D.AILY BJWE : THURSDAY APBIL 13 , i882. THE DAILY BEE CMAHA PUBLISHING CO , PROPRIETORS. 010 Farnham , bet. Oth and 10th Street * . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy I year.ln advancopostpald ( ) . . 110.00 8 munlht . . . 6 00 ninth " . . . 8.00 * AIL WAY TIME TABLE , CAKD ClllCiOO , ftT. r-ACt , IflXKKAFOLU 1KB .OMAHA RAItSOAD. trfiave Omaha Passenger No. 2 , 8:30 : . m. Ac- rntroditlon No. 4 , 1:0 : tp. m AtriveOmalia Pamencer No. 1 , BJO : p. m. Ace : c i : Jatlon No. 8 , 10:60 : a. m. t\at > OMDA EAST 01 count BOtnrD. O. , B. < t O. 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m. 0. A N. W. , 7:40 : a. m. 8:40 : p. m. a , R. I. A P. . 7:40 : a. m. 3:40 : p. m. K. O. , Kt. J. ii 0. B. , leaves at 8 a. m , and 8:30 : m. Arrlrca at St. Louli at 6:30 tt. m. and 6:12 : m. m.W. , St. L. & P.lcav < at8 a. m , and 8:40 : p. Arrlvr * a Bt. Louis at 0:40 : a. m. and 7SO : m WET OB Botrnnrn-n. B. A M. In Neb. , Through Rxproas , 8 ! > 0 a. ra. . B , & LI. Lincoln Express 6:20 : p. ra. ' V P. Overland Exprewi , K:16 : p. m. 0 , ft R. V. lor Lincoln , 11:45 : ft. m. O. & R V. lor Osccoli , 0:40 : a , m. XJ. P lrelht No. 6 , 6:30 : & . m. ( T. P t rclirut No. P , 8:20 : n. m. U. P. Irclxht No. 13 , 2-60 p. In. O. P. Irelgbt No. 7 , 6:10 : p. m. emigrant. - . P. Denver express , 7:35 : p. in. U. P. Ircleht No 11. ll'SO p. m. TJ. 1' . Denver frelRht , 8:56 : p. m. AB.MVU.O . IROH IA8T AMD rOVTH 0 B. b ( l 6,00 a. m. 7:26 : p ra. C. * N. W. , P'45 a. m. 7:26 : p. m. 0. R. I. k P.D:46 : a. m. 0 05 p. m. n. . C. , fit , Joe & 0 B. , 7:40 : a. m. 6:46p. : m AUIJV1NO fROM Till WUT AKD BOU7UWHI. 0. fc R. V. from Lincoln 1.03 p. m. U. P. 1'ftclfio Exprcw-3:26 : p. m. B It M. in Neb. , Through Expreus ( ill p m. ( I. fc M. Lincoln Kxpnw * B.40a m. J C. P. Denier express , 7:36 : a. m. U. 1 . VrtlRht No. 14 2:60 : t ) . m.l U. P. So. 6 6:10 : ft. ro. Vmlir Mt. U. P. freight No. 11 , 12:16 : p. ui. 1 U. P. No. 8-9.00 p. ra. U. P. No. 12 1:46 : a. m. ' U , P. Hem cr freight , 1:10 : a. in/ ) O. & U. V. mixed , ar. 4:46 : p. m. DDKUT TBArsa BKtWEUI OUAlIA AUD CODNUL BUnrn. teavn Omaha at B:00 : , 0:00 : , 10.00 and 11:00 : p m. ; 1 0 2.00 , 8:00 : , 4:00 : and 6.00 p. m. Lea > o Council Bluffs at 5:25 : , 0:26. : 10.25 and lS6 : a. m , ; 1:26 , 2:26 : , 8:26,4:22 : : and 6:26 : p. m. hun-Jaje The dummy leavoj Omaha at 9,00 and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 5:00 p. m. Lcn\ds Council Bluai at 0:26 : and 11:26 : a. m. ; 2:26 : , 4 : 6 nd 0:26 : p. m. Through and local ptracnger trains between Omaha and Council Blutls. Leave Omaha 0:15 : , l46 , 8:60 : a. m. ; 8-40 , 6:46 : , 6:00 p. m. Arrive Omaha 7:40 : , 11:36 , 11:46 . m. ; 6:40 , 7:05 : , 7:16 , (40 ( p. m. Opening ; ana Closing of Mrlli. ROtTTX. OPK2T. OLOSI. a. m. p. m. a. m. p. m. ChlcagoAN. W . 11.00 0:00 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , R I. & 1'ftclflc. 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Chicago B.&Q . 11:00 : 0:00 : 6:30 : 2:40 : Waboeh ! . . . . 12:30 : 6:30 : S:40 : Sioux City and Paclac. . DKX > 6:30 : 2:40 : Union Pactfl : . 4:00 11:40 : Omaha &R.V . 4KX ) 11:40 : t.kM. InNob . * 0 8:10 : Omaha i , Sioux City. . . . 8 00 7:30 : n. & M. Lincoln . 10:30 6:00 : D. P. Lincoln , Sunday. . . 1:30 11:00 J. P. Dem er Exp . 9.00 0:30 : 0. , Siowx City & St. P. . . 11:00 : 2:40 : Local malls lor Jjtato ol Iowa leave bat once n day , viz : O'SO a , m. Office open Sundajs from 12 m. to 1 p. m. TH08. F HALT , P U. Business Directorr. Abstract and Real fciUte. JOHN L. MoCAGUE , opposlto Post Office. W. B. BARTLETT 317 South 18th Qtroot Architect * . DDFRENE k MENDELSSOHN , ARCnrrECTS Room 14. Crelgbton Block. : A. T. LAP.OK Jr. . Room 2. Cielehton Hloch. BooU end Bhoet. JAMES DnVINE & CO. , Boots and Shoes. A rood neeortmool korca..work on hand , corner lith and Harnoy. { THOS. ERICKSON , S. K. ccr. 16th and Douglu. l | JOHN FORTUNATUa , ( OK 10th gtroot , manufacturea to order good work I fair rjrlccfl. Repairing done. Bed Sprlnc * . f .LABRIMEB M&nufacturcr. 