Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1882, Image 1

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A Number of Oonflrmations
. [ 2 the Senate Yesterday ,
Among Them Being Bill Oha
lor and a Few Ne
braska Naobyo.
The House Again Spends a I
Wrestling With the Tarif
Miicellnnoon * Notes of a. Natlo
National Associated 1'rcM.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 12
The chair laid betoro the sonai
memorial from the Methodist Epii
pal conference of New York appr
inji the veto of the Chinese bill.
Mr. Sowoll ( N. J. ) presented
petition of a largo number of ofh'c
of thp army favoring the passage
the bill making retirement compuls
nt the ago of 02. Referred to c ,
mitteo on military affairs.
-Mr. Mitchell presented IhoVesc
tion of the central branch of the li
American land league relative to li
Mr. Williams reported from
committee on railroads favorably
bill for the settlement of the
counts of the Mobile & Ohio railra
fTho bill to provide acriculti
' lands for the Southern Utes , in 1
) ot lands hitherto allotted th <
Consideration of the bill for
right of way through the Chootaw
tion was resumed. Mr. Vest BRI
strongly in favor of the measure.
Discussion on the tariff bill con !
ued until executive session , when c
formations were made as follows : V
Ham E. Chandler , secretary of I
navy ; Wm. A. Hunt , of Louisia
minister to Russia ; J. U. Partridi
> of Maryland , minister to Peru ; Jc
Y. Smythc , of North Carolinia , m
ister to Liberia ; Wm. Williams , of'
diana , charge d'affdirs to Paragi
and Uraguay ; John S. Knox , of Mil
esota , comptroller of the curren
Postmasters John Dailoy , Wavet
Ohio ; Jno. Dickman , Edina , Oh
Alfred Shaw , Nevay , Ind. ; J.
Craig , Crete , Neb. ; M. Hedges , PI
Creek , Nob. ; Anthony Ries , No
Platte , Nob. ; Commodore E. Pie
Crosby , rear admiral , vice Spot
dead and consequent promotion.
To-day is Mr. Kelloy' sixty-nil
birth day , snd hi J desk is covered w
flowers from Philadelphia and Pn
fr * burg.
t ? i .Adverse reports were made on
} bill" taiiug""grconbaclcB. and the 1
establishing experimental farms
certain states.
Mr. Cox offered an amendment
the rules , dividing the river and h
bor appropriation bill into two pai
ono relating to coast and river in t
or more states , the other to sir.
itreams. Referred to committee
Bills were favorably reported i
\ preprinting § 500,000 for the purchi
of torpedoes and for torpedo oxpe
monts ; abolishing prize money in t
navy ; and giving persons who ha
made entries on lands granted to r.i
roads transfer claims to other lands.
The anti-Chinese bill , with tenyei
i limitation was favorably reported.
7 The bill , was favorably reported
prevent national banks issuing no
in access of 'JO per cent of their ft
value of bonds deposited when boil
are at or above par , or 00 per cc
of their market value when below.
The house wont into committee
the whole on the tariff question bi
"Mr. Hubbell ( Mich ) speaking in i
vor of it. Ho was followed by S !
Townsend ( Ohio ) in favor.
Mr. Upson ( Texas ) spoke favori
the bill , claiming that it was the quic
eat method of reaching a conclusii
on the tariff question ; ho also quot
from speeches on both sides 'of t
house and senate , showing that t
' " " parties agreed that revision was neci
sary. The speech attracted considoi
ble attention , as it was the first on t !
democratic side in favor of tbo bill.
Mr. UpiografF ( Ohio ) followed ,
support of the bill , claiming and c
Ruing and replying to arguments th
farmers wore great sufferers from t
tariff , holding it to bo greatly to th <
Without action the committee re
and the house adjourned at 5:15 p. i
National Associated Press.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. , April 12.
The following nominations wore se
to the senate to-day : Goo , JVIooni
to bo consul general to Bolivia ; Wr
' L. Scrugus to bo consul noneral to tl
United States of Columbia ; 0. (
Andrews , of Minnesota , to bo cons
general to Rio do Janeiro , and a nut
ber of other consuls. Smith D. A
kins , postmaster at Freopoit , 111 , .
Democratic members of the hon
commerce committon say they wi
present a minority report on the Cli
nose bill. They claim that the bill i
reported by the committee does awt
with the pwsporta system. The R
publicans hold that it does not , but :
rather makes it stronger ,
A Republican caucus is announce
for Friday evening.
