Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1882, Page 2, Image 2

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Gravel Trains anfl Repeaters
Harry the Primaries , But
the People Oarry the
A Square Anti-Monopoly Fight
. Where the Baihoads Oomo
in fiocond Beat.
Lancaster County Will Surely
bo Bodeemed the Com
ing Fall.
TIio Extra Session About to FlruU
in the Fan.
Correspondence of The Itce.
LINCOLN , April 10. The B. t M.
railroad and State Journal have always
carried this nock of woods. I said
ALWAYS but I meant always until last
Tuesday. Then it was the people
came to the front and said that , not
withstanding a republican nomination ,
the 13. & M. strikers could not bo
elected , and then the result waa that
two out of the three wards of this
city were carried by the opposition ,
and two avowed anti-railroad men
wore elected as councilman. The
fight WAS a hard ono , and although it
rained all day , and the atrodts wore
muddy enough to rival Omaha streets ,
no siono was loft unturned. All of
iho railroad men wore given tickets
and taken to the polls at S o'clock ,
and although they received full pay
for the day , they wore not required
to put in an appearance after that
hour. It was clearly a railroad fight ,
and the railroad got loft. In the
First ward whore the B. & M. shops
are located , no men over before dared
to bo a candidate without asking
Marquette , but on lapt Tuesday the
anti-railroad candidate , Henry Sty-
berg , was given a majority of 0 in
n vote of 030 , and in the Third ward
0. L. Baum won the race , leaving the
B. & M. candidate nearly 50 votes be
hind. Exactly thu same kind of
fight was had in the
republican primaries a few days before -
fore the election , and the saino candi
dates wore in the fluid on both sides ;
but by a system of repeating and iv
judicious use of the gravel train
bringing mon from Omaha and Hast
ings the railroad ticket came out
ahead , and with the prestige of a re
publican nomination , sixty per cent.
of the democrats and The State Jour
nal , they considered themselves forti
fied against any and all advances , and
loudly claimed a thousand majority.
The Jouanal felt so elated over the
victory at the primaries that it began
to read people out of the party and
advised the opposition to throw Post
master McBridu overboard , because ho
had not been able to carry his own ,
the First ward ; but since the election
that paper has boon mum on local matters -
tors , and is now editorially wandering
in Asia and , youth America. Ono
theory ia-pro'vpn'by this oldption , and
that ijt ithot j the , B. & KL does not
oinrj , oil' the ; voters f Lancaster
county , and when the legislative
ticket is put into field this .fall if the
railroad insists upon making the re
publican nominations , they may have
Bomo trouble in electing their candi
dates. Ex-Mayor John B. Wright is
certain of having senatorial honors
conferred upon him , and to this end
ho has been working for thn past two
years ; every thinp that the B. & M.
wa'ntod ho waa only too willing to
grant , but that corporation knows
very well that ho would sink them
out of sight if ho was allowed to inako
the race , and it is secretly whispered
among the knowing ones that ho will
bo notified by the managers to atop
ono oido when the time comes , and anew
now convert crowded into the place
ho has been longing for so long.
The governor has not yet called an
extra session , although ho promised
faithfully to have the legislature moot
between the 10th and 20th of April.
The fact of the matter is the governor
is not really to blauio. Ho has not
yet received his instructions from the
U. P. railroad ; ithon ho gets them ho
will act promptly , but fears are enter
tained that Oov. Thurston is opposed
to a session and in that event the
promises of the boy governor will
count for nothing.