1617 Douflaact. Book * , New * i.1 Otatlonory. J. t FRUEHAUF 1016 Fomham Street. Butter and Egg * . IfcSHANE it SCIIHOEDER , the oldest B. and K. bonae In Nebraska catabllshed 1876 ' RESTAURANT , MRS. A. RYAN , I inthwest corner ICtband lotlpe. Bctt Board lor the Money. Satisfaction Guaranteed. lleillat all Hoars. Hoird by the Day. Week or Month. \ flood Vetaa for Cash Furnished Unnms Supplied. Road Wajon . W 8NYDER , 14th nnd Uarnev Streeta. Olothmjc tfought. J. HARIUO wlllpaj hlfh | rtCa h price foi.eccond Unnd clotblnOorner Ifltli end FBrnhatn. ' > - uuwu or * . JOHN'iJAUMER 1811 Farnham Street. Junx. H. BERTP.OLD. ROKS and Metal. Lumber Lime and Cement. FOSTER & OR AY corner ttth and DoufUe Ota. Lamp * and Qlaiaware. J. BONNER 1809 DonxUa St. Good Variety. Merchant Tailors. O. A. LINDQUEST , One oi our moat popular Merchant Tailor * I * re ceiving the latest designs lor Spring and Summer Goods for gentlemen a woar. StylUh , durable , nd price * low a * eer 216 18th bet. Douir.i Kara. Millinery. . UBB. 0. A. BINGER , Wholccalo and Retail , Fan cy Good * in great variety , Zephyrs , Card Donrds , Hosiery , Gloves , Corecta , Ix. Cheapest House In r the West. Purchasers ea\o 80 per cent. Order by Mall. 115 Fifteenth Street. foundry. JOHN WEARNE & SONS cor. Hth & Jarkeon eU Mourand Feed. OMAHA CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnbiro Sts. , Welahani Cron. , proprietors. Urocors. t. STEVENS , 21st between Cumlng and I r T , A. MoSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumlng Street * . > Hardwaie , Iron nu bteol. OLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wbclesale. 110 tat 112 Uth strict A. HOLMK8 corno 1Mb and California. narnete , oaauie * . AC. B. WE1ST 0 18th Bt bet FarolUrney. . notei ; ANFIELD HOUSE , Geo. Cantteld.Bth & Farnham OORAN HOUSE , F. II. Car ? , 818 Farnham St. BLAVEN'S HOTEL. F. Slaven , 10th St. . lontbern Hotel Qm. Hamel Oth A Lemon worth Drug * , Palm * ana on * . KUHN & CO. rharmaclita , Fine Vane Good * , Cor. Uth and Doueld trecta W. J. WUITEUOUPE , Wbolcsalt & Retail , 16th it. 0. FIELD , 022 North Side Cumlng Street. PARR , Druggist. IQIrt and Howard Street * . Dentist * . DR. PAUL Williams1 Block Cnr. IBth ft Dodge. Dry Goods Notion * , fete , JOHN U. F , LKilMANN li CO. , Kow York Dry Ooodj Btore , 1310 and 1812 Fan > . him strict. L. C. KnewoM alan Imntii and ehor * It Parifle. ruruuuro. A r. GROSS , New and Stcoud Hand Furniture nd Btorce , 11U Dcuzlaa. Highest cufa price aid for tocood baod zoooa. _ _ BONNER 1809 Dinrta t. Mna coo * * Ac. I r tree Work * . OMAHA FENCK CO. BUST , PRIES frCC 12181'itnoy St. , Improro * d Ice Boxes , Ircc acd Wood Fence * , Offlw I'lnyn. ' Oonnl i ? ln mil Wtlnnt Pawnbroker * . ' P ROSENFELD 10th St. . be ! far. ft Har . Refrigerator * , Canfleld'a patent. C P. GOODMAN Htb 81. bet. Farn. A Harntf Olxar * and Tobacco. WEST & FIUTSCBEH , manufacturers ol C1r r . ind Wholesale Dftilenl n Totwcco * , 1SO& DoueUi H , F. LOUKNZF.N m nnt cturcr Florlet. A. Donahue , plants , cnt flowers , Keda , ooqaetsj etc. N. W. cor. 16th and DourlM street * Olvll Engineer * and Surveyor * . ANDREW KOSKWATEU , CrelRhton Block , Town Survej-i , QnuletndStwcnge Syitoma ft Specialty. Commission Merchant * . JOHN O. WIL L1S.1414 Do duo Street. D B. BEEMER. For details we Urge tdrertl meet In Dalit n < l Wrokljr. Oornlco Work * . Wwtarn Cornice Works , Muiafkctnrert Iron Cornice , Tin , Iron and Slate HooSlng. Orders Irom any locality promptly executed In the beet manner. Factory and Offlco 1218 Ilarney St. C. 8PEC1IT , Proprietor. Oalrantted Iron Cornices , Window Caps , etc. , manufactured and nut up In any part ol the country. T. SINUOU ) 416 Thirteenth street Crockery. J. riONNKH IBOODoneias street. Good tin * . Clothing and Furnishing ( loot t. OEO. II. I'KTKRSOJf. Alw Hits , Caps , Boot * , Shoca Notion * and Cutlerr , 801 3.10th street. Qhow Caxo Manufactory. O. J. WILUK , Manufacturer and I ) alci In all klndi ot Show Caiei , Upright Caios. H . , 1B17 Cuts St. rilANlv L. OEItltARD , proprietor Omaha Show Case manufactory , 818 South ICth street , between I.MUonttorth and Marcy. All goods warranted first-claw. Utovos ana mwnre. A. IJURMESTE1J , Dealer In mores and Tinware , and Manufacturer of Tin Boc.'a and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows' Block. J nONKfc'U. 1W H nglMB > onH nH CTifMi J. EVAN3 , WholtfAla and Retail Deed Drills and Cntllintorn Odd IVIIowd PhyilclanaanJ Buruoont. \V. S. ( HUBS , M. D. , Room No 4 , Crclphton Itloc'e. IMh Street. 