Among the bills favorably roporti
to the house was ono from the con
merco committee regulating Chinei
immigration. It changes the bill i
formerly passed as follows : Fro :
twenty years to twelve yoara ; striki
out the ecction requiring Chinese i
, register at custom houeos and preset
certificates of registration of the
return , and directs collectors of cui
toms to go on board of vessels b
which they go out of the country an
register them in a book kept f-t tl
custom house , giving a cortificat
required ; instead of requiring a p
port of those having a right to c
hero on leaving Chinese ports , it <
requires a certificate of right to cc
and the reasons on which such ri
are based , and it also strikes out
part of the act punishing the cor
in violation of the law by a fine
8100 , or imprisonment , permit
the removal , however , by Un
States authorities , of such ns c
without the ris-ht to do BO.
Mr. Page will on Monday n
suspension of the rules and passag
the act. This bill is nndcratoot
noot the presidon't views.
Henry A. Gidden , of Albion , N.
ind J , N. Hubbard , of Chicago , 1
ippointcd agents at Soul Island ,
11. G. Otis and W. V. Taylor ,
Scovillo has presented his petite
to congress forpapmont ns Quite
iounsol. Ho says ho intend to s
.o . the case to the end , whether (
eau wants him or not. Quiloau
ilready a demand for his book
iixpccts a qrcat deal of money.
Governor Crittendoiv was in
riowod by scores since his arrival
light. The whole summed up is i
lia visit has nothing to do with
Fames trouble ; that ho fears no troi
rom would bo avengers , and i
uro the pcoplu of Missouri will i
'ersally applaud the means usei
xid them of the robbers.
The Ohio delegation hero hare
lo faith tlmt any rcdtstricting
vill bo passed by the legislature
: auso of the failure to agree u
ho provisions of such bill. In s
svont the congressional districts
emain as they now are and
idditional representatives will
ilectud at large. If the dcmoc
lominato Senator Thunnan for c
; rcss at large , the republicans
lominato Governor Foster to
.gainst him. ,
The president and Secretary I
pin will not return from Hump
ill Friday.
Thevoto on Chandler's confirmat
? aa 28 to 10. All the republicans ,
) , ivid Davis voted for coniirmuti
ieyond brief adverse speeches
lessrs. Bayard and Morgan , tl :
ras no debate.
A meeting of the republican c
rcssional executive committee
ailed tj-night to elect a socroti
wing U- the absence of momboi
djourned till Monday.
Tbo Sinter Educational Faud
&UUM.II Associated 1'rcrta.
ALBANY , N. Y. , April 12. A
ras introduced in the legislature
ay incorporating Ruthoiford
layes , of Ohio ; Morrison Waite
ho District of Columbia ; W. E. Doc
f Now York : Philip Brooks , of A ]
achusetto ; DayidO. Oilman , of Mt
md ; John A. Stewart , of Now Yu
ilfred H. Colquitt , of Georgia ; Al
isK. J essays , of Now York ; Jai
' . Boycs , of Kentucky , and Wm.
'later , of .Connecticut , , as trustoei
no'John F. Slater fund of $ l,0t
00 for the education'of : ' * :
mancipated colored race , the fo
ation of the work by John F. Sli
f Norwich , Conn. This is the rei
f a long cherished purpose , in wli
e was encouraged by the success
tie Pcabody educational fund. ' .
ill authorizes the incorporates
Icct their own successors and oxeni
roperty of the corporation from t
tion , except real estate. The
ikes effect on its passage. II
lought ox-President Hayes will
10 liiat president of the corporati
Northwest Imiuigratloii-
atlonal Aricuattd I'tvue.
ST. PAOJ , , April 12. It is a f
anerally known that immigration
10 northwest this spring is cntir
nprecedeuted and of surprising in
itudo. Ono of the most interest !
matures of this mighty influx of I
adians and trans-Atlantic her
ackers is just developing. Owing
10 Hoods in the ilutl river v
y and the inability of I
c. Paul , Minneapolis & M
oba to get emigrants through
umitoba , or , indeed , farther no ;
1 that valley than Fargo , many i
tanging their minds and going <
ito the Northern Pacific region
ukota and Montana to find lion
id employment. This is particula
uo of single men. Thus Manitc
mts the bush and the Northi
icilic gather * in the birds.
A Mysterious DUoaxv
itlonal Aiuociated 1'rotu.