The political skillet is commencing
to sizzle , and slates and conventions
are being made on every hand. The
very latest on the boards is the fol
lowing ; Si Alexander , for governor ;
Wills , of The Crete Union , lieutenant-
governor ; Dinsmoro , of Clay coun
ty , for treasurer ; Ed. Kog-
gen for secretary of state , and
Ohurch Howe , Paul Vandervoort and
Jim Laird for congress. Mr. DJWOS
will do well to look a little after his
own county , forwithDoughcrtyalltho
while prodding him in the short ribs
and a prospect of treachery in his own
camp , Salinci county may coino/ tip
to the convention for him as Nunou
was for Paddock in the lost senatorial
race.Tho banks of Lincoln , and wo hear
it rumored that Millard of Omaha is
in the pot , are for Oharlio White for
atato treasures , but as they have a
four cornered light in Baunders county
this time , they may not bo
DO successful as they anticipate ,
In Sounders there will be several prom
inent mon fighting for the delegation
and they are all convinced that it is
now or never. In the firit place
Speaker Shedd wants to bj governor ,
Charley White expects to BO treasurer
H ! ( er , Mr. Reeeo is certain to bo attorney
general and'John Stooii , the postmas
ter at Wahoo , is a candidate for a state
oflico , with a good prospect of sweep-
in } ; the board.
Our friend , Ed. Roggcu , is making
hay while the sun shinoB. Ho spends
every Sunday among the country
folks trying to convince them that
ho is their man secretary of the state.
Last Sunday at Hickman and the Sun
day before at Hervard , and to on ,
Just where he will go next ( Sunday we
cannot eay ,
Take "BLAOK-DnAUOHT" and you
Willlicver be l > Ui"
A Description of That , as Tet , Uu
known Country The Turtle Moun
tain Gbippowas-Smug-glmg.
Ex-Mayor Hockot , of Bismarck
who has just been on an explorinr
tour to the Mouse river and Turtli
mountain country , wrote as follow ;
concerning the latter section :
I have discovered the source o
James river , and will note it in this
report for the benefit of Dakota gco
graphy. The stream rises on tin
north flido of the Dog Den mountains ;
and only forty mtlos from the Missour
river. It lit formed from many
springs oozing out from the base o
thoBo mountains. J followed _ the
course ton miles , and am satisfied it is
no other than the head of thu .lames
tivcr. Its courao from hero is duo
oast. I have taken my course from
Villard a little east of north to this
point on the boundary line , crossing
the Mouse at right angles _ twice , the
last time six miles below Little Medi
cine lodge. I find it to bo the mosl
beautiful country the sun ever shone
on. A level prairie stretching away
at far aa the eye can reach , with the
exception of Turtle mountain ; hero in
front of mo on the cast , the country ,
rolling to the Mouse , is dotted with
lakes and small groves of timber , and
tall grosses of every variety.
I spent two days on the west aide ol
Eurtlo mountain , and have examined
ta water and timber to some extent.
[ t is the heaviest timbered region in
Dakota , not excepting the pine-clad
leaks of the Black Hills. The varie
ties of timber growing on Turtle
mountain are of a valuable kind , as
'allows : Ash , oak , some elm , but the
greatest portion quaking asp , a species
of'poplar or whltowood. The trees
; row tall and thrifty , und from two to
, hroo feet in thickness. This timber
will bo valuable to Dakota and the
northwest for cabinet work. This
timber is very much needed in the
growing northwest , and it is a prize
worth contending for. Turtle moun-
; ains seems to bo very extensive , and
ooks to an observer somewhat like
Jio Black Hills , and no doubt con
-ains minerals. A fine stream flows
down across the west side , taking its
course for the Mouao river. It is
called Willow river. There are some
ino water powers on this stream , and
n the near future it will bo dotted
vith sawmills , cutting the timber
rjm the mountain for eastern and
untlioni mnrkota.