1' . H. LiaSKNlUNO , a. D. Moronic lilock. C. L. IIAKT , M. D. , Eye and Ear , opp. pottoOice DH. L. B. OK ADI ) Y. Oculist nrl Anr ) t. H. W Uith ni1 Farnham Rt * Photoicrapner * . OEO. 1IF.VN. PROP. Qrand Central Gallery , 212 Sixteenth Street. nenr Maronlc Hall. Flrrt-cloes Work and Prompt , need truarantccn i Ua * ana otcam hitting. P. W. TARPY & CO. . 218 lth Hfc , bet. Karnham and Doughs. Work promptly attended to. D. riTZPATRIOK. 1403 DonKlvi Street. n aper anting. , 1KNRY A. K01TKRS. 141 Oartgo Street. Gho-aU lores. Phillip Lou 1320 Ftrnhtm st. hit. 18th & lltb. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAH , 1116 Doucloa St. . Now and Second Hand Furniture , HOUM Furnishing Goods , &c. . bought and ncId on narrow inarrlns. uaioona. HENRY KAUFMANN , In tne naw brick block on Douplos Straot , has Just opened a most elegant Beei Ilall. not Lunch from 10 to IX every day. 11 CaMonia " J FAWOKER 078 IBth Street. Undertaxer . CHAS. UIKWE , 10111 Farnham bet 10th * lltd. 00 Cent Stores. P. 0 BAGKUB 120S Farnham St. Fancy Goods Pronocnls for PavineStrootn In the City of Omrtba. JJobranha. Scaled prodasals w ill bo rcceltod by the under- slRiitd until Saturday , April IBth , 16S2,1 ? o'clock noon , lor the p 'Ini ; of bouK'1.13 street and llio rroEa ftrccte between D uylns and Farnham from Dili to IGth btrctta , including Dth and 10th strrcta. . First , For a loundntlon nf concrete 0 Inches In thickness with a superstructure compose I ol a creosote ; ! cedar block 8 Inches In length set with asphalt at d s.ind. bccond , For a founditlon of concrete 0 Inches In thickness with a superstructure composed ol creosote 1 pine plank 8 tactics In longtb , set with asphalt and Baud. Third , For a foundation ol cl'an course Binder or gravel 12 inches in thickness with a super structure composed ol cedar block 8 inches In length and not less than 4 nor more than Slnchos In dlamc'cr to bo fct with asphalt and ean-t. The Band or gravel lor foundation to bo thoroughly I ammed or rolled. All the work toboiiono in accordance with sreclflcations and under the di rection of the city engineer. Alto , the city will consider proposals lor pav ing with Elm blocks or any other material , or any other mode ot construction. All proposals or bids shall bo accompanied b\ the names of proposed sureties , who , In the ovcnt ol contract " > ? lug uwarded will enter Into a bond with the city of Omaha for the true and faithful performance of 'said contract. The city courcll rcscncs the right to reject any a d all bi Js. Envelopes containing proponls a * Mda shall bo marked "Proposix for Pa\ing Douglas Street and Cross Streets In thn City ol Omaha , " and ad dressed to the undersigned. J. J. L. C. JFWETT , Omuha , March 10th , 1882. City clem. maria-30t J. G. ELLIOTT & CO. Plumbing , Steam & Gas Fitting I Turbine Water Motor. ( ALSO jOBBi'ia m Pumps , Fipo Fitting and Brans Goods. , Cor. 14th and Harnoy , Omaha , Nob. A VVTHH Morns IN CONSTANT O K W. S. GIBBS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , Room No4 , Crelghton Blooli , 15tli Street. OKTAHA. NEBRASKA. OFFICE nouns : 10 tots A w. 3to5r.u. le phone cioneetad with Csutral Offlca Genius Rewarded ; OK , PhB Story of the SowingMaoli A handsome llttlo pamphlet , blue and golc1 me , with numerous cngro\ln s , will bo GIVEN AWAY o any auult ) wra-ri calling for it , at any branch r Bub-olliioof 1 ho Kluxer JI r ufacturing Com- mny , or will bo sent by mall , post F"Ui to my person Ihlutr nt a distance from our otllccs. The Singer Manufacturing Do , , Principal Ofllco , 34 