GiiKssoN , Pa. , April 12. There
oat alarm hero in consequence
10 spread of a mysterious disoa
onounccd by some to bo scar
ver aad by _ others to bo a compli
pn of brain und npinal disorde
ivo deaths occurred yesterday fr <
10 disease and several now cases ( i
ported. A largo mooting of citbc
is held this morning and it was i
ilod to close the public schools a
larantino house's. A committee n
ipointed to distribute dismfectan
Laud Iioacuo Finuuoos.
itlonal Associated I'tua.
NK'W YOKK , April 12. PatrickFc
bled to-day to E an , treasurer
o Land League , at Paris , $8 (
iking a grand total of $300,444.
ceived and remitted by Ford for t
ind League since January 1,18J
' this § 127,038 have been roceiv
ice the Chicago convention in D
mber last. Since January 1 , 18f
o receipts of Mr , Ford nave avi
ed $417 daily.
tlonal AuocUtod I'rew ,
STKouDsnuEG , Pa. , April 12.-
o originated in the engine room
allaco & Katton's woolen mill t ]
; ornoon , and the finishing roe
th contents , engine ipom ati'l a pi
in of the main building were (
oyod. Much damage was done
ichinery by water. Loss , frc
5,000 to $18,000 ; insurance , $ H
Convicted , of Murilor.
tlonal AlwcUteU ficsa.
WASHINGTON , April 12. Ohristia
ylor , ( colored ) , was convicted
irder in the first degree for kill !
o Fisher children last fall.
ProcoGflings of tlioKa'ionall
vent on in Washington ,
The Resolutions Declare Miter
tor Lowell Has Not A
tended to Business.
And Request the Preaidont
Immediately CMl Him. Bac
to This Country.
SpocclioB TJJHoti Snnsot Cox
National Associated
; WARiundTON , April 11-Tho 1
national land league convention
Bcmblcd at 11 n. In. , in Lincoln 1
nnd appointed a committee on croi
Resolutions wcro offered by J
Boyle O'Ksilly and unanimous nd
cd : The preamble sets forth i
certain American citizens are
prisoned in England , and that Mi
lor. Lowell has treated their dumn wiUi uprcmo fndil
pnco , and tint this negluct of dutj
tholpart of Lowell prevents Am
cans of Irish birth vUiting Irelani
legitimate business ; and resoli
that as the first cxprcm
af , the convention lUioy request
president to recall Lowell and appi
in American who understand ! !
rights of his countrymen abroad
lias' the will , courage nnd dignit ;
maintain them , and that the presic
bo Requested to again ins'.ruct
minister at London to demand
immediate trial or unconditional
.case of the prisoners.
Outran , of Alabama , for the 1
loll branch Innd luaguu of Mobile ,
iercd n resolution declaring for
momentary liberty for Ireland ,
for eternal liberty from despotic li
Irnd. *
SS. . Cox made a short address
the convention adjourned to 7 p. i
At ho night session addresses
made by Gen. IlosecratiB and W.
Robinson. Various commit'ees v
ilso appointed. A ball at Odd 1
lows hall in honor of the convent
reduced the number of delegates
iho convention very materially.
United States Flagihip Fonndo
Sailonul Associated Front.
LONDON , April 12. It is repot
icro that the United States flagc
Richmond , enrouto from Panama
Yokohama , foundered nnd went dc
vilh all on board.
WASHINOTON , D. C. , April li
The officials at the navy departm
lay that the report.of the foundei
) f the flagship Richmond while
route from Panima-to Yokokam
[ > roblvbly " "wilbouf foundation. '
iepartmont has advices of her i
irrival at Yokohama March 1st , a
i long delay caused by adverse wir
The United States steamer Po
nouth , reported missing , arrived
Elampton roads this morning.
Prisoners Conviotod nt Wilbo
ipccial to Tim IEK.
WILIIEU , Nob. , April 1 ]
jharloa Burnett , convicted of 1
; Iary of Castor's store at Wilber ,
cntonccd to the penitentiary for
Frank Boswell plead guilty to hi
toalinu and was sentenced for th
Charles M. Phylcort plead gu
o obtaining money under fi
irctonse and was sentenced to I
William Ogden , convicted of r
> ery , was sentenced for live years.
Saline county district court
ournod this evening. There wa
irgci civil docket. Judge A. J.Wen
The IOWH. Browora.
ktlonal AttaoclatuU lTos .