Mr. Jewell thua describes the half-
mtcd settlement nt Turtle mountain :
When first wo struck the sottlutnont
or village , wo wore saluted with the
lowling of about fifty half-starved
dogu. The village is scattered ever
some 300 or 400 acres , the build-
tigs or dwellings consist of small
og huts , and the balance are of the
epee otylo , made of skins , and on the
rholo has a dilapidated appearance.
ach family has n patch of about an
aero under .cultivation , which com-
irisoj their farms. I was mot by the
ihiof at once , and ho wanted tc > know
ny business , and was surpricud to see
a party of white mon in his country at
his time of the year. I told him I
vas instructed to go to his village and
lave a talk with the chief , to find out
; heir condition , etc. Ho kindly in-
ritod mo in his topee. The name of
his chief is Black Bear , and talks
> rokon English. Ho is not a full
loaded Indian. '
It asked him if. ho was the head
chief'of tlftj.TurtltS mountain1 band of
3hfppowas . Ho answered no , the
load chief ho said lived at Woody
nountain , on the other side of the
inc. I asked him why ho did not
ivo there with his tribo. Ho said the
hiof bocnino disgusted hero with his
> uoplo and would not live with them ,
lo also stated that the chief at Woody
mountain hold the papers from the
iresidont for these lands. I asked
lim how they proposed to dispose of
hcso lands , and learned that the half-
> rt'od8 wanted a reservation sixty
niles long nid fifty miles wide , and u
vrtain sum of money to the chiefs.
' . told him that I did not bcliuyo the
{ ovornmcnt would give n reservation
o half-broods , but that they could
ako 1GO acres , the saiuo as a white
nan , under the homestead und pre
emption law , ho answered und said
hat the half-breeds should have a
cservation as the white men had all
ho money. I aekod him what ho
houfjht about R ing to the White
Darth reservation , and ho uaid they
would not go anywhere until they got
lay for their lands , and tu ! < y could go
where they pleased. This ended thu
conversation for the evening , and ho
cindiy procured us a lodge tor the
light. During mystay I had looked
ho matter ever carefully , and I find
lot a full-blooded Chippewa in this
tribe , called the Turtle mountain band
of Ghippoffas. They are nothing but
a renegade sot of half-breeds from the
various 'tribes of Northern and Cana
dian Indians. There are not over 250
louls all told in this so-called band of
Turtle mountain Indians. They are
lottlod here in this remote part of our
orritory"on the boundary line
L'hoy ore the outfit tlmt have been
urnishiiii ; SUting Bull and his band
of cutthroats und murdoiors with am-
uuiiition and guns during all our
runtiur troublcH , and now they are
wrolicd on this mountain on the
xjundafy line , rondy to jump from
mo nido to the other as the uaso nmy
bo ; and after all thia tlioy have the
cheek to oak the government for a
caorvation sixty miles wide and fifty
eng , the beat lands of Dakota. There
a u small trading store here kept by a
nan named Bruce , from Pembiim.
lis gooda are all shipped ever the line
uid I should judge the duties are not
ooked after , There is n lurgo flour-
ng null twenty miles north of hero on
he Manitoba side , on a branch of the
. 'einbina river. The country cast
rom hero scorns to bo semowlmt brok
en , but is well watered and timbered.
The mountain in forty miles wide at
he line and u a solid body of heavy
imber. It would ba safe to say there
s 10,000 square miles of timbered
sountry here in north Dakota. Tim
> or enough to supply two genoratiorv
People do not know the wealth that IB.
o be found hero. Very little of tt is
cnown to the outside world. Eighteen
uonths ago it would not have been
safe for a white man to put Ills foot on
his soil , but Binoo the surrender of
Sitting Bull the white man can travel
with perfect safety ,
Cruelty in Live Htock Transportation
The transportation of live stock is
an immense busino-a. Statistic * show
that at least twontj egvo million hcac
of domestic animals are annually
transported from the west to eastern
cities , and the business will continue
to grow with the increase of popula
tion and the demands for export.
This particular business hat long been
a matter of interest to the humane ,
and much intelligent thought has
been given to plans for the alleviation
of the horrors attendant upon the
present inadequate means for the
carrying of cattle , sheep and hogs
front tile west to the Atlantic sea
board. There was a time when men
tion wa ? given to the resting , feeding
and watering of live slock in transit.