Union Square , NEW YORK. : [ J. L. WILKIE . . , , MANUFAOTOREll OF PAPER BOXES 18 Bnd 220 S. 14th St. [ > ( ; > ) ; ] extBrL.Thflmas&Brfl , ) WILL BUY AND SELL tih h AM ) ALL tBlNBACTION ( xuiHicriD taiaiwrni. § 'ay Taxes Rent Houses , , Etc. lOT TOO WliT TO BUT OB C8U tlg. Ottc * Boom a. Oisl 'oa Lrtrb. Om h * . g. ; . HOW DODTOES ARE MADE , Gorman Medical Education Compared with American , Some Fonturoa of the Gorman Syatom Copied In the Proposed Bills- How ri Government Ex- nmlnntlon Worked Abrond. New York Tmc ! . The proposed legislation rta to the conditions under which graduates of medical schools shall _ bo ndinitted to practice , whoso loading features , as outlined by the committee nf the Stnto Medical aocioty , Mere lately de scribed in thcao columns , has led to n thorough discussion on the part o" the profession of the systems of medi cal education in vogup in Franco and Germany , aa well as in Great" Britain , whoso methods , by the way , are not unfamiliar to the average pr.ictionor. It should bo prefaced , how over , be fore entering upon any comparison of the system proposed by the State Medical society , that it is only one of several schemes that will bo discussed at Alb-uiy this cession , although , in the opinion of the profession at larco , perhaps the moat completn and fcasablu one. Another solioino , not sanctioned by the Stnto Medical society , but having many advocates , proposea thoinstiution of a board or boards ot medical examiners , who shallthp candidates for graduation at the \aiious colleges before them prior to the granting of diplomas by the echools with which they are connect ed. If the cnndidikto passes the scru tiny of the state board oi examiners satisfactorily , a certificate to that effect is given , and ho is entitled to receive the diploma of his college ; if not , ho must lutuaia over another session , or giro up the idea of becom ing a physician , Such a procedure would Eccuro the results aimed at in the bills presented by Dr. F. U. Htur- gia and his follow members of the committee of the State Medical society without alteration of the regis try law for having no diploma to register in accordance witli the pro visions of the statute , the incompe tent candidate would bo excluded not only excluded , indeed , but' do privcd of the ofllcial certificate that would enable him to remove to another state and commence practice , though liable to prosecution in case of attempting to practice hero. A third scheme proposes to repeal the present registry law , sweep away the barriers that it erects against quackery , and Inavo the patient to employ whomso ever he will , irrespective of diplomas as TV ell a& of competent ( raining. This latter is presented in the form a petition which , bearing the signatures of private citizens , inveighs against the alleged tyranny of a system that prevents the citizens from selecting his own medical attendant in case of illness. As the first of the systems adverted to is the only ono having the sanction of the highest mt-dical authority in the state , its comparison with the sys tems of Germany , Franco , and Eng land is of some interest. Dr. A. Jacob ! , whoso annual address before the state medical society as its presi dent , delivered in February last , fur nishes the immediate starting-point of the scheme , was educated for the pro fession under the university system of Germany , and came .to this country after completing his studies. As a member of the faculty of the college of physicians and surgeons , whoso meth ods of instruction and standard of train ing nro exceeded by few medical schools in the United States , his op portunities for observation and com parison have been of the hiuheat class. When requested to give an ac count of the system of medical educa tion in Germany , ho prefaced his re marks by referring to a great histori cal treatise by Billroth , of Vienna , on the origin and development of the medical sciences , their literature find the university faculties in Germany : 'Uher dus Lohron and