Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 12, 1882, Image 1
r reE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAE. OMAHA WEDNESDAY MORNING. APETL J3. 1882. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL , Yestorflay's Prooeafllngs iii the I Senate and HOIIEO , . > The Franking Privilege Under Fire in the Lower Body. Preparations for tha Nationa ! > Land League Oonvon- ! rii tion To-dsy. IMiscolIauoons Notes of a National Clinraoter. CONGRESS. Ti tlonil Associated 1'rcoi. I'llOOREDINOS IN TIIK SENATE. WASIIINOTON , D. 0. , April 11. 3Ir. Merrill , from the committee c : .finance , reported favorably the bill t - establish an assay oflico at Dcadwood -J5- Consideration of the bill granting right of ( Vay to the St. Louis & Sai Francisco railway through the reservation vation of the Choctaw nation was resumed , and discussion continue' ' until 4:45 : , when without coming to vote or. the bill the senate adjourned PrtOOEEDINOS ISf THE HOUSE. In the consideration of s'onat amendments to the postoffico bill -some discussion arose on the amendment mont rostorinc tlo franking privileg to members of congress. Mr. Cannon ( III. , ) said from figure .furnished by the pott oflico depart imont ho found that of 174,000,00 pounds of mails wcro carried per year 73 per cent , being printed matter , an is carried practically free of cost Eighty-five per cent , is received fo the carrying of letters. The proposi tion to carry the mails of congressmen free would probably allow transporta tion free of about i of ono per cent of the mails carried. Ho did no make these statements as being in fa vor of the amendment but for the in formation of the houso. He , how ever , stated that the franking privil go having been already restored 01 all printed matter in any way part o the records , ho might fa vor extending it to letters if it could bo granted. Mr. Towusond opposed the amend mont. mont.Mr. Mr. Robinson ( N. Y. ) , thought it a small affair to refuie transporta tion of a half-ounce letter to .soldier when books weighing four or five pounds were carried free to wealthy farmers and college profess ors. He favored a general reduction of letter postage. Mr. Hill ( N. J. ) , favored a general - oral reduction of letter postage to all. Mr.- Robinson opposed the return of the franking privilege. Mr. Springer Ifered an amendment , that the official envelope , such ai used by postmasters and departmenl fficinla be granted members for use for official business ; this not , however , to apply to members of the prcscnJ congress. Voted down. The senate amendment was then rejected by a unanimous voto. At 4 o'clock the bill was sent to the com mittee of conference and the house went into a committee of the whole \ . .again upon the tariff commission. Mr. Cox ( Now York ) spoke in opposition to the bil , urging 'there should bo immediate action , while - this plan * vould cause long delay. Ho also opposed the internal revenue system , holding especially that is gives revenue officials privileges of oppress ing the people. He also spoke against the present tariff system as oppressive upon the farming community and others. Without action the committee roso. The committee on railways and canals reported favorably the bill for the construction of the Illinois and Mississippi river canal popularly known as the Henncpin canal. u Adjourned at 5:30 : p. m. : CAPITAL NOTES. , National Associated Press. MISCELLANKOW8. ; WASHINGTON , Ajtfit 11. Among the nominations sent in to-day were Sam'l ft- M. Jackson to bo collector of internal revenue for the Twenty-Third district of Pennsylvania. The following nominations were confirmed : Sterling P. Rounds , pub lic printer ; Robert S. Chilton , United States consul at Port Erie. Postmas ters Thomas Carlin , at Pierce City , Mo. ; Harry 0. Taylor , at Lyons , Ks. ; E. W. Willard , at Wilmington , 111. The president , Secretary Lincoln and other members of the Soldiers' Homo ( board , go on the revenue steamer Chester A. Arthur to Hamp ton , Ya. , to-morrow to investigate the homn there. General McClellan will moot the board at Hampton. Teller will take charge on Monday. ' Brady's counsel filed pleas in abate ment on the ground that illegal and unsworn witnesses were received in i the grand jury room during its sil king. . Abatement in the pleas of the star rout cases filed to-day sets forth that