , small hou o and full lot ou Facia
near nth ktroot , $2.600.
No. HI Ono story houeo 6 rooms , on Leaven
worth near IGth , fS.OOO.
No. 160 , llaueo thico rooms and lot 02x11
rear"Oth and Famham , $2,600.
No. 148 , New house of eight rooms , on ISth
street near Lwucnnorth , 3,100.
No. 147 , House of 13 rooms on ISth street
near Marcy , f 5,000.
No. 140 , HOUHC of 10 rooms and Ijlots on 18th
street ncnr llarcy , 80.000.
No. 145 , House two largo rooms , lot 67x210 fee
onHlnTuftn a\cuuo (10th street ) near Nlcholor. !
a.500. W
No 143 , House 7 rooms , barn , on 20th street
near Leavenworth , $2,600.
No. 142 , Hou'o 6 rooms , kitchen , etc. , ou IGth
street ucar Nicholas , 81,875.
No. 141 , Houao 3 rooms on Douglas near 26th
street , $1150.
No. 140. Large house and two lots , on 241
near Farnhamstrctt , ? 8OU ) .
No. ISO , House 3 rooms , lot 00x168 } Icct ,
Douglas near 27th street , 91,600.
No. 137 , House 6 rooms and halt lot on Caplto
ivonus near 23d sircct , 92,300.
No. 136 , House and hall aero lot on Cumin ?
street near 24th 8S50.
No. 131 , House 2 rooms , full lot , ; Izard
ncan 21t street , $ SOO.
No. 129 , Two houses one of 0 and ono of 4
rooms , on leased lot on Webster ntar 20th street ,
No. 127 , Two story bouse 8 rooms , half lot on
Webster near 19th $3,600.
No. 120 , House 3 room * , lot 20x120 feet on
Mth street near Douulas,867S.
No , 120 , Two story house on ' 12th near Dodge
itrect lot 23x0(1 feet 81,200.
No. 124 , Largo house and full block near V /
Fornham and Central street , ? 8,0uu V
No. 123 , House 8 rooms and large lob on Saunders <
dors street near Barracks , 82 100.
No. 122 , House 6 rooms and half lot on WAD-
iter near 16ih utrect , 81,600.
No. 113 , House 10 rooms , lot 30x90 feet ou
Capitol a\cnua near 22d street , 82,050.
No. 117 , House 3 rooms , lot 30x123 feet , on
JapiUl avenue near 22d 81,600.
No. 114 , House 3 rooms on Douglas near 6tb
troet , ? 750. '
No. 113 , UOU30 2 rooms , lot 00x99 feet on
ie.\r Cumlog btrcet , 87M.
No. 112 , llrlck house 11 rooms and half lot on
) ASH near 14th street , 82,800.
No. Ill , House 12 roomsjon [ Davenport nca
12th strett , 87,0.0.
No. 110 , Brick house ana ot 22x132 lea on
2as3 street near 16th , 3,000.
No. 108 , Largo house on Harncy near 16th
trnjt. $3,600.
No 109 , Two houses and 30xlB2 loot lot
? asa mar 14th street , $3,500.
No. 107 , House 5 rooms and half lot on Izoiil
lear 17th tttrtet , 81,200.
.NO. 11)0. ) House and lot 61xlB8feet , lot on 14th
icar 1'lorco street , 8600.
No. U6 , Two story house 8 rooms withl } lot
in ISonard near Saunders street , 8 ,800.
No. 103 , One and ono half story house 10 rooms
Vobstor near 16tu street , 8-2,600.
ilNo. 102 , Two houses 7 rooms each and } lot on
4th near Chicago. 84,0.0.
No. 101 , House 3 rooms , collir , etc. , 1 } lots on
South uvenue near Paciflc stree > , 81,050.
No. 100 , House 4 rooms , cellar , etc. , half lot
m Izard street near IGth , 82,000.
No. 99 , Very large haiuo and lull lot on liar
ley near 14th street , 89 000.
No. 97 , Large house of 11 rooms on Sherman
.venue . ncnr Clark street , make an offer.
No. 00 , One and one half story house 7 rooms
ot 240x401 feet , stable , etc. , on Sherman are *
me ncarOroce.87 000.
No. 02 , Large brick house two lots on Daven-
ort street near 18th 818,000.
No. 00 , Large house and full lot on Doda
ear ISch ttro.t ; 87,000.
No. 89 , Largo bause 10 rooms half lot on 20th
ar Calif ornla street , 87,600
No. 88 , Largo house 10 or 12 rooms , beautiful
orncr JotouCatu near 20th , 87,000.
No. 87 , Two story bouse 3 rooms C acres a
tnd un Saunders street near Barracks , 82,000.
No , 85 Two stores and a resunnco ou leased
alt lotnear Mason and 10th street , 8300.
No S4 , Two etory bou-e 8 rooms , closets , etc. ,
1th 6 acres ol ground , on Saunders street near
maha Uirrncks , 82,600
No. 83 , House ol 0 roorrs , half lot on CapHol
venue near 12th street. 82,000.
No 82 , One and ono hall story h ouse , 6 room *
ill lot on 1'iorco near 20th street , $1,800.
No. 31 , Tw o 1 ! story houses , ono ot 0 and one
rooms , Chicago St. , near 12th , 83,000.
No. 80 Housj 4 rooms , closets , etc. , large lot
118th street near White Lead works , 81,300.
Mo. 77 , Largo house of 11 rtouis , closets , eel-
r , ct : . , with ] } lot on farahamucar 19th street ,
No. 7fl , Ocean lone-hall story house rf 8 room * ,
t COxgj Uct on Caasnear 14th street , 84,600.
No. 76 , llousa 4 rooms * nd buemont , lei "
11x132 feet on Marcy tiuar Sth ttrcet. $ (17S. (
No. 74 , Large brkk house and two lull lota on
nvcnport near 15th street , $ lfif 00.
Ko. 73 , One and ono-ha f etory homo and lot
1x182 feet on Jackson near 12th btreet , 11,800.
No. 72 , Large brick lioubo 11 rooms , full lot
i Ia > on ] > ort near 16th street , gS.Oou.
No. 71 , Large bou e 12 rooms , lull lot on Call.
mil near Mill street , (7,000.
No. OS , Stable and S full lots on ran Initreel
ar founders , 84,000.
No. 64 , Two etory Irame building , store below
d rooms above , on looted tot on Dougn near
th street , WOO
tfo. 63 , House 4 rooms , basement , etc. , la
[ 230 feet oo Ibth street mar Mall Worki ,
tfo. 62 , New houss 4 rooms one Itory , full lot
s'o. 63 , House ol 7 rooms , ull lot Webitei
ir ilst street , 12.600.
Utrnoy near Slst street , > 1,7M.
fo. 01 , Large house 10 rooms , full lot on Bait
ir 21 > t ( treat , 5.000.
io. ( SO , Hous < i 3 ro. uu half lot on Dtreaport
ir 23d street , Ul.OOO.
io 69 , Four houses and half lotonOwsnui
h street 82600.
( o 12 , House 6 rooms a'-d lull lot , lUrney
ir20lhktrcct , 82,000. v y
io. , lUrco houses and full lot on C ss near V
15th and Douglas Street ,