Lumen dor Ddutschon Nation , " which , though well known to men of letters as an authority of thohighcat order , has not boon translated to English. r Prior to 1809 , according to Dr. Jacob ! , the conditions necessary to establish in medical practice in Ger many vtcro very similar to those pio- posed by the state medical society. ' After the candidate had received his degree of M. D. from the university , [ which is alone competent to confer such a diploma , ho was taken in hand by a government bojird of examiners not composed of members of univer sity faculties , who passed upon his competence in the medical science. The examinations of this board were > by no means mere formalities. On the other hand , the attainments of the candidate were thoroughly verified by examination in every depart ment of medical training , pruc- tic.il as well ns theoretical , clinical as well as didactic. If the examination was passed in n satisfac tory mnnner a license to practice nm- in dicino ( not a diploma such a the uni inP1 versity of the state of Now York P1E would confer ) was issued in Ids favor. tl If not his deficiencies were duly tlui tlP < pointed out and ho was relegated to ui private life , unless his ambition tu bo- uiU omo a practitioner was such as to in- ar luce him to prepare more thoroughly , arm n the university itself the examina lu tions are not numerous. That is , 80 here are no such things as junior cer bem tificates. The student must pass an m m examination styled the Toutamen vc philosophicum before ho is admitted vcWi is a candidate for the medical degree , Wiwi 'his examination comprises the frdt vholo group of the medical dt icionces , embracing botany , 20- tiH logy , physiolopy , anatomy , &c. tiot [ L'hut is to say , until n standard of ot reparation iu soionco that would en- in itlo the student to the highest de cior grees in our scientific schools hap or eon complied with , the real work of tii repring for the degree cannot bo- in 1 in University instruction in Gor- KJ nany consisting wholly of lectures , of ind the recitation .system being ox- in iluded.after the student has once inwl assod , through the gymnasium wlcc equivalent to our college ) and been cc estod satisfactorily by the Toutamen , th ie is not examined again until ho ap. CO ears as a candidate tor his degree in riio general sum of this system is qt hat a practicing physicians in Ger- qtw ennany posscses a literary training BU iruivalent to that implied in the do- tn groo of A. U. , besides Iho largo general training in the methods of ecionco necessary to pass the Tcutamcn , in addition to the special attainments for which the dcgroo of AI. D. is conferred. Sovcn year * is the shortest period in which this work can bo accomplished , nnd , having devoted - voted that period to preparation for his profession , the candidate is liable to trip before the government board. 'I his system appears very feasible in its application to Gorman affairs , Ger many possessing no such institution as n medical college ( standing nlono as a cotporato body ) independent of the university. There are , contcqu ntly , no such corporate interests as nro rep resented by thoBollevuo liospitnlMeu- icnl College to be considered nnd sub served in schemes of medical educa lion. The system proposed by th State Medical Society , therefore while adopting ono important featur of the Gorman system , leaves outc _ sight the prepir.ttory academic train ing , and possesses no feature strictly analogous to the Toutiuuun , wliic nctn ns n sort of sieve. Unfortunately , said Dr. Jncobi , it I860 the Gorman people conceived the idea of being practical. 