But the cupidity of the owntri of
stock jardo along the lines of transit
and the immense increase in the num
ber of cattle transpcrtcd has driven
shippers to the nccctsity of hurrying
their live stock through , in a manner
which results in not only the uuflorint ;
but the death of many of the unimals
Another source of suffering has been
( lip overloading of stock cara by the
shipping agents of the railway com *
panics. As a result this overloading
has frequently been disastrous to the
animaU. An rye witncssto the trans
portation of live stock says that ho
has soon largo , fat cattle , cows young
calves , and hogs overcrowded in the
same car , some of the calves lying
down , and hogs eating the calves
while yet alive. Ho has also seen
largo bulls in the same car with
smaller cattle , the former goring the
latter and inflicting injurious wounds.
Ho further _ says : "I have seen
hundreds of cattle cars BO overloaded
that there was hardly standing room.
The > cattle would use all their
strength to got relief' until some became -
came exhausted and fell down. In
tlmt condition they were trampled up
on by their fellows. " Though the var
ious cruelties practiced upon live stock
in transit , thousands of animals arrive
at their destination in a crippled state ,
while many moro are taken out of the
cars dead. Of the cattle that live ,
many , by reason of starvation and
cruelties inflicted while on route , lose
nearly a hundred pounds , and como
out of the cars full of fever , or covered
with bruises , sores and ulcers , and are
afterward alaughtcrod and sold in the
markets for food. This ever-growing
und commingling of calves with fat
stock and grown cattle is not only
cruel but wasteful , and against the in
terests of tea shipper. A little moro
expense and fen > Miht ; would save vast
osspa. Thcso abuses have been , the
subject of much consideration by those
inttrc.itod in the prevention of
cruelty to animalu , and in 1830
fie National Humane Society
offered n prize of § 5,000 for
: ho best improved cattle cnr. Hun
dreds of plans h.wo been submitted ,
jut the real want acorns to have been
supplied by a stock cir patented by
AlonzoO. Mather of Chicago. To do-
ecribe this improved stock car within
ho brief limits of n newspaper article
s simply impossible. It is enough to
say that it provides for the comfort
able and safe conveyance of all man
ner of live stock , and furnishes them
with abundant food and water while
in transit. As a humane invention it
neots the very case and must prove
of great value both to shippers , trans
portation and live stock insurance
Ob , My Batsuma I
Prof.tE. . Morse , in a recent lectura.
joforCjjSo Lowell Institute , struck a [
'atal blow at the rage of what is
called Japanese decoration , which
las transformed BO many otherwise
elegant homes into nonsensical curi
osity-shops , 'and ' made many an ambi-
ious esthete aimply a collector of
purious antiquities. Tno professor
CIIOWB whereof ho speaks , having
tudiod his subject on the ground.
lo says :
"Satsuma ware ( which is not hold
n any apccial estimation in Japan ) is
of four kinds the gray painted , th-3
; ray inlaid , the brown and the light-
colored or yellow. If wo may believe
he JapancNo themselves , who i-urely
ought to know , yellow clay was not
discovered until the present century ,
nd there is no ancient Satsuma pot-
ory , dealers in this country to the
ontrary notwithstanding. All arti-
los of real Satsuma are small , and
mve no stamp upon them ; and plates
ritli heavy rims , cups with handles
, nd saucers and pitchers have abao
utoly no existence as genaino Japa
nese pottery. Two rare old articles
of genuine Sutsuma ware , which I ob-
aiuod with great trouble a d ex-
) euBO , were made sixty-five years ago.