DKS MOINEH , April'12. The St
( rowers' association assembled
ay. Fifty brewing establishmo
re represented by sixty brewers ,
ddition there wore present brow
rom Chicago , Milwaukee and otl
oints. Ex-Mayor Merritt made
ddrcHs of wolcomo. M. Wing ,
Ihicago , rcad-an address , on the ci
titutional amendment. An addr
3 thp voters of Iowa wns read n
series of resolutions adopted , calli
pnn the people to protect them
icir property , which will bo virtua
Mifiacatud ky the adoption of 1
, , Honvv Rain in Tczui.
Mlanal Awiuiutiuu rreu.
DALLAS , Texas , April 12 The BI
rest rain storms that ever visited t
ty burst upon us this morning , 1
elugo of water was terrible , immci
irrunts flooding the streota , ovurflc
ig thp gutters and washing away i
auctions. An ynmonso body
ater flooded the collars of the lien
nd wrought destruction to the c <
mta , and penetrated the collar
illman & Co.'a wholesale liqi
ealora. The damage to both part
$25,000. Steamers pumped out I
Sclioouor Suuk in IiakoHnrau
ittnual AnHOcUted 1'resa.
DETIIOIT , Mich. , April 12. 1
ihoonor Clayton Belle waa lost al
clock this mornini ; on Lake Hun
sn miles north of Port Huron.
as bound from St. Ignaco to Ki
ith a cargo of pig iron for Davi
Drt , Fairborn it Co. , of Krio , P
id was standing off and on waiti
ir a tow , when the schooner Then
arsons , upward bound , struck 1
i the quarter. The Bella Bank
) ven minutes in seven fathoms
ater. Three of the crow , nair
ohn Dillon , Thomas Kirwin and \V
ullivan escaped by leaping aboi
10 Parsons. The others , Capt
red. Calvin , First Mote Nat. Bro
orton , Doll Brothorton , his son , a
woman named ICivcrt , worn be
They rushed up and launched n. si
boat , which became entangled '
the wreck ot the Belle , nnd tank '
it when the schooner went down.
Parsons , although seriously inju
was towed into Port Ilnron bythe
Mocking Bird. 0 > iptniu C lvin h
family at Now Haven , Now " 5
Btatp , and Nat. Brothorton loav
family at Battle Creek , Mich ,
N ton ! \ AosocUtcd 1'rma
CIUOAUO , April m. William
Boyco , recently n student of the
versity of Woostcr , Ohio , wasnrro
here , charucd with criminal libel
forred by llov. A. K Taylor , pi
dent of the university. It is am
Boyco wrote n letter to a Now i
sporting"paper in which it was clai
n son of Tuylor found his father
lUgrants dolicto with n widow ntti
ing the university. The defence ci
the case is a blackmailing schonu
secure property rtcuiitly gained
Acquittal of a Jewelry Thtoi
Nitioiml Associated 1'rcfu.
KANSAS CITY , Mo. , April 12. J
Uutlcr was arrested in Chicago BI
three months ago charged with ha\
robbed n jewelry store in Kansas C
Kunsns , just across the line from
city. In the express oflice in Chfc
a satchel was found containing &tc
jewelry amounting to $1,800 , and
Butler's person wan found key
ting the satchel. The sheriff of >
nndotto obtained a requisition
Butler , but not until alter a proti
ted legal struggle , which made
case quitn famous , was the priao
secured , Itvas found ihat Pinl
ton's men knew Butler tobo n ere
and , moreover , the evidence sofli
to bo conclusive that ho was guilt ;
the jo\velry robbery , but , novort
less , tie was to-day acquitted in
district court of Wyandotte coui
Marino lutclllgouco.
Sttlonal AnHociatcil I'tcsi.
NEwYonu , April 12. Sailed '
Mam from Bremen , the Wasclml
[ r Ilottordnm , the Labrador
Havrp , the Parthia for Liverpool.
Arrived The Chieftain from I
terdam , the Rhino from Bremen. |
PniLADZLimiA , April 12. Saile
The Illinois from Liverpool.
GLASGOW , April 12. Arrived '
State of Ponnsylvauia from
QUKENHTOWN , April 12. Saile
Ilio Celtic from Now York
LIVEHPOOL , April 12. Arrive- -
The City of Montreal from New Yt
HAJIBUIIO , April 12 Arrived '
Wieland from New York.
A'Youthful Forger.
rational Associated 1'rcss.
KANSAS Cirv , Mo. , April 11
Robert Finney , son of an ex-ro |
lentativo of Wyandotte county ,
to-day detected at Wyandotte in
lories of cunning forgeries amount
to $240. He was a messenger boy
tho'Bliasouri Pacific frci hlf ofllco
Wyandotte , and had boon forj
shccks of shippers who did busitv
Fhe forgorics are said to have b
remarkably clover imitations of
genuine signatures.