1'hnn are the Americans , they said , \rli nro the most practical pcoplo on h globe , and there n man practice medicine , if he wishes , irrespective o propiratioti , provided ho cm lind pa tients. The result trait that German ; decided that neither the governmcn examination nor the university dogre should bo absolutely necessary t < medical pinulico , nnd the rigor of th law was relaxed. As the system now stands , the roiirie iona to medicil practice in GUI many that formerly excluded quackery are removed. But the law carefully protects the univor graduate as the licentiate of the gov- eornment board from being mistaken for the guerrilla practitioner. I the latter undertakes to ndopt the title of doctor , in any hunner implies the pussecsion of tin degree of M. D. , or by any of the devices vices familiar to such persons ossayi to impose upon the public the impres sioi > that ho hna been duly licensed , hi is promptly arrested , and fined or im prisoned on duo conviction thereof , nf the discretion of the judge. Thus tin liberty of the citizens or the pation to employ any person ho pleases is pro tccted fiom infraction , in the sami manner as the petitioners forthojropca' of our own registry law would protec it , while , at the same time , legitimate members of the profession are rescued from the humiliation of hearing per sons styled physicians who pussess no proper claim to such a distinction. Another feature in which the Gor man system of medical education dif fers from ours , nnd ono that renders measures practicable there that would bo impracticable hero , rests in the fundamental fact that our medica * schools nro private corporation ! ! , rely ing upon the fees of etudents for their muintencnco , unendowed , and , in the nature of things , dependent upon their popularity for their very existence. In this city the college of physicians and surgeons and the mod icnl department of the university ol the city of Now York present appar out exceptions the former fiquring as the medical department of Colum bia college , and the latter , as its name implies , occupying the same relation to the univer sity. The exception , however , is merely apparent. There is no real re lation between the former and Colum bia college , and the latter is a pVivato and unendowed corporation , the prop erty in the main of members of the faculty by whom its present prosper ity was built up. Once a year , in cap and gown , the officers of the respect ive institutions under whcse shadow those corporations flourish pose on the stage in the academy of music , but they posses no authority , 'whatever , exercise no functions nnd take no vital interest. TJicro are no such medical corporations in Germany , and , as a broad fact , the medical professorship in the univer sities are , like the rest endowed and under government supervision. The result lias been that they have become centres of scientific investigation of the most genuine kind , and inquiries ire carried on whose vaatness of scope patient industry and unrequited toil rt'ould appil the brilliant American professor , who must work for the day jnly to impress his classes , got talked if and attract students next year , for iuxt year is the phantom that forever launts the dreams of the medical pro- 'cssor in the United States , while o the medical professor in Berlin > or Vierina next year s not dependent upon this. It is his largo fact that the scientific in- crests of the college are interwoven vith the pecuniary interests of its acuity , which , in the opinion of Dr. Incobi , renders the institution of oards of examiners an imptrativo icccssity to the public good , as well s an imperative requirement for any dvanco in the standard of medical ducation. The question whether iicn having fortunes to will away will ndow professorships in private cor- orations is ono that Dr. F. R. itiirgis , of the committee of the state nodical society , in his essay , just ublished , on "Ileform in Medical Mucation , " regards aa answered in lie negative by American ex- urionco. But tlioro are no such niversity growths in this country aa lillroth diecuescs in his great work , nd , ns n New York practitioner re- larked yesterday , either our doctors ad to bo imported from Europe or line process of manufacture had to established. It was not the busj- oss of the government , and so pri- I ate corporations had to perfo.m the I orlc. Under such circumstances it 