P. H. Woodward and Z. L. Tidball appeared before the grand jury with out legal authority , with printed statements and arguments in relation to the indictment under consideration which were read to the jury and left with them , and that Woodward and ' Tidball made arguments before the grand jury to convince thorn that in dictments should bo found ; that they also took before the grand jury affi davits of parties not witnesses ; that the grand jury found , endorsed , sign ed and returned the indict ment without having heard it read and without having , consider ed its allegations ; and further , that the defendants were not bound over by any court or committing magistrate or other competent officers. Tidball is charged with placing before the jury a pamphlet report of star route investigations before the com- mitk'o of the house of representatives. The ground of the judge's overruling of the places is that investigation o the grand jury must bo done any way. It is effected there will bo n delay beyond May 4th , the day now set for trial to commence. The house committee on common : have complelod the outline of thorive and harbor bill. They heard the Nov Eu land delegation to-day and to mot row will hear Now York , Now Jcnoy Delaware and Indiana , Afto all have been hoard the house com mittco will revise the bill and roporl The house committee on naval al fairs acrocd to the Bale of the Charles ton navy yard and to the bill dismiss ing naval officers for drunkenness. Pitkin's nnmo will bo sent in a successor to Whartoa as marshal , Governor Crittondon , of Missouri arrived hero to-night. Ho denied tin report that ho loft the state bccaus of needing personal security. U came to adjust some land claims. It is learned to-night that the cabinet inot came to conclusion in the Fit John Porter case. The president sal ho was willing to do what was legal it the matter. Delegates are arriving on cvor ; train to attend the convention of th national land league which meet ) here to-morrow. Five hundred delegate ! are expected , among them ono huu dred Catholic priests , and Congress men Murcli , Ladd and Rob inson. Arrangements for tin meeting were completed to-night. Gen P. A. Collins , of Boston , will cat the convention to order at Lincoli hall , Two sessions o day will bo held , Among subjects that will bo considered sidored will bo the demand for the recall of Minister Lowell , to invite co operation of organizations favorable t ( Irish freedom , and to encourage mora and financial support for Ireland. The treasurer's report will show $261- 000 have been forwarded to Irolanc within a year. It is expected the con vention will adjourn on Thursday with a monster mass meeting at which prominent congressmen will bo in vited to speak , The cabinet mooting to-day is understood dorstood to have been unimportant and confined to transaction of routine business. J. R. G. Pitkin was agreed upon as marshal for the Eastern District of Louiaianiu , vice Wharton. The national board qf managers of soldier's'homo was in session herd to day. The president and secretary of war were in attendance. The president's reception to army and navy officers and their families was largely attended and was very brilliant. Officers appeared in full uniform. They were received in the Blue room , which was lavishly deco rated with flowers and evergreens. The Marino band was stationed in the vestibule , and discoursed sweet music during the evening. Frniti Prospect * . National Associated Preu SPRINGFIELD , 111. , April 11. There is considerable apprehension in this portion of the .state for , the fruit crop. This morning the mud in the streets and highways was frozen'solid , and the water was covered with ico. Nothing haa probably suffered but fruit. A prominent fruit grower of this county says : He thinks that only a small portion of the crop ia BO Far advanced hero aa to bo hurt , but that in the counties south of this prrcat damage must bo done. CINCINNATI , April 11. Fruit reports ports show the cold weather very iisastrous to poaches , cherries and small fruits. All are badly damaged. Iho best judges say less than a fourth : rep is possible. Attempted to Inflnonco Juror * . National Associated Press. PHILADELPHIA , April 11. While ampanneling a jury in the quarter ses sions this afternoon for the trial of William Kenney , charged with em bezzlement of $40,000 from Jonathan Posoy , a wholesale dry goods mor- : hant tor whom ho was confidential book-keeper , it was diseoverod that Tames Clifford , a young lawyer and iistint relative of the defendant , had been visiting members of the ' pan- iel urging them to give him the benefit of the doubt. The judge is sued a warrant for his arrest , but the jflicer found his oflico and residence losod. Criminal Libol. f itlonal Associated Vieau. PHILADELPHIA , April 11. In con- lequenco of a series of violent assaults n the Press , covering nearly two nonths , charging collusion with hiovps , receivers of stolen goods , itc. , Henry Weil , member of the city ( elective dcpartmnnt under Mayor jtokely , and now upecial detective to ho district attorney , this afternoon nstituted criminal proceedings for ibol against Charles Emory Smith , iditor-in-chief. Magistrate Ladnor ixod Thursday afternoon for the tearing. The Female Broiler Again. rational Associated Preaa. PHILADELPHIA , April 11 The upremo court this afternoon granted writ , of habeas corpus , returnable Saturday , in the case of Mrs. Dow , he female broker ot Boston and New fork , in Moyamensing { prison upon iharges of fraud and embezzlement rom female speculators , Applica- ion is based on the old allegation hat the defendant is a married wo- nan , National Associated i're KANHAS CITV , April 11. Charles HcKinnon , wholesale liquor dealer , nude an assignment to-day. Assets , $2,000 $ ; liabilities about equal to as- ets. Ho claims that the Kansas 'ity prohibitory law has destroyed his msiness and is the cause of his fail- ire. Tlia Drummers' Convention. rational Associated P w. Sr. PAUL , Minn. , April 11. The innual reunion ot the Northwestern 3ommorcial Travelers'association will to held at Lake Minnetonka on Fuly2 , 3 and 4. "WINE OK CAHDUl" for Ladlca only. GUITEAU DISOWNS THEM He Wants Nothing to Do with the Scovillo Ootfit , And Indignantly Repudiates the Assertion that Ho Is Insauo , l Hia Now Book , 'The Trutb , Issued to the World Yesterday. Snramonn Strvod on Htm nt Soo- villa's Homo. National Associated ProM. WASHINGTONt April 11. Guitoau sends the following to the press : Mrs. Frances M. Scovillo , accord ing to newspaper report , haa impru dtsitly filed a petition in Chicago tor a conservator of my estate. The onb estate I have is the copy tight o my books , "Tho Truth" am "Tho Removal , " now in press The absurdity of her pretoiisei is apparent from the fac that I don't live in Illinois and have not for nearly a year ; besides this , 1 am not & lunatic. This was officially decided in my trial. - I have lived in Washington over a year and this I my legal residence. , The court hac bettor dismiss the petition peremp torily. The Scoyillcq' are a nuisance and I want nothing to do with them. ( Signed ) CiiAiafcsJ. GuiruAu , U.'S. Jail. Washington , April 11. Guiteau's book , ' Cho Truth , " is out. It contains 240-pngea of preface , Ho says : "Tho Truth" is my contri bution to the civilization of the race , and I ask for it caref&l attention , to the end that many' ' Jotils may find a savior. A now line ol thought runs through it , and of the existence of heaven and hell. I submit their ex istence cannot bo proved. CHIOAQO , April 11. ' Mrs. Scovillo'a petition to ho appointed conservator of Guitoau will not bef filed until this afternoon. The sheriff took a sum mons to Mrs. Scoville-'s residence and was informed by the o'epplo there that it was the usual residence of Guiteau. Thus service was legacy had on Gut teau by leaving the summons at his place of residence. The case will no doubt get in court. % Foreign LONDON , April 11. Dante Gabriel lossith , the poet , is dedd. LONDON , April ,11A dispatch " rom Cairo says that" large number of Circassian officers have been ar rested in that city on the charge of plotting to assassinate Arab Bey. LONDON , April 12. The Austrian and German press greet the oppoint- ment of M. De Giors , Russian minis- er of foreign affairs , a tymptomi. of ; ho peace policy of Russia. ' . ST. PETERSBURG , April 11. A mob attempted to instigate an anti-Jewish riot at Warsaw , but the patrois aucf ceoded in oppressing the rioters. Marine Intelligence. National Associated Frw NEW YORK , April 11. Sailed The Abyssinia for Liverpool. Arrived The Caledonia from Mar- eillea , the Furnessia from Glasgow , ; ho Elysia from Genoa , the Heel a rom Copenhagen , the Cimbria from Hamburg , the State of Alabama from Glasgow , the Wisconsin and the Scy- hia from Liverpool. BREMEN , April 11. Arrived The Kronprinz" Fr. Wilholm from Balti- nore. ANXWEBP , Aprill 11. Sailed On he 8th , the Rhineland for New York. QUEENBTOVTN , April 11. Sailed rho Batuvia for Now York. Postal Clerk Arrested. 