OonFlak's Caso.
National Awoclatcd Press.
NKW YOKE , April 12. Gen. C
ton B. Fisk arrived in town to-c
from St. Loui ? , having been notil
that an order for his arrest had b
Isnued. Gen. Fiak immediately vi
3d hia counsel. Ho stated to a
porter that ho had nothing to
ibout the matter , > ia ho did not w
; > argue the case through the pap <
Clio ( reneral wont to the sheriffs of
his afternoon ; accompanied by co
> i l , nnd furnished bail in the auni
Fx-Gov. filoioi.
Jntlonal Affociauxl 1'rei .
NKW YOIIK , April 12. Ex-0
franklin J. Moses , of SuuthCurnli
ray indicted to-day by the Ki
: ouiity grand jury for havingobtaii
nnney from Freaborn G. Smith um
also pretenses.
. '
Shipherd. <
[ atlonal ABOoctated 1'rcan
WASHINGTON , April' 12. Becai
if gross inaccuracies in the official
iorr , the stenographer saying ho I
itron out of practice for throe yea
nd asking to bo excused from goi
urther , the Slu'pherd investigation i
ourned until to-morrow.
atlonal .
SAOUAMKNTO , , April 12. 1
nilitiii were called out to disperse
neb of 5,000 , that attempted to lyn
tinion R.vton , a Siberian , who si
nd killed Jumes Lanaing , a lui
: eopor.
Farce Flooded.
'atlonal Assrclatcd 1'rtaj.
FAIKIO , Uak. , Apiil 12. The 11
Ivor is etill rieing , Kverythini ; ale
ho liver is subinorgod. The rise
a the present has bren at the rate
liroo inches per hour. The Ar&
liico is flooded and the print
Corking with rubber boots. A rise
DUr feet would flood Front street , i
rincipal business thoroughfare
irgo number of houses moved go (
3 the high ground ,
Iiino of Stoamorn Takoa Off.
fttlouil Auoclated 1'rcu.
WAHIIINOTON , April 12. The M
an line ot ateatnors has been tali
fT the mail between Now Orleans n
lavana. Mails for Cuba will bo f
'urdod from Now York.
Socialist Immicrntion
atlonal Associated 1'rosi ,
PjiiLAiiKU'JiiA , Pa. , April 12. T
elegatea of the workinginon social
ocioty of Bremen arrived by the Bi
ill Crown last night to examine a
eport upon the adaptability of we
rn farming.
Tbo Lincoln Monuniotit-
itlonc.1 AixwdiUd
, 111. , April 12. Wo
aen began to-day to put the artilli
roup of statuary in place in the L
oln monument. The cavalry grc
rill be put up during the year ,
The Salron Question Aj
Troubling Lincoln-
Mooting of the Nebraska SI
Committee of Fire
. Underwritoro.
The Illustrated Supplomonl
the "Stato Journal" Wo
Special Corrc ) Xndcnc of TIIH linn.
LINCOLN , Neb. , April 12. The
coin saloon licenses wore renewed
night by the city council , after a \ \
debate. All day yesterday the s l
were kept closed , and the thirsty
habitants went about cursing Sloe
most heartily. The city clerkhorc
been advertising the applications
licenses separately , and not txs
been done in your city , by club1
them together. The saloons of
sibywill hereafter bo closed at lOo'c
ivory evening * A potitioh was
scntvd to the council naking that
unount of the license might bo rn
to $5,000 , but no action waa b
311 it.
The Nebraska state committei
the Missouri , Kansas and Nobrr
board of lire underwriters has t
in session here for the last two d
md adjourned last evening to moc
PlatUmouth , May 10. The w
lone by the committee included
election of officers , the reviewing
[ ho past year's works and making
rntigomonts for the coming scat
H. E. Palmer , of Piattsmonth ,
: hoaen president and 0. E. Babci
af Lincoln , secretary. It is statci
prominent insurance nii'ti that
braska is butter organized , as fa :
Tire insurance interests go , than
other state in the union. The bi
} f underwriters for the three st
named will hold iti annual coir
tion at Omaha during next Aug
ind it will bo attended by about
hundred delegates.