03 hardly feasible to con- ont the matriculate with such cmaijds as ono finds in opera- on in Berlin , Bonn , Breslau , Dorpat olio or Iloildoiborg , not to mention ther prorninont universities compris- ig all the sciences kindred to modi- io , a training in nhysics equal tone no year , in zoologio and compara- yo anatomy equal to throe years , botony the same ; then mineralogy , oology , histology , the manufacture microscopic preparations , phar- ' lucology , toxicology , &a. , noina of hich are considered purely accessory , ' 'he result has been , however , no- ording to Dr. Jacob ! , n literature of 10 medical sciences in Germany that nnprisea the most celebrated names medicine , The great sanitary in- uirics of Pnttonkofor and his fellow orkors. in that field , the advance of irgical and medical methods in con es of instruction , and vast record of nnntomicnl and physiological discovery Hint Germany contribute * annually , nro but BO many evidences of the yaluo of a system some of whoso lead , ing features nro copied in the present legislation. Do Not Ho Deceived. In these times of qimjk medicine aiUpr- I enicnti everywhere , it In truly gratify. Ini ! to find ono remedy that It worthy of jiraUe , nd uhirh really d e a recommended - mended llllctno 1H tcrs we can touch for M being a trno and reliable remedy , oml one tint will do M r coinmendcil. They invariably cure Rtomarli and Lher Complaint * . Diseases i > f the Klilnevs and prmary illlKculUcn. Wo know whet oof uerpeak , ami can readily say , pltc them a trUI. Sold at fifty cents a bottle hy IVeht. rim CHICAGO , PEORIA , ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Poluti Eattand South-East. TUKL1NKCOMPIUSE3 Nearly 4HO ( miles Solid Smooth Strcl TrncLs All oonnccllonniiro nrnlo In UNION OhPOTS , It hna a National ItcimUtlon > s bcln ? the Great Through Car Ll"o , urn ! In unltiirnally conrpJcd to bj thn FlNEbT EQUIPPED Uulf. read In thnvorM for nil claims ul triucl. Try It anJ j on will flnd traollnj ; n Inxur j Imtcarl nf & discomfort. > Through Tickets vli this Celebrated Line lor Bale nt all litters In the West. All Inlorniatlon about Hates ol Knrc , I hoping C r Acocmmodatlons , Time Table * , &c. , will bo cheerfully RlYi'n hv appljinln to T. J. COTTER , 2d Vlro-l'res't > t Ocn. JUii crChicago , PERCIVAL LOWELL. Oo . Passen'cr Agt. Chicago , W. J. DAVKNI'OIIT , Uon Agent , Conncll Hindu. II. V. UUKLL , TlckU inorn-cd ly To Nervous Sutterers THE QREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It la aix > fUY | c rc tor Hpnrmatouhoa , Beralna WtckiKus. Impolicy , nnd all dlser.sfB resulting from bclr-Abiuc , &u Mental Anxluty , LOBSI Hcaory , Palnojnthe Baiter Bjdo , ud Jlseiocb fniSi r " iwin" that lend to Cousumptlon liiennlty an oarlj grave 10 Hioclflc | Mocliclno Is lag used with wonder ful succom. FamnhleU Dent lira to ftll. Write tor them nd gat full pur- tlciibrn. Pilro , Hmclflc , 91.00 per package , or six pack agcs.lor'US.OO. Addraw all ordcro to B. HIMEON MEDICINE CO. NOB 104 and 100 Main Bt. Buffalo , N. Y. fioM In Omaha by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Bell , J. K. Isb. and all druirRlstMTviywhcro. H. M JSNWEILEK TH . A TTT-ft.f * Emplopent Agent ! Rallroaa Oatflt on Short Notiao. ,11th St. , Near Farnham. inl-ond-t SYPHILIS n any atago Catarrh , EOXEMA , Old Sores , Pimplca , BOILS , or any Skin Diseas . Suros When Hot Springs Fail llAVBHs , AIIK. , Jloy 2.1631 Wo hire i3i c In our OMII town { who Ihcd at B , and wciclinally cured with S , U. H , iur. J9 _ „ . .PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's Rest for TOILET. BATH Fnd HANDKERCHIEF. FAST TIME I In going Ka t taUe the Mcago Mortliwest- pyil rvrrrs * - . UJL XI. 