"The largo articles Bold as ancient
satsuma are from two to four years
> ld , are principally manufactured in
fokio , and are rubbed with cluxrfcoal
lust to give thorn the appearance of
ago , I have myaolf stood be ido an
igont of an American firm which deals
11 'Satsuma1 ware , and hoard him
rive un order for n great quantity of
-his 'ancient * pottery , directing the
loaigns and telling thn maker to put
on plunty of decorations , no matter
whut. These large pieces are regard
ed by the Japanese 114 abominable
mraphrases , and a name is applied to
hem which siynilios that they are
nade solely to bo exported. They
are for the most part not Satsuma at
all , but Awata , and the decoration is
lorformod by children and cheap
workmen of all kinds. "
There is no doubt the turning of the
ide has como. Within u tvV vumonth
rare now almost priceloea nuy be hud
or a song , and with the downfall of
ho crockery craze it h devoutly hoped
hero may come a decorative taste
uoro simple , chaste and harmonious
han the prusant scrambling , inter-
nittont and birarro style of house-
luld odormnent. Our Continent.
Qrotofnl "Women.
None receive so much benefit , and
none are BO profoundly grateful and
ihow Buoh an interest in recommending -
ing Hop Bittern as women. It is the
only remedy peculiarly adapted to the
many ills tho'BOx is almost universally
subject to. Chills and fever , indigos-
tiontor deranged llvor , constant or pe
riodical aick headaches , weakness in
the back or kidnoys.pam in the ahouU
iora and different parts of the body , a
'oeling ' of lassitude or despondency ,
ull are readily removed by ttioao bit-
: ors. [ Uourant.
Jfo heaa-acliu or twuk-iiuhe for ladlca
-c- J-T > k/"WlNE OF OARDUI. "
Peculiar Steerage Passengers.
KcvYork Tilbuns.
Time 2 p. m. Scone Castle Oar
den. Enter R. 0. Antoine Pommeroi
leading n huge bear , followed bysovon
comrades , each leading a bear. Both
bears and men wore steerage passen
gers on the steamship Chateau Leo-
ville , from Bordeaux.
Ci.stom House officer appearing
from L accosts first ruffian "Hold
m , you'll have to pay duty on these
bears. "
Antoine "Mo no tret zo monaie , so
jou tnko zo hours , "
Oflicer-"No , uol Don't leave the
creatures here ; they will eat us up. '
Atuoino--"Ah , oiiljzay will not eat
like zo cannibal. No ncceasairo for
Frighten ; r.o animals are i > orfeotnmeiito
Unto. Hco I put my hand in zo
mouth. "
Offlcor "N < > . no. You cannot
leave tijom heir ; wo have no place for
thorn. Tdko tliuiu nwuy from lioto. "
The eight 1'retichmuit with thcii-
eight bcara tlion marched in a singlu
lilo into thu rotunda , after the name
age , birthplace , destination , and cccu
patlon had been taken , they tiled out
of ( ! , utln Garden up Broadway to
ward Baxter street. Pedestrians
Bccinod only too anxious to giro them
right of way , and oitlior crossed the
crowded thoroughfare or took refuge
in the doorways. Pommcrot said it
was absurd that anybody should bo
frightened at the animals as they were
perfectly tame. They were not to bo
used for exhibition , but would bo em
ployed in the west for drawing email
: arts , aa they had boon trained to do
that work.
Free of Charge.
All persons Buffering frornrmcrm , Colds , G
Asthma , Bronchiti/ / % LOBS ofice , orany
affection of the Throat and LUHRB. arc re
quested to call nt Schrnter & Uecht's drug
H-ore and get Trial Dottle of Dr. King's
Naw Discovery for Cun-umpUorj , free of
c1 , which will convince them of its
wonderful merits and show what n regular
dollar-size bottle will do. Call early.