'atlonal Amoclatod Press. KANHAS CITY , April 11. Harry Park , mail agent on the Missouri Pa- ific road , running between this city nd St. Xiouia , was arrested in St. jouis to-day , charged with having ebbed the mails. Ho plead guilty uid was placed under a bond of 51,000. It is supposed the stealing las been the drafts tlmthavo been sent romTopoka to Now York within three tionths. About $50,000 have boon oat in this way. Other arrests will DO probably made. ' f Reiicnatiou of a Judgo. National Press Association , CINCINNATI , April 11. Judge Foro- ker , of the common pleas court , re igned on his health's account. He oes to Colorado. Tijroo Children Cremated. atlonal Associated i'resi. LITTLIS ROOK , Ark. , April 11. 'hreo children of Augustus Burger , f Madison county , were cremated in dwelling while their parents were way from homo. They arrived just n time to see the building fall. ! Heavy SnowStorm. National AnoclatuJ 1'rcia. ST. JOHN , N. B. , April 11. Heavy now storm is raging throughout the rovinco. Four inches have already alien hero. L Very Car clot 8 or Malicious Doctor tor- atlonal Associated Prow , PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , April 11. A emarkablo case , in some particulars osombling Dr , Lamson's , is underin- estimation here by the coroner. Dr } \ H. Griffin , a young man of goou amily. was in a saloon a few days ago , vhen ho hoard a poor woman was sick ear by. Ho wont to her house with- ut invitation and according to tcsti- nony given to-day , administered nough atropia and digitalis to kill a egimont. Ho also gave her an eighth f a grain of morphia. The woman ied before Griffin had time to got out I the houso. Ho is under $5,000 ail to answer to the chargu of inal- ractico. The inquest has been adjourned in rder to await the result of a cljomi- cal analysis of the woirian's stomajh Griffin's parents say that ho , i * cciu tomod to Ufa morphine arid U mentally tally unsound. 0 , - Dottruotivo Hnil Storm- NattonM Amoclalrd 1'teM. IALAM , Texas , April 11. Thi city was visited by n ton-idle li.v storm , accompanied by strong gusts o wind. Threatening clouds In th north and west portended danger , bu it waa not until the frightened citi zens could trace the ruthless track of n terrible cyclone but a short dlsUncoii the west that they learned what dan gcr they had escaped. It was bai enough , however. Lightning niicl as never was scon before leaped froii the clouds and the descending hai stones ofunhoard of sizcsoundedlik the fusilado of a mighty armyjM rifle men. For full an hour tliis reigti o terror lasted and the streets /were deserted sorted save by the runaway teams goided to fury by the cruoUce , ' Ono thousand dollars' worth of glftss was destroyed. Numerous injuries were indicted upon man and bett , but none of a fatal character. Grapevine a small town to the northwest , wan almost totally annihilated. A two story house , the pride of the village , was turned entirely over imd'tho in mates injured , but none fatally.1 Hu mors prevail that the flourishing towi of Dan ten waa also visited , and that the loss to lifo and properly was severe. Now Orleans Race * . National Press Association. NEW ORLEANS , La ? April ll. l'ho spring races of the now Louisiana Jockey Club opened to-day. The at tendance was good. In the first race , hurdle , Glasgow clearoi the first hur die , knocking it do-vn ; Strychnine , close behind , fell in the debris , on his rider , Alfred Lakeland ; Boston on the Table next fell over Strychnine , throwing his rider , Tom Redmond. Both jockeys wore badly hurr , and it is fcaroJ , received fatal internal in juries. Time , 2:32 : ; Glasgow first. A. Her Strychnine recovered , a stable boy mounted him and won second money. * The second race , three year olds , Pickwick stakes , one-quarter mile , Angolia first , Apollo second , Bibcock ( the favorite ) , third. Time , 2U Ihird race , ono and a half miles , Pair Count first , Saunteror eccoud. No time. The conclusion of 'the race was run during a heavy