The State Journal's illustrated i
plomont ot Lincoln , which was pr
iscd so confidently by the i
31o of January , has not m
its appearance , and probi
never will. J. H. Pierce , the Oni
canvasser , who came to show Lim
people a trick or two , seems to li
disappeared from public gaze , and
very likely shaken the dust of ]
coin from off his foot. Considoi
the generous proposition inado by
UEB to get up the same thing
good deal bettor aliapo , the citi :
hero do not deserve very much B
pathy forgetting bitten.
i Grand Army i
VIr. Hastings is a pretty good i
md about the only objection now
jaront to making him what ho wi
B that it will necessitate ) gottir
low chair for the senate chum
VIr. H. weighs GOO pounds in
locking feet.
Speaking of candidates , Lincoln
urnish a name for about every posi
hero is to bo filled. E. E Bn
mother gentleman of liberal girt
pokon of occasionally for govor ;
vhilo C. C. Burr is an aspirant for
irmine which has graced the she
irs of George II. Roberts and C
Oil worth. Mr. Burr came to Lun
burtecn years ago as a journcyi
larpentur , and is to-day building
L $15,000 stone mansion hero ,
'earning for public honors natur
ollows such thrift.
The present unseasonable cold B
ulminiitod last night in a fall ot si
o the depth of ono inch. Farn
lorcabouts bemoan the unrcdeonu
( lasting of all prospects for fruit
oaaon and say that the supply of
iles , poaches and cherries will bo
olutely nil. This would seem ral
lortentous , wore it not a fact that
ruit crop is killed oil' this way o\
pnng , und yet the harder it is ki
ho bettor the yield in the fall. 1
cold day when the farmer hasn't
omothing to grumble about.
e A lamp explosion yesterday stai
ory > fire in North Lincoln , .
ho alarm rang for the first time
nany weeks , calling the noble
.epartmont out for duty. Half
.our later , the department , consist
f ono engine , put in appearance ,
TO meanwhile having died a nati
eath. Some divine protection soi
o be accorded Lincoln in regard
, ro3 , for thura is nothing hero to t
top ono after it gota started. J
oneral thing , however , they do
verago moru than two alarms a , yi
ud one of them is false. AuaUt
Sovrarcl Items.
orrrgpondoaco ol Tlia llco.
BKWAUU , April 12. The rains
iat week and the disagreeable wen
r of this week 1ms given some of
est farmers the blues , It is is fi
d the cold weather will seriously
uro fruit. I was talking with Mr ,
V. Dunbaujjli , who is a practical i
lor and gardener , and it is hia oj
in that with the exception of apt
lie fruit crop in this vicinity will
The weather was too nice two we
go to last , and those who h
.vod in Nebraska for eomo t
rodictcd about such a spell as wo
living tlioamount of small grain sc
j much less than any previous yc
tanners begin to realize that ui
rill pay much better than wheat , i
inco the prospect is BO good foi
rcnmory it behooves the farmora
: eop us muny cows as possible , WI
ream brings as good a price as
pen from creameries , most any
iinary cow will nearly pay for it
n one season , besides the vo.luo
lip calf , which can bo raised on
kimmed milk. The board ot tr
lave taken the matter in hand i
hero is no doubt but the nocesa
apital stock will bo subscribed. Tl
are two gentlemen from Iowa
propose to inanngo it.
One of the small pox patients
and one other is not expected to
The district is close quarantined
there it not much danger of it go
in town.
Last Friday evening , as Mr. S
was point ; home , ho was stopped
outside the corporation. Ho did
wait to aeo what was wanted , but
cocdpd to demonstrate his abilit
run in a manner which would sur
"Parole. "
During the storm last week 1
ning struck the building of H
Yuudcrdorf , but did no moro so
damage than tear off a few boardi
break the glass of ono window-
Seward talent will give an
Folks' concert Monday , April :
It promises to bo of "yo anci
style , and I dare say ono of the
entertainments given by homo tn
Messrs. Woodward it Ireland
purchased the drug store of E.
eood and will fit it up in first
tylo. Bi
Mnxlonn Matters.
Associated 1'rcm Di imtclie.s.
CITY OP MEXICO , April 12.
ovurnincnt has approved forty i
kilometers of the Gould-Degress
road , from L-xrcdos south , intxki
total of ono hundred kilometer
far approved.
A dispatch received hero lumoi
that there was a heavy carthqu
on Tehuantupoo isthmus , lasting
throe minutes , but no damage i ;
Advcno to Mrs. Soovillo-
Nitlonal AMociat < xl I'rods.
CUICAOO , April 12. In the co
court to-day , Judge Loomis qua
ho motion made by Mrs. Scovil
> o appointed conservator of the *
eau estate , ruliug that the itis.i
of the man must first bo decided
the court at Washington.