'Trains loivo Oms.hu 8:10 : p. m. find 7:10 : a. m , or full Information call on II. I * . DUK' > . Ticket 1'out , Uth aud Karnhim HU ) . J. BULL , U , I' , ftllway Depot , or at JAMKH T. CLAHIC , Ocncr. Aycni. Oman * . Inl7in < m t * We are prcpnrcd to f urnlbh rand of the t cry est quality lor tullclliu imriKmrn to suy pirt ot be city , at riatonablv prices , or at thu pit. In- ulrt ttlio pit 35th and California Ste , 3ook& Isaacson ri DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS HOTELS. PROPRJKTORa ARLINQTON. J. O. MelNTIRE , Lincoln , Met , SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. STELLINIU8 , Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , BROWNSVILLE , Neb.l COMMEnOIAL HOTEL JOHN HANNAN , Stromtburc Nt HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL , Loulivllla CITY HOTEL , OHENEY ft CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. COMMERCIAL HOTE. , J. 0. MEAD , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL . 'SEYMOUR , Nobratka City , Neb MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , P. L. THORP , Weeping Water.Ne COMMERCIAL HOUSE A. 0. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W , MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nebl COMMERCIAL HOUSE , E. BTOREY. Olarlnda , low * ENO'B HOTEL , E. L. END , Eremont , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Akhland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LCVELL , Atkinson , Neb. MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. CnUDD , Guide Recd , Neb , SUMMIT HOUSE , 8WAN & DECKER , Oreston , la. JUDKIN3 HOUSE , JUDKINB & BRO , , Red Oak , la. HOUSTON HOUSE , CEO.OALPH , Extra , la. REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , O. H. WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. DURCE8S , Neola , la. CITY HOTEL , Dl D. WILLIAMS , Harlan , la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQ3 , Corning ; , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , OIL. AVERY , Gtnnton , MERCHANTS HOTEL , J. W , DOULWARE , Durllngton Junction , M COMMERCIAL HOTEL , ' Dlanclmrd , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Slionnndoah , la , COMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS. Dyld City , Neb. DAGNELL HOUSE , OHA8. DAGNELL , CollcceSprings , la. COMMERCIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllico , la. JUDKIN8HOU8E , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , IdnlOrove , la COMMERCIAL HOUSE , D , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la QRAND PACIFIC ) . J. NORTON , Columbus , Neb , WOOD3 HOUSE , JOHN ECKERT , Osceola , Neb. DOUOLAB HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Clnrki , Neb. EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. D. HACKNEY , Alhland , Neb , TFT WT TVTnTTTff'F A TW j.EiJjlfl JLYIUUJLiJL .lli AND Mining and Milling Company. Worklnp Capital' - fSOC.OOO. Capital 8:0 : ck , $1,000,000 Par Yaluo of Hharcw , 8-25,000. STOCK. FULLY PAID UP AND NON-ASSESSABLE Mines Located in BBAMBL MINING DISTRICT. Dn. J. I. THOMAS , President , Cummins , Wjomlnjr. Wll. E. T1LTON , Vlco-Prcotdent , Cummlna , WyomlngI K. N , HAIttVOOD , Secretary , Cummins , Wjomlng. A. G. LUNN , Treasurer , Camming , Wyoming. Dr. J. I. Thomas. Loud Miller W. S. llramcl. A. 0. Dunn. E. N. Harwooil. Francla Leavens. ( Ico. II. Foloa. Lowlj Zolman. Dr. J. C. Wtttkini. naJZmoSm QKO. W. KENDALL , Authorlicd Afiont for Sale ot Stock : IV" " * > hci.Neb. 'si ' : Eo. . 1213 Farnham St. . Omaha , Nab. IPOWBB AND HAND X ! * . . : Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MINING MACniNEUY , DELTINO , DOSR , DRASS AND IRON FmTNCJB PIPK , 8TKASI PACKING , AT WHOtraALE AND RKTAIIi.2iJ HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCHAMD.SCHOOL ? BELLS 1 A SRANGr , 205 T ? * St. , Omaha I era House tore ! Doily Arrivals of Now Soring Goods la Clothing and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods GOODS MARKED IN PLIAN FIGURES , , And Sold At "STRICTLY ONE PRICE I" { I am Belling1 the Celebrated Wilpon Bro.'a Fine Shirts , known f as the BEST Fitting and Most Durable Shirts Made. I 217 SOUTH FIFTEENTH STREET. mlcodlm SPRING AND SUMMER STOCK -OF Ready ffor Inspection AT Palace doting loused THE LOWEST PRICES GUARANTEED Vi V : 1S16 Farnam Street , Near 14th. * i I MarlC'cd. ! E.OTEC & CTOlsTES , holesale Lumber , Io , 1408 Farnham Street , Omalia ,