rain and wind storm , doing much damagn to club jroperl-y. fatlonal Associated Protu. LAFAYETTE , Ind. , April 11. The small pox hospital was burned by an ucendiary last nicht. Loss light and no lives lost. * k DETROIT , Mich. , April 11. Last ovnning the ladies' hall at Olivot col- ego was entirely destroyed. Mo t of he students saved their effects. They will live in private houses until the iall is rebuilt. The burned sfrrcture insured. " " ' 1" was , . NEW ORLEANS , April 11. - A fire in Algiers this morning destroyed A. J. pumond's residence and contents. Joss , $4,000 ; also the McDonough school houso. Loss , $5,000 ; insured ST. PAUL , Minn. . April 11. A fire at Albert Lea to-day , originating in Wallack's cigar factory , destroyed the anidj'-also the Standard office , two > arbor shops , a millinery store , Frank A.bolo's boot and shoo store , J. P. Dolby's restaurant , Knalvold Bros * . lardware , Strauss & Schlessingors dothing store and the judge of pro - > ate office , besides damaging other os- abliahmonta. The stocks were nearly ill saved except the Standard oflico ind cigar factory. Loss , $20,000 ; tartly insured , Texas Legislation. lUsociated Press .Dispatches. AUSTIN , April 11. Another bill ivas introduced in the legislature to- lay providing for the survey and sot- ing aside out of state reservations of hreo million acres of land for the tate university. These bills indicate hat the legislature lias no disposition u provide for unlocated land certili- atos issued heretofore. A bill passed to-day reducing pas- encor faro on all railroads in the state o 3 cents per mile. A similar bill lasaod to engrossment in the house nd the faro will bo reduced. Illinoii Pharmacy. atlonal Aaioclattd I'teai. SPRINGFIELD , April 11. The state oard of pharmacy mot to-day. There vero present George Beech , , pf Chi- aao , president ; Frank Flourry , Spring- eld , secretary , and li. C. Schruder nd 0 , W. Day attendant. The only usinees before the board was the or- mination of applicants , of whom there . Thli exami- vero forty-one present. - atipn wan continued at the evening ession. The names of the auccorafnl andidates will bo announced to mor- otv. Arkamas Cniiodtieis. National Associated Frrm , LITTLE HOOK , April 11. Perry ounty , to which the governor last ummcr sent from here militia , to j > re- rout a vendetta war , has again com- nenced to make itself prominent in awlessnoss. Last night J. A , Butler , prominent citizen , was assassinated liero by unknown parties. It is bo- ovod the murder is the result of olitical jealousy kept alive since the var , The Mississippi Dooming. 'atlonal AMOdateil PretM. ST , PAUL , Minn. , April 11. The ied river Is booming and the lisa con- tantly continues. At Grand Forks , Dak , , the pontoon bridge was carried way , and u largo quantity of lumber rom the broken boom. Two hun- red families have been driven off the ats by the submergingof their houses , 'ho rise in the MississippMvest ot St. aul haa been checked by thu frost. OATAIUtn OF THE BLADDEIt. Stinging irritation , inflamuatlon , all Idney and urinary complalnti , cured by 'Bucfmpabla. " $1. Depot * t O , | i' ' BRICK ON THE BRAIN , The Dry of the Bluffs is fo More Brick , There Not Being Anywhor Nonr Enough to Pill the Dnnmnd. A New Hotel and An Oporn HOUBO to be Erected this Season , Anil Broadway to Be P vcd with Brick. [ Communicated. ] BtnrFS , April 11. Great interest is manifested in the mnnu fnoturhiF ! of bricks in this city this season , as no loss than thirteen brick yards will soon bo in operation , will combined capacity of 175,000 bricki nday. , Among the largest ( manufacturers ro Winchester and Wickum , Tim former's yard is driven "by steam , one lias for sonic time been turning out bricka with this boatur machine , and v , ill soon hnvo a kiln ready to burn. The immonao deposit.1 ! of clay will yet prove to bo a great source of reve nue to this city and vicinity , The clay differs in iu.ility , but will all bo utilized in time. Brick-making is not in its infancy , but the methods of ; o-day tuo nearly an primitive as those of the Jowa under the Pharaohs , with ono exception , the modern jnck-makcr rejecting the straw. The 'uturo calls for more wealth , machin ery and skill in the manufacture of jrick. They must bo mode faster , icHor , cheaper and in greater quanti ses , for lumber is advancing ua