"Wout Domooratio.
J tlonil Aitoclttoil Vrcss.
Jose , hitherto n strong rcpubl
city , wont democratic nt ycstoni
election , in consequence of the \
Snfo Crnolton.
latlonal Associated 1'rcaa
ST. PAUL , Minn. , April 12. B
ars blow open the safe of Gonsr
b Newman , merchants of Lewis
Winona county , and took § fi ,
.hoy also'rifled the contents of
) ostcflho , but secured nothing.
Ai-Unuian Rcpnlillconr ,
Vatlonal AauOLlatcd 1'ruaa.
LITTLK HOCK , April 12. The i
central committee of the ropubl
party mot hero this afternoon
decided to call a state convontioi :
July , and put forth a full i
An. Infant Camol.
National AM ciated L'tcea.
BALTIMOUK , April 12. Ono of
female camels -of Forepaugh's ,
d hlbitingi in hiBcity , gav\ ' * '
an infant camolj which lo
viewed with great interest.
Foil from a Wall.
National Associated Press.
ATLANTA , Ga. , April 12. D ,
Hurley , superintending the re
struction of a brick building hero ,
this evening from the top .of
ruined walls , fifty foot. Ho will
Concession Qrauted.
National Aiiaoclatod 1'rcea.
NEW BuDi'oui ) , Mass. , April 1
The striking shipwrights have goi
work at the advanced wages nskec
after being idle a day und a half.
The G on oral E li orman.
National Awfoclatoil 1'roap.
YANKTON , Dak.April 12-Tho
crnuiont steamer General Shcn
.wcnty-two . days from St. Louis ,
day passed up the river for Bismti
( atlonal AB oclatcd 1'rcsa.
BALTUIOKE , April 12 B , Al
dickers , president of the Nati
llarino bank , is dead.
, *
Foreign News. (
National Atwoclntcd l'ro M ,
LONDON , April 12. rTho Nowm
at handicap to-day was won
Springtide ; Neriaduocond ; Masko
Electric Tranemlsdlon of Povrc
Sir W. Thomson 'showed in hi
ugiiral address last year to the J
ah Association , that if it were do :
x ) transmit 20,250 horsepower
oppcr wire half an inch in diamt
rom Niagara to Now York -I
torso power the electromotive f
: ) otwcon the two wires must be 80
/oils. Now , what , links Profe
\yrton , is to bo done with ononr
loctnunotivo force at the Now "i
snd of the wires/ /
The solution of this problem
Sir W. Then
aya , was also given by
on on the same occasion , and it i
ists in using larue nnmburs of u
nulatora. Alt that is n laary t <
n order to subdivide this enorn
lectromotivo forces is to keep a Ft
jattory of 40,000 cells always cliai
ireot from the main current , an
pply a methodical system of ron
: it ; sets of 60 and placing then
ha town supply circuits , while ol
ots of 50 are being regularly
roducodintothomaincircuitthat ie
tig charged. Of course this rcm
oca not mean bodily removal of
ells , but merely disconnecting
rvircs. It is probable that this
iloymont of secondary batteries
jo of greater importance since ito
oinca the last difficulty in the ei
inical oloctrie traiiBinission of pc
ver long distances.
Just received a car load of Nui
itoclc , consisting of Evorgrc
fruit Trees , Garden Shrubbery ,
< \ > r sale very cheap , nt my reside
icar 10th street bride.
npr2-2t K. 0. EIIKLIN
DtsT and OUKAVKHT , at Ev
Made up of Spioy Items from
the Various Official Ke-
Sad , Sensational , Exhilerating
and Good Beading for
Wtmt tt Costs to nun a Lively Ltttlo
Accompanying the mayor's message
to the city council Tuesday were
reports from the heads of the various
departments , several of which contain
itcmn of interest , Of those the city
engineer's report has already been
published in full.
The report of Chief Engineer Galli-
gan shows that his department in
cludes fourteen paid man. There are
ton horses owned by the city and two
by the "hooks ; " four engines , three
in first class order , ono of which it is
recommended bo placed on the hill
south of the city ; tnrco hose carts and
the purchase of thrco now four-
wheeled carts is recommended , to bo
placed at Sixth and Pacific , Twenty-
fifth and St. Mary's avenue , and out
on Sherman avenue.