For a quarter of a century or more Hosteller's
stomach ittcra has been the rclgnlug tpccillc
or Indlgcstlondy8pepsti , fever and ague , low of
ihydialstan tna livercomplalntandotlurdl r
IcD.'and has been moat emphatically Indorsed by
Dcdlcal men as a health acd fctrcngth rwtor
at I TO. It counteracts a tendency to prouiaturo
d cay'and sujtau.8 and comforts the afced and
For eale by all drug-lets and dealers generally
al to ml
English rcm-
* ' ' ? Anun-
' 1" * cure
tor Seminal
Weakness ,
Sperms tor-
rhca , Imiiot-
ency , aim all
follow as a
Self-Abuse ; as Lot > s of Memory , Universal Lassl-
tudo , Pain In the Back , Dimness of Vldon , Pro-
maturaOld Ago , and many other Diseases that
lead to Insanity or Consumption and a Prema
ture Grave.
jtarFulI particulars In our pamnhlet , which
we desire to send free t r mall to every ono.
ClTTho SpcclHc Medicine Is lold by all druggists
at $1 per packagu , or 0 packics for { 8 , or will
ho sent free by mall on rect ptnf the money , by
addressing THE OKA 1ED1CINE CO. ,
BuBalo , N. V.
f nod by tlio ttraln ot
tour duties avolo nlijlit woik , to . , -
ctlmulantaanil ute tor * brain nerve RQI/
Hop Bitters. vr st Ukb Hop B.
If you are yountr and t pnlTerlriH Irouihuy It
duci-Uioii or dUtlpaf tiun t it Touaivmar
rlca 01 slncle , old or { younifp BUUt'rlnr f ret ,
Iioorhe&Hb ur lanKulmi I fntr on a DOC 't * ic
lieu , rvlf on Hopt Bitter * .
Whoever yon ore. TliouEAnui aui s
vheuovcr you feel naallyfroiu .
that your .jrrtcml lonii uf f ! j n c )
need. clcon.Uijf . ton- > ill 7ai > o chat uuffbt
ln 01 .Uruuiatlnit , nave bcenprtveptt c.
-lthoutnloxlt- gvm tlmoljr ' 1stof
tkc Hop HcplHtor *
0,1. O
tir ut 'naru complain
U ktncluU
, dlie.M an
plain ,
Rnd Irroslsti
ot Ui to > ucA ,
his euro lot
6otr < ft. Jood
tinrotntmtl { drunkenness
UM of opium ,
Toll will be tobacco , us
cured if TOOUW narcotic * .
Hop Bitten
If rouara ( im
ply Veak and
it i ( t may
tn o your
life. It hn
Sionx City S Pacific
Huns n flnlld Train Ihroujh from
Council Bluffs to St. Paul
Without Ohanca Time , Only 17 Hour *
and all polata In Nortlu-ni Iowa , Mlnnuaota anu
Dakota. Thla line Is cqulpjioil with tlio Improtod
Wedtlnghouaa Autoiuallo Air-brake and II111 *
FUtform Coupler and lluDer : aud for '
Is uneurpasacd. Pullman Palace ( Hooping Oar
run through WITHOUT CIIANUB UeUoon Kan
as City and St. Paul , via Council llluffs and
Sioux city.
Trains leave Union 1'aclflo Transfer at Coau-
ell Uluffs , at 7:82 : p. in. dally on arrival of Kanwu
City , BL Joseph and Council Uluffs train from
the South. Arriving- Sioux City 11:35 p. m. ,
and at the New Union Depot at Bt. Paul at 18:30 :
noon ,
ty Romcmber In taking the Blour City Routs
you get a Through Train. The Shortest Llnu ,
Ihe Quickest Time and a Comfortable Uldo in the
Through i 'an between
JtS-Seo that your Tickets read via the "Slouj
City and Paclno lUtlroad '
Superintendent. Oen'l Pans. Aeont.
P. E. KOBINSON , Au't Oen'l 1'aM. Ay't. .
Ulwourl Valley , Iowa.
W , E. DAVIS , Southwestern Agont.