our 'orcats disappear. Moro building will bo done hero .his season than laat aa the prospect low stands. The contractors hands arc now full , and you will find that ho bluff * is not going to play tail t'o ho Omaha kite building boom of last 'ear. Wo propose to hold the kite his season , in order that wo may coop pico with the spirit of progress. This season we are to have another irst class hotel , ono that your Grand ? axton and Millard will not bo able o leak down upon , an opera houio which some say will be a decided ira- irovomont on the Doyd. I have my doubt about that , atill wo should im- ) rove the older wo grow. Wo nro to have the water works , hat is decided , and wo know by lose water's report of the O. W. W. , hat wo will boat you there. The.plans . ore out for a number of mtineM blocks which fwill be under way as soon'as we got bricks ? This great cry hero now is bricka. Owing o the prospect of cheaper bricka this oason quite a number of our busi- icss and professional men propose to mild residences of brick. Rents are liigh with scarcely a whole house to bo had at , any price idd incomers must do as is done in a ull omnibus or hotel , double up and nurniur not Tents and dugouts will tot bo at a discount over hero this uinnir but a necessity There is talk of paving Broadway rom the Ogdun house to the depot with beaten bricks several courses eop. laid in cement and covered with aphalt. The question ia can they ot the bricks. E. B. HUNT. Ho Still Live * . 'atlonM Associated Prons. FiriBiinnn , 'April 11. Jamoa Me- lugh , who was shot by Elizabeth \IcCun \ last night , in still alive , and ho doctors think ho may recover. 'ho woman w-ia removed to the jail liis morning. She refuses to give liy reason , except that McHugh wronged her. It is believed jealousy was the cause , lie was once attentive o her , but has lately kept out of her ompany. She ia 10 years older thuii Hell ugh. Dlsnjipoarnnoo of a Forcer , , 'atlooil Abuuiutotl from LYNN , Ma s. , April 11. Charles Morris , after railing about $70,000 > y forgeries , borrowing and raising noncy for suflutors of all kinds , has isappcarcd , leaving his wife and hilaron behind. The names princi- lally used in the forgeries were Jamca V. Pike , II. 0. Judking , and George I. llarwood. He raised twelve thou- md for Judkins , the principal vie- im of the recent boiler explosion , ) ocketing the ontito sum. Death of Ida Grcoloy. atlonal Associated tfteiui NP.W Yonic , March 11 , Mrs. ficliolas Smith , neo Ida Grcoloy , ied this morning of diphtheria at lor father's homestead at Ohattoqua , SL Y. Shu loaves thruo children , the oungest 4 weeks old. She was ill nly ono week. Mode Hii Last Ruu. fatlonal Aiwoclateil I'tvis. CHICAGO , April 11. Win , A. lulbert , president of both of , the National leoguo and the Chicago base all club , died suddenly of heart dis use last night at his residence in this ity. Ho was born in Burlington 'Jats , N. Y. , in 1832. Ho has been resident of this city since 1831 , All Quiet tit Fort Rtmo. atlonal Auoiiatotl 1'reii , CHICAGO , March 11 , A special rom Fort Reno says that the fears f the threatened outbreak of the ) hoyenno and Arapahoe Indiana has ntirely subsided. A full allowance f rations has been restored and peace oigns. Strike of Laborer * . iitlonal Atujclatwl I'roi , CHICAGO , April 11 , Ono thousand aborors' in the atone quarries at La- mont , thin county , nro on a strike for nn advance of wages from 81 BO to $2 per day. Thrco hundred atrikcr organized themselves into a ledge o the Knights f Labor , and made the demand for an advance , which was refused , Aa active operations were about commencing for the season , i ia thought a compromise will bo mad on 81 70 per day. Tim Xlnffby Colon- . National A tocUt l I'rcsn. QLKNMARV , Tcnn. , April 11. John Boyle , manager of Rugby , i succeeded by Robert Walton. Thi ends the English engagement. FESTIVITIES RENEWED , Conconlla , Mnonnorchor and E. M. A Dalls blonany Night. The subscription Easter ball of the Uoncordia Society , took place at Tur nor'sN hall Monday , the Musica Union orchestra furnishing the music. . About sixty couples were present , and as those Easter balls are always full drcsa affairs , the scone was a brilliant ono. MAKNNEHCHOR. The Omaha Mnonnorchor society ( laving just completed the at range- mont of their now hall in the tlurc story of 1'opploton's ' block for occu nancy , Monday gave nn inaugura jail there , about thirty couples being present. The hall was elegantly dec orated and the supper set up was very flue , indeed , ho Musical Union or chestra also supplied them wit ! nusic. KMMKT HALL , The thirteenth annual ball of the 3mmot Monument Association at vubny's hall was a araml success. L'Jio hall was brilliantly lighted , the Icor in excellent condition ; and Ir- ino's orchestra never did better. In hurt , the ball was in every particular , inancial and social , a tremendous suc- : cs3. The hall was decorated with catoons of evergreens and omblomati- al banners bearing the mottoes and nsignia of this association , hung upon orda extending across the room com corner to corner. Much of he success of the evening ia duo o the ofliciont direction of the floor Managers , Messrs. John Sheehan , 'homas Bronan , P. J. Barroll and ,1. I. Prico. The committee of arrangn- lonts.conaistod of the following gen- lemon : Michael Wholan , Jaa. Doug- ass , Daniel Collins and Pat Hoafy. ? ho reception committee : Ed ! Quinn , 'atrick Duffoy , William White and Patrick llukos. The programme consisted of twenty- ight numbers , the completion of fhich nccoBsitatod a long run into the lours of morning. Going for Godfrey. At a mooting of Engine Company Jo. 3 held Monday , the following csolutions were unanimously doptod : ' /ReVolvodTh"at wo ; { he raombeni of Engine Company No. 3 , believing hkl our candidate , Mr. Charles H. 3ddfroy , by his practical experiences M an engineer , by his long and faith- u services in the department , and iia honorable record as a fireman , is ustly entitled to the confidence ot his ollow-firomon ; and believing further liat his election as chit-f of the Imaha lire department will tend to eatoro bettor discipline and a more iarmonious feeling in the department , icroby pledge him our support and irgo on all firemen who have the wol- are of the department at heart to list their votca for Charles H. God- roy for chief engineer. THE LICENSE BOARD. Searing of the Cases In Which Pro tests Have Bean Filed. The hearing in the matter of the four emonatrancea filed against applicants or a license under the Slocumb quor law , came up before the license oard yesterday , the board being ompcaod ot Mayor * Boyd and City lork Jowott , the president of the ouncil , Mr. Dailoy , being virtually utof oillco. Before the cases WMO called Judge iloy worked np some kind of a com- remise by which O'Connoll withdraw is remonstrance agaiiiHt Adams , who una the Curry place , and Adams ithdruw hia remonstrance against D'Conncll. The latter claims that his omonatranco was only made to corn el Curry to "firo" the colored prosti- itoa out of that neighborhood , and iat CuEry had agreed to do so , The case of Henry Hornborgor was imply hoard upon points which are to > o tested in the courts , viz. : the nufli- loncy of advertising ono time cacl ) Hreok in the daily and doing BO with tarties whoso applications are not for 10 aamo length of time ; second , rhether the payment of less than 1,000 can bo accepted legally under to Slocumb law. Baldwin appeared or Mr , Hornbergor and E. Uosowatcr i * behalf of the protcstanta. The witnesses called in this case Mr. A , R , Soucr , business man ; or of TUB BKK , concerning the pub- cation of Hornbergur'a notice and ity Treasurer Buck and City Clerk owott , concerning the amount paid y Hamburger at the time for which cense was applied for. Copies 'of [ ornberg r'e application , the club otico , us published and hia receipt om the treasurer wcro included in 10 records of the case which may bo ransmitted to the district court on ppeal. The board overruled the ob- ections and granted Hornberger's pplication , AUTIIOIUTV TO AOT. Oillcor II , Jacobson made a round osterday delivering the licenses o the various successful ap- ilicants. . Of the number but ono waa or a whole year , the applicant who mt up his little 81,000 being E. Dal- ow , near Lincoln shed. Mrs. Barney hannon came next with a $750 li- ense for nine months. The rest wore 500 and 8250. TERRIBLE TRICHINOSIS. Doatli From Eating Pork that was Affcctod , t ' The Internal Organism of the Victim Allvo with Trichinoo. An Entire Family in Brooklyn Stricken by Eating a Ham , Three of Them. Being Inn Critical Condition. National Amoclated I'reM. BniiiRsnur.o , Pa. , April ll. A