There are ton miles of wire in the
fire alarm telegraph and oiuhtoon
boxes. The addition of six boxes in
recommended with n new four circuit
repeater and a reorganization of the
whole circuit so as to bring thp manu '
facturing establishments within roach .
of the boxes. The expenses of the de
portment for the year were 517,017.74 ,
the highest expense in any ono month
joing in July , $1,085.73 , and the
lowest in March , § 1,050.
( ! ITV L1UHA11V.
Since Juno 1st , 1881 , 708 now ,
jooks have been purchased at u cost
of $904.84.
Total deaths for past year 530 , 41
above the report of 1880 81. Total
jirths 788 , on increase of 293 over
, ast year. Great number of deaths in
ono month , 85 in August , D7 being
under G years of ago , and 35 dying of
diarrhcal diseases.
Monthly mortality April 2 ! ) , May
31 , Juno 04 , July 08 , August 85 , Sep
tember 47 , October 411 , November 44 ,
December 43 , January 38 , February
43 , March 30.
Aues Under 1 year 108 , 'between
1 and 2 57 , 2 and 3 20 , 3 and 4 10 , 4.
and 5 0. There were 70 over DO years
of nee , 20 being over 80.
Wards -First ward 127 , Second
ward 137 , Third ward 48 , Fourth-
word 20 , Fifth ward 01 , Sixth ward ,
89 , hbspitals 42 , not'roported 8.
S6XMales',304 , females 234 , not
reported 8.
saF - , s *
Color-WhlW 530 ,
Among the causes b ! Uoath' were : .
Accidents 14 , alcoholism 4 , cancer 8 ,
dipththorio ' ,0 , drowned 1 , old age 12 ,
puerperal diseases 11. premature
births 13 , small pox 12 , solar hoar
4 , suicide 21 , unknown 18 , violence D. '
Death Rate Estimating our popu
lation at 35,000 , 10,8 per thousand.
Births April GO , May 41 , Juno 03 ,
July 35 , August 77 , September 87 , ) '
October CO , November 80 , December t
98 , January 80 , February 08 , March
GO. Total 788. Still born 34.
Color -White 770 , colored 12 , 3
pair twins , 1 case quartettes.
Sex-Male 393 , tomalos 395.
The city physician then reviews the
small pox scourge , the effect ot gen
eral vaccination , the faithful services
of the Sisters of Charity , and so on.
Uo recommends the use of the small
pox hospital as a city hospital , and
prophesies that on the completion of
our Bowcrago and water works sys
tems wo ahull have the healthiest city
in the land.
ouit rouoE foncK
consisted during the year of fifteen
regular men , and the expenditures ,
for the year ending March 31st
amounted to $19,015.02.
Arrests made April 85 , May 115 , ,
Juno 133 , July 145 , Aug. 73 , Sept.
141 , Oct. 100 , Nov. 102 , Dec. 103 ,
Jan. 07 , Feb. 77 , March , 123 ; total ,
'J ho increase of the force to 25
men , the establishment of 2 police
stations , ono at the U. P. dapot and
one at the Sixteenth street bridge ,
ind the appointment of an additional
uiler is recommended.
According to a comparison with the .
orce in Chicago Omaha ought to have
)1 ) policemen , with Philadelphia GO ,
iostnn 00 , St. Louis 42 , Baltimore
f > 3 , Council Blulld 24 , Omaha has
but ono policeman to 2,911 inhabi-
ants , thereby more than realizing the
old Scripture saying that ono shall
vhip n thousand and two shall put ten
housand to flight.
The police force costs Omaha 3Gg
cents a year for each inhabitant , in
Chicago $1 , Boston $2 ,
Fines collected , $0,289.90. A clerk
of the court is asked , to facilitate in
creasing business ,
KxponaoB of the city for the official ,
year of 1881-2 not included March ,
1882 ;
Salaries of city olliccrs . $ 0,483 20 ,
" " , , . 2,0)0.00- )
' " pc-licoileii't. . . . 11,075.39
" liredenV. . 15,007.74 r'
MUcellanroui liill-J . 9,313.31
Streets , labor , crosswalks , gto. . . 13.175.42
aa bills. . . . . . 4 8.30 it
Hansoom i > ark . , , . , . I .IB
Account street grading . . . . . . . . . 1,237.60 '
IMectlvca . , . 750.00 'I
Hent city offices . 718,0a
Knwll pox bills paid . 1,250.03
Total . $71,510.17
Dckota'a Survey1 Gonorai's Of-
floo. i
N tlonU AuocUUd Press.
YANKTON , April 12 , The oflioo of
surveyor general-of Dakota is to ' bp
removed from tliis city to Huron ,