Councl Blurts < < ' %
Physician and Surgeon
Offlc No. 1111 Farutum St. between 14th and
Uth. Omaha , Neb. ( iSwl *
Mn. J. O. Kobcrbon , Pltbbtirp , PA. , wrltci : "I
wii suHcrlnir from general debility , nant of ap
petite , constipation , etc. , so thttt llro a , Inir-
den ; after wing Uunlock IllooO Hitters I felt bet
ter than for ] cars. 1 cannot pnlso your Ulttcra
too much , "
ii , uiui > i , of Ouffftlo , N. Y. , writes : "Your
Burdock Illcc Hitters , In chronic diseases of the
blood , liter it.J kidneys , have been signally
marked \\ithsucccfs. 1 have used them myself
with best results , for torpidity of the liver , nndln
ca oof a friend of mine suffering from dropsy ,
the effect v > as man clous. "
Bruce Turner , Rochester , N. Y.wrltcs , : ' 'I have
been subject to serious disorder of the kidneys ,
and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Blood
Bitters relieved tno before half ft bottle waa used
I feel couGdcnt that they HI entirely cure mo. "
Asculth Hall , Blnghampton , N. Y. , writes :
"Isutfcrcd with a dull pain thraugh my eft
lung and shoulder. Lost my spirits , appcttto
and color , and could with ditnculty keep up all
dny. Took jour Burdock Blood Bitters as di
rected , and have felt no pain since first week af <
tcr using them. "
Mr. Noah Bates , Elmlra , K. Y. . writes : "About
four years ago I had an attack of billons fever , and
never fully recovered. My digestive organs
w ere weakened , and I would bo completely pros
trated for days. After using two bottles of your
Burdock Blood Bitters the Improvement was BO
vHble that I was astonished. I can now. though
01 years of ago , do a fair and reasonable day's
C. Blackct Robinson , proprietor ot The Canada
Presbyterian , Toronto , Ont. , writes : "Forycars
I suffered greatly from oft-recurring headache. I
used ) our Burdock Blood Bitters with happiest
results , and I now find mvpelf In bettor health
than for years past. " '
Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y , writes : ' ! have
used Burdock Blood Bitters for nervous and bil
ious headaches , and can recommend It to anyone
requiring a cure for billlousnesa. "
Mrs. Ira Mullnolland , Albany , N. Y , writes :
"For several years I have suffered from oft-recur
ring bllllous headaches , dyspepsia , and com.
plaints peculiar to my sex. Since using your
Burdock Blood Bitters I am entirely relieved. "
Price , 01.00 poi Bottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Ot *
, . , , ,
Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon and C. F.
rjoodnmn. Jo 27 cod-mo
The Great English Kemeily
Never falls to cuio
Nervous Debllltj , Vi
tal Exhaustion , Urals-
-Ions , Kcmlnal Wcnk-
HOOD , and all the
evil effects of youth
ful follies anil execs-
KS. It xtop * perma
ncntlynll vviakeninj , ' ,
Involuntary loss sand
Iraliis utwn the sys
tem , the inovltab'o re-
„ , „ suit of thcso evil pia-
tlces , w urb so destruo Ivo to mind and boay
and inaVo lifo miserable , often leading to ItiBanl-
y and death It strengthens the Nerves , Brain ,
mcmor } ( Blood , Muscles , I > lge tlvu and Itepro-
luctivo Or.ns , It restores w all the orronlc
untirns their former vigor and vitality , ma
ting lifo cheerful and cno > abla Price , 83 n
bottle , or four times the quantity S10. Sent by
cxpren. secure from observation , to any address ,
on receipt of price. No. C. 0. D. sent , except
on receipt of $1 as a guarantee. Letters rj-
quonting answers must Inclose stamp.
Dr. Mintie'a Dandelion Pills
arc tY > boat and cheapest dyspepsia and billions
cure In the market. Sold by all druggists. Prlco
iO cents.
Curestll l.indofKldnoy , and bladder complalnto.
gororrl'ca , gleet and Icucorrhca. For ealo iy all
daupg sts : SI a bottle.