portion of the internal organism of Mr. Lutz , who died yesterday oE trichinosis , from eating half-cooked ham , has boon examined , and was so alive with trichinw that they could bo soon with the naked oyo. The other five members of the family nro lying at the point of death. BIIOOKI.YN , N. Y. , April 11. The family of Christian Jahr purchased a ham on Saturday last , of which they ate on Sunday. Several hours later ' the family , consisting of Jahr , wife , two grown daughters nnd o feoy 12 years old , were taken sick with symp toms of trichina poisoning. Jahr and the daughters are said to bo in a critical condition. The boy and Mrs. Jahr are apparently recovering. Part of the ham haa been subjected to a microscopical examination. Riglitn of Colored Moti. National AnocIatoU 1'rcss. PintADKLWiiAj April 11. There was a largo meeting of colored citi zens to-night at Bethel church to pro- .est . against the ejection of Bishop iloyno from a car on the Jacksonville % Indianapolis railroad. Resolutions voro adopted looking to the formation , of an organization for protection by aw of colored civil rights everywhere , and to prosecute the railroad. Sever al wealthy colored residents have de cided to take the initiative in legal > ronocutions. If civil actions are not ustainod by the state courts , appeal will bo taken to the United States ourta. Lottora having boon received lorn charging that the United States allicials at Jacksonville are indifferent o the prosecutions , it is proposed to ) ivsk the attorney general to instruct hem to take energetic action. Canadian ladepondenco [ atlonal Aaaoclated 1'rciw. MONTREAL , April 11 At the dinner af the Club National to-night 150 por- ona were present. The speeches all avored Canadian independence , no nontion being made of annexation to .ho United States. The president of ho club , Mr. Morcior , M. P. , advo cated the formation of a ropubltc'mod- elled after the United States govern ment : " ' ' f. , Fonad JLftar Nineteen Year * . Vatlonal Aiaoclatod Fr en. , LITTLE ROOK , April 11. Shortly after Gen. Steele , in 1803 , ' .ook this city , a Missouri guorila named Rob. I. Crowley , was imprisoned in the tate house. While a captive ho BO- rotod a $100 greenback in a chink in no of the walls. Ho cimo to this ity to-day , and after a short search found the bill. Ro'b'boil on the Train. National Associated Press. MADISON , Wis. , April 11. Thos. Carr drew $12,000 from the bank to purchase horses. On the way west ho stopped in Chicago and made the ac quaintance of three sharpers. The entire party started west and .whilo on the train the men grabbed all hia wealth , leaped front the train and es caped. Democratic Victory. KatlonM Associated Preen. ALBANY , N. Y. , April 11. At the ilcotion to-day the democrats re flected Nolan mayor by 20,000 ma jority , and carried the board of alder men by 11 majority. Indications. National Associated Prooo. WASHINGTON , April 11. For the Missouri valloypartly cloudy weather , Dccasional rains , northeasterly winds , lower barometer , Htationary or lower temperature. THEATRICAL EVENJS. 3omo Good Entertainments for the Rest of Apnl. John McCullough appears at Boyd'a ) pora House to-dad and Thais- lay evening in "Virginius" and "The Gladiator" respectively. As a trago- lian Mr. MoCullough occupies a place n the front rank and his popularity brewing [ rowing every day. The sale of seats * r vhjoh begun yesterday is moderately argo , but he will mosc likely have a [ oed house for both nights. The historical and allegorical drama , 'The Great Republic , " in which four mndred of the young people of Omaha will appear , will to produced at Boyd'a jpora hauso next Friday evening and w Saturday afternoon and evening. Stevens1 "Jolly Bachelors , " a gay ? arty of no little merit , will bo at lioyd's April 21st and22d , Friday and Saturday noxt. Willie Edouin's "Sparks , " one of the prettiest and most attractive com panies on the road , will appear at Boyd's on the night of the 20th iast , in their famous play entitled "Dreams. " rhoy will have a big houso. On next Friday evening and Batur- lay afternoon and evening an inter ring and instructive entertainment , llustrating the "Wonders of the Yel- owstono and the National Park , " will 30 given in the city , but not atBoyd's , f Foity years' trial nu iiroveu ' * BLACK * DRAUGt.1" ' "tho best liver inedTcTuTIa