718 Olive ? t. , St. Louis , Mo.
For Sale In Omaha by
Somolmportant&tatomoxtn ofWol
Known People TV bally
In order that the public nmy fully rcalko the
genulncnei3 of the statements , M well u the
raw tr and value of tlio article of which the ;
peak , wo publish herewith the Uc-almllo signa
tures of parties wtioae sincerity Is beyond quos
Ion. The Truth of those testimonials la abso-
ute , nor caii the facts they announce be Ig
OMAHA , Nr.c. . May 21 , 1881.
II. 11. WARNER & Co. :
DmRSin : I ha o frequently used Warner's
Safe Kidney aud Liver Cure or local ftHcctlone
attendant upon severe rhoumatla nttackg , and
have always derived benotlt therefrom. I have
also used the Safe Nervine with satisfactory re-
ults. I consider these medicines worthy of
Deputy Treasurer
OMAHA , Nun , May 21 , U81
H. H WARKXR ft Co. , Rochester , N. Y. :
anNia : I have use lyour Safe Kidney and
.Iver Cure this uprlnif as a li or Invlgorator , and
find I the best remedy I ever tried. I havt
used 4 bottles , and It has made me feel better
ban ever I did before In the itprln ? .
U. P. R. Hhops.
OllAUA , NIB. , May 24,1B81
n. H. WARXIR&CO. :
Sim : For more than lo ytan I have suffered
much ln < onveolence from combined kidney and
l\er diseases , .nd have been umblo to work ,
my urln.iy orgins also being affected. I tried a
rvat ro&ny modlclnui and doctor * , but Jgrow 1
worse and worio day by day 1 was told I hod
Irtrht'a Disease , and 1 wished myself dead If I
Quid not have speedy relief. I took your Bafe
Kidney and Liver Cure , know Ing notnlntf else
n-oa ever known to cure Urn disease , and I liav
lot been disappointed. The muiilclne baa cured
me , and I am pcrtee ly well to-day , entirely
hroogh your Safe Kidney and Liver Cure J
tvUh jou all eucc t In publishing thla valuable
euiouv through inn vGrid
u. r.n. R. shops.
rhousi-ds of equally itrong endorsement * many
oti em In ctt > ca ivhoro hone a * abandoned liate
> een voluntarily trlien , sfiowluif the remarkable
power of Warucr'a > a'e Kidney and LlverCure ,
n all dinco'cscf the KldneyB , ll\er or urinary or-
'ana. If am one v. ho roadj thin han any pbyi-
ml trouble rem.mbcr the great remedy.
310 South Thirteenth St. , with
d. M , Woolwort .
- -
It plalu from MO of a n Inch to
width In the coartcat fclU or flnett illkl
II dooa all Itlnda and it ) U * of I lilting In uee.
No l dy that docs her own dross making can
afford to do without ono as nice pl itinjr
never out of fainlon , II soon It sells Itself. For
Machines , Circulars or AK nt' terms addreM
118 A.dams8t. Chloapo fll.
John G , Jacobs ,
( fOIAlMlrOt OUhJ COb . )
. . . , . ,
Storage , Commission and f liolesale Mts/ t
Agents for Peek & Bauehers Lard , anil Wilbur Mills Flour ,
OMAHA , - - - NEB. j | !
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar Proo
1020 FarnhamifStreet ,
On River Bank , Bet. Farnham and Douglas Sts. ,
1308 and 1310 DOUGLAS STREET.
Spring Goods Receiving Daily anfl Stock very nearly ! Complete
108 FARM AM ST. - - OMAHA.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot
Wall Paper and Window Shades.
_ 1304 Farnham St. Omaha Neb.
Upder Boyd's Opera House.
Are noW daily receiving large Stocks of
And invite the people to call and examine
Good Goods ! Low Prices
"Opera House Shoe Store. "